#that it's everyone for themselves... but fuck i liked her and eloise
man.... poor cressida, eloise totally ditched her in her time of need :( and then her life went to shit
i was hoping for a good outcome for her story, but the writers really just shoved her back into the mean girl role to move the plot along :/
i really liked her speech to colin about how different they are because her family doesn't support her, cuz the bridgerton's make bad choices all the time that cause society to look down on them, but they always bounce back (and don't start shipping off children to the country to avoid further ridicule)
i really liked how they had all the featherington's reconcile and explicitly try to be more supportive of each other, like a whole women supporting women storyline, but then the writers fucked over cressida so horribly 😭
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blarglemuffin · 19 days
Hot take:
Eloise needed to own up to the fact that she was a very shit friend to Penelope before they could truly be friends again.
Minor spoilers for s3p2
I will be forever mad that it seemed like all the apologizing was on Penelope’s end. Pen never even tried to call her out or take her to task on her shitty behavior. Eloise really only liked the sound of her own voice that she couldn’t hear anyone else’s.
“Penelope is looking for a husband? That is so unlike her” NO, it is unlike YOU. Eloise was too busy projecting her ideals onto Penelope and was too offended by her comment of being a “pretty Bridgerton”, she couldn’t be bothered to realize that Penelope had plenty of her own ideals; finding love, realizing her own dreams.
“How long have you had feelings for my brother?” If she was even half as observant and/or sensitive TO HER SO-CALLED BEST FRIEND, she would have realized this years ago.
Part of being a friend is actually being there for said friend. Thinking that someone should perfectly align themselves with your way of thinking with little to no consideration to the other’s thoughts and feelings is toxic. I know this first-hand because I had this kind of friend. Everyone had to defer to them on just about every matter and didn’t seem to care about how anyone else felt.
And then Eloise just fucks off to Scotland to find herself? Sure, whatever, maybe it will give her a wakeup call and treat Pen better but I would still like to hear her actually say it.
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loveisnotfinite · 20 days
Goodmorning (for some of you) and what a good morning indeed. Wanted to share my uncontrollable enthusiasm for ep 5 and so just for the sake of going all crazy together, some spoilery thoughts.
I woke up thinking that all of Colin’s lines from ep 5 (as many of you had forseen joking about it during the last month) come straight from the book titled “I am in love with Penelope and I am going to make it everyone’s problem”.
Just listing with a few silly, short commentary cause alas I have a dog to walk, a kid to send to school, a husband calling, a life to move forward, but this somehow feels rather important 🤣
- ABC chat.
Thunderbolt book quote, blending smoothly. I LOVED IT. Benedict’ loving melting face? 10 out of 10.
- Eloise and Colin.
Dialogue going as follows: I love Pen. That’s a fact. Marrying the girl. Gonna have a bunch of kids. Deal with it. Thank you, bye. A man that owns his unhinged firmness is the new turn on. Period.
- Colin VS Portia.
Orgasmic is the only word that comes to mind.
Dialogue going as follows: Shut the fuck up about my Penelope, you evil bitch, I am declaring my love to the for winds, climbing a mountain later to shout it from up above but in the meantime remember I would give my life for her and I will take yours in the process if you don’t behave lady. Roar.
BONUS: Nic’s portrayal of Pen’s feelings just mindblowing. Hand her an Emmy now.
- Engagement party.
Colin’s speech basically going like this. Clears throat. Attention please. Love is in the air. Loved her always. Remember that times we were kids? Too stupid to see it. I love love love you. *getting stuck, adoring eyes” whoever has a problem with it, I will duel with you later. Thank you for coming, enjoy your evening.
PERSONAL NOTE: can’t wait to send everybody to go fuck themselves today, sorry but it’s true, shut the curtains, get on my couch, and have a marathon.
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fantasticalleigh · 19 days
thoughts on bridgerton season 3 part 2
MASSIVE spoilers ahead, i'm really annoyed so this is going to come out very salty!
TLDR: this season was largely a disappointment. part 1 is better than part 2.
-i've said it before and i'll say it again: this is an ensemble show that ultimately suffers for how large its cast is, how short each season is, how cheap netflix is, and how poor the writing is. the actors are great and do well with what they're given. the stories in and of themselves are largely compelling. but they need space and time to be told properly. eight episodes between 10+ characters is not enough.
-unhinged/in love colin from the books was sorely missed. the book is problematic yadda yadda but i prefer it at this point. instead for pretty much three out of four episodes in part two, he was just angry or sad and that was it. he felt so flat.
-i find it hilarious that debling just fucked off after rejecting penelope. he didn't even stick around to try and court cressida, who was clearly more than willing to take penelope's place?? he literally could have solved all her problems and that could have saved an incredible amount of screen time that should have gone to Colin/Penelope.
-i love the way they bridged portia and penelope's relationship. also to a lesser degree, her sisters. prudence not being so cunty anymore was nice but felt a little off, i think she needed more screentime with pen to show that she finally realizes what a bad sister she was and that she's genuinely sorry. one quick little comment "i was being honest" (or whatever it was) to me, didn't feel like enough. but i'm still glad they came around.
-violet/marcus and by extension, agatha. i'm glad violet and agatha finally had a heart to heart/ conversation that was about them and not the young people. when they affirmed that they were there for each other no matter what and used each other's given names? precious. i teared up. i love their friendship. (also don't come at me for what may have happened during Queen Charlotte bc i never finished it lol)
-the queen is probably my least favorite character. she used to have funny/kind moments but now it feels like she is just rude and dismissive and mean towards everyone. i can't even like her in a GirlBoss way because all we see from season to season is how other people manipulate her. Agatha manipulates her. Grimsby manipulates her. Lady Whistledown manipulates her. she was kind for francesca for a couple of days and then went sour when she realized francesca chose someone else. i get that she's jaded from season 2 but idk i don't enjoy her scenes at all anymore. she crashes the wedding breakfast to accuse the bridgertons, belittles the Mondriches ball at the start, complains/belittles all the debutants trying to impress her, doesn't care about the events being hosted in her honor. i loved her in seasons 1-2 but now she's just boring and one note.
-eloise finally admitted she was reckless/in the wrong about the Theo situation. that was nice. and she finally admitted befriending cressida was a poor choice. do i sense character growth at last?? but i'm still a little unhappy about how rudely she ditched Cressida once she and Penelope made up. Hey, this new friend of yours is distraught because of her shit home life and is about to be married off to some old, austere codger and you literally don't care? i genuinely felt so bad for cressida. she is a creature pushed into a corner lashing out for any way to escape and nobody (understandably, bc she makes bad choices) wants to help her. but eloise keeps saying that cress surprised her with how she was the only one to show her kindness when she was a social outcast and now the same is happening to Cressida and yet instead of repaying the favor, Eloise abandons her.
Eloise even goes so far to say that Cressida used her. Did she not also use Cressida? She admitted she befriended her to be petty towards Penelope. And she clearly stuck with Cressida out of boredom/reluctance to mingle with the other ladies their age because she found them beneath her. Eloise is still a hypocrite. I thought she'd taken a step forward but she's in the same place.
did cressida deserve help? not particularly considering the blackmail/fake identity, history of bullying. but does she also deserve to be married off like that and cut off like that by her asshole dad? also no.
with all that talk about running away i genuinely was rooting for C to run away, but i'm disappointed it didn't happen. i guess it makes sense within her character--she's always been a caged creature--i don't think running away ever came to mind, even if she didn't want to be shipped off to Wales with her aunt. she's strong but doesn't (yet) have the resolve/ferocity of someone like marina who was willing to run away with colin to elope in gretna green.
frankly i found cressida's story the most compelling in season 3 so far.
-benedict. if i have to watch ONE more sex scene for Ben i'm going to scream. wowwee, he had another threesome! and no more queerbaiting--he finally had sex with a man! <--that part is at least noteworthy for his character--but genuinely--i don't really care when his only storyline this season is that all he does is have sex. there are far more compelling stories needing attention right now and yet we get another freaking sex barrage with benedict. Colin and Penelope were robbed here and i don't think it's unreasonable to be annoyed that a B-tier ensemble character got more sexy time than them. and for what purpose? all we get out of ben's enlightenment is that it's ok to be gay and that he's not ready for serious commitment. which is fine and dandy except that that was already drilled into our heads since season 1. i feel like my time was wasted here because i already watched him do the same damn things over and over for THREE SEASONS by now.
if they really wanted to show any sense of growth for benedict they could have had him be brutally honest to Tilley and say something like:
"I'm having fun with our arrangement. I am open to seriously committing to someone someday...but I don't think you are that person."
what a world of a difference that would make, wouldn't it? it would show he's coming closer to being ready to meet Sophie but that he's still not quite ready to give up his old ways. i truly believe his season is next and frankly it wouldn't feel so insulting to watch his repetitive storyline if they had written better dialogue in that ONE scene.
(Jess + Shonda, I'm available any time if you want to talk.)
-T.S's You Belong with Me playing during a fucking wedding scene was a choice. All the options in the world and you pick a song about high school jealousy??? Babydoll I could pick five better options off my general playlist. across all three seasons, there's been so many bad cover choices imo.
-Coldplay's Yellow being Polin's song was an actual choice I will salute. Beautiful moment.
-the whole whistledown speech at the end where pen reveals herself was extremely flat to me and left me so bloody disappointed. someone brought this up on reddit and i agree so hard it hurts--why wasn't colin up there by her side? book colin would have VAULTED up over everyone just to be there with her and protect her. instead we get mopey Colin watching her from below. i need to rewatch it again but it felt like there was hardly any reaction from the ton to her speech. it felt like they shrugged their shoulders when she was finished and resumed the ball. my mouth was agape at that--you're telling me not one of the attendees would have rushed up and said "omg it was you??" "how did you do it?" "i can't believe it!" or something to that effect. the bridgertons already had that reaction so it would've been effective for literally anyone in the ton to show some amazement.
-ngl, i also feel quite cheated that Penelope was never celebrated in the way she deserved. yes, she got her wedding and the man she always wanted--but creating/maintaining the Whistledown enterprise is a huge accomplishment. individually there was praise from those closest to her but really there was such a huge element of shame and punishment surrounding it that really bothered me. yeah, she said some mean things but she did it because she was severely neglected/ostracized from her own community. there was no acknowledgment of that at all (that i can recall. once again i should do a rewatch but whatever) and that pains/angers me. not one person beside her mother took a moment to think or say, 'i treated you badly and caused you pain. i'm sorry.' instead they just focused on making penelope apologize again and again when she had only reacted from years of pain, which nobody even deigned to acknowledge.
wasn't there a moment in the book when she gets some applause after her revelation? am i misremembering? but in the show it was like nobody gave a fuck because ooh butterflies! which was...so stupid lol. bless you though, phillippa. penelope single-handedly contributed to the entertainment of the ton for years and exposed awful people even if she made fun of others. characters frequently and often complained if her issue was one day late and debated her true identity and so when she finally reveals herself there's no applause? no true reaction? were they all asleep? what the fuck? that scene was shocking at how badly executed it was. it was rushed and it showed.
-also, WHY choose to have Colin learn Penelope is Lady Whistledown in episode six? I hate this because it crams all the drama in the last two episodes and makes everything feel rushed and frantic. he should have found out in episode three or four and i'll die on that hill. for that matter, his refusal to understand that Whistledown was Penelope's life's work and greatest achievement/power was so annoying. In the book he came around to it pretty fast and yet here it dragged on for way too long. everyone wanted her to give Whistledown up until it benefited them.
-editing to add a huge gripe i have with post-production:
for the love of god, go easy on the filters. the artificial blues and yellows are killing me. in twilight, it was camp. it was great. it does not translate well here. also, have y'all noticed how HEAVILY they blur the backgrounds??? there was one scene with colin and penelope in the garden and every time the camera focuses on one of their faces from over the other's shoulder (they were both seated) the background is blurred heavily. it looks bad!!! stop doing that!!! the backgrounds lend to the vibe! it genuinely makes the show look like crap when i notice that happening. it makes them look like they're using the green screen filter on tik tok. STOP. IT.
(seriously, imagine Joe Wright's Pride and Prejudice, the scene where Elizabeth is on the rocky plains and or she and her aunt and uncle are sitting at the base of that enormous tree--all that gorgeous scenery, remember that? now slap the Bridgerton filter over it so it's all one massive ugly blur. does that mental image fill you with rage? GOOD.)
-i didn't cover this in the prev. post but in part 1, the whole runaway balloon scene was Not Good. Why a balloon? the danger that poses is not that great--why not a runaway horse? there was too much sense of danger to the actual threat posed by a freaking basket. also the way penelope acted in that scene felt very very out of character for her and i hate rewatching it, even if colin looks very dashing while holding the rope. ugh.
-polin's main sex scene was beautiful. i feel kind of disappointed that everything else we got was less than a minute long and not in a weird way. it just feels a fair amount of the promo we got from Nic and Luke was hinting at the sex scenes and yet we got very little in actuality. i keep seeing people talk about there being a minutes long montage of them and yet it got cut. but in season one we got a LOT (imo too many sex scenes between daphne and simon). there were too many side stories happening this season and i'm sure that contributed to that, but there is also a whisper in the back of my mind that tells me that maybe showrunners felt the need to overly pad this season with storylines because they either didn't feel like nicola and luke could carry it alone or because they didn't care.
-i'm really glad genevieve got more scenes here, especially with penelope. their friendship is really nice and it's sad/sweet that penelope chose to spend her last night before her wedding with her, because apparently her mother/sisters didn't plan anything for her.
-frencesca/john. i have no stake in this game since i haven't read their book yet, as i've mentioned before. they're cute together but i'm not invested. they should have gotten married way earlier imo because all the "we need to tip toe around the queen bc she hates us :( but we want to marry now" went on too long and got boring. the michaela thing doesn't bother me but i understand why fans are upset about it.
-polin felt like a side character in part 2. i feel like their scenes went by way too quickly and their screentime was so sparse to the point of legitimately becoming annoying. colin spent most of it mad and penelope spent most of it crying/trying to explain herself. they had hardly any truly happy moments together.
-kanthony was adorable.
-"i love you."
"...are you sure?"
dear reader, my heart split in two. they did a really really good job with showing penelope's self-doubt and low confidence thanks to years of neglect and ridicule and doubt from her mother. when colin stood up for her to her mother and she looked so shocked, my heart broke again for her. poor pen, i just wanted to hold her. when violet and hyacinth hugged penelope after colin announced their engagement i wanted to cry bc poor pen is so starving for positive affirmations/love that just those hugs where enough to overwhelm her.
-also lady danbury saying that she had suspected Pen was whistledown was amazing. i love that she acknowledged her and her love for the bridgertons....but i'm still really upset that they nixed her and penelope's friendship/mentorship that was in the books. she was busy with her own storyline what with violet and marcus and sure it still worked but that was a relationship i was so excited to see in the show...and they didn't even try adapting it except for like, three lines at the very end. >:( hello 911? we've been ROBBED.
(i keep editing this to add more but this is another gripe i have that will not let me rest:
i've noticed over seasons 1-2 that the main romantic couple has one dance set to the bridgerton theme song.
in season one, daphne and simon dance to the theme song in episode 2 or 3 (the one where daphne says "and we must try to look like we enjoy each other's company" and simon replies stiffly but then they giggle and laugh all through it which was so cute
in season two, kate and anthony dance to it in the second to last episode where they're dancing with the rest of the bridgertons and lady danbury at the ball they threw that nobody came to. the subtitles say it's a country rendition (whatever that means) of the theme song but they are involved in the dance so it counts.
when i noticed this i thought it was such a cute touch and was anxiously waiting for Penelope and Colin to get their moment.
...instead benedict dances to the bridgerton theme song with Lady Tilley? who he clearly isn't going to end up with? wtf?? and it doesn't even work in the context of the scene because it's a wholesome tune and yet she's dancing like she wants to eat him alive? sigh.
i'm just an old man yelling at clouds now but i wish the writing in this show was better so badly because it meets expectations but it's so frustrating because it can be so much better. let the show breathe! thin out the cast. really pick and choose who gets airtime, because it's precious and you anger your viewers when you waste it.
i will rewatch the season in full at some other point, but i'm too annoyed now. there is much more i want to talk about but this is long enough for now. i will say that at this point i'm not even sure i want to continue watching beyond this season.
(the playlist thing really got me thinking so to prove my point:)
-a world alone-lorde (the lyrics are perfect even if they wouldn't be used in an orchestral version)
-little of your love-haim ( perfect choice for the scene imo bc it's very happy and upbeat for a cute wedding dance bit)
-all this and heaven too-florence and the machine
or fuck, if you wanted to make it into a really emotional rather than joyous moment go with dog days are over and it would be a banger with the proper editing bc that song is universal and punches up the emotions any times it's used.
-burning-maggie rogers
-save a kiss--jessie ware
ORRRRR to make it a lil steamy:
-adore you--jessie ware (this would also be perfect ngl)
and i'm not even biased to any of these, i literally just scrolled down my general playlist on spotify and picked them based on the vibes.
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bohemian-nights · 2 months
The lengths this fandom is going to try to prove that Masali isn’t Sophie. Mind you, there’s a confirmed casting call for Sophie that completely aligns with her. Saying they need an actress for one episode to eventually lead the next season. A BLACK actress like hello? And Masali totally matches what they’re looking for. If she’s not her, she’s not, but I know she ain’t Michael. This gender bent Michael stuff, it has to go…. I actually despise this fandom because all of that is laced in antiblackness and if they read Francesca’s story, it wouldn’t work that Michael gets gender bent. Why is there a random person on Reddit trying to convince us of this? Apparently they know a friend…a friend who would surely have to sign an NDA, who could potentially risk their job. I also don’t think this person knows of all the evidence that we do have that supports Masali as Sophie. And it’s not stuff from Reddit, because we know they hate for her to be Sophie. Once she’s announced, I’m dragging all of them. Is it worth it? Probably not, but if no one is getting to check them at least once for their blatant antiblackness, it will be me!
People really are showing their whole ass.
It’s sad as fuck that they really want anyone, but a Black woman playing Sophie. Which is why you have someone lying on Reddit about how Michael is now “Michaela”(such a stupid name) and she’s the one everyone suspects is being played by the Black girl. While contradicting themselves cause they admitted to not knowing who Masali even was.
Also mind you if what they were saying is true and that casting call was for gender bent Michael that casting call also said that the role was the lead for the next season.
Which would mean that they would be speeding up Francesca’s season(when there is the whole John situation to contend with) by skipping over Benedict’s season once again as well as skipping over Eloise’s season to do some love story no one wants.* Except the racist idiots who can’t stand the thought of seeing a Black woman get a HEA with a man they desire.
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mcrcki · 9 months
** CLOSED **
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i scream, you scream, we all scream for the corn. it's my favorite time of year : the halloween event !! it's gonna be hell, but we're all here together. if you're scared in the maze, we can hold hands or something, but you're gonna have to like this for plots !! or reply for starters , since this is a combination plotting call and starter call! the cap is three starters per writer, so i can get through everyone, and you HAVE TO SPECIFY or i'll literally ignore you i'm so sorry but i will! below you'll get a vibe check for all my babes of how they're feeling in the corn, if they were going in willingly or dragged, as well as potential plots! ** in the meantime about pre event prep : i will be going through and dropping so many threads unless they are plot relevant. if i drop something that you wanted to keep, let me know, but otherwise we can pick things back up in the corn!
branwen || acotar ( 3 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - willingly, thought it'd be fun really, but immediately freaking out and having a bad time. she tried to fly out instantly, but couldn't and somehow that has only made it worse. doesn't know how to fight, and will be hiding in the corn potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming, the person she went into the maze with, someone to help her calm down, someone who can keep her safe, friends :)))
starters : rhysand, amren, emily fields
daniela dimitrescu || resident evil : village ( 1 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - willingly, every time something wild happens in the city, dani is there. they absolutely love this shit and will become a horror of the maze. come have fun with them and enjoy the scary shit. or get fucked up by her idk, your call :)) potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming, as well as murdering, who she went into the maze with, other villains, people she can torment, someone to get her to Chill Out
starters : felicia hardy
elain archeron || acotar ( 2 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - dragged in via magic, there was no way anyone was going to talk her into going in there. she has a bad feeling about that place, and honestly i wanna play with elain's seer abilities so i think she's starting to see things again and will not!! be going in there!! until the magic drags her in potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming , someone to find her freaking out, someone she has a vision about, a group of people that she can stick with to stay safe, maybe someone she saves
starters : eloise bridgerton, princess tiana
kaya dura || star wars ( 2 / 5 )
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they/she pronouns - willingly, thought it'd be fun to take their mind off things, now they wish they were unaware again nvm. would actually like to leave very quickly, this is bad and they are still just getting used to their memories again. will be full on jedi knight vibes though, putting themselves in harms way to keep others safe etc etc potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming , whoever they went into the maze with, people they can keep safe, someone to help them because i know they're gonna get their ass kicked
starters : kasil monsula, heather chandler
leia organa || star wars ( 5 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - dragged in, WHY TF COULDN'T THIS HAPPEN WHILE SHEEV WAS IN CHARGE WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN WHEN SHE'S BACK IN CHARGE there was no way leia was going into that maze, not at all, not until the magic fully dragged her in there and now she's stuck and would very much like to leave. she's not good being ?? captured. but will do her best to keep her family and the citizens she comes across safe. nervous about using the force at all since Everything™ but she's trying potential plots ➛ someone who was there when she got dragged into the maze, people she can save
starters : mags flannagan, patia por'co, han solo, angelica schyler, breha organa
louise vance || harry potter ( 2 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - willingly, LITERALLY RAN IN THERE THOUGHT ItD BE FUN. *narrator voice* "it was not fun". starting to wonder if you actually need magic to survive this city, how is it more dangerous than back home?? will be doing whatever they can to find their siblings and making a run for it even if it's useless. potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming, whoever they went into the maze with, someone to find them trying to fight off a monster with a pocket knife, friends to make the best of this shitty situation
starters : emmeline vance, jin ling
marlene mckinnon || harry potter ( 5 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - willingly, went in to "check it out" thinks she can keep ppl safe from inside, say it with me : delulu. truly out here thinking they can just fight their way through all of this and they sure as fuck cannot. please someone come watch her get humbled potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming, whoever they went into the maze with, people they can keep safe, someone who can help her when she gets in over her head
starters : stitch, fliss mckinnon, james potter, lily evans, dorcas meadowes
morrigan || acotar ( 2 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - dragged in, saw her other friends were in there and like hell was she letting any of them go in alone. will be trying to stick close to all of them, main focus is finding the inner circle cause if someone gets hurt and she can't help, she'll flip. this place sucks pls why cant she winnow out, please someone give her a shot she needs it potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming, someone who was there when she got dragged in, people also wanting to get drunk in the maze, people who need help
starters : laudna, tamlin
omega || star wars ( 4 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - willingly, RAN IN THERE, she loves halloween pls this looked fun and now it's hell and where the fuck is their bow. they really just thought it'd be fun and they could have a little haunted maze fun and now they're pretty sure they're gonna die in here. potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming, whoever they went DRAGGED into the maze, who wants to fight gritty with them
starters : jill roberts, freddie fecilier, hunter, mouse honrada
pj halliwell || charmed '98 ( 3 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - willingly, but will tell you they were dragged in, went to have some spooky fun and now they're saving the innocent !!! isnt that just the way!! potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming, if you need help she's your gal, someone they dragged into this
starters : tamora mitchell, melinda halliwell, childe
rosemary winters || resident evil : village ( 2 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - dragged in, you couldn't catch rose in that maze for a million bucks, that had BAD VIBES and now they're stuck!!!!!!!!! will be FREAKING out , seriously they were okay , they didn't want to be here and now they have to use their powers again when all they want is to be Normal potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming , someone they can use their powers to help (or harm by accident), whoever dragged them in, someone to join her in being A Coward for a little bit
starters : mia winters, evie winters
rowena ravenclaw || harry potter ( 4 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - dragged in, tbh she thinks she'd be able to solve the maze too easily so she didn't think it'd be any fun to actually go in and make the builders feel bad. but now that she's in here she's so intrigued by the magic she isn't even scared she just wants to study it. like a nerd. potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming, whoever dragged her in, people she can talk to about being so interested in this place, or someone she can talk out of being scared
starters : hunter, slyvie slytherin, salazar slytherin, calleigh duquesne
sella palpatine || star wars ( 3 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - willingly, PLEASE ONE NORMAL DATE JUST ONE, she thought it'd be a cute fall date, take some cute instagram pictures with allana, kiss in the corn a little and just have a cute moment BUT NOOOOOOOOOO potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming, people she can be a coward with, someone to help her figure out how to shoot a gun lmao, someone who will let her hide behind them
starters : sion val palpatine, allana solo, soren palpatine
sophie hatter || howl's moving castle ( 3 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - dragged in, this sucks, they hate it, they want to go home why did they let themselves get talked into going into this!!!! they just immediately got lost and now are stuck here!!!!! their sense of direction is AWFUL and now they're paying for it. pls help potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming, people who are also lost, someone who has a way better sense of direction than her, someone they can help with reassuring mom vibes
starters : james norrington, gu zi, qi rong
tatum riley || scream '96 ( 3 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - dragged in, no way in hell you could have gotten her into that maze without bribery. and will be spending the whole time going "i told you so" to this whole place being scary and spooky as hell potential plots ➛ whoever dragged her into this, people she can yell at, other people who are not trusting of any of this, someone who wants to fight monsters with her
starters : sam carpenter, billy loomis, dewey riley
vesta starkos || star wars ( 3 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - willingly, this seemed fun and now that it's scary??? THATS EVEN BETTER. will be a menace to everyone they bump into. will try to fight every monster, genuinely just having a great time like the menace of a child they are. potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming, someone they can bully for being "scared" , people they can fight, anyone who wants to fight them etc
starters : kaiden monsula, qui gon jinn, gabriel
victoria sutherland || twilight ( 3 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - willingly, mainly went in bc it's easy to grab a bite in these kinds of places. hide a body in the corn, who's gonna know. now is just bored, she doesn't really want to get into any big fights and will mainly be avoiding the monsters by just being a monster herself potential plots ➛ open to murder or maim, people who make this seem more fun for her
starters : bree tanner, laurent da revin, anne sutherland
violet sorrengail || fourth wing ( 4 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - willingly, okay she made a bad call going into this place!!! she thought it'd be chill and fun and now it's ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING BUT but it's fine, we're fine, they've trained for this????? it'll be fine. potential plots ➛ open for death and maiming, someone she can help, people she can freak out with before finding an actual solution
starters : ki yuri, nami, xaden riorson, jeon pildo
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golbrocklovely · 2 months
since this anon kinda gets into some bridgerton spoilers, i'm gonna put it behind a keep reading so in case you haven't seen it yet, nothing is spoiled for yall :)
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i'm gonna make a whole post on my feelings for part one bc omg i have so many, but i'll go into some detail about how i feel now.
BOOK SPOILERS ARE IN HERE (so if you don't want to know anything at all about this season/book, turn back now)
i was interested to see how things played out with eloise and pen strictly bc in the books, since LW has been doing it for so long, eloise isn't all that upset at finding out about pen being her.
but in the show, i was curious to see how they would make el and cressida work. and i think it sort of works. but my whole thing is, i can't stand c. like i get why she acts the way she does, but compare her to pen who is basically in the same situation.
pen also comes from a family that is mean to her and doesn't treat her well. she is also in competition with the ladies of the ton (and not only them but her own sisters at one point) to find a man, and yet she isn't mean. she doesn't pick on others to make herself feel bigger. her and c are basically one in the same, but the difference is that pen is internal with her negativity while c boasts herself as something more while simultaneously not feeling like she measures up.
this obviously brings into the question LW, but i think in a way pen isn't really saying anything the ton isn't already thinking. she's just making it widely known. in a way, she's the gossiper for all ppl - the rich and poor. so while yes, she can be mean in the LW columns, she's really only saying what everyone was saying to her and around her. and even then, she's also bringing herself down by reporting on herself and her family, which puts her in even more negative withstanding.
i kinda wish they would have kept c mean just for the sake of being mean, not have the audience try and pity her in a way. i think it would have been more entertaining if she was just rude bc she was never taught to be nice, rather than it being a desperate ploy to get a man before everyone else while being deeply insecure. idk. in my own personal experience, while you have bullies that are bullied themselves, which is why they act the way they do, some ppl are just destined to be dicks lol
and pen will definitely reveal herself as LW to colin, and probably her family and the bridgerton family. but i don't see it being shared with the rest of the ton only bc that kinda defeats the purpose of the show. in the books, there is the whole carriage scene, but then she continues being LW even tho colin thought they both agreed to her stopping it then and there. but regardless of that (since that won't work in the show), i think she'll reveal it right before they get married, and some form of drama will occur.
also.. and don't take my word for this since it hasn't been confirmed or anything, but i heard there's gonna be another carriage scene so……… maybe we'll get that from the books after all lol
(plus the mirror scene... plus an apparent montage of them fucking so............... i'm sat and ready)
as for what's gonna happen in part two, i have seen some spoilers so i won't say them since i highly doubt you want to be spoiled, but from the little preview they did show (plus some bts i've seen that has been going around twitter from some news network that went on the set to film them do part 2) i think like the books c is gonna confess to being LW and that's what makes pen pass out. and then she's gonna try to counter c with her own LW column calling her out, and then she'll get caught by colin. i think a variation of that is gonna play out.
i'm just hoping that by the end her and eloise are friends again. bc their scenes in this first half… i literally cried twice. especially at the "would you like to come up" part. it just hits a bit close to home in a way for me.
i just can't wait for what's gonna happen. like i need this second half NOW.
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zalrb · 1 year
lol edwina is better than me - bridgerton 2.06 review
 1. Like, this is what I mean, they’re getting Edwina ready for the wedding and I’m supposed to feel bad for Kate helping her sister prepare to marry the man she loves but all I keep thinking about is you’re letting your mother go on and on about how Anthony adores Edwina and you KNOW it’s not true, lmao, that is fucked up, sis.
2. And fucking Anthony, man, “YOU GET TO CHOOSE YOUR PASSIONS AND ADVENTURES BUT I AM FIRSTBORN” no one made you choose to propose to Edwina. YOU’RE AN ASSHOLE.
3. I’m laughing so hard because of how unlikable I find the heroes because of this entire situation. Like get together and fuck off, please.
4. Like a storyline that does this better is actually Jonah and Amy in Superstore. And even though Kelly got fucked over and didn’t deserve it at all and Jonah was pretty terrible to her in how negligent he was, the situation between him and Amy was constructed so well and the obstacles were organic and realistic that it did what Bridgerton is trying to do which is love/feelings is complicated, people get hurt even when no one intends that etc.
5. I just do not care about Penelope.
6. Look at our mouse, all dressed up
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7. “I’ve gone too far down this road to turn back now” a road you put yourself on! LMAO.
8. Honestly, Kanthony are Bridgerton’s Olitz and obviously they end up together but at this point I’m like, you two don’t deserve your ending, lmao.
9. I swear to god, if Daphne does another speech about love and feelings...
10. *sigh* “You can choose to be happy” yadda yadda
11. What expression is this supposed to be?
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12. omg guuuuuuuuys, he’s fantasizing about marrying kate with no one in the pews looking at them because he’d marrying her for love and not for the expectations of others. SYMBOLISM.
13. Can we speed this along?
14. And I know that when he puts the bracelet on Kate it’s supposed to be THEY JUST CAN’T HELP THEMSELVES, THEY JUST LOVE EACH OTHER, THEY JUST EXUDE THEIR PASSION but I’m just like I’m sorry if I was Edwina, everyone is dying. Like this would be me
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(context: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CnkEk0gPJbE)
15. And Edwina being the one to run away from the altar doesn’t make it any better.
16. Honestly, Edwina, go off.
17. Kate throwing off the bangles and crying. I don’t care.
18. Colin, you have no personality but you and I agree when it comes to Eloise
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19. That is Colin, right?
20. Frustrated Mouse
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21. They’re trying to frame Anthony in a better light by being “honest” with her in that he never says he loves Edwina and that Kate would be a thorn removed from their life but I’m just like you’re continuing to lie to her.
22. “So you plan to cease to help her and hide in a closet as she ruins her life” you didn’t. have. to propose to her. You complete and utter dick.
23. I needed to see this
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because her constantly talking about it just seems passive aggressive. With Amy, we see how she puts others before herself, when she finds money in the store instead of using it for a spa day which Jonah tells her to do, she spends it on the store so everyone can enjoy the break room; when all she wants to do is eat frozen pizza and watch TV after a week of double shifts, Adam can’t watch their kid and she has to give that up to do it, she constantly looks out for Cheyenne, she constantly has to keep the store from going under, and then we see how Jonah and her friendship then her relationship to Jonah is something for her but we also see how she’s risk-adverse and doesn’t like change and how that organically keeps her from communicating her feelings, like this is just, this isn’t doing it for me.
24. Lol Edwina deserves better.
25. Eloise and Theo, how predictable. If a white woman tells a man off they’re probably going to be romantically linked.
26. Kanthony kiss. Yay. Finally. About time. Whatever.
27. It’s done.
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it’s CMA-
I realized I should start noting which section I’m commenting on so my comments are less confusing lol, which i could’ve been doing for a while, I’m just lazy (which also means that I might give up doing this extra thing after this ask lmaooo we will see)
Eloise had once told him that all artists chased heartbreak in a rather clichéd way and even though he had disagreed back then, he was beginning to see his sister’s point.
I love how everyone is telling Ben from the very beginning, even before clover tells him, that he’s… I don’t want to say destined because that sounds mean, but sort of destined to chase heartbreak.
It such a perfect match because clover’s entire life is basically one giant heartbreak after the other.
It’s also a really interesting note because when it gets brought up initially, it seems very surface level: Ben chases after clover who rejects him; it’s a very simple interpretation of the phrase.
But then as the story progresses, and suddenly Ben isn’t chasing someone who’s going to try and break his heart, but someone who they themselves are being broken. It’s so much deeper than the rejection from someone you hardly know.
He’s pursuing someone who will break his heart through him learning about her trauma. It’s not simple anymore- it’s still having his heart broken by virtue of loving someone, but it’s no longer through any fault of his/their own.
It’s chasing down the pain that comes with knowing someone so closely. He’s basically not embracing the pain, but embracing the feeling of being close to someone and loving them and having their struggles become your own. He’s chasing emotional intimacy despite the pain, not necessarily because of it.
Okay back to my incoherent rambling lmao:
He’s not chasing heartbreak so much as he’s come to terms with the risks of loving someone and accepting them wholeheartedly. It’s the thing that we see clover struggle with throughout the entire story.
I know I’ve talked about the differences between them when they start off- how clover is working the entire story to even come close to where Ben already is, but there’s something so absolutely fascinating about it all.
It’s the idea of something that is whole is fervently pursuing something that is broken. That the thing that he has grown away from is the thing he so desperately is seeking out. (idk if that makes sense)
There’s an interesting quote that I can’t quite recall who it’s by or the quote perfectly, but it’s something that goes along the lines of ‘we search for someone whose brokenness matches ours’. That’s kind of the kicker, isn’t it?
Like Ben appears by every measure to be successful and whole and complete, but if anything, this makes him feel his missing pieces even more desperately. It’s the idea that nothing makes you want to fix something more than when it’s almost finished, when the complete work can be seen, when you know what needs to be done. But importantly, he’s still not finished, still a work in progress.
On the opposite end, we have clover, who is missing so many pieces that she doesn’t even know where to start. It’s overwhelming and scary so she doesn’t even bother trying to put the pieces together.
And it’s not just that Ben sees her and that they can put their broken pieces together, which is true, because that analogy doesn’t fit as perfectly as I would like, and it insinuates a lot about what clover brings to the table, and fuels the incorrect notion that she needs to be fixed in a certain way to be lovable.
But it’s about Ben who doesn’t try to fix clover, and he doesn’t try to force her to fit in a certain way, but he looks at all these broken pieces and loves them the way they are, regardless of the work that needs to be done.
Idk I just have so many feelings about people who choose to love others and things regardless of the imperfections. The things and people that everyone has given up on, that have been abandoned because it’s easier to throw them away than to try and love them the way they are. The hard, “unlovable” things.
Not to get too sappy in the middle of the night, but there’s a lot to be said about putting in the work for something that has been discarded, and I will always have a special place in my heart for all the people who decide to take chances even when things seem hard, who love and try and care despite the risks and pain that come with it.
Okay I need to stop this is literally all analysis about one line, the second line in the entire story to be exact.
This is literally me rn;
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I am speechless but will it stop me from analysing every part of this nope it will not-
Fangirling over your analysis under the cut😍
So first of all YES! ❤️ Like, everyone around Ben was so convinced he would get his heart broken, especially the moment he laid eyes on Clover😈 And considering Clover's reputation among the ton from the moment she stepped into the court for her debut, Anthony was probably tearing his hair out as soon as he heard about his interest in Clover, because of course she would break his heart, that's what she does, that's what every single suitor around her says so ❤️
But like you said, Clover herself is a very broken person so in a way, what she's doing is a defense mechanism ❤️ So Benedict's heartbreak doesn't come from Clover herself, it comes from how much he loves her 🥰
And I'm over here crying over just how perfect this analogy is YES! 😍😍
"Ben appears every measure to be successful and whole and complete" I think that's also why Clover was so against the idea of even liking him! Like, they're the complete opposites yes, but also Clover was so convinced that he could never even come close to understanding her because it felt impossible, because how could Benedict, who grew up in a rich loving home with perfect parents, who is on his way to become a famous artist, who never really tried something and ended up not successful, would think they could be a good couple? ❤️
And I think one of the reasons why Clover warmed up to him faster than she warmed up to any other suitor really, was the fact that Benedict never tried to force her to fit in a certain way like you said! ❤️ He sneaks around with her, he lets her come and go as she wishes, he gets her the tuberoses, he doesn't listen to what society expects them to do but what Clover wants ❤️🥰
And I feel like that's one of the reasons why their love will be incredibly strong, because they complete each other in a very unexpected way! ❤️
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
In the simmering update I imagine after Kate and Anthony left there was a sibling debrief. Just like utter chaos of being like “THERES MORE THAN ONE OF HIM” “MUM WHERE WERE YOU HIDING HER?” “THEY GONNA MARRY”
Okay but can we see the Bridgerton family response when Anthony and Kate are gone??
Ooof you know the Bridgertons were absolutely baffled when their brother showed up with a beautiful woman tucked under his arm. A Beautiful woman who wasn't trying to get away from him at all.
Violet hadn't been able to stop staring all afternoon. No since Anthony had tugged Kate into the kitchen by the hand, letting his arm drape over her shoulders, their fingers still intertwined at her waist.
She'd been watching them carefully of course, ever since that day when she'd walked into the kitchen to find them with their lips nearly brushing the room filled with tension. And honestly, she hadn't had to look very closely at all to see the signs of it. The way Anthony's eyes tracked Kate hungrily around the restaurant was telling enough let alone the moans and gasps she heard coming from Anthony's office more often than she'd liked to admit, Sprinting down stairs trying not to think about the gasp of Daddy she'd heard.
And honestly, she'd had enough. It was one thing to want to stay in a new relationship bubble: It was quite another to pretend you weren't together when Anthony hadn't stopped smiling for weeks. So she'd asked Kate, and after a stuttered attempt at rejection: Kate had agreed
And she hadn't been wrong. She'd known it from the moment Anthony scooted into the kitchen, followed by Kate and a dog. The very last thing Anthony ever would have been seen in the company of. Her hissed threats to her other children had been it.
"If you scare Kate off, so help me."
"We don't even know who Kate is?" Daphne had said a little bemusedly.
"She works with Anthony, and I'm certain she's the love of his life. So best behaviour, everyone. No one is to be themselves!"
Anthony hadn't let go of Kate's hand all afternoon, kept his left arm slung over her shoulders, kept their fingers intertwined together while they ate. He'd grinned brightly at his siblings, laughed at Kate's jokes, thrived forward when she teased him. Watched his eyes flutter closed as she kissed his chin, catching him off guard. And for just an afternoon: Anthony was back. So much so she'd half expected Edmund to walk through the door.
"Mum, Kate and I are gonna head off." Anthony said quickly, his free hand ruffling his hair seconds after Kate whispered in his ear, a slightly dazed look on his face. "We wanna um- Yeah we wanna hang out."
"Jesus fucking christ." Kate hissed, nudging him in the ribs as she turned back towards the family. "It was so lovely to meet you all."
"You'll come next week?" Violet had asked pointedly, ignoring Anthony's
Kate nodded, as Anthony stepped closer to her again, like he had been drawn there with a magnet. "of course."
And the second the front door had closed all hel, had broken loose.
"Alright, Who the fuck was that? Because it sure as hell wasn't Anthony!" Eloise huffed still staring at the door.
"I was a little unsettled by all the smiling I have to say." Colin hummed, "I wasn't sure his face could actually do that?"
Violet rolled her eyes, "Do not ask your brother about this. I'm warning you. It's very fragile."
"Mum, One of the most beautiful women I've ever seen walked into this house and ate with her non dominant hand to hold hands with Anthony! We're startled!" Daphne was still staring a little open mouthed after them. "Where did you even find someone as exacting as Anthony?"
Violet shrugged, "She walked into the restaurant for an interview one day and the minute I saw them together it was... something else." She said honestly, "So obviously we need to make sure this goes well. You know what he's like!"
"To be fair, she seems pretty into him." Gregory hummed a little too loyally.
Benedict scoffed, "That's actually the most baffling part of it all."
But apparently they weren't the only ones who saw it, because barely a month later Mary Sharma stood beside her, celebrating Kate's birthday.
"Sorry, I just thought I'd come over an introduce myself." Violet said a little awkwardly as Mary stood staring at a picture in the About Our Family section, her eyes fixed. "I'm Violet, Anthony's mother, the owner."
Mary looked up in surprise, her eyes flicking back to the table where Anthony had snuck out of the kitchen to join them towards the end of service, his arm slung over the back of Kate's chair, leaning forward until his lips brushed Kate's in a gentle kiss.
"Kate's such a lovely girl, we're very lucky to have her."
Mary hummed, nodding as she held her hand out. "It's lovely to meet you, Violet. I think the two of us should start getting along. Because whether she knows it or not: My daughter's in love with your son."
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bridgertonbabe · 2 years
I need to get a little Bridgerton crack headcanon out of my system just because.
So recently I binge-watched The Umbrella Academy (absolutely would recommend, would definitely try to write some AU of it for the Bridgertons one day) and one of my fave scenes is of course the opener to Season 3 where they have a dance battle against the Sparrow Academy to Footloose, until it’s all revealed to just be a hallucinated dream of one of the siblings. 
With that in mind, I love to imagine the Bridgerton siblings versus their spouses having a disagreement in the Bridgerton ballroom (over something trivial I’m sure like Pall Mall or whatever) with Anthony suggesting they settle things the old-fashioned way, to which Simon agrees. There’s tense music playing as everyone braces/prepares themselves for a fight - and then the opening beats of Footloose begins to play (and bear in fucking mind this isn’t a modern au, they’re all dressed in Regency attire, most of them not having a fucking clue where the music is suddenly coming from). Anthony then bursts into dance, confusing several of the spouses; but then Simon joins in, matching him step for step. You’d have Michael cheering “Get him, Hastings!” before the rest of the Bridgerton siblings joined in with Anthony. Phillip would ask Simon what he’s doing, to which the Duke replies; “Defending our honour, bro.” Cue the Bridgerton spouses all suddenly dancing simultaneously in time with Simon, with Phillip bewildered as to how they all seem to know the steps, until he really gets into it and exclaims; “Oh, shit! We’re really good at this!” The dance-off continues with everyone really enthusiastically getting into it as they dance by each other, shuffling along opposite ends of the room, before balloons appear scattered on the ballroom floor as Phillip leads the dance party - the camera closes in on Phillip’s bright eyes and then cuts back to the ballroom where the spouses and Bridgertons are still facing off against each other, except Phillip is humming under his breath and grooving on the spot. Everyone is watching him, regarding him curiously, confused by his sudden little outburst of song and dance. “Sir Phillip; what is this behaviour?” Kate would ask (meanwhile Michael and Gareth share a grin and decide to groove along with their brother-in-law). All at once, it clicks for Sophie, Penelope, and Anthony as to why Phillip is acting so oddly and they all shoot withering stares at Benedict and Colin. “I don’t suppose Sir Phillip was treated to a cup of your special tea, was he?” Anthony enquired furiously. Benedict and Colin act affronted for a second until they catch sight of their wives glares and nod feebly. “Unbelievable.” Anthony would tut before Eloise escorted her husband for a lie-down.  
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luna-talks-stuff · 2 years
Bridgerton book spoilers, proceed with caution
Weeb here who got obsessed with Bridgerton and now I’m presenting you my hopes for S3
lol if any of this actually happens xD
Disclaimer: I’ve only read Benedict’s book, snippets from Colin’s, and one scene from Eloise’s, and it will probably show, still spoilers for all of them and Francesca’s because of fucking course
Disclaimer 2: I might turn this into fanfics, we’ll see :v
Disclaimer 3: a lot of text ahead
So the season begins right where S2 left off. In my world everyone’s still living in the Bridgerton home because it gives us more ✨drama✨
The season is about to start and everyone is losing their marbles because Kate is presenting Fran for her debut yay, so everyone’s like ‘should we make a party or something?’ And I want Kate to be like ‘let’s do a masquerade ball’ just so it shows that this is her first ball as Viscountess :3
So a few shenanigans later, it’s the ball (yaaay :)) and Eloise is super bored and alone and she doesn’t go with Penelope because El is still pissed, and with good reason xD
Benedict is also bored and he finds Pen who is just as bored. Benedict takes Pen out to dance because why the fuck not and she’s like ‘sure’. So one of Colin’s friends is like ‘aren’t you the one who is constantly dancing with Ms. Featherington?’ And Colin’s all like ‘wha’ and sees Benedict and Penelope dancing. Colin doesn’t think too much about it because he’s my bro and that’s not going to happen
So the Mystery Lady comes in and Benedict is all like 😍😍😍 so Penelope nudges him to go after her, and the moment Benedict leaves Colin goes to Penelope. Colin asks Pen to dance but she refuses, and then he asks her about Eloise and why she hasn’t talked to him or answered his messages or whatever and Pen in all her petty glory says something along the lines of ‘I just thought you’d be too busy to associate with me’ and Colin’s like ‘wha’ and Penelope’s just like ‘goodbye Mr. Bridgerton’ Colin.exe has stopped working
Meanwhile Benedict is still talking to his Mystery Lady and I want these five minutes to be as Cinderella as possible, just like in their book. They spot Colin who’s sulking and they try to make him feel better but the moment Colin starts third wheeling he leaves. Then Benedict and Silver Lady dance and I have two options: either Ten Minutes Ago from one of the Cinderella musicals because I’m trash for that song, or Enchanted by Taylor Swift (it’s one of my favorites, let me dream)
Kate and Anthony are by themselves talking but then Eloise appears and starts to third wheel because she’d rather do that than go with Pen. Then Benedict comes after his lady is gone and everyone’s like ‘it’s been like two hours, how are you already in love?’ and finally Colin comes in and this is how it goes
Anthony: Colin are you not enjoying the ball?
Colin: sadly not brother, I tried to talk to Pen but she brushed me off
Eloise: meh, it’s for your own good
*everyone else looks at her because she’s been pissed with Pen for a while and no one knows why*
If Colin is too drunk they could pull off the meme
Colin: Pen called me Mr. Bridgerton 😭😭😭
Kate: of course that’s your name
*cue Benedict telling everyone how in love he is after two hours of dancing with a lovely lady*
Benedict: anyway, goodbye Kate, Anthony, Colin
Colin: Pen used to call me Colin
Eloise: of course she did, that’s your bloody name 🙃🙃🙃
Episode 2: Fran’s debut, Benedict’s shenanigans in finding his mystery Lady and Colin.exe is still not working
So I know from the synopsis of her book that Fran gets married to a guy named John but then he dies and she falls for his cousin Micheal.
If John and Micheal are introduced in S3 then I want Fran and John being adorable on one side and Micheal being annoyed because he’s third wheeling looking at Pen because why is this cute lady alone lol, so Micheal and Pen dance maybe twice and Colin.exe continues to not work. Now Anthony is looking at Colin and he’s like ‘now I know how Daphne felt with my bullshit lol’
Like in S2, episode 3 goes back and forth. Not only is this episode a clip show so we can remember Colin and Pen’s moments throughout the series, but also a flashback so we can see Colin and Pen as babies, how they met, when they started calling each other so informally, when Pen fell for him, when Colin basically realized ‘this girl is my best friend’
I also love Benedict and Colin’s contrast with their love stories, as in Benedict fell for Sophie almost immediately while Colin fell slowly over a period of several years, and it would be neat if they addressed that
So Anthony, Benedict, Daphne and Eloise are talking to Colin, and everyone comes to the conclusion that Colin, this adorable idiot is in fact in love with his best friend Penelope Featherington
Meanwhile, Pen is talking to someone else about her feelings because Colin is acting weird lately, but decides not to because ‘he doesn’t love me like that, and I don’t have time for this, I’ve got Lady Whistledown things to publish’
After that Pen dances and apparently starts to court a guy (not Micheal lol) and Colin.exe is finally working again and he’s running on jealousy
But the jealousy thing doesn’t last that long because Colin finds out Pen is Lady Whistledown, and then more shenanigans, Fran keeps flirting with this guy, Benedict is having a crisis
I want the carriage scene (I read that one lol)
Give Marina a little subplot so she and Colin can have some well done and not half-assed closure, and start setting up Eloise’s story (but I want Ben to get S4 :v)
If Gregory’s subplot is the same as his summary and they don’t add anything to Benedict’s (of course if the show makes it farther than S4) then Benedict is going to be the only one of the Bridgerton brothers who didn’t start up proposing to the wrong girl lol :v
And they lived happily ever after, following much ✨drama✨
Just my thoughts, sorry for the long text :v
Me @ Colin&Pen (and all of my other ships)
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Seducing Mr Bridgerton Chapter 4: The author rambles/Vents (Possible Spoilers for future chapters)
This is the most frustrating chapter to produce so far. Nothing is flowing and I hate everything about it!! The pace and rhythm of the POVs is so aggravating to work through, I've taken 16 breaks in the last three days!!! At this point, I think I'm just forcing out the words and it's so annoying!! Why can't the chemistry, banter and dynamics in my brain transfer to written word!!!
After trying to average at least 500-1000words per day till chapter completion. I've now got two extensively written deleted scenes. One just over 1000 and another at 700.
They're events/scenes that actually happen in the story, but their not necessary for the plot.
Honestly, I can understand why directors etc delete scenes from movies etc. Giving too much attention to side/minor character interactions and Povs can distract from the main storyline and characters.
On one hand, I feel like I'm growing as a writer thanks to the stress/struggle and temper tantrums this chapter has caused me. I'm learning alot about what is necessary narrative and overwhelming distracting details that lack purpose. But its so damn infuriating to have this chapter not match what my brain wants!!!
I think it's also the Canon chapter itself. I personally don't get the importance of the tea at Number 5. Other than them speculating and making theory's about LW it's a boring chapter. And in terms of Colin and Penelope, there was nothing really progressive in the chapter.
At this point, we all get that nobody thought Pen had the guts to do something like LW. And we all know Colin is an idiot boy with a heart of gold that needs to open his eyeballs asap.
I think I wanted this chapter to highlight the way others see Polin's interactions. Sure I've hinted and shortly indicated some characters understanding of them (Anthony, Benedict, Eloise and Lady D). But I wanted to write from an outside witness of the two of them together in the moment. I wanted to show that the tension/banter/affection between Colin and Penelope is so obvious that everyone is expecting/waiting for the snap that makes one of them make a move.
But my girl Eloise is so hard to write without letting her completely dominate the plot, narrative and tone of the chapter. Then there's Hyacinth who is eagerly wanting to be written in but struggling to hold any importance or purpose. Kate is hard as well. The Viscountess is very comfortable being a quiet observer, so quiet I forget she's even supposed to be in the scene. Violet has no purpose at all. But it's her tea party and so she's got to be there. And Anthony behaved for his feature and is very firmly refusing to do anything more.
If I reflect on what I've mentioned so far, these are what come to mind:
Colin's gotten up to no good overseas. Sh! Don't tell the Bridgerton's.
Penelope knows detailed mechanics (and wonders bout her kinks) on the how of sex but has yet to experience it herself.
Implied Eloise and Penelope know each other's secrets but girl code ('We don't talk about _____' kinda vibe) to never speak or acknowledge that they know anything.
Colin doesn't like to be ignored, nor does he like to share.
Anthony can't read vibes and needs Kate to translate.
Colin thinks Penelope holds some sort of affection for Benedict. Strong enough for her to choose B over C.
This Author is such a fucking tease, they're frustrating themselves.
I have such specific plans for when Polin reaches their climax. I know I'm teasing, but that's because I want the characters to be starved for one another. I want them to devour and selfishly hoard one another from the eyes of the world. I want Colin to be utterly miserable after he's been given a taste of what he could have had for years but stupidly lost his right to after a temper tantrum. I want Penelope to deny, deny, deny Colin a single scrap of her love and affection so he can know the torture of pining and hungering without satisfaction. I need the darkness they hide within to overwhelm them both and to clash with one another so viscously they forget where they begin and the other ends. I NEED them to be so obsessed with one another that the rest of the world becomes background noise.
And fuck...... I just solved my own writer's block 🤦
Whelp. I'll guess I have to write from Polin pov and just give a short nod to someone else's pov at some point. Sorry if you feel disappointed about that.
In saying that, do you think I should post the deleted scenes? Should I do them separately or Nah? Should I wait till the end of the fic to properly share it on ao3 as a series?
Ugh idk.
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rosaliestark01 · 3 years
Dusk Till Dawn - Part 9
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: Tony reveals who Y/N's real dad is and Y/N confronts her family.
Warnings: Swearing, violence, angst, maybe some cringiness???
A/N: Although @annies-marvel-imagines will no longer be posting more parts, she will still receive credit.
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"Can someone please explain what just happened?" Clint asks as he sits against the wall of their cell. He flicks a piece of lint from his sleeve before looking at the others for answers.
"I'm sorry. Did you miss the part where Y/N kicked our asses?" Tony backtalks. It's evident he takes your betrayal extremely personally, more so than anyone else.
"No, I think I was taking my afternoon nap," Clint deadpans. "What I don't understand is why."
"This is all my fault," Peter sighs. His shoulders slump and the regret is clear as day. "If I hadn't let my guard down at the dance-"
Everyone in the cell groaned in exasperation. Peter and Tony hadn't stopped blaming themselves the entire time, and it was shattering the morale of everyone there as though their spirits weren't already broken.
"Now's not the time to be playing the blame game," Nat discusses. "We need to figure out a way out of here."
"We wouldn't be in this mess if Y/N hadn't stabbed us all in the back," Bucky mumbles under his breath. He knew that you were a good fighter, considering he and Nat were the ones who trained you. He just never imagined that you'd turn on him and everyone else.
"No," Steve responds. "Y/N wouldn't betray us if she didn't have a good reason. He had to have forced her or something."
"Sorry to break it to you," Ezekiel chuckles as he approaches the cell with you and Eloise by his side, "but I didn't force Y/N to do shit. Isn't that right, sweetheart."
"Yeah, dad," you reply. Peter seems to be the only one to notice how uncomfortable you were to call that man your dad.
"Dad?" Tony quotes. His face turns beet red, and, for a split second, you were afraid that a vein would pop. He stares at Ezekiel angrily before responding, "You-"
Before Tony could finish his sentence, Ezekiel pressed a button, causing a soundproof metal barrier to surround the cell.
"Don't worry about them, Y/N." Ezekiel laughed, beginning to walk away. "They'll get what they deserve soon enough."
"With our sponsor ready to move to phase two, we'll be unstoppable," Eloise added. You refrained from becoming visibly alarmed at the mention of a sponsor. It made sense that that would have explained how they could get a hold of such advanced technology.
"Your sponsor?" You questioned, trying not to seem too interested.
"It's nothing you need to concern yourself with," Ezekiel mutters, ignoring you in favor of questioning Eloise. "Has the shipment arrived?"
"Most of it," She states. They continue walking ahead of you, leaving you to wonder what the heck you've gotten yourself into.
"Tony, is that true?" Rhodey asks. "Is that asshole Y/N's real dad?"
"You're kidding me, right?" Tony retorts. "Of course, that's not Y/N's real dad."
"Then who is he?" Steve questions, unaware of how Tony has been avoiding making eye contact with him.
"His name is Ezekiel Stane. His dad was my business partner until he betrayed me." Everyone nods their head, beginning to understand what was going on.
"And now he's using Y/n to get revenge," Steve finished. "Who is Y/N's real dad?"
Everyone looks at Tony expectantly. They're both eager to find out who your real dad is and curious as to why it is such a heavily guarded secret. Whoever it is, it can't be worse than the guy who is actively manipulating you as an act of revenge. When Tony fails to answer, Bruce speaks up.
"Dammit, Tony, this is important information," he exclaims, throwing his hands in the air.
"Banner is right," Steve declares, causing Tony to lose it.
"Fine! You want to know who her real dad is? It's you!"Silence engulfs the cell as everyone is too shocked to quickly process what Tony revealed.
"Is this a joke to you?" Steve's brows knitted in confusion and anger as he stared at Tony. Yet, the fear and bitterness that burned in his eyes told the truth. "I can't be Y/N's dad. It's impossible."
"You want to know how it's possible? Ask Fury," Tony seethed. He couldn't meet anyone's eyes, but he knew what they were all thinking.
"Fury knew?" Nat asks quietly, not ready to believe that Fury would keep something this important, something this profound, about you from her.
"Dammit, Tony. You had no right to keep this a secret," Steve yells as he begins to pace. The more he thinks about it, the more you look like someone from his past, someone he thought would be his future before he went in the ice.
"Didn't I?" Tony challenges. "Y/N is still my daughter."
"Now's not the time to fight about this," Nat mutters, still processing the information. "Y/N still thinks that that guy is her dad, and we need to find a way out of here."
"I don't think that Y/N thinks that guy is her dad," Peter pipes up. "You saw how uncomfortable she got when she called him 'dad', and I have a gut feeling that she's still on our side."
"I don't trust your spider-tingle, or whatever you call it. It's been wrong before," Bucky scowls, remembering one of the few times he remembers Peter's gut feeling had led them all into a few unpleasant situations.
"But I don't think it's wrong this time. I have faith in Y/N," Peter states confidently.
"I hate to say it, but the kid is right. Y/N is our only hope of getting out of here."
"Would you fucking quit it? You're giving me a headache," Eloise fusses. At this moment, you'd give anything to shut her up. You came here to think, but all you could think about was how her constant bickering was distracting you. "You're not having second thoughts, are you?"
The two of you were in what Ezekiel called the "weapon room ." Although there wasn't a weapon in sight, you had a feeling that they were still in the piles of unopened metal crates that were stacked around the room.
"They're the Avengers," You tell her. "Aren't you worried they'd escape?"
In reality, you were more worried about helping them escape. You'd be lying if you said that you thought this out entirely through. You should have realized before you put your friends and family in a cell that you'd need to know how to get them out of it.
"Unlike you, I have faith in the cell Zeke created. There's no way they can escape without the remote," Eloise glares at you from where she sat. The dislike she had for you was more evident than ever, but you didn't have it in you to be sad about it. The sweet girl you became friends with months ago never existed.
"What remote?" You ask. Her eyes narrowed at you as though she were scanning you for any signs of betrayal.
"Like I'd tell you," she huffs angrily as she rises to her feet. Either way, learning about the remote gave you a new plan. "Unlike Zeke, I don't trust you for a second. Not when we've got your slimy boyfriend in a cage."
"He's not my boyfriend." The words, despite their truth, burned your mouth. Peter wasn't your boyfriend, but that didn't mean you didn't want him to be.
"Sure." The second she turns around to leave, you notice something peaking out of her pocket. This could be the remote, you thought. Then again, what if it isn't. Either way, you weren't going to pass up the chance in case it is.
"Eloise." She turns toward you, but before she could react, your fist collides with her jaw, causing her to collapse on one of the crates. You check to make sure that she stayed out cold before grabbing the remote.
You couldn't help the rush of anticipation as you make your way towards the cell. You weren't sure what you were going to say to them or if they were even going to hear you out, but you had to try.
"Okay," you mutter as you stand in front of the cell. You stare at the remote in your hand, and you click on the button that you hope would open it. Abruptly, the cell seems to unlock before a door popped open. Inside stood the shocked faces of your family, who you double-crossed.
"You guys probably hate my guts, but trust me when I say I had a good reason," you stated as you stared at their faces which were a mixture of anger, disappointment, and relief.
"Care to explain?" Nat crosses her arms dauntingly, prompting you to lower your head in guilt.
"Well..." You began, fiddling with your sleeve. "I'll start by saying that I made a mistake by trusting Eloise and Ezekiel."
"You think?" Bucky scoffed. You couldn't help the shame that washed over you at the sight of the disappointed looks etched on the faces of your two mentors. You knew it would take a lot to earn back their trust, but you hoped that this was a start.
"But when I realized that Ezekiel wasn't my real dad, I had to play along," you explain. You look up at everyone and hope that they'd understand. "I think that they're planning something big."
"Answer this. Did you start playing along before or after you kidnapped all of us?" Nat questioned. The look on her face is unreadable, which slightly unsettled you.
"It was the night of the dance," you confirm. You felt bad about ditching Peter that night. It wasn't until afterward that you remembered that Peter didn't like Gwen. Instead, he chose you. You just had to go and mess it up by choosing Eloise. "They started talking nonsense about Tony attacking them and how they needed to destroy the Avengers, so I played along to find out what their endgame was."
You subtly wince at the way Tony's face fell when you used his name, regret washing over you immediately. For all you knew, Tony is your real dad, and the file that Hydra had on you was one big lie.
"What do you think they're planning?" Peter asks. You meet his eyes for the first time and answer honestly.
"I'm not sure, but Eloise said something about their sponsor being ready to move on to the next phase." You let the severity of the situation soak before continuing. "They've already received truckloads of metal crates just like the one we got from that Hydra base weeks ago."
"The one with the red wax stamp?" Nat asks, meaning she remembered.
"So, do you have a plan?" Sam asks, getting up from the floor.
"Yeah." A small smile made its way to your face as you look at your family. "I have a plan."
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@eridanuswave @perspectiveparker @spidey-reids-2003 @ilovespideyyy @purplekitten30 @slytherinambitious @starryeddie @grapesauze @elephants-bubbles-brachosauruses @thegayseance @whiskeywinter89 @big-galaxy-chaos
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spiltscribbles · 3 years
How would you do a wolfstar fic based on the way I loved you by taylor swift? from remus' pov :)
~Notes: OMFG Nonny! I need you to understand that this ask threw me back to my Twilight days when I’d watch endless edits of Bella/Edward and this particular one with this song where for some reason Edward was both guys lksajghdsfjoieagh God what a time😂 So thank you and here’s a HC of how’d I write it becs I sorta hate all my writing rn rip fklsdghasdgh But JFC it got so fucking long!!! I’M SO SORRY!
So It would be a muggle AU, non linear sort of thing where you’d see Lily and Remus just hanging out in his house on boxing day of their sixth year. And they’re shuffling through photos of themselves and friends at  Hogwarts. And Remus kind of just stops at this one, particular photo from second semester of last year, when he and Sirius were still going out.
James and Lily are in the background smiling straight on the camera, but the focus is mostly where Remus and Sirius are completely oblivious to the photo, and it’s obvious that Sirius is trying to drag him onto his lap, and Remus’s head is thrown back in laughter, and Sirius is looking at him in that grossly besotted way that softens his gorgeously angular features, and it’s just an absolute deluge of emotions for Remus.
So flashback
They first met when the marauders were auspiciously roomed together as young lads in Hogwarts, and Remus grew up in a quiet coastal town in the north of Wales where everyone knew everyone, and English was actually the second language, and to put it simply, being thrown into that space with the chaotic duo that are James and Sirius was a culture shock. Even Peter— who’s plummy and  who comes from a fine, upper middle class family and is at least familiar with them in the way that the patrician always are aware of one another. So Remus automatically felt like the odd boy out.
But that night, when he wakes up because he misses his Mam and Da, he finds the tallest boy— the one with striking pale eyes and an air of superiority that kind of got on Remus’s nerves, sitting on the windowsill and up at the stars— his namesake in particular. And so Remus joins him and tells him the love story of the moon and the sun that was his Mam’s favorite and it’s the first time they feel something neither of them know the name for quite yet.
Throughout the subsequent years the marauders grow as close as family, a brotherhood of sorts.  But they all know there are different manifestations of friendships within them. There’s Sirius and James who are the boisterous, bombastic ones that always seek the spotlight, and who can finish each others sentences and who cheer one each other along when it comes to their rowdiest of pranks. There’s Peter who’s always been intimidated by Sirius, and thankful for James’s friendship and comfortable with Remus because he’s the only one who never teased him. Then there’s James and Remus where they’ve always been impressed by one another, James because he knows Remus comes from humble beginnings and is bright in the way he works for everything he has and it’s never doubted he deserves it. And Remus is impressed over how much and how deeply James loves and cares about his chosen people, how he can inspire a crowd so effortlessly. But then, probably most peculiarly to Remus is his relationship with Sirius.
He doesn’t mean to sound rude or ungrateful, but his string to Sirius is  a relationship that absolutely eclipses all the others. It’s quiet in it’s intensity, but persistent like a heartbeat. It’s nights they spend trading stories by moonlight, and afternoons quizzing each other by the fire even though Sirius has always been naturally brilliant and Remus knows he’s just humoring him, but doesn’t call him on it because he hates the thought of it ending. It’s also evenings when James is at extra footie practice that Sirius teases him for, and Peter’s at chess club, and it’s just the pair of them, existing in each others space, doing whatever they want because it’s enough just to have the other there.
Remus is confused in third year when Sirius got especially pissy because Remus began hanging out more and more with the girl James has always targeted to being a know-it-all. And Remus was cross right back because they don’t even know Lily, and she’s a nice girl, and the only other Northerner like him in their entire year, and Sirius has no reason to be cross at him making a friend outside the marauders.
But then he got even MORE confused when Sirius asked him if he liked her. And Remus literally laughed out loud, which made Sirius scrunch his face sourly which just looked funny because his features are far too gorgeous to be put in such a nasty expression. And it’s nearly five minutes later when he catches his breath and tells Sirius that he and Lily are just friends and only friends. Comparing her to a sister, which became truth in the following years.
And it’s like a snap of the fingers when Sirius immediately smoothes out his face and grins cockily once more, and makes Remus promise that they don’t date any girls unless the others all approve. And Remus isn’t sure why Sirius’s intense focus on his love life makes something peculiar unfurl in his gut but he ignores it and shakes Sirius’s still too large hand— like a puppy needing to grow into his palms. And then they write up a contract and make James and Peter sign along with them in the codenames they came up with last year. Prongs for James because his hair is something gravity defying, Wormtail for Peter because of his pet rat, Padfoot for Sirius because of him asking sodding Minerva McGonagall— their head of house— if she was on her time of the month— as a first year when she gave him and James three weeks detention for a crude prank. And Moony for Remus who constantly got lost in his books and in his daydreams that it takes the others multiple times calling his name for him to be brought back to earth.
Remus kept the contract in his lovage, but never bothered to pull it out fourth year when Sirius suddenly became very, very aware of his good looks, and high social standing, and how any girl attracted to men would chew off her own leg to get a date with him— well save for the possibly only exception that is Lily Evans. And Remus had to just deal with it, and he did. He didn’t know why Sirius and his frequent, but short lasting flings got under his skin so thoroughly. It’s not like he’s annoyed over Peter and his girlfriend Eloise or how James is still going out with a couple different girls even though he’s near constantly flirting with Lily. And it’s not like the ones Sirius decides to go out with are annoying or anything. He really likes most of them. Like Marlene is absolutely hilarious, and Maci has the same world history class with Remus so they studied together a lot. And the rest have perfectly fine attitudes. It’s just— It’s just Sirius begins sleeping more often through the night instead of swapping stories with Remus, and isn’t readily available for whenever Remus needs to take a walk in the woods because he’s becoming full of anxiety over just about everything, and it’s just— He just misses Sirius a lot.
And Remus thinks he’s an idiot because why the fuck does he feel so territorial towards one of his best friends? Why doesn’t he act this way towards James or Peter or even Lily. He doesn’t ever feel this ridiculous, clawing emotion. Something he only calls by name, jealousy, when it’s late and quiet and he’s all alone. And Remus panics because he has no idea what this means, what or why he feels this way. Because he’s not a poof?? Is he? It’s not like he’s ever been especially interested in girls or their knickers, and if the other fifteen year old boys around him is anything to go by, that’s odd. But it’s not as if he’s especially interested in any other blokes either— anyone besides Sirius. Sirius and his artfully tousled black hair that tumbles down the nape of his neck and just a couple inches above his shoulders. and his piercing eyes that always seem as if they can look right into Remus’s soul and sift through all his points of diffidence. Sirius who’s always been there for Remus in ways Remus never even expected, even knew how to ask for. The boy who brings him hot chocolate on days his migraines are especially awful, and who always begs the Matron to stay over on the nights Remus is just forced to stay in the hospital wing when he has a flare up, and who always knows to ask the caretaker for a spare blanket at the start of every term because he knows Remus is always cold but would never dare ask himself. And God, just why does it have to be Sirius!
Strangely enough, it’s Sirius who answers the question in a non direct sort of way at the end of their fourth year when Remus asks him why he broke up with Isidora so publicly and a bit callously while they’re sitting on the balcony of the astronomy tower, trading their flask of gin that Sirius snuck away from his parent’s house over easter, staring down at the grounds and the lake and it’s a beautiful night, and Remus only sorta feels it how his heart twists while Sirius sits so close. And once the question spills out his lips, Sirius peers down at him in a very subdued, very weighty sort of way and he simply says, “she’s not you Moons.”
And it’s like Remus’s heart just freezes, refuses to continue beating with the shock, with the somber words spoken without an ounce of humor. And part of him is just waiting for the joke, for the other shoe to drop. He’s just  waiting for the overdone hand to his chest, and lips pretending to pucker for a smooch. He’s waiting for the ground to return but Sirius doesn’t move, and maybe this means that this is real, that it isn’t just in Remus’s head. so all he says is a simple, “oh” and the next thing he knows is that Sirius kisses him right then and there, and it’s beginning to shower from above,  and the kiss is a bit hard for his liking— more teeth than lips and a tongue that slips in with fervor— but Remus wouldn’t stop it for all the money in the world. Wouldn’t ever let go of his grip on Sirius’s broad shoulders, or move away from where Sirius’s arms are snaking around his narrow waste. Would pay anything just to constantly feel the weight of Sirius over him like this for forever.
He doesn’t know for how long they lied their in the pouring rain, just exchanging slow, lingering snogs, and tender touches that feel like a thousand flames. But Remus probably should’ve expected that the next morning, while they’re all preparing to board the train, Sirius doesn’t catch his eye or ever really speak to him. And that’s fine. Remus has been questioning his sexuality for a while now. Maybe Sirius is just confused or just nervous because they’ve been friends for so long. So he doesn’t mind. Ends up splitting his time on the train with the boys and with Lily and it’s all alright. When he gets home, he types Sirius a letter explaining to him that it’s fine, that they can take things slow, that they don’t have to call it anything yet, and he toys with that patch on his neck that’s still purple from Sirius’s mouth and he’s actually elated with the idea of it.
Sirius doesn’t answer the email
And he doesn’t answer the one after that either, or the ones that follow. And Remus eventually takes the hint when he gets a email from Peter who’s holidaying in France and asks Remus how hard he laughed from Sirius’s story about how he nearly pulled the mum of the latest London bird he’s shagging that he wrote them about. And Remus is equal parts embarrassed and self rebuking. Because he’s such an idiot, Sirius was probably annoyed from his constant emails like he’s some jilted ex lover, like the girls he pulls along. And Remus is really a fucking idiot. So he rings Lily and they meet at a pub that’s equidistant from both of them, and he didn’t have to tell her what happened because she’s really just a genius, so they drink the night away and he swears off love and she swears to kick James in the Bollocks at least once this year, and it’s the first time all summer Remus laughed.
By the time they got to fifth year, Remus had ranted enough to Lily that he was over it— well erm, mostly at least. It still hurt like nothing else when he first spotted Sirius on the train, looking taller and leaner and tanner and just sexier as all get out. ANd it makes something ugly twist in his gut, laughing at himself over thinking  that a practical demigod would be interested in someone who prefers books to most people and who has to wear charity shop clothes when he’s not in his school uniform and just— He’s an idiot. So when Sirius steps into the cart with Remus, James and Peter, and his look of contrition tosses to Remus  a beat passes. And  it’s quickly willed away when Remus just smiles warmly, tries to silently tell him not to worry about it, and asks out loud if he’d like a chocolate frog.
And it’s normal, it’s fine, the first weeks of term are typical as ever for the boys. They commit pranks on the creepy wankers like Snape and Avery. And they laugh at James’s latest failed attempt to woo Lily. And they spend all nighters in the library and celebrate with pickup games of footie. And it’s pretty bloody brilliant, but then Sirius’s birthday hits, and they plan a surprise for him on the astronomy tower in the middle of the night, filled with food and drinks  and friends. ANd Remus gets the key as prefect, and Peter sneaks in the booze with his free afternoon off and James make sure that everyone they like is there to celebrate the greatest git they all know. And Sirius is so, so happy when he sees it. Wich of course he is, Remus knows how difficult his parents are, how lonely he can get over the breaks without the lads. So he’s so, so happy to see that look of mirth twinkling in Sirius’s pale eyes, and he does everything he can to make it so Sirius is laughing all night long.
But towards the end, no matter how much he wants to make it the best night for Sirius, he just has to get away from the sight of Sirius dancing obscenely with Florence Whittemore. Because he doesn’t have to be a damn martyr. 
He goes to a private nook on the rooftop, and pulls out the pre-rolled spliff to light up, only sorta surprised when Sirius makes his way to him— far away from the crowd and away from the music. And he plops down on the step right  under his, obviously loaded and smiling like the sun, crooning “Moony,” over and over again and Remus can only dimple down  indulgently at him, carding his hand through Sirius’s hair gently, spurred on by the drinks and the weed and just by that quiet, unassuming love he has held for him like a torch all these years.
“Did you wear my favorite sweater on purpose?” Sirius asks, a bit slurred, tilting his head so it rests on Remus’s shoulder and he can feel the tendrils of his warm breath brushing against his neck, and Remus suddenly feels like he’s on fire again. 
And he looks down at the green sweater he’s got on, a gift from his Mam for his fifteenth last year and the one that he was wearing the first night Sirius kissed him. So, yeah maybe Remus wore it subconsciously precisely because of that. But he’d never tell him.
And neither of them could say who leaned forward first, but they were kissing again and it still feels like everything splendid and like Remus’s mind is melting right out of his head and it’s so fucking miraculous.
But then they hear a coughing and they spring apart in panic, only to meet Lily’s shrewd, green eyes and she’s glaring at Sirius like she could scorch a whole right through him. And she tells them that there’s a Filch sighting and they need to get to the dorms pronto. 
Sirius scrambles up, looking at them panicky like he doesn’t know what to say, but then Remus tells him to hurry along because he and Lily—as Prefects— are the only ones who won’t get in trouble for being out. And Sirius looks at Remus like there’s a thousand things he’d like to say, but nods soberly and sprints away, and Remus is objected to Lily’s silent, judgmental worrying for their entire track back downstairs.
Remus isn’t surprised when Sirius tells them all that he’s dating Florence now over breakfast, and Peter gazes at him in aw at pulling the fittest girl in their year, and James claps his back hardily and talks about the double dates they can go on now since he’s still dating Jeanette. As if James isn’t glancing back at Lily even as he’s speaking it, and as if Sirius isn’t peering over apologetically to Remus as if there was ever anything between them.
However, what does surprise Remus is when late that night, Sirius pads over to his bed in the middle of the night like they haven’t done since they were both 14, and they’re lying down, not looking at each other before Sirius kisses him again and Remus lets himself enjoy it, let himself melt into him. But then he remembers the pretty blonde girl who he’s actually dating and it hurts like nothing else when he tells him the next night when Sirius makes the same track to his bed that they can’t do anything because they’re going to ruin their friendship and he has a girlfriend and Remus just can’t. So Sirius nods, tells him he’s always been the best of them, and kisses his forehead before returning to his own bed. And Remus silently refutes the comment because he hates not letting himself even get the scraps.
So Sirius dates Florence for the next month or so, and Remus puts up with it because of course he does. Because if it’s Sirius’s friendship or nothing at all, he’d always pick the former. Would always want Sirius to be with him in anyway possible. But then over winter break he officially runaways from his barmy ancestral home and goes off to James’s house in the countryside. And he texts Remus, begging him to come visit for New Year’s Eve. So Remus does, even gets Lily to tag along.
And once they get there, Sirius just smacks a big one on him in front of literally a whole house of people— including James and James’s Parents and all the Potters’ friends— and he tells him that he loves him and that he doesn’t want to pretend they’re only friends anymore, and Remus is blushing and grinning, and he thinks that Sirius is the maddest bloke he knows and he loves him to.
And it’s good between them, it’s remarkable. Sirius is passionate about every aspect in his life so it’s no surprise how remarkable of a boyfriend he is, how his every splendid gesture is large and vivacious and vibrant in ways Remus can’t even describe.
But the thing is that Remus is just simply not like that, has never been loud or commanding a presence. When he’s the leader of something like a prank execution or a school project, he prefers to get input from the others, make them think they did an equal amount of work even if Remus was the one behind it all. He’s always been reserved, quiet. And it’s not that he’s shy, it’s just he doesn’t ever see a reason to make a big show out of everything. And Sirius has known him for over half a decade now, so Remus assumes that he gets it.
But then it’s apparent that sometimes he doesn’t think that Remus loves him as much— which is so bloody bonkers Remus can’t even fathom it. or he thinks that Remus is just going with the motions, dating Sirius just because Sirius asked him too. And that gets Remus mad, absolutely fucking furious. The idea that Sirius can doubt his emotions like that.
“Get your cocky head out your arse and think about how not everyone has to be as ruddy loud as you are.” Remus had yelled one night in the common room in early February when Sirius tried giving him a ridiculous teddy bear holding a heart as if he’s an actual sodding bird and he refused it and Sirius got tetchy. But then Sirius had laughed like the mad man he is and then snogged him within an inch of his life and Remus thinks he got his point across.
Their one, really huge blow out, is on Remus’s birthday when he gets to his birthday dinner with his parents who came up to celebrate. And Sirius was visibly, painfully drunk and he spluttered the whole three hours and Remus was secretly thankful that his parents only thought he was a friend and not his sodding boyfriend and by the time they got to the dorm Remus had shouted, really fucking shouted at him. Had screamed things that he would regret just as soon as they came out. But it was ridiculous and Sirius could be such an arse sometimes. And Sirius had yelled back about how fucking stuffy Remus is about everything and claiming that they didn’t even notice and who the fuck cares. And Remus was shaking so hard, grabbed his pillow and blankets to sleep in the common room instead.
But of course, he knew that Sirius would follow him, that Sirius always prodded whenever Remus wanted to just runaway, that he could never leave well enough alone. And they argue again but it quickly became them rutting up against each other in the middle of the night, atop the sofa where anyone could walk down an catch them an Remus didn’t care, just needed to feel Sirius, feel him all over.
Remus only found out the next day by a red faced and quiet Sirius that he was nervous, that he didn’t mean to get so sloshed but he’s already failed with his parents and he didn’t want Remus’s to know how much of a fucking screw up he is and Remus just kissed him gently and called him an idiot and they never spoke about it again.
A few weeks later, Sirius goes off to holiday with the Potters on the Moroccan coast and Remus was only sorta jealous, but he understood that Sirius has always starved for a family, a real family, and that this is good for him. And the Potters are lovely people, and nearly as wealthy as the Blacks— well erm, as close as can be possible for ordinary folks. And James is Sirius’s brother in all but blood. Of course Sirius wouldn’t want to spend the week in Remus’s sleepy hometown with his bookish father and somewhat smothering Mam. But then he gets a call at two in the morning— so three in the morning by them— and It’s a pissed Sirius screaming into the phone over the music of some club and Remus hears a girl’s voice crowing his name and he hangs up in the middle fo Sirius trying to tell him some story about a boat or llama or what the fuck ever. And then Sirius storms to their shared dormitory when they all got back, yelling at Remus for not answering his calls for the rest of the week, and then Remus screamed back that he didn’t want to keep him from his haram of girls. And Sirius snarled out that he didn’t kiss or even bloody flirt with any of them and that Remus needs to start trusting him or pull that stick out his ass. And Remus was just so taken aback he had no idea what to say, so he just shook his head, discarded words and pounced on him for them to snog instead— James and Peter rolling their eyes as they slowly exited the room.
And there entire relationship is a bit like that, firecrackers that simmer to something tender because their foundation has always been the purest, most important friendship and even though the sex is fucking miraculous and mind-blowing and maddeningly delicious, they’ll always be friends. 
So that’s why Remus gets so angry that Sirius is acting so blasé when Snape finds out about them and threatens to tell the whole school. “It’s not a big deal Moons, practically everyone who isn’t an idiot already knows.”
And Remus swears he saw red, felt his blood pressure pulse. “Well my parents don’t know, and I’d rather be the one to tell them instead of them hearing it from the gossip mill from one of the other students parents!”
And Sirius’s expression got very stoney right then, his shoulders drawn back and brows furrowed. “So what? You’re ashamed that you’re dating a bloke? Or a bloke who’s own parents didn’t want him?”
And Remus is so fucking gobsmacked, so disbelieving that this is still such a point of sensitivity for him. That he still isn’t quite comprehensive just how much and how thoroughly and how desperately Remus loves him, and all that comes out is “You’re a bloody pillock.” And Sirius doesn’t give him enough time to explain himself and before he knows it they’re on the train home and Sirius isn’t even talking to him and he’s home in Wales once more.
He tries messaging Sirius all summer long, tries explaining himself. He even tells his parents that he’s as gay as the day is long, and they were so supportive that it gave him hope. But then Remus goes to Lily’s house one night for a movie, and her phone pins with a snap notification from James, and she tells him to open it for her while she tries pulling out the biscuits from the oven, and Remus Sees a dorky looking James, a London night club’s logo on the bottom of the filter and it’s all innocent until he really looks and he sees Sirius— clear as day, and he’s kissing another bloke. A blonde, good looking bloke that Remus could never be and one that Sirius deserves. And he feels so empty, so exhausted, so tired of it all as he numbly hands it over to a anxious looking Lily.
And Remus decides right then that he and Sirius really need to end this. 
They need to cut all the strings of this ill-fated romance, because they’re both too volatile and too sporadic. They can’t risk their friendship over this. Remus can’t lose Sirius just because Remus never deserved him as a boyfriend.
So when they get back to classes for their sixth year, Remus pretends nothing had ever happened between them.
He acts cordial, and companionable and like the friend he was to Sirius before he let his bloody emotions get in the way. And Sirius is suspicious but cautious and sometimes he looks like he does when he wanted to kiss him, so Remus would have to race off and he’d stay out late as possible in the library so to get back to their room after they’ve all fallen asleep. And he’s thankful he does the one time he finds that Sirius had ended up falling asleep in Remus’s bed while waiting up for him.
On one of those nights out to the library he begins speaking with Ezra.
Ezra is a prefect also, and he’s a year above them in classes so he gladly helps Remus with the questions he has for the course work. He’s extremely handsome, and Remus doesn’t feel so guilty when he recognizes the fact. He’s got brown hair numerous shades darker from Remus’s tawny color, and he’s got very lovely green eyes and he smiles at Remus shyly. So it’s not a surprise when he kisses him softly for the first time in early October, and it’s nice. It’s not fire licking up his insides like Sirius’s kisses are, but it’s sweet. And he’s sweet. 
They go out on casual dates to the city on allotted weekends and they drink coco by the fire. He tells Remus about growing up right outside Edinburgh and Remus tells him about the sea glass his Mam taught him to find by the ocean, and his collection of shells and his favorite peer to watch the sunset and Ezra listens like he is so very interested. And They’re a quiet pair, even the first time he gives Remus a blow job behind the greenhouses. And it’s good, because it’s fucking sex of course its good. But he doesn’t know how to use his tongue like Sirius learned how, or how to squeeze just a bit too tightly around his shaft when he’s lapping the head. But it’s not Ezra’s fault. Sirius and Remus had plenty of practice, the one thing they did more than laugh or argue was fuck. And that’s because it was always fun, always good. They stumbled through it together and learned what they liked and what they didn’t and how amazing it felt whenever they were intwined like that— When Sirius was on top of him, underneath him, deep inside of him and all around him.
But that’s not a fair comparison. Sirius has always excelled in everything, has always been a supernova. And Remus needs to learn how to be his friend again, and stop remembering all those times between the sheets or hidden behind the greenhouses or sometimes even in closets between classes.
And they’re getting there. Sirius has stopped trying to wait up for him, and he laughs at his jokes easily again. He doesn’t touch Remus, not really, not ever. And he looks like a flicker has been blown out behind his disarmingly handsome face, but they’re getting closer.
And Ezra is great, Ezra is so amazing. He’s sweet and he texts Remus a good night and good morning message every day. He walks him to class and they kiss softly goodbye. He buys Remus cherry filled brownies even tho that’s possibly the one type of chocolate he doesn’t like. But he eats them anyways because he knows they’re expensive. And he steadfastly ignores the box of his favorite caramel ones that are left on his bed the morning after Ezra got them for him.
And when Ezra comes over their house for Christmas he’s perfect in front of his parents. He complements the dinner Lyall made and how lovely Hope’s necklace is. And he gets along seamlessly with Lily when they met up nearly every night to go out to the tree in the center of her hometown or ice skating or to take pictures by the lights.
But when he leaves, Remus just feels empty. He stays up all night thinking about it, about why he can’t love Ezra the way he loved— the way he’s always loved and continues to love Sirius. How he will forever love Sirius. And he ends up cursing Sirius’s name a thousand times over throughout  the span of one night.
And it’s back to the start of the story with Remus and Lily lounging in his living room and looking at the photo and Remus feels his eyes watering and Lily kissing his cheek while silently handing him his phone.
They exchange a smile.
And Remus decides he’ll talk to Ezra in person, explain how he’s a great guy and how lucky Remus was to be with him. But now— well now he needs to slide open his phone because he can hardly breathe anymore.
And when he hears Sirius’s familiar, golden baritone answering tentatively, “Hiya Moons.”
And Remus swallows down the emotion in his throat, and he just loves him so much.
“Can you drive up here? Preferably not with the bike.”
“James’s Dad left us his car.” Sirius retorts, and Remus can hear the smile in his voice. “But, are you sure?”
And Remus wants to scream it to the clouds and the ocean and the mountain tops that of course he is, that this— the emotions he has for Sirius, the way he loves him— is the one sure thing in his life.
“I love you Pads.”
A silence beats between them before he hears Sirius answer back, buoyant and vivid and so much him that it aches.
“I love you to Moony. I love you so much.”
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thran-duils · 3 years
From All Sides (P.5)
Title: From All Sides (Part Five) Summary: Fem!Reader x Dark!Pirate Tony. Tony is obsessed with a certain barmaid at port and showers her with gifts to try to bring her to his bed. She is resistant to his advances, her eyes elsewhere, specifically on her coworker, the cook. Although, that love is unrequited and always will be. The reader is forced into close quarters with Tony unexpectedly and sailing the sea, she slowly bends to his will. And he plans to give her all the affection he can to make sure she stays. Words: 2,761 Warnings (for the whole fic): Eventual smut, violence, angst, possessive behavior
Part Four || Part Six || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
Tony stormed up the ramp to the ship. Steve, Bucky, and Sam were sitting out and spotted him.
“You look terrible,” Sam commented, jokingly.
“Shut your fucking mouth!” Tony snarled, walking past them towards the way towards the helm.
Sam, Bucky, and Steve exchanged a look and noticed Tony stumble.
Taking the dive, Steve called out, “What the hell is wrong with you? And where do you think you’re going?”
Tony came back, a finger in Steve’s face, almost poking him. Steve jerked back, and his eyes went to Tony’s feet where he had stumbled again.
“You’re first mate. Don’t question the captain!”
“I’m just asking what is wrong?”
“Set sail.”
All three of the men stared at him in disbelief. Bucky got out with a weak laugh, “Tony, everyone’s nose deep in a pint! And you’re probably down about most of that bottle just by yourself?”
Tony exploded, “I don’t care! Just set sail!”
“Where is Y/N?” Sam asked him.
“Who cares?” Tony sneered as he walked off, throwing his arm out before bringing the bottle back to his lips.
Steve, Sam, Bucky exchanged another worried look as Tony went towards the stairs. All of them knew that if he was not giving a shit about where Y/N was, that was a huge red flag. And something must have happened between the two of them.
“Are we on clean up duty?” Bucky asked reluctantly.
Steve narrowed his eyes and Bucky and Sam sighed heavily, standing up from the table. “Find her,” Steve demanded.
“I was just trying to enjoy my night…” Sam muttered as him and Bucky took off towards the ramp to go search for Y/N.
Steve caught up to Tony who was approaching the wheel. Steve cut in quickly and Tony looked murderous. “What did I just—”
“Tony, you’re drunk. And obviously something happened. Don’t be rash. No one is going to set sail when you are like this. And frankly, most of the crew is not even on the ship!”
Tony let out an aggravated noise, taking another swig from his bottle.
“You wanna give me that?” Steve asked and Tony glared at him. Steve held up his hands and said, “Fine, keep it. But what happened?”
“She loves Eloise. She never loved me!” Tony blurted furiously.
Steve looked taken aback for a moment before he asked, “Did she say that explicitly?”
“She said she loves Eloise, yes.”
“And she said she doesn’t love you?”
“‘Basically’. What does that mean?”
Tony threw his arm out, laughing maniacally. “She doesn’t believe me when I say I will settle with her. She said we are only meant to be physical because of me! That I could never truly marry her because I’m married to the sea! What a bunch of bullshit! She would have rather pretended to have a life with Eloise than settle with me. She knew it was never going to work with Eloise because Eloise didn’t love her back! That’s what she said. Because of… all that utter shit she said about me and marriage.”
Steve was silent for a pause before asking seriously, “You really believe she has no feelings for you whatsoever?”
“What am I supposed to think?” Tony snapped. “She brushed off my advances for over a year! And then when she’s forced to, she finally gives in!”
“I think people can love more than one person at a time.”
Tony scoffed.
Steve pressed on. “And she may have felt helpless. Eloise was there before you were. She was in love before you got there Tony.”
“What are you?” Tony sneered. “A woman now with your grasp on emotions?”
“No. I’m being a voice of reason through your drunk stupor!” Steve snapped harshly, catching Tony’s attention. Steve noticed he had too, and he nodded. “You are wallowing. I’m sure it hurts to hear it from her she had feelings for another when you’re so fucking hung up on her you can’t even function right now feeling like you’ll never have her. But you should take a moment to think about what I said. From my prospective, yes, it was unfair of her to string you along. But having one foot in and one foot out is a thing someone does when they’re protecting themselves. The love she claims she had for Eloise – before you came along – was shattered. And then here you come, offering. She couldn’t let go, Tony. Not fully. She always had one foot in and one foot out, with both you and with Eloise. She was straddling the line. You gave her the push she needed and even if it was because you were forced to because of Teague, you still did it. And you still got her in your bed, and she gave in. Finally.”
Tony blinked as Steve’s words sank in. “She still has feelings. It’s not severed. And I will not bring her back to her home port! I told her that!”
“It doesn’t matter if it’s not severed. You cannot blame her for having feelings. I’ll always have feelings for Peggy. And that’s even when I find someone else. What matters is if she stays true.”
“I cannot expect her to if Eloise is still alive. Peggy isn’t alive.” Tony did not apologize for saying this and Steve wanted to sock him off the bench, but he did not, keeping his anger in check knowing it was not productive. “It would be easier for a woman to forgive you for feelings when she knew there was no chance of fleeting romance.”
Steve chewed his lip before saying, “Then keep her, Tony. You told her you would not take her back to her port? Then don’t. Don’t give it an opportunity. If that’s what it’ll take for you to be comfortable. Keep her. Just for you. The ship is open to her. So is this port. Both can be under your watch. Right under your thumb.”
“I told her I would leave her here. Considering she doesn’t seem to care about who is between her legs! And I would pay her next time if that’s the route she’s going,” Tony scowled.
Steve sighed heavily, “Probably not the best choice of words…”
“She deserved it!”
“You’re going to regret that, Tony,” Steve said. “Listen to what I said. Keep her on the ship. You were already ready to take it up with the crew if they thought having a woman aboard was bad. Just… don’t let her off. And we won’t go back to her port. Then she’s yours. Just like you want.”
“You don’t think I was already thinking of that? I was going to lock her in my quarters if that is what it was going to take. I worked too damn hard and want her too damn much to let her pine away to some fucking fantasy,” Tony returned sourly. “She will realize how good I can be to her if she would just do as I ask. I guarantee she will. She’s not leaving me. I will make sure of that. I’ve got her right where I want her and I plan on keeping it that way. She owes me.” He took another long swig.
You could not believe Tony had just left you on the beach. You had made sure to put the fire out before walking back up the path by yourself. You just wanted to sleep.
But the sounds from inside drug you back towards it. Maybe you should just try to have fun despite him.
Inside, you saw the barmaid that you had gotten along with well enough and asked her for a couple shots of rum. You sat at the bar by yourself and thanked her and she knew to put it on Tony’s tab without asking. You frankly did not care he was going to have to pay for them right now. One went down quickly, and you exhaled sharply, feeling the burn.
A man leaned on the bar next to you, far too close for comfort.
“Stark done with you?”
You eyed the man up and down, taking in his disheveled look, his tattoos. He was bulky and had an aura of cruelty. You did not like it in the slightest. You should not have wandered away from the cabins. You should have just sucked it up and gone back to Tony’s, even if it meant him yelling at you or finding him with another woman.
You said it with more confidence than you felt. Deep down, you worried that Tony was truly done. He had been so upset by your admission. And you had said some unkind words that you did not truly mean.
The man inched closer, and you kept your stance, although you tensed. He commented, “Sure looks like it if he’s letting you wander around without him. Seems to me you are free game now.”
“I’m not game for anyone,” you replied, and his eyes crinkled ever so slightly.
“What’s your name anyway?” he asked, eyeing you up and down.
With difficulty, you answered, “Y/N. And you, sir?”
He smirked at the term and winked, “Ivan.”
His arm came around your waist pulling you to him. You tried to pull away, but he was strong.
“Let me go!” you said through gritted teeth.
“Unescorted women here are available. Do you have someone to speak for you?”
“Yes!” you slammed his chest and that only made him smirk. “Myself! Let me go! That’s the last time I’m going to ask nicely!”
Ivan leaned in and smiled devilishly. “Nicely? What is you being unkind? I’m sure I would love to see it.”
You huffed, your mind racing about how to get out of this. You were far too imbibed to think completely on your feet.
“You have such alluring eyes… I’m sure that is what drew Stark in to begin with.”
Ivan yanked you closer and you were held fast against him. His lips brushed yours and you breathed unsteadily.
Bucky turned the corner through a doorway into the main building, the smoke and boisterous noise hitting him full force now. He looked around, searching the room. By the bar, he saw Y/N pressed against the stool behind her, Vanko holding her tight.
“Fuck,” he swore seeing Vanko lean in, his lips brushing hers. Y/N did not pull away.
He let out an aggravated noise before turning on his heel and walking off. Tony had let her go off. That she was picked up by another captain on the island was not uncommon and he was not about to start a fight when it seemed Y/N was all too ready to engage.
He pressed in deeper, and you gave him a quick kiss back before pushing off his chest. “There. You got your kiss. Now leave me be.” Sometimes that was enough to satiate drunken men.
Apparently not him though. Ivan chortled, “Just a kiss? That’s all you’re willing to give? Was that all you gave to Stark?”
“That is none of your business,” you said stiffly.
“Y/N?” a voice said from down the bar.
You almost let out a cry of relief at the sound of his voice. You turned your head, seeing Peter standing there. He saw your distress clearly and strode the rest of the way up, coming up to both of your sides.
Ivan’s tight hold on you loosened and he asked, “Boy, what do you want?”
“I want my captain’s… girlfriend,” Peter said, faltering on what to refer to you as for just a moment.
“You ‘want’ her?”
Peter’s expression hardened and he said, “She’s coming to my chambers now that the captain is unable to care for her. He imbibed a lot. I will take over for him.” His arm jutted out, his hand open towards you. “Y/N. Come with me. Now. You shouldn’t be out. He told you that, but you have a problem with listening and following his directions, as per usual. You’re giving off the wrong impression.”
Gods above, he was a saint with his act.
Ivan looked unconvinced and Peter pressed on, “Captain Stark will be very upset if he finds out she’s been mistreated. And taken by another man that’s not him.”
There were a few moments of tense silence, the two of them staring each other down. Peter, a  young man and Ivan, this imposing captain. Ivan finally smiled through, his hands leaving your sides. He held them up and said, “Wouldn’t want to be causing any problems by taking another man’s property, now would I? This is neutral ground. If she’s his, then she’s his. But he’s right, girl.” He shot you a look now. “You’re giving off the wrong impression wandering around on your own and taking shots by yourself at the bar.”
You exhaled sharply through your nose before grabbing your other shot and downing it. He smirked at your defiance, and you turned on your heel, letting Peter grab your arm and lead you away from him.
When you were out of the bar area, Peter leaned in and hissed, “What happened?”
“You left her on the beach though?” Steve asked, eyeing Tony.
Tony sighed heavily and shrugged. “Fuck. Yes. I did.”
“By herself.”
The reality of that seemed to weigh down on Tony now. Tony began to stand up, but Steve held out his hand, catching his attention. “Bucky and Sam went looking for her. They’ll find her.” Tony looked around as if he was just now realizing they were not there, and Steve suspected that was the truth of it; he had not noticed.
“I’ve got to find her,” Tony insisted. “Even if I am furious with her.”
Steve shook his head, “They’ll—"
Bucky was coming back aboard quickly, catching Steve’s attention. He spotted Tony and Steve at the helm and took the stairs by two.
“You’re back soon,” Steve commented sounding surprised. “You find her or…?”
“Uh… yeah,” Bucky said sounding extremely reluctant.
“Then where is she?” Tony asked impatiently.
Bucky shot Steve a look and Tony did not like that Bucky was deferring to Steve. He stood up, meeting Bucky to stand in front of him, locking eyes.
“Barnes. Where?”
“The game room, by the bar. Um…Vanko was… kissing her.”
A dark cloud passed over Tony’s face and Steve sighed heavily, his hand coming up to his face, rubbing at his mouth.
“I didn’t interrupt. You said you had left her and with the code, she’s free game. Especially since Vanko is another captain—”
He was cut off as Tony burst, “You should have interrupted!”
Bucky threw his hands out and exasperated, “Captain, come on! What was I supposed to do! I’m second mate! And not even on his ship!”
Tony slammed the rum down and went towards the stairs. Bucky looked at Steve for assistance and Steve was already standing up, following Tony.
Tony stormed into the cabin he knew Ivan was staying in and kicked the door in violently.
He came to the bed, grabbing Ivan’s shoulders and yanking him off. To his surprise, Ivan came off easily, tumbling to the floor. He shouted furious that he had been interrupted.
“You keep your hands off of her!” Tony shouted at him.
Ivan’s eyes focused on Tony as he scrambled up and he looked confused for a split second. Which was not missed by Tony. Both of them were drunk and the reaction time was about the same.
He turned his head, finding a woman cowering on the bed. It was not Y/N. Her body was on display, holding her hands up afraid. Tony relented, stepping back, realizing, almost tripping over his own feet.
Ivan stood up straight, naked still. He let out a loud laugh. “Oh, Stark… she was not lying. You weren’t done.” He waved Tony off as he walked back towards the bed. ��Leave me be to finish off with this beautiful woman. You go find your little harlot. She went off with that boy!”
Tony’s attention was back on him, and he snarled, “What boy?”
He had no shame asking now.
“The dark-haired boy. Said he was collecting her for you because you had drank too much and he was going to keep her safe for you,” Ivan answered.
Tony ground his teeth and shot another look at the woman. “My apologies,” he got out curtly before he turned and stormed out of the room to where Steve was waiting looking and feeling less than amused at his Captain’s behavior.
Marvel tags: @coconutqueen21 @undecidedsworld @holl2712 @agustdowney  @biiskuitx @buttercupfangirl
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