#🐝 show ask
bohemian-nights · 2 months
The lengths this fandom is going to try to prove that Masali isn’t Sophie. Mind you, there’s a confirmed casting call for Sophie that completely aligns with her. Saying they need an actress for one episode to eventually lead the next season. A BLACK actress like hello? And Masali totally matches what they’re looking for. If she’s not her, she’s not, but I know she ain’t Michael. This gender bent Michael stuff, it has to go…. I actually despise this fandom because all of that is laced in antiblackness and if they read Francesca’s story, it wouldn’t work that Michael gets gender bent. Why is there a random person on Reddit trying to convince us of this? Apparently they know a friend…a friend who would surely have to sign an NDA, who could potentially risk their job. I also don’t think this person knows of all the evidence that we do have that supports Masali as Sophie. And it’s not stuff from Reddit, because we know they hate for her to be Sophie. Once she’s announced, I’m dragging all of them. Is it worth it? Probably not, but if no one is getting to check them at least once for their blatant antiblackness, it will be me!
People really are showing their whole ass.
It’s sad as fuck that they really want anyone, but a Black woman playing Sophie. Which is why you have someone lying on Reddit about how Michael is now “Michaela”(such a stupid name) and she’s the one everyone suspects is being played by the Black girl. While contradicting themselves cause they admitted to not knowing who Masali even was.
Also mind you if what they were saying is true and that casting call was for gender bent Michael that casting call also said that the role was the lead for the next season.
Which would mean that they would be speeding up Francesca’s season(when there is the whole John situation to contend with) by skipping over Benedict’s season once again as well as skipping over Eloise’s season to do some love story no one wants.* Except the racist idiots who can’t stand the thought of seeing a Black woman get a HEA with a man they desire.
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kithtaehyung · 11 months
Listen I’m not saying you’re the catalyst for all the guys’ shenanigans, but I’m not NOT saying it…
like… you start Seven Days and suddenly jungkook is doing shirtless lives?! Have mercy I’m not strong enough for all of this
😭😭😭 anyway I hope you sleep well (if that’s even possible with the existence of this new live) and please stay hydrated! 💓💓
- 🐝
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BEE. YOU STOP THAT. I’m still traumatized by Yoongi taking off his fcking chains so this is giving me war flashbacks😭😭😭
no. this cannot go on anymore this will be the only instance of ok mr jeon mark my words!!!!
i’ll try to sleep, love. it’s been ages since i’ve slept well but I will certainly try🫂 thank you for checking in and reminding me bc we know damn well i need it.
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ninaiseri · 11 days
Tomo icon! 🤩
I play favorites and Tomo is in my top five for sure 🥰
If you're new here, click that link in my description, give dead-finch-420 a follow, and get that post to 1k before pride month ends!
And remember click that bell so you can be notified when I post next🫶🏼!!
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pokeficdaily · 1 year
you should just link the videos you get the screenshots from in the post itself
we don't have the source of all screenshots unfortunately
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sapphic-woes · 2 years
Finally finished TLK and my gosh, what a show. I really came in expecting a mediocre Viking piece but this was actually really good. The characters actually changed over the course of the show and became so interesting. The ending was quite satisfying. I do see what y'all mean that the female characters don't get treated well. So many of them except for like Aethelflaed rarely ever seemed like they had their own agency. Like their characters always revolved around others. Apart from that great show, solid 8/10. Thanks for recommending this.
A couple of my thoughts from the last episode.
"I shall of course need rooms with a sea view." Hol uppp how did Aelswith somehow become my fave?? What just happened?
"After everything we've given you" Edward stfu. Uthred has saved your ass thousands of times and you gonna come here with attitude? Edward officially can go suck a fuck.
I know the show is done but I really need a season 6 yall.
I'm so happy you liked it in the end omfg. Like God YES it's crazy how Aelswith goes from the literal worst to the best, and God I hate Edward but he is so complex and well developed it's like he still holds a special place in my heart at the same time?? Though I feel like I can say that for sm characters lmao, everyone may be shitty people but they're well written shitty people.
Gosh gosh yeah they always miss writing female characters, and I think they really suffer from not understanding that they should be able to stand alone. Like they have moments of small things that rlly add, like Brida killing that shaman was a moment for me, as much as I think it was unnecessary, Hild's moral dilemma with killing was at least depicted pretty neatly, but overall their female characters just fall flat :/ Only out lady of Mercia and like, Eadith I'd say escaped that treatment.
God though curious about who your favs are and your fav moments??? I have sm but I'd have to say Eadith outting her brothers crimes, Uthreds speech honoring Alfred, literally any time our baby monk is on screen, Aelswith's prayer scene, mmm....I have a lot of favorite scenes😅
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oliviawhen · 1 year
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May comic! Happy mental health awareness month. 🐝 Comic brought to you by my constant worry that I don't exist if I have nothing to show for myself.  
Advice to my past self: Read about burnout. Stretch. Stand up. Get lunch. Ask for extensions. Get help. Sleep. Take time off if you need to, don't ask. Take care of yourself.
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honestsycrets · 1 year
Stung | [Miguel O'Hara x Reader]
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❛ pairing | miguel o'hara x reader
❛ type | oneshot
❛ summary | after a discus malfunction, you're bitten by an anomaly and refuse medical attention. you're in a state that you refuse to show to miguel-- at all costs.
❛ tags | NSFW, sex pollen, mention of a wound, slight chase, miguel o'hara doesn't like to be ignored, cum eating, creampies, abnormal amount of fluid, venom bite, slapping, some insecurity, spanish is not translated, sexual memories.
❛ sy’s notes | my obligatory ABO-sex pollen fic for ATSV. i usually make a ABO/Sex Pollen piece per fandom I write in, so here's one for Miggy 🐝
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“All done!”
You slipped out of HQ’s packed infirmary with a jaunty bounce in your step. Crispy, coppery blood was matted onto your forearm concealed behind a hastily tied bandage. You weren't concerned about it. It would resolve within the hour. Likely less. As would your elevated body temperature. Despite the doctor's prattle about the benefit of further testing, you found their concern to be a non-issue. These things were virtual non-issues, even if the doctor and your man thought otherwise. 
The hallways at HQ were like any other day in your city. Congested with the coming and going of spiders in their daily lives. A glimpse at any group might reveal decadent flirting and haughty laughter. Some were in a rush to their own worlds, but most were completing work assigned by the Spider Society. The one you were looking for reclined against a wall with his arms interlocked one over the other. His displeased rumble prompted you to his presence above all other voices in the crowd. 
“You should have let them run the tests.” His voice was teased with concern but became mild, little more than a drab sigh at your refusal. You blew off his concern with a shake of your hand, gone yellow and bubbly behind a bit of ineffectual gauze. His eye glazed over the wound. You couldn't tell what he was thinking behind his mask, but you didn't need to. You only needed to convince him you were right.
“It’s stopped bleeding, Miggy. It’s just a scratch,” You held up your arm, flicking it with emphasis. His eyebrows raised for a moment, then flattened, staring at you with a dull rictus. “It was just a brief malfunction of the discus.” 
Technically it was more of an impalement, but if Miguel wasn’t going to ask, you weren’t going to invite him to delve deeper. Otherwise, you might spend the next few hours of your life fixing a wound that surely would have closed up by the time results were back. The injury site mildly itched. That was all. Never mind, the slight, honey-colored rash migrating from the puncture site to your elbow. Or the referred pain. Minor things. 
“You’re being stubborn.” 
“You’re the one to talk.” You snapped the discus free from your sash and chucked it toward Miguel.  He caught it with an unsurprising amount of ease, claws clicking in unison against the ineffectual metal.
“¡Qué problema!” he mocked, his voice dry and absent of discernible emotion. 
You closed the distance between your bodies to slide your arms around his broad neck. His other hand came to your lower back. It was warm, the way he touched you, from the bundles of affection that fluttered in your belly to the heat dappling across your chest. You missed this every day. It made fleeing the infirmary all the more worth it.
“I put the anomaly in another discus. One that actually works, no thanks to your programming.”
“That’s what happens when you take things without asking.” He flicked the discus between his thumb and index finger, waggling it for emphasis. It was true that there had been nights that went with banging, clacks, clatters, and the occasional outburst when things weren’t quite going his way. There were a few discuses on his desk. You just so happened to take the one that malfunctioned. “I was working on it. ¿Qué era?” 
“Oh,” you mumbled. “Just some stingy bees. What harm could they do?” 
His eyes roamed your wound. You couldn't help but look down too, both horrified and fascinated by the way the rash had moved in just a brief few minutes. The colour had begun to fade. You glanced up, flattening your mouth into a slight, forced smile.
“Fine. If you're sure.”
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To be fair, you secured many anomalies with and without the help of others. They all went into their cozy, temporary forcefield homes until they could be fairly redirected to their appropriate dimensions. In the downtime, you could help or hinder Miguel's progress. Then, your watch would alert you to another disturbance and the cycle would continue. 
Until that morning. 
Your watch blared, and blared, and blared some more. The early morning sun began to rise and cast offensive beams of light into your room. Usually, it didn’t bother you. But this morning, everything offended you from the scratch of silky sheets on your naked body to Lyla illuminating what darkness was left, all golden and cute. You wondered if that was how Miguel felt when you forgot to pull the curtains, strung out on the bed after he finished with you.
“Woah! Oops!” she turned, covering her eyes with her spindly fingers. A growing ache throbbed between your legs. It wasn’t quite the same dull soreness from Miguel’s late-night visit last night, either. “Sorry, sorry. Miguel--”
“He can handle it,” you bit out, snappier than you intended. It wasn't like you. “Or-- Jess. No, Gwen. Gwen can do it, she loves--” 
“He asked for you.” 
Of course, he did. You scrunched a pillow over your head. Your Miguel couldn’t see you this. Absolutely not. You debated getting up, ignoring what you called a negligible ache that was quickly morphing into a terrible pounding. You can't believe how quickly the thought fell apart, pushing yourself to sit up in bed. The ghost of his scent floods your nose, flashing memories of the night before.
Something at work set him off. Something that commanded no intimacy, but the mechanical release of his rage that wouldn't destroy precious resources. He sat on the edge of the bed, driving your mouth onto his cock with the aid of your hair bundled around his fist. You recalled the shakiness of his thighs under your fingers, his firm legs spread wide fucking your mouth with cold abandon. He chased his own orgasm selfishly, needing the release, needing to see your body painted by whips of his cum sprayed across your exposed breasts. He pulled you off in silence, inspecting the drool and cum that spilled down your chin and throat in rivulets. "What--"
Your face tightened, glancing down at the growing tension in your belly. Everything began to annoy you, especially the scratch of the sheets against your skin, your bed empty of his presence. How could you tolerate that uniform plastered to your ass? You buried into the offensive bed. This was fine. This was normal, recalling what you'd done last night. Surely, the burn had to do with the whole being launched through not one, but two crumbling buildings the day before. The dust and rubble. Were you close to your cycle?
“Tell him I’m dead,” and without another word, you resolved the call. Within seconds she popped up again, bent at the waist because this was your life now. Never could you just… take a day off. There was always something. You muffled your screams of protest into the mattress and dug your feet in, kicking off the sheets, the blankets, the pillows, all of it.
“Is this a fit? You’ve never had a fit before,” Lyla noticed. A fit? She thought the burning of your body was a fit? Damn AI. Resolve. 
Resolve. Resolve. Resolve.
It became cathartic after a good while. Or it would have been if not for your senses hyper-fixating on every minor change in your body.  Despite your apprehension, you knew. What was once a dull pain radiating from your forearm morphed into something much worse. Something you couldn’t blame on the rather average experience of being pelted through the average event of windows and concrete. It was more than a tingle. It burned as it coursed through your body. 
You stumbled over the bundle of bedding into the bathroom. It was there that you realized that to your horror, you weren’t just lubricated, now you were soaked. Your fluids coursed down your thighs as you dabbed the region clean with a bundle of tissues. It did little good. Touching the area exasperated the issue. Maybe you needed an orgasm, maybe ten. An hour or so later, you slammed the heel of your palm into the mirror, fracturing it into shards of terrible glass that crumbled onto the countertop. Beads of blood dabbled onto your reflection. 
“If you d--” resolve.
So not a reaction to your average bee sting. Correction. A great, big, fat colony of hissing, buzzing bees. The act of recalling information was like jamming your hand into fluid water to snatch a tiny hair tie. No matter how many times you tried to recall the information, you couldn’t quite grasp it. It was there, floating around your head, but inaccessible. Your mind traveled back to Miguel. How gentle his lips could be, trailing soft kisses along your neck and shoulder when you rode him in reverse. How deep he'd go. 
"Fuck off!" Your watch blared again. Its beeping filled your bathroom, echoing over and over. You reached behind the door to pluck a silky white slip from its hook and dragged it over your head. You were about to resolve the call again when the hot timbre in his warm voice saying your name gave you pause. Your Miguel, popping up in a golden haze. You found yourself gazing at his full lips, full and plump. If only he was here. He could have his lips on your--
“What are you doing?” 
Lost in thought, you failed to realize that Miguel had been calling you by name again. You shook your hazy mind free of the thoughts that formed a swirling cloud over your head. You slumped down the wall and onto the floor.
Help was what you failed to say. As your mouth opened, nothing came out. The words were not wording. The vulnerability of asking for help was palpable. You soothed yourself by shifting your hands underneath your skirt. What would he think if he saw you here-- ripped asunder by your own biology? Whore. Miguel lowered his gaze, his eyes squinting at the sweat dabbling down your neckline as he looked you over. He wouldn't want you anymore.
“Are you listening? ¡Coño! What is wrong with you!?” 
You resolved him. Your Miggy-- resolved. Oh, you swallowed dryly. He wasn’t going to be happy about that. It wasn’t a matter of if Miguel would come for you. It was a matter of when. When he had time to separate himself from trashing-- whatever was the closest object to him in the lab-- to take out his rage on you. You reached for your medicine cabinet. You had more important things to worry about. First on the list? The searing heat.
Your watch was better off tucked away in a chest in the closet.
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Night came with no solutions. You crouched on your window sill, chest rising and falling. You sought to stare at anything but the mindless buzz of the tv screen inside. Even with light pollution, some stars winked in the distance. Your body was a bundle of warm heat, buzzing with irritation after a fruitless day of soothing your body. You grew accustomed to your pert nipples against your silky slip, the lubricant coursing down your leg. At first, denial. Now, acceptance. You thought tomorrow might be better.
You felt his presence before you heard, smelled, or saw him. Through the sea of scorched sensations battering your senses, there was one that stood apart. A tickle that niggled at the back of your head. It could have been anyone, but you didn’t have to guess to know who it was. “Lyla." 
“You haven’t called him all day,” Lyla squeaked. 
“Called all-- I answered his call!” Your dress was matted to your body, cloaked in an abhorrent amount of sweat. It was only minutes ago that you retrieved your watch confident that you could bullshit something, anything, for a few days of reprieve. You jammed your shaking finger to resolve the call. 
“Not all of them. Miguel was worried.” 
“Worried! Lyla, that is not worried,” you spat. That was your Miguel, scaling the side of your apartment. His talons cracking the siding of your apartment. The reverberations spiraled up your legs, sending waves of anticipation lapping at your core. After your long day, you weren't sure how you were still somehow upright. With every crack of his talon into the brick siding, you were running out of time to come up with an excuse.
In a bid to escape, you fell into your room. The hard floor knocked the breath out of your dry lips. You stumbled onto your feet and supported yourself with a bookcase of less than half-read books. “Lyla, he can’t see me like this!” 
“Then tell me what’s going on,” she popped back up. “C’mon, you can tell me, it can’t be that bad.”
If her tone was playful in some half-baked attempt to neutralize your fight, the threat was imminent. Your hand connected with the top of the window, applying pressure to close the window. A hair too late. At the same time, Miguel’s clawed hand curled around the bottom of the window sash. You were too slow for the man who excelled with power, speed, and efficiency. You weren't going to win this fight. Not with your body threatening to crack at the very sight of your man's strength.
Though you saw him nearly daily, he always took your breath away. His sinewy body was always a sight, his suit accentuated his thick and fine cut. You moistened your lips, longing to run your fingers through his thick dark brown hair as you did every night. You caught his sharp gaze a second longer than you should have.
 “Open up,” he whispered coolly.
He was a distraction. The wind was not on your side either, blowing wisps of his scent into your overwrought senses. His natural musk mixed with the sweat of a hard day's work. Somewhere in there, bitter blood. You could smell the caramelized scent of the flaky, buttery empanadas and hot coffee you shared the day before. It gave you pause, his intoxicating smell and the sultry trill of his voice. But you couldn’t let him see you, not like this.
“Oop, there he is. Just checking on you,” Lyla chittered. Resolve.
“Miggy, please go away,” you sobbed in frustration, shifting to shoulder the window. “Why are you so stubborn!?” 
“It’s who I am.” 
The window cracked all at once. With mere milliseconds to respond to the sash careening into the upper rail, you whirled past the bedroom door. Miguel broke into a run behind you with long strokes of his legs. He made contact, sending you barreling into your lazy sapphire couch from the impact. You saw stars for a fraction of a second before you lurched on your palms and elbows, scrambling off of the couch and across the floor. His hand caught your ankle and dragged you underneath his body.
“¡Ay!” you bit out. “No, no no no. Miggy!” 
His hand wrapped tightly around your throat to force complacency, pinning you back to the hardwood floor. Your palms slammed onto his chest, drawing lines down his chest. Bits of pathetic electricity fizzled on his broad, muscular chest, a consequence of your fading focus. That focus was eviscerated when Miguel threw his hips flat against your core. Your frantic fidgeting against Miguel soothed some of the terrible, buzzing pressure rattling between your legs like warm honey on a sore wound. The ache for his relief became more important than the impulse for substantial breaths.
“Don’t move. Why are you--”
“I can’t help it,” you cut him off, straining against his large palm to stare at his crotch. His gaze fell on yours, following the path to his soft cock. His eyes widened with the sudden attention. Tears threatened to spill over from your eyes, pricked with spikes of pain. "It's too much!"
You ate your shame with his body crouched between your legs and his large palm choking the air out of your throat. The influx of air not only brought your scent, but your day-long desperation to fix what you believed was wrong. He could smell it now. He could see it now. He could hear it in your voice. He knew why you failed to answer his calls. The violent jabbing of the resolve button. Throwing your watch into your cramped closet to ignore the calls. The pheromones that soaked your apartment. It was unavoidable.
“You can’t help it,” he repeated. Miguel considered you with razor-sharp eyes, nearly as sharp as the talons that rescinded into his arms. 
"I'll see about that." His hand left your neck to reveal bundles of bumpy shivers that soared across your skin. He raised his finger to wipe away the wet tears that fell from your flushed cheeks. Then dropping lower, Miguel chased the thin straps of your gown with his claw and slid the offending fabric off of your breast. The nub was as hard as it had been hours ago when you twerked the nipple between your fingertips and dreamed of Miguel.
“You’re...” he cupped your breast in your palm and massaged your nipple with one sharp twist of his thumb. The gasp that left your lips wasn’t one you were proud of. Your undulating hips that ground down on his cock weren’t entirely unwarranted. You needed it. "Hot. As if you're in heat."
This couldn’t be happening. From a ball of rage to one of arousal, he released a tiny amused chuckle. You spent much of the day in different parts of the apartment with your hand, toy, ice, and water into your body to soothe this terrible ache. So Miguel wouldn't see you like this. It was this moment you sought to avoid after your long day: The moment of Miguel's disapproval. Now he laughed at you.
“Happy?” you sobbed into the forearm that kept Miguel stable. “Go away, someone else could use your stupid help.”
“Don’t you need me?” Miguel dipped his head down. Strands of his dark hair tickled your hypersensitive skin. With the lightweight fabric of his suit, pressing your cunt back against his clothed bulge felt wonderful. You bit your lower lip and watched his cock jut against its fabric. You lifted your puffy eyes to his gaze and found a wicked gleam there. He knew it wasn’t enough contact for the pressure and painful spasms to abate. Deep down, you knew that Miguel was your only hope for relief. Who else could, or would, you call in this condition? Mostly because Miguel always fixed everything.
"Miggy," you murmured. After this pitiful display, he wasn't rejecting you? Your mind flowed weightless and light. The terror of your day faded under his careful caress. In its place, comfort that he would take care of you.
“Don’t you?” His hand snaked between your folds and found it soaked wet, the low throbbing of your pussy palpable. He retracted his fingers and spread the sticky fluid between his thumb and middle finger. At some point, silence became better than an answer. Miguel brought his hand down on your cunt for a sharp slap. Bundles of nerves cried out under the abuse. It shook free a squeal from your lips, bitten raw by the pressure of the day. Your head bobbed into a mechanical nod as to save yourself from another slap.
“You know how to ask. It’s si Miguel, por favor Miguel.”
You needed the warm sensation of his cum. But making those words proved too difficult. Your canines pierced bloody holes in your lower lip. You clawed up his forearms, trying to leverage and force him closer. Miguel grabbed your shoulders and thrashed them back down onto the floor. You felt bad for the downstairs neighbors. 
“Say it.” 
“Miggy,” you looked into his eyes. They were blown wide, nearly fully black with a thin outline of scarlet, chasing the outline of your exposed breast. For all his talk, you realized he wasn't immune. Even with his face tight, his eyes focused on the same thing you needed. Maybe, all this time, you were baiting Miguel with half-assed answers. They were invitations. Invitations to come to fill this need you had. You would be lying if you said that wasn’t what you wanted this whole time. Finally, you had him where you wanted him. 
Miguel broke eye contact first. He cupped his plush lips around your nipple, suckling the breast taut and wet. You cried out in surprise and arched into Miguel’s mouth, enticed by the fangs that grazed your nipple. As quickly as he came, he was gone.
You lurched up, palming Miguel's dick through his pants. His hips bucked into your palm. He refused to make any sound as he considered your next movements, releasing Miguel’s cock from his suit. Impatience and need coalesced into your brave movements, sliding your palm against him. He was impossibly thick and hard, dribbling at the tip. Miguel huffed a small noise as your palm ran over him. You dared to call it a moan.
Miguel sneered and shoved you back onto the floorboards. “I’ll only tell you one more time. Ask me properly.” 
"You do too, don't you?" You giggled. A noise that grated his ear. With the belief you wouldn’t bolt, Miguel shifted back onto his knees. You wouldn’t. There was nowhere left to run. Not that you even wanted to, fat and hungry off Miguel's growing desperation.
"Come here." He snaked his hands underneath your knees, dragged you close, and pushed them to your chest. Your eyes fluttered shut. Moments later, the sensation of his thick dick sliding against your engorged folds forced them back open. It gave you just enough relief through the pulsing pain to look at him with your hazy eyes. From this angle, you appreciated how large Miguel had gotten. His round cock-head bobbed and crested over your mound as it rubbed against your aching clit. His face was trained, focused. He wasn't going to relent first.
The nagging pressure never abated. You sought something more, something better, the sensation of being filled. With every glide, you squeezed your walls in protest to his absence. Your hips protested the restriction of your movement, shimmying against the firm hold he had that kept you in place. You wanted more than that. You wanted true relief from his teasing. Miguel drew back to inspect the fluid over his fat shaft as held you down. You gave in, whining at him like a brat.
“Por,” you scratched his forearms. “Por favor, Miggy. You don’t know what it's like.” 
“All fours-- face down.” 
The cacophony of desire battered and overcame any other human emotion you could have. You complied, crawling onto your fuzzy indigo rug for what came next. Miguel’s gloved hand skimmed across your ass, middle finger skimming toward the center. He followed up his gentle touch by reeling back his hand and cracking it across your ass, searing the nerves alive. Once, twice, and then a third. Tears pricked your cheeks again, a consequence of your nerves being overwrought and now assailed.
He shushed you with fervor, another thwack beating the jiggling flesh hot and red. Your legs trembled under the weight of his slaps. “Ignore my calls again and you’ll get much worse.”
“I didn’t-- you wouldn't want me,” your lips parted in defense of what you’d done. Miguel dipped down to spread your folds, rolling his index finger along your pulsing walls. Your body drew him in, squeezing and urging him forward. Your swollen walls were impossibly tight, straining to bring him in more and more.
"You know I do."
The need for more devoured any other thought, any threats of what he’d do next time. You rolled your hips to ride his hand. In place of a slap, Miguel slid another finger slid in beside the first to stretch your walls open. He faltered at your next words and slid his fingers free.
“Not like… not like I need you.” 
“Who decides that?” he pressed on your upper back to force it down. You complied. Miguel stumbled forward, finally pressing his thick head to your pulsing entrance. His round head pressed, just barely, into your wet hole. You clenched down, inviting him into your warmth. You weren’t sure he’d actually give it to you. It was so damn close.
“You do, Miggy,” you murmured, pushing back. He watched as his shaft slowly disappeared into your body, your apprehension of retaliation rendered you too slow to finish.
Miguel snatched your waist and forced you to take the rest, a soppy squelch lubricating his shaft. The sound that slipped from your lips was entirely uncouth, punctuated by his unforgiving thrusts. Your walls strained around his cock. No matter how many times you took him, the drag of his cock and slap of balls against your body always felt somehow like the first. It filled that ache-- the consistent burning need to have him here, inside of your greedy body, scratching something that you could not itch all day. It’s what you wanted. 
“That’s right, I do.” Miguel rumbled, short, punctuated thrusts beating your clenching cunt into complacency. The pleasure ruptured through your cunt-- battering his dick in response. He let loose a sharp grunt followed by a string of curses. Your sweet release spilled over his dick and balls, dripping down your thighs. Your legs threatened to shook, but Miguel was unwilling to allow your trembling legs to give out.
"Ah! Miggy!" His fangs punctured your shoulder to force you to stay in position, his pelvis stuttering against yours. His growl punctuated the warm, soothing cum that soothed your walls like warm honey over a wound. Your walls milked him free of his cum, spasming in response to his orgasm. He pieced himself together against your back, pulling his fangs free and settling a soft kiss over the burning wound on your shoulder. As if he hadn't been the one to tear his fangs into the crook of your neck.
“You’re not letting go,” he hummed in annoyance. He turned his attention down to your ass, ghosting his fingers over the healing bruises over your backside. You squealed, jerking forward. He followed you forward, punching a hole in the floor by your side. “Fuck, don’t move!” 
You cast your attention back toward Miguel. He huffed forcefully out of his nostrils. He motioned toward your ass as if it were obvious-- your walls were clamped over his cock, unwilling or otherwise unable to let him go, as if he had any more cum to give in that current moment. You took it all.
“I. I didn't-- I can’t--” 
“Yeah, I know. That Bee venom does that. Mine should neutralize it.”
At some point, you murmured. It sure as hell wasn’t doing it now, keeping him seated into your cunt that bubbled with the mixture of his and your release. “You knew about it? I could have died!” 
Miguel chuckled. 
“You wouldn’t. You’re too stubborn to die,” he sighed, fiddling with his watch. The tests-- that you never had ran. Ones that he suggested. Ones that you refused quite openly. “Why would I deny myself the fun?” 
His cock slipped free. Your hips dropped and fell slack against the floor. You weren’t proud of the cum that oozed out of your ass over your decimated room, nor the fact that your useless neighbors hadn’t called for help once. Not that you needed it-- but still. You palpated your stomach, slightly distended. Miguel bent down and gathered the mixture of your bodily fluids on his fingers, suckling his own fingers dry. You watched his wet tongue swirl around his fingertips. It wasn't fair.
“Fun? What fun!? Do you know how long I-- You’re a mean man, Miguel O’Hara.” 
He lurched over, his breath tickling your lips. He kissed you, salty and sweet. Your nose scrunched up, pouting against his lips. He left the room for the kitchen, fetching a wet cloth to clean his body with. He zipped himself back into his suit shortly after and dropped the sodden cloth by the cum puddling under your ass.
“Never said I wasn’t.” 
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signedkoko · 5 months
Signed with Love - Overlords & Sins
What is this? - A valentines gift to my lovely readers! Its valentines/love letters from your favourites 🖤
Characters - Asmodeus | Beelzebub | Carmilla | Mammon | Rosie | Valentino | Velvette | Vox | Zestial
Series Parts Hazbin Cast - Here! Helluva Cast - Here!
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Dear to the dearest,
You've always got me running myself sappy, but I'd like to offer my hand to you this valentines.
You know how popular Ozzie's is on Valentines, so how about a nice spot for brunch and then we pick a song to perform together tonight? Just you and I on stage, surrounded by people who wish they had what we do~
Eagerly awaiting your reply,
Prince of Lust, and yours forever;
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Heya lovely!
I'm so fucking excited to be spending valentines with you this year, and I don't say it enough so here it is in writing!
Normally I throw a party but I don't know, I kinda rocked with the galentines dinner you suggested, I'm thinking we invite some of our closest and have a hell of a good night, yeah?
You're the only party that matters,
Your Queenie Bee🐝
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Mi vida,
I think it's about time we get away from work and the girls, how about we take valentines off?
I've always wanted to show you some of the places I used to frequent, since you always ask it only seems fair. I'm sure you'll adore the cuisine, I miss it dearly.
I'll help you get ready before we leave,
C. Carmine
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Sup hottie!
How about we ditch my valentines show and leave it to the performers to take care of shit? I much rather be with ya anyways.
Anything you want, just tell me. I'll take care of everything from there babe.
Love ya more than you know,
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Sweetest darling,
I reckon its about time I follow my own advice and pursue the one I love this valentines.
We can take a break from everything and go sight seeing! I don't get away from the town much, but everything you tell me sounds exquisite. We can go somewhere with a nice tune and I can really show you how I used to swing!
What do you say?
Your Rosie
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Querida cariño,
Theres no reason for me to ask what I already know, and I don't want to hear another valentines joke about my name.
I know work has kept me busy babe, but this Valentines its just you and I. We can laze around all you want or you can drag me wherever, I'll make sure we get in.
Like a moth to a flame, eh?
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Heya gorgeous,
Ive got two outfits in our sizes that could use a little test drive around town this valentines.
Already booked the photographer, so I hope you'll come model with me for my end february magazine, yeah? If you do a good job we can do dinner and drinks after, though you've never disappointed me, dolly!
You know I love you, always have & will
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Hope you're doing well, angel
You always joke that I can't write for shit so heres proof. In fact, I'm here to ask you to be my valentine.
I already know its a yes anyway, so how about I let you in on the itinerary? I got breakfast at the local spot booked with live music, an afternoon just the two of us, and for dinner I have our main reservation and a backup in case you don't like it.
Romantic or what?
Owner & CEO of VoxTek, Beloved valentine of you, Vox
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Tis with great pleasure that thou is still by thine side after such an overwhelming year.
We must beg thou has considered indulging such an old soul in an evening of romance. Perhaps thou would dare to consider looking upon their bed, for there lays a gift.
Yours affectionately and forevermore,
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Authors Note - Who are you expecting a letter from? Who will you accept? I'd love to know! Heres to another part of the valentine sseries 🖤
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poohsources · 7 months
🐝  *  ―  𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑷𝑯𝑨𝑵𝑻𝑶𝑴 𝑶𝑭 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑶𝑷𝑬𝑹𝑨 𝑺𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑬 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑺. ( all of these are taken from the song lyrics from the musical of the same name. feel free to change pronouns and adjust to your needs! )
❛  remember me once in a while — please promise me you'll try.  ❜ ❛  where in the world have you been hiding?  ❜ ❛  stories like this can't come true.  ❜ ❛  close your eyes and surrender to your darkest dreams.  ❜ ❛  and you'll live as you've never lived before.  ❜ ❛  let your darker side give in.  ❜ ❛  who was that shape in the shadows?  ❜ ❛  is this what you wanted to see?  ❜ ❛  now you cannot ever be free!  ❜ ❛  fear can turn to love, you'll learn to see.  ❜ ❛  i shall give you one last chance.  ❜ ❛  it's useless trying to appease me.  ❜ ❛  you're only saying this to please me.  ❜ ❛  if he knew the truth, he'd never, ever go.  ❜ ❛  it was an accident ... simply an accident.  ❜ ❛  why have you brought me here?  ❜ ❛  what you heard was a dream and nothing more.  ❜ ❛  i'm here, nothing can harm you.  ❜ ❛  i'm here with you, beside you, to guard you and to guide you.  ❜ ❛  promise me that all you say is true, that's all i ask of you.  ❜ ❛  you're safe, no one will find you.  ❜ ❛  all i want is freedom, a world with no more night, and you, always beside me, to hold me and to hide me.  ❜ ❛  all our fears are in the past.  ❜ ❛  why is it secret? what have we to hide?  ❜ ❛  [name], what are you afraid of?  ❜ ❛  you were once my companion, you were all that mattered.  ❜ ❛  why can't the past just die?  ❜ ❛  don't make me do this. it scares me.  ❜ ❛  we'll be parted forever, he won't let me go.  ❜ ❛  am i to risk my life to win the chance to live?  ❜ ❛  do i have any choice?  ❜ ❛  i know i can't refuse, and yet i wish i could.  ❜ ❛  don't think that i don't care, but every hope and every prayer rests on you now.  ❜ ❛  you! why did you let this happen?  ❜ ❛  but can i trust you?  ❜ ❛  i love her! does that mean nothing?  ❜ ❛  the world showed no compassion to me!  ❜ ❛  did you think that i would harm her?  ❜ ❛  why should i make her pay for the sins which are yours?  ❜ ❛  this is the choice — this is the point of no return.  ❜
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 5 months
TF141 w/ a chubby girl♡
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A/N: I'm definitely all for "fictional characters don't have a type bc YOU are their type." But I dreamt of Johnny, and he was obsessed with tummies, so I had to write something <3
~Fi 🐝
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick ♡
Kyle is such a cutie, I can't. First of all, he's always smiling like an idiot when it comes to you. Whether he's talking about you, admiring you or if your name is even just mentioned.
He's the biggest gentleman the world has ever seen!! Especially when you first start dating. He's holding all the doors for you, bringing you flowers and complimenting you every chance he gets. No, seriously, he will drown you in praises and compliments until you either tell him to stop before you overheat, or when you're such a flustered mess that he can't help but grin proudly at the affect he has on you.
He's the best boyfriend ever and you can quote me on that!!
Kyle is so, so gentle with you. Whether that's touches or how he talks to you. He's head over heels for you. I feel like he'd move in with you very fast. He just needs to be near you. Not necessarily in a touchy way like John, but only sitting next to you while either of you do your own thing makes him happy.
On a particularly good day, he lets out his teasing side. Kyle whistles at you or lovingly cat-calls you from across the living room. He's always making comments about your body when he's like this, telling you how hot you are. He will get touchy if you need more convincing.
Tightly wrapping his arms around your waist and jokingly poking your tummy while placing soft kisses on your cheek and down your neck.
On a lazy day when the two of you are just lounging in bed, he rests his chin on your thighs and shimmies your shirt up to your waist so he can trace any stretch marks you have on your stomach. He's just gently brushing the tip of his finger over them, mesmerized by how they seem to shimmer.
He definitely calls you his little Tiger as a cute nickname. Not only do you have the stripes, but you're fierce and strong, and he loves that about you. I'm not even kidding when I tell you he would trace your stretch marks for literal hours.
That's until you feel him stop, look down, only to see him having fallen asleep with his hands on your lower back.
If you ever feel sad or uncomfortable in your own skin, he'll take your hands and guide you in front of a mirror with him right behind you. Kyle would ask you to tell him all the things that bother you or that you don't think are pretty, and he'd tell you how he sees all those things.
They make you so uniquely you, so of course he loves them. Each one of your insecurities will get a little soft kiss from him, and sometimes, he shares some of his insecurities with you to show you that you're not alone.
Although, I don't think he has many physical insecurities (if any tbh) so you can't kiss them, but his lips and face will have to do. He's such a comforting personality. He'd be one of the best people to go to about things like this. He's not as radical in his methods as John, but they work just as well.
Kyle takes you out on cute dates all the time. Like at least once a week. It's his way of showing you off to other people. It's definitely more discreet than John, (he's learned a lot from his Captain/Friend) but he's always looking if other people whip their heads around and gasp in awe at how cute of a couple you are.
He takes pride in his relationship with you. He was positively beaming when an older couple came up to you and commented on how well of a match you were and that they were like that too when they were younger.
And when the old lady tells you what a beautiful young lady you are, you take the compliment with confidence, earning a squeeze from Kyle's hand in yours. He's so happy and proud of how far you've come.
And the boyfriend of the year award goes to... Kyle "Gaz" Garrick <3
Captain John Price ♡
John has a chubby wife in every universe and you can not and will not change my mind (chubby chaser Price *cough* *cough*). He's the perfect candidate for a bigger girl, are you kidding me???
He loves wholly and truthfully, and he will show you just how much he adores you if you ever doubt him.
He's just such a man, you know? He loves REAL women. Rolls, stretch marks, cellulite, body hair, scars. He's there for all of it. John loves nothing more than to come home to you. You're his home. You feel him sigh, and his shoulders slack every time he returns and hoists you into his arms. If he could merge with you and always be enveloped by your warmth and softness, he would.
Besides, he's got some huge hands, so he needs something to grab on to!
John is so incredibly touchy when he comes home from deployment. It might not seem like it with his stoic Captain facade, but he needs to have his hands on you whenever he can. He's always holding your hand, a hand on your cheek, squeezing your thigh, an arm slung over your shoulders, tracing patterns on your upper arm.
We all know he's built like an absolute wall of a man, and he will just snatch you away from whatever you were doing and plop you down in his lap just to hold you close. The comfort of your weight on his chest always makes him feel safe.
He loves to do this when he has reports to finish. John gets to hear you talk again, and he listens while he writes the reports and finishes off file after file.
In my mind, he loves to read, especially something like murder mysteries (add ten points if they have something historical in them) and, yeah, the couch is fine but he never reads more comfortably than when he has his head resting on your thighs, the best pillow in the house in his opinion, and holding your hand.
John is such a kiss fanatic. This goes along with his need to hold and touch you all the time (he's reassuring himself that you're safe and that you're the one thing he didn't fail to protect) he has his lips on your skin as much as he can. It doesn't even need to be a full kiss. His lips grazing over your neck or the back of your hand has him content as ever.
He would definitely be the best at reassuring you if you ever feel insecure about your body. He never lies and keeps this word. You have no choice but to believe him that you're the image of a carefully chiseled marble statue.
I feel like maybe he'd get a bit cheesy with his analogies, but he can't have you thinking less of yourself. It makes him sad, truthfully. He loves you with all that he is, and he will make you believe it and prove it to you.
John has definitely fallen on his knees before you and talked a solid half hour about how beautiful you are, that he loves every pound on you and that he would ask you to marry him over and over and over again.
The way he would show you off so much. He'd dress you in sparkly dresses and jewelery and just watch with a smirk as jaws fall to the floor and eyes widen when the pair of you attends an event.
He definitely polishes up his wedding ring 2 times a day just in case someone got the idea to hit on him, he can flash the ring and then follow it with a wide smile and a picture of you.
He loves how your softness and plumpness is such a nice contrast to his rugged and hardened edges.
You take care of him, and he takes care of you. And the curve of your tummy makes him smile when he remembers that you're home and shielded from everything he's seen.
You're John Price's sanctuary, his cushiony paradise, and he'll love you forever <3
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish ♡
Soap loves when you're wearing a (his) shirt, and it stretches over the outline of your tummy. The dip of your belly button and the curve of your soft pudge (I literally dreamt this. Not even kidding, he would NOT shut up about it. Best dream of my life) He gets weak in the knees.
You better be quick because when he sees that, this man will squish his face into your tummy so fast.
Johnny bites, too. Softly, of course, but he will gently gnaw and nibble on the fat of your stomach to his hearts content. If he was a cat, he'd be purring so loud that the walls shake.
He can't help it. You're so soft and squishy and lovable!! Soap loves to knead and grab at your body, just watching some of your chub spill through his fingers. He definitely gets cuteness aggression when it comes to you, pinching your cheeks (both pairs, hehe) and hugging you so tightly while gritting compliments through his teeth.
Basically, he loves you so much that he could explode.
Johnny wants you to drape over him like a blanket. Like a warm, soft, comforting blanket that gives him kisses. He actually gets a small crisis sometimes because he can't decide whether he wants you to sleep on top of him, or if he wants to bury his face in your tummy and knock out in 2 minutes.
If he chooses the latter, his snores vibrate softly into your skin. It's an odd feeling at first, but now it gives you comfort, knowing that he's alive and breathing. Because he does not care for that when he's face down in tummy-heaven and you have to pry him away to take a breath.
Johnny loves to have his hands on your hips. You're his stressball at this point. He'll always fiddle with a part of you. But your hips will forever be his favorite. He can grab handfuls of you and feel so much of you.
He will slide his hands past the sides of your panties and just hold your hips, your underwear, keeping them in place so nicely. Johnny will gently pinch the fat of your hips sometimes, just to see your reaction. It has him grinning like the cheshire cat, the cheeky bastard.
He thinks you're so pretty. Like so, so, so, so, so pretty. Johnny stares at you with heart eyes, a lovesick smile, and occasionally a dreamy sigh slips out. He can't help himself. You're so beautiful and perfect and his. You've definitely caught him pumping his fist in the air when he thinks you're not looking because he's so happy that he's yours.
Will brag about you so hard. To anyone and everyone. No one is safe. Not even the old lady in the shop he helped get something from a shelf. He's pulling up pictures on his phone or the one he particularly likes, of which he has a solid copy in his wallet.
He's so in love with you and your softness, it's insane.
One thing about Soap? He loves a good challenge. You come at him with that "I'm too heavy!" Bullshit Or you feel bad about being a bigger girl and you're already lifted off the ground while angry scottish rambling hits your ears. The absolute disbelief on his face when you even imply that you're not attractive or not his caliber. He will not have any of it!! You're perfect. He won't argue with you.
You wanna be manhandled? He'll manhandle you, sweetheart. Always carefully and lovingly, he would never, ever want to hurt you (even if you asked him to, bless his soul, he can't bring himself to do it). You're too precious to him! You wanna be carried like a princess? Say less, Bonnie, he's carrying you like a QUEEN.
Johnny is so strong. Like so fucking strong (I literally saw a video of Neil rep deadlifting 405, kill me now) and he will use it for and against you!!
Maybe you're being a little stupid (whatever that may entail for you personally lmao) and he's grabbing you and carrying you across the room.
Again, he loves the challenge. He'll push himself that little bit further when he trains in the gym and not only does he look good, but the surprise on your face when he comes back and suddenly he's strong enough to throw you over his shoulder?? So worth it.
The weight of you is the weight of your love, and Johnny MacTavish wants to be crushed by it.
Simon "Ghost" Riley ♡
Upon meeting you, Simon does not care what your body looks like. Like at all. It's your personality that absolutely captivates him, and he feels himself drawn to you constantly.
Simon acknowledges that you're attractive, but he could really care less if you're big or small. He values different things. Simon is a deeply troubled man, so the way you love and trust is way more important to him than physical appearance.
That's not to say he doesn't notice the benefits he gets from having a chubby girlfriend over time. He's in love with you, period. Once that happens, there's no going back. The longer you're together, the more obsessed he gets with you and your soft body and curves.
You fit like puzzle pieces, like you were made to heal all his aches and cure all his ailments. He's not too keen on physical touch at first, but he becomes a fucking maniac for you. It's even more than with John, Simon always has you with him.
No matter where he needs to go, you're coming with him. And if it's some military thing and they say you can't come? He's not going. You're not going, he's not going. Easy.
You two always manage to mesmerize people. How ever did you, a soft little thing, get this behemoth of a man so soft?
Although only very few get to see Simon be an absolute sap. He would do absolutely anything for you. You're his deity, and he's a devoted follower, willing to give his soul to you. I feel like he's very lost sometimes, he doesn't know his place or purpose in the world. You give him a purpose.
Simon makes it his goal to come back to you each time. Adjusting back to civilian life is difficult for him, but you helped him find some methods and tasks that make it just that little bit easier.
He loves it when you cook him food. Simon eats a lot, and no offense to the Cook on base or the MRE's, but your food is just his personal heaven. Even if you can't cook many things, he appreciates it all.
He's very much a man of few words but meaningful actions. So, when you do something nice for him, he feels so loved. Words don't mean that much to him purely because of the amount of liars he's met, but when you do something, no matter how small, he engulfes you in a hug and presses his lips to your forehead.
You've helped him become a better version of himself simply by loving him, and he will forever be grateful to you.
When Simon finds you prodding and poking at yourself while staring in the mirror with a crease between your brows, he knows he has to do something.
He pulls you into his lap and gently holds your cheek while telling you how amazing and gorgeous you are. As I said before, he's not a man of many words, so this means a great deal coming from him. Simon loves everything about you. There are no flaws in his eyes. And yes, that does include the rolls of fat on your body and all the chub that comes with it. (let's be real, no matter how big you are, Simon could carry you with ease)
You're so soft. He uses you as his personal teddy bear. He holds you close to his chest, and he has never slept better than when you were pressed against him.
I also think he’d be the perfect man for a chubby girl because he doesn't need to be as afraid of breaking you. He's very rough, and you're so fragile to him. He's assured that you won't fall apart if he just as much as look at you.
Again, big hands, that fit perfectly on the curve of your tummy.
Simon loves taking baths with you. The intimacy and closeness combined with the warm water and gentle scents has his muscle relaxing like never before. He found that you're even softer when your wet bodies are smushed against each other.
Simon Riley is infatuated with you and your extra pounds make it that little bit better in his eyes <3
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There's still so much more I could add, I love these boys to death <3
I thought you might be interested in this @bravo4iscool 👀
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bohemian-nights · 1 month
this gender bent michael thing…. i need to know who’s spreading misinformation because i’m tired. it is literally impossible for them to gender bend michael because he has to be able to john’s title and property. A WOMAN CANNOT DO THAT. that’s the rules that have already been set in this world so they can’t walk that back. like i’m so tired. they need to announce sophie already, i’m about done with this fandom. i will be dragging everyone for believing in this gender bending mess when she’s announced too!
This fandom is highly insufferable. I won’t say exactly who is behind these rumors. Mainly because I don’t want anyone to say I set someone “innocent” up to be “attacked”(but as soon as they are proven wrong ☺️). However, for now, just know the front runners spreading this crap are those who are severely anti-Black.
It’s not even about Michael. Michael is just a tool to them. This all started because these people started freaking out over the fact that all evidence points to Masali Baduza, a Black woman, playing Sophie Beckett.
That was never in the bingo cards for them because they never wanted Sophie to be Black(whose God damned show they think this is I have no idea, but they’ve clearly forgotten this is a Shondaland production). So they had to adapt, hence the Masali is actually genderbent Michael because the voices in my head told me so🙃
*And even if Masali isn’t playing Sophie, not for one moment do I think Sophie’s actress won’t be Black. Nor do I think they cast a woman to play Michael Stirling. Not only can a woman not inherit an earldom, a woman can’t make babies with another woman, and gay marriage is still illegal in the Bridgerton universe. Nor can we ignore that the show uses the books in promo and vice versa.
I mean these are the same people who have self admitted that they want Sophie to be Asian, or Latina(as if Black Latina’s do not exist). Who go on and on and on about how Sophie has blonde hair and green eyes. Who have incessantly whined about the show being “too Black.”
It’s rather curious that these are the people who allegedly got the inside scope, but what do I know…
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cumentertainme · 4 months
Hello 🖤
You may address me as K, or sir.
You can find my pictures under #me
Back after my old blog got flagged.
18+ only. MINORS DNI.
My anons: 🌷💕, 🍓 , 🪽, 🪷, 🍃, 🌙, 🌟, 🎀, 🧸, 🫧 , 🎀🧸, 🐇🍼, 🦝, 🦋, 🏵️, 🐝 , 🤍, 🍒, 🌅, 🌺, 🎧, 🥰, 🪲, 🌻 , 🌕, 🧿, 📚, 💋, 🌼
I’m a 34 year old man who loves needy little sluts that want to do the most depraved things for me.
Task Rules - Read before asking me for a task. Personal tasks are closed right now but I will post general follower tasks from time to time.
Previous tasks can be found under #slvt tasks
Feel free to ask questions and submit fantasies or confessions to my inbox as well.
I also accept photo submissions from dirty little sluts who want to show off.
I will never ask you for or send you pictures without your explicit consent. I will also not initiate any sexual conversation with you unless I have your consent first. I never want to be presumptuous and assume consent.
Consent is a key aspect of my blog.
Have fun my pathetic pretty little sluts 🖤
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sexydoffyman · 10 months
Hello! I'd like to add a request to your list, in case you're running short. 😷
Could you write the monster trio members reacting to f!reader getting bruised during play-fighting? Any wordcount is okay. It's fine if you don't choose this suggestion, too. Have a nice weekend!
genre: fluff
characters: Roronoa Zoro, Monkey D. Luffy, Sanji
A/N: Sorry this is short.🐝
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Luffy wouldn't notice at first.
He doesn't notice many things.
The only way he would notice is if you'd point it out somehow.
It could be accidentally pointed out. Like he would pat you on your shoulder, and you would wince in pain.
He would be confused. Really confused.
He keeps asking, why did you react like that.
He won't let it go no matter what.
When you finally tell him, he would surprisingly find it cool.
He just likes bruises. You can't convince me otherwise.
I feel like he would show them off.
Like seeing you bruised even tho you didn't fight that much. He just feels a burst of energy.
He is so excited for no damn reason.
Would definitely be more careful when play-fighting you tho.
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Let's be honest. He would get lost and walk in on you changing.
"Tf you got those bruises from?"
Wouldn't even care you're naked.
When you tell him you were play-fighting, he'd just say: "Did you win?"
If yes, he will grin, feeling proud of you.
He sees scars and bruises as proof that you're tough.
He recognises your endurance.
This will be the first time in a while that you two talked together.
He would give you tips on how to dodge better.
He does take you to Chopper, making sure it's just bruising, no broken bones.
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You know you don't even have to tell him.
He already knows somehow. Don't try to figure out how. He just knows.
He is the only one out of the monster trio that would actually be concerned.
He would put some cream on the bruising.
"Who did this to you?" He asks concerned.
When you tell him you were just play-fighting, he would calm down a little.
But he will cuss out every dude on the ship, telling them to be more gentle.
Checks on you every now and then. Bringing you a delicious snack to take your mind off the bruising.
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🌟 Masterlist 🌟
🌚 Boyfriend!skz fake texts
Daily texts #1🌞
Daily texts #2🌞
Daily texts #3🌞
Daily texts #4🌞
Daily texts #5🌞
Daily texts #6🌞
Texting bf!skz song lyrics🎸
Sending bf!skz a spicy pic❤‍🔥
Asking bf!skz for a selfie🤳🏻
Bf!skz sending YOU a spicy pic 🌝
Bf!skz reacting to you wanting to go on/off the pill 💊
Bf!skz finding out they're not your bias🤡
Valentine's Day texts🌹
Texting bf!skz "where do you see us in 5 years?"🌱
Bf!skz comforting you when you're feeling sad/upset/insecure 💘
Accidentally flustering bf!skz💋
Bf!skz asking you about your fave straykids song💃🏻
Relationships goals with bf!skz: home screen edition🎯
Bf!skz vs getting you pads🩸
Vibe check with bf!skz⚡
Showing bf!skz your straykids themed manicure💅🏻
Fiance!skz x your engagement ring 💍
Texting bf!skz "I'm going to eat you"😋
Texting bf!skz in your native language 🌏
Bf!skz finds your baby pics/you find his😇
Fiance!skz vs your wedding dress🤍
Texting bf!skz "would you still love me if I was a worm?"🐛
Asking bf!skz to come pick you up🚗
Bf!skz vs you crushing on another idol(ft. ateez!)🎭
Arguing with bf!skz 🌧️
Buying flowers for bf!sky💐
Halloween couple costumes with bf!skz🎃
Babydaddy!skz vs your baby bump pics💓
Baby daddy!skz vs your pregnancy cravings 🍕
Dad!skz random texts🍼
More! Dad!skz👶🏻
EVEN!MORE! Dad!skz💟
Dad!skz overload🥰
🥀EYES WIDE SHUT, Au! Han Jisung fic
🕯️To Die For - Hyunjin x reader x Felix au fic
0 - I love the way you're screaming my name 1 - Hi, nice to meet ya, got nothing to believe in
🌚 Boyfriend!skz blurbs
Han ♥️
👻Horror nights ⚠️*content warning
🍎 I'm not leaving you
🍬Baby are you drooling?
🎋 13
🐝Honey bee (dad!hanjisung)
Leeknow 💜
📷Camera roll
❤️‍🩹I don't mind
🐰Childhood videos
💓Bunny (dad!leeknow)
Felix 💙
🍑Peaches and cream
💭Grey areas
🍥You put me back together, actually
Chan 💗
🪽Until we are okay ⚠️*content warning
Hyunjin 💖
🍃Just sleep
🔥Fire fire
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makethemhoesmad · 30 days
first sight
dancing with our hands tied part one!
paige bueckers x reader
brooke’s pov
“holy shit brooke,” taniya shouts from her room. 
“what,” i yell back. it’s a questionable method of communication, but it works for us. i hear her footsteps clambering towards my room, then my door bursts open and taniya, my five-foot-barely anything roomate flings herself onto my bed.
“paige FUCKING bueckers commented on your post and all you did was like it? i thought i taught you better than this, bee,” taniya says, shaking her head at me.
“well, it’s not like-“
“HOLD ON,” taniya cuts me off, “she liked this comment saying ‘the spine tattoo…my god’ brooklyn mae johns she’s fucking in love with you.”
i roll my eyes at taniya’s wild predictions, which aren’t new to our friendship. “first of all, my name isn’t even brooklyn, second of all, wait, check my phone, who’s that message from?”
taniya picks up my phone, reads something, then screams at the top of her lungs and chucks my phone at me.
Hey was just wondering what college you went to?
i stare blankly at the screen, starstruck. taniya nudges me, motioning at the phone to respond.
Uconn, like you. 
Oh shit really? I didn’t know you knew so much about me😏
“is she really tryna flirt with me IN MY DMS right now?” i say out loud. taniya giggles.
“no shit sherlock, that’s why she slid into your dms. tell her you like basketball or something!”
i mean, i like basketball and my dorm isn’t that far from gampel. the mcdonald’s like twenty minutes away is like ten times cooler tho.
“you sneaky shit,” taniya snickers.
Fr you should meet me there in like 30.
No shit?
Yeah i’ll see ya then
i swipe out of instagram and start pacing around my room, opening drawers and holding things up to my body.
“bee, cool it. paige is about to show up in team travel gear, so your sweatpants and cute ass tank top are fine. put on some mascara or something if it’ll help you chill, but you’ll look great.” taniya is a little psychotic most of the time, but she’s calm as fuck in these situations.
i twist my hair up into a clip and climb into my car, palms sweaty. i don’t know why i agreed, this is so creepy and random.
i’m otw, u almost there?
yeah almost, ps don’t text and drive
“hey brooke!” i hear a voice from behind the booth im sitting in, nursing a sprite and a small fry.
“hi paige,” i say, grinning. she smiles back, and slides into the other side of the booth, then reaches over and takes one of my fries.
“get your own,” i chide, while sliding the fries closer to her. “besides that, why’d you randomly want to know what college i go to?”
she shifts in her seat. as she opens her mouth, a waitress comes by with a happy meal. paige opens it up and dumps her fries into the other end of the nugget box. before she eats, i quickly snap a picture.
“you don’t mind if i post this? it’s kinda how im paying for my guilty pleasures.”
she nods, “yeah, tag me. anyway, i asked you about what college you went to because i thought i knew you from somewhere, but i just could not figure out what. also, you’re like, really pretty so i wanted to talk to you.”
she blushes at the last part, which makes my cheeks go a bit pink. 
“well, you’re not exactly bad looking yourself. when can i see you again, because it’s getting late and i want to see my bed,” i say. taniya would be proud of my straightforwardness.
“Well, i’ve got tickets to a Sun & Fever game for monday, and the person i was going with just bailed on me, so do you wanna come?” 
i blink at paige in shock. i’ve literally known her in person for maybe twenty five minutes and she’s already offering me things?
“i mean, im not doing anything, and the Sun’s arena isn’t that far, is it?” i ask, hoping to get any more information on whatever she’s proposing.
“yeah, it’s probably only like an hour with traffic, but i can pick you up and drive you home if you want? or we can get a hotel? i have a hotel, but i can cancel it if you wanna you home, i just didn’t want to drive again after the game because leaving would be hell.”
i nod, hoping it looks cool and confident and not utterly confused.
“yeah, we can keep the hotel, it’s okay.”
“aight, i’ll get you on monday around three.” 
paige walks me out to my car, and as i climb in, she grabs my hand and squeezes it. once i see that she’s gone, i call taniya.
“Bitch do i have so much to tell you.”
Tumblr media
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yourdaddyfigure · 1 year
Plz Read Before Interacting!
This is an (18+ only) blog. Please if you’re under the age of 18 kindly show some respect and don’t follow this blog or blogs I interact with. If you enjoy my post please follow my backup @urdaddyfigure.
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