#that isn't just my friend who will put up with any of my fandom rambling
nebulousboops · 4 months
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Wouldn't it be so silly to take the avatars from Trombone Champ and give them personalities and fun designs to reflect those personalities and dynamics with each other. wouldn't that be so stupid and silly and
anyway I did exactly that and I'm having the time of my life
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darkcircles4lyfe · 8 months
This doesn't have anything to do with anything, but i had a talk with a friend a few days ago, about shonen biasis and the way this shapes our expectations, and mha came up so i remembered how so many people apply those biasis HEAVILY into the manga, to the point that they sound like they're looking for a different story.
And one of those things that it seemed to be MOST talked about is exactly bkdk's relationship.
I have seen many times people from the fandom (sometimes really angrily) point out how in most cases Katsuki seems to basically take up not one, but four roles in Izuku's life and this includes putting him in situations that people associate with the MC's love interest, and it is weird that, despite Izuku "having a girl" for people to make assumptions about, he seems to completely repulse any female character that could be the counter part to Izuku's.
And this made us wonder if Katsuki's placement in those roles and lack of interest was made specifically because the author precisely did not want the actions that both do for each other as romantic but a whole another thing entirely, as a subversion for the these classic tropes, as he did by making the conflict between Ochako and Himiko not a "rivals fighting for the affection of a boy" but something that is connected to the plot of these characters instead.
Oh you bet! I am always down to talk about this, because I think about it a lotttt.
This reminds me, recently I remembered a funny habit I used to have with books I read. Like, back in middle school. I used to start by flipping directly to the last page and reading the final sentence. Usually this did not spoil anything whatsoever, but sure enough, by the time I read through the whole book, that sentence would take on new meaning.
So I started musing about what it would be like if only I could do this with bnha, if everything was already out. It made me feel so nostalgic…
Will the last panel be something grand, or something small? Hopeful or sad? Distant? Intimate? A parting message to the reader? Will it look like almost nothing of consequence to the unknowing eye—yet burst with hard-hitting subtext?
Of course I wonder about all the twists and reveals that might be still ahead of us, but it’s kinda soothing to think about how the whole thing could be put to rest. Because then I realize I’m not worried.
For once, this is not because the story is following so many tropes so predictably that I know exactly, in so many words, how it will end. It’s more like the story is a close friend who I’ve gotten to know well enough that everything they do is so “them” it makes me smirk. I'm often marveling at how Horikoshi has managed to pull all this off. How is it that (at least here in the west) people who aren't really paying attention call it basic and cookie-cutter. Even a Japanese animator called it "classic," and this interview shows such obvious dissonance between Hori and the interviewer, just... wow. But it's so clear that bnha has broken just about every rule in the book at this point, so much so that I struggle to condense it into words. I'm like--*gestures broadly at everything*--why haven't more people picked up on it??
Yet we still get bombarded with people saying "it's a shonen, c'mon, we all know how this will end." Um. No you don't. I KNOW there has to be a bunch of people who are secretly frustrated by Kacchan taking up all the roles and getting all the moments. It's not even in a mysogynistic way, because Kacchan is the most anti-dudebro character imaginable. Bkdk's relationship isn't intended for them and they know it... and you know what, I'm starting to ramble. You've heard all this before. The thing I should really be focusing on in your ask is the part where you mentioned how you and your friend were speculating about bkdk ending up as "a whole other thing entirely" rather than simply romantic.
Well, fuck it, I've been biting my tongue, but now might as well be the time I talk about this. I got into a bit of a disagreement with someone over it once and then I shut up. Because it's very difficult to approach the subject without being lumped in with those people who see bkdk as "brotherly" (ew) or otherwise try to push some "crisis of male friendship" agenda, or at the very least without being accused of enabling people to make excuses against bkdk being canon ad infinitum. So let me be clear that I do NOT want bkdk to have an ambiguous or open ending. I want their complexity and importance to be acknowledged. I want them to use their words. I think we may have created a bit of a false dichotomy there.
I am aromantic, and to suggest romantic relationships are inherently the most important and intimate goes against every fiber of my being. I also reject the idea that cut-and-dry gay representation is more desirable just because it is more easily understood by the masses than aspec representation or representation of relationships "beyond" both romantic and platonic. We recognize how ridiculous it is for people to expect Izu*cha at this point, right? Well, the reason they're so confident anyway isn't just because of heteronormativity. It's also because of amatonormativity, the assumption that romantic attraction trumps all: no matter how much focus bkdk get, Izuku blushed at Ochako, so that automatically makes them more "important." THAT is the notion that I want to challenge most. More than anything, I want bkdk's relationship to be fully acknowledged because they have so much more going for them than just attraction.
You and your friend make an excellent point, that it would be very much in line with Horikoshi's taste and the patterns of his writing so far if he chose to subvert the shonen romance trope not just by giving it to two boys, but also by disregarding its premise entirely. It's unlikely he'd try to stuff them into such a copy-paste ending right at the end.
So maybe they won't get the blushy confession, the obligatory kiss, the wedding, the 2.5 kids and a white picket fence. That's fine, we shouldn't pretend those tired tropes are suddenly revolutionary just because they're gay. But don't be disappointed! Without them, we have more room for things that are actually personally meaningful to bkdk to stand out and receive the nuance they deserve: talking through their feelings openly, building each other up like no one else can, understanding each other like no one else can, smiling at each other, embracing, holding hands, rushing to the other in the hospital, being glued at the hip (or even closer), healing mutual trauma, putting each other first in all things. Maybe we'll also get confirmation on Ochako's side as she moves on from her crush on Izuku. You know what other shonen manga took this exact angle as a way of subverting tropes and presenting genuine complexity? Blue Flag! There are so many ways to do bkdk justice.
Even a kiss isn't out of the question, if the right opportunity comes along. A perfect example of what I'm talking about is Good Omens (major season 2 spoilers) because the kiss between Crowley and Aziraphale was not at all about canonizing them. It was an expression of pain and desperation that just made sense at that particular moment. Neil Gaiman was adamant that if it took that kiss to understand the context of their relationship, you really weren't paying attention. I respect the hell out of that.
Recently I was even daydreaming about bkdk getting something similar to the sort of uh, shall we say tasteful nudity, that togachako got, because of how Izuku appears in the vestige realm.
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Ya know like not in an nsfw way but in like a "this is so deeply intimate and soft that I feel like I'm intruding" kind of way... yeah. Because it represents vulnerability and openness and acceptance of someone as they are. And I don't care if people call that bait. It's not. It's beautiful. It’s honest.
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Why Ceroba and the Feisty Four were right
Not bothering with any fancy opening, it's exactly what it says it is: Ceroba and the Feisty Four were right to call out Starlo.
Now before you crucify me, I love Starlo as a character. But I'm tired of people (not calling out anyone in particular) pretending that he's done absolutely nothing wrong and demonize Ceroba and the Feisty Four for snapping at him (largely Ceroba, but I see the Feisty Four get shat on every now and then). And this is not me calling Starlo a jerk. Typically, calling him a flat-out jerk would mean he did shit on purpose with malicious intent, and I don't think he acted out of spite. Rather, he did all those things because he just didn't think about it in the moment. I understand that, and I can 110% relate to that myself, honestly.
That being said, he did make some legit dick moves over the course of the game. Exhibit A: Having Moray walk around with a snake in their boot and giving them rashes.
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IK some of Starlo's more wild fans would probably do anything he says and all that, but put yourself in Moray's shoes (or boots I guess would be more appropriate). If your friend made you walk around with a rubber toy in your footwear that gave you a nasty rash, I think you'd be reasonable at least a bit angry at them.
Exhibit B: The Boulder Droppers
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They're literal goddam boulders. That shit could've killed someone. Setting them up at a busy mineshaft is reckless enough as it is but leaving them on after you're done using them just makes things even worse.
Exhibit C: Blaming Clover for everything that happened and shooting them over it.
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What am I supposed to say? If you hate Ceroba for what she did to Kanako and Clover, keep in mind that Starlo basically did the same exact thing.
Again, this is not me calling Starlo an asshole overall. Yes, he is a good monster deep down and just made some legit mistakes. But my point is, he does have flaws nonetheless and I can't stand people who ignore them. Like, him accepting what he did was wrong and coming to terms with that is one of the best parts of his character! C'mon guys.
And yes, people treat Ceroba as a horrible friend because she wasn't into it and apparently 'hates that part of Starlo' or whatever. If Ceroba actually hated Starlo's obsession with Western culture, do you think she'd indulge in his ramblings on humans?
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...or helped him set up all of those wanted posters for him?
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...or helping his family search for him when he 'goes missing' during a neutral run?
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*sarcastically* Wooooooow, what a horrible friend...
Yes, I understand Ceroba is a very blunt and sarcastic person, but I think because of that, she ends up coming off as harsher than she means to be. Trust me, I can relate to that.
To call her a heartless bitch is a disservice to her character. She does care deep down, even if she isn't that good at showing it.
And hey, she's a mourning widow and mother, I wouldn't blame her for not being good at showing positive emotions.
As for the Feisty Five, our favorite enby fish puts it best themself:
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My point is, despite snapping at him, Ceroba and the Feisty Four did not hate Starlo. They understood that his obsession over Western Culture was really important with him. It's made clear that they know he's a good monster deep down, despite his transgressions and were very ready to forgive him.
They just wanted him to dial it back. And yeah, he needed to. Granted, this is targeted at the 'Starlo did nothing wrong' crowd. If you admit that he's pretty heavily flawed but that Ceroba's done worse, I can accept that. Hell, despite me being a Ceroba apologist, I might even agree with you to a degree. But I am a bit tired of the fandom putting him on a pedestal while overhating everyone who remotely criticizes him.
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billyjoecobra · 7 months
I never see anyone talk or analyze Joseph very often in the fandom, which is tragic because i believe he's very complex!! So here's some thoughts to chew on, rattle around in your head a bit. It's all under the cut, and it is LONG AS HELL because i have a LOT to say on him!!! Warning though, it's not super properly punctuated as these are discord rambles of mine, but -- enjoy nonetheless!!
i think it's super interesting to note how every time someone puts joseph down, or does something shitty to him, he just doesn't care. not a single bit. he even says it's fine, maybe even deserved sometimes. he assumes people always thinks the worst of him, and yet doesn't really care aside from the one time he dressed in drag and got insulted about it. even then he was just kind of, "man. i looked hot though.." however every time someone even remotely upsets his friends or hurts those who don't deserve it or his family he goes. ABSOLUTELY APESHIT. he will get SO fighty.
he will immediately throw hands and hurt you physically without thinking about it he likes to put assholes in their place sometimes (i.e. the taxi driver, the nazis who insulted him. and any nazi really ) but that is different than really caring about what they say to him. i think he has a very strong moral code, though people tend to see him as quite dubious because of his loud and obnoxious behavior every consequence to his actions, he only worries what others close to him will think and he can easily be driven to a blind rage revenge if you dare to hurt his family in any way. because you DONT fuck with his family. family is the no. 1 thing he cares about
beating up racist cops? he only feels bad because he doesn't want to stress out erina with the thought of bailing him out. told speedwagon is dead? he's upset, but he keeps his cool and throws a punch at the guy for upsetting erina, and worries more about her comfort than his own. guys hijacking a plane and holding him hostage? he couldnt care less if he was the hostage, he only cared enough to stop it because it might risk getting speedwagon hurt. and it goes on
and for the sake of his family he keeps purposefully trying to risk himself to death repeatedly. when fighting kars lets not forget when he shot kars into space and his thoughts were about how he was ok with dying if it meant his family was safe i think . and i said this before this is just me getting my thoughts out way more eloquently with points i've already touched on before. but.
in a non emo way, it's really hit me how he isn't like. beat up about it. about assuming ppl always think the worst of him. he cares way more about others than himself type of guy thats like similar to "they're friendly but after awhile of their support and talking to them you realize to your horror you dont actually know anything about them at all" other than he's like. bold and brash and likes to start fights sometimes oh and lest we forget he also tends to take the death of loved ones so hard to the point that no matter the circumstances true causes he always blames himself.
he always blames himself and gets a bit. ummmmm i wouldn't say suicidal but like way too risky with his life and stops really caring if he'll die. he's just so used to nobody ever understanding him and his "off kilter" tbh neurodivergent way of thinking and living that he. like. he doesn't exactly have great self image beyond thinking he has sexy lips which sounds so silly but it's true and again it's not something he dwells on it's just kind of, A Fact to him. and this isn't even touching on the slew of issues i'm sure speedwagon's constant comparing of him to his dead grandfather must have caused.
It's very evident to me that he has ALWAYS felt like a burden to some degree i think. even when erina and speed havent really treated him as such. This is why I think his dynamic with speedwagon would be pretty strained / already seems as such -- bc. As I said before, he's ALWAYS comparing him to jonathan, even when he was just a kid.
NOW BY ALL MEANS!! I DO NOT THINK speedwagon means any ill will. it's just something that he just keeps.. doing because. well he respected jonathan so much, and it kind of clouds how he sees joseph because -- well, joseph is the SPITTING IMAGE of him. But not intending harm does not mean he hasn't caused any by doing that -- comparison can WRECK you pretty bad. joseph has made it clear that he knows he's nothing like jonathan in any regards except looks and i think it kind of contributes to his overall. tanked self image. and also the fact that he's a reminder of the tragedy of losing his parents ( or so they thought for a while. yk )
he deeply cares for him still, this much is true. he always will. but, it doesn't negate the serious comparison issue, constantly being told "WOW you have an attitude not at ALL like your grandpa, he would have never done x!! how do you look like him while being such an angry kid!!"
..... said without real malice or really bad intention, more out of exasperation. but. those kinds of things stick with kids. yknow? Joseph's always bottled up his emotions and tried to be on his best behavior for erina's sake. hes always a little more open with speedwagon. but .............. BWGHGURUGURGGH!!!!!!! i could go on for hours about it ok. but i shall move on to my next point now.
what sucks about it though is that the fandom tends to gloss over these bit of characterization at every turn. there is a lot of sadness and concerning things surrounding joseph that he just simply SHRUGS OFF about that it's kinda concerning! not that he'd ever really see a problem with it.
the fact that he was prepared to die / did the bet if only to distract them long enough to let caesar and speedwagon get away... you COULD maybe read it as a little bit of self preservation but given how he handles literally all other instances of him possibly dying., and the circumstances of him leading whammuu away being to SAVE those two. I think it yet again falls in line with "who gaf if i die i care if THEY die". then he gets stressed about the time he has left. which i imagine would stress ANYONE honestly. but . part of me thinks that it's also because this means that he has a short time to make sure he can be strong enough to protect everyone he loves and cares for..
that isn't ALL there is, of course. but i feel like with his behavior that is probably a big reason of it. You can summarize it all with one sentence; essentially,
joseph isn't afraid of death, nor dying himself; he's afraid of his loved ones dying.
This fact is extremely present in everything he does and says, but especially so when Caesar's death hits. THAT, however, i will make it's own post on. I have a lot to say on that and how it fucked him up for life. For now, though, I will move on and touch on another topic.
for all the loud opinions joseph seems to also speak none of it is ever really looked into much deeper as anything more than " he's just being joseph again" and he never really elaborates on it either, hence why a lot of people don't know much about him. While he is schrodinger's himbo -- too stupid to be smart, too smart to be stupid -- it's clearly all an act to get people to lower their expectations of him. He doesn't like being taken as a joke though. that he is a hater of for sure so. Joseph hides his true self behind a mask of idiocy and lackadaisical attitude to the point where it's blended into his actual truest self and he can hardly tell what's real and what's the mask. But at the same time, Joseph gets very angry when nobody takes him seriously because of his facade and trying to make everyone lower their expectations of him so he can pull the rug out from under them.
He's so mad when people don't take him serious but then continues to act pretty unserious and it's like. Well if you want them to take you more seriously bro you should stop doing that. Stop lowering others expectations so you can kick their asses or have a general upper hand just in case ( but he won't 💖)
he is a bit of a polarizing character but i hate when fandom reduces him to just "funny goofster" or ""cheater"", or writes him off as annoying with no depth to him. To judge Joseph through a lense of solely good or solely bad is a terrible idea; that man is gray moraled as HELL, he has a strong sense of self justice while also being incredibly underhanded and sneaky. If you dislike him, that's fine -- but don't discount his complexity just cause of that!!! He's not puddle deep, there's a lot of facets to how truly fucked up he is.
yeah. he is goofy, and he's a cheater at many things. but there's a lot to him. HE'S COMPLEX!!!!
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pianocat939 · 10 months
Ok this isn't my usual content, but like hear me out. And no, this isn't like anything character related-
Just think of it...as like a scenario to fill in ig Girlie I don't fucking know, I'm just spewing words
Tw: kidnapping, stalking, mentions of violence
Ok so imagine.
There's like this drive. We'll call it Chestnut drive.
Just a typical neighbourhood street.
And on the last house, there's a married couple.
The husband, is like some super scary, really cold guy. He hates the world except for maybe his own wife. And he's a monster too- *ahem he was a thug back in his school days* But he is a handsome fucker.
And then you got the wife. Who's really nice, and never has any problems. Honestly, she's the one usually having to hide her husband's crimes.
Enter MC, who's a single person, getting the first ever house. Which ended up being right next to theirs. Everybody else doesn't go near their house, because of the husband. And yet, MC is totally clueless and ends up watching their feral dog in their yard.
The wife notices first, and strikes up conversation. She's eager to have someone new to talk to. She bakes desserts sometimes, and constantly tries to offer them to MC.
Guess who she gushes all about MC to? That's right- her husband. At first he's like creeped out and even a little jealous. But after watching you through your living room window a few nights a week, he’s realized why she’s so intrigued.
He finds MC so cute, all alone in their house. With no one but themselves really. Maybe the occasional friend over. In a way, he starts to grow protective of them, just like how he is with his wife.
Meanwhile, the wife is just obsessed to have someone to talk to who isn’t terrified of her husband. She’s constantly giving affection she tries to pass it off as platonic when honestly it’s borderline romantic
Their conversations at dinner went from a bit mundane to just simply rambling about you. Wondering which bedroom you should take, or if they should expand theirs completely.
Soon they invite you over to their house often. Just for the occasional meal or tea. Even showcasing their feral dog. (Tiny dog may I add)
MC doesn’t notice, but soon the couple’s house has little things that they like. If they like art? A few paint tubes or high-end coloured are thrown around the house. If they like music? Wow- they suddenly got a Steinway grand piano for them to play around with.
The husband is constantly checking if MC’s ok. Making sure they dress properly for the weather before they go back to their house. In any extreme weather conditions (blizzard, hurricane, rain- a shit ton of rain) he’ll just show up to their house with groceries.
The wife seems to love giving little cheek kisses and hugs. Always finding ways to present her cooking. She likes buying the occasional clothing item for them. Just something she thought would look quite fitting on them.
It’s all too late at some point, because the husband will haul them over his shoulder if they try to run away. He’ll carry them to their now big bedroom, enough for 3 people to share.
He’ll beat up anyone that tries looking for them. He doesn’t have those muscles for nothing.
The wife is just so happy to have MC in their bedroom. Giving snuggles and lots of coos of affection.
And with a kiss goodnight from both of them, MC finds themselves sandwiched between the two. Unable to move from the husband’s arms, or push off the wife who’s laying on top of them.
MC should just consider themselves as newly-wedded to this strange but surprisingly…functional couple.
(I have so many ideas for this bullshit but I also have never written anything non-fandom related on this blog before…Other than my shitposts)
(Assuming I’ll probably make more, I’ll put the tag ‘Husband Wife Trio’ lmao)
- Celina
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carouselunique · 2 months
Is it true that there's no animosity between you and... you know, you know who. You never talk about her in any way. I guess I'm curious. You guys seemed like really close friends and then just weren't friends at all. And there was some stuff she said that seemed very targeted at you...
I don't know if she feels any animosity toward me or not any more. Our mutual friends have said she doesn't and I take them on their word in that regard, assuming that if they have an answer for me it's because they're aware how she feels. I wouldn't know and it's not my place to put words in her mouth.
I haven't spoken to her/about her in a long time and the only time she even crosses my mind is when people bring her up to me. As for me feeling any animosity? I'll admit my feelings on her these days are complicated and way too nuance-core for people who aren't my friends to hear about but I wouldn't call them animosity in any way. I inherently want people my friends care about to live well because I care about my friends, and anyone my friends care about by proxy and I still share friends with her. I would never wish ill on people my friends care about so animosity doesn't fit into that by definition. I'd say I'm hurt more than anything and even then I've worked through a lot of it with trusted friends who have helped me deal with my emotions in a healthy way.
(Besides, my own life struggles keep me from even being able to invest time into animosity. I have to expend that energy loving my family, doing my best to support them during our struggles. And I've never been a hateful person it isn't in me. I would rather play 'Hot To Go' by Chappell Roan and teach my dad how to do the hand gestures to help him strengthen his muscles again than focus on hating anyone...)
I try not to think about her because it hurts. I often think that people forget that I'm a real person outside of her sphere, and that I wouldn't want to talk about what happened because I truly did consider her a friend for a long time. And when someone I consider a friend appears to not regard me with care any more suddenly and I don't even have closure on that... well... it hurts... A lot. Of course I never talk about it.
And I'm not stupid, I have seen some stuff she's said that I've gathered was about me. I remind myself that she has a right to vent in her own spaces and I truly mean that... it's just a shame that her own spaces have people who then have taken these things to me to show me (after all, I wouldn't have even seen these things myself if not for third-party anons going 'this u?') saying it is my own fault because I was a terribly cruel friend or my own fault for not listening to warnings about her when I had the chance and that makes me a stupid gullible bitch. You lot haven't seen some of the awful shit about me from some of her more ravenous fans and haters I've seen over the years that I've had to let roll off my back in the fear it would bring backlash - not even to me, to her. I don't want to be the cause of any hatred going to anyone.
Also I'm just not going to ever talk about the details of our fallen friendship or our fallen relationship. That's private. She might be a public person to some extent but I never was, even if I do gain some measure of small fandom for my work one day I'm just private about personal matters especially raw ones. I almost deleted this ask entirely but Idk I never stated that it bothers me when people talk to me about her from my own mouth, so I guess that's what this ramble is.
If you send me anything about Lily Orchard it will not be addressed. I am not a part of her life not even through our mutual friends. I do not know or care what's going on with her public/personal life. I haven't kept up. I will never keep up. Don't treat me as an extension of the situation because I am not in the situation. In the most plainly stated sense of the word: Leave me the Hell alone. (...pretty please.)
All I've wanted this entire time was to be left alone to process everything in a healthy, peaceful way. I'm workin' on it.
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lineffability · 11 months
on crowley's loneliness
there's sth that has been sitting with me vis a vis Crowley, loneliness, and what the fandom, largely, has made of it... and it is the notion, simply put, that Crowley is - well - lonely.
but of course he is, you might say, I've even got textual evidence for it! and you might quote Good Omens Season 2 Episode A Companion to Owls directed by Douglas MacKinnon and written by John Finnemore, and you might point to the final conversation of the Job Minisode, when they agree that being a demon/angel who goes along with hell/heaven as far as he can is...lonely!
and, yes, that's right and true.
and yet. still. I want to argue against Crowley being lonely. at least to some extent. I'm not saying crowley isn't lonely, it's more about how that loneliness is sometimes portrayed/interpreted/understood?
I think we need to look at Crowley's loneliness on different levels: his loneliness vis a vis humanity and his loneliness vis a vis the occult/his job/his place in the ineffable scheme of things
because it's right there in the quote, isn't it? it's lonely to be a demon who doesn't feel part of hell. it's not about being lonely on earth with the humans.
when it comes to humanity and friendships to humans, regardless how close or not they may be, Crowley is not lonely! he forms attachments, he meets and knows tons of people, he schemes, he has fun (Jane Austen anyone???? I mean it's actual canon) and yes of course they all die - of course Crowley's human friendships, just like Aziraphale's, are always slightly detached because , well y'know, they will outlive every single human they will ever meet, and that will influence your attachment style. they don't even really meet humans as equals, arguably, but they both have been shown to continuously engage in friendships, whether those are superficial acquaintances (like neighbor Maggie to Aziraphale) or genuine connections (like Leonardo Da Vinci or Jesus, both canonically really close relationships of Crowley's!!) but it's not even the fact that human friendships are fleeting that makes him lonely in the end - it doesn't cheapen the experience. he's used to people coming and going. it's the way things are.
where the loneliness hits, and yes it hits hard, is on the supernatural level. hated by heaven and hell etc etc. before he became closer with Aziraphale (so roughly around Job) he was truly a solo agent, all alone against the not-world, and this experience of defying both hell and his arguable purpose as a demon made him lonely where it mattered most. but Aziraphale has since been with him, they are the same, they are a group of the two of them and they are only lonely together, which is a different kind of loneliness. it holds defiance and partnership - us against the world.
he still struggles with purpose, both his own and that of the universe, he struggles with his own love for humans and God's seeming indifference to them, and there's loneliness in that too, or at least pain, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have any friends??
ah I think this is the bit that gets me! that people think he doesn't have any friends! or that he doesn't have a life outside of Aziraphale! there we are, I have arrived at the core of my problem apparently. (idk if I'm making any sense with this incoherent rambling, I'm making it up as I go)
but basically I just have been irked by seeing this idea a few to many times that's basically: 'aziraphale is a happy little socialite who draws friends to him like moths to an angelic flame while crowley needily and sadly and longingly waits by himself for the angel to grace him with his company' (this is slightly exaggerated maybe but you get my drift, and I'm sure you've seen takes like that) (I love pining Crowley as much as anyone believe me, and oh boy does he do pine - but you know what I mean right??) (I just love this stupid optimistic and loving demon too much)
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laugtherhyena · 1 month
What are some of you're favourite Sprite edits you've made Whether that be this year, or any over years you've been in the sprite editing business
Ok so I've made A LOT of edits over the years so it took a lil while for me to sort out the favorites and why exactly, but here it is so get ready for some rambling!
First things first i gotta say this isn't really organized from the one i like the most and least, i like all of these edits a whole lot and i really don't think i can pick one or two to be the favorite.
So let's start from the start (sorta) i have to give a spot to my Fantasy Au twins edits, it would be illegal to not put them in this list
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The Sdra2 Fantasy Au was one of the first things i made in the fandom and i was attached to it for a long while. These are actually the 4th version of their sprites, out of all them only the 3rd had a full gallery of sprites and trust me they were complex since on top of posting i even made different tails and ears to move around depending on the emotion of the sprite.
Even tho i never finished this 4th take on them I'm pretty happy with the redesign (since as i grew older i realized some of my choices were questionable and i really should have thought more before just going with it, just keep in mind i was a dumb 14-15 year old then) and the improvement on graphical quality because not only does it show how much i improved in editing but also because editing the fantasy twins were my first really hard edits and i was always happy with how well i was able to translate their weird little designs to sprite form.
The Fantasy Au as a whole had a lot of edits with a bunch of complicated details that i never finshed and although I don't like them as much as the twins i do feel like they deserve to be shown somehere so have this pile of lizards, undead firemen and two human girls.
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(fun fact; i didn't know how to add textures back then so see those scales on the dragons? I made them all by hand-)
Next one on the list has gotta be the Nijiue siblings! Crazy to think these guys are only 2-3 years old like it feels like they've been with me for ao much longer!
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These guys where my first try at making Oc sprites since before all i did were Au stuff and they're very very dear to me, as you can probably guess by the amount of spites an different iterations i made of them over the years. While there are a few things i could improve upon them if i were to remake their edits nowadays, i never felt a strong need to do so because as it is their sprites hold up well imo so remaking them feels unnecessary to me.
And you know I can't really talk about them without mentioning the Voidswap Au and a couple tumblr blogs owned by friends of mine. After Voidswap's cancelation i didn't thought I'd ever use these guys for anything so to think that nowadays there's so many people who not only know these characters but care for them a lot out of seeing them in Asoot and Dfta more recently really fills me with joy! I'm glad y'all enjoy my silly siblings so much and obviously huge thanks to the mods for wanting to include them in their stories, I really couldn't be more thankful for that!
And since we're talking about the fam, let me add Mako to the list as an honorable mention of sorts, a i'm still very happy with how i made her adult designs especially the whole closed trenchcoat and open trenchcoat thing she has going on and how i was able to cary out the heart motif on both of them :]
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This next one is one of my newer edits + a pretty simple one which is this Irl Sora design i made for mod Bubbles around early this year.
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Honestly, I don't even know how to explain why i like it this much? Maybe it's because Sora is one of the characters from Sdra2 i still decently enjoy or because i had a fun time coming up with her design. I had in mind that i wanted something plain and simple just like her in-game one, just adapted to a more adult look. Rolled up sleeves to resemble her uniform's ones and a scarf to bring back the spark of red her old design had, i also gave her the short hair that post game Yuki has because it's still her body at the end of the day + i think butch-ish Sora looks pretty good :]
From simplicity we jump back into weirdness with these last ones because obviously i wouldn't leave my girls out of this list, what did you guys even expect?
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Favoritism? Absolutely, by now I'm sure all of you know how much i like these two but focusing on the graphical side for once, I'm super proud of their designs, i think they fit with the weirdness of some of Linuj's design choices pretty well which in turn makes them look kinda legit? In my head at least. I also had a lot of fun working on their sprites, especially Beni's since it had been a long while since i last tried to really exaggerate expressions on sprites of my characters so that was really fun! + I'm super proud of the baby sprites i made of them too, almost as much as i like their standard/adult designs really.
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chumpovodir · 5 days
Your last post reminded me of one of my favorite Isaactor fanarts on Pixiv <3
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(the little 2009 in the corner makes me cry)
There is no context to this. The title is "don't betray me", and one of the tags says "why did you leave Isaac's side?". The whole vibe is delightfully yandereish, I'm imagining a scenario where Isaac won against Hector and dragged him to some dungeons to make sure he will never leave him behind again :3c and he's desperate, he's staining himself with Hector's own blood, but Hector... doesn't seem too troubled.
I don't know, I just love how it leaves so much to the imagination, but most of all I haven't seen much of possessive Isaac in the Isaactor fandom while to me it's pretty obvious. Hector crawled away to die alone precisely to deny him the warmth of a mutual death? Well, Isaac will kill the both of them so that they'll spend the rest of eternity together in Hell <3
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thankyouthankyouthankyou for the food i am *inhaling* this.
let me just. put the rest of this under a cut these two make me absolutely insane and i need to ramble about it
ok, first thing: the fanart because holy shit this is like the perfect microcosm of how i view their relationship. and i just have to talk about their faces, in particular:
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it's beautiful, your honor
it would be so easy to visualize this piece of artwork with their expressions swapped - Isaac looking down at his prisoner with a wicked, satisfied sense of glee, Hector looking up at his jailer with a pained grimace, terrified of what's to come next and knowing full well what Isaac is capable of. your typical seme-uke dynamics in a kidnapping/whump-type yaoi plotline, in other words (or Lenector *coughcough*)
but the fact the artist chose not to go that route? delicious and canon, imo.
if it weren't for the blood in the part i cropped above, this would look like a heartfelt embrace by two lovers who have finally confessed their feelings for one another~
but then you see the rest of the image and immediately understand: there is something deeply wrong with both of these people, which perfectly fits my vision of Isaactor, for reasons i'll go into more detail a bit later.
and speaking of the blood, isn't it interesting that, here, Isaac has chosen to injure Hector in a way where it's obvious he's hurt, but not so much so that Hector is actually bothered by the physical pain? it's almost as if... Isaac has such a deep understanding of Hector's limits and is deliberately restraining himself :) or perhaps, he can't quite bring himself to hurt Hector in any meaningful way...? :)) well, he wouldn't want to break his favorite toy, right :)))
Isaac, who calls himself "fearsome and cruel". Isaac, who swore Hector would suffer "a most gruesome death". and yet, when he finally has Hector in his grasp, all he can do is hold on to his friend for dear life and affirm to himself that he's real, he's actually there, and this time, there's no escape for him.
and for Hector's part in this interaction, i think that look on his face is a knowing one - knowing that the worst pain Isaac could ever inflict on him has (killing Rosaly) already come to pass, that nothing Isaac would be willing to do at that point could ever come close again. it's the smug arrogance of someone that is finally seeing his friend's true feelings for him in full display, and choosing, in his powerlessness, to hurt him back by not only not reciprocating, but actively rebuff him, at the cost of his own wellbeing, and taking a sick sense of satisfaction away from that very tiny victory over Isaac.
they're obsessed with each other, your honor. just two stubborn sickos choosing to spend the rest of their limited lives making the other as miserable as they can stand to expend their exhausted willpower to, now that any other meaningful relationship they had has been snatched away <3 the absolute worst outcome in a court-mandated denial of divorce <33
the tl;dr i'm imagining for this situation would be: Isaac loves to hurt Hector. Hector loves to watch him fucking try. toxic yaoi at it's finest~
and of course, we can't ignore in a post-CoD scenario like this where both Hector and Isaac live, but Hector lost, it would mean Isaac has made the conscious decision to not bring his Lord back. i wonder what that says about Isaac's priorities :)
second thing:
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Isaac's ass. that's it, that's the point i wanted to draw attention to. you and i both know Isaac is as flat as a board back there, but we'll be thankful anyway to the artist for giving him a little bit of definition where it counts 🙏
next thing: the use of the term "Yandere" to describe Isaac's possessiveness? literally perfect but i'm so hesitant to apply it to Isaac bc of the fandom's long track record with using it as a  denigratory term when referring to how his character lacks depth ala your stereotypical "psychopathic jilted ex" villain
even people who don't subscribe to that reading tend to only defend him based on a technicality, ie "Isaac isn't actually Yandere, because Yanderes start off being normal and showing affection in an acceptable manner before it warps into obsession!"
and that's the rub for me, i don't think Isaac was ever really normal about how he felt about Hector, which I will now try to explain my viewpoint on:
so first off, i'll address this post i made over a year ago where i first explained my vision for them and, how, for the most part it still remains true.
in hindsight, i would really only add that this is how i view their pre-CV3 relationship, which is basically the most positive and healthy it will ever be. but in a hypothetical post-CoD scenario like the above, where they're both so broken by trauma and ravaged by Dracula's curse? then yeah, pile on the abuse lmao
anyway, i think the crux of Isaac's problems is that he truly does love Hector, and he's cognizant of it - and that scares him. because he can't separate the idea of loving his friend from loving the Lord he swore loyalty to before Hector ever came into the picture. his view of love is a zero-sum game (god i hope i'm using this term right), whereby if he claims to love Hector, then it must mean he doesn't love his Lord. add to this the idea of Isaac centering his whole identity and life purpose on serving Dracula and you start to understand why this is such a distressing revelation for him.
and how does he deal with it? well he doesn't, of course. lmao.
but ahh, the thing Isaac hates the most about himself is his humanity, and it's that same humanity that causes Isaac to be ruled by his emotions. and boy, does he feel alot of things whenever Hector is around~
he loves Hector, but hates that he causes Isaac's loyalty to his Lord to waiver. he's so proud of Hector becoming such a capable practitioner of the dark arts, thanks to his guidance, but hates that he's now overshadowed Isaac's own accomplishments and standing in their Lord's eyes. and it just goes on and on like that, this constantly alternating, hot-and-cold feeling towards Hector that he can never properly square away (at least, not without a heaping load of therapy) that feeds into his obsession with him.
and i think the possessiveness that eventually bubbles to the surface then stems not from a selfish desire to simply have Hector all to himself, but as damage control for Isaac's fragile sense of self - he reasons that it's Hector's actions that cause the friction in his everyday life, and, eventually and however indirectly, the total downfall of his safety and stability. so his "solution" amounts to something like "control Hector, and he can never have that kind of world-shattering power over you ever again" (the fact that he gets to make Hector suffer is just a tasty bonus~) just. a very fear-based, self-preservation type of reaction from the most animalistic recesses of his brain in response to what are very human emotions. which makes for the best kinds of dysfunction and drama imo :3
so yeah, Yandere is definitely one of the vibes i was going for but like. in a verrrry specific reading of that term lmao.
and also, since you've given me an opening to talk a little bit about that piece i wrote, here's more context to it:
i wrote it over a year ago after being inspired by a similar Isaac-centric piece that i swear i found on ao3 - it was basically Isaac killing time in the 3-years prior to CoD, channeling his obsession with Hector by creating a replica of him as an Innocent Devil, then promptly destroying it, with all his complicated feelings sprinkled throughout.
there was actually supposed to be a bigger scene written around Isaac's monologue, taking place when he was possessed by Dracula during the final fight with Hector, and it was supposed to be something like his faltering consciousness reacting to what was happening around him (with the implication that because Isaac wasn't really dead-dead, since Hector never landed the killing blow, that was the reason the transformation failed and Hector was able to defeat Dracula. so again, Hector's fault :^))
in the end, i couldn't quite hack it, but those 9 sentences basically encompass this utter mess of a human being i adore~
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mitsvriii · 5 months
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a 400 event
this is a short event that includes collaboration, matchups, and a mixture of requests! i wanted to put something out there for 400 as to help me get back with some activity on tumblr. i don't except this event to get a ton of attention as this is majorly just for fun, so if you don't want to join then don't stress it! please be sure to check out who i write for here, and my rules which are here before you continue on. this event will be strictly fluff and romantic for "characters x reader" so please keep that in mind! This event will extend to May 21st until further notice.
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for this section of the event i'm going to take requests until 15 slots have been filled up. if there are more than 15 requests that have been submitted i'll put your ask on que. please tell me how you'd like your letter sent to a certain character with the guide below.
pick out a lyric to sneak onto the letter's contents.
‎♡‧₊˚ "another version of me, i was in it." - childhood friends to lovers
‎♡‧₊˚ "ikaw at ikaw" - an unexpected proposal
‎♡‧₊˚ "so can i call you tonight?" - late-night calls with your crush
‎♡‧₊˚ "you got some soft lips and some pearly whites" - making them smile
‎♡‧₊˚ "by saying somethin' stupid like 'i love you'" - saying "i love you" for the first time
pick out a pen to write out the letter's contents with.
ballpoint - drabble
fountain - one-shot
rollerball - headcannons
pick out an accessory you'd like the letter to have. this is optional.
a ribbon - modern au
a lipstick print - reincarnation au
a hint of perfume/cologne - fantasy au
and lastly, pick out the type of paper your letter will be written on.
notebook - female reader
couché - male reader
manila - gender-neutral reader
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although this section is not for just mutuals, so if you want to join just do so! a list of prompts and scenarios will be listed and you can pick one out of your liking with the character you like, just keep it sfw. when you're done, post it under the tag "🔖- scrapbooking memories" and i'll reblog it and add it to the event's masterlist! the fandom list for this section is not limited to what i write for.
"can you hold my hand? just because it's cold! don't get any other ideas."
kissing them to stop their rambles of anxiousness
kissing you to stop your rambles of anxiousness
"would you love me if i was a worm?"
babysitting a friend's kid for a day
they catch you from falling as you trip
giving you a gift
doctoring a cut on your hand
"do you think we're together in every life?"
getting jealous over an animal
"i'm so sorry please forgive me" "'sorry' isn't going to bring back my cupcake (name)"
falling asleep in their arms
"you look pretty"
person a who gets warm easily and person b who gets cold easily
"you're a mess" "i'm your mess"
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this is a matchup section! all you have to do is send me information about your personality, your love languages, and who you wouldn't like to be matched up with. this is a romantic pairing but if you'd like it to be platonic just let me know. if you're participating in a matchup please don't use your real information, ex: your real name. i cannot promise you that the matchups will be extremely accurate or that the results will be the ones you want! right now this section is open to mutuals only.
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© MITSVRIII 2024. stealing, translating, reposting, and feeding my works into ai or onto other platforms is not permitted.
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danggirlronpa · 10 months
Hiii. First off, I'm so sorry if this is annoying, but I. Have a lot of Nanamiki thoughts and thought you might like them? I was talking with a friend about them (he hasn't played danganronpa so he doesn't really know them but he was still super nice and listened to me ramble) and I realized that you may be interested in what I had to say about them?
First off, I think nanamiki is a lot more complex than what a lot of people make it out to be, in my opinion. She ship was first popularized by the optional scene in SDR2 where Chiaki and Mikan play video games together. It's a very cute scene, and I urge anyone who hasn't seen it to look it up, because it makes it clear that Mikan and Chiaki are friends, or at least have the potential to be friends, and the relationship is very positive and sweet on Chiaki's side. Nanamiki as a pairing got very popular in the komahina fandom back before DR3 came out (I can only really attest for about a year before DR3 came out, but this was very much the vibe I got) as a pairing to get Chiaki out of the way of komahina. Back before DR3, I saw a lot of double date fics with the two couples, and a lot of Komahina fics where they were a side pairing. They were, for the most part, regulated to "lesbian best friends of komahina", which, nowadays, ever since DR3, has seemed to be replaced with Soniaki and sometimes Tsumioda instead. Now, I like Soniaki, and I don't have anything against people who ship Tsumioda (even if it's not personally my cup of tea), but as a Nanamiki lover, I have noticed a fandom shift to favoring these ships just from my own observations. Which, good for people who like those ships! I just can't help but look back longingly on the Era where nanamiki was the standard wlw ship - even if that Era was rife with issues.
Even back then, you would be hard pressed to find any work that explored Nanamiki in depth that wasn't a one shot - and most if those one shots were plotless or near plotless fluff. This, to some degree, makes sense. Nanamiki's origin *was* plotless fluff - it was Chiaki showing Mikan a fun game and teaching her how to play. That's what the whole scene was, and that scene is the ships origin point. On works that did focus on nanamiki in depth, there was an emphasis on Chiaki comforting Mikan, which also makes sense, as that scene was Chiaki reaching out and being nice to Mikan. When I was young/a teenager, I also wrote fics similar- with Chiaki reaching out to Mikan, and helping her overcome her trauma.
However, now that I'm older, I look back on what a lot of these fics were (including my own), and I find myself somewhat discontent with the state of them. I feel a lot of these works fall into woobifying Mikan, and having Chiaki putting all the work and effort into "fixing" Mikan and her life. Oftentimes, there's no discussion about Chiaki's wants or needs, and those go unaddressed. It doesn't feel balanced, like a give and take dynamic, but instead like Chiaki is putting so much into the relationship and getting none of her needs met. A lot of times, there's not even fleshed out reasons why Chiaki would be dating Mikan - what she gets out of it, not just what she provides. Now, arguably, this is because most stories involving them are one shots - there just isn't time to explore both of them in depth, and its only a snapshot of their relationship. But even with that, there is an overabundance of Chiaki taking care of Mikan with oftentimes little to no indication that she does the same. I think this is partially because a lot of people are primed to see relationships as "what can this person do for me?" and not "what can we do for each other?" A lot of times, the dynamics aren't mutual and balanced. To be fair, life is messy in real life - sometimes one person is going to be putting in more work than the other one at the moment, but usually that is a temporary situation—and when they can, they reciprocate later. Relationships have their ups and downs. But I can't help but wish that we saw a more balanced dynamic between the two in fics, at least the fluffy ones.
But while I do acknowledge that the ship has fluffy origins, I am desperate for non-fluffy content. I think only having fluffy stuff does a disservice to the relationship - especially for Mikan. Mikan, in my opinion, is a very messy, traumatized person, and I don't like how a lot of people candy coat this in an attempt to write really fluffy relationship stuff (not just aimed at nanamiki works). Her trauma wouldn't just go away after getting in a relationship, and a relationship wouldn't just fix all her problems, either. Reducing her down to "crybaby who just needs love" misses the point of her character - while it's true she needs support, she can't just survive on one person, one relationship alone. She needs a support system, not (just) a girlfriend. In my opinion, Mikan would be a disaster in a relationship - and not just in a cute, insecure, shy way. Mikan has a lot of feelings and she feels them very violently, including love - she gets obsessive, is a chronic people pleaser, and threatens to break Hajime's legs in her island mode. Her whole motive for being a nurse is because she likes the power it gives her over her patients. This characterization, that she's a poor little baby who did nothing wrong and just needs real love to heal her, is a disservice to her character.
I want to see Mikan being complicated. I want to see her having maladaptive and unhealthy coping mechanisms. I want her to be messy. That's what I love about her character- that she is a deeply, truly traumatized person who is sometimes awful and sometimes a wreck of a person, but despite that, she's a victim. Despite that, she deserve to heal - or maybe because of that. Mikan is very much informed by her trauma, in a very unhealthy way, but she is still, ultimately, a person who needed help and didn't get it. She is a person society failed.
She didn't just need a lover. She needed a support system, she needed people to constantly stand up for her, constantly love her, support her—she needed people to not hurt her in the first place.
Sorry, I got pretty passionate about that. My point is, I wish there was more complicated Nanamiki - Nanamiki that addresses Chiaki's needs, Nanamiki that addresses Mikan's dark sides, Nanamiki that is complicated and messy.
I think, too, that DR3 (while having a lot of things I didn't like) had a compelling idea for Nanamiki (if I'm remembering right). Before Mikan pushes Chiaki into the hallway Chisa finds her, if I'm remembering right, Mikan talks about how everyone loves and admires Chiaki... and to me, she sounds jealous. Now that. That is interesting to me. I find that SO compelling - the idea that Mikan sees herself in Chiaki, and it infuriates her, because everyone loves and adores Chiaki and she feels like no one feels the same for her. Now, I have extrapolated a lot of feelings on Mikan's side from that short interaction, and maybe that's not the intent of canon, but honestly? I really like what I've extrapolated. With that in mind, there's even more you could headcanon about Mikan and Chiaki and their state of their relationship during the despair arc: Chiaki acts like she loves Mikan, but Mikan can't believe that, how could someone so loved like Chiaki love her? Maybe she even wants to test that love, test the limits of it, behave badly or hurt her to prove to herself that Chiaki never *really* loved her in the first place, that her "forgiveness" was fragile. (Think similar to the dynamic of dogbird by maddy, I guess?) Maybe she's jealous, so bitterly jealous, that people love Chiaki and no one loves her. Maybe she's secretly angry that Chiaki can get along with Hiyoko so well when she bullies her, and she's angry at herself for being angry, because isn't what Hiyoko does to her what she deserves? And yet Chiaki says she doesn't deserve that, yet at the same time is friends with someone who treats her like that... she's confused and hurt and internalizing all of it. I could go on.
I think, in DR3, it was a real missed opportunity to have the remnants turn on Chiaki slowly instead of being brainwashed. In a hypothetical AU, instead of being brainwashed, Junko turns them against her, or calls to question her love, makes them doubt her - and maybe that's not enough to get them to turn on her fully, but when she proposes a "test" of her hope in the form of a murder maze, they agree (Nagito first because he's all about testing hope and has faith in Chiaki, Mikan second because of her devotion to Junko—or reverse order, I'm not picky—and then everyone else reluctantly following). That isn't canon by any means, but it's the AU I tend to go with when I keep human Chiaki in my fanfic.
In that situation, Mikan becomes like a Judas figure. Actually, lower one's eyes (specifically trickles cover) portrays what I imagine Mikan would feel perfectly. Another song that really fits Nanamiki (imo) is lacy by Olivia Rodrigo. It talks about jealousy over and attraction to a girl you think is so perfect, which I think fits Mikan's side of this perfectly.
Even without the AU I made up, I think DR3 adds a layer of tragicness to nanamiki I don't see explored a lot! Which is sad. I mean, getting brainwashed to send your girlfriend to her death is prime angst potential. I would love even that to be explored (despite how I'm usually not a big fan of the brainwashing video in general). I want more angsty, doomed nanamiki. Even now, most stories are one shots focusing fluff, or ones where they woobify Mikan, or ones where the dynamic is unbalanced between Mikan and Chiaki, and in those fanfics, they hardly ever explore Chiaki. Which is so sad to me. All the multichapter fics I've seen only have nanamiki as a side pairing, too. I love Nanamiki (it might be my favorite DR f/f pairing ever!) and I would love for people to explore more sides of it!
Sorry for the long ask. I just have So Many Nanamiki thoughts.
As someone who wasn't around the fandom in 2013-era, this is SUCH an interesting read. It aligns with a lot of what I've rediscovered searching through for old art, especially searching for Nanamiki works.
I don't really have anything to add, which I hope is okay - this is just really cool on its own, and I don't have anything to add to it other than "YEAH!! YEAH"
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a-caterpillars-world · 4 months
So. I finished Homestuck.
Reading Homestuck in 2024, over a decade since it started, was definitely an experience. There was a lot that i was spoiled for, but a lot that took me by surprise, even though "spoilers" are just about everywhere. I'm glad I was able to go in blind, there's a lot that wouldn't have felt nearly as impactful had i known about it beforehand. I'm not great at just directionless rambling, so I'll organize it in the form of an FAQ of a sort, under a read more since I'm expecting this to be a longer post.
Did you enjoy yourself?
Honestly, yes. I know Homestuck has a kind of negative reputation, and now that I've finished I can certainly see where it comes from, but even considering all of that I can't say I had a bad time. I think Homestuck has a lot to love, even if there's also a lot to hate. Personally I think there's several elements and characters of Homestuck that deserve a better rep, there was a lot I read that was very funny or very narratively compelling even through all the obvious flaws. I had a good time, I don't regret picking up Homestuck.
Do you plan to read anything else related to Homestuck (eg Homestuck 2)?
Maybe! I'm not entirely sure how much I'm missing out on, or how much the various side stories impact the main canon. If one of them seems particularly interesting to me, I'll look into it, but right now I'm good. I'm not even entirely sure how deep the Homestuck rabbit hole goes, though I suppose I could look it up and find out for myself.
Do you have any favorites/what do you think about [character]?
This is a hard question to answer, as Homestuck is a series with a loooot of characters to talk about. If you want to know a more in-depth opinion on your favorites, send me an ask! I love conversation and even since I started my liveblog I've been open to asks being sent in even if we've never spoken. Maybe I'll make a tierlist to organize my favorites, that could be fun.
Should I read Homestuck?
It depends. Homestuck can be a very good and interesting story at times, but a lot of what makes it a great story is hidden behind layers of questionable-at-best humor and casual ableism. I think if you can approach it as it is and understand the flaws inherent to it, it's definitely worth at least checking out. And then if it isn't for you, then it isn't for you, but it did end up being for me so take it as you will. Even if you're just looking at it as a part of internet and webcomic history, I think it's not a waste of time to give it a read. Via the downloadable archive though, not the browser version. Homestuck suffered greatly from the death of Flash, so it's best to read on a version that can better support all the unique elements it utilized without much risk of it crapping out on you (like it did to me, in several key points including the finale.) I also recommend reading with a friend, preferably one who's read Homestuck before so you can talk about things as they come up naturally.
Final thoughts
Homestuck is a fascinating piece of internet history. It's a near-perfect capture of the humor and culture of the late 2000s and early 2010s, largely dependent on a web service that is now entirely defunct. Were it not for the actions of archivists and fans, it's entirely likely we could've lost massive chunks of an incredible piece of webcomic and fandom history. It certainly isn't for everyone, its flaws have been talked about with regularity by essayists and internet historians with the whole spectrum of opinions on it. Even with its flaws, though, it still puts together a quite lovely story, with several compelling characters and scenes that grab your attention and hold it tight. Not only do I not regret reading it, but I completely understand how Homestuck created such a storm of a fandom especially when it was being actively updated. I'm glad I read it, in the end. It brought me a lot of joy in the best moments, and even at the times when I was most frustrated with the story I can't say there was ever a point where it was too much for me. Thank you to everyone who stopped by to check on the liveblog, whether you're one of my friends or a stranger checking in from the Homestuck fandom. It has certainly been an interesting ride, and I'm glad that I got to take it, even if I am in fact several years late to the party. Until next time, everyone!
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melodic-haze · 2 months
Lisa mentioned!!! I don't know much about the issue with her being flirty with the traveler and honestly, it sounds like people are nitpicking for something to complain about, but she's so cool!!
it sucks that the only thing people notice about Lisa are her looks (very pretty though) and flirtatious behavior when there's so much more to her! Not only is she the best Akademiya student they've had in the last 200 years, but she's also ridiculously strong. Varka wanted to make her a Captain right after Lisa joined, and it's stated that they would've been much stronger if she accepted that offer. Lisa has some of the coolest lore too and for some reason, no one talks about it??? She isn't even taking things seriously and she's already at this level of strength. She knew that she'd go crazy if she went down the path of pursuing knowledge no matter the cost, and a determined Lisa is NOT something that Teyvat would survive
For the other two that I definitely also agree with, I apologize if I get any of the lore wrong since I haven't done much of the Inazuma quests other than the main story (which was a while ago), but Kokomi, man!! Everyone was so hyped up when she first made her entrance, but then she suddenly just disappeared? In my opinion, the quest would've been cooler and had better lore if we spent more time with Kokomi than that Taipei (?) guy. No one talks about this either, but her ability to lead people is super impressive! Everyone doubted Kokomi when she first became the Divine Priestess since she was just a kid, but she proved them all wrong. Now, everyone trusts her and looks to her for help. Kokomi's skill as a leader is insane, and I really wish they did more with her lore 😭
Miko, man... No one talks about her unless it's to debate whether she's gay or manipulative!! She's only mentioned when people are talking about Eimiko and it sucks so much how seemingly no one sees how selfless and loyal she is. Miko was alone for 500 years!! I'm sure she had friends, but even those would only hurt her eventually since they would've passed away as well. The one person who experienced the same things, the one person who understood her, and the one person who she probably thought wouldn't abandon her like the others left her in her time of need without even saying goodbye. But Miko still waited! Even if she knew that there was a chance she'd never see Ei again, she was loyal enough to wait despite that. Miko gave up the very thing that gave Ei the authority of an archon without hesitation just for someone who had a chance to save Ei, the traveler. This is just my opinion, but I think Miko only really helped the people of Inazuma as much as she did as her way of preserving the eternity that her friend sacrificed so much for. She's so so kind and beautiful and loyal and selfless!! Whether you ship Eimiko or not, it's undeniable how Miko was such a good friend to Ei despite Ei not exactly reciprocating the same efforts.
Wow that is a lot of text. I am so sorry HAHAHAH 😭 There's no need to reply to this ask, I just saw you mention those three and wanted to ramble a bit hsjsh
Ik it's been a WHILE since this was talked about but I just wanted to 😊😊😊 put this out here BC YOU UNDERSTAND ME❗️❗️❗️ YOU UNDERSTAND ME SO HARD
Maybe I've just been on the wrong side of the fandom for long enough that I've seen complaints about Lisa and how she interacts with the Traveller ig (mostly due to the whole 'Traveller is a minor!!!!!' debate which......no energy is worth that age-old debate I'm ngl). SHE HAS SUCH INSANE BACKGROUND and so much of her is worth exploring????? Like I REALLY want them to go back to Mond and fully explore characters like her and Kaeya bc of how much they've got going on. While they're pretty, sure, there's so much more of interest beyond looks like it's actually WILD that Lisa has this much power despite her not visibly having some sort of indication she's blessed or has anything secret going on beyond her EXTREME capabilities
Not to mention tbh she seems like she'd be nice to have a nice nap with I'm gonna be real and put that out there 🤷‍♀️
IT'S COMPLETELY OKAY IF YOU DON'T KNOW THE LORE DW IDK JACK SHIT PAST INAZUMA AHAHAHAHAH but omg??? No yeah they SHOULD have put her and Teppei under the spotlight for a bit more. I get they wanted to show Teppei and his easy closeness with the Traveller, but I do feel like seeing a genuine connection between a leader and her citizen, a strategist and her soldier, until the very end would have been so???? Like it shows how both sides are important to the other bc they're acc quite dependent, it'd show off a LOT more depth between them. BONUS if, like I've said before, Kokomi had a hidden sort of grey morality and/or she KNEW about the Delusions but turned a blind eye for the sake of winning. It would've put Watatsumi AND her character AND Teppei's in such a conflicting yet important light, showing how Inazuma' sinner conflict's actually fucking things up everywhere beyond just "lol haha foreign intervention bc funny lmao". Would Kokomi get bad rep? Maybe, but at least then people won't just disregard her as some one-bit chr that appeared in a fit of bubbles and did nothing else
You're ABSOLUTELY right in saying that she had her own selfish-sounding goal of keeping Inazuma basically upfloat. I'm not going to pretend that this woman's selfless as hell and would do anything and everything for her country cuz she won't unless Ei or a close friend (whom most, if not all, have died long ago) told her to. I saw an Eimiko poll in twt at one point where it was like "would Miko choose Inazuma or Ei" and NEAR EVERYONE chose Ei. On B side majority agreed that Ei would be the complete opposite which. Is REALLY sad but MY POINT IS!!! She chooses to live by her instincts, to base her decisions and devotions to what she knows and what she adores bc she had No Choice but to basically grow up like that. With that in mind, she could have EASILY shirked her responsibilities and went on to live with amusement as the Only focus she has, but instead she actually chooses to devote herself to the role her best friend relied on her for. She is so??? Absolutely devoted and beautiful in the soul I love her so bad and she's such a lonely being :(((((((( I NEED TO KISS HER I LOVE YOU MIKO
I just. I really want and need them to be talked about more man :( they deserve so much attention compared to whatever they're getting rn 😞
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flowersforbucky · 25 days
Do you have any general advice for someone who wants to post their writing but is scared to? I write a lot. But I have never posted on tumblr or anywhere else. I don't know why but I'm so nervous to.
had to add a keep reading link because i ended up rambling way more than i originally intended to 😅 sorry if this isn't helpful or isn't the kind of answer you were looking for but here's a summary of my experience with writing/posting on tumblr and some general tips -
i completely understand being nervous. i feel nervous every time i post my writing. i'm always worried that people won't like it, that it'll flop, etc. when i first tried posting bucky fanfiction about 5 years ago, and when i posted eddie munson fanfiction a couple years ago, just about everything i posted performed really poorly. i had a couple pieces that did alright but for the most part, just about everything flopped. and it was very discouraging, i would let it get to me too much for sure - i'd wonder how other people got their work to get so many notes so easily when nothing i did seemed to help.
so when i started writing/posting for bucky again a few months ago i was really nervous, since i hadn't had much luck in the past. i decided to give it a shot anyway, and told myself that i'm doing this for fun, and if people like what i put out then great, and if not then i wouldn't let it get to me because at the end of the day i'm doing this for myself, because i want to.
everything i've posted for bucky the last few months has surpassed my expectations, truthfully. i don't really know why all of my one-shots have performed so much better this time around than when i first tried to write for him back in 2019 - maybe my writing has improved? maybe i'm just getting lucky and posting at the right times? maybe it's the fact that i write more smut than i used to and the fandom seems to love that? maybe a little bit of all of those things? i'm not 100% sure, but i'm happy to give you some tips that i think work for me, at least.
also disclaimer i definitely don't think i've been doing this long enough or am a "big enough" writer within this community to even be giving advice LMAO but since you asked!!
i usually post on wednesday or friday evenings and i've had good interaction on both of those days, however fridays have been the best and i think i will be sticking to friday evening posts for the most part in the future
i usually post between 7:00 - 10:00 pm eastern time, most often around 9:00 pm - if the time you post doesn't seem to work well, try a different time with the next post
tags tags tags! add the most relevant tags first, and avoid adding tags that are irrelevant. so when i post for bucky i add tags such as the following: bucky barnes x reader, bucky x reader, bucky barnes, bucky barnes x you, bucky barnes smut, etc
write a brief summary for the piece that will draw people in but not give tooooo much away. also always give appropriate warnings
use the "keep reading" feature. to be completely honest, if someone posts something that's 500+ words and they don't use the keep reading feature, i'm instantly going to get annoyed that it's clogging up the feed and scroll past it lol. i personally like to insert the "keep reading" link a couple paragraphs into my fic so that people can read the first tiny bit of it and (hopefully) be interested enough to click the link and keep reading.
don't be afraid to reach out to other writers in your fandom and initiate friendships. i know this can be super intimidating because they usually already have mutuals that they are close with but what's the worst that can happen with trying? most people here love making new friends/mutuals and want to be supportive of new writers, though i know it doesn't always feel like that. not everyone that i've followed/interacted with has followed me back but a lot have!
tease snippets of upcoming fics before posting them (and make sure to add a bunch of tags so more people see) to help people get excited, draw in new followers, etc. pick a few lines of dialogue, or a specific paragraph or whatever, that you're particularly proud of and screenshot/copy & paste it and post it and basically say hey here's a snippet of an upcoming fic! i don't always do this but i like to on occasion
lastly, and this piece of advice won't necessarily help your writing perform well notes wise, but i think it's important to remember: write and post what YOU want to write and post. this is a hobby, this is supposed to be fun, and you are not getting paid for this. if you don't want to write smut, DON'T write it just because it's popular and you feel like you have to. if you don't want to write reader inserts and prefer OCs, then write an OC. if you prefer writing one-shots and drabbles over multi-part series, then write one-shots and drabbles! of course readers are going to have their preferences and that's fine, i have my preferences when it comes to reading fanfiction as well, but it's not your job to appeal to every reader out there. it's your job to enjoy this hobby as much as you can and write things that you're proud of.
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bluegekk0 · 2 months
For that little ask thingamajig about the assumptions I wanted to put down that I always did noticed and a assume that you put a little bit of self-projection in some of your characters ever since I discovered the blog from the start a while back.
It’s no bad thing at all mind you, it adds a deeper connection with ones characters but that’s something I kinda picked up on.
Yea this is something I did mention at certain points in the past. Vyrm especially is a character I project a lot onto. I think it started back when the AU was still just an idea, I loved the Pale King as a character but I thought a lot of fandom mischaracterized him, so even back then I knew I wanted to make my own AU interpretation to hopefully separate it from the fanon. And as I thought of his arc, especially his backstory, I found myself giving him a lot of my own traits. It made him more relatable to me, and as a result I was able to come up with his story and personality without much trouble, as it came natural. As it turned out, many of those traits were those associated with the autism spectrum, so that also made me do a lot of self-reflection and ultimately suspect I might be autistic as well. Over time the distance between my AU version and his canon counterpart increased to the point I view them as two very different characters, and that is largely because of all the self-projection. Do I regret it? Not at all. I'm convinced that if I attempted to make him very different from myself, the AU wouldn't last even a few months. It does have a slight side effect (which applies to Grimm as well) in that I'm particularly sensitive about seeing interpretations I heavily disagree with, so I tend to stay in my own sandbox instead.
Grimm, funnily enough, wasn't actually part of the AU in its first iteration. I did already imagine him and my version of PK being in love back then (albeit it was very different to what I ended up with), but I thought it would be a bit too self-indulgent to include their relationship as, arguably, the main force of the AU. I'm very glad I changed my mind in the end and included that aspect, as writing them as a "slow-burn friends to lovers" couple allowed me to give both him and Vyrm a lot more depth than they would have otherwise. Romance isn't a genre I'm particularly crazy about (and being aromantic, I can't say I have any experience with romance either), but it was a lot of fun to develop them from this angle, while still making them interesting characters by themselves, and I have no regrets about that.
When it comes to self-projection, I think Grimm's love for Vyrm is part of that, I absolutely love Vyrm so naturally I had to write his husband as completely infatuated by him as well. But it doesn't end there, for instance, Grimm's fear of losing his loved ones and the general view of mortality is something I resonate with deeply. And while this does apply to Vyrm as well, the aspect of Grimm hiding behind a mask and pretending to be someone he might not be definitely has some elements of my own struggles, especially in regards to gender identity and dysphoria, though this is in concept only and not an actual element of his character (he's very comfortable with his male identity, which I suppose could be connected to me being a masculine leaning enby)
There are some small aspects of self-projection in other characters. Hornet's explosive personality does mirror some of my own traits I'm not proud of, and I think it allowed me to do a lot of self-reflection in return. And Holly's interest in art is definitely a result of me loving the process and wanting to have a character who does as well, though aside from that we are very different.
The ramble ended up longer than I anticipated, so apologies for the wall of text. But yeah, you were absolutely right in your assumption, this AU was built with self-projection (and old man yaoi) as its foundation. I'm very happy that it did, and I hope it also makes those characters more relatable to others.
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dustrose · 4 months
In Regards to the Final Bracket
Hey, all.
I'm what many would describe as a "lurker." I'm quite shy when it comes to things like this, that is, posting my opinion on the internet. It's not something I ever planned to do, nor something I'm confident in, but it is something I've been meaning to do for a few days now.
So why am I writing this? It's simple, really, I voted for SuleMio in the poll.
First of all, I want to get some disclaimers and the like out of the way, along with a TL:DR.
Destiel is absolutely sacred history, and it always will be. I do not mean to downplay its significance. It is important to not only lgbtq+ but also fandoms as a whole. Without Destiel, I doubt the internet would have developed in the same way, for better or worse. (I mean, we wouldn't have Tumblr, would we?)
With that being said, it is also important to mention that Destiel isn't the only history. History is ever-changing, there's always more being added, and in this case, that is SuleMio. While Destiel changed the course of the internet when it was popular, SuleMio is changing it now.
Okay, now for a quick TL:DR
Destiel is important for history, but SuleMio is important for the future. Neither is better than the other; they're amazing in their own ways. We really shouldn't be fighting over something we can easily agree on. They are both ships that revolutionized in their times, and they are both ships that deserve to be respected, as do the people supporting them.
Now to start the rambling!
So, I created a Tumblr to vote in this bracket. When I first stumbled upon it and voted, I actually had no idea what Destiel was (later looked it up, and I've seen Supernatural, so y'know, "oh, neat.") More than that, I was only introduced to Gundam as a franchise in late March, being through a friend who recommended G_Witch to me (which I am ever-grateful for).
In a way, I'm absolutely an outsider. I haven't been with either ship for very long and haven't experienced the same things others have experienced. I haven't even finished Supernatural, nor was I there when Bandai said SuleMio was "up for interpretation."
And yet, I'm here, putting my thoughts on paper because I think this is important.
That is, respecting what came before and respecting what will come after.
Destiel and SuleMio are two sides of the same coin. We can sit here and whine about the little things...
But Destiel isn't canon!
But Sulemio didn't kiss!
Don't care, that's not the point here. The point is that both of these ships, these relationships, have affected many communities and have touched many hearts. There's no right or wrong, no "mine's better" or "yours is stupid," they're just ships, but more than that, they are history.
Let's start with one of the biggest things. Destiel is Tumblr, isn't it? I was too young when all of that happened to be on Tumblr, so frankly, I didn't know until recently that it was history, but even so, I can appreciate it. I never went on Tumblr, but I did like a lot of stuff on it (you guys are really funny.) What I mean is, I have no history with Tumblr, yet I can still appreciate what has happened.
Not to say that you have to, of course. I get being tired of Destiel, feeling like its beating a dead horse. But let's stop and imagine for a moment, heck, maybe even two moments, that in twenty years when SuleMio is old news, and there's a new, big queer ship on the table, there will be some people clinging onto what came before. In this case, I'm certain I'll still have a soft spot for SuleMio; I'll probably hang onto it until I die (24 fanfictions on AO3 doesn't go away that easily, y'know), but I'm also certain that the new ship would probably win.
It's as I mentioned earlier. History is ever-changing, ever being built upon. There's always something new, something someone begins with, and there's also something old and something someone has always been with, if that makes any sense?
Destiel is that something old; it's what came before, but just because it's not the present anymore doesn't mean its accomplishments should be overlooked. Furthermore, SuleMio isn't even a year old yet. It's fresh off the press, fresh in our minds, and it's definitely one of the most important pieces of media to be released in the 2020s. It's new, but like Destiel, its accomplishments shouldn't be overlooked because of how old it is.
In the end, this poll was just something silly to get our little gremlin minds going. I mean, we all knew it would end like this, didn't we? In discourse--when it comes to ships, it's always discourse.
Y'know, I was there for bmblb vs blacksun, and yikes.
Anyway, as I was saying, this isn't something we should be fighting about. Especially not calling people names, as I've seen a few people do. No matter what the case, insulting others for disagreeing with you will never do anything but make you look immature.
Ah, side tangent, my bad.
This is getting long, oopsies, but I thought it was important to get some of this on paper... er, computer? Because I hate to see a community in disarray when we should be celebrating both of these ships for what they've done and what they could do.
I think that's everything, yeah. Stay safe, drink water, consume lots of queer media, and have some fun. :3
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