#that is without even considering how much it doesn’t make any sense lmao
faggylittleleatherboy · 4 months
The reason Jegulus got so big and why everyone fucking loves Regulus is because he represents a character that did everything wrong until the last minute and who on top of that feels like he’s unlovable and has a deep self hatred; and in spite of all those things there’s still someone who loves him unconditionally.
Regulus doesn’t need to put in the work to become a better person, to not treat people like shit, to think about the consequences of his own actions on himself and others. He doesn’t need to think or do anything, because there’s someone who takes the blame and responsibility for everything wrong he does and there’s someone who loves him like that (even when he treats that person like shit before and during the relationship).
It’s just because he represents feeling loved even when you fuck up in every possible way and feel no one could love you. It’s a massive self insert, he represents a free pass, that’s it.
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hijackalx · 5 months
characters included: karlach, shadowheart, lae’zel
she switches between innocent/playful teasing to flirty teasing so fast. one minute she’ll be making a bad joke at your expense and the next she’s whispering in your ear about how she can make it up to you
she’s RUTHLESS when it comes to getting you super flustered— your face will be on FIRE and you’ll feel like you’re about to explode but it only encourages her
not shy about teasing you in public either. doesn’t care who sees or hears even a little bit and likes to use it to her advantage to embarrass you lol. some public humiliation, if you will
likes the idea of teasing you in bed but she ends up being too impatient. sometimes she can hold off long enough but it ends up feeling like she’s torturing you both 😹😹 any amount of teasing is relatively short lived
kind of aggressive while teasing— it also feels like it just comes out of nowhere sometimes lol. she finds ways to turn the most bland convos into something suggestive
her teasing usually has a “rivalry” vibe that results in sooo much sexual tension. loves when you push back and give the same energy. it’s like a competition of seeing who can get the biggest reaction out of the other
not shy about it in public but only because she doesn’t understand why it would be considered inappropriate lmao. she’ll unknowingly fluster you by bringing up something you said/did during your flirty banter in front of other people 😭😭
whether or not she teases during sex depends on her mood; you never know what you’re gonna get, she’ll keep you on your toes. has a good sense of self-discipline so she can tease for HOURS without letting up
teases in the most immature ways ever. the type to get you pissed because she won’t stop making fun of you for losing a game/battle lol
likes to get you riled up, she thinks it’s so hot to see that fire in your eyes 🔥 whether it’s through competitive teasing or getting you horny and leaving you unfulfilled 😹. also really likes sneaky, teasing touches— like smacking your ass while you’re bent over
actually pretty reserved when it comes to flirting or teasing in public. sticks to innuendos or more subtle things. she tends to burst out laughing or make herself blush when she can tell everyone else is picking up on it
a tease in bed but won’t admit it. won’t give you what you want while acting totally innocent about it— the type to respond to ‘touch me’ by purposely kissing/touching all the wrong places
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python333 · 9 months
déjà vu — python333
— — — —
synopsis you and ghost are more similar than the two of you realized.
relationships platonic!ghost & gn!reader.
characters ghost.
word count 2.88k
warnings 2nd person pov [you/yours/yourself], usage of c/n [call sign/code name], ghost's backstory [yes that is a warning within itself], kind of badly written.
note holy shitttttt i'm so sorry i haven't posted in two months. to everyone who is disappointed this isn't a req they submitted—i am very sorry but i have like. no motivation. please take this small fic as a peace offering after being silent for two months. also yes i said alej fic but i only had motivation to write for ghost LMAO
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“So…” Ghost can hear Price next to him, creating an echo as he speaks through his earpiece, “Doesn’t it get hot, always wearing that mask?” 
“Not when it’s made of the right materials,” Your voice crackles through, the wind blowing by slightly distorting your voice, “It’s also winter, captain, so no, it doesn’t get hot.” 
The corners of Ghost’s lips twitch upwards when you answer, but he otherwise doesn’t say or do anything, simply leaning against the wall parallel to Price. For you, maybe your mask doesn’t get hot, but his certainly does—though, he doesn’t voice that, simply listening. 
“Oh really?” Price hums, looking around the corner of the wall he’s leaned up against, spotting a few enemy soldiers walking by without a clue of who they’re in the presence of, “What’s yours made of, then?” 
“Polyester,” You answer. 
From what Ghost understands, you wear a mask for the same reason as him—anonymity. As much as he can respect that and understand the want to remain anonymous, he can’t help but wonder why you would want that. Is it for reasons similar to why he wears his? Have you gone through things similar to what he’s gone through? Did a fellow SAS soldier also murder your entire family and attempt to pin it on you, to which you responded by killing him, stealing his dog tags, and burning your own house down? He had many questions, but didn’t ask any. 
He doesn’t think you’d answer them, anyway. He certainly wouldn’t. He’d maybe try to divert the conversation with a bad dad joke, or simply not dignify the question with a response, anything but an actual answer. He strangely expects the same of you. 
He vaguely remembers a conversation he had with Price when you first joined maybe two months ago, specifically a comment Price had made about your file; “I had the same conversation with Laswell about their file that I did when I first got yours. She said the same thing when she saw their file, too, word for word.”
It turned out that they had the exact same exchange that they did when they saw Ghost’s file, verbatim. Laswell had pointed out that you had no picture, and Price said, “Never.” Ever since then, Ghost has felt an inexplicable connection to you, despite not having talked to you that much. 
He’ll admit, he tried to initiate a conversation with you more often than he did with the others when he first met them. Maybe one or two times a day, he’d find you and make small talk, something that made his skin crawl with discomfort but something he still forced himself to do, just to try and make sense of the invisible line that seemed to tie you both together. 
This small talk started off as anything from a question about the weather—yes, Ghost asked about the weather, unfortunately for the both of you considering how awkward and stilted that short conversation was—to asking about training and skills. He didn’t normally initiate conversations with anyone else, he was typically the one that was walked up to and barely even had to carry any conversations he was in. 
Every conversation the two of you had always ended the same way, though; with you cutting it short the moment it got anywhere near your personal life, or even just your life outside of being a part of the 141, and walking off elsewhere. Ghost could see the tiniest bit of himself in you everytime you did that, and an annoying voice in the back of his mind always asked, Was I always that much of a hardass? … Am I that much of a hardass?
“Ghost,” Price’s voice snaps Ghost out of his train of thought and he grunts, looking over at Price. The man in question nods his head towards the now clear path to the building they needed to get into, and Ghost nodded back, taking his SMG out of the sling and moving out of the small alleyway they’d camped in, following after Price. 
They quickly rush over to the building, the doors thankfully unlocked and the soldiers guarding it stupid enough to not be right beside the front doors, and lock the doors behind them once they’re in. 
“Are you guys in?” You ask, the wind no longer distorting your voice, the background of your audio now relatively silent except for your faint breathing. 
“Yeah,” Price replies, the darkness of the building making him squint as he scans the walls for some sort of light switch, “Anyone notice we got in?”
“Not that I can see, no,” You answer, your sigh audible through the comms, “They’re pretty far from the building, actually.” 
“Perfect,” Price hums, patting his hand along the wall for a moment before finding a large lever. He hesitates to pull it, and ultimately decides against it, deeming it too risky. Instead, he searches his tactical vest and goes through a few large pockets that sit around his lower midriff before finding a relatively small flashlight. 
He presses the button on the end of the handle with a small click, and the flashlight flickers for a moment before the light becomes consistent and a small buzz begins to sound. Price looks around for a second, scanning the area for any immediate threats, and motions for Ghost to follow him. 
“See anything?” You ask curiously, some rustling heard on your end. Ghost looks around for a second, footsteps echoing eerily through the building. 
“Nothing important,” He replies, voice quiet, “Just dust and old furniture.” 
“His office is just down there,” Price interjects, nodding towards the hall to their left, making Ghost look in that same direction, “I’ll head down there, you stay here, let me know if anyone’s coming.” 
The echo from Price talking to Ghost both through comms and being right beside him, as well as the echo from being in such a large room, starts to irritate Ghost. He rolls his shoulders and puts his gun back in the sling, looking back at Price.
“Turn off your comms,” His suggestion sounds more like a command, but he’s sure Price understands it’s more of a request than anything else, “You’re echoing. If anything happens, I can just talk to you without them.” 
Price pauses before nodding, and pressing the small button on his earpiece to turn off his mic, and the piece entirely. He trusts Ghost wholeheartedly, and it shows. He takes one last look around before walking towards the office he pointed out. 
The office belonged to the man who had stolen vital intel from the 141—not intelligence on the task force itself, but rather a separate team that had recently allied themselves with the task force. They couldn’t risk that data being taken, as it would not only expose the other team, but several other similar teams and task forces. 
Ghost waits until Price is actually in the hall before speaking again, “You still there, [c/n]?” 
“Yeah,” You answer almost immediately, “Need something?” 
“No,” Ghost hums, leaning against the wall behind him, “Just wanted to talk.” 
“Please don’t ask me about the weather again,” You sigh, almost exasperated, “Or about how my training is going, or about how my CO is, or—” 
“I’m not,” Ghost interrupts you, not sure whether to laugh or cry at your examples of past conversations. 
“Promise,” He says, before asking, “How long were you apart of the army, before joining here?” 
“Before the 141?” You pause, thinking for a moment, “Sounds kind of personal.” 
“You don’t have to answer,” Ghost offers, voice almost reassuring, “Just curious.” 
“Aren’t you always,” You mutter, a comment Ghost promptly ignores, before you properly answer, “Just a year. Maybe a year and a half.” 
“American army, right?”
“Mhm,” You hum, “Would you believe me if I said we sang Yankee Doodle before going on any missions?”
“Oh, sure I would,” Ghost chuckles, before countering, “Would you believe me if I said that song was made to mock Americans?” 
“I’m not sure if I should be offended that you believe that,” You say, a lighter lilt to your voice as you do compared to a few moments ago, “But yes, I believe you. I think that almost every American has reclaimed it as one of the most patriotic songs, though.” 
“Almost every American?” Ghost questions, growing more amused as the conversation goes on. It confuses him, making him wonder why he’s so easily drawn into conversations with you, no matter how small or dry. 
“I’m sure there’s some here and there that don’t like it,” You elaborate, “But I haven’t met any. Not yet.” 
“Alright,” Ghost nods even though you can’t see him, before asking another question, “What branch?” 
“The Navy,” You answer, now without questioning Ghost which brings him a strange sense of relief, “I flew planes around and stuff. Didn’t really like it, though.” 
“Oh yeah?” Ghost sounds more interested now, “Why not?” 
“The soldiers there aren’t the best people to be around,” You hum, the sounds of you moving audible, “One mention of any sort of mental issues, even if it’s just something like feeling anxious or being sleep deprived, and suddenly everyone’s on your ass pressuring you to be better or just… being weird about it. It gets draining after a while.” 
“I bet,” Ghost murmurs, “Is that why you left?” 
“Partially,” You answer honestly, “Half of it was that, the other half was that I just didn’t like flying planes. I was also eighteen and couldn’t really control my impulsive thoughts, so a majority of the time I was fighting myself trying not to crash the plane on purpose.” 
“Makes sense,” Ghost considers what you said for a moment, before his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and he asks, “Isn’t the enlistment age for the Navy nineteen?” 
“It is,” You assure him, “I was an exception, ‘cause I was a month or two away from turning nineteen.” 
“Hm,” Ghost hums, “And you’re twenty now?” 
“Twenty, almost twenty-one,” You confirm. 
“Did you wear the mask back then?” Ghost asks, praying that the question isn’t too personal to the point where you stop responding. He’s been dying to ask the question, always worrying whether or not it was too personal—it was pretty personal, to be fair, but he wasn’t used to worrying this much over another soldier, much less one he only met two months ago. Sure, you both wore a mask and remained somewhat anonymous, but that didn’t mean you two were automatically best friends who braided each other’s hair. 
“...” You don’t respond for a moment, making Ghost’s worry increase, before you reply, “No.”
Your simple answer makes Ghost more curious, and he can’t tell if he should ask why or not. He stays silent for a few seconds, weighing his options, before he ultimately says, “Alright.” 
He tries to leave it up to you whether or not you want to tell him about your own story, of if you’re comfortable with that, which you probably aren’t, considering that—again—the two of you only met a couple months ago.
“Did you wear the mask?” You ask quietly a moment later, catching Ghost off-guard, “Before this?” 
“Before the 141?” He echoes your question from earlier, nodding to himself, “Yeah. For some time before this, I had a different mask, but it was still a mask.” 
“Was the skull always there?” 
“… For just aesthetic purposes, or?” Ghost feels the corners of his lips tug up in amusement at your question, and at how genuinely curious you sound. 
“Eh. Not really,” He answers, taking a deep breath in and out through his nose. He doesn’t say any more than that, not being able to as his mind takes him back to a time a while ago, when he was being held hostage and was in the same room as some kids who heard him spill his entire background to the men holding him hostage. 
He remembers one kid in particular, a little girl with blonde hair, who had listened to every detail that he’d said. When he was telling the story of why he has the call sign Ghost, in hopes of distracting the men so that the 141 could rescue him and the kids, she had clung to every detail and later asked him if what he had said was true, her tone of voice eerily similar to yours. 
He remembers when he was carrying her out of that room, the questions she’d bombarded him with, and how he answered every one with as neutral of an answer he could muster. He debates doing that now with any questions you ask, but decides against it almost instantly—something that shocks him, even though it was his own thought—considering that he wanted to ask you those same questions. Not about your call sign, only about the mask. 
“It’s a long story,” He says after you’ve been silent for a while, your curiosity somehow palpable even through just the comms, “But it has to do with some family members.” 
“Yeah?” You hum, “I know a thing or two about that.” 
“Do you?” Ghost asks, slightly ashamed at the small jolt of excitement he feels at the opportunity of hearing more about you. 
“Mhm,” You pause, staying quiet for a moment, before continuing, “About family members. Dead ones.” 
“Ah,” Ghost nods, the discomfort he originally felt sharing some of his own story starting to melt away, “Dead ones. I understand.” 
“Can’t tell if I should be glad or not,” You snort, “Like, I’m glad you understand, but also sorry.” 
“Don’t worry about it,” Ghost grins under his mask, “I was wondering the same thing.” 
“So… dead ones,” You think out loud, before asking, “That’s why you have that call sign and mask?” 
“Yeah,” Ghost looks around for a moment, reminding himself to keep watch while talking to you, before cautiously asking, “Are yours the reason for your mask?” 
“Not really,” You answer honestly, with a little less resistance behind your answer to Ghost’s relief, “Well… I mean, kind of. But they’re not the reason-reason. I didn’t really like them, so I’m not gonna give them all the credit, but I’ll give them… maybe twenty-five percent of it.” 
“A quarter’s still a lot,” Ghost points out, “What’d they do to earn that?” 
“They died, and…” You’re doing more pausing and hesitating now, making Ghost wonder if he’s going to personal every second that you stay quiet, before you finally answer in a more guarded tone, “I almost got blamed for it. Almost.” 
Ghost gets hit with a pang of mixed emotions, like a weird sort of uncomfortable nostalgia. They almost got blamed for it. He lets out a breath that’s slightly shaky, and thinks for a moment before saying, “Almost?” 
“Almost,” You confirm, tone a little less guarded, presumably at Ghost’s more calm reaction, “Then I handled it the best I could, and the guy who killed them got what he deserved.” 
“Which was?” Ghost feels more of that uncomfortable nostalgia bubble up, giving him an uneasy feeling in his gut, as if he knows where this conversation is going. 
“Death,” You answer softly, “And the nameplate on his uniform stolen, which I replaced with mine. I would’ve taken his dog tags, but we didn’t really wear them on missions ‘cause our drill sergeant didn’t care too much.” 
Ghost can put a name to the feeling now. Déjà vu. He takes a deep breath and considers your words for a moment. 
“And the body?” His lips move before he can think. 
“Burnt.” You answer simply, “The whole house. It was mainly drywall, so it took a moment to actually completely catch on fire, but it was quick enough. It also smelled disgusting.” 
“Yeah, I bet,” Ghost swallows, vividly remembering the smell of his own house, before continuing, “He was a soldier for the Navy, too?” 
“Mhm. He was… a Private, I think,” You reply, “I wasn’t too close with him. I wasn’t with anyone.” 
“And so the reason you wear the mask is…?” 
“I didn’t really exist anymore after that,” You hum, “At least, not to them. I was dead in a burned down house, my own house, and was far gone. I like wearing the mask; it keeps me as just another soldier, not as the person who died in that house.” 
“But you didn’t,” Ghost points out, trying to ignore the eerie feeling that only grows stronger the more you talk, “You’re here.” 
“… Yeah, I am,” You say after a moment of thinking, smile evident in your voice, “Doesn’t mean I can take that back, though. ‘s not the best feeling, doing something like that.” 
“Trust me, I know,” Ghost chuckles, “If anyone here, I’d be the person to know, kid.” 
“Really?” You ask, voice more curious like it was before, “Why’s that?” 
“I’ve… weirdly been through almost everything you said,” Ghost admits, “Word for word with the house burning down, actually.” 
“… Huh,” You huff out a small laugh before saying, “I’m wondering if I should feel happy or sad again.” 
“Me too, again,” Ghost smiles, eyes flickering up at Price’s footsteps sound through the hallway, his silhouette slowly coming into view, “One last question.” 
“How’s the weather?” 
“I’m not answering that, fuck you.”
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mal3vol3nt · 3 months
I think ZKs really exaggerated Zuko and Katara’s relationship, and this is coming from a guy who actually really likes Zuko and Katara’s relationship, just not a ship (it’s not as toxic as some say, by the end of the show at least).
Isaw this one post about how Zuko and Katara have the most intimate relationship of The Gaang. How he’s the only one who supports her, understands her and validates her anger. Whereas Zuko is the only one Katara doesn’t have to look after, the only one she can depend on emotionally, the only one who she’s sees as an equal and matches her maturity.
I question this, because when did we see this in the show? Besides like 3 instances. ZKs act like Katara was never supported by Aang (or the others). I’m sure that everything they say Zuko does for Katara, Aang does for her and more. Everything Katara supposedly has in Zuko, she already has in Aang. I could list all of this, but this is already running long as it is.
What do you think?
This the full post: https://www.tumblr.com/theotterpenguin/738115696097116160/thinking-about-how-katara-is-the-only-person-zuko?source=share
not only are they exaggerating the depth of katara and zuko’s relationship, but they’re underplaying the depth of her relationship with literally everyone else. like they undermine how much all her friends mean to her by saying the guy she was on good terms with for like 4 episodes immediately became her closest companion and confidant
the only time we see zuko offer her support of any kind is during the southern raiders episode where he’s encouraging her to go kill the guy who murdered her mother. and he’s not doing it because he genuinely wants to be a supportive figure for her, but because he thinks this is what’ll get her to finally forgive him and stop treating him so coldly. and then the episode ends with him admitting that he was wrong in terms of what she needed—not violent revenge but the chance to let her anger out without compromising her morals in blind rage. other than that, we don’t see him act as a shoulder for her to lean on, and the one instance we do see him act that way, he’s bad at it and ends up realizing there are ways other than violence to move on from internalized anger
and sure you can argue that zuko still gave her the chance to confront yon rha even if she chose not to kill him like he encouraged her to, and that inandof itself is an act of emotional support, but the reality is he did that to get on her good side rather than to be a genuine friend. had she already been friendly to him, would he have ever brought up that he knows who killed kya? would he have even asked sokka about the day their mom died to get that information? in the show he only does this because he can’t fathom why katara is still mad at him when everyone else has already forgiven him. he wanted to speed up her process of forgiving him, so had she already forgiven him and they were friends, i doubt the whole “i can help you avenge your mother” convo would have ever happened because it wouldn’t have served him to do so. and in my opinion, any support that has ulterior motives and an end goal isn’t genuine support
but compare this to aang and sokka. we see these two go out of their way for her countless times throughout the three books, which makes sense considering the three of them are the ogs and went through everything together (incoming really long list lmao)
aang offers to take katara to the northern water tribe so she can learn waterbending under a master after knowing her for only a few hours at most. he also does this after she expresses her upset at being the only southern waterbender left. “katara! we’re going to find you a master!”
aang gives himself over to zuko and his fire nation crew to save katara and sokka’s village
aang completes all of bumi’s challenges to save katara and sokka
aang credits katara for haru’s sudden bravery in saving that old man. “wow you must have really inspired him”
aang and sokka willingly (and eagerly) participate in her plan to get arrested for earthbending
sokka comes up with the plan to get coal to the earthbenders so they can find motivation again, something that katara is very passionate about, thus showing his support in her goal
aang and sokka help fight the fire nation guards that are keeping the earthbenders prisoner, aiding in katara’s goal of helping them help themselves
aang weaves katara a brand new necklace after she had her mother’s stolen. this makes her smile
aang is quick to reassure katara when she begins to show signs of self-doubt at aang’s natural waterbending talent. “well you had to learn all on your own. i’m lucky enough to have a great teacher”
aang refers to katara as a waterbender, something that clearly means so much to her after she spent the whole episode insecure of her abilities
sokka steals the waterbending scroll for katara and aang to learn from
aang travels alone in search of medicine for katara and sokka, all while an entire nation is hunting him down with the intent to torture him to the brink of death, thus risking his life for their safety
sokka tackles aang after hearing katara’s cries of pain when he accidentally burns her. despite knowing and caring for aang, sokka can’t stand the thought of someone hurting katara even if unintentionally, especially with fire
aang explicitly states he will never firebend again after accidentally hurting her. he too can’t stand the thought of her in pain and hates that he was the one who hurt her (this is also him taking ownership of his mistake and punishing himself—for those of you who think he is never held accountable for his mistakes)
aang refuses to learn under pakku when he rejects katara and only lets up when katara tells him he needs to take this chance to learn waterbending
sokka is the one to suggest that aang teach katara everything pakku is teaching him, and aang loves this idea
aang cheers for her when she fights pakku. “go katara!”
the general is only able to trigger aang into the avatar state after he is made to believe that katara was buried alive, showcasing once again how much he cares about her safety
aang pushes katara out of the way of falling rocks when the aftermath of appa getting burned causes the tunnel to cave in
aang refers to katara as ‘sifu’ after she made an offhand comment about him never calling her that. this makes her smile
aang turns away from cosmic power immediately after he sees a vision of katara in danger
aang lets her go so he can unlock all his chakras and save katara from impending doom against azula, zuko, and the dai li
aang eagerly participates in katara’s plan to perform ecoterrorism and calls her a hero
aang also eagerly participates in helping her scare off the fire nation general as the painted lady. sokka participates as well because “i would never turn my back on you”
sokka has a talk with toph after she blows up at katara for her motherly-attitude (and while i definitely have issues with this episode i still think it’s important that sokka sought out this conversation to sorta defend his sister and help toph see where katara is coming from)
aang and sokka hug and comfort her when she breaks down crying after becoming a bloodbender
after knowing her for so long (his whole life in sokka’s case—he’s her fucking brother) and witnessing the kind of reaction she had to bloodbending, aang and sokka both tried talking her down from killing a man. this is a 14-year-old girl in pain. the same 14-year-old girl who put her life and freedom at risk to save earthbenders from their metal prison and sobbed when she was forced to bloodbend to save her best friend from dying again and delayed their group’s traveling to relieve a fire nation village from fire nation pollution and control, was now demanding to kill a man in cold blood. aang and sokka were supporting her full on during this episode because they knew, more than fucking anyone, that killing yon rha would only hurt her once she came down from her blind rage. and to add even more proof of their unwavering trust in her to always do the right thing not just for others but for herself, aang allowed her to take appa to confront the man. appa, aang’s lifelong companion and animal guide, his only living reminder of his culture and pacifistic people, and who aang had suffered a painful separation from. aang trusted her with appa to go on this mission. because he trusts and supports her
now onto the claim that zuko is more mature than everyone else and therefore matches her in maturity. i just bust out laughing LMAO
for starters, let’s not act like katara is the epitome of maturity. yea, she’s the mom friend, but she’s still a kid and acts like one. yall just refuse to acknowledge the moments where she makes mistakes as her acting her age and being human. instead yall hold these mistakes over her more aggressively than the other characters or yall pretend they don’t exist in favor of idealizing her so she fits into your “she’s so mature and is a mother figure to everyone” role (her telling sokka “then you didn’t love her like i did”, blowing up at aang for picking up waterbending so quickly, antagonizing toph out of pettiness by making fun of her blindness—“too bad you can’t see them toph!”, etc.)
zuko is a whole other story lol. that boy wouldn’t know maturity if it hit him in the face, and when you compare his behavior to other characters in the gaang it becomes all the more obvious (incoming another—shorter—list)
aang when presented with his mistake in “bato of the water tribe” -> he accepts the consequences—katara and sokka leaving him—and admits he was wrong. he doesn’t blame anyone else nor does he beg for forgiveness or try convincing katara and sokka to stay. he accepts he was wrong and lets himself sit with the consequences of his actions. from then on, we never see aang selfishly hide information from his friends again
katara when presented with her mistake in “the waterbending scroll” after yelling at aang -> she apologizes immediately and punishes herself by handing the scroll over to him, claiming she wants nothing to do with it. she recognizes the mistake and quickly accepts a self-punishment to regulate her own behavior
sokka when presented with the issues of his sexism -> he gets on his knees in front of suki and respectfully asks that she train him, using the word ‘honor’ to communicate his sincerity. he admits his faults to her at the end of the episode and his behavior is different from then on. he reflects on a part of himself, deems that he needs to change, and then makes those changes without having to be forced into doing so or guided repeatedly into making the right choices along the way. he arrives there by himself after being presented with evidence that proves his original way of thinking wrong
now compare that with zuko’s journey of unlearning his prejudiced ways
when he is shown extreme kindness by song and her mother, he repays them by stealing from them
after having been on a good-streak while living in the earth kingdom, zuko sides with azula the moment his integrity is put to the test in front of the avatar, betraying his uncle in favor of “his honor”
when iroh stops talking to him, zuko screams at him and places blame on iroh for this change in their relationship
when mai is seen talking to another guy, zuko storms over and throws that guy across a room. she, understandably, breaks up with him
when katara gives him the cold shoulder, zuko demands “what’s your problem?!”, asking how it can be that she still hates him but everyone else has forgiven him, as if he hasn’t given her—and everyone else—plenty of reason to be distrustful of him for lifetimes to come
when aang is goofing off instead of training, zuko—instead of communicating—attacks him with blasts of fire, forcing aang to retaliate
the only reason why zuko is given this extreme maturity label is because his worldview was challenged and changed. whereas the other characters in the gaang already had correct worldviews and didn’t have to go through a series-long redemption arc to become good people. they were already good people, so their mistakes and shortcomings are held to higher standards than zuko’s because his are viewed as stepping stones to a pending redemption. never mind all the times in which he backtracked and hurt more people. those times were all “necessary” for his redemption to happen and be well-done. yall can excuse all of zuko’s flawed behavior by saying “but he was redeemed! that wasn’t really his true self!” and all that bullshit, so everything he does that’s good post-redemption gives yall this delusion that he was always this good person who is capable of making mature decisions (never mind the fact that he is still incredibly immature post-redemption and still has a long way to go in terms of unlearning his prejudices by the time the show ends)
in conclusion, yall have a weird obsession with isolating katara from all her relationships with the other characters in favor of making her zuko’s one and only, and yall have deluded yourselves into thinking either one of them are incredibly mature
that’s all i gotta say ✌️
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etoileee · 26 days
I never thought I'd actually find another Percy Jackson shifter this is so cool🫶
Anyway as someone who's tried actually shifting only a couple of times I feel like one of the major things that's holding me back is the thought of not scripting enough? Like I'm scared that if my backstory doesn't have enough details or if I don't script my actual part in each and every prophecy I just won't know what to do once I shift😭. Have you ever felt like that? If yes do you have any advice?
I get what you mean 1000% because I genuinely enjoy scripting, to the point of considering it a hobby lmao
but I think you’re struggling to know that you really don’t need to script, you could shift without one entirely even. people script because it’s fun, or they feel like they need to or don’t know they don’t have to.
I’ll try to explain this the best I can PLEASE STAY WITH ME HERE
you subconsciously already know what YOU want from your dr, so scripting every little thing truly isn’t necessary, and if you don’t know what to do once you do shift that is completely fine! please remember that your dr is just as real as your cr. your dr won’t disappear into nothingness if you’re in a scenario that you didn’t script.
like you don’t script every little thing about your cr and you’re still living life, why do it to your dr?
again, its okay if you don’t know what to do in a certain situation in your dr, it will still play out completely. the only things I would for sure script would be things that have to do with safety but other than that don’t feel the need to script too much into detail!
I do enjoy scripting yes but honestly I don’t think I go into too much detail, and as someone that doesn’t script every little thing I can reassure you that honestly I think it’s a little bit fun that way 😭 I have scripted that I forget that i’ve shifted, and that I forget about my cr, that plus having all your dr memories makes it seem like you really are from that universe and I think that’s one of the best things I could’ve done shifting wise!
(obviously your dr self IS from that universe but that’s just the best way i could put it into words)
when I shift I like to make it realistic (it will feel realistic either way tho don’t worry!) but I like to feel the same way I do here if that makes sense, for example I don’t know what I’m gonna eat tomorrow for lunch so why would I script that in my dr? I don’t know how I’m gonna meet my future potential lover so why would I script that? basically what I’m saying is I like my drs to feel like my cr in the way that I can’t control every little thing, I like it playing out on it’s own, I like the surprise of it!
not to say that you can’t script things like scenarios that you want to happen, you should 100% do that if you wish but you don’t have to go so detailed with it. you can just script something like ‘my godly parent will claim me my first day at camp’ or ‘me and percy will have our first kiss underwater’ and that will be enough I promise!
basically what I’m saying is you really don’t need to script every little thing, you know subconsciously what you want, and that’s more than enough :P
maybe I could do a script tour of mine, or I can make a specific percy jackson dr script template on notion and share it with you all if you think that would be helpful!
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fennecfiree · 3 months
Why do I see so many people hating on chubby Kyle and saying it doesn’t make any sense? They say, “He's fatphobic! He makes fun of Cartman for being fat! He can't be chubby!” But then they go on and headcanon Stan as being chubby, even though there's more proof of Kyle being chubbier when he's a kid than Stan. (I'm aware post-COVID Stan is chubby, but I'm talking about the kids.)
The same people who tell me my headcanon makes zero sense and that I “made it out of nowhere” (which I didn't—even if I did, why does that matter?) say chubby Stan is so canon, and it makes sense. When your excuse is “Kyle makes fun of Cartman for being fat!”—uhm, Stan does too? What the hell. Can you just let me headcanon something without trying to find something wrong with it? If you don’t like my headcanon, leave me alone. It’s my comfort headcanon. It makes me happy.
“Kyle's probably really buff, though, because he plays basketball.” Stan plays baseball? But you use all this stuff to prove me wrong. Let people have fun. And yes, I do have proof for Kyle being chubby. If you can’t let me have fun with a headcanon, leave me alone and block me. Here’s my PERSONAL proof for MYSELF (you dont have to agree, this is shit that makes it more real to me), so you all can stop saying I made it up from nothing.
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And no, i dont headcanon Kyle as taller, then that would mean his height would be why he weighs almost as much as Kyle. I hc him as short.
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Btw, this isn't hate for the chubby Stan headcanon. I would feel the same way if someone was being an asshole to people for headcanoning that. I'm just pissed about this. Just let people have fun. wtf. i only hate a hc if it's stereotyping, just weird, or some shit like that.
i just think ppl should stop attacking ppl for harmless headcanons in general.
I am aware that being weak and non-athletic is a stereotype, but I don't portray him like that in my AU. I don't make him weak or unable to defend himself. I understand he's strong, but I just don't make him the strongest in the class. I feel like he's the third strongest. He's not weak at all, and he is athletic. I headcanon him as a jock.
"Well, then how is he chubby?" Chubby people can be strong and athletic. I don't have any negative intentions behind this.
I like adding my personal insecurities onto characters.
There's actual evidence to support this headcanon.
If you don't like it, just leave me alone and block me. It's my comfort hc, and I'm really attached to it. Don't harass me for a headcanon.
Also, why do people think that when I say 'twink Kyle,' I mean the regular Canon Kyle? What the fuck… I'm referring to him being sexualized and people making him into A TWINK. LMAO and making him not able to defend himself.
I swear to God, if you don't like it, leave me alone. Don't harass me over a fucking headcanon. That's really weird. I'm 13, just go away. I'm seriously considering leaving Tumblr because you guys can't handle a fucking headcanon. i don't want to be in fucking drama OVER MY HEADCANON.
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
Somewhat tangentially related to that other ask but I wish fandom would just acknowledge that Eddie is also bully in his own right and just because he's antagonist towards jocks doesn't mean they deserve it by virtue of being jocks (no matter how much fandom likes to pretend it's warranted because Eddie is bullied himself- this is nowhere near canon and I'd go so far as to say it goes against canon if we're basing it off of Eddie's own behavior) and beyond all that; like the other asker and yourself said Eddie isn't just antagonizing jocks! He openly scorns band kids, geeks and pretty much everyone that isn't his specific brand of nerd which is not about academics so much as nerdy interest like fantasy and "non-conformist" music.
I put that in quotations because Eddie is actually probably the one that buys into the whole high school hierarchy spiel more than any other character on the show; by setting himself up as such an anti-establishment non conformist (all within the high school setting mind you we see nothing to make me believe his ideals go beyond that setting and it makes sense to me considering he's a Peter Pan archetype stuck in a state of arrested development- but I digress) because he sets himself up in such a way that his entire persona is built off of the abject refusal to adhere to societal expectations he's by and large helping to perpetuate them. He's cosplaying this attitude more than living by it because the societal norms still very much dictate how he views himself and how he approaches others.
Ironically Steve is the real deal in this regard by shucking what others expect from him and living his own life the way he wants it divorced from the excepted norms he used to let dictate him as late as mid s3 while changing the things he didn't like about himself behaviorally while still retaining his core personality and interests without the need to revise himself fully.
But because he doesn't have an alt style or interests that go against the mainstream, fandom refuses to see him in this light. He also doesn't let his new friends change his own interests nor expect them to change theirs for him.
I guess this rant makes me sound like I don't like Eddie but I do! I think fandom Eddie is entirely separate from canon Eddie however, to the point where his only recognizable qualities are his interests and aesthetic. Fandom really seems to martyr him in that regard and fully drink his kool-aid which is hilarious because it's largely performative with no substance lmao (even the "woe is me hunt the freak huh 🥺" falls flat narratively when a whole ass dead girl was found in his home).
I think the duplicitous nature of his personality and his hypocrisy (while still fully being a good guy! If you ignore the whole uh selling hard core drugs to a 17/18 year old girl who clearly never did them before thing) I think it's this dual nature and slightly shady actions while still having a caring heart and good intentions is what makes him a good character and we don't get to see that hardly ever with the way a laaaarge portion of fandom worships at his freak alter.
god, beautifully written. i agree with every single point. honestly, you anons just know how to word exactly what i’m feeling.
yes! eddie pretends like he rejects societal ideals, but he just reinforces them to the next generation. he’s built his life on being the freak, he plays it up to get attention, and to rile up his classmates. i honestly think eddie won’t know who he is post high school. which is, like you said, ironically the way the fandom tries to portray steve. but we see that he’s much more secure in himself and his life than eddie. does he have everything figured out? of course not, he’s 18!! but he knows a hell of a lot more than eddie.
but because he isn’t a nerdy outcast, the fandom would have us believe that he actually hates his life and who he is, and secretly doesn’t want to be a jock. fanon steve is honestly way more like canon eddie than i think the fandom wants to admit.
(and yeah, chrissy is found dead in his home. people aren’t just witch hunting eddie for no reason lmao)
all this is what makes canon eddie an actual interesting character!!! and the fact he (and steve) are entirely stripped of these characteristics is one of the reasons that i just can’t vibe with the fandoms rendition of steddie.
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bunitivity · 11 months
Straw hats cooking headcanons:
- nami can’t cook for shit. Takeout and dash and dine kind of gal. Back in the day she used to sneak into kitchen restaurants and pretend to be a waiter to make off with the food plate and all. Later learns the bare basics but only cooks under duress re: wci incident(firmly believe the food was just ok at best and they were only raving about it so much because they nearly starved lol so anything would have looked divine in that moment)
- Robin makes the most horrendous combination of shit that being on the run for twenty years will teach you. It’s not cooking in any sense of the word. She loves it but no one else can stomach it. (oh she used to know how to cook but due to trauma and a lack of access to real food for so long she just forgets) Sanji offers to teach her and she just shakes her head and thanks him and walks away
- Brook can make one meal and one meal only. He couldn’t cook before he met the straw hats but he falls in love with one of Sanjis signature dishes and MOST learn how to make it under any circumstances. Please it’s his dying wish Sanji(even though he’s already dead yohoho!) Sanji is more than happy to teach him everything there’s to know. Very happy to take Brook under his wing. As soon as he masters the one meal and makes Sanji weep with the sheer perfection of it he gives him a deep bow, thanks him for teaching him and says he’ll always be grateful for everything but Sanji-san doesn’t need to indulge him any longer he’s learned everything he needed to know and just fkn quits(Sanji gets so mad at him for wasting his talents and not developing his culinary skills lmao Brook could be SO good but he just don’t wanna)
- Chopper is honestly the only who would know how to cook prior to joining apart from Sanji. Kureha strikes me as the kind of woman who could cook but would rather make you cook if you know what I mean so Chopper definitely did most of the cooking. Also considering how his master was so good at alchemy he definitely knows his way around the kitchen. Taught Chopper everything he knows. He’s pretty good at it. No one on the crew knows because he just didn’t think to mention it
- Zoro can’t cook. Never tried never will
- Luffy still firmly believes he can despite everything that happened and what everyone keeps telling him. They’re just haters. He will show them (cue nami and usopp descending on him and tying him up before Sanji kills him for daring to ruin his kitchen and they wind up without a captain)
- Franky can’t but will. It looks deceptively decent😟(he’ll get better tho but not before almost killing the crew at least once(he gets luffy more than once luffy just won’t stop eating it and proclaims he knew he would get better once Franky finally learns how to cook and no one rightfully believes him))
- Usopp cannot. Lived lavishly through Kaya before joining the crew. Will learn a thing or two while helping out Sanji but nothing substantial. Just useless things like how to make the perfect glaze. Nothing that would actually help him if he had to survive on his own
- Jimbei can make fishman food really well and so everyone has very really high expectations for him when he tries to make some food for the crew. He tries to transfer his fishman food skills to human food the results are disastrous. It’s so bad that no one trusts him with human food after that much to his dismay(even luffy forsakes which is how you know he fucked up) everyone enjoys his fishman food tho so at least he has that. He tries to learn to make up for it(curse his perfectionist heart) and just can’t
Knows how to: nami, chopper, franky, sanji
Do not: usopp, robin, luffy, zoro
Kinda knows: brook, jimbei
Does anyone ever cook except for sanji? No why would they?
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whateven333 · 8 months
What you prefer bonnie going dark with kai or kai being redeemed for bonnie?
I think, and forgive me, I feel like I’m always picking answers that are kind of in-between (I’m a “little” bit of an indecisive person lmao) but I like when they’re sort of a mix of both.
What I mean by that is like for Bonnie’s character, -I think she’s not as “good” as the show tries to convince us, and don’t get me wrong I think this is a positive because it makes for a more interesting/ complex character, -well it would have if the writers actually acknowledged it and did something with it, instead they kept her boxed away as some sort of “saint-like” figure (with none of the respect) but I think they did that in order to keep her away from any of the fun action in the show that the other leading ladies were allowed to be apart of, -like getting romantically/ sexually involved with villains, being careless/ misusing her powers for selfish reasons (like how the vamps in the show got to be reckless/ indulgent with their powers) without consequences, going to parties/ balls whatever and just being there to look pretty in a dress and have fun etc. and I think the writers liked to describe her like she’s “too good” as an excuse to leave her out of storylines that would allow more development for her character and to neglect writing for her character unless they needed to use her as a plot device.
But even though Bonnie is selfless etc, she’s still done plenty of morally questionable things in order to protect her friends (who are mostly killers) so the “too good” thing the writer’s tried to pin on her is pretty stupid and an obvious ploy to keep her away from being a part of more interesting storylines.
So because of that I think although Bonnie is kind of a mostly ‘good’ character, she’s also at least a little bit morally grey? As well as a little dark at times (considering her expression arc, -we know she’ll go to great extremes to do what she believes needs to be done).
Though with Kai I do think he brings out more of that darkness in her and that’s really fun (this concept has been explored in a lot of fantastic BK fanfics and I LOVE IT).
And with Kai, I think that he doesn’t need to be redeemed and actually I think this applies to other characters as well, -like should they even be redeemed ? Do we need to ? I think it’s perfectly fine for darker/ morally grey characters to exist without any sort of redemption arc. I’ve enjoyed redemption arcs before so I’m not against them or anything but I think on TVD it’s been done a lot (though I wouldn’t say they’ve done it well,- also TVD focussed on the ‘her lOvE redeemed him’ trope which I’m not really a fan of, I think it can be one of the reasons a character is redeemed but not the sole reason).
I liked that Post-merge Kai still seemed to have kept his pre-merge traits. I would have hated if they turned him into some sort of strangely good version of Luke, -even though some people insist that’s what he was post-merge and that’s why he was apologising to Bonnie, although that doesn’t make sense since the merge is not supposed to erase him- Kai’s meant to just be himself but with emotions now and Luke really did not have any serious connections to Bonnie to make him care that much about her.
One of the things I like about BK is the intense way they affected each other even when they didn’t want to be affected, even when they tried to act indifferent to the other it was obvious how they were still influenced by each other.
The type of redemption arcs that TVD focussed on had one person changing because of / for the other person. I think with BK they would change each other, both for the better and worse tbh, and that would be so delicious to watch -some of Bonnie’s good bleeding into Kai’s bad and vice versa.
And it would be an unwilling change for the both of them that they would probably try to fight tooth and nail, but regardless of what they want, their mutual obsession would inevitably lead them there.
So all that to say... I'd prefer them to mutually destroy each others perceptions of their own self-concepts and egos 💖
And I mean if that isn't ✨️True Romance✨️ then what is 💕
Thanks so much for the ask ! this was interesting to think about, I tried to answer this earlier but I couldn’t decide which I preferred and ended up kinda in the middle after all anyways… 😭
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anendoandfriendo · 7 months
So, we have a LOT of gripes with this post but more just want to address then individually without giving the OP any harassment so:
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These first and second paragraphs is fine honestly, we won't tell people how they should feel about their own experiences.
The problem starts at the next part where OP starts trying to tell people how they should feel about their own brain.
Also we just REALLY need to get this out of the way woth no other comments —
"We don't label [implied word is diagnose] personality types"
LMAO try saying that to uhhhh — *checks notes* — people with PERSONALITY DISORDERS.
People who generally live life functionally but who every now and then are reminded that they’re disabled and need help in very specific situations. Like somebody who doesn’t struggle much socially and who doesn’t need supports at school or work but who sometimes doesn’t have as much energy for doing the dishes because they’re exhausted from living as an autistic person in an allistic world.
Did you know that therapists require a diagnosis to see literally anyone, ever? At least in the United States?
By your logic the neurotypical idea that "nobody is normal" actually exists. Why is someone who goes to a therapist and is forced to get like, let's just say a depression diagnosis for the ease of thos conversation. Why are they allowed to get that diagnosis, do the therapy, then consider themselves completely neurotypical but an autistic person isn't allowed to do that?
Please make that make sense.
And if you didn't realize everyone who's ever gone to a therapist loses their neurotypical card and is lying to you (using YOUR OWN LOGIC these people would be lying/faking neurotypicality) then don't worry about that! We didn't know that either until this year.
Anyways, that leaves us two options: either everyone is disabled or these people are allowed to choose their neurotypes in spite of the system labeling them otherwise. We sincerely hope why you realize the former is more shitty and we do not have to explain to you even bodily autonomy you don't like is still an inalienable right.
So if you’re like me, please don’t speak over higher support needs people. Recognise that, if you can generally live independently, you are lower support needs than a LOT of others.
Is this about the assholes who went "waaah!! Don't call yourselves nonverbal!!! You share the same brainbody!!!" yes and as a plural system, we are still DIFFERENT PEOPLE. SOME OF US ARE NONVERBAL AND CANNOT SPEAK WHEN FRONTING WITHOUT ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE FROM ANOTHER HEADMATE. SOME OF US HAVE TO BODY DOIBLE EACH OTHER JUST TO GET THE DISHES DONE YOU DESCRIBED IN THIS POST.
We may be endogenic, but we would still not, in any way, survive the world as a singlet. We are low support needs on a fucking technicality because they confirmed us as an autistic person when the brainody was two!!!
Just because you do not benefit from a purely social model of disability doesn't mean there are autistics who straight up wouldn't have issues anymore if people just..accepted them and society in general was less shitty.
The ONLY!! WAY!!! We have seen this kind of statement be used is to gatekeep people like us who try to describe their experiences of plurmisia and its intersectionality with ableism.
We are a non-disordered autistic collectively with specific members in our system who ARE in fact disordered autistics. The only reason we don't have people who describe themselves as neurotypicals in this system is very specifically because they do indeed feel a change in them when they arrive here.
Yes! We are a lot lower in support needs! To the point we do not consider ourselves such! Because of our multiplicity. Not because our autism "isn't that bad" or anything like that.
Stop fucking telling people how to feel about their own experiences.
If youre trying to gatekeep what we think you are trying ro gatekeep, you're an asshole and need to stop. Maybe we are just lucky, who knows, but we have NEVER seen this kind of sentiment occur in a way that does not have an undercurrent of plurmisia and/or other ableism.
You can in fact be a nondisordered diagnosed person. It happens all of the time, otherwise therapists as an institution couldn't exist lmao.
Additionally, as far as we are concerned, there are, in fact, situations you can be simultaneously non-disordered and disordered.
How about you follow the advice you said to everyone else, and not tell no-support and low-support autistics how to feel about their experiences? You're a fucking hypocrite OP!
Someone or somesys with more experience analyzing this kind of thing from a mad pride lens and/or a bodily autonomy lens is absolutely free to add onto this but we're just. Tired. And also kinda we have to be at work in likeeee 10 to 20 minutes.
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monstersinthecosmos · 8 months
please make longform sheith posts on tumblr 😭😭😭 (if you so wish ofc)
hjaklgd I hung onto this ask because I was waiting for the right time to talk about Sheith and I got such an insightful comment on my fic Tonight the Stars Revolt! that I decided I wanted to talk a little meta about the thought process that goes into this fic and so here you are and it's time to utilize this invitation !!!!!!!!!!!!
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The comment from DocYo5 as follows:
It feels like reality, the feelings and thoughts Keith has, fitting for someone who had to grow up without close relationships, with Shiro being closest to a family member before he left for Kerberos. Understandable that he's able to open up to him, because he trusts him and somehow understandable that they can have sex together without hard feelings... At least from Keith's point of view. We can only guess how Shiro feels about this, probably more than he lets out. For me it's surprising to have sex with someone repeatedly without considering to love him, to announce it as weird to like him when I think it's much more weird to fuck someone often without love, only to get release. In this fic I think it's possible that it stays that way. So I am curious what you will make of it. The way you put it it would make sense.
So!!!! This is exactly the dynamic that this fic is ABOUT, okay? And while some of this pertains to my fic specifically and the places their relationship goes behind the scenes of canon, I did build it off of canon, so a lot of this speaks to the way I’m reading them on the show.
Since the fic is Keith’s POV we’re spending more time with his interiority, naturally, but I’m going to get to Shiro in a second lol. But I think Keith is someone who really compartmentalizes his feelings. I think he, more than the others on the show, sort of has an ON and OFF switch in which he’s either a grumpy little shit or he’s simply dealing in facts. It’s SO rare to see him smile; I think he laughs, like, once? Even in the shitshow of S8 he can’t enjoy himself on their day off at the carnival.
Compartmentalizing can be a useful tool, especially given that the characters are at war, but it can be so harmful, as well. And Keith, unlike the others, tends to have sort of violent outburst from time to time and does lose his temper. I know the creators one time ascribed this to his being half Galra, which I think really opens a fucking can of worms when we talk about Keith’s emotional intelligence as well as being neurodivergent; it’s a popular fanon read that Keith is autistic, and there’s a lot of clues!, but I also have to ask like, how much of his Galra half is driving in his brain? And if his brain is only half human, that literally means he’s neurodivergent from a typical human.
I strayed from my point a little but I’m trying to say that Keith perhaps relies on anger a little too much, whether it’s genetic or not, and sometimes I think compartmentalizing looks like him being angry all the time because he won’t interact with any of his other feelings.
THE EXCEPTION TO THIS of course, is with Shiro! There are so many moments of him and Shiro where he’s vulnerable and soft in a way he doesn’t show to other characters! And I think it’s easy to overlook this when we watch with shipping goggles—of course we ARE SEEING IT because we’re shipping it lmao but it’s easy to forget that he doesn’t show this to anybody else.
So anyway I’ve been very intentional in this fic to try to write Keith as obsessively compartmentalizing and trying to keep a hold on all of his emotions and have control over the way other people perceive him. I’ve ranted & raved about this before but I read Keith as a person who makes himself deliberately unpleasant so that he can control when people come & go from his life, rather than ever trusting anyone or relying on them or having his feelings hurt when he inevitably gets abandoned again.
I often struggle in this fic with the line between showing and not telling because I am very aware that a lot of the text IS telling, but this is intentional! Keith obsesses over every feeling, every interaction with Shiro, he questions everything he says and does and worries about it for days! This is part of his anxiety around the whole situation and not knowing if he’s behaving correctly! He doesn’t want to compromise his relationship with Shiro, because it’s the ONLY meaningful relationship in his life AND Shiro is the ONLY person he has the stomach to trust, but on top of that he simply does not understand how he’s supposed to act. So every interaction between them is this huge puzzle for him to figure out and he’s stressed out as fuck!
And this fic is about him trying to compartmentalize all these human emotions and needs, like, his need to have sex, his need for companionship, maybe even his need for love? And he has the drive to want these things. (Does his growing and uncontrollable horniness have anything to do with same non-human half that dictates his temper? We shall see. 😏)  But how does he navigate “I am horny and want to get off” vs “I need the companionship of my best friend” alongside “having sex with someone is actually very intimate” and in the end "sexual intimacy makes me uncomfortable because in some ways this thing with Shiro is everything that I want, but if I admit that and lose it I will be destroyed” ?? How can these things coalesce for him???
The idea for this fic was me trying to subvert some tropes I was seeing all the time in Sheith fic and the main one is like, we have a habit of making them such soulmates and making it so seamless! WHICH IS FINE AND GOOD, I LOVE THOSE FICS TOO LOL, but I wanted to ask like, what if it was messy, what if they were just fucking? And I think part of me wanted to keep the illusion going for longer, when I was first planning the fic, and it wound up like growing a life of its own and taking me to a lot of places I didn’t intend to go. And I say that because, where we are right now in the story, I don’t think either of them are denial about their feelings, or withholding on purpose. I think Keith is compartmentalizing, and I tried to get at this a little bit when he has the conversation with Pidge about what love means. He loves Shiro, he already loved Shiro. He will love Shiro regardless, as a friend. And he’s also fucking Shiro. And he’s keeping these two things separate. And I don’t write it as if he’s pining and WANTS more (just yet) as much as he’s just found himself in a tricky emotional space and doesn’t know where his boundaries are.
The complication of the perhaps-alien-half dictating his libido trying to co-pilot with his very human half that is demisexual is a problem, too. Like he asks Pidge in Chapter 8: . “If you love someone as a friend, but you’re fucking them. When does it become, like. I don’t know. Romantic?”
He doesn’t know! We don’t know! Let’s keep going and see what happens lol.
What makes him such a great character (for me lol) is that like, he could so easily be such a 2D character and just, the fearless leader who is always chill and nice to everybody, and we DO get that to an extent, but they were generous in making him so multifaceted. He has PTSD. He struggles with his disability. He even loses his temper sometimes! When he gets back (as Kuron) he has a lil depression cave sesh in his bedroom in his PJs. Like he’s a very well rounded character and it makes him extremely realistic and human to me!
I don’t think it’s as fair to say that he compartmentalizes the way that Keith does, except what we can glean from his canon timeline. Meaning: He fights for the Kerberos mission despite his disability, he makes it up there only to be abducted, he survives the arena, he escapes to lead Voltron. And ALSO him being canonically queer; I think this starts getting into headcanon territory because I don’t think we get any clues in canon that they’re navigating homophobia in their universe, but we absolutely still see ableism and sexism. (Put a pin in the racism conversation as well when it comes to like, alien species and systems of oppression because there’s a lot to unpack and I’m trying to focus LOL.) So like, we do know that their world isn’t perfect, and Shiro is someone who had to work his ass off and fight for his rank and for his career. He’s someone who can put his feelings aside and focus on the task at hand, and we know this because he’s NOT perfect, he does occasionally lose his temper, and he has PTSD!
Basically, I think we have to assume he compartmentalizes to function, because he comes out of a year of INTENSE trauma to immediately lead a team, and lead them with kindness and patience, and the writing tells us that it’s not a matter of him being Perfect Cartoon Man, because he’s not a perfect person and he’s traumatized as fuck.
Because the fic is Keith’s POV I’ve tried to communicate this by Keith noticing that Shiro wears “masks”, or uses different voices. Sometimes it’s even about his clothes, like as they become more intimate and Keith starts seeing more of Shiro’s scars, and how Shiro is self-conscious about them. But it’s also moments like in Chapter 7 when Shiro is crying.
I feel that Keith and Shiro have some like sort of equal-opposite relationships to trauma and grief that balance each other in the end. Like, Keith lost his dad at a young age and had a horrific childhood, but that’s been his reality for most of his life and he’s learned how to carry it day-to-day.  Even though he’s a messier and more immature person, he’s used to shouldering it and it’s sort of baked into his personality at this point. But Shiro’s trauma is SO new. Shiro’s is a ton of shit ALL AT ONCE, vs. Keith’s 10+ years of grief and disappointment, and it’s so recent!  Even though Shiro is, on paper, a more mature and emotionally intelligent person, this is very new to him!
So Shiro in this fic also has some feelings he’s juggling, like, “I am touch starved and have physical needs” and “my mentee grew up kinda hot” and “I have to be very careful with him and his feelings”. He sees Keith for the mess that he is, and he’s patient, and he can wait for Keith, and take Keith’s lead.
I don’t feel that Shiro is pining necessarily, either—I think he’s a lot more grounded and realistic, and their encounters aren’t causing him the same level of anxiety because he can read Keith so clearly, even when Keith can’t read him back. But I think, he is pining a LITTLE lol. I think because he’s smart enough to know where this is heading, and he’s being patient, but he’d speed it along if it were up to him. They’re both so sensitive in different ways and I think they’re both so vulnerable to hurting each other’s feelings!!!! And Shiro is trying so so hard not to crush Keith like a little egg!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for coming to my lecture! I don’t say this often about my fics because it makes me squeamish but I LOVE this fic, it really is where I put all my Sheith love, and all the thoughtwork I do about them is FOR THIS FIC lol it’s my lovenote to them, I’m putting my whole Sheithussy into it ahskjgdlasd
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mxmoonjelly17 · 3 months
oops all insanity - sponsored by me :]
I believe that Frilled Jellyfish Cookie and White Pearl Cookie is unrequited feelings yuri. The one with the unrequited feelings being Frilled Jelly. It feels like out of all the gem mermaids, Frilled Jellyfish cares about White Pearl the most. If she had her memories, i’m sure she would have insisted on finding a way to talk to Black Pearl despite the dangers. Not only that, but her extra dialogue (for when you unlock her as a playable character and she’s able to wander around your kingdom/you’re able to view her stats, etc.) White Pearl Cookie often. (I think crimson only mentions her specifically like ONCE lmaoo) Ik using this as evidence for lore might be not the best but it must hold some weight considering devsis will drop information like Butter Roll Cookie being a student of the darkness school place thing in the form of an interaction with Espresso Cookie. Which they wouldn’t add for no reason. Anyways examples of Frilled Jellyfish Cookie mentioning White Pearl that are relevant here are; (important stuff is in italics, with notes sprinkled in)
“My job is to keep White Pearl Cookie beautiful as always.” (She thinks shes pretty 😭)
“I’ll never forget the day I met White Pearl Cookie!” (She says this like it was the best day of her life and yk what good for her honestly she needs a win)
“Almighty Sea is behind all fateful encounters!” 
“The Sea guided me to my lady. T’was Fate!” (this and the two previous lines of dialogue mentioned HAVE to be connected in some way im sorry yall)
“Doesn’t the rippling moonlight remind you of a shiny pearl?” (I feel like this could be connected to Seamoon in a way. With Frilled Jellyfish taking the role of Moonlight Cookie, someone White Pearl yearns for even though she’s ‘gone’ [gone as in dead but not really] and can’t reach her iff that makes sense)
“Dear jellyfish, do you got any stories for White Pearl Cookie?” (Goes out of her way to make White Pearl Cookie happy)
“White Pearl Cookie is who I serve!” (the way this line is delivered makes her sound so proud of this fact)
“White Pearl Cookie is the most lovely gem mermaid there is!” (GUYS COME ON???? THERES NO WAY SHE ISNTINLOVEAUFIGUSHGS IUOH)
Anyways, as shown, Frilled Jellyfish cookie talks about White Pearl a lot. Moreso than Sea Fairy Cookie references Moonlight Cookie which is saying something considering what she does in A Mermaid’s Tale LMAO. Another example of Frilled Jellyfish Cookie showing how much she cares about White Pearl is being on her deathbed and deciding to tell White Pearl how happy she made her (I liked the life of following the currents aimlessly, but only having met you down here made me truly happy.”) and comforts her as she nearly dies. Also there’s “Soon i’ll get back up as if nothing happened. To be with you.” like???? Cmon ya’ll. Then, post near-death, even after losing her memories, forgetting her name. There’s still a small part of her that somewhat remembers White Pearl, or at the very least recalls that there’s someone important she’s missing. 
So yeah, Frilled Jellyfish Cookie is in love with White Pearl Cookie. No cap.
As for White Pearl? I think she doesn’t have any feelings for Frilled Jellyfish Cookie beyond platonic at the moment. But if she were to hypothetically, get a redemption arc then maybe, just maybe. She’d begin to fall for the jelly. If Black Pearl and Frilled Jellyfish cookie reunited then it’d be an arc of Black Pearl learning to be vulnerable, accept love, and push past her probable trust issues and love again. Also get over yk, losing her pearl. With Frilled Jellyfish cookie, having accidentally stumbled upon her (still without her memories, though she may have recovered some because of the gem mermaids.), and slowly recovering her full memory while falling in love with the Lady of the Black Sea all over again. They both fall for eachother basically and it’s great and omfg i need to write a FIC.
As a bonus, here’s some headcanons.
WP and FJ would swim through the sea currents together for fun. Very relaxing.
FJ is older than WP by like a year I think. To me they both seem to be in a similar age range but FJ seems slightly more mature. Though not on the same level as Crimson Coral who’s probably in her 30-40’s(?) she seems old.
If my redemption arc idea happens it’d be FJ who’d find Black Pearls’ pearl somehow and then try to return it to her <3 it’s like a proposal.
I think WP would have taken FJ to the surface once or twice, though FJ was too hesitant to stay for too long. Even if she loves her lady.
The two will go out together and WP will listen to FJ tell her stories, the two have a secret designated spot for it that nobody knows about.
I have more but like. This post is long enough. 
This is my ramble!!! Sorry for this CRK Tumblr i couldn’t resist. Oh yeah their shipname is Pearljelly and I love them. 
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polyamorouspunk · 6 months
Fully agree with you on the trans thing. It’s something I struggled with for a LONG time that I didnt *want* to be fully 100% trans. Like I fit in with trans people, I was transmasc, but I never felt *trans*. If that makes any sense??
People used to tell me all the time that I had to be trans if I checked xyz boxes. And I hated it. Now, years later, I’ve made it to a point that I just *am*. And it took me SO LONG to realize that was even an option. To just be myself without putting a label on it. I dont need to be fully cis or fully trans. Im just a little bit of everything and fully me.
It still confuses my queer friends. That I just *do not* care and dont put any importance on it. So its nice to see someone else with that opinion. Thank you
Listen like I do not care if people reblog my posts and disagree with me. Like that’s you’re right as an individual. But what I don’t like is when I make a post talking about my identity and someone “corrects” me on it.
The problem with the push to be super inclusive, sometimes, is that people stop making it about who *wants* to be a part and who doesn’t.
I know people who are gay men who have 0 interest in being part of the LGBTQ+ community. Gay men who are like I’m not queer I’m not part of the community I’m just gay but I’m not identifying with the community in any way.
I know people who have described their “gender” to me almost verbatim the way that trans people have described to me their gender and have told me they do not consider themselves trans in any way, and it kind of sucks because I’m like… I know that if I were someone else they might put that label on that person even if that person doesn’t want it?
I’ve had people ON THIS BLOG send me asks telling me I am not trans and other people send me asks saying I’m not cis. Like lmao it’s so fucking funny pick one you guys. I gotta be one or the other- SIKE no I don’t. I’ve had people dump me over saying “I’m both cis and trans” which in hindsight seems kinda ableist because that was actually when I started IDing as plural so like. The idea you can’t be both is like. You know there are people with different experiences than you right. Like some common enough to be in textbooks. Not like some “out there” concepts like if you can grasp the concept of DID you can understand how perhaps to some degree a person can be different than their literal AGAB without being trans. Just for one example.
Sometimes I also fail to realize this but. When you reblog someone’s post, or comment on it, or send them an ask, etc… you are coming into THEIR space. I mean it very much went through my mind to be like “just ignore it” but I was like someone is coming onto MY post where I try and validate MY gender experiences and telling me people like ME are quite literally exactly what I’m talking about where I’m like actually I’m valid if I’m a little trans and outright saying “YOU AREN’T A LITTLE TRANS UWU” like. Hi it’s you you’re the problem you’re the people I’m validating myself to. Like I don’t care how politely and nicely you try and dress it up with inclusive language do not put me into a box I do not want to be put in because you think “that I have to be trans because I check xyz boxes” yeah literally. I know fully cis people who check “xyz boxes” and I ain’t out here telling them that actually they’re trans and valid for it. Like bro if you tell me you’re cis who am I to disagree.
In the near future you’ll never hear the words “I’m transgender” come out of my mouth directly. I might post it on here or say irl that I “dabble in transgenderism” but I do not outright say irl in person that I am transgender not because I’m “dealing with internalized transphobia” and “not ready to fully accept myself to be transgender in the real world instead of just offline” like no I just don’t ID as “transgender” period. Or you know what maybe I am but also who are you to say that’s what I am? How are you helping exactly? How is acting like I can’t “really accept myself for who I truly am” helping me any? Idk. Just because you have good intentions doesn’t make it better than the people who have bad intentions. Both are issues. Both are problematic.
Learn to go “actually it’s not my fucking business if someone is trans or cis or neither” and “they can call themselves whatever they want” and that includes NOT wanting to be included.
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leenfiend · 1 year
I thought the Two Slow Dancers comic would be a fun opportunity to break down my process a lil bit cause this was a lot of undoing and redoing and adding so for any ppl curious it will be under the cut!!
So to start off I actually only thumbnailed what is now page five and six, the original image in my mind was them reaching out to each other in different seasons clothing, I considered just making an animated version of that but then I connected it to the two slow dancers scene I had imagined in my head a month or so back and wanted to make it part of a small narrative:
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(I actually did page six first - u can tell by the way my writing is nearly incomprehensible that this idea came to me like a vision in the night)
But then looking at that i said - well surely that doesn’t tell the story enough. I need more. And then I played two slow dancers on repeat for probably an hour while I thumbnailed a surrounding narrative for those two pages and ended up with this mess:
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And from there I actually started working on the lineart two pages at a time - I like working on freakishly large two page spreads because to me it helps the flow feel more cohesive, I don’t look at them as isolated pages until I get to the shading part of the process.
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But once I sent it to some ppl for feedback and reread it myself a million times I felt like the story still wasn’t reading the way I wanted it to - two out of six pages were “flashbacks/memories” pages and that ratio didn’t really allow for the other four pages to read as a cohesive story in my opinion so I kept trying to workshop two more pages for the front and I went through a few iterations:
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I thought at first I would show the outside of the garrison, give the audience more of a setting, and then show the flyer so we know Keith is getting ready for this celebration. But it was too literal for me (even though what I ended up doing was still pretty literal lmao). So then I started with the phone/text messages as a story telling device:
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Also this is an example of how I almost always draw the comic panels before I decide what goes in them haha, unless I’m really sure what images I plan on focusing in on the panels almost always end up informing what goes inside if that makes sense. But I finally ended up here when I decided “that’s good enough”
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I even did most of the lineart for this composition before I decided the imagery of the jacket was just too repetitive, like we don’t need THREE PAGES of keith putting on a jacket.
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So i kind of just moved the left page over to the right, and left the right page blank for most of the rest of the comic process. I finished most of the lineart on the rest of it before I finally circled back and decided to go with a tweak of what I originally thought was a lame idea (I had this image in my head of the lions silhouette against the glow of the Earth for the first page, but with the lyrics “the ground has been slowly pulling us back down” I thought it was just too cheesy, especially because that’s not what the lyrics mean either in the song or in the context of this comic and I didn’t want them to be perceived as so literal)
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So this is the thumbnail I landed on for that which eventually turned into the actual final page.
Once I had all of the thumbnailing done the rest was pretty fun work! Just lots of going back in and detailing out the scribbles I had first put down. Now in terms of color, I actually have a secret. Most times I don’t color much at all? It depends on the piece but for most of my comics what I do is this -
I flat greyscale color everything and then use a color curve adjuster inside of procreate to pick a color pallet:
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color adjusters are ur friend for picking color pallets i'm TELLING YOU!! I used to have a lot of trouble with cohesive color comps but it's a lot easier for me even without using this method now. Anyway I usually leave it here, in my other comics I don't have any shading or background elements outside of the panels but I figured since I was working so much on this comic anyway, I might as well light it a bit. So I basically just scribbled over the whole composition with a purple marker set on a multiply layer and then erased out the places I wanted light to hit, and then added a soft light layer with colored lights to give it more of a party look:
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The only hang up I had during the coloring process of all this was how to color the "memory" pages. I originally just wanted them to be more pastel/blue, I thought that would make them look distinct enough. So I painted/shaded this whole page before looking at it within the rest of the composition and deciding it didn't read well at all and ended up sliding the saturation down to zero and calling it a day:
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But I'm happy with that decision because it allowed for the "coming into color" moment with the other memory page and I think it connects better to the rest of the comic visually that way. And that was the whole process! There were tons of other little adjustments I made along the way and other composition things I tried out but I do tend to erase instead of iterate in layers so this is the process I have to show you! As a little bonus behind the scenes, here's the time lapse replay of that initial thumbnail for all eight pages! (it is sideways just because it's so large so if you're on a phone/tablet/laptop just turn ur screen sideways otherwise I'm so sorry lmao)
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mal3vol3nt · 4 months
Who do u think would win in a fight? (if all their bending got taken away)
Aang Azula Zuko Toph Katara
this is a fun question so i’m gonna do the absolute most to answer it by analyzing their individual fighting styles without bending lmao
aang — even without bending he’s an incredibly skilled martial artist. he mainly sticks to avoidant and defensive moves cause he’s aang ofc. think back to that “fight” he had with the fire nation school bully. he didn’t lay a single hand on the kid or use bending and still won. he knows how to use his opponent’s momentum against themselves so that he can win fights without compromising his morals. idk about yall but i’d call that skill
azula — oh she’s coming at you with everything she’s got and she’s having the time of her life while doing it. she’s agile, vicious, athletic as all hell, a quick-thinker, and a damn good fighter. she’s on the offense 100% of the time and she does not back down or display any kinds of mercy. on this battlefield, she’s the one everybody’s keeping an eye on cause she does not need her bending to whoop somebody’s ass 😭 she’s operating on sheer dedication and rage—a dangerous combo
zuko — luckily for him, he has experience not relying on his bending to get the upper hand in fights. he’s proficient at martial arts on the offensive and knows how to operate weaponry. he operates on both emotion as a motivator and brain power as he analyzes the scene to look for areas of weakness in his opponents. and then he strikes
toph — without her bending this is not gonna be easy. toph sees through her earthbending (seismic sense), so she’d pretty much be left completely blind to her opponents’ attacks. not to mention, she relies a lot on her bending in fights no matter if she’s on the offensive or defensive, and never uses her own physical strength to overpower people (which makes sense considering she’s a preteen 😭)
katara — in almost the same manner as toph, katara relies a lot on her bending in battle. we don’t see her resort to physical strength often and she’s not incredibly experienced on operating weaponry either, at least not to the same level as some of her opponents. for these reasons, i could see her taking a more defensive and avoidant approach to most of the attacks, which might work for a while due to her quick-wit and agility
so timeline of the fight
toph recognizes her weaknesses right away and doesnt engage in the fight
katara ducks and weaves around her offensive opponents (zuko and azula) for quite some time and even lands a few hits herself, before ultimately being taken down by one of them (probably azula)
zuko and aang circle one another, with zuko being on the offensive. however, aang uses his momentum against him and is able to bring him down without exerting any direct acts of violence
it’s now just azula and aang, two quick opponents with very different fighting styles. aang’s been on the defense up until this point, avoiding hits and taking down his opponents via their own speed and strength, but maybe now is when he starts playing more on the offensive to match azula’s energy. however, aang doesn’t have much experience playing on the offensive without his bending and he wouldn’t go for extremely violent maneuvers that could kill. he’d likely try incapacitating her, but without his bending that’d be tricky
all in all, i’d say azula and aang without bending would be an interesting and insane battle. but i could easily see azula getting the upper hand in the end more so than aang
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Ben 10 Aliens As Their Own Characters (Original Series)
This has been on my mind for a looooong, long time and I finally decided to share this here.
I’ve seen some cool concepts for the “Ben’s Omnitrix glitched out and caused the aliens to have their own sentience” AU (like @thisunknowngenius’ take on the AU for example, as well as @justmenoworries​‘ glorious @omniglitch-au​) and I thought of sharing my own take for this.
Gonna call this AU of mine Ben 10 Alienated.
Let’s start with the Original 10 here because I have no idea where to start with the others lmao.
Wildmutt - Considered as the family pet, he’s just like any other normal man’s best friend. He always strive to be close with his family (especially Ben) to show how much he loves them.
Four Arms - an extremely violent, short-tempered, and very brash berserk who tends to be quite unkind to others around him, especially towards the people who dare hurt his loved ones. He seems to think that punching things, including people, is the best way to solve problems and his hot head can sometimes get him into trouble.
Grey Matter - tends to be boorish, and sarcastic with a dry sense of humor. He usually has a stoic frown, though he does smile from time to time. Grey Matter is very honest and blunt about what is on his mind. His brutal honesty isn't so much out of a sense of morality, but because he doesn't want to waste brain space by making up a lie. Regardless, he’s willing to help his family with any problem that only relates to knowledge and tutoring.
XLR8 - an energetic and upbeat Kineceleran who loves to do all sorts of bizarre things and dislikes "dull" things, like reading and studying. He’s a menace in the pranking field, but thankfully, his pranks are all relatively harmless. XLR8′s also a good sport and loves doing some competitions with his siblings. Well, unless you’re cheating then you’re really asking for a pie in the face.
Upgrade - literally the nicest alien you’ll ever meet. Upgrade possesses emotions and acts more like a human than a normal Mechamorph. He’s a bit shy but is generally a very kind-hearted individual who speaks in a polite manner and is sensitive to others' feelings. Despite his typically shy behavior, Upgrade occasionally demonstrates more assertiveness, confidence and can stand up for himself without resorting to anger (Heatblast joked that Four Arms should take notes about this). He’s pretty much seen with Grey Matter in most cases as he is more like an assistant of his.
Diamondhead - If someone were to look up “father figure”, then Diamondhead is sure to appear in those results. He is very responsible and talks formal. He rarely loses his nerve and can maintain clarity in any situation. He’s like the loving father figure of Ben, Gwen and the aliens and has a closer relationship towards Max due to sharing the responsibilities of being the parent figure of the fam.
Ripjaws - Not exactly the most intellectual member of the aliens, as Ripjaws is clueless, easily confused by complex words and misinterprets insults and figures of speech. He is also very gullible, often easily believing things people say and is surprised when others tell him that they're lying. In general, his mood can shift very quickly. He can bounce between bored, to happy, to angry, and to happy again. Despite his easygoing and aloof personality, Ripjaws is a good-natured and well-meaning alien.
Stinkfly - the very definition of “lazy” and a good-for-nothing couch potato of the family. He may be laid-back, but he’ll do anything to help the world in need and protect his family. Despite this, there’ll be times that he can be cynical towards others, even to the aliens and Tennysons.
Ghostfreak - he’s quite hard to approach given his quiet, deadpan and distant demeanor. But that’s because Ghostfreak is simply not good at expressing his emotions and would rather do so through his poems. It does help with giving him ideas on how to express his emotions more. Regardless, he has a heart of gold to the people he truly trusts; his one big family.
Heatblast - he’s a sporty athlete with a fiery personality and is always eager to challenge someone when he’s being challenged. Heatblast is one of the more mature aliens unless he ends up getting himself caught into the childish antics of his siblings (mainly XLR8).
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