#that is MY emotional support uncle
bowiebond · 2 years
“Maybe Eddie owns that porno mag because Wayne gave it to him to try and convert—“
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twistedappletree · 1 year
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whumpypepsigal · 4 months
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“I guess that's why we feel the need to hide away and protect ourselves. So we put on a mask. It's not hard to understand why. What's hard is knowing that sometimes... the mask is who you really are.”
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aethersflood · 6 months
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My boy, there was a time people called me the "Executioner". Or was that my axe? No matter, heads will roll all the same!
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giddlygoat · 9 days
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i enjoy this scene in average amounts
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indelicateink · 15 days
tagged by @hereticaas -- thank you!
make a poll with five of your all time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. see which character is everyone's favourite.
okay so I have zero chill on EpisodeSevenWeekendEve and i'm going to kind of bend the rules here. they're five different characters, but they're all the same character--kind of. is he my fav characters of all time? HE IS/ARE TONIGHT, FRIENDS.
which lestat is your favorite lestat: lestat as recounted by louis, lestat as written about in claudia's diaries, lestat as relayed by armand, louis's 1940s dreamstat hallucinations, or the real lestat, whom we have yet to meet televised as of 21 june 2024?
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(no sixth opt-out/nuanced/all-of-the-above/none-of-the-above option, you are brutally forced to choose)
if you are reading this, I am tagging *you* to do a five favs poll, too
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lepusrufus · 4 months
Nothing compares to the feeling when things click in place and the planets align and you finally figure out how to properly use a character so you get to see them absolutely wreck enemies like a proud parent
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madd-nix · 1 year
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Outfit swap between two of my favorite characters!
They both go through something that changes them physically and mentally (Phoenix losing his badge and Ingo getting sent to Hisui), they both radiate middle age dad vibes despite only being in their 30s (Ingo is unconfirmed but that's my headcanon so whatever), they're both helpful to the player character of the games their in (Phoenix less so), and they both give me gender envy.
I love both of these characters so much and I love thinking about all the changes they went through and how they managed to move on and make new lives, and I really look up to them for that especially during a time when a lot is going on in my life. And sure, they can dress is raggy coats and hoodies and whatever, but they look good doing it and I wanna emulate their vibes, y'know! Anyway, just a lot of words for my self-indulgent drawing 💙🖤
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starwarskawaii · 1 year
We finally got a crumb of Qrow, but at what cost? AT WHAT COST???
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thaliagrayce · 1 year
can i have number nine for jasico, please?
#9: "are you crying?" i hope you like this!! send me a number or drop a prompt in my ask box for a jasico drabble!
Jason hadn’t seen Nico all day. He’d been busy for most of it, but it was still a little weird to not run into him—not when he knew for a fact that both of them were at camp. Usually, he found a little pocket of time to go see Nico, or Nico would find him while he was doing Important Pontifex Business, and they would be able to at least see each other.
Not today, though. He didn’t like it.
The Hades cabin was quiet, but that didn’t necessarily mean much. Nico could be sitting at his desk and drawing, or laying on the floor looking over his old Mythomagic cards, or using his fancy noise-canceling headphones listen to whatever super underground trust-me-Jason-they’re-really-good band he had found this week. He knocked at the door, half expecting not to get an answer.
“Jason?” The voice was clearly Nico’s, but it was soft and a little wobbly. “You can come in.”
Heart in his throat, Jason eased the door open. Nico was sitting on the bed by the window, arms crossed on the sill. Jason shut the door behind him and walked as gently as he could.
“Hey,” he called out once he got there. He rested a hand around the nape of Nico’s neck, half for his own comfort and half for his boyfriend’s.
“Hey yourself,” Nico mumbled. There again—his voice was wobbly. If that wasn’t enough, he sniffled and brought a hand up to wipe at his face.
Jason sat down next to him, hand sliding from the back of Nico’s neck around his shoulder. He shifted closer, and Nico leaned into him.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong? Are you crying?”
Nico huffed and turned to hide his face into Jason’s shoulder. “No, I’m not. Shut up. It’s super dumb.”
Jason rubbed Nico’s back, bewildered. Nico didn’t sound upset, other than the fact that he had very clearly just been crying. He cast around for something that might have set this off. It wasn’t an anniversary of anything, as far as he was aware. There were no upsetting letters or photographs out. All he could see on the windowsill was the pink plastic glittery skull Piper had gotten Nico for his last birthday, the pile of borrowed hair ties Nico forgot to return, and the potted mint plant Nico had gotten a week and a half ago. Same as always.
Only… Jason squinted at the plant. Something was different. It looked a little taller, maybe. There was a teeny leaf at the top that hadn’t been there last time he looked, he was pretty sure.
“Nico… is this about the mint?”
Nico sniffed again, not bringing his face out of its cozy hiding spot. “It’s just… It’s not dead yet.” He could feel Nico trying to subtly wipe his face on Jason’s t-shirt. “I’ve been looking after it for almost two weeks and it’s still alive.”
The little ball of tension in Jason relaxed and he pulled Nico into a hug, smiling into his hair. “You dork. You absolute goober.”
“Hey,” Nico protested.
“Nope, I’m right. You’re crying because your plant grew a new leaf.” He pressed a kiss to the top of Nico’s head. “That’s goober behavior.”
Nico snorted and finally raised his head from Jason’s shoulder. Sure enough, his eyes were red, but he was smiling. He pushed at Jason’s chest, but there was no force behind it. “This is the longest I’ve been able to keep something alive, cut me some slack.”
Jason leaned forward, getting comfortable in Nico’s space. “I’m happy for you.” He kissed his forehead. “Also, you’re adorable. How do you feel about getting a spider plant?”
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marshmelonfluff · 1 year
also i have doubts that they would have tai feature heavily in a volume again but i really want him to meet up with the gang in vauco bc i want ruby to get a hug from her dad. please. just let this girl get a good cry in about everything she's been through and have her dad hug her afterwards
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told my mom that I wasn't going to North Carolina to visit her family next weekend. vibes are gonna be so bad this week
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pollenallergie · 9 months
ignore everything i said back in late may/early june. i was hypomanic and, consequently, unreasonably angry for most of that time. 👍👍👍
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robinsnest2111 · 6 months
just remembered, had a nightmare last night about one of my coworkers quitting out of the blue. I was so distraught it woke me up several hours before my alarm
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rogueddie · 2 years
Uncle Wayne needs to become a monster hunter in S5. If the basketball gym (cleared of the shelter) burns down while fighting demodogs, whoops, collateral damage while saving the town. (And then he's reunited with Eddie due to whatever handwavy magical ending you hc.) JUSTICE AND VENGEANCE FOR UNCLE WAYNE.
idk why I can't really see it myself but that sounds like it could be such a cool angle, like I imagine there's so many different ways to then take Waynes character or use it as a way of further exploring him and his relationship with Eddie. god it could be so cool. also yES! JUSTICE AND VENGENCE FOR UNCLE WAYNE!!!!
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milf-harrington · 1 year
made the dumbas mistake of thinking it would be fun to hang upside down on the couch for a few seconds, forgetting the wise words of my old chiropractor ("dont do that") and its been an hour and a half since then and i still feel nauseous and dizzy
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