#that being said they come in anytime it’s over like 85
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Look who’s back to wreak havoc on my household!!! She’s been with her siblings for the past month or so while Rebecca and I were traipsing around the country for dog shows, but she’s home again at last 🥰
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lovezbrownies · 9 months
Fem! Yandere Military Chief
Hello! My third fanfic this is so exciting >0< I can't wait to write more, especially since I have even more characters in mind to write for!
Word count: 1,033
Warnings!: Nsfw mentions, physical abuse (towaards reader), Torture (towards reader and others), murder (not towards reader), hinted psychological abuse (towards reader), isolation of reader, death of a parent, controlling behaviour, obsessive and possessive behaviour, essentially this woman is a red flag.
Name: Gen Ludenhart.
Gen adored you, oh how she adored you. Even in an important meeting like this she can’t focus on the words being said as she fantasizes about finally coming back home to her sweet darling. You and Gen have been in a relationship for three beautifully long years. Gen, being the lovely wife she is, ensured you moved in with her within the first two months of dating and married within a year in.
The work day felt long, but the ride home felt even longer. The anticipation of finally seeing her cute spouse waiting at home for her made Gen count down the very seconds until her arrival back home. And once Gen finally enters her mansion (paid for by the noble court for her deeds.) she feels an immediate relief wash over her now, knowing she is within the vicinity of her beloved darling.
Gen is, as usual, greeted by the head maid. ‘’Call my darling down to the lounge room, will you Reina?” Reina nods, walking off to complete the task given to her. Gen goes to said lounge room, looking at herself in the mirror hanging on one of the walls, making sure she looks her best for you.
The soft clicking of shoes alerts Gen as she seats herself on her favourite armchair, waiting impatiently, staring at the entrance until you finally enter, behind you stood Reina. Gen waved a dismissal wave towards Reina as she holds out her arms, “Ah my dear, how I’ve missed you so~ Come, come, sit.’’ You knew the routine. Gen comes back home, she calls for you, you sit on her lap until she has held her pent up frustration as long as she can and takes the both of you to your private chambers for some ‘’fun time’’.
It never gets old, even when she is pleasuring you she incorporates something new in the way she gives you pleasure, always doting, always caring, always watching. You’ve tried all you could to plan some escape behind Gen’s back, she might be strategically smart but when it comes to you? She’s stupid in love, can’t even see how uncomfortable you are 85% of the time. So that would mean it would be easy to run away right?
Wrong. The only obstacle to your masterful escape was Reina. Loyal fucking Reina. It feels like she can constantly read your plan, anytime you see an opportunity such as an open window or an unlocked door to the outside and begin thinking up a plan she almost immediately cracks down on it and shuts down any chance of escape. Gen doesn’t see it but Reina is devoted solely to Gen, no one’s sure if its out of love or because Gen pays for her loyalty, whatever the case, she is annoying.
Either way, it seems like you are eternally stuck with Gen, to the end of days. Maybe that would’ve been nice, maybe her coddling you would’ve been comforting, had she not falsely accused your father of a heinous crime, ordering him to be executed. Had she not left your mother widowed, now poor and jobless, barely able to sustain herself. Had she not made everyone turn their backs on you after she had blackmailed them. Had she not kidnapped, tortured, and murdered your betrothed, your darling, your dear girlfriend. Maybe then, you would’ve reciprocated all the affection, cuddles, adoration.
Life wasn’t meant to be like this, sitting on the lap of the person who killed your father and your girlfriend and ruined your life completely. But when you don’t agree to her terms, the aggression she was trained to use on a daily basis returns home with her and she tortures you for hours on end, never relenting until you learn your lesson. Life is not perfect or sweet. Life is miserable, she is psychotic. Even the mere mention of her name strikes fear within your heart.
Anytime you see anyone from the outside world, which is almost never, you beg them to save you from the vicious claws belonging to Gen Aliya Ludenhart. The first was Reina, that resulted in a slap across the face. Gen believed that would be the only time so she didn’t want to be cruel, yet. The second was the Chief of Police, Grimm Ludenhart, now, considering he was supposed to save people from criminals, he did the opposite. He let you stay with this fucking psycho, warned her even, told her to be harsher. And she was, this time she had taken her electric baton, and fried your skin for half an hour. All the scarring had been healed and removed by sweet Gen, citing that she didn’t want her darling angel to be insecure of her scarring, and due to public image as well.
People with elemental powers usually made you star struck and jealous of their power. Some people even have two elements, and Gen seemingly is also dual-elemented. Would’ve been amazing if she was a real doting, caring, loving, not psychotic murderer. But she always uses her powers against you, she controls earth, so when you need to be punished she uses her earth magic. When the sessions of torture end she makes you feel all better with her water magic. “See, dear? I do this because I love you, if I didn’t love you I wouldn’t have healed you, no I’d leave you for dead just like that pest ex-girlfriend of yours! You should be more grateful for me, love! Or else you would’ve ended up with a psycho!” She is the damn psycho you ended up with, but okay.
All in all, you will never have a normal life again, Gen A. Ludenhart will make to sure to have complete control over every decision you make, every step you take, she will be watching you. What’s worse is that everyone is on her side, either afraid of what she would do to them if they help you, or they agree with what she’s doing– Ahem her brother Grimm Ahem– and encourage her whole-heartedly. Have fun thinking of all the people who died because you asked her for directions once in some random marketplace.
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tamerahardy · 10 months
Goodby McNair
By that time I was getting trouble because I was staying behind at school chasing after Preston who had a sophomore girlfriend at the time that I was also friends with before they started dating she was on the track team. He was a senior and she was a sophomore so what was wrong with me? I was analyzing everything with him, and crazy enough I had been friends with both girls he dated. When Shay and Preston dated we weren’t friends anymore anytime I was around him she would kiss him in front of me. That shit made my blood boil…I got in trouble with my dad because a boy who had been dating one of the popular girls I knew he just randomly saw me and pulled me to the side and gave me a hicky like literally grabbed me pulled into a classroom and sucked on my neck I’m like dude you go with somebody I’m on the cheerleading team with but it felt so good I didn’t stop him. Back then if a girl was best friends with you you could technically date her boyfriend and she wouldn’t care but if you weren’t cool enough and they didn’t like you absolutely NOT. So if she would found out he gave me a hicky it would just damage my rep even more. My dad ended up picking me up that same day from school and we went to get food I was so scared because he saw and gave me the look of death. Whew girl I was so scared. I was initially staying after to school to chase after Preston, cheerleading was over for JV so I found a new hobby “tennis”…
Me and my dad use to play tennis by the fire station and basketball court on 85 because he thought I was actually playing tennis and taking it serious. My dad was an athlete so whenever he found out that I was going out for something athletic he was supportive. He started picking me up from school and that’s how he found out about Preston through my actions. I wasn’t even on the tennis team fully but they enjoyed my company enough to keep me around something like that Minerva girl being a “water girl” for the football team…I was just support, but this opened the window up for trouble. The coach over tennis initially found out about what was going on I was chasing after a guy, I wasn’t showing up to the practices like that anymore and my dad found out AND LOST it we even had to have a intervention where him and my brother pulled me aside about it. I remember vividly because I told my mom he wasn’t going to spank me and she wasn’t having it so we ended doing some little intervention talk like my god IM JUST A GIRL and i really like this guy man.
I tried out for the Varisty cheer team I didn’t end up making it up the coach pulled me to the side directly and said it was because of my reputation and deemed me “boy crazy” she said it would make her team look bad. That actually broke my heart because majority of those girls were far more experienced than me in love and sex aspect. They weren’t virgins. They went to parties, they were getting fingered in movie theatres like come on,..I was a virgin completely…it was simply because of who I was. I wasn’t popular I didn’t stand up for myself and my delivery was awkward but life continued on. So the popular girls that made JV, some new faces and the girls that had already been on Varisty the ones we analyzed at the first game the very beginning of the school year made the team.
We actually ended up moving again so by my sophomore year it wouldn’t have even mattered…again there was about to be a fresh new starter thing experienced with Preston and my time at McNair had come to an end.
And then
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joekeeryswife · 2 years
Hey can you do 85 pregnancy form prompt 1 with Steve Harrington
Thank you<33
“I have a human being growing inside of me, I’m not okay.” - S.H
sorry it took me so long to get to this request, i’ve had a lot going on and i didn’t even see it. this is so bad so i’m sorry x
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you were stressed. you were living with Steve due to you getting pregnant 6 months ago. you were a hormonal mess. anytime someone would be nice do you, you’d cry, anytime someone did something for you, you’d cry. it was just a cycle of tears. you were sat in the living room of Dustin’s house, listening to him explain some weird movie that he made everyone watch.
“Dustin, just say it’s a bad movie” Max said, head falling on the back of the sofa. Steve’s arm around your shoulders tightened as he looked between the two. “shut up Max. it’s a great movie” Dustin replied, sitting up from the sofa. you sighed hearing them two bicker back and forth and before you knew it, all of the kids started shouting at one another about the movie.
you carefully got up off the sofa, Steve’s arm falling off you in the process, tired of hearing the arguments, and walked out the front door, sitting on the chair that was outside. you didn’t need the stress of 6 kids screaming so walking outside seemed like the best idea. Steve watched you as you walked outside and when he heard the door close, he lost it.
“guys stop fighting” he shouted, making them all turn to look at him. “i understand you guys didn’t like the movie Dustin put on but did it really need to turn into an argument? i know it may not mean that much to you guys but y/n is struggling and hearing you guys fight isn’t helping. now, pick a movie you all like and stop bickering.” he said, standing up once he’d finished talking, leaving to come find you.
he walked outside and found you sat on the outside sofa, hand rubbing your forehead and the other on your bump. you were taking deep breaths, trying to calm down. “hey love” he said, coming to sit next to you. “you okay?” he carried on, running a hand through your hair.
“no Steve” you said, looking up at him. he sighed, listening to you rant. “i have a human being growing inside me, im not okay” you sighed, looking out at the open field. “and the kids bickering over the tiniest thing is just stressful. i know they are teenagers but arguing over a movie? it’s all too much, especially now.” you said, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“i know sweetheart, i just told them off for it” he said, throwing an arm over your shoulder like he had done when you were inside. he played with your hair as you spoke up again. “you shouldn’t of told them off i’m just being silly. but hearing the arguments, what if we have more kids and they all argue like that. i wouldn’t know what to do” you said honestly. you were scared of the future, what if you couldn’t be as stern with your kids as you needed to be?
“hey, don’t think about that now. let’s focus on you and this baby before you go thinking about the future. you’re already a great mum and i can’t wait to have this baby” he said, his free hand rubbing your stomach softly. your heart melted. the tears started welling up in your eyes.
“stupid bloody hormones” you said, tears now falling freely down your flushed cheeks. “don’t cry baby” Steve said, kissing your forehead. your tears fell at a quick pace. “i’m not even sad” you said, making Steve laugh. you laughed with him, the tears slowing but not stopping.
“you wanna go back inside when you’ve calmed down?” he asked, moving hair that had fallen on your face out of the way. you nodded your head and tried to calm down. you took some deep breaths and finally calmed down after a few minutes. “you ready?” Steve said, standing up, putting a hand out for you to take.
you got up and both started walking back inside and saw all of the kids sat quietly watching ‘The Aristocats’. once you were seated back down on the sofa comfortably, Max, who was next to you, quickly threw her arms around you. “we’re sorry y/n. we didn’t meant to stress you out” she said, making everyone look over. one by one, the kids started joining the hug, all saying sorry. “it’s okay guys, don’t worry” you said once they’d all pulled away from you. Steve pulled you into him, kissing your forehead. you hated the chaos but you’d never change it.
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starlightxsvt · 4 years
Sweeter Than Sweets
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Pairing ➳ CEO!seungcheol x baker female!reader
Genre ➳ kinda enemies to lovers, arranged marriage au, romance, angst?? clicheeee :)
Warnings ➳ hella cursing, reader's going through a lot lol
Word count ➳ 2.5k
part 1 l part 2
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The plot owner is going to visit you today. I'm sincerely sorry for my mistake, I misunderstood. Please resolve the issue with him gently.
You scoff at the message. What the actual fuck? Fury floods through your blood and you clench your fists.
This cannot be happening.
After such a long time you had finally scraped enough money to lease a place for your bakery shop. It's been your dream since so long and after years of hard work it was finally coming true- until today. Apparently the real estate agent is nothing but a fathead and for whatever goddamn reason, she leased you the place when it was clearly not up to be leased. The building owner is on his way now- to possibly kick you out.
No, you cannot let that happen. It is their fault and because of their miscommunication or whatever you are not going to give this place up which you worked so hard for.
If he thinks you'll give in so easily, he has another thing coming.
A Mercedes Benz pulls up in front of your shop just as you finish screwing one of the decoration lights.
He's here.
You take in a deep breath and march out of the shop as a tall male comes of the car. You almost stop in your tracks to gape at him- broad shoulders, gorgeous rich black hair that matches a sculptured face- he's simply breathtaking. No one should be that gorgeous. And he's young- why the fuck is he so young? Does he seriously own this building?
No no no. Stay focused.
He takes long steps towards you and even before he can reach you, you snap, "I'm not giving up this place so don't waste your time."
He stops right in front of you, his hands in his pockets and raises a brow at you. He chuckles- how dare he, before saying, "You do know that this is my building, right?"
"So, it means I can kick out a nuisance like you anytime I want." His eyes go dark as he stares you down.
Nuisance? What the fuck? You take in a deep breath, trying to stop yourself from reaching out and choking him. He's so fucking gorgeous and infuriating, damn it.
"Mr. Choi, I've leased this place for two years and if you want it so much, come back two years later and we can talk about it."
"Leave while I'm being polite," his tone is gravelly and his eyes bore into yours. You shiver slightly.
"But I paid for this place! This is mine now!" You yell, unable to hold yourself together. "If you were so concerned about your building then you should have been careful that your agent was leasing it!"
"I admit that it was her fault, a huge one at that matter but I need this building. I'll give you 3 days to take everything and leave. My workers will start their renovation work from next week." He says and turns around his heel, ready to head back.
"No! I will not be moving out! I've worked so hard to lease this place! I even brought all the furniture for my shop! You have no right to do this!" You shout at him. Fuck that son of a bitch.
He stares at you with a bored look, "You've 3 days."
"No!" You whine, stopping him in his tracks again. "If you really want this place then give me some more time. At least a few months."
He marches back to you, his jaw ticking, "Do you think I'm here to play games? You move out in 3 days or my men will drag you out from here." He warns, eyes glinting.
You can't hold in your temper. So you walk past him and towards his fancy car and draw a long nice scratch on the body using your screwdriver. After being satisfied with your handiwork, you turn back to him.
He stares at you, dumbfounded. His driver looks the same except he looks a bit scared. You smirk at Choi, crossing your arms.
He still looks surprised and he scoffs as if he can't believe what happened. He rakes a hand through his hair, his jaw clenched.
"Expect a call from my insurance company. You'll have to pay for what you just did." That's all he says before walking past you to car as his driver quickly fires on the engine.
You mutely watch him leave.
Fuck. Oh fuck.
What have you done?
You stare at Choi's personal number that you managed to get from the real estate agent. Shit. You've to call him. You've to apologize. You're in no condition to pay for his damn fancy car.
Shit. Shit. Why did you do that?
You bite your lip, staring at your phone screen, mustering up the courage to call him. You've to apologize and somehow get him to forgive you.
Oh heavens, here goes nothing.
With shaky hands you ring him up and hold your breath. After several rings he picks up, his voice gruff, "Choi here."
You clear your throat and inhale deeply, "Mr.Choi, it's me, ___. We...uhm, met earlier today." You try to stable your voice.
The line is silent for a moment and you're afraid he has hung up but he speaks, his voice laced with a chuckle, "Well, well, to what do I owe this pleasure?"
You swallow, "Mr.Choi I called you to um... apologize for what I did to your car. Please understand that I was really angry then and I sincerely apologize for what I did. I'm so sorry."
"Okay," is all he says. You ask nervously, "So, will be please be kind enough to cancel the charges against me?"
"Do you think that a sorry from you will repair my car?"
"I- please, sir, you've to understand that I'm in no condition to afford for the damages... I-I know I'm responsible but please understand-"
"You want to keep the place to yourself, you want me to drop the charges against you- what you think I am? Some sort of genie who'll grant all your wishes?"
"No- sir-"
"Besides you don't even sound so sorry," His voice sounds teasing and you exhale loudly.
This son of a-
"I don't have time for this bullshit so-"
"No sir please! I'll do anything, please cancel the charges. Then we can talk about your building, I'm sure we can come to a conclusion."
"Are you trying to make a deal with me?"
"Sir- I just-, please, please understand my situation," you almost beg.
The line is quiet for a long time and you're about to break into tears but then you hear his voice, "Fine, I'll text you a place. Meet me there at 8 tomorrow evening. Don't be late." Then the line is dead.
You're not dumb enough to go where a stranger tells you to go without telling anybody. So, on the morning of the appointment, you tell your friend the location of the restaurant and in case you were found with a slitted throat, at least the police will have a lead. After that you decide to google Choi, wanting to have a little bit more info on him. Sure enough, he's the son of a filthy rich businessman well known in the country and Choi, himself is the creator of two business companies.
Sure, it'd be nothing for him to dump your body in the water or poison your food.
Evening comes quicker than you expected and you rush to get ready. You pick a maroon knee length dress that is what you believe- hope- to be appropriate for the fancy restaurant. It's not like you have a lot of dresses to choose from. You take a cab and just as the clock hits five minutes past eight, you're rushing into the restaurant.
The receptionist asks you if have booked a seat to which you reply that you're here to meet Mr.Choi. Then you're led through a fancy lobby and into the private dining area, where the said male sits. He's dressed in a grey vest and a pressed linen white shirt underneath, with the sleeves rolled up, showing his muscular arms- damn.
His eyes meet yours and you feel an electricity jolt up your spine.
Lord please help me tonight.
"Good evening, Mr.Choi," you murmur, gently sitting down.
The bastard has the balls to smirk as he crosses his arms over his chest, "Good evening, Ms___. I was wondering if you bailed out on me."
You chuckle nervously, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. He grins, motioning towards the menu in front of you,"Shall we order?"
Your eyes glide over the fancy food and the fancier prices. 85$ for a fucking piece of meat?
After chewing on your lip and thinking too much about what to order, you go with a plate of salad and pasta.
"Do you have any wine preferences?" He asks, eyeing the wine menu. Why's he acting so nice? What's his deal?
"Er...I'll let you choose," you say.
After ordering a fancy bottle of wine, Choi folds his hands over the table and looks at you, a small smile playing on his lips.
"So..shall we talk business now?" You offer, unsure.
He nods but stays quiet which you take as a sign to start first, "I only have two things to ask for. Please cancel the charges and please give me a little more time to look for a place. It's impossible to find another place in 3 days. I've paid for the lease here and I've also ordered the furniture. And then there is a monetary issue. Please understand my situation."
He pretends to think, pursuing his lips, "Hmm, I'm afraid that's too much you're asking from me."
"Mr. Choi, I'm sure a man like you can help me with that much." You try to butter his ego.
"Again, I'm afraid you don't know me. If you had any idea about a man like me, you wouldn't say that." His eyes darken.
Fuck. He won't bulge. Why is he so stubborn?
"Sir- please, I sincerely apologize for my actions yesterday, I wasn't in my right mind."
"If only sorry could cover it," he says, nonchalant, leaning back into his chair. He eyes you quietly, his eyes scanning you carefully as your palms grow sweaty.
You are interrupted as the waiter serves you your dinner and pours you the wine. As soon as he's gone, you gulp down the wine, trying to calm yourself.
Damn, it tastes nice.
Choi laughs at your actions before an evil smile crawls up his face. You swallow, meeting his gaze. What's he thinking?
"You see, nothing comes for free. I'll take off the charges against you and I'll give you time to look for another place- actually no, I'll pay for a nicer place for you to open your shop. But in return you've to give me something."
Fuck. You eye him warily.
"What?" You squeak.
"Marry me."
You choke on your food very unceremoniously followed by a lot of coughs. You sputter, trying to get yourself under control. Meanwhile he simply watches you, a playful smile on his lips.
When you can somewhat speak, you breath, "I...I think I misheard you."
"You didn't. I asked you to marry me."
You gape at him, utterly confused, almost certain this is a dream or nightmare. He simply offers you silence as you try to process what he said.
You're left even more confused.
What? Marry him? What the actual fuck?
"Would you please... enlighten me?" You murmur.
He grins, leaning over the table, "You're thinking too much. It'll be a pretend marriage. I need someone who'll pretend to be my wife for a year or so, so that my father hands over his company to me- which he won't unless I get married and settle. It's as simple as that."
Your mouth only grows wider. That's nowhere near simple.
After processing his words in your head for a long time you mumble, "So...you need me to be your pretend wife for like a year and in return you cancel the charges and give me more time to look for a place?"
"It's actually more than that sweetheart. I'll pay every penny for your shop. I'll make sure you have a successful business. Be my pretend wife and I'll give you the biggest and best bakery shop this country has ever seen."
You're dumbfounded and you can only squeak out, "Is this some sort of a hoax?"
He chuckles, "Say yes and I'll have a contract prepared with all our terms and conditions."
"I- I need to think about it," you rush out. Think? Damn it, were you seriously considering it?
Yes, yes you were.
This is a lifetime opportunity.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Choi nods, "I'm sure you need to. But I expect an answer quickly. You've until tomorrow evening."
"H-huh?" You're lost.
He stands up putting on his jacket, "You've my number, call me when you make your decision." He gives you a look and just like that he's out of the room.
You're left with your half eaten plate of food.
"So you are telling me that a filthy rich, smoking hot motherfucker asked you to marry him?" Jane's voice echos through the phone.
You rub your temples, staring at your lap, "Yes."
"Bitch if you don't want to do this then give me his number. I'm more than willing to help him out."
"Jane, I'm serious."
"Me too, babe."
You groan, flopping into the bed. "Can you believe it? I still can't wrap my head around it." You whisper.
"You're thinking too much. It's not like you're going to be married to him forever."
"I know but still it's so scary...If I say yes I'll be living with a stranger for the next year."
"A sexy as sin stranger for that matter."
"Gosh- will you stop!"
"Okay okay," you hear her sigh. "Listen I know it's scary and all but this is a win win situation for you, think about it. You're going to be living as a millionaire's wife and when you're divorced you're gonna have your own shop. This is a lifetime opportunity, I mean how many of us gets this? This is like one of those romance movies where-"
"Okay I get it. Thank you for your precious help." You roll your eyes.
" You're welcome!" She laughs. "I'll be waiting for updates!"
"Piss off." You laugh, hanging up.
You stare at the ceiling, your mind numb. This is overwhelming- unreal. Why can't he just marry someone prettier, richer? He can have any woman he wants. Dozens of questions gather in your mind but despite the answers, you've made your decision.
You're going to get married.
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A/N ➳ heyyy~ it's ya girl's birthday today lol! I've been wanting to write a fic like this for quite a while but yk, couldn't muster up the courage. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Please please leave your feedbacks, my ask box is always open- I'll really appreciate it! 💖
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Tag list: @chimikima @all-i-needislovee @peekabooseoksoon @masterpiecejoonie @sorrywonwoo @sweetiescoops @diamondsvts @insidesvt @bononswife @ayla-hathway @kpopssuregi @justasoftstan @top-crop @wainrain
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tanzaniiite · 4 years
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requests: OPEN
warnings: cursing & stupid high school antics
word count: 2.2k
a/n: this idea has been on my noggin for so long omg, enjoy!
please reblog and reply, engagement is both fun & important ✨
[not edited]
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this was fun, should i do more fics like this?
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“Ugh, are we there yet?”
Oikawa whined looking out the window with a forlorn look as if he was in a music video. You glanced at Iwaizumi, who was at the wheel, snickering slightly as you saw his eye twitch in annoyance. The five of you decided to take a road trip, sort of like a last hurrah, for your last year of high school.
This originally started as a small trip that was planned on senior ditch day but Matsun and Makki wanted to do a road trip. And so, senior ditch day morphed into senior ditch weekend. Of course, none of your parents approved this, so you guys were in for an earful when you returned. But as Hanamaki stated, when you got a screaming voicemail from your guardian, “Live in the moment, worry about that later”. And despite that being terrible advice, you listened anyway.
The destination of your little road trip is Tokyo which was a five to six hour drive. Some might say that’s not too long but traveling with Oikawa it feels like an eternity. He was already complaining. That was mainly because he was upset that you got shotgun and he didn’t. Originally you planned on sitting in the back with the disaster duo but Hajime insisted you sit in the front with him. Something about you being the most tolerable. Iwaizumi was obviously the driver because he’s the most responsible out of you five. It’s weird to think you guys just planned this trip just a week prior.
“So what are we doing for senior ditch day?”
You asked setting your tray down and sitting in between Matsukawa and Hanamaki. Issei just scoffed lightly, “I dunno what you’re doing but I’m sleeping” He answered. Takahiro laughed in agreement. “Probably practicing” Tooru replied. You pouted at their lame responses, “Hajime please tell me you have better plans than these losers” You pleaded. Iwaizumi looked up from his notes, “Uh, I don’t know, I’m probably going to come to school” He shrugged ignoring your disgusted face.
“I know y’all are not serious. This is the last year we’re going to be together like this, we should do something memorable”
You declared crossing your arms over your chest glaring at your friends. “Ew, you sound like Oikawa, getting all sentimental and shit” Makki quipped popping a french fry in his mouth. You stuck your tongue out at him playfully. Oikawa hummed, “I mean they do have a point, let’s do something we’ll remember for years to come”. “Whatever, I guess I’m down” Matsukawa added rolling his eyes. The four of you looked at Iwaizumi, who mentally checked out of the conservation a while ago, waiting for his answer. “Count me out, my parents will kill me if I skipped school” He responded, causing the lot of you to groan. “Ugh, can you not be an upstanding student for like two seconds” You huffed leaning your head in your hand. Now the brunette looked up, “You guys know how my parents are, especially you Shittykawa” He stated, pointing his pencil at the setter. “Yeah yeah, we know how your parents are. Y/n’s parents are just as bad” Issei voiced.
You couldn’t help but internally groan, you remember how your guardians reacted when you brought the four boys to your house. “Don’t remind me. Senior Ditch Day is on a Friday, we barely do anything as is since it’s the end of the year” You said, “plus, you’re the only one of us that drives decently” You stated mustering up your best puppy dog eyes. Hajime looked at you before answering, “Fine, but if I get in trouble. You guys will be the ones talking to my parents”. And from there, the planning commenced.
Currently, you guys were only an hour out of Miyagi. Issei was already knocked out, Hanamaki was on his phone and Oikawa was sulking as per usual. “If you ask me if we’re there yet, one more time, I’ll have Makki push you out the car” He threatened his eyes never leaving the road. “Makki wouldn’t do that to me” Tooru claimed which caused ‘Hiro to snort. “Shut up, you know I will” He stated not even bothering to look up from his phone. Oikawa let out a dramatic gasp, “But we’re going 85 miles an hour on a highway!” He exclaimed. “Did I stutter?” Takahiro mumbled, still not paying any attention to his captain’s dramatics.
This was going to be a long four hours.
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You woke up leaning against something super warm, you opened your eyes taking in your surroundings. You weren’t in the front anymore, from what you could see, it looked like Oikawa got his wish of riding shotgun. You sat up rubbing the sleep from your eyes, “Oh, good morning sleeping beauty” Oikawa teased. You were too sleepy and disoriented to come up with a witty comeback.
“Why.. why is Issei driving?”
That’s when you noticed Iwaizumi was the warm surface you were leaning against moments before. “I got tired of driving, we stopped at a gas station and switched places” Hajime explained noticing your confused face, “and you were sleeping so we moved you to the back”. You realized that not only were you leaning against Iwa but your legs were propped up on Makki’s lap. You nodded slightly, still tired despite waking up from a nap. “We spoil them rotten, don’t we?” ‘Hiro commented pinching your thigh causing you to whine slightly. “Shut up” You mumbled leaning into Iwaizumi’s side once again making him chuckle. Matsukawa looked at you through the rearview mirror,
“That’s right, Y/n gets all grumpy when they’re tired”
“Issei… focus on not crashing the car, not on me”
Oikawa let out a low whistle, “Woah, catty much?” He asked rhetorically laughing slightly. You rolled your eyes, “Whatever, how much farther?” You asked closing your eyes. Hajime glanced at his phone, “Two more hours” He replied. Tooru made a choked noise before turning around to face his childhood best friend. “Uh! They ask you if we’re there and get an answer, but when I ask, I get threatened?!” The brunette cried his eyebrows furrowing. The ace rolled his eyes, “Yeah, cause they’re not fucking annoying about it” He retorted. You pointed at Oikawa while laughing at his shocked face causing him to pout and crossed his arms like a toddler throwing a tantrum. “Uh oh, I think it’s Oikawa’s turn for a nap” Makki joked. Matsun hummed in agreement, “Yup, Y/n gets grumpy and Oikawa gets bratty” He laughed.
“Ugh whatever, at least I don’t snore like a chainsaw”
“Says the man who can’t sleep in any other position besides fetal”
“Dude shut up! It’s comfortable!”
Iwaizumi sighed, already knowing this petty argument wouldn’t end anytime soon. He looked down at you, “Who are you messaging?” Hajime inquired, peering at your phone. “No one, just some first years in my DMs” You hummed noncommittally. “You still leading those poor kids on?” Hanamaki asked. Glancing at Makki you pursed your lips, “I’m not leading them on… I’m just entertaining the antics” You replied smiling innocently and batting your eyelashes. “Yo, remember when that one first year confessed to you in the middle of lunch?” Issei asked slowing at a red light. You sat up suddenly, “Oh my god yes! That was so embarrassing!” You exclaimed. “You were embarrassed? Imagine the kid when you rejected him” Iwaizumi countered raising an eyebrow. “The second-hand embarrassment was strong on that one” Takahiro agreed, “Y/n’s a heartbreaker,” He said shaking his head.
You gasped, “I’m not! I’m just not interested in people like three years younger than me” You explained defending yourself. “Well, your choices are limited, since all the people in our grade are scared of us for whatever reason” Tooru stated with his eyes closed and head leaning on the window, looking like he would clonk out soon. “Yeah cause y’all are intimidating as fuck” You claimed. Issei chuckled, “Mm, yeah we kinda are” He admitted. “If they really liked you, they wouldn’t be scared to confess” Hajime shrugged. You smiled widely, “Ok king! My fault” You laughed giving him a high five. “Wait but if we’re so intimidating how come girls are always throwing their panties at Oikawa” Hanamaki questioned.
“Cause he’s not the intimidating one, it’s mainly Iwa and Matsun”
“Matsun is not intimidating, he looks out of it half of the time”
“Not out of it, more like zooted”
You quipped, laughing when Issei playfully glared at you through the rearview mirror. “Bro, remember when Kindaichi found out we were going on this trip and asked to come?” Takahiro laughed. “Stop! Y’all are so mean to him” You said kicking Makki slightly with your foot. Matsukawa snorted, “No cause what did he expect us to say, “Sure buddy you can come!” Like dude nooo,” He mocked laughing loudly. You bit your lip in an effort to not laugh, “Stop this Kindaichi slander at once” You demanded holding back your own giggles. “Okay Y/n, are you saying that you would’ve said yes if he asked you?” The wing spiker inquired giving you a look. “Well.. no—” You started. “Exactly! You’re just as bad as us” Issei interjected.
“No, I am not! You two literally looked at each other and busted out laughing, you didn’t even answer the poor boy”
“Sorry… it was funny”
“That shit was hilarious”
Hajime cleared his throat, “Is Trashykawa sleeping? Haven’t heard him talk in a while” He asked drawing shapes into your shoulder absentmindedly. Matsun glanced at his friend who was definitely passed out against the window. “Yeah, he’s gone” The middle blocker responded.
“Should we draw on his face?”
“Oh absolutely”
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The car was fairly silent now, you guys were nearing the end of your road trip and it was later in the day. The sky was littered with reds and oranges as the sun started its daily routine. The sunset was bold, radiant, and just plain mesmerizing, you couldn’t help but stare in awe. You sighed inwardly, “I’m gonna miss you guys” You uttered looking out the window. Your four guy friends looked at each other before looking at you. Iwaizumi spoke up first, “What’s there to miss? We’re not going anywhere” He asked. “I know that but who knows when the next time we’ll do something like this?” You whispered refusing to look at them because you knew you would start crying if you did. Hanamaki nudged your foot with his hand, “Y/n stop being such a baby, we’ll still see each other—” He started before you interrupted.
“That’s not the point stupid. We’re all going our own separate ways. Iwaizumi’s going to school in America, Oikawa’s going to fucking Argentina, and we’re all going to different colleges. This sucks ass, I finally have a group of friends I love and now I have to leave them—”
“Hey, what did we just say? We’re not going anywhere. So what if we’re going down different paths? Holidays exist Y/n, you think Iwaizumi and Oikawa are gonna stay in America and Argentina all year round? Plus me and Makki’s colleges are not that far from yours, I could probably walk if I wanted to. Now stop sulking, you’re bringing down the mood”
Issei stated his eyes never once drifting from the road. You sniffed and leaned into Hajime’s side more, “Jeez, sorry” You mumbled playing with your fingers. If the car wasn’t quiet before, it sure was now. No one knew what to say, it seemed too early to make a joke about it and it was a conversation none of you were ready to have. But despite not being ready, Oikawa still voiced his opinion nevertheless,
“Well would you look at that, Y/n really does love us. And I thought you hated me”
You snorted, “I do hate you” You teased making a face at him which he gladly returned. But his demeanor suddenly became serious,
“Adding on to what Mattsun said, we’re not leaving forever Y/n. Graduation is like three months away, we still have time to hang out plus we have the summer so there’s that. I know you love us and can’t possibly live without us but I think you’ll manage”
You blinked in response to Oikawa’s little spiel, “You are so corny” You huffed looking down so he wouldn’t notice the small tears in your eyes.
“Ah! So when I do it it’s corny, what about that whole pitch Matsun did?!”
“Hey, I wasn’t corny. I was being real”
“Please, as if, you were just being mean”
“It’s called tough love, it isn’t made for softies”
Watching the two of them go back and forth once again was entertaining. And when Makki and Iwaizumi joined in, it was just one hundred times better. But seeing your best friends interact with one another just made you realize how much you love them. And although this may be your guy’s last high school adventure, it wasn’t going to your last endeavor with this crazy bunch. You smiled slightly to yourself,
“Man, I really do love you guys”
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tanzaniiite © 2021 — all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, or copy. do not plagiarize. thank you.
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193 notes · View notes
bumbleklee · 3 years
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I posted 1,956 times in 2021
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#genshin x reader - 178 posts
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#genshin self insert - 136 posts
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#genshin x you - 96 posts
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#childe x reader - 81 posts
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#also dance pop is because i have too much energy at 3 am and put on 2010 club bangers
My Top Posts in 2021
masterlist | 1k prompt masterlist | pregnancy series
request: sorry if this is confusing !! can i request the pregnant reader s/o of diluc, kaeya , and childe with the kids of mondstadt/liyue or maybe childe’s siblings acting as their protectors in a way. like helping her down stairs or making sure she isn’t tired from standing. sometimes checking on her or giving her gifts to give to the baby when it’s born because babies are exciting lol. their response being they have to be good sibling and asking to touch their stomach and feeling the baby kick. you can put the loving husband’s reactions to the lil protection squad the reader has unintentionally made lol
pairings: diluc, kaeya, childe and zhongli x female!reader (separate)
warnings: pregnancy
a/n: i wasn't sure if this was a request for the series or not but decided to put it here anyways because it’s *chefs kiss* 
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“Why didn’t you order your usual drink?” A straightforward voice broke you out of your conversation and you turned your head to the side to see Diona staring at you. Her hands were on her hips and her eyes were narrowed at you. “You always order a Frisky Cocktail but tonight you just ordered water. Why?”
You hesitated to answer the young girl. But by the stare she was giving you, you knew she wasn’t going to let up anytime soon.
“Um, well,” You started, wondering if you could come up with a lie. You and Diluc hadn’t told anyone you were expecting yet but with a deep breath you said, “It’s because I’m pregnant.”
Diona raised an eyebrow at you, “You’re pregnant? Meaning you’re going to have a baby?”
Her ears perked up and a smile broke out onto your face, “That’s right.” Diona had the glimmer of a smile on her face as well and said something under her breath before tending to someone else at the bar.
Since that night, Diona had been more attentive to you. She bragged that she knew the news of your pregnancy before anyone else when you finally told everyone and she found herself talking to you more than ever. As your pregnancy progressed, Diona became even closer to you. She would give you gifts, mostly flowers or food, and ask you questions about the, now known, twins.
Truthfully, it was nice having Diona around when Diluc was busy. In fact, it made you so much more excited to meet your own babies. You wondered if they would grow up to be as ambitious or as compassionate as her.
On a day where Diona wasn’t working and Diluc was busy tending to his orchard, you invited Diona over and took the young girl to the lake. You basked in the sun as Diona collected rocks and chatted about her busy week.
“This is for you,” Diona said shyly, holding out a sweet flower to you.
You grinned, “Why, thank you.” You took the flower from her and slipped it behind your ear, “Does it look nice?”
Diona nodded and sat down beside you. Her eyes were glued to your growing baby bump and when you noticed, your smile softened. “Do you want to touch it?” She nodded again and reached out, her hand gentle on your belly. Suddenly, she ripped her hand away with a gasp. “What happened?”
“They kicked me!” She squealed, causing you to just laugh. From the grape vines, Diluc smiled to himself as he watched Diona take good care of you.
When Kaeya told the teenagers in town that you were pregnant, it was like a switch had been flipped on them. The boys, Bennett and Razor, had turned from rowdy pranksters to mature young adults (at least when you were around). Even Fischl, who was once lacking in the reality department, was so much more attentive to you and your needs.
The teenagers were, in fact, so obsessed with the fact you were bringing a new baby into Mondstadt that Kaeya felt comfortable leaving you in their care when you stopped going to work. He even had Lisa make them matching shirts that said ‘Y/N’s Protection Squad’ on them.
At first, it was a delight to have them around. They kept you company and anything you needed, they were there to help with. But soon it became bothersome.
“I can walk down the stairs fine, boys,” You said, laughing awkwardly as the teenagers held onto either of your arms. Where you were in your pregnancy, you didn’t need assistance down the stairs. Maybe when you were farther along but not now.
“We just don’t want you to fall Mrs. Alberich,” Bennett said politely. “Captain Kaeya said to help you with everything!”
“Did he now?” You said through gritted teeth. “Are you guys hungry? Why don’t you run along and grab us a table.”
Finally, Razor and Bennett let go of your arms to race down the stairs and towards The Good Hunter. You sighed in relief and took your time down the steps, relishing in the quick moment of freedom before you reached the table where the boys sat.
“Is this a good table? We can find another one if-”
“It’s fine,” You cut Bennett off and sat down yourself. As you were looking over the menu, Bennett spoke up again.
“Sorry if we’re being annoying,” He said, his head down, “We’re just excited to have a little brother or sister.”
Razor nodded in agreement, “Lupical...baby.”
Your heart melted at their words and you sighed deeply. While their help was unnecessary and sometimes annoying, it was nice to know that these kids would do anything to keep you safe.
“It’s alright,” You finally said, smiling, “Now, what do you want to eat?”
“So, you know how you said you were bored when I was away during the day?” 
Childe’s voice startled you and you almost choked on the soup you were eating before regaining your composure. You swiveled to the side to see Childe with his hands behind his back, holding onto something.
You raised your eyebrows, “Yeah?”
Your boyfriend pushed something around his waist and you were now staring at Qiqi. The little girl looked at you with wide, blank eyes. “Hello,” She said flatly.
“Did you steal her?” You asked Childe in a hushed whisper.
Childe laughed, “Of course not. I was talking to Baizhu about your problem and he suggested Qiqi to keep you company!”
You blinked slowly. Qiqi continued to stare at you. “Um, are you hungry?”
Qiqi nodded and without a word, hoisted herself onto the seat next to you. She picked up a spare pair of chopsticks and grabbed a dumpling off your plate, shoving it into her mouth.
When you turned around to face Childe again, he was already heading back down the harbor. Sighing, you turned back to Qiqi. She was still chewing on her dumpling and kicking her feet back and forth.
“So, what do you want to do?” You asked her. Spending time with Qiqi felt like babysitting more than anything but if Childe insisted that she would cure your utter boredom, then you trusted him.
“Qiqi wants to…” The little girl stopped for a moment and put her hand on her chin to think. Then she looked at you with gleaming eyes, “Qiqi wants to meet the baby!”
You smiled, “Oh, Qiqi, the baby isn’t here yet.”
She cocked her head in confusion, “But Childe said Y/N had a baby.”
“My baby is here.” You pointed to your small baby bump and Qiqi stared at it for a moment. Her hand reached out and she touched your rounded stomach gently. “You’ll be able to meet them soon.”
Qiqi pulled her head away and looked up at you with dazed eyes, “Meet who?”
The teenagers of Liyue were somehow more excited for your pregnancy than you were. Xiangling was constantly making specialty dishes that were packed with vitamins and healthy ingredients, Xinqiu was making a collection of children’s books to give to you, and Chongyun cleansed your house weekly of bad omen.
It wasn’t a surprise to anyone that you had grown attached to them.
“Can I adopt them?” You asked Zhongli one night after a day out with the teenagers.
Zhongli peered at you from the kitchen table, “The children? Unfortunately, no.”
You frowned and sat down across from him, a hot cup of tea in my hands. “Why not? I think they deserve to have a little sibling, don’t you?”
Your husband chuckled softly at you, “Darling, they have parents of their own. We can’t steal them away from their biological family.”
You knew he was right. Your pregnancy brain was just making you emotional and sensitive. You pouted and stirred your tea, “They’re the best, Zhongli.”
“I’m sure they are.” Zhongli smiled fondly at your appreciation towards the teenagers. He felt remorse for not being able to be there with you during the day but was glad you had company. He was also glad that you felt secure in the presence of them. “Besides, I’m sure they’ll look at our little one as their younger sibling nonetheless.”
You perked up, “You’re right! And that means we’ll have extra hands to help with them, too!”
Zhongli nodded in agreement. An idea formed in your mind and when Zhongli headed to bed that night, you stayed up to create it.
The next day, the teenagers rang the doorbell of your apartment to get you. Zhongli kissed you goodbye and you left, excitmenting running through your veins. You took the children to the harbor before reaching into your bag.
“I can’t explain how grateful I am for all three of you,” You told them, feeling nothing but pure love cloud your brain, “So I wanted to thank you with this!” You handed each of the teenagers a similar bracelet. It was made from pieces of different crystals and rocks strewn together with a string. “When my baby gets old enough, they’ll know that their big siblings are the ones with the special bracelets.”
Xiangling was the first to run forward and hug you, “I can’t wait!”
The boys joined in quickly after, “We’ll be by your side until then.”
1164 notes • Posted 2021-09-24 03:40:03 GMT
genshin boys holding/massaging your boobs
this is dedicated to my anons (you know who you are)
before reading: boobs (childe, kaeya, venti + albedo)
childe loved every part of you from your head to your feet
he adored your hair and could run his hands through it all day if you’d let him, and he loved tracing the muscles in your thighs or along your back
he especially loved the more intimate parts of you, specifically your breasts
he loved flicking his thumbs over your nipples and hearing the sounds you let out and squeezing his fingers around your boobs
in short, childe worshipped your body and made sure you knew it no matter what (even in a non-sexual way)
one day, you had woken up with your period after childe had already left and when he came home, he found you sprawled on your bed groaning
he immediately came to your side and you rolled over, allowing him to sneak behind you and snake his arms around your waist
you had a routine when you were cramping or achy on your period and childe was happy to help
Childe’s hands started on your stomach. His slender fingers massaged soft circles around your pelvis and he talked to you about his day to try and distract you. His fingers traveled upwards and soon his hands had slipped under your shirt fully and were groping your breasts gently. 
Being sore, the motion felt delightful. It was like Childe was easing out any knots or tension your period was causing. You signed in relief and pushed your back against your boyfriend.
The act wasn’t sexual in the slightest and both of you knew that. Childe was just being a good boyfriend and alleviating your pain for you and showing you how much he really loved you. His hands cupped underneath your boobs and he lifted upwards, the heaviness on your chest disappearing.
Your eyes fluttered closed on their own and when Childe realized you had fallen asleep, he finally removed his hands. He pressed a kiss to your lips and kept his arms around you, ready to give you another massage if you needed one when you woke up.
firm believer that all boobs are good boobs
whether your chest was big or small or somewhere in the middle, kaeya appreciated them and loved on them daily
as soon as you two crossed the intimate line in your relationship, kaeya’s hands were always around your breasts
he would come up behind you while you were cooking and wrap his arms your your chest so his hands coincidentally landed on your boobs or you would wake up in the morning to his hands fully around your breasts in his sleep
You accompanied Kaeya on a weekend commission to Liyue and was delighted when he snuck you away from your hotel one night to an empty hot spring that was hidden beyond the mountains. You both wasted no time in stripping down to nothing and sliding into the warm water.
Your eyes were closed in relaxation and you were leaning your head backwards against the rocks when Kaeya’s arms snaked around your waist and pulled you onto his lap. His chest pressed against your back. 
“What are you doing?” You giggled. 
“I just can’t resist you,” Kaeya said. He rested his chin on your shoulder and his hands brushed your breasts. His hands were warm from the water and they felt good on your boobs, easing any tension or stress from the travel that day. 
“I’m not really in the mood,” You told him. You felt Kaeya shrug and continue to squeeze and grope your boobs. Soon, his movements stopped and he simply held the flesh in his hands, his fingers wrapping around them. 
“Neither am I - just wanna hold them.”
this goes without saying, albedo loved to learn about anatomy
until he met you, sucrose was his model when it came to learning about female anatomy and once you came along, she couldn’t thank you enough for taking her place on the pedestal
once you two become intimate, expect albedo to spend hours tracing your body shape and touching you all over the place
sex with albedo often ended with him overanalyzing your body and its sudden reaction to his touch
You pulled off Albedo and flopped down beside him, panting. You wiped sweat from your forehead and stared at the ceiling until you felt a pair of eyes looking at you. You turned your head to see Albedo staring at you. 
“What?” You asked, a satisfied grin on your lips. 
Albedo’s eyes traveled from your face down to your chest. An intriguing look was on his face, “Your nipples are still hard.” 
You glanced down and he was right. Your nipples were still perky and hard even after you had orgasmed and were no longer horny. You shrugged your shoulders, “Weird.”
Without warming, Albedo’s hand reached out to touch a nipple. You made a noise of surprise but didn’t push him away. His fingers spread over your boob and squeezed down onto it softly. 
“What are you doing?” 
Albedo didn’t answer you at first. His fingers were prodding at the fleshy mound and you furrowed your eyebrows. “It feels the same as before we had intercourse,” Albedo said mainly to himself, “Warmer, though.” 
You blushed and turned your head away from Albedo. You didn’t hate the feeling of him hold your boob but did he have to make it so scientific? 
he’s just as cheeky as kaeya sometimes
venti was attracted to your eyes first but if you asked him, he would say it was your breasts just to make you blush
it was actually you who asked venti if he would occasionally play with or hold your breasts
his fingers were slender and calloused from playing the lyre so you loved when you laid together at night and they wrapped around your breasts in comfort
Like now, you two were sprawled out under the tree in Windrise in the middle of the night. You were sitting between Venti’s legs, facing him and undoing his braids, while his hands roamed your chest. He massaged your breasts absentmindedly, his fingers flicking over your nipples but not enough to stimulate you. 
Your conversation was aimless and if anyone walked by, they would think you two were absolutely mad. 
“Are you stressed?” Venti asks, his fingers rubbing out any kinks in your boobs. “You feel tense.”
“A little,” You admit, “But you’re helping.” 
Venti grinned and continued his actions before you were satisfied. To you, Venti massaging your breasts felt like a good back massage to others. When he was done, Venti helped you turn around so you could lay against his lap and chest. His hands rested around your boobs, giving you warmth in the brisk air. 
1219 notes • Posted 2021-05-26 06:38:08 GMT
you get scared/have a fear
ft. diluc, kaeya, childe and zhongli
at this point this blog is just husband (??) scenarios
after dating diluc for a while, he invites you to move into the winery with him
the winery is a beautiful building but it’s big and lonely, especially when diluc is at the tavern and the maids have already left for the night
the sky had been dark all day and as soon as the house was enveloped in darkness, it started to storm
you had always been afraid of thunder and lightning so as soon as you heard the rain, you made your way into the middle of diluc’s bed
You clutched the blankets until your knuckles turned white, tugging the sheets over your chin. You shakily exhale and try to distract yourself with a happy memory from that week. 
Kaeya surprised everyone with a few bottles of wine on Friday to celebrate getting through another week of hard work. Jean wasn’t happy about this but free alcohol was free- 
Your thoughts were interrupted by a loud clap of thunder. You shrunk down into the mattress, closing your eyes and cowering. You didn’t even hear Diluc come into the bedroom and sit beside your form. 
He placed a gentle hand on your cheek which made you jump out of your skin before opening your eyes and realizing it was just your boyfriend. 
“Sorry I didn’t get here before the storm started,” He said softly, “Are you alright?”
You pulled Diluc down beside you and hid your face in the crook of his neck, “I am now.” 
he teased you for being a skittish person
in fact, he tried to scare you all the time by coming up behind you or fueling your over-dramatic anxiety about hilichurls
but he knew when you were actually scared about something and knew how to be serious in that situation
when you’re fear overcame you, kaeya was there to bring you back
Your nightmare was horrible. Something was dragging you down to the bottom of an abyss and when you tried to inhale, your senses were filled with scorching hot liquid that burned a seething pain. In a fit of gasps, you exploded from your dream. Your heart was beating out your chest. 
“What’s wrong?” Kaeya was awake beside you in moments. Your stirring woke him up and once he heard your agonized breath, he was all ears. He wraps an arm around your shoulder and helps you calm down. 
“Bad dream.” 
You relay the events of your nightmare to Kaeya and it brings tears to your eyes. You know it didn’t actually happen but it just felt so real. Kaeya reaches up and brushes away your tears, pressing his lips to your shoulder, “Nothing will ever hurt you as long as I'm here. You’re safe with me.” 
mark my words, childe would never lay a hand on you
he might be a “bad guy” but he would never stoop that low
but even with knowing this, you still got anxious when you two argued purely because of childe’s temper and overdramatic movements
you couldn’t help but flinch anytime he waves his hands too close to your face or clenches his fists in frustration 
“You’re an asshole!” You yell, crossing your arms with force. “I can’t believe I wasted so much time with you!” 
“Don’t act all innocent,” Childe snarls as he steps towards you. “I should have known you were just an annoying little thing who was just with me for my money.” 
“God, as if I would-” before you get a chance to finish your remark, Childe is raising his hand and you’re visibly wincing. The room falls into a thick silence and when you don’t feel an impact, you look up. 
Childe is staring at you in horror. His eyes were filled with confusion and panic. “You...I wasn’t...” Your heart shatters and your anger dissipates, “I would never hit you.” 
You wrap your arms around Childe’s chest. Any argument that was just happening was out the window. “I just got a little scared,” You mumbled, “It’s okay. I know you would never hurt me.” 
you weren’t scared of many things and you prided yourself on that
zhongli admired you for being so strong but often told you it was okay to let your guard down
your biggest fear, if you had to name one, would be tight, closed-in spaces but you never felt the need to tell your archon boyfriend this
When the elevator at the Wangshu Inn gets stuck, Zhongli finds it amusing. You, on the other hand, begin to panic. You hated the elevator as it was but could tolerate the short ride upwards. 
“They’ll fix it quickly,” Zhongli assured you. His voice was calm and collected and you nodded, trying to play off the irrational panic creeping up your throat. 
You felt like the walls of the elevator were closing in on you. Your breathing was becoming jerky and uneven and Zhongli peered at you with concern. He took your hand gently in his and started to piece together the puzzle. 
“It’s okay, you’re going to be okay,” He said quietly. 
“I can't breathe,” You gasped out. Zhongli forced you to look at him and he held your face softly until the elevator finally started moving again. The doors opened at the top of the inn and Zhongli helped you off it. By now, you were starting to calm down. 
Next time, he walked up the stairs with you. 
1597 notes • Posted 2021-05-01 06:33:32 GMT
dating you as a bet
diluc would fall head over heels in love with you, even though it was supposed to just be a bet. he couldn't stop himself - you were just so wonderful and amazing and spending so much time with you made him realize that. 
childe would feel genuinely bad about everything. he thought it would be funny to date you as a bet but soon realized that it was cruel. he broke it off as soon as he could and full prepared himself to be punched in the face. 
kaeya would laugh. it was his idea to date you for a bet, it was just his friends that dared him to do it. you would feel humiliated and kaeya would just smirk and lean on his hands and say “did you really think i would date you?” 
venti would date you for a day and then break it off. he would feel bad but not too bad, hoping he could just play it off as an experiment. you would be hurt but probably forgive him someway or another. 
gorou and kazuha would make a different kind of bet - who can date you first? and they would shower you with gifts, compliments and praises only for you to figure out what was going on and reject both of them. 
itto would get confused and tell you outright “hey im supposed to date you so i can win some mora” and since you’re a nice person, you would indulge him. but only under the pretense he buys you something with his winnings. 
thoma is way too nice to participate in something like this. in fact, he would go ahead and tell you ahead of time what his shitty friends were planning so you could be prepared to reject them all. (then he would buy you dango)
zhongli wouldn’t participate in something like this. neither would xiao or albedo.
format inspired by @chichikoi <3
1958 notes • Posted 2021-11-21 03:57:51 GMT
getting caught/walked in on
ft. diluc, kaeya, childe and zhongli for all u thirsty bitches /j if u sent in a request don't worry i just thought of this and wanted to write it before i got uninspired 〆(・∀・)
before reading: kinda suggestive (so under cut), childe’s is like kinda kinda suggestive lmfao
he would be a very cautious lover for this reason alone
he would hold your hand, hug you, perhaps place a kiss on your lips but that was it when it came to pda
so when he closes the tavern finally and makes sure no one is inside still, he doesn’t hesitate to lift you up onto the bar
You pressed your lips against Diluc’s, initiating a hungry kiss. You had been needy all day but couldn’t act on your desires until that night. “Finally,” You muttered in between kisses.
Diluc’s hands ran up underneath your shirt, moving his lips down to your jawline. His hands roamed your chest, earning a small groan from you. 
“Master Diluc! I forgot-” Amber’s sudden voice broke you two apart quickly. Diluc nearly pushed you away from him. “I’m so sorry!” 
Before you or Diluc could say anything, Amber had run out of the tavern. Diluc’s face was as red as his hair and you just rolled your eyes and laughed. 
The mood was ruined. 
you two had gotten caught multiple times
it all because of kaeya (of course)
his favorite activity was to mess around in public with you and as much as you protested, you secretly liked it too
unlike diluc, kaeya doesn’t get embarrassed about getting caught because it’s just another way to show you off
When there was a loud bang in the hallway, Jean was the one to get up from the table in her office to go check it out. Knowing it was probably Klee, you continued with planning the Ludi Harpastum festival. “...so we’ll make the vendor application due on the ninth.” 
Kaeya’s hand was stagnant on your thigh for most of the meeting but when Jean stepped outside, it began to travel up. 
Sighing, you put down your pen and turned your body slightly to look at your boyfriend. “What are you doing?”
“Just admiring you,” He grinned. His hand left your thigh to cup your face gently. You knew what he wanted and since Jean wasn’t around, you decided to close the gap. One kiss couldn’t hurt. 
Except one kiss turned into multiple kisses and Kaeya’s tongue slipped into your mouth. His lips pressed against yours roughly and your hands tangled in his hair. 
You snapped away when you heard Jean’s voice, your face burning up already. Kaeya only sat back in his chair, a smirk on his face. 
similar to kaeya, he’s a risk-taker when it comes to pda with you
unlike kaeya, he’s smarter at hiding it
childe would pull you into empty alleyways while kaeya would try to slip his fingers into you under a table
when you get hurt during a commission and have to stay at baizhu’s infirmary for a night, childe decides to have some fun
After an hour of trying to convince you to have sex in the empty infirmary Childe was caging your head in-between his arms as he thrusted into you ever-so-slowly. You were biting your lip to not make any noise and anytime Childe felt a moan crawling up his throat, he pressed his lips to yours. 
“You feel so good,” Childe growled into your ear. He snapped his hips against yours suddenly and you couldn’t suppress the moan from your lips. He only chuckled darkly and did the same action. “Gonna make you forget you even got hurt this morning.” 
“S...you...” You were close to your high and your mind was fogged over. Childe nipped at your neck and you breathed out another noise of pleasure. 
“Qiqi heard noise. Are you hurt?” 
You turned your head slowly to meet a pair of mundane, dead eyes and you shoved Childe off of you onto the floor. You ripped the sheet off the bed and wrapped it around yourself, escorting the little girl out of the infirmary quickly. 
“Everything is fine!” You said quickly. “Why don’t you go find me some Glaze Lillies?” 
You had never been so thankful for her short-term memory loss. 
you had never gotten caught with zhongli
he was so old-fashioned when it came to pda that you thought you never would get caught with him
the only logical reason to why you two would get caught was an unwanted guest with ginger hair walked in on you two 
and that’s exactly what happened
Zhongli wrapped his arms around your waist while you washed dishes. You leaned into his touch and he pressed sweet kisses to the back of your neck. 
You finished washing a plate and turned off the faucet, turning around in Zhongli’s arms and grasping his face gently. You closed the gap between you two and the delicate kiss you shared soon turned into a rough make-out session with Zhongli pressing himself between your legs. 
“We’re finally alone,” His husky voice whispered, nipping at your earlobe. Your hands unbuttoned his shirt, the satin shirt falling to the floor of the kitchen. 
Suddenly, the front door swung open and in walked Childe. He was soaking wet and was already rambling about something. “...And then it just started pouring rain! My element is useless in the rain-” He paused when he saw you and Zhongli, his mouth agape before turning into a mischievous smirk. “So this is what you do when I’m not around-” 
His words were cut off by a rock pillar coming out of nowhere and knocking him across the room.
4588 notes • Posted 2021-04-29 06:22:32 GMT
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Shantae Headcanons - The Half-Genies
This is a bit of a weird one for me, not gonna lie. Mostly because, well...you've kinda seen some of my headcanons already! Aside from Harmony, the half-genies don't really get that much screentime (well, Shantae does, but she's in a different post), so I've had to figure out their characterization myself for their quotes. Don't worry, though, that's not all I'm covering here. In any case - onto the headcanons!
Harmony is a lot of things. A mentor figure, a guide, a gentle hand - she does great in a crisis, and does wonders helping others through their own. It's no wonder the other half-genies looked up to her. She does have one glaring weakness, though...she cannot do casual social interactions. At all. The other half-genies figured this out rather quickly when they went into the Half-Genie Festival; she did spectacularly with her performance, but during the afterparty? Harmony was doing her best to either not be seen, and what conversation was sparked between her and the partygoers was rather stilted and awkward. The reason for this? Well, it actually ties back to how well she does as a calm and collected leader...
Harmony's mother was well aware of the dangers of Quake Magic. Used without thought or care, it can cause mass devastation, as Shantae herself can attest to. So, to help Harmony when she was gone, she slipped in some instructions into the scrapbook to tell Harmony how to train herself. The catch was, she had to completely isolate herself from civilization first, to avoid any potential harm to innocents while she was still learning to control her magic. Harmony followed said instructions to the letter, only coming out of her training when she felt she was ready to fulfill her role as Guardian Genie. As a result of this nomadic lifestyle, Harmony's calm, disciplined, and can use her magic incredibly well, but it doesn't really make for a good social life.
Thankfully, the other half-genies have been able to help with that, letting Harmony loosen up and enjoy herself. She's still more naturally introverted, but she is rather open around the other half-genies. She has a lot of time on her hands, as very few actually want to be on the other end of her Quake Magic, so Harmony rarely has to actually step up to defend her town. That's not to say it doesn't happen, of course...
Harmony's town is completely landlocked, so she hasn't had to deal with Risky Boots. Instead, the main threat she deals with is Ammo Baron and his army. See, Harmony's town is in a similar position to Scuttle Town in that it's a great tactical position to launch an assault on the palace of Sequin Land. Unlike Scuttle Town, however, Harmony's town has a mayor who's never even considered firing Harmony, meaning that it's never been in the vulnerable position that let Ammo Baron take over Scuttle Town. As a result, 85% of Harmony's job has mostly consisted of dealing with Ammo Baron's plan B: brute force. Thankfully, her Quake Magic helps tremendously in this effort, frustrating Ammo Baron to no end. It's why he switched targets to Scuttle Town in the first place, and why he was investing in a flying armada in Half-Genie Hero. Easier to deal with earthquakes if you're not touching the ground!
Zapple is very impulsive. You'd think that her paranoid streak might make her a little more cautious, but no. If anything, a common reason for her to head off on some crazy quest is whatever conspiracy happens to be in her mind. Thankfully, Vera's always been there to help bail her out when she gets in over her head, with the other half-genies helping in this endeavor as they've gotten to know Zapple better.
As the Guardian Genie of Armor Town, Zapple is an expert blacksmith. Who do you think made that armor? She actually ended up forming an unexpected friendship with Bolo because of this, thanks to their similar backgrounds. She also managed to figure out that Bolo's mom is the Squidsmith (more on that in the post I linked earlier) thanks to her spending some time on Siren Island for the Half-Genie Festival, and thinks it's absolutely hilarious that Shantae hasn't connected the dots yet. She's definitely not telling anytime soon, that's for sure.
After the whole Empress Siren thing, Zapple's relationship with Shantae ended up becoming...something between inspiration and friendly rivalry. Like everyone else, Zapple saw the fight between Shantae and Empress Siren's giant form. Like everyone else, Zapple agreed that it was impressive. So much, in fact, that it made her think, "Well, damn, I better step up." And soon after the dust settled, Zapple started training herself and her magic, hoping to do just as well defending her hometown someday. This also lead to challenging Shantae whenever she visited, as a benchmark of how far she'd come since they first met. Shantae was fine with this, knowing it was all in good fun...even if it was a bit unnerving how intense Zapple could get about it. However, after the return of the remaining Sirens (read here), Zapple's need to prove herself significantly died down, so the "rivalry" part of their friendly rivalry has been kinda phased out.
As the other resident half-genie on Siren Island, she and Zapple have been friends since childhood. Though from completely different walks of life, they get along very well, with Vera helping to ground Zapple's more manic moments, and Zapple always being there to cheer Vera on with her electric pep. Though Vera's been relieved to have some relatively subdued people in her life with the other half-genies, she does still gets along best with Zapple - even if her spontaneous plans and adventures can be a bit much. Someone has to be there to pull her out of the way of angry Bonk Tortoise, after all.
Beyond Zapple, though, Vera gets along very well with Lobster Siren, helping her understand the surface world better and come out of her (metaphorical) shell. This may have something to do with her Refresh Magic and connection to life making her one of the best at understanding Siren, second to only Shantae herself. She serves as a great translator for Zapple and Harmony, as their Spark Magic and Quake Magic provide little or no help understanding Lobster Siren.
Vera is an excellent dancer, knowing all the traditional dances from Tree Town and beyond. She and Shantae actually had a dance-off during the Half-Genie Festival when Vera saw how good Shantae was at it. Though, at the end, both were so impressed with the other that they couldn't decide a winner, and ended up calling it a tie (although a certain zombie and a certain electric genie were a bit vocal on who they thought won).They agreed to send each other tips when they had the time.
With her psychic powers, the threats Plink protects her town from tend to be ones they can't see. Specters, wraiths, curses - her Seer Magic gives her a better view on all of them, and she combats it by either seeing if she can talk to the haunting entity or warding off the area to ensure no one goes in by accident and causes something they might regret. It's not really flashy or spectacular, but Plink does her job well, and is one of the best people to talk to regarding the supernatural.
Runs a fortune telling booth in her spare time. She doesn't use her magic or anything, she's just well-versed in the world of fortune telling and thinks it's fun, even if she can't exactly predict the future. Plink does try to make it explicitly clear that she's not an actual fortune teller to those who come by, though, as she doesn't want people to come based on false advertising. It's definitely made for a fun party trick to show the other half-genies, though.
Plink knows Poe and Abner, running into each other when the latter two briefly rejoined the zombie caravan. The zombie brothers were a bit surprised to see another half-genie, to say the least, but were able to laugh it off. They talked a bit, ended up exchanging notes regarding what they knew about the supernatural, and going their separate ways. Ironically, though, Plink didn't connect the dots between Rottytops and the little sister the two mentioned until the Half-Genie Festival was nearly over. She really felt compelled to indulge in a facepalm when she did.
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papergirllife · 4 years
Chapter 2
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You don’t know what it’s like to be free, to make your own choices, and live your own life. For your whole life, your parents have been treating you like a puppet on strings, controlling your life to every single detail, as well as ignoring the fact that you have feelings. Other times, when you disobey their wishes, or speak up about your own opinions, they bash you down with words, in other words, psychological abuse, has led you down the long winded road of depression and anxiety. What happens when you meet a man who’s willing to be your guide out of this terrible downpour? Would you give a shot at happily ever after?
big age gap (kinda?)
issues on anxiety
issues on depression (mild)
issues on parental abuse
smut (maybe)
Tag List: @etherealtyjaem​ ,  @caratzennie  , @johnnysuhnflower  , @euphoricchannie  ,  @yeollieseo  ,  @jjhmk  , @sherzess
(lmk if you wanna be on the list) (and sorry for reposting, it just won’t show on the tags)
The new house you’ve just moved in was small, you were perfectly fine with the size, you always stayed in your room anyways, the sizes elsewhere doesn’t really matter. It wouldn’t have been an issue if they weren’t making a fuss outside. They were yet again arguing about the company’s debts and complaining about the recent stock market turn outs. Your parents sold the old house in order to pay off some of the company loans, moving into a decent condominium in the older township.
Why are they so obnoxiously loud? Why can’t they talk like normal civilised people? They had an awful habit of shouting from one room to another, even if it’s about 3 feet apart, the study to the kitchen like it was just steps away.
You placed your pillow on top of your ear as the other was covered with the other one you’re sleeping on, you woke up from nightmares just this morning and needed a nap, but from the looks of things, you weren’t getting one anytime soon.
You reluctantly got up from your bed and told them to lower down their voices, but they just ignored you, as they always did. After the third time of fruitless attempt, you’ve given up hope on resting, but your body wasn’t happy with what was happening, the voices in your head hammering in your head, blaming you for what happened as you felt your heartbeat quicken, your breathing staggered. You could feel your whole body tense up as tears started to cloud your vision.
You inhaled deep breaths as you tried to push the anxiety attack away, humming a song, fiddling with a pen, but nothing you read on the internet helped. You hugged your knees towards your chest as you sat on the corner of your room, trying to muffle your choked sobs. A sentence you kept repeating in your head like a mantra,
‘make it stop.’
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It’s currently 10 a.m. and your parents are rushing you to hurry up with your morning routine as they have an important meeting with some potential investor, they’re taking you along because they need an errand girl to buy them coffee and in case of any other task that is deemed much too troublesome for them like filing away documents or printing out contracts.
You woke up at the crack of dawn to get ready, so to say that you were tired after yesterday’s ordeal was an understatement. As your father told you to double check the files needed in the bag, you found out you left one up stairs, your palms sweaty as you informed them of your mishap.
“How can you be so dumb?! This is why you’re such a failure of a person! I told you to prepare everything last night! Were you day dreaming again?!” your father bellowed from the driver’s seat, his angry eyes filled with rage whenever his gaze darted to your sight through the rearview mirror, putting your lives at risk on a busy road.
You bite back retorts, head hung low through out the quick detour back, exiting the car alone to go back up and retrieve the file you left behind.
Not a day goes by where they don’t criticise you for something you did, whether an accident or not. You can feel your anxiety levels going up again as your heartbeat picks up speed, a wave of sadness coming over you. You quickly recalled a familiar song to block out their hurtful words ringing in your head.
“Useless piece of shit,” your father mumbled as he drove, throwing a clothe he uses to clean his car on your face, the rough material stinging you.
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As you dug through your pockets for loose change in your jacket, your fingers found a card instead, it was Mr Suh’s card.
I can take you away from all this chaos raging among your family, if you can call it a family that is. I’ll be seeing you soon, Y/N.
‘What does he mean?’ you wondered.
“Miss, you’re holding up the queue. Do you have 50 cents or not?” the cashier at your local starbucks snaps at you, yanking you away from your own thoughts.
“Sorry, I don’t,” you apologised.
You looked around you to see the long line behind you and the usual full house condition of the cafe, sighing at what you call a norm of your life now, being an errand girl for your parents, and not even a little bit of acknowledgement of your existence nor feelings.
‘Can Mr Suh really make all this stop?’ you asked yourself.
Now you think you’re ridiculous for thinking a man of such wealth and power would be interested in a girl with such a puny presence among a crowd and not even a valued family member in your family’s eyes. He’s going to get bored of a girl like you someday, how long would he stay interested? A week? A month? A year? You doubt you’ll even last a night.
You begrudgingly took the bagged coffee from the counter and quickly walked back to your parent’s office block, head hung low as you thought about your parents’ attitude if this investor ends up leaving them empty handed, shivering at the thought of being their ‘mental stress ball’.
“I’m sorry, but the debts your company is in isn’t something we’d want to have on our company’s reputation if we invested. Thank you for having us,” the man in the middle, presumably the boss said, a bored look on his face.
Just like that the investors stood up and walked out the glass door of the office. Once they were out, your parents let out a frustrated groan. You quickly hurried to close up the office as they always told you to after a meeting on weekends without workers in the office.
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A month later
The company is now under leased after being certified bankruptcy. Your parents’ savings are running low, so they told you to get a part time job at a local western grocer that rich people of Seoul go to for groceries that could most probably buy you a meal at your nearby convenience store, at the winery section, where you are now giving out samples to the customers.
It wasn’t an easy job, the customers here have high standards, whatever you’re giving out as samples are always deemed lacked elegance compared to the ones that they usually have, yet they always come back for more samples the next time they come to pick up groceries, and if they’re in a good mood, they might actually buy something. People who act rich but actually aren’t as wealthy as what they boast always ticks you off, they remind you of your own family.
On Friday nights, when the alcohol section always closes earlier are the times when you’ll head to the bookstore in the same mall you were working at to read, you knew that’s a really rude thing to do, but you can’t afford buying books anymore. So you read a few chapters every night, and slightly more on Friday nights, you never told your parents about the different working hours on this particular day of the week, you don’t want to go back earlier just to see their scowling faces as they hunch over different sorts of bills and statements.
You finally found a way to cope with your anxiety levels and depression by working out early in the morning, you read from the newspapers at the worker’s lounge in the grocer that it helps, and so you gave it a try, little did you know that you would enjoy it and the feeling of staying fit boosted your confidence. But on days when you felt tired and didn’t achieve the results you were aiming at, your mind reminds you of the times when your parents called you ugly, it was started when they found out you were dating, on those days, a shut of your eyes and you’ll remember the scene of them hitting you unfolding once again, if you focused hard enough you could still feel the sting on your face.
You pushed those thoughts away as you quickly packed up for the night, as you were preparing to leave, a man came in your section, requesting to buy a bottle of wine. You were going to say that the winery section is closed, but as you turned around, the words got stuck in your throat.
It was Mr Suh, dressed in his usual working attire. Even after sitting in the office for a whole day, he still looks breathtaking, his clothes held no crease.
“Y/N,” Mr Suh said your name, the corners of his lips tugging up in a smile.
He remembers you? After so long?
“Mr Suh. H-how can I help you?” you asked, eyes darting around hoping that there aren’t any more customers, worried that they’ll realise that you were letting Mr Suh in despite the closing time.
You weren’t as anxious as talking to strangers before, but Mr Suh was no stranger to you, not really anyways, and he always had an aura that made you shy away from his presence.
“I’m looking for a bottle of Pinot Noir by Emos,” Mr Suh told you.
You took tiny but hurried steps towards a counter where the grocer kept its more expensive bottles, typed in the password and handed it to him. You silently went to the counter, typing in the bottle’s code to ring up the register.
Mr Suh handed you 200 dollars, for a bottle that only costed 85. When you opened your mouth to tell him about the error, he stopped you.
“That’s tip for bothering you after working hours, keep it,” he said. 
You tried to disagree, but he refused, saying that it is what he should do. Mr Suh bid you goodbye, before he leaves your sight, he looks back at you with an odd glint in his eyes, one that you fail to read once again.
“I’ll see you soon, Y/N.”
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The wine was supposed to be for his conquest tonight, yet when he walked through that hotel door, he knew he wasn’t going to enjoy tonight at all. Maybe the girl isn’t pretty enough? No, she was his usual take on girls he brings to bed, but something was very much off.
Johnny didn’t usually mind a bit of harmless flirting over wine before sex, he did have a tiring day at work, usually this process would calm him down a bit before getting down to business. However, he found the flirting part rather boring and very much tedious today, the girl’s flirty remarks seemed it was droning on to no end. So he sped things up, the wine long forgotten as their limbs tangle up with the sheets.
There was something nagging him behind his head, he couldn’t place a finger on it, until when he closed his eyes, instead of seeing the girl beneath him, he saw you, your tiny body beneath his as your beautiful glossy eyes look into his, the size difference between the two of you significant in his head. That was the image that kept him going, the usual him would open his eyes wide and take in the figure beneath him, but today he kept his eyes closed as he places his head on her shoulder, that action might seem affectionate, but this was just an excuse for Johnny to let his imagination run wild without being questioned.
Johnny left after washing up in the bathroom, leaving just after one round isn’t his style at all, usually Johnny could go up to four or five if he enjoyed the first round, Johnny lets out a big sigh as he gets back into the car, he should’ve asked you to dinner instead of wasting time fucking a girl just to have him imagine her being you in order to finish up.
Johnny puts his car on drive as he swiftly leaves the parking lot, hoping a night’s sleep would clear his thoughts of you. But as Johnny’s head hits his soft pillow, he could only ask himself.
‘What are you doing to me, Y/N?’
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When you woke up the next day after a long night of reading through your business course books, trying to take in whatever you can before they realise that you don’t really know what you’re reading at all.
You walked out to the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast, but before you got there, you heard voices.
“We can’t send her college, we don’t have any money left,” you heard your father’s voice say.
“But it’s her future, you’re going to put that after the company?” your mother’s voice questions.
“It’s not like she’s smart enough for it anyways. I walk by her room while she studies, and it seems like she’s just staring at an empty void, we can’t place our future in her hands, we’ll starve!” your father argues back.
What your father said had stung your heart, but after a minute or so after taking it in, it wasn’t the first time they had said such hurtful words about you. You dragged your feet back to bed, no longer having the appetite for breakfast.
You went out for a run when you felt your heartbeat quicken up as your mind floods back all the bad memories that were brought forth because of the conversation you overheard between your parents, trying your best to avoid a full on anxiety attack.
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Johnny loves weekends, it was the only time he could invest himself into working out instead of the short two hours he does before work, the gym is the place where he built up his high self esteem, and it’s the reason other than his good looks of course, that brings all the girls into his sight.
Yet he didn’t feel like he achieved as much in the gym after last night’s events. Yes, he did give in his full attention in all the exercises. He purposely slept early so he could feel energized today. Yet he didn’t have the desire to show off his body through a one night stand. The party that he said he would go seemed troublesome instead of his usual excitement of knowing he wasn’t going to bed alone. He took out his phone to text his friend that he was going to sit this one out, making up an excuse about not feeling well.
Johnny was laying around watching television as he scrolled through the latest news of the stock market, feeling a sense of pride as he sees his company’s stock rising after he had taken over from his father.
The familiar chime of his grandfather clock in the corner alerts Johnny of the time, 7 chimes means 7pm. Something suddenly clicks in his head, the sign that states the operating hours for the winery in the mall, you were going to go off work in thirty minutes.
Johnny quickly changes into jeans and a black knitted sweater that hugs his physique perfectly, styling his hair a bit before heading out his door, a smile unconsciously gracing his pretty lips.
When Johnny got to the winery section, he was disappointed to see that you had left, only left with a promoter of some beer, he tried his luck with the staff, hoping to know your whereabouts.
“It’s a Saturday today, so I think she’s off to buy a cup of instant noodles for dinner, she’ll either be at the cashier counters now, or eating at the food court.”
Johnny thanks the promoter as he rushes to the counters, he wouldn’t have spotted you if he didn’t recognise the baby blue checkered scrunchie popping up from the crowd that you wore the last time to match your uniform.
Johnny makes his way in between the masses of people, making some people frown in disbelief as his large figure makes them move away. Johnny plucked the cup of instant noodles out of your hand when he got there, making you jump in fright from the sudden intrusion of your wandering thoughts.
“Mr Suh?” you addressed him when you looked up to see who had took away your favourite brand of cup noodles.
“You’re not eating that tonight, come with me,” Johnny said, his voice more cheerful than the previous times you had seen him, but why?
Johnny takes your hands in his, a smirk making way on his face as he feels your small shaky hands in his large ones, he didn’t mind one bit, instead he likes how shy you are around him. Johnny places the cup of instant noodles on some nearby shelf before dragging you out of the grocer.
When he was out, he stopped in his tracks, turning around to look at you, trying to look into your eyes that were darting away from his. He finds it endearing, how you’re always so nervous whenever you’re with him, it was something very much new to him.
Johnny suggests a few high class restaurants for dinner, rattling off big names in hopes to impress you.
“I-i was only planning to have a cup of instant noodles, Mr Suh. Anything’s fine to me,” you said after many times of trying to tell him that he didn’t need to take you out for dinner.
“But I want you to choose. Go ahead, anywhere you want,” Johnny said and waits, curious of what you’ll pick.
You rocked on you heels and bit your lip in thought as you wrecked your head for ideas to get yourself out of this situation, but you couldn’t help but feel the desire to grab dinner with him instead of eating cup noodles at the food court alone again, and the fact that his hand was still held onto yours made you feel a sense of serenity and had a need to stay with him.
“Do you have somewhere which makes you feel like a child again when you eat their food?”
Johnny was taken back by such a request. Was it touching? He hasn’t felt that from anyone else other than his family and a handful of close friends, certainly not a lady other than his mom. Was it different? Yes. But was it bad? Certainly not, instead he feels a tug in his heart. The girls he met only made requests, instead of asking for his opinion, because they know he could afford anything they requested for, but then there’s you, breaking all of those other girls’ standards. You were also the first one who made him speechless, even if it was just a mere seconds.
“I know a place.”
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You genuinely didn’t know why you had made such a sentimental suggestion, you just thought that food from a restaurant that reminds him of home would mean that it was affordable, but other than that reason, it was because if you were to have dinner with a man whom you only had met a handful of times, you might as well get to know him better by knowing little things about him.
You weren’t dumb, you remember what he had said about being interested in you, and that having dinner with him was a risk to your own safety as well. Yet you couldn’t stray away from his dashing smile and the way his eyes shine so brightly when he sees you.
You were slowly falling down the rabbit hole.
The interior of his car had several alterations made to suite his liking, it was interesting, compared to the people who just bought cars based on their ranking and wealth just for bragging rights in an afternoon tea. His car even smelt nice, like the Jo Malone cologne you’ve taken a whiff from the sample sticks given out, you wonder if that’s what he usually wears to work.
You couldn’t help but steal peeks at Mr Suh when he drives, the way he’s so concentrated and how he could casually drive with only one hand on the wheel made you swoon slightly in the passenger seat as his rnb music plays on the radio. You shouldn’t be thinking about Mr Suh this way regardless that he’s interested in you, especially given that the two of you have quite a large age gap, as well as the fact that you weren’t allowed to date until after college. If your parents found out about you going out with Mr Suh, they’re going to skin you alive. That thought made you shiver as you suddenly realise that you can’t be seen with a man out in public, if any of your relatives find out, they’ll definitely snitch on you.
You lowered yourself in the seat as you hope that you won’t run into any of your family members when you reach wherever Mr Suh’s taking you. The drive was quiet, only the radio playing softly in the background, making you feel relaxed. Suddenly, Johnny stopped at the traffic lights, taking a long look at you from his seat.
“Why did you suggest eating somewhere which reminds me of my childhood?” Johnny asked, his eyes full of seriousness.
“I-i just wanted to get to know you better, is that not the right way to make friends?” you answered, glad that you’ve pondered this question yourself.
“It’s not the usual way, but I like how you think, Y/N,” Johnny said before he averts his attention back on the road when the lights turned green.
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Johnny could sense something was off with you from the way you looked around anxiously from your seat when the both of you reached your destination, the way your brows furrowed and the way your jittery fingers mindlessly move about. It wasn’t a shady part of town, although the two of you were at the slightly older establishments of Seoul.
“Are you alright? Why are you suddenly so nervous?” Johnny asked, worry written on his face.
You looked down on your fingers that were splayed across your lap, twitching the hem of your skirt to try and calm your nerves with no avail, but you had to say something, Mr Suh, as you’ve grown to realise is a man who’s persistent and straight forward.
“I’m worried that we’ll bump into anyone I know. I’m...I’m not supposed to be  seeing anyone or going out with people without permission,” you told him, embarrassed at the fact that you were still very much on a leash despite being an adult.
Johnny feels a sense of guilt settling down his stomach as he sees your eyes avoiding him, if he could take a guess, you must feel embarrassed right now, to have a family like that, maybe that’s why you distant yourself from people around you, they must’ve judged you based on your parents’ decisions towards your life.
Johnny reached towards the spare sweater he kept in his gym bag and handed it to you.
“Here, this has a hoodie. I don’t think anyone would be able to recognise you with it on,” Johnny said in a gentle tone, not even a hint of judgement in his voice.
You obliged and slipped the sweater on, as well as the hoodie onto your head. The sight of your small figure drowning in Johnny’s hoodie made him smile, he never thought his clothes would look so cute on you.
“Come on, it’s peak hour and I’m starving,” Johnny said with a smile that seems to always lift your mood.
You nodded mindlessly, eyes gazed into his warm honey filled eyes and soft smile. When Johnny’s trance broke on you, you quickly reached for the car door, only to see Johnny opening it for you.
‘Must be nice to have long legs to walk that fast,’ you thought to yourself.
But when he held his hand out to help you out of the car, that’s when your head went haywire and could only feel your cheeks burning up from the gentlemanly gesture that you hadn’t expected.
You hope your hand wasn’t shaking as obviously as it felt, or that would’ve been very embarrassing, you thank the skies for the chilly weather, or your hands would’ve started getting clammy from what a nervous wreck you’ve become.
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The cold was getting to you as the both of you were waiting in line for a table and Johnny could tell from the way you subtly rubbed your neck, hands lingering there to leave some warmth as the wind blows by. Without thinking, he grabs the drawstrings of his hoodie and secures it surrounding your face like a cute chipmunk.
“There, all better.”
He could tell how nervous his bold action made you feel from the way you stuttered out a thank you, the two words almost lost in the wind from how soft it sounded.
Johnny didn’t know why, but the way you’ll get all flustered from his actions warms his chest like a cup of hot coco in the winter snow.
Not long after, the two of you had gotten a tiny table for two. It was cramped, but Johnny didn’t mind, as long as it’s this restaurant, and as a plus, he could see your face from a closer perspective. He was secretly admiring the shape of your cute little nose while he pretended to look through the menu that he knew like the back of his palm.
“What’s your favourite on the menu? I don’t know what to try first, all the pictures look so nice,” you said as your eyes was open wide with interest, taking in the photos of the food on the colourful menu.
Johnny was taken aback on how you had asked for his opinion instead of the demands of carvier and champagne that he used to hear all the time. He must’ve had a weird look on his face, because the silence made you furrow your brows.
“I’m sorry, that must’ve sounded weird and came off as boring, but I really don’t know what to get, so I thought you should suggest me something since you seem to come here often. Sorry, I ramble a lot when I’m nervous, I’m not a very sociable person, so the things I say might come off as odd...
“No, Y/N, listen, it’s fine. I like it when you talk, and it’s cute that you ramble. And no, I don’t find you odd or boring. I was just surprised you’d ask for my opinion, not many people do that unless it’s about business. I’m glad that you value my opinion, even if it’s just dinner,” Johnny explained, he wanted to listen to your voice longer, but the thought of anything making you uncomfortable surprisingly annoyed Johnny.
It was the first time someone had not found you awkward when you started rambling, you didn’t do it on purpose, it was just that the lack of human interaction made you socially anxious about talking to people and when you want to express something. Johnny is truly an eye opener for you.
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Johnny might have ordered a little bit too much for the two of you, but he could always take away and leave it for Mark when he drops by tomorrow. Although Johnny had came here many times, mostly on his own or with Mark, he couldn’t deny the satisfaction and happiness that filled his heart as you tried all the dishes with the most wholesome expressions on your face.
You weren’t Johnny’s workers or business partners, you didn’t need to appease him and give him positive reactions, because with you, he wasn’t Neo Enterprise’s CEO, he was just Johnny and it doesn’t bother him one bit.
The two of you talked about the most random things, from Johnny’s business partners Taeyong and Doyoung fighting in his office, to the time you pranked your co worker by mixing some heavy alcohol into his coffee.
“He couldn’t tell?” Johnny asked, curious because he was a coffee addict himself.
“He thought it was just part of the flavour, it was one of those seasonal starbucks drinks that he bought,” you explained.
Johnny paid for dinner before you could protest and refused to take your money when you had offered to pay him back your share.
You trudged beside Johnny silently when he said that he was going to take you home, you haven’t had such a nice time since forever, and you didn’t want this beautiful moment to come to an end.
You had a sad smile on your face as you watched Johnny drive, it was a peaceful scenery to take in, his face calm as he steered comfortably, the radio once again playing softly in the background.
When you had reached your house, you didn’t really know how to react, other than looking at him silently as he does the same as well.
“Thank you for tonight Johnny, I haven’t had this much fun in a long time,” you said genuinely, grateful that someone as interesting as Johnny would even bother giving you the time of the day.
You figured that this was the polite thing to say, but you inwardly cursed at yourself for sounding like a robot. You shouldn’t be reacting this way, especially due to the fact that he’s so much more older than you are, maybe not too old, 5 to 6 years maybe? Is that considered a big age gap?
“I had a great time with you too, Y/N. Thank you for having dinner with me,” Johnny said, usually he spoke this sentence like a little white lie to whoever he had to meet for business sake, but to you? It was nothing but the truth.
Johnny continued holding his stare even after what he said, the sincerity in his eyes evident as a soft smile graces his lips.
“You should head up now, Y/N. It’s already 9 p.m., if you stay any longer they’ll be suspicious,” Johnny reminded you.
“Yeah, okay,” you replied, immediately feeling down once more.
Even after you agreed to go up, your legs weren’t willing to move, you were going to miss him, so you asked him one last question before you willed yourself to open the car door, you were going to sound desperate, but in that moment, you didn’t have a care in the world.
“Will I ever see you again?”
Happiness fills your heart as you heard the question that comes after.
“Are you working tomorrow?”
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avian-writes · 3 years
The day we kept moving forward
The Days Pt. 3
Word count: 2166
content warning: depression
The carpet was my new home. I had no desire to be anywhere else; not the bathtub where I could just lay in the cheap acrylic, not the closet where I could curl up in the familiar atmosphere I grew up with, not even my bed where I could spread my limbs out like a starfish.
    The floor was my current sanctuary and I didn’t want to get up anytime soon. Not even when the doorbell continuously rang. I heard one of my roommates begrudgingly leave his room to answer. There was murmuring before my bedroom door crept open.
    “Jake? You awake, buddy?”
    I groaned into the dirty carpet and he stepped inside, closing the door behind him. A bag was dropped to the ground and crossed legs appeared in my line of sight. I tilted my head just enough to look Darian in the eye. “What is it?”
    “I’m supposed to be helping you with your math, remember?”
    “Can’t that wait until tomorrow? Or the day after? Or before finals?”
“Definitely not. Come on, what’s up?”
    I rolled over onto my back, nearly smacking my head right into a metal bed leg. “I’m tired. So. Freaking. Tired. No, scratch that, I’m exhausted.” My body decided to send my sentence to irony by making me yawn.
    “Exhausted?” Darian pulled out his phone and checked the time. “What have you done today?”
    “Woke up, got up, then immediately went back to sleep here.”
    “Jake, you’ve gotta get up.”
    “No I don’t. Math can wait.”
    Darian groaned and leaned back against my desk, staring off out the window. I kept my eyes trained on the ceiling while contemplating my whole existence. It was getting easier and easier to just, do nothing these days.
    He scooted across the floor so he could lay on his back, head to head. “How about we go on another expedition? Will you get up off the floor for that?”
    “Are you seriously asking me that after the last two times?”
He shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets. “We made it out alive didn’t we?”
“My ear drums didn’t. We nearly didn’t the first time either,” I countered. Our first little excursion still haunted me and probably still would until the day I died. Which would be soon if I had my way or the app did.
“Maybe this time will be different.” But I could tell by the tone of his voice that he didn’t believe what he was saying either. “To be honest, it feels like we should do one again. At least one more.”
    I stayed quiet for a moment. I knew he was right; it was like we didn’t have any other choice. Something kept pulling us back to that damn app. Some might say it was a correlation of how kids these days were always on their phones and couldn’t go one day without them.
    Good thing that, at the ripe old ages of 21 and 22, we weren’t kids.
    I took the phone from him and slid open the app. The same three choices appeared and I took a deep breath before tapping anomaly.
    Manifest what you want
    “What do we want this time?”
    “A reason to do this stupid game again.” I closed my eyes and waited. I wasn’t being sarcastic with my request. I really wanted a purpose for doing this and possibly subjecting us to more horror.
There was a tap on my shoulder and I opened my eyes to the GPS on his phone screen. I didn’t recognize the area but I could tell it was on the outskirts of Statesboro, surrounded by greenery. Great, another void location.
I quickly packed my normal bag: portable charger, water, pocket knife, flashlight, and granola bars. We got into Darian’s car and we followed the GPS in reserved silence. The only sound was the gentle hum of the engine and I prayed it wasn’t a sign of what was to come.
My eyes pleaded for sleep despite the tens of hours I had gotten the past couple days. It seemed all I did lately was work and sleep. No time was spent awake in the daylight; I was simply too tired to deal with anything not demanded of me. Food wasn’t even a priority anymore.
The coords took us as far as a gravel lot in the more rural area of the city. We parked and piled out, looking at each other in what I could feel was apprehensive fear. Why were we doing this again?
But before I could openly ask my concerns, Darian shrugged and started towards the woods. I got a sudden flashback to our first trip and swallowed hard. Quickly catching up to him, I kept close and within hitting distance of my best friend.
As we trampled through the brush, tall dark figures with no definite shape loomed in my peripheral vision. I snapped my head towards them but they disappeared into the trees. A shiver ran down my spine despite the burning sun in the afternoon sky.
“Still tired?”
“Extremely. I feel like I’m about to keel over.” I flexed my hands and my knuckles popped, a relieved feeling I wish the rest of me would follow.
“Have you had your medicine today?” Darian asked knowingly.
I simply nodded and reached for his phone. He handed it over and I zoomed in on the GPS. We weren’t that far away. Luckily, Randonautica wasn’t leading us to our deaths this time.
At least I hoped so.
I nudged him. “How’s your medicine going?”
“Dude. You’re supposed to be taking it every day.”
He shrugged and stared down at his phone. “I forget some days is all. Or I wake up too late.”
“Do you set your alarm?”
“Alarms don’t wake me up, remember?”
“I will drive over to your apartment and force you to take your meds, so help me.”
“You couldn’t even get up off the floor today.”
I stuck my tongue out at him and leaned over to check the GPS. The red dot was in the midst of fog on the screen. It didn’t even look like we were supposed to be in a forest, but we were for sure walking right towards it.
“What do we do if something happens again?”
“Run? What else?”
“We got knives.”
“If you want to try stabbing a supernatural entity, be my guest.”
“Listen you-”
Darian caught my arm and pulled me back from stepping right off into a stream. I stumbled back from the riverbank and glanced at the GPS.
We had hit the coordinates. All they led to was a rushing river in the middle of the woods. Not the worst thing, definitely the most interesting find we’d gotten so far. I knelt next to the water and gently touched the top, the stream changing course to flow right over my fingers.
    It wasn’t until then that I noticed the ever growing silence since we had entered the woods; no birds singing, no insects chirping, no crunching of leaves underneath our feet. Nothing.
    I spun around on my heel. Right behind us was a neat pile of river rocks that definitely hadn’t been there before. I shared a shaky look with Darian and a silent notion was agreed between us. We weren’t going back the way we came.
    Shadowy figures returned to the corner of my eye and I glanced towards them. Rather than disappear, I could’ve sworn one darted into the underbrush. Leaves rustled with no sound and I took a step back, blindly reaching behind me for Darian.
    “I’m right here,” he said as he obediently grabbed my hand. He gazed at the river for a moment with a strained expression. “We need to go upstream to get back to the road.”
    “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
    Darian looked up at the sun, shielding his eyes in the afternoon bright. “We came from the North, the river’s coming from that way.”
    “Why don’t we get across and climb up the hill.”
    “It’s 90 degrees, we can’t climb it.”
    “So you propose we swim?”
    “No, I propose we walk.”
    “Through the river.”
    Darian nodded, already looking like he regretted this entire expedition. “Through the river.”
    Multiple viewed thoughts battled in my mind, all debating the pros and cons of being idiotic enough to either walk through the storming river or traverse back into the haunted forest. Neither was particularly pleasing and listening to Darian’s ideas had already gotten us into one tight spot today already.
    But a small pile of rocks scared me enough to agree.
    Luckily we were both wearing shorts. We took off our shoes and placed them in our bags. Then he carefully stepped into the river and held my elbow as I followed. The water was gliding fast past and I wobbled on my feet. I treaded the tiny waves for a bit before letting go of Darian and stood on my own.
    Which proved to be a horrendous idea. As soon as I moved, the river kicked up and beat against my legs. I pushed them to cut through the force and instantly all the willpower was sucked out of me.
    I trudged against the ever flowing current as it pushed back ten times as hard. I felt like a football player throwing all their weight against those training dummies on the field. My shoulders hurt and my legs grew tired with every feeble step I took.
    I looked to my right and my eyes widened. Darian was walking through the water as if he was on dry land, just strolling along with no hint of the frustration or torment I felt. He went at a slow pace to keep up with me but besides that, he was completely fine.
    I opened my mouth to voice my frustration, but no sound came out. I gingerly touched my neck and tried to speak. My throat strained and closed in on itself, tightening with my feeble attempts to say anything.
    I shut up and waved my hands towards Darian frantically, but he didn’t seem to notice my plight. He simply continued his casual journey up the river. I tried walking over to him but as soon as I turned my feet sideways, the water cranked up a notch at my ankles and nearly knocked me to my knees.
    Breathing uneven and panicked, my body heated up in a cool contrast to the cold water overtaking my legs. Even though the stream was only knee-high, my entire body cooled down to the same temperature and I shivered in the 85 degree heat.
    The dark figures returned and overstayed their welcome as I suffered in the river. Growing darkness in my vision as every bit of strength I had mustered quickly depleted from my body. Time was irrelevant as fear gripped my heart the more I spoke silent pleas for help.
    My feet started to sink and my heart pounded against my ribcage. I floundered forward and reached for Darian, but he didn’t notice. Or couldn’t.
    We had hit the end of the stream and the edge of the woods. The car and consequently freedom wasn’t far away. If only I could break free.
    Darian started to step onto the bank, turning to me when I didn’t follow. “Jake? You coming?”
    I shook my head and tried lifting my foot, only for it to be dragged back down. My ankles were now sunk into the rocks at the bottom of the stream, piling around my scarred skin like a bonfire.
    Suddenly aware of the danger surrounding us, he grabbed both of my wrists and pulled on them. Pain shot through my arms but I couldn’t yell it out. The stream pulled just as hard and I was in a tug of war for my life.
    Darian gripped my hands so tight his knuckles creeped white around the edges. He yanked one more time and it was like the river finally deemed us worthy to be let go of its clutches. I lurched forward and into his shaking arms, my elbows dipping into the water.
    He immediately grappled for the rest of me and, together, we scrambled onto the shore. Our shoes kicked up dirt behind us as he pulled me onto dry land. I dug my gnarled fingers into the soil, breathing heavily.
    Coughing, I looked up at Darian and choked out, “Thanks.” The word felt like molasses on my tongue.
    “No problem,” was his only response. He then took my hand and started rushing further up the river and away from the figures leering out of the trees towards us.
    We held hands all the way back through the dense woods and back to the car. Darian reluctantly let go to fish his keys out of his pocket and we slid into the front seats. As we drove home barefooted, I took out my knife and held it open on my lap.
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knickynoo · 4 years
BTTF Headcanons
As suggested by the wonderful @tsukinikawatteus, I’ve put together some of my headcanons. Honestly, these are going to revolve solely around Doc & Marty, because I don’t really have any developed ones involving other characters.
I’ll hide it under a ‘read more ’ in case it gets too long and ramble-y. Which it will, because this is me we’re talking about.
First, I’ll answer the ones I got in the ask.
- How Doc & Marty met: For this one, I just go by the official Bob Gale answer that Marty was 13 or 14, had heard rumors about the crazy old scientist in town, & snuck into Doc’s lab one day & got caught. The comic series actually shows this event happening, but I tend to dismiss that version because honestly, I don’t like the way it’s handled. (Plus Bob Gale has said that the comics/game/etc can be take it or leave it as considered canon, so yay) Anyway, I imagine a young Marty hearing all these whispers around town about Doc and being curious. Maybe he was looking for danger/adventure in going to investigate, but I also like to think that part of Marty felt sorry for this guy who everyone seemed to look down on. So he made his way over to Doc’s lab to see what the deal was & was initially scared when he got caught. But he saw all the cool experiments and the general chaos & was totally into it.  (And btw, in my headcanon, Marty is the one who first refers to him as Doc & establishes it as his “name,” unlike the comic version where Doc tells Marty to call him that?? Def didn’t like that part.)
- When they started to consider each other best friends/what impact did they have on each other’s life: I’d say they considered the other a best friend pretty quickly. Doc was absolutely thrilled to discover that this kid thought he was awesome & was so interested in his work. After spending so much of his life without true connections or relationships, having Marty around really changed Doc’s life. He finally had someone (aside from Einstein) to talk to about all of his experiments and the science behind them.
The same goes for Marty considering Doc a best friend. Seeing as he was growing up in such a dysfunctional environment, with parents who probably weren’t super attentive or close to him, he loved being around Doc. Not only was he treated as an equal, he also had someone to listen to him, which he didn’t get at home. He found encouragement and felt respected around Doc. Plus, my general headcanon is that Marty really doesn’t have other friends & was always kind of an outsider.
Now onto some of my other headcanons....
- As I mentioned above, I don’t see Marty as a guy with many friends. He’s friendly towards a lot of people, but doesn’t have a specific group he belongs to. He really only interacts with his band mates while he’s at practice & it’s more of a business situation than a friendship. Marty gets to practice, runs the show (playing sick guitar riffs) & then just leaves. His band mates serve as a convenient cover story for when he wants to go somewhere with Jennifer, but that’s pretty much it. He has three friends, ok? And one of them is an animal.
- Upon finally settling into the improved ‘85 timeline, once all the time-traveling was over, things were understandably very jarring to Marty. One of the things he found hardest to adjust to was the sudden affection from his parents, namely the good morning hugs & kisses like we see Lorraine give him at the end of the first movie. Marty was previously used to spending the mornings in solitude since his father would already be at work & his mom would sleep in (often because she was still out of it from drinking the night before). The idea of family breakfasts & being greeted so warmly when he woke up, and when he got home from school, was super weird to him at first.
- Marty has ADHD. (this seems to be a very common headcanon, lol). Doc, being the kind of guy who’s interested in a wide variety of topics, came across some research & information on it at some point & instantly recognized the signs in his friend. When Marty came over one day, frustrated after a particularly rough day at school, he sat him down & talked to him about his suspicions. And since Doc was well aware of the lack of potential support (because this is the 80s after all, & SO many people with ADHD just didn’t have resources to get help), he took on the role of giving Marty advice and tips on how he could cope with it.
- Related to above point: Marty found that wearing layers helped keep him calm/feel grounded, hence why our boy rocks the t-shirt/button up/jean jacket/puffy vest look. And honestly, the suspenders might play a role in that too, since they put subtle pressure on part of the chest/shoulders/back. This also explains the leather jacket from part II! Aside from just thinking it looked awesome (and perfectly inconspicuous), Marty liked that it was a thick, weighted material.
-Doc is autistic. As he was diving into the world of research concerning ADHD & other various conditions, he came across a series of studies on Asperger’s syndrome & instantly connected the information with his own childhood and current life. Since he grew up feeling isolated from his peers & like nobody understood him, reading through the studies made him feel like he had found an answer. (A fact nobody asked for: the first study printed in English on Asperger’s syndrome was released in 1981. Yes, I checked to make sure this headcanon would be possible.)
-Doc set up a bed for Marty in the garage partially for the nights they were working late & his friend was too tired to head home, but also because he realized that a lot of the time, Marty simply didn’t want to be at home. Marty got into the habit of sleeping in his clothes so that at any given moment he could head over to Doc’s garage if he needed to. Doc made it clear to him that he was welcome anytime & doesn’t bat an eye when the boy wanders in at night & flops down into the bed.
-For Doc’s birthday, Marty went out & bought him the most colorful, “loudest” Hawaiian shirt he could find. It was sort of a joke, but Doc absolutely loved it.
-On Marty’s birthday, Doc asked him to come over under the guise of needing help with an experiment, but it was really a mini party with the lab decorated with streamers & balloons & cupcakes Doc had gone to pick up. Einstein wore a party hat. 
- We all know Doc & Marty eat a lot of Burger King. When they eat it in Doc’s garage, Marty takes pieces of the fries and slips them under the table to Einstein. Doc does not appreciate Marty encouraging Einstein’s begging but the boy can’t resist sharing with the dog.
- Occasionally, when they’re taking a break from working or are just hanging out, Marty takes out his guitar & Doc takes out his saxophone & they jam. Sometimes they play actual songs & other times they create their own. Whenever they try to make up lyrics, it quickly devolves into complete nonsense, usually ending up with the two of them laughing so hard that they can’t even play anymore.
-Marty also sometimes puts on a Huey Lewis tape while the two of them are working. Doc initially wasn’t really into the music, but he eventually found himself singing along to the songs with Marty. 
Okay, I need to stop myself because. Wow. If anyone actually reads this thing, I commend you on the effort. Kai, you had no idea what you were unleashing when you sent me that ask the other day.
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] 100 Days - Gavin (Day 51 - 100)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for e-mails which have not been released in English servers! 🍒
What’s the 100 Days Companionship Event?
Day 1 - 3: here
Day 4 - 30: here
Day 31 - 50: here
Day 51
I watched the video of the “police cat” you sent me. Next time, we can have a cat and a dog. Training them together would be pretty nice.
Day 52
I’ve completed the riddle game you recommended. Those people who left comments saying it was difficult are at a certain level.
Day 53
The rice cooker cake you made is very delicious. I’m filled with veneration for my rice cooker - I’ve watched it since it was small.
Day 54
I happened to meet the little kid we sent home the last time. She asked why the Pretty Sister wasn’t around. So is the Pretty Sister resting well?
Day 55
Tried making curry. I’ve tasted it, and it’s not bad. Next time, teach me something else.
Day 56
I bought you milk tea, and hope your week can be a little sweeter.
Day 57
Eli said that the picture I’m using as my phone wallpaper would have looked even better if the angle was tilted slightly. What does he know? You look pretty no matter what.
Day 58
It does feel different eating ice-cream when the weather is cold. But it isn’t good for your stomach, so I’m confiscating half.
Day 59
If you feel cold, you can put your hand into my pocket anytime.
Day 60
This morning, I realised that the tallest tree in the city had white leaves. When I leaned over to take a look, I saw that they were white frost.
Day 61
The picture you sent me yesterday wasn’t a wolf. It’s a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog - a breed of dog which is very loyal and tame.
Day 62 (Double Ninth)
It’s Yang Festival today, so there may be many people going up the mountain. We can watch the sunset later.
Day 63
When I was tidying the room, I found the champion prize from last year’s STF long-distance race in autumn. It’s a keychain of a running military dog.
Day 64
There’s a shop selling your favourite sugar cakes. I’ll bring it to you after work, and hope it’d still be warm when it reaches your hands.
Day 65
Recently, I changed a new driving playlist. Those songs you recommended - I like them very much.
Day 66
In the movie we watched yesterday, I keep thinking that werewolves are even more dashing and decisive than vampires.
Day 67
My phone is spoilt. It’s a good thing I can memorise your e-mail, and didn’t miss the sign-in.
Day 68 (Halloween)
Title: Selecting a jack-o’lantern
There are many types of jack-o’-lanterns in the shop today, and I don’t know which one you like. If you’re not busy, want to take a look together in the afternoon?
Day 69
You mentioned wanting to go fishing the last time. I’ve bought a full set of fishing gear, and will wait till you have time.
Day 70
It’s too cooling to eat watermelons during this season. I bought a hami melon and have placed it in the fridge. Remember to eat it.
Day 71
After the door locked, I realised that I didn’t bring my keys. I never thought that I’d have my forgetful moments too. It’s a good thing the windows weren’t locked.
Day 72
I’ve familiarised myself with the technique of cutting bunny apple slices. Next time, I’ll show it to you.
Day 73
I left home early today, and the sky wasn’t bright yet. Venus looked as though it was within reach.
Day 74
Found a puppy stuffed toy while tidying up, and thought about how it’s been a very long time since we last went to the claw machine together.
Day 75
I know that you’re afraid of the cold, so I bought a pair of gloves. You can wear them when riding on Sparky. It’s a matching set with mine.
Day 76
While watching the German Shepherd in the team undergoing training, I suddenly felt that its life is very worth respecting. Once it decides on a person, it will give its all.
Day 77
Turns out making sandwiches at home is pretty easy. If you want to eat them next time, there’s no need to buy them from the supermarket anymore.
Day 78
There’s renovation going on upstairs, and it’s really noisy. I thought about how you also mentioned that your neighbour does renovation works whenever you’re about to take a nap.
Day 79 (Single’s Day)
Eli and the guys said they didn’t want to see me hovering around in STF today. How baffling. So, I’m here to see you.
Day 80
The colleague who got married last month returned from his honeymoon with some local specialties. I think they aren’t bad, so I left you a share.
Day 81
At this time every year, you’d usually say that it’s cold. But winter this year seems to have a higher temperature.
Day 82
The weather is really good today, and it’s suitable for airing quilts. You mentioned liking the scent of sunlight on quilts.
Day 83
I saw you mentioning on Moments that it’s the final episode of your favourite television drama. I’ve bought snacks, and will watch it together with you.
Day 84
You cried for a really long time after watching the ending yesterday. Are your eyes still swollen? I asked Minor to put some eye patches on your desk. Remember to use them later.
Day 85
I’ve heard of the trust game you mentioned. I can close my eyes and let you lead me, no matter how far it is.
Day 86
I took Sparky Jr. along with me on duty today. It still can’t fly as high as I can.
[Note] In CN, “Sparky Jr.” is called 小小黑 (“xiao xiao hei”), which translates directly to “Little Little Black”!
Day 87
You mentioned that the cafe you often visited has closed down. I’ll bring you to an even better one. Everything can change, but when it comes to being by your side, that won’t change.
Day 88
Next time, don’t lift heavy parcels at the collection point by yourself. Just call me.
Day 89
I was a little tired yesterday so I fell asleep and didn’t reply to your messages in time. You must have been worried from waiting.
Day 90
It’s Minor Snow today, but it isn’t snowing.
[Trivia] “Minor Snow” (小雪 - “xiao xue”) refers to the 20th solar term spanning from 22nd November to 6th December!
Day 91
The bureau received a silk banner today. Eli and the others insisted that I take a group photo. If they want to show it to you next time, you mustn’t look.
Day 92
I’ve set your picture as the background of my new phone. This way, I’ll be able to see you once I pick my phone up.
Day 93
You mentioned having lower back pains recently. I’ve ordered a massage chair for you.
Day 94
On Thanksgiving Day, the person I wish to thank most is you.
Day 95
If it were possible, I’d wish that signing in would never end.
Day 96
Minor wants to invite us to his cousins’ shop to play a board game. I don’t really know how to play it. There are werewolves, civilians, and a priest. Now, we’re just missing a witch.
Day 97
The tangerines you bought the last time are very sweet. If chilled for a while, they’ll be even more delicious.
Day 98
Actually, there’s no need to ask me. No matter what you want to do or where you want to go, I’ll accompany you.
Day 99
Heard a song we listened to together along the street, and couldn’t help but pause and listen for a while.
Day 100
Without realising it, it’s already the last day. But I’ll continue accompanying you.
Not enough Gavin sweetness? A fan on Weibo created texts and Moments based on some of his e-mails, which I’ve translated: here
20 notes · View notes
vgckwb · 3 years
ML: Are They Worthy? Chapter 85: Flying Free!/Monarch
(WARNING: Mild Transphobia.)
Marinette and Adrien were in the middle of their first kiss since Marinette woke up from passing out. Once they finished, they looked at each other and blushed. “So, um, what did I miss?” Marinette asked.
Adrien was taken aback by this question. Of course it was a natural thing to ask, but Adrien, the romantic he is, was still caught up in the emotions of the moment. Still, he answered. “Well, not a whole lot. We’ve all been taking turns to see if we can’t find Nurushwa. Master Fu, Marianne, Hao-Yu, and Corina are preparing some bigger measures to locate them as well.”
“I see…” Marinette said, taking in the information.
“You OK?” Adrien asked.
“Huh? Oh yeah” Marinette answered. “Well, as OK as I can be at a time like this.”
“Right” Adrien giggled.
“I’m just thinking about things,” Marinette continued.
Adrien smiled. “It’s fine. Take your time. Oh, I guess the biggest thing that happened was with Katelyn.”
Marinette was intrigued. “Max’s girlfriend?”
“Yeah,” Adrien said. “Apparently, it’s a lot.”
“Well, I’m not really going anywhere anytime soon,” Marinette said.
“Right,” Adrien said, embarrassed. Adrien pulled up a chair and sat down. “So, where to begin. I guess a good place would be to explain why it was those heroes we met. Before everything...happened, Katelyn had asked Max to help pick her brother and his girlfriend up, as they were coming to check in on Katelyn.” Adrien proceeded to tell Marinette the rest of the story leading up to the heroes chasing Effector to the hospital as Vlad told him. “...And that’s where we came in.”
Marinette was shocked. “Wow. That’s...a lot…”
“Yeah…” Adrien agreed.
“So, what happened then?” Marinette said.
“Well…” Adrien began, “we, you, saved Paris…”
Marinette giggled. “Right. But then what?”
“I’ll take it from here,” Vlad said, appearing at the doorway.
“Vlad?” Marinette and Adrien said at the same time.
“Finally awake, huh?” Vlad asked. “Nice. Did Prince Charming have to give you another kiss there, Sleeping Beauty?” Marinette and Adrien blushed. “But for real, I’m glad you’re up.”
“Hi Vladdy,” Emile said.
“‘Vladdy’?” Marinette said.
Vlad got embarrassed. “Please don’t…” Emilie giggled.
“You two know each other?” Marinette asked.
“Well, uh, yeah,” Vlad said. “I came to visit a few times.”
Marinette stopped to think. “How long was I out?”
Adrien was hesitant to answer. “Um, about a week…”
“A WEEK?!” Marinette shrieked.
“Relax,” Vlad said. “That’s actually rather impressive, considering that most people that do what you did don’t wake up at all.”
“...I guess” Marinette relented.
Vlad smiled. “In all seriousness, I’m glad you’re awake.”
Marinette smiled in response. “Thank you.”
Emilie smiled as well. She then pressed on. “So, what happened after that? With Katelyn, I mean.”
“Well, after Adrien, Mr. Agreste, and the more well-versed in the miraculous rushed Marinette to the hospital,” Vlad began. “Everyone else made a sweep of the city to see if everything was alright.”
Flashback to the post-battle Paris, as heroes are leaping around, checking every nook and cranny to make sure everyone was alright, and make sure that despite the scale, there was no lasting damage. A series of clears confirmed that Ladybug’s cure worked as always.
Meanwhile, Katelyn was walking back to find her brother and his girlfriend. Nooroo popped out. “Um, hi” he said. Katelyn didn’t look at him. “How are you?” Nooroo continued. Still nothing. Nooroo got in her face. “Hello?!”
“Gah!” Katelyn shrieked. She sighed, relieved. “Sorry. I guess I’m not used to you yet.”
Nooroo giggled. “It’s fine.” Katelyn smiled for a second, then went back to frowning. “What’s wrong?” Nooroo asked.
“Well…” Katelyn began. She sighed. “It’s just...my family.”
“I’m sure they’re safe,” Nooroo assured her.
“I don’t doubt it,” replied Katelyn, “but in some ways that might be a problem.”
Nooroo sighed. “Yeah. I noticed.” Katelyn looked at him confused. “I mean, I was there when ‘Effector’ took control of your brother. I don’t see the point in lying about this.”
“True” Katelyn agreed. “Still, I guess I have to face this head on.”
Nooroo’s tummy grumbled. “If you want to delay it, I could use some food.”
Katelyn smiled. “Sure. You helped save the city after all. What kind of food do you like?”
“Personally, I really like strawberries,” Nooroo answered. Katelyn checked her phone to see where she could get some good strawberries. “Plus, if need be, Hazmat could make a return once I’m full.”
“As tempting as that sounds, I want to see if we can’t resolve this without powers first” Katelyn replied.
“Duly noted,” Nooroo said. They went and picked up some strawberries. Katelyn handed one to Nooroo. He settled into her right hoodie pocket, and he bit into it. “Mmmmmmmm.” Eventually, they came upon ground zero; the place where Katelyn, Luc, and everyone else met her nightmare parents. Katelyn looked on, frozen. “Hey” Nooroo said in between bites of his strawberry. “You got this!”
Katelyn smiled at him. “Thanks.” She looked back up and walked forward.
To her surprise, Luc and Olivia were the first two people she saw. Although, she wasn’t sure who wouldn’t surprise her. Luc saw her. “KATELYN!” he said. He rushed up to hug her. “I’m glad you're safe.”
Katelyn felt better after getting a hug from her brother. She hugged him back. “I’m glad you’re safe too.” They ended their hug. “So, um, hm” Katelyn began. “When you were Hazmat, you ended up telling me that you’re moving back here, and wanted me to live with you.”
This caught Luc off guard. “Oh. Well…yeah. That was supposed to be a surprise though.”
Katelyn smiled. “It’s fine. And I’d love that.”
Luc smiled back. “Thank you.” They shared another hug.
“So, when are you moving?” Katelyn asked.
“Oh, uh, well,” Luc said, letting go, “I’m not entirely sure. I mean, I did want to make it soon, but I’m not sure how things here are going to be. Paris just went through two city-wide assaults in a week.”
“Yeah” Katelyn said.
“But” Olivia said, stepping up to them, “we will call you once everything is settled.”
Katelyn smiled at her. “I’d love that.”
“Katelyn!” Max called out. He turned to find the group. He ran over and gave Katelyn a hug. Katelyn was surprised, blushed, and hugged back. After being in the hug for a bit, the two shared a kiss.
“Katelyn!” her mom called out, causing the group to be startled. She and Max let go. “Katelyn! Ah, there you are.”
“Come on, let’s go,” her father said.
Katelyn had had enough. She had enough of being alone and divided by people who were supposed to care about her. For a while, she had no one in school that liked her, a boyfriend who gave up on her, a friend group that kept an arm’s length from her, and parents who separated her and her brother because of their own pettiness. Now, she had an amazing boyfriend, wonderful new friends, her old friends were rounding a corner, and she had the promise to be reunited with her brother, the person she looked up to the most.
“No!” Katleyn said in defiance. Her parents were shocked. “I don’t want to! Luc offered to let me stay with him, and I agreed to it!”
Her parents gave each other a confused look. “But sweetie, we’re your parents” her mom tried reasoning.
“Biologically speaking, maybe so,” Max said, stepping in, “but in terms of being actual parents, I’d disagree. Time and time again, you’ve ignored her pain and suffering. That doesn’t scream ‘parenting’ to me whatsoever.”
Katelyn’s parents were shocked. “The audacity,” her father said. “Where does he get off saying things like that?”
“He’s my boyfriend!” Katelyn shouted back. Her parents were even more surprised. “And he’s been helping me with everything! From making friends, to getting back into school. Everything he’s done he’s done because he cares about me. Not because he cares about keeping up appearances.”
“He’s your boyfriend?” Katelyn’s mom said, condescending.
Katelyn nodded. “And I love him!” She and her parents stared off with each other.
Her father stepped forward. “Well,” he said, menacingly, “it seems like we haven’t disciplined you enough.” He raised his hand, ready to strike. Max’s eyes were wide in shock and horror. Katelyn didn’t flinch, as if she was used to what was going to come next.
Before Katelyn’s father could slap her across the face, his arm was grabbed. He turned to see Kim giving him a thousand yard stare. Following that, Ondine, Kagami, Vlad, Travis, and Casandra formed a wall between Katelyn and her father. Max was relieved, Katelyn was surprised.
Katelyn’s dad broke off from Kim. “Gah! Fine! If you’re so dead set on standing against nature, then so be it. But don’t come back unless you see things our way.” He turned around. “Let’s go honey,” he said to his wife.
Katelyn’s mom gave the crowd one last look. A sea of anger and disappointment looked back at her. She tried having her cake and eating it too by saying “We’ll be waiting.” She left with her husband.
Everyone seemed relieved. “Boy, I’m glad that’s over,” Kim said.
“Yeah. Talk about a nightmare” Vlad responded.
“I’ll say,” Travis added. “Any longer, and I don’t know what I would have done.”
Katelyn smiled. “Hm. Thanks.”
“Don’t go thankin’ me, I woulda done that for anyone” Cassandra said. “Besides, we just met today.”
“Don’t be so modest,” Travis said.
“He’s right,” Katelyn said. “I don’t know if I would have had the strength to do what you did if the tables were turned.”
“Well, I can’t blame you,” Kagami said. “I mean, my mom’s not THAT bad, but I do understand being pressured by your parents like that.”
“Thanks,” Katelyn said.
“Um, not to ruin the mood,” Luc said, “but we haven’t moved to Paris yet.”
“It’s fine,” Ondine said. “She can stay with me.” She grabbed Katelyn’s hands. “It’ll be a fun time between us girls.”
Katelyn smiled. “I’d like that.”
“But what about all your stuff?” Olivia asked.
“I don’t care,” Katelyn said. “As long as I’m out of there, I think I’ll be fine.”
“Well then, should we head to the cafe?” Kim offered up.
“Sure” Olivia answered.
“I don’t have anything better to do,” Vlad said. “And personally, I’d like to celebrate Paris’s heroes winning another large-scale battle.”
The group all came to that agreement and headed off. “Wait” Max said, pulling Katelyn back while the rest of the group moved forward. “Are you sure you don’t want your stuff? Because there are ways of getting it.” Kaalki flew up beside him.
Nooroo flew up next to Katelyn. “Well, it’s just stuff. I can get new things.” She thought about it. “But, this could be another way to punish evil. Let me think about it.” Max nodded, and they caught up with the rest of the group while their kwamis hid.
Once they got into the cafe, they took turns placing their order. After which, Luc looked embarrassed, but a little serious at the same time. “Well, even though the whole moving back to Paris thing was...a messy reveal to say the least,” he turned to Olivia, “do you want to tell them the second part of the surprise?”
“There’s more?” Katelyn asked. Olivia nodded. She reached into her pocket, fiddle with her hands for a second, and then showed off a diamond ring. Katelyn was stunned. “No WAY!”
“Heh” Luc laughed. “Yeah way.”
“You did NOT” Katelyn threw back.
“I absolutely did,” Luc said.
“You’re getting MARRIED?!” Katelyn exclaimed.
“Yup” Luc answered.
Katelyn rushed to give her brother a hug. Luc was caught off guard for a second, but then hugged her back. Katelyn looked up. “Congratulations.”
Luc smiled. “Thanks.”
Olivia held up her hand, and looked at her ring. “He proposed to me Friday,” she looked back at the group, “and we wanted to tell you right away, but, well…”
Katelyn let go of Luc and sat back down. Luc continued “We were still too excited Saturday morning. And then Saturday night...well...you know…”
“So we thought we’d do it in person,” Olivia finished. “Although we didn’t expect that whole thing to happen.”
“Right…” Katelyn said.
“Still, congratulations” Max said.
“Thanks little buddy,” Luc said. Max got a little embarrassed.
Their food and drinks arrived, and they began eating and drinking. “So,” Vlad began, “I’m happy for you and all, but it does feel like we’re in the way a little bit.”
Luc looked over at Vlad. “I guess that’s sort of true. But you guys are Katelyn’s friends, and you stuck up for not only her, but me as well. So maybe we can use this time to get to know each other a little better.”
Vlad smiled. “I’d like that.” They spent some time introducing themselves to everyone, and generally having a good time.
Once they finished their meal, they walked out of the cafe. “Well that was delightful,” Olivia said.
“I’ll say,” said Travis.
Luc turned to face Katelyn. “So, I know you’re going to be moving in with Ondine until we finalize our move,” he said, “but for our visit, do you wanna stay with us at Le Grand Paris?”
Katelyn smiled. “Of course.”
“Well then, wanna go now?” Luc asked.”Today’s been busy as is. I don’t feel like doing much, ya know?”
Katelyn giggled. “I get what you mean. But I do want to talk this all out with Ondine’s parents if that’s alright.”
Luc nodded. “I wanna see what they’re like. I mean, they’re going to be taking care of you. I know that bar is low, considering mom and dad, but still.”
Ondine chortled. “Oh, I’m sure you’ll love them. Let’s go then.” Ondine led the way, as Katelyn, Luc, Olivia, Max, and Kim followed.
Vlad, Kagami, Travis, and Casandra waved goodbye, going their separate ways. “So” Cassandra said, after they were far enough away, “Ryuko and Judgement Wolf.” Kagami and Vlad were a little embarrassed. “You have to tell me the stories behind that.”
“Well, you essentially know the story of Ryuko,” Kagami answered. “It was when we first partook in that fencing tournament. Ladybug called me in for help for the first time then.”
“Oh, I was your first?” Travis said excitedly. “I hope I was a great adversary.”
Kagami got a little more serious. “Well, to be honest, I wasn’t looking for a good adversary. Fencing for honor and prestige is different from fighting to save Paris from burning.”
“I guess that’s fair,” Travis said, dejected.
“So, what about you, Vlad?” Cassandra said, changing the subject.
“Well, that’s a bit different,” Vlad said.
In the present, Vlad explained “I basically told them everything.”
“Huh,” Marinette said.
“Are you OK with that?” Vlad asked. “As the guardian?”
Marinette smiled. “Even if I wasn’t, I don’t have much authority over you, holder of the wolf miraculous.”
Vlad chuckled. “Well, you have my allegiance.”
Marinette chuckled in return. “But, since you seem to trust them enough with that information, I’d say it’s fine. So, is that it?”
“Nope,” Vlad answered.
“Well then, continue,” Marinette insisted.
“Please do,” Emilie said. “I am absolutely enthralled.”
“Very well” Vlad acquiesced. “Before I begin, a lot of what happens next I got from Max.” Marinette nodded. “Heh. Well…”
When the group heading to Ondine’s place got there, Ondine knocked on her door. A man, Ondine’s dad, a beanpole-looking guy wearing a black turtleneck, black pants, glasses, and combed back shoulder-length black hair opened the door. “Hi dad,” Ondine said.
Ondine’s dad rushed to give her a hug. “I’m so glad you’re safe, angel.”
“Daaad,” Ondine said, slightly embarrassed. She eventually hugged him back. “I’m glad you’re safe too.”
They let go of each other. Ondine’s dad called out. “Honey! Ondine’s home!”
They walked up. Ondine called out “Papa!” It was another man. He was muscular, had short orange hair, a beard that was as long as their neck, a white shirt, and navy blue sweatpants. Ondine hugged him as well.
“Ah, sweetie, good to see you too,” Ondine’s papa said, hugging her as well. He looked out at everyone else. “My, it seems like you’ve got quite a crowd of people.”
“Ah, yes, well,” Ondine said, breaking off from her papa, “there’s something you should know.”
Ondine’s papa looked at everyone else. “Well, it seems serious. Come on in.” Everyone flowed into Ondine’s house. They sat around Ondine’s living room, as Ondine’s dad offered drinks and snacks. After an explanation, Ondine’s papa said “I see…”
“I just really want to make sure my sis is in good hands, you know?” Luc finished explaining.
“Well, don’t worry,” Ondine’s papa said. “Your sister’s safe with us.”
“Ondine has told us so much about Katelyn, how can we NOT like her?” Ondine’s dad added.
“Besides,” Ondine’s papa said, “how can I say no to another trans man?”
Luc was stunned. “You’re trans as well?”
Ondine’s papa nodded. “Although I’m a little late to the party. Pretty much five seconds after Ondine told us she was trans, I realized I was as well.”
“Well, you look, and are, amazing,” Luc said.
“Thank you” Ondine’s papa said.
Katelyn smiled. “Um, thank you” she let out.
Ondine’s papa smiled back. “You’re welcome.”
“C’mon, let me show you around!” Ondine said, excitedly. She dragged Katelyn around her house giving off a tour of everything. Meanwhile, Max smiled, knowing his girlfriend was in good hands.
Later that night, Vlad had returned home from spending time with Kagami, Travis, and Casandra. “Well Beyyo, are you ready?” Beyyo nodded. “Well then.”
Before Vlad could transform, Pegasus entered in via his powers. “Um, mind if I join you?”
Vlad smiled. “I was going to ask you, but you beat me to it.” Pegasus smiled back. “Beyyo! Fangs Sharpen!” He transformed into Judgement Wolf.
“Gallop!” Pegasus said. He opened another portal, and he and Judgement Wolf walked through.
They found themselves in Le Grand Paris, standing in front of a sleeping Katelyn. Pegasus blushed. Nooroo appeared. “So soon?” he inquired.
“The sooner the better, right?” Judgement Wolf said. He turned to Pegasus. “My test for her might be a bit much. So you gotta be there for her once it’s over.” Pegasus nodded.
“Very well” Nooroo relented. “If Pegasus is coming too.”
Judgement Wolf nodded. “Wolf Mist!” He created his mist, thrust it upon Katelyn, and he, Pegasus, and Nooroo entered.
Katelyn had arrived at Max’s table upon Max’s request. “Hey” she said. She noticed Max looked despondent. “What’s up?
Max sighed. “I guess there’s no easy way to say this. I think we should break up.”
“WHAT?!” Pegasus yelled.
“Easy” Judgement Wolf replied. “I get you’re upset, but this is the best thing I could think of.”
“She’ll pass,” Nooroo said, assuredly.
“What makes you so sure?” Judgement Wolf asked.
“I’ve seen a lot of people akumatized under Hawk Moth,” Nooroo began explaining, “but she’s something special. And as much as Hawk Moth was a villain, he was smart, and he made a good choice on who to give me too.”
“I see,” Judgement Wolf said. “Let’s see if you’re correct.”
Back in the dream, Katelyn went pale. “Oh.”
“Are you OK?” Max said.
“Yeah,” Katelyn answered. “Yeah. I guess...I guess we’re not a couple anymore. Excuse me. I need some air.” Katelyn walked off, and then started running. Once she was outside on the steps, she started bawling her eyes out.
Once she could cry no more, she lifted her head from her hands. Her eyes were as red as can be. She fished out the butterfly miraculous from her pocket. She gripped it tightly. “I’m sorry.” She got up and walked off.
A few minutes later, she knocked on a door. Marinette opened it up. “Katelyn? What are you doing here?”
After some silence, Katelyn let out “Max broke up with me.”
Marinette was shocked.”I’m so sorry.”
Katelyn sighed. “I’m here to relinquish the butterfly miraculous.”
“WHAT?” Marintte exclaimed.
“You’ve known Max longer out of the two of us,” Katelyn explained, “and I don’t want to make you choose between the two of us.” Marinette looked on, still stunned by this whirlwind of news. “I hope we can still be friends.”
Before Marinette could answer, the world faded to white around Katelyn. “Well,” Judgement Wolf said. Katelyn turned to him to also see Pegasus and Nooroo. “I will admit, there were a few things you could have done to pass, but I wasn’t expecting this one.”
“I didn’t give him the idea,” Pegasus nervously explained.
“You should have seen him when he saw what this test was about,'' Judgement Wolf added. “He was furious.”
Katelyn looked at Pegasus. “You were?”
“Well…” Pegasus blushed. He then collected himself and walked over to his lady love. “Of course I was. I would never do that to you.” He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a kiss.
After the kiss, Nooroo flew up to Katelyn. “I knew you could do it.”
“Thanks,” Katelyn said.
“You should hear from Beyyo soon” Judgement Wolf explained.
“Wait!” Katelyn said. “If it’s all the same to you, can I choose the time?”
“Why?” Jugement Wolf asked.
“Well, Pegasus here presented an idea to me earlier, and I want to follow through on it tomorrow” Katelyn explained. “I want him to meet me after that.”
“Very well,” Judgement Wolf answered. “Pegasus, let’s go. It appears you have plans tomorrow.” Pegasus nodded, and he left.
Before leaving, Nooroo said “See you later.” Judgement Wolf left with a nod of understanding, and Katelyn gave one back.
The next day, Pegasus teleported into Carter’s room. “Pegasus?” he exclaimed in confusion.
“Do you wish to be a force for good again?” Pegasus asked. Carter nodded. “Take my hand, and bring your controller.” Carter did so, and together they walked through the portal.
They found themselves at Parc des Princes. Carter seemed confused. Up in the stands, in the shadows, a tenshi was released. It flew down towards Carter. Carter looked at Pegasus, and Pegasus nodded. Carter held up his controller, and the tenshi fused with it.
“Nighthawk. I am Monarch” she said. We see Monarch in her full uniform. She had purple butterfly-shaped sunglasses, a purple dress stylized to look like a butterfly, dark purple gloves that covered most of her arms, black tights, and black Mary Janes. “Your friend, Katelyn, has left her parents house.”
“Is she lost?” Carter asked.
“No,” Monarch answered. “She did this on her own volition. She’s leaving for good.”
“Oh” Carter said, shocked. He thought about it. “I guess that sort of makes sense. From what I’ve seen, they aren’t the most welcome.”
“However, all of her stuff is still at her house,” Monarch continued. “Can I trust you to retrieve it all?”
Carter smiled. “Very much so.”
“Good,” Monarch said. Carter transformed into Nighthawk. Pegasus fetched Gerard, Laurence, and Terry for extra man-power. Together, they arrived at Katelyn’s old house, much to the surprise of her parents, and grabbed all of her stuff. Monarch guided them on what that was.
After they took everything, they piled it up in Parc des Princes. “Thank you,” Pegasus told them. “We’ll take it from here.”
Nighthawk nodded. “No problem. And Monarch. If you ever need anything in the future, I’m available for you any day of the week.”
Monarch smiled. “Thank you.” She recalled the tenshi, and Pegasus took them back to their respective homes. Soon after, they worked on transporting all of this to Ondine’s house.
In the present, Vlad was wrapping everything up. “Once that got settled, Beyyo came to her and gave his seal of approval as well. And I guess that’s it.”
“Oh” Marinette said.
“What a wonderful ending” Emilie said.
“So, yeah,” Adrien began, “I guess that’s the biggest thing that has happened since you’ve been out. Otherwise, it’s basically been the city trying to work to get itself going again, and father’s arrest.”
Marinette thought. “Well, I guess I need to work to get myself going again too. I can’t stay here forever.” Adrien smiled. Suddenly, someone appeared at the door. They all looked. “Katelyn?”
Katelyn was surprised and overjoyed to see Marinette awake. Max walked up. “Wait up next time.” He looked in. “Marinette! You’re awake!” Marinette nodded.
Katelyn walked over to Marinette’s bed. Adrien could tell that something was about to happen, so he politely stepped out of Katelyn’s way. Katelyn came face to face with Marinette. Marinette seemed confused and concerned, while Katelyn was embarrassed, but also trying to keep a brave face.
Finally, Katelyn began to speak. “Marinette…Ladybug...I know that the holder of the wolf miraculous approved of me, and based on my understanding, that is a lot, but I want to hear it from you. Do you accept me having this ?” She held up the butterfly miraculous.
Everyone in the room was surprised. After the initial shock, Marinette calmed down and said “Yes.” This surprised Katelyn. “To be honest, while we haven’t interacted a whole lot, I’ve seen a very noticeable difference in Max since the two of you started dating. I think you draw out the best in him, and he the best in you. And with you on the team, I think that can be very helpful, not to mention fun. Plus, I can only assume that going forward, we’ll become even better friends.”
Katelyn was stunned throughout this explanation. As soon as she processed it, she started crying and smiled. “Thank you, Ladybug.”
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Deleted Scenes: Gateway Drug
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @tamedhearts  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @thanks2pete  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @caos18blog  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter   @sublimeprincesswasteland  @arianareirg  @girlnight-terror
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"More Than One Way to Get to Hell" -- 1986
"Tansy, come on, now we don't have all damn day to get this finished." Diane calls from the other side of the door while I'm grasping Tansy's shaking hand while she adds finishing sprays of hairspray to her curls. 
"Tansy," I start. 
"C-Can you hand me my purse?" She asks me softly and I nod, handing the little black purse to her. 
She pulls an unlabeled bottle out, opening the lid and pouring two pills into her palm. 
"--I overdid it on coke earlier, Viv, if I don't calm my shit I'm gonna embarrass myself on national television." 
"Tansy!" Her mom barks. 
She takes the pills and swallows them down with her juice, standing up and walking to her dressing room door. 
"Thank fuck, come on." Her mom tugs at her arm to take her to the sound tech and he hooks her up to her mic. 
"Mama, I'm nervous." She takes harbored breaths. 
"No need to be nervous, Tansy. You're just interacting with a man in front of a camera. Let's not pretend you don't do the same thing every night." She mumbles to her and I glare at her mother, horrified. 
"I feel like I'm gonna puke." Tansy says next. 
"No, no, look at me." Diane looks her in the eyes. "You are not going to screw this up. You are going to go out there and get more exposure to get more people talking about you, to get more offers, to get more money. We do what has to be done to get what we want, and what we have to do isn't always what we want to do, but--" 
"--But it has to be done." Tansy finishes for her, defeated. 
"Exactly." She says to Tansy, fixing her smudged lipstick. "You already embarrass me on a daily basis, Tansalyn, and you will not embarrass me today. Not over this." She demands.
"Our first guest is a well-known model to men, and some women, here in America. In a span of just four years she has appeared in 56 issues of Playboy and counting, declared the magazine's most consistent model, was very recently announced as 'Playmate of the Year: Miss 1985,' and was the muse for the 1983 Def Leppard hit, 'Photograph.' With no sign of slowing down anytime soon--not that any of us want her to--please, give a very warm welcome to the very beautiful, Tansy Lyn." 
Tansy takes a heavy breath inward, and I give her a smile. 
"You got this, go." I assure her and she nods, holding back tears, seemingly programming her mind into autopilot, a scarily convincing, beaming smile on her face as she steps out, waving at the audience. 
I watch her on the monitor, and my heart breaks. 
She deserves an Oscar. 
Diane watches, too, evaluating her in her mind. 
"How are you?" David asks Tansy, kissing her cheek before the two sit down. 
"I'm good." Tansy replies, crossing one leg over the other. "Hi, everyone." She waves again to the crowd and they whistle and cheer. 
"Now, when they told me you'd be on, um, I did some fact checking, as one does for an interview," he starts. 
"Okay." She replies. 
"And I want to get the record straight on your name, because I've heard Tansy Lyn, and I've heard Tansalyn, which the second option is just a mouthful so…"
"Well, my nickname is Tansy and originally my name was supposed to be Tansy and my middle name was supposed to be Lyn."
"Don't you dare." Her mother sneers quietly to the monitor. 
"But my dad had been drinking a little bit when my mom's water broke and so when it came to naming me, they had decided on Tansy Lyn Reilen, but my mom was in recovery, resting, and my dad couldn't write very well because he was drunk and so he asked a nurse for help and she asked him what my name was going to be so she could write it in herself, and he said 'Tansy Lyn,' little did he realizing he was slurring. So my legal name is Tansalyn." 
"Oh, my God." Diane squeezes her eyes shut. 
"And you reworked it to Tansy Lyn." 
He tries not to laugh, but the audience doesn't hold back, not that she minds at all. 
"Wow, well, Tansalyn, I know you're busy and so the fact you were able to be here really means a lot, so thank you, again, for being here. Although I'm not so sure it was too far out of the way for you." 
"No, no, not at all." She assures him. 
"Because you live here, don't you?" He asks. "Or are you back in L.A.?" 
"I mainly live here, and then I go back home often to visit and stuff if I don't have work." She explains. 
"And you work a lot." He states. 
"Not that much but--" 
She quits talking when he raises his brows, making the audience laugh. 
"You don't work that much? Are you kidding me?" He leans down and grabs a magazine, holding it up on the desk for the camera and crowd to see. "This is you in your first issue of Playboy." He tells her, flipping through it to find her picture.
"Oh, Lord." She groans before he shows the audience. "Can you do that?!" She asks next, as her naked body is on display, but the monitor shows her bare chest blurred out. 
"Now, this was October of '83, and how old were you when this was taken?" 
"Just turned 18." She explains, her face turning slightly red under her makeup. 
"18, and since then," he starts piling on more and more magazines and men throughout the crowd yell and clap and whistle, Tansy tightly closing her eyes and chuckling nervously, "you've gotten Miss July of '85." He puts that issue aside, before grabbing a final one from the top of the tower of Playboys. "And this is the more recent one, your shoot for 'Miss 1985'." He says next, grabbing several magazines at once and putting them back behind his desk before sitting down and holding it up to show her on the cover. "Absolutely beautiful." He comments. 
"They edit and airbrush and everything but thank you anyways." She exhales, rubbing her lips together. 
"Well, we don't have editing and airbrush and everything in person and I'm telling you, you are a very pretty woman." He assures her and she smiles. 
"Thank you." She replies. 
"So, you started only four and half-ish years ago, and you've been in every issue since then?" He asks and she nods. 
"Yes. Some form or fashion I've been in every one." 
"But you don't work a lot." He reminds her what she said earlier, sarcastically.
"I meant no model works a regular 9 to 5." She clarifies. 
"Got it, got it." He puts the magazine down. "It couldn't be like a 9 to 5 because when else would you all  find the time to go out and party with rockstars?"
"Not all of us party with rockstars." I assure him. 
"So this isn't you?" He holds up a picture with Tansy, Robin Crosby, Nikki, and Jon Bon Jovi. 
"I didn't say I didn't party with them, I said not all models do." She explains while he and the audience chuckles. 
"Now, I know, I think, this fella is Jovi." David points to Jon and she nods. "The rest my mind blanks on." 
"Jon, who's obviously sings for Bon Jovi, and then Robbin Crosby, he plays guitar for Ratt, and then Nikki Sixx, who plays bass for--"
"--The Church of Satan's worship team." David cuts her short and she laughs, along with the audience. 
"No, no. No." She states. "Mötley Crüe." 
"Ah, tomato, tomoto." He shrugs and she shakes her head a little. 
"What was happening here?" He asks, referring to the photo and the camera zooms in on it. 
"I think, honestly, Nikki paid rent on time for once and just invited a bunch of people over to celebrate it." She explains. 
"So, there doesn't need to be a reason to drink and party and 'what not' when you're a rockstar." 
"Not really, no."
"When do these guys have time to write songs, then?" 
"I've seen them buckle down and get to work when they need to."
"And you buckle down, too, obviously."
"Well, I--"
"--I want to know what your boyfriend thinks of all of this." He says next and she raises her brows. 
"Oh, he loves it." She tells him. 
"I bet he does." 
"No, really, he does, he's very proud." She continues.
"He isn't jealous or anything like that?" 
"To an extent but he understands that this is my job and I've always wanted to do it since I was a little girl and so he supports me completely." She nervously scratches at the back of her neck with her freshly done nails. 
"You've always wanted to model nude since you were little?" Letterman asks for clarification and she looks slightly stumped by the question, opening her mouth to speak, but nothing coming out. 
"Speak, Tansy, damnit." Her mom whispers to herself. 
Tansy starts laughing off her shock. 
"Modeling in general." She tells him. 
"Oh, oh, good." He grins. "So, your mother is here with you, Diane."
"She's so lovely." He says and she smiles. 
"Thank you, she is. I love her to death." 
"She seems very...um…focused." He adds. 
"Very much. She keeps me in check, she always has."
"Oh, I bet. Were you ever in sports or anything like that?" 
"I cheered in high school, and did competitive cheer-nastics, and competed in beauty pageants--not that that's a sport but just to give you an idea of where she learned to keep her thumb on me to keep me in line." 
"That's where I was getting at because she very much seems like the type to keep your eyes on the prize." 
"Oh, yes." 
"What does she think of your career as of now?" 
"She's my manager so I don't think she has any qualms with what I do because if she did she wouldn't be as involved." She shifts her legs. 
That was an understatement. 
I realized over years of witnessing her mother contribute to the toxic shitshow starring Tansy as the lead, that I didn't quite know Tansy's mom as well as I had thought. 
I'd later find out things such as this…
"Competition is in two weeks and you call that a front tuck? Tansy, I've seen drag queens do better than that." 
...And this…
"You being first runner up in a pageant full of sand lizards and beached whales is the reason your father drowned in his own vomit."
"I was five when he died, mom." 
"And eleven years later you're still proving you aren't worth the money I spend to make you a winner." 
"He knocked that slut Tami up, didn't he?" 
"I don't want to talk about it, Mama." 
"Just say 'yes' or 'no' so I can know whether I won my bet on it or not." 
"I slept with your ex-boyfriend, Tansy, big deal." 
"He was the love of my life, Mama, what the hell were you thinking?!" 
"Oh, Jesus, he was with you for two years, Tansy, get over yourself. It's not like it would have lasted to begin with."
"You would've eventually found out I was giving him blowjobs when he'd come over to see you, anyway, because if I didn't do it, it wouldn't have gotten done right. Now wipe those damn crocodile tears." 
…Last but not least…
"I wouldn't stay with a man who let his friends abuse me, you know. I don't know why you're too weak to just leave him."
"Because he said it's not gonna happen again, mom. Just drop i--ow! What the hell?!" 
"I told you last time I slapped the piss out of you it wouldn't happen again. Just because he says it doesn't mean a thing…ugh, and quit wearing so much goddamn makeup. I'm tired of my palm being covered in gunk every time. And quit crying. You can pose with your pussy out but God forbid you handle a little corporal punishment." 
Tansy's rehab therapist had her work cut out for her...for sure. 
"And your dad?" David questions next.
"He passed when I was five, so…"
"...I'm sorry to hear that." 
"No, don't be. I'm sure he's proud of me. I know that might be hard to believe for some dads, like, your daughter being in Playboy, but he'd always told me I could always do whatever it was I wanted to do with my dreams and even if he's not proud of what I'm doing, he's definitely proud of me going after and achieving what it was that I wanted." 
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talpup · 4 years
Tumblr media
Summary: Yami Sukehiro just wanted to join the Magic Knights and make his mentor proud.  He knew there would be trails.  He knew trouble would come his way.  Knew he would be faced with discrimination for being a foreigner and a peasant.  What he didn’t know.  Didn’t expect.  Was that literal Chaos would come his way.  That he and his mentor’s sister would be at the center of world ending trouble.  Or that he would fall in love with his mentor’s sister and face more than discrimination; but the jealously of Nozel Silva who loved the same woman he did.
Please remember this fic is rated mature and has warnings of violence, abuse, sexual tension, eventual sexual behavior, and other possible triggers.  For a full list of story tags please check the fics AO3 (link to that at the top of my tumblrs homepage).
Chapter 85
“You done heaving there, Teris?  Good.  Run.”  Greywright barked, not waiting for answer.
Hands on knees Teris glared over at the Magic Knights Commander. Greywright sat on the ground, legs kicked out, ankles crossed. Straight arms propping him up, the Commander's head lolled forward, eyes closed.  The only reason he knew she had stopped running was because one of the three magically created army men that stood guard around the fields perimeter had seen.
Even though it was an hour or so before sunrise and the spring air was chill, Teris was overheated.  She was soaked through with sweat and exhausted.  They all were.  Greywright had them work till they were about to fall over, gave them a ten minute break, and made them work some more.  They had been at it all night.  Running.  Holding their arms out at their sides.  In Yami’s case holding weights.  And all sorts of other physical exercises.  There wasn’t a muscle in Teris’ body that didn’t ache.  There were muscles Teris hadn’t known she had that ached.
One of Greywright’s army men appeared behind Teris.  It grabbed her by the back of her tank top, her button up blouse long since discarded, and moved her along.
“Run.” Greywright commanded, mercilessly.
Nozel passed her as her feet slowly began to move.  The cold, distant look he’d been giving her at the start of their torture session was long gone.  The Silver Eagles eyes were now glazed over with fatigue, pain, and a dazed focus as he endeavored to put one foot in front of the other and not fall over.
Teris saw Yami up ahead.  He wasn’t struggling as bad as Fuegoleon, Nozel, and she.  Though Yami had slowed considerably and took multiple stutter steps as he jogged.  Just before completing another circuit Teris paused to help Fuegoleon to his feet.  Nozel reached them and extended a hand to the Crimson Lion, the two pulling Fuegoleon to his feet.
“That’s enough.  Come on over.”  Greywright called, seeing the charitable act.
Yami cut across the field and saw some of the gouges that Teris and he had made during their first year as Magic Knights training here with Greywright.  He was so tired he couldn’t even smile at the memory.
“Cool down.  Drink some water.  And get some sleep.  I’ll wake you in a couple hours.”  Greywright told.
“How is this--”
Greywright’s eyes snapped to Yami, silencing him.  “Run another ten.”
Yami ground his teeth and took his pace back up.
A ghost of a smirk pulled at the corners of Fuegoleon’s parted, panting lips.  He cast Teris a sharp look as he shouldered passed her.
If the Crimson Lion thought he could get away with it cause Greywright wasn’t looking, he had another thing coming.  One of his army men having seen, Greywright said.  “You can run another seven, Fuegoleon.”
Yami turned back and complained.  “Why do I get ten and he--”
“Make it twelve, Yami.”  Greywright said.
Yami’s lip curled in a snarl.  He glared at the Magic Knights Commander wanting to argue; but knew it would only lead to further laps.
One of Greywright’s army men saw Nozel’s smug pleasure.  “Another six for you, Nozel.”
Teris was afraid to move least the Knights Commander send her back out.
“Have a seat, Teris.  Catch your breath.  Cool down.  Drink up and get some sleep.  We’re far from finished.”  Greywright said.
Yami awoke to a splash of frigid water in the face.  His arms were so sore he fumbled at unsheathing his katana.  Seeing one of Greywright’s faceless army men standing in front of him holding a bucket Yami pushed the half pulled blade back into its scabbard.  He smelled food and his stomach growled in response.
“Water. Bread.”  Greywright clipped, his army men throwing them each a small loaf and water skin.  “You want more than that, you have to answer my questions and earn it.”
The Knights Commander saw Teris shivering in the now muddy ground, and regretted the freezing temperature of the water he had doused her with.  He had forgotten that her regular temp ran higher than normal and that extreme cold effected her that much worse than anyone else. Yami was the exact opposite.  He ran lower and though he preferred it warmer than most, unnaturally higher temps got to him quicker.  It was one of the things that made their ability to tolerate each others magical extremes of heat and cold that much more intriguing.
The memory of the disturbance last night washed away any urge Greywright had to apologize.  The fact that his favorite had been part of such a ruckus angered and disappointed him.  He knew Teris had a temper and quite a ways to grow yet.  But if she was to have a chance of one day taking his position, like she wanted and he was silently rooting for, she couldn’t openly fight with her fellows.  Events like last night could never happen again.
“Teris. Say something nice about Fuegoleon.”  Greywright commanded.
Teris’ eyebrows knitted together.  She cast a glare at her cousin then looked back at Greywright.
“I know you want more than bread and water.”  Greywright urged.
“That’s not a question.  You said— Son of a—damn it!”  Yami cussed, in pain.
Greywright smirked at Yami’s twitching jerk, the Vice Captain's hair standing on end of a brief moment.  He showed them the charm he held.  “Small charge of lightening.  Nothing fatal or injury inducing.  But it hurts like hell.  Especially if your wet.”
“You’re telling me.”  Yami grumbled.  His tongue smacked against the roof of his mouth.  He tasted air.  Could one taste air?  Did air have taste?  Not wanting Teris to suffer that thing, Yami looked at her. “Say something nice about your cousin.”
Teris glanced at Fuegoleon again.  After a moments thought, she finally said.  “He has pretty colored eyes.”
Greywright tried and failed not to sigh.  He was use to managing the Captain's, who often bickered and acted like children in their own right, but this was ridiculous.  “Let’s stay away from the physical.  Focus on who he is.  Traits.  Personality.  Try again.”
Teris glared at the Magic Knights Commander.  “You could have been more specific at the—Ow!  That hurts!”
Nozel and Fuegoleon tensed seeing Teris in pain.  But it was Yami who moved.  Greywright pointed the charm at Yami.  Yami’s lip curled in a silent snarl, but lowered his bottom back to the ground.
The Magic Knights Commander looked across the four Vice Captain's.  “You are here to learn how to behave, obey, and get along.  And not a one of you is leaving until you all have shown me you are capable of these things.”
“I’m going to die here because of an ill tempered foreigner who—“ Fuegoleon’s mutter cut short in a sharp grunt of pain.
“Hurts doesn’t it.”  Yami grinned, seeing the Crimson Lion get some.  He was left gritting his teeth against the buzzing, burning sting.  Yami glared at the Knights Commander.
“Teris. Say something nice about Fuegoleon.”  Greywright said again.
“He’s a good older brother to Leo.”  Teris quickly snipped.
Greywright sighed.  That wasn’t what he was looking for, but it was good enough for now.  “Fuegoleon.  Say something nice about Teris.”
Fuegoleon looked at Teris out of the corner of his eye.  “She’s smart. Most of the time.”
“Let’s not add any caveats at the end.”  Greywright said.  “Nozel.  Say something nice about Yami.”
Nozel’s eyes widened.  Why was the Knights Commander asking the impossible of him?
Greywright pointed the charm at him.  “You heard me.”
The Silver Eagle blinked rapidly, trying to think.  “He might be a brute but his strength can be useful.”
Greywright rubbed his forehead, resisting the urge to zap the royal.  It was his own fault.  “No stipulations of any form anywhere.  Understood. Good.  Yami.”
Yami looked at the Commander his expression one of expectancy.
“Your turn.”  Greywright growled.
“Teris is a fine, strong, capable fighter and leader.”  Yami said.
Greywright pointed the charm at the Black Bull.
Yami growled at the zapping pain.
“You deserved that one.”  Greywright said, feeling a short burst of gratification.  “About Nozel.  Yami.  Say something nice about Nozel.”
“He’s the epitome of what it means to be royal.”  Yami said.
It wasn’t exactly something Yami considered a good thing and knew the others would know that as well; but there was little Greywright could do unless he was willing to go on record in front of three royals saying that calling someone a perfect example of royalty wasn’t a nice thing to say.
Greywright sighed, feeling tired and defeated despite the small measure of success.  “Eat up.”
Greywright knew what the problem was between Yami and Nozel.  There was no fixing the issue anytime soon.  Hopefully once Teris turned twenty and the decision she had to make came to a head, things would settle down between the two men.  Till then, the best they could hope for was Yami and Nozel not turning on each other on a battlefield and the most basic civility.
As for Fuegoleon and Teris.  Greywright had no clue what they were fighting over; but he intended to find out and see that it was fixed. He might've blamed Teris for instigating something, given the smell of alcohol on her breath last night.  But the fact that Fuegoleon had responded in kind meant there was more to it.
The Magic Knights Commander decided to give them the choice.  “We can sit here and Fuegoleon and Teris can tell us why they’re fighting. Or you can run till you drop.”
Nozel looked up.  “After eating, running would--”
“I didn’t say it’d be fun or good for you.”  Greywright cut over the royal’s words.  He looked over the four Vice Captain's. “Choose.”
“Hearing why they’re fighting.”  Nozel said, eyes moving between Teris and Fuegoleon.
“It’s cause the Lion Cub’s an--”  Yami fell silent seeing Greywright lift the charm.
“Yami’s right.  It’s cause Leon’s a--”  Teris snapped her mouth shut when Greywright pointed the charm at her.
“Running it is.”  Greywright said, with forced cheer.
“Wait.” Fuegoleon said.  “They’re not wrong.  At least not completely.” He looked at Teris.  “I was wrong.  Lord Nova wouldn’t be ashamed of you.”
Teris’ expression softened.
“He would be ashamed of what you’re doing.”  Fuegoleon went on.
Teris pushed to her feet and kicked a clod of mud at the Crimson Lion.
Greywright resisted the urge to zap all four of them.  Damn the royals pride. They had been so close to making a positive step.  “Run.”
“I hate you.”  Nozel grumbled at Fuegoleon as they got to their feet.
“It was because of what you told me that I went there in the first place. I was doing it for both of your sake's.”  Fuegoleon snapped.
Nozel spun around to face the Crimson Lion.  “I don’t require your assistance!  Teris is my Intended and--”
“I’m not going to marry you!  Will you just stop!  I have less than a year and a half left before you both finally see I mean what I say and hate me.  Can we not--”  Teris blinked, feeling woozy.
“Teris?” Nozel took a step toward her and fell over.
“Nozel!” Fuegoleon reached out and fell over as well.
Ahead of them, already at a steady jog, Yami stopped and turned around.  As he did he noticed Greywright’s army men had disappeared.  His eyes darted to the Commander and saw Greywright had fallen forward from his seated position on the ground.  He turned to Teris to find Nozel and Fuegoleon were also on the ground.  Thankfully they weren’t dead, his sense of Ki telling him so.
“Get them out of here!”  Yami ordered Teris, unsheathing his katana, eyes and other senses scanning the field of their foe.
“I can’t.”
Yami was already sprinting back to her and their fallen comrades.  “Don’t argue!  Just do it!”
Teris wished the world would stop spinning at a blur.  “No, Yami.  I can--”
Yami rushed the last few steps, catching Teris as she collapsed.  His heart hammered in his chest.  He lowered Teris to the ground and cloaked his katana in darkness.
Teris had said she couldn’t light travel.  Was that because she was weakening and loosing consciousness?  Just because he could still use his magic didn’t mean that this wasn’t Calen’s magic.  The Agents of Chaos had toyed with them before.
Yami saw movement in the distance.  He counted three figures.  They disappeared and reappeared six paces in front of him.  It wasn’t spatial magic.  It was some other form of travel.
“Unless you want to die.  I suggest you leave.”  Yami growled, trying to focus his fuzzy head.
A man pointed at Yami and Teris.  “That’s them.  I sensed their power last night.  It had to have flooded at least a quarter of Castle City.”
“Pay him.”  Said a woman with green glowing eyes.
Yami watched the second man form a shadowy spear and thrust it through the first man.  It wasn’t that Yami had wanted to stand by and do nothing.  But he couldn’t hold the dark magic cloak on his katana. He could barely even hold his blade up.
“You still using your toxin magic, Lila?”  Asked the man who had killed the other.
Lila continued to stare at Yami.  “Can’t you see my eyes glowing, Sorn?  Why ask what you already know?  He’s just that strong.”
Sorn tilted his head, inspecting Yami.  “Interesting.  There might just be something to those fanatics beliefs after all.”
“You can’t be serious.  Magical science will explain this.  Not magical religion.”  Lila watched Yami stumble as he tried to fight through the toxins effects and stay standing.
Sorn nodded.  “Of course.  I only meant--  Never mind he’s fading.”
Yami fell to the ground.
Sorn looked down at the man he had killed.  “He didn’t say three others would be here.  What do we do with them?  Leave them?”
The glow in Lila’s green eyes faded.  Her grimoire snapped shut and fell into her hand.  “Two royals and the Magic Knights Commander? We take them.  Rayla will be pleased.”
“Light cannot survive without Darkness.  For without Darkness how would one know what Light was?”
“I don’t have time for this Creepy.”  Yami rumbled.  “A man and woman took us out.  I need to wake up.”
“You are the Lord of Destruction.  The final end.”
“Can we not use that name.  It reminds me of a certain dead bastard.” Yami said.
“Your time is coming.  The Darkness grows within.”
“Yeah. I kinda figure we got it wrong and they didn’t want us for the Winter Solstice.  If only we realized it sooner…”  Thinking of Bronn, Yami muttered.  “The things that happened didn’t need to happen.”
“You must possess the Ray of Annihilation if you hope to triumph.”
“You mean Teris?  Yeah, even when I finally marry her I don’t see much possessing going on.  She’s kind of her own person.  It’s one of the things I like that about her.  Anyway, if I’m this dark destructive force, why would I want to triumph?  Wouldn’t that be a bad thing?”
The voice started up with another riddle.
“Stop! I don’t have time for nonsense I won’t remember.  I need to--” Yami woke-up to someone tapping his cheek.  His eyes opened to find an unknown face too close to his.
“There we are.  Last to go down.  Last to rise.  Hello handsome.  I’m Rayla.”  She saw Yami pull against his bindings and told.  “Don’t bother.  Those are unbreakable.”
“I’ve heard that before.”  Yami said, continuing to pull against the cord holding his wrists together above his head.
“Fine and feisty.”  Rayla ran her fingers along Yami’s arms and chest.
“And taken.”  Yami told.  “Don’t go for older women anyway.”
“A shame.  We older women know things those pure virgins don’t.” Rayla leaned forward and breathed into Yami’s ear.  “Is she watching?  Your girl.  Does she look angry?  Jealous?  Let’s give her a good show, shall we.”  She grabbed Yami from beneath his jaw fingers digging into his cheeks and pressed her lips to his, tongue trying to force its way into his mouth.
Yami bit her tongue.  He jerked his face free of Rayla’s grasp, and spat out the blood and taste of her.
Rayla stepped back and pointed something at Yami.  “Maybe later.”
Yami’s mouth opened to fling insults and demand what she wanted; but he found he couldn’t speak.  He tired again.  Tired yelling.  But no sound came.  He had wondered why he hadn’t heard anything from the others and realized Rayla had likely done the same to them.  It was unnerving.
Yami looked at Teris who was bound against the opposite wall from him. Fuegoleon was tied in the same fashion to Teris’ right.  Yami turned his head seeing Nozel to his left and Commander Greywright on the Silver Eagles other side.  Even though they were all bound and rendered speechless, at least they were all together and alive.  For now.
Rayla moved in front of Greywright.  “I must say, you’ve turned into an exceptionally fine specimen.  Though not as fine as those two.” She looked over at Yami and Teris, eyes closing and breathed.  “The mana coming off of them is intoxicating.  The young buck especially. Shame on you and your Wizard King for trying to keep them all to yourselves.  Shame on my King for letting you.”
“Your King didn’t want his kingdom to face the consequences.” Greywright said, feeling Rayla give him the ability to speak.
Rayla laughed.  “What consequences?  Do you mean the threat that you’d use those two as the weapon they could be?  Everyone, including my King, knew that as a lie.”
“So he let you have your way.”  Greywright surmised.
“Hardly. I’ve learned there are times when it’s better to beg forgiveness, preferably with results in hand, than wait for permission.”  Rayla said.
“You’ve made a grave mistake.  Taking Yami and Teris would’ve been bad enough.  But to take two royal princes?  The Silva’s and Vermillion’s will want their heirs back untouched and unharmed.  We would’ve sent select teams of Magics Knights to retrieve Yami and Teris.  But for Nozel and Fuegoleon.  There will be war.” Greywright told.
“I will be returning both you and your four Magic Knights.  But I can’t guarantee they’ll be returned unharmed.  That all depends on them. As for untouched...”  Rayla smiled, wickedly.  “I’ll have my hands all over all four of them soon enough.  As for your threat of war.  It won’t come.  My King hasn’t sanctioned this.  He isn’t aware I have you.  Nor will he until I’m done.  So you can come off your threats Commander.  They’re as futile as the one Jorah gave my King about using those two against us should we make a move for them.”
The Black Bulls Captain had been fetched by Cob and told that Sir Jorah wished to see him.  At first he had thought it was for a stern talking to about his Vice Captain's behavior last night.  But at the sight of Julius standing beside Kess outside of the Wizard Kings office, he was no longer so sure.
Tapping down his concern, Jax stopped near the other Captain's.  “What’s going on?  Cob was smiley and useless as usual.  I swear there’s something wrong that man.  No one’s that happy all the time.”
“He’s behind you.”  Julius said.
Jax turned and saw the Spatial Mage.  “Shit.  Sorry, Cob.  Please don’t transport me into a volcano.”
Though his smile wasn’t as wide, Cob still wore one.  He waved goodbye and turned away.  “Have a good afternoon.”
Jax watched Cob disappear down the hall.  “Yeah.  That man’s not normal.”
Julius almost said it was because he was use to Bronn’s surliness but caught himself.
“I don’t know.  I think he still might portal you to the bottom of the sea.”  Kess smirked.
Jax turned to her.  “Look at you.  Making snide comments.  Only a week in as Captain and you think you can disrespect me?”
“Leave her, Jax.”  Julius turned to Kess and told.  “It’s his way of saying he’s proud of you.”
Jax gestured to Kess.  “Considering you’re here, I’m figuring our rowdy delinquents are to blame.  What’d they do this time?  Gang up on Greywright and escape whatever hell he was putting them through?”
Kess blinked.  Nozel was far from rowdy and no delinquent.  The royal certainly wouldn’t ever gang up on the Magic Knights Commander.
Julius shrugged.  “Don’t know.  But Mereoleona’s in there with Sir Jorah now.”
“Then why aren’t we?  Don’t tell me Teris kill Fuegoleon.”  Jax said.
Julius raised a humored brow.  “Doubtful.”
“Nozel wouldn’t have done anything.”  Kess said, in defense of her Vice Captain.
“Right.” Jax drawled.  “Cause your little royal prince of a Vice Captain was innocent of any wrong doing in the first place.  Well except for the spear of mercury Greywright said he had primed and ready above Yami’s head.”
Kess frowned.  “If your--”
“Silence!” Jorah commended from behind his desk.
The three Captain’s turned to see the office door had been opened by Ellara.
“It’s no wonder your Vice Captain’s were caught behaving like heathens with you for examples.  If we didn’t have something more troubling to deal with I’d personally give all three of you a lesson on decorum.  Now get in here.”  Jorah ordered.
The three Captain’s lined up beside Mereoleona who stood before the Wizard Kings desk.  Ellara closed the door and moved to stand behind Sir Jorah’s left shoulder.  She didn’t miss the way Julius and Jax watched her, though she was too upset to care.
Eyes on his Captain's, Jorah informed.  “Mereoleona visited the training grounds Greywright had taken the four Vice Captain’s to.  Instead of finding the Commander and Vice Captain's, she discovered an unknown dead man.  He’d been speared through the head by some as yet unidentified type of magic.  Leona reports there was no signs of struggle.  Magic Investigations was immediately sent to the scene but so far have yet to find anything that would tell us what happened.”
Whatever nerves Kess had felt disappeared in her concern for her Vice Captain. “Are you thinking they were taken?  All of them?  Nozel. Commander Greywright.”
“That’s what it looks like.”  Jorah said.
Julius glanced at Ellara, certain this was the Agents of Chaos’ doing. But the Advisor appeared truly unnerved.  Apprehensive even.
The Wizard King looked at the four Captain’s before him.  “We have not received any messages for ransom or any other kind.  Neither have House Silva or Vermillion.  With no messages and no clues found, we have no idea who took them or why.”
“To take all five of them without a fight, let alone a struggle.  It had to have been done through passive means.”  Jax said.
“Someone they knew?”  Kess theorized.
“Sleep magic.  Toxin magic.”  Julius said, thinking aloud.  “Spatial magic would have left a sign.  Small almost imperceptible.  But a sign nonetheless.  Same with a dimensional shift.  There’s marionette magic.  Or even blood magic.  But Commander Greywright has dealt with both enough to fight against it, if not break through such control.  There surely would’ve been some kind of sign of him doing so.”
“Yami and Teris too.”  Jax said, thinking Yami especially given his dealings with not just Iban but the Witch Queen.
“There are too many passive types of magic.  And that’s if one was use. We can’t go rounding up everyone with such types of magic.  We can’t even question them all.”  Jorah said, concern for his Commander making him wish he could.
“Let me go, Sir.”  Julius said.
Jorah knew what the Captain was thinking.  “Magic Investigations timed the mans death.  It’s been too long for you to see anything, Julius.”
“The least I can do is try.  We have no leads.  We have nothing.  Please, sir.  Let me try.”  Julius pleaded.
Ellara held her breath, hoping the Wizard King would agree.
Jorah nodded and rose to his feet.  To Ellara, he ordered.  “Fetch Cob.”
Ellara nodded and exited the office.
Neither Julius or Kess made a joke about Jax being transported to the bottom of the sea.  Ellara returned with Cob in tow.
“The scene if you will.”  Jorah commanded.
Cob opened a portal and they all walked through.
Jax took in the barren field.  The nearest hiding place was a tree line over three hundred meters away.  Unless the abductors had an invisibility mage, or Magic Investigations had messed up and missed the sign of spatial or dimensional magic, there was no way anyone could’ve sneaked up on them.  He wished he knew the range Yami could sense of someones Ki; though Jax knew it had a lot to do with Yami’s focus at the time.
Jax looked back at Julius seeing his friend had wasted no time in starting the spell.  Depending how far back he looked, it would leave him exhausted and empty of mana.  But if it gave them some clue as to what happened.  Some direction to begin their search.  It was worth it.
Useless as it was, Greywright pulled at his bindings.  He’d do anything to protect his Magic Knights.  “Rayla!  Don’t do this.”
“It’s a simple test, Commander.  Every hopeful in the Spade Kingdom must complete it if they are to become a Sorcery Lance.”  Rayla smirked haughtily at Greywright.  “Are you saying that your Vice Captain’s are incapable of surviving the most basic of tests?”
“We won’t play your sick games.”  Nozel told.
Rayla’s eyes flicked to the royal.  She left Greywright and stepped in front of Nozel.  “Once you’re in there you play or you die, Handsome. While it would be a shame to lose you so soon.  It really is no matter to me.  But, I suggest you and Teris complete the trial sooner rather than later.  For his sake.”  She looked to Nozel’s right at Yami and moved to the Black Bull, placing a hand on his chest. “Oh my.”
Yami jerked at the touch, not having noticed Rayla coming to stand before him.  He thrashed, trying to shake off her hand.
“You’re not doing so good.  Are you?”  Rayla questioned in mock concern.
Vision blurry, Yami glared at Magical Scientist.  Taking in an unsteady breath, he panted.  “I’m doing well enough to kill your ass. Your so fond of tests and trials.  Release me and--”  He blinked, spotty vision tunneling.  His lolled.
“Yami!” Teris fought against her bindings with renewed vigor.  She growled at Rayla.  “What did you do to him?”
“It’s not what I’m doing to him.  It’s what he’s doing to himself. You see those bindings are doing so much more than holding you in place.  They’re holding your mana in place.  Giving it no way to naturally breathe and release.  Instead, it’s building up inside you.”  Rayla turned to Teris.  “You must be feeling it’s effects too.  A feverish sense that’s making you tired, weak, and achy.  Almost as if you’re sick with a cold.”
Teris paused, realizing Rayla was doing the same thing Cin had done.  Did that mean Yami was close to losing himself and having the Darkness inside him take over?  After everything Greywright had put them through she was naturally tired, weak, and achy.  No doubt they all were.  But the feeling had grown considerably worse.  And now that she thought about it, this feeling was all too similar to how she felt when Cin had taken her.
Smiling at Teris, Rayla reached back running a hand over Yami’s chest and stomach.  “Having a full store of mana is a good thing. Overflowing with mana is amazing.  But having no way for mana to breath can be deadly.  Think of what would have happened if the mana building in you on the Summer Solstice had no way of getting out. Beautiful sight by the way.  Such an impressive display of power. Wish I had been there to see it, you must’ve been glorious.  But, you had your time.”  She turned, looking at the near unconscious Yami.  “His time is still coming.  While I don’t full understand it or agree with those nut cases, I intend to find the reasoning behind it.  Magical science can and will explain this.”
Teris watched Yami.  He was shivering, the beads of sweat on his brow frosting over.  “Let the excess mana out of him and I’ll play whatever game you want.”
“Teris!” Nozel yelled.
Teris glanced at him.  Nozel didn’t understand.  She would’ve done anything for Yami.  But in this case it wasn’t just about Yami.  In a way she was doing this for Nozel.  She was doing it for all of them.  If Yami lost control and the Darkness inside him took over, they all might die.  She looked at Greywright who gave her a less than pleased nod, seeing no other way.
“No.” Rayla said.  “First you pass the test.  Then I’ll give his building mana release.”
Teris pressed her lips together.  Yami wasn’t looking good and she had no idea what this test of Rayla’s entailed.  So much for bargaining.
With one last look at Yami, Teris fixed her gaze on Rayla.  “Fine.”
Next thing Teris knew, she and Nozel were standing in an arena, hands unbound.
Wanting to explain, Teris scanned the place and apologized.  “I’m sorry. It’s just--”
“Not now.”  Nozel snapped.  He stepped quickly to her, eyes darting about the arena.  “Can you light travel?”
Even if Teris was willing to leave the others, she couldn't light travel. She shook her head, rubbing her raw wrists.  That’s when she noticed it.  A metal band around her right wrist.
Nozel frowned at the foreign item around Teris’ wrist and inspected himself, finding he wore a similar one.  “Probably limiting or blocking our magic.”
Unable to pull the thing off, Teris raised her hand.  She launched a blast of light that tore a hole through the arena wall.  She tried to see passed the opening; but there was nothing.  It was similar to dimensional space, but different too.
The wall rebuilt itself.
“Probably limiting us to a point.”  Teris agreed.  “It would hardly be an accurate test if our magical abilities were limited too much.  And I think she truly wants to see what we’re capable of.”  She focused properly on Nozel for the first time.  “Are you okay?”
Though Nozel’s wound, where Rayla had cut a chunk out of him had stopped bleeding for the most part.  It still seeped.
“Yeah, cause you look so much better.”  Nozel said, looking over in her wounds.
Due to the nature of Teris’ magic her wounds had slowly cauterized themselves.  At least that’s what Nozel supposed the reasoning was. But the gouge and two deep cuts still looked quite painful.
Nozel looked down at his cut opened, stained shirt.  Beneath was the still oozing wound where a piece of him the size of a child's fist was missing from the left side of his abdomen.  “As soon as I start moving this thing is going to open up.  You think you can burn it closed without burning me to a crisp?”
With the heightened level of mana that was raw and storming from both her emotions and having been bottled up, Teris couldn’t guarantee that she wouldn’t burn more than needed.  But she would do her best.
“The only way to know is try.”  Teris said.
Nozel gave her an ill-humored look.  “That’s hardly reassuring.  Do it.”
Teris reached out tentatively.  “You—uh.  You need to lif—lift your shirt.  That is unless you want fabric burned into your flesh.”
Nozel looked at her.  His hands moved to the hem of his shirt and slowly lifted it, exposing a part of him he never thought he’d show her until they were married.
Teris’ eyes darted to the side, unable to stare into his crystal blue eyes any longer.  She thought about Yami and how they had to hurry. “Ready?”
Teris gave Nozel a second to tuck his tongue and grit his teeth.  She glanced at his uncovered stomach, looking away as soon as her hand was positioned over the wound.  Her hand began to glow.  Teris’ nose wrinkled at the smell of burning flesh that filled her nostrils. Just as she pulled her hand away, Nozel’s eyes went from a squeezed pain filled grimace to wide, worried surprise.
Nozel grabbed Teris.  He pulled her into his arms and turned, shielding her with his body in case he hadn’t been quick enough and something got through his mercury shield.  Teris didn’t even have a moment to take a breath before she sensed another attack coming.  She pushed Nozel down and didn’t bother taking the time to raise her hand to aim, the light appearing out of nowhere to hit it’s target.
Rayla watched a projection of Nozel and Teris on a vaporous cloud in the center of her lab and explained to her captives.  “Usually Sorcery Lance hopefuls will face such a test in teams of six or eight with one, maybe two individuals out of every dozen or so teams making it through unscathed enough to consider as having passed.  But, seeing as these two are royals and Magic Knight Vice Captain’s I upped the level of difficulty and did away with the safety measures.  At least one of them should make it through alive.”
Fuegoleon snarled.  “You sick--”
Rayla turned to Fuegoleon silencing his voice.  “Don’t worry, my Prince.  You’ll have a chance to prove yourself soon enough.”
“Rayla! You have to let Yami’s mana release.”  Greywright said, truly worried.
Rayla looked over her shoulder.  “I set the rules, Commander.”
“Meaning you can break them.”  Greywright said.
He knew he might’ve just set a dangerous precedent.  But at the moment it didn’t matter.  Yami’s body was burning up as his mana built. Greywright could feel the near overwhelming power.  No physical form was meant to house that much raw magical force.  No mortal body could contain it and survive.  At least not for long.
Rayla tilted her head as if considering the Knights Commander’s words.
“Yami’s your greatest interest.  If he dies all your questions go unanswered.”  Greywright reminded.
The Magic Knights Commander had a point.  With reports of Teris’ magic seeming to have normalized after the Summer Solstice.  Rayla’s main interest was in Yami, and the connection Yami and Teris’ magic had. It was the entire reason she had gone against her King’s command and sent Sorn and Lila to the Clover Kingdom.
Looking at Greywright, Rayla walked to Yami’s listless form.  “I tell you what.  I won’t release the bind that’s bottling his mana.  But I will give him a reprieve.  It should afford Teris and the Silva Prince an extra twenty minutes to clear the test or die trying. After that, it’s up to them to save Yami’s life.  And Yami’s willingness to hold onto that life until they’ve completed the trial I’ve set them.  You understand how these things work, Commander.  You’ve been in my lab before.  Without consequences, even ones that disappoint me, there is no obedience.”
Rayla grabbed a fistful of Yami’s sweat drenched hair, pulling and lifting his head.  Yami’s closed eyes barely fluttered.
She looked over her prized lab rat and cooed.  “You really are bad off. Aren’t you, handsome?”  Never taking her eyes off Yami, she told.  “I was wrong, Commander.  Your battling Vice Captain's have ten minutes, possibly less.”
Rayla lined up her mouth up with Yami’s.  She pulled in close, centimeters apart.  Mouth opening, she took in a deep breath.  A dense, dark purple, almost black cloud billowed out of Yami’s mouth and entered hers.
Greywright relaxed.  Even though Yami didn’t do more than take in a deep shuddering breath, Greywright sensed sizable portion of excess mana leave the younger man.
Rayla stepped back sputtering.  Her body felt as if it were bearing an infinite weight.  Her lungs burned from a biting cold.  She coughed out the mana she’d taken in, gasping.
Fuegoleon’s breath caught at the sight of Rayla’s eyes.  They were black.  Even the whites of the woman’s eyes were black.  Then she blinked and her eyes were back to their normal watery grey.
Shaking off the disturbing sight, Fuegoleon looked at Yami.  The Black Bull still didn’t look good.  Then again with as much as Rayla had cut into Yami, no one would.  While Yami had received most of Rayla’s focus, none of them had been spared.  None but Greywright that is.
While Fuegoleon wouldn’t wish such torture on anyone, he had wondered at the Commander’s exclusion.  That was until Rayla mentioned Greywright had been in her lab before.  If Commander Greywright had been in Rayla’s captive custody once before, that meant he had escaped.  Though Rayla had likely learned from the escape and taken measures to stop it happening again, it still gave Fuegoleon hope.
He looked away from the vaporous screen that showed Teris take a hit that sent her flying.  Turning back, Fuegoleon saw an attack break through Nozel’s mercury shield as if it wasn’t even there.  He grimaced in sympathetic concern when three magical spears pierced Nozel’s side, thigh, and shoulder.
A cold sweat broke out on his brow, his vision blurred for a few heartbeats.  Fuegoleon wondered if this was the first sign of the effects Rayla had mentioned.  If his own mana was beginning to build passed his body’s tolerance.  He looked at the Knights Commander to see him shivering with what he assumed was the same, only further along.
Greywright turned away from the image of a barbed chain wrapping around Teris’ arm and throwing her against the arena wall.  His eyes met Fuegoleon’s, noticing the Vermillion's color and sweat.  “You have to keep con--”
Rayla silenced Greywright’s voice.  “Let the young ones learn to survive on their own, Commander.  You did.  Think you’re better than this fine royal specimen?”  She moved to Fuegoleon.  “I always wondered about you Clover Kingdom royals.  Naturally endowed with such extraordinary mana and magical ability.”  She placed a hand on his chest.  “What else are you greatly endowed with?”
Fuegoleon jerked when her hand ran down his chest to his stomach.
Rayla plucked at the waistband of Fuegoleon’s pants.  “Care to show me the full weighty might of a royal prince?”
Fuegoleon saw Teris take another hit, and glared at Rayla.  “You’re dampening their magic.”
“I have to sweet one.”  Rayla said.
“Because you’re afraid they’ll win your little game?”  Fuegoleon accused.
Rayla bristled.  “I fear no one and nothing.  Not even death.”
“Funny you should say that.  Shall we put it to the test?”  A voice asked, their figure appearing in the middle of the lab.
Rayla spun around to face the intruder.  “Who are you?  How did you get in here?”
“I am Death.”  Alowishus said, as if that should’ve been obvious.
“Lila! Sorn.”  Rayla called.
Alowishus gave a small, slow shake of his head.  “They can’t hear you. They’re dead.  Which conveniently answers your second question. How we got in here.”
Rayla’s eyes narrowed.  “We?”
Alowishus looked to the screen which showed three others had joined Nozel and Teris in the trial arena.  “No one can leave until the trail is complete or all the combatants are dead.  Yes?  I wouldn’t have bothered sending in three of my people.  One would have sufficed in putting an end to your little game.  But, I couldn’t trust that Teris wouldn’t end up fighting her helping hand.  Even with her magic dampened to such a level.  She is a force that should be respected.”
Despite his getting in, Rayla was dismissive in her magics attempt to control the intruder.
Alowishus stared at her.  “You cannot control Death.  No one can.”
Snarling, Rayla extended both her hands and tried again.
Alowishus looked back at the image of the fight.  “My people are nearly done with your little test.  And I’m done with you.  Hasn’t anyone ever told you it’s impolite to play with anothers toys?  At least your King understands.”  At Rayla’s expression, Alowishus raised a brow.  “What?  You thought your King feared that empty threat Jorah gave?”  He took a step and was in front of her so fast it was like he disappeared and reappeared.  “Yami and Teris are mine.”
Rayla fell back sensing the mans power.  It was more than Teris’.  More than Yami’s.  Possibly more than the both of them combined.  How had he managed to hide such a power; shield it from her senses until now?  What was even more frightening was that Rayla didn’t know if this was the full extent of his power, or if he was only showing her a hint of it.
Rayla scooted away from him.  “You—you can have them.  I’m sorry.”
Alowishus stared down at her without expression.  “No you’re not.  But you will be.”
Rayla gasped and begun to writhe on the floor.
Fuegoleon watched the horrifying scene, unable to look away despite his revulsion.  Rayla had experiment on them.  Tortured them.  She laid hands on and humiliated him.  Despite all that, Fuegoleon struggled against his bindings with renewed vigor in an effort to free himself and help her.
Rayla deserved to spend the rest of her days in prison.  She might have even deserved to be executed.  But that was for a lawful trial to decide.  She didn’t deserve to slowly wither and decay to nothing.
Rayla screamed and convulsed until she no longer could.  Even after she stopped, her eyes moved in their hollowed sockets.  Her body twitched, mouth still open in a silent wail of agony.
Fuegoleon watched Rayla’s eyes lose their sheen of life and stare vacantly at the man who had called himself Death.  Just when Fuegoleon thought he couldn’t be repulsed further, Rayla’s form cracked and crumbled to dust.
“From the earth you came.  So to the earth you shall return.”  Alowishus intoned, staring at the pile of dust that had been a living human mere moments before.  He turned and stepped to Yami, the hem of his cloak sweeping through Rayla’s remains.  “Look what she’s done to you, my boy.  Magical science.”  Alowishus scoffed.  “Unworthy, disbelieving fools.  This wouldn’t have killed you.  But it would have set you off before your time.”
He placed a hand flat on Yami’s chest and took in the excess mana. Alowishus shivered, wracked with pain as his body initially rejected Yami’s mana.  A purple-black cloud billowed around him.  Alowishus gritted his teeth forcing his body to soak the mana back in.
Slowly the dark cloud disappeared, drawn in by Alowishus.
“After being weakened from taking in the Light Bringers essence, I needed that.”  Alowishus muttered.  He looked over his shoulder at the scattered pile that had once been Rayla.  “I suppose your foolishness was good for something after all.”  He pulled off the charm on Yami’s bindings that stopped his mana from naturally releasing then made his way to Greywright and did the same.  “I trust you’ll recover in time to see the Vermillion prince is released before he burns up and dies.  Or not.”  Alowishus lifted a shoulder.  “It makes no difference to me.”
Greywright tried to break free of his bindings but was too weak.  The built up mana released from him far too slowly for him to regain the physical power or clear thinking that would allow him to access his magic.
Three Agents of Chaos appeared with an unconscious Nozel and Teris.
Alowishus looked at Yami and Teris, and told Greywright.   “Take better care of them, Commander.  I’ll be forced to take them away if you don’t. Trust me.  None of us wants them in my extended custody.”  He moved to his followers and ordered.  “Misandre.”
“Master.” Misandre lifted a hand, Bronn’s hand; and she, Alowishus, Himmel, and Yuric stepped through the portal.
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Next chapter snippet:
“Death should not be here.”  The voice said, sounding offended and confused.
Alowishus looked about the black void that was somehow both substance and space.  Eyes fixing on Yami, Alowishus said in awe.  “This is you. Or a representation of the force within you.”
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foxcassius · 4 years
people keep sending me screenshots of shit i dont wanna know so i’m just gonna type this post
[x] and i had a toxic friendship. there’s no two ways abt it. the codependency and jealousy and manipulation came from both sides and it wasn’t good. it would be irresponsible of me to act like i never did anything wrong, but it is irresponsible of her to act like i’m the only one who did anything wrong.
we brought out the worst in each other, and had been doing so for a long time before we stopped being friends. according to screenshots, she’s said both that i cut her off and that she fucked off herself. i don’t really know which is true; she clearly wasn’t interested in staying close friends, but i’m the one who moved out of state without telling her (or much of anyone who knew her). we affected each other in cycles that started when we first met. at one point it was cute; five years later it wasn’t. i would act immaturely, and she would infatilize me; she would infantilize me, and i would act immaturely. i’m sure she could cite a similar cycle of treatment and response on her side. for me it felt like the kind of thing i couldn’t get away from, like it became a part of my personality—or at least the personality i projected when i was around her.
the thing was, i felt like i could never change as a person because her interests and personality were so nostalgia-based. it seemed like every week she wanted to reminisce at length about ye olden days, which was probably a huge red flag about the state of our relationship. we weren’t creating anything emotional or meaningful in the present day, so she wanted to look back on when we DID have fun. but it made me freeze up and stagnate, like i didn’t know where i was supposed to go or who i was supposed to be turning into to please her. she was point-blank my oldest and best friend; the idea of becoming someone she didn’t want to be around (/spend her free, enjoyment time with) freaked me out. until i realized that she was kind of becoming the sort of person i didn’t want to be around.
i’m not trying to make excuses for my own lack of personal growth; this post is 85% therapy, i’m working to understand what happened and learn from it. my stangnation was not her fault. it was and always will be my responsibility to remove myself from situations that are bad for me. eventually i did, it was just later than it should have been, i think.
i know i was bad for her in return. i know i did things that weren’t right and shouldn’t be brushed off or excused. i was immature, and selfish. i carry those things. i want to be better than that. i hope that by understanding what happened with her, i can correct my behaviors and not treat people that way in the future. but it makes me feel ill to read screenshots and know she’s no-doubt out there telling people who don’t even know what my face looks like about what a demon i was to her without acknowledging her own faults. it makes me upset because it’s wrong, and it makes me upset because i do want better for her, too. i want her to also look back and understand and grow. but wanting that for her always seemed to piss her off and it probably comes off as patronizing, so i won’t say any more.
she complained about us living together a second time frequently, saying she never should have agreed. it always seemed like she blamed me for even suggesting the idea when our first stint as roommates went so terribly. i refuse to apologize, because i didn’t force her. she agreed. she was interested. if she’d honestly said no, i won’t lie, i would have been upset. but i would have lived. she said she didn’t force me into the situations surrounding money and animefest 2018, said i made my own decisions, and she was right. as influenced as they were by her situation and my will to help her, i did make my own decisions. similarly, she made her own decision to live with me, influenced as she was by my situation.
in the end, i’m glad we’re not friends anymore, even if i miss some of the people who got cut off along with her. we weren’t good for each other. we’re better off without each other. beyond that, i do think she turns too much of a blind eye to racism, antisemitism, ableism, transmisogyny, and etc in the media she not only consumes but exalts. it was difficult to not say anything, and i’m better off not surrounding myself with it when it makes me feel so terrible.
if you’re one of the people who sends me screenshots of her vagueposts, stop. i don’t want to read them!! i don’t want to see them!! knowing she’s thinking about me makes me nauseous!! i quite literally never want her in her present state to cross my mind, or vice versa. i have the past and my memories. i’m content with that!! i’m not involved with her. i don’t wish to be.
the only exceptions to that: i’m pretty sure at least one person is telling her things about my life, like things that are happening right now-ish. i wish you’d stop, but you can feel free to screenshot this post and send it to her if you really fucking want. it’s fair; people have been screenshotting her and sending to me. also, i don’t like to think about how she’s out there undoubtedly throwing vitriol my way over the fact that there’s money she claims i owe her that i never paid back. in my opinion there’s room to dispute the validity of some of that, but it wasn’t my intention to disappear and leave that behind. i honest to god don’t remember what the amount i’m supposed to owe her even is, but if i ever have a stable life and job, and ever have an extra $650 in my hands, i’ll send it to her paypal. i think that’s more than what i owe, but it’ll do. it wasn’t my intention to never pay her; i’m just fucking poor, and don’t know if that will end anytime soon.
i’m sorry to anyone who still knows her and still knows me who comes across this post. i don’t want you caught in the middle. you can ignore this if you want. or if you really feel like it’s better for you to cut me out, you can do that too. i know i’m making myself sound like a shitty friend, like i don’t care if people cut me off, like i won’t miss anyone, but really i just want y’all to be happy and i just want to live in peace without people constantly sending me shit reminding me about her. there’s a whole sixty years of life left my man let’s move on.
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