#that au I brainrotted where they meet again as better people
lianlianlianlian · 1 year
Barbie and Ken post-canon fanfic where this scene happens at some point:
*Ken is running away from cops*
"Hi Barbie!"
"Oh my God, Ken! Hi, Ken!"
"Hi Barbie! You wanna go for a ride?"
"You know what- Sure, Ken!"
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sixosix · 2 years
Hi! I'm on a sae brainrot lately it's gonna consume me and your fics are soo good😫 can I req a sae with reader in love with him despite being friends with rin, I just love the idea of rin being annoyed with the two of them giving each other heart eyes when reader comes over to their house, thank you sooo much!
think of this as an au where the itoshi brothers aren’t as insane and strained ur welcome ALSO ANON HELPP this idea is so funny
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rin doesn’t consider himself as someone who has homicidal urges. on a good day, at least.
but you are making it harder and harder not to just strangle you and yell out strings of profanity whenever you sigh dreamily over his brother.
his big brother, of all people. rin knows that he and sae are pretty popular, but for his best friend to be head over heels for his brother when you should be immune to the itoshi bloodline is a bit absurd.
“it’s the best friend’s brother thing,” bachira said. rin has no idea what that means, but apparently, it’s when people go crazy over the best friend’s brother. rin hopes that none of sae’s friends are giving him the same googly eyes you do whenever sae passes by—that would be horrifying.
“he’s so handsome,” you explained to him when he asked why you are so obsessed with his brother in blood. “so—! just soo fucking—” and then rin asked you to not finish that sentence because he might have to damage his eardrums by hand if you continue.
that’s not even the worst part, no.
a normal person (like rin) would think that, okay, pining isn’t that bad. crushes are normal. my friend’s weird obsession with wanting to kiss my brother stupid is normal, maybe. but no. it’s not that easy. rin cannot just coax you to move on or force to imply anything in case sae hunts him down.
because his big brother, itoshi sae, is in love with you.
rin doesn’t know when— how it started. he just found out when you had to come up to rin to ask for something and left like a frightened deer, and sae, dead-inside, doesn’t-give-a-fuck-about-you sae, kept staring at you until you were out of sight. there was a smile on his face—a fond one, if that makes it any better.
(it does not. rin didn’t even know what to say at this point. his hands are itching.)
“that’s just a little brother thing,” shidou remarked once when rin lamented about his worrying urge to throttle you and sae simultaneously. rin understands that one, at least.
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you have to come over today.
it’s not a big deal since you’ve come to his room to hang out before. it’s not always voluntary on rin’s part; you just appear out of nowhere, carrying pillows and about three blankets, materializing out of nowhere and onto his doorstep.
the difference is that his brother is back in japan, and you’re coming over today.
why is this a problem?
well, for starters: rin is not fond of seeing you make a fool of yourself and cry about it to him later on. he sleeps through it, usually, but you smack his head when you meet again, and he is afraid he might get brain damage soon.
second, rin only stays in his room, so it is where you follow. if the time comes you leave, sae will interrogate the hell out of him and give the coldest glares out of sheer jealousy. rin cannot be bothered to explain that no, he doesn’t like you that way, and sae is free to take you.
he doesn’t want to expose you like that, though. he is not that much of an asshole. as horrible and hilarious it is to watch you trip over yourself to see him, rin knows you genuinely like sae.
rin sees it in the way you smile helplessly whenever anyone mentions him, and rin can tell that it’s serious. you’re still his friend; he still cares about how this will work out for you.
“rin, i’m telling you,” you say, and in your excitement—or hysteria, really—you fail to notice that your voice is terribly loud. “shidou is out to get me. i have nightmares about him hunting me down because i beat him four times. he has a bat with nails on it.”
“let him win, then,” rin deadpans.
although it is his house, he’s the one trailing after you. mostly to make sure you don’t eat all the ice cream. again.
“i can’t lose to shidou, rin. that’s a stain on my resume.”
“then don’t dream about shidou with a bat with nails on it.”
“you’re the life of the party, itoshi.”
you yelp as you turn into a sharp corner on the way to his room. rin blinks at the sound and visibly deflates when he realizes who you’ve crashed into. he holds back a groan, knowing precisely what’s coming next.
cue: romantic guitar, doves flying, bells ringing.
“y/n,” sae says, holding you up by the shoulders.
“...sae,” you reply, belatedly. and then proceed to gape at him as if you forgot that he is rin’s brother and they live together for that reason.
“nii-chan,” rin says, too, because he really is not in the mood to witness this.
sae blinks up at rin. “where are you two going?”
rin hesitates. “my room.” you’re still steaming because sae is still holding you.
sae narrows his eyes.
“y-you can join us!” you blabber, refusing to meet sae’s eyes—which is horrible, really, because if you just took a single glance at sae, you’d see how his eyes softened impossibly.
“don’t say that.” rin scowls. he already has it rough having one lovesick freak in his room; he is not fit to handle two simultaneously, for each other, too.
“i’ll join,” sae decides instantly, staring right at you. rin wants to throw his hands in the air. “what did you say about shidou?”
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thx for reading i had too much fun w this LMFAOOO
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the-ace-with-spades · 4 months
I'm in the middle of a renewed obsession with cooking shows (kitchen nightmares, top chef but mostly polish editition hell's kitchen; also, watched burnt, the movie with bradley cooper, again...) and cooking for myself again (not as good...) and my top gun brainrot consensus is
I need a Celebrity Chef! Bradley AU.
An AU where he and Mav still stopped speaking when the papers pulling thing happened and Bradley left for college but when Bradley didn't have much choice but to either cook his own food (alone, without Mav's help for the first time in his life) or to starve on his college budget, he discovered some ridiculously good cooking skills there.
And you know, maybe he started a part-time job in some restaurant that went onto some equivalent of kitchen nightmares and the chef being the face of that show saw something in him and offered him mentoring and then when said chef was offered leading a new hell's kitchen/master chef show, he was there as one of the team sous chefs.
Or maybe he's one of the contestants and he either wins or he is good enough that he catches the chef's eye and gets to work and train under them. And maybe then he becomes new season's sous chef as well.
Imagine Mav turning on the TV one evening to see if he can make the new cooking show into his new guilty pleasure and seeing Bradley's face on the screen.
But I need this AU mostly because I fully believe that when they meet one way or another (either through Mav or sometime before the TGM timeline by accident) Jake has no fucking idea who Bradley is. He doesn't watch TV, he doesn't eat fancy food, and Bradley totally doesn't look like the type (hawaiian shirts, old jeans, too chill, lives in a house that looks like it hasn't had new decorations or furniture since the 80s) so when Bradley tells him 'oh I just work at a restaurant, nothing exciting' he just assumes he's a waiter or a barman or something. At that point, Bradley has his own fancy restaurant (Michelin-starred), regularly makes it onto the TV screens and is a celebrity.
So Jake would do all those ridiculous things before he finds out --- try to impress Bradley by making him burgers from supermarket ground beef, telling him his ravioli is not that good when Bradley cooks for him, taking him on a date out to a hole-in-the-wall taco place, blatantly criticizing his apple crumble because 'it has nothing on his ma's apple pie' and he might or might not have said that Pizza Hut is an okay place to go eat on a date. (And, you know, Bradley was absolutely charmed by the confidence and the dumbassery and everything in general just being so Jake, and it's not like he's a total culinary snob, he remembers how he was raised, etc).
It'd be even funnier if Jake finds out through Mav. Like, Mav asks the team to come to a dinner with his family and Bradley is holed up in the kitchen and Jake like a good southern boy asks if they need help with the food and Mav goes all, "Oh no, don't go in there, he's going to eat you alive if you even think about offering to help. My kid is some big fancy chef, he barely lets me help."
And then Bradley comes out of the kitchen with the amuse-bouche (kinda, it's not like they're in a restaurant...) and Jake has a surprise of a century because one, Bradley is Maverick's son?? and two, he's a chef??
Jake and Bradley have a little back and forth about it and then the whole squad is like, "You're dating the Bradley Bradshaw? And you, sir, your son is the Bradley Bradshaw?" because they recognize him from the TV.
And Jake finds out that not only is his boyfriend his CO's kid, he is also a world-renowned celebrity chef. And then the daggers are 0h-ing and Ah-ing at the best food they've ever eaten and Jake still goes, "I've eaten better steak."
And Mav, who has seen Bradley's rage and heard his rants about people having no taste tenses up until Bradley laughs and says, "Will do better next time, baby."
Years down the line, Bradley always repeats in the interviews that his husband is his toughest critic.
Maybe he's even asked to be the face of a new hell's kitchen-like TV show and one of the challenges for his contestant is cooking something his husband will like. Also, maybe cooking something from Mav's recipes in a way that will remind him of his childhood...
(Bonus points if Bradley is a recovering alcoholic/drug addict person non grata just like Adam from the Burnt movie... also, maybe it was Mav who kicked his butt into recovery??)
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
Hi! May I request a Yan X-Tale!Chara concept?
 - 🪷🪼
Sure! Wasn't exactly sure what to call him but I hope you enjoy this :) I recently started Season 2 of Underverse. Take this as an AU (Ironic) where Chara is an adult for both Season 1 and 2 (I ALSO JUST LOVE HIS ADULT DESIGN IN SEASON 2, HELLO? I WANT TO SEE MORE?) This mostly just focuses on behavior anyways.
Sorry if plot is a bit messy, I wasn't sure what even in the story you wanted me to focus on so I just... let my mind wander. I got too excited about writing him I didn't make it full coherent so... here's pure brainrot (?)
Yandere! X-Tale/X-Event! Chara Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Sadism, Trauma, Clingy behavior, Possessive/Protective behavior, Kidnapping, Attachment issues, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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Chara certainly wishes for a time where he could be happy and peaceful again.
Despite what he's done, he ultimately wanted to make one true timeline where people are happy.
It doesn't excuse what he's done... Part of him knows that.
His tale is a tragic one and your first few meetings certainly aren't the best.
Chara is used to betrayal, so letting anyone nice near him is difficult.
Maybe you're trying to help Ink, Sans, Fell, and Swap?
Chara may have met you when he was still a phantom with Cross.
That or maybe you were also part or his old timeline, reborn into something new?
There's many possibilities of how you could've met him.
What's true for all of them... is he begins to cling to you.
Maybe deep down he wants to think he has a chance of being better.
Or maybe he just wants to toy with you like all the rest.
Your kindness makes him feel bitter... Yet at the same time he knows he craves it.
You may not like him... But in some way he likes you.
Perhaps you remind him of simpler times.
Maybe you yourself are even a human, one who wanted to help all those copies go home.
He knows you want to help....
However, this whole issue is bigger than you could ever imagine.
Helping him only puts you in danger... Especially when X-Gaster is free.
There's an infinite amount of possibilities for how you can meet, this is the multiverse after all.
Chara's intrigue starts with Cross.
Even as a phantom he notices you and takes interest.
He sticks to his goal... steal code from timelines... appease Nightmare...
But even Nightmare notices the emotions that stir within Chara.
He can tell the human wants to reach out to you in some way.
Perhaps you can be a reward.
When Chara first gets close to you, overpowering Cross as much as he can, he isn't sure how to express his interest.
So he ends up toying with you, body often glitching between that of the skeleton he hosts and himself.
He comes off sadistic, interrogating you about your own timeline.
Occasionally he probably drops hints of interest, although with his grin you don't know if it's genuine.
Another time he meets you is when he's utilizing US! Chara's soul.
Using a human soul he's more stable.
His true form shows and he's often distracted by you.
He hates that you huddle so close to Ink... the traitor.
While he torments US! Sans + Papyrus, he'd probably try to strike up conversation with you or something.
He openly admits his interest at this point..
He offers you a proposition... stop trusting Ink and come with him to start a new universe.
Regardless on if you accept or not, he'd probably try to take you anyways.
Writing for X-Chara gets confusing around the time X-Gaster comes into being.
So for now, let's say eventually X-Chara takes you back to his universe.
With US! Chara's soul, he manages to hold his form enough to communicate with you.
Chara probably reflects some of the mercy feel in his soul towards you, much to Nightmare's distaste.
He may even tell you his story, he isn't sure if he's asking for sympathy or some sort of opinion...
But you seem to want to help him, don't you?
With a Human Soul, he can finally use OVERWRITE again.
He could try and use it on you to make his perfect life.
Especially since you've managed to plague his mind all this time.
Chara may even admit his hopes to you.
He wants to make a timeline where everyone can have their Happy Ending.
Including you and him.
Yes... he's done bad things... but it's for the greater good, no?
So... trust him... he can make you happy.
If you don't comply, well...
He can make it work since you drive him downright insane.
Chara isn't sure what to do with these emotions he has towards you.
It's been too damn long since he even had these....
Chara would do his best to make you compliant in creating something new with him...
New emotions... a new universe... new everything.
Although, even now X-Gaster manages to ruin what he was doing.
When Ink releases X-Gaster and Chara's killed before being revived...
I imagine Chara would want to make a deal to stay compliant.
Sure... in 0.4's Epilogue he sees all his friends and family again.
But there's one thing he wants more than anything.
"Bring them to me."
The request surprises X-Gaster.
Chara's emotions bring him distraction... yet it intrigues him that he wants you of all things.
His brother's back... his universe can come back...
But he wants an anomaly such as you?
I think it would be interesting if X-Gaster complied on this deal and targeted you.
Anything to keep the brat quiet.
One way or another, Chara plans to involve you in his new life.
You will obtain perfect happiness in a perfect universe together...
Even if he has to rely on X-Gaster right now to get it.
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josephsaturn · 7 months
Gonna post some SW AU ideas
(Fair warning: most of these are tcw/clones-adjacent because that’s where the brainrot is lmao
Also I am ONLY fully done watch the first 2 prequel movies and season 1 of tcw. I know what’s gonna happen after, but not every detail of it.)
Starting with:
Shmi the Nanny
Ok so.
A few months after Anakin is taken to become a Jedi, Jango goes to Watto’s for help on his ship, so Watto sends Shmi to go work on it while Jango watches. Idk, he’s probably got nothing better to do. While she’s working on fixing the problem, he decides to pass time by telling her about the kid he just got: how he’s the sweetest thing ever, how he looks like an angel, maybe he even stops Shmi’s work to show pictures or something. But, the important thing is this: he knows that Kamino’s no place to raise a child, and he trusts both the nanny-bot and the Kaminoans about as far as he can throw them.
Getting an idea, he then looks at Shmi and asks if she has any experience with kids.
She, obviously, answers yes.
Jango walks back in to Watto’s store, stays in there for a few minutes, and when he comes out, he tells her that she’s coming with him to be his kid’s nanny.
I wanna make it clear that Jango DID NOT free Shmi: she’s still got her chip, Jango’s just got her detonator. He’s simply her new owner, and, as Shmi’s gonna learn, a REAL piece of work.
So they go to Kamino, and meet up with whichever Kaminoan is there to greet Jango. He introduces Shmi as Boba’s live-in nanny for when Jango goes on bounties and such, and they take her to the Tipoca apartments to get settled in. While walking there, Shmi notices the tubes carrying the other clones on the weird merry-go-round thing in canon, and gets told that those are the Jedi’s clone army.
The Jedi.
The very same Jedi she allowed Ani to go live with.
Why did the Jedi need an army?
But they make it to the apartments, Shmi gets one right next to the Fetts, and Jango introduces her to little baby boba, only a few months old. She also gets introduced to the Cuy’val Dar, since she’ll be in close quarters with them.
For the first few days, Shmi just walks around, taking in all of the sights Kamino has to offer (like all the WATER, holy kriff), but gets rebuked by whoever’s nearby when she tries to go into the cloning facility.
Finally, Jango harshly wakes her up in the middle of the night and takes her to his apartment, telling her that if anything happens to boba, it’ll be on her. With that, he leaves, and shmi falls asleep on the couch, only to be woken up by boba’s crying.
She ends up taking care of him for a month and a half, Jango nowhere in sight for all of it, only for him to return in the middle of the day and coldly kick Shmi out of the apartment.
The pattern repeats: Jango leaves for at least a month, comes back for just a week or two, then it’s back out again.
Some highlights of this idea:
Shmi bonding with certain members of the Cuy’val dar, with one of them even giving her her own blaster
Shmi officially meets the rest of the clones when Boba turns four, having lost him after turning her back on him for only a minute. Alpha-17 finds him and gets him back to her
Boba gets to listen to some of her stories/eat food from tattooine
Boba in general growing up with a positive influence instead of being a super-duper isolated brat.
Shmi straight up killing Dred priest when news of his fighting ring reaches her
Shmi thinking about how the only people she likes on this miserable planet are just the kids (and yes the men bred to die are kids to her. Sue her she literally watched them grow up) cuz the adults are different shades of asshole
And other stuff
Lemme know what you think!
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ancha-aus · 2 months
Welcome to my new Masterpost! This time including all information on everything on my tumblr instead of just one AU! Asks are always open and I am happy to answer questions <3
Tumblrsona has been made. The icon is still being made :3 The amazing @a-whispering-echo also made a drawing of her <3
AO3 account over here
AUs and stuff.
Ancients and Champions AU - Masterpost Here The big one! My main one! Story is finished and readable over here
Careful. It is a long story with many sidestories. All in the story tab <3 All the information I got concerning that AU is over in the masterpost <3
Real Age Au - First prompt and start of story Here This one doesn't have a masterpost. It is a drabble series I only upload on my tumblr as it are all first drafts and not always uploaded in order.
Drabble which doesn't have a plave quite yet in when it happens in the timeline.
Summary: Nightmare gets deaged, or better said, reversed aged towards his real age. Six years old. Join him and his gang as they discover how to deal with it and learn to be a family.
My own doodle for this work over here <3
@spotaus has made amazing fanart and a sweet fic in line with the AU.
@mikimakiboo as also made some sweet fanart here and here as well as fanfics over here and here
@driftinbubbles Has also made a very cute drawing!
The tag is RealAgeAU <3
Spirit Soul AU - A fic idea I had with info here and here An AU idea I had which is inspired by both Omori and Life is Strange
Bitty Surpise - An idea and very lose concept because I had bitty brainrot. A story in the works and I may eventually upload or draw more of. Very little aside from a doodle at the moment.
Ghosts & Medium AU - Technically a collab because @mikimakiboo helped abunch wiht some of the backgrounds :D - Dust is a medium who helps spirits moves on as his job. trouble appears when he meets spirit!Killer. First message in reblog train & ask & general roles of everyone. And people made some doodles, here and here! Link and Link in the same thread. Another trhread over here, here, here, and here - About Dust. - About Killer. - About Cross.
Drabble: First Encounter - Killer and Dust meet (and the part 2 of that little drabble)
Drabble: Exorcism Backfire - Cross joins the party. Very unwilling mind you.
Drabble: The Necromancing Medium - Dust and Ash's backstory - 18+ because it is heavy on trauma and heavy subjects. Please mind the warnings.
Drabble: Sleepover - Dust, Ash, Killer and Cross get to Dust's apartment to relax and regroup. Mostly to sleep.
Drabble: Research - Dust gets some work donw to make some progress. Eventually.
@mikimakiboo wrote a great story about the introduction of Horror to the group! Which i am sneakily accepted as canon so check it out!
DoubleNoot (name pending) - Turns out that Nightmare that the multiverse knew, was not just Nightmare. Instead it were two beings. Corrupt, the being everyone knew. and Nightmare. The same young skeleton from before he ate the apple that changed the course of the multiverse.
And now they are split? It changes their lives as well.
First Drabble here!
Idea for a possible story/series. Posts are here, here and here.
@mikimakiboo once again made an amazing drabble with the idea! and it is amazing!
Little story for @somegrumpynerd and their amazing comics where Dream and Nightmare get body switched <3
Little drabble for @spotaus because they made their own version of RealAgeAU but wiht knights <3
That was the stuff I have actual posts about that I can share. Overall progress on other things below:
Ancients and Champions - 100% writen. 100% edited. Fully uploaded.
Mermaid prompt list 2022 - 100% writen. 95% edited. Uploads ever Sunday on my AO3
Bitty surprise (name pending) - 100% writen. 25% edited. Needs to be finished (also needs another drawing of Horror Bitty)
Family Ties - 30% writen (ish?). 20% edited. General storyline in my head, just need to actually write the thing
Real Age AU - ??% writen. 0% edit (No edit or beta we die like men with this one) No real goal and just a fun drabble series <3
Story ideas that seem fun to me/ stuff i am thinking about writing:
UT Zombie apocalyse story.
Background story on Error and Geno and their time growing up - A&C related
Story on what would happen to the multiverse if there was NO negativity, the consequences to an only positive multi-universe
another mermaid story but pairing focus dustXsans
story where all the sanses are just actors and they do a series together (no idea how i would make this work in writing gonna be real with you)
Classic Dust ship story where Dust finds the original timeline and hangs around and watches Sans (I can't find my own original post with the idea anymore. It is lost to the void.)
That is all for now folks!
Edited 20 September.
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kanekoii · 11 months
sonny where hes childhood friends w the reader and they reconnect after years of not seeing each other (they become friends again and start hanging out again) and their old crush on each other gets rekindled or however u word it... (ive been having SO much brainrot recently i am not ok) anyways scenario of that if u dont mind?
lyra’s notes -> anon…you’ve given me the opportunity to write my favorite genre of fic…
pairing -> sonny brisko x gn! reader
genre -> scenario, angst, attempt at slowburn (my fav genre)
song -> gravitation - oneus
warnings -> attempt at slowburn, i’m sorry this fic is SO long, slight hint at soulmates au at the end
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sometimes sonny really wondered wether or not you felt anything at all for him. it was a constant back and forth, much like the uneven orbit of a planet that was much more realistic than the commonly envisioned perfect orbit. when you were smaller children, the both of you were too young to understand the logic of drifting away from each other. yet as the years went on, he became more distant. the final nail in the coffin was when he moved away and you had lost contact completely with him.
he had never left your mind, and you sometimes stared at the stars, silently wishing he was looking at the same ones from wherever he happened to be, somewhere in the world. you had only one remnant of sonny, a necklace with a charm on it, the other half presumably still one of his most prized possessions.
sonny sighed to himself as he stared at the blank sheet of paper. perhaps these feelings would be better expressed to you in person, but would be really have the confidence to give these feelings a voice when you stood in front of him for the first time in years? he doubted the things about you that he had come to not just appreciate but to love with all his heart would have disappeared with the time spent apart, but all these emotions sonny kept to himself would ultimately mean nothing had he not given himself a chance to voice them at all. he’s a hardworking man; all the things he wanted, he worked to achieve. the only thing out of his grasp, and even then it was only ever so slightly, was your love. he wore his half of the necklace every day in a hopeless kind of hope that one day it would mean as much to you as it did to him.
the emotions the commanding officer of the virtual special forces flowed out through his pen and onto the previously blank paper that sat on his desk, waiting to be given a meaning to exist at all. he sent out the letter to you before he could second guess himself, or else all the words he had allowed to escape his heart would be ultimately meaningless and he’d be plunged into the darkness that is keeping these feelings a secret. with his luck, you would have found someone else by now. yet some, ever so small part of his heart and mind held so tightly onto the hope that you’d one day love him as if it were his last lifeline. that hope had been driving him forward since the day he left, so what was a little more?
as you walked to the spot the letter had asked you to meet him, you saw his familiar face, standing nervously in the crowd. the world seemed to fall away before you as you ran towards him as fast as your body would allow. every second, every minute had led to this moment as your heart practically beat out of your chest amidst the blurred colors of the people around you. as you jumped into his arms, he seemed to be the only thing in the universe that had mattered at all.
your love for him grew ever stronger as you spent days together through the summer and autumn, coming to a head in winter when he finally expressed his love for you through a kiss. maybe you were destined to gravitate together by the red thread connecting your hearts. through all, that thread had never broken or disconnected. you were quite literally destined to be with him.
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Hello again Brainrot !! I hope you’re doing well! :] (apologies in advance for the long ask !!)
This is may be a little out of left field, but I thought it might make for an interesting discussion, so !! Here I am again, hehe
I’ve been working on a (purely self-indulgent, not-yet public) project over the past year or so, literally called The Arcana Rewritten (it’s primarily a poly route/combination of Julian & Nadia’s routes, with a heavy emphasis on the world-building, character-building, a hell of a lot of magic shenanigans, & bits and pieces from the other routes since I find them interesting & fun to work with in the context of each other’s routes!) (additional sidenote, your headcanons have actually inspired a hell of a lot of the project & helped me get a better understanding of the cast, so I can’t thank you enough !!)— and to help me figure out/keep in mind the foundations of each of the main cast, I’ve been jotting down various character rankings both based on canon information (such as the official character rankings) *and* headcanons (including my own MC, because of course I would)
All of this to say !! I wanted to share the rankings I have so far & ask for your feedback/suggestions/critique (plus the feedback of whoever else sees this, should they choose), if it’s not too much trouble for me to ask! (Plus I just like hearing people’s personal thoughts on the cast, hehe)
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Anyhow !! Don’t feel pressured to respond to this any time soon—! I’m just tossing it out here for fun :P
Take care, Brainrot!
- Cadaver
@lurkingposting hi Cadaver! It's great to meet you!
I genuinely don't know what to do with such high praise, but thank you so much for the credit!! (I don't deserve it but I truly appreciate it :'))
I love these rankings - and to help out where I can, I have this post saved from forever ago where someone went through all the rankings/character stuff with the M6 and compiled them in one post. Here it is!!
I look forward to seeing what other people think, but reading through it I think these are awesome! I'd love to talk about them with you in depth if you're ever interested - my DMs are always open, and if you want a whole group of arcana fans analyzing your AU you can make a channel for it in the discord server (no pressure, of course) ^.^
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candlelight27 · 2 years
Will you be my valentine?
[tags] DABI X READER, SFW, zombie or apocalypse AU, fluff, gender neutral reader but afab reader in mind, a little something suggestive in the end but otherwise just kissing, mentions of weapons. Oh and Dabi calls reader Sunshine as a nickname. 1632 words.
[note] happy st valentines day!! So glad to write a little something again :') enjoy the dabi brainrot!!! I had this idea in mind all weekend and had to write it
AO3 link
It’s been a couple of hours since Dabi left the base and you are growing anxious by the minute. How could you not? The trip to gather supplies should have taken him an hour at most.
You entertain yourself with the improvised stew you’re cooking. Rather than hunger, it was the hope of a headpat from your partner and a compliment what drove you to start making dinner, since he usually was the one to use the fire. It smells pretty good despite the limitations you face and the poor ingredients. Still, the sky is getting darker, and you fear the worse in the bottom of your heart.
As you see the diced potatoes float, you wonder what it is that you really fear in the event that Dabi doesn't come back.
Were you scared of being alone in a collapsing world? Doomed to roam around without someone else to rely on? The answer is no. You grew used to that way before meeting your latter partner.
So the unfortunate conclusion is that you’re just attached to him.
You and the once stranger tried everything to avoid this. You know that any feelings might compromise your survival rate, so you followed a set of rules: no names, no personal information, no sleeping next to each other and no physical contact.
The problem was that you had already broken two of them.
At first, you were determined to stay at least two feet away from Dabi at all times. You read somewhere that physical touched released some kind of hormones or whatever substance that increased the levels of trust and affection between two people. So it was easy: avoid touching him at all costs. It was easy… until it wasn’t that easy.
It was the dead of winter and you were trembling. Even though you were covered with several blankets and inside a building, you had never been that cold before. Dabi noticed this as he was awake, keeping an eye on the fire. He muttered a few words offering his help, you agreed, because Dabi seemed to practically radiate heat, and from then on, you slept together under the same blankets. Cuddling, to add insult to injury. And, little by little, that led to Dabi to break the other rule. He accustomed to leave small, fether-like touches on your shoulder, then poking your cheek and patting your head. And you liked it, way much more than you should.
The potatoes keep floating on the soup and Dabi hasn’t arrived yet. The sky is orange and dark blue at equal parts. You relive his touch and make up your mind. It’s something you’re going to regret, but you can’t help it.
As you take your bag and a rifle, you hear footsteps. Right after, his voice resonates in the silence of your shelter.
“Where the fuck are you going, Sunshine? It’s almost nighttime.”
Your eyes are wide open. Your hands clutch the rifle. You try to say something, anything really, but only stammering leaves your mouth.
“Well?” Dabi rises an eyebrow, ready to tease you. “Don’t tell me you were going to go out there to look for me?”
“You were gone for hours”, you justify yourself.
You can see in his face that he wants to tell you off. That you shouldn’t leave the base with all the equipment alone, that it could’ve been dangerous, that if he disappears you must keep going on. Better one person dead than two. But he says nothing about that. Dabi just sighs.
“C’mon. Let’s eat. You made dinner, right?”
After leaving on the side his heavy backpack and a couple of bags, right next to the rest of supplies, Dabi turns around and sits on the piled rugs next to the fire, over which the pot is hovering. You leave the weapon and your things where they were before, then take the bowls that are lying around and hand them to him.
“It smells so good. But why didn’t you wait for me?”, asks the man as he’s pouring you and himself a ration of stew.
“I… I thought you’d be tired, so I wanted to have it ready beforehand,” you admit. So much for not forming a bond with the man.
“If you keep doing it this well, you’ll end up in charge of cooking,” he says with a mouthful. “Are these the potatoes you grew?”
You keep eating quietly until there’s nothing left. Usually, you chatter with Dabi about the latest expedition, or the state of the garden, or anything at all. However, right now, something feels off. You’re scared of the nature of your feelings for Dabi and you’re still upset about his prolongued absence. So you remain quiet. Which isn’t the smartest move, because Dabi is quite observant.
His bright blue eyes are fixed on your face.
“What’s wrong, Sunshine?” Dabi leaves the dining utensils aside and sits next to you. You prefer his warmth to that of the bonfire. He’s not shy, so he sits right next to you, his shoulder and leg bumping yours. “Usually, you don’t even greet me and proceed to rummage the bags. And usually you don’t stop talking, either, while doing so. Or while eating. So, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing”, you say, avoiding his eyes. He frowns.
“Are you mad because I took longer than what was planned? Look, I didn’t mean-”
“No”, you interrupt him. This time, you turn your face around as you shake your hands. You think of all the problems you have, the lack of food, the dangers of desperate people, anything but how close his face is. “I’m not mad, okay? Just… worried.” You don’t elaborate more.
You’re surprised when you see his smile grow. Of course he know what's going on. He can read you like a book.
“Worried?”, he chuckles. “Aw, don’t tell me you were worried that I was dead?”
“Well, what do you think? It’s way more convenient having you around than being alone”, you concede. It’s not entirely a lie.
Dabi stands up. You’re going to do the same, but he sits you back with a pat on your shoulder. He fishes a couple of things from the interior of his backpack, and hides them behind his back. You are curious, moving your head around to peek, but he’s adamant on not showing anything.
“Don’t you want to know what took so long?”, the man asks.
You nod. Suddenly, two items are dropped on your lap.
One of them is a box of your favourite chocolates. To your delight, it’s not expired. The other is a gingerbread heart that reads ‘Merry Christmas’. It’s not expired either. You’re happy, for you haven’t tried anything like this in ages, yet you’re confused all the same.
“Don’t you like it?”, your partner questions. He’s not disappointed, but calm.
“I do. But you risked your life and you don’t even like sweets.”
“Hm.” He takes the box in his hands and examines it. After a couple of seconds, he sets it aside. “Okay, to be fair, I don’t dislike them, but I prefer watching you enjoying them rather than enjoying them myself.”
“Oh”, that’s all you can say.
For a moment, you let yourself think that maybe you're not the only one affected by your situation with Dabi.
“Do you know what day is it?”
“Didn’t you check the calendar?” He chuckles again. It might be your new favourite sound.
“Not today,” you admit.
“It’s February 14th.” Dabi smiles and scratches his neck. “The heart wasn’t supposed to say ‘Merry Christmas’, but when you raid a destroyed supermarket you can’t be too picky, you know?”
You hug the gingerbread to your heart and look into his eyes.
“Do you mean this? All of this?”
“What? What are you talking about?” Now it’s his turn to be confused.
“I was worried of not seeing you again”, you declare with a weak voice. “Not of being alone, but being witout you. I don’t really want to go back to a life without Dabi.”
His pupils go down to your lips, then back to your eyes.
“Can you be clearer? Because I don’t want to do anything that will get me a punch in the face.”
You breath deeply. Dabi’s actions were basically a declaration of love, right? You had nothing to lose.
“I want to break out partnership. I’m afraid I have feelings for you.”
When did he get closer? You’re practically on Dabi’s arms, one of them surrounding your back and caging you against him, the other playing with your hair. His smell, of gunpowder, sweat and detergent, saturates your nose.
“What feelings?”, he teases. “Hate? Love? Interest?”
“Dabi, shut up, you know perfectly-”
Then, the overdue kiss comes along. His lips press against yours. It’s rather chaste, probing your willingness.  
“Do you really like my mug? Haven’t you seen the scars? Do I need to look for prescription glasses next time? That may take even longer. Days of search.”
“Dabi, you’re an idiot, but you’re hot,” you say, then you kiss him again.
You don’t waste your chance and hug him back, something you’ve wanted to do for a long time. This time, the kiss is fumbling, and more intense. You feel his scarred skin, and the way he smiles into your lips. Dabi bites your lips lightly.
“This might complicate everything,” he points out.
“I don’t care”, you answer. His big hand rests on your cheek.
“In that case, if you want to complicate things further…”, he adds with the smirk of a scoundrel, “I found condoms that are good to use.”
“Dabi!” you scold as you bury your face on his chest.
He’s going to be the end of you.
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viilpstick · 8 months
You must be asleep bc different from me you have a normal sleep schedule 😍 read this when you can anyway-- I'm having the fantasy au brainrot once again UGH. Love leobelle sm
“If you keep sneaking in like this the guards will surely find you.” Isabelle said, not minding to stop her reading as the pirate captain made his way inside her room at the palace. He soon and without a care in the world sat down in front of her on another chair, taking off his hat and passing his hand through his hair.
“As if. And stop irritating me. Do you know how annoying it is to climb all the way up here?” He asked, Isabelle lifted her gaze, stared at him for a moment and chuckled, slowly turning the page of her book. “What?”
“Nothing. You look positively medieval in those rags.”
“As if you don't like that.”
“Please.” She rolled her eyes, but had an amused smile on her face. “I am engaged. I don't look at other men.”
“Yet you let me sneak into your room frequently very easily. Aren't you such a great fiancée?” Isabelle loudly closed her book and got up, a bit annoyed at what he said.
The worst part was that Leona was correct. She claimed she wanted to be the most faithful wife for her kingdom’s wellbeing but she couldn't help but let her emotions guide her everytime she saw the runaway prince’s face.
“It's your fault for running away and becoming a pirate. You could’ve been my fiancé in that guy's place."
“I thought you hated our engagement?” Isabelle glared at him and he smirked. Leona got up, walking towards the princess. “All I'm trying to say is you don't look as happy as you try to appear.”
“Wha- oh, please! And I assume you are? Being an outlaw and all?"
“Better than with my family, yes.”
Isabelle's eye twitched and she sighed, resting her back against the wall.
“What is it, Leona? Why did you decide to visit this time? You want supplies or something?” She asked, looking up to stare at the pirate. He walked in front of her, a hand resting beside her head, pinning her against the wall. She made sure to not let it show how it affected her.
“Not exactly.” The lion beastmen looked down, grabbing Isabelle's left hand and staring at her diamond ring. “I came to say this doesn't suit you.”
“It doesn't?” She laughed. “What suits me then?”
“My shirt, for once.” Isabelle took her hand out of his grasp and pushed him to the side, wanting to get out of his reach in annoyance as her face went red. Leona gently but firmly grabbed her wrist, making her look back at him with a frown. “Come with me.”
“What? Me? With you? Where?” She couldn't believe what she just heard. Was he really telling her to go with him and become an outlaw? To travel to unknown seas and lands and meet all sorts of different cultures? To find new customs and people? To see all types of legends and myths?
…She hated how appealing it sounded for her.
“Anywhere. We’re pirates, who cares.”
“No, no- you're a pirate. I'm- I'm a princess with a duty to fulfill.” Isabelle took her wrist out of his touch once more, her skin missing its warmth, but she refused to give in. “I am to stay here, marry and help my country prosper.”
“And be stuck with a boring prince all your life? Nowhere to go, just stay stuck here?” Leona refuted, walking closer to her, making Isabelle walk a few steps behind, anxious. “Would you really enjoy that?”
“H-hey, who knows! And he isn't that bad.” She tried to defend her fiancé, but both of them knew she didn't mean any of it. “He’s… ok.”
“You don't even love him.”
“Well, how do you know that?”
Leona stayed quiet for a moment, their eyes locked and Isabelle held her breath. Not once did any of them blink. He finally decided to have courage and speak: “because you love me.”
Isabelle widened her eyes, her cheeks growing red and she couldn't move. How did he- no, no. That was just a joke Adeline used to say, nothing more, nothing less. There was no way she was in love with a brute, brainless pirate. He was wrong, like he was with everything else.
But... other than a brute he was also soft. And held her like she was the most precious jewel. And looked at her like she was the only woman on earth. And kept coming back to visit her despite knowing he could get caught.
Goodness gracious.
“Just… come.” He grabbed her left hand again, using his free hand to take off her engagement ring and let it fall to the ground. He looked down at her expectantly. “Let's live an adventure.”
Isabelle looked around her, biting her cheeks as she was filled with doubts. She didn't want to let her father and her kingdom… but wasn't it an adventure all she longed for? Her entire life, wasn't knowing the entire earth what she wanted the most? And staying with Leona, wasn't that what her heart wished for everyday?
“Oh for goodness sake, Leona.” She scratched her head. Biting her lip. “Fine, ok! Let's go, before-”
And soon enough, his mouth was on hers, finally getting the confirmation his feelings were reciprocated. Isabelle wanted to push him away, they needed to escape quickly before someone came to check on her! …But just a few more minutes, maybe. Just one more minute, and she would let go. One more minute and she would take her hand off of his hair, one more and she would order him to take his hands off her waist and neck.
One more.
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riality-check · 1 year
more bootlegging au stuff because i have the brainrot! here's the first bit, in case you missed it.
“This guy is way too heavy,” Dustin wheezes, holding the corpse by the shoulders.
“Duh,” Max deadpans, swinging its legs into the freshly-dug makeshift grave. “He’s dead weight.”
Dustin smirks at her, and regret flashes over her face.
“Did you just make a joke?”
“It was unintentional.”
“I don’t think it was. I think you’re funnier than you- oof.”
The handle of the shovel hits Dustin in the stomach before he even tried to catch it.
“Start covering him up,” Max says.
“Why can’t you do it?”
“I’m a lady. It’s not proper.”
Dustin uses the shovel to gesture at her pants. “Yeah, because you care so much about propriety.”
Even from halfway to the front gates of the graveyard and in the dark, Mike sees Max’s tiny smile. He doesn’t see much else; nothing from the trees and nothing from the road on the other side.
Dustin says he’s a great lookout. Max says it’s because nothing wants to get anywhere near him. They all know he’s the lookout because he’s the best at lying to Joyce.
Well, Will is better, but he doesn’t know anything about this. Just because he’s good at lying to his mother doesn’t mean he likes doing it. And Mike knows that if Will got involved, he’d want to do the most out of all of them, and-
Well, Mike can’t lose him again.
So, Will doesn’t know, and Max and Dustin are stuck with the second-best liar out of their little bunch. Not that there’s a whole lot of them to start.
“Keep it down,” Mike hisses. “They might not be able to see you, but other people can hear you.”
“You’re our lookout, not our mother,” Max snarks, and Dustin, the traitor, laughs.
Mike tries to hide his own laugh. As much as he and Max rib each other, and as rough of a start as they got off to, they’re still good. Most of the ti-
Something moves along the road.
It’s not a car; anyone could hear the motor from a mile away. It’s not a carriage, either, since there’s no clip-clopping or horses’ hooves. It’s smaller and slower. Probably a person.
And where there’s one, there’s many, and many means the fire of tommy guns and blood-spattered backdrops. In this case, gravestones.
“Shovel faster,” Max says, finally having joined in with her own shovel.
“Mayfield, shut up,” Mike says, still keeping his eyes on the road.
“Oh, so we’re last-naming each other now, Wheeler?”
“There’s a person on the road. Shut. Up.”
“For Christ’s sake,” Dustin mumbles, and Mike hears the pace of their shoveling increase behind him.
He still keeps his eyes on the road, on the small figure slowly approaching the graveyard. He can’t tell their gender, not with the hat they’re wearing. He can make out dark clothes and a pale face and that’s it.
He hears Max and Dustin come up behind him.
“How many?” Dustin asks, hand inside his coat.
“Just one,” Mike says. “Max, start the car.”
“Like hell,” she says, and she draws her own gun.
“Not yet,” Dustin says. “Let’s see what they want.”
“They want to shoot us,” Max says.
“Maybe not.”
“Everyone wants to shoot us.”
“Just wait,” Mike says.
In the moonlight, he can make out a face. A very feminine face, with wide, dark eyes. Her hair isn’t tucked into her hat; it’s cut close to her head, shorter than Mike’s own.
What the hell?
“Stay here,” Mike says, and he takes his gun out and starts walking forward.
“Absolutely not,” Max says, but Dustin holds her back.
“Don’t be stupid,” he says.
Mike nods and walks a few paces to meet the girl.
The unarmed girl, he notes with surprise. Either that or she’s packing her heat really well. She’s wearing a thin, light dress with a long dark coat over it, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility.
But the coat, clearly a man’s coat, is way too big on her. Mike doesn’t think she’s hiding anything under it.
“Awful late to be out on a walk,” he says lightly.
She stares at him, big eyes searching, but says nothing.
“Are you lost?”
She nods, then shakes her head.
“Well, it’s gotta be one or the other.”
No reaction. Just that blank stare.
Mike huffs. “Are you mute?”
“No,” she says instantly.
Finally getting somewhere, then.
“Do you speak English?” he asks, mostly because there’s something in her voice he can’t quite put a finger on.
“Some,” she replies.
“She’s a spy.”
“Jesus!” Mike swears, jumping straight back into Dustin.
“No, just me,” he says before Max promptly elbows him in the ribs.
The girl frowns at Max and Dustin, who now flank Mike, like they’re a math problem she can’t quite figure out.
“She’s a spy,” Dustin says again.
“She’s a pretty lousy spy if she’s out walking around where we can see her,” Max points out.
“Some English? She’s probably from the Russians-”
“No,” the girl says. “Not Russian.”
“What then?” Mike asks.
The girl frowns, her whole face scrunching.
“Hey,” Max says softly. “Do you need help?”
Slowly, she nods.
Shit. Mike thinks back to Max, back to what she looked like when Joyce first took her in after he brought her to her doorstep, and he knows that he can’t leave this girl behind, either.
He sighs. “Max-”
“Starting the car,” she says, and she tugs Dustin along with her.
Mike holds his arm out to the girl. She stares at it in obvious confusion, so, after an awkward thirty seconds, he drops it.
“Come on,” he says instead, and she falls into step with him.
She doesn’t say anything, so after another minute of silence, Mike asks, “You got a name?”
She points to the collar of her dress, where Mike can faintly see a tiny embroidered “11.”
As they get into the car, Max driving like always and Dustin talking like always, Mike wonders what the hell he got himself into.
Eleven. Well, at least it’s not Russian.
part 3, part 4
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melmedarda · 11 months
okay this is very out of the blue but i stumbled across your ao3 the other day (good shit btw 10/10) and i really wanna hear more about seviktor if you have any spare thoughts? bc they make for a very interesting and unexpected pairing and i'm totally here for it
Hello darling! I'm very glad you've enjoyed my little collection of works! I'm working on so more seviktor peices, as they've taken turns with meljay and are now giving me brainrot.
The amazing @eddawrites was the one who introduced me to this ship and converted me into seviktorism. I'll share the post again after I post this.
My thoughts on Seviktor are this: they seem like opposites, but they are not. At first glance, Sevika is everything Viktor is not. Calculating, street smart, ruthless, outspoken. Viktor is oblivious for the most part, too focused on his research to live in the real world, and he shies away from the spotlight.
Now let's look at the ways they are alike. Both from Zaun, they share the mark of the city on their bodies. Their disabilities exist, and they have modded their bodies to meet the challenges. They both use shimmer (i have a hippie Seviktor au that i am messing around with), and they are both very loyal to those who they choose to follow. They have strong love for their city and long to see it improved.
There is so much potential in the ways they can empower one another. Sevika is a follower, seems unable to act on her own without a leader, and when, inevitably, Viktor descends into Zaun for good, she could operate as his right hand in an effort to better their city. Viktor as the leadership (revolutionary), Sevika as the enforcement of his vision. They have the potential to be the best team, binary stars, tunnel-visioned in their purpose. I want them to meet and immediately be fixated on each other.
In a time of loss and what seems to be betrayal, Viktor uses Sevika to replace Jayce, and Sevika uses Viktor to replace Silco. Why? It's easy to fall back into familiar patterns, even with different people. The connection that they had with people from their past will not be perfectly replicated, but that's not what important, it's about filling a void.
I can see them having such an effect on each other that they change the way the other sees the world and see themselves. I want them to appreciate each other in a way others have failed to, I want them to survive together. I want some codependency between them, where they aren't able to function properly without each other.
And if Arcane s2 doesn't give it to me? I'll have to give it to myself :)
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space--daemon · 2 years
Rating Griddlehark Soulmate AUs
bc the TLT brainrot is stubborn and i love them
Names - this AU usually works best for pairings that don't meet until later in life, and that have a slightly better relationship. However, i can totally see a delayed-onset words AU that would be awesome. Imagine being thirteen (or whatever, in my imagination this is onset at puberty) and finding out that the person who hates you more than anyone else on the planet is your soulmate. They would both go into deep denial and pretend it wasn't happening and it would be AMAZING. 8/10 i want it
First words - this is a very cute AU for griddlehark, since they've known each other Harrow's whole life. I like to think that Gideon's words would be 'Griddle' (i hc that this was Harrow's first word) and Harrow's would be something like 'what are you?', since Gideon wouldn't be familiar with babies. There are a couple of ways this could play out:
The words change colour when spoken and when your soulmate dies, so they know. This would be a very weird environment to grow up in, and they could totally act similar to canon - maybe they both think it's unreciprocated, or some sort of soul-enemies thing, or something like that. However, I would deeply enjoy a world where, every time the people of the Ninth get mad at her, Gideon rolls up her sleeve, gestures to her words, and coughs pointedly. Harrow hates it but also she kind of loves it. 9/10 delicious
The words don't change colour when your soulmate dies - Gideon imagines that her words were said by one of the children killed by 'creche flu' and is open about this. Harrow (whose soulmate can only be Gideon) is absolutely horrified once she learns that her parents apparently killed her soulmate's soulmate. She immediately ceases contact with Gideon and basically becomes a shut-in until the Lyctor trials. 5/10 angsty
The words don't change colour at all. They are both holding onto the feeble hope that it's someone else (which is obviously dumb, especially in Gideon's case) but by the time of the pool they realise that it could only ever be each other. (Optional extra where there's some reaction for the first kiss and Harrow is immediately furious that they wasted years of their lives while Gideon is just pretty happy to be kissing) 7/10 i like the chosen soulmate angle
3. Black-and-white to colours - again, i feel this works best for pairings that meet later in life, but has some fun concepts such as Gideon painting messages to Harrow in colour that the rest of the Ninth's black-and-white vision can't detect. 6/10 good for humour
4. One eye the colour of your soulmate's - this would interact with the Lyctor stuff, which is also heavily eyes-based, and might have done some weird things for HtN specifically, depending on which version we use. It's another one where Gideon and Harrow meeting so early would interfere with the tension - either they already know, or there's no way for them to figure it out. 3/10 would still read
5. The first words your soulmate says when they realise they're in love with you - now this has some juicy potential. It depends heavily on when you perceive Gideon and Harrow as falling in love, and more importantly, when they figure it out. I'm inclined towards 'one flesh, one end' for at least one half of the pairing, but there are many potential heartbreaking moments - 'first flower of my house' comes to mind. 9/10 could be a longfic
6. Bodyswap - aw HELL YES. the ideal version of this for me is that on your 16th birthday (ik it's usually 18 but that doesn't work as well with GtN timelines) you wake up in your soulmate's body for like ten mins (time limit is important). Gideon hates it so much she is so mad she tries to use necromancy and starts bleeding from the mouth and then she wakes up in her own body AND HAS TO LOOK HARROW IN THE EYE KNOWING SHE'S HARROW'S SOULMATE AND HARROW DOESN'T KNOW. fic would be from Harrow's perspective as she watches Gideon act weirder than she ever has before (high bar) and is so confused for the months between Gideon's birthday and hers. final scene is Harrow waking up in Gideon's body and screaming for a full ten minutes 10/10 i want to read this so bad
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cebwrites · 1 year
holding out for a hero (AU)
a/n: hmmmmmrgrgmmm AU brainrot that i’ve been recently reminded of and remember how severely obsessed i am with this concept //vibrates into the floor brought on by this Aviators cover!
he/they law | oc x canon word count: 1.7k
Law and Kirin first met years ago during one of the Warlord meetings at Doffy and Crocodile's sides
Kirin also stays with Baroque a little longer here and gathers his crew in less wide-eyed shonen protagonist-y ways but the underlying heart is still there
They slowly get to know each other by tagging along on those meetings
Doflamingo asks if Law's taken a liking to Croccy's 'plaything' and dishes about Kirin's private stuff with Crocodile that he has no business knowing in his usual condescending way, Law says no and that they get bored during those long conferences so interacting with him is just another way to kill time
It's a while before they see each other again after Kirin leaves Baroque but when they do Kirin's his own captain with maybe about half what his usual crew would be on board + some of the original Heart Pirates (Pen/Shach, Bepo, Ikkaku, etc)
They meet in a quiet trading town while Law's on his own or at least away from Doffy's direct influence and get to talking again, Law doesn't understand why but he feels drawn to him and his big talks about 'freedom' even if he doesn't quite believe in any of it
When it's time to go Law asks if he'll see him again and Kirin flashes him that cheeky 'so long as the ocean is vast and the wind fills our sails' bullshit
Kirin doesn't think much of it because he's given this spiel to so many people he can never see again at this point but Law finds themself yearning for that 'next time'
It comes surprisingly quickly and more frequently than either of them expect, and it's also the first time Law starts keeping something secret from Doflamingo even as his 'right hand' because he knows Doffy well enough to know that if he does catch wind of Kirin that this little bubble of content they’ve fostered with him won't last
Kirin takes Law's place as a warlord in this AU post-Marineford like how they offered a position to Buggy
For freer mobility's sake and there's a chance that he could interact with his brother or at least try to
(I haven't decided if Reiji would have even made it out of Wano as a kid in this AU - part of me acknowledges that it's lingering monogamous bad habits to focus centrally on the emotionally challenged disasters but Reiji's absence would also lend well to the idea that Kirin's just a little bit colder here without someone with Reiji’s patience and compassion throughout the years to keep him on the straight and narrow)
Kirin's crew end up on Dressrosa here because they want to find out what the hell happened to Rio after Sabaody and where better to start than THE infamous underworld broker to see if Rio's still pulling his connections wherever he is and if that'd lead them to him
Of course once they get there they're faced with the numerous injustices Dressrosa is built on and Kirin can't say no the Tontatta asking for help even with everything he's turned a blind eye to so far
There’s brief thing with Kirin and Fujitora sharing lunch while Takashi avoids his 'pirate scum' brother like the plague and afterwards Kirin tells Issho that this is probably the last moment of peace they'll have together, since there's no way Akainu's going to let him keep his position after what he's going to do
Doffy somehow catches wind of their ulterior motives (or rather that he never trusted them to begin with) so negotiations about Rio break down and he sends Law in to deal with them
Law's outmatched because he tried to take them down all at once (much like how he underestimated Kirin during their first interaction in the regular verse) but once the other higher-ups step in it's obvious that they're woefully unprepared for this fight and have to retreat for the moment with non-insignificant injuries
Doffy 'forgives' Law's failure like he did with Baby 5 and Buffalo so he leaves Law to catch his breath in his quarters or whatever but the seeds of doubt planted by interacting with Kirin over the years start to bud in the silence Law takes for themself
Imagining from here Kirin and co meet up with the Strawhats that end up on Dressrosa anyway because of Kin'emon and they start to hash out a plan even though Kirin isn't nearly as trusting of some upstart brat as he would be in the regular verse but he doesn't really have any other option at this point
Most of the arc plays out like how it normally would with the exception of some extra help in some battles, Rebecca not getting sidelined in her fight with Diamante because we're not clowns in this house, Tetsu going up against Vergo since he was never axed during Punk Hazard, and the snipers from both crews proving themselves to be much bigger thorns in Doffy's side than he expected (Migi with seastone bullets and Usopp being Usopp)
During their final standoff on the roof it's Luffy and Kirin against Doflamingo and it's 
A shitshow
While Luffy's recovering his haki or something Doffy takes a little 'insurance' since he knows Kirin will be trouble even on his own and essentially uses his brother as a shield by manipulating him with his strings, Kirin refuses to go on the offense even when Takashi's yelling at him for 'feigning heroism' as a pirate so Doffy takes a different approach and puppets both brothers against each other in some sick game for his amusement
When he's just about bored enough and decides to have one of them deal the killing blow Kirin resists against the strings on his arms, essentially severing them in lieu of harming him
Takashi's horrified and confused while Doffy laughs, harkening back to how Kirin didn't make a sound even when Doflamingo cut his leg off back on Sabaody either 
Takashi demands to know why he's been on the defensive the entire time, on the verge of tears, why he's ONLY been tanking damage from him this whole time, how even before this he refused to fight him as an equal, if he still sees him as that weak after all this time and all he's done, Doflamingo's strings still entangling them both, and all Kirin says is that, pirate or not, he'll be damned if he raises a vengeful hand against his own baby brother
This sets Doffy off
He lets Kirin drop to the ground and writhe while he goes into full monologue mode about how ridiculous those ideals are, especially in the pirate world, slowly wrapping Takashi up more and more until he's got absolute control over his entire body and makes him point his naginata at Kirin with the intention to kill
Try as he may to struggle Takashi doesn't have the same resolve to pull off what his brother did and even then with the position he's in now, clearly perceiving the strings around his neck, he knows that if he made so much as a sudden move he'd be in ribbons before he knew it
He's never really quite known fear in his life before like the feeling of Doflamingo looming over his back with the expectation to cut down an already incapacitated man
He's still monologuing like a madman, something about treachery and snowy islands
Just as Doffy forces him to raise his weapon up high a gunshot rings out and they all see Law step out from the shadows
He’s been watching his whole time and, at least for the moment, the repressed memories of Corazon and the kindness he showed him coming to surface and the rage at being manipulated and lied to flooding his system is enough to override the programming Doffy’s wormed into his head over the years
Obviously it’s just a regular bullet so it does nothing, Doffy chuckles at the expression on his face and says he figured this would’ve happened sooner or later
His attention turns to Law, giving more exposition dump about Rosi but at the same time trying to discredit and gaslight his conclusions as usual, asking if mingling with such filth (gestures to Kirin bleeding out on the edge of the roof) messed with his mind and loyalty
He reminds Law of who took him in, fed, clothed, and trained them, asking them to remember who his ‘family’ is not unlike an abusive parent Law tosses the gun with an air of disdain but still stands their ground, unsheathing Kikoku for battle
Doflamingo’s closing in on Law, mentioning that he looks like a cornered little mouse and how they’ve made him stray from his ‘family’, so his hold on Takashi loosens just enough during this little Domestique Incidente™ for Kirin to say something just out of Doffy and the viewer’s earshot but the next thing we see is Takashi wearing Kirin’s gauntlets and grabbing onto Doffy’s leg, yelling at Law not to waste any more time Doflamingo starts his ‘you wouldn’t dare’ speech but the sound of Luffy shonen protagonist screaming his way back for Mingo’s head is just enough incentive for Law to lunge with their gamma knife directly into Doffy’s heart before anyone can rob them of this opportunity
Law watches keenly and unblinkingly when the light drains from Doflamingo’s eyes
When Luffy gets up there ready to kick ass the threat is long gone but everything’s still in a bit of a mess, first and foremost that Takashi’s trying to stop his stupid, unreasonably calm pirate brother from bleeding out but he can’t see well through his tears and Law’s kind of just Reeling from what they just did and what that’d mean for him going forward
What snaps him out is Takashi’s cracking voice telling Luffy that they need to get him medical care immediately and Law tentatively, almost hesitantly, mentions that he’s a doctor Takashi’s obviously against it and Luffy’s frown is set firm in place but Kirin coughs out that he trusts him, ignoring any complaints his brother has, and then turns to Law
Flashing him a crooked, tired smile as he tells him he’s happy to see he’s finally made up their mind
Everyone holding their breath for the outcome of this battle gets put at ease when Luffy’s victory cheers ring out loud and clear
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rarepears · 2 years
Masterpost [Aug 2022 3/3]
Masterpost [Aug 2022 1/3] | Masterpost [Aug 2022 2/3] | Masterpost [Aug 2022 3/3]
sung jinwoo makes a mobile game and lets beru decide the plot and characters of said game au
brainrot anon's shen jiu reincarnates as Yu Ziyuan au
Ibiki is the president of the shinobi district HOA group au
reborn into modern era cang qiong peak lords believe that santa claus is a real immortal au
shang qinghua vs jiraiya: the battle of the better smut writer au
sung jinwoo learns that there are many minor monarchs and rulers out in the world... au
 the married life of sung jinwoo and wen ruohan au
when george and fred weasley become friends with urahara kisuke au
Marvel meets Elder God Sung Jinwoo who's godhood is clearly mislabeled and really should be God of Ideal BoyfriendTM au
beru needs reading glasses au
sung jinwoo gets a stalker by the name of thanos. yes that thanos au
the hulk gets a crush on liu qingge (svsss) au
in which people blame all things weather on thor and thor is Not Having a Good Time On Earth au
shen jiu gets a thirsty onlyfans system so he never goes to cang qiong au
shen yuan and luo binghe transmigrate as wen chao and wen zhuliu respectively au
there are three version of wei wuxian running around in jjk as gojo; toji; and a cursed spirit; meanwhile lan zhan is reborn as getou au
sung jinwoo x sebastian
sung jinwoo signs the shadow soldiers up for dance classes au
where sephiroth believes that sung jinwoo (solo leveling) is his mother au
scarlet (ff7) actually goes and employs a product manager for once au
sherlock holmes is reborn as anakin skywalker au
Shang Qinghua's PIDW monsters are based on dinosaurs au
thor x bruce wayne au
Star Wars Galactic Senate has a long history of physical fights breaking out and if Palpatine ends up dying from one of them... heh. au
the women in the lan clan are taller than the men so the lan males traditionally wear heels... aka lan wangji is shorter than wei wuxian au
pokemon animals in svsss au
Liu Mingyan (Svsss) gets reborn as Sung Jinah (Solo Leveling) and gets reunited with her brother again... with a twist au
orochimaru lands in star wars and accidentally saves the jedi order while being mistaken for a sith au
ron introduces hermonie to the world of magical conspiracy theories and now hermonie has the Need to discover if they are true or not au
Gojo (JJK) is reborn as Sephiroth's older twin brother au
luo bingge goes to kamino to get himself a harem of shiun clones made au
Sherlock transmigrates into a Kardashian type of trashy reality show celebrity au
sung jinwoo somehow ends up dating kim kardashian au
Cultivators meet Jedi (Scum Villain meets Star Wars) au
when that Heavenly Demon physique unlocking itself made Luo Binghe get Pregnant by holding SQQ's hand except he gets pushed into abyss au
shen yuan's 600 children au
Han yoojin (s classes that i raised) transmigrates into sung jinwoo (solo leveling) au
toss a danzo into jjk and then sit back and enjoy the chaos au
ed (FMA) becomes overhaul's adoptive big brother au
the time sung jinah signed up her brother to be the Bachelor au
Sherlock transmigrates into a Kardashian type of trashy reality show celebrity au
aizawa gets put in charge of a deaged angry xanxus who's anything but happy about being in a child's body au
kakashi awakens shinigami (bleach) powers an becomes a substitute soul reaper like ichigo au
in which obi wan goes undercover as bounty hunter rako hardeen who is an omega posing as an alpha au
the many ways to make obiwan's rako hardeen episode 100X harder au
jedi obi wan's deep dark secret: his illustrious film career au
meet percy jackson god of kamino and star wars clones au
system plucks wei wuxian (& wen yuan) out of mdzs & dumps them into mdzs - shen yuan & shang qinghua have a lot of outlandish theories au
in which the system picks up a 12 year old Shen Yuan to transmigrate into PIDW instead au
in which batman turns out to be a potential cloud guardian for xanxus au
checkerface decides to recruit sung jinwoo as the cloud arcobaleno au
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god1ngs · 3 years
╭៹ꜜ #  c!punz: aus and fanfic tropes  ༉
summary: falling in love (or being in love) with c!punz in different aus and fanfic tropes
warnings: description of wounds, blood, angst, fluff, messy writing, swearing, masc terms for reader in one of the aus, jealousy?, implied death
notes: i've been in brainrot for him. also i swear i'll write something other than hcs one day. double also the last one is short sorry </3
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soulmates feel each other's pain.
your soulmate gets hurt, a lot. you've always got some kind of ache on you, usually your hands. they're covered in small scars from who knows what.
you could only assume that your soulmate was rather clumsy.
however, whatever they were doing, it seemed to be dangerous. there were scars that they got lucky they even survived— the worst one being what you could only assume was an arrow piercing through their shoulder.
you can still remember how it burned so badly and the excruciating pain when they pulled the arrow out. the scar is still there, one of the nastier ones as well.
you've never really thought about who your soulmate could be though. with as many wars that have happened, it was only natural that a lot of people got hurt; you can't exactly pin point who has what exact injury.
unless you watch the fight happen.
now, punz was someone you had little knowledge of. he never seemed to be out of his tower, and sometimes he wasn't even in there. you've whispers about how he was greedy, his desire for riches replacing his morals. he was an enigma.
you happened to catch sight of punz and sapnap sparring. they both were good fighters, easily avoiding the hits from the other. however, you can see when punz scowls as sapnap's blade tears through the clothing of his jeans, blood dotting out.
time felt as if it had stopped once sapnap's blade cuts through punz's jeans, the fabric darkening with blood. it's only a moment that passes before you have the same burn in your thigh, the same cut where punz's was. your hand brushes the wound, blood on your fingers. you look up again to see punz staring at you, clearly able to see the same exact cut on your thigh.
you scurried off quickly. punz was intimidating and, even if he hadn't seen the wound on your thigh that replicated his own, you were still scared to face him. you've heard enough stories of how good he is at fighting to steer clear from him.
however, later that night, you caught a glance of blond hair outside of your window. getting a better angle, you could see that punz was standing outside of your house.
you went outside, your door clicking shut behind you. you were face to face with punz, alone, in the middle of the night; what a cliché. "is there something you want?" you ask, keeping your hand on the door knob, just for a safe exit. punz narrows his eyes at you, eyes trailing down to the bandage wrapped around your thigh. "where'd you get that from?" they asked, arms crossed over their chest. you didn't expect them to be so blunt, silence sweeping over the two of you. "well... i didn't," you paused, trying to find a way to articulate your words. "technically, i didn't get it— you got it."
the silence was suffocating. you could practically hear the cogs moving in punz's head, brows furrowed as they process what you said. you never thought your soulmate would be punz. the two of you had never even interacted, besides the passing glances that only lasted for seconds.
punz shifted on his feet, his hand falling from the hilt of his sword.
"so, what you're saying is you're my soulmate?"
you answer his question with a nod, nervously fiddling with the hem of your shirt. it was natural to be nervous about this kind of thing, right? it's not every day you meet the person you're destined to be with out of chance.
you're not the only one nervous though; punz is too. he'd lost all hope for finding his soulmate ages ago. he was a mercenary, a soulmate had no place in that type of business. however, they've met their soulmate now— is it too late to want to try to work it out?
punz outstretches a hand towards you, the same small scars on your skin matching his. sharp blue eyes meet yours and suddenly the wind's been knocked out of you. has he always been so pretty? when he's not fighting, you're able to take in much more details: such as his messy blond hair, or the scar just above his eyebrow. he clears his throat, bringing your attention back to him.
"let's have a new beginning," he murmurs. "i'm punz."
"i'm [name]."
the last person you thought your soulmate would be was punz, but maybe with a fresh start, you two can work something out.
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you grew up being friends with punz. even as a kid, he was protective of you: usually sticking by you, even when you were more than safe. he was always more serious than the other kids, never quite fitting in with the other crowds.
you remembered how he'd usually be by himself, ignoring the other kids' weird stares and not so quiet whispers about him. it hurt you to see him get treated like that, even if you didn't know him at the time.
it led to you sitting with him in the grass. it was mostly you talking, but you didn't mind. he never seemed to be the talkative type anyways. you showed up every day to the place he usually was at; the same grass field that was secluded from the other kids.
the first time he talked was the third time you sat down with him. you were rambling about how you couldn't get the science you were learning, mindlessly picking at the grass below you.
"it's just so difficult. like, why make science that hard, you know?" you ranted, rolling your eyes as you leaned back into the grass. the usual silence from the blond never bothered you, already used to it, despite how little you have visited them. "i could help you, if you want." they muttered, hands shoved into the pockets of their white hoodie. you grinned at their voice, happy to have finally gained a response. "i'd like that."
after that day, they had become more open with you. you two talked and talked, all up until graduation. one of the only times you've seen their genuine smile, and not the cocky grin they'd usually give you, was in the picture you two took at your graduation. you liked their smile (you had no clue that they liked your smile as much as you liked theirs too).
punz wasn't at the school you went to in your first year of high school. you missed his presence, even if you acted like you didn't. however, in your second year of high school, you had transferred to a different high school.
there, right in the middle of the hallway, was punz. he was taller now, less meek and more confident. he was actually talking with people, laughing with that cocky grin you adored years ago. he caught sight of you, eyes widening— you both recognized each other.
"hold on, guys," you heard punz say to his friends, making his way over to you. you could cry with how happy you were, smiling as you looked up at him. "punz? is that you?" his name coming from your mouth made a smile twitch on his lips, nodding. "yeah. [name]?" you nodded, and he felt his heart begin to beat faster. his hand ruffled your hair, grinning down at you. "you still look the same, shortie." you laughed; it was good to know that he was still the same punz, albeit more confident.
you learned that he was popular now too. he was a linebacker on the school's football team, his grades were good (even if he told you he skipped class on the daily)— punz had grown so much more than you thought he could.
from then on, you two were practically inseparable. all his friends teased him, especially one of his teammates that you knew by the name of sapnap. he was usually flirting with you, usually to mess with punz.
punz hated it too, they'd always get protective of you, telling sapnap to lay off. it didn't exactly escalate until sapnap had flirted with you a bit too much.
"you come here often, sweet thing?" sapnap teased, leaning closer over the table to you. you shook your head, laughing. "we're in the cafeteria, sapnap," he kept flirting with you though, making teasing comments that made you roll your eyes and laugh. punz wasn't as amused as you were though, their gaze burning holes into sapnap with each teasing comment the boy made. "lay off of them, sap." they snapped at the other after another teasing comment he made. sapnap wasn't afrid of punz though, a cocky grin highlighting his features as he whistles. "what? you jealous, punz? i don't see them having a partner." you began to cut in, not wanting them to argue, but you were cut off by punz. "fuck off," they snapped, looking at you. "you gonna let him keep flirting with you, or can i kiss you in front of him?" the fondness flashing in his eyes showed that he was serious about his question, wanting to have your consent before he did anything.
needless to say, sapnap never flirted with you in front of punz again, not after they kissed you in front of him.
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you were one of the most well regarded prince's in the land. you were respected by your citizens, treating them with care. you even treated your servants and maids with as much kindness as you could, even if most people of royal status didn't.
one of the many servants you had went by the name of punz. he was gorgeous, for a better lack of words. his voice, his smile, his eyes— everything about him stood out to you. it wasn't that much of a surprise when you fell for him.
their respectful attitude and pretty face was what drew you towards them. you began calling them to your room more often, honestly just wanting to see that pretty face of theirs.
"you wanted to see me, your highness?" he said clearly as he stepped in, his blue eyes piercing into yours. his blond hair fell in his eyes as he bowed to you, brushing it out of his face moments later.
over the months he worked for you, you twk began growing closer. no speaking turned into respectful wishes towards each other which then turned into speaking regularly and now playful banter.
it was common for you to be around punz now too. you were usually seen with them, disguising it as needing something from them. it made you share a glance with punz whenever someone would ask why they were around you, holding back the smiles from your faces.
each night, you'd sneak out to meet punz in the flower garden. sometimes he'd have a flower in his hand when you got there, tucking it behind your ear. you loved each night the two of you shared.
punz carefully tucked the flower behind your ear, his hand cupping the side of your face with a smile on his own. you were sure that yours was just as big as his. "gorgeous." the blond muttered.
that's how yours and punz's relationship started.
everything was going smoothly until your parents had found out about you and punz. they didn't want you dating a commoner, a servant, when you had so many good princes to choose from. you didn't want them though, you wanted punz.
therefore, after sneaking out to the garden again, punz proposed a plan to run away. he held your hands as he spoke, blue eyes staring into yours.
"it'll be perfect," punz told you, their thumb caressing your hand. "we can get out of here and make something for ourselves. wouldn't that be nice?"
you couldn't deny how nice it sounded. you had spent your entire life behind guarded walls, cooped up in the kingdom ever since you were little. the outside world was only a mere dream that you were never meant to have. maybe, just maybe, it could be different with punz.
late in the night, you grabbed a small bag of necessities and left the kingdom with punz. you'd finally get to see the outside world.
it wasn't until later in your adventure did you find out that punz was not a commoner, nor was he a servant— punz was a mercenary, and his latest target happened to be you.
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the weather had been especially bad recently, storming and windy to where you could barelt go outside. how cruel fate must be for this to have happened while you were at punz's house.
they glanced out the window of their tower, humming in disapproval. "looks like it's gonna rain. it'd be best if you stayed here for the night."
you didn't mind staying with punz for the night, there was just one problem— where would you sleep?
the issue hadn't been brought up until it was time to head to bed. you felt bad asking, standing there while punz stood beside you.
"uh, i only have one bed, so..." the blond trailed off, nervously scratching at the back of his neck. you didn't want to intrude, already feeling bad for staying here for the night. "i can just sleep on the floor or something, it's no big deal—" you were cut off by punz's sharp glare. "you're not sleeping on the floor," his eyes softened. "are you okay with us sharing the same bed?"
and that's how you ended up on the edge of the bed, as far away from punz as you can be. you didn't want to make him uncomfortable, even if you had always wondered what it'd be like to be cuddled up to him. you slept peacefully that night, the warm comfort from punz allowing you to be lulled to sleep earlier.
however, when you woke up, it was a different story.
you had noticied how much warmer you were when you woke up. you snuggled into the warm thing under you, scooting closer as to get even warmer. your eyes fluttered open after a few more minutes, immediately catching sight of a chest— punz's chest. you could feel your entire body burning with embarrassment, immediately attempting to jump away from him, yet to no avail due to the arm around your waist. punz groaned, shifting to hold you against his chest instead, mumbling out a, "five more minutes."
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