#that COULD be the cause of our recent anxiety attacks.
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euclydya · 3 months ago
i think it's really funny that whoever was first watching Source thought i was a child like canonically.because no w i AM a child here and that raises so many questions. who let a kid onto the ship. why. why were my parents cool with that. etc etc etc.
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mewtwoandme · 7 months ago
I was hoping this would all blow over, but since it's continuing to happen, now with people attacking other artists of the commewnity. I'm putting out my two fucking cents! Cause this whole art/character theft and pointing fingers, who stole what from who bullshit it driving me up the fucking wall!!
Long story short, it started with me and one other blog whose name I won't mention publicly. Despite the horrible light they tried to paint me in, I don't want anyone going to this person and ganging up on them. This person had some serious bitterness towards more "popular" artists and claimed that I've made characters similar to theirs and once used a pose they apparently used before (which was a very common pose, considering it was a reference from the game version of mega Y). Since then, they had desperately tried to conjure up evidence, narrowing down to the most miniscule detail how I've been stealing from them when I hadn't even known their blog existed until I was forcefully thrown into that unnecessary drama with the unhinged call-out posts they've made. With this being said, I'd like to point out that they never came to me or addressed this concern with me in the first place. They had every opportunity to privately DM me if they had suspected I was "stealing," but no, simply because they already made up their mind that I was a thief, that was a good enough reason to lack common fucking sense and decency, making what should have been a private issue public, going on to villainize and dehumanize me. And apparently, it hasn't stopped with me either, cause recently I've been seeing other artists in the community having to deal with this where people are being white knights on high horses, pointing fingers on how one artist's mewtwo looks "the same" if not "totally identical" as another artist's mewtwo. I refuse to believe it's a coincidence. But what makes me disgusted is that since TC's post, apparently it's had the opposite effect on some people and they're hopping on this blame bandwagon like it's some damn media trend!!!
This is NOT okay! Nothing about this kind of behavior is funny! It's upsetting to all of us. We dont need you causing problems where there isn't any, thinking you're doing us a favor! The majority of us are adults for gods sake! We are old enough where we don't need other people coming to us being tattle tails saying this person did this and that. That's what little children do! If you suspect any form of theft, I think I speak for ALL creators in this commewnity that we'd prefer you DM us privately saying something like "Hey, I think this person is copying you, might wanna look into it." And if possible, provide a link to the art in question, for which we would kindly thank you for making us aware and we'll handle it ourselves from there. Just a brief, yet SIMPLE interaction...that's all we ask!!! Don't even come at me with "Well, it's scary attempting to talk to an artist that's well known." Or dare I say ~pOpUlAr~ If you claim that taking the first step to send me a quick DM makes you nervous, yet you have no problem making public call outs in posts or asks, belittling and degrading what could actually be innocent artists doing nothing wrong, literally leaving yourself open to all kinds of comments and opinions from all kinds of people....I'm sorry but your anxiety isn't as bad as you say it is then, if being rude and ignorant in a public post/ask is easier for you. If you come to us, shaming someone else who 9/10 probably isn't doing anything wrong, thinking you'll be in our good graces for doing so, sorry, you're not going to be told, "Good job!" with a pat on the back and given a lollipop! You're just being an asshole.
Quick reality check for everyone who's made it this far before I end this train wreck of a rant:
People can have similar ideas that coincide with one another! There's only so much you can do when a whole community is focused around drawing the same character! We mainly draw mewtwos and mews, you're bound to find a plethora of similar colors, patterns, and designs because of it! Creativity only goes so far when trying to stay true to a character and not stray too far. It's not a crime to take inspiration from other artists' characters, we actually encourage this! It makes us feel good that you liked something we've done and you want to incorporate it into your own designs! It makes us happy that we inspired you! The line is crossed when someone does a literal copy/paste of a character down to the exact detail, and they call it their own original creation. That my friends is what stealing actually is!
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genderkoolaid · 11 months ago
sorry if you've talked about it already, but what is it that makes KOSA's idea of online safety wrong? I don't know much about the bill, what does it intend to do?
What do you think is a good way to protect kids from things like online predators or just seeing things that they shouldn't be seeing? (By which I mean sex and graphic violence, things which you'd need to be 16+ to see in a movie theater so I think it makes sense to not want pre-teens to see it)
From stopkosa.com:
Why is KOSA a bad bill? KOSA uses two methods to “protect” kids, and both of them are awful. First, KOSA would incentivize social media platforms to erase content that could be deemed “inappropriate” for minors. The problem is: there is no consensus on what is inappropriate for minors. All across the country we are seeing how lawmakers are attacking young people’s access to gender affirming healthcare, sex education, birth control, and abortion. Online communities and resources that queer and trans youth depend on as lifelines should not be subject to the whims of the most rightwing extremist powers and we shouldn’t give them another tool to harm marginalized communities.  Second, KOSA would ramp up the online surveillance of all internet users by expanding the use of age verification and parental monitoring tools. Not only are these tools needlessly invasive, they’re a massive safety risk for young people who could be trying to escape domestic violence and abuse.
I’ve heard there’s a new version of KOSA. What’s the deal? The new version of KOSA makes some good changes: narrowing the ability of rightwing attorneys general to weaponize KOSA to target content they don’t like and limiting the problematic “duty of care. However, because the bill is still not content neutral, KOSA still invites the harms that civil rights advocates have warned about. As LGBTQ and reproductive rights groups have said for months, the fundamental problem with KOSA is that its “duty of care” covers content specific aspects of content recommendation systems, and the new changes fail to address that. In fact, personalized recommendation systems are explicitly listed under the definition of a design feature covered by the duty of care in the new version. This means that a future Federal Trade Commission (FTC) could still use KOSA to pressure platforms into automated filtering of important, but controversial topics like LGBTQ issues and abortion, by claiming that algorithmically recommending such content “causes” mental health outcomes that are covered by the duty of care like anxiety and depression. Bans on inclusive books, abortion, and gender affirming healthcare have been passed on exactly that kind of rhetoric in many states recently. And we know that already existing content filtering systems impact content from marginalized creators exponentially more, resulting in discrimination and censorship. It’s also important to remember that algorithmic recommendation includes, for example, showing a user a post from a friend that they follow, since most platforms do not show all users all posts, but curate them in some way. As long as KOSA’s duty of care isn’t content neutral, platforms will be likely to react the same way that they did to the broad liability imposed by SESTA/FOSTA: by engaging in aggressive filtering and suppression of important, and in some cases lifesaving, content.
Why it's bad:
The way it's written (even after being changed, which the website also goes over), it is still possible for this law to be used to restrict things like queer content, discussion of reproductive rights and resources, and sexual education.
It will restrict youth's ability to use the Internet independently, essentially cutting off life support to many vulnerable people who rely on the Internet to learn that they are queer, being abused, disabled, etc.
Better alternatives:
Stop relying on ageist ideas of purity and innocence. When we focus on protecting the "purity" of youth, we dehumanize them and it becomes more about soothing adult anxieties than actually improving the lives of children.
Making sure content (sexual, violent, etc.) is marked/tagged and made avoidable for anyone who doesn't want to engage with it.
Teach children why certain things may be upsetting and how best to avoid those things.
Teach children how to recognize grooming and abuse and empower them to stop it themselves.
Teach children how to recognize fear, discomfort, trauma, and how to cope with those experiences.
The Internet makes a great boogeyman. But the idea that it is uniquely corrupting the Pure Innocent Youth relies on the idea that all children are middle-class suburban White kids from otherwise happy homes. What about the children who see police brutality on their front lawns, against their family members? How are we protecting them from being traumatized? Or children who are seeing and experiencing physical and sexual violence in their own homes, by the parents who prevent them from realizing what's happening by restricting their Internet usage? How does strengthening parent's rights stop those kids from being groomed? Or the kids who grow up in evangelical Christian homes and are given graphic descriptions of the horrors of the Apocalypse and told if they ever question their parents, they'll be left behind?
Children live in the same world we do. There are children who are already intimately aware of violence and "adult" topics because of their lived experiences. Actually protecting children means being concerned about THEIR human rights, it means empowering them to save themselves, it means giving them the tools to understand their own feelings and traumas. KOSA is just another in a long line of attempts to "save the children!" by dehumanizing them and giving more power to the people most likely to abuse them. We need to stop trying to protect children's "innocence" and appreciate that children are already growing, changing people, learning to deal with discomfort and pain and the weight of the world the same as everyone else. What people often think keeps kids safe really just keeps them ignorant and quiet.
Another explanation as to why it's bad:
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thefanficmonster · 1 year ago
hiii can i rq a dylan stevens x soft! fem reader??? like he’s with steve, sam and colby and his gf wanted to tag along but she gets scared super easily
Hi dear! Thank you so much for this request! I have such a soft spot (and crush) for Steve and Dylan and I was so upset to see no fanfics for them. So I decided to take things into my own hands 😂 Hope you enjoy the fic, darling 💌
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Not for the faint of heart
Pairing: Dylan Stevens x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Paranormal Investigations, Swearing
Genre: FLUFF, Comfort, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: see request above
Shaky hands cling onto the sleeve of Dylan's hoodie as the group makes their way through the halls of the abandoned and supposedly haunted hospital. The vibe has been eerie the whole night with bangs, cracks and even footsteps echoing off the walls all too frequently for your comfort.
You're not the biggest fan of the paranormal but, on the other hand, you are the biggest fan of your boyfriend who's made one of your biggest fears his job. Therefore, you've been finding yourself in these creepy places all too often as of recent. It doesn't help that Steve, who's decidedly become an older brother to you since you and Dylan started dating, loves messing with you and scaring you.
Tonight is no different.
A tickle to your side causes you to squeal and jump, seeking comfort by nuzzling further into Dylan's side. Looking over your shoulder, you're both relieved and annoyed to see a grinning Steve.
"You jerk!" You lightly smack his shoulder, making him and the guys laugh, "You almost gave a heart attack!"
An arm wraps around your shoulders, halting your rather ineffective offense attempt. "Alright, alright that's enough, you two. Well, mostly you." Dylan gives Steve an annoyed scolding look, "Quit messing with my girlfriend."
Raising his hands in surrender, Steve lightheartedly apologizes but you meet his words with the most distrustful, narrow-eyed glare which, again, elicits a laugh from him.
Dylan can't help but smile widely at the ridiculous scene in front of him. He remembers how nervous you were to meet his best friend, a thousand thoughts and insecurities running through your head, causing you massive anxiety. All such uncertainties were snuffed out the second you actually met Steve. You had only seen pictures of him up until that point and in each he looked so gloomy and serious. Very no-nonsense, very unlike Dylan or yourself. That's where your hesitation had sprouted from.
The second he'd climbed out of his car, a wide smile contradicted the image of him you had conjured in your head. Him and Dylan were the goofiest duo you'd ever seen and you were so easily sucked into their dynamic that now you've become a trio. Though not so much when it comes to the ghost hunting stuff.
The two sometimes manage to convince you to tag along but most of their attempts are ineffective. This time was the case of the former. Though, to be frank, Sam and Colby played a huge role in getting you to agree.
The five of you have now sat down in what the tour guide had informed you was a sort of makeshift ritual room. Not much gave away that fact if one could casually ignore the huge burn mark in the middle of the floor.
You, however, can't.
"It's said that you can still feel heat emanating from that spot right there." Sam explains to the camera, turning it to film the dark stain in question. "We'll have to check on our own though."
The first to step up to the occasion is Colby, crouching down next to the mark, being extra cautious not to step on it. "Sam, doesn't this remind you of something." He asks, looking up at his best friend whose face contorts from confusion into utter horror within a second.
"Oh my God, you're right! The Sallie house!" The blonde exclaims, his jaw hitting the floor, "Not again, dude!"
The name takes a moment to register in your brain but when you connect it to its respective Sam and Colby video - yes, the only reason you agreed to coming is because you're a huge fan - you too go wide-eyed.
"You wanna sit down in the middle of it again?" Dylan's question only worsens your terror. The fact that Sam doesn't say 'no' right away isn't helping either.
"Don't give him ideas!" You whisper-yell at your boyfriend who just sheepishly smiles at you.
"Don't worry, Y/N, I'm not doing that shit again. Well, unless money is involved, that is." He adds the last part as a joke but that still doesn't stop Steve and Dylan from reaching for their wallets. You quickly smack their hands, their laughter provoking your own.
"Yo! Come check this out! It's fucking crazy!" Colby's voice interrupts, causing you all to look over to him hovering his hand over the blackened concrete, "It feels like holding your hand up to an oven door."
Your friends, unlike you, show no sign of hesitation as they approach Colby, each sticking their hand out in search of proof that they're not being messed with. Seeing their faces morph into a look of absolute disbelief and astonishment, you realize that your fear isn't stronger than your need to confirm it for yourself.
Your friends have stepped a few feet away from the spot by now, allowing you to crouch down and see for yourself. And see, you do.
You snatch your hand back as soon as you'd extended it, quickly getting up to your feet. Your face mimics the other four reactions this bizarre phenomenon provoked from the other people in the room.
Suddenly, a gust of warm air tickling the back of your neck reminds you that you are indeed quite terrified. For just a second though, since you're quick to remind yourself of Steve's antics. You turn around to reprimand him for messing with you again just to realize him, along with Dylan, are a good ten feet away from you, helping Sam and Colby unpack their equipment.
Your rationality goes back to fear in an instant. Your blood runs cold and your eyes fill with tears. The only words that escape your lips are choked yet still somehow high-pitched, "Oh my God!"
Four heads snap in your direction. They drop what they're doing, seeing your distressed state. Dylan jogs over to you, his hands resting on your arms, "What's wrong? What happened?"
Instinctively, you reach up to the back of your neck, touching the goosebumps that have formed on your skin, "It felt like someone was breathing down my neck." You explain, moving your hair out of the way to show your boyfriend, "I-I thought it was Steve..."
"Hey!" The accused argues, now having approached you as well, eyes flooded with worry. "I swear it wasn't me."
You quickly shake your head, "I know! I'm fucking shaking." You mutter, biting your lip as you try controlling your racing heartbeat.
"Did you scratch yourself?" Colby asks, shining the camera light on your skin to make sure he's seeing correctly.
"No, why?" Your eyes blow wide open at the question but you try your best to keep your composure.
Colby's just about to reply, telling you about the red spot that's appeared on the back of your neck when Dylan catches his eye. With a sharp shake of the head he delivers his message loud and clear. "It's nothing, my bad. I was casting a shadow and it looked like a bruise." He says instead, the sigh he receives in response from you confirming that telling you would've been a bad idea.
You stay wrapped in Dylan's embrace while the guys set up their equipment for a session. One of his hands is rested on your back while the other has cupped the back of your head, keeping you to his chest as he whispers reassurances in your hair, periodically interrupting himself to kiss the top of your head.
"It's ok, babe. Nothing's gonna hurt you. Not on my watch." He says, making you giggle.
"What, you're gonna fistfight a ghost?" You ask, pulling away to be able to look him in the eyes.
His kind, adorable eyes you love so much. Especially the creases that appear at their corners when he smiles the way he is now, looking down at you.
"For you? Anytime. I'm military personnel, after all." He proclaims, resting his forehead against yours.
You can't help the blush that creeps onto your cheeks which threaten to start hurting from how widely you're smiling - a side effect of having the cutest goofball as a boyfriend.
"Dork." You chuckle, shaking your head before connecting your lips in a quick kiss.
The moment doesn't last long, curtesy of none other than...
"Get a room you two!"
...of course it's Steve.
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pen-pal-ideas · 10 days ago
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📮 Letter-writing activism
Recently I became interested in the role that letters have played in activism throughout history (especially black history!), and was considering how this might be effective today in the U.S.
Who could we write letters to?
Neighbors. Invite your neighbors to local protests and activism events, inform them of boycott efforts, and just generally let them know how they can help. Much like a medical emergency where someone needs to delegate and say “YOU IN THE GREEN SHIRT — call an ambulance!” for anything to get done, your good-hearted neighbors might be frozen with anxiety, uncertain of what to do or how to help. A letter personally inviting them and letting them know their community needs them might be all it takes to get them to show up. (Bonus: you could hand-deliver to a neighbor, no postage needed.)
Elected officials. Yep, we’ve all heard this one before. But guess what? The few officials who are actually working their asses off for causes you care about need to hear your support and be assured that they are indeed serving the public. And some need to hear that you need them to step up. Others may not be able to hear much, but who knows, maybe you can pick an issue they might care about, i.e. taxes, print a graph on your envelope and demand to know why tax cuts are disproportionately benefiting the rich when you were told they were going to help the everyday American. And fun fact: You can make any issue into an issue politicians should care about by connecting it to “big government,” “American values,” “family,” etc.
Churches and religious leaders. Religion is unfortunately becoming intertwined with politics in the U.S. in an increasingly negative way. Challenge those local religious leaders who use their faith to justify hate. Ask, “how can we claim to love our queer neighbors if we are too busy pretending they don’t exist?” Draw on values that they claim to care about, challenge them, and let them know specifically how they are directly harming the very community they claim to shepherd. (If they don’t have a mailbox and you’re really brave you could go in and drop a letter in their donations baskets.)
Now on the one hand, letters are no longer as common a communication method as they once were. But on the other hand, this also means that receiving a letter can be a unique and meaningful moment. You also might have a better chance at reaching 75-year old Nana who doesn’t see your social justice instagram stories, but who personally remembers activism during the Civil Rights movement (for example) and can share valuable insights and knowledge.
If you’re interested, here’s a page (this is also the source of the image above) from the Smithsonian’s learning lab about the history of letters and activism, as well as tips for writing a letter of your own and making it stand out.
Haven’t sent much physical mail before? Here’s a guide from the USPS on how to address and mail a letter. A standard stamp costs 73¢ currently. Buy a sheet of stamps and share with your friends so that everyone can write a letter!
Lastly, I want to say I’m definitely not any kind of expert on activism, and I’m not usually active about it on social media. But as an avid pen-paller, I do feel there is a unique power in letters. As I watch the attacks on basic human rights and the grabs for power in the U.S., I figured making this post and sending a letter of my own was the very least I could do.
Please feel free to add on and share your own knowledge and experiences! Who else could we write to? What makes an effective letter?
I will be honored if anyone reblogs, and even more so if you commit to sending just one letter of your own!
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agirlwithdemonblood · 8 months ago
The Celebrity Next Door: Chapter 6 - Healing in Darkness
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Pairings: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Chapter Summary: The isolation becomes too much for Y/N to bear, luckily she has people around to help
Warnings: Panic attack, swearing, emotional, slight angst
Series Masterlist here!! & Main masterlist here!
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It was surprising how quickly things could change.
Just days ago, Jensen and I had been friends, growing closer, sharing intimate moments. Now, we haven't seen each other-not since the night of the kiss.
As much as I didn't want to, I found myself avoiding him, stuck feeling embarrassed for myself for thinking we had something deeper, when clearly we didn't.
My mood was at an all time low as I isolated myself. I've faked an illness at work to work from home, burying myself in tasks to distract from thoughts of him. But as the work decreased, so did my ability to avoid reality.
Walking through the hallway of my home, my gaze fell on the family photograph, our smiles genuine and heartwarming. Tears welled up despite my efforts to hold them back. I missed them, missed having someone to talk to, missed the simple joy of smiling.
Since Jensen, I hadn't smiled. I felt ridiculous to have imagined he could want someone like me. I didn't belong here; I didn't fit in, and I felt more alone that I ever have.
Living and working in LA, despite its perks and recent promotion, felt increasingly unbearable. There had to be another way to support my parents. Anything was better than staying here, isolated and unhappy.
I dialed my mom's number, tears welling up in my eyes as she answered, her voice calm and kind like it always was causing my heart to clench in my chest.
"Mom?" I choked out, and her gasp caused the tears to rush down.
"Oh, Y/N! I've been waiting to hear from you, sweetie. How are you holding up? How's LA treating you?"
Struggling to hold back the sobs, I confessed, "Mom, I don't want to be here anymore."
"Why, baby? What's happened?" her concern was evident, soothing in its familiarity. My family were always this way, ready to listen and to help, it was a lifeline in my darkest days.
I moved to my porch, my first time outside since that night Jensen left. The quiet street offered no comfort, no answers to wether I should stay here or not. I couldn't help but notice Jensen's car parked in his driveway, a painful reminder of his absence, another reason to flee this place.
"I'm so lonely, Mom. There's no one here for me. I feel so isolated, like I don't belong here." I admitted, tears staining my cheeks.
Her voice softened, filled with reassurance. "Y/N, moving was a big decision and defiantly a hard one, but remember how excited you were when you chose this path? You were making a pros and cons list and just seemed so... happy. If you want to come home, that is more than okay with us, you always have a room here. It's okay to feel lost now, but don't give up on your dreams because of loneliness. You're not alone, honey. We're here for you, and you'll find your place there."
Others, yeah. Like Jensen. I debated on mentioning our little relationship, but I held my tongue, ashamed of my adoration for a celebrity.
"You're right, Mom. Thank you. I think I just needed to hear your voice," I sighed.
"We're always here to talk, okay? And your father and I are saving to come visit you soon." she promised.
"I know, I'm trying to do the same." I replied, smiling weakly.
After hanging up, I stayed on the porch, watching the sunset, the world carrying on around me while I remained stuck, feeling utterly alone.
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The night progressed as usual, darkness concealing the streets.
Wrapped in a cozy blanket, I turned on "The Office" and sipped my hot chocolate, a small ritual that usually calmed my anxiety. Tonight, however, it offered no relief.
It struck me how consumed I'd become by thoughts of Jensen, how quickly our connection had been deepened and how quickly it burnt out. I couldn't shake him from my mind, nor did I truly want to.
Jensen felt different. The way he looked at me, the spark I felt when our eyes met, his genuine interest in my thoughts-it all left a intense impact.
His touch lingered in my memory, warm and reassuring, treating me as if I were normal, not a loner or an anxious mess.
My mind raced, questioning if maybe the issue was with me. Making friends has always been a challenge; knowing what to say or do seemed beyond my abilities. Even within my own family, I was always the more quiet and reserved one.
Anxiety tightened its grip, suffocating me despite my efforts to focus elsewhere. Unable to bear it any longer, I stumbled outside, seeking comfort on the porch, in the cool air, but the quiet night offered no relief, only increasing my sense of isolation.
My breathing grew heavy, each inhale a struggle against invisible walls closing in. I clutched my phone, fingers trembling as I debated on calling Jensen. But I hesitated-this wasn't something he needed to deal with, especially not now, not at 10:00 pm.
Yet, his words echoed from the other day: "If you ever need someone, I'm here." He wouldn’t have said it without meaning it right? He wouldn’t revoke his offer because of what happened between us....right?
My shaky hands typed a message, hesitating before pressing send. It took mere seconds before my phone pinged, his response popping up in front of me.
Y/N: "Are you awake?"
Jensen: "Yeah, on my way over."
I froze at his response when I realized that it was the last thing I wanted to hear. I never wanted him to witness me like this—pathetic, a mess, a burden. As I started to type, urging him not to come over, my trembling fingers betrayed me. Before I could hit send, I heard his front door shut, and it was too late.
In the darkness, I could see him walking towards me, concern evident on his face. He lifted his head, his eyes widening in alarm as they locked onto my trembling form on the stairs. Panic gripped me tighter as I struggled to breathe, each gasp feeling like a battle against an invisible weight crushing my chest.
He hurried up the stairs, his steps echoing in my ears, and reached my side in a blur of movement. "Y/N?... What's wrong? What happened?" Jensen's voice trembled with worry as he knelt beside me.
I tried to respond, to reassure him, but my words dissolved into raspy coughs, my body shaking uncontrollably. His hand found my back, his touch grounding yet stained with his own growing anxiety. He leaned closer, his voice a gentle plea in my ear.
"Whoa, hey. Breathe with me Y/N, slow deep breathes." he urged, his palm resting firmly between my shoulder blades.
I nodded frantically, focusing on the rhythm of his breaths, trying to match them as my vision blurred with tears of frustration and fear. His hand stayed on my back, guiding each inhalation and exhalation with a steady rhythm, his voice a lifeline in the chaos of my mind.
I forced my head lower, trying to focus on the steps below my feet. His hand patted my back for every breath, holding it there until I exhaled. “That’s right, okay good job slow it down.”
But the panic was relentless, tightening its grip on me despite Jensen’s efforts. He could see it, feel it, in the way I couldn’t stop shaking, in the frantic gasps for air that seemed too shallow. Jensen’s voice became more urgent, his words a mix of reassurance and desperate pleading.
“Stay with me, Y/N. You’re doing great, just keep breathing. I’m right here, I’ve got you,” Jensen murmured, his fingers rubbing small circles on my back, his touch gentle yet firm.
Minutes passed like hours, each second a battle against the overwhelming fear. Slowly, my breathing steadied, the grip of panic loosening its hold. Jensen's touch remained gentle yet firm, a constant reassurance in the darkness.
As calm sat between us, I lifted my head slowly, avoiding his gaze. Embarrassment flooded me-how could he see me like this? Weak, vulnerable, a burden?
"Thank you for helping Jensen..." I whispered, my voice shaky yet sincere. "I'm sorry you had to see me like this."
His hand brushed through his hair, a small smile spreading across his lips. “It's not a problem, I just....I don’t know how you handle it,” Jensen admitted softly, his eyes searching mine. “My panic attacks have never been that bad.”
His admission surprised me, a flicker of connection in our shared vulnerability. I shrugged sadly and dropped my head lower, "Their not usually this bad, but close."
"I'm just glad you're okay now," he added softly, his eyes reflecting both relief and lingering concern.
I stood from my spot and turned towards the door, avoiding his eyes that I knew were locked on me. "Well.. Thanks again, goodnight Jensen."
Before I could retreat inside, Jensen's hand reached for mine, halting my escape. "Wait, please."
Turning to face him, I braced myself for his words, uncertain of what he may say next.
"Would you like to come over? Maybe have a drink and we can talk?" his voice held a hint of vulnerability and hope.
I managed a weak smile, and shook my head. "You know what happened last time we drank together, I don't think it's a good idea."
His expression fell slightly, nodding in understanding. "I.. I wanted to talk to you about that."
Frustration crept in slowly. I was inexperienced in social interactions, but waiting days after an incident like that to talk didn't seem wise. "I was here all week. You knew where to find me, but you didn't come over. So are you sure about that?"
His shoulders slumped, regret and shame covering his face. "I know. I was lost and confused and trying to give you space since I fucked up." He sighed.
His eyes glanced down, and he stepped closer as embarrassment and regret pulled at his features. "Y/N, you're the first person I've been with since my ex-wife. You're the only one I've had feelings for and it scared the shit out of me."
"Feelings?" I felt a surge of anger, recalling that night vividly. "Jensen, when you left, you straight out said that you didn’t want that to happen. That came from your mouth. Please don’t tell me you have feelings for me if you didn’t want to do any of that with me in the first place.”
His eyes widened, mouth gaping. "Sweetheart, that's not what I meant when I said it... Fuck. I'm such an asshole. That's not what I wanted you to think."
Tears welled in my eyes, and I shrugged. "What else was I supposed to think?"
He sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. "I know. I should have talked to you sooner, but I didn't know if you wanted to see me."
He stepped closer, hand reaching for mine, eyes filled with vulnerability, "I didn't want to rush things. I wanted to take it slow. I spoke to a friend before coming here, and he called me out for being too cautious, too shy. So I tried to be bold, to go for what I wanted, but I ended up messing it all up..."
He stepped closer, brushing a tear from my cheek. "I'm sorry Y/N, I really am. I didn't handle it well at all, I should have spoken to you."
I nodded slowly, my hand reaching for his. "I understand, it's okay."
He stepped closer hesitantly, opening his arms and smiling sadly as I stepped closer, hugging him tightly to me. "I know, I messed up. I want this, Y/N. I have feelings for you. I'm just scared."
I lifted my head to face him, "I'm scared too."
His eyes locked in mine, a small smile playing on his lips. "You are?"
"Yeah." I admitted softly. "I've never been in a relationship before. People usually don't like me that much."
Jensen kissed my forhead softly, his touch sending shivers down my spine. "I like you." he confessed, his eyes meeting mine with sincerity. "I really do, Y/N."
I smiled back, leaning up to kiss his cheek. "I like you too, Jensen. A lot."
His grip tightened as he held me, putting all the pieces back together one by one. "Do you want to come to my place for a bit? The kids are with their mom until tomorrow."
I hesitated for a moment, then nodded, feeling a sense of calm settle over me. "I'd like that."
Locking my door behind me, I followed him to his house, letting things unfold naturally. For the first time, I wasn't anxious about what might happen next. I knew it would be okay.
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Chapter 7 coming soon stay tuned!
Like, comment, and reblog, feedback is my fuel 💕
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thriplerex · 13 days ago
A few unsolicited (positive) thoughts on cc!Grian
Any mention of Grian henceforth is implicitly cc!Grian, unless otherwise noted. Please excuse my rambling. So we've all been in this space a while with the G-man, one way or another. We've seen more than one back of a build go unfinished, heard his characteristic squeals and screams that cause his microphone to peak, and had a Grian-ism stuck in our heads ("pluck my nose hair and send me to Alaska," anyone?)
It never ceases to amaze me how the fandom has leapt upon every little aspect of Grian's character and run with it, spinning stories of its own—some even based on storylines that never were! However, avian and solar character associations aside, I'd like to discuss my appreciation for Charles Batchelor, or cc!Grian, if you will, and a few thoughts on his personality. We need not spend too much time on his creativity. The snails? Civil war? Mumbo for Mayor? More often than not, if he didn't spawn a storyline, he'll catalyze any ongoing plot, no matter how small - taking it, committing to the bit, and running with it all the way to the big moon with his friends along for the ride.
As you might have observed, Grian is a fantastic leader. The Hermits did right when he was invited to join six years ago. While his animated and slightly eccentric demeanor may not be everyone's cup of tea to watch and enjoy, it is undoubtedly a fact that Hermitcraft, and I dare say the Minecraft fandom as a whole, would not be the same if he had not joined. He has this uncanny ability to always bring something fresh to the table when needed. The man does an absurd amount of leadership-oriented work behind the scenes—recent examples like Wild Life, the live charity event, and the permits notwithstanding—but also his ability to bring everyone together. It comes out in the small groups, too—just look at GIGGS Pico Park and Phasmo (when he isn't messing around, that is). Furthermore, whenever he gets the drive to do something, especially for others, he's proven reliable time and time again. (That said, while burnout has been a thing, of course, he never seems to let others down.) After all, Skizz affirmed his leadership skills - don't take it from me. With G, he's spontaneous and gets his kick off making other people happy - his friends. That brings me to the next point: G is incredibly emotionally driven. He's quite a worrywart - but that's also a good thing, as it drives him to do his best. He gets his joy vicariously through his friends - if they're happy, he's happy. Yet, he's frequently afraid that the next big project could blow up in their faces and be a total flop—again, this has a good side, as it encourages the absolute best final product he can muster. (He previously expressed that panic attacks and chronic anxiety have been things he has long struggled with.) The Imp and Skizz podcast brought two examples to mind: Third Life and the Guess the Build series. These are two now-very-successful series, but the ones that he initially repeatedly expressed were experimental, to the point of virtual ad infinitum to the others. And yet, every member in the lineup since has brought something different and, crucially, constructive to the series. And while we have Skizz to thank for the idea of GtB, he credited G with the changes that made it the hit it is.
Grian's also a gregarious social butterfly, and his networking skills are something that seems to be overlooked. Especially frequently, we are inclined to associate his character with the friends and Hermits we see him play (specifically Minecraft) with more often than not: GIGGS, the Magic Mountain crew and their PET neighbors, Guess the Build, etc. However, the magic happens with the people he doesn't necessarily play Minecraft with every week. Sure, he's best friends with Joel and Jimmy in real life, and they're seen together in the block game pretty frequently, but that's not true for everyone. Take, for example, Oli Orionsound. When was the last time you saw him with Grian? Probably MCC or another variety game. They're IRL friends, and it's reasonable to overlook this relationship relative to those front and center in MC content. Still, it's something worth mentioning - after all, Oli was the one who brought the Trivia Bot's final music to life, and it's the little details he thought of that made that session's gimmick such a hit. These contacts run deep - Jono, his build team, Wynncraft, the team behind the Wild Life data packs, and McMakistein; they've contributed so much to what Grian has been able to present to the world. I've barely scratched the surface, but what I'm trying to say here is that he's in a hell of a lot of social circles. Wife and cats notwithstanding, of course. And yet, all things considered, he's quite the private man nowadays - with good reason. In respecting this, I also feel that the less we know, the better; ironically, it makes what is known all the more interesting. For instance, learning something quirky about him (like buying an entire box of cheap, out-of-production headphones he's used to) makes me go, "Of course he'd do that."
He's Grian, after all.
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doumadono · 1 year ago
Hello. I hope you’re doing well.
I wanted to submit an emergency request. I just got out of a pretty abusive relationship, and im trying to heal from it as best as I can. However, there are some days where it gets really bad, and I’m just in a very bad mental state. During those times, I really don’t like physical touch, because it could cause me to panic even more and send me into an anxiety attack. When I get an anxiety attack, I kinda just go silent and start shaking and dissociating, and its like I’m being sent back to the abuse I went through.
I know that this is very specific and I hope me talking about this doesn’t make you uncomfortable in any way.
Can I request Shoto comforting me during these days and these attacks please? Thank you so much, I hope you have a great day.
Shoto & a friend who got out of an abusive relationship
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At the bustling hero agency canteen, Shoto Todoroki navigated through the lively atmosphere, his eyes scanning for an available spot. Trays clattered, and conversations buzzed around him as heroes took their breaks between missions. The aroma of various dishes wafted through the air, but Shoto's focus was on finding a quiet corner where he could enjoy his soba in peace.
Spotting an isolated table near the corner, he made his way there, intending to savor his meal and gather his thoughts. As he settled into his seat, he noticed you across the room, sitting alone with a distant expression. His keen observant eyes picked up on the subtle signs of distress.
Concerned, Shoto decided to approach you. Balancing the tray with his steaming bowl of soba, he walked over, the familiar coolness of his demeanor softening with genuine care. "Mind if I join you?" he asked, a gentle sincerity in his voice.
You looked up, surprised by the unexpected company. A faint smile touched your lips as you nodded, appreciating the offer. Shoto took a seat, placing the tray between you two.
"Hey," Shoto began, his mismatched eyes reflecting genuine care, "I can't help but notice that something seems off. Are you okay?"
Surprised by his perceptiveness, you hesitated for a moment before offering a small, appreciative smile. Shoto's presence felt comforting, and his concern encouraged you to open up. "Yeah, I'm just dealing with some things from the past. It's been a bit overwhelming."
Shoto nodded understandingly, his expression conveying empathy. "I get that. We all have our battles. If you're comfortable, you can talk to me about it. Sometimes, sharing the burden makes it a bit lighter."
His words resonated, and you found yourself appreciating the sincerity in his offer. Taking a deep breath, you decided to confide in him, "It's just... memories from a difficult time. I recently got out of an abusive relationship, and some days are harder than others. I appreciate you noticing, though."
"I can relate to being trapped in an abusive relationship, you know? I've experienced it firsthand and understand the struggle of feeling confined in one's own skin." Shoto's demeanor shifted, his eyes reflecting a mix of empathy and determination. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. If there's anything I can do to help, even if it's just lending an ear, I'm here."
"It's just that some days, the memories hit me harder, and it feels like I'm back in that dark place. I've been trying to heal, but it's a process, you know?"
Shoto nodded in understanding, his eyes conveying both empathy and a quiet determination to be there for you. "It's okay to take your time to heal."
Appreciating the sincerity in his words, you shared a bit more about the challenges you faced during those difficult days. Shoto listened attentively, his presence providing a comforting backdrop to your vulnerable revelations.
As you finished speaking, there was a moment of silence, a shared acknowledgment of the strength it took to open up. Shoto broke the quiet with a soft smile, "Thank you for trusting me enough to share that with me. You're strong, and you're not defined by your past. You have the power to shape your future."
"Thank you, Shoto. It means a lot to have someone to talk to. I'm working on moving forward, and having your support makes a world of difference. It's comforting to know I'm not alone in this journey."
Shoto's expression conveyed solidarity, and he simply nodded, understanding the weight of your words.
With the heavier conversation behind you, the atmosphere lightened as both of you switched to more casual chit-chat. The casual banter provided a welcome distraction from the weightier matters discussed earlier.
Before parting ways to resume your respective duties, Shoto offered a genuine smile. "If you ever need to talk or just want to grab a meal to take a break from everything, I'm here."
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photogirl894 · 2 years ago
I am one of the authors participating in the @cloneficgiftexchange and the person I had the wonderful pleasure of writing for is @embeanwrites 💜💜 Her Clone of choice was Tech...which admittedly, was hard to write for after the recent finale, but I got through it and hopefully, this will be heartwarming enough for Em as well as all of you to make you forget about all that at least for a little bit 😊
Hope you like it, my dear!! 💜
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Prompt: "You could've died! Did you even think about what that'd do to me?"
Pairing: Tech x gen neutral reader
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“Tech! We’re pinned down! We need air support!” you heard Hunter cry out on comms as he and you ducked behind cover to avoid getting shot. 
You and Clone Force 99 were trapped due to an influx of Imperial fighters flying around and trying to shoot at all of you from above. You all sought cover behind some pillars of the base you had infiltrated, hoping to wait out the attacks, but the fighters kept coming and were not letting up. Tech was still back at the Marauder on standby as backup while you were waiting for Captain Rex for a pickup. 
“Hang on, I’ll draw their fire away from the base,” you heard Tech respond in your helmet comm. 
You activated your comm and replied, “No, Tech, don’t! There’s too many of them! They’re going to overpower you!”
“There’s no time. It’s the only logical solution,” he said back. “Captain Rex is on approach. Be ready for extraction.”
“Tech!” you cried into the comm with worry. 
Though just then, the Marauder came zooming overhead, flying in front of the Imperial ships and nearly clipping the wings of one of them. As it soared away in the opposite direction, you saw a lot of the other ships starting to change course and turn the other way to follow after Tech, shooting at the ship. Your heart was pounding in your chest, fearing for Tech’s life. You didn’t doubt that he was a skilled pilot, but there were a lot of Imperial ships on his tail and even he had his limits. 
Activating your comm again, you pleaded into it, “Tech, please, don’t do this! You can’t outrun them! Just get out of here!”
His voice came back through, “Negative. If their attention is not diverted, they will compromise the success of our mission. I will hold them off as long as I can. Don’t worry about me.”
Just as he said that, a shot from one of the ships made a direct hit on the Marauder and its flight pattern faltered slightly, causing your heart to jump up into your throat.
You were in love with Tech. You had been for some time, but could never find the courage to admit your feelings. The two of you had a close bond, at least, and he knew you cared about him, but he just didn’t know the full extent of them, as far as you knew. He was extremely intelligent, maybe he already knew. Though, he also processed thoughts and feelings differently than most people, so there was also the possibility that he maybe had no idea at all. However, if he were to get shot down now, he would never know the truth.
“Tech!” you screamed just as you felt someone take you by the arm.
“Rex is here! Come on!” Echo cried out, tugging you back with him. 
“There’s nothing we can do for Tech, (Y/N). We need to go,” you heard Hunter say to you on your other side. “He knows the rendezvous point. He’ll meet us there.”
When you turned around, you saw that Rex’s ship had indeed arrived, but you had been so fraught and consumed with terror over losing Tech that you hadn’t even noticed it was hovering above you and there was a line hanging out of the entryway where Rex was looking down on all of you, motioning for you to climb. Wrecker gave you a boost up to the wire and you along with the rest of the Batch climbed to safety.
You could only hope that Tech was safe, too, wherever he had flown off to.
Quickly, you all retreated to your rendezvous point on the other side of the planet, waiting for Tech to arrive. Minutes passed by and with every second, your anxiety began to spike more and more. Where was he? Why was he not back yet?
“Why hasn’t he come back?” you asked aloud nervously as you paced the platform.
“He’ll be here. Don’t worry,” Hunter reassured you.
“But I am worried, Hunter!” you blurted out. “I…can’t lose him.”
He came up to you and laid his hands on your shoulders. “I know,” he simply said. 
When you looked up at him, there was an expression of understanding in his face. Did he know how you felt about Tech? If anyone from among the squad were to figure it out apart from possibly Tech himself, it would’ve been Hunter. You weren’t sure of how to respond to him, so you just turned away and resumed pacing back and forth, hugging your arms tightly.
Time continued to pass; time that made you feel as though your insides were twisting and eating themselves out of worry. The sun was setting as evening was approaching. What had happened to Tech? It had been too long.
“He should’ve come back by now,” you commented, your voice choking.
Finally, Hunter took out his comm and spoke into it, “Tech, come in. Where are you? Tech, do you copy?” 
There was silence.
“Do not fret, Hunter. I am approaching the platform.”
The sound of his voice almost made you fall to your knees with relief. Just after that, you heard distant engines and then the shape of the Marauder came into view on the horizon. Tech was okay!
Within a minute, the ship landed and you could tell it had definitely taken a few hits to the exterior hull and possibly one of the thrusters was damaged. Though, as soon as the ramp lowered and you saw your beloved goggled Clone exiting the ship, all your worries about the ship disappeared immediately.
“You made it,” Wrecker observed as Tech made his way over to all of you.
“Of course, I did,” Tech replied, adjusting his goggles. “The ship took substantial damage, but not enough to impede my piloting. I managed to shake them in a highly mountainous area close to the base and I escaped.”
“Nice work,” said Hunter. “The ship’s going to need repairs before we head out, but we’ll deal with that tomorrow. For now, let’s all get some rest.” 
He turned back to Rex and thanked him for his help. Rex saluted them gladly and before long, he departed their company. After that, the rest of the squad got back onto the Marauder with Echo electing to keep the first watch. Once all the boys were in their bunks, you stormed into Tech’s bunk. Now that you knew he was okay, you needed to have a word with him…or several words.
He looked up at you, having stripped down to just his blacks, a bit startled as you walked into his room and the door closed behind you. “I do believe you have wandered into my bunk by mistake, (Y/N),” he stated.
“Oh no, this was no mistake, Tech,” you said back. “What were you thinking back at the base?”
“I was utilizing the best solution for completing the mission,” he answered.
“Putting your life at risk? There were a lot of Imperial fighters back there!” you cried out. 
“I was not concerned about that. I managed to do exactly as I said and drew them away,” he simply said back.
Your teeth clenched and your hands curled up into fists of frustration. “For someone so smart, you’re still not getting it!” you exclaimed. You strode up to him until you were directly in front of him. “You could’ve died! Did you even think about what that’d do to me?”
For once, Tech was rendered speechless.
Then you blurted out, “I’m in love with you, you idiot, and I thought I was going to lose you today! I can’t go through that again!” After that, unable to stop yourself, you grasped the front of his blacks, pulled him forward and crashed your mouth into his with desperation and need. You kept your kiss brief so as to not startle Tech too much; or at least, more than you probably already had. When you pulled back, his eyes were wide with surprise.
He cleared his throat and adjusted his goggles. “I see,” he replied after a moment. You were about to yell at him for such a casual response to your confession and your kiss, but then he spoke up again, “I will admit: I had not taken your feelings into consideration earlier. I was focused on the mission to consider much else. However…I was also unaware of how you truly viewed me. You had not said anything on the subject before so I was under the impression that we…were only friends and there was no other underlying factor behind your fear on my behalf.”
That, you knew was on you because he was right: you hadn’t confessed your feelings and so he couldn’t have known how his decision would affect you. “Well…I’m saying something now,” you said back to him with a sigh, hoping he would catch on and give you some sort of answer in return. 
He looked down at you and, with a slight newfound confidence, he stated, “Then the only logical reply on my part is this: I must now declare that your affections are requited for I too have strong feelings for you...feelings I had struggled for some time to understand until this very moment.” He reached up and ever so slightly traced your cheek. “What I feel for you is indeed love. I cherish every glance I receive from you, every word you speak to me, every moment you laugh and every second you smile. You have a genuine heart that is kind and generous. What I believed was simple fondness and adoration, I now realize was something more all along. I just needed you to open my eyes.”
Nothing in the world felt as wonderful to you than that very moment, hearing such heartfelt words of love from Tech, which was something you never expected. He was not always a man of such flowery language, but it appeared he could still surprise you.
His hand came to rest on your cheek as he then asked you, “My darling…may I return the gesture and bestow a kiss on you?”
With a huge smile forming on your lips, you answered him, “Tech, you never need to ask me that.”
That being said, he leaned down and brought his lips to yours, gentler than you had done previously. With how lovingly he kissed you, you felt as though you could sprout wings and fly as high as the Marauder that he was so good at piloting. It was far better than you could’ve ever dreamed of.
When the two of you came apart, you said to him, your lips just hovering above his, “If you scare me like that again…it’s not the Empire you’re going to have to worry about coming after you.”
He responded, “That notion does indeed strike fear into my being.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his reply…a lovely sound that brought an endearing smile to Tech’s face.
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itgetsdark-x · 2 years ago
Hi💗 Love all your works sm😭.You are so freaking talented 😍😍🥲💘
I would like to read a therapeutic smut with our curly bf Javi 🤭 ( requester is trying to have no shame lol) .
Ok, javi gutierrez/his gf reader where reader is anxious about her upcoming project. They have a small talk about her anxiety. Javi is trying his best to support her. Then reader admits that she craves for being comforted sometimes. ( daddy issues caused the lack of confidence👀) . So mention of daddy issues, then it all somehow turns into: thigh riding, praise kink,dirty talk, daddy kink and forehead kisses 🥺, oral (f/m receiving or both 💀), p in v 😗.
The whole vibe is supporting gf turns into hot dom/sub 🫂=>🥵
It's just a request and I do it for the first time. So I hope I didn't get carried away too much🥴. Anyway, waiting for your reply.
Have a nice day💕x
P. S. If u like the idea u could name it "Skinny-dip inside your mind" ( the quote from Lana's new album). If u would like to ofc ✨💗🤗 ok bye x
A/N: okay, this request really spoke to my all my mommy/ daddy issues and I couldn’t resist. I love how detailed you made it and I just hope it lives up to your expectations lol. thank you so much for taking the time to send in a request and for the kind words! I’m sorry it took a lil while!
Summary: Javi had always been the most perfect boyfriend; he was attentive, loving and nothing ever seemed like it was too much for you. He knew you were struggling mentally recently and knew exactly what you needed to feel better.
Characters: Javi Gutierrez x f!reader
Warnings: 18+, minors dni!, mentions of parental death, daddy issues, mentions of anxiety / mental health issues, daddy kink, praise kink, unprotected p in v, oral (f receiving), mutual masturbation. (Probs other stuff, it’s mainly just smut lol, you have been warned)
Word Count: 4.3k
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You slammed the lid of your laptop down and collapsed your aching head into your crossed arms. You slowly allowed yourself to cry and within minutes, you were sobbing into your arms, you were so wrapped up in your own feelings that you hadn’t heard Javi, your boyfriend, come home. 
“Mi amor,” he frowned, rushing to sit beside you at the kitchen table. He quickly wrapped a strong arm around you and stroked through your hair affectionately. “What’s happened? Who has made you feel this way?” He asked, his voice concerned. 
“J-Javi” you sobbed, lifting your head to peer at your boyfriend with red, streaming eyes. “W-work. It’s just, this stupid project and article I need to write. If I don’t have it ready and completed by the end of the week, it’s going to be a disaster. I have to get the shoot finalised and I just know it’s going to go all wrong because I’m useless.” You sobbed, your voice coming out as wrecked cries. 
Javi frowned at you, as his fingers stroked through your hair still, just trying to offer a small glimmer of comfort to you as you cried. Your body shook as you sat there, you took a moment to try and focus on your breathing but you could already feel your chest tightening and your breaths got more shallow and speedy. 
“Baby,” He whispered. “Come on, look at me. Look at me, that’s it.” He cooed softly as you looked at him, your eyes were still streaming with tears but the panic was evident in them now as you struggled to suck in a breath. “Breathe for me, hermosa. That’s it, take a deep breath. Do it with me.” He instructed and placed a soft hand to your heaving chest as he helped you take in a deep breath. 
You shut your eyes and listened to your boyfriend’s voice, you did as he instructed and soon, your breathing returned to normal and you calmed down a little. You rarely let Javi see you like this, if you were going to have a panic attack or cry, you would excuse yourself and deal with it alone as you didn’t feel he deserved to have to see you like this. Still, there were some occasions where you couldn’t stop it. 
“I’m sorry…” you mumbled, grabbing your laptop and opening it once again to deflect from having to look at a concerned Javi. 
His fingers gently pried the laptop from your grasp and he quickly closed it down, sliding it away from you. You tried to take it back but Javi shook his head no and stroked your cheek gently. 
“No, I’m sorry, mi amor. You’re done working for the day, it’ll still be there tomorrow and I can help plan some things for the shoot for you. I have my contacts and you should take advantage of that.”
You shook your head no, and immediately you felt the panic rising in your throat like a poisonous acid; you needed to work, you needed to get it all right and the fact that you weren’t in control had you spiralling again. 
“Speak to me, my love. Please. Just… I’ve not seen you like this for a while. Speak to me.” He whispered. 
“Javi…” you sighed. “This project at work is major, it’s my first time being in charge of a whole shoot and feature. I need to nail it, and, and I just feel like I’m not doing that. I feel like it’s going all wrong and suddenly, I’m twelve again and my dad is yelling at me for doing everything wrong.” You rambled, your voice raising at the end.
You had stood from the kitchen table and you were now pacing the length of it, your arms were wrapped around your waist, trying to comfort yourself as you spoke. You shared everything with Javi; your hopes, your dreams, what you want exactly from life but for some reason, you hadn’t ever spoken about your dad. It was a tough subject for you to bring up and you dreaded it every having to be spoken about. 
“Your father?” Javi asked, he turned in his seat and watched you pace the room; he knew better than to stop you. “You never speak about your father…” he mumbled. 
“Yeah,” you laughed bitterly. “There’s a reason for that.” You shrugged, not giving your boyfriend much to work on. 
Javi didn’t move, he watched you and waited silently; he knew how your brain worked and if he kept quiet he knew you would soon spill the beans, more so than if he questioned you at every corner. 
“As you know, my mom passed away when I was around four years old, well, it broke my dad, of course it did. And well, because of that he was pretty absent whilst I was growing up… Absent besides the times he would yell at me, he blamed me for mom’s death and said that it should have been me that died, not her. He said that if I wasn’t born then mom wouldn’t have turned to drugs as a comfort.” You recalled painfully as tears slowly trickled down your face. 
“Cariño, we both know that isn’t true. Your dad just needed someone to blame, I’m sorry.” Javi sighed sadly, he wished he could take every ounce of pain from you so you never had to feel it. He was stood in front of you now and he held your face gently in his hands; he pressed a soft kiss to your lips and you near melted into his touch. “Why don’t you come and sit on the couch with me, just for a bit and maybe after dinner, if you feel better you could do a bit more work. Would that help?” 
You nodded slowly and allowed yourself to be led into the front room with Javi, he sat you down on the couch and closed the curtains behind you, knowing that you prefer to be in darker surroundings when you’re feeling anxious and sad. You couldn’t help but smile slightly as he fussed around you, he got you a glass of water and demanded you at least tried to drink half. You felt safe and comforted, it was something you always craved. 
“Thank you, Javi.” You sighed, your arm draped across his tummy as you cuddled into his side further. “You have no idea how much I crave to be comforted like this… I’ve never told you before because I didn’t want you to look at me differently, what with all my daddy issues.” You half joked. 
“I would never look at you differently. Never. I’ll always look after you, my beautiful girl.” He said softly and placed a gentle kiss to the top of your head. “I do worry about you though… I mean, I am so proud of you getting that promotion at work but it seems since your anxiety has been through the roof.”
You opened your mouth to protest, pretending you had no idea what he meant but Javi cut you off with a stern look. 
“Mi amor, I’m not a complete idiot… I’ve seen you sneaking off to cry, I’ve left you alone as you usually prefer to weather these storms by yourself, it’s killed me but I’ve been trying to do what I think you want. Maybe you should speak with work, maybe get some time off…” he said softly, his fingers stroking patterns on the bare skin of your legs. 
“You know I can’t do that… I can’t take time off but you’re right, I’ve been a mess lately. I’m sorry. It’s just… well, I didn’t tell you, clearly, but my dad messaged me the other day and said he wants to meet you. I keep him at a distance and rarely see him but he heard from another family member about our relationship and how I moved out to Spain to be with you and surprise, surprise, he now wants to be dad of the year.” You frowned, curling yourself into Javi’s side further, feeling his protective arm around you. 
“We can have him stay, only if you want to. If not, we don’t. It’s as simple as that, hermosa. You’re in charge here, okay?”
You nodded as your fingers lazily traced over the freckles on Javi’s arm, your mind was swimming with all the options of what could happen if you did or didn’t have your dad to stay, or what would happen with work if you opened up about the recent anxieties; you got caught up in your own head again and were only pulled out by Javi speaking once again. 
“You’re thinking too much…” he sighed. “Come here, mi amor. Let me take care of you.”
You looked up at Javi in confusion as you weren’t entirely sure what he meant but Javi gently pulled you into his lap and cupped either side of your face to pull you in for a kiss. It was soft, sensual and just the epitome of Javi; caring, smooth and safe. His soft lips pressed against yours and his tongue swiped along your lower lip, you gasped softly and he dipped his tongue into your mouth to deepen your kiss. He entangled his fingers into your hair to move you as he pleased, you allowed him, you were like a rag doll, moving as he wanted you to. 
“There,” he whispered against your lips. “Doesn’t that feel better?” 
You laughed softly and shrugged at him.
“I don’t know, I still feel pretty terrible.” You teased, wanting Javi to kiss you like that again. 
Of course he obliged, he pressed his mouth back to yours to give you another passionate kiss. His hands smoothed down the naked expanse of your arms and they landed on your exposed thighs, he toyed with the hem of your dress and you whined into the kiss. 
It had been a hot day so you were dressed in a pale blue sundress, Javi’s favourite and his own personal kryptonite. 
“You’re so beautiful, cariño, so breathtaking.” He complimented, reaching his head up to press a soft kiss to your forehead. “Drive me mad when you wear these pretty dresses, so gorgeous.”
You blushed at Javi’s words, with each compliment you could feel your cheeks glowing under his soft gaze. Javi peppered soft kisses to your neck, his plush lips sent sparks through your body and straight to your core. Before you realised what you were doing, you rocked your hips gently back and forth, searching for any contact against your clothed arousal. 
“Feeling a little needy, baby?” He cooed, his teeth grazing against your pulse point after whispering in your ear sensually. 
You nodded, a little embarrassed as your hips rocked back and forth. You made a small whimpering noise as Javi continued to kiss along your neck, only stopping to suck a small mark into your skin. 
“Shift over,” he instructed as he spread his legs further so you were straddling just one of his thighs. “That’s it, my sweet girl. Now, ride my thigh, hermosa. Make yourself feel good on my leg, like the needy little baby you are.” Javi smirked, looking at you with lust-blown eyes. 
You chewed on your lip as you slowly started to grind against Javi’s thigh, just a couple thin layers of fabric separating your pulsing clit and Javi’s skin. Your hips moved in slow circles, alternating between the soft little grinds and rubbing yourself back and forth on him rougher. Your mouth was parted as soft moans escaped from them, your arms were looped around Javi’s neck as you anchored yourself down to chase your high, greedily. 
“That’s it baby; you use me how you need me, need you to feel good. Tell me how it feels, please.” Javi gasped, watching your face contort with each moan that fell from your mouth. 
“Javi,” you sighed happily as your hips sped up, you could feel how slick you were with each move of your hips and you were sure you would be leaving a trail of your arousal behind on the beige linen of Javi’s shorts. “You feel so good, fuck. Needed this relief for so long, fuck, daddy.” You whimpered, too far gone to acknowledge the name. 
Javi’s eyes widened at the use of the pet name, you had never called him that before and he couldn’t deny the way his cock twitched in his pants. You were usually so reserved in bed, so timid and there you were, riding his thigh to chase your own release; looking so perfect. 
“Fuck, hermosa. Call me that again.” Javi groaned and held your hips roughly, making your grind down harder against his thigh. “Call me that as you cum.”
“W-what?” You mumbled before your brain clocked it and your cheeks heated up again. “Oh, I, um.” You whispered, slowing your movements as Javi controlled your hips. 
“Come on, my good girl. Call me it again, call me it and I’ll let you cum.” He encouraged. 
“Daddy.” you whispered, your voice coming out as a mere squeak. 
“Louder.” Javi’s hands gripped your hips tighter and slowed them down to soft grind which caused you to whine in frustration. 
“Daddy.” You said more confidently, wriggling your hips in his lap. 
“Good girl. So good for me.” He purred, his thick accent sending shivers through your body. 
Javi controlled your hips once more, speeding them up to allow you to chase your high; you were greedily there, letting your hips wriggle back and forth. It didn’t take long before you were gripping at Javi’s neck tightly and whimpering in his lap. 
You felt yourself get wetter as you came. “Fuck, daddy. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Feels so good.” You whined, your head lulling backwards as you chased your high. 
“Good girl, such a good girl for me. Now sit on the sofa and let me make you feel even better.” Javi purred, placing you on the couch so he could kneel between your legs on the floor. 
He decided against teasing you and instead pulled your panties off, tossing them to the side before dipping his head down to lap at your pussy. His expert tongue flicked over your swollen bud and then gently sucked at it, the suction of his lips had your whole body vibrating with pleasure and your fingers soon found their way into Javi’s soft brown locks. 
“Fuck, Javi.” You whimpered, shifting your body down to grind against the male’s face as he ate you out. 
Javi made a soft noise of appreciation against your wet heat, his tongue was working you with ease and within minutes you were falling apart at the seams, right on his face. He had you cursing and shaking all over again. 
He sat back, wiped his mouth and smiled up at you. He slowly stroked his hands up your bare thighs to pull your dress over your head, leaving you spent and naked for him to admire. Javi leant back onto his knees to fumble with the fastening on his shorts, you could see a large wet patch blooming on his thigh and your cheeks glowed as you knew that was from you. 
“You see that, baby girl.” Javi pointed at the darkened spot and you nodded in response. “Course you do, that’s from you. Is that how good I make you feel, sweet girl? Hm? Make you so wet you leave a patch behind when you cum. So hot.” Javi groaned.
He was drinking in your naked body, you drew your legs up to your chest and tried to cover yourself but the older male tutted and brought your legs down, spreading them so he could see you in all of your naked and aroused glory. He leant back again onto his knees and slowly freed his hard cock from his shorts, it sprung up and you could see beads of precum leaking from the tip. You absently licked your lips as you watched his hand stroke his length, your empty hole fluttered around air as you imagined your lover filling you up so deliciously. 
Javi clocked you, he could see you watching him and since he had already made you cum a couple of times, he thought it was the perfect time to tease you. He moaned as his hand passed over the tip of his cock and back down the shaft, he was moving slowly and he really ramped up his moans as he locked eyes with you. It was like a movie you couldn’t tear your eyes from, they would dart down to see Javi stroking himself before they would lock with his once again. 
You couldn’t help yourself, you were so turned on and you weren’t in control of your own body; your nimble fingers dipped down to stroke around your clit. You spread your legs further as you pleasured yourself, Javi smirked at you and nodded eagerly as your fingers sped up to match his own strokes. 
“That’s it, good girl.” He gasped, this person in front of him looked like you, looked like his girlfriend but your actions were so out there compared to your usually reserved-self. “Fuck, look at you, hermosa. Such a good girl for me, touching yourself cause you couldn’t even wait for me. So needy, aren’t you, my sweet little girl.”
You bit down on your bottom lip and nodded softly at Javi; the room was filled with sounds of your heavy breaths and soft moans as your fingers slowly sank into yourself. You were driving your boyfriend made, he wanted to bury himself so deeply in you and stay there forever but he also couldn’t stop watching as you pleasured yourself. 
“This what you do when daddy isn’t around to touch you, princess?” Javi groaned, he slowed his hand down and squeezed his length roughly to stave off his want to cum. 
“Y-yeah…” you whined. “Feels so good daddy but nothing feels as good as your cock, I’ve tried everything but nothing feels as good.” You admitted with red cheeks. 
“Yeah? What have you tried, honey?” He cooed, smirking that you were so open. 
“Uhm,” you whimpered as your hips bucked up to your hand. “My hairbrush, I tried using the shower head and I’ve tried humping everything; the sofa, my pillow one of my stuffed animals but nothing ever feels as good.”
Javi couldn’t help but bark out a laugh, it was dark and condescending and it made you feel even needier for the male. 
“Aw, my poor little baby. Humping everything like a little mutt. That why you rode my thigh earlier?” His voice was deep and lustful, it was the perfect mix of condscnedation and love. 
You nodded, tears pricking at your eyes with embarrassment as you admitted it to your boyfriend. He would often be away on work trips and you recalled in your mind all those nights that were so lonely and you were so empty. You craved your boyfriends touch, and his approval even more. 
“Being such a good girl for me now.” Javi groaned, finally pulling his hand off of his cock. He removed his shirt and stood to fully take his shorts off. 
Your eyes followed your boyfriend, your fingers still circled your swollen and sensitive clit, you could feel your orgasm impending quicker and quicker. 
“Javi,” you whimpered. “I-I’m gonna cum, please let me cum.” 
“Call me by my proper name, baby girl. Then you can cum.” He hissed, he gently wrapped a hand around your throat so his fingers and thumb were pressing on your pulse points. 
He restricted your throat just enough to make your head feel floaty and that’s what you needed to push you over the edge. Your mouth open in a silent moon as you tried to speak. 
“Daddy. Fuck.” You breathed, cursing him. 
Javi smiled down at you as your fingers stopped moving and your thighs shook roughly; he kissed your forehead gently and stroked your cheek after he released your throat. 
“Good girl. So good for me. How do you want to take me?” He whispered, his hand cupping at your cheeks gently so his thumb could stroke the soft skin there. 
You shrugged at him, feeling far too fucked out already. “I-I don’t mind.” You whispered. “Just want you, please.”
Javi made a humming noise of appreciation and he pressed another kiss to your forehead affectionately. “Okay, my love, lay down for me and I’ll give you daddies cock. Hm, is that okay with you? That what you want?”
You made a soft whining noise, you knew Javi’s cock would sting as he stretched you out and you couldn’t wait but you were already feeling over-sensitive so you knew you wouldn’t be able to last long. You laid down on the large sofa, your back leant up against the arm of the sofa with a cushion behind you and Javi positioned himself between your legs, he gently held onto one of your thighs for leverage as he positioned himself to your hole. 
“God, you’re so wet and tight for me, hermosa.” He groaned as he gently pressed himself into your vagina. Your eyes screwed shut at the sting of stretching around his member and Javi shushed you, he kissed your forehead once again before he started a slow pace. 
Javi squeezed at the flesh of your leg, you were perfect for him and he could live buried deep in you forever if it was possible. He rolled his hips sensually and with every thrust of his cock, he deliciously pleasure your g-spot. It was intense and your body shook with the pleasure of it all. 
“Daddy, you feel so good. You fill me up so well.” You whimpered, your soft hands grabbing at Javi’s back desperately as you clenched around his cock. 
“So do you, my sweet girl. Perfect little cocksleeve for me, made just for daddy. Isn’t that right?” He cooed. 
You nodded and Javi sped his hips up, he’d had enough of teasing himself and now he was chasing his high greedily. You laid there and took him, obscene moans and curse words tumbled from your lips like a free-flowing stream. You were a goner, so close to cumming around your boyfriend you wouldn’t have been able to stop it if you tried. 
Your walls fluttered and clenched around Javi’s member as you came; you felt it get wetter between the two of you and your whole body shook with the intensity, tears rolling down your cheeks as Javi kept up his punishing pace. 
“Good girl. Good. Fucking. Girl.” Javi groaned, holding your hips for better leverage as he fucked into you with fervour. 
It didn’t take Javi long to get there, soon his hips were stuttering to a stop before he quickly pulled out of you. He stroked himself once, twice and on the third time, he awkwardly leant over to spill his hot cum on your tits. You opened your mouth to catch a few stray spurts on your outstretched tongue as Javi praised you, fucking his fist as he painted your skin. 
Javi fell back onto the sofa with a groan, your laboured breaths filled the empty room as your tried to regain some composure. 
“Fuck me.” You laughed, flopping an arm over your face in exhaustion.
“Just did, cariño.” Javi laughed, not wasting a second to go and grab a damp cloth to clean you up with. He wiped at you gently and you hissed as the cool cloth hit your sweaty skin. 
Javi returned after throwing the cloth into the wash and sat on the sofa next to you, he took your legs and draped them over your lap so he could stroke softly at your bare skin. 
“That…” he breathed. “That was amazing but uh, do you wanna talk about it at all? It was different for us… amazing but different and I hope you’re okay.”
Your eyes were still closed, you were bathing in your post-orgasmic glow and Javi’s words had you crushing back down to earth. 
“Javi,” you whined as a warning. “Can we not… you found out a lot about me today, maybe pack it away and save that conversation for another day? I’m okay though, thank you for asking. I love you a lot…”
He lifted your leg and kissed it softly, he knew not to push you otherwise you would just withdraw into yourself further which wouldn’t help anyone. 
“Fine, fine. I love you more, hermosa. You’re my world. Whatever you need, or whatever you want from me, I’m here for you.” He rambled until you sat up and gently pushed his shoulder. 
“Shut up and kiss me, you idiot.” You laughed and brought your boyfriend in for a gentle kiss, he smiled against your lips before you laid back down on the sofa and pulled a blanket over your naked body. “Now, I think you promised me dinner? How about your famous risotto?” You grinned. 
Javi rolled his eyes affectionately and stood, wrapping the blanket around you tighter and handing you the tv remote. 
“Anything for you, mi amor. Now, you relax here, cariño and I’ll make us some dinner.” Javi smiled, ducking his head down to kiss your forehead before he disappeared into the kitchen. 
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sstargoldens · 6 months ago
Chapter 2 - Before Fairy Tail, Lucy Heartfilia
Summary: One-shots focused on Lucy Heartfilia and with nuances of NALU Since joining Fairy Tail, Lucy never spoke much about her past as inheriting Heartfilia, details of her upbringing and how she managed to escape from her mansion were never told. Sometimes Lucy remembers them with pain and nostalgia, other times the guild has the opportunity to learn things they did not know about the celestial mage.
Chapter 2: Dress
Lucy Heartfilia always wore tight or revealing clothes, each outfit she had was chosen carefully and paid attention to the details. No matter what they told her, she felt comfortable wearing her short skirts and heels, she knew that she was beautiful and felt attractive in her clothes. It didn't matter the criticism they gave her behind her back or all the times that the lack of her fabric caused inconveniences such as the cold, she Lucy continued to wear the type of clothes she liked because she was free. And she, in her freedom, chose to feel empowered and sexy, but like all women, the blonde had clothes that made her feel insecure. And those were the formal ballroom dresses, not those that are tight and with daring necklines, but those with a princess cut and sultry corsets.
The spirit mage felt trapped when she had to wear that garment, no matter how many times they told her that she looked beautiful, Lucy didn't feel like herself. Above all, it brought her all those anxieties that she believed she had left behind, for some a simple dress, for her it symbolized the repression that she lived through for years. When she still lived in the Heartfilia mansion, she didn't choose her clothes, every dress, every shoe and every accessory was dictated by a teacher of etiquette that her father had hired. Before running away from home Lucy never wore an outfit like the one she wore daily now, in fact her teacher would have a heart attack to see her today.
Every day she used to wear those kinds of dresses, looking like a doll, living a fake life, a life full of loneliness and coldness. The corsets hurt her skin but she was forced to wear it for hours at social gatherings where she only knew fake smiles, eager glances and convenient approaches. She felt like a living object, a perfect trophy, a bait for men looking for an obedient lady and hunting their fortune. Her current clothes never made her feel an object, on the contrary she felt free and strong, it was her way of expressing and feeling like herself. She could choose what to wear or not to wear, something that she was never given in that millionaire life, Lucy gave herself the freedom by escaping from that life.
In Fairy Tail everything was different from her past, she felt accepted and loved for who she was, she wasn't a pretty face with money but a strong and proud magician. She was Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail, a celestial mage who considered her spirits her friends and protected her companions with claws and teeth. Her clothes, only hers, was another part of her, something almost irrelevant, no one said anything about the way she dressed except for one or other comments about her physique but no one seriously judged her or looked down for her outfit.
She was a magician and as part of her guild, she would never give up to complete a mission even if it meant wearing a suffocating huge ball gown. Because yes, her team was summoned to a mission where it was necessary to infiltrate a society meeting, where several noble families of Fiore met to prevent the theft of a valuable jewel. The party was held in honor of one of the daughters of a duke of the country, rumors said that the young woman was a friend of the princess and it was true, seeing the lady in need of protection, the princess herself contacted Fairy, the duke's daughter was recently engaged and her engagement ring was a heirloom of the ducal family, so it was in threat of being stolen.
Being a mission requested by someone from royalty, the option to reject it was non-existent. No matter how much Lucy hated the idea of attending this type of meeting again or the fear of meeting an old acquaintance, as a member of Fairy Tail she had to face and comply. Together with Erza they analyzed who would be the most suitable person to infiltrate as a member of a noble family, Natsu with his destructive tendency and lack of manners wasn't an option, Gray was eliminated due to his habit of nudity, Erza was prone to lose control of her anger and Wendy was still considered like a child. Titania herself indicated that the best option was Lucy because of her control and manners, which no one contradicted so as not to arouse her anger and take a beating from the S-class mage.
Lucy would have wanted to say something but she knew that her friend was right, she was the best suited for the job and she didn't want to fail her team. But this didn't stop that while getting ready and heading to the event, anxiety affected her, feeling her chest heavy and hating the dress she was forced to wear. It wasn't a horrible dress. On the contrary, it was cute and one of her favorite colors: pink but it had a corset and that was a counter that surpassed the color pros.
The blonde was ready waiting in a room next to where the event would take place, she was with her team going over the plan for the last time.
-Then let's review again, the idea is for Lucy to stay close to the future bride all the time, watch her closely but not be very noticeable. While Natsu and Gray will be dressed as waiters watching from afar for anything that happened, Wendy will be watching from the 2nd floor balcony pretending to be a maid with Charle and Happy, and I will be pretending to be one of the musicians. I want you to be careful, we must not act suspicious. -Dict Erza staring at the entire team.
-We'll burn their butts. - Natsu said excitedly.
-Shut up, walking flame, better worry about trying to look like a waiter. - said Gray
-It's true, Natsu will surely eat everything before serving. - Happy said
-Who are you saying that to, ice chest with legs? - Natsu lunged at Gray to hit him.
-Enough you two! - Erza gave them an angry look.
Lucy felt a drop, her team was as carefree as ever, she wanted to be just like them and not anxious about a stupid dress.
-Does Lucy-san have anything? - Wendy asked. The gaze of the entire team went to the blonde.
Natsu looked at her very intensely and immediately approached her, Lucy could only feel nervous under everyone's gaze, she didn't want to reveal a concern that she considered so stupid.
-I'm fine, just a little distracted. It's a familiar atmosphere, I guess. - The celestial mage said, admitting half the truth.
-It's true but don't worry, I don't think you've forgotten how to behave if that's what worries you. You are the one with the best manners here. - Gray said trying to help.
-Yeah, you're right. - Lucy said a little uncomfortable.
-Well guys, it's time. Go to your positions, Lucy we trust you. I know you will do a great job. - Erza said.
Lucy nodded to Erza, her words of confidence made her feel a little better, it was essential to remind herself that she was there to fulfill a mission not to socialize. So she should stop her irrational but it was difficult for the blonde, she approached the door of the living room but before she could leave, a warm and large hand stroked her head with care to not ruin her hairstyle. Natsu was smiling at her with a big smile and her big white teeth.
-Everything will be fine, Luce. -he said and left with Gray.
Lucy couldn't help but blush, she appreciated his gesture, a big smile appeared between her lips, Natsu had given her the last push she needed.
With a happy look and her forehead held high, the celestial mage entered a large room full of people, the noise of chatter and background music hitting her. The crowd didn't bother her but the high society atmosphere did, with a quick glance Lucy analyzed the guests. Most of them were of nobility but there were a considerable amount of wealthy merchants, all the women were dressed in luxurious dresses and tight corsets, the men wore tailored suits, the atmosphere was so patterned that Lucy immediately missed the atmosphere of the guild.
The celestial mage located the celebrated bride, she was in the middle of the room surrounded by several guests, mostly high ranks and her fiancé was with her. The duke was a few steps away with a group of men, Lucy believed that they were surely talking about business. She take the time of locating her team while accepting a glass of champagne and mingled with people, small conversations there and there, the blonde try to get along with the lower level people, that's how manners were. In this social hierarchy, if you were a nobody and you spoke to a high rank, you wouldn't only be disrespecting that person but also it would automatically exile you completely socially. There were silly rules like not being able to talk to someone if they hadn't been introduced to you first, the most absurd thing is that it was mainly subject to women.
Near the bride especifically on the north side Lucy found Erza, she was sitting in the small orchestra in a musician costume, cleaning a series of instruments. On the other side of the room, in the south Gray was serving glasses of champagne near the entrance, Natsu was near Lucy seemed to be in charge of a type of buffet, the blonde admired that the dragon slayer hadn't yet succumbed to temptation. Wendy and the exceed seemed fine on the balcony with the exceeds.
While the time she was at the party, half an hour to be exact, several young men approached to speak to Lucy, knowing that they approached her only because of physical appearance, she took advantage of the moment so that she was progressively introduced to others in order to reach the mission protection objective. The blonde was surprised by how well she moved in the party's social circle. At the party, it seemed like her ability to fake of her old self hadn't completely atrophied yet.
-You know Lucy, I want to introduce you to someone. She is the future bride celebrated. Would you like to meet her? - Asked George, a "poor victim" of the blonde.
-Really? That would be fantastic, she is a fashion icon of society. You really are a distinguished man George aren't you? -Lucy acted hollow, her bait caught and directed.
The man's ego was inflated and thought that he would have opportunities with Lucy. The truth is that he wasn't a bad boy, just a cocky and rich young man trying to be a playboy to look cool. He had no bad intentions towards the blonde but his attitude was so smug that he chased away all the girls, which gave the spirit mage a chance.
-Let's go. - George said making his way to the Duke's daughter but before dragging Lucy, a man intercepted him. - Wait for me a little precious, I have things to discuss with this man.
-Don't worry, I'll go get something to drink while. - Lucy said with a tic in her eye at the word beautiful, the young man was too much, the blonde felt like sending him to hell.
She walked to the buffet where Natsu was, who gave her an intense and questioning look along with a frown, the blonde came up to her partner and took a glass of juice.
-Are you OK? That guy hasn't come off you in a while. Is he bothering you? - Natsu asked discreetly , well as Natsu could be.
-No, he is conceited but he will introduce me to the Duke's daughter. - The blonde answered giving him a comforting smile.
-Can't you just walk up to her on your own? - Lucy laughed a little at the question.
-If I do that, it would attract attention and I would be thrown out of the party. - Lucy answered calmly.
-Why? -Natsu asked very confused.
-Because that's the way these people are, you can't talk to someone of higher rank if they don't introduce you to them, you can't make friends just by talking to them.
- That's kinda dumb. -said Natsu still confused.
-It is, so in a while they will introduce me to the bride and from there I will stay talking to her to watch closely. - Said the blonde.
Before Natsu could answer, the young man who was with Lucy earlier made a sign to the blonde for her to approach him.
-Wish me luck. -Lucy sighed and she left.
Although Natsu didn't like the way the man called Lucy like he was the owner of her or something, he didn't do anything. He just scowled at them until they were out of sight. Natsu didn't understand that meeting and all those silly rules that Lucy had tried to explain before but he didn't listen.
The pink haired man thought it would have been disastrous to have been born in that environment and to have to regularly attend these kinds of meetings.What was the point of having a party if you couldn't make friends easily? Then it hit him. Lucy had been born in that environment, surely she had had to suffer a great number of events like that in all her life. Natsu wished that his partner had joined Fairy Tail earlier, he didn't like to imagine a Luce in this environment. In fact he hadn't even recognized her teammate as he watched her talking to the people at the party, she felt so not Lucy.
The celestial magician came to young George but found him talking to another gentleman, knowing that she had to wait, Lucy began to look around and saw a honey-colored hair held by a half ponytail and curls falling behind that was wearing a luxurious dress of Mint color. Lucy jumped out of shock when she recognized her, her worst fear of her night had come true, there was someone she knew. The blonde, aware of the existence of the lady in front of her, tried to sneak away but just when she was going to flee from that place the brown-haired girl saw her directly and recognized her instantly.
Lucy stayed in her place, although it was true that it wouldn't be a pleasant experience to rediscover a part of her past, the girl in front of her turned out to be one of the few good people she met before arriving at Fairy Tail. She was Mhyst, daughter of an earl who used to have occasional business with her father, a few times she met with the girl, they didn't have time together to say they were friends but they got along well. Mhyst was a very shy, insecure and obedient girl, the truth is that the blonde used to had a feeling of wanting to protect her, despite being high class, she wasn't a bad person but she was someone who highly respected the rules of the society. Lucy on the other hand was a young dreamer (she still is) who despite what she portrayed she hated her lifestyle and had to admit that Mhyst's conformity bothered her. That is why they could never be friends, just simple acquaintances.
The one with brown hair approached the blonde with a smile, she was surprised to find her on that stage because the girl knew well what happened to the Heartfilia empire.
-Hi Lucy. - greet a happy Mhyst.
-Hi Mhyst. -Lucy returned with a true smile, something she hadn't shown too much on the night.
- The truth is I am surprised to see you here, I knew you were a Fairy Tail magician, still I am happy to meet old acquaintances. - The mint dressed one spoke.
-Yes, now I'm a Fairy Tail mage. But I ask you not to mention it, I am on a mission. - Lucy spoke truthfully, the girl was to be trusted for her.
-I'll be careful, I hope everything is fine. Tell me how you have been, it happens that lately you haunted my memory. - Mhyst confessed sadly.
- I am happy, my guild is like my new family, it was always my dream and I am literally living it right now. -Lucy spoke excitedly of her family.
- What envy, I'm glad that now you have the freedom you always longed for. - answered Mhyst.
- I wasn't aware that you knew my dislike for my old life, I never mentioned it to you. - Lucy said surprised.
-That's true, but I got to notice it eventually. I know we were just just acquaintances, but you were always a role model for me. I am extremely weak, you were strong and even though you hid your true intentions, I suspected that your character would make you reject the life we lived. - The brunette confessed.
- Thank you, I wish we had been more friends, I always had a similar esteem for you. But what happens? You sound like you dislike your life, I always thought you had no problem with our environment. - Asked the spirit mage, she looked sadly at Lucy, the blonde had hit a spot.
-I had never had a problem with my way of living, until a few weeks ago. My father has told me that I have to marry a nobleman who lives on the other side of Fiore, I don't know him and the truth is I am afraid. Maybe my past self would have just accepted this news but now there is an obstacle that makes it impossible for me to accept this ...
-You have someone you love. - finished Lucy.
-Yes. - Mhyst looked sadly at the ground. -But he is a man who has nothing that my father can accept, he is a simple teacher.
- But you love him. - Lucy affirmed again.
-Yes. -She said with small tears in her eyes, the brown haired girl, she seemed about to break.
-Mhyst, look, I don't know who he is but if that person treats you well and loves you back, there is nothing wrong with that. Your heart loves and love is one of the most beautiful feelings that can exist, it is a force that manages to do things that may seem impossible. You are a woman, you have the right to choose, no one would have to force you to marry overall if there is someone who already occupies your heart. - The blonde tried to convince her.
- But there's nothing I can do. - Mhyst said exhausted.
-No, there is something you can do. You can confront your family and tell them what you want, they might accept your loved one. You can also always go with him, you will have to be brave but you can be with the love of your life.
-I don't know if i'm capable. - Mhyst said.
-You are but you don't know. Leaving your home and starting from scratch isn't easy, you have to mature and you will fall on the road but at least you will be free. You will be able to choose who to love and where to be, in my experience I tell you that I never thought that I could escape from the golden cage I was in but here I am, and I don't regret anything. I hope you can think my words, now I have to go. I wish you the best- Lucy spoke sincerely and she politely withdrew.
She didn't seem like it but this conversation had opened up feelings of the past for the blonde, she wished that Mhyst was free like her but she had to focus on her mission for her mental sake and for her team.
George introduced Lucy to soon bride to be, she was the Duke's daughter but very elegant and kind. In a few minutes of conversation she had hit it off with the blonde, introducing her to everyone. This embarrassed the celestial spirit mage but gave her the opportunity to stay with her longer to protect her, there were still no signs of thieves but she never had to lower her guard. Among the turmoil of the interactions with the duke's daughter, George disappeared hooking up with a girl, this relieved the blonde, now she had the coast free.
While Lucy socialized with the closest of the ducal family, there was a moment where she was alone, as she was heading to the toiley. She didn't worry about her mission, since before excusing herself she communicated with Erza through Geminis telling her where she was going from her and to watch her future girlfriend more.
When the magician was heading back to the room, a pairs of hands turned her around, facing a green-haired woman with blue eyes, with a look of disgust and amusement. Lucy recognized her immediately, she was a frequent lady who used to be in the blonde's age group when she was heir to Heartfilia State.
-So it was you. -the green haired one spoke arrogantly.
-Hera. - Lucy spoke with distaste.
-That's how you address someone of my status? I remind you Heartfilia that you are no longer one of us, you and your family went bankrupt. Wait but before that, you had already escaped, just like a hussy.
-What does that have to do with you? - replied indifferently the blonde, she didn't want problems.
-See if you even dare to look like a lady. -he said, looking at her from head to toe.
Lucy looked at her confused. Hera just smiled arrogantly
-I've seen your appearances in magazines, I can't believe how you can dress so vulgar. I would be ashamed to be you in those short skirts, you look like a prostitute.
Lucy was speechless. How could another woman denigrate another for her outfit? But that was the society from which she escaped. Before she could answer, Hera spoke.
-I don't know what you are doing here, now you belong with those poor wizards that you joined. Why don't you go back to the retards of your class? Fairy Nail, was that the name?
-It's Fairy Tail and they are much better than you could ever be, you don't even reach the tips of their shoes. You can say what you want about me but you don't mess with my family. -Lucy said with great anger, her keys reacted to her anger, she had them hidden in her leg under her dress. - Now I'm retiring, your face makes me want to vomit.
-How dare you? -Hera held Lucy by her arm.
-Let go. - The blonde magician demanded with a threatening look.
-And if I don't want? - Fire surrounded the scene in the hallway, separating the girls. Hera thinking it was Lucy's magic fled scared.
Lucy sighing turned around.
-Natsu, it wasn't necessary. I could handle it on my own. - Lucy reproached the air.
-I know, but she insulted the guild and dared to lay a hand on you. Old friend? - Natsu appeared from a corner.
-It wasn't my friend. - Lucy answered sharply. - Anyway, how much did you hear? -Lucy gave him a death look.
-Ehh, I have to go. See you Luce. - Natsu fled from the blonde's anger.
-Thanks. - Lucy whispered watching as Natsu left.
The blonde went back to the living room as if nothing had happened, Natsu was already in his corresponding position and she returned to the side of the celebrated one, so she returned to put on her mask and socialize.
It had been two and a half hours since the beginning of the party, Lucy could no longer with her dress, her corset was tightening and she could feel blisters already formed in the place where she adjusted. She was tired of acting with so many people, she didn't know how she could do it for years if she was psychologically too strenuous. She couldn't wait to take off that oppressive dress and get away from that society that oppressed her for years. If Lucy had started the evening with a confidence of 10, now she was going for 5, her dress made her feel like a little girl again, the memories were vivid in her mind and she couldn't bear the interested people who approached every 10 minutes, people who were hungry of power and after of finding out that she was only a simple commoner, they left without even saying goodbye.
The Duke's daughter was by her side when smoke bombs began to fall from the sky, Lucy quickly pounced on the future bride. People were running everywhere, bandits had arrived and were trying to cause chaos. When the smoke cleared a bit, Lucy grabbed the relic bearer trying to get her to safety but the path was blocked by a man dressed in black.
-Give me that ring and no one will get hurt, if not, face the consequences. Either way it will be mine. -said the bandit.
-We won't give it to you. -Lucy said with a determined look in her eyes.
With a quick glance she spotted her comrades, Natsu and Gray were busy with two twin bandits, Erza was protecting the duke from three other bandits and Wendy was busy getting rid of several bandits who had no magic.
The enemy threw a kind of spherical bullets towards Lucy and the Duke's daughter, Lucy barely managed to get the young woman out of the way, her dress hindered her movement. In a moment of freedom and out of necessity, the celestial magician ripped her dress from her, shortening it and loosening the corset. As they continued to dodge attacks, Lucy summoned Gemini who became her and stayed with her future girlfriend to protect her.
The bandit's magic seemed to be controlling spheres at will of an unknown material. Lucy transformed into her Cancer star dress and summoned Loke to her side, while Leo fought with the man Lucy was dedicated to cutting all those spheres that were directed towards her spirits and the woman she was protecting. The bandit who seemed to be having a hard time fighting the lion spirit suddenly smiled.
At the moment Lucy was cutting a sphere, it exploded in a bright light that reached directly into the blonde's eyes, painfully blinding her eyes and falling to the ground.
- Lucy! -Geminis and Leo yelled. This distracted them and Loke was sent back to the celestial world by the bandit and Geminis as well but by a sphere that was addressed to the Duke's daughter.
Lucy who for a moment fell to the ground, she couldn't see. The light had been too direct in her eyes, she heard the screams and felt his spirits being sent back. Quickly still without vision but with somewhat distinguishable shadows he invoked Virgo and re-equipped with the maiden's star dress.
-Protect the Duke's daughter. -Lucy indicated to Virgo as she stood up.
-What do you think you can do against me without sight? Better give up. - Said the enemy with a smile.
-Never. -Lucy said toward the sound of his voice.
-Well, we'll see.
Lucy summoned Sagittarius while she was digging to get to the man, she couldn't see where the aerial spheres came from because she could only see shadows, her sight was slowly recovering. With her Virgo power she could feel the vibrations of the earth generated by the bandit making Lucy able to reward the sight of her while she had a hand-to-hand combat with the man.
Wanting to finish quickly because she had already used a lot of magic, Lucy invoked Capricorn while she sent Virgo to the celestial realm. The future bride was left unprotected but Sagittarius was in charge of getting rid of all the spheres that went against the duke's daughter. The blonde's sight was already restored.
Lucy put on the Capricorn star dress, with her glasses the bandit could no longer use the same trick. She together with Capricorn fighted the bandit in hand-to-hand combat while Sagittarius took care of their backs from the flying spheres.
A blow to the neck by Lucy sent the unconscious villain to the ground, the celestial magician thanked her spirits and sent them back to the spiritual world, while she tied the bandit's arms and legs, she watched around her, the party room was destroyed (courtesy of Natsu, Gray and Erza), her team had already finished with the other members and they were evacuating the few guests who were still near the place of combat.
The Duke's daughter was still in the place where Virgo had escorted her and seemed fine with the jewel still dazzling in her hand. The magician approached the young woman with the intention of taking her back to her family.
-Are you okay? - Lucy helped her up.
-Yes, thank you very much for protecting me. - The future bride thanked with a sincere smile.
-It's nothing, it's our duty. - Lucy answered.
-Actually, I didn't think you were one of the magicians Hisui hired, you looked like a young noble like me.
-Well, maybe it must be because I'm not as disastrous as my guild. - laughed the young blonde, trying to avoid the subject. She wasn't going to go around the world telling her past.
Lucy met up with her team while the bride-to-be reunited with her family and future husband. The celestial mage hoped it was the fruit of love and not a commitment out of family pride, but it was not her theme anyway.
-Good fight Lucy. -Commented Gray as he approached her, he was half dressed as her.
-Thank you, the same. Whic kind magic did you deal this time? - Asked the blonde to everyone.
-I don't know, some chains. - Natsu said indifferently, he didn't remember to be sincere.
-Flamitas are you stupid or what, you faced a magic of plants. - said Gray
"Did you call me an idiot, ice cube?" - Gray and Natsu began to fight.
-I don't have time for them, I'll go get strawberry shortcake, I'll leave you in charge Lucy. - Erza left.
Natsu and Gray seemed full of energy as they fought, Wendy was helping to heal some guests with minor injuries, the Exceeds were with her and Erza was eating a strawberry cake.
Lucy was going to ask someone from the organization if she could help on some way, she felt guilty for partially destroying the room. But before she spoke to the organizer she crossed paths with Hera.
-It seems that i was right, you are just a vulgar magician with those horrible clothes that you have. -Commented the green haired one as Lucy marched in front of her nose, looking at her from head to toe.
Lucy was still wearing the Capricorn star dress, she didn't want to go back to her old clothes. And about the comment of her old acquaintance, she didn't care, her current clothes were much better than wearing a dress like the one the girl was wearing in front of her. Lucy examined the face of the green haired, envy was written all over her face, the celestial magician felt sorry for this. Hera was just another victim of being raised in a noble and cruel place, perhaps making others feel worse was her way of escaping from her, of feeling better than she really is.
-I hope you have a good life, Hera. -Lucy smiled at the girl as she returned to her team, she wanted to get home soon.
As they returned to Magnolia, Erza stared at her blonde friend, now she was back in her usual outfit with her short skirt and blue shirt. Erza wouldn't comment on it out loud but she was proud of her partner, she had fought well and she was a mature young woman. Erza smiled more as she remembered the lesson she gave to the green-haired woman who had tried to intimidate the celestial mage, even if Lucy was unaware of the fact that her friends always protected her in one way or another.
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By: Jörg Luyken
Published: Nov 18, 2024
Jews and gay people should hide their identity in parts of Berlin with large Arab populations, the German capital’s police chief has warned.
“There are areas of the city, we need to be perfectly honest here, where I would advise people who wear a kippah or are openly gay to be more careful,” said Barbara Slowik.
“There are certain neighbourhoods where the majority of people of Arab origin live, who also have sympathies for terrorist groups,” she said, adding that they were often “openly hostile towards Jews”.
She told the Berliner Zeitung newspaper that “violent crimes against Jewish people are few and far between, but every act is one too many”.
A fortnight ago, a youth football team from Makkabi Berlin, a Jewish sports club, reported being “hunted down” by youths carrying sticks and knives after a match in an Arab neighbourhood of the city. The victims, aged 13 to 15, said they were spat at and insulted throughout the match.
The incident took place on the same night that migrant gangs filmed attacks on fans of the Israeli club Maccabi Tel Aviv after a European football match against Ajax in Amsterdam.
Germany has seen a surge in anti-Semitism since the beginning of the war in Gaza, with reported incidents doubling in 2023 compared with previous years.
Since Oct 7 last year, Berlin’s police have opened more than 6,000 investigations connected to anti-Semitism, according to Ms Slowik. Most of these concern online hate speech or graffiti.
Other incidents in Berlin include a football fan being attacked for wearing a scarf with a Star of David on it, a petrol bomb attack on a synagogue shortly after the Oct 7 massacres in southern Israel, and a couple being attacked in a fast-food outlet for speaking Hebrew.
On the day of the Hamas massacres, men handed out sweets in celebration in the Berlin neighbourhood of Neukolln, an incident that shocked Germany and led to deep anxiety over whether the recent waves of migration had made Jewish life less safe.
Neukolln, also famous for its LGBT nightlife, is the Berlin district with the highest Arab population. The two communities have coexisted for years, although there have been several incidents of gay couples being physically assaulted in recent years.
Earlier this month, a large majority of lawmakers in the Bundestag, Germany’s national parliament, voted for a new resolution against anti-Semitism that mentioned migration from the Middle East as a factor.
The resolution, drafted by the Greens, the Social Democrats and the Christian Democrats, warned of an “alarming extent of anti-Semitism based on migration from countries where anti-Semitism and hostility to Israel are widespread due to state indoctrination”.
The resolution could lead to refugees having their asylum status taken away if they are found guilty of committing anti-Semitic crimes.
The migration debate flared again in the summer amid fears of a rise in terrorism, but is likely to play second fiddle to Germany’s stagnating economy in the upcoming election.
The hard-Right Alternative for Germany has cited the protection of the country’s Jewish minority as a reason to push through a much tougher policy of mass deportations of refugees back to countries such as Syria.
there have been several incidents of gay couples being physically assaulted in recent years
That's so weird that there could be violence problems with the Arab population... Have there been any incidents of gay people attacking Arab people? If not, why is the problem unidirectional?
Gee, I wonder what the underlying cause of that could be...?
Jewish and gay people should hide.
In Germany.
Are you even fricking kidding me? Did they learn literally nothing?
When people claim to be fleeing persecution, but then exhibit the same values, attitudes and behaviors as those they claimed to be fleeing, they forfeit the right to our sympathy and sanctuary. That's not how our society operates, and you do not have the right to make it so or demand that we make it so.
They should be ejected and sent back to their friends. This is not a "racist," "Islamophobic," or "hard-right" position.
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spicyicetea · 2 years ago
I've been so distracted by Submas recently. They are my favourite train boys, they make my Autism go Brrrr. Lowkey such a simp but recently I’ve fallen down AU rabbit holes. My favourite by far is a Story by @onestepbackwards called Our Angel which is a Greaser!Submas x reader AU.
Firstly if you haven’t yet read what is up currently, DO IT. It is so good, all of their work is, and it low-key has made me feel so much better as I’ve been unwell recently and I’ve even used some of their stuff to calm down from anxiety attacks. I can’t recommend a writer more right now, and please treat yourself and check them out. If you do just remember to be respectful and please don’t bother them too much about writing more, gotta keep respectful boundaries after all :)
Secondly, after reading their story, and then gobbling every other bit of Greaser!Submas I could get my little fingys on, I decided to draw the brothers from the AU in the way I pictured them in my head. These are most likely not accurate at all to how they picture these boys but I was just doing this because ADHD suddenly decided what we were doing for the next hour or so. This took me far longer to finish than I meant so I hope people like this, I had to do the boys justice and I’ve never drawn them in my style before. So here! I was going to get rid of the top bust shots where I was trying to figure out how to draw their hair and make them look different but I left it in cause I kinda like them.
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If you’re interested in the Greaser AU, then again check out @onestepbackwards. When going through the #Greaser!Submas I also stumbled upon @r0-boat and @smallestapplin who also have incredible stuff written, I enjoy all of the stuff I’ve read so far from them. I already knew of @yanban-san as I stumbled across them a few months ago and they do a ton more AU!Submas and their art is incredible.
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I know from when I use my Laptop to write my longer fics that sometimes the @ play up so I might write the @ again in a comment as those have never gone overly buggy for me, but I don’t know. If you’re one of the cool people I’ve mentioned:
Friends? and yes this is really a demand not a question /j
Your stuff is so cool, so please excuse my fangirling, I just couldn’t not talk about it somewhere.
That's my rant over, night everyone!
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female-malice · 2 years ago
Could you elaborate on how climate anxiety could manifest as gender dysphoria? I'm newer to radical feminism and strongly considering detransitioning but I'm trying to explore possible root causes for the distress I'm feeling and that's one I haven't heard of before
I recently started reading about eco psychology. Eco psychology talks about how our generation is uniquely impacted by ecological collapse through concepts like climate anxiety, grief, and solastalgia.
I've also worked through gender dysphoria and identity issues in the past. And I watched my entire peer group struggle with those same issues, too. And for many of my friends, they couldn't really settle on anything that eased their dysphoria long-term. They would find quick fixes but the dysphoria would always come back.
When plants and animals are confronted with a changing environment, sometimes they migrate. And sometimes they try to change themselves. Think of trees confused by the changing temperatures and blooming out of season. Or octopuses building cities. Or orcas attacking sailboats.
I think something similar is going on with our generation. Some signal has clicked on in our brains and we're reacting to it. We're trying to migrate to Mars or migrate to a virtual world. Or we're trying to change our perception of the world or other people's perception of us. And when we aren't changing or migrating, we're simply disturbed by the signal itself. We feel uncomfortable in our own environment and so we feel uncomfortable in our own bodies.
That discomfort, dysmorphia, dysphoria, whatever it is, it's important. The uncomfortable nails-on-chalkboard feeling we have is a signal pushing us to respond in some way. And if one strategy isn't relieving that signal, it might be time to try a new strategy. The psychological tie between person and place is extremely important but often overlooked. Addressing person-place or human-ecosystem relationships may be the way to resolve our generational discomfort.
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kitsvibe · 15 days ago
oh, I'd love to see the writing blog (if you're comfortable with sharing it). I mostly (very rarely, only recently started) post poetry on my own blog. It's not that great, but you improve everyday!! Do you like poetry? Or reading? Have you read any books?
It's the same for me. Talking to people, i mean. I mostly stay in my room nowadays since my tuition centre is closed for a bit. And as for psych room interactions...it was the same for me in therapy (though I stopped going there and mostly just take my prescription :P). I've never been in a colour guard team - how's it like? Flag spinning and other things..?
oh the espeon one? The one where the guy tried to code an eevee and it couldn't evolve. "Prevention of Evolution" it was called, I think...
And you might be correct! I'm around 19 (to turn 20 this year) (I hope this doesn't serve as a hint....) and you? - 🌌
Ah ah ah. That blog is specifically find it only (Is that mean?) I just like the little hunt game of it, mainly cause I don't think anyone would be able to clock it as me! I absolutely adore reading. It's one of my favorite things. I've read a TON of Stephen King. And of course wayyyy too much manga. (Killing Stalking omg???)
I definitly can't stay in my room all day, I fucking wish I could. But although all my anxiety makes me seem introverted, I'm a total extrovert and will have huge panic attacks if I'm cooped up inside alone for too long.
It's amazing, I fucking love it!!! The flag is definitly my favorite piece of equipment for it, and I actually have a flag solo in our performance this year!
YEAH!!! And then the Eevee tried to like, force evolve itself!
Oh damn, well mine is pretty easy to find if you look closely! But you are older then me lol. (I think I may have found youuuuuu!)
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dalekofchaos · 5 months ago
Full offense intended, but I could never have a friend like you, who slanders my favorite wrestlers on the daily, knowing that are my favorites. That's not a friend to me, friends don't do that to each other. You slander The Elite, Britt Baker, MJF, FTR, Jack Perry, Wheeler Yuta (when you called him "Wheeler Useless"), and now Jon Moxley. Who's next? If you dislike these people so much, then why do you post about them and have gifs and photos of them on your blog? Just don't post about them and ignore, plain and simple. But no, you gotta be an asshole about it, as always, and then play the victim when you get called out.
MJF literally said he is against genocide and Palestinians being killed. He's not using his girlfriend as a shield or being Zionist. And maybe if people stopped spewing antisemitic bullshit about him on the daily and just simply unfollowed/blocked him, instead of looking for something to attack him over, he wouldn't be so defensive all the time or respond the way he does.
And I find it funny how all of sudden you can't stand Max Caster, after you defended that incredibly offensive rap he did, referencing a rape and sexual assault case, saying that it's what heels do and that heels are supposed to be offended. And called anyone who spoke up about it "sensitive marks."
Hypocrisy at its finest. Can't pick and choose who you hold accountable or who gets cancelled and who doesn't. Just stop already, please. It's enough. And if you can't handle it, then maybe wrestling just isn't for you.
Not doing this anymore. It's been 4 years and I've just had enough.
I’ve deleted most of the negative stuff I’ve said about WWE & AEW. I will only focus on the stuff I like in wrestling and won’t say anything negative.
My father has recently passed away and I am still dealing with his passing. I am not in a good mental health space. So it's not worth fighting over.
I was not trying to be misogynistic about it just giving my opinion to the shitty booking of that senile rapist piece of shit, but I recognize some of the posts did take it too far, especially the Caster shit yeah I know that was gross and I am sorry. No wrestler controls their booking so I shouldn’t be on them for that, but I can’t help but feel pissed for my favs being done dirty by shitty booking. I was not trying to be anti-semetic about MJF by calling him a zionist. I called him a Zionist because other wrestling fans have called him out. One Twitter thread in particular shows that MJF came to this Jewish fan’s inbox and asking to be educated and when said person explained all they could, he just left her on read and never responded which did not help matters.
I am not antisemitic in any way, I always raise Jewish voices for Palestine and other important causes. You do not know me, please do not put words in my mouth. Also I have Autism, depression and anxiety, all your accusations do is make me nervous and breakdown. I recognize this doesn't excuse my behavior, but it does explain my lack of a reaction after all this time. I apologize for the negativity I've brought to wrestling, anything I've had to say that went too far, attacking your faves and I apologize for my lack of owning up to it.
and if that is not enough. I won't post about wrestling and I won't even talk about wrestling and just watch it in my own personal space and keep my opinions to myself. And if that STILL isn't enough I will stop sending asks to our mutual friend
Please just leave me alone.
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