#but consider: coffee tastey.
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euclydya · 3 months ago
i think it's really funny that whoever was first watching Source thought i was a child like canonically.because no w i AM a child here and that raises so many questions. who let a kid onto the ship. why. why were my parents cool with that. etc etc etc.
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transbcyfriend · 5 years ago
heh. punk. answer the mlm asks... all of em. :sunglasses:
damn that’s pretty gay of u huh :///
answers are under the cut!
1.) Do you like resting your head in a boys lap, or on his shoulder?
answered here! 
2.) Sweaters or hoodies?
both are good! hoodies are fun tho bc Pockets
3.) Netflix or clubbing on a Friday night?
i’ve never been clubbing so idk if i’d like it, so ig until i know if i do, netflix njfskjfgd
4.) Denim or leather jackets?
both are also good! i like denim tho bc they’re easier to put patches and pins on, but leather Sexy so nfshfsddj
5.) What’s your favorite thing about boys?
WHEN THEY’RE TENDER.....ALSO WHEN THEY’RE EMBARRASSED. if a boy wraps his arms around my arm and walks around with me, or if he starts getting stammery and blushy when i pull his chair out for him or give him flowers or something, my heart gushes
6.) How do you like your tea?
i like it hot! with or without honey/sugar, doesn’t matter to me, both are good.
7.) How do you like your coffee?
answered here!
8.) Favorite fall color?
don’t have one bc all we got out here in the desert is brown! i don’t see jack shit but dirt all day! but from what i’ve seen in pictures n shit, i like orangey/reddish/yellow tones, when the leaves change
9.) Can you drive?
yea!! it’s scary in downtown cities, but otherwise, it’s alright. apparently i drive like a grandpa, but like whatever, i’d rather be safe than totaled njfsdjf
10.) Do you have a crush?
yeeeaaaaa ,, 💙
11.) What’s your favorite sport?
don’t really have one! not too big on sportsball. i hear hockey’s pretty good, but i’ve never seen a game and i’m not Too Interested in the first place, so. shrug
12.) Are you a pastel, neon, or neutral color mlm?
answered here!
13.) Do you wear makeup?
rarely, but yes! every once in a while if i’m feelin a little spichey. otherwise no -- if people call me she it makes me wanna McDie, so. y’know
14.) Do you like boys taller or shorter than you?
i like em shorter, but like. i’m fuckin Short to the point i have to climb up my own damb counters to reach a fucking cup, so i can’t really afford to have a preference. tall is good though! i don’t mind it uwu
15.) Do you prefer hand kisses, or nose kisses?
16.) What’s your favorite cologne smell?
musky ,,,,, Foresty Good
17.) Ideal date?
wandering neat little hole-in-the-wall places, a picnic, going through an art museum, shit like that! jus cutesy stuff
18.) What’s more romantic: cabin getaway, or tropical vacation?
19.) What’s your favorite mlm movie?
haven’t rlly seen any! i wanna see some tho, but i’ll have to poke around for some good ones
20.) Do you believe in love at first sight?
nah -- i mean maybe durin a first meeting, but at sight? hm. skeptical
21.) Have you ever been in love?
mmmmmhm, 💙
22.) Do you like sitting in a boys lap, or do you prefer when a boy sits in yours?
i Prefer to have them sit in mine
23.) Metal or cloth bracelets?
cloth! it’s friggin hot out here, metal burns
24.) What’s one of your favorite memories of being in love?
mm,,,, don’t really have a specific favorite memory, jus. a feelin, more like. the tight chest feelin, the butterflies in your stomach feelin, the feelin of like it’s hard to breathe but like, In A Good Way? tastey
25.) Do you tilt your head to the left or right when you kiss?
i just go the opposite of wherever they go! unless they Purely let me lead, then i mean. to the left ig? the left i think
26.) Would you like to take his last name when you marry?
mmmm it depends. as much as i don’t like my family, my last name means a lot to me, so like. Hm. dunno
27.) Do you want kids?
YES. ABSOLUTELY 100% YES. i wanna be a good dad some day, whenever i’m ready n feel like i’m equipped enough to take care of em. 
28.) Do you interlock fingers when you hold hands?
some people don’t interlock fingers when they hold hands???? that’s a thing???
29.) What’s a compliment you’d love to receive from a boy?
from a lover? anything reassuring, especially if it involves me bein brainweird. makes me feel safe and comforted knowing that my pd isn’t gonna make ‘em leave me. from a stranger? idk, something about me being Masculine, that’d get me
30.) What’s better, waking up to him in the morning, or falling asleep next to him at night?
falling asleep next to at night, hands down
31.) Any turn offs?
mmm......definitely being inconsiderate, lack of open communication, or trying to force me to do anything major (i.e. pressure me to move in with him and not allow me to voice concerns if i have any, pressure me to look a certain way or act a certain way, just. controlling behavior like that, i don’t fuck with that shit)
32.) What makes you blush?
soft and tender shit ,,,, if you rub your thumb over the side of my hand while you hold my hand, or if you like. bring me a cup of coffee along with your own if i haven’t woken up yet, or just. like, little gestures ig, those make me soft
33.) Coffee shop or dog park date?
34.) Big spoon or little spoon?
little spoon, actually! i like to be Enveloped, makes me feel cozy. but, if the other person prefers little spoon, then i don’t mind being big spoon uwu
35.) What first catches your eye?
personality! given, i do like a shy and sweet one, but as long as they seem interesting and considerate, it’s not uncommon for me to gain interest
36.) Would you enjoy it if he bought you flowers?
37.) Do you think matching couple outfits are cute or cheesy?
kinda cheesy, but i definitely don’t mind it. i might laugh a little about it at first, but will i complain or try and convince you out of it? nah
38.) Have you ever asked a boy out?
10 days ago exact so, yea fairly recently
39.) Which is cuter, him being confident, or shy?
40.) What’s one of your fave love songs?
like real people do and work song by hozier make me fuckin yearn. those two slap my knuts
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l0v3v1ru5 · 5 years ago
daydreams , golden, poppy, sunkissed, buttery, sweetheart
daydreams - if you could be anything or anyone, who would you be?
Well I tend to wanna be like anyone who gets attention and who I consider smarter/better at a random thing, so like :(
but I would like to be a cat:3
or a cute pin heheh
golden - favourite stationary product?
mmm I don't kinda own that much stationary (even tho I want so many aa) but cute washi tapes and nice gel pens,,
poppy - favourite pastel color?
all of em!!!!
sunkissed - autumn or spring?
Mmmmm if I had to choose, autumn
buttery - favourite snack?
does Ben and Jerry's count(it's my new obsession nsnznnshs)
ok but rlly, all of em. As long as they don't taste bad😔
sweetheart - favourite mug/cup?
well tbh I'm? Not the type to have a fav mug or cup tbh. Like I think most people who drink lost of coffee or lots of tastey chocolaty milk(God I wished that was me) or lotsa tea etc. have one . But I ? Don't kinda drink stuff that much. Mostly water and sometimes other stuff(also thaste just me opinion)
So like no :(
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fadingechoes · 4 years ago
rules: tag people you wanna get to know better/catch up with
Tagged by: @atreyus yes thank you ;)
Favourite colours: My favourite is purple especially dark or royal purples but lighter lavenders and stuff are okay too. I think my least favourite is eggplant type shades they just seem Off. Blue is perfect though and it's my second favourite, but in my opinion you really can't go wrong with blue there is no bad shade of blue. I also like the occasional green or yellow or like,, blood red.
Currently reading: Idk, I read fanfiction a lot but I'm halfway through The Help, Drowned Wednesday from the Keys to the Kingdom series (rereading), and a book called The Forgetting that I obviously stopped reading halfway through a long time ago but probably because I got it at a book fair in grade 7 but by grade 8 I sorta stopped reading altogether because my teachers wouldn't let me read while they were teaching anymore. Anyway the first two I started a couple months ago and am slowly making my way through and the third I want to read because it sounds interesting so 🤷‍♂️
Last song: Dancing in the Moonlight by Toploader because idk I just felt like jamming out to it for an hour while I walked home
Last movie: Shrek 2 I think. It was on TV so I watched while also playing games and stuff on my phone
Last series: BNHA but only because I got hooked again and wtf is up with the class A vs class B arc you would think some of that would be permanently damaging or hurt a lot at least like Ow :/
Sweet spicy or savoury: That depends, I like sweet stuff like Nutella out of the jar and cookies and m&ms and ice cream but I like pizza and tacos and garlic bread and barbecue rice and rosemary roasted potatoes and steak and all that. Which would Reese's peanut butter cups be considered?
Tea or coffee: Usually green tea if I'm sick but otherwise I'll do either hot coffee straight and unaltered or with a bit of creamer or I'll do an iced coffee with more creamer and chocolate syrup mixed in. But I did have a really good vanilla mint tea or something a couple months ago and that was tastey so mmm I could be convinced to consider them equal if I had access and good teas weren't so expensive.
Currently working on: A cover of How Deep is Your Love that I was supposed to hand in last month for choir, anatomy and physiology homework and review for a unit test on the reproductive system and the big end of course test, and character and story development. Soon I'll have grade 12 english in summer school because I want it out of the way so I'll just have fun courses and the psychology 12 course to focus on but I know I can do this condensed english 12 course because I got something between 94% and 97% this year. Easy ;) and I got the highest mark possible on the horrible and stressful write-a-good-essay-in-approximately-an-hour thing we do at my school only it seems so I won't say the name we call it just in case.
Tagging: @currents-convulsive @crypticpark-art @thewafersituation @dark-winter-snow
How the frick do I format this post, I'm- Okay, bear with me, I'm an amoeba, alright LOL (ykw, imma just follow your lead)
rules: tag people you wanna get to know better/catch up with
Tagged by: @yugovostok Thank you for this! I am used to flying under the radar on tumblr, so when I get tagged I have a mini-freakout LOL hence the time it took me to respond! (It's appreciated, though, thank you :> esp. since I talk too much and you already tagged other people I was gonna tag! AMAZING XD)
Favourite colour(s): I have ordered colours in a list going from most to least favourite since I was like, six years old! My all-time favourite is red, like a strong but not-too-bright shade of blood - then there's purple, blue, green, orange, yellow, etc. with varying shades ranking differently. (E.g. carnation pink is fondly placed, but hot pink is at the absolute bottom of the list, I can't stand it XD)
Currently reading: For fun? One Shot by Lee Child, though Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier and Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury are right up as soon as I have time. For class? Equiano's travel narratives. (I rather like the selected passages, perhaps because of how Equiano humbly beseeches the reader and suits his prose to poetry.)
Last song: In my head, The Attic from the Rule of Rose OST (a beautiful strings piece, one of the most memorable/representative from the game imo. Though barely anyone knows about RoR asdfj). In my ears? Reciprocity by Moon Rocket ft. Paula (found this through my TA o.o was surprised by how much I liked it, since I don't often listen to this stuff - its genre is Afro House, and I didn't know that existed!)
Last movie: Haven't seen a proper long-length film in more than a year - I watched 1917 in February 2020 (AND ADORED IT, BTW, IT'S AMAZING, PLEASE CHECK IT OUT. THESE CHARACTERS STILL POP UP IN MY HEAD BECAUSE THEY'RE WELL-WRITTEN AND ADMIRABLE). Short film? Adult Swim's Unedited Footage of a Bear. It's not what you think at first. (Psych horror, if you're into that :p).
Last series: DMC has taken up my brain for almost a year now, so I haven't started anything new. (Rewatching Yu Yu Hakusho for the 3rd time doesn't count ajsdfj). I did, however, prior to October 2020, take up watching Tin Tin's animated series in French. Can't say it fits everyone, but it was my delight to see Tintin enter mystery plots with his doggo and entertaining supporting cast XDd
Sweet or spicy or savoury: I have a sweet-tooth, but I also have a desi palate, so I favour richness over sweetness. All of the above, babyyyyy!
Tea or coffee: Both! I love black milk tea, masala chai, verbena tea, etc. (Kashmiri beats all though, fight me-) I love creamy coffee, too, though! (Can't stand acidic bitterness, so coffee ideally has its lovely black strangled via dairy products, pfft.)
Currently working on: Uni assignments, too many story ideas, and realigning my sleep schedule from nocturnal to diurnal again SDAFAASDF
Tagging: @sweatydoggo @princesssakurasylveon @atreyus @matchintowat3r @this-devil-is-already-crying @ladydeath-vergilswife @iamtheshriekingguineapig
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