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britneyspears · 5 years ago
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Enough said 😜🧼🧼🌸🌸🌸🌸 and thank you to all of the healthcare workers tirelessly working to keep us safe during this time !!!!
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thestoicicarus · 4 years ago
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⁣ 🎨 Amore e morte⁣ 👨🏼‍🎨 Calcedonio Reina⁣ 🕰 1881⁣ 🖼 Olió su tela⁣ 📐 122 x 152 cm⁣ ⁣ To positively influence my judgment towards this work is not only the fact that it was really in the place where the scene of "Love and Death" is set, or the suggestive Catacombs of the Capuchin Convent in Palermo, Italy. ⁣ But above all it is the originality of its realism and the strong symbolic power hidden behind the apparent normality of the scene: a man and a woman kissing among the coffins and mummies displayed in the catacombs. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ The short story of a stolen kiss, of a typically youthful goliardic act consumed in an "eversive" way in a sacred place, where it would be forbidden to deal with earthly, carnal joys and it would be more appropriate to reflect on the escatological teaching offered by the environment. ⁣ Perhaps, man and woman are the protagonists of a clandestine love, of an impossible love, without a future: that stolen kiss is a unique opportunity not to be missed.⁣ ⁣ live, believe in existence, kiss passionately, delude yourself for a moment to be immortal, but – memento mori! – do not forget to belong to death, to the dark destiny that awaits you at the bottom of the gallery of life.⁣ ⁣ omnia vincit amor⁣ ⁣ ------⁣⁣ #kiss #kissinart #weareback #kissinginart ⁣#luckytuesday #reina #palermo ⁣⁣⁣⁣ #stayhome #staysafe #thankshealthheroes #quedateencasa #restezcheztoi #lockdownart #art #amor #love (at Museo Civico Castello Ursino) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPSGghwHjUu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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arnamee · 5 years ago
Terima kasih untuk semua yang berada di barisan hadapan dan semua yang memberi kerjasama sepanjang tempoh kita lalui semuanya. Teruskan jaga kesihatan, jaga diri, #KitaJagaKita sama-sama!
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jamiaugusztin · 5 years ago
Good evening to you...I am praying for peace and unity in this world. I stand with you and I believe in #Equality. God bless this Earth and humanity. Thank you to the essential workers who keep this world alive, clean, fed, healthy, informed and moving...Godspeed💎 If and when you are looking for gifts or collectibles for any reason, please check out our website Now and Then Galleria LLC (The link is in my bio) Thank you for shopping and supporting our small business 🙂 #GoodEvening #lOve #BeOptimistic #BlackLivesMatter #Justice #WeWillGetThroughThis #OneDayAtATime #BeWell #EducateYourself #ThanksHealthHeroes #NowandThenGalleria #Peace #Faith #lOveAll #BeThankful #LiveInHarmony #DoNotHate #NOH8 #Positivity #TeachLoveandKindness #UniteHumanity #Sustainability #CoExist #Care #Prayer #StopIndifference #ChangeNow #GodHeals #OneLove (at Now and Then Galleria LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBmX6NCA-8e/?igshid=1alpffvm20x8b
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vroomstudios · 5 years ago
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#StayAtHomeChallenge ‪#ThankyouCovidFighters‬ ‪#CoronavirusPandemic‬ ‪#Covid_19‬ ‪#ThanksHealthHeroes‬ ‪#allinthistogether‬ ‪#HealthcareHeroes‬ ‪#Winnipeg‬strong #manitobacanada #cbcmb #thankyoucanada🇨🇦 #thankyoueveryone LOVE TO ALL ❤️ (at Lockport, Manitoba) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-vBRMTADmP/?igshid=1saqc1ggj0cef
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jassi011 · 5 years ago
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#share #ShareWithPride #THANKSHEALTHHEROES #lockdownlife #trendingnow #staysafehome #CoronaOutbreak #HealthyAtHome #stayhome #hairstyles https://www.instagram.com/p/CDDOFOwlvWX/?igshid=yhqbxe4pm9cn
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marianajacqueline45 · 5 years ago
Este mensaje del grupo Backstreet Boys para agradecer a los medicos del mundo que esta luchanso contra el #coronavirus #COVIDー19 Y este mensaje: #ThanksHealthHeroes por tu valentía y trabajo duro. Su valor es tan admirable, y estamos increíblemente agradecidos por todo lo que está haciendo para mantenernos a salvo. Enviando todo nuestro amor y apoyo a todos los profesionales médicos de todo el mundo ❤️ #worldhealthday2020 #QuedateEnCasa 🏠 #WorldHealthDay 🏠 #Collage #ProgramaCollage #Noticia #revistacollage #Historia #music #HistoriadelaMúsica #magazine (en Montevideo, Uruguay) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-vSPaYpbS7/?igshid=dr7ml30aqlaw
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checo7x · 5 years ago
#thankshealthheroes 🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴 #stayhome#quedeseencasa #stayhealthy#eathealthy #200pushupschallengeWednesday @commonschelsea 🇩🇴 @ninthstreetespresso @traderjoes @chelseamarketny @amyfreeze @rubinmuseum #lifeisgood #live#life#enjoy @fatwitchbakery @evansweather @leegoldbergabc7 #photography @transparentlabsnutrition @amysbread @gnclivewell @yucabar @duchesscookiesnyc @gansevoortmarketnyc @hudsonyards @missionceviche @amysbread @highlinenyc @paocheco @lulucoronac @hairby_yesenia @johanny19 @glowsighted @cynthia150422 @jessica101927 @roselovesebii_ @kathleen.neris @nuni_89 @sergent_rooster @kindhuman @emylie_94 @lyli_24 @checonaomi @yelissa_checo @nidia_checo @checo.mercedes @checo_mariel @heidycheco @jay.checo @anyicheco @checo7105 @elvacheco @newtoncheco @fificheco @fiorcheco @karinacheco15 @massiel_checo @isbett1214 @ivettech1610 @lanoe327 @rosacheco @mlissac630 @mayurycheco @zennyram @princessmariax @odalis416 @k_prz_g @k._.ganesha @katheriine23 @ellyell225 @hudsonyards @thevesselnyc @alexbueno_rd @sergiovargas3 @elmayimbe @eltorito33 @rubbyperezoficial @kinitomendez @josealbertoelcanario @eddy_herrera @josepenasuazo @ramonorlandov @milly_quezada @johnnyventuraoficial @raulinrodriguezrd @bonnycepeda @elchavaldelabachata01 @luiselreysupremo @laviejafefa @elprodigiord @juanluisguerra @wasonbrazoban @davidortiz @tdandrades @martinpolanco @princeroyce @elgarysanchez @breafrank @juanmarichal27 @celinestoribio @lareynamariadiaz @birmaniarios @gelenasolanotv @raulinrosendo (at Chelsea, Manhattan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_TQZNhj21sheNbF-q5L8A_DIWofRfviJi2o9c0/?igshid=1avtljchdgift
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sketchusagi · 5 years ago
I’m really proud of how she came out :)
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akhandbharatorg · 5 years ago
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#AkhandBharat #Parivar wishes a very Happy Eid Mubarak to you and your Family. Let's the Festival begins, this year we altogether Pray to Allah for the victims of Diaster Cyclone Amphan across West Bengal & Oridssa and Save our Beautiful World with such a pandemic Covid 19. May this year Allah gives us all Healthy, Wealthy,Peaceful,Joyful, Happiness and Free with Corona Virus. May the spirit of Ramadan stay in our heart and illuminate our soul within... Ameen! Ameen! Happy Eid Mubarak, #IndiaFightCoronaVirus #akhandbharatorg #StayAtHome #StaySafe #WeCareforyou #WeDareWeCare #akhandbharatorg #ThanksHealthHeroes #thankskolkatapolice #thankswestbengalgoverment #HealthyAtHome #CycloneAmphan #donateforindia #donateforacause #donatefordiastercrisis (at Akhand Bharat Public Welfare Charitable Trust) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAnJPnVJbzr/?igshid=1fsuvsr00b8r1
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ownyourfitnessllc · 5 years ago
Home upper body workout- was coaching a client on FaceTime and had to get in it myself- 😂- was feeing the pump and had to join him!! #onlinepersonaltrainer #onlinetrainer #homeupperbodyworkout #homeworkout #upperbodyworkout #homestrengthtraining #workongfromhome #bandworkout #pushupchallenge2020 #onlinepersonaltrainer #facetimeworkout #quarantine2020 #thankhealthheroes #thankshealthheroes #healthheroes #brooklyn #jerseycity #nyc #fitness #virtualworkout #personaltrainer #personaltrainerjerseycity #personaltrainernyc #nycpersonaltrainer (at Jersey City, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_iIGNuDII5/?igshid=bh0mznjirf4r
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n8pham · 5 years ago
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Egg tarts. Easy and fun to make!
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1bananabella · 5 years ago
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#484 Spreading Rainbows Little monkey Jai & bunny muimui each use their way to spread rainbows & support to thank all health heroes & keyline workers in this difficult times! #dailyscribbles #cute #kawaii #pennink #cartoons #comics #illustragram #thanksnhsheroes #thankshealthheroes #thankskeyworkers #covid19 #coronavirus #clapforourcarers #solidarity #rainbows #hope #support #positivity #socialdistancing #cometogether #love #Littlemonkeyjai #bunnymuimui #thankyou #gratitude https://www.instagram.com/p/B_XSIcVHmR-/?igshid=1wqxbktzaf53e
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boombooxnet · 2 years ago
Nuevo tweet del director de la OMS: " ¡Los vacunadores de #Polio tienen mi admiración infinita! #GraciasHéroesDeLaSalud... "
Nuevo tweet del director de la OMS: ” ¡Los vacunadores de #Polio tienen mi admiración infinita! #GraciasHéroesDeLaSalud… “
¡Los vacunadores de #Polio tienen mi admiración infinita! #GraciasHéroesDeLaSalud https://t.co/pGoVjVsq5X Publicado en Twitter por Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
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jamiaugusztin · 5 years ago
Don’t Go Weekend…Don’t Go…Wishing you a wonderful week, make the best of life! Please wear a 😷 mask and help stop the spread of this very real and devastating virus.
I am praying for peace and unity in this world. I stand with you and I believe in #Equality. God bless this Earth and humanity.
Thank you to the essential workers who keep this world alive, clean, fed, healthy, informed and moving…Godspeed💎
AT ☆ OUR ☆ #SHOPSMALL store we are saving you money 💛 Last chance to save!
All Merchandise is at least 10% Off - Sale Items are Included as Well - We have Shipping Discount Starting at $50.00 US - Complimentary Gift with Purchase - Be Sure to Spin our Big Wheel for a Chance to Win More of a Discount!
When you are looking for gifts or collectibles for any reason, please check out our website Now and Then Galleria LLC (The link is in my bio)
Thank you for shopping and supporting our small business 🙂
#LoveOneAnother #GoodEvening #lOve #BeOptimistic #BlackLivesMatter #Justice #WeWillGetThroughThis #OneDayAtATime #BeWell #ThanksHealthHeroes #NowandThenGalleria #Peace #Faith #lOveAll #BeThankful #LiveInHarmony #NOH8 #Positivity #TeachLoveandKindness #UniteHumanity #Sustainability #CoExist #Care #Prayer #StopIndifference #ChangeNow #GodHeals #OneLove (at Now and Then Galleria LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC2YSiKghKH/?igshid=1wypdg70566fw
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kg-beer-passport · 4 years ago
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💉 #️⃣1️⃣✅ Jab one complete #covidvacccine • I want to thank the scientists who tirelessly worked to make this vaccine possible! I also want to thank all the healthcare Heroes, because we would be a lot worse off without your dedication, bravery and willingness to put yourselves in harms way to improve the situation • Please continue to social distance and wear a mask to protect yourself and others. Be a part of the solution for a better tomorrow, please get vaccinated • • • • • • #thankshealthheroes #thankyounurses #thankyoudoctors #thankyouscientists #thankyoufirstresponders https://www.instagram.com/p/CPQwCizFTRz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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