#thanks gab!
But if you want to do either blupjeans or taakitz, that's cool lol because I feel like those lyrics specifically is good for blupjeans, but the song in general is very taakitz and aaaahhhhhh
Anyway, I hope you have a lovely day lol <3
"So you're the Grim Reaper." It's not a question, rather a statement of fact.
"That's a name some people call me, yes."
"Like, The Grim Reaper, tee em tee em tee em?"
"The very same."
"Huh." He pauses for a moment. Sits back on his hands as the breeze beckons the tall grass to dance in the wind. It tickles his forearms, bare from where he's rolled up his sleeves. "Are you here to kill me?"
He shakes his head and laughs. Gently, no hint of malice for ten country miles. "No, not at all."
He squints. "Then what're you here for?"
A shrug. "I was wrapping up another job—"
"You killed someone else?
"I shepherded his soul to the Astral Plane, yes."
He nods before motioning for him to continue.
"I was in the area and I saw advertisements for your show. It looked entertaining so I decided to stop by."
"Didya like it?"
A nod. "I did. I haven't cooked in so many years. It was nice to see someone so skilled and passionate."
"So were you alive then? At one point?"
"Awfully forward aren't we?"
"Sorry. Just curious."
"Don't be, I would do the same thing in your position. Yes, once upon a time, I was alive. I was a performer like you. Not cooking though. Music."
He softens. Clearly he wasn't expecting such an honest answer. "What'd you play?"
"Anything I could get my hands on. I had a real soft spot for strings though. The violin was my favorite."
"Can you not play anymore?" He chews his lip before snapping, a brilliant epiphany having come over him. "Ah, I get it, you're one of those ghosts so you can't touch anything from the living world."
He reaches out a cold hand, making gentle connection with an impossibly warm wrist. "Nope. I just so rarely have the time."
He looks at the connection but doesn't move to terminate it. "I'd like to hear sometime." He smiles something small and a little self conscious. "If I'm not being too forward again, that it."
"I don't think you are. What's your name, handsome?"
"Taako. And yours?"
"Kravitz. It's a pleasure to meet you, Taako."
They laze around in the grass for what feels like moments but the arc of the sun in the sky suggests has been hours. They lie in the soft sunbeams, talking about nothing and everything. As the day goes on, they inch closer and closer until they're hardly any distance apart. Their fingers intertwine until their hands reach a temperature equilibrium.
Truly, Kravitz is content to stay like that forever, though the feather the length of his forearm that lands in his lap, materializing from seemingly nowhere, seems intent on not letting him fall victim to such displays of sloth.
He groans and sits up, idly twirling the feather in the fingers of his unoccupied hand.
Taako gazes up at him. "Duty calls?"
"It does, I'm sorry to say." Kravitz squeezes his hand as though Taako is a kite threatening to fly away into the vast blue expanse. "I'll be back soon. I promise. Wait for me?"
A smile. "I will."
To say that time doesn't flow exactly the same for Kravitz now than it used to is an understatement, though it's hardly been a problem in the past few years. The Raven Queen moves on an even slower cosmological time scale than he does so it's become hard to notice these incremental changes. Seconds turn to minutes, minutes to hours, hours to days; the sand in his hourglass moves more akin to molasses these days.
Of course, Kravitz doesn't know this. What reason would he have to know this? Not many mortals he spends time with these days. So when he tells Taako he'll be back soon, he believes is.
He just has a few jobs to deal with.
Circle of necromancers, spooky death cult, nothing he can't dispatch with ease.
The paperwork, on the other hand? Kravitz is certain that the paperwork is a special cosmic punishment for him.
But in what feels like only a few hours' time and he's—
And he's being debriefed for another quick case. Nothing special, just the murder of a quarter of a little frontier town. A quick stop in to investigate and he'll be able to drop back in on—
"Taako?" He asks the moment he steps through the rift he's sliced for himself.
He looks haggard. Horrified. With 40 bodies around him, how could he not be?
Taako looks at him, a slurry of emotions pulsing across his face. "This isn’t... I-I didn't..." He stammers out. Anger takes the stage on his face. "Where the fuck were you?"
Kravitz tries to take stock of the situation. "I was summoned by my Lady. Taako, what happened? Did you do this?"
"That was four years ago," he spits. Another evaluation of the surroundings. "I don't know what happened," he says, voice barely above a whisper, laboring under about six layers of emotion.
Kravitz blinks at him. "I-I never meant to be gone so long. I'm sorry. I'm sure you thought I forgot about you. But doing this to attract my attention?"
"I would never," Taako’s ears twitch more the more incensed he becomes. He shakes his head and looks like he's about to start dry-heaving. "This wasn't me. I don't think it was me, anyway."
"You don't know?"
"I think maybe a spell went wrong but I don't know and my one witness just turned tail on me and ran and I think he's going to report me to the militia and who could blame him? I'm th-this monster!" He says, his voice climbing several decibel hills. And then it clicks. "Even you're here to kill me!"
"Taako. Taako. Listen to me. I'm not here to kill anyone. This is an unusual event. A tragedy. I intend on finding out what happened here after I assist these individuals in making it home." He hesitates in saying home but it appears as though Taako catches his meaning well enough. "I'd like to talk to you about what happened here. I promise i will work more swiftly now than I did. I want to get to the bottom of this. And I'm going to need your help doing it. So, will you wait for me?"
Taako chews his lip, pointedly avoiding looking at the scene around him. And then, at long last, a small nod. "I will."
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originalartblog · 1 year
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More tiny guests!! both requests and some I just thought of! I absolutely had to make Gab and Wells when someone asked for them
Gently handing them to you be nice to them (NO chewing)
(asks and animal choice ↓)
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@fandomrouletteburrito, @rachi-roo, thank you! <3
Gab is a sea otter for: sea, floats, has special rock (island), needed friends not to lose himself, breaks open shells
Wells is a puma/cougar because of 'The Island of Doctor Moreau' by HG Wells (it's medical horror so watch out) for the puma-woman hybrid that killed Dr Moreau.
Yosano is a honey badger (please look at this video, warning for swearing) because they're metal as fuck and don't die from poison.
Atsushi. I tried to make him something else but I couldn't think of anything good and he had a whole arc about accepting the tiger. I let him have this one.
Ranpo is cat for Fukuzawa's sake (warning: this might actually make Fukuzawa explode)
Fukuzawa might hold the "lone wolf" title, but he's also the chill guy who has taken in all the other ADA members. He gets capybara'd.
Mori is a chipmunk here because we were talking about how they actually are omnivores and then I found this picture and couldn't stop laughing. Sometimes I'm shallow like that. (I'm open to suggestions for more fitting mammals with a matching Elise if you have one jhsdgfhjh)
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and Sigma is a rabbit because he's nervous and jumpy yet fierce and inexplicably just has that vibe 🐇
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hatredinmysoul · 10 months
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you didn’t have to change but i guess i don’t have a say now that we don’t talk
now that we don’t talk by taylor swift
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flaticeball · 11 months
the fact that all it took for those spineless cowards to back down was one rando (sorry dermy love you dermy but face of a franchise he is not) saying “no, you move” is so perfectly emblematic of who the league is and what that stand for (nothing).
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foundfamilywhump · 3 months
whumpee slowly learning and internalizing that it’s not only okay to ask the people supporting and caring for them for help or for specific things, but that it’s something that their support system actively wants and is relieved and happy when they do. learning that it’s kind and good to the people around them to ask for help. that it makes them feel better too. noticing the relieved expressions, the smiles and relaxed body language whenever they ask for help, for support, for comfort. internalizing that it’s not only okay to ask, to let people help them, but it’s good.
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pxltown · 1 year
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raspberry tangerine, honey (i can taste me on you)
Text Message from Ate Mitch: hey you’re not kehlani can you turn it down im trying to sleep Reply: sorry ate 🫠
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kaaaaaaarf · 1 year
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back when we were dinosaurs (1/3) on ao3
Wolfstar. 1/3. 8.5k words. Explicit.
Remus has been coming to the museum since he was a boy. Since before all the renovations— before the Crystal. Back when the main entrance was off of University Avenue and the dinosaurs were huge, terrifying behemoths. Back when he would go running off with his stuffed bunny, and scurry through the low lit room housing the brontosaurus exhibit as fast as his chubby legs could carry him (his mother never far behind). The Royal Ontario Museum has always been magical to him and now, at 32, he is the curator for the paleontological wing. It’s a literal childhood dream come true. Or Remus is the ROM’s newest curator of the paleontological wing. Sirius manages the gift shop and has a dinosaur obsession. They are cute little nerds together and sometimes they have sex in the archives. (aka my Museum fic)
So I was sitting and chatting to @wdcmaxy, and we both realized that we've never read any marauders fic that takes place in Canada— thus, this was born. It will be fluffy. It will be horny. It will be extremely geeky. It’s my fictional ode to Toronto.
Read the tags!
Link to the playlist on Spotify.
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carefulfears · 1 year
top ten mulder moments <3
1/ oubliette
all of oubliette really but there’s this one moment where he’s in the police station and he’s watching the video of lucy when she was 13 after escaping her kidnapper and she’s writhing around on the floor screaming and she can barely speak full sentences and she’s afraid of the light. and in the present day, she’s an addict living in a halfway house with convictions for drug possession and prostitution.
and he’s watching this tape and scully comes in and he says “it’s amazing she’s gotten anywhere in life” and scully says “by most yardsticks, she hasn’t.”
she has, though. she’s alive and she’s trying and she’s clean and passing her drug tests and she has a job. and that’s how he sees her, and that’s how he treats her throughout the episode. he tells her that she’s “the strong one” and he asks for her help and her opinion, he tells her that he just wants to know what she’s going through. he defends her to law enforcement and believes her when everyone else thinks she’s an accomplice. he weeps over her body when she dies, grieves the loss of her life.
it would be easy for him, as someone whose sister was kidnapped at the same age lucy was, to see her as a nightmare. she’s struggling and she’s traumatized and she’s an addict and a felon. but he doesn’t, he views her as hopeful, and you can tell that he respects her. he views her as having gotten somewhere in life, just because she’s still alive. and that more than anything really means a lot to me.
2/ paper hearts
in paper hearts when they find the 15th victim’s body and they think it’s samantha. and he’s standing there over it, shaking, looking down at what might be his baby sister’s corpse. what might be the end of the road.
and it might all be over, in this moment. he might not be able to search anymore, to hope anymore, to do the only thing he’s ever done every day for 24 years anymore.
and you just feel the crushing weight of it all, and then scully comes in with the lab results and says that it isn’t her. and he just buckles for a moment and takes a breath.
before standing up and saying, “it’s somebody though.”
it’s such a testament to his character to me, that he can’t sit in that relief for even a minute. it might not be his baby sister, but it’s somebody, and he grieves for them.
(not “somebody’s sister/daughter,” but somebody)
3/ one breath
the shot of him crying on the floor of his ransacked apartment.
he was offered a choice between staying there, waiting to see the bad guys, finding the only thing he’s ever wanted, the answers…and going to sit by scully’s hospital bed, when it might be the end.
and he left that apartment and held her hand.
as moving as that scene is, it’s the aftermath that always gets me. it’s the consequences. it’s the price that you pay for choosing to stay soft, the way that mr. x looks at him in this same episode and tells him that he’ll never win, he doesn’t have the heart.
so he walks away from the battle and comes back to the wreckage, and all he can do is sit down on the floor and weep.
(also if i think even a little about him giving scully the superstars of the super bowl tape, i’ll literally make myself ill crying)
4/ sein und zeit
when, after spending the entire episode obsessively insisting to everyone who will listen that the missing little girl is “not dead,” he says that they should just go home.
that they are not going to find those people’s daughter alive, that he is too close to this case to make a sound judgement, and that he wants to take some time away from work.
seven years after scully chased him into the street and yelled for him to “stop running after” samantha, and a day after she followed him into a hallway to tell him to not go looking for something he doesn’t want to find, the person whose “relentlessness” has kept him searching for nearly 30 years, just wants to go home.
he’s depended for so many years on the delusion, on the hope, on the belief that every child to go missing from their home is “not dead.” and now he stares at the ground in front of two people who love him, and admits to being wrong. to needing a break.
it’s one of the saddest moments of the series to me, but there is such an acceptance in admitting defeat, and it’s a subtle precursor to his decision in the following episode that he’s ready to know the truth about what happened to samantha. the delusion isn’t helping anyone. not him, not samantha, not this missing little girl. and it’s devastating and freeing at the same time.
5/ je souhaite
his genie wish. i have the softest spot in my heart for je souhaite mulder okay!! this is the mulder that called the jersey devil “beautiful” and ran through the woods to try to save it. the mulder that couldn’t bear to add to the soul eater monster’s suffering, even when it would’ve saved his own life.
i love that the first thing he does is ask the genie what she would wish for, just because he wants to know. and you can see how much 500 years of being a slave to people’s selfish desires has weighed on her, in the way she tells him that she would just want her days to be her own. to sit and have a cup of coffee.
i love that he tries to win at the genie wish, to save the world. tries to construct the perfect wording and all-encompassing fool-proof plan. throws around words like ending “tyranny.” and in the end, just deletes it all, and wishes for the genie to be free. that ending shot of her, finally her own person for the first time in 500 years, sitting having a cup of coffee, is one of my favorite moments of the series.
i love the lesson in this episode too, for someone who spends his whole life trying to make up for the fact that he lived when his sister didn’t, that he doesn’t have to figure out how to save the entire world. he can call his best friend and sit on his couch and watch caddyshack. but he asks the genie what she would wish for, because he genuinely cares, and he chooses to use his wish to give it to her, because he can do that.
6/ pilot
these tags: “this man is overflowing with reverent tenderness.”
the Moment™️ in his motel room…this is when you can see it. this is when both scully and the audience understand something. this is when it’s all over.
they’ve both been kind of concealing so much, behind sarcasm or professionalism. they really like each other. they want to trust each other. but she was sent to spy on him, to debunk him, and neither of them have any reason to believe it’ll be more than that.
when the power goes out and scully feels the marks on her back, she is just so scared. she is so young, and this is her first job, and she’s becoming exposed to things that she had never considered. when she walks into mulder’s motel room in only her robe, and then drops it, she’s afraid, and also acutely aware of her own vulnerability.
the way the camera hangs on his face (he’s the focus, not her exposure, what is he seeing?), in the candlelight, as she exposes her body to him and he just checks to make sure she’s okay.
what he’s seeing is her vulnerability, and he responds by both sheltering and matching it; he wraps her up and gives her the bed, sits below her on the floor. he tells her about sam. he tells her about what “matters” to him. and it isn’t something that he tells people, but anxiously walking mostly-naked into the room of your new assignment isn’t something that she does either, and he understands that.
it’s 2 episodes later in squeeze when scully makes her decision, she’s “on the side of the victim,” on the side of the vulnerable. but it’s a motel room in bellefleur where she learns what that side is, where that work is being done.
(related, conduit: the way that he shuts scully's concerns about him down, then validates them quietly, when they're alone. tells her what his life actually is. that it's "walking into that room," every day, feeling like maybe one day he'll open his eyes and his sister would be there. you really get the sense that he's never told anyone that before, but that it's something he turns over in his mind, something he's always aware of. he's saying: you're right, this is what i do, but i don't know how to do anything different. how am i meant to do anything different? it has always been this way. and it's the only thing that you need to hear him say to really get it. it's the only thing that scully needed to hear him say. this is the most vulnerable revelation that he ever makes, a month into their partnership. she never forgets it.)
7/ anasazi
just a little moment that i think about a lot is the way that after mulder sees his dad in colony and tries to hug him, and gets cut off with a handshake, the next time that he sees bill, in anasazi, he reaches out to shake his hand.
he notices everything, he internalizes everything, he only wants to give what he understands as wanted from him.
he knows that his dad does not want to hug him, and he still reaches to him first, offers that connection that bill is comfortable with.
(it always makes me think of the first time he met jackson. the way that the first thing he did after “my name is mulder, i’m your father. i know it must seem strange to you.” was hug him… “became a father while i was still a son,” or whatever the national said.)
8/ emily
you guys. you guys 🥺. this whole episode just really gets me so bad. the way emily is “shy” and doesn’t speak or really look at anyone, and the only time we see her smile is when mulder makes her laugh, as soon as she met him. him yelling at the doctor (i love that the show, through mulder, actually says the term “medical rapists.” like yes let’s call it what it fucking is!) and saying he wants everything that could help her. when emily's sick, and mulder instantly picks her up to hold her.
but the moment to me, the one that stays with me, is the very end. it's the funeral. it's when all is said and done. and scully asks...who could do this? who could bring a life into this world whose only purpose is to die? and mulder answers, "i don't know. but that you found her, and had a chance to love her...maybe she was meant for that too."
he looks at a person who was created to be used for other's gain, literally manufactured intentionally to suffer and then die, and he believes...maybe that's not all that she was meant for. maybe she was still meant to be known, to be found, to be loved. and they did love her.
(the way he shows up late to the funeral, but scully knows he's coming to get her, tells her mom she's going to ride back with him. the way he turns away from the casket, never able to look loss in the eye, but turns back so scully isn't in it alone. the way he brings flowers, like he brought flowers to the hospital when scully was diagnosed, like he stopped to bring flowers to missy's grave.)
9/ beyond the sea + lazarus
my father is dead (long live my father!)
y’all ever think about how sparingly and intentionally mulder says “dana”? y’all ever think about how she’d only ever been “scully,” to him, until “how are you, dana?” the day of her father’s funeral? the way she looked up at him, as he gently touched her cheek.
the first thing that scully does after her father dies, is tell mulder that she believes in a psychic. (“i thought that you would be pleased that i opened myself to extreme possibilities”).
the first thing that mulder does is sit down, lower himself beneath her, (he has done this since the motel room in bellefleur, the day they met), and look up to her to ask: “does this have to do with your father? you said that he didn't approve of you becoming an FBI agent. now, if being on the job now makes you feel guilty or uncomfortable or uneasy, i think you should back away. because if it’s clouding your judgment, you’re putting yourself in danger.”
(he is always listening, he is always more aware than people think. he perceives her attempts to “please” him as dangerous, or uncomfortable for her. encourages her to step back.)
when she starts to cry and walks across the room, she’s dana again. she’s not her father’s “starbuck,” she’s not mulder’s “scully.”
“dana…open yourself up to extreme possibilities, only when they’re the truth.”
in lazarus, it’s only 2 episodes later (2 episodes after “i’m afraid to believe”) when jack willis dies. (“along the way, there are other fathers.”)
mulder spent that whole fucking episode doing his lil tricks and tips and pulling out his lil experts trying to convince her that jack had been body-swapped, including the story about watches stopping at time of death. when jack dies, and all that’s left is the watch she had given him, stopped at the same time as his heart, she looks up to mulder for answers so softly.
and his response: “it means…it means whatever you want it to mean. goodnight.”
he spends his life begging for belief, but never at the cost of her integrity, her peace. he cannot be “pleased” by a forgoing of self, a forgoing of what she’s ready for.
(looking at this now, it also reminds me of irresistible, and the way that he told her that it’s understandable to be upset, to be affected. “i’ve seen agents with 20 years fall apart on cases like this.” it’s not because she’s young, it’s not because she’s inexperienced, it’s not because she’s traumatized. it’s because she’s human. and it’s good, it’s right.)
10/ redux ii
my favorite moment of this episode is when scully sees mulder through the window of her hospital room for the first time, and he plasters that smile on his face, comes in to sit on the bed and hold her hand and kiss her cheek. and she keeps trying to ask him about the conspiracy, about what happened at the pentagon, about who the inside man at the FBI is, and he just keeps quietly telling her that he's not there to talk about that. and she keeps pushing questions until he leans in to her and smiles and says... "hey, scully, how 'bout those yankees?"
hey, scully, it's not about that. for as many years as he's gone doing nothing but obsessing over conspiracies to anyone who will listen, he isn't there to talk about conspiracies. he's there to hold her hand, to keep that smile on his face so maybe she won't worry, to break down by her bedside as soon as she's asleep. he just wants to spend time with her. in reduxes, they aren't ahab and starbuck. they aren't charging forward or dutifully shepherding on. they're buckling in hallways. they're clinging to a hand through tears.
there is just no room: for their roles, for their pretenses, in the end. in this moment, he isn't the "mad captain" who cares about nothing more than the quest. he's the man who walked away from the fight so that he could sit next to her, who gave up all of his answers so that she could see her sister one last time. he's the man who "refused to believe" that she was dying, but still celebrated her birthday that year for the first time ever, just so that she would have it. and in that hospital room, at the end, through teary eyes and shaky smiles, it just isn't about anything bigger. she doesn't have to die as dutiful to the cause, for him to be there with her.
(the final shot of this episode is one of my favorites too. when scully is cured, she is going to live, her family is in her room celebrating with her, and mulder is crying alone in the hall.
these tags: "all his open love and loneliness and numbness and fear of loss. he's such a gentle man. he kills but he is gentle in his heart. he takes so many beatings and he listens quietly and has no shame. it's hard for him to play the games men play. this ending. he just found out scully is going to live. and everyone else is in there with her. and he has to sit outside. and it all hits him in one go. his sister. his parents. scully. his wasted years. his stupidity and arrogance. how many times has this happened to one of us. you grit your teeth and get through unimaginable difficulty. and then when it's all over you can't celebrate. it hits you on your own in a terrible way."
i always think of that. i always think of superstars of the superbowl. i always think of how ill-equipped and in-adequate we are, when it comes down to it, to deal with grief and trauma and loss. how "we bury our dead alive." and in the end it's "the best news" he ever could've heard, and that steady smile is reduced to sobs.)
honorable mention from paper hearts: i fear that i simply have to talk about him shooting roche in the head...did everybody see him shoot roche in the head? i thought him shooting roche in the head was lovely. you can watch it tear him apart, leading up to the moment. roche sitting in front of him, taunting him. how sure are you? you'll never know without me. but ultimately, he looks over at caitlyn, and he can't risk it. he had told caitlyn, "my name is fox, i'm gonna take you home." and then he did, even when ensuring she was found safe and well, meant sacrificing everything he'd been looking for.
the transition from that moment on the bus (roche's blood on the windows, caitlyn's screams, mulder's gun) to the walls of the basement office...the way the camera slowly pans over the UFO articles. the "i want to believe." the mysteries. all of that wishful thinking (as roche had said earlier: "it's like you think your world will be okay as long as you can believe in like...flying saucers") contrasted to the flesh and blood of the evil he's trying to escape. and, in the end, all there is left is one heart in front of him. one last victim that he'll never know the truth about, because he wasn't willing to risk the price paid for answers.
(and then scully says...but we will find her. how? "i don't know. but i do know you.")
honorable mention from oubliette: my top 2 episodes do be my top 2 episodes but there are few moments in this series that just make my heart sink to my stomach more than the image of mulder crying over lucy's body...that triptych line: "mulder who still grimaced at cadavers and cried over the bodies of dead women where most men she knew couldn't muster the wherewithal to appear disturbed."
lightning round appreciation for my favorite little tiny moments we don't talk about enough: casually giving his hotel key to the unhoused man in the jersey devil; holding kevin and telling him he knows he just wants his sister back in conduit; helping roland pick out a shirt to wear ("i think this one would look stylin' today, what do you think?") in roland; going back in for the kids even though he's afraid/had failed before, in fire; marty saying she "just knew" he would be at her sentencing, even though she couldn't see him, in mind's eye; taking scully to the liberty bell, after she complained about wanting a life outside of work, in shadows; when cassandra told him that reading news stories about him saved her life, because no one would ever believe her, until she found out about him, in patient x; telling skinner to get marita off the stand, "no. let her go," even though her testimony was the only thing that could save him, in the truth; telling off the sheriff in conduit who said it was "only a matter of time" before "something bad" happened to ruby because she "was no prom queen"; telling scully that he doesn't care if she comes with him or not, but he's not giving up on ruby "until they find a body."
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altschmerzes · 4 months
i'm taking the word 'neurotypical/NT' away from the internet until people learn to stop using it as shorthand for 'someone who does/feels/prefers something that i, personally, do not, and therefore i assume anyone who does can't possibly have the same Brain Situation as me or in fact any Brain Situation at all.'
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shadlad24 · 2 months
My Sidekick is Murderous
Hee, callback! Remember when?
Yup. I saw the LuRen “My Life is Murder” episode. I tried to listen to the actual dialogue, I really did, but this is what I saw and heard. You’re welcome. 😂
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The way Gabrielle/Renée says Akemi’s name. 🤣
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gimblegamble · 9 months
Mumbo’s true height revealed
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POV: you're Mumbo Jumbo, 30m tall redstoner on the hermitcraft server
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For the find a word thing, how about... silly :3 lol
send me a word and i'll find it in my WIP!!
“Got any requests?” She asks suddenly. It’s silly, normally Rode Hard and Put Away Wet doesn’t take requests, though audiences seem content to give them anyway. But Lup figures Barry could get one.
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moonchild-in-blue · 5 months
Gushing about animol crossing lil guys (gn) token. Expires never.
Hello Will I kinda really love you for this, you sweet sweet blue boy you 🥺💙
Say hello to the Hope World family 🌈
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Deets and Pics bellow (very long):
Coco and Lily
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My two favourites! Will get along with literally everyone 🥹
Coco is forever my number one spookie cookie bunny, but Lily is a close second - the sweetest froggy you'll ever meet!!! They are both incredibly sweet, and in my island lore they are besties 🥺🐰🐸
Their houses are next to one other, and often share books, baking tips, and whatever knitting project their working on! They hang out with Zucker a lot 🐙
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My cranky old man 🥹 Out of all of them, he's the least popular in the fandom 😔
Has been with me the longest - was my very first campsite villager, and has since settled well! He may be old, but likes to learn new slang from the youngins. Has the coolest study/library ever.
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It him!! My precious takoyaki baby boy!!!
He always has a silly outfit on - the pineapple hat was a MUST. Loves to snack, play games, and hang by the beach. A silly cutie patootie 🥹🐙
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Look at him!!! He so small and sassy 🥺
Marshall is the fashionista / coffee snob of our island. Literally lives off caffeine and compliments. Likes to visit Elvis and be Fancy™ for a little bit hehe. Great friends with Francine. Smol and Angy hehehe 🐿️
Bob and Chrissy
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MARRIED. They are MARRIED and IN LOVE - 3 year anniversary coming up soon!!! 💜🩷
Bob is the coolest (and only) cat in the whole island. Chrissy was totally smitten with him hehe. He's also a silly boy who is a bit of a gamer - has a super cool set up. A literal textbook himbo 🤭
Chrissy is Francine's twin. They were popstars in their youth (listen to K. K. Bubblegum), and currently she's the only one still in the entertainment businesses. Always dresses fancy - pink and glittery and so so cute 💖. Sings all the time, also the most extroverted of the bunch.
Francine and Fuchsia
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The Cool Girlfriends™ - kinda intimidating at first, but very friendly 💙💖
Francine is Chrissie's twin. Unlike her super chirpy sister, Francine is a bit more elegant and reserved. She now works as a designer - the spotlight was made for her Chrissy, not her. Best friend's with Marshall - The Fashion Duo ever (WILL judge your fashion choices) 💅 ✨
Fuchsia is our resident punk barbie deer. Dresses mostly in black and band merch - we talk a lot about bands and stuff. Very sensible and kind, always there for you if you need to vent. A true punk princess, Avril Lavigne wishes she was her 🖤
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Our newest resident! Moved in last week after Pietro left. He's still getting to know everyone, but so far is getting along super well with Bob - he and Zucker often have game nights and Genji loves it (Elvis is too old to stay up so late, and Marshall prefers to go drink with the girlies).
Genji is a total gym rat but not obnoxious at all - he's just super active. He and Fuchsia will work out together sometimes 🏋️
-> Old family photo from when Pietro (clown sheep) was still in Hope World - taken during my birthday sleepover. You can see Fuchsia in her Sleep Token shirt 🥹
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Bonus family photo but Silly™
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If you read this far, have a little snack -> cherry pie, a Hope World specialty! 🍒🥧
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gab-has-adhd · 6 months
Yoou know I really feel like a stupid bitch because all of these years I was like, 100% agreeing with the very simple fact that men can habe long hair, but I was refusing to let my hair grow long again bevause I had mad social dysphoria and wasn't applying my own beliefs to myself
And all I needed
To finally accept that me letting my hair grow again wouldn't make me less valid as a trans person
All I needed
Was to discover one (1) long haired guy character and become completely obsessed by him to the point of wanting to look like him
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hellaephemeral · 2 years
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i’m going to become the world’s greatest swordman. not bad for being the crew member of the king of pirates.
happy birthday to my dearest @roronoua!!!!
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foundfamilywhump · 9 months
Any prompts for whumpee calling their dad figure "dad" or something for the first time due to fear/injury?
WOULD LOVE TO, HAPPILY. this is my absolute jam, as my url may indicate. some concepts for this (which is one of my FAVE things generally - using Family Words, especially for the first time)
sudden realization that something terrible is about to happen - spotting a bomb or a pressure plate, seeing someone pull a gun, any kind of immediate and shocking danger, calling out in warning or in fear
nearly delirious with pain, being beaten or tortured, screaming for help - a little extra fun because there’s some potential here for like. does the father figure in question even know it happened? were they present or not even there? does the person hurting them use this to taunt father figure later - “they were calling for you, you know” etc.
slight variation if you’ve got a sinister/abusive father figure, can be begging the person hurting them to stop, calling them dad for the first time as they’re being hurt
another slight variation - painful wound care or medical treatment. it has to happen because they Need it but it hurts and they beg for it to stop or for help or just. saying ‘dad’ and ‘please’ without purpose, just saying it because they’re hurt and the pain won’t stop.
nightmares are SO good for this. in their sleep, just coming out of one, panicked and afraid and confused.
drug or fever or exhaustion induced disorientation and lowered inhibitions!!! yes!!! then you also get to play with whether they remember saying it later.
whumper forces them to make a ransom call or just a call to taunt the father figure, and either makes them say it - “go ahead, call your dad and beg to be saved” - or just makes them make the call and it slips out - “tell them how much it hurts, tell them what’s happened to you”
it always adds a little special something to Any situation like this for me when the whumpee has a bad relationship with their father/family and that’s like. in the background colouring this moment and impacting how it feels to say that name and for the father figure to hear it. chef kiss, yes please.
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