#thanks for the tag babes!!!
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gege-wondering-around · 9 days ago
WIP whenever
@dontcallpanic tagged me for this while @seaweed-water tagged me for a WIP wednesday, but since i know i'll be on the ground, limping by wednesay, i'll mix it up here and give a long piece of WIP (warn ya, no correction have been made so if you see anything, peeka boo)
Soon enough though, a howl pierced his ears and his spine stood on high alert, arms falling from his sides to form fists by where they hang near his hips; eyes turned around, scanning and searching, desperately wanting to believe he wasn’t being completely fooled but that the small sentences he had heard from a conversation between Derek and Deaton were true. “Derek?” The name fell into nothing and Stiles backed away until his shoulders hit the West wall, where the sound had come from, where Derek presumably could be; behind the wall. He kept standing, always on edge knowing there still was the chance of a bigger threat then the room itself showing itself in front of him, aware the fox spirit wouldn’t let anything happen unless it got its fair share of anguish from them both; Stiles braced himself when a stinging, cold sensation rad down every single vertebra of his spine, making his knee buckle as his ass hit the floor. Curling in on himself, he refused to give up and kept himself from passing out because of the freezing temperature around him, leaving the room seemingly unaffected and shining in its warm red color.  Before his eyes could close despite his best attempts though, another howl came, filled with an unshed grief Stiles didn’t want to hear ever again. “I’m here big guy, but I gotta ask you to find me,” Stiles murmured when the wall behind him disappeared, head falling back into a black void he didn’t care to look at… From a far off speaker, Stiles was sure he was hearing a buzzing intermittence, filling his ear with cotton; he couldn't see anything, but he was used to such small tricks, even if it still made the fear swirl in him, banging on his chest to get out. Besides, it didn’t surprise him when a familiar voice spoke, still lingered with the flickering sound of a broken radio. “Stiles…” The Nogistune called from the void all around him, his vision non-existence, “there’s some intricate string going on between you and this wolf…” The boy froze slightly at the mention of Derek, glad he was really somewhere near but scared of what it could lead to, although he had no time to wonder about neither when the voice caught his attention once more. “Shall we play with them?” Before the boy could wonder if Derek heard the question as well and before neither could notice, the rooms came back to their vision, mixing in as one, long purple lighted space in which both of them were now standing, eyes darting around until both landed on the other, causing a motion to erupt in the small confinement of the room. “Derek!” “Stiles!”  Both felt the pull to close the distance. And they did.
p.s. @dontcallpanic this is from your prompt... hope you like it!🤭🫂
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leadoutlap · 7 months ago
juliaaaaaaa @supercollide thanks for the tag!!!
currently watching: my brilliant friend s1 (i just finished reading the book)
spicy/sweet/savory: savory but where is the SOUR option… i once ate so many sour patch kids i started sweating
current obsession: film photography!! i got an slr for my birthday (canon ae-1) and i can’t wait to use it :3
relationship: single but i do have an fwb who, if i’m being fully honest, i need to have a dtr with
last song i listened to: angeleyes by abba
taggin: @omigodyall @st-leclerc @partygirlvettel @albontology @nolanseagull @radioclashh
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stemmmm · 4 months ago
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doodles i did for theseus' guide when chapter 2 was first written a month ago :3
id like to take the blame for ford being hit with the cowboy beam but it's just a more refined version of stumps original design ideas. all of the details on the outfit have a purpose! except the quartz necklace. that ones just for fun
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slushyseals · 9 months ago
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I'm with her guys, she already has the perfect beach body.
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banfiyunna · 7 months ago
Uhhhhh teehee :3
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I took your advice and tried taking inspiration from songs I’ve been into recently hehejdh (it’s still a wip sorta because my tablet’s about to die but shhhh)
The song was My September by Nastyona
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ex0rin · 3 months ago
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The Walking Dead | S03E01: Seed Maggie Greene in every episode (13/144)
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venteii · 1 month ago
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was my bestie's bday recently, so i drew him a blibwing :)
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insertdisc5 · 1 year ago
Silly little questions that have been on my mind since forever (June) but would Isabeau vouvoyer Odile? since both options (if he does or doesn’t) would be equally very funny, also who of the cast would have accents/dialects? Since from what I’ve gathered Odile isn’t from fantasy France (and speaking from experience french pronunciation can be really hard to get right) and Sif isn’t from the same area as Bonnie, Mirabel and Isabeau.
Anyways you’ve made an incredibly fun and endearing game!! and I genuinely cannot wait till it comes out on the 20th!!!! :333
my god i read your first sentence and immediately screamed YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and your ask just got better as i kept reading. thank you
The Tu (informal you) VS Vous (formal you) debacle. i imagine everyone would use "vous" with Odile. Mirabelle because Older Person I Respect, Bonnie because That's A Whole Older Adult, and Sif because Everyone Else Is Doing It. Isabeau would also do it but I somehow imagine he would switch back to "tu" during certain conversations. probably when it's only the two of them he'd use "tu" all the time... apart from that, i think they'd all use "tu" with each other.
as for accents and dialects, Mirabelle and Isabeau come from the same region so they have the same accent and dialect. Bonnie is from a northern region of Vaugarde, so def a different accent and dialect (which I imagine to be somewhat close to french creole). Odile DEFINITELY has a noticeable accent, since she comes from very far away, but her Vaugardian is still close to perfect (although she doesn't always understand the smaller things). Siffrin also has a slight accent that no one can really place, hashtag little traveler things. they're all from different spots! people can definitely tell they're a diverse group, but people from all over the world come to Vaugarde, so it's not an especially uncommon sight.
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ichiro-artosaki · 2 months ago
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eris jr (durge) appreciation post!
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(in game)
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enden-k · 9 months ago
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heretoobsessstuff · 5 months ago
Last line tag
Ahhhhh im so happy u tagged me @valstarsandgalaxies thank u so muchhhh 🥹🫶🏻
Here’s a little piece of the “babe can I call?” WIP i wrote recently (a 5+1 fic, 5 times John call Gale in the middle of the night and one time Gale does instead!)
“Gale,” he breathes, relief flooding him at the sound of that familiar voice. He hears Gale shuffle before he speaks again.
“John? Is that you?”
John took a shaky breath, trying to drown in that voice, willing it to pull the fear from his body. His hand shook as he gripped the phone like a lifeline.
“Are you drunk again?” Gale sighed, his voice heavy with sleep. John felt floaty, dread sitting at the pit of his stomach as he tried to calm his breathing. He felt desperate to make sure Gale is okay. That he’s alive. That he’s still here. He jumped to answer.
“No—not drunk. Gale, I—”
“John? What’s the matter? Where are you?” Gale interrupts, urgency threading through his words.
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
“Nothing. I’m home. I’m sorry—I shouldn’t have called.”
“Are you okay? You’re kinda freakin’ me out right now.”
Gale sounded concerned—panicked, even, his voice rising in pitch. John took another deep breath, fighting to steady himself.
“I just-just need to hear your voice.”
His eyes burnt with tears, so he closed them, feeling the weight of the night press down on him.
“Did something happen?” Gale’s worry is palpable, and John shook his head even though Gale couldn’t see him, exhaling deeply as the lump in his throat threatened to choke him.
“No. Just wanted to know-needed to know you’re there.” The words were finally out and he felt his stomach clench with anxiety. As if he was expecting Gale to say he wasn’t okay and that he was dead and that these past months of leaving England and flying back home were all a dream. That Bucky was still in Stalag, without Gale, counting the days until something happened and ridded him of this misery-
“I’m here, John,” Gale says softly, voice gentle, cutting through the chaos like a knife.
“You’re okay,” John says shakily.
“Yeah, I’m all in one piece.” A pause. “As okay as I ever was, Bucky.”
Ahhhhh this is going slow but im rlly excited to share snippets 🤭 absolutely no pressure tagging @amiserableseriesofevents @happy-days19 @onyxsboxes @joeyalohadream i’m rlly sorry if you’ve done it already ❤️❤️
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jacklesraised · 2 years ago
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Sebastian Stan. in a bathtub, which is all I actually got out of this movie.
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mortifying-macaroni · 2 months ago
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𝔒ℭ 𝔇𝔢𝔢𝔭 𝔇𝔦𝔳𝔢: 𝔊𝔯𝔢𝔱𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔫 𝔊𝔯𝔦𝔪
What common/uncommon fear do they have?
The prospect of being reduced to an underdog stripped of her freedom. She doesn't want to entertain the idea of having her agency trapped in another's clutches again. The Camarilla tried it, however they paid the price.
Do they have any pet peeves?
People with a moral high ground. She's seen her fair share of it throughout life and unlife: from the congregation her mother was a part of to kindred selling their version of idyllic behavior. People who hide behind the pristine wall of self-righteousness are usually the dirtiest scumbags who secretly want to be puppeteers over those they deem "unworthy".
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
CDs from various metal genres (Nu, goth, heavy, thrash, industrial, powermetal,..), a pack of Marlboros and a display case with her collection of daggers- all with various designs.
What do they notice first in a person?
Their vibe. Gretchen can immediately sense whether she'd have an easier or more difficult time getting along with someone. It also helps her determine how honest or fake she should be in their presence.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
On a physical scale 11. She can handle shotgun blasts, flaming arrows, getting electrocuted, crashing and falling off her motorcycle (I mean... the girl gets off to having her organs fiddled with during certain 'private times' with her Tzim boo). In short, she's tough as nails, yet refuses to label herself as a masochist.
Emotionally, she'd be a 3. Gretchen is a ticking time bomb ready to combust when pissed off. Two strikes and she'd either bottle it up and save her wrath for the right time or go straight for the jugular within a second (depending on who makes her lose her temper; either way they're going to get what's coming to them guaranteed).
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? (or freeze and fawn)
Always fight. Whenever she feels cornered then it's full throttle.
What animal represents them best?
A panther. Although Gretchen is a part of a pack, she prefers being a solitary predator. It takes away the pressure of having to ensure their safety at all times despite them being capable of holding their own. Of course, there's her fierce personality that just adds to the similarities she holds with big cats.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
"There's something going on behind those eyes that gives me the chills. I can't tell whether she's pondering about the ways she could eviscerate me or if she's simply not keen on me."
Do they have any hobbies?
Playing guitar (both acoustic and electric), singing, playing video games, collecting daggers, doing nail art, taking her motorcycle "Lemmy" for a spin, honing her blood magic.
Tagged by: @kavalyera @diableriedoll Thank you, my lovelies! <3
Tagging: @hlozt @porcelainseashore @swoomoo @informaltorching @its-sixxers @arc-tu-rus @garygoldenbignaturals @crownedinmarigolds
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erinwantstowrite · 6 months ago
Are you okay with people making edits with your art?
yeah sure! as long as it's credited properly I don't mind edits. but if someone reposts my art, especially without permission, that's what i'm not okay with. i stopped making art for fairy tail because people kept stealing it 💔 but edits are fun and they go back to the og source!! i'm completely ok with y'all devestating me or making me giggle
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happyheidi · 1 month ago
Do you think friends have the right to get mad at their friend who lets say got a job or got married and is now more busy than they used to so they usually cant hang out as much?
Simply said: no
Things change.. that’s life. It’s important to understand that and to know that it isn’t anything personal! But to know and understand that, some people need to be told so.
If ur busy, let them know that your life has changed and that it has nothing to do with them! That it’s not as easy as it used to be, sadly. Ask them to give u some grace and that you’ll get to them when you have the time. If the person don’t understand this, I would reevaluate the friendship.
Hope everything works out ❤️
Check this rb, it says it all
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pharawee · 1 year ago
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"If you step out of this house, I will assume that you and I are no longer brothers."
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