#thanks for the ask raven :D
princekirijo · 2 months
prince i would like to know. whats your favorite kind of polearm? (not necessarily european, any blade on a long shaft counts in my book)
OOHH that is an exciting question thank you!!!
OK I'll admit, my knowledge of polearms is limited compared to my knowledge of swords but I do have two standout favourites (cheating a little with two but one I only learned about recently...)
First one is the halberd! Probably a basic choice but I really like the shape of it and its versatility! It can be used as a traditional spear of course but the axe head and the hook (used I think to help footman drag cavalry off their horses?) add some nice variety to it!
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Second is one I learnt about recently actually, the corseque! I really love the shape of this thing (it's Italian in origin I believe) and where the precursor to the glaive apparently (another polearm I like)
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majickth · 8 months
can we see your beloved scoundrel
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This is Rev Wight — bastard (affectionate), babygirl (derogatory), and beloved abomination <3
Once the leader of a band of thieves, a botched job led to Rev being (literally) backstabbed and left for dead. Instead of dying, however, Rev awoke — alive in spirit, though not in body. This strange state of undeath drew the attention of the Goddess of Death. Instead of destroying the abomination, the Goddess sought to make a deal: power to enact the vengeance Rev so desired, in exchange for his fealty. Rev, with nothing else to lose, accepted.
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Maybe talking about something else will make you feel better?
You know what? You're right. How about this:
Something much more wholesome and less awful. How about...
Director D is at the villain hangout spot. It's Pet Day, so the villains who have pets and animal companions have brought them in.
The Baron brings her monkey Ack
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Binary Bard brings his cyborg owl Merlin
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Ringmaster Raven brings his raven
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Captain Crawfish brings his squid
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El Mustachio Grande brings his horse
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Myron Van Buren brings his guard dog Gmork
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Omegon brings Meow-Bot
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Black Widow brings her... hamster.
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And Dr. Hare has an army of rabbits running around.
Director D begins to feel left out. He's never had a thing for pets, or animals in general. He's always thought they were nasty, unpredictable, and hard to clean up after. And this is coming from a man who loves to clean things. (He's a bit of a neak freak.)
But Director D, not wanting to be the odd villain out, and yet simultaneously wanting to be the best in the room, decides to go get his own pet.
He travels to the pet store and looks over the many different animals.
For starters, he doesn't want an animal that sheds, whether it be fur, feathers, skin, whatever. But what would that leave him then? A hairless cat or dog? An amphibian?
Well, anyway, I can't continue the story right now because I ran out of ideas. But I do feel better. This was a nice idea :)
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Hai, I like birds :> what's Ur favourite bird? (U don't have to answer I just wanna know :P)
I absolutely ADORE corvids sooo much, crows are definitely number one. Theyre so SMART and INTERESTING and theyre SILLY and they PLAY and they look COOL AS FUCK and they can MIMIC NOISES. THEYRE COOL AS HELL!!!!
I LOVE CROWS!!!!!!!!!
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chaoticspacefam · 2 years
For the SWTOR NPC asks. What happened to Loyat and Cytharat in your canon?
From the [SWTOR NPC Headcanon Asks List]
thank you for the ask, as always! <3
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I’ll start with Cytharat since I definitely have more headcanons for him than Loyat atm! 
Based on him mentioning being Malgus’ apprentice and a very newly-appointed Lord, and also being way Pinker than the obviously-older Pureblood NPCs/the PC Pureblood skintone options, I’m assuming Cytharat is pretty Young for a Pureblood, so I figured him around about Ty’s age, maybe 10 years (~2 human years max age difference) younger if that
Vano and Kas are kind of working in tandem by the time the Makeb storyline comes around so they attend to the Makeb questline(s) together. 
Kas had one conversation with Cytharat and immediately went “Yep This Is My Apprentice Now If Malgus Wants Him Back He Can Come Fucking Fight Me” (Malgus was never brave and/or stupid enough to come fight her XD). Since they’re working together, Kas and Vano manage to split up so Vano saves Catha Niar and Kas manages to save Cytharat. Afterwards she offers him a spot on her crew and since its obvious to him that even if she might be A Little Weird, Kas obviously Cares unlike most of the other Sith so he accepts and ends up becoming part of Kas’s crew. 
While he’s hesitant at first about the idea of teaming up with Jedi/Republic personnel, he trusts Kas by that point so when she says they’re going with Lana and Marr to Yavin IV to help deal with the Revanites Cytharat just accepts it. When Kas is reunited with Rai after arriving there, Cytharat meets Ty and maybe (Definitely) gets a crush. They’re only together for a little while before the whole temporary alliance dissolves again and when Rai (and by extension Ty) refuses to go back to the Empire with them they part ways for a time
Cytharat misses Ty a lot more than he was expecting to and Kas Notices (™). She casually mentions that she has Ty’s holofrequency if he wants it and deliberately leaves said frequency where she Knows he can find it. Cytharat sneaks a few message/letters through and keeps chatting with him until Arcann and the Eternal Empire give them more pressing concerns at which point they lose contact again until one day Lana rocks up to Kas’s office with Rai and Ty in tow. 
Ty gets left with Kas and co. while Rai goes with Lana and Koth to Zakuul and the poor kid is a Nervous Wreck about it so Cytharat has to help Kas calm him down because they’re the only two people he Trusts. Kas then pulls a classic old “oh Cytharat do you think you could help us with this star chart, oh wait a second is that Ashara and Khem calling me? You and Ty can handle looking through this one by yourselves right? I’ll check on you later byeeee~” and at some point during their moving everything over to Odessen he ~finally~ asks Ty out. 
So of course Cytharat stays on with the Alliance afterwards. I’m not 100% sure if they’ll ever get married yet (haven’t gotten that far with their relationship planning yet but they’re defo solid as an item :’3) but Cytharat is absolutely okay with being the muscle of the relationship while his bf hides behind him when things get scary (which is, unfortunately, very often. Poor Ty XD) 
And Loyat!! (who I do not have any screenshots of rn since none of my current pub toons are as far as Ilum (anymore, I yeeted a few of them when I stopped vibing with them oopsie)
I have less solid plants for Loyat but I do love her and I am definitely kidnapping her she’s mine now Bioware /hj
Loyat and Aria are definitely buddies. Probably even drinking buddies, much to the abject horror of anyone who happens to cross paths with them when they’re out drinking XD
They absolutely would meet during the Ilum war/storyline. Though it’s not until after (the Assault on Tython FP) that Aria’s officially outed as a Sith plant, Loyat can probably Sense It so she agrees to go with Aria to the Jedi if only knowing that Aria probably has an Out Again if she’s managed to be in deep cover this long and not get caught.
It’s a minor wrench in the plan when Aria tries to fuckin fight Satele and gets arrested, but I’m kiiind of feeling like Loyat might go with her to Manaan. Especially since with Zenith and most of the other Consular crew lickity splitting when they realise Aria Was Sith The Whole Time. Ya girl’s gonna need some crewmates/friends, so why not Loyat? ;3 by the same vein, probably goes with Aria to the Alliance and ends up working under Kas’s Force Enclave sector, but where specifically I have yet to decide owo
I definitely want to expand on Loyat more, but for now sadly that’s all I got for Loyat! 😅😅
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talesofourworlds · 8 months
For the spot-the-muse starter prompts: 18. asking someone else for help and not getting it Or 19. wrapping up (or trying to hide) a wound? (For the muse, maybe Raven or Guy (Flynn and Guy interacting makes me laugh lol)? Or any muse you really see fit! You just seem like a fun person! -is also open to planning!-)
Spot the muse!
One nice thing about his baggy coat. It made it real easy to hide when he'd been injured.
Now, Raven usually was the sort to be dramatic. Partly to try and garner sympathy from time to time, and partly because it was a part of the persona. Something that Yuri and the others had become accustomed to, he knew. Just ol' Raven being dramatic. This time, there'd been no dramatics. Just a wince when he'd taken the hit he was trying to hide.
He'd been careless during their fight with Yeager. Too caught up in the heat of the fight to pay it much mind when the late Leviathan's Claw leader had struck him with one of his bullets. Now that the fight was over, and Yeager was dead, it had been easier to assure Estelle that he was fine so they could carry on. They had a lot more ground to cover to get to Alexei. Gels and healing artes were better saved for more serious situations than the injuries of an old man.
When Raven was sure the others were too occupied with figuring out which way they needed to go next, he took a moment to check the damage. Baggy coat was moved to the side, and he winced at what he saw. Yeah... Yeager had gotten him good, if the tear in his shirt and the blood soaking into the fabric were any indication. At the time, the bullet hitting him felt more like than an annoying sting than anything serious. Now he wondered if it had gone a little deeper than just grazing him.
Par for the course, Raven told himself. His life belonged to Brave Vesperia now, he knew, but he didn't want to worry them just yet. Not when they had bigger fish to try.
From the corner of vivid blue hues, Raven thought he saw one of the others looking his way. He moved, swift and quiet, and shifted so his baggy coat would hang over himself as it usually did once again. He flashed a smile. An effort to show he was okay.
"Sorry. Got a little lost in thought there. I'm comin'," Raven decided to say. Then he saw who actually had been looking at him. Flynn.
How long had the young captain been watching? How much had he seen?
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"..." How did he even broach this line of conversation with him? He rubbed the back of his neck for a moment, thoughts jumbled.
"Don't you go worryin' 'bout ol' Raven too much." Raven figured that was the safest thing to settle on saying. He knew Flynn had the capability to heal. He just didn't want the captain to fret when there was a chance the wound was more minor than it looked.
0 notes
jackleopard · 1 year
book asks: 1. 4. 13. 15. 16. 21. 26. 30.
omg thank you! 1. do u prefer a standalone or a series?
hmmm this is hard bc I love standalones but I also think there's nothing more fun than being consumed by a series and like getting inmersed in a world and caring so much about it that you just want to keep reading stuff about it, so I think I'm going with series
4. a book which had a tv adaptation that was better than the book itself?
oh I'm so mad at myself rn because just the other day I remember I thought "ugh this movie/tv show is so much better than the book" and now I can't remember which one was it and it's going to drive me insane. Since I can't remember that perfect answer I had thought of, I'll answer with Gossip Girl. I don't know if it's actually better than the books and it's probably less of an adaptation and more of a loose inspiration but I never cared for the gossip girl books whereas I really like the show (in all it's terrible-ness, it's just fun sometimes)
13. ur fav author (if u have any)?
Fredrick Backman!!!! I love love love his writing and the stories he writes. He's not my one and only favourite author but he is certainly the one that comes to mind when I'm asked this.
15. an underrated book?
These Violent Delights by Micah Nemerever!!!! I get that it's not for everyone but I need more people to read it
16. the book that made u fall in love with reading?
very cliche answer but the harry potter series. I've always been a person who loves reading, at least according to my parents (I basically like taught myself to read and then I wouldn't stop reading anything I could find) but if I have to pinpoint one moment when I like actively started reading books all the time it was after I read the harry potter series when I was like 10 or 11.
21. hardcovers or paperbacks?
paperbacks, thouigh it's not that strong of a preference
26. ur fav quote from a book:
I can't pick one single quote so I just chose one randomly from my little quotes notebook: "Hannah sings along, her right arm flinging out to gesticulate wildly and her wispy hair flaring around her face. She's the most beautiful when she's this relentless kind of happy. Maybe that's when everyone is their most beautiful, especially to those who love them" (from A Million Junes by Emily Henry)
30. give any 3 book recs to ur followers! Brother by David Chariandy
Things my son needs to know about the world by Fredrick Backman
The Raven Cycle series by Maggie Stiefvater
ask game (book edition)
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wuzeio · 1 month
I love all of your art so so much. It’s absolutely gorgeous and every time I see it I scream a little <3333 For the requests can I ask for Raven Neil and Fox Neil meet each other?
eeee thank you for your kind words !!! <333 a few people requested more nathaniel + raven and fox neil together so here u go >:D
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lucretiaadventurezone · 10 months
TAZ Dashboard Simulator 2 (Part 1)
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🔥 lup-da-lup Follow
be back soon 💋 im gonna go fight this guy for my relic
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🔥 lup-da-lup Follow
#girl help #im trapped
(7 notes)
In your orbit!
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🪩 avi-the-ball-guy
↻ woe-is-johann
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🤼 best-fantasy-prowrestler-tournament Follow
Round 4: Semi-Finals
Jeff Angel Propaganda:
Jess the Beheader Propaganda:
from @.bagnus-murnsides: jess literally has a dope ass axe
#jess sweep
(379 notes)
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🚀 cap-n-port
↻ you-know-from-tv Follow
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😎 Anonymous asked:
Your captain looks gnc as fuck
👖 lactosewarrior5000
#Thank you very much!
(29,399 notes)
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🐱 Sponsored by Fantasy Costco
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You Don’t Need All of Your Blood; Here’s Why
The Director doesn’t want you to know this…
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🎻 woe-is-johann
↻ avi-the-ball-guy
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🪩 avi-the-ball-guy
cannonball system liveblog
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🪩 avi-the-ball-guy
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🪩 avi-the-ball-guy
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🪩 avi-the-ball-guy
other. ball
#babe we gotta get you a fidget toy or something #clearly you're getting bored at work
(23 notes)
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📔 sheesh-creesh
↻ lup-da-lup Follow
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💋 lesbian-orc-lover Follow
lucretia was 18 when the ipre mission left??!? she should've been at the club!!
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✨ you-know-from-tv Follow
oh trust me one of the planes we went to was a giant disco and lucy was freakin it sensitive style day and night
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🔥 lup-da-lup Follow
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real footage of lucretia at the club ↑↑
#I'm actually going to kill both of you #mutuals #queue never know what you'll find #reblogs
(35,095 notes)
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❄️ neverwinter-heritage-posts
↻ magic-brian-with-an-i Follow
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🚂 jerreeeeee asked:
is magnus burnsides gay??
📖 dailycalebcleveland
why would you ask us, a caleb cleveland blog, this
#neverwinter heritage posts
(109,837,936 notes)
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🧣 weaver-of-fate
↻ raven-queen-official
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🐦‍⬛ raven-queen-official
i loev my beaugifyl wife so muchnohmygod
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🐦‍⬛ raven-queen-official
where is smy wife i wanst to see herh
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🐦‍⬛ raven-queen-official
hiiiiiiiidjiiii omg shge. is here :D
#apologies guys we hung out with pan and she got FUCKED up #you know how poker nights get #wife tag
(74 notes)
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🐦 7-bird-watcher
↻ not-a-shitty-wizard Follow
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🪄 mage-guy-19274637 Follow
people who actually like bugs are absolute freaks
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🕷️ magic-brian-with-an-i Follow
wrong! spider attack
#sent to me
(6,074 notes)
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🌈 lucretiaadventurezone
2K notes · View notes
jasmines-library · 8 months
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Hi. Um... i have been craving angst
👀 and my angsty mind has been making up... scenarios, but like would love them typed out so i can read 💀 i live your work, p.s. <3
anyways, would like to ask for something along these lines:
reader is a batsibling
is kidnapped
fam cant find her for a few days and is panicked
they find her somewhere, blindfolded and tied up, on the ground and caked in blood
they get her some med stuff and whatever
and they're like how did this happen so they somehow get cctv or duke uses his powers or something and finds out that they've been beaten for info
and they get like really angry and all that jazz
:D rest up to you!
would be great if you did it 🥺
but i understand if it's too much
love youuuu 💖/platonic ehe
okay, i will excuse myself from your asks now. byeee
Loaded Silence
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hello hello! Thanks for requesting. This was super angsty, but as you put I crave it too... ❤️
Warnings: Kidnapping, Torture (not very graphic), fear, medical scenes.
Word Count: 1.5k
It had happened unexpectedly. You were there one second and gone the next. In a blink of an eye. Nothing more nothing less. That was all it took for you to slip away. Damian could have sworn he was only gone for a minute. To stretch his legs and grab something to eat. But that was all it took for them to sneak in. Quiet as a mouse they crept in, splitting through the open window at the back of the room. Leaving it open had been a careless mistake, but who was to think that you would have been taken in the safety of your own home? 
They grabbed you roughly from behind. A set of rough hands pinning you to the sofa, clamped tightly over your mouth as another worked to tie a heavy bandage around your eyes. You had squirmed feebly trying to gain some leverage. Your training desperately tried to kick in but at that moment, you were not a vigilante. You were Y/N Wayne: A citizen, child to the wealthiest man in Gotham and utterly fucked. 
You had no choice after that than to allow them to drag you downtown, you had kicked and cried blindly, desperate for one of your brothers to chase after you. But whoever was gripping you tight enough to bruise was clearly experienced and you knew that they stood no chance so unexpectedly. 
When they tossed you down on the ground, you thought it would offer some relief. The room was dank, dusty and smelt of water rot and mould. This was the part where they would send a ransom note to Bruce and he and your brothers would come charging in sooner or later. But you had never been more wrong. 
“We know who you are, Wayne.” A voice spoke. Feminine but not soft spoken. Threatening. “Or would you prefer Raven?”
Your stomach dropped as bile burned the back of your throat. You knew you could fight now, but you were defenceless weaponless with your hands and feet bound together. 
“The fuck do you want?” You spat, though the effect of the venom in your words was lost for you looked so helpless. 
“Bold of you to speak to me that way, given your predicament.” The woman chuckled, prodding you with her foot. “You’re here as a sort of…payment.”  She mused. “I suppose you could call it that.”
“My husband.” She started, moving away from you. You could hear her pacing around the room but you  could only conjure up images in your mind. “Leader of the greatest crime suricate in Gotham. And now, he’s dead. Rotting in some coffin in the ground, thanks to your father.” 
She moved closer again. Her heels clattered against the floor. 
“He took away the only thing that ever mattered to me!” She gripped your wrist, lifting you up off the floor and leaning into your face. “So now, I’m going to take away one of his toys until someone tells me how to get him out! His precious little girl. Oh how I can’t wait to see the look on all of their faces when they see you. That is of course…after we have a little fun.”
There was still no sign of you. And it felt as if they had searched every inch of the city. The high and the low but still nothing. No one had slept much in the three days you had been missing. Their nights were either spent searching for you on patrol or laying awake staring blankly at the ceiling as their minds conjured up the worst. None of them said it outloud but the possibility that you were dead loomed over them. But no one ever said anything. They just continued to search in silence. It seemed like Babs and Tim hadn’t torn their eyes away from the screens since Damian came barging into the room three days ago, doubled over and panting as he revealed the news. The only time they ever moved was to head to the bathroom or to make another mug of lukewarm coffee. 
The rest of the family were out on patrol. That was what they were calling it anyway. Really they were looking for you. And still there had been no sign until Dick stumbled upon a window. It was low down to his feet covered by concrete as though the building had just sunk into the concrete. And when he tried to peer inside, it seemed to be covered by something on the inside. 
It could have been nothing.
But Dick was desperate. 
He called over the other vigilantes with a signal on his com. They all came tricking over towards him silently through the city. Some bubbling with hope and anticipation, but all dreading the worst. 
Moving around the back of the house, Dick pushed open the door. 
You had never been more scared in your entire life. Everything ached, burned or stung. From what you could feel there didn’t seem to be a single inch of your skin that wasn’t covered in blood. It clung sticky to your skin, cracking every time you managed to bring yourself to shift against the floor.
She had continued her onslaught for hours, trying to force answers that she knew you would never be able to give her from your chapped lips. She would leave every once in a while, returning silently to catch you off guard with another round of pain. You couldn’t see her: the blindfold still remained firmly around your eyes, so you had to anticipate when she would return as you cowered against the back wall in a pool of your own blood. You were unsure how long it had been since she tossed you into the room. Without the relief of sunlight, your woozy mind had lost track of time. 
And then a pair of hands gripped your shoulders. And you screamed, trying to recoil away from them. You didn’t make it far. Your body was too weak.
“No! No please! No more!” You begged, tears dribbling down your cheeks to mingle among the dirt and blood. “I already told you I-I don’t know anything! Please!”
“Woah, woah.” It was Dick’s voice that broke through to you, though they had all called out to you. It was him who had reached out to you in the first place, hesitant that the smallest touch would break you. As soon as they were met with resistance they knew you were here. And they fought as fast as they could to get to you. Praying that they wouldn’t find you as you had. Sprawled out across the floor in a pool of your own blood as you struggled to breathe. “It’s us.”
“We’re here, Kid.” Jason leaned forwards to remove the blindfold from your eyes as Dick tried to support you in his arms. You squiremed weakly, still untrusting. But the minute the blindfold was off and you had finished adjusting to the onslaught of light. You broke.
You collapsed into Dicks arms, sobbing and shaking. He cupped the back of your head with his hands and held you, giving Jason and Duke a nervous glance. Your blood had already begun to stain the front of his suit as you whimpered in his arms, clinging to him tightly. 
When he tried to shift you, you let out a sob and clung to him tighter. He wasn’t sure if it was because he had hurt you or because you were scared he was going to leave you. Probably both.
“Y/N?” Jason whispered, moving to crouch by your side. “ We’re here now. We’re going to get you home okay? Can you tell us what happened?”
You shook your head and buried your face into Dicks chest trying to block out the pain.
Eyes turned to Duke who watched you with sad eyes. They observed as he surveyed the room, taking in the horrors that the light revealed. And he couldn’t help the gasp that slipped out of his lips. 
He paled at what he saw. Winced at the way your face contorted with pain as the woman towered over you, tossing you about the room like a ragdoll and slashing you with various tools as she screamed at you. He saw how she would catch you off guard by sneaking up on you in the dark as some cruel game to satisfy her sick amusement. He felt sick. 
In the time it took for him to see the echo of your agonies, Dick had managed to coax enough for him to stand so they could bring you out of the room and get you urgently to medical attention. 
The two looked at him expectantly. And once he had managed to stutter out what he had seen, Jason was tensely clenching his jaw and fists. 
Someone was going to bleed tonight. He was going to make sure of that.
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pileofmush · 1 month
blue raspberry, red sun ୧ ‧₊˚
ft. monkey d. luffy
hello! this is an entry for the lovely @threadbaresweater's summertime (and the livin' is easy) event! haven't written for luffy in a while but i missed him, so.
details ➸ tags: modern au, tooth-rotting fluff, no plot just vibes // cw: gn!reader, mc is implied to have cleavage // wc: 1.3k // ao3
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“how can you fuck up eating a popsicle that bad?” you ask, eyes wide at the straight-up murder scene before you. your own ice cream cone sits pristine in your hands—vanilla with a waffle cone. cute, contained, simple. 
you’re sitting on a curb in the middle of who knows where. the sun is particularly vengeful today: bright, hot, loud. it chases away all the shadows and beams down on you like you called it’s mother a whore. sweat pools between your thighs; concrete digs into your ass. you’re afraid that when you stand up there’ll be a sweat-stained print on the sidewalk, free for everyone to see.
your boyfriend shrugs, messy raven hair falling over his tan, toned shoulders. “dunno,” luffy says blandly. he licks his hand in one long stripe like a heathen and hums. “it’s good—wanna taste?”
you balk at the suggestion. “no, don’t—!”
too late.
🍓 .・゜-: ✧ :-
you can catalogue the days spent with luffy during a week by the amount of damage done to your closet. 
the pretty pale pink blouse you thrifted a few months ago—the one with the lace trim that shows off the perfect amount of cleavage—tossed in the hamper with thoughts and prayers thanks to the gigantic-ass stain luffy blessed you with last wednesday. 
(you should’ve seen it coming, really, neon blue sludge dripping from his sun-speckled fingers with reckless abandon near moments before he grabbed you by the waist to bring you in for a sloppy, tart kiss. it was quick and bright, an explosion of blue raspberry, before he pulled away as quickly as he initiated the kiss. he wiped his mouth with a lazy flick of his hand, then grinned a proud, dopey grin, teeth glinting in the sunlight. 
you remember feeling dizzy and warm, baked in the sun and your love and the sheer aura your boyfriend possessed.
“tastes good, right?” he asked. 
your eyes caught his flash of tongue as he spoke, tongue stained blue. 
“yeah,” you agreed quietly, reverently. “tastes good.”)
then there was the trip to the beach a few days ago that luffy suggested, which… alright, maybe you can’t blame him for getting sand all over you at the beach.
(and really, it was a nice trip. you and the straw-hats all packed into franky’s van like a baby soccer team getting driven to their first game. windows down, luffy happily chewing on a sandwich you packed him, nami rattling off directions like it’s her day job, brook belting 2000’s pop. and then, the lot of you spilling out and ambling to the beach. sunscreen slathered on every inch of your skin. the feel of hot wind and sand in between your toes, the salty tang of the sea on your tongue, and your hand in luffy’s, always, as he drags you across the beach with glee.) 
but still. luffy brought home a slimy strand of seaweed to prank you with, and it somehow found its way into your underwear drawer. 'no, he did not put it there', let him tell it. you had to resist beating him with a slipper. gosh, he’s such a dork.
so, yeah. dating luffy definitely means more frequent loads of laundry, but it’s fine. it really is. s’not like you didn’t know what you were getting into. s’not like you mind any traces of luffy you can get. 
luffy seems the type to be born in the summer.
he’s not- he wasn’t. a spring baby through and through, to your initial surprise. and sure, there’s probably something poetic you could say about blossoms and rebirth and fresh starts, but really, luffy reminds you of the hot, everlasting summer. he’s practically the sun incarnate. could’ve been a sun god in another life, for all you know, because his touch is so hot, hot, hot, and his laugh is crude and bright, and he is the only person you know to not wilt under the full force of the sun. instead, he feeds off of it. it gives him life, vigor, sustenance. 
you used to dread the summertime. now, it’s your favorite season.
so when luffy pops over with a blanket and a basket, you don’t need to think too hard to throw in a couple of (okay, several) sandwiches and some leftover fruit.
you decide on a quaint spot at a nearby park. the two of you walk side by side underneath the orange light of the dying sun. it’s a cooler evening. the grass next to your feet bristle; trees dance in the gentle breeze. the endless drone of the cicadas meshes with luffy’s rambling about his latest outing with ace and sabo—apparently, it ended in a fire—and you sneak a few glances at him. luffy’s skin is a rich, warm gold. underneath the last few embers of day, the sky soaked in warm oranges, pinks, and a devastating purple, you find traces of its colors reflected on his skin. 
and luffy is loud, loud, loud, but he is also quiet. and underneath the weight of the sky, you feel incredibly lucky to be a part of his life. 
his hand, looped lazily around your free wrist, snakes down to intertwine with your fingers. 
“what is it?” he interrupts his spiel with a sudden question. 
your teeth sink into the plush of your bottom lip as you consider your response. “it’s nothing.” you pause. parse through your emotions and will them to become coherent thoughts. “i guess i just missed you.”
slowly, he drags the two of you to a stop. he tugs on your hand, a reminder, even as he blinks in confusion. 
“i’m right here,” he says, solemn.
“i know.”
a beat.
“you don’t have to miss me. i’m already yours.”
and, he’s right. like a sun rising above the horizon after a night plunged in the dark, he returns to you, again and again. 
“i know that.” in a stroke of luffy-branded honesty, you admit to him with a shrug, “but i don’t think i’ll ever stop missing you.”  
it is not a bad thing. not a bad thing at all. just another way to say i love you. perhaps the only way you can say it, right now.
luffy stares at you for a while and then releases an uncharacteristic sigh. he takes the picnic basket out of your hands and lets it drop in the grass, along with the blanket he was carrying. then, without warning, your boyfriend tackles you to the ground.
you barely even register it, he breaks your fall so gently, and then he’s clambering over you, long arms pressing you into the soil, long tendrils of grass tickling your skin, and you’re thinking about the dirt undoubtedly ruining yet another shirt of yours as he clumsily lowers his mouth to yours. he smells like grass and sunscreen and maybe a little bit of sweat, and tastes a bit like koolaid. but all you can register is him, the ever-present heat radiating off his body, the nimble fingers digging into your skin almost brutally, the clink of his teeth against yours. hot and sloppy and luffy, luffy, luffy.
you kiss until you can’t breathe, until you breathe fire, until your head is spinning and you can think no more.
then, he rolls off of you. the two of you pant: you, content to remain a puddle on the ground, him, leaning back on his arms. still close, though. still above you, dark eyes roaming over your form intently, tracking your every flutter. 
it’s quiet, save for the cicadas. soundtrack of the summer. 
you sit up and try to pat yourself off. it’s probably useless. you know there’ll be nasty grass stains on your back when you get back home. ah, well. can't be helped.
“i get it,” luffy says, eventually. after you’ve both caught your breath. he runs a finger down your leg, tracing inexplicable patterns into your skin. “i miss you too.” 
oh, how silly it is, to be in love.
“i know,” you say, cheekily. 
he relaxes. “good.” luffy reaches up to pat your head. 
you bat his hand away.
he tosses you a toothy smile.
you catch it.
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this was v fun to write. hope u liked reading it <3
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Remember the Poptropica x TF2 crossover?
OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOD! Thank you for reminding me of that. :')
Was looking through my old posts, but I don't think there's a definitive lineup of which character is which XD
It was something like this:
Scout: Speeding Spike
Soldier: El Mustachio Grande
Pyro: Ringmaster Raven
Demoman: Captain Crawfish
Engineer: Daphne Dreadnaught or Binary Bard
Heavy: Crusher
Medic: Dr. Hare
Sniper: Myron Van Buren
Spy: Director D
Something like this... BTW, that means that in this universe, Director D is Speeding Spike's father...
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twoidiotwriters1 · 9 months
Three times Luffy fell for you (Monkey D. Luffy x Fem! Reader)
A/N: So fucking cute! Send more requests and help :v - Val
Words: 1, 763
Warnings: Spoilers of anime/manga One Piece! Mentions of death, and I think that's all.
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Three times Luffy fell for you. 
Luffy wakes up in the middle of the night, but this time, it’s not because of a nightmare or a noise, he just feels weird. 
His first thought is to go to the kitchen to find some food. Of course, he couldn’t get anything, thanks to Sanji’s tramps. He whines, but a noise interrupts his thoughts. He realizes it’s someone crying. 
He gets to the Sunny’s deck, and he finds you sitting on the stairs. “Y/N? Are you okay? Why are you crying? Are you hungry too?” He quickly sits beside you. 
You look at him startled and feel overwhelmed by the rain of questions. It only makes you cry more. He panics and decides to hug you instead of trying to keep talking. 
As you feel his body around you, you melt against him hiding your face on his chest. He stretches his arms around you many times to hold you tighter and rest his head over yours. 
The two of you stay like that until you stop crying, you can control your breathing and you stop hiding. He loosens his grip but still holds you. 
“I had a nightmare,” you say with a broken voice. “I lost all of you and I couldn't do anything to stop it.” 
Luffy hums. “I had that kind of nightmares too,” he sighs, “I can’t blame you, they’re really scary and it feels real.” 
“Yeah,” you nod. 
“But you know who hates them the most?” You lean back to look at him. “Zoro,” he giggles. “When I have those nightmares, I have to make sure everybody’s okay, but the first person I see it’s him, so I wake him up every time. And it’s hard to wake him up and, he’s never happy,” Luffy makes a funny scary face that makes you giggle. 
“And sometimes the others wake up too, so they all start to scream at me, but it’s okay. At least I know they’re fine,” he smiles. 
“That’s a good solution,” you say sarcastically, but Luffy doesn’t get it. 
“Right?” His chest starts to feel funny when he sees your smile again. “See? You’re not the only one with that nightmare. Everybody’s okay. And I’m here with you, and I heard the others snore, so they’re okay too!” You giggle again. 
“You’re right,” you sigh. “Thanks, Luffy.” 
Now Luffy feels funny in his stomach, so he remembers. 
“Oh, right! You know, this could be a great moment to have a sweet!” He pouts. “But, bad news, Sanji locked the fridge again,” he whines. 
You laugh at his childish behavior, but you move a little to lose more of his grip and turn to the side to pick up a small blue box. 
“Here,” you offer the box. “You can have the honor to eat my last cookie.” 
Luffy’s eyes sparkle. “What? The last one? Really?” You laugh and nod. “Thank you!” He squeals grabbing it, but then, he stops to look at the cookie and then at you. He frowns when he still sees your teary eyes, pink cheeks, and tired smile. “I want to share it with you,” he says breaking the cookie in half. 
“What!?” You exclaim. “You never share your food with anyone. You just take it all!” 
He laughs at loud. “But I want to share with you! C’mon, captain’s orders” he says with a playful authority. 
You giggle. “Are you sure?” 
“Yeah!” He smiles. 
“Thank you, Captain.” 
“You’re welcome!” He turns his sight to his half of the cookie and eats it in one bite. 
You take a moment to see the details on Luffy’s face, his skin, his rebel and raven hair, some freckles, his nose, fine lips, and his eyes, always full of excitement. Without thinking much, you lean forward to kiss his cheek. 
He raises his brows and looks at you with a confused face. 
“Why did you do that?” He asks curiously. 
You shrug. “I wanted to,” then you panic. “I—is that okay?” 
He smiles. “Only if I can kiss you whenever I want,” he says without any sign of flirtation. 
You blush. “W-what?” 
“It’s only fair, right?” He says with a chuckle, so casual and calm while you’re a mess. “Deal?” 
He nods and looks at his ship, but there’s still something he can’t figure out. The funny feeling in his stomach increased and now it’s on his chest too. Maybe he has to ask Chopper about it… or eat more. 
Every year, on the same day of Ace’s death, Luffy gets so quiet that it feels wrong. 
Sometimes, Luffy’s complicated in other situations, but this is another level. Nobody knows what to do. They’ve tried to ask him, but he doesn’t talk all day and he rejects any help from his crew. 
He’s sitting in his favorite spot, he’s been looking at the horizon for many hours, just until he hears someone’s steps and groans. 
“Shit,” you say grabbing another part of the Sunny’s head as you keep trying to climb it. There’s a reason why this is Luffy’s spot. It’s hard for someone without a devil fruit. 
Luffy leans to look at your struggle. He frowns, stretches one arm to grab you by your waist, and pulls you to his side. 
“Uff… thanks, Luffy!” You smile gratefully.  
“Why do you want to climb?” He asks. His voice’s raspy. 
“Oh!” You act like you’re not worried about his state. “I-I know you uh, you don’t like anyone else to sit here but...” 
“No,” he interrupts you. “It’s okay. You can.” 
You smile blushing. 
“Thanks, uh...” you move on your place “I just—I Just don’t want you to be alone for so long,” you whisper. “I mean, I can go if that’s what you want, I know it’s a hard day for you but...” You look at him. “You don’t have to face it alone.” 
He doesn’t answer, he just moves and lays down with his head resting on your lap. Then, he reaches for your hand, and when he finds it, he puts it on his hair. You catch what he wants and start brushing the tufts with a soft giggle. 
“Thanks,” he whispers. 
It’s a tradition for the straw hats to throw a huge party after a tough fight and this isn’t the exception. 
Zoro and Nami are betting about who can drink more sake while Usopp’s singing with Brook and Franky since they lost a bet, Robin’s watching them dancing around. Chopper and Luffy are eating all Sanji’s making.  
At first, you celebrated with the same enthusiasm as your friends, but now, you feel like your body’s finally giving up. You return to the Sunny, directly to your room. 
As much as you want to take a shower to wash off the party’s sweat, your body aches so much that you think it wouldn’t work on your own and you don’t want to call Robin or Nami for help. 
“Just the pj’s then,” you say out loud. You leave the weapons on the floor and grab your shirt to pull it up, but the pain of your wounds stops you. “Fuck!” You groan. 
“Are you okay?” says Luffy arriving at your room.  
You turn to him scared. “Shit, Luffy!” You yell at him, and he smiles. 
“Sorry,” He walks up to you. “Why did you leave the party?” 
You chuckle. “Shouldn't you be... you know, turning into a big ball full of food and having fun?” 
“It's no fun if you're not there,” he says like is nothing, but you’re blushing, and your heart pounds. “So, why you don’t go back?” 
You shake your head. “I’m exhausted, Luffy. I can’t even put on my pj’s,” you laugh. 
“Oh! Do you want me to help you?”  
His eyes tell you that his offer is pure and innocent. You’re 100% sure that your captain has no other intentions. But you can't help feeling uneasy and nervous. 
“Y-you don’t have to.” 
“I want to.” He smiles and you nod. 
He grabs the end of your shirt and gently pulls it over your head. You hiss a little and then throw the shirt away. When you look up, Luffy’s eyes are on the bandage around your waist. 
“Luffy?” You almost whisper. 
“You fought great,” he grins and he feathery touches the bandage. “You’re an awesome fighter,” he nods. 
“Sometimes… I forget that you and I are different in battle.” 
You frown. “What do you mean?” 
He returns to your eyes. “You can't last as long fighting as me, you get exhausted sooner and you heal last,” then he smiles. “But no matter how strong your opponent is… you always find a way to win,” he giggles. “You always surprise me with your smart brain.” 
“Really?” You smile. 
You realize the proximity of your bodies, Luffy's breath mingles with yours and your noses almost touch. You can’t help but lean a little up and kiss his lips sweetly. It lasts a few seconds, and you move away, waiting for his reaction. 
He frowns. “Wait! I’m feeling funny again!” 
“It’s like—I dunno. When I’m with you… in my belly—and chest—and then you kissed me, and it got worse!” He steps back. “It’s all your fault!” He points at you. 
You think for a while about all his words and his reaction, then, you figure it out. You blush with a smile. “I feel the same, Luffy.” 
“You do? Are we sick? Are we gonna die?” 
You giggle stepping closer to him. “No. It means that you like me and… I like you.” 
“I don’t get it. I like everyone in the crew but with you it’s different,” he pouts. 
You nod and take his face in your hands. “It’s okay, Luffy,” you whisper leaning to kiss him again. This time the kiss is longer, and he reciprocates following the movements of your lips against his.  
“I’ll explain it to you, I promise...” 
“’Kay, but does it mean that we can keep kissing? It feels nice.” 
You giggle. “Yeah, we can do that, but...” you flush looking down, realizing you’re just in a bra and jeans. “Can you help me with my clothes? I’m still tired.” 
“Oh, right!” 
He undresses you, leaving you in your underwear, and then helps you with your pajamas, and cuddles up with you in your bed and so it starts a make-out session between whispers, laughter, and love. At some point, you fall asleep, resting on his chest as he hugs you without hurting you. 
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chaoticspacefam · 11 months
I know it is the end of the spooky season but would any of your OCs enjoy dressing up for Halloween and what in your mind would their costumes be?
I am almost too late to post this in time for "spooky season" woops, been a busy week/day, you know the drill! Thank you so much for this ask Raven, it made me grin and start giggling like a little kid as I started thinking about all of this hehe. Alas, I don't have enough juice to do any doodles to go with it so I'll just be using descriptions and a handful of screenshots where I have specifc ones in mind to hopefully illustrate :3
Off the top of my head, the Ahaszaai twins are both absolutely dressing up for Halloween!
Kas would go all out, I'm talking a proper fancy, handmade costume. She'd probably go for one of the classics like a demoness, and would 100% "over"do it compared to everyone else. Ya girl done made her nails up all fancy with red rhinestones and they look hella ✨aesthetic✨ but incredibly impractical for actually you know....holding things. Ex: (link to the artists Insta by clicking on the picture, I don't claim to have done these I'm not that coordinated or talented with nail art LMAO)
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(I have these saved specifically as "Kas way overdoing something for Aesthetic and/or Intimidation factor and I feel like they'd go really well with an OTT Demoness costume for Halloween ngl - she's probably made horns to match and everything. Andronikos has been roped into a couple's costume as a devil or Hades or something, to sell the look and he'll do it without complaining because holy shit does his wife look hot *wink wink* haha)
Saarai would dress up in one of those classic tacky vampire costumes - but she owns it so well that she somehow pulls it off? Reason for the vampire costume being that when she and Koth were still sort of in the "awkward trying to be nice to eachother" phase, he once asked her, with all seriousness "so you don't drink people's blood?" and Rai has NEVER let him live it down since. She's a tacky ass vampire every Halloween from then on, Koth isn't sure whether to laugh or cry anymore and Lana goes to bed early every Halloween to avoid getting involved in whatever ridiculous inside-joke-annoying-prank thing her partners clearly have going on. She does NOT want to know LOL Rai has also 100% gathered up every kid on the Oddessen base and is 100% chaperoning them while they go trick or treating <3
Aria would dress up too, not with the express purpose of scaring people OR going trick or treating but just because she'll use any excuse to show off and be extra as hell. She's got a whole tuk'ata-themed armour set (which tbh she probably wears sometimes even when it's NOT halloween....) and because Chwûq and Taral tend to follow her around and are almost as tall at the shoulder as Ari is at the waist they end up being a pretty convincing Tuk'ata-Cerberus. Vano doesn't dress up but she does tag along to try and mitigate some of the frights that unsuspecting passersby would get in seeing three tuk'ata heads appear out of nowhere XD
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fixndfics · 3 months
since requests are open, may I request f!reader who’s a seamstress and loves to embroider different patterns on clothes of their lovers? preferably Ace, Law, Luffy, Nami, Brook, but anyone’s okay!i don’t mind if it’s headcanons or a fic. thank you! :3 - 🎏 anon
monkey d. luffy headcanons
luffy x f!seamstress reader: regular au a/n: this was such a cute idea, thank you for requesting!
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at first he thought it was too girly. how could the future king of the pirates ever attain respect if he had such cute design on his shirt? well, that would be something for him to figure out when he was actually the pirate king. long story short; luffy ended up loving the adorable little daisies, in fact he constantly was showing them off to the crew. showing off how his own girlfriend made it for him.
resting his head on your shoulder the raven-haired boy ask with his signature smile “oi, [name], can ya’ put some more of those cool stickers on my clothes?”
“stickers? ohh-! you want me to sew on some more patches for you?” you’d hum “alright, i’ll see what i can do!”
”really?! thanks, [name], you’re the best!!!” he’d chuckle, hugging you tightly.
luffy often brags to zoro and sanji about how much of an amazing seamstress you are (despite them already knowing it) and how cool he looks wearing the things you sew him.
“we get it luffy, [name] is very talented.” zoro would reassure, irritated by luffy’s constant rambling.
“oi, moss-head, show more appreciation for [name]! she’s amazing!” sanji would demand, snarling at zoro
“yeah zoro, be more thankful! without her i wouldn’t have awesome clothes!” luffy chimed in.
©2024 fixndfics do not repost, copy, translate, or modify
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jazzyoranges · 10 months
Can I humbly request Wednesday x winged reader? Like idk they have angel wings or bird wings or something
Maybe fluff with some angst/comfort >:D
Thanks for entertaining me
young!Wednesday Addams x young!fem!reader
Summary: your parents fight. you don’t know where to go, so you run to your favorite Addams
Words: 1.4k
Warnings: hurt/comfort, domestic violence, implied alcoholic, toxic relationship (R’s parents), soft ooc Wednesday
A/n: R is a raven btw :) also don’t ask why Wednesday thinks and talks like a depressed poet at 7/8 yrs old. she’s just experiencing some big emotions 😞
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You ran as fast as your little legs could take you. There wasn’t an exact location you were running to, but somehow you knew where you’d end up. Tears left your eyes and a few feathers had been plucked from your gorgeous wings. The night air sent shivers down your spine but you refused to look back. You never wanted to look back.
Tired, cold, and sleepy, the Addams Mansion finally came into view. It’s brambly trees threatened to scratch and pull at your skin, but you happily greeted the forest you’ve come to love. It reminded you of your favorite Addams.
The whistle of trees beckoned you away, but you fought against their singing and continued to the front of the mansion. You loudly knock against the large door, and a butler you recognize so dearly groans behind it.
“Mr. Lurch!” Your small voice cut through the dark night.
What anyone else would assume to be a groan of annoyance, you knew was one of confusion. Lurch takes one good look at you and scoops you into his arms, as if you weighed absolutely nothing. His feet thumped against the floors of the mansion and you could only assume he was taking you to the owners of the terrifyingly beautiful home.
Mrs. Addams and Mr. Addams who’ve you known so well, sit in their living room while Morticia reads a book about who knows what to her husband. He listens intensely with love in his eyes until Lurch’s thumps bring you to the married couple.
“(Y/n)? Lurch, why have you brought us Miss (L/n)?” Gomez questions, while Morticia goes into mother mode immediately. She takes you from Lurch’s arms and thanks him as he pats you on the head before leaving.
“(Y/n), dearest. Who’s caused you such harm?”
Your eyes fill with tears as you recall what happened.
“D-Daddy, he-“
Your father came home angry. Angrier than usual. You tried to hug him, but he pushed you away for the fridge instead. Your lip quivered while you ran to your mother, and she had an angry expression when you told her.
You felt so bad for telling on Daddy. He… he did love you! He did! He was just a little sad for some reason. You decided maybe Daddy just needed space.
You were supposed to be asleep when Mommy and Daddy started fighting. Daddy said a lot of mean stuff. Something about how he wished he was never with Mommy... surely he didn’t mean it! He said something about how you were a mistake, but Daddy didn’t mean it! Right? Daddy loved you…
You didn’t realize you were crying until a small hiccup escaped your throat, and your parents spun around to look at your pained expression from the stairs. You felt bad Mommy and Daddy were fighting. Your father tried to comfort you by closing in for a hug, but you didn’t want a hug. Like how Daddy didn’t want a hug earlier.
You pushed the man away, and he made a scary face. You wished you could say he wasn’t your daddy, but only your daddy’s voice could be so scary. Turning to hide in your room, he grabs at your right wing to keep you close.
It hurt a lot.
But as fast as it hurts, it stops and you look behind you. With a fist full of your dark feathers, your mother slams your father into the stairs. What she actually says are a little muffled to you, but you get the idea after she points to a nearby window.
You try to fly, but the difference in feathers throws you off balance. You manage to glide down from the second story, but not without an ungraceful landing.
You didn’t know where to go.
“A-And then Mommy told me t’run away. B-But I didn’t know where t’go…”
“Oh, my darling, I’m so sorry.” Morticia shares a concerned look with her husband, and he immediately springs into action. Gomez grabs his coat and is out the door in less than a second.
“How about we get you cleaned up, would you like that?” You nod.
Morticia brings you to one of the many bathrooms of the mansion, and sits you down on the toilet seat lid. She soaks a towel with warm water to wash your muddied face and clean off any cuts you might’ve had. Both of you fall into a comfortable silence.
There’s an ache in Wednesday’s soul she can’t place. It’s kept her up for hours, and sleep hasn’t been able to take her away just yet. Wednesday had paced circles in her room with only the moon as a light, yet her ache has yet to subside.
Only when Wednesday hears the front door open, she knows she’s found the reasoning for the ache. With feather-light steps, the young Addams creeps down to where she can hear talking.
What Wednesday doesn’t expect is the face of her best friend crying and whimpering. It takes everything inside of her to not run in and steal you away. Instead, she listens to your story.
You tell the older Addams woman about what happened, and Wednesday’s blood starts to boil. You didn’t deserve that. You didn’t deserve that atrocity of father. Wednesday can’t continue listening to your story or she’ll commit unforgivable crimes not even you would approve of.
Wednesday creeps back up into her room. She’s really not getting any sleep until she knows for sure you’re safe and with her. Wednesday was awfully aware of how little power she had at her age, but that didn’t stop the young Addams from formulating a plan. Specifically, a plan to make you feel better. (and maybe a plan to get revenge on your disgrace of a father, but that’d have to wait)
Wednesday decided to make her move when her bathroom light was turned on just near her bedroom. She decided to pay you a visit.
“Mother.” Wednesday appeared behind Morticia, her monotone voice causing you to jump the slightest.
“Wednesday, dear, unable to sleep?”
“Someone had been keeping me up, and I think I know who.” The younger girl peers over her mother’s shoulder to meet your curious gaze. You flush in embarrassment and look at the ground.
“Sorry I woke you up, Wens… I didn’t mean to come here so late”
“Sleep in my room.”
“Wednesday, are you sure you’ll be able to sleep with company?”
“Her safety directly corresponds with my sleep schedule.”
“If you insist, my little death.” Morticia sighs. “You two go straight to bed now, hm?”
You nod before getting up off the toilet seat lid. Before you enter Wednesday’s room, Morticia stops you. She bends down to reach your height.
“Don’t you worry about Mommy and Daddy, dear. Mr. Addams and I have all of it covered. You just have sweet nightmares tonight, alright?” There’s nothing but kindness and worry in her voice. Morticia stands up, and you give her a quick hug before she leaves. The older woman feels her heart melt.
You sit on Wednesday’s bed just like you have countless times before. The moonlight illuminates you perfectly, Wednesday thinks. She wasn’t one for holy comparisons, but nothing described you better than an angel of death.
With a halo made of the moon and wings darker than hell, you were no less than ethereal.
“Wens?” Your voice snaps the Addams out of her thoughts.
“What happened to your wing?”
“Uhm… can I tell you tomorrow? I’m sleepy” You emphasize your point with a yawn
“I understand, let’s sleep.” Wednesday nods, and you move over to make some room on the bed.
Wednesday has been in this exact position many times before, but somehow this time felt different. Perhaps it was the fact there’s a blatant elephant in the room, or the fact she knows the reason due to your escape from home. Either way, something was different.
You were basically passed out as soon as your head hit the pillow, leaving Wednesday with her own thoughts as she watched you sleep. The younger Addams ran her fingers through your right wing, successfully finding the patchy spot.
Your face contorts into something like pain and fear, and Wednesday quickly pulls her hand away. She didn’t mean to hurt you. When your pained expressions continue, Wednesday knows you’re having a nightmare. And not an enjoyable one.
Almost like second nature, Wednesday pulls you into her arms. Your wing falls atop her like a blanket, and you seem to go back to uneventful sleep. Even unconscious, you hold the Addams like you’re awake.
Wednesday is finally met with sleep when she could press a hand against your chest and feel the rhythmic thumping of your heart.
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