#thanks for the ask 🌈
mooifyourecows · 11 months
could i ask another one for the wip ask?
15. royal pain in the ass ?
of course 🥲
that one is my daisuga fantasy/royal au in which Adventurer Daichi becomes the personal guard of Prince Koushi who just so happens to be half siren and horrible at controlling his power. RIP daichi's sanity
here's a little scene excerpt:
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berlingotesque · 3 months
I forgot about pride month but the second I remembered I knew I had to literally beg you on my knees to draw more Norman x Sammy content. (Also I literally love your style so much🩷)
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I was literally so caught up in other personal projects, I completely forgot about my asks !! So happy end of Pride Month, everyone ! :D
(And thank you so much, I’m delighted that you like my artstyle 😭💖)
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halflifebutawesome · 1 month
guy crazy about tomrey here thank you thank you thank you thank you
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bsof-maarav · 3 months
me, an obvious out lesbian in my orthodox shul community where i visibly stand out from the norm and the norms...matter: happy, comfortable, welcomed, included, respected, in my lane (or on my side of the mechitza, if you will), crops watered, moisturized, thriving, etc.
same me, at or anywhere near a "queer"/lgbt/lesbian event or space where i look like i'd belong if not for their keffiyeh fever:
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leonkennedysgf13 · 3 months
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cast of resident evil says happy pride lesbians!
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solchle · 9 months
I AM EXPLODING UR ART IS SO GOOD WHAT⁉️💥 also heard ur opening reqests‼️could u do the lamp n the sketchbook one more time CAUSE AUGH I LOVE THEM I’M🥺🥺🎊
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HERE IT IS!! (rquest#3 :³)
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xandriagreat · 4 months
just poppin’ into your ask box to say happy pride month!
no matter who you are, who you like, or how you express yourself, you always deserve to feel comfortable and safe. this is a month about recognizing how far you’ve come, how much you’ve grown as a person, in relationships and in your own identity. you’re so incredibly brave and stronger than you know.
you’re doing amazing, kiddo.
sincerely, the yeehaw uncles, Leo and Yuichi
(don’t feel pressured to reply; this is just a lil motivational message :))
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Happy pride month, everyone!!!!!!
Leo and Yuichi Usagi look great and ready for pride month.
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trans-programmed-vex · 2 months
hnnng guhh h do u have any transprogrammed tips......
I'm definitely not the best person to ask this but I can give you some things we do if they help.
Researching what programming you want to do and how people do it.
Using codewords or code phrases. An example we do for this is repeatedly saying that word or writing it down then forcing out that alter to try connecting that word with a trigger.
Associating a type of programming onto an alter so whenever you think of them that programming is also part of who they are.
Some things I know others do(less detailed because I don't do them)
Using hypnosis
Optical illusions
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Hmm..I can’t really think of anything fun to do right now :<…What do you like to do for fun sir? :33
- Venus🌈
"I dunno...I like playing with my sharks...I like first person shooter games...I like cuddling with my Alastor body pillow- I MEAN HATING ALASTOR! YEAH! LOVE DOIN' THAT."
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cod-dump · 1 year
It's day two of june, and I used
"This is homophobic" so much already whenever there is just a little inconvenience in my live. Happy pride🥳
The entirety of 141 so insufferable during Pride. They pull the gay card at every opportunity and it drives every none LGBTQIA+ community member insane. The phrase 'that's homophobic' is thrown around dozens of times a day during the entire month of June.
It's not uncommon to hear this, "You're giving me work? That's homophobic."
"This mustard packet isn't opening."
"Must be homophobic."
Pride was how every none LGBTQIA+ community member found out how all the core members of 141 are queer in some form. Hearing 'that's homophobic' come out of Price's mouth after getting into it with a higher up connected dots for so many recruits.
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graynide · 3 months
Hey, just wanted to let ya know that my friend would totally kiss you on the mouth because you draw captain underpants fanart.
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WAPOW! Digital Art Jumpscare!!
Starring: me!
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wounds-of-space · 7 days
hiiii,,,, i kinda wanna join, whats gonna go on inside the fult?
Hiii glad you want to join I can tell you anything you want. If you have other questions for things I dont go over then just ask.
Wounds of Space is a fult / neo religion connecting humans with stars through past lives. All info on that can be found on the carrd in my pinned message.
Within the fult itself there is multiple levels you can be on and you can be upgraded by doing different things.
On the discord server there is things which everyone who wants to can access as if it was a normal server. Anything mentioned this will only be accessible with the 'worshipper' role
As well as that there is an option in the roles which allows you access to a separate section which is specifically to worshipping me in different ways (In this fult I am considered the Deity and controller of what happens).
There will also be a section for 'anon begging' which was suggested in my original post about starting a fult and what people would like. This is a place where I make a specific channel you me and whoever wants an anon place. The name gives it away for what it is but it's a place where you can beg to your hearts desires without anyone else seeing them.
There is also 'challenges' which I will attempt to do daily however am most likely going to fail at. There's 2 different options for these challenges. Harmful and normal. The normal ones will be random things such as 'say a prayer' or 'draw a silly picture of a frog'.
TW for mentions of sh and relapsing nothing in detail.
With the harmful challenges they will be more things like 'slap yourself 3 times' or 'purposefully stub your toe 5 times today' just things like that which may hurt you abit. They will not be things like 'c\/t yourself' or 'relapse on what you've been longest on'. I will not be doing things like that. As well as that. All challenges are completely optional and none of them are mandatory.
Tw over
That's pretty much what I've planned to happen for the most part just depends on what people want and how many people join.
I also find consent and boundaries to be very important (you can ask any transharmed person I've talked to and 99% of the time they will say that I ask about their boundaries and what they're comfortable with me doing)
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whisperingn1ghts · 20 days
I love your prongsfoot and snily fanart omggg!!! I also love your ronarry fanart and I munch it everytime- NO BUT I love ur moonchaser so much too and OMGGG I love ur art thank you for giving us something to munch and eat😖🙏🏻
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Since it's Pride Month, do you have any LGBT headcanons for the pups? I personally headcanon Zuma as either gender fluid or non-binary
Nnnnngh I don't like talking about it out in the open because I don't want people coming at me feeling offended or whatever BECAUSE OF FICTIONAL CHARACTERS--
I'll put it under the cut. No one needs to read this if you don't want to. And whoever comes at me in a disrespectful manner, I'll just delete the ask. Not wasting my time.
I don't think Zuma ever gave it any thought at all XD He simply exists.
Chase gives me a bi-curious vibe. Y'know, the straight one who's also got their attention on someone of the same gender and is now confused/curious about it, still finding out. Or not trying at all, but the curiosity is there, like a "what if...?"
I don't really remember what I thought of the others but I think they're all cis. I already got "trauma" from the error in the Brazilian dub making Marshall and Zuma be females for over two seasons and only then realizing their mistake and remaking the dub to fix that. Thanks to that, now I need to put up with this guy who quit watching the show once the dub fixed their mistake because he liked those two pups as girls and refused to accept they have ALWAYS been boys in the original. He keeps referring to them as she/her, EVERY SINGLE TIME we talk about Paw Patrol. It pisses me off but I know that's what he wants so I refuse to show it.
It's no secret I ship Rocky and Zuma, so they might fall somewhere in the gay, bi or pan area.
I didn't give much thought into the others ever about this. Whatever I thought before, I already forgot. This isn't something I think much about, y'know? Like, it doesn't matter to me WHAT they are, I love these characters for WHO they are. And since I don't have that many ships in this show, I only think about these things when I'm going to ship someone or if it's made canon XD
Also just for the final shot, Chase is bi-curious because of Marshall and Rocky aushaushasuhaushausa
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hey-imma-fangirl · 1 year
How is the favorite lesbian mamas doing this pride month? (Queen & Devil)
As Gay As Ever
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aloyxtilda · 1 year
Please give me all the Tilda headcanons you have. Wait, wait. I'm worried what you just heard was, 'give me a lot of Tilda headcanons'. What I said was, 'Give me all the Tilda headcanons you have'. 🤗
Okay now that I had some time to think on this one, I can answer. Haha. Sorry it took me a bit. But I have a lot of Tilda Headcanons. 😅🌹
Tilda is a hopeless romantic who would do anything for love.
She grew up wanting to be like the masterful artists she admires but wasn't gifted with the talent to do so.
She sometimes plays piano but isn't as good as she wants to be.
When her and Lis were together, after dinner, she would play piano for Lis on quiet, relaxing afternoons over a glass of wine.
She loves to watch independent films from her time that are dramatic, romantic and full of emotion. In which she secretly cries over with a box of dutch chocolates by her side.
She wishes she learned how to cook but never could bring herself to do it.
Tilda would have taught Art History at a famous university but went off to become a spy and data broker. (Can we imagine Tilda as a professor?) 🔥🌹
I feel Tilda would have admired her dad if he survived and wanted to be like him.
Her favorite colors are royal blue and purple but prefers to wear white.
She is a minimalist but secretly hoards art.
I believe Tilda was a Zenith way before she met Lis during the time Peter was the original founder. She really looked up to his ideas of immortality, advancing humanity and traveling the stars.
She quietly loves to read romantic poetry with her favorite bottle of wine.
As a child in boarding school she would sneak outside at night to look at the stars and imagine a place free from her lonely, dark prison.
At school, other girls knew Tilda was a lesbian and picked on her for it but secretly crushed on her. However, her beauty and quiet personality intimidated them.
Tilda admired her strict disciplinary guardian at boarding school but dreaded the woman at the same time. However was inspired by her dominance and control. Which she later implemented and mimicked that behavior into her adult life, using it to gain respect with the powerful and wealthy elites.
Tilda is a fashionista. Wore top high fashion everywhere and anywhere.
She is mostly an introvert who gets burnt out by people very quickly.
Before her parents died, Tilda was a loving and kind little girl with big dreams who looked up to her dad and loved life.
After her parents died, Tilda closed herself off to people, specially girls at school who bullied her. Which lead to her belief that everyone was horribly undeserving of her love and kindness to which she had locked away.
It created her more cold, intimating persona that she picked up from her assigned guardian.
This belief allowed her to not care about stealing data from others. To Tilda, everyone deserved it. It didn't bother her until she met Lis.
Tilda was hired by far Zenith to obtain hidden secret data from Elizabeth Sobeck. But instead fell in love with her red headed victim.
Later learning how selfless and loving Lis was, this is what drove Tilda to open her heart once again and change how she looked at the world.
Tilda saw Beta as her daughter but at times looking at her or hearing Beta's voice caused Tilda pain. She cared about her and genuinely wanted Beta to succeed and grow not for herself but for Lis. However, the idea of this being a clone of the woman who pushed Tilda's love away years ago to focus on her work was unbearable to witness at times. Leaving Tilda reflecting a much colder tone.
Tilda loves cats but is allergic to them. She also wouldn't want them to destroy her furniture or clothing.
On her birthday, Tilda would buy herself a Dutch treat and play the Happy Birthday song to herself on the piano. Pretending her mom and dad were there to sing it to her.
Tilda always sleeps on one side of the bed, pretending Lis is next to her. Some nights reaching out to feel nothing but the cold sheets which leads her into a fit of tears.
She is a lightweight when it comes to alcohol so she barely drinks. But when she does, she can get very drunk and turn into a romantic, poetic mess. Singing love songs in Dutch along the halls of the Odyssey, where the other Zeniths would scoff, laugh or roll their eyes. Until eventually one of them put poor drunk Tilda to bed.
Tilda eats rice pudding as a sweet. She loves the simplicity of it.
Her home smelled of roses and clean laundry.
She thinks birds are cute and lights up when she sees one she likes but tries to hide her reaction.
When Lis would talk, eat, sleep, and do basic human things, Tilda had to hold back from smiling too much without giving away that she found it overwhelmingly adorable.
Tilda kept a handwritten diary in which it held her deepest thoughts and fears. But most of all her love and poetry she wrote for Lis. Elizabet secretly once read it and cried. Tilda never knew.
Tilda would send funny memes to Lis while she worked for Faro and the woman would have to struggle from laughing when at meetings.
Tilda has a dirty sense of humor. When she first started dating Lis, she would whisper dirty jokes into her ear which caused the red head to laugh very loudly. It would catch the attention of everyone in the room.
Tilda loved the opera and live orchestra. She took Lis many times where she teased the scientist with her sensual touch and occasional kisses on the neck. Sometimes playing with Lis' red hair around her fingers.
She has a fear of the dark and sleeps with a warm light on beside her bed.
Tilda did have Zenith friends she liked. She enjoyed their company more than she told Aloy. And when Nemesis killed them, she went cold again on the way back to Earth. The trauma from her past was all coming back to her. Now stuck with the worst of the Zeniths, she shut herself off even more.
She is demisexual and demiromantic.
She likes to hum to herself but gets very embarrassed if other Zeniths would overhear her. Holding back from humming a tune for months until she could feel safe to do it again.
She loves VR and normally sits at simulated coffee shops in Amsterdam. Replaying the times she had coffee there with Lis.
Tilda never died. She somehow figured a way to transfer her consciousness successfully to a fully grown cloned version of herself tucked away in a Zenith cryo pod. She never told the others how to do this.
She will return and get the redemption she deserves by deciding she will stay and help fight alongside Aloy and her friends. Leaving her past regret behind her.
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