#thanks for tagging me loudlooks!
aksannyi · 6 months
Nine people I’d like to get to know better
Thanks for tagging me @loudlooks
Last Song: So Much for Stardust by Fall Out Boy
Favorite Color: Purple
Currently Watching: zfg1 (twitch streamer)
Spicy/Savory/Sweet: Sweet
Relationship Status: Unfortunately still in a relationship but that will change once I have the means to move out.
Current Obsession: Back on that Minecraft bullshit again.
Tagging: @gaynfl @delicatefalice @gingerstorm101 @harmandmac @qqueenofhades @drashleighreid @xoxonessie and uhhhhhh idk i don't talk to anyone on here anymore? rip~ well if you see this and you're not tagged go ahead and tag me back so i can see your response luv u byeeeee~
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television-overload · 11 months
9 lines, 9 people
thanks for tagging me @indestinatus <3 here's a sneak preview of my "Under Covers" chapter for my Tiva in Every Episode series, which will probably be a fair bit longer than the other chapters...
“How… are we supposed to do that, Director?” Director Shepard pursed her lips. “Just read the file, go check in at the hotel. You’ll figure something out, Agent DiNozzo.” Tony sighed and circled around the Director and Gibbs to take a seat at his desk. He set the file down and began rifling through the papers. Ziva saw the moment he made the connection between their new mission and the phone call from earlier. Every muscle in his body tensed, and he slowly lifted his head to stare unamusedly across the bullpen. “What’s wrong, Tony? You do not want to be married to me?” Ziva asked with a pout, taunting him.
tagging: (do I know nine people that write? that haven't done this yet?) @loudlooks @randomfoggytiger @agent-troi @wanna-be-bold @baronessblixen @whoever else, I've run out of ideas lol
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earanemith · 8 months
Get to Know me Ask Game1
Thank you for the tag @television-overload
Currently reading: mainly old NCIS fanfics, couple of comfort captainSwan ones. Currently watching: x-files for the first time. Planning to also start an NCIS rewatch. Mainly to prepare to make video's again.
Currently obsessed with: For sure NCIS/Tiva. When Cote left I mostly stopped watching. Still haven't watched her come back episodes. And slowly got more into the Once Upon a Time fandom. Now I am back with a vengance!!
I'll tag if you guys haven't been tagged yet: @happygirl-0408 @benedettabeby @tony-love-ziva @tonysziva @loudlooks And anyone ellse who wants!
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starrybouquet · 1 year
Ten Random Lines
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll roughly to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
I was tagged by @loudlooks - thank you so much for the tag and I'm sorry I only got around to it now! Threw you a follow :)
Wasn't sure if this was for completed fics or WIPs, so I did a mixture.
i won't let go 'til the end - Stargate SG-1, Sam/Jack, G
Carter pulled their clasped hands between them and closed her eyes again, thumb stroking along his hand absentmindedly.
2. untitled marriage of convenience tropefic - Top Gun, female!Maverick/Ice, T
“Oh, I insist. And Goosey will tell you anything I say goes.” She’d laughed again, and that was that.
3. untitled Five Times fic - Stargate SG-1, Sam/Jack, T
"Oh," Sam says, voice small. Suddenly, she doesn't want to hear him moon over Sara anymore. She turns back to her binoculars and misses the brown eyes pleading with her from a few feet away.
4. a thousand deliciously ill-advised ways - Top Gun, Mav & Rooster (gen), G
Kidnapping Mav and taking him to an enemy base is several bridges too far, but neither of them have ever needed the military to bring them to trouble. They’re plenty capable of getting into it all on their own.
5. Rearview Mirror - Stargate SG-1, Sam/Jack, T
But she's also clutching two tongue depressors and a rubber band in her chubby hands, so Jacob figures they weren't lying when they said Jack was her father.
6. untitled hugs fic - Mission: Impossible, Ilsa/Ethan, T
He stands to pace, only his gaze catches on Ilsa and he can’t seem to look away.
7. untitled Regency AU - Stargate SG-1, Sam/Jack, T
He'd blurted it without thinking, but suddenly Jack was desperate to convince Sam–Lady Samantha–to dance with him. "I–if we dance, nobody will be listening to us, and you can tell me all about those new lenses and….whatever other doohickeys you’ve found in this damn soot-stained town."
8. For God and Country - Stargate SG-1, gen, G
Daniel doesn’t swear much, but when he does, he makes it count.
9. untitled time travel fic - Top Gun, gen, T
There's something about the way Mav says it that sounds like destiny.
10. wedding fic - Mission: Impossible, Ilsa/Ethan, G
The last time he did this it was in a leather jacket and Julia in her scrubs, a trust, a promise--this, this is real, no matter what. And he kept that promise--still keeps it, through burn phones and emails--but it wasn't enough, not enough for Julia to have a shadow of a husband and not enough for him to trust Julia with his whole ruthless, cunning, desperate self.
And that's ten! No pressure tagging @ladywaffles @sententiousandbellicose @formerdetective @sluttyhenley @tommyjop @doodledrawreblogs @delicatelie89 @curator-on-ao3 @mattatouile @tinknevertalks <3 love you all!
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ardnaxelx · 6 months
Nine people I’d like to get to know better
Thanks for tagging me @loudlooks!
Last Song: hotel song - regina spektor
Favorite Color: 50 shades of blue(?)
Currently Watching: been a while since i binge watched anything tbh.. i haven't finished modern family, bridgerton, the crown, and morning wars hahaha
Spicy/Savory/Sweet: sweet and savory, depends on my mood
Relationship Status: single
Current Obsession: watching badminton i guess
Tagging: whoever seeing this post!
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Ten Random Lines - Tag Game
Thanks for the distraction from trying to write tag @mrsmungus
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll roughly to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
I decided to do a mix of posted and still-working-on-them fics, just for funsies.
Tags to play: @wanna-be-bold @indestinatus @wafflesetc @laurelsalexis @loudlooks @pro-bee @benditlikepress
10. The Staying Kind (Gibbs/Bishop--don't make me explain it)
Her hand on his arm stopped him. He looked up at her and could see something had shifted. “Gibbs, anyone can tell that you’re lonely.”
His smirk was quick, defensive. “Oh yeah?”
“I know I can help.”
9. New Year Normal (tiva)
“You are blunt as ever, Ziva.” His crossed arms mirrored the knot of his grimace. “And I’m not cranky because I’m not a 3-year-old who missed his nap.”
“Then you are jet lagged.”
“After 15 hours at 30,000 feet? No, you think?”
8. Tradition (tiva)
It might not have been the type of grand reunion that only seemed to happen in Tony’s beloved movies, but it was their way. A quiet affair. And there was an ease between them, like that of old acquaintances who parted on the best of terms, rather than the tearful separation in their own screenplay. 
7. Tender Curiosity (tiva)
Her eyes snapped up, locking with his hazel gaze in the mirror. “Why do you even care?”
“Because.” The word dissolved on his tongue, bitter. He wasn’t her parent, for God’s sake. Or her boyfriend. “We’re partners,” he finally settled on. “We’re supposed to have each others’ backs. I can’t do that if you’re keeping secrets from me.”
6. Loyalty (tiva)
“Were you to lower your hips about two centimeters,” Ziva assessed, approaching one deliberate step at a time until she reached the bars, “it would increase the effectiveness of each…thrust.”  
5. Contaminate My Heart (tiva)
“The only thing I see are your tan lines.” But she could not deny herself a visual inspection of the fading shadows across his low back and the hard dent of his spine before admonishing herself. 
You are here for his shower, not him.
4. smiles that give you away (tiva from McGee's pov)
“It’s been tough without him, huh?”
“Yes.” The redness transferred from her cheeks to the rings of her eyes, moisture gathering fast. “The books also say hormones are to blame for these excessive emotions.” Disgust laced the admission.
That was the Ziva he knew well.
3. Night Five (tiva)
The following day, he made his curiosity known, but Ziva brushed off each of his not-so-cloaked inquiries like a dusting of premature November snow and made a third early exit from the squadroom, tossing a blithe, “See you tomorrow, Tony,” on her way out.
2. with all appliances and means to boot (team + tiva)
“Did you also hear they went for drinks after work without inviting me?” It came out as a whine.
Jenny didn’t mask her amusement. “Did you always invite Gibbs for drinks? No, because he was your boss and you were probably venting about him.”
1.to be wanted (by you) (tiva)
Eli had also seen it as an asset, once she was under his command at Mossad. The way she could evaluate a target’s temper or mistrust in real-time, adjust her words, her voice and body to sway them to the will of the mission. So much more valuable than brute force, in the right circumstance.
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salty-af-ace · 7 years
Tag 9 people to get to know them
Tagged by the lovely @loudlooks ❤️(I love the pic of your dog btw) Thank gosh I kept the email reminder coz with work I’ll be lucky if I can remember to eat let alone go on tumblr.
Relationship status: single and ready for Pringles. No seriously, fuck your mingling. (Don’t actually. I’m too ace for this shit)
Favourite colour: Bluuuuue
Lipstick or chapstick: I’m gonna be English about this, Lip balm. I like wearing lipstick but I just don’t like the time it takes. This ain’t no 2 strokes mulan. Nah.
Last song: whatever it takes by Imagine dragons.
Last movie: …..I…haven’t even had time to watch TV these few months omg I can’t remember the last movie I watched….Maybe Fantastic beasts and where to find them? Or Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2.
Top 3 shows: I really hate doing these. So I’ll just list 3 random ones.
My childhood fave: Scooby doo, castle, Parks and rec.
Top 3 ships: Tiva, Starmora, Caskett.
I’ve been pretty dead on here so I got no clue who has done it and been tagged and everything, so I’ll apologize if you have already been tagged or didn’t want to be tagged.
@gryffindordetectiveofstarfleet3 @spideys-underoos @werealljustwinginit @ezepeze11 @tivafan-yupthatsme @kd2900 @starmora @ 2 more people coz idk I’m bad at tagging and can’t remember names bye
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mokkemusic · 7 years
Goal: Tag 9 people to get to know them
Tagged by: @loudlooks
Relationship status: Single
Favorite color: Purple thanks to @katebeckett
Lipstick or chapstick: Lipstick
Last song: You Don’t Own Me, or basically any Halsey Song
Last movie: Well I haven't seen a movie in a while I'm more a tv person but I guess technically then Wonder Woman even though I haven't watched it yet. But probably will this weekend.
Top 3 shows: Burn Notice, and the last 2 childhood nostalgic ones Charmed and an old cartoon I was obsessed with as a kid lol 
Top 3 ships: Michael and Fiona, Piper and Leo, and the last from childhood cartoon cause I can't help it <3 
Tagging: I have no idea who’s done this already so anyone who wants to do it I guess. I just did this cause it was entertaining. Thanks Chris <3 
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gingerstorm101 · 4 years
tagged by @loudlooks​
tagging @tivaholic4​ and anyone else who wants to do this
1. List of works published this year:
Closure NCIS
Cold Tea NCIS
The Blindfold NCIS
Guardian Angel  NCIS
Octogenarian NCIS
Trust Me NCIS
A Breakfast Encounter  NCIS
2. Work you are most proud of (and why):
I think Cold Tea is one of my favourites because I was able to say so much with description and only having 4 spoken words throughout the entire story.
3. Work you are least proud of (and why):
Probably all the works that I wanted to get done this year but sit incomplete in my WIP folder...
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
He lets go of her hand, wrapping it around her waist and pulled her to him, pressing her flu sh against him. “Tony, I-” He silences her with a light kiss on her forehead before pressing his forehead to hers, brushing his nose against hers. He knew she wanted to explain herself, to apologize for everything she had done, but he couldn’t hear it. Wou ldn’t hear it. She is here and that’s all that matters to him. How could he be mad at her? How could he love her any less ? He lived his life without her, and he was more reckless and depressed in the last three years than he’s been in the last ten.
5. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
“Wow, really interesting indeed! Thanks for writing it. I didn’t know it was the closure for them I never knew I needed. :)”
6. A time when writing was really, really hard:
The past 6 months have became harder and harder to write. I’ve been taking on more and more work as I’m slowly learning to run and own this business myself. One day I’ll quit my other job. But today isn’t that day. Hopefully this marketing will be soon finished and I can work on everything else.
7. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
I’m shocked I wrote Jeanne. No one ever does unless she’s a villain (but S4 is one of my faves), but when I thought of that one-shot idea, I just had to write it.
8. How did you grow as a writer this year:
Well, I’ve written more this year than I did last year. But I’ve been going back into stressfulness. Send help.
9. How do you hope to grow next year:
I want nothing more than to have the energy to write again. I’ve been diagnosed with 2 more illnesses since I went back to work. And now that I have thoughts of what I want to write, I don’t have the energy. When I do, I have work to do or writers block.
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
@loudlooks and @tivaholic4 have been great inspiration this year. I just wish I could do that writing. 
11. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
This year? Nope.
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
Don’t over think yourself. Don’t overwork yourself to please your readers. Art comes at your own pace. And even if you don’t like it, others just might.
13. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
I have a Undercover fic that I need to finish planning out. The October Challenge needs to be finished. I have a Harry Potter fic that I have 3 paragraphs in that I’d like to finish. And my When In Rome crossover fic I would like to finish.
14. If you could recommend only one work from yourself published this year:
Maybe Guardian Angel because it’s so different, but it still warms my heart and breaks it at the same time.
15. Year word count:
10924 (more than I thought)
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tivafanfic · 7 years
I don't really know any fanfic writers, but if you know of any looking for oneshot ideas, please tell them to write a tiva fic based off of "You Matter to Me" from Waitress. It's the perfect t&z song
Thank you, I just spent three hours listening to the soundtrack again while searching for this video by @smedegaard3105 before replying (okay, it didn’t take three hours to find it, but the music was on repeat and my brain was full of Tiva, so…go check out that video).
Anyway, any T&Z writers inspired to write this? You can find the song on YouTube here.
If you do write something, tag me (@loudlooks) so I can reblog it here.
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aksannyi · 7 months
Get to Know me Ask Game1
Thanks for tagging me @loudlooks
Currently reading: I just finished rereading Red, White, and Royal Blue. Now reading Juliet Takes a Breath, gonna be reading Macbeth because I have to teach it. Oh, and like. All the Captain Swan fanfic.
Currently watching: Mostly twitch these days, a few good youtube channels though. Cinema Therapy, Oceanliner Designs, and Bright Sun Films are all really good channels you should check out.
Currently obsessed with: I am helplessly back on my Minecraft bullshit again.
tagging: anyone! i don't really have any engagement on this site anymore so if you see this, this is your invitation to post and also tag me back ilu
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Heads Up 7 Up
I was tagged by @loudlooks (thank you!)
Tagging anyone who wants to participate! 7 lines out of context, GO!
🙏🙏🙏 it's been so long since I've written Tiva fanfic (does anyone miss me?), much less finished anything 😭 but I've had this WIP where Tony doesn't get shot at in his apartment in 11x01 on my phone for years now and maybe one day I'll finally get to it and post it 🫡
"Did you bring me all the way here just to cook for you, Ms. David?" Tony teased, leaning in closer and taking the ingredients from her hands.
Ziva deviously stared right back at him and said "Yes," with a short nod, though Tony knew she was kidding.
Nevertheless, he got to work preparing his famous spaghetti sauce while Ziva got out the rest of the ingredients for the pasta, garlic bread, and salad. Tony set the sauce to simmer for a while, turning to lean on the counter and look at Ziva some more.
Several possible good conversation starters were on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn't make himself say any of them. You look beautiful. I'm glad I came. I'm in love with you.
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earanemith · 9 months
Promises made
Summery: "Promise me we'll get a chance" Those were the words Ziva held onto as a terrible accident would change her life forever. Abandoned and forgotten, there was no one left to lean on. Au: starts at the summer between season 5 and 6.
Read on ao3
Walking along the busy streets of Israel Ziva took in all the sights that formed her life. At least until she went on the mission to safe Ari which had not turned out as she would have thought.  Where she had lost her brother, a brother looking back having been lost long before, she had also gained family.
Right now she had lost that family. When director Vance broke them up that was the end. Being with them had made her forget she was not really a part of them, of NCIS. Merely a liaison officer, Jenny having created the position for her. Now she was gone as well, along with her mother, sister and brother. When they got the news it felt like ice entered her veins. Saying goodbye to them all before leaving her workplace for the last three years. When later that evening there was a knock at her door she had not expected it. Seeing Tony when opening the door had also been a surprise.
"Promise me you'll come back. Promise me we'll get a chance." Tony had whispered in her ear later that night, holding her close.
"I promise" she whispered back. Looking up into his eyes. Then closing the distance between them and coming together for one last kiss before they both had to go into the unknown.
Shaking herself out of the memory she looked around the street. Spotting the little cafe she was meant to meet Liat. Her oldest and only friend left in Israel. Ziva was happy that Liat had actually been in the country and not out on a mission, she needed someone to talk to. Barley back in Israel and the feeling of not quite belonging had fallen over her. Like a snake trying to get back into their old skin. She also wanted to discuss her staying in Liat's guest room for as long as she would be here. No longer having an apartment in Israel and not being comfortable the least in her father' home. For she was sure Eli had wanted her back in Israel for long before Jenny had died.
It seemed Liat had spotted her as well. Giving her a little wave. Then it happened. Ziva heard the shouting before she really saw anything. Then people running, machine guns going off, chaos. Maybe Ziva had been with NCIS to long, maybe it had made her soft. Her first focus was not on the cars doing the drive by but on the innocent people around her. In particular a young girl, not taking note on what was happening round her, too used to the violence. Adrenaline took over as Ziva rushed to the girl, pushing her out of the way from the bullets and the cars. It was however too late for herself as she had to cross the street to get the girl to safety. The first car hit her at full speed. The only thing she remembered was Liat's voice screaming her name after that darkness took over.
I want to give special thanks to @happygirl-0408 and @benedettabeby who both gave me the last bit of courage I needed to start posting, and for always cheering me on. You guys are awesome! Hope it won't disappoint! Taglist: @mrsmungus, @loudlooks , @tivafanfic , @hopeless-nostalgiac
Want to be added on the tag list let me know!
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hopeless-nostalgiac · 4 years
tagged by @loudlooks 
tagging: I haven’t been around, so I don’t know who’s writing anymore *shrug* If you want to, go ahead!
1. List of works published this year:
With Finer Grit - Chapter 10
with all appliances and means to boot
2. Work you are most proud of (and why):
The update to WFG because it was so long in the making (4! years!). Really thought I’d never continue it. I liked the other piece, too, because I actually had fun writing it. Team Leader Tony is one of my favorite Tonys.
3. Work you are least proud of (and why):
The update to WFG because I see the flaws and I might have ruined it with that last scene. Welp.
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
They dozed together in the dark of her bedroom. They weren’t cuddlers, per se. Their connections left them too sensitive, sticky and unspooled. They stayed close, though. Touching random pieces of her to him, him to her. His head resting on her bicep curled closest to the mattress. Her ankle molded to the arch of his foot. Sometimes as conventional as their hands laid one atop the other, fingers loose.
5. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
Hmm. Not many reviews these days. I cherished all the feedback from @mcgeekle *hugs*
6. A time when writing was really, really hard:
Pretty much every time I sat down to write. 
7. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
Um. I attempted to write smut, but never got to the actual smut part of the ficlet, so...I don’t think it counts. Also I tried writing Orli, which was interesting, if ultimately futile. 
8. How did you grow as a writer this year:
I know for a fact I did not grow because I did not put honest effort into it. 
9. How do you hope to grow next year:
I’d like to find a way to write again, regularly and with pleasure. Not sure how to achieve that, yet. Might need to find fresh inspiration. 
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
@mcgeekle such a sweetheart, so helpful and motivating and gives great insight, only wish I could return the favor somehow *more hugs*
@loudlooks read drafts of my work (that didn’t even became a thing) when she wasn’t feeling tiva, now that’s a writerly friend *hugs*
11. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
Nope, and I think that’s part of the problem. 
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
Not really new, but...write ideas/characters/worlds that interest you, make you laugh, send you flying back to the computer to write whenever you have the chance. Write what makes you want to keep writing.
13. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
Maybe finish WFG for good? Blessing could be continued...if I was so inclined. 
Mostly, like @loudlooks, I have a ton of WIPs. Seriously it’s disgraceful. There was the smut thing (it’s a tiva shower fic cause we need another of those). I’ve been dabbling with a New Year’s Eve tiva ficlet--for a couple years now. There’s a Hanukkah fic which would indeed be a miracle if I could finish it. A random piece on post-S17 Ziva. A S11 AU that gets bigger every time I think about it. A post-elevator fic that’s also a puppy fic (don’t ask). 
Then there’s a category of WIPs I previously released as part of Tiva Amnesty, but that I go stare at on occasion to torture myself. It’s fun. The biggest culprits are: --Tender Curiosity (S8 AU Ziva is preggers, but it’s not Tony’s; angst and deep friendship exploration ensue) --The Villa (S12 AU Tony and Ziva reunite at an Italian chateau, but it doesn’t go the way he planned) --Land I Grew (S7 Ziva and Tony rebuilding, one mattress at a time)
If the middles and endings of any (or all) of those want to suddenly be fully formed in my mind, that would be great.
To be honest, I think I have outgrown writing Tiva and that’s why it’s nearly impossible to produce these works, and thus why my writing has stalled completely.  
14. If you could recommend only one work from yourself published this year:
with all appliances and means to boot because it stands alone, at least.
15. Year word count:
WFG chapter = 2,331
With all appliances, etc. = 3,261
Drafts upon drafts, random crap, fiddling with WIPs = infinite
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ardnaxelx · 3 years
Tumblr media
I posted 677 times in 2021
10 posts created (1%)
667 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 66.7 posts.
I added 35 tags in 2021
#personal - 15 posts
#tokyo 2020 - 4 posts
#olympics - 4 posts
#badminton - 4 posts
#indonesia - 3 posts
#because i never had an apple watch before - 1 posts
#i also want an apple watch 6 - 1 posts
#maybe the space gray one - 1 posts
#oh my goodness - 1 posts
#i got it as a birthday present back in 2012 - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 82 characters
#don’t tell me the ministry of communication and information banned this site again
My Top Posts in 2021
just started watching modern family 😅
1 notes • Posted 2021-05-31 16:44:07 GMT
Ocean ask (from I don't know how long ago): pearl, shells, rain, azure
finally i’m online using my laptop lmao. pearl: if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? right now? i'd say singapore. i've missed the city SO MUCH it hurts. other than that, i'd love to visit japan because i never been there before. shells: would you prefer to be a vampire or a werewolf? vampire, they're more stylish lol. rain: if it were possible, what exotic animal would you keep as a pet? i can't choose between dik-dik, binturong, and raccoon dog. help. azure: what is something that you do that makes you happy? i've been cooking and baking more after i resigned and it makes me happy. thank you for asking!!
1 notes • Posted 2021-05-18 18:56:25 GMT
1 notes • Posted 2021-05-17 19:35:32 GMT
okay. i know i haven’t posted anything about my former umm… ship? otp? whatever that is, for so long, and i haven’t even read any fanfiction for ages.
but…. excuse me?
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all of the sudden i have new a follower on my ffn account 😮
3 notes • Posted 2021-06-06 18:18:38 GMT
Tumblr media
- enemies to lovers
- first kiss
- slow burn
@coffeedepablo @harmandmac @hopeless-nostalgiac @easylion @jennonthewire @aksannyi @atemschnapper @delicatefalice @ezepeze11 @gwendolynbriggs @hailromanogers @loudlooks @natasharomanoff what’s yours? lmao
19 notes • Posted 2021-05-04 10:12:08 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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indestinatus · 4 years
tiva fanfiction author recommendations plz I need some good tiva to read
This has been sitting in my inbox for a couple of days because I had to think SO HARD about my favorite authors and I was sure I would forget some of them. I started reading fanfiction almost ten years ago, so a lot of the titles and names have been lost in my memory by now. There are some more recent stories (which the authors are active) and the ones I get back to reread, so I’ll list those. Some works are still in progress. Here are some of my favorite tiva stories in no particular order:
Christmas Meeting by @beatrixacs [M, 368,073 word count, in progress]
Christmas 2015. Prague, Czech Republic. An unexpected meeting between two former co-workers after more than two years from their parting in Israel that will make them realize that their feelings towards each other are stronger than before. But will they do anything about it? And what does the future look like for them? AU Season 13.
Kissing Deal by @beatrixacs [M, 247,815 word count, complete]
Tony and Ziva are posing as a married couple in a hotel for a week to keep an eye on another married couple that is involved in their last case and to find some evidence against them. As a part of marital necessities they make a deal about kisses. Will they finally find their way to each other thanks to it?
a crawl to cross the distance by @benditlikepress [M, 6,258 word count, complete]
Tony and Ziva’s first date ended up happening 15 years after they first met, 5 years and 7 months after their daughter was born, and just over a month after they were reunited for good.
leave before the lights come on by @benditlikepress [M, 9,049 word count, complete]
The night before Ziva is assigned to NCIS, she crosses paths with one member of the team in a bar. Set between Kill Ari Pt 2 and Silver War.
That We May Forgive by @justkindaoverhereobsessing [G, 12,875 word count, complete]
Ziva's second pregnancy is nothing like her first (makes a comparison between Tali’s pregnancy and a second child in the DiNozzo family)
We Are an Ocean by @justkindaoverhereobsessing [M, 120,164 word count, in progress]
The first time they sleep together, it's easy. It makes sense, partners transitioning to friends and maybe friends with benefits. Letting emotions in, though? That might be a different story (tiva sleeping together and the repercussions of it throughout the episodes)
Heat wave by jelenamichel [M, 24,685 word count, complete]
What was it they said about excessive heat having an effect on a person's ability to think clearly? A heat wave in DC brings the tension between two agents to boiling point. 
Famiglia by jelenamichel [T, 83,903 word count, complete]
When DiNozzo Senior's health takes a hit Tony finds out about long-kept secrets and lies. His life begins to change as his two families collide, and he battles with who he wants to be versus the man he seems destined to become.
I See You by @storywriter30 [T, 8,491 word count, complete] 
And suddenly, it is the Fall of 2009 and he is seeing her for the first time again. All of her strength, all of her scars, all of their history, lay bare in front of him (Tony finds Ziva is alive in Paris).
The Liaison by @hundan [E, 28,470 word count, in progress]
Some days it's hard to remember why it is you do your job, this was highly evident today for Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo. When he left Gibbs, his boss, in the motherland to take a overseas deployment to Israel he thought the whole thing would be an experience of a lifetime. Maybe he was wrong, but maybe he was right. AU
The Past Forgotten by @hundan [T, 75,315 word count, complete] 
"I'm sorry, I don't know you" Tony said, simply. Like that one single comment hadn't ripped her heart out and stomped all over it. She was his partner, she's not meant to be forgotten by him of all people.
Hoping for Happiness by @jaelke421 [M, 265,887 word count, complete]
Tiva romance. Chronicles their transition from friends to something more. Departs canon after Child's Play. Warning: Mention of rape and torture. 
Cold Tiles and Warm Air by @factoffictionwriter [M, 3,658 word count, complete]
But staring? It just wasn't her thing. Touching, kissing, stroking… these were all forms of intimacy she could get behind. But leave her to look - just look, not touch - and she typically grew antsy. Or worse: Bored. Tag 11x02. Bitter Sweet.
Family Second by @factoffictionwriter [M, 26,865 word count, complete]
Alternate ep 13x24. The team gets ahold of Ziva before the mortar attack. Follows along with the storyline of the episode for the most part. A true to character AU of sorts.
holding on (and letting go) by @thewintersoldierdisaster [G, 1,322 word count, complete]
Tony and Ziva are reunited again. Set in S17.
Cool Hand Luke by @thewintersoldierdisaster [G, 1,959 word count, complete]
Tony and Tali spend Ziva's birthday in Paris.
Of Plenty by Strawberry Shortcake123 [M, 28,748 word count, complete]
While celebrating their reinstatement as NCIS agents, Tony and Ziva drink too much and go too far. They decide to put the night behind them- until Ziva finds out that she is pregnant.
Treasure Map by @belletylers [T, 11,285 word count, complete]
"Tony had always considered himself fairly good at finding people who were missing. Especially if those people were Ziva." Tony and Tali go to Paris, searching for Ziva after the events of 13x24.
A Helping Hand by @loudlooks [M, 16,928 word count, complete]
Ziva comes up with a creative solution to help Tony, who refuses to take painkillers after injuring both arms.
Something I Left Behind by @aksannyi [E, 5,894 word count, complete]
This is a missing scene from Past, Present, Future, which explains how Tali came to be. Yes, the M rating is there for a reason. This is angsty, given the nature of the episode it comes from.
Under Pressure by @aksannyi [E, 4,338 word count, complete]
She didn't need to kiss him then, but she did, and suddenly they were no longer pretending. Tony and Ziva learn a lot about each other while they're under cover. Tag to 3x08, Under Covers. 
Treading Water by Mechabeira [T, 191,744 word count, complete]
"You can still swim, can't you? You're going to have to tow her in, DiNozzo. We aren't going to let her just tread water."
There are so so so many more great authors out there, so I’ll list their FF.net and AO3 pages (the ones I can remember): Zays, jae-vous, brightblue, Anonymous033, Strawberry Shortcake123, AliyahNCIS, quotelation (@quotelation), McGeekle (@mcgeekle), LittleSammy, pro-bee (@pro-bee), xoxonessie (@xoxonessie), alacarton (@ahtlolevad-fics) and MANY OTHERS THAT I SURELY FORGOT (for that I’m sorry, but I tried my best).
Please feel free to fangirl with me about all those stories (haha I’m always opened to that) and to click in their accounts to see more great ones!! I just linked some I like most, but there are authors who wrote about 20-50 tiva stories with the same quality I linked it here. Be sure to check their profiles out!!
From someone who loves tiva fanfiction, the works about it are scattered throughout more than a decade, so there’s A LOT (a lot, no joke) of good fanfiction both on FF.net and AO3. Some of the authors are still active on Tumblr, and if you like someone’s type of posts, try to ask them if they wrote something (what I love here is that most people active on the fandom eventually turn into writers) or even if they haven’t I’m sure they would recommend some great ones!
I hope I could help you somehow, and I’m sure Anthony DiNozzo and Ziva David will still have a lot of new authors to cherish them, their story is not over yet. 
thanks, anon!! xoxo Sofia
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