#thanks for sending me this ♡♡♡
aceofvernons · 2 years
🌷💞✨️ answer with 3 random facts about yourself, then send this to 10 other people🌷💞✨️
sure!! i've already done this on my other blog, so i won't be doing the 10 people thing to avoid spamming.
1. my special interest games are persona 5 and hades
2. i have a cat! her name's winry (yes, like the fullmetal alchemist character)
3. i am a certified Shortie™️ (will not elaborate)
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nottsangel · 4 months
this!!! but you’re Sarah’s best friend. Rafe being a dick constantly finds a way to flash your nudes in front of her. One day she asks when you got that tattoo because she’s never seen it before. You think no one but rafe should be able to see that tattoo, when the realisation hits you turn bright red and you definitely shout at him about it later that night but he’s too busy trying to undress you to listen
omg pls he’s such a fucking dickhead sdjdkdkd like that man does not give a fuck! he’d be with sarah in the house when he ‘accidentally’ drops his wallet with your nudes inside of it and acts like he doesn’t notice so she picks it up for him. “rafe you dropped your wa- what the fuck is this?” “oh whoops, im just so clumsy, aren’t i?” he’d reply sarcastically with a smug smile on his face as he snatches the wallet from sarah’s hand.
“i didn’t know you had a tattoo” sarah would later bluntly say when you’re hanging out together, completely catching you off guard. “what? i- i mean, i do, but how do you kn-“ your eyes instantly widen when the realisation eventually hits.
so later that night, you storm into rafe’s room, shouting, while he just lazily sits on his bed, scrolling on his phone. “RAFE CAMERON, I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD. why the FUCK did sarah see those pictures?!” “jesus, relax baby, it was just an accident, a’ight?” he snaps back as you now sit next to him on the bed, still glaring at him with an infuriated expression. “rafe! those are meant for your eyes only!” he’s too busy now attentively pulling the traps of your top down, not even paying attention to what you’re saying anymore. “yeah yeah, i’ll be more careful next time, got it. now, c’mere and let me make it up to you.”
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zu-is-here · 11 months
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[8/7] his day ♡
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The capricious pharaoh drives away his servants, while a delinquent soldier, who's never served in the palace, is sent to him to the mercy. The mistake with a hand fan could really cost Cross his life, but Shattered finds it so amusing that he spares him :'D
Shattered Dream from shattereddreamsau by galacii-gallery / galacii || Dream by jokublog
Cross from xtaleunderverse by jakei95
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roselise · 2 days
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ʚ 🤍 ɞ . ˚ * . 🎀 🧸
Hello, my friends!
How are you? I hope you are well !! I wanted to say thank you to everyone for all your kindness and concern today ♡
(Cus you have *truly* been a comfort to me this past week, and it really makes a difference!)
So I thought that I might brighten your day, too, and share a fun outfit?
I am showing favorites today! This is my special heart locket, and my best ribbon c:
(More tights as well! I do not like to show much of myself so I wear these often !!)
The ribbon is from a friend, and the locket was also a gift from a loved one! So they makes me feel a little happier when I wear them ♡ ♡
Are you happy today? Or just ok? It’d be best if no one was sad, but if you are may I give you a hug? I pray that peace and joy are with you soon, and only brighter days are ahead!
Sending love, cupcakes and many sweet thoughts !! Please take care, and thank you again, my friends ~ ! (I will try to talk more soon !!)
🤍 . ˚ *  .  ʚ XOXO ɞ
🧸⊹˚ . * 🎀 🧁 🎀 * . ˚⊹🍪
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jaegerdilf · 10 months
naruto uzumaki w/ degration and dumbification??
food for thought 😋😋😋
pairings: naruto uzumaki x f! reader
warnings: degradation + dumbification + impacy play + breeding + creampies + overstimulation
💌: love this ask sm omg
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thinking about naruto’s obsession with fucking you so well it makes your eyes cross and your mind break. doesn’t stop even when he’s fucked you unconscious because he knows you wouldn’t want him to, knows you like waking up to the feeling of him dumping yet another load of cum deep inside your cunt.
you don’t know how long it’s been since naruto first buried his cock inside your poor pussy, eyes fluttering and clit throbbing from the oversensitivity as he continued to abuse your hole. he slaps your cheek, the sting causing you to moan. “wake the fuck up, want you to watch my cock split you open again,” naruto growls, “can you feel that? feel how deep ‘m fuckin’ you?” you nod dumbly because of course you can. his cock stretches you open so well, allowing for his cum to splash in your womb over and over again, his sole mission being to fuck you stupid. wants to make you his dumb cumslut and train you to be his good little whore <3
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karinasbaby · 3 months
Moots as a word in english!
hello my dear anon :D thank u sm for sending this to me !! i will be doing this as my moots in random english words that i know & that remind of me them so !!! here we go :D
and before i start this i just want to say that these small paragraphs barely touch on my emotions & feelings towards these people as i could actually write literal books for them so just know that i tried my best to keep this as short as possible :D <3 (news flash: this is long as hell 🧍‍♀️)
@alvojake | the words ‘crimson’ & ‘fireworks’
— it might be bcs of kayla’s red aesthetic that’s literally stunning. but i always get really comforting vibes from her acc as well :D fireworks for her warm and bright aura & welcoming attitude, really creative writing abilities and ideas that are so cool (and spicy ofc) that remind me of the colour red as well so crimson :D i love u kayla & ur mind sm.
@lheebra | the words ‘clouds’ & ‘sparkle’
— my sweetest dani and her bubbly and adorable personality that always makes me feel so fluffy and fuzzy inside, one of the most romantic and emotional writers i know that pours her entire being into her works especially if they involve being in love & sweet scenarios !!! dani is like the human version of cotton candy honestly so sweet and fluffy and cute i wanna hug u sm and ily thank u for being my friend :D
@rkvriki | the words ‘hibiscus’ and ‘summer’
— could it be because of ana’s flower aesthetic that reminds me of one of the prettiest & rarest hibiscus flowers? might be. but i always associate ana with flowers, sweet fruits that u have in the summer, and the special nights in summer where the air is slightly colder than usual and it feels so comforting. ana has always been a dear friend to me !! always open to learning new things and talking about whatever interests her which i love and adore because anything she talks about instantly pulls me in, anywho i love talking to u and i love & miss u sm :D !! ♡
@fakeuwus | the words ‘mint’ and ‘cosmos’
— and here’s to my first ever friend on enhablr that will always hold a special place in my heart !! nic has always had aesthetics that were pleasing to look at and now with her pretty sage green-ish aesthetic (thats so gorgeous btw) i always get reminded of mint, for me nic will always be associated with the beginning of my tumblr days so u might as well say that her presence was as fresh as mint for me (that’s a knee slapper 🦵👋) (no it’s not i’ll stfu) but anywho cosmos because of her creative ideas & mind that always has me like :0 !!! and also her caring personality :( u were like a mother figure for me back when we texted in september and u always took care of me and gave me sweet reminders ok this is getting too long i love u <33
@jaeyunluvr | the words ‘star’ and ‘kitty’ :D
— if it wasn’t already obvious, kayzie always reminds me of a cat. idk why but ive always gotten that mysteriously playful and affectionate vibe from her !! like yes i want to hug & cuddle u but at the same time let’s play with a ball of yarn or smth. kayzie also reminds me of stars with her adorable and sweet personality !! whenever i see ‘jaeyunluvr’ i just get so !!!!! excited to talk with her and i miss u sm kayzie i love u and i miss u a lot <33
@pprodsuga | the words ‘spring’ and ‘care’
— my dearest sweetest seph <3 no words could actually articulate the amount of appreciation i hold for her. sephseph reminds me of spring because whenever i talk with her i always feel like im walking through fields of flowers !! which is smth i really want to do with seph, just going out on a picnic and having tangerines between flowers in the middle of spring. and care because of her always being so attentive and caring with me :( seph has always been so gentle and kind and ive always felt so so safe with her so thank u for being my friend seph :D
@sjyluv | the words ‘beach’ and ‘sweet’
— mimi’s personality and the way she interacts with everyone gives me a lot of warm and kind vibes, could it also be because of her beautiful theme that makes me associate her with the beach?? might be but you’ve always reminded me of the warmth of the sun on sunny beach days :D i personally adore the beach so i think that’s says a lot 🙏🏼 and sweet because you’re just a small ball filled with sunshine and warmth that i want to put in my pocket and protect you’re so cute and i love u sm i really want to get closer to u as well :D <3
@heelvsted | the words ‘violet’ and ‘cherry’
— my sweetest rin whom i absolutely adore :( ive always gotten so many cool vibes from u hence the colour violet which i always associate with cool & interesting people who are always so lively and fun to be around, which i think perfectly encapsulates you in my eyes :D you’ve always had a caring & protective personality which i have always appreciated and you’ve always been very loving and supportive with me which means the whole world to me :( cherry bcs i also associate dark red with u bcs you’re just cool and edgy and untouchable like that. and i love cherries :D i miss & love u sm my dearest rin ♡
@riftanswhore | the words ‘energy’ and ‘night’
— my sweetest jul who ive known since before i even joined enhablr and only fangirled over on the sidelines, i am absolutely honoured with the privilege of being moots with u rn and i am sending u so much love baby :D ive always associated jul with energy from the way that she would interact with others and her responses to everyone else to her own works and hard thoughts that have had me gripping on the wall ✋ you’ve always been someone who seemed so interesting and fun to be around :D like i know there’s not one boring day in ur life ☝️ and night simply because you give me the vibes of a night person, where your energy reaches its peak during the night and it’s so cool :D anywho i admire u a lot and ily ok ill stop now before i write a whole essay 😁🫶🏼
@enha-stars | the words ‘honey’ and ‘sunrise’ :D
— my loveliest hana whom i don’t know where i will be without🤞 im so thankful for allah for making u pop up into my life out of nowhere in the best time as well, ur presence appeared right when it was needed and i absolutely adore your existence. hana has always had the sweetest and most gentle personality that reminds me of sweet sweet honey !! you’ve always had such a wonderful (and hilarious) way with words, knowing exactly what to say and what not to say (i still laugh over “oh my gosh shawty dipped? i scared her away??” like daily) i love love love talking to you and i miss u so so much :( sunrise because hana is actually the embodiment of the sun in my life and she arrived right when i was getting into a new chapter in my life so she’s quite literally the sun in my— okay i’ll stfu now ily hana and imy :( <3
@ak4e7a | the words ‘comfort’ and ‘intelligence’
— now if there’s someone who made me feel like a baby wrapped up in a blanket and taken care of it has to be my sweetest chelsea 🫵 never have i gotten so many safe and comforting vibes from someone. especially with how both of us felt so comfortable and opened up to one another so easily like we’ve known eachother for years, you’re a fairly new close friend that appeared in my life yet i feel like ive known you for the past decade and i adore that, chelsea has always provided me a safe space where all my thoughts and concerns are heard and i appreciate that so much, just know that you mean so so much to me !! and intelligence because she’s also one of thee smartest people ive ever known 🙏🏼 her interesting talks about her major and how easy she makes it sound is like :00 woah like you’re on another level and you’re so cool okay i’ll stfu ily chelsea :D <3
@moon7jay | the words ‘moon’ and ‘vanilla’
— my dearest xynia :D ive always associated you with the moon first because of ur username and second bcs of ur calm & sweet personality !! you’ve always given me the comforting and dark vibes of the moon in the best way possible and it’s always gravitated me towards u more !! like i know so well i would feel so comfortable and safe with you and i love that :D vanilla because of your kind personality !! ive seen you interact w so many of ur moots and ive always know that you’re so fun & nice to be around🤞 i really want to get closer to u and i love u a lot :D <3 thank u for blessing enhablr w ur amazing works my beloved🙏🏼
@wvnkoi | the words ‘rain’ and ‘soul’
— the amount of happiness and comfort i’ve felt from simply seeing seol’s username needs to be studied. you’ve always given me older sister vibes which always made me feel so protected and safe talking with u :D i know you’re just as comforting and warmth-radiating irl as well which makes me want to take a nap with u while it rains outside <3 you’ve always given me so much calm vibes and someone who’s mature and loving, you’ve always had the sweetest words to share in the kindest ways possible and i’m really honoured to be your friend :D soul might be bcs of how ur name reminds me of the word soul itself, but also because you’ve always given me the vibes of someone that i can deeply connect with. someone who understands beyond what other people can and i found that really cool and sweet about u my dearest seol :D i love u sm and i miss u a lot <33
@sparklovespink | the words ‘pink’ and ‘glitter’
— my sweetest spark our first interaction with u being rick rolled lives in my head rent free 🫶🏼 and i love it so much. ive always associated the colour pink with u mainly because of your name but also bcs of ur personality as well :D you seem like such a fun and nice person to be around and someone who’s really bubbly and i love it :D it goes hand in hand with glitter because of ur name spark which is so so cute !!! and i really just feel like ur a ball of glitter that always shine sm !! you have a beautiful writing talent that always has me like :0?!?!? anywho i really want to be closer with u and i love u sm :D <3
this is all i can write for now bcs im running on a few hours of sleep but i love every single one of my moots a lot and im really honoured and thankful that ive got to meet you, thank you for making tumblr so much more enjoyable and for being there with me to share thoughts and to interact :D i love u all sm okay i’ll stop my yapping now but ily 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
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pls accept all my flowers my sweetest mooties <3
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Dustcloud cuddles for prompts? <3
Ended up slightly more smooches than cuddles but i hope this suffices ♡
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nkogneatho · 9 months
Hi hello pasi 🥰 I saw you were looking to talk haikyuu men (my fav topic of all time) and lemme just say that Iwaizumi runs hot— he’s warm blooded fr. So when y’all hug, snuggle fuck he’s like a personal heater. His hands are always warm against yours, his lips always tingle with warmth against your skin <33
he's just my personal heater 🥺
i think whenever you wanna cuddle after he comes home from the gym, he takes a wuick shower and hops on the bed w you. and you would think after the cold water has trapped his skin, he'd feel cool but no. when he actually wraps his arms around you, you feel like you have a heated comforter on. his big arms are so carefully yet tightly wrapped around your torso. he puts one of his leg on top to completely pull you in, but still making sure not to put too much weight. and when he kisses you? it feels so warm. his lips feel like a soft dessert freshly baked. you can smell the fruity organic shampoo he uses and it just adds onto the pleasure you're feeling. when iwa sighs after a heavy kiss, you feel each blow of the hot breath when he locks his eyes with you and whispers "i love you so much, baby." against your beautiful face.
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stuckinapril · 7 months
hi ily btw <3 you remind me of orchids. checking in on you!!!
i remind you of THESE… my heart is about to burst
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whimsylace · 1 year
tim headcanons? 🥺
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jay. jay you evil mf. ilysm😈 okay so i only have 17 rn but i’ll def write like fifty more . hope u enjoy pookie !! (also u weren’t expecting this very aesthetic very awesome very high level format were you. yeahf. ive become COOL.)
— he has unnecessarily loud footsteps.
— he appreciates his gang but never shows it. one day he said “hey fellas,, youve been doin’ a good job durin’ rumbles lately. im proud to have yall as my gang🙏”. and everyone stared at him wide eyed cause they honestly thought he hated them💀💀
— when he was a kid he used to pray every night that curly would get kidnapped n shit because he hated his ass☠️☠️curly was one of those really annoying toddlers
— he loses his jacket ALL THE DAMN TIME. (its mostly cause curly always steals it to look cool and dal just takes it for fun whenever)
— tim and darry understand each other. they both have dead parents/a dead parent and both had to take care of their kid siblings
— tim and darry also frequently talk to eachother🔥 sometimes darry finds tim asleep on the curtis couch™️ or its the opposite, & they end up chatting.
— ^they talk about parents, taking care of their siblings, and dally. (will elaborate further one day.)
— i think like. tims responsible and more mature compared to the others, right? BUT HES STILL 18. PLEAHS. HE ISNT A DAD. HE HASNT ACCEPTED HIS FATE LIKE DARRY (😭im sorry ily dar) HE IS STILL A HOOD WHO HAS FUN N SHIT DAWG!!!!!!!
— ^like ok imagine how curly always thinks tims like boring n old and all but after the rumble everyone in the reformatorys talking ab it and he hears how tim like crushed 5 guys’ skulls so hes just like 😨😨 (he then proceeds to show off the fact that THATS HIS BROTJER🔥🔥🔥)
— ^like guys even in the book pony says hes “constantly reckless” LIKE CMON. ((okay the main reason i wrote thsi was because i read this fic thingy and tim called dal “kid” even though theyre a year apart.wtf!! tim is not that boys old man!!!!))
— he steals angelas hair conditioners n other stuff because they smell good and make his hair soft🗣️
— he knows how to cook a few recipes, since his mom was never really there and he had to feed curly and angela somehow.
— ^curly calls his cooking ass but devours it every time (he would eat anything tbh)
— he lights fireworks n firecrackers n shit with dal
— was a demon as a middle schooler.
— hes really overprotective of his car. will not let anyone get near it or drive it. dal knows this; which is why he makes sure to slash his tires every 2-3 business days😇
— his nose used to be really straight but now its crooked as fuck cause hes broken it three fucking times😭😭
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noirapocalypto · 23 days
This is the OC fairy 🌼🧚‍♀️ When you get this in your ask box, please tell us 3 facts about your OC and pass it around. Let's learn about each other's OCs! 🌈🌷
could I get some facts on both Casey and Bastien? 👀👀
SDHJGLKS ABSOLUTELY 👀 Thank you so much!! 🥰🖤
────── ♡. ┊ ᴠᴇʀᴅᴇ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ
- Casey is the third child of four. He has two older sisters (Moira and Anica) and a younger sister (Colene). His father passed when he was a bit younger and the family was raised by their mother.
- He is one soup making sonnabitch. He’s a decent cook, and doesn’t mind cooking for his family—but soups and stews are where he excels. Any soup, he’ll make but better. He even has recipes he came up with himself.
- One of his nicknames for Baz is “Trouble Maker”. It started as a teasing nickname when they were younger, and it eventually turned into an affectionate, rather flirty name he likes to call him to this day.
- Bastien was born somewhere near New Orleans, Louisiana. His family is Cajun and he still has a very faint accent that comes out from time to time.
- He has a few tattoos, one of them being Salem’s real name “Isiah” that he got shortly after Salem was born.
- Bastien left his family home around the age of 16-17, and was taken in to live with the Hale family. He grew up in a broken and toxic home, and often spent most of his time away from his childhood home. When Casey’s mother found out her son’s best friend and twin flame lived in those sort of conditions, she fought hard to take him out of that environment and give him a safe and loving place in her own family—where he happily lived for the remainder of his younger years.
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roselise · 3 months
Dearest friends ♡
I deleted my new blog, and came here to delete this one as well.
As I am going to be honest, and say I am dealing with a lot.
My father, who I have mentioned before is in hospice, took a turn for the worst, and is getting closer to the end I think.
I have to work, study, and take care of many others.
The pressure to reply to asks, comments, and post outfits when I am struggling .. has been a lot. I do not want to let anyone down, but am not feeling as social with all that is happening.
I wanted a bit of peace, comfort, and time to myself during what has been a very difficult time in my life honestly.
Losing my father is .. I cannot describe what it has been like or the sort of grief I have been trying to manage.
There are some genuinely wonderful people here though, who appreciate me being here and brighten my day.
I love, and am so SO very thankful for those sweet friends ♡
So for you I would like to stay! I am not sure what that looks like right now, whether it is fixing up this blog to my comfort level or creating a new one, but I will think about it.
Will you please pray for me, and my father, during this time though?
Giving a big hug, and lots and *lots* of love to every kind and wonderful soul here — Rosy xo
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datshitrandom · 5 months
reading a klaine fanfic always puts me in a better mood
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karinasbaby · 4 months
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no one will ever be able to escape him ☝️ (no but genuinely haechan ay-yo era is going down in history books. i will be telling my grandkids about him.)
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motelcafe · 5 months
@pearldivrs sent "❛ i need more time to think about what i want. ❜" from this meme (still accepting) ♡ tomás + venus or priscilla (or whoever tbh)
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"trust me, i get it." homme tosses a stone in the river. he leans forward and rests his forearms against the wooden fence. it isn't everyday the man you're working for asks you out to a fancy dinner. tomás had gone back and forth on the idea of asking her for so long at that point . . . part of him wishes he hadn't gone through with it. this is a huge leap of faith that could get him sent to his boss's office or possibly suspended if she responded too negatively.
tomás and his wife are divorced in every way except legally - both mentally checked out of the relationship - which means it technically isn't cheating for him to ask her to dinner; the only off-putting things, really, are the fact that she's his receptionist and their age gap. he clears his throat and turns his head towards the other, praying that he didn't just give this poor woman a creepy encounter to tell her friends about. "i'm sorry if i was too forward. i, uh.. i hope we can move past this and continue a strictly professional relationship."
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stellarwaffles · 1 year
May i request some blue archer?
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Drew them real quick at work. They’re holding hands!
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