#thanks for making this... lots of food for thought
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scribblestatic · 3 days ago
I read this post by @diushek and I have been inspired.
Their post and mine aren't really all that related save for parts of the premise, but still, I'm thankful for the inspiration so I'd like them to get attention.
Shen Yuan as a spider demon(?).
In his last life, since he had a lot of free time, he, of course, dove headfirst into webnovels. But, he also grew up fixing his little sister's toys and had found out that he enjoys sewing. He was rather sickly, so it wasn't like he had much else to do.
So, he learned how to fix dolls, then design clothes for dolls. Then, he designed and made a dress for his meimei to wear for a school play, and he's spiraled out of control since.
He especially went wild while reading PIDW. Airplane was so neglectful while describing clothes, so of course, he had to design what he thought they would look like!! And, if it just so happened people would spend money to buy his outfits for their professional make and relative historical accuracy, sure!
Then PIDW ends terribly, Shen Yuan writes his last hate post, and he essentially dies from rage (his already weak heart couldn't beat properly in the end).
And the next time he's aware of himself, he's sitting neatly in the center of a well-woven web.
He can't see very well, but he can feel vibrations all over the place. He'd thought to put on his glasses, but couldn't seem to...put them on. Somehow, he knew they weren't around.
He also knows that he's quite terribly hungry.
So, he doesn't think twice when he feels a vibration in his web and he crawls over to a struggling creature. He can feel the qi coming from it, whatever it is. But that doesn't matter for now. It's just food.
And he's hungry.
So he injected his prey and began to slurp up the remains.
This continues for an indeterminate amount of time. Making webs, catching and consuming prey, moving to new areas when he decided the area was getting too crowded or was unsuitable. The more plants he finds, the more he appreciates the environment, and he tends to stick around them longer until he must move.
A little ticking clock in the back of his head seems to tell him he should be dead. That his life was extending beyond its usual limits.
However, that wasn't really something he cared too much about. Instead, if he wasn't trying to sate his deep, nearly endless hunger, there wasn't much else he cared to do. Not even the thought of reproducing enticed him.
Though, a part of him was bored. If he had something to read, that would be nice, but he had nothing. So, he'd just have to mull over a story he remembers from somewhere, a hateful little thing that, despite all its faults and failures, drags back into his mind once more.
At least playing around with plants helped a bit, moving the seeds and testing the soil with thin limbs and senses beyond anything a human has.
Some time later, he finds a little cavern with strong qi. He decides that would be nice to stay in since the plants around it are plentiful and full of energy, and he makes it his home. He connects the various webs he makes to his home web, able to feel the pull and location of each web to hunt, capture, and take it back to a much safer, more secure place.
He finds his mind becoming a bit clearer the longer he stays there. Eventually, he even finds that his eyesight is getting better as well. Although he was perfectly fine feeling through vibrations, the colors around him are quite interesting as well.
Eventually, one day, he feels something pull on one of his webs. As usual, he goes out to wrap it up. But, as he approaches his prey, it calls out to him.
"Wait! Wait! Please spare me!!"
Shen Yuan pauses. If he tries to focus his vision a bit...the form of this prey looks a bit human, doesn't it? Huh. When did humans get so small? He could've sworn they were bigger before.
"Please, I just... I just wanted the fruit!!"
The fruit...ah. Yes, he'd included a few nearby trees in his web at some point. Hadn't they just been little branches? Hm. Time sure does fly.
Shen Yuan focuses his blurry vision on the being in his web. Indeed, it seems to be human. A man, if he recalls...yes. A grown human male.
Humans... He thinks of them neutrally. Humans are not exclusively good or evil, but some tend to act more one way or another. In the end, they're just another animal trying to survive and live well.
However, that shouldn't come at the expense of stealing his fruit! He eats those because they're tasty! He brought the seeds with him when he moved from his last place and he planted them himself. They're his plants...his trees! No one else had the right to take from it.
Apparently, he lets some of this thought out, a whithery, faint hiss singing from between his fangs.
"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! Please, let me go, and I won't come here ever again!"
Hmmh. Not likely. If a human came this far, then it was possible there was some sort of issue with their own food. Couldn't the humans tell that he owned this area? Well...he did hide his webs well so prey could fall into his traps.
Even so, he doesn't think there's a village or anything close to this place, so this human was likely desperate enough to come out and pursue the fruit from his trees to eat. What was more likely was that the human would wail about his presence and bring trouble back with him.
So, he had a few options.
1. Release the human foolishly and wait for them to encroach on his domain.
2. Eat the human, then wait to see if anyone would come looking for him. This would possibly lead to more problems.
3. Let the human take a fruit, to make them indebted to him...but he can't just do that out of kindness. Humans could try to take advantage of him, or maybe hunt him anyway.
Equivalent exchange. Bartering. If he sets this up as something where he and the humans mutually benefit while keeping the humans indebted to him, perhaps they would be less likely to see him negatively. They would also maintain a healthy fear of him.
Goodness, he was coming up with such good ideas just from encountering a single human. Perhaps associating with them a little wouldn't be so bad.
"...Free you. Fruit...but. Paaaay..."
The man trembled in his web. It was getting rather difficult to resist eating him. Such squirming enticed his senses.
"P-Pay? Pay how??"
The man stumbles and mutters, but eventually, he starts telling a story from his village. It's just some sort of child's tale.
Even so, it's not boring.
"Hmm... Poor quality..."
The man starts pleading again as he approaches, but his pleas quiet as he, instead of wrapping him up, starts untangling the human.
"The main character...no personalityyy. Milquetoast. The princess. Even more flat. No motivation. Cookie-cutter character. The bear. Foolish. No protective instiiiinct. Elementary. 2/10."
He ends his critique while placing a webbed bag of fruit in the man's hands.
The human obeys.
And just as Shen Yuan expected, that same web triggers just a few days later.
This time, it's a human female. She's not as tangled in the web as the man was, having stopped fighting as much early on.
She has two heartbeats, but is terribly thin. The human male had been quite thin as well. Why?
"Lord Spider, this lowly woman is sorry... Please, may this one...tell you a story?"
Shen Yuan settles down, curling his limbs close, and waits.
She tells a story that's better than the one the male told him. Her heart skips and jumps at points, especially when the main character—a woman this time—experiences hardship. This is quite clearly a story close to her heart.
It's full off happiness and grief. A marriage collapsing from the death of her lover, and a family who refused to support her for being barren. She fights and fights and fights, and carves a place for herself. Just when she thinks she's found happiness, a tragedy strikes. A famine. And she, having exhausted everything she had, dies.
"Hmm... Interesting. Bold protagonist. Hardyyyy. Faces a dogfight world. Should ask for heeeelp. Husband. Tragic. Death too soooon. Loved the main character. Left her behind. Family. Cruuuuel. Mindless. Women are not jusssst for breeding.
"Hmm. 7/10. Too sad, realistic still."
He adds some grasses with wisps of qi coming from it to her bundle.
"What is this?" she asks.
"For the baaaaaby."
She seems to startle at that, though he's not sure why.
"...Thanking Lord Spider."
She leaves before he has to tell her to go.
After that, humans become a regular enough visitor that he leaves a string with leaves on the end for them to call for him. Surely, they're stuck getting caught in his webs. More importantly, he's tired of having to rearrange them every time. They really leave his webs a tangled mess.
As the season warms further, they come with more stories. Many are quite terrible and not worth his time. He gives them fruit regardless, because at least they have staved off his boredom.
They've decided on calling him Lulin Zhizhu (绿林之主 - lǜlín zhī zhǔ - Lord of the Green Forest). Or, simply, Zhizhu.
Apparently, his webs were keeping the villagers safe? The food he'd been catching had a taste for human flesh (not that he didn't, but still), so by eating, he had been helping them without intending to. That apparently made him more reverent to them, and they put more effort into their stories based on how he rated them.
Fan Zhenzhen (范蓁蓁 - Fàn Zhēnzhēn), the second human who told him a story, quickly became one of his favorites. She told the best stories, real ones, that brought back emotions he felt had been taken over by instinct for a long while. He wouldn't say he treated her better, but he did make sure to cultivate more of the grass for the child growing within her.
The humans steadily grew stronger and meatier...perhaps tastier, but he'd lose his stories if he ate them. Eventually, whatever blight affected their village abated a bit, and they could once again start growing their own food.
Instead of abandoning him, they brought him some of the food as an offering.
"Hmm...famine," he murmured, his way of speech having improved from socializing. "The sickness. Still in the fields."
"Sickness?" a farmer asked.
"Yes. The plants, victim to illness. They will not grow well." He leaves for a moment to get something. It seems they learned his habits, as they're still waiting when he returns. He drops another plant he cultivated within the realm of his webs. "Crush these. Spread them. The fields and the water."
The farmer and his offspring bow low to the ground. "Thanking Zhizhu for his wisdom!"
The offerings they bring after that show markable improvement, and the name they gave him sticks even harder.
Of course, they continue to tell him stories, as that's the most important thing they can give him. He becomes quite settled with hearing them speak and starts to absentmindedly weave little things related to the stories they tell him.
At this, Fan Zhenzhen approaches with another idea, her stomach rounding out with child.
"Zhizhu, this lowly one apologizes for being impertent. As the days grow colder, this feeble woman fears the chill of winter more than the hunger of famine. For her next story, may she instead receive some of your silk?"
"Silk...for clothes."
"Yes, if this lowly one may ask of Zhizhu."
"Hmm... Tell the story."
So she does. As with the others, it too delves into the life of the main character, who is now a powerful figure in her village for her ability to weave. Her weaving helped the villagers trust the nearby forest god, who was frightening but gracious, wild yet magnanimous. She talks about how the character was once sold by her family to be a maid elsewhere, and how she's learned to survive and come up to her current position.
As she does, Shen Yuan eyes her. The vibrations from her voice gives him a good view of her body and shape. He unconsciously, mindlessly, weaves a coat for her.
It's thin. Surely not enough to stave off winter's chill. So, when she finishes and he gives his rating, he gives her both the thread she requested and the thin coat.
It is, according to her, magnificently beautiful. In turn, Shen Yuan can't help but feel a little puff of pride in his abdomen.
Ah...this is getting longer than I meant lol
I'll make another post soon.
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taamlok · 3 days ago
here's a collection of all the shadow figures i could find, under the cut for length and spoilers
i have posted about this previously, but there are 2 shadow figures that frequently show up in the game: one of them is kat and the other is corey. kat's shadow is doing her idle pose, and you can clearly see the strands of hair by her ears, her rolled up sweater sleeves, and the indents of her overall straps. corey's shadow sports his distinctive haircut, the silhouette of the outfit he's wearing the night of the concert, and also is standing in corey's idle pose with his arm crossed (he's even slightly rolling one ankle).
ther first shadow!kat sighting takes place in 2022, where she can be seen on the righthand side of the bar when swann gets out of her car during the opening scene. (thank you @knifenick for telling me about this one!)
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shadow!kat can also be seen standing in the corner of the cabin when swann breaks in for the first time. i think it's fair to say that she is the one who caused the "woosh" noise and posted the note with instructions of how to get in, especially since her knife is used to pin it to the post.
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if you go up into the loft while cleaning out the cabin and approach the corn husk doll, shadow!kat blinks in and out of view
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shadow!kat flickers behind swann right before the power goes out during their video viewing party
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if you don't chicken out of bloody mary, shadow!kat appears behind swann in the mirror. you can even see the tie on top of her headband. interestingly, it was kat who made the dare and egged swann on to keep going
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here she is again in the hunting blind, watching swann follow the moths to the abyss. weirdly, this version of her has no clothes or hair AND has distinguishable facial features, which is how i was able to ID her as kat. i don't think this was intentional and is probably just a bug with the shadow model.
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the first time you can see shadow!corey is when he knocks over the clown standee at the park. between this and shadow!kat hanging the note in the cabin, this is proof that both shadow!kat and shadow!corey can physically interact with their environment to some extent.
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there are 5 shadow!coreys located in the forest on the night that the girls find the cabin. i was actually able to get 2 in one shot by using the freecam mode, however they are positioned in a way that stops you from being able to see more than one at a time in regular gameplay. it seems we're supposed to feel like the shadow is popping in and out of different locations around the forest. i also think it's worth noting that in both this scene and the scene with the clown standee remarks are made about there being a serial killer (swann optional dialogue and kat saying there's a masked serial killer in the woods, respectively). there's also the brief clip at the start of the game that shows someone wearing a wolf mask, which i think is corey (i brightened it in photoshop and could see his eye colour). not really relevant here, just food for thought.
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here's shadow!corey watching the girls make their blood pact.
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when we return to 2022 from the memory of finding the abyss, you can look out the window to find shadow!corey once again. nora and autumn are talking about him during this scene, saying that he was blamed for something that happened at the ranch.
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if i missed any please let me know and i'll add them! also feel free to share this elsewhere, all i ask is that you please link back to this post because this took a lot of time and effort!
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lotusloong · 3 days ago
The Different Wukongs Romantic Date Ideas!
Has LMK, MKHIB, MKR, and NGNR Wukong. (Some hints of spice but nothing explicit)
LMK Wukong - 
Now years ago, Wukong would have been all about that night life. Common dates would include you guys sneaking into the domains of Gods and Demons alike to pull all kinds of pranks, to steal from them, to piss them off. 
He would have dragged you to so many parties for you both to drink and dance the night away like nobody's business! 
But things are different now.
He’s retired, he’s got a kid, he’s older and suffered the consequences of past mistakes…After everything that's happened in his long life, he really wants to relax now.
So date nights are a lot simpler and in a way, more romantic than they used to be.
Instead of getting lost in a crowd drinking and dancing, he takes you to hidden spots around the border of Megapolis, with stunning views and hole-in-the-wall restaurants that serve the best foods.
He spends most of the night just talking with you, sharing interesting things you both saw, new jokes you’ve heard, talking about your unofficial adopted son and his progress. It’s all very domestic.
This includes lots of hand holding and kissing, his tail wrapping around you (if you have a tail of your own both are intertwined for the majority of the night as you sit together), heads pressing together as you lay on each other’s shoulders and gaze out at the night sky…
And if you’re open to it, kissing and hand holding leads to more, and he’s never been more thankful that he finally has a successor to watch out for disasters and demons attacking the city, because it means he gets to spend hours tied up in bed with you and your smell surrounding him.
Sometimes he gets a little insecure about these changes, asking if you’d rather go do something crazy and wild like the old days, but it’s a relief for him to hear that you’re happy as you are now. 
Even though he still gets the itch to cause mischief, he’d really much rather spend his time wrapped up in your arms enjoying noodles and Monkey King reruns.
HIB Wukong - 
Probably one of the more romantic Wukongs to take you out on dates. He would dedicate a lot of time to making sure you enjoyed yourself when with him, giving you small trinkets he either made or found that reminded him of you, nice hanfus he found for sale at local villages marketplaces, even the occasional bouquet of flowers! He liked boasting about how well he treats his partner.
But things are different now. You have kids.
As much as you love the two children in your charge, with their chubby cheeks and adoration for your monkey husband, they can be…a lot.
Sometimes parents need alone time, and sometimes you take that alone time however you can get it.
So after hounding Pigsy to watch over them for a night (and then asking Fa Ming to help because you both realize what a terrible idea that is) you can hurry away for a night of togetherness.
It’s nothing fancy, Wukong doesn’t have the time to set up and prepare like he used to, but it’s still sweet and thoughtful.
A quiet picnic under the stars and moon, you snuggled into his side as you talk and kiss like you haven’t been able to for months since you became unofficial parents.
It isn’t long before Wukong is pulling you to sit in his lap, his arms and tail looping around you to hold you close as he buries his nose into your hair. You bury your face into his chest in response, both of you simply breathing the other in and enjoying the peace and quiet.
And well, being parents means that more intimate times have to be put on hold often as well, so you appreciate the quiet change of pace even more so. He’s able to lose himself in you for hours with no fighting, no demon attacks, no screaming…well, you scream for him, but that's just a mark of pride for him that he’s doing his job as your mate right.
When you come back to your campsite it's to the delight of your kids, who immediately tackle you both to show off the games they played and the new toys Fa Ming brought them for the night. Wukong knows he owes the old man quite a debt.
MKR Wukong - 
Not gonna lie, probably the least romantic out of all the Wukongs.
Now don’t get me wrong, he tries! He uh…really tries…
But he’s the most practical of the Wukongs, the most hardened. It took you forever to wiggle between the cracks in the walls surrounding his heart, and now that you’re there he really doesn’t know how to handle his feelings.
He’s a demon, and for the longest time he was convinced he didn’t even have a heart to give to someone else. It wasn’t until he met you and Fruity that he realized the lump of stone in his chest could ache and feel.
So romance isn’t his forte. He just never really thought about it before you came along.
To him, a peaceful night is one where Bajie and Wujing aren’t pissing him off and that his Master and you are safe under his protection. 
He doesn’t realize at first that a peaceful night does not necessarily equal a romantic night. You’ll have to tell him what it is you want for dates, because otherwise he doesn’t have a clue.
He may act standoffish at first, but inside he’s grateful you’re taking the initiative to tell him, so he doesn’t have to guess and flounder over what a ‘proper’ date is.
“I would like something a bit more romantic? Nothing extravagant just…a nice view of the stars with some good dinner, some hand holding and cuddling…maybe something more…?” His arms are folded across his chest as he glances away from you, trying not to blush at your words. The image of you next to him under a flowering tree, the sun setting and revealing the moon and stars twinkling overhead with you pressed against his side…
Okay, yes, he can see why romance is something so many mortals (and even immortals) daydream about. He just needs to learn how to speak it’s language.
Be patient with him, tell him upfront what it is you would like to see during dates, and ask him in return what he would like! He’s going through a lot of first times with you and doesn’t know that he’s allowed to ask for romance back.
The first time you get him a trinket from the marketplace, or a bouquet of wildflowers with the excuse that they reminded you of him, it has him blushing so hot you swear steam was coming off him.
NGNR  Wukong - 
Now Nezha Reborn Wukong is very similar to Lego Wukong in that he’s older and has calmed down since his wild younger days, but he’s also a bit more world weary and tired.
He still has plenty of energy, but he doesn’t see any point in acting with the rest of the world because no matter what he does, the world ends up in chaos again and again and again…
To put it simply, he’s a bit depressed.
Having you, someone he can rely on and who will support him as the years go by, is very important. It takes time, but eventually he’ll start to venture out more, get involved with the world a little more! Definitely don’t be afraid to ask Li and his friends for help either. Li looks to Wukong as family after everything he’s done for him.
So unlike Lego Wukong, Nezha Reborn does actually like getting into some hijinks still. He runs a (possibly illegal) race track, does under the table dealings, the works. He’s not afraid to get a little dirty for the sake of having fun.
He does however, make sure the fun you both have is safe for you. Gods and demons can get pissed at him all they like, but no one is allowed to harm you.
Dates consist of wild joyrides on his bike around Donghai, going to the occasional club or restaurant, and even sightseeing on the borders of town. He always knows where the best spots are in the city to watch firework shows or races or concerts.
He does really enjoy going to dance clubs however, that's a favorite activity.
Getting a pretty thing like you dancing, grinding against him and showing everyone around you both that you're his…He’ll be dragging you home with a giddy laugh, canines on full display with his grin.
Some nights are not so great however. Sometimes the pointlessness of everything comes rushing back to him, and he can’t even muster the energy to get out of bed, much less get dressed and prettied up for a night on the town.
Best thing to do in this situation? Coax him onto the couch with snacks and ice cream, and have a movie night. Share a blankie with him, hold him close to your chest as you lay back, and just brush your fingers through his wild mane of hair. You will have one satisfied, purring puddle of monkey within moments.
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lovecandyxx · 1 day ago
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Teacher! DOFP! Logan Howlett x Student! Reader
A/N: EURGGHHh okay so this is literally the first ever fic i'm writing on here for Logan, idfk i'll just GO 4 IT... Idk whether this is out of character 4 him I did my best!!!! this basically takes place after logan 'woke up' n became a teacher, Also, english isn't my first language so I hope the grammar is right LMFAO.
contents: Implied age gap, Make out sesh, hair tugging, awk moments, is this considered knee fucking??? idk?????? obvs teacher x student!!! pet names, teasing?
Just short n' sweet tha's itttt ౨ৎ⋆ 。⋆𐙚⋆.˚₊⊹♡
It was currently 8:30 AM, 30 minutes before class starts. I bit my lip biting back a grin and took a look at the box of cookies I held in my hands. I paced slightly in front of the classroom door trying to do it silently while also trying to steal slight glances through the small window pane of the door, knowing Logan was sat inside. Because obviously I have a Huge crush on my proffessor, Mr.Howlett. It was just the way he was always a bit more gentle with me, than he was with the other students. The light brush of our fingers when he passed back my notes and the way his eyes are already on me when I look his way, sometimes I think I can see him glimpsing under my desk, too. The one time my heart fluttered the most was probably when after class, I had asked him for extra help and he eagerly complied, I sat next to him by his desk and when I finally got it and did a few things right, he had put his hand on my thigh gently and called me a 'good girl'. GOD I could've died right then and there.
Snapping out of my thoughts, I sneakily looked inside one more time, took a deep breath and opened the door with a soft creak. I stepped in and turned to close the door before turning to face my teacher, his face turned to look at me instead of all the papers on his desk. I felt a slight heat creep into the back of my neck from the way he looked at me, he has such freaking sexy eyes. "Goodmorning, Mr.Howlett.." I pursed my lips into a thin awkward smile and walked toward his desk. "Mornin' (Y/N).." Logan glanced up at the clock hanging on the classroom wall. "You're 30 minutes early?" He said with an intrigued tone and raised eyebrow. "I know, I just uhh.. Wanted to give you these" I tell him while softly placing the box of cookies infront of him.
He looked at the cookies, then to me, then again to the cookies. "You.. made me cookies?" A faint smile appeared on his gruff face and he shook his head slightly. "Ya didn't have to bub, but thanks" He grabbed the box and swiftly put them in a drawer in his desk "I'll eat them after class, Don't like sugar in the mornings." He looked up at me again, and I swear he looks at my legs for a split second! Putting on a mini skirt was the right fucking option for today.
I grab a chair and set it down across from him, at his desk. "I understand, I mean, I'm glad you even accepted them! I was scared you wouldn't like sugary sweet things!!" I giggled and looked him in the eyes.
Logan's lips turned upward lightly, He in fact, Hates sugary foods. He only accepted them because they we're from you, If it we're any other student he probably would've scoffed in their face and kicked them out. Truth is Logan has been quite interested in (Y/N) for a while now, too. He tried to be closer to her with such small things but because he obviously, was her teacher, he could never cross any crazy line. (Y/N) is also a lot younger than him.. like a lot. And yeah everyone know's he's like 180+ years old but his appearance looks more of a 56 year old, which is still way too old considering (Y/N)'s age.
Logan put the papers on his desk aside and leaned back in his seat, "Don't you have better things to do before class, rather than giving your teacher cookies." he teased. I rolled my eyes at him playfully trying to ignore the flutters in my chest and slight blush that crept onto my face, "Well.." I crossed my arms and breathed in deeply trying to think of a sassy remark, but sighed and responded. "Not really.." I laughed softly and notice him still with a soft smile looking at me. "Jeez can't a student accompany her old lonely teacher for once!" I joked rolling my eyes trying to hide my grin and leaning back in my seat. Logan raised both eyebrows and smirked. "Did you just call me old? C'mon bub?" I laugh loudly at his response, "Lucky for you I like them older!" I responded still in a joking manner, before I noticed the look on his face and him leaning forward, elbows on his desk now, and then I realized what I had actually said to my older teacher! My face flushed red when I saw a smirk form on his face with his stupid eyebrow raise again. My breath hitched and I wanted to think of something to say. "I- I mean like, Not like, You know! But, Like-... Actually nevermind I can't save myself right now." I mumbled the last part. Feeling lightly embarrassed but also confused as to why my teacher wasn't scolding me for saying such an inappropriate thing?
I looked downwards at my hands resting on my knees, "Sorry, Mr.Howlett.." I muttered out. Then Logan let out a small stiffled laugh and I looked at him, brows furrowed in confusion. "You don't have to say sorry sweetheart, was kinda hoping you'd confess 'sum like that" he admitted. I blinked at him in confusion blushing at his rarely used nickname for me, "What.. what do you mean..?" He crossed his arms leaning back into his seat again. "I mean, I was hoping you'd admit you'd be into someone like me, bub." His eyes pierced into your own never leaving yours once, eyeing your face to maybe read any form of emotion off you.
I bit my lip harshly and rubbed my legs together nervously, "Mr.Howlett.." The confident man infront of me opened his mouth to say something to me again, but was stopped by a small group of students walking into the classroom. They greeted Logan and all gave me a weird look, I'd guessed for how I looked in that moment..
I awkwardly stood up and put the chair in it's place again, as I sat down on my own seat I glanced at Logan again, heart beating loudly in my chest. What is that man thinking right now?! What was he even going to say, or do?!
As the lesson went on my mind wandered so much that I barely paid attention, not noticing that the class had ended not too long ago. As the few last students left, I didn't quite dare to look up at Logan yet. I just slowly started packing my things, but tensed a bit as I heard footsteps approach. "(Y/N).." Logan called out softly. I didn't look up at him but responded.. It almost felt like I was gonna need to be interrogated by the fucking police. But as Logan noticed I didn't dare look up, he crouched down next to my seat, practically forcing me to look him in the eyes.
The confidence he had an hour ago had faded, especially since you avoided his eyes the whole lesson, Logan had become unsure if you really we're into him. He refused to let go of the eye contact, though. He sighed deeply and put a hand on your thigh, making your breath hitch. "Listen (Y/N), didn't mean for you to get all uncomfortable yea? Just forget about it bub, I'll forget about what you said too, if it'll make ya feel better?" ...I stayed silent for a bit, frozen in place holding the last book I was gonna put in my bag. I bit my lip again and hesitated, thinking about my next move very carefully.
I placed my book onto the table harshly and finally looked Logan in his eyes. I took a deep breath and placed my own hand on top of his on my thigh. "Listen, Logan, That's not it. Like completely not it! I do want you, I want you so bad it actually kills me. I just wasn't sure if you we're actually serious about it, too! That's why I looked nervous." I held onto his hand a little tighter holding my breath, a surge of confidence washed over me, but faded as quickly as it came. I waited anxiously for Logan to say something, but his face darkened. He still held eye contact but there was a sudden change in the way he did. Now there was a sudden, want in his eyes, a need, lust.
"Say my name again." He practically growled this under his breath, grip on your thigh tightening, I gulped softly but complied "Logan.."
Before I could comprehend what was happening his lips we're already on mine, his hand went from my thigh to holding onto the side of my face, cupping it harshly to pull me deeper into the sudden kiss. His hand worked it's way to the back of my head entangling itself within the hair on the back of my head, tugging at it softly. Which let a moan escape my lips which gave him the opportunity to let his tongue into my hot mouth.
I had my eyes shut tightly, feeling extremely overwhelmed but fucking turned on at the same time. He was suddenly so rough toward me, unlike how he was in the classes he teached.
I felt his body weight shift from down under me to on top of me, He had his knee in between my thighs inching closer towards my throbbing core. He never let go of my lips and with his one hand still intertwined with my hair, his other free hand snaked it's way from gently touching my collar bone to slowly towards my chest.
I gave him a light push on the chest, not because I didn't want this, but because I couldn't fucking breath. He let go of my lips, still staying very close to my face, both out of breath practically panting in each others face. I gripped onto his shirt, and whined softly as I felt his knee finally pushing against my cunt. I moaned quietly and let my head fall back slowly cause of the pressure between my thighs.
As our heavy breathing continued his eyes never strayed from mine, "Logan.." I whimpered softly "You okay baby?" I licked my lips at his sudden nickname for me and smiled like a lovesick fool. "You can't call your student baby!" I scolded him playfully between the thick sexual tension. He smirked at me, "Last time I checked I couldn't kiss my students either." He teased. I stayed silent and bit my lip, switching my gaze in between looking at his eyes and his lips.
"We are so gonna get caught if we keep going!" I told him sternly, "Don't ya wanna keep going, sweetheart?" That dumb smirk of him never faded, "of course I wanna keep going Logan! But imagine if someone walks in.." I mumble softly.
He gave a soft tug at your hair one more time making you moan softly, before letting go and removing himself completely from your touch. You whimpered softly, at the weird feel of sudden loss of contact, after being so intimate with your teacher.
Just as Logan straightened his clothes a bit, the next group of students walked in. A few gave weird looks, but with one look from Logan they all scurried off to their seats. I quickly grabbed the last book I had left on the table and put it in my school bag giggling softly to myself. I glanced up at Logan as I stood up to leave and mouthed a very obvious 'told you so.' grabbing his hand giving it a light squeeze, I looked down at his crotch and saw the very obvious tent in his blue jeans. "Goodluck with that and uh, see you tomorrow, Mr.Howlett" I said with a teasing tone, and left the classroom swaying my hips just a little extra more because I could feel his eyes burning into the back of me.
OKAYYY well that was fun, I'll see for myself if anyone reads this, AND IF YOU DID, LMK what u thought abt it,
MUCH LOVE, CANDY˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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divinedelusional · 2 days ago
tons of sex - jack schlossberg
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jack schlossberg x fem reader
synopsis: it's been a while for reader and jack sooo they finally get down to it
warnings: smut so minors dni!! 18+ oral f receiving, vaginal sex, slightly sub jack
a/n: that was my first attempt at writing smut and first fic for jack too, inspired by this, obvi
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You woke up to a smell of freshly brewed coffee. You hugged the pillow and opened one eye noticing that Jack wasn't by your side, but he appeared soon with a mug of coffee and a tray with food for you.
"You look so beautiful, honey" he said putting coffee and tray aside and gave you a slow kiss.
You indeed look amazing. Morning sun illuminating your frame covered in milky white sheets.
"Hey" you said looking at him with adoration. "Up so soon?" you asked taking a glass of orange juice he handed to you.
"Yeah, I'm sorry I couldn't reschedule the meeting, I forgot to tell you. But it won't be long I'm just meeting this guy about a podcast I agreed to do"
You smiled at him as he kept going.
"But after that I'm all yours. It's a little make up for it" he added pointing to the tray with your food. He made you an avocado toast with beacon on a side and an egg.
"It's great Jack, thank you so much" you said lifting yourself to kiss him. When you pulled you touched a small earring on his left ear.
"I still can't believe you pierced your ears" you chuckled.
"You like it babe?"
"Mhmm of course, you look hot as fuck"
You guys didn't see each other for the day, as Jack went out of town and you had been busy the day before. He came home on the evening when you were already half asleep. You greeted him and saw the earrings and wanted to wait for him, but you were asleep like a baby when he came from the shower.
"Would show you how much I like 'em babe, but what can I do if you're leaving me for a morning" you sighed dramatically.
"Then I'll make sure this meeting goes fast because holy shit..." he kissed you. "I want you so bad you have no idea" he kissed you again, slipping his tounge into your mouth. You almost moaned but didn't wanted to rile him up and make him late.
"Easy easy, we'll have a whole day once you're back" you chuckled.
Jack sighed and smiled at you, kissing your forehead quickly and got up from the bed.
You were eating your delicious breakfast and when he was already bundled up for nyc's cold weather he called to you.
"Bae you know what?? I haven't show my new look to the world yet"
He already posted a tiktok he recorded couple days ago, coming back from his break from social media.
"Well, give the people what they want hm?" you told him.
You saw him quickly checking himself in the mirror and then he pressed record.
"Soo basically I pierced both my ears andd" you heard him talking to the camera "I look like I've had a ton of sex in my life"
You were glad he stopped recording bc you snorted at the last part.
"What?" he asked
"Nothing babe, go you're gonna be late" you said laughing.
God, this man, you thought. He was unbelievable sometimes, but one thing you knew, you'll make sure he'd have sex today. A lot.
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You've been reading your book, patiently waiting for your boyfriend. You couldn't focus on the plot as once again your thoughts drifted to the things you wanted to do with Jack. You haven't had sex for almost a week now. Both of you had really busy schedule and then Jack went to Boston. He was feeling down lately with the whole shutting down JFK's library thing. You loved how passionate he was with serving his country but you wished he could relax more. You were there for him of course, comforting him and he was so grateful for that.
But you felt like you both needed different kind of relaxation now. And God, you couldn't wait for it. You felt a growing need in you lower stomach, putting a hand over your mound and pressing lightly. You wanted to put your fingers into your cunt but decided not to. You and Jack didn't have this rule that you couldn't touch yourselves without the other, but you just wanted to wait for him. You could make yourself cum, but you were too needy today. You just knew your fingers wouldn't be enough to satisfy you. You wanted your man's cock. Badly. You wanted him to fuck you so deep you'd see a bulge in your belly.
"Oh fuck" you moaned at the thought and you knew your pussy was already soaked.
Just then you heard keys in the door and sighed with relief. Your torture was bout to end. You heard Jack taking of his shoes and water running as he washed his hands in the bathroom.
"Hi" you said when you came to him, wrapping your hands around his waist.
"Hi" he said, turning around and he pecked your lips. You didn't let him go as you sucked on his tounge. He let out a small moan and opened his mouth wider for you. Still in his embrace you pushed his chest and you walked to the kitchen, while kissing, well more likely licking all over your lips.
"Are you hungry?" you asked, pressing your hips to Jack's.
"Mhm" his voice an octave lower "not for food tho" he said and picked you up, turning around and sitting you on a kitchen island. You squealed at his action and sensation of a cold marble under your thighs. He kissed you, less sloppy this time, and you spread your legs wider when he moved to your neck.
"Jack" you moaned, when he sucked a hickey on your neck, licking over his piece of work.
"As much as I would love to fuck you here..." he said, voice muffled when he started to kiss the other side of your neck, massaging your left boob. "...i can't have my girl sore so early" he took your shorts of when he said that. "My, my what do we have here?" his eyes widened at the sight of a wet spot on your panties, one of his favorite pairs. It was thong made of cotton, burgundy red shade, with lace hugging your hip bones.
"Baby..." you whined quietly when Jack traced his finger over your clothed pussy.
"What honey? Don't be shy, what do you want me to do?"
"Jack, please, do whatever you want to do with me, please, I can't wait anymore"
"Oh baby, I don't wanna torture you. I missed this tight pussy so much. What was that, like four days I haven't felt her?" he was kneeling down, taking off your panties.
He started by kissing your ankle, going up with his feather light kisses. He reached your thighs and wanted to tease you a little bit longer but his mind went blank when he was met with the sight of your glistening cunt and her delicious smell. His head empty, only a primal need and hunger left in.
"Fuckin shit, I can't wait any fucking longer" he panted and dived in.
He held your thighs in place, tho he knew he's going to let them go in a minute and let you crush his head with 'em. Usually he started slowly, giving kitten licks to your clit, teasing a finger at your entrance, but he was hungry today and he wanted to take what was his.
His tounge pushed through your folds, going straight for your hole. He pushed it as deep as he could, without a warning and you pulled his hair immediately.
"Oh my fucking... god, Jack please" you moaned. You loved when he tounge fucked your pussy. He would have the stupidest shit eating grin on his face if he wasn't thrusting his tounge in and out of you with such force.
God, his tounge will hurt, you thought to yourself, though you couldn't care much, when your boyfriend was making you feel like this. You were already getting close, to fast for your liking, but you knew you couldn't blame yourself. You pussy was starving for attention and your boyfriend was always so fucking good with his mouth. You were about to tell him that you're gonna cum, when his tounge slid out of you. You wanted to protest, but in the blink of an eye you felt a whole different sensation when Jack had spit directly onto your clit. High pitched whine escaped your throat and you buried your fingers deeper in Jack's hair. His mouth instantly went back to your pussy, his tounge danced on your clit, giving it just the right amount of pressure. He knew you were seconds away from cumming when your nails scratched his scalp harder than before. You were a mess above him and you screamed his name, when with one final flick of his tounge you came all over his face. He lapped at your spasming hole and his nose was pressing against your sensitive bud.
"Jack, Jack, stop, I can't anymore..." you whined and he listened to your pleas and stopped the assault on your pussy.
He lifted himself up, positioning his body between your legs. You were propped up on your elbows and were looking at his face soaked with your juices, when he leaned in.
"Taste yourself, pretty girl" he murmured, before pressing his lips to yours. Your mouth opened right away, letting him in. You kissed so agonizingly slow, but you loved when he got sloppy with his kisses, like he didn't want to leave any part untouched.
Kisses might have been slow, but movements of his hips were getting faster with each second. Suddenly you became aware of your boyfriend's raging erection, grinding on your wet pussy.
"Jack, wait"
"Nnghh, no" he mumbled pulling you to himself again, but you pushed him back before he could kiss you again. He watched you, shocked for a second, his frame resting against the headboard right know. His pupils widened when you climbed on top of him.
"You deserve a big thank you after what you just did Mr. Schlossberg" you breathed to his ear and start to suck a hickey on his jawline. He let out a small moan, as you kept talking. "My baby, did so good for me that his girl didn't even notice how hard you were... you must be already leaking, huh honey?" you asked him palming him through his boxers.
"Please, baby, I'm so, oh fuck, so hard for you, please let me..." he tried to switch your positions, but you restisted. You took his boxers off, letting his cock free.
"Remember what I told you this morning?" you asked, lifting your hips up and lining your entrance with his dick.
"Uh huh" he noded through his gasps as you began to sink down onto him.
"Yes" you hissed with satisfaction and leaned down to bite his earlobe. "Need to show you how much I like your new look, how fuck, how hot you look, Jack" with this words you fully sank down, his dick filling you completely.
"Fuck, fuck, y/n, be a doll and fuck me, please"
"Oh baby, don't worry. You have to live up to your new look right? I'm getting sure, you'll get that ton of sex you talked about this morning"
Jack shot his head back, panting your name.
Already a mess, you thought to yourself, and he has no idea that you just started his fun with him.
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reblogs and comments highly appreciatated♡
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corviiids · 21 hours ago
omg what are your thoughts on the phantom thieves becoming adults and getting jobs :0 i'd love to hear them!
thank you so much for asking. here is one billion words. i will remove my bumper sticker from your car
i am also working on a project which nudges on some of these ideas so shhh! shhhhhhhhhh
successfully gets through rehab and recovers enough to launch into a pretty decent competitive track career, which he does for a while, but i think he retires early after deciding he doesn't want that to be his life forever. while spending time with ren doing volunteering, he realises he really enjoys working with kids, so he picks up some qualifications and becomes a gym teacher and track coach for kids. i think for ryuji when he gets older he gets more and more disgusted with the person kamoshida was when ryuji starts working with kids and struggles to understand how anyone could treat them so poorly when ryuji just loves them and wants to help them thrive. anyway he becomes a deeply beloved teacher and coach, basically what someone like kamoshida could have been if he'd been good instead of shit, and spends the rest of his life doing that. he and ren are roommates for a while but he eventually moves out to pursue his career.
she finishes out the game pretty ambitious so i do think she launches into a successful international modelling career. after gaining some notoriety in that space and building up a ton of experience and good contacts i think she starts branching out into launching her own fashion and beauty lines. eventually i think she should become the editor of her own fashion publication too... the others see her on billboards and in magazines and on buses all the time. briefly dips her toe into an acting career after being invited to a film but her performance is so poor she wins an equivalent to the golden razzie which she shows up to accept in person laughing and gushing about what an honour it is so everyone loves her even more for it although she decides not to continue acting after that. important to me is that she gets new cool haircuts. imagining her with close-cropped hair. like not exactly a buzzcut but getting there. she's an icon. she splits her time between LA and tokyo and has apartments in both places but usually prefers to crash at ren or makoto's place in tokyo and be a loving nuisance to them for a while
i feel very strongly that yusuke needs to experience the world and branch out because the game kind of goes "yusuke's personality is art" which frustrates me as 1) to be a good artist i think breadth of life experience is valuable and 2) i want yusuke to do fun things. so i think yusuke postcanon tries to immerse himself fully in art for a while but then has kind of an existential crisis about his work feeling superficial to him despite his successes and so he ends up going on extensive sabbatical backpacking around the world and meeting lots of people and experiencing new things and then returning to pour his newfound knowledge of life and wisdom into his art and reaching new depths and takes the art world by storm. and also he always has money for food forever. starts out with an art foundation but eventually gets his own studio apartment which lies abandoned while he's gallivanting. haru furnished it
to me makoto is one of the characters who finishes the game with the most growing left to do, which makes her really fun to explore postcanon, personally. anyway i think she does become a cop and does it for quite a few years but before long starts to get extremely disillusioned about the work she's doing until she eventually hits quite a severe depressive spiral about the direction her life has taken. then sae and her friends talk her out of her crisis by convincing her that it's never too late to change your life. so she quits her job and in her late 30s/early 40s she goes back to school and gets her law degree and eventually becomes a criminal defence attorney. she also figures out that she is gay. i think this takes her less time than the cop thing but still like probably longer than she'd care to admit. lives alone with a pet. i want to say she either has a dog or some kind of cool reptile like a bearded dragon.
i have a running joke with myself that akechi puts her onto r/overemployed and so futaba has like six or seven remote IT jobs at major companies around the world, none of which know about each other, all of which she does from the comfort of her house. anyway she gets loaded off a series of extremely good and mysterious investments that she refuses to explain so she's mostly just working for fun. gets back into hacktivism also mostly just for fun. sometimes she anonymously drops entire indie games for free online which go viral without fail. moves out on her own in adulthood but still spends most weekends and days at sojiro's and has a WFH office set-up in his house which he complains about and doesn't mind at all.
so i think haru spends a long time working to restore okumura foods to the vision that her grandfather originally had for it and does succeed to a good extent in the sense that it becomes a more ethically-run company with an improved reputation, but okumura foods is a major global corporation and by nature it just cannot attain that local mom-and-pop vibe that her and her grandfather wanted. so i think after a while she retains her shareholding in the company but gives up her directorship to other trusted board members and uses okumura foods as a launching off point to branch out into starting her own much smaller company, which she keeps local and runs herself, and it does become the well-loved community hub she always wanted it to be. doesn't live in tokyo directly because she prefers quieter areas on the outskirts but commutes there merrily all the time to work and see her friends.
i personally don't think sumire ever achieves her and kasumi's dream of being number one in the world. i think she competes at an international level and comes very close many many times before she eventually comes to peace with that, decides that that's enough for her, and retires from competition. for a while she follows a similar path to ryuji and becomes a children's gymnastics coach, but after a while of other people encouraging her that she could be applying her skills to more competitive pursuits just in a different way, she eventually becomes an olympic-level professional coach and ends up helping many of her students achieve her and kasumi's dream in their stead. also doesn't live in tokyo but visits frequently and has an active whatsapp chat running with ren and akechi on top of the thieves chat.
decides he's had enough of being dead after a minute. takes a gap year and starts college at the same time as ren. studies law and goes into criminal practice, but bounces between defence and prosecution before getting fucking sick of it and deciding to quit law. he starts his own small private detective agency instead. years later he writes a book and eventually re-enters the media world with a significantly different image to his detective prince years. is surly the ENTIRE time. somehow this doesn't hurt his popularity. no longer has a food blog. moves in with ren after ryuji moves out but not initially romantically, just as roommates with a Tension that makes everyone else extremely uncomfortable
i think ren struggles for a while to work out what his career should be before he eventually figures out he is not the type to get fulfilment from his professional life, and wants to focus more on what he's doing in his personal life, which is helping people. basically after graduation he moves back to tokyo and goes to college and changes his mind a whole bunch of times before eventually settling on some kind of psychology/sociology degree, but then mostly just continues doing a lot of part-time jobs to keep himself afloat while he figures out his life plan. during this time he starts getting into volunteering and social work and spends more of his time working with vulnerable and at-risk youth, basically whatever will put him in most contact with people who need him in a non-paid capacity. eventually when sojiro is set to retire ren takes over leblanc and runs it peacefully as his day job, and the rest of his time is spent on non-profit work. living with akechi.
the damn cat lives forever. the sakuras and ren's parents have a shared custody agreement. he disregards this and spends most of his time with ren. he and akechi are fine with each other but do not get along vis a vis homemaking decisions mostly because morgana has opinions about their lifestyle choices and akechi doesn't take well to being told where to keep his dishes by a small creature without thumbs.
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sirxaibs · 18 hours ago
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Touya Todoroki / Dabi x reader
Summary: As you pick Touya up from rehab, you reflect on how you got here
WARNING: hurt/ barely comfort. It’s a Dabi fanfic so prepare for rude behaviour and a lot of self deprecation on his part.
word count : 9734
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RUN BOY RUN - Woodkid
You drum your fingers against the steering wheel, staring at the front doors of the rehab center like they might explode. The car hums softly beneath you, the afternoon sun casting long shadows across the parking lot. You’ve been sitting here for a while, waiting. Thinking.
It’s been weeks since you last saw Touya. Weeks of wondering if he’d actually stay. Weeks of resisting the urge to show up just to check.
And now, finally, here he comes.
The doors push open, and there he is, hands stuffed in his jacket pockets, shoulders hunched against the wind. His hair’s a mess, probably hasn’t touched a comb in days and his scars catch the sunlight in a way that makes them stand out even more. He looks tired, in a way that’s more than just physical. But his eyes? Still sharp. Still him.
The second he spots you, he stops. Just stands there, staring, like he wasn’t expecting you to actually be here.
You push open the car door and step out before he can overthink it. “Hey,” you say, keeping it easy.
Touya scoffs, tilting his head. “Hey.” His voice is rough, like he hasn’t used it much.
You take him in, scanning for any sign of what? A breakthrough? A relapse? Hell if you know. He just looks… different. Not better, necessarily. But different.
“How was it?” you ask.
Touya rolls his eyes. “Awful.” Classic. “Same boring speeches, same awkward group sessions. Food was shit.”
You smirk. “No shock there.”
He exhales sharply, something like amusement, but you don’t miss the tension in his shoulders.
“But you stayed,” you say, watching him closely.
Something flickers across his face quick, almost undetectable. He looks away, shifting his weight. “…Yeah,” he mutters. “Guess I did.”
For a moment, neither of you say anything. It’s not awkward, just… heavy. The weight of everything unsaid sits between you, pressing at the edges. You had spent weeks wondering if he’d bail, if you’d get some shitty phone call, if you’d ever see him again. And now he’s here. Whole.
Touya clears his throat and jerks his chin toward the car. “You just gonna make me stand here, or what?”
You blink, shaking off your thoughts. “Right.” You open the passenger door. “Get in.”
He hesitates for half a second before slumping into the seat with a quiet sigh. As you settle into the driver’s side, you glance at him out of the corner of your eye. He’s staring out the window, absently picking at the frayed edge of his sleeve.
You grip the wheel. “You hungry?”
Touya snorts. “Depends. You taking me somewhere that serves actual food?”
“Yeah, yeah. No more rehab cafeteria mystery meat, I swear.”
For the first time, he smirks just barely, but it’s there. Then, after a beat, he mutters, “…Thanks for picking me up.”
Something tightens in your chest, but it’s not worry this time.
“Yeah yeah,” you say, pulling out of the parking lot. “now don’t get emotional on me.”
Touya leans his head against the window, exhaling as the car rolls forward, the sun sinking lower in the sky. And for now, that’s enough.
When you met him, no one could have guessed that he’d be in your car sharing an intimate bond to intimate so fast.
The first time you and Dabi met, he tried to kill you.
No, really he actually tried. None of that lazy, half-assed, villain posturing. He sent a fucking wall of blue fire straight at you, no warning, no witty one liner. And when you barely managed to dodge, he clicked his tongue like he was annoyed you had the audacity to survive.
“Should’ve just stood still,” he’d said, tilting his head, eyes gleaming with something between amusement and boredom. “Would’ve saved us both a lot of time.”
“You always this much of an asshole, or am I just special?” you shot back, already bracing for the next attack.
Dabi had smirked, rolling his shoulders. “Dunno. Guess we’ll find out.”
That was how it started.
And somehow, for reasons neither of you ever addressed, your run-ins turned into something else. You fought, sure. But over time, it stopped feeling like an actual battle and more like… a routine. A bad habit. A game. He never went for the kill. You never hit him hard enough to stop him. And when the fights ended, more often than not, you’d end up talking.
Which led to nights like this.
Tonight, it was an abandoned lot. He’d set some shit on fire, you’d put it out, and now he was perched on the edge of a rusted-out shipping container, cigarette between his fingers, watching you like he was waiting to be entertained.
“You’re getting slow,” he remarked, exhaling a curl of smoke.
You shot him a look as you stomped out the last few embers. “Or maybe you’re just getting predictable.”
Dabi snorted. “Yeah, keep telling yourself that.”
You climbed up onto the container, ignoring the way he barely shifted to make room for you. He always did that sat like he dared you to invade his space, then acted all put out when you actually did.
“Real ambitious arson job tonight,” you muttered, stretching out your legs. “You only half-commit to everything, or just crime?”
Dabi flicked ash in your direction. “Like you’re one to talk. You had at least three chances to stop me, and you didn’t.” He shot you a sideways glance, smirk twitching at the corner of his mouth. “Starting to think you like having me around.”
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, because listening to you bitch and moan is so much fun.”
“Hey, someone’s gotta keep you on your toes,” he said, lazily tapping ash off the side. “Can’t have you getting soft. If anything i’m helping a little girl become a hero”
You scoffed but didn’t argue. And that was the thing this was normal now. Fighting, bickering, sitting around after like you weren’t supposed to be on opposite sides. Like you weren’t supposed to be enemies.
Maybe that’s why you started noticing things.
Like how he leaned against walls like his legs were seconds from giving out. Or how his hands shook just a little when he smoked, like the heat didn’t quite reach all the way through him. Or how, no matter how sharp his smirk was, his eyes never quite matched.
And because you were a fucking idiot, you started caring.
Which is why, after another long, pointless fight, you threw a water bottle at him.
Dabi caught it, glaring. “The hell is this?”
“Hydration, dipshit,” you said, wiping sweat from your forehead. “Y’know, because you’re a walking pile of burnt kindling, and I’d rather not have you passing out mid fight.”
He stared at the bottle like it had personally offended him. Then at you. Then back at the bottle.
“You do realize I hate you, right?” he deadpanned.
“Uh-huh. Drink the damn water, Dabi.”
His jaw tightened, fingers flexing like he was debating throwing it at your head.
Instead, he cracked the cap open, took a slow sip, and never broke eye contact.
“…You’re fucking annoying,” he muttered.
You grinned. “And yet, here we are.”
He exhaled sharply, flicked his cigarette away, and leaned back against the wall. For once, he didn’t have a comeback. Just sat there, eyes flickering toward the skyline, quiet for once.
Not as a villain. Not as a hero.
Just as a guy too stubborn to admit he might not hate the company and just maybe a guy learning people can care for him.
Though it didn’t stop there, meetings became a lot more frequent.
“You stalking me, hero?”
Dabi didn’t even bother looking at you as you landed on the rooftop beside him. Just flicked his cigarette, barely missing your foot, and leaned back like he didn’t have a care in the world.
You sighed. “You just torched a building. Kinda my job to show up.”
“Yeah? And yet, here you are not doing shit about it.” He smirked, finally turning to you. “Shouldn’t you be slapping cuffs on me or whatever the fuck it is heroes do?”
You rolled your eyes. “Like you’d let me.”
“Damn right I wouldn’t.” He exhaled a slow stream of smoke, letting it curl between his fingers before he flicked the cigarette off the side of the roof. “And we both know you don’t have the balls to try though you might like the cuffs on you.”
You clenched your jaw but didn’t argue not wanting to entertain whatever thoughts he’s trying to imply, which only made his smirk widen. “That’s what I thought.”
“You always this fucking insufferable, or is it just for me?”
Dabi gave you a slow, lazy once-over, tilting his head. “I save my worst for special people.”
“Wow. Flattered.”
“You should be.” He stretched his arms over his head, sighing. “Not everyone gets to be my personal waste of time.”
You crossed your arms. “You say that, and yet, you’re the one still talking to me.”
Dabi chuckled low, rough, full of something mean. “Yeah. Guess I like watching you squirm.”
You hit the ground hard, barely rolling in time to avoid getting fried. The pavement still sizzled from Dabi’s flames, burning through your sleeves as you pushed yourself up.
Dabi, still standing like he didn’t just try to incinerate you, gave you the most unimpressed look of all time. “That was pathetic.”
You spat blood onto the ground, glaring up at him. “You hit like a bitch.”
Dabi actually laughed at that, crouching just enough to get in your face. “You wish I hit like a bitch.” His fingers twitched, heat curling around them. “We both know I could turn you to fucking ash if I wanted to.”
You swallowed hard but held his gaze. “Then why don’t you?”
He tilted his head, watching you like a cat watching a half dead mouse. Then his grin stretched slow and sharp.
“‘Cause I like this,” he murmured. “Watching you scrape yourself off the ground. Watching you try so fucking hard to be something.” He leaned in just a little closer, voice dropping to something almost amused. “It’s entertaining.”
Your fists clenched. “You’re a real piece of shit, y’know that?”
Dabi smirked. “Yeah. And?”
You shoved yourself up, ignoring how your legs ached. “One day, I’m gonna put you down for good.”
His grin widened like that was the funniest thing he’d ever heard. “Oh, please do.”
Dabi was sitting on the curb like he had just clocked out of a long shift at his 9-to-5 arson job. Arms draped over his knees, a half-burnt cigarette dangling from his fingers, and an expression so profoundly bored that you had to take a second to process the absolute wreckage behind him.
The alley looked like a battlefield. Scorch marks everywhere, trash melted into unrecognizable blobs, and some guy still smoking from the flames. He was groaning, which was good it meant he was alive. But considering how crispy he looked, he probably wasn’t gonna be winning any beauty pageants soon.
You let out a long, suffering sigh. “Dabi.”
Dabi tilted his head back lazily to look at you. Then he exhaled through his nose, unimpressed. “Oh. You.”
You planted your hands on your hips, giving him the best I am so fucking tired look you could muster. “What the fuck happened this time?”
Dabi gave you a slow blink, like you just asked him why the sky was blue. “What the fuck do you think happened?” He waved a vague hand at the destruction behind him. “I had a bad night.”
You threw up your hands. “And what, this was your therapy session? You scorched a guy!”
Dabi sighed dramatically, rolling his neck. “And yet, he’s still breathing. How ‘bout that?”
You groaned, dragging your hands down your face. “You have to stop causing problems for fun.”
He snorted. “Wrong. The problems cause me for fun.”
You gave him a long, unimpressed stare. “Did you read that off a bumper sticker?”
Dabi smirked. “Nah. Came up with it just now. Pretty good, huh?”
You ignored that. “Did it ever occur to you to just… I don’t know, go home and watch TV like a normal person?”
“I am watching something,” Dabi said, grinning. “You. Losing your goddamn mind.”
You let out a slow, deep breath, resisting the urge to punt him into the nearest dumpster.
Then Dabi rested his chin on his palm, gaze flicking over you. “And yet, here you are. Again.”
You squinted. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
He smirked. “If I had a dollar for every time you showed up to stop me but didn’t actually stop me, I’d be able to afford the therapy that daddy dearest never gave me.”
You jabbed a finger at him. “Listen here, you little shit—”
“I mean, really,” he went on, like you hadn’t spoken. “You could be off doing hero stuff. Arresting actual villains. Filing paperwork. Touching grass. But nah. Instead, you’re here. With me.” His smirk widened. “Kinda pathetic, don’t you think?”
Your fingers twitched. So help me God, you thought, if I don’t get out of here in the next five minutes, I am actually going to commit a crime.
You inhaled sharply through your nose, turned on your heel, and started walking.
“You’re not worth the effort.”
Dabi chuckled behind you, lazy and full of smug amusement.
“Keep telling yourself that, hero.”
The drive is quiet. its a warm kind of quiet. No one felt like they wanted break it. It was comfortable.
Touya is slouched in the passenger seat, arms crossed, jaw locked, radiating the kind of hostility that could curdle milk. His whole vibe is very moody teenager who just got grounded, which is impressive considering he’s a grown-ass man.
You let the silence ride for a while, because you know him. You know he’s stewing. Probably pissed at himself for actually staying in rehab instead of setting the place on fire and walking out in a dramatic blaze of glory. Maybe pissed at you for witnessing the fact that he actually completed something for once in his life.
After a few more minutes of unbearable tension, you finally break.
“You want food?”
Touya snorts. “What, we celebrating?”
You keep your eyes on the road. “I just figured you’d rather eat something that isn’t microwaved cardboard.”
“Bold of you to assume I even ate that shit.”
You exhale slowly through your nose. Patience. Touya is like a stray cat he hisses, scratches, and pretends he doesn’t need anything, but if you ignore him long enough, he eventually starts lurking near your door at dinner time.
“There’s a diner up ahead,” you say, because you will be feeding this dumbass whether he likes it or not. “It’s either that or you starve.”
Touya sighs, like agreeing to basic human needs is such a burden. “Fine. Whatever.”
The diner you pull into looks like it should’ve been condemned twenty years ago. The neon sign flickers like it’s having an existential crisis, and the parking lot is a graveyard of questionable life choices.
Inside, the place is nearly empty just a couple of truckers at the counter, mumbling over half-eaten plates of regret. The waitress barely looks up as you both slide into a booth.
Touya, being Touya, immediately sprawls out like he owns the joint, kicking his feet onto the seat across from him. He snatches up a menu but doesn’t actually read it just taps his fingers against the table like he’s already planning an escape route.
The waitress shuffles over, popping her gum. “What’ll it be?”
“Cheeseburger. Extra fries. Coffee,” Touya says, snapping the menu shut like he just finalized a business deal.
You squint at him. “Coffee? This late?”
He raises an eyebrow. “Oh, I’m sorry, are you my mom now?”
You stare at him, debating whether or not to slide his menu across the table and slap him with it.
Instead, you sigh and place your own order. The waitress scribbles it down, looking just about as done with this conversation as you are, then walks off.
Touya slouches even further if he keeps this up, he’s going to merge with the booth. “So. You gonna give me some big, cheesy speech about how proud you are of me?”
You don’t even blink. “Do you want one?”
His lip curls. “Hell no.”
“Then no.”
Touya squints at you like he’s waiting for the catch. Like you’re gonna hit him with some life is a journey Hallmark bullshit at any moment. But when you don’t, he just clicks his tongue and looks away.
“You didn’t have to come get me,” he mutters. “Could’ve just called a cab.”
“Yeah, I could’ve.” You lean back in your seat. “But I didn’t.”
His fingers twitch against the table, like he wants to argue but can’t come up with a good enough reason. So instead, he scoffs and mutters, “You’re a pain in the ass.”
You smirk. “Yeah, well. So are you.”
The Food Arrives: The Moment of Truth
When the food finally arrives, Touya wastes zero time inhaling it like he’s fresh out of a 24-hour famine. Fries? Shoveled into his mouth at breakneck speed. Burger? Absolutely demolished. It’s impressive, really. Borderline concerning.
You eat like a normal human being, sipping your drink as he continues his speed run.
Eventually, between bites, he mutters, “…Food’s not bad.”
You hide your smile behind your drink. “I’ll take that as a thank you.”
Touya glares. “Don’t push it.”
You let the conversation fizzle out after that. No talking about home. No lectures. No big emotional moments. Just greasy diner food and the occasional sarcastic remark.
And when you both eventually leave and get back in the car, he doesn’t argue when you take the long way home. Doesn’t snap when the silence stretches again this time a little less heavy.
And maybe, just maybe, that’s his way of saying thanks.
You’re halfway through your plate when you notice it Touya has stopped inhaling his food like a wild animal and is just… sitting there. Not glaring, not throwing sarcastic barbs, just absentmindedly pushing a fry around his plate with a vaguely thoughtful expression.
You blink. “Oh God.”
Touya raises an eyebrow. “What?”
“You’re thinking.” You point at him with your fork. “That’s never a good sign.”
He scoffs, shoving the fry into his mouth. “Shut up.”
But he doesn’t immediately follow it with another insult, which is weird. He just leans back, arms crossed, staring at you like he’s weighing whether or not to say something.
You tilt your head. “What?”
He exhales sharply through his nose, like this this moment, this entire night is physically painful for him. Then, finally, he mutters, “You look tired.”
You blink again. “Wow. Thanks. That’s what every person wants to hear.”
Touya rolls his eyes. “I’m just saying. When’s the last time you actually slept?”
You shrug. “I sleep.”
He snorts. “Yeah? When? Between your constant babysitting and whatever dumbass hero shit you’re doing?”
You open your mouth, then close it. Because okay, maybe you don’t get as much sleep as you should. But it’s not like he’s one to talk.
Touya notices your hesitation and smirks. “That’s what I thought.”
“Yeah, well,” you huff, stabbing at your food, “not all of us have the luxury of napping through our responsibilities.”
“Luxury?” He scoffs. “I was in rehab.”
“You chose not to set the place on fire and escape. I call that a vacation.”
Touya stares at you for a second, then against all odds laughs. Not his usual sharp, mocking laugh, but something quieter. Real. It throws you off so badly that you just sit there, blinking at him.
“What?” he asks, still smirking.
“You laughed.”
He tilts his head, pretending to think. “Shit, did I?”
“Yes, and it wasn’t even a mean laugh.” You squint. “Are you dying?”
Touya rolls his eyes. “You’re so fucking dramatic.”
“Says the guy who fake-died for three years.”
You shake your head, still thrown by the fact that he’s being… weirdly chill. Like he’s actually letting himself exist in this moment instead of treating it like some obligatory punishment. It’s suspicious.
Then, just as you’re about to call him out on it, he reaches across the table, plucks a fry off your plate, and pops it into his mouth.
You gape at him. “Did you just—”
“Yep.” He grabs another one. “What’re you gonna do about it?”
You slap his hand away, scandalized. “I fed you! I rescued you from microwave mush, and this is how you repay me?”
Touya grins, all teeth, the corners of his eyes crinkling just slightly. “Consider it a tax.”
You groan, dropping your head onto the table. “I should’ve left you in rehab.”
“Eh,” he says, stealing one more fry just to be an asshole, “but you didn’t.”
And for once, there’s no smugness behind it. Just quiet acknowledgement.
No thank you, no big emotional revelation just a stolen fry and the simple fact that, no matter how much of a pain in the ass he is, you still showed up.
The air was thick with smoke, the night split by the wail of sirens and the distant shouts of first responders. The whole block was bathed in flickering orange light, fire consuming what used to be a warehouse now it was just a giant cautionary tale about what happens when dumbasses with unstable quirks play with explosives.
You exhaled through your nose, mask pulled up high, and glanced at the six-foot wall of muscle and arrogance standing beside you. Fucking Endeavor.
“So,” you said, tilting your head toward the raging inferno, “A+ work on the whole ‘subtle infiltration’ plan.”
Endeavor didn’t even look at you. Not surprising. “This isn’t the time for sarcasm.”
You gestured broadly at the absolute catastrophe in front of you. “See, I disagree. Because if we’re not laughing, we’re crying, and I—” You clapped a hand to your chest. “—am emotionally fragile.”
“Focus.” His voice was clipped, sharp, like he was the only professional here.
You rolled your eyes. “Right, right. ‘No nonsense. Only mission.’ Because God forbid we acknowledge that this is a shitshow.”
He ignored you, which was basically the foundation of your entire working relationship.
“What’s the plan?” you asked, already scanning the building for signs of movement.
“Contain the fire and get the survivors out,” he said, striding forward. Flames licked up his arms, rolling off his shoulders like he wasn’t currently surrounded by highly flammable debris.
You sighed, flexing your fingers. “Cool. Love a good ‘rushing into a death trap’ moment.”
Still no reaction.
You followed him in, ducking through the collapsed doorway as heat immediately punched you in the face. Smoke curled through the halls, thick and suffocating, clinging to the walls like a living thing. You yanked your sleeve over your mouth, glaring at Endeavor’s broad back.
“You ever not act like you’re fireproof?” you muttered.
“I am fireproof,” he shot back.
You scoffed. “Okay, but I’m not, so let’s not turn this place into a crematorium before we’re done.”
Predictably, he didn’t dignify that with a response.
You both moved quickly, scanning the rooms, stepping over broken crates and unconscious bodies. Most of the smuggling ring had been handled either burned, unconscious, or very interested in getting arrested if it meant not being roasted alive.
The first survivors were on the second floor, huddled in what used to be an office but was now just another death trap.
You stepped over the threshold, crouching beside a barely conscious man. “Hey, buddy,” you murmured, hoisting him onto your shoulder. “Let’s get you the hell out of here before this place caves in, yeah?”
Endeavor hauled up another survivor with ease, barely even trying. God, so annoying.
“Get them out,” he ordered. “I’ll keep moving.”
You adjusted your grip, ignoring the sweat rolling down your temple. “Awesome. You run headfirst into hell, I’ll play babysitter.”
You turned on your heel, smoke curling at your feet as you hurried back out.
By the time you made it outside, paramedics were already rushing forward, taking the man from your arms. You exhaled sharply, rolling your shoulders, and turned back toward the warehouse.
Endeavor was still inside.
Not that you doubted him. He was the number one hero for a reason. But you’d seen enough missions go south to know that confidence didn’t mean shit when fire had a mind of its own.
An explosion rocked the building.
Your stomach lurched, heart pounding. For a split second, pure instinct screamed at you to move, to go back in but then, blue-orange flames burst from the second floor, and a moment later, Endeavor strode out of the smoke, dragging the last survivor behind him.
Because of course he did.
You let out a short laugh, shaking your head. “Yeah, yeah. Congrats on being a one man army.”
He barely spared you a glance, brushing soot off his shoulder like he hadn’t just walked through an explosion. “Handled.”
You huffed, crossing your arms. “Oh, for sure. Totally casual. You ever not act like you just expect to survive every dumbass decision you make?”
His eyes cut to you, sharp and assessing. “You don’t take this seriously enough.”
You arched an eyebrow. “And you take it so seriously you forget to breathe. Maybe if you stopped treating every mission like a personal vendetta, people wouldn’t be so quick to call you an ass.”
His expression didn’t change. “I get results.”
You snorted. “And I get migraines every time we work together. Funny how that works.”
Endeavor let out a huff his version of done with this conversation and turned away, stalking toward the police.
You sighed, running a hand through your hair as you surveyed the mess around you. Another night, another catastrophic team up with Japan’s most emotionally constipated man.
You really needed a drink after this.
But before you could make a break for the nearest bar, a voice rumbled beside you.
“…You did well.”
You blinked. Slowly turned your head.
Endeavor didn’t look at you just kept his gaze on the wreckage, arms crossed, face unreadable.
You squinted. “I’m sorry. What?”
His jaw ticked, like saying it physically pained him. “…I said, you did well.”
A slow grin spread across your face. “Holy shit.”
Endeavor immediately looked regretful. “Forget it.”
“Oh no no no, you don’t get to take that back.” You clutched your chest, mock gasping. “Endeavor praised me? I think I might cry.”
He sighed through his nose, very pointedly not engaging.
But you weren’t done.
“Wow. This must be what being a favorite child feels like.” You nudged him with your elbow. “Does this mean I get a ‘World’s Okayest Sidekick’ mug? Maybe a ‘#1 Emotional Support Hero’ t-shirt?”
Endeavor turned his head slightly. “You want a mug?”
You blinked. “Wait. Are you serious?”
He shrugged, which, coming from him, was basically a yes.
You grinned.
Oh, you were never letting him live this down
Now your relationship with the number 2 hero was never your favourite team ups. Though you did feel a strange bit of validation and growth every time you had the chance.
You had fought villains, survived explosions, and worked with Endeavor without committing arson (yet), but nothing, nothing. had prepared you for sitting at the Todoroki family dinner table.
Yet here you were, trapped between Hawks, who looked way too entertained, and Shoto, who was sipping his drink like he was emotionally detached from this entire situation.
Endeavor sat at the head of the table, arms crossed like he also didn’t want to be here, and Fuyumi was the only one smiling like this wasn’t the most awkward hostage situation you’d ever been part of.
“So!” she said brightly, setting down a plate in front of you. “How has working with my dad been?”
You immediately froze, a piece of food halfway to your mouth. Slowly, slowly, you turned your head to glance at Endeavor.
He was already looking at you.
Daring you to open your mouth and ruin your career.
Hawks, the absolute devil, nudged your side with his elbow. “Go on. Be honest.”
You took a sip of water to buy yourself some time. “Well…” You cleared your throat. “He’s, uh… very efficient.”
Shoto snorted. “That’s a polite way to put it.”
You pointed your fork at him. “See? He gets it.”
Endeavor exhaled through his nose, which, given the fact that his entire body was basically a walking furnace, made it look like he was barely restraining himself from setting the table on fire. “If you have something to say, say it.”
Hawks smirked, leaning closer. “Yeah, say it.”
You shot him a you are so dead after this look before sighing dramatically. “Fine. You want the truth?” You turned to Endeavor. “Working with you is like trying to have a conversation with a brick wall, if that brick wall was actively judging you and could also set things on fire.”
Fuyumi gasped. Shoto took another sip of his drink. Hawks nearly collapsed against the table, laughing.
Endeavor, completely unfazed, just grunted. “You still get the job done.”
“Wow,” you deadpanned. “I am so touched.”
Hawks wiped a fake tear from his eye. “Man, this is so much better than I imagined.”
You turned to Fuyumi. “Blink twice if you need rescuing.”
She actually laughed at that, waving a hand. “Oh, it’s not that bad!”
Shoto, still completely monotone: “It is that bad.”
Endeavor let out the longest suffering sigh of his life.
By the time dinner ended, you were slumped against the doorway, utterly drained. Hawks, of course, was thriving, stretching his arms over his head. “Well, that was fun! Same time next week?”
You whipped around. “Do not manifest that.”
Fuyumi clapped her hands together. “Oh! That would be wonderful—”
“NO.” You pointed a warning finger at Hawks. “This is your fault.”
He grinned. “Worth it.”
As you stepped outside, you exhaled deeply, rubbing your temples. “I need a drink.”
Hawks slung an arm over your shoulders. “Told you it’d be fun.”
You shoved him off. “Keigo, I swear to god—”
Fighting Dabi was always a pain in the ass. Not just because of the fire which, yeah, was a huge problem but because he never shut up.
Tonight was no different. Flames roared around you, painting the alleyway in flickering blue as you dodged another wave of heat. The bastard was laughing, like this was some kind of game.
“What’s the matter, hero?” Dabi taunted, taking a lazy step forward. “Too hot for you?”
You huffed, rolling your shoulders as you steadied yourself. “Wow, never heard that one before. You come up with that yourself?”
His smirk widened. “Nah. I save my best material for special occasions.”
Before you could throw back another quip, Dabi’s eyes flickered to your uniform specifically, to the slight burn mark on your sleeve, barely visible but unmistakable.
And then, his entire demeanor changed.
His smirk faltered, replaced by something sharper. More calculating. His gaze darkened.
“Huh.” He tilted his head, stepping closer. “That’s interesting.”
You kept your stance firm, watching him carefully. “What?”
Dabi’s eyes flicked back to yours, his grin returning, but this time it was more… sinister. “That burn mark.”
You frowned, glancing at your sleeve. “Yeah? What about it?”
He let out a low chuckle, but there was something off about it something almost too amused. “Been spending time with other guys? I thought we were exclusive”
Your stomach twisted, but you kept your expression neutral. “oh? and what makes you say that?”
Dabi crossed his arms, the flames around his hands flickering dangerously. “So… you’ve been working with him, huh?”
You blinked. “What?”
“Oh, don’t play dumb.” His voice dripped with something between mockery and genuine intrigue. “You’ve been on missions with Endeavor.”
You still weren’t sure why that mattered to him, but something in his tone made your skin crawl. You scoffed, keeping your voice even. “Yeah, so? He’s the number two hero. I work with a lot of pros.”
Dabi let out a slow whistle, shaking his head. “Man, that’s hilarious.”
You narrowed your eyes. “What the hell is so funny?”
His smirk widened, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “You, hero. Running around, playing sidekick to that bastard.” He let out a low chuckle, stepping even closer. “I wonder… did he finally get what he wanted?”
Your jaw clenched. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Dabi’s smirk twitched, like he was enjoying some inside joke at your expense. “Nothing. Just seems like you don’t know your mentor as well as you think.”
Something about the way he said it sent a chill down your spine. But you weren’t about to let him rattle you. “If you’ve got something to say, say it.”
Dabi just grinned, stepping back. “Nah. I think I’ll let you figure it out yourself.”
And before you could stop him, he vanished into the night, leaving behind nothing but embers and more questions than you wanted to deal with.
You had somehow let Fuyumi trick you into another dinner. You weren’t sure how it happened one second, you were wrapping up a mission with Endeavor, and the next, you and Hawks were walking up to the Todoroki house like it was some weekly scheduled event.
“You manifested this,” you muttered, glaring at Hawks as you knocked on the door.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he replied, smirking. “I think this is great for you.”
“I hope you get hit by a rogue Nomu.”
The door opened before Hawks could come up with a comeback, and Fuyumi greeted you with her usual bright smile. “You came!”
“Yeah, yeah, against my better judgment,” you muttered as she ushered you inside.
This time, the vibe was slightly less tense than before. Natsuo still wasn’t here (no surprise), but the rest of the family was present Endeavor looked like he would rather be anywhere else, Shoto was neutral as always, and Hawks was making himself way too comfortable again.
As Fuyumi moved to set the table, you noticed something different this time a photo album was open on the coffee table, pages slightly worn at the edges.
You nudged Hawks and motioned toward it. “Look at this. Actual proof that Endeavor has been outside of a crime scene.”
Hawks chuckled, leaning in. “Wow. I can’t even picture him smiling.”
You flipped a few pages, finding old photos of Fuyumi, Shoto, and Natsuo when they were kids. The pictures looked almost normal—almost like any other family.
Then you saw a photo that made you pause.
It was a boy, older than Shoto but still young, with white hair and striking blue eyes. He was grinning, arms crossed with a cocky smirk, like he knew he was the coolest person in the room.
You frowned, tapping the picture. “Who’s this?”
Fuyumi turned from the kitchen and followed your gaze. Her expression softened just slightly. “Oh… that’s Touya.”
You glanced at Hawks, who also looked mildly surprised. “Huh. Never heard of him.”
Fuyumi’s smile dimmed just a little. “He was our oldest brother.”
You weren’t dumb. That single word told you enough.
Endeavor’s entire posture tensed, but he didn’t say anything, just kept staring at the table like the conversation wasn’t happening.
Shoto was unreadable as ever. “He passed away a long time ago.”
You blinked, looking between them. You hadn’t even known Endeavor had another kid, and now you were learning he was dead?
Hawks, who was usually one to crack a joke, was silent beside you, his sharp eyes studying the photo with an unusual seriousness. “How?”
Fuyumi hesitated, shooting a glance at her father. “An accident,” she said carefully. “A fire.”
You didn’t need a full explanation to understand there was a lot more to the story than she was letting on. The entire atmosphere in the room had shifted like an invisible weight had settled over the conversation, suffocating and heavy.
You looked at the boy in the picture again. Touya. Something about his expression, his posture, felt oddly familiar, but you couldn’t place why.
Hawks leaned back, whistling lowly. “Damn. Didn’t know you had another sibling, Shoto.”
Shoto’s eyes flickered to his father before looking away. “Most people don’t.”
You glanced at Endeavor, who was completely silent, jaw clenched. If the man was already emotionally constipated on a good day, now he looked like someone had shoved a grenade down his throat and pulled the pin.
Yeah. You were not asking follow-up questions.
Fuyumi gave you a sad smile before quickly trying to shift the mood. “Anyway! Dinner’s ready.”
You exchanged a glance with Hawks, silently agreeing to drop it for now.
But as you ate, your eyes kept drifting back to that photo. There was something about it, something that made your stomach twist.
Something that told you this wasn’t the whole story.
You’re barely five minutes into the drive when Touya starts fidgeting. One leg bouncing, fingers tapping, sighing dramatically every few minutes like he’s about to say something and then deciding against it.
You ignore him for as long as humanly possible.
Then another heavy sigh.
“For fuck’s sake,” you say, glancing at him. “What?”
Touya smirks. “Nothing. Just love a good awkward silence.”
You roll your eyes and turn down a side street, heading toward an old parking lot on the edge of the city. It’s the kind of place that’s either a sketchy drug deal spot or just an abandoned lot that no one’s cared about for years. Either way, it’s empty, which is exactly what you need.
When you park, Touya squints at you. “Oh, nice. Super ominous.” He leans back, crossing his arms. “So, what, this is where you tell me you’ve secretly been hired to kill me? ‘Cause, honestly? Should’ve done it before you wasted money on my food.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you mutter, digging around in the glove compartment. “I’m playing the long con.”
Touya watches as you pull out a slightly crumpled pack of cigarettes. He blinks. “The hell? Since when do you smoke?”
“I don’t.” You tap the pack against your palm, knocking one loose. “Except when I do.”
He huffs a laugh and pulls out his own pack. “Terrible influence. Hope you know that.”
“You’re literally the last person who gets to say that to me.”
Touya just shrugs, flicking his lighter open. He takes a slow drag, then leans over the console, offering you the lighter with a lazy smirk. “Go on, then. Join me in my terrible life choices.”
You roll your eyes but lean in, lighting your cigarette. The first inhale burns your lungs in a way that’s almost nostalgic, and when you exhale, the smoke curls into the night air.
For a while, neither of you speak. Just sit there, smoking in companionable silence, staring out at the city lights in the distance.
Then Touya, ever the shit-stirrer, side-eyes you. “Soooo… you’re in love with me, right?”
You cough on your cigarette, nearly choking. “What the fuck—”
He grins, leaning back against the seat. “I mean, think about it. You picked me up, bought me food, brought me to this super romantic abandoned parking lot—” He gestures vaguely. “Like, if you’re gonna confess, at least do it with some dramatic flair.”
You take a slow, pointed drag. Exhale. Stare him dead in the eyes.
“Touya,” you say dryly, “if I were in love with you, I’d have worse problems than this cigarette.”
He snorts, tipping his head back. “Fair point.”
Another silence stretches between you, this one lighter. Less heavy, more like… a pause between bullshit conversations.
Eventually, Touya flicks his cigarette out the window, watching the ember fizzle out. “…Y’know,” he mutters, “you didn’t have to pick me up.”
You shrug. “Yeah. But I did.”
He side-eyes you again, expression unreadable. Then he exhales sharply and shakes his head. “Idiot.”
“You’re welcome,” you say, smirking.
He groans, slouching further into his seat, but he doesn’t argue.
And that’s how you know he actually means thank you.
The smell of smoke still clung to the air, thick and acrid, curling in the space between you and Dabi… Touya. You didn’t even realize you were gripping your fists until your nails bit into your palms, but you couldn’t help it. You couldn’t breathe.
It made sense now. The way he moved, the way he spoke, the way he never really tried to kill you even when he had the chance. The pieces had been there all along, but now they were clicking together too fast, too loud.
And Dabi- no, Touya- was watching you like a cornered animal, all teeth and venom, muscles tight like he was ready to bolt or attack, whichever came first.
“Say something,” he muttered, voice rough. “You’re staring like a fucking idiot.”
Your throat was dry, words sticking to your tongue like glue. But then, finally—
“You’re Touya.”
His jaw twitched, fingers curling at his sides. “No shit.”
The sheer casualness of it nearly sent you over the edge. “No shit?” You took a step forward, shoving a hand through your hair. “That’s all you have to say? You.. You let me think you were just some guy this whole time”
“I am just some guy.”
“Don’t fucking do that,” you snapped. “You lied to me.”
Dabi let out a sharp, bitter laugh. “Lied? Oh, that’s rich.” He took a step toward you, voice dropping into something low and mean. “You think I owe you the truth? That I was just gonna sit you down like, ‘Hey, by the way, I’m a walking family tragedy with daddy issues bigger than this whole fucking city’?” He sneered. “Be for fucking real.”
Your chest tightened, but you forced yourself to hold his gaze. “I thought we—”
“What? Had something?” His grin was all sharp edges, nothing warm behind it. “Hate to break it to you, but that was your mistake.”
You felt something crack in your ribs, but you ignored it. “I trusted you.”
Dabi’s expression twisted into something ugly, something raw, but it was gone in an instant, swallowed up by that same defensive, sharp-toothed smirk. “Then you’re even dumber than I thought.”
You sucked in a sharp breath, hands trembling. “Why are you doing this?”
He scoffed. “Doing what? Telling you the truth?” He stepped closer, and you could feel the heat radiating off him, warning you to back off but you didn’t. “You wanna play hero so fucking bad, then act like one. Arrest me. Fight me. Do whatever the fuck your little code tells you to do.”
You clenched your jaw. “You’re pushing me away.”
That hit harder than it should have.
Silence stretched between you, thick and suffocating. Dabi wasn’t looking at you anymore he was staring past you, at nothing, jaw tight like he was trying to hold back words that could shatter his teeth.
But you’d had enough.
You exhaled sharply and took a step back. “Fine.”
His head tilted slightly, but he didn’t move, didn’t react.
You swallowed the lump in your throat. “Guess I was wrong about you.”
Dabi let out a short, hollow laugh, shaking his head. “Guess you were.”
The city felt too loud. Even with the distant hum of sirens fading into the night, even with the crackling embers of the smoldering wreck behind you, the weight in your chest made it hard to hear anything else.
Touya—Dabi—was still standing there, arms crossed, head tilted just slightly like he was waiting for you to walk away. Like he expected you to.
And maybe you should.
Maybe you should turn on your heel, pretend like this conversation never happened, pretend like his words didn’t bruise, pretend like your chest wasn’t burning with something ugly and disappointed.
But you didn’t.
Instead, you took a breath. Steadier this time. Then another.
“Okay,” you said, voice quiet but firm. “I’m leaving.”
His shoulders barely shifted. “Yeah. Got that part.”
You ignored him. “But I’m not letting you do this.”
His jaw tensed. “Do what?”
“This.” You gestured at the space between you, at the sharp, jagged edges of this conversation, at the way he was standing like a kicked dog trying to pretend it didn’t hurt. “Pushing me away like it’ll fix anything.”
He scoffed, but it didn’t have the same bite. “And what, you think not pushing you away is a better idea? Think about it, genius. What do you actually want from me here?”
Your fingers curled at your sides. “I want the truth.”
Touya laughed. It wasn’t sharp this time wasn’t even mean. Just quiet. Exhausted.
“The truth?” He shook his head, looking past you again, somewhere far, far away. “I gave you the truth, and you didn’t like it.”
“You gave me a version of it,” you shot back. “The one that hurts the least for you.”
His expression flickered for half a second something too fast to catch, something that almost looked guilty. Then, just as quickly, it was gone.
“And?” he said, like he was daring you to argue. “That’s what people do.”
“No, it’s what you do.”
For the first time since this started, Touya actually looked at you. Fully. His eyes were hard, unreadable, but you could feel the tension underneath it all.
He thought this was the last time you’d talk. Thought this was the final thread snapping between you, the moment where you’d finally decide he wasn’t worth the effort.
And maybe you should.
But instead, you exhaled, rubbing a hand down your face.
“Y’know what?” you muttered, stepping past him. “Forget it. Just forget it.”
And for a second, you thought that was it.
But then, so quiet you almost didn’t hear it—
“…I didn’t want you to know.”
You froze.
Turned back.
Touya was still standing in the same spot, still holding himself like his own body was a battlefield—but his fists were clenched, his head dipped just slightly, like this admission was something he hadn’t meant to say out loud.
He let out a breath, shaking his head. “You-” His voice cracked, and he swallowed hard. “You were never supposed to know.”
Your heart twisted.
He didn’t answer.
Instead, he took a slow step back, eyes flicking somewhere over your shoulder—like he was making sure you weren’t blocking his escape route.
You stared at him for a moment longer, waiting.
He didn’t say anything else.
Didn’t take it back. Didn’t try to fix it.
So you nodded, lips pressing into a tight line. “Okay.”
The city air was still thick with the scent of smoke, but the fire wasn’t the problem anymore. Not really.
You should leave. You should let this be what he wanted it to be—one clean break, one final cut before you could crawl too deep under his skin.
But then he said it.
“I didn’t want you to know.”
Barely above a whisper. A confession that sounded like it had been ripped from his throat against his will.
You froze. Turned back.
Touya’s gaze flickered to you, but only for a second before he looked away, jaw locking.
You swallowed against the tightness in your chest. “Why?”
Not right away, at least. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, fingers twitching at his sides like he didn’t know what to do with them. Like he wanted to reach for something, maybe even you, but wouldn’t let himself.
Finally, after what felt like forever, he exhaled sharply, shaking his head. “Because you look at me like I’m—” He stopped himself, mouth pressing into a thin line.
You tilted your head, stepping closer. “Like you’re what?”
Touya scoffed, rubbing a hand down his face before running it through his hair, shoulders tensing. “Like I’m fixable.”
That knocked the air out of you.
His fingers curled into fists, a sharp breath escaping through his teeth. “Don’t.”
But you couldn’t not. Not when he was standing there like this, when the usual cocky bravado had cracked just enough for you to see what was underneath.
“You think I’m trying to fix you?” you asked, voice softer now. “That’s not—” You hesitated, choosing your words carefully. “That’s not what this is.”
He let out a short, humorless laugh. “Isn’t it?”
“No.” You shook your head. “I just—I care about you.”
His head snapped up at that, eyes narrowing like the words had physically hurt him.
You took another step closer, slow, careful, hands open at your sides like you were approaching something fragile. “You don’t have to push me away.”
His throat bobbed.
For a moment, just one, you thought he might actually let you close the distance. Thought he might let his shoulders drop, let you see him without all the fire and sharp edges.
But then he stepped back.
Not far. Just enough. Just enough to tell you what he couldn’t say out loud.
His head tilted slightly, like he was trying to keep his expression blank, but his voice betrayed him.
“I do have to.”
Your chest tightened. “Why?”
Touya’s jaw clenched, eyes darting away. “Because if I don’t—” He exhaled sharply, shaking his head. “It’ll hurt more when you finally realize I’m not worth it.”
Something in you cracked.
You wanted to scream. Shake him. Make him understand.
Instead, you just let out a slow breath. “That’s not gonna happen.”
He huffed, a small, tired smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “Yeah, well. We’ll see.”
The worst part was he truly believed that. He thought it was only a matter of time. That you’d come to your senses, see him for what he thought he was, and leave him behind before he could stop you.
And you could tell, deep down, that he was already bracing for it.
You hesitated for half a second before reaching out slowly, carefully and letting your fingers brush against his wrist. Just enough to feel the warmth of his skin, the faint, uneven texture of his scars.
His breath hitched.
Not a flinch. Not quite.
But he didn’t pull away.
Didn’t look at you either, though. Just stared at the ground, breathing unsteady, like he was trying to decide whether or not to bolt.
You squeezed, just slightly. “I’m still here.”
A pause.
Then, softer than anything you’d ever heard from him—
“…For now.”
And that? That was the closest he’d come to asking you to stay.
Dabi never liked to stick around after fights. He was a hit-and-run kind of guy burn what he wanted, say something snarky, and disappear before anyone could pin him down. But for some reason, he had been lingering more and more after your encounters. especially after how tense the last encounter everything had been weird. Yes you had found out he was Touya but he had also found out his current chase has been cozy with the thing he missed the most.
You weren’t sure why. You weren’t working together, you weren’t allies, but somehow, you kept running into each other. And somehow, neither of you had killed the other yet.
Tonight was another one of those nights.
You had spent the last half hour chasing him through an abandoned district, dodging fire and insults in equal measure. Eventually, it turned into a weird kind of truce he had gotten bored, you had gotten tired, and now you were sitting on a crumbling rooftop, catching your breath while he lit a cigarette.
He exhaled, watching the smoke curl into the night air. “You’re getting slower.”
You shot him a glare, still panting. “Or you’re getting faster.”
He snorted. “Yeah, keep telling yourself that.”
You leaned back on your hands, staring up at the stars. “Y’know, for a guy who’s so dedicated to burning society to the ground, you sure do waste a lot of time chatting with me.”
Dabi hummed, tapping ash off the side of the building. “Maybe I like watching you get pissed off.”
“Oh, yeah, that definitely tracks.” You rolled your eyes, glancing at him. “So? What’s the next step in your grand villain plan?”
He smirked, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
You shrugged. “Eh. If it’s anything like your usual, I’m guessing ‘fire, explosions, and traumatizing civilians.’”
Dabi let out a low chuckle. “Not a bad guess.”
There was a beat of silence. Then, casually, you spoke.
“Had dinner with your sister again.”
You hadn’t looked at him when you said it, but you felt the way he tensed beside you.
It was subtle. So subtle that most people wouldn’t have noticed. But you had been around him enough now to catch the small things. The way his fingers twitched slightly against the cigarette, the brief pause in his breathing.
His voice was even when he responded, but there was an edge to it. “Oh yeah?”
You nodded. “Yeah. She made this crazy good teriyaki chicken. Even got Hawks to shut up for a full five minutes.”
Dabi scoffed, taking another drag. “Miracle worker.”
“Right?” You smirked. “Shoto was there too. And Endeavor.”
Dabi’s expression immediately darkened at the name, his grip on the cigarette tightening. “Sounds like a real fun time.”
You ignored the bitterness in his tone. “It was something, that’s for sure.” You leaned forward slightly, resting your arms on your knees. “Y’know… she still talks about you.”
Dabi went completely still.
You kept your gaze ahead, pretending not to notice. “Not all the time. Just little things. The way you used to joke around when you were kids. How you’d always eat the last piece of tempura when nobody was looking.”
Dabi let out a short, humorless laugh. “She remembers that?”
“She remembers a lot,” you said, softer this time.
Another silence. Dabi stared at the horizon, jaw clenched. His cigarette burned between his fingers, the embers crackling in the quiet.
You watched him carefully. For all his arrogance, all his cruelty, there were cracks in the walls he had built. Moments like this, when you could almost see past the fire and spite when the boy he used to be bled through, just for a second.
But just as quickly, he shoved it down.
He flicked his cigarette away, standing up. “This was fun, hero. Let’s do it again sometime.”
You frowned, watching him. “That’s it? No snarky remark?”
Dabi gave you a grin, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Don’t worry. I’ll make up for it next time.”
And before you could say anything else, he disappeared into the night.
But as you sat there, watching the last of the smoke fade into the sky, you couldn’t shake the feeling that for just a moment. he had hesitated.
You both sit there in the car, letting the last wisps of cigarette smoke curl out the windows. It’s quiet, save for the occasional rustling in the nearby bushes, which based on the location could either be a raccoon or someone plotting a murder. Either way, not your problem.
Touya exhales sharply, flicking his cigarette out the window. “So, what now?”
You glance at him. “What do you mean ‘what now’?”
“I mean, what the hell are we doing? You kidnapped me from rehab, bought me food, let me pollute my lungs in peace feels like there should be a next step in this weird-ass bonding experience.”
“You want a scrapbook?” You lean back against the seat, stretching. “Maybe a trophy? ‘Congratulations, you survived rehab and only complained about it 47 times!’”
Touya scoffs, side-eyeing you. “That’s lowballing it. I complained at least 93 times.”
“Yeah, I stopped listening after the first 50.”
He shakes his head, muttering something under his breath before running a hand through his already messy hair. “Whatever. This whole thing is pointless.”
“Oh, my bad, I didn’t realize I was supposed to plan a grand Welcome Back to Society party,” you say, deadpan. “Should I have rented a clown? Gotten one of those shitty banners that say ‘You Did It!’ in Comic Sans?”
Touya huffs a laugh but quickly wipes it off his face, like he refuses to let you win even a little. “Yeah, I’d rather set myself on fire again than be subjected to that.”
You smirk. “Damn, next time I’ll actually do it, then.”
Another silence stretches between you, but it’s not comfortable. You can tell he’s restless, fidgety, like he’s trying to swallow down some actual feelings and it’s making him physically ill.
And sure enough—
“…I don’t know what the fuck I’m supposed to do now.”
There it is. The actual problem.
You tap your fingers against the steering wheel. “What do you want to do?”
He gives you an exhausted look. “If I knew that, don’t you think I’d be doing it?”
“Hey, some people like being miserable. You’re one of them.”
“Fuck you.”
You grin. “There it is.”
He rolls his eyes and slouches further into his seat. “I’m serious, dumbass. Like… what now? What the hell am I supposed to do? Get some boring-ass job? Become a ‘functioning member of society’ or whatever bullshit they kept telling me in rehab? What if I just don’t?”
You shrug. “Then don’t.”
Touya blinks. “That’s it?”
“Yeah.” You throw him a look. “Did you want me to give you a whole therapy monologue? ‘You got this, king! Chase your dreams! Live, laugh, love!’”
He gags. “Absolutely fucking not.”
“There you go, then.”
He mutters something about you being insufferable under his breath before rubbing his face with both hands. “Ugh. Whatever. This whole thing sucks.”
“Yeah, well, welcome to being alive.” You stretch again, popping your back. “Anyway. Let’s go.”
Touya frowns. “Where?”
“I dunno. But if you’re gonna sit there having a melodramatic crisis about your future, we might as well do it while driving.”
He stares at you. “You’re so fucking stupid.”
“You’re so fucking mean,” you shoot back, starting the car. “Buckle up, jackass.”
He groans but does it anyway, muttering complaints the entire time.
And with that, you pull out of the parking lot, heading absolutely nowhere by just you, a moody ex-arsonist, and a whole lot of sarcastic insults to get you through the night.
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stuckonmark · 1 day ago
accidents. mark lee
18. i’m vegan
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three knocks at your door. that’s all it took for you to jump in your bed. after everything that happened at the last game, you haven’t been your usual self. you had asked winter for some space and karina offered for winter to stay with her for the time being. you’re really grateful for your friends. they always understood you and always supported you. you just wish you were able to open up more to them when things like this happen, but you just always find yourself falling back into your shell whenever something like this happens.
it took a lot of energy for you to get out of bed. honestly, you were kind of scared. you didn’t know what to expect. “hey yn.” looking down at you was a heavily breathing mark, who was holding so many grocery bags that you couldn’t see his hands anymore. your heart stopped for a second, not expecting to see him. “a little help?”
quickly shuffling to him, you try your best to grab the bags and your hand slightly grazed his. you and mark bring the groceries onto your table and you both take a seat. “so how’s everything going?” you hesitantly looked up at mark, not sure how you wanted to answer him. honestly, you didn’t even want to see him. you hated to admit it, but he was the reason you weren’t focusing on your life.
“i’m good.” the dry response is deafening. you felt bad, but you felt even worse having mark in your presence.
mark slowly nodded his head, as he awkwardly cleared his throat. “jaehyun’s worried about you. you’ve been ignoring his texts.” you were trying to think of the best way to answer mark without giving him too much or too little. “i guess tell him to not worry. i’m doing good. just need my space from everyone.”
he softly sighed, looking defeated. you thought the conversation would die out and that he would get up and leave until he looks straight into your eyes. “you have people that care about you yn. we just want to help. you’re allowed to lean on people. i care about you yn.” you weren’t sure, but mark looked like he was yearning for you. you just didn’t know if it was an act or not.
“mark. i don’t need your help. for all i know, you’re the one who’s making me lose focus. i need to lock in right now. i can’t be goofing off anymore. i have actual things in my life that matter.” you hated how harsh you came off, but mark hugging mina definitely hurt you more than a few words could hurt him.
mark began to open his mouth, but slowly closed it and looked down. “i think it’s time for you to go. thanks for the food, but i can’t have half the stuff you got me. i’m vegan.”
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notes. new character incoming?? 😏 also so sorry for so many written chapters.. ngl i have a few more 😭
taglist. open! @mmjhh1998 @haluenx @urlocalbeaner5 @cloudmrk @dudekiss3r @iluv7tn @jae-n0 @kikookii @remgeolli @lyleo @wumutititititi @kittydollzz @nctdreamchaser @kodasity @sibwol @worldwidecutiemaya @bbykaixx @luvsooby @luvvhaechan @awktwurtle @gomdoleemyson @morkiee @orangenbluetenbaum @fairyoflia @mxnhoeuwu
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the0p · 2 days ago
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based off of "to all the boys I loved before" cuse YES I AM A LOSER LIKE THAT FIGHT ME. mlm, fluff, and some spice?? very long story also a bit of a size thing going on cuse...yeah.
I sat on the floor of my bedroom writing yet another letter to a guy I had complications feeling towards.
it was a recurring patern in my life as the moment I shared something special with someone instead of telling them my feelings I'd write them down on a piece of paper and trow it in a box I kept under my bed.
it was a bit pathetic for sure, but can you blame me? love has never worked out for me before, so I much rather admire from a distance.
this letter was addressed to a guy in my school.
Jeong Yunho.
back in 6rd grade, me, him, and some other friends had a small party where we played spin the bottle. at the time a friend of mine had a crush on him that I knew about, so I begged for the bottle not to land on him, but of course it did. I was hesitant, but nonetheless, we shared a short, small kiss, which was my first. safe to say me and her are not on good terms even till this day.
the cringe letter was finished, and I folded it up nicely, putting it in an envelope and writing down his name on it before throwing it in the box and sliding it under my bed.
I didn't think much of it knowing they couldn't get out, so I chose to go to bed for the night.
in the morning, I rushed to the kitchen, my sister sitting on the sofa on her phone, ready to go as I ran around looking for my laptop.
"we'll be late, you know." she said, looking at me from the sofa standing up, trowing her bag over her shoulder.
"I'm sorry, okay, i just can't find my computer. can you go back to my room and look? maybe I missed it. please?" I asked her with a pleading look, hoping she'd go check, and thankfully, with an annoyed groan, she agreed.
she came back after a few minutes computer in hand. "it was by your bed, clothes trown over it."
"Thank you so much." I said, taking it from her and rushing out the door to my car, her following not too far behind me.
the school day passed by normally. the usual boring classes until lunch period hit.
I never ate in the cafeteria as it was way too crowded for me, so I always camped out in the bathroom eating and scrolling through my phone. sure it wasn't the most sanitary thing to do, but it was quiet.
as I was enjoying my lunch devouring a sandwich I made in a rush I heard the door open a familiar voice coming trough.
"y/n? you in here?" it was yunho. I was confused about why he was looking for me, but I didn't make a sound, wanting him to leave in all honesty. I brought my legs up so he couldn't see which stall I was in, but sadly, my phone fell out of my lap as I did so making a lot of noise.
I knew he heard as he knocked on the door. I didn't answer until he slid my letter under the door.
my heart dropped.
I quickly put my things in my bag, stuffing the sandwich in my mouth, and opened the door.
"how did you get that?" I asked my words a bit muffled thanks to the food.
he stumbled back as I opened the door, putting one hand into his jean pocket.
"I found it in my locker this morning. you didn't put it there?" he asked obviously a but confused.
I was panicking. the thought of him knowing how I felt about him was one of my biggest nightmares. I shook my head, no trying to figure out how he could have gotten it and if any of the other guys got it.
he must have picked up on the panic "your hand writing is nice. I'm actually quite flattered you think of me this way."
his words caught me off guard. was he playing, or was he for real?
"Look, you were never supposed to get it. just forget about it, okay?"
"What if I feel the same way? do I still forget about it?"
I stayed quiet, staring at him, not expecting anything like that to come out of his mouth. he sighed, putting the letter in his bag and turning his attention back to me.
"it's actually a bit funny how you never picked up on any of the signs. I don't just go around the school campus trying to strick up a conversation, give compliments, and try to hang out with random people, but you seem quite obvious."
the last sentence struck a bit of a nerve. "I'm not obviou-"
my words were cut off by a pair of soft lips on mine. I was shocked, eyes wide in surprise, tho slowly I calmed down and returned the kiss my hand making its way to his cheek.
he pulled away first, both of us silent as we registered what we (he) just did.
he opened his mouth to say someone, but the bell rang, signalling us that lunch was over.
I pulled away, clearing my throat, and my ears a bit red from embarrassment.
"Let's talk after school, okay? we can meet you back here...if you want, of course."
he nodded the sweet smile on his face that I always adored. "See you then"
...........time skip............
I stood in the bathroom waiting for him. I was a bit scared he would end up not showing up, but I tried to have a bit of hope. my sister decided to go hang out with her friends after school. I didn't really have anything to rush.
20 minutes had passed, and he was still not here. it was upsetting, but somehow, I wasn't too surprised, so I just chose to leave. I got home relatively late as I had stopped at the store to get some food since our fridge was very empty.
my sister was already home sprawled out on the sofa watching a movie as I placed the bags on the kitchen counter.
"How was school?" I asked, glancing at her. for some reason, she was avoiding all eye contact and seemed a bit on edge.
"it was okay. how about you...?"
"it was...interesting, to say the least." I responded, putting the food away as she nodded and stayed quiet.
Once everything was done, I went into my room and instantly checked the box that I kept my letters in. the rest where there but the one yunho got. I instantly knew my sister must have done it in the morning. I wasn't mad, tho since maybe she even did some good?
I sighed and changed, choosing to put my homework off for a bit and relax for a bit to decompose everything that happened today.
it was calm for a while. silent even. until my sister barged in practically braking my door down as I quickly sat up from my bed worried that something had happened. i looked her way, a mischievous smile on her face as she pushed yunho inside my room.
wait, yunho!?
he stood there an awkward smile on his face as he looked around and back at my sister, who closed the door quickly.
"use protection!!" were her last words before she left us there.
I got up quickly and started picking up my clothes, throwing them in my closet to make the place some what clean.
"Hi yunho, I wasn't really expecting anyone, so it's a bit messy"
he laughed and took off his coat, placing it on my dresser that was by the door looking around the room. "it's okay. I did show up without a warning."
I hummed fixing myself up as well to not look too much of a mess.
"I'm sorry that I didn't show up today. I got held back in class. I promise I didn't do it on purpose."
his words seemed honest, and his face had regret written all over it. he walked closer to me, towering over me thanks to his height.
"I couldn't have even texted you a heads up cuse I don't have your number, and I'm so sorry"
I let him finish staying quiet. I had figured as much cuse he didn't seem like the type of person to do something like that. Once he was done, I just kissed him.
I didn't know I had the guts to do something like that but I was glad I did as he returned the kiss immediately his hands finding their way to my waist as mine wrapped around his neck pulling him down slightly.
it got a bit heated surprisingly enough, which I wasn't expecting.
we had moved to my bed making out. it was obvious to both of us that we've been wanting each other for a very long time as things wouldn't be going this far otherwise.
his hands moved up, and my legs, as I pulled away, taking his shirt off, pulling him back into the kiss, we were both getting desperate, but sadly, we got interrupted by my sister.
she came in, completely ignoring the sight in front of her, and sat down on my bed, throwing her homework next to us.
"help me." is all she said.
me and yunho were both very embarrassed, but nonetheless, we stopped what we were doing and both ended up helping her.
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tsunael · 1 year ago
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Tsuna Wasaishi
'of the Eastern skies' // 'The Seventh Dawn'
ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ / ʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴇʏ ɪᴅᴇɴᴛɪꜰʏ:
Cis female.
Au Ra / Raen
ᴀɢᴇ: 32
10th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon // (6/9)
ɢᴜᴀʀᴅɪᴀɴ ꜱɪɢɴ:
Oschon // Gemini
130 lbs
ʙᴏᴅʏ ᴛʏᴘᴇ:
Hourglass with a dancer physique
ʜᴀɪʀ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ:
Black (purple undertone)
ᴇʏᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ:
Heterochromia (blue and green)
Back of shoulder, inner thigh.
ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ 🇺​​🇳​​🇮​​🇶​​🇺​​🇪 ꜰᴇᴀᴛᴜʀᴇꜱ:
More scutes than an average Au Ra. Sides are covered from thigh-to-breasts.
ᴄʟᴇᴀɴʟɪɴᴇꜱꜱ / ɢʀᴏᴏᴍɪɴɢ:
ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴅᴀʏ ᴄʟᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ꜱᴛʏʟᴇ:
Femme. Skirts and loose, cotton dresses.
Her mother's gold ring & a gold chain for her horns.
wol-only: Infertile from SHB. Weak leg from injury post-EW. Hard of hearing post-EW.
ᴇɴ��ʀɢʏ ʟᴇᴠᴇʟꜱ:
Med to high.
ᴇᴀᴛɪɴɢ ʜᴀʙɪᴛꜱ:
Hearty. Vegetarian.
ꜱʟᴇᴇᴘɪɴɢ ʜᴀʙɪᴛꜱ:
Early to bed, early to rise.
ɪɴᴛʀᴏᴠᴇʀᴛ / ᴇxᴛʀᴏᴠᴇʀᴛ:
Easy to anger.
ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴜɴɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ꜱᴛʏʟᴇ:
ɢᴏᴀʟꜱ / ᴅᴇꜱɪʀᴇꜱ:
Domesticity. A life that is hers.
Kindness, chastity, charity.
❂ will not ask for help.
❂ burns herself to keep others warm.
❂ naive and an idealist about love.
❂ is a bit of a prude & a traditionalist.
❂ Altruistic. Merciful.
❂ Pacifist.
❂ A romantic.
Can't tell a lie.
Being alone, losing control of a situation.
Love and being loved.
Qᴜɪʀᴋꜱ / ᴛɪᴄꜱ:
Her tail exposes her emotions.
❂ The reason for leaving her homeland.
❂ wol-only: Her relationship.
Not cherishing the time she had with people who are no longer there.
×—ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱʜɪᴘꜱ ɪ—×
Suzume Sui Wasaishi
Kartal bin Yildiz
ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴘᴀʀᴇɴᴛᴀʟ ꜰɪɢᴜʀᴇ(ꜱ):
Her 'mother' at the Okiya.
Her 'sisters' at the Okiya.
A half-sister on her father's side.
ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ:
A family friend who smuggled her into Kugane.
×—ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱʜɪᴘꜱ ɪɪ—×
ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴛɪᴄ / ꜱᴇxᴜᴀʟ ᴏʀɪᴇɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ:
Romantic / possibly bisexual.
ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱʜɪᴘ ꜱᴛᴀᴛᴜꜱ:
ᴘᴀʀᴛɴᴇʀ/ ꜱɪɢɴɪꜰɪᴄᴀɴᴛ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ(ꜱ):
ᴄʟᴏꜱᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ:
Wol: Alisaie, Thancred, Tataru.
Non-wol: Sierra Gamduhla
Valtyrja Eruyt
Leofard Myste
Sidurgu Orl
Cirina Mol
The Scions.
Yotsuyu Naeuri.
Gestures vaguely.
Dancer-turned-conjurer/white mage.
ꜱᴏᴄɪᴀʟ ᴄʟᴀꜱꜱ:
Learned basic academics with emphasis on the performing arts.
ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ʀᴇꜱɪᴅᴇɴᴄᴇ:
Salve-making, embroidery.
Sweets, smoking.
ᴄʀɪᴍɪɴᴀʟ ʀᴇᴄᴏʀᴅ:
Voluntary manslaughter, resisting arrest & a fugitive from justice.
ꜱᴘᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ ʜᴀʙɪᴛꜱ:
ꜱᴏᴄ��ᴀʟ ᴏʀ ʟᴏɴᴇʀ:
ꜰᴀɪᴛʜ / ʀᴇʟɪɢɪᴏɴ:
Pious. Worships the Kami & Elementals.
×—ʟɪᴋᴇꜱ & ᴅɪꜱʟɪᴋᴇꜱ—×
Likes: Bavarois, custard, peach tarts, mushrooms...
Dislikes: Meat.
Likes: Rolanberry red & currant purple.
Dislikes: Void blue
Likes: Gridania, Vylbrand.
Dislikes: Coerthas, Garlemald.
Likes: Crickets & morning birds.
Dislikes: Loud noises / gunfire.
Likes: Sandalwood & florals.
Dislikes: Iron, blood, gunpowder.
Likes: silk & leather.
Dislikes: none.
Likes: sun & rain.
Dislikes: snow.
ᴊᴏʙ / ᴄʟᴀꜱꜱ:
White mage & Dancer.
ᴀʀᴍᴏʀ ᴛʏᴘᴇ:
Light leather armor, something easy to move in.
Nirvana & Gyosei.
ꜰɪɢʜᴛɪɴɢ ꜱᴛʏʟᴇ:
Kiting. Agile.
ᴍᴇʟᴇᴇ ᴄᴏᴍʙᴀᴛ ꜱᴋɪʟʟꜱ:
ʀᴀɴɢᴇᴅ ᴄᴏᴍʙᴀᴛ ꜱᴋɪʟʟꜱ:
ᴏꜰꜰᴇɴꜱɪᴠᴇ ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ ꜱᴋɪʟʟꜱ:
ᴅᴇꜰᴇɴꜱɪᴠᴇ ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ ꜱᴋɪʟʟꜱ:
ꜱɪɢɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴀʙɪʟɪᴛʏ:
Wishing star.
ᴘᴇᴛꜱ / ᴀɴɪᴍᴀʟ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴɪᴏɴꜱ:
Chuchu, her red 'horsebird'.
ᴘʀɪᴢᴇᴅ / ᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴏᴜꜱ ᴘᴏꜱꜱᴇꜱꜱɪᴏɴꜱ:
Her mother's ring.
ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇꜱ ᴋɴᴏᴡɴ:
'Hingan' & the common tongue.
ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ ᴛᴀʟᴇɴᴛꜱ:
Playing the shamisen & lute
ᴘʀᴇꜰᴇʀʀᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴛʜᴏᴅ ᴏꜰ ᴛʀᴀᴠᴇʟ:
By carriage.
ɴᴏᴛᴀʙʟᴇ ᴀᴄᴄᴏᴍᴘʟɪꜱʜᴍᴇɴᴛꜱ:
❂ Graduated to Geiko at age twenty.
❂ Received a patron by age twenty-one.
❂ Gained passage into Gridania.
❂ wol-only: Received A-Towa-Cant's will.
ᴀɴ ᴇxᴘᴇʀɪᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ꜱʜᴀᴘᴇᴅ ᴡʜᴏ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴀʀᴇ:
Her mother's kidnapping.
OG template by @alannah-corvaine !!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months ago
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The Charcuterie Board, as designed by your votes! Thank you to everyone who participated; this was a fun challenge!
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mel-loly · 2 months ago
-Merry Christmas!💗✨
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the tags (↓) are more important!!!
#I couldn't prepare anything for Christmas other than this... which I didn't like but ok. that's fine. that's what I have for now..!#*sigh* I'm very tired and still. it's not even the end of the year. it's christmas.. a date that I really like. by the way. I'm just tired..#but anyway. like I say every year. today. I'm going to say the same thing! christmas is not santa claus.#It's not mother claus and MUCH LESS “mel creator claus”.#christmas is not a “simple celebratory date” and it is also not a day just to think about gifts/food#(even if we want/like these things a lot and it is difficult not to think only about them)#at christmas. the birth of jesus. the birth of christ. is celebrated! a more than important date!#It is a special date and should be celebrated with those you love or at least “have some affinity with”.#or if you want to celebrate alone. that's fine. but don't forget to celebrate! christ was born and there is no better news than that!#celebrate. enjoy and make the most of this thought. don't forget to remember that this day is important.#that it is not just another “simple commemorative date”. but rather. a more than special date.#the birth of a person who came to save the world with his miracles..💛#a kiss and a hug. I love each one of you very much and I hope you will be patient with me if I don't answer you...... thank you very much!🫶#mel creator#my oc character#oc stuff#merry christmas#christmas art#i'm mel and this is my blog✌️#my art blog#art#my art#my art <3#art mel#my art style
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awakenthebeing · 2 years ago
After seeing Piepoe with Pizzano, I’m curious about what they would think of Pizzelle! Or Rosette!
She'd be MUCH more comfortable with those two!! Possibly even bake yummy treats with them both if either would wish to do so!!
I'm sure Rosette would be more comfy with Piepoe's presence right away, while Pizzelle would have to take some time to get used to the large friend <:3!!
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(Below is Piepoe's inner thoughts on them both btw!! :3)
"Small, and much more tolerable to be around. Friendly. They both smell sweet, particularly like various sugary treats."
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this-should-do · 5 months ago
me when i meet with my colleges first out trans teacher who is like a celebrity with me after one of my teachers puts me in contact with her again (i had interviewed said trans teacher 4 years prior and hadnt met with her since) and she tells me tjat my teacher had so many positive things to say about me, about how i was one of her brightest most well spoken students and that she (within like 5 minutes of having been talking) immediately sees exactly what my professor had been talking about and so many super implied positives about me that i would never had known about and i dod everything in my power to avoid prying for more details but even what i heard was soso nicies
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#iwillspeakincessantly#god it felt so nice to meet with her again#talking woth someone whos been so influential at my school and the whole state as far as transgender and queer policy making and has#so many connections amd experience and is also trans and historically a teacher bfor she retired#genuinely makes me feel so much better about my life and where im going#and less worried about if ill ever be able to live a peaceful life as a trans twacher when she personally knows#multiple other transmen tbats shes taught who are now teaching IN MY STATE#safely and happily#ough#we said wed meet more in the future and she encouraged me to join the cities pride group that she had founded and is the head of#and maybe tjis time ill actjally go#she even gifted me a book that she had had that she thinks would give me solace and comfort in my life#tbat was also written by a trans man sinxe she thinks im easily intelligent enough to get the humor and referwnces in#god she said i was well spoken and articulated even tho i feel so stupid and inarticulate sometimes#since i ramble a lot and lose my thoughts and i feel like my speaking vocabulary is so lowbrow and cheap often#no matter how many times other peope say i always sound so intelligent when i speak#ARGH#been super steessed about a lot of things in my life and if ill make it out alive but just this short hour and a half convo over a food#has made me feel so mich better and happier and hopeful#argh argh ougj i love finding out that people talk immense amount of positive things about me#god#i was rlaking about how often i struggle woth socializing amd making friends and she aas like really? ive been having a wondefful time#walkimg with you youre so intelligent and well spoken and its like thank you my issues ckme from group settings#and unclear un familiar subjects and ettiqutes of my fellow youths#but it made me feel so good about myself#im gonna implode :333333 positive
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shorlinesorrows · 11 months ago
just got the time to start the sunshine court and I'm Vibrating out of my skin
#i did not think it was possible for me to like a character this much three chapters into a book#i might actually end up liking Jean better than Neil which is saying a Lot#something about a character whose route to survival had to be giving in and staying small instead of fighting back or running away#something about a character who has been taught to lock up their emotions for years or suffer the consequences#something about a character who is resigned to what happens to them because that's the only way they can survive in their environment#I am desperately hoping that Jean learns how to be ANGRY outwardly without permission.#I need that boy to be able to Rage out loud and do it MESSY#because I'm not convinced he's going to be able to really smile until he does#Also I'm really appreciating both the Renee and Thea content we've desperately needed more of both of them and they showed up so quick#privately hoping both stay present for a while but tbh i'm just excited for where this is headed#Anyways I also just fixated on Jean Moreau then discovered that (SPOILERS) he's 19???? Almost the same age as me??? hate riko hate riko HAT#anyway sorry riko enjoyers i know he's Complicated but I never liked him in the first place#and this book is making me look forward to his death even more than I did when I first read aftg. So.#listen i know he has Issues. I know Ichirou killing him without a second thought is probably the cruelest way that he personally can die#I also want him dead and gone. Those statements can and should coexist imho.#the sunshine court#jean moreau#really looking forward to finding out more about Jeremy too#this is gonna be a wild ride#jeremy knox#all for the game#love how nora's writing and characters can grab me in a chokehold and refuse to let me go thank you nora for the food
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tsunael · 1 year ago
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a headcanon about something in my muses private area (room, lodgings, etc.) that they keep under lock and key, and why?
Oh, this one is gonna be hard and less thought-out than the others so bear with me. I have difficulty thinking of her possessions (abundance, or lack thereof). There are a few contenders for this, most of which were things that once belonged to her mother... One idea, was that when she fled from Kugane, she took her mother's surviving kimono with her. She was forced to sell them for coin upon arriving in Eorzea, but kept one-- or at least just the obi. An Ul'dahn merchant would spend a fortune on true, vintage, Doman silk, but the fact that it was made by her late mother's hands makes it priceless. Another was an old idea of her mother's persimmon sewing box being the one thing that survived the razing of Doma. Something that hasn't much use for her, but is precious all the same. I suppose the other would be the horn... chains? Deco? They're made of fine gold and inset with ruby cabochons, and commissioned from the Ananta. A certain man (ahem) gave them to her under the guise of a nameday present, though it was more of an apology (circa Stormblood). After her horns are broken, she can no longer wear them, so she keeps them safe in a trinket box.
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