#thanks for leaving any kind words or showing excitement about the writing it means more to me than you know!!!
anbroids · 1 year
the comments you guys leave seriously bring me to tears all the time what the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! who said that. but seriously thank you i love you
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suugarbabe · 1 year
Unexpected | m.r x reader
prompt: Hii! How are you? This is my first time sending an ask and I just wanted to say that I love your writings! May I ask for a enemies to lovers with Mattheo Riddle? The reader is from the golden trio and they get into an argument with a lot of chemistry and tension. Thank you and I'm sorry for my bad english.
maybe enemies to lovers, like they hate each other and then realize that they are soulmates and then have to figure out what to do. some angst but ends i fluff please 
word count: ~3.8k
warnings: slight angst feeling, fluff, e2l, soulmate trope, some heavy petting
an: so there's no argument like the prompt asks (sorry) but when I started writing it just kind of flowed out this way so hopefully it's still okay.
“Go on, show us again,” Ron Weasley was shaking a turkey leg in your general direction, asking to see the words that appeared on your arm this morning. In the wizarding world, on the day you were going to properly meet your soulmate, the first sentence they speak to you, excluding their name, will appear on your forearm in their handwriting. 
It was incredibly annoying to you that Ron and Hermione got this mess out of the way the first day on the bloody train. To your and Harry’s amusement, neither were originally excited about the match, but after the chaos that ensued for the four of you by the end of that year they were inseparable. Nothing brings two people closer than tragedy. 
Things got even more frustrating for you when Harry and Ginny realized they were soulmates, leaving you the lone wolf in your foursome. Entering your sixth year this year you were hopeful that maybe you would finally be able to find out who your soulmate was, roughly three fourths of those leave Hogwarts knowing who they’re intended to be with, and you would rather Avada Kadavera yourself then leave your seventh year soulmateless. 
You grabbed the sleeve of your jumper, tugging it up to your elbow, sticking your arm out in the middle of the table for your three friends to view. There on your arm read a singular sentence, do I intimidate you, love?
Hermione sat back on the bench, “His handwriting really is awful, whoever he is.” You scoffed at your friend, “Not exactly my biggest concern, Mione. More worried about why he thinks he would intimidate me? Who would even think that? By this point in our school life you’d think any of us were more intimidating than the majority of the student body.” 
“Yeah, except Slytherin,” Harry snorted, Ron following with his own round of laughter. But you weren’t laughing, you were looking at Hermione who was sporting the same grimace and worried eyes that you were sure your face looked like. 
Harry and Ron looked at each other, then looked at the two of you. “It was a joke, y/n/n,” Harry tried to ease the tension that was building. “Yeah, I mean, y’don't really think your soulmate might be…one of them,” Ron was anything but subtle with his tone of disgust, as well as his entire body turning around to face the Slytherin table. 
Ron’s actions didn’t go unnoticed by a particular group of Slytherin boys. “Staring problem, Weasley? Got a crush?” Malfoy shouted across the dining hall, earning laughs and teasing hollars from his friends. 
“Oi, Malfoy, got a present for you,” you stuck your hand in your school bag, pretending to roam around before pulling your hand back out and lifting it high in the air, giving Malfoy the middle finger. His face immediately turned into a scowl. The boy next to him, however, pretended to catch your gesture in the air and put it in his pocket, winking at you in the process. 
You rolled your eyes, turning to Hermione who had a look of disgust on her face, “Riddle’s ego really is massive innit.” All three of your friends' heads began to nod. “I swear if he didn’t verbalize how much he bloody hated us I would think he was flirting with you y/n/n.” 
“Shut it, Weasley, don’t you put that on me,” you pointed your finger at him, tone joking but words serious. He put his hands up in defense, laughing along with the rest of your friends as you all gathered your things and headed towards your first class. 
Unbeknownst to you, a similar conversation was being had at the Slytherin table. “Glad to see meeting your soulmate hasn’t deterred you from trying to flirt with anything that breathes,” Pansy took a sip of her pumpkin juice, teasing the curly haired boy across from her. 
“Dunno what you mean, Pans,” the dimples on Mattheo’s cheeks popping out as he smirked. 
“Show us your arm again, cousin,” Draco’s words causing everyone to look at Mattheo now. The younger boy scowled, rolling up the sleeve of his dress shirt. There on his arm, in beautiful loopy script were the words you’ve got to be fucking joking.
Theo couldn’t help but laugh, “Don’t know if I’ve ever seen such a foul word in such pretty handwriting.” 
Mattheo rolled his eyes, pulling his sleeve back down, “Yeah, well let’s just hope the bird is someone I can tolerate.” 
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You let out a long groan, hands rubbing up and down your face as you leaned your elbows on your knees . Hermione was sat next to you in the common room, rubbing up and down your back, “The day’s not over quite yet, y/n/n. It wouldn’t appear if you weren’t gonna meet them today.” 
“Yeah,” Ron put on his best attempt at an encouraging smile, “maybe they’re another Gryffindor and you’ll meet them before we go to bed.” Harry nodded next to him in agreement. 
You stood up, grabbing your jumper off the arm of the couch and throwing it on, “M’gonna go for a walk.” 
Hermione’s lips downturned, “It’s nearly curfew.” You sighed, looking over at Harry. “I’ll go get my cloak,” he sighed, standing and walking quickly to his dorm room. 
After Harry’s return you thanked him, spending an extra twenty minutes convincing Hermione that you would be the utmost cautious and affirmed to Ron that you would stash the cloak if you were to be caught. 
Now you were quietly climbing the stairs to the astronomy tower. When you got to the top, you did a quick look over the railing. With no sign of Filch anywhere you dropped the cloak, laying it on the floor so you didn’t have to sit on the bare ground. 
As you got comfortable you dug in your shirt, pulling out a spliff. Hermione would murder you if she found out you smoked, however the year you all had to study for your O.W.L’s, you were so stressed you ended up buying from Theo Nott.
He promised to keep it to himself and you promised it was a one time thing, but you found yourself buying from him every couple months. You weren't sure if she would be more disappointed in your smoking, or you interacting with someone in the forbidden Slytherin group.
You mumbled a short incendio before taking a long drag. You blew the smoke out slowly, watching it ripple through the air and up into the night sky. You looked up at the stars, knowing the day was likely to be over soon and wondering if you were the only witch that was destined to not run into their soulmate like everyone else. 
You were lost in your thoughts and self pity. So much so you didn’t even hear someone come up the tower steps until they hit the top. You scrambled to your feet, ready to cover yourself with the cloak when you realized it wasn’t Filch, but a boy instead. 
The dark of the night made it difficult for you to see exactly who it was at first, that and the fact that every time he took a step forward you seemed to take a step back until your back was against the stone wall. When he finally stepped into the light, your breath caught in your throat. Standing in front of you, signature smirk adoring his face was Mattheo Riddle. 
You stayed rigid against the wall as he got closer to you. His fingers brushed yours as he took the spliff, bringing it up to his lips and inhaling. His eyes never left yours as he turned his head slightly, blowing the smoke into the night. His eyes traveled over you, taking in your black sleep shorts and house jumper. When he looked at your face again he locked eyes with you, almost like he was trying to read what was going on in your brain. 
“Do I intimidate you, love?” The words seemed to leave his lips without a second thought and you felt like your chest was going to cave in. There was just no way, absolutely bloody not that he said those words, the words you had been anticipating someone to say all day. Him of all people that could’ve spoken them. 
He raised his eyebrows at you, clearly looking for you to answer. Instead of some sputtering response of nervousness like Mattheo was expecting, your face just dropped. 
“You’ve got to be fucking joking.” Mattheo’s face went white after you responded, and that was all the evidence you needed to confirm that Mattheo fucking Riddle was your soulmate. He hated you. You hated him. How could two people that despise each other be destined to be soulmates?
"What are you even doing up here?" You crossed your arms over your chest, sitting into your hip. His smirk only seemed to grow, "I think the better question is what are you doing up here, partaking in drugs no less? Little miss golden girl."
You rolled your eyes, "What's that supposed to mean, Riddle?" Mattheo's jaw clenched, "It's Mattheo. And you know what it means. Wonder what everyone would think if they knew little miss perfect liked to come up to the astronomy tower to get high."
"Why would anyone believe you over me?" You were acting a little cocky now, but Mattheo was right in the aspect that you and your friends were seen in an overall more positive light than he and his.
However the look on Mattheo's face made you think he knew something you didn't, "I guess I could just have your dealer tell everyone, or are you buying from someone besides Nott these days?"
He was irritating you on purpose now. You grabbed the spliff back from Mattheo, going to sit where you were before but now leaning your forehead against the railing, “This is got to be some kind of mistake.” 
Mattheo could only snicker as he went to sit next to you, hanging his arms over the raining as he looked over the grounds, “S’destiny love, no mistake about it.” 
“Thanks so much, you’re being really encouraging about this whole thing,” you rolled your eyes, holding your hand out to him. He took it from you, filling his lungs with smoke again, passing it back and forth throughout the conversation. 
Mattheo shrugged his shoulders, “At least we’re both fit.” You snorted at this, “Who said I thought you were fit?” He scoffed, “Please, I’ve seen the way you ogle me.” You found yourself laughing, a true full belly head thrown back laugh before you looked at him and he thought the smile you were wearing was actually kind of cute, “How would you know that unless you were ogling me, hmm?”
Mattheo opened his mouth to respond, but found he couldn’t come up with a good enough excuse before you were speaking again. The sigh you let out let him know how stressed you really were, “Our friends are not going to like this.” 
He nodded, smoke billowing out of his mouth as he spoke, “Merlin, no. They’re going to bloody hate it. But s’not like it was really our choice.” You knew he was right, and you knew he was trying to be comforting, but the tone in his voice let you know that he was just as worried to let his group of friends know as much as you were. 
You opened your mouth to respond to him when you heard the all too familiar jingle of Mrs. Norris’ collar sounding like she was ascending the stairs. Your eyes grew wide as you and Mattheo both jumped to your feet. It looked like Mattheo is contemplating jumping over the tower railing when you grab his arm to push him flat against the stone wall. 
He looked at you with utter confusion as you grabbed the cloak before turning around and pushing your back flush against his chest. “What are you-”
“Shut it,” you cut him off, indicating to him to wrap his arms around your waist as you threw the cloak over the pair of you. As the cat walked on to the tower landing you felt Mattheo’s arms tighten around you, doing his best to pull you impossibly closer. 
He was decently taller than you, having to duck down slightly so the cloak covered you both properly. His face was tucked in close to your neck. His breath warm and tickling your skin as Filch followed after his beloved pet, glancing around for anything out of place. 
When he was satisfied, Filch turned around to leave, letting his cat lead the way. You waited a few beats, making sure they were nearly to the bottom of the staircase before pulling the cloak off the two of you and pushing Mattheo’s hands off of your body. 
“Thing comes in handy, that,” he pointed to the cloth in your hand. You chucked, “Yeah, m’sure your lot would get a lot less detentions if you had one.” Mattheo rolled his eyes, “Yeah, we can’t all be like the golden quartet.” 
You scoffed slightly at this as you headed down the stairs, Mattheo close behind you, “We didn’t give ourselves that nickname, you know.” He couldn’t help but laugh, “Yeah but m’sure you all don’t mind it. Definitely gets you some favoritism.” 
You stopped at the end of the corridor, Mattheo running into your back at the action and cursing. You turned to face him, “You know, my friends and I have endured a hell of a lot of shite over the last couple years, maybe we deserve a little break when we’re actually able to do normal bloody teenage things.” 
As much as you were trying to be harsh with him, be the slightest bit intimidating, his height gave him all the advantage. Mattheo knew what you meant, what you were saying without saying the words themselves. “I’m not like him. Don’t clump me in your same category of hatred. He’s done things to me too,” his eyes reflected a bit of hurt as he spoke and you knew he was telling the truth. 
Everyone in school assumed Mattheo was just like his father, held the same ideals and wanted the same things for the wizarding world. The look you were seeing on his face told you otherwise. Your frustration quickly fizzled, instead turning into something closer to pity, “M’sorry.” 
“Don’t be,” he deadpanned, “Let’s just get back to our common rooms.” You walked together in silence until you had no choice but to split off. You agreed to meet each other in the courtyard during lunch the next day and you were racking your brain on how you were going to break this news to Harry, Hermione and Ron.
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To say you were nervous was an understatement. When you broke the news to your friends about who your soulmate ended up being it wasn’t exactly well received. Hermione was worried, but understanding of the fact that you had no choice in the matter. Harry was upset, but again was trying his best to be mature and said he wouldn’t interfere with you spending some time with Mattheo to get to know him better. Ron took it the worst, which you wished surprised you but he did have a flair for the dramatics.
You were first waiting for Mattheo on a bench in the courtyard, but you couldn’t stop your legs from bouncing, therefore you found a place beneath a tree, attempting to read the same three lines of a book Hermione had loaned you the other day. 
When Mattheo found you and finally sat down next to you, you shut your book immediately, letting out a sigh of relief, “Oh thank Godric, you’re here.” It didn’t go unnoticed by you the way a pair of dimples christened his cheeks, “Miss me already, pretty girl? S’barely been twelve hours.” 
You shoved his shoulder lightly, trying to resist the pink that tinted your cheeks at the nickname he used, “Not at all, I’ve been sitting here for the better part of twenty minutes, mind you. Thought maybe you decided to ditch me.” Mattheo shrugged, “M’always late. You’re gonna have to get used to that. And I would never ditch you, we’re soulmates, love. You’re stuck with me for life.” 
He had a childlike grin on his face when he said that latter part and you couldn’t help the slight notion of butterflies that seemed to flutter in your stomach or the smile that appeared on your face.
All last night you thought it was going to be difficult to fall for Mattheo, but maybe the universe knew something when it paired you two together. 
“So how did your friends take the news?” You tried to keep voice neutral, but you really were worried about their responses. Mattheo leaned back against the tree, “They were shocked for sure, Draco took it the hardest. He was more worried about having to spend more time with Potter than me being with you though. Told him that would probably be more rare than he anticipated. W’bout yours?”
You nodded, “Not as bad as I thought, actually. Mione was understanding, as always. Harry was actually pretty good about it, but very skeptical. Ron actually took it the worst, but he’s just protective. Basically like me brother.” 
“How d’ya mean?” 
You leaned back against the tree yourself, shoulder to shoulder now with Mattheo. You could feel the heat radiating off of him and you wondered if his skin was always warm to the touch, “Both my parents are aurors so they travel a lot. They didn’t think it was safe for me to go with them, so Ron’s mum offered for me to stay at theirs whenever it was needed. Turns out it was needed more times than not growing up.” 
Mattheo nodded, listening intently as you spoke. You both started asking surface questions about each other; favorite color (he said black), favorite hobby (quidditch), favorite class (free period). 
When both your friend groups came looking for you after lunch period Mattheo asked if you would go to Hogsmead with him over the weekend. You agreed, finding yourself wanting to get to know more about him. Over the next two months you went to Hogsmead with Mattheo at least one day during each weekend. 
You slowly learned that his favorite candy was fizzing whizbees, having to stop at Honeydukes every trip for him to grab some. You learned that he was actually very intelligent even though he tried to seem like he wasn't, as he was passing all of his classes even though he skipped half of them. You learned that even though Draco was older than him, he felt like an older brother to his cousin. And maybe your favorite thing that you learned, purely on accident, was that if you squeeze just above his hip that he was incredibly ticklish. 
Throughout all of this you still hadn’t kissed. You kept telling yourself (and your friends) that you didn’t want to, but the more time you spent with him, the more you found yourself yearning for it. There were times of lingering touches; his hand on your lower back as he guided you into a building, his fingertips brushing yours as you walked, his leg pressing against yours while you sat next to each other in the courtyard or at the Three Broomsticks. 
Hermione, the ever observant friend that she was, noticed your shift in attitude towards Mattheo even before you did. So when she cornered you in the common room, demanding you tell her your true feelings it was almost a relief to let it all out. 
“I think I might actually like him, Mione. Like, I know that sounds like something an insane person would say, that they like Mattheo Riddle, like romantically, like someone who isn’t just some daft bimbo, but there's just so much more to him that he lets people see.”
Hermione can’t help but laugh, “I get what you mean. Harry and Ron are coming around, you know. They see how happy you look when you’re with him.” 
You tilt your head slightly at this, “What do you mean how happy I look?” 
Hermione just shakes her head with a smile, “Like you’re with your person.” You can’t escape the blush that creeps up your neck and covers your cheeks. Hermione’s giggling at you now, “Have you still not kissed him yet?” 
You scoffed, “Godric, no.” She pushed your shoulder playfully, “Well why not, y/n/n? Don’t you want to?” 
You looked down at your hands, playing with your fingers, “I mean…I think so? But he just hasn’t really…gone for it, you know?” 
She nodded in solidarity, “Oh I know, trust me. I had to make the first move with Ronald. Maybe you have to do the same thing?” 
You contemplated her words. They invaded a space in your brain for the rest of the night, then the rest of the next morning, and through dinner, and even now as you stood leaning against the railing in the astronomy tower waiting for Mattheo to meet you. 
When you heard him coming up the steps you turned only to see him with the sweetest smile on his face. “Hey pretty girl,” he greeted as he enveloped you in a hug. “Hi, Teo,” you had donned the nickname on him your third or so time at Hogsmead. He gave you a good squeeze before letting go, his arms still lingering on your waist with yours around his neck, “What’d you wanna talk about?” 
His question was innocent, no implications in his voice that he expected anything beyond you wanting to see him. With Hermione’s advice in the back of your head you knew you needed to just act, as any more talking might lead to you psyching yourself out. 
You slid your hands down from his neck, grasping lightly to the lapel of his blazer. He raised his eyebrows slightly at the action, the smallest of smirks on his face. 
Without giving yourself time to overthink you pull him into you, lips crashing against yours. He’s shocked at first, but just for a moment before he responds, walking you back until you’re pressed against the stone wall.
One of his hands slides up your body, ghosting over your stomach and the valley of your breasts before settling lightly on your neck. The implication of the hand gesture makes you whimper slightly and Mattheo takes the opportunity to deepen the kiss. Your hands find his hair, tugging lightly at the curls.
When he finally pulls away you find yourself chasing his lips and he smiled at the reaction. “I think I could kiss you forever,” his forehead is resting against yours, lips still so close you can feel his breath on your own. “Yeah?” you laugh a little, smile only increasing when he presses a kiss to your cheek, “Yeah, pretty girl. Forever.”
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I love your blog so much!! You're without a doubt my favorite writer on this app, you write yanderes so so well and you just manage to capture so amazingly the personality of EVERY character you write, especially Byakuya, i love him so much, and you just write him so well, i've been reading and rereading your works nonstop!
Could i please request yandere Byakuya with a Reader who's very kind and gentle and they like to follow him around (not in an annoying way, but in an attempt to try to befriend him and make sure he is okay during the killing game, since he is kinda excluded for being an ass). Better yet, how would he react to Reader actually leaving him alone after he went too far, or was too mean to them
Love everything you post so much, feel free to deny, remember to eat and drink water!
Thank you so so much! I'm happy i could make you happy! 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Sweet ‘n Sour | Yandere Byakuya Togami
It’s honestly an honor
That you’re transmigrated into an anime/game
Too bad it’s the killing game of Danganronpa
And of course, with you thrown in the middle things are really unpredictable
So you’ll comfort yourself in being as kind to these characters as you possibly can
Especially Byakuya
A fan favorite and an intriguing ally throughout the game
Of course, you just gravitate toward him
Even though he sneers and insults you
Sometimes threatens
But you don’t mind…
Even though….
Those comments are beginning to hurt 
It’s one thing to love a meaner character through the screen but in person, it’s pretty hard
despite your inclination to maintain your usual smile and gentle actions
After a while, you just stop trying 
Too bad some may consider that your biggest mistake:
“Honestly I was hoping you’d turn up as one of the corpses during this farce; it probably would have made it even more interesting.”
That was it.
That was the last straw for you. Toko could have all his time and attention for all you care. The sheer fact you’ve put up with this for so long disgusts you. To hear your own life be spat on by the guy you’d been trying to extend a helping hand to–it was despicable. (Of him or of you, you couldn’t decide.)
“Ah, I see. Have a good night then.”
That was the last time you went out of your way to speak to him; immediately changing your schedule to accompany someone else. Since you’d been away with Byakuya you almost forgot how kind the rest of the group was. 
“(Y/n) I’m so happy you’re willing to hang out now! Let’s make donuts together!”
“After that I hope you’ll indulge me and Naegi in a puzzle of sorts.”
“I-if it’s alright with you..”
It was refreshing. 
To be told you were actually wanted around was somehow so fulfilling.
What terrible company you’ve been keeping.
“I’d love to!” Within a matter of days you are feeling the warmth of friendly interactions; whereas the man you’re avoiding is having a….less than stellar reaction.
Toko was excited that her Byakuya-sama had finally chased you. A rival weak enough to be effected by words wasn’t much of a rival at all! But upon your absence in only a few hours into his daily routine Byakuya had made an intense realization. 
That he desperately desired your attention on him.
He didn’t have to actually see you skirting your routine with him to know he hated the thought of you spending any amount of time with his classmates rivals. It literally made his skin itch and his throat close up with every minute away from you. Naturally he doesn’t care that even Toko is unnerved by the tantrum he throws. Books are strewn about, the shelves dangerously leaning against one another. All of it just an emphasis of the palpable malice emanating off of Byakuya. In the middle of the ruins he just stands still. 
Alarmingly still.
Like a predator looking out. 
Are they hunting? Scoping? Contemplating the ways to torture their enemies?
No one really knows.
Even when he pulls at his hair and belts out in an uncouth laughing fit. In an instant he stops demanding Monokuma show himself this instant. He needed to find you. Now. He’ll make it a point to inform the headmaster of his own teaching. 
Because apparently you–being the kind and gentle soul you are should be able to withstand all kinds of people. Especially him. Always him. So he’ll offer his own guidance by keeping you within arms reach at all times. 
He expects you to persist against anything he can throw at you.
How else are you going to rule the world as a Togami?
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dc-marvel-life · 8 months
That Dang Snake
Pairing: Hermione Granger
Summary: Hermione starts to get the attention of an unlikely Slytherin girl
Word Count: ~900
A/N: So I know that I write for DC and Marvel, but some things I write for Harry Potter. Since I haven't been getting any requests, I will put this series out this week. Please ask for a request!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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(Not mine GIF)
Hermione decides to go to the library to get some studying done in a quiet place since the Triwizard tournament is happening, and she doesn’t want to get too far on her studies. She opens her books and gets right to work ignoring the world around her, but that doesn’t last long because of the group of bothersome Slytherins in the corner. It was Draco, Goyle, Crabbe, Pansy, and the one and only, Y/N who were all making so much noise.
Y/N is a fourth-year Slytherin who is the star chaser on the quidditch team and is very intelligent while being the school fuckgirl. Everyone wanted to be her or wanted to be with her. She was funny, kind, smart, arrogant, and a little cocky all wrapped into one. Y/N was well-liked throughout the school but towards one group. The golden trio doesn’t really like Y/N because Y/N is a part of Draco’s gang. Y/N never does anything about Draco’s taunting, she just stares or walks off somewhere else.
The only reason why Y/N hangs out with Draco’s gang is that Y/N is a pure-blood and hung out with Draco growing up. They just have a bond that can’t be broken, even though he can be a dick. Y/N tries to change his ways but it never works. Behind closed doors, Y/N always scolded him for being so mean toward the trio. That is the one thing Y/N hates about being friends with them but she just lets it go to be with her best friend.
They are just making too much noise in the library for Hermione to study right now. Hermione looks around to find Madam Pince to see if she is going to put a stop to it, but she is nowhere to be found. So Hermione decided to take things into her own hands. 
“Can you guys please quiet down? There are some people in the library who actually need to study and get some work done. We can’t do that when you guys are making so much noise” Hermione says confidently, trying not to show that she is a little nervous addressing the group.
“Why don’t you quiet down over there mudblood. We are just over here minding our own business supporting the next top of the class. Are you jealous?” Draco says pointing at Y/N and Hermione is taken aback a little bit. Sure Hermione is at the top of her class right now but close behind her was Y/N. The frustrating part about it for Hermione is that Y/N didn’t need to study as much to get good marks as her. But Hermione wasn’t jealous of Y/N but more admired how she juggle her social and quidditch life on top of her studying. 
Then out of nowhere, Y/N smacks Draco upside the head while not breaking eye contact from the book in front of her. The group starts laughing and Hermione covers her hands over her mouth to not laugh.
“You don’t have to answer that Granger” Y/N says lowering her book to look Hermione in her eyes. When she did that something came over Hermione that she never felt before and she couldn’t explain it. 
“She is right though guys. You guys are making way too much noise in here, go back to the dorms and I will meet you there when I am done studying” Y/N says and the gang all listens to her and go back to the dorm without too much of a fuss. Hermione was shocked that they all listen to Y/N and she actually defended Hermione. After all the years that they have been at school she has never stopped the bullying towards the trio. What has changed Hermione thought to herself. 
“Thank you for getting them to leave by the way,” Hermione says to Y/N. 
“No problem, they were getting on my nerves too. They were just getting too excited for the next quidditch match” Y/N says putting down her book and staring at Hermione.
“Well I bet you are going to do great against Hufflepuff,” Hermione says putting her book down too.
“So you like watching me play,” Y/N says with a smirk and Hermione blushes a little. 
“Well, I don’t come to watch just you. I come to support my house and watch them beat you,” Hermione says with her head held high and Y/N chuckles a little bit to herself. 
“Well, how about you come to the next match and I will make sure to give you a show to keep coming back for more” Y/N says leaning forward on the table and Hermione's face turns red.
“I may come to the match if you answer this question for me,” Hermione says and Y/N gets up and comes over with all her stuff to Hermione’s table.
“What is the question?” Y/N asks while sitting down.
“Why did you stop Malfoy this time from picking on me and not any other time” Hermione ask on the edge of the sit waiting for the answer. 
“I want to start getting on your good side,” Y/N says while winking and grabbing all of her stuff. 
“See you at the match Granger,” Y/N says and walks out of the library leaving a stunned Hermione. 
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ethical-cain-vinnel · 11 months
hear me out, you and anakin have been enemies for years like just constant head butting and competition, and one day y’all both are training and your both trying to show off competitively, and afterwards, just to piss him if you say your master is kind of attractive or something and what happens next happens 🤭 sorry i’m famished for enemies to lovers anakin stuff
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x reader
Teaser Trailer: Your Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi usually has you and Anakin separated when training. He’s worried that the animosity between you two could eventually lead to one of you getting hurt because you two don’t know when to stop. But today, on the rest day for training, he’s woken you two up and has decided that you two would hash out your differences and train together for the first (and probably last) time.
Tags/Warnings: Bickering, porn with plot, very little use of Y/N, no gendered terms (girl, she/her, etc) but AFAB anatomy (im sorry idk how to write AMAB anatomy), hatefucking, lowkey dubcon at the start but quickly turns consensual, mentions of Padme (they’re broken up in this), bath sex, rough sex, little to no prep (make sure to prep irl or that shit HURTS, coming from your local whore), unprotected p in v (don’t be silly, wrap ya willy), choking, fluff at the end
Notes: IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG I LOWKEY HAD NO IDEA HOW TO START IT LMFAO but im really glad you sent this in cause I had a lot of fun writing this!! I did change it a little bit but it still has that enemies to lovers plot that you said you were jonesing for so I hope you like it! Also im so sorry if anakin is ooc i really tried to make him true to his character.
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In the heart of the Jedi Temple, a place of serenity and wisdom, were two dickheads who couldn’t stop bickering and driving their master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, absolutely insane. Every word moved him more and more to the dark side (kidding, not kidding). “You’ll never be a true Jedi, Skywalker,” You taunted, your eyes flashing with defiance. “You let your emotions control you too easily.” “And you’re too focused on rules and regulations,” he shot back, his tone dripping with disdain. “The Jedi Code has made you blind to the real world.” You were about to respond when your master spoke. “Enough. Both of you.” He turns around and gives you both a sharp glare. This shuts you both right up. “Sorry, Master,” You both mumble like scolded children. Obi-Wan sighs and continues taking you to the training ground.
When you arrive at the grounds, you and Anakin shoot each other confused looks before Obi-Wan begins to speak. “In the past, I have not let you two train together. This is because I am afraid one, if not both of you, will have bad physical injuries by the end. But,” Flashes of annoyance and exhaustion from months of your constant bickering show in his eyes. “You two have officially worn me down. Today, you will train together. I will not be supervising because I feel you two should work this out by any means necessary. As long as you both come out of the training alive, I don’t care what happens here.” You begin to feel a bit guilty. You and Anakin have indeed pushed your master to his limits. But that’s quickly replaced by excitement and needing to beat Anakin.
Obi-Wan laid out the rules of the training before quickly leaving the grounds. With Obi-Wan's departure, you and Anakin found yourselves standing on the training ground, lightsabers in hand, the tension thick enough to slice through. Anakin couldn't resist taking the first jab, both verbally and physically. "Well, Y/N, let's see if you can back up all that talk." You smirked, your eyes glinting with determination. "Oh, Anakin, I've been waiting for this moment. Let's see if you can finally prove that you're not all bark and no bite." The clash of lightsabers rang out as the duel commenced, the blades creating sparks of energy that mirrored the sparks flying between you. "You're still too aggressive, Anakin," you taunted, sidestepping his lunge. "The Force doesn't respond well to blind rage, you know," Anakin grunted, his frustration evident. "And you're too busy following the rule book to see the big picture. Sometimes, you have to do what's necessary." Your retort came swiftly, "Sometimes, what's necessary isn't letting your emotions run rampant. That's how we fall to the dark side." The battle raged, each strike and parry accompanied by another biting remark. It was as if the Force itself reveled in your ongoing rivalry, fueling the intensity of the duel.
"You know, Anakin, maybe if you focused on your training more than your obsession with winning, you'd improve," you quipped, dodging a particularly aggressive swipe from his lightsaber. Anakin's eyes blazed with anger, and he pushed harder, but you deftly countered his every move. "And maybe if you let loose a bit, you'd discover there's more to the Force than ancient texts and lectures." Your movements became fluid, almost graceful, as you expertly parried Anakin's attacks. "I'll take wisdom over recklessness any day, Anakin." As the duel continued, your words stung as much as your strikes, and it was clear that Anakin was growing frustrated, his resolve wavering. He overextended himself in a moment of vulnerability, leaving an opening you quickly seized. With a swift maneuver, you disarmed him, sending his lightsaber flying out of his grasp. You held your lightsaber at his throat, a triumphant smile on your lips. "Checkmate," you declared, breathing heavily but victorious.
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Later that night, you were getting ready for bed. The training with Anakin was rewarding but so fucking tiring. You had bruises and small cuts all over your body that stung as you entered the hot bath, the salts meant for relaxation causing your muscles to tense up and a small, involuntary whimper to leave your mouth. As you sunk deeper into the water, you relaxed more. Your cuts still stung, but it was all worth it to wipe that stupid smile off of your rival’s face. God, his stupid face. You had no idea what Padme sees in him. His stupid brooding blue eyes, his full lips that always turn into a scowl when he sees you. Fuck. Even you, his number one rival, can’t deny that he’s really hot. You’re snapped out of your thoughts when you hear someone enter the bathroom. You immediately make sure your entire body is below the water, the bubbles covering you. You look to see who it is and it’s Anakin. “Anakin, what the FUCK?? GET OUT!” you begin to scream when he covers your mouth, glaring down at you as he leans over the tub. Your voice got caught in your throat as his glare sent shivers down your spine and warmth down to your pussy. When he can tell you’ve officially shut up, he slowly takes his hand off of your mouth and for a moment, you two just stare at each other, a mix of hatred and lust. “You're a real spoiled bitch, you know that?” he seethes and you scoff. “Oh, I’m spoiled cause I was able to put you in your place?” His hand shoots to grab your neck, choking you slightly and you let out a small whimper, not expecting it. He smirks and pulls you into a rough kiss, your mind going a million miles an hour. You pull away and he lets you, not wanting to force you into anything you don’t want to do. “What is wrong with you??” You say, obviously bothered. “You’re dating Padme and you’re trying to kiss me and fuck me?? What is wrong with you??” You fume. He smirks a bit, thinking your reaction is a bit funny. “Padme and I broke up a month ago.” Those words make your jaw drop and your eyes practically bug out of your skull.
But he knows that all of your inhibitions were limited only to him not being single, as you immediately pull him into another heated kiss, tongue and teeth clashing as you help him hastily strip off his robes and you pull him into the tub with you. You lay back against the porcelain and he gets on top of you, his hand coming up to choke you slightly again. He begins to kiss down your neck and to your collarbone, his free hand coming to pinch your soapy tits and you whine. Your hand found his cock in the water and lined him up with your entrance. He quickly pushed in and gave you no time to adjust to his (massive) size as he began pounding you roughly. “Stupid spoiled bitch. Always a pain in my ass yet I’m dicking you down.” He mumbles breathily as his cock hits your g spot over and over again, leaving you breathless. “Say thank you.” He demands but you’re already too fucked out to hear. It isn’t until he slaps you across the face that you can listen. “I fucking said thank me. Do it and maybe I’ll let you cum tonight” “Thank you!! Thank you Anakin!!” You moan loudly and his hand comes back to your throat, a smirk on his face “Yea thats what I fuckin’ thought. Good fuckin slut f’me. So fuckin good” He pants as he fucks your pussy with reckless abandon. He can feel your cunt clenching on him, signaling that you’re close to cumming and if he wasn’t also on the brink, he woulda stopped right then and there and ruined your orgasm. “Cum f’me. Cum f’me, baby” He moans and the chord in your belly snaps, covering his cock with your juices as you moan his name. He whimpers softly and you feel as he fills you up with his cum. You’re both left panting and after a few moments you two start to laugh softly, looking at the mess you made. Water and bubbles all over the floor, the water in the tub left white and milky and your bodies sweaty and bruised. He looks at you in a way he never has before and he leans down to kiss you sweetly. “C’mon. Stand up and I’ll help you shower” He says with a sweet smile. You have a feeling things are going to be different from now on between you.
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valentine-writes · 1 year
Hello hello! Been downright dying over how much I love your AtSV work!! So I thought I would feed into it >:) If you're feeling up to it, whats been brewing in your mind about The Spot x reader? Take it platonic or romantic, either has so much potential for fun in my opinion and I guess I'm just interested in what ideas you might have?? Not a lot to work off of from what I'm asking but I hope you're able to have fun with it anyways ^^; Whether youre able to get to this request or not, thanks for reading! Love what you do :)
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「 tws + notes: possibly ooc, unedited, he's kind of pathetic little meow meowified im sorry, first bit inspired by @//submurged-into-clouds !! <3 」
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↳ ft. the spot
「 gn!reader, can be platonic or romantic <3 」
author's note: first, AUWJHEJSBS thank u so much!!!! im glad u like what i've written so far– and i am SUPER excited to write for the spot becuz im gon b real,,, there was a momentary lapse of insanity where i was scouring for any content of him at all. SO TY 4 UR REQ!!!! ( /)u(\ ) i hope this is ok!!! i got carried away and stuff so,, i hope this is at the Very Least coherent! leaned for platonic stuff with romantic undertones that intensify throughout so,, read it how u like ^_^
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▸ we're going to start this by establishing that bro has literally No Friends anymore. you met him after the collider incident and by some miracle, some sort of mercy from a higher power in the multiverse– you ended up becoming friends with him
really, meeting him was an accident. wasn't supposed to be anything more– just him messing around with his new abilities and slipping into a random universe with no idea where he was.
and there was you.
just you. out, alone at night. just taking a walk– disrupted by someone falling out of a weird portal from the sky.
this is the day your paths crossed, the day your fates intertwined, the moment that your world collided into his.
to put more literally: the day he crashed into you very unceremoniously.
im now re-reading the title and remembering his backstory and giggling at my unintentional joke. he is not catching a break. even from me.
▸ after recovering from a random stranger from another universe tumbling into your own, you began to talk.
now– you don't remember how the conversation started, but you were glad to listen. the way which he rambled to you, words tumbling out of his mouth like they'd been on his mind for a while– you felt like he needed someone to hear him.
he's surprised. you're not bothered. not frightened. not even weirded out. but you're not indifferent. you nod along, you comment on things here and there– but you listen. you actually listen to him.
eventually, when he leaves, you're sat there for a moment. just frozen– processing whether that had really happened or not. you see the indent his body left in the grass where the two of you sat. it's evidence enough for you.
a few weeks pass and you're certain that you were just fated to meet once and never again. you were fine with this.
▸ until he randomly popped up in your living room one day.
yes, he had been actively trying to find your universe again– and as casually as he can be, is now peeking from out the portal he created, head leaning in to get a better look at you.
you're not sure how you can tell considering he has no face,,, but he's definitely smiling.
he waves to you, awkwardly, (noticing that you're just staring at him while not saying a word), "thought i would say hi, so– ...hi."
you blink at him tiredly. "dude, it's 6:30 in the morning–"
he's treating this like it's normal for people to just show up in your house. he missed you– and it's very evident.
▸ no matter what type of relationship you're in with him: you GOTTA set boundaries. being one of the only people who cares to hang around him anymore means that you're gonna be seeing a lot of him.
while he certainly hasn't completely lost grasp on the concept of privacy, it's definitely been altered by the fact he's got powers that allow him to pop up wherever he wants. he's just a teeny bit invasive.
"hello!" he'll greet, randomly poking his head through a portal he made to your bedroom.
on instinct, you throw the closest thing to you. he's just glad you reached for the pillow and not the alarm clock also at your arms reach on the bedside table.
definitely a good idea to remind him that if he wants to hang out, he should probably message you, and if he wants to show up at your house for whatever reason, he should give you a heads up.
he has nearly walked in on you changing. and has apologized a million times every time it's brought up. it fr keeps him up at night.
▸ everyone in his life leaving him def messed him up a bit. he can deny it all he wants, but he's terribly anxious that you're gonna grow tired of him and leave.
constantly like "oh my god what if they leave for someone who has a face" and itz like,,, boy,,,, stfu itz 3am
he needs reassurance, even if he never explicitly says. but you're kind to him. patient. you're pretty much an angel in his eyes.
which is why he feels comfortable texting u in the dead of night like:
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(im gonna b real i dont even know why i have this image)
▸ he's dismissed by most people around him– but you've given him your time. you've shown him that you care. he's doing everything he can to be certain you'll still care for him.
the random waves of "oh no but what if they hate me" hit him HARD. especially if he hasn't seen you in a while, if you take longer to respond to his messages, if you haven't been answering his calls– bro will jump to a conclusion
"hypothesis: they dont love me anymore :("
☝️🤓 SORRY HAKJWOENDOEND he would NOT say that. im just clowning on him itz a part of my luv 4 him </3
needs to be needed. wants to be wanted.
eventually you have a long talk about this. he's got a bit of an ego after realizing how much power he truly possessed– but you gently encourage him to let it down. a simple heart to heart. and while you're certain these things aren't going to dissipate with a single conversation, you've let him know he doesn't have to deal with it alone.
▸ physical contact is a need for him. bro's touch starved. he likes linking his pinky with yours or just intertwining your fingers together. if you ever let him rest his head on your shoulder or hugged him he'd actually have to fight tears. he hasn't been given affection in a while :(
▸ he doesn't really feel like he has to hide anything around you. he really doesn't have much of a filter when you're talking to him which makes for some amusing conversation. he finds your laughter the sweetest sound in the world– he likes making you laugh :] it makes him feel like he's accomplished something
▸ the alterations to his body have caused some weird little changes that most people don't notice. one of them most noticeably to you– he'd cold. not frigid or like icy, but a lot colder than normal people tend to be.
you first notice this when you're hanging out in your bedroom. you're sitting on your bed, while he paces back and forth, rambling about another failed villainous act
(you haven't questioned his whole obsession with villainy considering that he seems pretty harmless with what he's been attempting– no matter how much he tries)
"and then– ohh, and tHEN THEY JUST—" you notice how he's gesturing frantically, exasperated, annoyed– and out of instinct to provide some sort of comfort (or at least calm him down) your hand grasps his wrist
there's a moment of silence.
his voice dwindles into a more soft, subdued tone, watching as your fingers wrap around his wrist. "wh– if you wanted me to stop talking, you could've just... just said or...."
his mind is going blank, trailing off at your touch. he doesn't remember the last time someone has held his hand or even brushed up against him without freaking out.
"you're cold." you comment, now taking his hand between both of yours, as if you were trying to heat him back up. you don't meet his eyes, simply staring at his hand.
"oh– yeah, yeah, it's just– a thing with now. came with the holes–"
the sensation of your hands gently squeezing his shuts him up. you raise his hand to your lips and gently blow hot air onto it.
your brow furrows, nose scrunching up. "you're still cold..." you mutter, more to yourself than to him. quietly, your gaze returns to his face.
"does that bother you?" you ask him, after a beat of silence.
he shakes his head. your hands let go of his– but he quietly reaches back to hold it again.
"hold on a second. why don't you try again?" he suggests. you laugh softly, knowing it's obviously just an excuse. still, you humor him.
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crazyk-imagine · 1 year
Hey! I just read your Jamie Tartt fic where the reader is pregnant and I freaking loved it! It kind of got me thinking about Jamie bringing his little girl, cause he’s totally gonna be a girl dad, to the pitch for practice. She’s like 4 or 5, really young and wearing a Tartt jersey and has the entire team wrapped around her finger, especially Roy.. bonus if her favorite player is someone else on the team, any of them, and Roy and Jamie get jealous… if you could write it great! If not no worries! Thanks for the consideration! 🥰🥰
Abdicated Family Issues
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Pairing: Jamie Tartt x Pregnant!Reader
Characters: Jamie Tartt, Pregnant!reader, Tartt Toddler, Baby Tartt, Roy Kent, Dani Rojas, Jan Maas (briefly mentioned)
Warnings: Fluff, Jamie being a dramatic bitch, Jealous Roy and Jamie, Toddler Tartt bouncing off the walls because of her fun day at dad's work, Roy didn't ask for this, he didn't plan on being involved, Jamie being a sad little baby thinking his baby girl doesn't like him (anymore), Jamie and Roy need comforting, reader becomes their therapist for a second, Dani being a sweetheart (ofc)
Word Count: 1,432
A/N: Ahhh, love, love, love it!! I thought who better to make Jamie just a little jelly than Dani aka the other ace on the team. Roy being involved and jelly is a plus.
You smile when you get a text from your boyfriend.
Baby 💕
"Leaving now. Will be home soon" 2:19pm Sent Read
Darling 💓
"See you two soon 💕" 2:27pm Sent Read
As soon as you get comfortable your boyfriend lays beside you. “How am I supposed to feel?” Jamie whines to you, crawling onto your lap.
“Can you back-up to the beginning of your story? I have no idea what’s happened, and you pretended like I came onto the field with you," you tell him, rubbing your slowly growing belly.
He smiles and adjusts himself so he lays by your side, head resting on your shoulder so he can also rub your belly.
"Tell me why you look like my sad Jaim."
"Dani is so cool!"
You glance away from your excited and jumpy daughter to your even more depressed boyfriend.
"Why don't you tell your mum what you told me?" Ron's voice echoes throughout the hallway as he closes the front door.
"Dani did this really cool move and- and-"
You try and shush, "babes. Babes." You sigh when you don't get her attention. "Honey, take a breath and breathe. I want to hear about your exciting day, but you can only do it if you talk a little slower."
She stares at you.
Roy grabs a seat on one of the chairs you keep out for company (because the team comes over more often than you'd like, right now being pregnant; they take a lot of you). "Why don't you tell her more about the fun you had today?"
"Jan's really tall and gave me piggyback rides while dad was practicing, even though he should have been too."
"You made it fun, Baby Tartt."
You furrow your brows, unsure of who said that.
Roy shrugs and mouths, "phone."
Jamie slumps further into your side.
You open your arms, wanting to pull your baby girl in for a hug and make a poor attempt at trying to get the phone before your chatty girl drops it.
Meaning you two would need to buy another phone (your goal is to make it last six more months).
The screen shifts to the ceiling before Dani's face pops up. "Hi. How are you? Do you need some of my family's special pregnancy soup?"
You smile and shake your head. "No, thank you, Danny. I appreciate the offer though."
"Of course, of course."
"So, how was today's practice? I hope it was alright."
"Oh, it was great. Baby Tartt shows promise to follow in her father's footsteps."
"Oh, does she?"
He nods, "yes, yes. I showed her a few moves and-"
"More like took her attention from me," Jamie grumbles.
Roy scoffs.
You shake your head, wanting to listen to what Dani's saying without commentary from the peanut gallery.
It only lasts two minutes longer until you can't take it anymore.
"Dani- dani- I'm sorry, I'm feeling a little nauseous and I don't want to keep you any longer. I know you have other things to do. I'm sure we'll talk more soon."
"Alright, I’ll leave you to rest. I know how much a woman in your condition needs her rest, especially with Jamie’s baby.”
Your boyfriend beside you grumbles, “what does that mean?”
“You are a good football player, meaning you have strong kicks.”
He doesn’t respond but you do know that Dani’s comment uplifted his mood just a little bit.
“I hope you have a good rest of your evening and get plenty of rest,” the excited player waves to you.
Your daughter leans in, waving. “Bye, Dani! I’ll come by so we can practice more.”
“That is good to hear. I can’t wait until your next visit.”
You end the call and look up. “Sweetie?”
Jamie and your daughter look at you; you pat your boyfriend’s shoulder.
“Not you, J.” You glance back at your adorable baby girl. “Can you go get me my special blanket? I’m feeling a little cold.”
She nods, “okay.”
“I can help-”
You shake your head, “nope. Neither of you are leaving this room until you confess.”
“Confess? Confess what?” Jamie asks.
“You know what. You two have never looked more upset and depressed at the same time. I want to know why so I can help you.”
Roy clenches his jaw.
“You don’t have to say much, Roy. But you, my dear Jaim, have to give me something so I can figure out whether or not a hug will suffice for right now.”
He groans and removes himself from you, throwing himself onto the other side of the couch. “She likes him more.”
Your head snaps over at the gruff man. “What?”
He sighs, “your future athlete, liked Dani more than she liked her dad on the field today.”
“And you,” Jamie points at him. “Don’t throw me under the bus and expect me to just sit here and let you-”
You grab Jamie’s hand, intertwining your fingers, “stop it. There’s no need to fight.”
The older man crosses his arms. “But it’s not fair.”
“What’s not fair? I need you to explain to me because I have no idea what it is or how to help you.”
“She wanted to practice more with Dani than she did me. I mean, how does that make sense? How is that fair? I’m her fuckin’ dad, you know.”
A small smile tugs at the corner of your lips. “Jaim, you shouldn’t feel that way.” You brush away the hair that falls in front of his eyes.
“How else am I supposed to feel? Made me feel like- I don’t know.”
“You do know but I won’t push you because I know it’s the fact that Roy’s here. But please don’t worry about that-”
“Well, how else am I supposed to feel?”
You sigh. “Jamie, she’s wearing your number and has your name on the back of her jersey. She may want to hang out with him a few times but you’re her dad. You’re her number one player.”
Roy clearing his throat makes you roll your eyes, “and you as well, you big baby.”
The gruff man smirks in return, not wanting you to know how that makes him feel (special).
You return your attention to your boyfriend. “You are the reason she loves the sport, without you, who knows what she’d be obsessed with other than her toys, you know. I mean, you helped her find her future.”
He finally looks at you for the first time since he got home. “I did?”
You nod, smiling at him. “Of course, you fucking did because you are Jamie Tartt. Best girl dad ever, Jamie Tartt.”
He cups your cheek before leaning in to kiss you.
You pull back with a gasp as a wide smile dances across your lips.
“What is it?”
“Someone’s also trying to show you that they’re your number one fan with their strong kicks.” You grab his hand and hold it over the spot.
The exciting moment between you two is broken when a certain ex-player’s hand hovers over your belly.
“Come here, you quiet old man.”
You raise a brow at him.
“I’m not that old.”
“I found it.”
You all turn to find your daughter trapped underneath the blanket.
“Roy, go help her before she trips, please.”
Your boyfriend takes this opportunity to whisper sweet promises to the baby.
Once your daughter is free and can see properly, she watches the two of you. “What are you two doing?”
“Your sibling is kicking,” he tells her.
Her eyes widen and she rushes towards you, wanting to feel the kicks as well.
Jamie grabs her hand so the two of them can feel the baby kicking together.
You glance over at Roy, who’s set the blanket off the side; he waves at you before leaving.
“Are you two having fun?”
They nod, not wanting to break their concentration.
You groan, throwing your head back.
“What? What is it?” Jamie asks, worried something’s wrong.
“You two keep pushing the baby onto my bladder and guess what?”
“I’ll help you up.” He gets you up with no problems. He leans closer to your ear, whispering, “all you need to do is ask, darling.”
You narrow your eyes to him. “Really? You really want to get cheeky with me, Tartt.”
He only smiles and walks with you to the bathroom.
“Go spend time with your daughter before she’s old enough to go out on dates.”
“Don’t do that to me.” And he’s back in the living room.
You chuckle, finding it too easy to rile him up.
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skywalkerbae · 2 years
The boy from nevermore
I do not support percy, I no longer write for Xavier.
This is from an ask and I had so much fun writing this (If you want to be on my taglist please send me a message or comment on this) I think i'm gonna do a part two on this
Xavier thorpe x Fem!Addams!Reader
Part 1/?
Warnings: SMUT, Unprotected sex, pet names, praises, swearing, (idk what else)
Words: 1.2k
Having a sister that everyone was scared of wasn't easy. I mean you loved your sister, even though she was always mean or shallow with people you always found a way to make her smile. So you weren’t surprised when she was pissed off on going to nevermore, I mean who could blame her you had to go there too for what? Just because you were defending your little brother? 
But compared to Wednesday you weren’t that mad about going to nevermore you were kind of excited. Meeting new people, learning new stuff and maybe meeting some boys.You always tried to find the perfect guy for your sister but she always ended up scaring them off or hurting them... not mentally, physically. So to your surprise when she started talking to this boy Tyler when we got here. He was tall, handsome and sweet which surprised you, you thought your sister was going to end up with a killer of some sort.
Well enough about her, when you got here you met this tall, skinny, hot guy. His name was Xavier, you guys met when Enid was showing you the school (Wednesday was off trying to get out of nevermore) he was nice and didn’t talk much he was a bit shy but handsome so you guys started hanging out.
He was fun to hang around with you would always go away to his shed to talk, work or draw but after a while, you started developing feelings for him which wasn't very smart on your part because he was dating Bianca. They were on and off but almost every subject started with “Bianca is such a bitch” or “I think I love her” he was a complicated boy you would say.Here you were on his bed next to him talking about Bianca, they just had a fight about how she was using him for popularity and he didn’t want any part in it. “And she kept saying that I was crazy and that I was overreacting” he signed “god I hate her” he starts rubbing his face with his hands “it's not the first time you've said that” you mumble silently hoping he didn’t hear “wait what did you say” thank god “nothing” he sits up to look at you “ what did you say y/n,” he says in a stern voice “I just said that it's not the first time you've said that” “what is that supposed to mean?” he questions, you could see from the look on his face that he was confused. “Just that every time we hang out it's always about Bianca and it's getting really fucking annoying, why don't we talk about plants or something I would prefer doing that than talking about your stupid girlfriend.”He goes silent. “I didn’t think you cared,” he says emotionless “why wouldn't I care I mean you keep talking about how perfect or how shitty she is while I'm just here listening to all of your problems and waiting for you too fucking realize that I like you but no you could never like me back because you like girls like Bianca or Wednesday.” you finish off your sentence pissed and frustrated, as you're about to leave Xavier asks “You like me?” “No shit.” He signs and walks over to me “I’m sorry, I like you too and well I’m- I was dating Bianca to make you jealous and the Wednesday thing was just out of curiosity.” he says sincerely "You like me back?" You question "How could I not?" He says as he leans in for a kiss, it was a long one not like a quick peck it was more meaningful as if you were waiting your whole life for that kiss. 
He puts his hand on your cheek and leans back to say “I’ve been waiting a long time to do that.” He leans back in and kisses you passionately, his lips are soft and wet. He grabs the back of your head and leans you in closer. You can feel his bulge resting on your thigh, you move your hands towards his crotch and you start stroking his length. He groans into your mouth "fuck sweetheart, yeah just like that" he says moaning into your mouth.He pushes you onto the wall and says "you're gonna be good for me yeah?" You mumble a yes as you lean in to kiss his puffy lips before you can reach him he pushes you back on the wall "I'm in charge you do as you're told, understand?" "Yes sir," you say and he groans at the name you gave him. His hand touches your thigh you let out a small gasp at the sensation of his cold fingers rubbing your skin.
He moves his hand upwards until he reaches your lacy underwear. He rubs your clit on the outside of the fabric and you whine needing more than just a few touches “more please” he removes his hand and grabs your face “you take what I give you, is that understood?” He asks. You whisper a quiet yes and he moves his hand where it had previously been.
Instead of continuing his previous actions, he removes your skirt and underwear after doing that he rips your blouse off. Xavier guides you to the bed, he pushes you on it. “Are you gonna be a good girl for me?” “Yes just please touch me” "As you wish," he says just before he plunges two fingers inside your cunt, you moan at the sensation. "Does that feel good?" he asks teasing. You can't even respond, you just focus on his long fingers pushing in and out of you slowly. His movements slow down and you whine at the loss of stimulation “you didn’t answer me” he says in an angry tone "yes" you say out of breath "yes it does, please do that again" you plead looking at him with a pout on your lips.
"I'll give you something better than that," he says pulling his pants as well as his boxers revealing his whole member. He's long, really long maybe 8 inches. He sees you staring and says "I know what your thinking but we'll have to leave that for next time," he says as he climbs into the bed. "Next time?" You ask, he doesn't answer he just gently taps his tip on your clit while stroking himself. "Tell me how bad you want it," he says giving you that god-awful grin. "Please Xavi, I want your cock so bad," you speak with a pout on your lips. He gives in an enters you slowly but with ease. He bottoms out and says “you okay?” reassuring me that I’m still okay with what was happening at that moment “yeah” you choke out with a moan following along. He starts moving and it doesn’t take long for him to thrust harder and faster. You could feel your body getting hot and Xavier’s praises weren’t helping much. “You're such a good girl for me” “you like that?” “Taking me so well” you knew he would get mad if you didn't answer him so you just nodded lazily. You could feel your orgasm approaching soon and Xavier knew because a few seconds later he put his hand on your clit, moving his skilled fingers in a circle. “Xavier I’m gonna cum” you moan out “cum with me sweetheart” and then just like that a euphoric feeling came over you as you squeezed his cock not thinking you could ever let him go. Your orgasm helped Xavier and not long after he came inside of you.
He pulled out and pushed his body next to yours “you still think I like Bianca?”
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mashiraostail · 8 months
Hello hello! I'm so so happy that you're back! Could I perhaps just request for general relationship headcanons for hound dog (nsfw too if you haven't previously) thanks!
yes ofc ! :3 im glad to be back writing too !! thanks for waiting for me and thanks for the req!! I like hound dog he's cool!
General: Before you date he can be kind of aloof, Vlad will probably hint you toward him. May be a bit messy himself but will pick up after you, feed you by leaving small snacks and drinks on your desk, and remind you about your obligations and meetings. He'll do it all in a very matter of fact way, but the fact he does it at all speaks volumes. If you don't pick up on it Vlad will nudge you in the right direction.
Once you are together he'll like spending time with you doing all sorts of things. He likes to train and exercise together, he loves cooking together as well. You will never go to the supermarket alone again!! He will take you he would loveee to go. Likes clothes and trinket shopping but only with you, will be delighted if you shop for him.
Likes to be big spoon and engulf you at night. You'll have to run an AC because he hates to go to sleep without cuddling at least a little.
Secretly likes it when you pack his lunch and bring him treats at work but he feels bad asking. He also loves to surprise you with small things. He's got a great memory for the little things, if you mention something off hand, a tv show or album you like he'll remember and gift you something a few days later.
He's excited to have you, probably more than he can express with words. He'll lay heavily into other love languages, physical touch, quality time, and acts of service are all things he loves to do, and he does them well. He's very emotionally mature and well spoken about his feelings but he's not used to being so close to someone in this way so it's new terrain for him.
NSFW: When you first get together you might have to remind him to slow down sometimes. He's hard and fast by nature and he doesn't mean any harm it's just second nature. You can rough him up to he REALLY won't mind. Likes missionary more than he cares to admit at times, he likes to see his partner's face and he likes to be touched so this position works well. Likes his partner in his lap too, a lot. He can be suuppper touchy feely and wants hands on at all times.
Breeding kink duhhhhh. He asks (begs) before obviously and will take your approval most enthusiastically.
He can be pretty quiet in bed but thats not a bad thing, mostly stunned silent.
He looovvess the smell of sex, after the fact. He'll burry his face in your neck or rub into your side for it. He loves the idea of your scent mixing with his. Which is why he looovvees a quickie. Before work, on his break, before dinner, during dinner. He doesn't care, just something fast to rub his scent off on you and to get yours all over his. If he's trying to steal you away, entertain him and you'll be rewarded for your understanding.
He isn't always thinking about sex though, it's not that he doesn't have a high drive he's just busy. He could live with sex once or twice a week. That being said when you do have sex he has pretty incredibly stamina and bounces back easily, he can go for a bit. If his partner is more frequently initiating he's more than happy to entertain them though, a low libido isn't an issue for him.
It's easy to get him worked up too, even if he is busy with work at home all you have to do is hug him from behind, around his shoulders, or slide into his lap. Pepper a few kisses over his arms or rub his chest and he'll be happy to follow directions for you.
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sugarbooger513 · 2 years
Hello! Would it be okay to request headcanons for Hanzo with a shy s/o? S/o is also more on the reserved side and respects his space, so she doesn't make a move easily. Would Hanzo eventually start showing affection despite his own reserved nature and take the lead or would he wait as well? Thank you in advance!
Oh my god my first Overwatch request!! I'm so excited it's for Hanzo. This man has already become super comforting for me.
I hope you enjoy what I've done! Sorry it isn't very long. Writing this was my reward for doing schoolwork.
Warnings: None really. Genji is a shit and Hanzo is baby. Mega fluffy.
First of all, he thinks you’re the cutest thing to walk this planet. Despite the way his heart races when you smile at him, he can’t help but smile at your instant blush. 
Trust me, he knows you have a crush on him. You’re completely obvious. 
However, he can’t help but wonder why. In his eyes, he’s a monster that doesn’t deserve someone as special as you. He feels selfish when the thoughts of you being with him cross his mind. 
So he refuses to pursue anything no matter how badly he wants to love you. He’s sure you could be with anyone else and have a better person in your life. 
When you walk by, or whisper his name so sweetly, he’s reminded just how precious you are. 
So how do the two of you get together? That’s a really funny story..
“Oh come on, just say you think he’s handsome! I’m going to vomit if I have to see you staring at the back of his head with those fucking puppy eyes one more time..” Genji makes a fake gagging noise as your face warms considerably. 
“Shut up! Geez.. it’s not like he pays any attention to me in the first place. He’s been quick to leave rooms I enter for the past week.” 
“I promise it isn’t your fault. Trust me, I know my brother.” He removes his mask, revealing the kind smile you’ve learned to hear. “Just get him alone and-” 
Genji pauses, smirking as he sees the man of the hour walking down the hallway. His hands are suddenly on your shoulders, shoving you into a room as he whispers a quick “stay” and rushes off. 
You’re completely confused, but stay put as he requested. It doesn’t take long for you to realize what he was planning… because you can hear Hanzo questioning him down the hall. 
“Genji, what are you freaking out about?!” 
“Hanzo, brother, just follow me! I need you to help me check this room!” 
Your eyes shoot open and you back away from where the brothers rush into the room. Hanzo meets your wide eyes with a very confused look. “Y/N? What are you-” 
The bedroom door slams shut, and Genji is gone. Hanzo whips around and grabs the doorknob, trying to open it with a growl. “Genji! What is the meaning of this?!” 
“I am not opening this door until you tell each other the truth!” 
You shake your head, looking down as your face flares red hot. “G-Genji! He’s obviously n-not comfortable!” 
Hanzo glances over his shoulder at you, his own cheeks starting to warm slightly. “Don’t concern yourself with me, Y/N. Genji, I am not playing with you!” 
“I’m not either! I’m sick of my brother and closest friend tiptoeing around each other because they want to kiss or date or whatever! 
Both of you freeze, now meeting each other’s gaze and stuttering. 
“I swear your brother-” 
“Genji has no idea-” 
For two minutes or so, the two of you stutter and interrupt each other, going on until you both go silent, still staring at each other. 
Hazno clears his throat. “G-go ahead. I insist.” 
You gulp, swallowing down the lump in your throat to manage a few words. “You’ve.. Been avoiding me..” 
His heart shatters hearing your words. “N-no! I mean, yes, but not because of you. It’s my fault, Y/N.” 
“But why? Did I offend you?” 
“No! Because.. Well,” he rubs the back of his neck, “because I think you’re.. Shit.. Y/N I know you have a crush on me.” 
You let out a loud squeak, making him jump slightly. “H-how?! GENJI!” 
“No no no! I just.. I can tell. Likewise, I have the same feelings for you, but I’m.. I’m scared of hurting you.” 
You blink, watching with confusion as he looks away from your gaze. He takes your silence as a question in itself, so he continues. 
“I am a monster, Y/N.. you deserve someone with a cleaner past than mine. You don’t want to be with-” He’s cut off as you walk closer and grab one of his hands gently in both of yours. 
The smile on your face almost makes his knees buckle under his weight. 
“I know your past.. Hanzo, I don’t care.” Your heart races, but you take a deep breath and continue. “I want you, not anyone else.” Your small hand gently runs up his arm, tracing the dragon tattoos on his arm. 
He lets out an audible gasp, shivering slightly under your touch. “I.. I’ve never.. Been in a serious relationship.” 
“So, if you want to try, we go at your pace. You’re worth it, Hanzo Shimada..” 
He bites the inside of his cheek, willing away the distant part of him that wants to cry. 
How long has it been… since I’ve felt so in love.. 
“I.. would like that a lot, Y/N.” He finally opens his hand, allowing you to lace your fingers together. 
You let out an excited giggle as you swing your arms gently. “Yay! Now, we can start by eating dinner together… if that’s okay..” 
“That sounds lovely, my dear. First-” He grabs the doorknob and finally yanks the door open, revealing a grinning Genji, “I have a little brother to beat.” 
The grin is gone, and Genji’s flight mode kicks in as he takes off down the hall, yelling for Cassidy or Winston to save his cyborg ass.
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writingcold · 11 months
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Welcome to Chapter One and Two of Best Laid Plans!
A/N: This is not an easy story to read.  I feel I need to say that up front.  This follows Jake and Amanda across a twenty year journey when the story is fully told.  It is an AU, set during the 1980’s, though the era plays very subtly in the story itself.  This is a sad, angsty read with little pockets of happiness and tenderness.  
The story is a simple one - Jake and Amanda fall in love over the course of a summer before her first semester of college.  But for all of their planning, their young love takes a turn and sets them both on a course that is not the path they could never have expected.  It is the first story in a long time that I have tried to write in first person - a little different!
I’ll be posting in two chapter increments, every Wednesday.  At least that is the current plan!  BLP is a finished work, so there will be no disruption in postings.
This is a complete fiction - totally made up.  I do not, nor will I ever know Jake or any member of GVF.  That said, this story is mine.  Please respect that.
A tremendously huge thank you to @takenbythemadness for being my eyes on this.  She took so many bullets as I honed this story into what it is.  I owe her drinks and lots of boxes of tissues.  💚Love you, my friend.
Content warnings: Angst.  Pregnancy.  Poverty.  
Word count: approx. 9700
Chapter 1: December, 1981: Amanda POV
     My feet could not be still.  They bounced and kicked, shimmied and banged against the counter and stool of Blaine’s Diner.  My heart felt like it was going a million times a minute in a threat to jump out of my chest as I tried like hell to keep a calm exterior.  Cindy watched me as she moved around, filling cups and ushering plates in and out of the kitchen.  Her bright smile seemed to curve all the more every time she drew close to me, coffee pot in hand in a silent ask if I needed more.  The answer, of course, was always a nod.  My fingers would instantly wrap around the warmth of the putty colored mug as the stream of molten liquid refreshed the pottery.
     “Jake must be getting home, yeah?”  Cindy asked as she worked to make fresh coffee.  “Did you have a good semester?”
     “It was fantastic,”  I answered, my body practically vibrating over the notion that his name had been uttered around me.  “Jake got in last night, actually, so…”
     A soft laugh warmed my skin as she reached over and patted my arm.  “It’ll be good to see you together again.  I’ve got a good feeling about you two.”
     Cindy had had a front row seat to the burgeoning romance that was between me and Jake.  We had spent countless hours within Blaine’s, downing coffee and spinning plans the likes only new love could create.  She flitted off to help another table, leaving me alone in my excitement.  Jake had been my high school crush.  I was new to town my freshman year and my eyes landed on him the very first day of school.  He was a senior, forced to show new students around.  Although he was nice through the whole tour, I could see how he was annoyed by the end.  I had stayed towards the back of the group of eight kids, just listening to him explain the layout, giving little hints about how the bell schedule seemed to give us an extra minute between the fourth and fifth periods, which teachers were cool and which were not, and when to avoid the school lunch.  He held the door open for us when it was time to get back to the office.  When I passed him, he smiled.  It wasn’t one of those mean ‘hurry up so I can get away from you all’ smiles either.  He was not the cutie pie high school boy.  He wasn’t tall, dark and handsome, either.  He was only a bit taller than me, with his shaggy hair all unkempt and dark eyes positively glittering as he had smiled the kind of smile that tugged at one corner of his mouth more than the other.  He and his twin brother, Josh, were not the most popular, but they seemed to be everywhere and attached to everything - together.
      I carried that smile with me all through that year.  It was stupid and girlish, but despite all the typical teen drama that happened, seeing Jake smile brought me a comfort that I did not understand at the time.  I would run into him during drama and band classes, as well as all the different productions that we put on that year.  I was a little distraught when he graduated.  He had plans of going to Loyola on a music scholarship, while his twin was headed to New York for film school.
     My youthful angst over not seeing Jacob Kiszka was fierce as the summer expired and the new school year started.  My friends were loud and obnoxious and full of being sixteen, or close to it.  I was the first to get my license and thus drove everyone everywhere - including parties, practices and games.  I had my first kiss that year by Robbie Parker.  Am I embarrassed that I pictured that it was actually Jake giving me that kiss - just a little.  Robbie was sweet, but my heart belonged elsewhere.  
     My crush only increased over the remaining years of school.  The Kiszka family was incredibly tight knit.  Jake would be there for nearly every play (maybe not opening night, but at least be there for one performance), and every big event for his siblings.  Senior year was my year to wonder.  The last of his siblings had graduated.  I was still carrying the torch, though.  I could not really explain why.  I did see him in passing during  the holidays while I was gift shopping with Jenni and Mel.  But it was at Martin’s during Spring Break that had left me breathless as I smacked right into him as I was leaving and he was walking in.  I was so embarrassed that I didn’t even look back after he tried to make sure I was okay.  All I could think was how good he smelled.  Ugh.
      I was at Marni’s graduation party when the friends decided they had had enough of the adults having all the fun and wanted to head out to the river for the rest of the night.  There were rumors of a bonfire and keg.  We piled into my ancient microbus and bounced our way down to the other side of the golf course, out into the woods where no one lived.  By the time we got out to the party, it was all swamped with football players and jocks of all kinds, along with cheerleaders, band geeks, and the Kiszkas.  My eyes pasted themselves instantly to Jake as he stood talking with Josh and Sam along with a few from my class.  I tried to be normal.  I really did.  I swear I was not gawking, but Jake looked different that night.  He looked like a man with his hair pulled back and scruff on his chin.  Marni practically threw me under my own bus when she screamed - full assed screamed - a hello in their direction.  Fortunately, everyone just chalked it up to Marni being Marni, probably drunk off her butt and it was only 10:20 in the evening.  
      We danced around the bonfire and dug our toes in the river mud and laughed when people started to fall into the icy water.  As the night wound down, I noticed that Jake was close to my group, his eyes straying to me.  Me.  I chanced a smile and a hello.
     “Amanda, right?”  he asked as he smiled that smile that I had held dear for four years.
     “Yeah.  Jake, right?”  I mimicked with a way more confident nod than I realized.  I heard Marni start to downright cackle as he took my hand. 
     “Happy graduation,”  he said with a smile, completely ignoring my obnoxious friend.
     We fell into conversation immediately.  He was all about Chicago and what he was learning.  He wanted to know my plans - where I was planning on heading off to for school or otherwise.  Our conversation was like breathing.  Our words were normal and filled with fun and laughter and something that I would come to realize was promise by the end of the summer.  We had traded numbers at the end of the night.  I watched as he wrote his number on my forearm - the way he held my wrist and blew against the ink to make sure it didn’t smudge.  He stood in the road as I drove my half passed out friends into the dawn’s light and called me two hours later to say good morning.
     The summer had been magical.  Every moment I wasn’t working at the grocery and he wasn’t working at Martin’s Music, we were together.  It was like Jake and I were magnets that needed to be together.  My parents were a little concerned about how much time I was spending with him and voiced it after they caught us making out behind the dugout on the school baseball fields.  Jake found himself in a long conversation with my dad without me present.  That was weird.  
      When summer was screaming to a close, my whole being was amped up to eleven.  I was getting ready for school and things got serious.  I was in love.  I knew it.  I voiced it.  I had never said ‘I love you’ to anyone besides my family.  I was rewarded with silence.  Just when I thought my heart couldn’t take it, he kissed me.  Jake kissed me and held me and treasured me and lulled me, and finally set me on fire with words of love the likes I was sure no one had heard pass his lips before.  
     Instead of dreading what was to come, we planned.  We planned every instance of every week, planning for calls, planning for visits during the holidays, planning for the future.  When we parted - me to Dearborne and him to Chicago - we had an idea of what our schedule would look like.  We spent the last days wrapped up with each other.  We were happy.  We talked about the future and how it looked for us.  We decided, together, that we could flourish.
      College had not been as easy as I thought it would be.  My schedule was crazy and hard and I had no one to turn to but myself.  Jake called me at the dorm every Tuesday and Saturday afternoon.  We’d write.  Before I knew it, mid-terms were kicking my ass and Thanksgiving was right around the corner.  Though I had hoped that he would make it home, the possibility of him picking up a week’s worth of gigs had become a reality and too good to pass up.  So, we promised that the holidays would be extra special.  That was what had led me to be in Blaine’s, waiting for Jake.
     “Just the Two of Us” started to pipe through the radio.  The happiness in my body doubled.  Cindy paused as I could no longer hide the smile that graced my mouth.   She took a chocolate chip cookie from the tray and set it before me with a wink.  
     “If that boy doesn’t get here soon, I’m afraid you’re going to explode,”  she teased.  “That’s on me because if it gets any sweeter, I’m going to go into a coma.”
      The chime on the door filled my ears and I felt his gravity pulling me - all of me - with force.  Jake walked through the door and I knew everything was… off.  His eyes sparked for a moment like usual, but then it was gone.  He walked slowly, his body rigid like he was dreading to talk to me.  Cindy was waiting at the counter for him.  The look in her eye matched my own.  The happy that had been in my gut turned to steel wasps as he paused with a hard swallow.
      “Can I get a coffee, please?”  he asked, his voice halting.
      “How about menus?”  Cindy asked as she reached for a fresh mug.
      “Just the coffee today, thanks,”  he said softly, his gaze shielded.  “Would it be all right if we sat in that booth over there?”
       Cindy nodded with a smile that did not meet her eyes.  I watched as he grabbed hold of my mug and walked away without a touch, a smile, anything that would convey the warmth that should have been present.  I felt my once excited feet shuffle forward.  The apprehension that poured out of my brain, I could taste it in my mouth.  He may not have waited for me at first, but he did wait until I arrived at the table before he sat down across from me.  He barely could hold my gaze as he seemed to find it difficult to get comfortable.
      “You look good,”  he said, finally after taking several sips of his coffee.  “How’s your family?”
      “They are well.  Grandma should be getting in tomorrow with Aunt Rose from their trip from Florida,”  I said, attempting to sound like I did not notice how he seemed to skirt looking directly at my face.  “How’s your folks?  Josh coming in from New York?”
      He nodded as he fidgeted with the handle of his mug.  “They’re good.  Josh drove up with me.  He’s already fighting with mom over which cookies to make.”
      I could feel it.  Jake was visibly upset, but I could feel the soured air between us.  I felt my lip tremble as I realized that he wasn’t just struggling to look at me, but was physically restraining himself.  This.  Whatever this was, I had felt it before but in a much smaller venue.  This was like when Robbie kissed me then a few days later said he didn’t like me anymore.  What stung for moments returned to my body.  Every nerve ending was paused, waiting for the shot that I suddenly knew was coming across my bow.
      “Mandy, you must understand that this summer meant everything to me,”  he started, each word fighting to get out of his mouth as if his lips were fighting against him.  
      My jaw felt like jello as my stomach rolled around like I had a bad case of flu.  His body seemed to bend away from his own thoughts.  The sight made my brain stand up in anger.  The skin around my eyes felt like it consisted of pulsing drums as I shifted in the seat.
      “I’m not understanding what’s happening, Jake,”  I said as I tried to reach across the table.  
      The words started to fall out of his mouth, but my ears fought against hearing them.  It was like every third or fourth or fifth was striking right when finally, finally my brain allowed one single word to penetrate - pregnant.  Everything became laser focused and my body shored itself up like it was about to be run over by a hurricane of maximum force.
      “When did this happen?”  I asked, my voice foreign to my brain.
      “Thanksgiving.  I knew I was drinking too much.  I knew it,”  he whispered, the anger towards himself bruising the softness of my own heart.  “I didn’t mean for it to happen.  Mandy, I fucked this up so bad.  I didn’t mean it.  I just…  I didn’t mean for it to happen.”
      My back was straight.  Completely opposite of the way it felt like from the inside.  My stupid jaw wouldn’t stop quivering as he continued to talk, but each word brought me closer to vomiting up the gallon of coffee that sloshed around my stomach.
     “I have to do what is right,”  he whispered, his eyes looking glassy with tears.  
     I watched in shock as he stood up, fetching a couple of dollars from his pocket to lay down on the table to cover the ticket and tip.  I realized then, there was no noise in the diner.  It was like the few tables that were occupied knew what was happening between us.  Jake leaned in close.  The smell of his cologne, his smell that I so had welcomed and had missed, invaded my senses.
      “Understand that I love you,”  he whispered.  “It’ll always be you, Amanda.  I know I messed this up.  My mistake.  I’ll always love you.”
      He kissed the ridge of my cheek.  I could feel his mouth trembling as he planted a ghostly kiss into my skin.  He did not withdraw quickly.  He hovered.  The click of his teeth chattering in his head was like nails in my heart.  His pain was palpable, bleeding into my own in a perfect storm of …  It was a perfect storm of…  Distance.
      He was gone.  My Jake was gone.  I felt the first tear strike my face and I wiped it away with a whimper.  Cindy approached, a wad of tissues in her hand and a reassuring touch to my shoulder.
      “Take as long as you need, sugar,”  she whispered, her fingers pressing gently into the sleeve of my sweater.
      In the matter of moments, my world was tilted to the side, kicked down the road and incinerated before my eyes.  Jake was supposed to be ‘it’ for me.  We had talked futures.  We planned everything.  We had had sex.  Oh my goodness the sex.  But we had taken care of each other - we talked about it and made sure we were careful.  I was important to him, he cared for me deeply, just as I cared for him, and he was…
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Jake POV
     I sat in my car for hours after the diner.  What I had to do was hard enough, but to see it etched and blistered across her eyes killed me.  The last thing I ever wanted to do was to harm her.  The last thing I ever wanted to do is to face any time without her.  And yet, there I was, getting drunk in the front seat of my father’s car, alone, beyond confused at how something so stupid could have happened.  
     Junior year had been difficult.  It was even worse than my sophomore year.  I felt lost.  I enjoyed classes for the most part.  The work was hard, but manageable.  I enjoyed the gig work that I was able to drum up - and the job in the record store was great.  It was harder making friends.  Chicago was huge and might as well have been another planet compared to Frankenmuth.  Dorms were not for me.  It was too easy to get into trouble.  Too much booze, too many girls, too much of everything.  Getting that apartment with Derrick, even though it was crappy and in a shit building, was huge.  But it also allowed for more distraction than I had planned on.  If there was a way to ignore the entire year, even though I passed all my classes - barely - I would gladly do so.
      I didn’t want to go to that party.  Sam insisted.  He was all hopped up on his own stellar freshman year at Stanford.  Josh was doing amazing things at NYU.  Ronnie was killing it at Ann Arbor.  Then there was me.  I was in a position of losing my tiny little scholarship, and felt like I was squandering my parent’s money, as well as my own.  So, to go to a party with freshly graduated high school students was not high on my list of shit to do.  But then she was there.  Amanda Fischer.  She was adorable with a capital ‘A’.  She had been that kind of quiet pretty girl in high school that went unnoticed until she clobbered you with a smile that you were sure you did not deserve.  And there she was, with the same band of friends that she had been with since she had moved to town my senior year.  She watched over them like a mama hen, making sure everyone was having fun, but staying safe.
      She was like the sun.  Her laugh was music and I found myself drawing closer to her as the hours ticked by.  She was friends with everyone.  I finally found myself next to her and felt stupid when I pretended to not know her name. My heart pounded heavily when she said my name.  We talked like old friends instantly even though that had not been the case.  Our spheres had crossed and touched, but never really had I talked with her.  At the time, I wondered why that was.  She was a drama and music kid.  She was always around the fringes of my own group in school.  And yet…  
     We found ourselves tucked on a huge boulder on the edge of the river, just down a bit from the party.  I got to know her.  Everything.  She was so ready to laugh and ask questions and challenge me in my own thoughts.  I was hooked even before I was writing my number across her arm.  In my brain, I was already marking her as my own, but in truth, I was signing myself over to her.  
      The summer left me stunned.  Mandy was my drug and she made me better just in her presence.  I could see forward so clearly as to what was to come.  Everything was leading me to this, and I wanted to be a man for her.  I wanted to shelter and care for her, and wanted her to care for me and shelter me.  I dreamed of family and that big house on Birch Street, and growing old with her, learning all of her secrets and desires and just everything.  
     I returned to school revitalized.  Mandy had provided me with purpose and direction.  All was going better than ever before.  I picked up studio time for a couple of albums of little known blues and rock and roll artists.  I picked up more gig time on the bar circuit, too.  I played rhythm guitar for The Wringer on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at Odd Fellas Club, while Friday and Sundays was at the Blue Room with Three Broken Strings Band.  It afforded me to put away enough to increase my partner buy-in with Henry for Martin’s Music Shop.  Baird’s Records and Music was flexing my hours to spend more time in management, while Archer Studios invited me to sit with a variety of producers to observe their work.  It was going in the manner that my dreams had begged for, and it was all for her.
      I shone at midterms.  My adviser had even been surprised when I had shown up on time to our little meeting in regards to whether or not I was going to graduate on time.  The music director was impressed about the studio time, then presented me with an opportunity that I knew I could not say no to.  I could not wait for Thanksgiving and getting home to see Mandy.  To be close to her.  To be with her.  It would be a solid grand to play as a fill-in for a blues outfit for the ten days during the break - two shows a day at a venue three times the size the bars I was used to playing.  When I called and talked with Amada about it, she was over the moon for me.  We promised each other that Christmas would be all the more special in our reunion.  My roommate, Derrick, could not return home for the holiday and invited me to a dinner party to be held in our own apartment.  He had rounded up a handful of misfits to enjoy a dinner that lined up with the end of the show for Thursday evening.  How could I refuse?  I was already walking around like I had all the breaks suddenly pulled for me and life after graduation was going to be perfect.
     I came home in a haze of cigarette smoke and beer.  Derrick was corralling the group, which was supposed to only be ten people, but ballooned to twenty seven bodies crammed into the living and dining room.  When I walked in, it was hard not to continue that haze into a full blown feed bag of food and booze.  Most of the faces around me I had known, but there were a few new ones.  While I manned the sink when it was time for dish duty, a girl from the arts department was my drying partner.  Her name was Georgia and she loved listening to my stories about back home, my plans, and the - according to her - swoon-worthy romance with my girl.  
      I managed the music while Derrick was the best host he could be the rest of the night.  The morning brought my head down through a blur that held a weight on the skin of my back.  I was face down on my pillow.  At first, it felt like a fleeting dream of Mandy and those times that I had woken to find her all wrapped up in me and my bed and our love.  But the weight that felt ghostlike in between my shoulder blades did not dissipate when I shifted.  Instead, a heat was released, instantly striking into my side like a bomb.  My eyes flew open to find a splash of bleach blonde hair was mingled with my own.  The absolute shock that flooded every nervous system helped me to launch my body from the bed, taking the thin comforter with me.  
     Georgia groggily lifted her head, instantly making a face that indicated pain from a hangover.  She pulled her naked body up, tucking her legs under her as she visibly struggled to figure out where she was.  I panicked, fumbling in my search for my pants, coming up with nothing but her lingerie and skirt until finally, my pants close to the door.  I was stuffing my legs through the fabric as she started to laugh.
      She scoffed as she pushed her hair back in what seemed like an attempt to be normal.  “Shit, this was a mistake.”
      “No shit,”  I grumbled as I struggled with the button on my fly.  “What the hell happened?  How the fuck…”
      She laughed.  Outright laughed.  My stomach threatened to empty all over her as she slid from the bed to gather her clothes.  She stumbled from my room, right in front of Derrick and shut herself into the bathroom.  The heat that flooded my face and neck was enough to roast the sun.  And then it hit.  I had betrayed Mandy.  I had slept with that woman and had taken every shred of trust that my love had bestowed upon me and set it on fire.  The sound that burbled through my throat was foreign.  And then she was gone.  No other words were spoken.  She left me there in my own guilt.
      Josh flew to Chicago for an extended layover before getting back to school out east.  I had told him that I would fetch him. I couldn’t leave my room.  I could hear Derrick in the front room talking with him as I sat in the corner, eyes burning from grief.  My brother sat with me while my roommate disappeared to give me space.  I was heartsick.  I couldn’t hide the tears.  I couldn’t stop the venom for myself from spilling out between us.
      Somehow, he put me back together enough to make my gigs for that night.  He sat at the side of the stage, insisting that once I had myself started that things would level out - that I would be able to put things right with my Amanda.  And he was right.  I knew that I needed to tell her what had happened - not that I actually remembered anything.  Josh left early the next day with assurances that I just needed to stay the course and keep my shit together.  Mandy was everything.  She knew she was everything.  It was a mistake.  It could be a mistake that could be lived through.
      In the few weeks that flowed by between Thanksgiving and the winter holiday break, I had done just as Josh suggested.  I kept my nose down, worked my ass off both in class, and at the record store and my night gigs.  I kept to myself, turning down invites to go to the bars and hang out with friends beyond school.  
      December twentieth had rolled around.  Derrick was once again manning the apartment for those who could not return home for the holidays.  I set a stack of new records on the record player for him before I finished packing for my fast break from the likes of Chicago.  He had drifted out with a wave on his way to work and a thanks for the music.  Josh was arriving on the red eye.  The plan was that I was going to pick him up and drive home - arriving in time for breakfast with the family.
      It was after ten thirty when the knock came at my door.  I found Georgia in the grimy hallway, disheveled and looking upset.  I told her that Derrick was at work and I was on my way out to get her to go on her way.  
      “I’m pregnant,”  she said quietly, her dark eyes filled with tears.  “I’ve not been with anyone but you for months.”
      Just when my heart thought it couldn’t take more, I found that it exploded out my mouth and through the top of my head.  It was like all my bones were made of rubber and betrayed me in my quest to leave.  The words that wanted to come out of my mouth did not.  I should have questioned.  I should have handled things better.  Instead, I watched as my life with Amanda Fischer flew away.  Everything was decided before she left.  After the shock turned to a crispy mess at my edges, I knew.  I was going to have to figure it all out along the way, but life was not going to be what I wanted it to be.
      Josh drove us home.  The moment I saw him in the airport, he knew.  He professed that he knew shit had hit before he landed.  His face told me that he was keenly aware that I was wrecked.  We talked all through the drive.  Well, I cried through it, while he assured me that it would be well.  The family would throw their full support behind me.  I would not fail in this.
      The bottle at my side did little to make me feel like I was doing what was right.  I was doing what my family expected.  I would take care of this woman I did not know.  I would take care of the child in her belly that she said was mine from a night that I do not remember.  The disappointment that was in my father’s face was nearly as bad as the betrayal that showed in Amanda's eyes.  My mother was sick with worry.  The fury that she felt edged them all.  I had let everyone down and now I was going to show that I could be redeemed through marrying a stranger and doing right by my child.
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Chapter 2: June, 1982: Amanda POV
     If you were to ask how I survived freshman year, I would simply tell you I had no choice but to bury myself in school.  I landed a job in the student bookstore in February, and took a weekend shift at the public library.  I deliberately shoved my brain into places it was busy so as not to have to think of anything except for the tasks before me.
     I could be found in the darkest hours, cursing myself for foolish tears that would somehow appear on my cheeks.  I was bleeding out.  My whole world was bleeding out and I had no idea what would be left if the hurt ever vacated my system.  I refused to broadcast my troubles.  How weak must I have appeared walking from class to class, feeling very much like parts of me were just gone, or rotting upon my sleeve.  My heartache did not keep my bosses from giving me positive feedback in my work.  It did, however, keep me in the shadows of parties and study groups and anything that required me to expose my wounds and false smiles.  By March, I found that every breath was not weighted.  Every muscle no longer felt frozen.  I found myself being able to talk to others without fumbling my words.
      Jake was to be at the forefront of everything I was doing.  To have my compass ripped away, tossed me into a current I was not nearly ready for.  But somehow, by some microscopic miracle, I survived.  I felt like I had a whole heart.  It was held together with rubber cement and sticky tape, but it felt whole once more.  I found myself heading out with my dorm friends to the end of the term parties and feeling a smile push its way back onto my face and words of future plans flying from my mouth like I meant them.
      When it was time to return home, I hesitated.  Jenni, my younger sister, said that she had seen Jake working at Martin’s Music all the way back in January.  To think that he was not in school hurt.  To know that he was already home, and with her on my home grounds, made me drag my feet.  I had my summer jobs lined up - once again working at the grocery, but also a few days in the library.  The hours would keep me fairly busy.  And friends from high school had already reached out, providing a safety net of sorts in the downtime.
      Home seemed smaller when I dropped my bag in the entry hall.  Mom and Dad were ecstatic to see me.  Jenni and Mel nearly tackled me.  Home may have felt smaller, but it felt good.  To have a home cooked meal and faces that I loved being so close was healing.  
     “Family picnic next Saturday,”  dad had announced as my sisters and I were working on the dishes.  “You are expected to be there.”
      We rolled our eyes playfully but knew from the authority in his tone that there would be no excuses taken to miss said picnic.  The week went well.  I was in the bakery at the grocery store, so most of the time, I was covered in sugar and flower and a sticky hairnet, but could have the radio on as loud as I wanted and danced like I didn’t care.  The library put me on the circulation desk and shelving books.  It wasn’t hard, but felt like my eyes were constantly searching for any evidence that Jake was indeed still living in town.  My heart struggled on both thoughts - that he did not finish school and was living in town - or maybe he decided not to follow through with his plans of partnering with Henry Martin at the music shop.  Both paths were not right and picked at the drying glue beads on my heart.
      Saturday started beautifully.  The city park was a jewel that straddled the river, meandering lazily with sport fields and monkey bars and slides and horseshoe pits.  The weather was crisp and perfect and drew out so many to enjoy the early summer day.  I had found a smile.  All the aunties and uncles and grandparents had ventured out to join us.  Jenni and I were running around with the littlest of cousins while Mel took her spot helping Mom organize the food.  I felt like a kite, bouncing between constricted fingers, ready to take off to be part of my own sky.  Not that my family was holding me down, but the time was coming for me to make my own way.  I could feel it in my skin as I spun little Zach around in my arms.
      I was distracted by Aunt Mary for a few moments as she waved for me and Jenni to move close together for a picture.  Next thing I knew, Zachary was booking it towards the riverbank just as fast as his little three year old legs could carry him.  I sprinted after him, the breath heavy in my chest with the thought that I may not be fast enough.  The boy’s peels of laughter shot me full of fear that he would lose his footing and fall into the fast moving water.  I swooped in just before he started to turn direction.  Instead of scolding though, I laughed with the boy as I lifted him up and over my shoulder in a show of play rather than fear.
      We giggled and laughed as I teased him, all the while I was walking us back towards safety.  He deftly shimmied his way across my back for a piggy back ride, his little hands taking hold on my shoulders and chin and neck.  I felt a ray of happy strike my chest.  
      I stopped in my horseplay with Zach to find Jake standing with a heavily pregnant woman.  He looked exhausted with dark smudges beneath his eyes.  His hair had been chopped short - shorter than he had ever had it before.  I of course noticed the matching gold plated bands right away on their hands with an eye that I hoped was not shocked.  There was no smile on his mouth and it hurt to see the corners turning downward.
     “Hello, Jake,”  I managed to say in a normal voice despite my insides sloshing around like I was on rough seas.  “How are you?”
     “Good.  Good,”  he said even though the corners of his eyes pinched in the way that made me know without a doubt that things were not good.  “Uh, this is Georgia.”
      The woman at his side was pretty in that make-up sort of way, though she looked sour in the late term of her pregnancy.  I smiled the best I could.  My eyes met his gaze for a moment, but it was enough.  It was like my heart flew apart at the realization that there was no joy in him - not any more.  I couldn’t force any words past my lips.  Fortunately, Zach must’ve picked up my unease and started to fuss against me, yanking my hair to move.
      “I better get going,”  I said, hoping that he did not hear the quiver in my voice.  “It was good to see you Jake, Georgia.”
      I took a few steps before getting Zach down so that he could run ahead of me back to the family corner.  I tried my hardest to keep my shoulders strong and my back straight, but I felt like jello by the time I got to Jenni.  Her eyes were trained over my shoulder as I’m sure she was watching the couple continue to walk down the path.
     “I have to go,”  I whispered to keep my voice from cracking.
     Jenni nodded as she drew in a sharp breath.  “I’ll keep you covered with the folks.”
     I slithered away, out of the park to my waiting bus.  The microbus didn’t want to start at first - almost as if hoping that what it saw was not Jake with another woman.  The flash of memory crossed my mind of my first time with Jake in the back of the vehicle I sat in.  The way he had held me, took care of me.  He may not have been my first, but he damn sure made it feel like he was going to be my last.  I gulped as I backed the bus up and made my escape.  The feel of his hands echoed across my body as I fought to keep in a jagged sob.  The words that he whispered as he worshiped my skin punched and kicked in my belly as my vision blurred.  
      I missed second gear as I shifted, the engine giving a jolt over my mistake.  It was enough to rattle me back to what I was doing.  The tears were hot on my flesh as I rushed to wipe at them.  Home felt like a dollhouse as I parked the bus and tumbled through the door.  I discovered that my shared room with Jenni was little more than a little girl’s fantasy.  Her unbroken, full of wonder heart’s pixie dust and magical dreams etched into every inch of walls, carpet and ceiling.  It resided in every book, every poster, every piece of art.  My feet carried me right to the bookcase.  Jenni had covered it with one of her cowgirl hats, but the journal was there - untouched, unmoved from when I had laid it to rest at Christmas.  The dark navy cover with little imprinted silver stars called out for my fingers to reach up and retrieve it.  
     The corner of my mouth flinched as the cover popped and the spine cracked as if in warning of what I was about to see.  Its pages were filled with little girl desires, goals, plans.  Words wrapped in shakily drawn hearts and clouds as she wrote out her deepest events with Jake.  There were pictures and mementos and sketches and memories of a forever that would never happen.
      A picture drifted to the floor.  The sound of his laugh filled my ears as I bent to pick it up.  He wore those short red swim trunks that day with a baseball hat, his hair sticking out from beneath it in all different directions.  We spent the whole day on the river, tubing, just the two of us.  It was the first time he had said he wanted me…  He wanted me that way.  He had been lost in thought, playing with my fingers and he just said it.  No smile.  No laugh.  No nothing but the words and the weight that followed felt like he had captured me like a butterfly, so careful not to bend my wings.  He was beautiful in that moment.  He was a man giving me a glimpse of a life that I so desperately wanted with him and him only.
      I was surprised that I was no longer crying as I traced the line of his arm in the picture.  I puffed out a breath like I was blowing out stale air from the attic.  I tucked the picture back into the diary and returned it to its resting place.  It was a little girl’s refuge and would stay that way.  These were memories of a better time and I just needed to accept what was instead of what could be.  The exhaustion of the moment pressed down on me and I was ready to release it.  I could say goodbye to Jake.  I would say goodbye to Jake.
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Jake POV
     The day had started just as every other day had since everything had so drastically changed.  Instead of waking up in my tiny assed room in the shared tiny assed apartment with Derrick, I woke up in my tiny assed room in the shared tiny assed apartment with Georgia.  I was able to procure the living space above the accounting office downtown.  Of course, Mr. Moser, the accountant, was a total prick about everything.  Walk across the floor any time during office hours could result in a call that we were being too loud.  School was done - for both of us.  A fact that I was reminded of often.  I was working my ass off, sometimes finding that I was ‘home’ for six hours or less at any given stretch.  Mr. Henry was happy to let me come on full time right away at the music shop.  I also picked up weekend shifts at the papermill.  It still wasn’t enough to cover the medical bills, so I also was a substitute night janitor at the school.  I was lucky to sit a few minutes before each stretch of job.
      The pregnancy had not been an easy one.  Most days, Georgia could only go between the bed to the gross couch I was able to lift off my parents from the garage, to the bathroom.  Most days, her mood was foul, so me being at work all the time was not totally a bad thing.  Maybe a selfish thing, but not bad.  
      I married her the second week of January.  Mom was beyond pissed and Dad was disappointed.  Georgia had no ties to her family.  She did not have any friends that attended the services, either.  Josh was worried.  Ronnie and Sam were baffled.  And I was in mourning.  But I was doing what was right.  I was going to provide a home and family for this child that was to be mine.  I could be that man - that man that took responsibility for his shit.  There was no love in this relationship.  Some days, I wondered if there was any respect to it.  Minute by minute could be a struggle.  The arguments were steady with her lamenting that she was no better than her mother - she’d wind up stupid with a horde of kids she hated and a man…
     She often stopped short at that part.  I would be gone before she could finish the sentiment anyway.  I was not one of those men and she damn well knew it.  The doctor suggested that she needed to move to ease the stress on her body.  I had taken to walking with her when I had time between jobs.  Saturday mornings before I had to get over to Martin’s for a few lessons, followed by my twelve hour shift at the mill was one of the few times that I could walk her through the park.   
     With the end of the school year, I knew that I would have to address the fact that Mandy would be returning home.  I would have to acknowledge the wound that was refusing to heal within my chest. I was in no shape to see her dancing with her cousin in the sunshine that morning.  I flew apart at my seams the moment my eyes landed on her.  
        Mandy was the kind of beautiful that I could read like a song title, with notes that were delicate and fierce and…  And there she was before me.  Her raven hair tied back in a thick, glossy braid, with little stray wisps that kissed around her neck and face.  To hear the twinkle of her laugh filled my skin with an energy that I had been desperate for.  The instant pain that flickered through her features clawed open the flimsy stitches on my soul.
     Georgia felt it - the hard gravitational pull that Amanda had upon me.  I was sure of it.  Her body was instantly rigid and her breath was tight.  It was not lost on me that she said not a word to Mandy after I introduced her.  By the time we got home, she was spewing venom the likes I had never seen.  Instead of feeling shame, it was rage that blurred in my vision.
      “You cannot seriously think that I can just not feel anything,”  I said, my voice foreign to my ears as I hissed each syllable.  “You know what she was supposed to be - what she should be - for me.”
      Georgia’s eyes bulged with a sickening glare.  “Then I guess you shouldn’t have fucked me!”  
      The words were screamed across the entire downtown.  I was sure of it.  It was her favorite bite when she felt like she was cornered.  My fault.  I did this to her.  Maybe I did, but I wasn’t the only one in that bed.  The only reprieve with this argument was that at least it was Saturday and Mr. Moser wouldn’t be calling the cops on us this time.  Instead of watching her spiral out of control while my brain bit back words that were cruel, I merely grabbed my keys and walked out.
      I dug in my pocket for change that wasn’t there.  It would be a long day without food in my belly.  I pushed into Martin’s back door, shoving my smelly coveralls for the mill into the locker that Henry had gotten me, along with my keys and slammed the door with a huff.  I could feel my world crumbling further as the man that I called mentor looked me over.  He pointed at the office door while he finished up with a customer at the counter.  My heart sank.  Henry was one of those people that most wished for to be part of your life.  Martin’s music had been a refuge while I was growing up.  Dad and I would spend hours within its walls, playing, messing around, searching for whatever caught our eye.  Henry and Dad were good friends, but as I grew, I found that the man filled all those voids that I felt when I was around anyone else.  By the time I was fourteen, I realized I wanted to be him when I grew up.  
      Stepping into the small office that was crammed with filing cabinets and boxes, I poured myself a cup of tar that Henry called coffee.  I didn’t mind though.  It would at least be something in my stomach.  I looked over the schedule, noting that my one o’clock had been canceled - again.  I grumbled.  I got paid regardless, but honestly, how I could be considered intimidating was beyond me.
      “Bad day,”  Henry said as he closed the door behind him.
      I blew out a breath when I really just wanted to bury my face and cry.  Henry patted my shoulder as he moved around me.  He balanced his long frame against the edge of the old desk, arms folded across his chest.  The look in his face made all my upset that much worse.
      “I’m sorry I came in like this, Henry,”  I said, wiping my fingers across my forehead.
      “I think it’s time to talk about the partnership agreement,”  he remarked, his lips pursed.
     Oh hell no…  
     I felt everything rush to my feet.  The deal was that I would graduate, buy into the partnership and in five years, take over the business.  
     “I know things haven’t been going well,”  he continued, giving me a knowing look that I’m sure was supposed to be comforting but instead felt like it was my cue to panic.  “I’ve talked things over with Ada and we agree that the partnership that we thought we could have needs to be revised.”
      “I’m sorry,”  I mumbled out as I tried to find where my heartbeat had gone.  “Henry, I - I just don’t have the money to buy-in right now.  All my gig cash got eaten up first and now it’s just…  I just don’t have it… I didn’t mean-”
      One of his bear paw sized hands came down on my shoulder, his face a mix of upset and concern.  “Whoa, Jake.  Slow down.”
      “No, this is not how it’s supposed to be, Henry,”  I choked out across my tightening throat.  “I get it.  I’m trying to get there.  I’ll do anything to keep up with my end of the plan.  It’s everything -”
      I couldn’t breathe.  The man gripped my shoulder as grief and panic conquered my entire body.  The rattle and bang of the office door sent me to hiding my face.
      “What did you do, Henry?”  Ada’s strong tone was instantly defensive as her hand fell to my empty shoulder.
      “I just said that we needed to talk about our partnership,”  the man said softly, his hand rubbing into the thin sleeve of my t-shirt.  “Jake.  Come on, son.  It’s okay.”
      “Jacob,”  she soothed, hugging my head into her torso.  “Come on, baby.  It’ll be okay.  It’s not bad.  Just my stupid husband’s inability to read the room.”
      Once the emotions were let loose, I couldn’t drag them back.  Everything was flooding out of me - from the fight with Georgia, to seeing Mandy, from all the mistakes and all the loss, it all just washed out of me and I was helpless to stop it.  And these two lovely people who I considered second parents let it happen.  Let me cry like a damn child over a broken toy.  But they held me.  They must’ve realized that they had become my glue that was holding me together.  
      Ada was quick with a glass of water and tissues while Henry frowned as if he was trying to piece together what was going on.  These two were never able to have their own kids.  I was among the multitudes that they had unofficially adopted as their own - but Ada always said that I was the one she would fight to bring me home.  Mom would just cackle and offer me up.  Something that Mom missed was the drift of sadness that invaded Mrs. Ada’s eyes whenever that phrase was uttered.  
      “I didn’t mean to lose it like that,”  I said as I wiped at my face.  “I’m sorry you two.  It’s just everything I wanted to do is just gone.”
      “That’s why I wanted to talk about the partnership,”  Henry remarked, taking his seat behind the desk.  “It’s time to maybe restructure it - you’ve got a baby coming.  We need to make sure everything works here, okay?  I think I have a few ideas-”
      “You mean we, Henry - we have a few ideas,”  Ada said sharply with a pat to my arm.  
      He might’ve rolled his eyes dramatically, but the smile was there.  I felt my body return to normal.  A wisp of strength returned to my burning lungs as Henry and Ada outlined their ideas to keep things moving forward - taking a little bit of extra time before I took full ownership, but if I wanted it, Martin’s could still be mine.  The plan was enough to carry me through the rest of the day.  Ada showed up with a plate before I had to leave for the mill.  She grumbled that I was working myself to death.  I left with a smile - something that had been elusive as of late.  
      I dragged myself home.  I didn’t want to talk.  I didn’t want to fight.  I was near crawling as I took to the stairs outside of the apartment.  As I jingled the key in the lock, for a moment, I hesitated.  I wondered if Georgia would still be inside.  There were no ties to her other than the baby.  She had nobody other than myself to keep her here.  If I admitted to myself, I looked forward to meeting my child, loving them, sheltering them.  Perhaps it would be the catalyst to love for the wife I barely knew.  I knew there would be no love like what I still harbored for Mandy, but at the very least, have some semblance of a marriage.
      The apartment was silent when I entered.  I dropped my keys in the dish at the door and kicked out of my boots.  Once I stripped out of the coveralls, I lit a smoke before I headed towards the shower.  My eyes passed over the empty counter of the kitchen and the bare walls of the space.  The bedroom door was still closed and I decided not to look inside for her.  I did not need to be screamed at so early in the morning.  Instead, I let the shower penetrate my skin, washing away the harshness that Georgia had laid into me hours before.  A stray thought of how good Mandy had looked until I had to open my mouth to force her to look at me flashed across my consciousness.  The conflict struck my heart and stayed there.  
      I stood in the kitchen with a piece of bread with peanut butter smeared across it when Georgia slowly made her presence known.  I had made a pot of coffee but could only stare at it.  I was too damn tired to wash out the only mug in the apartment.  I was waiting for her words to slam into my head and tear me down to the floor.  Her silence made my skin prickle with anger.  All I could do was hope that perhaps she did not see the reaction.
      “I’m sorry, Jake,”  she said quietly.  “I’m sorry about earlier.  I was out of line.”
      I could feel my eyebrows pinch together in confusion.  Looking at her, how she held her hands under her swollen belly like she was already holding our baby, she looked lovely in her own way.  The tiredness of her eyes made me drop my guard.
      “You have to understand that I did not expect to see her yesterday,”  I said softly.
      “She’s everything you said she would be,”  Georgia sighed as she leaned against the counter next to me.  “Maybe more.  I think that’s why I reacted to the situation like that.  Made me realize a few things.”
      I couldn’t say anything.  Her dark eyes shimmered in the low light of the morning.  I shoved the rest of my peanut butter bread into my face to settle my quivering stomach.
     “I know you’re killing yourself to keep us afloat, Jake,”  she whispered.  “It won’t always be like this.”
      I looked at her as I filled a glass with water.  “I know.  You doing better this morning?”
      “Just ready for this baby to be here, I think,”  she muttered as her hands swirled around the top of her belly.  “Been super active all night.  Going to be bouncy, I think.  Kind of like you.”
      I couldn’t help but smile.  She beckoned me for my hand and I obliged as she took my wrist and guided my fingers to where the baby was kicking and moving.  My child.  No matter what - that was love.  Love waiting to be brought into the world.  It was what I clung to when the woman before me slung me full of arrows and venom.
      I pressed my fingers against what felt like the crest of a tiny knee and was rewarded with a hard thump.  I couldn’t help the smile that split my lips, nor the soft chuckle that rode out on my breath.  
      “I’ve got to get to bed,”  I replied as I continued to wonder at the life within her tummy.  “I’ve got to be back to the mill by noon.”
      Georgia nodded.  I noticed the corners of her mouth tightened.
      “Why don’t you come lay down with me,”  I said softly, my eyes lifting to hers.
      She nodded as I slipped my hand into hers to guide her along.  I slid into the small, double sized bed and waited for her to get comfortable on her side before I formed myself against her, my hand searching for the connection to our baby once more.  It was not love.  It was not love that I felt for her in moments like this, but at least it was comfort.  She could be kind.  I could return that kindness.  I fell into a sleep under the rhythmic kick of my baby and the soft breathing of my wife.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
I hope you enjoy the story so far.  I’ll be back next Wednesday with another two chapters.  I will continue to warn that there is heavier angst ahead, and just be aware of your limits.  Next week will be tough.  
I have a tag list if you would like to join, or you can just reply to this or message me.
@lvnterninthenight @doodle417 @luverleaver @jakesgrapejuice @fictional-duchess @milkgemini @positivegvfthings @songbirds-sweet @streamingcolors-gvf @gretavanbitches @gardensgatedaisy @babyhoneygvfarchive @myownparadise96 @josh-iamyour-mama @starcatchercarol @loveisonaroll @jakesstarlight @reesetrippingthelight @builtby-gvf @ignite-my-fire @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @wetkleenex-gvf @gold-mines-melting @starsasone @mysticalstarcatcher @montenegroisr @takenbythemadness @way-to-go-lad @cal-a-bungaa @lightmylove-gvf @thewritingbeforesunrise @leftjudgeempathsuitcase @brokenbells11 @imborrowedshesblue @vanfleeter @sammysvanfeet @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @jaketlove @redsierra1960 @gvfmarge @becinabubblegvf @wildbluesorbit @sinarainbows @livkiszka @thetroublegetssoloud71
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2023 Writing Cross Stitch Round Up
Thank you for tagging me @ladytessa74 and @alrightbuckaroo
I'm pretty proud of my cross stitch journey this year! 20 finished pieces since April!
911 Lone Star- my first Lone Star cross stitch project, created with an image of the Lone Star logo and a free pattern generator I found online. It had been a couple years since I had done any cross stitching. Working on this one was a bit of a painful week because it involved the reestablishment of my stitching calluses on my fingers.
I'm a fireman, our codes are like...fire!- The first in a series where I took a quote from the show and went on Etsy to find a pattern for some kind of image that I thought worked well with the quote. At this point, I didn't have the confidence (or the software) to come up with my own more complex patterns.
Sure, ma'am, but just so you know, I am a homosexual-Still one of my favorites. However, it was early in my cross stitching journey, so when I look at it, a few major mistakes jump out at me. This is such an excellent quote that I think I want to do an improved version at some point.
Is the lizard back?-I did this one in honor of Lou II after I found a perfect bearded dragon pattern available on Etsy.
Firefighters, you really are a smug bunch-I really like this one. I found a firetruck pattern on Etsy and modified it a bit, including changing the number on it to 126.
I was peckish and I wanted pudding- This is a simple one, but I created the pattern myself. From the second I heard this line, I knew it had to be a cross stitch.
It absolutely wrecks people- Cow eyes. I like this one except for the fact that I took a horrible picture of it. I think I finished it at night and was so excited to post that I couldn't wait for daylight to get a brighter picture. It's always a struggle to get a picture that's bright enough but also doesn't have the shadow of my phone across it. Luckily, since then I've discovered the perfect place in my house to take cross stitch pictures, even at night!
Did you know that honeybees pollinate a third of our food supply?- I was originally going to have four little honeybees on this one, but the finale had just aired and I was dying to get going on my planned Tarlos vows project, so it ended up just getting one bee.
Working on stitching the vows.
Tarlos wedding vows- It took 7 weeks and a comically large hoop, but I got it done. I mapped out this pattern before I had pattern making software meaning I did it by hand with pencil and paper. Plotting out the words, making sure everything was centered, making sure it would all fit, etc was quite an ordeal!
Tarlos proposal- This was the first pattern I created with my new pattern making software and it's still one of my favorites. It's love ❤️
126 Firehouse- I was incredibly proud of myself for this one. It was the most elaborate pattern I had created on my own up until that point.
Typical TK- I really like this one but I didn't include the full quote for simplicity's sake (leaving out the "of course") and I kind of regret that now.
We make a pretty good team-This one did not turn out the way I saw it in my head, so there were moments that I kind of hated it. Ultimately, I'm ok with it.
Working on my elaborate tarloft dining area project.
You Have All of Me, Carlos-This is without a doubt my favorite thing I've ever made. It took about 6 weeks and is the most elaborate pattern I've created to date.
This is real- A quote from @ladytessa74's incredible fic for her birthday.
Tyler Kennedy Strand-My best attempt at capturing the essence of TK.
Lone Star Christmas Tree Ornaments-4 stitched ornaments for my Lone Star-themed Christmas tree.
Well, he's a wise ass- A piece in honor of my favorite wise ass.
Season 1 Tarlos- The first in my cute little Tarlos series. I love tiny TK and Carlos very much.
Season 2 Tarlos-Cute little Tarlos part 2.
I will have at least one more (and maybe two) still this month. Season 3 Tarlos will definitely be finished before the month is over, and depending on how much stitching time I have, I may even get Season 4 done.
No pressure tagging @bonheur-cafe @heartstringsduet @birdclowns @paperstorm @carlos-in-glasses @lemonlyman-dotcom @strandnreyes @fitzherbertssmolder @reasonandfaithinharmony (gif round up?)
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theflyingfeeling · 10 months
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💖 it's here, it's pink, it's sparkly, and full of fluff 💖
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Hiiiiii and welcome to witness my attempt at an Olli/Allu Advent Calendar, in which I'll give you ~a cute little something~ about these two idiots in love almost every day until December 24! My plan is to use prompts from this list to either write a fic based on the prompt or just some good ol' delulu thoughts if all else fails. I cannot guarantee there'll be a post literally every day, but I'm really excited to try this out and I thank you for your support along the way in advance 💝
The biggest thanks and a million hugs go to one of my favourite human beings @kraeuterhexchen for making the adorable banner!! I mean helloooooo?? 😭 Go show them some love ❣️
For December 1, the prompt list is titled One True Pairing Moments, and the prompt I chose was 'calling just to hear their voice' 🥺 You can read the fic below, I hope you like it <3
PS. Even though this is an advent calendar of sorts, I'm not planning on making this particularly Christmassy. I hope no one minds terribly!
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Falling for Aleksi had, in a way, sneaked up on Olli, at least if he fooled himself a little. He could pretend he didn’t feel any different about the man than he did about, say, Joonas or Tommi, but that strategy only worked for so long – that is to say, approximately until Aleksi as much as smiled softly at him from across a room or bumped his shoulder into his jovially when walking down the street and Olli would feel his breath getting caught in his throat or stumble in his words, his tongue tangled like shoelaces, which was so unlike him as well and frustrated him to no end. It really took a special kind of fool to not only develop some level of feelings for a friend, a colleague, a bandmate for Christ’s sake, but also become so hopelessly enamored with him that you rolled awake in bed in the dead of night, grabbing your phone and tossing it back on the nightstand again and again because you couldn’t decide whether or not you should, on some erratic 2 o’clock impulse, call him to let him know he was the very reason for your insomnia. 
Turning on his back, Olli groaned (only a little desperately) as he remembered losing himself in the lingering hug they had shared just before the arrivals lobby at the airport, inhaling Aleksi’s scent and wishing they wouldn’t have to go home just yet, even if Olli was more than ready to finally sleep in his own bed again. Ironically, ever since they had returned home from tour, Olli had spent night after sleepless night missing Aleksi terribly: his stupid jokes and playful banter that bordered on being flirtatious if Olli allowed himself the benefit of delusion; his quick, subtle smiles that probably meant nothing; his little touches Olli hoped meant something; his smell and his touch and the softness of his hair at the back of his neck, compared to which the blanket Olli was grasping in his fist was like sandpaper. (How he had come to know of the qualities of Aleksi’s hair in such detail, he preferred not to dwell on too much to save himself from the heartache, so let’s just leave it at ‘stressful, emotional week far away from home’ and ‘a little too much to drink’).
Above all, Olli missed Aleksi’s voice. He hadn’t even thought that was possible, until the other morning when Olli had woken up to a voice message Aleksi had left just hours earlier, rambling about a song idea he had gotten in the middle of the night – something he did from time to time – and Olli had spent the next several minutes replaying it over and over again as he had lied in bed procrastinating getting up and and instead closing his eyes to better imagine Aleksi lying there beside him, turned on his side to face Olli, talking to him sleepily like they often did when they shared a room on tour and were just too lazy to join others at breakfast. Much like the hug at the airport, Olli wished those moments would have lasted way longer than they did, often ending abruptly when either of their phones would go off with Santeri’s name on the screen, a passive-aggressive interruption to the soft, low tone of Aleksi’s early-morning thoughts. (Sometimes, when Olli was lucky enough, he had been blessed with the bliss of feeling the light touch of a fingertip tracing along his collarbone, cut short just as frustratingly by their well-meaning tour manager politely enquiring whether the two of them had plans of dragging themselves downstairs for some toast and coffee, or if they’d rather starve until lunchtime, for which he wasn’t at all sure they’d even have time that day.)
The lovesick idiot that he was, his thumb hovered over the ‘play’ button of Aleksi’s voice message, probably for the millionth time that week. The chest-carving hesitation turned into a heart flip when he noticed Aleksi was online.
Then Aleksi began to type, and Olli held his breath the entire time until a new message appeared in the thread, anticipation holding him by his throat.
You awake?
Olli exhaled and typed his affirmative reply, leaving out the reason why.
He blinked at the screen, waiting for Aleksi to ask him a random question that clearly couldn’t wait until morning, or perhaps talk about something related to another late-night Twitch stream (from what Olli had gathered, Aleksi had been doing a lot of those recently, and with his last remaining braincell Olli had managed to resist the temptation to watch every single one of them, because he knew that if he did, it would only dig his grave of pining and longing deeper, seeing Aleksi smile and giggle about but not being able to do that with him or snuggle up next to him when he was wearing that flannel Olli often used as a blanket in the tour bus). But instead of another text appearing on the screen, Olli’s phone began to vibrate in his hand, and it took him an embarrassingly long while to understand it was because Aleksi was calling him. 
“Hi,” he sighed when he finally collected himself enough to speak. He prayed he’d be able to hear what Aleksi was going to say from the thumping heartbeat echoing in his ears.
“Hi,” a soft voice said. “Sorry, I know it’s late…”
“No, not at all,” Olli hurried to say, “I mean, I wasn’t sleeping. Not even close, actually.” Part of him hoped Aleksi wouldn’t ask about it, but in some foolhardy way the possibility intrigued him. 
Nothing much, he would have likely said anyway, but what would happen if he told Aleksi how it really was? That he squeezed his pillow imagining it was him instead, or wailed into it because something had reminded him of a moment-that-was-probably-not-a-Moment™ they had shared? What would Aleksi say if he knew Olli sometimes touched himself the way Aleksi had touched him That One Night they never talked about? The only obstacle between Olli and that knowledge was a bottomless ocean of cold sweat and cowardice, and Olli had never been a great swimmer.
“So, ummm…,” Olli said when Aleksi’s end stayed silent. “What’s up?”
A short breath of laughter sounded through the phone line.
“Honestly? I don’t know, I… It’s just been a… weird week, I guess.”
“Yeah, like… my head’s just been so full of… everything and… I’ve been so busy and kinda tense and… fuck, this is going to sound crazy,” Aleksi laughed that brief laugh again, although to Olli it didn’t sound particularly cheerful. Tired, more like. Strained, somehow. Not sad, but definitely a little troubled, and Olli intended to find out why.
“I’m all for crazy, you know.” Olli hoped his sorry attempt to lighten Aleksi’s mood would work, and so he smiled in relief when he heard Aleksi chuckle at his comment.
“I know,” Aleksi said softly, in that tone of voice that had Olli melt against his bedsheets. “So yeah, it’s been a rough week, but… in between all that stupid shit, I’ve been thinking a lot about… umm… well, the tour and– and… about you, for some reason,” (the troubled laugh made its return) “and… yeah. That’s sort of helped me a lot recently.”
Olli listened to the words carefully, not fully believing what he was hearing, yet clinging on to them until they were all but swirling around in his otherwise empty head like dry leaves in October wind.
“And tonight I just couldn’t fucking sleep for some reason and nothing I did seemed to help and so I thought I’d call you. And I’m–” If it hadn’t been dead silent otherwise, Olli wouldn’t have heard the shaky breath Aleksi paused to take, “I’m sorry I’m calling you at this hour and bothering you with this all but I guess I just… wanted to hear your voice. To see if that would help.”
“Does it?” Olli asked. Aleksi’s confession had made him clasp his blanket close to his chest, as if that would do anything about his rapidly beating heart.
“Yeah. It does. So maybe just… keep talking?”
Despite his mind living a life of its own, completely unfit to form a single coherent thought, for Aleksi’s sake Olli tried his best to think of something to say, but everything he came up with was something he was not ready to tell him quite yet. 
“Uuummmm…” he said to buy himself some time, but while he waited for his useless brain and mouth to form any actual words, Aleksi spoke again.
“Fuck, I’m– I’m sorry, this is too weird, I shouldn’t have– I’ll let you go back to–”
“I miss you,” Olli blurted before Aleksi would hang up on him. He squeezed his eyes shut when Aleksi went silent, too silent for too long for it to mean any good.
The line stayed open, however, which Olli took as a positive sign, even if the seconds during which all Olli could hear was Aleksi's quiet breathing seemed endless.
“And I you,” Aleksi finally replied. “A little too much, probably, or at least that’s what it feels like,” he chuckled. Olli almost missed the quiet sniff that followed.
He had to steel himself for his next question.
“What do you mean?”
“Just… forget it.” Aleksi said quietly. Contrary to Aleksi’s request, Olli knew he was going to all but ‘forget it’ for the next 3-5 business days; mentally he booked all his evenings as well as most of his mornings and noons for pondering what exactly had been in Aleksi’s mind in that moment or why he had sounded so sombre, almost disappointed. He’d probably never come to any satisfactory conclusion about it though, at least not without a little help from Aleksi himself. 
A ridiculous idea popped into his head, and before he could stop himself, the words flooded out of his mouth.
“Do you wanna come over some time? To hang out? When your schedule’s a little less tight, I mean.” He sucked on his lips and closed his eyes as he waited for Aleksi’s answer, ready to hang up the moment he’d decline the offer on some obvious and logical reason for why Aleksi couldn’t possibly make nor want to take a trip to the north to see him, such as ‘didn’t we just spend over two months on the road together?’ or ‘damn, buddy, I miss you alright but not quite that much, I’ve done enough sitting in public transportation for one year, thank you very much lol’ or ‘what about Rilla?’
“You could take Rilla with you, you know.” Olli hurried to say, just in case, the deranged part of his brain thinking there might be a chance Aleksi might be at least considering it.
“Oh! Well, umm… I actually might have time next week? If– if you’re actually being serious about this.”
Funny you should ask, Aleksi; I’ve actually never been more serious about anything in my entire life than I am about having you here with me so that I can hold you and be held by you and see your face when I wake up in the morning and say goodnight to your annoyingly cute face instead of via text message and maybe, if the stars are in position and the northern wind won’t discourage me too much, I might actually be brave enough to torment you with the knowledge of just how miserable I’ve been since we last saw each other.
“I think it would be cool,” he said, because he had a feeling what he wanted to say would’ve been a tad too much and sudden. “I mean, if you’re up for it, of course. I understand if you can’t make it though, I know you have all those side projects.”
“No, I think it might actually do me some good to get out of the capital area for change.” Then there was a muffled ‘ouch’, followed by a laugh that sounded much brighter than any of the other ones Olli had heard from Aleksi that night. “Sorry, correction, it might do us some good. Rilla just told me she’s most definitely coming too. Rilla, stop nibbling on my toes!”
Olli smiled tiredly at the mental image that was painted in his mind of Aleksi and Rilla cuddling in bed, both minding their own business from what it seemed while still minding each other as well, very much indeed.
“I’ll be sure to set up a bed for her in the guest room.”
“The guest room? Do you not know her at all? If she’s not getting the master bedroom, she’ll ruin all your rugs and most of your shoes. Probably also gossip about you to all the neighbourhood dogs. And she’s brutal.”
Olli held his stomach as he laughed, tears almost forming in the corners of his eyes. In his defence, it was late and he was finally becoming tired, thus too far gone to help himself, let alone feel embarrassed about being in stitches about something Aleksi had said that was only mildly amusing. (It wasn’t the first time that had happened either, and likely not the last time.)
“So yeah, ummm, I can take a look at some flight options for next week and let you know, alright? I’m gonna let you sleep now and… I should get some myself too.”
Olli wanted to tell Aleksi he’d love to stay up chatting until dawn, but the yawn he let out when he opened his mouth to speak implied Aleksi had a point.
“Yeah, let me know. And… thanks for calling, I… you have no idea how much I needed this tonight.”
That was as close to a confession as Olli was able to get as of now.
“Probably not half as much as I did.”
Olli chuckled at Aleksi’s response, mostly to hide his own agony.
If only you knew. If only I knew how to tell you.
It didn’t take long for Olli to doze off after they hung up, and when he woke up to the kids from next door having a snowball fight under his window in the morning, he noticed new messages from Aleksi, sent half an hour after their phone call had ended, complete with screen captions of airplane schedules.
Would these days work for you? I might be free all week actually 😇
Olli cuddled into his pillow while typing his reply, hoping it wouldn’t wake up Aleksi.
yeah I’m free as well. I’ll pick you two up from the airport 🖤
From then on, Olli started counting the days until he’d see Aleksi again.
#blind channel fanfiction#blind channel rpf#ollixallu#24 days of gift-giving by theflyingfeeling#<- that's the tag i'll be using for these btw#everyone stop and look at the banner!! 🥺💖#it's not QUITE like the original one ju made first but maybe one day you'll get to see that masterpiece as well 😏#but ooff the way i've gone from having 'a plan' to having 'a better plan' to having 'no plan whatsoever' with this? 😂#so yeah idk what kinda fics/posts there'll be in this series... stay tuned and see for yourself! 🤭#some of them might be in the same universe/plot. others may not. who knows? not i 😌#(...but as you can see from this fic the door for a multiple-part story is definitely open 👀)#some of the fics may not even be based on a prompt though if i'm not feeling like it. honestly i'm curious to see how this will turn out!#(and if this ends up being the only post i ever make that's alright too! i refuse to bully myself with a hobby i'm doing for free <3)#however: i'm not taking requests per say BUT feel free to snoop on the prompts for each day and send me your ideas or hopeful wishes 👀#there are certain ones i'm more drawn to but i haven't really set anything in stone#one could say i'm just going with the flow. fuck around and find out if you will ✨#also: not sure if/when i'll be bothered to post any of these on ao3#probably i'll just see how many fics i manage to actually finish and dump them all at once on ao3 on christmas day lol#anyway! enjoy & let me hear from you <3
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miss-celestia13 · 10 months
This isn’t directed at anyone in particular. Nor is it about me. Just be kind to authors. If you are reading their stories, and want to leave them a comment, please be kind to them in it. It’ll ensure they feel comfortable to continue writing more stories. If you dislike the story, click out, and find something that you will enjoy instead. There is plenty to choose from. We aren’t steel skinned, emotionless word processors. We’re human.
What we aren’t going to do to writers, who give their free time, energy, and heart to create stories for people to read for free, is DM them multiple times to berate them because of a story they wrote. No. Especially when said readers never interacted with any of the stories until after they were taken down. It is hard and scary enough sharing the things we write without having to worry about this too. It’s never fun when a story we loved is deleted, but that doesn’t give anyone the right to bully others. This is a futile endeavour, but I’ve never been known for holding my tongue, and can’t watch as people are hurt by this.
So please, if you find yourself enjoying a work of fanfiction, or an original story, let the author know you like it. If you just want to read and not interact, that’s fine! We deeply appreciate, and thank you, too. Just don’t be a dick to people.
Leave them Kudos, Votes, Notes, Reblog, or a comment. One or all of them. Anything! It’s the only way they know people are reading, that they enjoy it. You’re free to do as you wish, interact or not, it’s your choice, and we always respect it, we’re just happy you’re reading it at all! But this, sending hate because a story was taken down or it didn’t go the way they wanted, it is beyond a joke. We don’t respect this. So many writers have quit writing for fandoms or stopped writing altogether due to toxicity, entitlement, and lack of support. It runs writers away. And then people complain there’s no new content. But there would be plenty content if this select few could stop themselves from being absolute twuntwaffles to people online. It’s the internet. It’s typically not a nice place. But we don’t have to make it worse than it already is.
Most readers are wonderful, generous, and appreciative! We love them, and can’t believe we are lucky enough to have them. We save the comments, know their usernames, and get excited when they show up on our stories. It’s a gift beyond price that we never feel we truly deserve. The gratitude we feel for our readers is endless, and permanently inked in our lives. You mean the world to us. But our stories also mean everything to us, and we reserve the right to do what we want with them.
Thank you ❤️
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merbear25 · 6 months
It's anon 🌻🐸 here!! Thanks for writing my matchup again 🥺🥺🫶 honestly I appreciate the efforts and time taken to write it!! It was actually fun to write my first ever matchup and I didn't know I did it differently from others fhjff
Also congrats on reaching your 200 followers milestone - for the event: can I ask for prompt 2 for Denmark?
I hope you're doing well and 2024 has been treating you well !!
Hello again lovely! I deeply appreciate your kind words and wish the same for you. I'm so happy that you enjoyed your personalized quiz! I hope you like what I've written for you 💜💜
CW: SFW, gn!reader, fluff, friends to lovers trope
Love that'd gone unnoticed
Reconnecting with long-time friends filled you with bursts of energy; you wanted to know everything about what'd been going on in their lives since the last time you spoke. Sometimes it felt as if you were meeting again for the first time, what with how much they'd changed.
While you sat waiting for Denmark to enter through the cafe door, your daydreams began exploring the possibilities of who he might've become. Once passing over that threshold, however, you were faced with that same lovable smile he'd always had.
The conversation flowed as if you'd never left each other's lives— instead having only said your goodbyes a short time ago. He was excited to tell you about everything he'd been up to and was just as animated when you shared your success and stories. That familiar sense of supportive and caring nature brought out the fond memories that'd been packed away.
Not wanting to lose any more precious time, you two were just as inseperable as before: the sense of humor and jokes you'd share were still prominent and, more importantly, things felt like they picked up right where they'd left off.
There was hardly a dull moment when you two were together. You were each other's go to when no one was interested in seeing niche movies and the best company when the days felt a tad gloomy.
How could you two have ever grown apart like you had? The reason for it seemed like a blur, a distant memory. Perhaps, you'd just become distant as many do. Whatever the reason, it didn't have any relevance to the present.
However, on one of your many nights going to a late showing of a cult classic, the air between the both of you was thick with tension. You weren't sure if you'd done something or if it was just in you imagination. He wasn't coming right out and admitting to there being an issue, although it was more than apparent—he wasn't a very good actor. Deciding not to push, you did your best to brush it off by keeping an upbeat attitude, thinking that you'd let him come to you if there was something weighing on him.
Despite your best efforts, your attempt seemed to have failed. On the drive home, the atmosphere felt like it had yet to be cleared and was now filling the inside of his car with sufficating awkwardness and uncertainty.
Pulling up to your place, a long sigh dragged out of him. He put the car in park and turned to you, "What are we even doing?"
His question brought on a flood of familiar dread. Butterflies were faintly stirring in your lower stomach as you asked what he meant exactly.
"It feels just like last time, doesn't it?" When you still weren't getting it, he continued, "I mean, we spend so much time together and everything..."
Sorting through the mess unraveling inside your mind, you hurridly tried to come to the conclusion: did you have feelings for him too?
"I just...All I know is that I adore being with you and I don't want to lose you again." Your chest heaved at the thought of him leaving your life again: no more laughing fits that left you in tears or silly outings that you'd think about while you were at work.
"I like it too. I really like it... I'm not sure if—"
Before he had the chance to finish his train of thought, panic at the possibility of saying goodbye again took over, leading you to land a clumsy kiss on his lips. It was backed by an elixir of fear and passion and was met with certainty—an understanding that you were meant to be together.
When you pulled away from him, you felt like you were seeing him for the first time. His eyes scanned your face, and when he leaned in for another kiss, you welcomed him with open arms.
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a-weird-writer · 2 years
It's interesting that Diablo doesn't stir even in front of an eldritch entity, any human would probs go mad when seeing an eldritch true form but Diablo keeps together. I love all the little details you mention, especially when it comes to the descriptions of madness and the inhuman similarities he and eldritch reader share. Honestly he would prefer the true form probably.
Thank you, I love writing horror!
Gore gives me brain rot; I'm melting beneath the monsters that wanna rip me apart and the horrors that wanna destroy the planet. Eldritches and the moral concept of the mind, horror and scares send me in a massive spiral, with the drama and suspense packed into it? Amazing!
It's a whole lotta fun to run deep into, and its great practice if you ever want a feel for the horror genre. There are so many things you can do, more things to experiment with. I own a bookcase full of horror I admire revisiting, my inspiration mainly stems from them and other books I grew up with.
It made sense to me that Diablo wouldn't flinch in front of an Eldritch, given why and how he acts in TTIGRAAS canon. He is by no means a fool, and even more merciless. Less so to his kind and those separate in inhumanity, to which you are an upmost product of. A pinacol of extreme strain furthest thing from human, a foreign definition of unbalance further then demons themselves. Just more reasons to show no weakness, with you at a level of 'supernatural' Diablo could never physically reach no matter what form he evolves or achieves.
It takes an enormous amount of effort to intimate, let alone flinch, Diablo the slightest bit, head straight and his back even straighter. He is pretty fearless and cares not for the contrary. I said multiple times before, Diablo is completely unmoved by appearances all together, even ones meant to...
'unhinge' the brain.
The thing with Diablo is not only is he inhuman, but also extremely experienced. In other words, knowledgeable in more ways than one in good and evil. He knows quite a lot and knows exactly how useful-and dangerous-such knowledge is. Well informed of the powers and possible secrets beyond his world. As there are always shadows, he has only seen near all. Powers ahead and behind, in between and hidden, waiting for the light to drive them out. You are just another shadow, in need of studying, yet another secret to be revealed.
Uncovering thought and purpose is what Diablo specializes in, leaving no stone, vein and magicule unturned. Pride is Diablo's sin, and he absolutely shows it. There is no silliness with Diablo-even in the games he plays-only a master of the chess board, who aims to use his pawns to the fullest potential and predict the moves of his opponent long before they make it. In fact, it's something he is passionate about; the excitement, the amount of pleasure and satisfaction he gains from unveiling an ancient mystery, unraveling the world's lost wonders over yonder.
And what greater mystery then you?
A glitch, tearing solar wind in space, and a mistake in natural design?
No degree of science, experience in this universe or understanding could ever comprehend you, not when they measure with normalcy. No one who is normal, no one who is human could ever hope to survive singularity, your unstable, unchained self.
Your existence, the proof of a where above the atmosphere, requires a substantial amount of sheer will power and understanding-assuming you could be understood entirely-to even keep oneself' together, so much so you have to stabilize and simplify yourself beyond to walk amongst people,
even then it's still a stretched maybe.
Seeing as Diablo is a primordial demon that committed his fair share of atrocities within or outside Rimuru's rule,
no person in their right mind would call Diablo normal.
Diablo is a demonic weapon of mass destruction. He witnessed madness and insanity aplenty in his line of work, in all his centuries of walking the Earth. Downfalls of angels, humans and their greedy spiral for power and wealth. As well as fellow calamities, falling victim to their destruction and despair. Evidenced further by the primordial Demon Lords and their flow in the natural world, the innate fear they strike and the mayhem-all life devested within their range-they bring forth. To both innocent and deserving.
While Diablo is not immune to trauma, he experiences it vastly different than how normal people do, as expected from an ancient demon.
Cold as ice, incredibly discreet and ever most loyal to a fault. An enigma as you are, unpredictable and crafty as they may come. A shadow in a shadow, a secret of secrets. A riddle designed to confuse and overwhelm the morals, driven with very keen interest in the unknown and the mysteries of his world, the offers on the harsh outside.
Diablo is one of the few people who will effectively stand up to intense beings like Eldritches and some of the fewer that can come to understand them-or in this case you-individually and carefully. Or relate to them on certain scales.
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