#thanks for asking the question with the longest answer XD
dearestagony · 25 days
How do you create an OC? What are your steps for developing an OC?
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When I create original characters, I don't always start with the same steps each time. The first thing I do though, is get inspired. Just about anything these days will give me oc inspiration. But here I will list a few things:
Playing the Sims 4. - I might hop into create a sim and create a character and then decide - hey this could be a great idea for an oc. Now, have I ever made an oc based off of one of my sims? Not yet. But I have created my ocs in the sims for fun.
Scrolling through Pinterest. - Pinterest is a great place to find faceclaims on - especially for characters in anime. Sometimes I'll be scrolling through there and find a faceclaim that I want to use for an oc. Then I decide to start working on their biograpghy.
Looking through the gif tags on tumblr. - This falls into the same vein as the Pinterest one. I look through the tags, find a faceclaim and then boom, I want to use their faceclaim for a new oc.
Watching television shows / movies. - Sometimes watching tv is all it will take for me to get oc inspiration. I'll get obsessed with a show and then want to make an original character in that fandom.
Looking on Feralfront. - My old roleplay stomping grounds. Sometimes I go there to look up info on my old ocs. I may take bits of information from a previous oc of mine and add it to a new one I'm creating.
Seeing a Pretty name. - Sometimes I'll see or hear a pretty name and my brain goes, I must use them as a name for an oc.
A random idea that popped into my head.
@heartsbloomed // // questions for the mun meme.
The rest of this is going under a read more, because it was getting very long and I didn't want people on my dash to have to scroll past this long post.
Next, usually comes the biography. And this is where I really have to think about how I want my oc to be. Depending on the fandom they're in or the faceclaim they have or even their name can depend on the type of character I'm trying to create.
For example : if my character is in the Supernatural fandom, they'll probably be a badass hunter type of character. But if they're in Criminal Minds, they might be a smart scientist. Some characters though, might be completely fandomless, in which case the above doesn't apply to them.
Next, while working on the biography I'll need to find a faceclaim for my character and give them a name, if I have not done either of these things already.
Usually when it comes to me writing characters, I like to flesh them out a lot. So when I start with their biography usually I'll list all of the basics : Full Name, Nicknames and any aliases. Their age, astrological sign, birthday, gender, pronouns, and sexual orientation. Where they grew up and where they currently live. As well as where they were born. A written description of their appearance.
And then we get to the personality. What traits does my character have? Both positive and negative. Then what things do they like and dislike? Along with hobbies and any jobs they've had. As well as their mental and physical health.
Then comes the backstory. Coming up with the backstory can take a while if you don't know where to start. After that, I usually write information about their family and pets. And if they're a supernatural being, I have a section for that too with what species they are. And what powers and abilities they might have.
Now, you don't have to go as detailed as I do. Their name, age, gender, sexual orientation, personality, and backstory is really all a person needs before they start writing as their oc. But I like to really flesh out my characters.
Sometimes, there may even be sections on my biographies I leave blank, because I want to flesh the character out more with writing. And sometimes the best way to develop your character is to just start writing them with others. Depending on the situation your character is in, it can impact how they develop over time.
Next would come the alternate universes, granted you want your character to have them. If there are different fandoms you want your character to be able to fit into easily, sometimes alternate universes can be useful. Or if you want to explore different events in your character's life, you can create verses for that too.
And once that is done, you have your own oc! I hope this was helpful for you or anyone else on my dash. Each person comes up with their ocs differently. But generally, if you're going to have an oc, you should give them a biography, so people can learn about your character before diving head in.
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fiammee · 5 months
Hello, how have ya been? How did your trip ended, did you have fun?
I guess reaching to you through asks is easier than DMs, so here I am, being generally curious about where we left off the last last time, but since I am here I'll also leave a big ask:
How did it happen that Jon Lord is so important to you? When did you hear him and saw him for the first time? What's the thing in his playing and in his character that makes him be that special guy to you?
Write the longest answer you want - or a short one if it's more in your style - I'm just a curious lil mutual <3
Heyaaaaa haiiiiiii dear!!!! Thank you for these questions *rubbing hands* Finally lets hope that I can respond this time XD
Times could get better, but summer is coming and Im pretty excited in beginning uni academy next year, lets hope🙏
About my trip end, it was a bit unexpected but funny: we leaved our rented house at 10 AM but we quickly found out that all highways were clogged up, and we managed to reach home a whole day after, at 1 AM, literally praying that my mom wouldnt fall asleep while driving 🤣
Abt Jon, lets begin *cracks knuckles*
I dont remember if I have ever said this to anyone, but usually my dad, when I was little, made me watch purple lives instead of cartoons;
So, throughout my childhood and my first teenage years I had this blurred memory about the members and how they looked like; (my thoughts were like: why the drums guy is so little? Why the guitarman is so scary? Why that mans moustache are so big and silly? Why the singer looks like Jesus and has my same hair? Just pure childlike wonder lol)
And finally, around 2020, I gave them a chance by listening my dads machine head vynil and OH BOY OH BOY I was quickly captivated by their roaring and powerful sound.
My first crush was big ian but I later revalued Jon when, out of pure curiousity, I went searching for pics on pinterest and I stumbled upon this:
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My brain and hormones went apeshit🤭🤭 and this sort of awakened me, I was asking myself questions like "wtf is happening to me whattt?" in pure confusion.
The rest is now history, and here I am today :]]
Apart from the obvious phisical attraction (please mind that I was still new to this world at the time🤣) What I always found fascinating about him was the crazy talent and gentle personality among the "rock people" that Ive known previously.
I consider him to be a pretty unique rock soul: no extreme drama, nor arrogance, stupidity, rudeness or immesurable ego; he was just happy to be in the scene, and had the intelligence to make himself respected and valued... I think that he did that pretty well😌.
He used MUSIC in his everyday life as the main method of expressing himself rather than using words (as an introvert I consider him as a role model for what he gifted to others and himself) and lets be frank, isnt it cool that a BIG strong 185 cm man is easily brought to tears of emotion by listening to a classical piece or spectating a good sunset or landscape? He's an 800' romantic author trapped in a motocyclist body, an unusual combination🤣🤣
And what about his music? He combined classical, popular, blues, jazz and sick improvisation in a fresh versatile style that changed rock music and organ playing forever, and would inspire generations of musicians since this very day! And lets not forget his pure classical works, full of a wide range of emotions that have helped me in various rough times.
I hope to have answered your questions my dear :)) and it wouldnt be bad if I addressed the same questions to you about keith, with you making a post about it reblogging this one, obv if you feel like doing it 🫰🏻
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megamagimugi · 30 days
now here’s where we ✨uno reverse✨and you get a question and some praise.
What got you into the Mario fandom? And also!! Your bio says your a fan of TMNT, but which version do you like the most? The 2003 and 2012 version are pretty nostalgic to me, but I loved the 2012 one the most, their designs are personally my most favorite! ROTTMNT I know is a really good one; I started binging it last summer but never got around to finishing it :(
Now praise! I know I’ve said this in your ask for me, but I just REALLY love your art. Your redraws are on another level, you effortlessly nail the M&L style— seriously, why is it so hard for me?? I’m too perfectionist when it comes to them. 😂 I knew once I saw your drawings of Zahra’s amazing Anything for Him story that I’d be hooked. And your attention to detail is just 🤌🏾🤌🏾🤌🏾 like that water from your beach redraw I’m still not over.
And you’re always so supportive of my art, and it means more than words 🥹 especially with the anticipation of my upcoming animation, my motivation fluctuates. I want to pick up my Apple Pencil and just do it, but it’s like something holds me back. Honestly just talking about my art with people is a good source of drive for me, and you’re definitely one of the best sources of motivation ♥️ thank you for being so kind, and thank you for being you! You’re so loved 🫂
Okay, storytime it is! (This is most definitely going to be my longest answer to date; hope you don't mind).
Let me give you some background first. Unlike most people I didn't get into gaming as a little kid. My household was basically video game-free - my father wasn't into gaming, neither was my older sister and my mother was even somewhat against video games. Under these circumstances the first video game I ever played was the Sims, as my sister had a short-lived phase when she liked it. I found it incredibly boring. Sometimes I'd watch my cousins or friends play other games when I visited, but they'd never let me play xD Still, that made me realize that I enjoyed (=wanted to try) racing and action/adventure games.
At one point, when I was a little older, my still humble gaming experience led me to finally playing my first Mario game: Mario Kart. I look back at that experience fondly as I also won against my friend at the time on my first try. He wasn't particularly great at gaming either but hey, a win is a win.
Anyway, I got curious about these characters and started searching for more info, and for more games to try out. I finally got to the Super Mario Bros. series, discovering my love of 2D platformers along the way. There's a retro gaming museum in my area where you can play on old computers and systems so you bet I spent some time there playing the oldest of Mario games, which was a big step in me getting into this genre as a whole and this series in particular.
I also tend to gravitate towards brothers in media and well, Mario and Luigi are obviously brothers so I guess I got curious about their relationship and how it plays into the lore of the games. Which brought me to the Mario & Luigi RPGs, which I loved. I guess you could say I got Hooked On The Brothers™ But honestly, the carefree and fun atmosphere as well as the sort of wacky fairy tale setting were very appealing to me too.
I started slowly but surely collecting whatever Nintendo game consoles and games I could find and afford, and watching playthroughs of those I couldn't. I even played a couple fan games, such as (Mario) The Music Box - despite it being so very different from the source material LOL
And of course, the 2023 movie got me to appreciate the franchise even more and be more active in the fandom, reading more fanfics etc. Which eventually brought me here. I started reading Luigi's Escape Plan by jelly-fish-wishes and some other comics on Tumblr and the site tried to force me to register so often that I eventually gave in, annoyed. I definitely don't regret that decision though!
And look at me now, creating my own content - well, only fanart really - for this lovely fandom. And interacting more and more with other fans.
Now for the Turtles. I've been a fan since I was like 11 and first started watching the 2003 series (only the first 3 seasons were available in my country at the time, but a few years later I found the rest on YouTube). I've watched all versions other than the 1987 series and Michael Bay movies, and read some of the comics (I really love the original Mirage comics!), yet that first series still remains my favorite. My favorite animated show of all time even. You could chalk it up to nostalgia, but it's definitely more than that as nostalgia is rarely a big factor for me when it comes to genuinely enjoying things. I just really like this version of all of the major characters the most, as well as the humor, the dialogue and the action scenes (those fight choreographies were amazing tbh), and the plot overall. As well as the art style in the first 5 seasons. Sure, the show wasn't perfect due to the frequent animation mistakes and the painfully bad Japanese (the fake kanji were bad enough but the horrible pronunciation, man... the pronunciation...), but everything else more than makes up for it.
In case you're curious, overall I did enjoy the 2012 series too. Really, I enjoyed most of the Turtle media. Tbh I have a bit of a weird love-hate relationship with RotTMNT though.
And last but not least, thank you so much for your kind words! It's so interesting that some people here praise my style while it was something my old professor criticized as too generic in my digital art and animation when I was applying to college. And people like you saying I pay a lot of attention to detail when my art teachers and professors criticized me for going too abstract in my paintings and not precise enough in my drawings. It's been healing some of these old art related insecurities stashed away somewhere in my brain, ngl.
I totally get your struggle with perfectionism. It's my old frenemy that to this day rears its ugly head more often than I care to admit, especially when it comes to art. It's important to relax and do your thing anyway. I'm sure you'll make some sick animations and I'll be here cheering you on along the way. You got this, girl!
And I appreciate what you said about me at the end. If there's anyone in this world who makes me feel loved and like I'm actually worth something, it's you and other amazing people in this community. Thank you so much :))
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luimagines · 2 years
An idea: The chain is waling through Wilds Hyrule when they come across a traveler. The traveler greets them asks if the chain has seen any monsters around. They are on their way to deliver new batch of arrows to the towns and villages of Hyrule and would prefer not to use most of them on the way. After getting an answer the arrow seller thanks them and waves goodbye. At that moment Wild freezes and his face goes blank. Other try to get him to snap out of it, but it soon becomes clear that he is having another flashback so they wait. When Wild comes to he is freaking out because that traveler sold arrows in castle town hundred years ago and has not only survived the calamity but apparently has not aged a single day.
For a second, I thought this was going to be about Beetle XD
But no, Wild might be having a minor crisis afterwards. No one can get a word out of him for the longest time before he turns around and books it back to the merchant. He has questions and demands answers.
The merchant, not about to deal with anything that Wild is about to throw at them, also starts running. It becomes a game of high stakes tag and no one else is in on it.
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ante--meridiem · 7 months
I really liked the idea of ship classification ask game based on that post, but honestly I don't know what fandoms you've been into lately, cuz I'm just back on tumblr after a big hiatus xD
So I'll formulate my question like this. What about the quadrant thingy for the four popular ships from the fandom you've been in the longest?
(From my tags here)
Hey!! Thanks for biting! I think the fandom I've been in longest is tma? I don't know exactly which 4 ships are most popular for it so I'll try to do it as "for each category I pick the most popular of the ships that clearly (to me) belong there".
Also some clarification on how I interpret things, based on other people's responses to the post it seems like a lot of people are taking "makes sense" as "proximity to canon" where I was seeing it as either "yeah I can see what personality compatibility these characters would have" or "I could see how the situation they're put in could be made easily shippy even if canon doesn't follow up on that". So "makes sense, doesn't compel me" doesn't mean "canon but boring" here, it means "I see the vision but am not that enticed by it". Meanwhile very many actually canon ships fail to make sense to me.
So with that said
Makes sense, compels me: jonelias (Elias' "shaping Jon for his own ends" thing could easily be developed into fascination/obsession; Jon's hunger for answers and desire to regain some control over his life could easily be developed into hunger for the person who can give him those things)
Makes sense, doesn't compel me: wtgfs aka georgie/melanie (on first impression I did think this came out of left field and didn't make sense but on further reflection I do see where it's coming from? Georgie has an established pattern of being interested in people more prone to boldness/acerbicness/need-to-dig than she is, between Jon and Alex (I think that's the name of the girl from her statement who I thought it was fairly heavily implied she had some level of crush on), and it makes sense for her to be drawn to/admire those traits because she wants to be more like that herself; meanwhile it makes sense for Melanie to go for someone capable of a more grounding/calming presence who continued to respect her when her reputation was damaged. Nothing canon does with them really compels me but hypothetically someone could do something with them that does; I think I read one fic once where I did find their dynamic interesting.)
Doesn't make sense, compels me: gertrudeagnes (they only interacted once and we didn't even get to see it directly, and there's nothing in their personalities that immediately indicates compatibility, but they both have strong personalities that could mix and clash in interesting ways and I'm pretty intrigued by the possibilities)
Doesn't make sense, doesn't compel me: jonmartin (rather than redo one of my many rants about them I'll just say that I can see that the intention with them may have been a similar kind of complementary personalities thing to what made me now concede that Georgie and Melanie do make some amount of sense, except that Georgie and Melanie admire the traits the other has that they lack and would want said traits for themselves, while Jon and Martin mostly show frustration/disdain/disinterest towards each other's complementary traits.)
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ilovedthestars · 1 month
ask game: 4, 19, 35, or 51?
Thank you for so many options! I'm going to take the first two because i'm having trouble coming up with answers for the others.
(writer ask game)
4. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
if we're talking murderbot fic, the very first murderbot fanfic I sat down to write is still unfinished and yes it haunts me. i call it my targetControlSys wip and if you're on the discord you've heard a bit about it before but the basic concept of it was: in that part of NE when TCS almost takes over Murderbot's brain, What If It Did? it was the first iteration of me writing what i later started calling malware fics, aka "murderbot is almost forced to hurt people it cares about and afterwards it has emotions about this." parts of the draft are actually quite complete so i hope i'll be able to finish it someday but it's on the backburner for the forseeable future.
if we expand it outside of murderbot fic, when i was about 13 i started writing a YA fantasy novel and i worked on it for a solid five years without ever finishing a complete draft. i still love the characters and concept dearly, but at some point i realized that i liked it too much to let go of parts of it that needed to go, in order to fix the plot holes that 13 year old me put in there. so it's in the metaphorical trunk until a time when i can take it out again and take it apart to build something new. on the possibility that it will someday make it into published book form in some recognizable way, i will be vague about the plot, but it had a prophecy and a chosen one who really didn't want to be the chosen one and her found family who tried to make it bearable for her <3
19. what are some books or authors that influenced your style the most?
oh, god, hard question. the vast majority of what i read as a kid/teen was YA fantasy, mostly the kind starring a girl with a sword. i read countless books like that, i don't know if any particular ones stand out but i'm sure they've affected how i write. specific books/series I was really into as a teen include Tui T. Sutherland's Wings of Fire, Marissa Meyer's Lunar Chronicles, Kristin Cashore's Graceling trilogy (it has more books now but i have not caught up), and Leigh Bardugo's Six of Crows. not sure how any of those have specifically influenced me but maybe it will be obvious to others XD I'm sure reading Murderbot and some other similar adult SFF has also changed and developed my writing style in the last few years as well.
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How do you think Classic Steven and Past/Original Form Spinel would interact with one-another? Just seeing these two pre-traumatized adorable and happy-go-lucky kids interact with one another would be pretty wholesome.
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[Image ID: A pencil sketch on lined paper of 'Past' Spinel and 'Classic' Steven from Steven Universe. Both are smiling, holding hands, and walking towards the right side of the page. A caption says "on their way to Funland". In the top right of the image, the same two characters are drawn asleep, cuddled up with Lion from Steven Universe. /.End ID]
(How'd I do? That was my first Image ID! ^^ and I just realised I forgot to write my signature on the drawing... whoops)
But anyways, to answer your question - something like this!!! Spinel would have an immediate new best friend, and I would imagine that these two would never leave each other's sides for the LONGEST time. They'd probably frequent Funland and the arcade, and when they're all "funned" out, they'd crash with Lion XDDD
Absolutely wholesome!!! I can hardly see these two fighting, ever... until Steven grows up and becomes an angsty teen XD
Thanks for the ask!!! (And sorry it took so long to answer... you don't WANT to know how long ago I got this one)
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twotangledsisters · 7 months
Whats one thing you think you need to improve with you art, one thing you're satisfied with about your art, and one thing that determines who or what you draw about?
OMG, I love this question!
I took some time thinking about this and thinking about anatomy, colour theory, composition... but ultimately I think the thing I am most desperate to improve is emotion.
Here's a bunch of recent pieces and WIPs, all of which I love:
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With the exception of Eugene at the bottom smiling, they all feel very flat emotionally. They do not feel alive, they do not feel real, you do not look at those character and understand how they are feeling and feel with them (with the exception of Eugene's smile!)
You understand what I as an artist am attempting, it's very clear the New Dream and CandyCaine drawings on the upper corners are supposed to be in love, it's very clear the lower left drawing and upper-middle are supposed to be sad-sorta. But you don't feel it. Or I don't.
I want every piece I do to hit you with emotion! And I think my recent art reflects that intent, but isn't there yet. I don't know why. Like I can't quite put my finger on it... But they just feel flat.
Something I'm very satisfied with right now is posing! For a long time I was just drawing characters standing still, nothing really going on... Every artists has that phase! And I realised I was doing that and now I try to avoid it all costs.
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I mean these are three recent pieces and there's good variety. I could definitely be pushing the poses a bit more, especially that first one with New Dream I feel like there's room for a lot more movement... But as far as variety and poses choice, not necessarily how it's carried out, I am very satisfied about where I am right now.
Determines who or what you draw about
This one is really hard because... I don't think there is anything?
I'm not consistent with what I do.
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No consistency.... Sometimes it's clean line-art, sometimes none, sometimes a little, sometimes I'm using pencil textures, sometimes no texture.... I CAN'T DECIDE D:
Sometimes I'm doing portraits, fantasy creatures, scenes, landscapes...
There are consistencies in my art like how I do anatomy (yes, I realise the stylized Rapunzel using a cartoon anatomy is already breaking this rule), or that I will repeat techniques....
I mean I don't even really want to be consistent in my art and what I draw, I like trying out new things, plus...
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Sometimes I want to spend weeks on a piece (lots of my faves take 5-7 hours, I think my longest is 15 hours on a single drawing). I want to pour all of my love into a piece!!
And other days I want to sit down and finish a drawing in one session.
I can't just pick ONE style!!! XD
I think I went on a tangent there... I'm sorry.
But yeah... I don't have a satisfactory answer for this last one simply because I can't find the common thread in my art. But I don't think that takes away from it :D
I just kinda pick up a pen and see what happens XD
Thanks so much for an awesome ask that got me staring at my art and asking questions! I always love rambling about art, it's great :D
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librathefangirl · 1 year
What do you think the sins and Zeldris thinks about Meliodas death at this point? I know the sins would be sad but won't blame but still be in 5 stages of grieve and Zeldris well... that would be a different story. I think he would be extremely angry that his brother died at the hands of Elizabeth. The same woman who made his brother suffer and had the audacity to be the one to kill him after what she had put him through :(((
This fanfic:
Love it!!!
This is actually not something I thought a lot about when I wrote this fic. Because A) the focus was on Elizabeth and her feelings, and B) the story doesn't really deal with what happens after Meliodas' death except the immediate aftermath - so this ask was a lot of fun!
Now, let's see if I can answer this somewhat organized. Also consider yourself warned, this is gonna get looong XD
Okay, so, the Sins.
I definitely agree with you there, they would be upset, sad, caught in their own grief, but they wouldn't blame Elizabeth. However, I do think they would blame themselves. Meliodas knew what he/they were doing, and he would have done it all again, if it meant the others lived. And the Sins know this, because they know Meliodas. He sacrificed himself for them - that's something that would weigh heavily on them. They all got ambushed and overwhelmed, they failed to defeat their enemies and that resulted in Elizabeth having to use her move and Meliodas dying because of it. Just like Elizabeth, they too would be haunted by the what-ifs, the constant question if they could have saved him if they'd just done something differently.
And! This is also the second time they had to watch Meliodas die, unable to do anything to help him. Except this time, with the curse broken, he is truly dead. I think Merlin especially would struggle with that. She's known him for 3,000 years, through all the years of the curse. After the Ten Commandments killed him, she alone knew that he would eventually resurrect. I think both she and Elizabeth, given their respective pasts with Meliodas, would have a hard time with the fact that he really won't come back to them this time, no matter how much time passes.
I also wanna take a moment to talk about Ban before we move on to Zeldris. Ban and Meliodas' relationship is definitely one of my favorites in the anime, and it only gets better along the way! I mean, through secret reveals, murder attempt, literal death, their bond just gets stronger. And that's not even mentioning the millennia they spent together in Purgatory. Which I think is especially noteworthy in this scenario, since that means that except for Elizabeth and Merlin Ban is the one with the longest history with Meliodas. Personally I think Ban would be mostly angry - maybe even get stuck in that stage of grief - because to me it seems like that's the emotion he most easily falls back to when faced with things like this. He wouldn't blame her, but I think he would be angry at Elizabeth and even more at Meliodas himself, for doing this. Which I also think would make him even more angry at himself - he tried to kill Meliodas once in an attempt to save Elaine, who the hell is he to judge?? We saw how angry Ban was at his helplessness when Meliodas lost his emotions, at how he couldn't do anything to help him. I think it would be like that, except so much worse this time. That time, Meliodas was still there (not himself, but there), and in the end, Ban could help him (go to Purgatory to find his emotions). This time, there's nothing that can be done.
Now then... Zeldris...
His relationship with Meliodas' is such complex, but since this is taking place after the curse is broken, they're also in a better place than they have been in literally 3,000 years. Now, as with many of my fics, it gets a little fuzzy about how in line with canon this takes place, but... Even if Zeldris isn't ready to call Meliodas is brother yet, I think he would at least be entertaining, in his own mind at least, the potential of a relationship they now can have. Their father is dead, they're free to choice their own lives. For the first time, Zeldris was faced with the possibility of actually getting his big brother back, of getting to actually talk and bond with him as he always wanted. And then Meliodas is killed. It's heartbreaking to think about, and I think Zeldris would struggle a lot with that grief. He lost his brother all over again and now he will never be able to forgive Meliodas for what he did all those years ago or rebuild their relationship.
Zeldris, like Merlin and Elizabeth, would also struggle with the finality of Meliodas' death. Growing up like they did, with Meliodas being this big-shot demon, the demon even goddesses feared, the next Demon King, and on top of that just being Zeldris' big brother that he looked up to so much, gave Zeldris a (in a way) skewed view. I think that back then, to Zeldris, Meliodas seemed almost invincible. And no matter how his opinion changed, 3,000 years later, Meliodas was still there, unchanged and hopelessly himself, and then Zeldris helped kill him, but Meliodas still came back. So, I think that it would be a hard pill to swallow for him as well that Meliodas truly is gone this time.
As for his feelings about Elizabeth's role in Meliodas death -well, obviously he would be angry. I think most people would be angry if someone was the cause behind their brother's death. That being said, given that this takes place after the curse is broken, I don't think Zeldris would have been as angry as if this had happened earlier because I believe his view on Elizabeth has changed. Still, unlike the Sins, Zeldris doesn't actually know her and while they see the Demon King as the root of all Meliodas' suffering, to Zeldris Elizabeth is still the one who pulled his brother away from the demons and set off the start for all of his suffering.
Another thing that's worth thinking about in this scenario is how did Zeldris find out about Meliodas' death. Did he find out by himself? Did Merlin or one of the other Sins tell him? Or was Elizabeth herself the one who told him? If Elizabeth was the one who told him, I think his anger would be more directed at her. Because she would then also be directly connected to not only Meliodas' death but to Zeldris finding out about it as well. Also, I doubt Elizabeth in her own guilt would explain and phrase the event in the same way that the Sins would. If instead Merlin or any of the Sins would tell him, someone who doesn't hold Elizabeth responsible for his death the way she herself does, then I think Zeldris anger would be more directed against the enemies who actually attacked them and brought forth the events leading to Meliodas' death.
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rebelwithoutabroom · 1 month
Hello, hello :D
For day 3 we are going to spread the love 🥰 Leave a nice comment on a fic you love or reblog some art with some nice tags :)
Social anxiety didn’t let me do this for the longest time. But sending these asks and reading all your lovely answers helped me so much with that, I now try and do it more often. So thank you all for that 💜
For today’s question: What is your favorite way to participate in a fandom? :)
I hope you have an amazing day 🫶
- 🌵
Haaai :33
I really really like writing! Making art is also super fun, but i feel like writing allows you to connect so much - I met @twirlybumblevee through ao3 comments (and Im lucky to be able to call her a friend *friend*!!) so im super biased xD
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nowandthane · 8 months
writer asks: 3, 7, 19, 24!
thanks T <3 answerings questions from this post
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
I don't really know if I have a ritual. I put some music on, sometimes I sprint on discord (alone or with people). Nothing cursed about it xD
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
Probably the catharsis of it all. I tend to write things that I find interesting to explore, but those things have a tendecy to be really personal to me. I remember when I finished Command Me to Love I just cried and cried because Aria had gone through this whole journey and it was a journey I also really wanted to be on. Writing it made me feel like I was there. She let go of her anger and at the end, when she was at peace, it felt like it was okay for me to let go of mine too. This got more emotional than I expected ksjdhgk I kinda forgot that that happened. Thanks for reminding me <3
the other 2 questions are under the cut it got a bit long <3
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
I dunno really when I started. I was reading a lot as a kid and then it seemed natural to just start writing too. But it consumed me and I knew I wanted to keep doing it forever. I went and got a Creative Writing degree which has been very useful in my life (/s) but it was a great experience and I don't regret it. There were definitely a lot of bumps along the way, and a few times I thought about just stopping completely lmao but I always come back anyway. That generall has to do with like my mental health and being overly critical of my own stuff. I think also that when I decided I didn't want to pursue writing professionally and just do it as a something that brings me joy, a lot of the stress melted away and I have a lot more fun with it now.
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
Well for Command Me to Love which is the first time I completed any piece of longer writing, and is also the longest thing I ever wrote, there was barely any prep work. I already told you about this, but I wrote like 60k words of that in a single week during a manic episode. So that's very much an outlier and as happy as I am that I completed it I'd rather not do my writing like that again 😅 For my mass effect longfic/Sarani's story which I'm writing now, I have a lot of notes, they're not very organised, but just like scenes I know I want to write. It's kinda all over the place, but this is not as big of an issue since the games are there as a timeline guide lmao. For the original stuff I've written, I've done it both ways, with prep and without. Prep definitely makes it easier/smoother to write, but also it's not something that comes naturally to me. I both enjoy it and don't. I think it depends on the thing I'm writing.
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oloreandil · 11 months
20 Q's for Fic Writers
tagged by: @chameliyun, thank you so much <33
1 - How many works do you have on ao3?
131 works so far ! 97 of them are for haikyuu!! and i cannot wait to celebrate my 100 hq fics hehe
2 - What's your total ao3 word count?
323,624 words :0 i didn't think it'd be that much, i tend to write short things, i'm excited to have written so many words !!!
3 - What fandoms do you write for?
i have posted for haikyuu, death note, bnha, yuri on ice, free, breath of fire iv, and fairy tale for some unknown reason XD but i have unposted / unfinished fanfic for a bunch of other things like hunter x hunter or fma
4 - What are your top five fics by kudos?
chat me up has always been my most popular fic and tbh ? yeah i see why XD it is one of the most fun and chatfics were popular at the time. after that come ...or not, blue like the sky, silent trust and saw my momma dad cheese
5 - Do you respond to comments?
yes !! fandom is a community first and foremost for me, and posting is also a way to interact. comments are immensely lovely to get and answer !!
6 - What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ooh probably love me right ?? it's kinda the angstiest i've written... ever. but some nights is also. bad end. solely by virtue of being post apo and not very optimistic about it. i wanna rewrite it someday because i actually really liked that AU and it's not the best right now hmmm
7 - What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
honestly hasetsu tour guides (which is a series but shhh) is the happiest thing i've written ?? it's not the most fun in terms of plot but everyone is content with their life in a way i've not really written a lot
8 - Do you get hate on fics?
nope, not well known enough XD and i'm not complaining about it
9 - Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i do ! i have no clue if there's a specific kind i stick to though, most of it isn't even posted or even written past heavy planning. trans cyborg smut is on its way though @notsuchasecret :3
10 - Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i have written or co-written a NUMBER of crossovers. most are not on ao3 yet (or... ever...) but i have posted death note x snow white and hxh x little red riding hood, so. however i do think that owari no seraph x the frog princess (the russian fairy tale) is the wildest one so far !
11 - Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge, but that'd be kinda funny tbh ? imagine coming across your own obscure niche things in the wild. i'd almost be more disappointed it's not a new fic for my teeny fandom corner lmao
12 - What's the longest you've spent working on one fic? And the shortest?
the shortest would probably be a couple hours, for guardian of his king (written in a fugue state at like 3am, after Syb shared the drawing that inspired it. two of us fell in a trance btw, this was a POTENT artwork). the longest... i don't dare calculate... but it is measured in years and i haven't even started writing yet <3
13 - Have you ever co-written a fic before?
if you count detailed planning and extensive oral storytelling, many !! my best friend and i are very prolific behind the scenes, to her dismay XD. i thiiiiiink she is the only co-writer i have had ? but i LOVE doing group fics and i'd love to do it with other people
14 - What's your all-time favorite ship? From all fandoms?
"you ask questions i have no answers to" is what i was gonna say and then my brain went "well apart from bokuaka which has to be out of the competition-" so i may have an answer actually hahaha
15 - What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oooh my god that naruto fountain of youth AU is never gonna be written. i have so so so much planned and i sift through and add more from time to time, but like... i pick my battles a little more wisely than this behemoth
16 - What are your writing strengths?
i'm not sure ! i do think writing dialogue is easier for me than most other things, and i love doing fun formatting / narrative constraints
17 - What are your writing weaknesses?
i forget to put down half of the words on the paper so my sentences make no sense and it's horrible to edit <- loves editing. doesn't love when i reread myself and every five sentences i have to think "who tf wrote this and what the hell does it mean. how do you go from here to there ??? oh wait i forgot a sentence again"
18 - Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
english isn't my first language. i write dialogue in another language 99% of the time. i don't think this question really takes into account the amount of ESL writers who are basically always doing this
to stay closer to what the question was meant to ask though, i have written sentences, in the middle of english fics, in languages that me or most readers don't speak. it is usually either a LONG process of looking up grammar rules, vocabulary, existing sentences etc... or what i did once, "write with mistakes because the person is learning the language still"
it is good imo to have characters speak their native tongue, or to add your own HCs onto characters and make them speak in their new native tongue, but it can be done more or less respectfully and more or less clearly. how do you include a translation, if at all ? is it jarring in the flow of your fic ? what about inserting song lyrics in another language ? it's a case by case basis for me tbh, and as a reference i really love how yuri on ice did it during the anime
19 - First fandom you wrote for?
i don't recall what i first wrote for exactly but i first posted for death note in 2015 :0 a while back !!
20 - Favourite fic you've written?
i don't have one at the moment, my criteria isn't defined enough these days. maybe some will jump out more later as they did in the past but for now i can say i love most of my children equally lmao
it took me a while to answer, sorry, and i'm too tired to tag anyone but DO feel free to say i tagged you if you wanna do it !!!!!!!
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toomanyfandomsthings · 7 months
Hello, this is just ask for fun....
Favorite female character :
Favorite male character :
Favorite animanga :
Animanga you are currently enjoying :
Animanga that exceeded all your expectations :
Unpopular animanga you really love :
Favorite romance :
Favorite action animanga :
Favorite fantasy :
Favorite sci -fi :
Favorite drama :
Favorite comedy :
Favorite anime movie :
Next in your watch list :
Next in your read list :
Favorite antagonist:
Thanks if you want to answer....
Ooo thank you for the ask! :D Some of these are really hard to narrow down to just one, but I'll do my best!
Favorite female character: Hmmm if I had to pick just one, it would be Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket! <3 She's so sweet and genuinely kind and also so strong willed. She sees the best in everyone and wants them to be happy but also rarely puts herself first, and it's nice to see her grow over the course of the series. <3
Favorite male character: Aki Hayakawa from Chainsaw Man, without question <3 I love him so so much, his whole story arc is so well written and he is so kind and caring and such a sensitive soul and I'll spare you my whole rant about him but he's just the best and my favorite character in literally anything <3
Favorite animanga: Hmmm I'd have to say Tokyo Ghoul! I genuinely think that series is a masterpiece and I read it at a time where I really really needed it, so it has a special place in my heart <3 The characters are wonderful and so well written and the story is so gut-wrenching and heartfelt. Also Ken Kaneki is like...right behind Aki in terms of favorite characters out of all things I've read <3 I love that series a lot, I really need to re-read it sometime.
Animanga you are currently enjoying: Ahh I'm not watching too much recently because grad school work is kicking my butt, but I've been catching a few episodes of A Sign of Affection and I'm really enjoying that! (also helped by the fact that Itsuomi's voice in the dub is also Aki's please don't judge me XD) I've also been watching Bucchigiri?! and I....think I like it? Still figuring out my opinions on that one, but I like Marito Jin and he's kinda the only thing keeping me watching XD
Animanga that exceeded all your expectations: Chainsaw Man! I *hated* Chainsaw Man for a good amount of the time I was reading it, I was kinda only in it for Aki's story for the longest time. And without spoiling the manga, there's a big plot reveal at one point that, when it happens, puts a lot of the story in perspective and I genuinely had a moment where I had to put down my phone and be like "......oh my God.....this series is so smart." So once I re-read it with the whole story in mind, I absolutely loved it <3
Unpopular animanga you really love: Rokuhoudou Yotsuiro Biyori! <3 I will sing this show's praises every chance I get! The manga isn't translated in English, so I haven't been able to read it (though I do own up to volume 16) but there is a 12 episode anime on Crunchyroll listed under "Yotsuiro Biyori" and it is one of my comfort shows! It follows four very sweet gentlemen and their cat as they work in a tea shop and help their customers though their problems. It's so so sweet, the characters are so adorable and kind, and it's pretty episodic so you can jump in pretty much anywhere and follow what's going on. Definitely recommend it!
Favorite romance: I don't actually watch a lot of romance anime, so I guess I'll probably have to say A Sign of Affection for right now XD Or Sasaki and Miyano, that series was cute too! :D
Favorite action animanga: Jujutsu Kaisen! The fights in that anime are unmatched <3
Favorite fantasy: Ahhh this one's hard! It's either Yona of the Dawn or The Case Study of Vanitas, but I'm leaning towards Yona purely because I think about it more often! Both of those series are phenomenal! <3
Favorite sci-fi: Psycho-Pass! <3 .....I say having only watched the first 2 seasons and the movie! But the first season of Psycho-Pass IS a masterpiece! And the movie is also really really good! .....We don't talk about season 2 XD
Favorite comedy: Life Lessons with Uramichi-Oniisan XD I love the comedy in that series *so much* XD It does get very dark and pessimistic with it's comedy though, I have very rarely shown it to other people and gotten a reaction other than ".....oh my God" so....be aware of that going in XD
Favorite anime movie: Howl's Moving Castle! <3 I have seen that movie an *unhealthy* amount of times, both in theaters and at home. I....I like that movie a lot haha
Next in your watch list: Metallic Rouge, Ninja Kamui, and Delicious in Dungeon, because friends recommended them to me! :D
Next in your read list: I really wanna catch up with Moriarty the Patriot, I have up to volume 13 and I need to take a day to just catch up with reading it <3 (the anime's great though please watch the anime)
Favorite antagonist: Shogo Makishima from Psycho-Pass <3 I love him so much, what an awful person who also totally makes sense for the world he is living in. He's got such an intimidating presence and also has so much charisma XD VERY good antagonist :D
Thank you so much for asking! :D
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aragarna · 7 months
Oooh, fun ! SO ! Zorro OR White Collar ? Sergeant Garcia OR Corporal Reyes ? Don Alejandro OR Captain Monastorio ? DW!Bernardo OR 2024!Bernardo ? Cats OR dogs ? TV Series OR Films ? Books OR adaptations ? Star Trek OR Star Wars ? Annnd I'll stop there or I'll write so much more. As I said before... FUN ! x) Thank you, and take care !
AAAAAH how dare you attack me like that? XD
Zorro or White Collar? I'm afraid I'm gonna have to say White Collar. It was, is and will forever be my #1 show. I've loved it dearly, I still have just as much pleasure rewatching it, for the millionth time. I've lived some amazing times, which are unlikely to happen again - I've been to the set, met other fans, made friends, met the crew, and of course, met the cast. It was such a great experience and I'll cherish it forever.
Garcia or Reyes? But they come as a pair! Would you separate Laurel from Hardy? Asterix from Obelix? Peter from Neal? But I suppose, if you force my hand, I'll say Sergeant Garcia. He's a bit more developed as a character, while Reyes is mostly just there for comic relief. I do like Sergeant Garcia. He's often put in a complicated situation, stuck between a tyrannic boss and a jokster outlaw who makes fun of him. But he is truly a good man.
Don Alejandro or Captain Monastario? Alejandro I suppose. Monastario is a great villain, a great opponent for Zorro, but he's a terrible human being.
1957!Bernardo or 2024!Bernardo? Hmmm that's a tough question. I honestly can't say. I love them both, they both have a lovely relationship with their respective Diego. Maybe I'll go with 1957!Bernardo, cause I like his cunning way to use everyone's stupid prejudice toward his handicap against them. Oh he's deaf and mute, he must be stupid. He's harmless. Fools, all fools!
Cats or dogs? Indifferent, to be honest. Not really a pet person. Shocking, I know, sorry!
TV shows or films? Fun facts: for the longest time (until 2005-ish) I rarely watched any TV. But I have to admit that lately it seems TV has become more interesting, more daring, that the US film industry. French industry is blooming though. I'd say films, for the appreciation of the real art of filmmaking. TV shows for comfort and quiet obsession.
Books or Adaptations? Most of the time, books, though there has been cases of good adaptations (The Martian, for instance), or even, adaptations that were better than the book (Minority Report)
Star Trek or Star Wars? I'll go with Star Wars, mostly because I'm more familiar with it. Because I grew up with the prelogy. Because Obiwan and Andor. While I've only seen the 2 JJ Abrams Star Trek movies...
Sorry I took so long to answer. I had a long week (and you asked a lot LOL). Also, would love to know who you are, Anon, so that I can ask you back. ;-)
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azumetapraline · 1 year
11, 32 and 44 for the OTP ask game 🥺
For Metalor
Thank you for the ask bestie!!! 🥹
Actually, someone on Discord had already asked me a few numbers, including 11. So I will post here what I answered for their numbers, then answer yours! 😊
4. Which of the two listens to old music and which one is more into the newer stuff?
Meta Knight is absolutely into older stuff. Like jazz, classic, and maybe even opera. He does enjoy some rock, but loud things like electronic don’t interest him.
Magolor loves most music, but he vibes much more on dubstep, techno, drum & bass, etc. If it’s intense, it’ll stimulate his inattentive brain and make him happy!
6. Who holds a grudge the longest?
Oh boy I have to choose? 🤣
Well, it’s not that Meta Knight holds grudges for extremely long. But if you lose his trust, it’ll be hard to gain it back, but yeah, he does have a lot of trouble forgiving people when they hurt him or someone he cares about (glances at some particular characters perhaps related to mirrors or robots…!).
Magolor? Depends on who and what. He’s mostly chill, but if you really hurt him (or his ego), you’ll have to be prepared for some petty revenge.
11. Who’s the most eager to have kids?
Meta Knight. It’s not his lifetime goal, but also he did bring the subject a few times, and overall Magolor doesn’t feel like he’d want to be a parent. He isn’t the most patient guy in the world and he already knows a yelling baby would ruffle his fur.
So yeah, babies aren’t part of their plan (for now).
23. Which of the two would you rather team up with for a game of laser tag?
Meta Knight. Although both are smart, strategic and VERY competitive, I would much rather have a calm, rational teammate than a tryhard. XD
48. Who’d refuse to pay the others bail just to mess with them?
In reality, none would pay the bail; they’d bust in the prison, kick the guards’ asses and rescue their beloved and waving everyone goodbye.
But if we pretend they were sane and civilized citizens, I think Magolor would like, fake to refuse to pay for the bail and would go like “fine fine” when Meta would glare at him from the other side of the glass.
Now to Kesia’s numbers.
32. Who’s the first to apologize?
That’s a good question! Both are very, very stubborn, but if something important is at stakes they’re willing to do their part.
If we imagine two scenarios in which one said or did something to the other that hurt their feelings really bad, I think Meta Knight would do it first. Not because Magolor is less ready to admit his mistake, but because the way Meta Knight reacts when he’s upset is different. He’s colder and tends to isolate himself and overall feels unreachable. He can also respond with a lot of anger, while Magolor, even though he’ll also keep some distance, will be more prone to be sad, and he’d accept the apology a bit better than Meta would.
If it’s an argument and both are to blame, I’m not really sure what would happen. I think Magolor would apologize first more often, because he dislikes when they are in a fight like that, and while both miss the other, Magolor’s just a bit more adamant for them to make up. However, the opposite happens as well; Meta Knight is also mature, and he is also aware that they need to talk and admit their mistakes. He’s just struggling a bit more to break the ice.
44. Who would confess their love first?
In my interps, Magolor is the one confessing first. At one point, since they’re both a bit socially awkward, there’s this tension, the long stares, the nervousness, but they’re both too shy to confess their feelings.
I think Magolor would get flirty sometimes as “jokes”, but it would fluster Meta a LOT. But overall, he would be receptive (and still somewhat oblivious).
I’m not sure if that’s exactly what would happen in my interps, but now that I’m thinking, it would be funny if Meta ended up asking him about those “jokes”, unintentionally making Magolor embarrassed and he’d end up admitting those were not really jokes. Meta would then say he feels the same, and he’d like, idk, kiss him and they agree on trying a relationship! 😁
Thank you again for asking!!! And thank you to anyone who has read my ramble to this point, y’all are amazing! 🥹
Anyone is free to throw at me more numbers! Original post here!
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For the WIP asks:
3, 6, 7, 9, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 26
Look. I wanted to say ‘ALL!’ so, believe it or not, this is actually me reining it in! 😆
3. what’s a wip that you’ve procrastinated on the longest? why?
I mean, it has to be my Fake Dating AU (for Coldflash, of course). I’m mostly procrastinating really getting started on it because I know it’s gonna be on the longer side and I’m in the middle of posting another big project of mine so I really cannot handle having to write both at once (no matter how much I might want to, haha, but unfortunately I’m trying to be reasonable).
6. write 3 sentences of any wip you’d like, post it in the answer.
Barry has been the one to make every move. Len wouldn’t have. He promised himself that he would only take as much as he was given.
7. do you outline before writing? if so, what’s your outlining process like?
Not really? I’m kind of a mess about outlining to be quite frank, I always know vaguely where I’m going but that’s about it!
9. what are you struggling with the most in finishing your current wip(s)?
Scene transition, which is always a big problem for me honestly. Figuring out how to get from point A to point B in a way that’s not too abrupt and makes sense.
14. what’s your favorite thing about writing?
When things suddenly click into place after you’ve been stuck for a while.
15. what’s your least favorite thing about writing?
English hard :(
22. when do you know you’re really in a writing frenzy?
To be honest lot of the times writing in English is very much like hitting my head repeatedly against a brick wall for me so writing frenzy? I don’t know about that, lol. I’m just glad when I’m able to write for a while before hitting the wall!
23. what’s something that you think all writers should know?
Oh I really don’t think I have the writing chops to answer that!
24. do you have a writer you look up to in terms of writing routines/style?
I don’t really have a writing routine per say but in terms of style and characterization @moriavis was probably the biggest inspiration for the way I write Coldflash, especially in my current series.
26. is there a wip you’d like to see recreated in a new medium (ie. movie, audio drama podcast, web series, animation, musical)?
Lol, no? Not that it wouldn’t be fun to watch a Coldflash musical XD But yeah I don’t have any other ambition than to write fic and hopefully have a couple people like it too.
I hope I haven’t forgotten any of your questions and thank you so much for asking me so many of them <3
WIP Ask Game
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