#thanks drenosa!
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Big Cat AU
A few days after Tiger!Yang's demonstration of a proper roar, Panther!Blake is showing the cubs how to stalk.
Whilst T!Y's roar might've had people stumbling during the day, P!B's prowling in the night is sending a few unlucky guests/caretakers/thieves scrambling for clean underwear.
Sorry it took so long to get to this one. Been a bit busy, but I'm here now and this is adorable!
Panther!Blake: (watching the cubs try to sneak through the foliage at night)
Stripe: (bumbling around and crashing through the leaves) Darn it!
Spot: (doing better than Stripe, but still making some noise) Hehe! You're so clumsy, Stripe.
Stripe: Hey! I may be clumsy, but I have a better roar than you do!
Panther!Blake: (rolls her eyes amusingly from her hiding place amongst the shadows) Cubs. I swear. (barely notices a shadow skulking towards Stripe)
Black: (creeps through the brush like a ninja cat and pounces on Stripe) Rawr!
Stripe: (jumps) HOLY SHRIMP!!!!
Black: Hahahahahaha!
Panther!Blake: Not bad. But you still have a ways to go.
Black: You aren't that great at stalking, Ma. Pa catches you sometimes.
Stripe & Spot: Ooooooooh!
Panther!Blake: Because I let her. (notices one of the overnight security wandering the walkway) Watch and learn.
Cubs: (watch with bated breath as a shadow barely flits through the enclosure)
Security Guard: (leisurely strolling through the zoo) Man, sure is quiet here.
Panther!Blake: (basically becomes one with the shadows as she stalks the guard)
Security Guard: (oblivious)
Panther!Blake: (creeps up to the guard until she's practically touching his pant leg)
Security Guard: (stops) .........Why do I suddenly feel like I'm in dang-
Panther!Blake: (roars)
Security Guard: (screams like a child and scrambles away, tripping over his own two feet, running into benches and trash cans, and leaving behind a trail of urine behind him)
Panther!Blake: (stealths back to the enclosure and manifests from the shadows) You were saying?
Cubs: (bow down) We're not worthy!
#bumbleby#blake belladonna#rwby#big cat au#panther blake#stalking#training#she is the night#thanks drenosa!
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the ARC Horde AU
Remnant was a land of danger, passion and mystery. The greatest of those being how Jaune Arc, an underwhelming young man suffering from horrific dating advice was able to father a literal PLATOON of children!
Thank You to @howlingday, @linkman447 for your assistance and contribution to this quirky little creation.
A SPEACIAL Thank You to @drenosa for their continued input and contributions that have been the back bone to this creative journey.
(Stories listed in Chronological order)
The Arc Horde: Expansion (Complete)
The Arc Horde: A Son's Day Out
The Arc Horde: Date Night (Complete)
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Thanks @jboy44
It Has Begun - Starset (HA! the Irony!)
E for Extinction - Thousand Foot Krutch
I Don't Wanna Stop - Ozzy Osbourne
(I Can't Get) My Head Around You - The Offspring
Freaks Like Us - Sleeping Wolf
The Game - Disturbed
Break the World - Nine Lashes
Enemies - The Score
Rumble - Zayde Wolf
Thinking About Forever - P.O.D
@littlelewdmable @soundkiller0017 @superiorsturgeon @spahhzy @philosophicalpug @drenosa
Tagged by @cheese-sample-official so let's gooooooo
Shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and post the first 10 tracks then tag 10 people to do the same;
1. Dead Man's Gun - Ashtar Command
2. Hell March 2 - Frank Klepacki
3. Praise the Lord & Pass the Ammunition - Kay Kyser & His Orchestra
4. (Don't Fear) The Reaper - Blue Öyster Cult
5. Ace of Spades - Motörhead
6. God's Gonna Cut You Down - Johnny Cash
7. My Little Armalite - The Irish Brigade
8. Paint It, Black - The Rolling Stones
9. Free Bird - Lynyrd Skynyrd
10. Holiday in Cambodia - The Dead Kennedys
I'll taaaaagggg @bprinny @mr-double-downer @stetson-sarsaparilla @eternally-dentheaded @to2llynottoby @reve-nant @twenty-fourth-order-simulacra @konigstigerr @crispingloverofficial @theodoretheninja
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And another Big Cat ask whilst it popped up.
Proud dad T!Yang carrying/parading around her cubs through the zoo in a basket.
Meanwhile, Yang is sending a deluge of photos of her own kid to everyone she knows.
Zoo announcement for the cubs' arrival immediately came to mind.
Blake: Alright, Yang. Are you ready for the big reveal?
Tiger!Yang: (puffs up in determination and pride)
Cubs: (squeaking and wiggling in a wicker basket)
Blake: Time to go. Pick up the basket.
Tiger!Yang: (picks up the basket handle in her jaws and follows Blake out of the enclosure to the media event)
Yang: (walking with P!B while wearing the twins) Awwww! Look at the adorable little murder babies.
Blake: Are you talking about the cubs or our kids?
Yang: (smiles proudly) Why not both?
Tiger!Yang: (sneezes in agreement)
Panther!Blake & Blake: (roll their eyes)
Yang: What? Can't I be proud of all of our babies and grandcubs? (points to the twins) I helped make these!
Tiger!Yang: (puffs up more) I helped!
Blake: You did two minutes of work to my nine months.
Panther!Blake: (stares at T!Y) Your ten seconds....
Yang: Hey! I specifically remember going substantially longer than two minutes that night!
Tiger!Yang: Ten seconds, but over sixty rounds is still a lot, you insatiable beast....
Media: (cameras flashing as they enter the event venue)
Tiger!Yang: (holds basket up higher with pride)
Yang: (puffs out chest and pats T!Y on the neck)
Blake & Panther!Blake: I'm glad they're such proud papas, but dammit...
#bumbleby#yang xiao long#blake belladonna#tiger yang#panther blake#bumblecubs#big cat au#thanks drenosa!
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After seeing the Big Cat babies interacting with the Bumblebabies, I am now wondering whether or not pregnant P!Blake had any weird cravings.
T!Yang would be looking quite lost in trying to fulfill the request/demand until she overhears Blake, also pregnant, tells tells Yang what she wants.
I have absolutely no idea if animals get pregnancy cravings, but that is definitely a thought. This one might be tricky, but let's see what I can do.
Panther!Blake: (laying in the pool and trying to rest. A fish swims right in front of her face and she ignores it)
Tiger!Yang: (shocked)
Yang: Yeah, I feel you, girl. Both of our ladies have been having weird diet issues since they got pregnant.
Blake: (waddling down the grade with a swollen baby belly) Um... Yang?
Tiger!Yang & Yang: (turn heads)
Blake: (scratches T!Y behind the ears) Sorry, baby. Not you.
Tiger!Yang: (turns back to P!B grumbling in content in the water)
Yang: What's up, babe? How's the baby?
Blake: Baby's fine... um... baby wants red meat for dinner tonight...
Yang: And how do you know that?
Blake: I've been chewing ice all day and when I passed by the Macaw exhibit I wanted to lick the clay on the cliff wall.
Yang: You know spinach is a better source of iron, right?
Blake: (wrinkles her nose and places her hand on her belly where a little twitch pushed against the skin) Baby didn't like that.
Yang: Okay, okay, chicken? Eggs? Steak? Hamburgers?
Blake: .....Baby likes steak.
Yang: (laughing) Okay, steak it is. We can stop by the store on the way home tonight.
Tiger!Yang: (watching P!B licking the soil on the edge of the pool) Hmmm....
-Later That Night-
Yang: Baby happy?
Blake: (cuddling up to Yang) Baby happy.
Lisa Lavender: Good Evening, I'm Lisa Lavender. Our top story for the evening: A tiger has broken out of the Beacon Zoo and stolen a whole side of beef off the rail at Old Man Butchers. Civilians are advised to please remain indoors until the tiger is subdued.
Yang & Blake: (blink) God dammit, Yang.
-At the Zoo-
Panther!Blake: (going to town on the side of beef)
Tiger!Yang: (puffs up proudly) I did good.
#bumbleby#yang xiao long#blake belladonna#panther blake#tiger yang#pregnancy cravings#iron deficiency#iron deficient anemia#thanks drenosa!
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So you've got tiger!Yang and panther!Blake. How 'bout Ruby and Weiss getting introduced to cheetah!Ruby and snow leopard!Weiss? That way we'll have a complete big cat RWBY AU.
Cheetah!Ruby made headlines because of her unique colour mutation. Looking she's got a red sheen to her fur.
Snow leopard!Weiss, being of an endangered species, recently got released from an animal hospital after being shot in the side by a poacher.
Cat!Weiss is/was standoffish with cat!Ruby but has grown to tolerate her presence, whilst cat!Ruby just seems content to have someone near to calm the anxiety cheetahs are known to have.
For shits and giggles, Oscar is sitting with Ilia because he's in the same situation with Ruby as Ilia is with Blake.
I did do a skit where Ruby was a shephard/lab mix that calmed down Cheetah!Weiss, but let's see how this RWBY-ception would work. Let's go!
Weiss: Does anyone else think it's odd that the animals we're caring for are named after our friends...or girlfriends in some cases...?
Blake & Yang: (snuggled together and lounging against T!Y next with P!B draped over their laps) No, not really.
Tiger!Yang & Panther!Blake: (nuzzling noses together affectionately)
Weiss: Of course, you don't. (gently strokes SL!W's fur) You are ridiculously soft.
SnowLeopard!Weiss: (preens proudly)
Cheetah!Ruby: (barrels into Weiss excitedly and rubs up on SL!W while laying on Weiss)
Weiss: Ruby! Get off of me!
Ruby: (sitting on the other side of SL!W) But I'm not on you, Weiss.
Weiss: I'm talking to the cheetah!
Cheetah!Ruby: (rubs Weiss's head lovingly)
Weiss: Yes, yes, I love you too.
Ruby: (starry eyes) You love me?!
Weiss: Again...cheetah.... (quietly) but yes...
Ruby: (pouts and grabs SL!W's cheeks) Well, I love my fluffy Weiss! (rubs noses together)
SnowLeopard!Weiss: (growls happily but puffs up)
Yang: And I love Blake (kisses Blake's cheek)
Panther!Blake: (growls)
Yang: Both of my Blakes. (kisses between P!B's ears)
Panther!Blake: (grumbles happily)
Blake: (kisses Yang back) And I love my Yangs (kisses T!Y's muzzle)
Tiger!Yang: (covers face with enormous paw all flustered)
Ilia: (still in the observing area brooding) This is ridiculous.
Oscar: Brooding over being cockblocked by a big cat?
Ilia: Yup...
Oscar: Mind if I join you?
Ilia: Go for it.
Oscar: Thanks (sits next to Ilia and stares at SL!W in disbelief) How did I lose out to that????
#bumbleby#yang xiao long#blake belladonna#rwby#ruby rose#weiss schnee#white rose#rwby crack post#big cat AU#panther blake#tiger yang#snow leopard weiss#cheetah ruby#thanks drenosa!
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I'mma gonna do another Dog Days ask whilst I come up with a Big Cat one.
Dogs Days AU at the beach or swimming pool. Are they swimmers or sunbathers and do one or more of the swimmers need floaties?
One Dog Days of Summer, coming right up!
Jaune: (struggling to put Terrier!Nora in water floaties) Okay, now, Nora. Nora! NORA!
Nora: Yes?
Jaune: Not you.... Wait... Yes, you! Help me put these water wings on your dog!
Nora: Oh! Sure, that's easy. (whistles)
Terrier!Nora: (sits nicely)
Nora: (double whistles)
Terrier!Nora: (sits up on hind legs with her front paws in the air)
Jaune: (holding floaty) How.....?
Pyrrha: (throwing a ball into the pool) Get it, Jaune!
Golden Retriever!Jaune: (leaps off the diving board into the water and grabs the ball, opting to take his sweet time returning it and swimming a few laps)
Doberman!Pyrrha: (watching jealously but wants to stay in the sun)
Pyrrha: (takes the ball from GR!J) Such a good boy! Who's a good boy?! You are! (starts giving him pets and kisses)
Doberman!Pyrrha: (leaps into action and sits dutifully at Pyrrha's side)
Pyrrha: You want to play too? Okay! Go! (throws ball)
Doberman!Pyrrha: (leaps and catches the ball into the air majestically, but struggles to swim to the shallow end)
Terrier!Nora: (lunches into the water wearing her floaty and starts "swimming" aka: attack digging at the water like a meth head)
C. Hound!Ren: (vibing in the sun)
Ren: (laying on a folding chair next to his dog, pats CH!R on the head) Good boy.
C. Hound!Ren: (groans happily)
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Big Cat AU, also water related.
All four need an actual bath with soap and scrubbing, not just a dip or a jump in the water. Any of them being particularly difficult about it and do any of them get all floofy after getting towel dried?
Blake & Yang: (wearing bathing suits in a giant tub with T!Y and P!B)
Tiger!Yang: (absolutely loving the water and lathering)
Panther!Blake: (groaning in content)
Yang: How are things going, guys?
Ruby: (trying to spray a prickly SL!W with water) I-It's been better...
Snow Leopard!Weiss: (snarling and roaring at Ruby every time she brings water even remotely close)
Weiss: (spraying Cheetah!Ruby every time she sprints passed) I wish there was a more efficient way to do this.
Panther!Blake: (enjoying Yang toweling her off)
Cheetah!Ruby: (Trying to run the water out of her fur)
Blake & Ruby: (blow drying T!Y and SL!W like the fluff queens they are)
Cheetah!Ruby: (barely any cleaner than before)
Panther!Blake: (sleek and shiny)
Tiger!Yang: (giant tousled ball of floof)
Snow Leopard!Weiss: (primped, polished, perfumed, majestically fluffed fur wisps in the breeze)
Yang: Wow, Ruby. I am so sorry you have to deal with that.
Ruby: (collapses in exhaustion)
Weiss: I don't know what your problem is. I barely broke a sweat.
Blake: You barely even cleaned your cat.
Weiss: I'm sorry that I don't have a water loving, hair dryer hogging, floof mitten to care for.
#bumbleby#yang xiao long#blake belladonna#ruby rose#weiss schnee#rwby crack post#white rose#big cat au#panther blake#tiger yang#cheetah ruby#snow leopard weiss#thanks drenosa!
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Whenever I see Cub calling Yang Dagon, I keep hearing it wrong in my head. I always hear it like Day-Gone rather than Dah-Gon. The former is the big bad in ES: Oblivion, Mehrunes Dagon, whilst the latter would be dragon with simply the r missing.
Anyway, this led to me imagining Yang being a giant, four-armed deadric Prince of Oblivion, make of that what you want.
Oh, you are just a beautiful being for bringing that up!
Yeah, my brain does that too, and I was wondering why. I should have known my Skyrim obsession would come back to haunt me one of these days. It's ES crossover time!
Cubby (15): (playing Skyrim) Okay, I have all the pieces of this razor. Now, I just have to get it to Mehrunes Dagon- (struck by realization).... Dah-gon...Day-gone...Da.... Dagon!!!!
Yang: What is it, Cub?
Cubby: Are you named after the Daedric Prince of Destruction or is he named after you?
Yang: .......(pitches voice) Have you found my razor yet, mortal?
Yang: Sure, Cub!
-At Aunty Ruby's Hallow-Birthday Party-
Ruby: Wow, Cub! What's your costume?
Cubby: I'm the Dovahkiin! Leader of the Companions!
Ruby: And Blake?
Blake: Something called a Nightingale?
Cubby: She's a member of a super secret thief organization.
Ruby: That tracks. And......Yang?
Yang: (Wearing a tattered, leather vest with two fake arms attached, leather armor faulds, and her abs on full display) Daedric Prince of Destruction.
Ruby & Weiss: That tracks.
#bumbleby#yang xiao long#blake belladonna#ruby rose#weiss schnee#baby and the bees#skyrim#elder scrolls#thanks drenosa!
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Now for an actual Dog Days AU ask:
Dog!Nora constantly getting- or taking more like- piggyback rides from the other larger dogs. It changes on which dog she's sitting whenever the owners look away.
Oh, here's a fun one! Let's go!
Terrier!Nora: (hops up on GR!J's back and starts ripping donuts)
Jaune: No, Nora, down.
Nora: But I'm not on anything...
Jaune: Not you.
Terrier!Nora: (hops up on D!P back and rides off into "battle")
Pyrrha: Nora, no. Get down.
Nora: I'm not on anything!
Pyrrha: Not you, Nora.
Terrier!Nora: (hops up on C.H!R's back for snuggles)
Ren: ......
Terrier!Nora: (puppy eyes)
C. Hound Ren: (not quite puppy eyes, but close)
Ren: Okay, Nora. You can stay there.
Nora: (laying on Ren's stomach on the couch) I don't remember asking if this was oka- OH!!! The terrier. Right. (snuggles back in)
#team jnpr#dog days au#terrier nora#nora valkyrie#lie ren#c. hound ren#golden retriever jaune#doberman pyrrha#jaun arc#pyrrha nikos#thanks drenosa!
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Yang and Blake definitely trade in making each other a flustered mess. But we all know Weiss is in the area when it happens WAY more often than she likes.
Seriously thinking "Why do have I to suffer them?!" Whilst maybe thinking how she wants to trace the muscles in Ruby's incredibly well-defined running legs. Not that she'd admit to watching, even if Ruby remains oblivious to Weiss' staring.
Ha! I absolutely love it!
Weiss: (watching Blake and Yang being disgustingly lovey-dovey while making dinner) Ugh! Why do I put up with them when they're like this? They're absolutely insufferable!
Ruby: (walks in wearing a pair of track shorts, her chisled calves on full display) Hi, Weiss! Wow! Something smells great! Are Blake and Yang making chicken? I'm starving after my run!
Weiss: (staring shamelessly at Ruby's legs as she leaves to go change)
Blake: (snickering) Weiss, I take it you're going to want dark meat?
Weiss: (blushing profusely) Oh, go stuff your head in the sand, Blake!
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Big Cat AU:
With the introduction of Lion!Pyrrha in the drabble about Reproduction, I am now curious about the what the rest are of JNPR are as big cats.
Jaune: Mountain Lion. I'm not going with a lion because I'm not into the idea of him having a harem, and I'm not setting myself up for a bunch of Lion Jaune x Pride requests. I'm just not setting myself up for that kind of failure. Also, the awkwardness of him being a large, small cat amongst big cats works better with his personality than me giving him a scraggly mane that's smaller than Pyrrah's.
Nora: Ocelot. Small, energetic. Crackhead with claws.
Ren: Clouded Leopard. Relaxed and resilient when in its habitat.
The fact that I feel the need to overexplain my choice for Jaune absolutely kills me. So I ask that people be respectful of my HCs here.
#jnpr#jaune#nora#ren#pyrrha#lion pyrrha#thanks drenosa!#mountain lion jaune#clouded leopard ren#ocelot nora
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Got a little something for your Big Cat AU. It's goddamn adorable.
This is so cute! Thanks for sharing! I might be able to use this later.
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Emily tries a different tactic.
Charlie is (platonically) delighted.
Vaggie is probably conflicted.
Annoyingly I couldn't find the original source but the pic was just too nice to pass up.
Hey, Drenosa!
Good to see you, friend! This is adorable! Charlie would be platonically delighted until she saw Emily do the same for Vaggie. Then it might be a little conflicted.
Emily: Hi, Charlie! Look! I got a flower for you!
Charlie: Awww~ Thank you, Emily! You're so sweet!
Emily: Hehehe!
Vaggie: That's adorable.
Emily: Oh! D-Don't worry, Vaggie! I-I have one for you too!
Vaggie: Uh... Thanks, Emily.... It's pretty.
Charlie: .........No more flowers.
#puppy love au#emily#charlie#vaggie#thanks drenosa#adorable emily fanart attached#chaggie#flowers#hazbin hotel#incorrect quotes
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Apple seed (Omake?)
So Charlie's labor proved to be... hellfire and brimstone.
Was Charlie's own birth anything like that?
Hey, Drenosa!
Charlie's birth? Oooooh.....
Lilith: *devil horns and eyes glowing red as she screeches and spews fire out of her mouth to the ceiling* AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Lucifer: H-Honey! Honey! Sugar Cube! *dodges a fireball* DUCK!!!
Unsuspecting Imp: Huh??? *gets grabbed around the throat and chucked out of St. Ans Hospital* Yaaah-hoo-hoo-hoo-hooey!!!
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Aince you started with Ch2: How did Charlie approach Vaggie to be her personal trainer? And how did Vaggie's... interest in her start.
Hi, drenosa!
I'm working on chapter 1 right now. Here's a quick overview of how they met. Vaggie was out on the University's outdoor track to workout. She was halfway through her sprints when she saw Charlie walk onto the track, looking confused and lost, before doing an ineffective warm up and trying to run. Vaggie noticed that Charlie was having trouble and offered to help.
Thanks for dropping in! It's good to see you again, friend!
Stay golden!
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