#thanks again for the request! i hope you enjoyed this beast of a story lol. its like 16k and i dont know how that happened
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Head On ch. 8

Summary: You and your friends go to see Viktor off to school when you all are met with a horrid sight. All you want is to get everyone out safely and for Silco back at your side.
Content: female reader, gendered terms, pre-season 1 arcane, young Vander, young Silco, young Sevika, young reader, young Felicia, young Connol, baby Vi, Nadia & Nikolai are Viktor's parents, pre-teen Viktor, canon typical violence, riots, guns/blood, friend reunions, confessing feelings, reader has water manipulation, smoking, slight Arcane season 2/League of Legends spoiler (Janna, Felicia & Connol)
Word Count: 7.6K
Tag List: @miffysoo , @teriyakiitae , @locinne , @equaniimouxx , @cipher-nine
@shi-toshi , @sebastianlover
A/N: Okay okay, 1) I wanted to just quickly say THANK YOU to everyone whose taken the time to read this story and whose let me know you've been enjoying it!! It really does mean so much to me and keeps me going!! 2) sorry for the long ass word count. I can't help myself. I am a long word count girly who has been trying her hand at short word counts but will always go back to running her mouth in her stories lol 3) sorryyy for the time skip again. It's important to me at least to have it so that we can age up some younger characters anddd to keep things moved towards more fun events. It doesn't truly impair the story too much I feel. And 4) I hope you all enjoy!! Sending much love!!
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Three years later
“Oh and off she goes.” Felicia cheerfully spoke as Violet wandered off towards a bit of blue chalk lying on the side of the street faster than you believed her small legs should be able to take her. Felicia rushed after her, grabbing her toddler up in her arms just as Vi had snagged the bit of chalk.
Vi gave an angered noise that sounded like some roaring beast at her feet leaving the ground. The kid thrashed about in her mom’s arms, kicking and throwing punches as if she could fight her way out. Felicia laughed through it all.
“Okay, okay.” Felicia placed a smacking kiss on her kid’s round, dirt-smudged cheek before quickly pulling her face out of the way of another small, chubby little fist. “Geez. One of these days you’re gonna knock someone's tooth out.” She huffed, placing Vi back onto the ground.
“No, no, mommy.” Vi humphed, wagging a finger like she was the boss. Felicia merely laughed again, ruffling her head of pink hair.
“That kid needs a leash,” Sevika grumbled from where she walked beside you, pulling her cigarette from her lips.
“She’s just explori--oh and there she goes again.” Felicia booked it after Vi as she made to start writing on some passing man’s pants with the chalk still clutched in her fist.
“Gods. Guppy, you ever catch me daydreaming about shit like having a kid, I give you full permission to smash a rock over my head.” Sevika took a long drag from her smoke after she spoke.
“Only if you agree to do the same for me.” You smirked. Sevika held her first out and you were quick to bump your own against it. She pulled her cigarette from her lips and exhaled the remaining smoke from her lungs.
“You two are so negative,” Nadia spoke from where she walked just before you two, her eyes nervously scanning over her own kid, now nearly on the cusp of teenage-hood. “Vi is just a very spirited child.” And just as Nadia finished, Vi gave another screeching wail as Felicia lugged her back over to you all.
“Got her!” Felicia cheered as Violet’s eyes began to fill with frustrated tears.
“How are you feeling, little angel?” Nadia asked Viktor who she hadn’t taken her eyes off once since they all started the walk towards the bridge.
And she was nervous for good reason. She and Nikolai, after years and years of hard work and living off scraps, had saved up enough money to send Viktor to school in Piltover.
And not just any school. The best school money could buy. A school that would further feed Viktor’s curiosity and need to experiment as well as give him the connections needed so he could, after he graduated, attend Piltover Academy.
But for him to attend this school and become something over there, he had to stay there and you knew it was keeping everything within Nadia not to break down and forget about all of it.
“The same way I felt when you asked me a minute and thirty seconds ago,” Viktor responded, voice full of sass he’d been using more and more lately.
“Oh.” Nadia gave a weak smile. “Excited then, yes?” She asked, reaching a gentle hand out to run her fingers through his head of wild hair to try and smooth it back down. Violet gave another screeching wail just as Viktor swatted his mother’s hand away.
“Silly goose,” Felicia spoke as Nadia pulled from her son, fingers beginning to fiddle and pick at each other.
“Actually. Just shoot me.” Sevika grumbled under her breath to you as she observed the exchanges between both mothers and their kids.
“Only if you do the same.” Sevika chuckled heartily at your response. “Dee, you said Nikolai’s already over there?” You questioned, trying to quickly keep Nadia’s mind off her son's denial of affection. Nadia blinked her burnt gold eyes at you, that weak smile still plastered to her face.
“Yes. Yes, he went last night to deliver a sculpture to a client. We have a friend he stayed the night with. He should already be on the other side of the bridge and to meet Viktor and bring--” Her voice faltered a bit as she gazed back at her son who confidently limped ahead, looking all too ready for this next step in life. “Bring him to school. Help him settle in.”
“Good.” You quickened your pace a bit to be able to stand beside your friend. Your first friend. One you’d met as soon as she and her family had made it to the Lanes after fleeing their home. She had been just as sweet and kind back then as she was now, but she too held that same sass her son now used. You placed a hand on Nadia’s shoulder.
“Viktor’ll do good. You know that. He’s smart.” Nadia nodded, grabbing hold of your hand tightly and giving you a heavy, grateful-filled look. “We’re here for you…even when Sevika’s a Miss. Dark and Gloomy and Felicia wrangling some feral creature.” Nadia gave an equally as weak huffed laugh.
“Watch. My little creature is gonna grow up and become a famous cage fighter. Hand you all your asses while she’s at it.” Felicia grinned your way, Vi all but hanging upside down as Felicia struggled to keep a hold of her wrestling daughter.
Felicia and Connol, since having Vi, decided Felicia could stop working the mines till Vi was old enough to stay home by herself. It made it so that Connol was rarely home and Felicia feeling a bit more lonely.
So, Felicia found work at your job. Your boss, having a soft spot for mothers and their little ankle biters, gave Felicia temporary work in her office where she could bring Violet while she helped with paperwork.
It’s why Felicia was able to come with you all this morning to see Viktor off. You all would make sure he got across the bridge safe and sound before heading to the diner-shop to start the work day.
After work, your group decided to hold a mock family dinner for Nadia and Nikolai to try and help keep their minds off their son living in a city that would try to swallow him whole every chance it got.
You were trying not to think too hard about your whole group in one place like that. Talking and eating and drinking together, when such festivities had grown less and less frequent.
And it was all thanks to you and Silco of course.
Your fight three years ago had left you both fighting for months. Months that neared on a whole year before Vander stepped in and told you two to knock it off. That you needed to at least act civil when around the whole group, especially since Vi had been born.
It had stopped the fighting but had left you two distant. Hardly a word spoke to each other for a year afterward.
The problem was you both were stubborn. Too proud to admit the fight was over nothing. Too proud to just sit down and talk it over like adults.
You still hardly spoke a word to each other a year after that one, though now you two could be alone together and not have it turn into a verbal battle.
You missed him.
It was something you had been thinking about more and more.
You missed exploring after work with him. Missed long talks while sharing a cigarette. Missed being able to sit next to him in silence, shoulders and thighs pressed together. Being able to sit there and not have the air be full of tension.
You missed your friend.
You cursed yourself out daily for having had a hand in losing his close friendship all because you had been scared and ran away. You should have just stayed in that cave and told him what you were thinking--how you were feeling.
But that chance passed you by and you were stuck in this tension-filled now.
Shouting pulled you from your thoughts.
You thought at first it was Violet again, but it was too loud--too many different shouts. And when you looked to the little girl, you found she had calmed in her mom's arms, watching as a pair of people rushed past your group towards the bridge.
“Oh no.” Nadia gasped as you all rounded the corner, finding the mouth of the bridge a cluster of people shouting and screaming at the enforcers standing there, trying to keep them back.
You didn’t have to peer too hard past everyone to see a large, chain fence had been put up, blocking anyone from going in.
Nadia pulled from your touch and grabbed hold of her son, who didn’t shoo her away this time.
“What the fuck.” Sevika hissed, plucking her cigarette from her lips and flicking it to the ground. “No chance in hell they’ve blocked us out.”
But none of you would ever put it past them. They’d done it before a long while ago, back when Vander’s dad was your age and The Gray ran more rabid in the streets.
“Do you know what happened?” Felicia asked the next person who tried to rush by. They took a small second to look back at you all, eyes shifting to look at Vi who was now greeting them with round after round of hi.
“They raised the toll. Five hundred.” You felt your blood run cold. The old toll had been hard enough to pay and now this?
Five hundred?
That was more than most made in a week’s worth of work.
“And even if you can pay, they’re askin’ thousands of questions just to find any reason to not let you through. Not unless you have proof.” And off they rushed into the crowd, leaving you and your group fuming.
“Fuck this--Vander’s gotta give in after hearing this shit.” Sevika gruffed and you agreed.
Vander would agree to start fighting back like you and the others had been wanting. He’d held you all back for years saying nothing that had happened was worth going to war for.
But this was worth it.
They were cutting you all off from the rest of the world like one might do to a decaying limb.
Sevika made to march back through the fissures to find Vander, but something caught her eye.
She froze.
You froze.
“Where the hell is Nadia?” Felicia asked as Vi became fussy messing in her arms all over again. Your chest tightened as you scanned over the rioting crowd. Tightened painfully when you caught a flash of ruddy red hair disappearing within it.
You rushed for her, leaving Sevika to curse and all but command Felicia to stay put as she ran after you. You didn’t slow as she called your name. Didn’t slow as you pushed and shoved through the crowd, hissing and snapping harshly at any who refused to move.
Sevika shoved those who refused away with one arm easily, having caught up to you. The few that had all but glued their feet to the ground took one look at your menacing friend and moved before you could even get to them.
“--see. Himerdinger himself selected my son to attend Piltover Preparatory School.” You heard Nadia’s accented voice before you saw her, but when you pushed through the last few bodies, you spotted her. She was shoving a gold detailed letter into the hands of an enforcer by a door closest to the tollhouse. It was the acceptance letter Viktor had received.
The enforcers, who you recognized immediately to be Rufus, who should have retired years ago, nodded on a heavy sigh.
“Five hundred.” He handed the letter back to Nadia who was quick to give it to Viktor, who was pulling lightly at the skirt of her dress shaking his head, looking like a small kid again.
“We cannot affor--” Nadia cut him off with a fierce gaze.
“You are going to that school.” She demanded, digging into her pockets for a small pouch full of coins. She fished out the correct amount and handed it to Rufus who nodded to another enforcer standing guard by the door to unlock it.
“Nadia--” You called just as an enforcer stepped before you, keeping you back. You bared your teeth at him. “Move it.” But he only continued to shove you back, just as more enforcers came to shove others back.
“You are going to work hard. And it will be hard, but you will do good things. Great things for this world.” You heard Nadia continue. You caught a glance at her, finding her on her knees before her son, holding his tear-streaked face and looking so proud. “Do not let them snuff out your spark. I love you, my little angel. Always remember that.” And you were shoved away just as she wrapped her son up in her arms for what might be the last time.
You hit Sevika’s solid body, but she held you steady. She flashed you a smirk, gray eyes steady and full of that burning anger you all held before she shoved the enforcer back, his armor rattling violently as he fell to his ass.
You used the opening to rush over the fallen officer toward Nadia, who was watching Viktor walk through the gate door, which slammed shut and locked behind him. He cast his mom one last look, who steadied him with an encouraging nod. You grabbed her arm as the enforcer Sevika knocked over shouted at you.
“Why the fuck did you do that?” You asked, trying not to let your words bite seeing your friend’s eyes had turned all red and glossy. “You shouldn’t have paid that goddamn toll.”
“It is only money.” She started, almost fighting against you as you tried to pull her away from the fence. Her burnt gold eyes, which welled over onto her flushed cheeks, kept track of her son the whole time. “I would do anything for him. Anything.”
Shouting grew more aggressive behind you. A sound that normally would have thrilled you, but with Nadia still in the heart of it all, it was dreadful.
She couldn’t fight. Didn’t know how and could hardly pick a fish-filled crate up without help. She would only get caught in the crossfire of a fight like this.
“Nadia--Nadia we have to go.” You insisted, tugging sharply at her arm. She allowed you to pull her closer.
You turned and--
The sound echoed sharply through the air.
The sound of a gunshot.
People screamed and began to run around like chickens who’d had their heads cut off. You spotted the person who Felicia had stopped to question laying face first on the ground, red pooling beneath them.
The enforcers who had fired looked just as terrified as everyone else, his gun shaking in his hands.
Rufus shoved past you both shouting orders at him and the others to not fire.
Another gunshot sounded further down the line and that was when you held Nadia tight and sprinted toward Sevika. Sevika grabbed hold of your own arm and began dragging you back toward Felicia just as you were dragging Nadia.
Another gunshot roared through the air.
And then another.
Nadia tripped, startled scream on her lips. You held her tight and continued to pull her along.
You all just needed to get away. Far away from the enforcers and their need to quince their bloodthirst.
Felicia was holding a screaming Vi tight to her chest, feet already moving as soon as she spotted you all.
“That way. That way!” Sevika shouted to Felicia who turned the corner she was pointing at sharply.
“The fucking brothels?!” Felicia shouted back.
“Where the fuck else!” Sevika hissed.
“I can’t bring my kid in there!” Felicia called as Sevika wound the corner after her.
“Cover her eyes!”
“I can’t--” Nadia called your name on a winded breath, “I can’t--” Her pace began to slow.
“Just a little further, okay, and then we can sto--” But you felt Nadia drop to her knees just as you two turned the corner. Her weight growing so heavy it nearly pulled you down with her.
A painful start hissed through your body when you found her on the ground, clutching at her shoulder and looking pale. Too pale even for her.
Red splattered on her shaking fingertips. Red that had dripped here and there on the ground leading directly to your friend.
Rock bit into your knees as you rushed for her, flipping her onto her back to find the front of her dress soaked in blood.
“Did--did he get across?” She sputtered, fear high in her eyes. Pain screwed her face up, tears never ceasing their fall from her eyes.
“Sevika!” You screamed, grabbing for Nadia’s hand to pull it from her shoulder. She gave a scream that tore at your chest and made you hesitate. “It’s--it’s just your shoulder.” You tried to smooth, pressing your palm against the bleeding wound that only made her pain grow. “It’s fine--Sevika!”
Water was in the blood.
Water was yours to command yet blood never wanted to behave as nicely as water. Not even as nicely as alcohol which held more than less water in it than blood did.
You’d never been able to control it. Never been able to slow the flow of it even from something as small as a paper cut.
You tried anyway, squeezing your eyes shut and focusing on the water flowing within her blood. Willed it, begged it to halt just long enough for someone to come to patch her up.
Sevika cursed sharply when she came to your side but you kept focusing on your task. Kept pushing your power harder and harder even when it began to make your head spin.
“V-Viktor--” Nadia gave a small sob. “Did--get--” Another sob that burned at your eyes. “Please.”
“He did. He got across.” Your voice came out too wobbly. Too weak.
“We gotta get her out of here.” Sevika’s voice sounded, her strong hands gently starting to pull you away.
You let her, but kept your focus on your task. On wrangling her blood with your magic and pushing it back as if trying to reverse the flow of some powerful river.
Nadia gave a brokenly pained cry as Sevika picked her up as gently as she could. You followed, vision beginning to dot the longer you pushed your magic to work on such a hard task.
Black fuzzed through your eyes and the next thing you knew you were standing inside a dimly lit brothel.
Black fuzzed at your eyes as you watched Sevika lay Nadia on a pillow-covered bed, an older Yordle assessing the damage. She turned her eyes onto Sevika looking all too grim.
Black fuzzed at your eyes and Vi’s screaming rang through your ears, loud and piercing. A hand grabbed your shoulder and you pushed it quickly off of you.
Your magic snapped back into your body so hard it made you stumble backward out of the room you had been led into. You tried to summon it back but that fuzz turned into dull buzzing in your ears. Made your breath heavy and tight in your lungs. Made your stomach twist and your mouth fill with hot saliva like you might throw up.
A few of the employees of the brothel you all barged into peeked their heads out of their rooms, eyes wide and some even filled with tears. They must have heard about what happened at the bridge. Must have seen you all rush in and known what had happened as soon as they spotted Nadia--Nadia--
Your stomach rolled just as your heart twisted like some old rag and your eyes blurred.
You blinked and you were outside.
Blinked and you were down the street.
Blinked and you were looking at your shaking hands.
Blood. Nadia’s blood.
Oh gods oh gods.
Where the fuck was Janna?
Where was she?
She was supposed to be the Lanes’ guardian spirit or some shit. Supposed to protect you all. Keep shit like this from happening to you all.
And--and she’d just left.
Left you all to suffer and die by the hands of Piltover who would never stop trying to take, take, take. They would take till their bellies were round and full and still their hunger would not be sated.
Hands grabbed your arm, tugging at you. You shove whoever it was away. A shove that only made the person grab you tighter.
You blinked and found it was an enforcer. Two. One shouted down the way for backup.
Your head spun.
The effort from trying to use your powers on something as hard as blood made it hard to re-focus--to breathe.
Before you could try to fight them off, a blur of red and gray flashed past you, attacking the enforcers for you.
The sound of a blade zinging free and the gurgled sounds of a dying breath filled your ears as you staggered back, trying desperately to get yourself together. More screams. More sounds of death and soon someone was before you. Someone who was calling your name sharply.
You tensed a bit when hands grabbed hold of your face, body readying to fight, but the feel of those hands. Of chilled, calloused, and scarred skin gave you pause. Had you blink and blink that fog away till you found Silco’s face there.
He looked worried. Really worried.
Worried for you.
Only you.
“Hey--hey are you hurt? Did they hurt you?” Fingers smooth over your skin, pulling your face closer and closer. You blinked again, eyes filling with liquid fire as you grabbed desperately for his hands. Hands that continued to hold you tight, to hold you so close you felt his forehead brush against yours.
Out of all the touches and almost touches that had happened between you two your whole lives, this was the one you craved most. One you pressed into. One that had those tears you fought back rolling down your cheeks and over her fingers in hot streams.
“Tell me--what happened? I heard about the bridge and--”
“Nadia--” Weak. Your voice sounded so weak in your ear and, even though you typically would have cringed at such weakness being shown, you didn’t care. Couldn’t care. Not when your friend could be dying. Not in front of Silco. “She’s--”
Silco pulled you into his chest, arms wrapping around your body tightly and you just crumbled. Just completely broke down--snot and all. Sobs shook your body so violently you were sure they were shaking through Silco as well.
But Silco didn’t pull away. Only held you tighter, like he might try to press you into him. Only smoothed his hands over your back and pressed his cheek against your head, keeping you almost completely surrounded by him.
“Silco!” It was Vander’s voice and Vander’s footfalls that were growing closer and closer. “Where are the other girls?” He asked, worry high in his voice.
“Where is Felicia? Vi?” Connol sounded even more worried than Vander. As he should. His whole life had been at the bridge. His whole life could have been taken away in one fell swoop. You grabbed two fist fulls of Silco’s leather jacket, holding on for dear life as you fought to reign back your chest-aching sobs. As Connol all but hissed your name, trying to frantically stir you from your breaking.
“Don’t.” Silco hissed right back at him, a hand coming to hold the back of your head as if to keep you shielded from your friend. “I saw her come out from the entertainment district. I would guess they are all there.” Silco had hardly finished his words before someone, most likely Connol, rushed off.
“It's not safe here. We need to get out of view.” It was Benzo’s voice that spoke, the man sure to have joined them without a second thought. Silco was silent as his fingertips brushed over the back of your neck. Seemed to be waiting for you and for whenever you were ready, no matter the danger that lurked through the streets. You wrestled yourself to move, pulling slowly from Silco’s hold as you tried to bite down your weakness.
Silco let his hands linger on you. Let his hand brush over your cheek and over your shoulder, seafoam eyes scanning you over, looking for everything and anything that might be a harm to you.
He took hold of your hand firmly like he was refusing to let you go again. You were glad for it. Glad for his support, even when tension between you had grown choking. Tensions that, in that moment, seemed to be forgotten.
Vander’s face hardened when his eyes took in your upset nature. Benzo’s eyes grew sullen.
You never cried. You’d come close, but you never cried. Especially in front of others.
It was something Silco and Vander both knew. Something that was hardening Vander against the cruel reality that someone could be hurt. Someone could be dead.
Hardened into that anger.
The wolf paced behind those gray eyes.
Was growing stronger and stronger, ready to be let loose upon the world.
Sevika was right. He would agree to start the revolution you all had dreamed of now.
Start a war.
“Who?” Vander asked. Your lip trembled.
“Nadia. I--I don’t know--” Silco’s body pressed closer to yours in a silent telling that you could lean on him. That he would be there for you no matter what.
Vander nodded, beginning to head off in the direction Connol had run, Benzo quick on his heel.
“It’s not safe out here. Let's go.” It was a command. One you wanted to follow but your body locked up against.
Go? Go back to that brothel Nadia was laying in? Go back to that place and see her dying?
Silco’s hand pulled from your own only for it to wrap around your waist, pressing you into his side.
“I’m here. I’m here with you.” He didn’t promise that Nadia would be okay. He couldn’t promise that. No one could. Not when they didn’t know any true doctors. Not when, even if it was just a shot to her shoulder, could be fatal if left unattended for long.
But he did promise he was there.
That he wouldn’t leave your side, no matter what.
And it was enough to get your body moving back towards the entertainment district.
The typically busy street looked like it had been abandoned. Looked like it was closed down for good.
You led them to the brothel everyone was hold up in, finding Connol and Felicia sitting just in the entrance on a nest of pillows, a small group of workers cooing at Vi who was going up to each and grabbing for any shiny jewelry or pretty hair piece they wore.
One of them rushed past you three and was quick to lock the door. And bolt lock it. And shove a plank of wood across its frame. She was just as quick to rush to stand before you all, giving a small bow of her head before rushing back off towards the back rooms.
“Any word about Nadia?” Vander asked Connol and Felicia.
“I was asked to leave the room because this little troublemaker was very upset,” Felicia spoke, a small smile pulling to her lips as Vi huffed her mom's way. “Sevika’s with her…it’s been quiet.”
Your throat tightened.
Your eyes burned.
Your stomach rolled.
She wasn’t okay. She was dying. Dead. Laying in some brothel she would have blushed furiously at just from a glance in its direction.
“Let’s sit.” Silco calmly spoke to you. Only you. You nodded and let him pull you along.
“I--I’m sorry.” You all but heaved out past your thick throat. Silco sat down on another little nest of pillows, gently sitting you down next to him. He didn’t pull his hand away from your waist, even when he no longer needed to guide you around like some lost dog.
“You’ve done nothing you need to apologize for.” He calmly spoke again.
This was the closest you’d been to him in a long, long time. The longest he’s touched you in a long, long time.
And gods you had missed it. Gods you cursed yourself for being so stupid and stubborn.
You moved the slightest bit so that your thigh was pressed firmly against his. So that you could look up at his face and take in all his sharp, handsome features. Look into those seafoam eyes he was already watching you carefully with.
“I shouldn’t have--” Silco cut you off with a small shake of his head, knowing where you were going with this.
“You don’t--”
“I don’t want to fight anymore. Please. Can we--please.” You begged on a breath so that only he might be able to hear.
This wasn’t something you really wanted to be doing in front of your friends. In front of strangers and in the heart of a brothel but you needed to say it. Needed to stop your fighting before something happened to you or worse, something happened to him. You wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if something horrible happened to him and you hadn’t at least tried to remedy it.
Silco watched over your face for a long moment. A moment that only had your aching heart ache even more.
Did he disagree? Did he not want to try and mend the hurts between you two?
A small nod helped ease a bit of the ach in your chest.
“I don’t want to fight either.” He breathed back, keeping his words just for you as you had for him. “I should be apologizing. The way I acted was immature and--”
“It was pretty childish.” Silco paused for a moment, slight surprise in his eyes at your teasing but you found the edge of his lips pull upward.
“I am in the middle of an apology here.” He huffed back. An amused huff. It made your lips tug at their corners.
“Oh sorry. Go on.” You shifted a bit as if to get more comfortable.
“You’re insufferable.” Silco shook his head at you.
“Thank you.” You proudly said. Silco chuckled and you did the same, but your amusement faded out as pain spiked in your chest at everything that had happened. Your eyes scanned his face over once more, finding a bit of dirt smudged on his cheek from his work. They must have dropped everything and rushed from the mines when they heard what had happened.
Hesitantly, you brought your hand up to brush that bit of soot away and Silco didn’t shrug you away. He leaned into your touch, eyes almost fluttering closed at your skin on his.
“I’m…I’m really terrified.” You breathed, eyes burning all over again. Silco nodded, cupping your hand within his, holding it against his cheek.
“I know.”
“What if…” Your voice broke and your lips trembled. “What if she dies? I’m…she was the first person to show me kindness and--” Your voice failed you then.
“Then…we’ll deal with it. Together. Head on. Just like we always do.” His thumb brushed over your knuckles in further comfort. A comfort you anchored yourself to. Let your eyes flutter closed and just breathe it in.
Even when he hadn’t showered, he still managed to smell fresh. Like mist. Like a calm lake.
His forehead pressed firmly against yours once more. You weren’t entirely sure who had moved closer, whether that be you or Silco, but it didn’t matter. All that mattered was he was close to you again. Was telling you silently that he still cared for you. That he would always care for you and you silently told him the same.
“Just because your friend was bleeding out all over my establishment doesn't mean you can fondle each other here without paying.” A rasping voice spoke, spooking you and Silco from the tender moment you had been sharing. Spooked you two so bad you pulled apart, finding the older Yordle walking into the center of the entrance room.
The workers who had been cooing and playing cheerfully with Violet were quick to their feet at the Yordle's appearance. They rushed off, bowing their heads at you and your friends, and the Yordle before rushing back towards their rooms. She only shook her head at them.
“We weren’t--it wasn’t like that.” Silco started pink dusting over his cheeks in a way that had Felicia chuckle knowingly and you feeling all flustered as well. Benzo wasn’t as discrete with showing his amusement, all but bellowing out a laugh that nearly had him folding in half.
The Yordle took a long drag from her cigarette and blew the heavy smoke in a tight stream toward the ceiling a few moments later.
“Boy, I work in a den of lust and love. I’ve seen it all and know what’s what.” Silco’s blush only grew deeper, his eyes glancing your way in his embarrassment of being singled out.
And despite your own embarrassment, you could help the small chuckle that pfffted from your lips. One that only had that blush deepened, but tugged that easy smile you adored to his lips.
“How is she?” Vander cut in before anything else could be said. The Yordle leveled him with a look.
“Babette.” Vander’s brows furrowed in slight confusion.
“My name is Babette.” Vander blinked, looking a bit lost for words.
“Uh--Vander.” Babette nodded her head slowly, taking another long drag from her cigarette.
“I know. People talk.” Vander gave a small exhale of breath just as she gave a release of smoke.
“Babette,” Vander started, “How is our friend?”
“You’re lucky this is the place you barged into. I’ve been doing this job a long time now. Seen it all. Had to learn to patch up bullet and knife wounds alike. People think just because they are paying they can do whatever they wish. No manners.” Babette mused on a shake of her head, making you nervous all over again. “She’ll live.” You breathed a shuddering sigh in relief, Silco’s hand giving yours a squeeze. “But she’s weak. Will be weak for a long while. Such a small thing, that one.”
You were quick to your feet, Silco following suit. “Thank you. What--how much do you want?” You asked.
Between the six of you in the room now, you could probably scrooge up…seven…eight coins. Sevike would try to horde whatever she had on her, but she would add in another three or four coins. Probably only bronze…none of you would be carrying around any gold.
“You couldn’t afford it, sweetness.” Babette purred, making you feel all flustered all over again. “All I want in return is for you to take a stand for us.” Babette’s eyes found Vander’s again. Found him and settled him with a hard, burning stare. Vander nodded at her.
You saw the wolf pace and pace, mawl dripping in hungry justice.
“Thank you.” Babette gave a wave of her hand as she took another drag of her cigarette.
You started for the backrooms, Silco still having yet to take his hand out of your and you found you could only be grateful for his continued support. More than grateful.
Sevika leaned against the wall next to the door Nadia was behind, already watching you two walk towards her. “She’s sleeping.” Sevika huffed, eyes glancing down the hall to where more workers were peeking their heads out of their doors. They disappeared under her gaze, all except one who winked her way before popping back into her room. Sevika gave a smirk at this. “We gonna break their enforcers' skulls?” She asked, her gaze darkening as she looked at Silco.
“More than break,” Silco spoke coolly.
“And if Vander chickens out again?” Sevika asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Would that make any difference now?” Sevika scoffed.
“Good.” You…found you didn’t like this. Like this…this almost behind closed-door talk. Like Vander would give up on fighting for his friends. Like Vander would give up fighting for everyone. For freedom.
He wouldn’t. It wouldn’t come to that.
But as you pulled out of Silco’s grip and made it into the room Nadia slept in, finding her looking all too weak, you almost didn’t believe your own thoughts.
Part if you believed Vander would back out, if under the right circumstances.
And Silco…you knew he never would.
He would die before he gave up hope on the future of Zuan.
And you would be lying to yourself if you said it didn’t scare you.
Your whole group made the journey from the entertainment district an hour later to safely bring Nadia back home, which was a tiny, run-down hole in the wall squished between and under other-like homes. It was a mess of all sorts of art and science supplies and half-finished projects. The space was cut roughly in half by a hung curtain, hand painted by Nadia with various swirling designs, to keep their makeshift bedroom separate.
Felicia and Connol, after double-checking to make sure Nadia would be alright, had headed home, their daughter having turned into a sleep-needing beast in Connol’s arms.
Sevika rummaged through Nadia’s small kitchen now, looking for any sort of alcohol she could get her hands on. When she started to shout back to Nadia about it, even when the woman was definitely not supposed to be roused in such a way, you excused yourself outside to find Silco.
You found him sitting on a pile of crates and barrels near Nadia’s home, a half-smoked cigarette dangling from his fingers. Vander and Benzo had been out here a few minutes ago, standing beside him. You assumed they must have left, whether that be back to work or to The Last Drop.
You weren’t sure and you didn’t entirely care in that moment, not when Silco's seafoam eyes found you before the door had even swung shut behind you.
You made your way down the ramp Nikolai had built Viktor over top of the original steps there to make it just a little easier for his son to get home before you came to a stop a little ways before Silco.
You held his gaze as he ran his hand through his hair, which he had allowed out of its usual bun to hang loosely around his shoulders in gentle waves.
He held your gaze right back, offering his cigarette out to you. You carefully took it, only for him to grab hold of your wrist and yank you closer. Your heart spiked in your chest and began to beat erratically against your rips at the sudden movement.
Neither pair of eyes left the other for a long moment. Neither of you moved. Neither of you wanted to move. Not when you were so close again. Not when you truly wanted to be even closer.
“How is she holding up?” Silco asked and you begged your heart to calm its wildness.
“As fine as someone who's just been shot and sent their son off to live in the belly of the beast.” You murmured, pulling a nod from Silco.
“Alive. That’s what matters most. We’ll figure everything out. Head on.” He moved his legs so that they hung over the sides of the crate he was sitting on. So that his knees were on either side of your legs, brushing against them gently.
“Together.” You agreed.
“Together.” He repeated, eyes dipping to glance at your lips. You moved closer now that he had created space for such a thing, the front of your thighs pressing into the edge of the crate and his thighs laying against them comfortably. You’re own eyes dipped almost greedily to look at his own lips. Lips you thought about too often…no--no, maybe didn’t think about them enough.
“Thank you….for being there for me.” Silco gave your wrist still in his grip a gentle squeeze.
“No need for all that. I will always be there for you when you need me.” You felt warm ash from the cigarette you held fall over your fingers, but you dared not pull away from him. Not when you’d been away from him for so long. Not when you had missed his close friendship so dearly.
A long silence filled the space between you two. A silence that was familiar--warm, not the foully tense thing it had been for one too many years.
“Would…” You started, your heart beginning to beat loudly in your chest again. Fear, anxiety, and flusteredness all tumbling about within it like some riptide.
“Would…?” Silco questioned, eyes ever watchful yet so--so soft. A softness only you had never been allowed to see. A softness you had realized maybe too late was only ever for you.
You hoped it wasn’t too late.
You prayed it.
“Would you…would you like to pretend that we’re back at my pool?” You spoke on a voice smaller than a whisper. A voice that was anything but full of all the nerves rolling about in you.
Silco’s eyes widened the smallest bit at your question, his lips parting in the same smallness to show you a small flash of his chipped front teeth you loved to see.
“What--but…I thought you didn’t want us to fight any longer?” He whispered back.
“I don’t but…I was scared.” Silco’s brows furrowed in slight question.
“Scared? Of--me?”
“I--Felicia talked to me…after.” Silco nodded in understanding. After your fight in The Last Drop. He’d seen her rush after you. “She told me--well she said I should tell you why I ran away.”
“Because you thought I was going to hurt you?” You gave a small huff through your nose as you brushed a bit of his dark hair behind his ear. An action that had that delicate blush spreading over his cheeks all over again.
“Silco you could have anyone. You’ve had anyone. I just--I don’t want to be just anyone to you because…you’re not just anyone to me.” You rested your hand on his cheek, rubbing your thumb gently over his flushed skin.
“Anyone--” He said your name just as softly as he looked at you, “You aren’t just anyone to me. You’ve--you’ve never been just anyone to me. Why do…” He seemed to grow nervous then, eyes drooping slightly away from your own. “Why do you think I waited so long to…to try to kiss you.” Even though the last part was whispered, you heard it nonetheless. He shook his head slightly. “You are--are everything to me and I’m sorry you felt like you were anything less.”
You moved your hand gently along his sharp cheek to find his chin, lifting it so that you might see those seafoam eyes of his you adored. Eyes that shone bright with such--such admiration for you in them. A look that had you forgetting all about the cigarette in your other hand.
That horrid, nagging voice clawed at the back of your mind as it always did and always would. A voice that shouted at you all the things that could happen if you let yourself believe his words. A voice that wanted nothing more than to protect you from possible hurt, but it was also a voice that would only ever hold you back.
And it was a voice shoved an iron-clad hand over to silence it.
“Would you like to pretend?” You whispered again, letting your thumb brush just below the curve of his lower lip, which parted on a shaky inhale of breath.
“I don’t want to pretend.” He whispered back, hand moving up from where he held your wrist to pull you closer. “Let’s just--face it. Head on.” You nodded, nose brushing against his. A brush that had your blood pounding right alongside the beat your heart had set.
“Together?” Silco’s hand ended its journey, finding rest on your jaw. He guided you closer. So close you felt his breath ghost over your lips, sending a tingling flare through them.
“Together.” He agreed, eyes flickering between yours and your lips.
Waiting. He was waiting.
He was nervous. Nervous you might run away again. Nerves that made your heart ache for him past its beating.
You pushed closer, lips brushing against his, turning that tingling into a flame. A flame that roared into a blaze as you fit your lips against his like you would a cigarette. And just like a cigarette, his lips against yours filled your head with a pleasurable fog. Had your lips begging and begging for more.
Silco inhaled deeply as he moved his lips against yours steadily, his other hand wrapping around your waist to pull you flush against him. You let him hold you, his strong--safe--hold only making your head spin faster and faster.
Forehead rested against forehead as you two pulled apart, panting in shared air.
A goofy grin spread over your kiss-puffed lips. A grin that pulled an equally as goofy smile to Silco’s own lips, turned near red from your kiss.
“Was that--was that okay?” Silco asked on uneven breaths. You gave a small huff in amusement, running your fingers through his hair just like they had always itched to do. An action that had Silco’s eyes fluttering in utter enjoyment.
“I would have thrown you into the harbor if I hadn’t.” You teased, nuzzling your nose against his.
“Good thing,” He started, nuzzling your nose right back. “‘Cause I can’t swim.”
“You have to learn. Could save your life one day.” That soft look returned in full then as he looked over your face. A look that was full of such joy it only brought the same bright joy to you.
“Only if you teach me.” You nodded.
“Gladly.” And his lips seared into yours once more.
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hello hello! I've never requested stuff before so i hope I'm doing this right lol, I'm wondering if i can request something tender and fluffy for follower sword x reader?
i just wanna hold that man in my arms bro, and your writing is just so peak
summary - follower sword x reader hcs. ur both phighters, uninetionally a little aut4aut coded woops
misc - thank you so much ! im glad you enjoy my writing .. smiles .. apologies if this is a little lackluster or inaccurate, this beast is weird. also yay first request !
-To say dating Sword can be a little unconventional is an understatement. More than once have people shot you a look once you told them who your partner is. Regardless, you wouldn't have it any other way and neither would Sword.
-Usually, people are confused as to how you guys got together in the first place. He's not exactly a social butterfly and he definitely comes off as threatening to most people, but there's no dramatic story to be found here, unfortunately. You just met him during a phight like most other people.
The match had been close, both teams were neck and neck for the point by now. It was a mad dash to get on the point or die trying, leaving more than a few people to try and make a run for it before falling to the other team the moment they were within a few feet. Every route lead to the same choking point, funneling everybody into a sea of flying bullets and swinging blades. Eventually, you noticed the crowd begin to thin as several people traded or finally picked someone on the other side off. If there was ever an opening, this was it. Stealing away from the corner you'd hidden in, you ran for the point, just barely dodging stray attacks before your feet touched the objective. The timer resumed in your teams favor, much to the other teams frantic irritation. A few of your teammates had bullied onto the objective just after you, helping fend off the incoming vigor of the enemy team in a last bid for the win, but it still wasn't enough. One got picked off, then another, and then another after that, then it was just you again. They'd gotten picks of their own and one had traded, but it still left you outnumbered. Given the exhaustion curling up your spine to lay heavy in your head and the dread of an inevitable loss hanging off your hands, you weren't winning this. Someone on the other team pushed towards you. You were slow on the uptake, pulling your gear just a few seconds too late through the fog of weariness. Practically in slow motion, you watched them reel back to swing, made to block it yourself, and a pale blade stick itself in the ground just between you two. With hands already raised, quickly identifing the blade's source, you instead made to cover your eyes before the flashing light could blind you. Where the once constant growl of battle had become ringing in your ears, there was silence. Peeking out behind your arms, there was nobody. It wouldn't last long, you knew that, but you finally felt as though you had a moment to breathe. Just a few seconds left. You could make out careful footsteps behind you, leaving you to whip your head around to the source. Instead of Shuriken or Scythe popping out to break the peace, you saw Sword. You hadn't seen too much of him that match, seemingly being focused on different areas (bitterly, you thought of asking him why he hadn't been helping you with the objective, but a better part of you decided against it.), but you were thanking the Heights he was on your team now. "Thanks for the help, you're a life saver," You hummed, smiling at him. He didn't return the gesture, hell, you aren't even sure he looked at you, given the lack of pupils. Faintly, you picked up some little grunt he made, a show of acknowledgement. That was enough for you. You turned back forwards, vaguely noting how he stopped next to you. Maybe he was tired too? You're sure he was focusing on trying to beat the other team into the ground for the match, so you wouldn't be surprised. The timer reached its peak, signalling your team's win. Neither of you made a sound, even as you picked up on your other teammates celebrating off in the distance. The air stayed peaceful, weight lifting off of you as you stood side-by-side. Nothing more needed to be said.
-Afterwards, you did your best to return the favor, though he rarely needed it. You would provide support in the ways you could, pointing a healer in his direction when he was in rough shape and picking off extra opponents if he was outnumbered. Where you'd expected to just help him out once or twice and consider the IOU paid off, he would return the aid right back. Without thinking about it, you two started to hover around eachother.
-He wasn't sure why he did it, just that, at some point, he began to think of you more than he needed to. It was good to know where your teammates were and what their status was, but he certainly didn't need to be worrying this much over an individual. Nevertheless, he would still check in on you, sending long glances your direction whenever you were nearby as a quick assesment of your condition.
-Even before matches you two would find eachother, sitting quietly as you two prepared for the upcoming phight. Sometimes, you would ramble to him as he listened wordlessly, only humming every now and then to let you know he was still paying attention (a habit he'd picked when his silence had lead you to trail off in the past).
-The first time you'd ever mentioned hanging out with him outside of a phight, he'd declined, if only out of unfamiliarity. He wasn't used to getting such direct, personal invites to be apart of other people's lives like that. It stuck in his head for a few days, the question of why you'd thought to pick him speficially rattling around in the back of his head.
-Eventually, he would be the one to invite you out. It wasn't anything special and, in all honesty, it was probably just to walk around. Nothing all that entertaining, but he didn't care about the activity as much as he did having more time to hear you talk.
-Likewise, the confession (after a long time of him sorting out his feelings, he still didn't totally understand how he felt once you two got together but he knew you were greatly important to him), was pretty mundane. You're probably the one to do it since he's not super familiar with the concept, at least not beyond a surface level understanding of what it looks like for other people. To you two, it's an intimate moment: you trust him enough to open yourself up to rejection and he cares about you enough to make clear he's interested in you as well. To others, it's a very blunt, robotic moment on his part contrasting to your obvious sentiment. Oh well.
-Anyhow, as for how you to interact once you get together, it's more of the same. A lot of the time, you two are just existing with one another. It would come off as uncaring if it weren't for him seeking you out just to be in your company, even if you're not interacting in any way. He just likes having you there, you make him feel whole in a strange way, something about your presence makes him feel like some wrong has been righted.
-He's a little nosy about your hobbies. If you're reading a book he wants you to tell him about it, if you're making something he wants to know how you're doing it, so on, so forth. He doesn't know why, he just likes to know everything he can about you. If we allow the more sentimental wording to fall, you're like a specimen he needs to learn about and put under a microscope, lovingly.
-His love language, other than time, is gifting things to you, actually. Most times it's odd trinkets he comes across that remind him of you, but its the thought that counts. He takes the utmost care for them to not get ruined before he can gift them to you and you can just barely notice him stand a little straighter when you happily take them. If you have a spot for all the things he's given you, he admires it with pride every time, blame it on bird instincts.
-He often just calls you by your name, he just doesn't think any nickname compares to your actual name. That's the title of the person he loves, what else could compare?
-It takes him a while to warm up to physical affection, so give him some time with that. Once he's settled into a relationship with you, he's a lot more open to any touch you give. He most enjoys whenever you lean on him, he enjoys being someone you can count on for support and comfort. On his part, he's a sucker for you holding his face in your hands, something about it just feels so tender. The way your hands cradle his head just feels so soothing.
-The first time he says 'I love you,' is a whisper, but don't let that fool you into thinking their meaning is any smaller. It's a total declaration of his heart to you, how could he not mean it when you're the light of his life?
#phighting x reader#sword x reader#phighting sword x reader#roblox x reader#mod writes#follower sword x reader
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Hey, lovely!! Lol yep this one started kinda rough, huh? 😂 But I thought it was on-brand for Benjamin.
I know bens got a reason here, don’t get me wrong but the reader has the patience of a saint dealing with him most of the time, I must say 😂 and it’s so tough to read how grouchy and short he is with the reader and know the reason but also know he won’t want to admit his feelings because he’s solider boy and that’s not how he works.
That's exactly the frustration I intended here lol. Like we know we he's being an ass, but he's still being an ass. She absolutely has enormous patience for him (she has to in order to be with this man). Getting him to admit his "man feelings" is a struggle for which I don't envy the reader lol.
I'm also glad you liked the line she toted here between patience and not taking his shit. He needs to learn how to express himself better, not just through belligerence and anger lol (Beauty and the Beast moment!).
I loved this line because yes, hes going about it wrong but at the end of the day Ben is just trying to be protective. It hurts to see how much that dream really has rattled him.
Yeah, I really did feel for him, even in his anger. We know the root of it is exactly that -- how rattled he truly was by his dream, even though he'd rather not admit it.
I found this really sad though because it’s absolutely true of how Ben feels but the reality is in his dream he was with her and he didn’t save her and that’s got to be killing him just as much as the thought of her dying in any circumstance.
I'm SO glad you commented on this, because that's another thing I hoped people would pick up on underneath. He'll probably never admit that "he couldn't save her," which ties into his pride as well. But he at least admits that "he lost her" (and she can infer how deeply that thought affects him).
But again, the reader is so good for him. She’s smart enough to put all the pieces together and get to the crux of the issue and finally tease it out of him.
At this point, they've just been through so damn much together. She knows him too well not to know where this is coming from. But her earnestness always breaks him down eventually. 🥲
I could literally quote so much here; I particularly loved this line though “Somehow, you’d become his reason…for most things.” Because damn 🥹
Aww thank you so much, lovely!! @deans-spinster-witch gave me the idea for that line in her request. ❤️❤️ I thought it was apt for their relationship, even though (again) he'd rather not admit to any of these things.
I also loved the reader gave him her reasons; it gave him more understanding of the situation. Obviously we happily know that she has her supe STD 😂😂 so all is good, but I liked this addition to the overall story.
Yeah I think her reasoning to be against taking Compound V was something that was kind of implied in BMD, but again, thanks to the prompt it encouraged me to flesh it out. It's fun at this point because we "know" what happens in Strong as Blood, but this little pair of imagines fills in some of the gaps in a way I wasn't expecting to write. 💚
“I thought you didn’t mind a few wrinkles,” you teased” this was such a good way of relieving some of the tension and heaviness of this, it literally made me laugh out loud.
Hahaha I'm glad you liked that bit. She takes any chance she gets to tease him for his past proclivities. 🤣
I’m glad he compromised in the end and the reader was totally for it haha!
She's the only one he compromises for! 😂 But of course, when there's sex on the table it's not a hard sell for Benjamin. 😂😂
As always, I loved this! I love this whole verse and your version of Ben. Great job 💕
Aww again, thank you so much! I'm so, so glad you enjoyed it. It was fun coming back to these two. It actually took me a bit to get the hang of them again after being in Smoke Eater land for so long! But I plan to come back to these two in the near future. 💕💕
Talk to Me
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Reader
Summary: Ben had a vivid nightmare last night. You know how he is about is “man feelings.” But you try to get him to open up anyway, before you both lose your tempers.
AN: This was requested by my lovely friend @deans-spinster-witch. It's set in the Break Me Down-verse and is a sequel to the SB imagine below:
See this imagine for context: Ben loses you.
Word Count: 1,600 Tags/Warnings: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
Imagine: You confront Ben about his fears.
“What the fuck is wrong with this cocksucking coffee maker?” Ben snarked.
He bumped the top of it with his hand, so hard you thought he was going to break it.
Your brows furrowed as you shot him a look. It was too early for all that.
“Nothing?” you said. “Worked just fine for me.”
He sported an even grumpier face as the coffee finally poured into his mug.
Something’s wrong, you thought.
Ben was usually quiet in the morning. Relaxed and slow until he’d had his coffee and started his routine, with his newspaper at his favorite lounge chair, then breakfast in the kitchen with you.
You were making pancakes on a griddle, but you were also watching your boyfriend. He wasn’t just quiet. He was downright grouchy and taciturn.
What crawled up his ass? you thought. Though you had your suspicions...
“Breakfast is done,” you called to him.
He eventually joined you, sitting down at the breakfast bar. You served him a mildly enormous stack, and just two pancakes for yourself. In most respects, Ben was still a bottomless pit.
However, after eating the first couple of pancakes in silence, he pushed away from his plate and leaned back in his seat. You held your coffee mug between both hands and eyed him.
“You okay, baby?” you asked, repeating the very words you’d asked him last night.
He glanced at you through surly brows. “Yeah. You can stop asking me that.”
Right, you thought. He’d been twitching in his sleep, muttering, making sounds that had worried you enough to wake him with a gentle hand on his dewy arm. His response had worried you too—that haze of disoriented shock, followed by relief when he recognized your face.
You’d comforted him the best you could after his nightmare, but he hadn’t wanted to talk about it. You knew he wouldn’t now, either. That didn’t stop you from trying.
You set down your mug and soothed a hand up his arm, until your fingers disappeared under his shirt sleeve.
“What’s got you all sunshine and rainbows then, Mr. Grouch?” you lightly teased. “I even made you pancakes. Still waiting on my thank you.”
Ben didn’t want to answer, though he briefly glanced at you. He slurped at his coffee.
You sighed. A tick of annoyance at your brow.
“Okay," you said. "Well, since we had breakfast here, I figured we could go out for lunch later when we get to the city. There’s this amazing deli I could take you to—”
“We’re not going,” Ben said.
You blinked in surprise. Your hand fell away from his shoulder. “What?”
“I’ve got things to do,” he said. And without looking at you, he grabbed his half-full plate and got up to bring it over by the sink. He speared a few pancakes back onto the plate you’d served them up in before dumping his plate into the sink.
At least he was learning something about living with you. Now, if he really wanted to impress you, he'd wash that damn dish.
But for now, you wanted answers more than you wanted clean plates. You slowly got up out of your chair and went to him. You tried your best not to be accusatory when you asked your next questions.
“What do you mean? What do you have to do?”
He didn’t seem to want to answer you. Or maybe, he didn’t have a good answer, because he was fucking lying.
You laid a hand on his arm. “Ben. I need you to talk to me right now, because this is our first day off together in weeks. You know this was supposed to be our day. So you’d better have a damn good reason.”
He frowned angrily down at you. “We’re not going because I fucking said so. That’s all you need to know.”
You glared back at him, standing your ground.
You raised a brow. “That’s not good enough with me, and you know it. But if that’s how you’re going to be about it, I’ll call Annie and make it a girls’ day.”
You turned on your heel to walk away, but an iron hand grabbed your wrist. Holding back a wince, you frowned at Ben over your shoulder. His face was tight with irritation.
“You’re not going any-damn-where,” he snapped.
“You better let me go, right now,” your temper snapped right back.
This man was protective, but he had never been this bad. Not even after you got out of the hospital after Vought Tower collapsed. Granted, you’d been fully healed. He’d never outright tried to forbid you from leaving the house though.
“What the hell is your problem?” you said.
He didn’t want to let you go, but after a beat, he released you. His frown deepened when you had to rub the ache out of your wrist.
He hadn’t meant to grip you that hard. Part of him relented…but then it firmed back up, when he remembered last night. The images were still filtering through his mind on a loop.
The alley, the blood slipping through his fingers, your pale, cold cheek, and lifeless eyes staring up at him.
“There’s something we need to discuss,” he said gruffly.
You tilted your head at him. Your face was tight and angry now, but you still followed him into the living room. You sat down together on the couch, and with crossed arms, you waited for him to speak.
His elbow rested on his knee while his hand swept over his mouth and beard. Then his gaze slid over to yours.
“You need to take Compound V,” he said.
To say that shocked you was an understatement. Your eyes widened, and your body went rigid.
“Excuse me?” you said lowly.
“There’s no way around it,” he said. Grit was laced in his voice, but you didn’t care.
“I’ve made myself very clear—”
“And you also said we’d revisit this little chat, so here we are,” Ben retorted. “You need to live in fucking reality. I can’t be with you 24/7. I don’t trust those CIA fucks to wipe their own ass, let alone keep an eye on you. Especially when I’m in the field.”
You just managed to lasso in your temper when you finally realized where this was coming from. You inhaled a couple of calming breaths. Your fingers tapped your knees. You sat up straighter before you turned to him more fully.
Your hand reached out to cover his on his thigh.
“Ben,” you started. Soft and even. “What did you dream last night?”
His face tightened further, his lips pressed into a line. It took him a moment, but eventually he answered.
“Nothing. Doesn’t fucking matter.”
“We both know that it does,” you chided.
When he just maintained his stoic façade, you slid closer to him on the couch. You curled a hand around his bicep and pressed a kiss to his shoulder.
You looked up at him.
He didn’t want to break.
You just waited until the green of his eyes met yours.
“Hey. It’s just me,” you said softly. “Talk to me.”
His brows knit together, slightly. His jaw clenched and twitched under his skin.
“I lost you,” he said.
Admitting to that was like admitting that his uniform was a lie; that he had no fear. That he was invulnerable. That he was a god in human form.
But you had become the last human part of him. To lose that would be to lose everything again, worse than 1984.
Somehow, you’d become his reason…for most things. He didn’t think you realized it, nor would he allow himself to tell you.
His eyes closed when you leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek. You let your fingers sift through his hair, brushing it back and away from his forehead.
“Do you know why I want to stay normal?” you asked. "Albeit fragile and breakable."
He didn’t answer, but his eyes silently asked for one.
“Because I want to stay myself,” you said. “Power corrupts, and there’s a big chance I wouldn’t be the woman you loved anymore if I injected that shit into my veins.”
Ben frowned. He hadn’t considered that…but he still felt it was a price worth paying.
You moved off the couch and into his lap. He welcomed you with an arm curling around your waist and another moving up your thigh.
Your arms twined around his neck, and you kissed him properly, nice and slow. He tasted like coffee and maple syrup. His hair was soft between your curling fingers.
You parted from him after a while, just to press another comforting kiss to his temple.
“I know what I’m asking of you, and I’m sorry,” you whispered against his skin. “But we’ll figure something else out.”
“How?” he scoffed, his brows furrowing again. “In a few decades—”
“I thought you didn’t mind a few wrinkles,” you teased.
A smirk flickered across his lips. “You know what the fuck I mean.”
“I know,” you nodded. “But we have time. I promise, we’ll figure this out.”
Ben didn’t totally believe you. There was going to come a time where you were going to have to make a choice: between him and your principles.
It wasn’t fair, but that was the reality. Life wasn’t fucking fair.
Until then, maybe he could make one concession.
“If you want…” he said. You leaned back enough to see his face.
He met your gaze. “We can go to dinner later. In the city.”
A slow smile spread across your face.
“But we’re getting a private room,” he warned, squeezing your hips. “And we’re driving there and back. That’s it.”
Your smile warmed further, and kissed the corner of his mouth. You were sure you could convince him to go a Broadway show afterwards, if you plied him in a few key ways...
“I like the idea of a private room,” you said.
His fingers crept up your pajama pants, drifting down between your thighs. His thumb started to stroke warmth through your panties. It had you smiling, sighing, subtly pressing into his hand.
His smirk deepened.
“You do, don’t you?” he said.
You let out a breathy laugh at the change in him. It didn’t take much to get him worked up. So you hugged him close and spoke into his ear all the things you had planned for him tonight.
Before, and after dinner.
AN: Lol I love writing this lovable asshole. 💚 Especially in the BMD-verse.
I have more Dean imagines coming soon! Including a requested sequel to "You are Dean's one exception," in which Sam "crosses the line"... 🫣
Soldier Boy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
BMD Tag List (Part 1):
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#reader appreciation#lovely mutuals#soldier boy imagine#break me down verse#BMD verse#talk to me feedback
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You’ll Never Be Alone Again (Polnareff x Reader)
Anonymous asked: would it b possible to request some angsty polnareff stuff 😳😳😳✌🏼❤️
I would like to formally thank you for sending me this request. I’ve had this idea for a couple months now and you finally inspired me to write it out! I really hope you enjoy it, it was certainly very fun to write. Thanks again!!
(I’m also gonna add a link to a Polnareff fanfiction I did back in April that fits this request too if you want to check it out!)
It's been a pretty busy day today. Ridiculously so, in fact. You and your fellow crusaders arrived in Cairo, Iggy went off on his own and defeated a stand user, and Kakyoin made his long-anticipated return from the hospital. And maybe most importantly - you now know where Dio is.
The seven of you stand outside of Dio's mansion, staring warily at the tall front gate. You can feel your heartbeat speed up in your chest as you realize what this means: you're truly going to have to fight Dio. Maybe even today. You've been building him up in your mind as this ultimate evil, who's virtually unkillable...and now you're going to have to kill him. You take a quick breath and fold your arms over your chest.
The others seem to share your feelings. Everyone looks either anxious, frightened, or some mixture of the two. No one wants to speak, so you all just turn your gazes to Joseph, who's at the front of the group.
He turns around when he realizes there are eyes on him, and he takes a deep breath. "...We shouldn't attack today," he finally says, and you feel your whole body relax. "We'll get a hotel tonight and move tomorrow, in the early morning. So that Iggy and Kakyoin can rest." You glance down at Iggy, whose leg is wrapped in bandages. He'd taken a horrible beating from whatever stand user had been guarding Dio's lair. Kakyoin seems alright, though you haven't seen him without those sunglasses yet. You wonder if his eyes are looking okay.
"Thank you, Mr. Joestar," Avdol says, breaking you from your thoughts. "I think a night in a warm bed will do all of us some good." Jotaro nods from beside him, somehow looking even more somber than he usually does.
"Of course. I agree." Joseph begins heading in the other direction, and you follow him, walking quickly to keep up with the group's long strides. After all this time, you're still in awe of the sheer height of these guys. Joseph and Avdol are speaking in hushed voices a ways ahead of you, and Jotaro and Kakyoin are doing some catching up as they walk. Kakyoin holds Iggy gently in his arms, and Iggy seems really pissed about it, but he puts up with it for the moment; his leg probably kills. That leaves you at the rear of the formation, all caught up in your thoughts.
"How are you feeling, (Y/N)?"
Oh. Polnareff. You look up when he speaks from just behind you. "Uh... I'm trying to work that out right now." He smiles a little at your reply and falls in step beside you. He doesn't walk as quickly as everyone else; he always tries to match your pace. "I'm just glad that we're gonna do it tomorrow."
He lets out a big sigh, nodding exaggeratedly. "So am I. I can't even begin to tell you how anxious I just was. I felt like my heart was going to explode."
You laugh a little. "Yeah, me too. It really sucked." You tuck your hands into your pockets. "Now we're just putting off that feeling until tomorrow, but... Whatever. One more normal night."
"Not just normal," Polnareff interjects, and you look back at him, raising your eyebrows. "One more great night! We've got to make it a night to remember, don't you think?"
You grin now, and you've almost completely been freed from the anxiety of a few minutes ago. "Yeah. That sounds like a great idea, Polnareff." He nods his head definitively and keeps walking, and as he turns away you do as well.
You're glad that Polnareff wants to spend tonight with you. You had figured that he would; you two have gotten along really, really well on this trip. You share a lot of traits, like your sense of humor, your confidence and sometimes smugness in your fighting abilities, and your semi-often moments of stupidity. Really, you just like goofing off together.
You hope you'll be able to do that tonight, if the two of you can push through the somber cloud hanging over the whole group.
After a bit more walking, you reach a nearby hotel. You step inside and sit down on a chair near the front desk, sighing. Joseph and Avdol head over to speak to the receptionist, and everyone else huddles around your chair.
Kakyoin seems a little tired of holding Iggy, so you outstretch your arms. "Hey, I'll take him." Kakyoin smiles gratefully as he hands you the little dog, who seems to have resigned to being carried like a baby. You set him on your lap and yawn, absentmindedly petting his smooth fur. Before you've even realized what you're doing, he reaches around and nips your hand. "Shit - what was that for?!" you yelp, looking down at Iggy with wide eyes. He just shrugs (as well as a dog can) and gets comfortable again.
"I told you that dog is an asshole," Polnareff says, pointing forcefully at the innocent little Boston terrier. "A very self-aware asshole."
You glower at the smug dog sitting in your lap and nod. "Yeah. Thanks for that, asshole dog." Kakyoin laughs a little at your insult, while the dog just rolls his eyes. You know he seems to terrorize Polnareff the most for some reason, but you have a feeling it's started to come from a place of love, even if Iggy would never admit it. Just as you're about to tease Iggy about his secret friendship, Joseph and Avdol return to the group.
"This place is packed," Joseph announces, jingling the keys in his hand. "We've got three rooms. We can divvy them up however we want." Joseph makes the first move by clapping his hand on Avdol's shoulder. "I'll be staying with Muhammad here!" Avdol smiles, with just the slightest tinge of exasperation in his face at Joseph yelling in his ear, and Joseph dangles the other two room keys in front of you.
"I'm sure I can guess who you're choosing, (Y/N)," he says, a teasing smirk on his face.
You roll your eyes and snatch a key out of his hand, tucking it into your pocket. "Yeah, I'll be staying with the second best stand user here." You look up at Polnareff and grin.
He pretends to be mortally hurt by your words, clutching his heart. "Second best? You wound me." He lets out a full laugh, one that you feel in your own chest, and your smile turns into something softer. "I'm kidding. I know you think just as highly of me as I do of you."
"I could tell, dude," you say to him, laughing under your breath. "But thank you. I'm glad you think that." You lean back in your chair, looking around at everyone else.
While you and Polnareff have been playing out your dumb little rapport, the final room assignment has been established. Jotaro and Kakyoin pick up their small luggage bags and turn towards the elevator. "We're going to head up now, Mr. Joestar," Kakyoin says, smiling politely at the older man. "I want to try and get to sleep early."
"Of course." Joseph nods and starts to wave goodbye, but before he does, he stops himself. "Wait! If you don't mind, Kakyoin, would you take those sunglasses off? I want to see how your eyes are."
Kakyoin's expression drops a bit, but as Joseph starts to tell him he doesn't have to, he nods. "Sure. I haven't checked a mirror in a bit, so I honestly don't know how they look." He takes a quick breath and removes his dark sunglasses.
They honestly look alright. His eyes themselves, other than being a little red, look fine, and the only noticeable changes to his face are the light pink scars that run above and below each eye. You smile at Kakyoin, who looks nervous. "Well, it looks alright to me. How are they feeling?"
He's thankful for your words, you can tell. "They've been getting better. Looking at light was pretty hard yesterday, but today it's improved a lot." He reaches out and places his hand on Joseph's arm, who looks up at him with raised eyebrows. "It's because of you that I've recovered this well. Thank you."
Joseph smiles softly, nodding. "Of course. Now you get some sleep." Kakyoin slowly brings his hand back to his side and heads for the elevator.
Jotaro turns to follow him, but before he does, he lowers his head a bit. "I'll see you guys tomorrow," he says gruffly. He won't look any of you in the eyes.
"You as well, Jotaro. I hope you sleep well." Avdol's voice is much smoother and soothing than Jotaro's, and Jotaro seems to appreciate his tone. After you all bid him good night, he follows Kakyoin to their room.
Now it's the four adults and the asshole dog left in the lobby. "They're not gonna be able to get any sleep right now," Polnareff says, frowning. "They both look stressed out of their minds."
Joseph sighs. "At least they'll have each other." He forces the frown from his face and paints a grin onto his features. "So, what are your plans for the evening? Avdol and I are going to get things sorted in our room and then head down to the bar."
You smile when you hear that; you'd been hoping for one last drink with these three. On a couple previous hotel visits, you, Joseph, Avdol, and Polnareff had shared drinks at the hotel bar, usually until the early hours of the morning. They each get a little...different after a few drinks, in their own ways, and you're sure you do too. Either way, it's always fun. "Well I'd love to join you guys. Polnareff?"
When you look over at him, you're surprised to find his eyes already firmly set on you. He's not wearing an expression you were expecting; his eyes have a far-away quality that you don't recall seeing in him very often. He shakes himself a bit and smiles, nodding vigorously. "Of course! Yes, that would be great." He picks up his bag and slings it over his shoulder. "Should we get going, (Y/N)?"
"Yeah." You stand, lifting Iggy with you. "Who are you staying with, you rude little dog?" you ask, squinting at him. He turns his head to Avdol and lets out a little yip, which doesn't really surprise you; he's probably the only guy in this assembly of people that doesn't annoy Iggy on a daily basis. "Okay." You hand the dog over to Avdol, who takes him carefully. As you pick up your own bags, you turn to Joseph. "See you soon, alright? You too, Avdol." They both wave to you as you and Polnareff walk to the elevator to head up to your floor.
You're the only two in the elevator, somehow. You punch in the number and lean against the wall, letting go of a deep sigh. "Thanks for rooming with me." You look up at Polnareff, who looks like he's feeling alright, considering the circumstances. "(Y/N), it's really been great getting to know you on this journey. You're my best friend here - well, you're really my best friend anywhere."
Oh, wow - you blink, completely surprised by Polnareff's transparency right now. Usually you two just joke around together, and that seems to get your feelings across - but Polnareff's being completely genuine right now, and for some reason it's really doing something to your heartbeat. Polnareff takes a couple steps closer to you, and your breath catches. "I want you to know that I - "
The elevator dings loudly and you both jump, turning to the door. A few young women walk inside, laughing loudly with each other. You back into the wall a bit to make room for them, clutching the strap of your bag. One of the girls looks from you to Polnareff and then smiles widely. She starts murmuring something to Polnareff that's just soft enough to be indecipherable to you - and Polnareff's eyes widen. He looks at her and shakes his head, and when the girl's face falls, the elevator dings again and opens to your floor.
You slide past the girls and step out of the elevator, Polnareff following close behind. As you walk down the hall, you turn to look at Polnareff. "What was that about?" you ask.
Polnareff shrugs, looking sheepish. "She just wanted to know what I was doing tonight. Obviously I told her I was busy." You feel your face grow a little warm when you hear that. It's the last night before Polnareff is going off to risk his life, possibly his last night even being alive - and he turned down spending it with a beautiful girl to stay with you. You know he isn't the type to leave you like that, but the idea still makes you feel good.
You nearly run into Polnareff when he stops suddenly. "Here's our room," he says, glancing down at you and grinning. "I hope it's a nice one."
You pull the key out of your pocket and unlock the door. You both walk inside, taking a quick look around. There are two queen beds in the center of the room, and a TV sits on a little dresser against the far wall. The bathroom is just around the corner from the door. "Certainly good enough for me," you say, tossing your bag onto the bed farther from the door. As Polnareff shuts the door, you flop onto your bed and sigh. "Fuck, I'm tired."
Polnareff laughs as he sits on the other bed. "You can say that again. I've been exhausted for a week." He chuckles again, his voice slowly fading away as he leans back. "It's cozy in here."
"...Yeah, it is." The wallpaper is a warm orange color, and the sheets on your bed are pretty soft. There's a large window next to your bed that opens up and leads to a little balcony. You'll certainly spend some time out there tonight. You sit up a bit, looking over at Polnareff. "Do you think Joseph and Avdol are down there yet?"
He shrugs. "Yeah, probably. Wanna go meet them?" You nod and hop up, quickly adjusting your shirt and brushing a hand through your hair. Polnareff stands up as well and pops his head into the bathroom, eyeing his reflection. "Does my hair look alright? I didn't know if the wind had messed it up."
You smile and take a couple strides over to Polnareff, then pop up on your toes and tuck a few loose strands of hair behind his ear. "You're all good now," you say, laughing as you pat him on the cheek. He lets out a bark of laughter as you pull your hand back.
"What the hell was that?" he asks incredulously, walking to the door.
"Oh, you're just too cute, Polnareff," you answer, batting your eyelashes in the most over-the-top way you can manage. This just sends you both into a fit of giggles as you leave the room and make your way back to the elevator.
The ride down is a lot less tense than the ride up had been. You hum along to the elevator music, idly bobbing your head as you listen. Polnareff watches the numbers tick down one by one, until you reach the first floor.
It's pretty easy for you two to find the bar, and it's even easier to find Joseph and Avdol - they're easily the tallest and most muscular people in the area. You take a seat at the counter next to Avdol and pat him on the back, much like Joseph had done earlier. "Hey," you say with an easygoing smile. "What did we miss?"
"Nothing at all." Avdol slides a beer towards you, and you take it. "We just got your drinks." Polnareff takes a seat beside you and Avdol hands him another tall glass. "Do you like the hotel room?"
"Oh, it's very nice," Polnareff says. He pauses to take a swig before continuing. "I like the balcony."
Joseph nods, leaning forward so he can be seen. "It's a great hotel, I'm glad Avdol spotted it." He leans back, and the group falls silent.
You know this is just dumb small talk that's only happening so you can try and ignore the elephant in the room. You can feel yourself getting more and more anxious as Joseph, Polnareff, and Avdol keep going on about whatever they can think of - the hotel, the drinks, even the goddamn weather. You sink down lower in your seat, but before you can completely lose it, you hear the faint radio switch to a new song.
"Oh, dude!" You turn to Polnareff with a bright smile on your face. "I love this song!" He breathes out a little laugh as you start singing along. You grow gradually louder and start swaying to the beat, slinging an arm over Polnareff's shoulder and pulling him into your impromptu performance. He tries to sing along, but he clearly doesn't know the words, so he's sort of mumbling without any direction.
"You don't know the words to this? Jesus, dude, it was huge a few years back! Paul McCartney's been the king of the eighties." You let go of Polnareff and turn to face him.
He shrugs. "I don't really listen to music."
You're dumbfounded by this, and your expression reflects it. "Holy shit, Polnareff. When we're out of here you're getting introduced to the pantheon of rock."
Joseph perks up when he hears this. "I hope you'll start with the Beatles?" he says, squinting at you.
You laugh, nodding. "What kind of person would I be if I didn't?" You drink some beer and gently set down your cup. You listen as the guitars slowly fade away, and then a new song starts that you've never heard before. You think it's in Arabic. "Well..." Now that your fun little distraction has run its course, you're sort of back to square one. At least you'd made everyone smile.
"Say, Polnareff..." You all look to Joseph when he speaks. He takes off his hat and runs his prosthetic hand through his hair. "Can I talk to you for a bit? To get you started on that rock and roll education." You smile a little at that, even though it's obviously not the real reason.
"Sure." Polnareff seems to know what it's about. "I'll be back in a minute, (Y/N)." He gives you a tight-lipped smile before getting up and following Joseph out of the room.
You take Polnareff's glass and slide it over next to yours. "What do you think that's about?" you ask Avdol, who's been relatively silent for a while.
"It seems to me like Joseph's confided in Polnareff about some massive secret that's been eating at him for years. They've had a few little meetings like this before." He huffs out a laugh. "But I've got no clue what that secret is."
"Oh." Maybe Joseph wants to get it all off his chest before tomorrow, in case he - you grit your teeth. You can't get choked up now. You force yourself to drink. "How are you doing?" you ask Avdol, resting your chin in your hand and looking straight ahead. "If you don't mind me asking."
"Why would I mind? I appreciate it." You kick yourself a bit; it would only make sense that Avdol has a much better handle on his emotions than you do. "It's helped me to acknowledge that this is inevitable. It's either we fight him, or he ruins the world. It's just...a duty. It's what we have to do, because we have the powers we have."
You take a shaky breath in, nodding along slightly as he speaks. You can understand that perspective - you just wish you didn't have to. But there's no point in wishing, not this late in the game. "That makes sense," you say softly, your words muffled by your hand. "...I'm having a hard time."
He turns to you, but you can't bring yourself to look at him. "Anyone would," he says lowly. "I get it."
You steel yourself, blinking hard a few times. "Yeah. I know we're all going through the same thing right now."
He places his hand on your back, and you find your lips turning up at the gesture. "Just try to take care of yourself."
You finally look at him, and you muster a better smile. "Thanks. You too." He nods and returns your smile. As you both drink some more, a thought comes to you. "I know it's weird to think about it like this, but it's been really fun spending time with you all."
Avdol's expression brightens. "No, I agree! It's been a pleasure getting to know everyone. I know our group was thrown together under dire circumstances, but I think we've managed to make something good out of it." He's put your thoughts to words perfectly. "And... After all this, after we defeat him - just know that you'll never be alone again. We'll all be together for the rest of our lives, I know it. You'll always have friends in us."
You're suddenly struck by the urge to cry - for once, not out of abject despair. "Yeah. Yeah, you're right." You will the feeling away. "I'm actually planning on going back to New York with Joseph after this is over. I've wanted to live there all my life."
"New York?" Avdol quirks an eyebrow. "It's horribly crowded, you know."
"I don't think it's so horrible." You shrug, smiling a bit. "There's so much to do, so many new places to find... If you want, every day of your life can be a completely unique experience there." You pause. "Or so I've heard."
Avdol laughs, a rich sound that makes you laugh a little too. "Well, I hope you enjoy it there. I'll just be getting back to my business." Ah, yeah - you'd forgotten that he works right here in Cairo.
"Do you like it? Your work, that is."
"Yes." His answer comes quicker than you expected. "I think I make people happy, usually. It's not often that I have to deliver bad news. When I do... I really hate it."
"I would too." The mood's shifted into some mix of reminiscence and melancholy. You catch yourself wondering if he'll have to deliver bad news tomorrow - if he'll have to tell your family members where you've been all this time, and why you're not coming back. Jesus. You grimace; you've been fighting this thought ever since you left on this trip, but you feel the need to vocalize it.
"Hey, Avdol." He hums, glancing over at you. You shut your eyes. "I... I have a feeling we're not all getting out of this."
You hear him breathe deeply from beside you, and your frown only deepens. You slowly open your eyes, but you can't turn to face him. "You're the fortune teller. What do you think, am I right?"
You can tell he doesn't want to voice his answer, which is too telling. Finally he does. "...Yeah. I agree." Your heart drops. "I don't know who, but yes - we're not all going home tomorrow."
Your eyebrows furrow and you look down at your hands, clasping them together so tightly they hurt. Avdol is quick to speak again. "But don't let yourself give up, please. (Y/N) - if we try, we might be able to fight this." It's clear that he doesn't believe this, but you're grateful for his efforts.
"No, I won't," you reply, and you hardly feel like you're talking. "We've just got to hold on until we beat him - "
"(Y/N)!" You nearly shout when a hand lands harshly on your shoulder and a booming voice speaks your name. You whip your head around and find Polnareff grinning down at you like an idiot. "What's with the long face? Did we miss something serious?"
"Nah," you answer, watching as Polnareff sits down next to you again, and Joseph follows suit at the other end of the bar. You slide him his drink, which he gratefully accepts. "Just talking about the future."
"Hm. The future." He nods pensively. "Well, Monsieur Joestar and enjoyed a wonderful conversation about the discography of Elvis Costello." You nearly laugh at that. "But now, there's something I want to say." The three of you all look to Polnareff, who's become a bit more serious.
"You all mean so much to me. I was completely lost before I found this group - even before I was under Dio's control. It was as if all I could feel was sadness and rage, or some mix of the two. But you've all made me... Well, you've helped me to feel again." He doesn't seem very nervous, which leads you to think he's been holding on to these thoughts for a long time. "Joseph, your advice will stay with me for the rest of my life - and Avdol." He looks solemnly at the man to your left. "You've taught me so much in such a short amount of time. You'll never understand how grateful I am that you're here right now. You truly mean the world to me."
Avdol reaches out and takes Polnareff's hand, who squeezes it tightly. "Of course. It's been a delight traveling with you too, Polnareff. You've taught me a lot as well." Polnareff gives him a soft smile and lets go. As he does, he turns to you.
"(Y/N)..." You smile up at Polnareff, wondering what he might say. There's something very heroic in the way he looks right now - high above you, giving a speech that would usually be saved for the third act of an epic. He opens his mouth, and you smile a little wider. As he's about to speak, though, he's suddenly struck by a thought - and instead, he shuts his mouth and wraps his arms around you tightly.
You gasp a bit, unable to hold back your wide grin as he hugs you. You can feel your heart thumping away in your chest - you wonder if he can too. "Thank you," he whispers in your ear, "for always being with me."
"Of course," you tell him softly. "Thank you for being there for me too, Jean." He pats your back and then lets go, leaning back and beaming at you. You feel oddly exposed without his arms around you.
"With that - " He grabs his glass and raises it into the air. "I propose a toast. To our crusade and to our friendship." You pick up your glass and watch as Avdol and Joseph do the same. All at once, you clink your glasses together, laughing as Polnareff spills a bit of beer due to his enthusiasm. Once you've all finished your drinks in one long swig, you set down the empty glasses. You can't get the smile off your face.
"I'd say that was a good end to this little outing," Joseph says. "Goodnight, you guys. I'll see you tomorrow morning." He stands, and you follow suit.
"Yeah, goodnight. I hope you guys sleep alright."
Avdol nods his head. "I'm feeling pretty good, actually. I don't think sleep will be too difficult." As he speaks, he gently places his hand on your arm. "Thanks, (Y/N), for the words of reassurance."
You're pretty sure he had been the one reassuring you, but you don't saying anything. He draws his hand away and turns to Joseph. "I guess we should head back."
"What about Jotaro and Kakyoin?" You look up at Polnareff, who just brought up a point you're a little ashamed that you'd forgotten about. "We should check on them, see how they're holding up. Is that alright with you, (Y/N)?"
"Yeah, of course. It would be nice to say goodnight to them too." You crack a smile. "And maybe you can give them another one of your rousing speeches." Avdol chuckles a bit, while Polnareff's face goes red.
"W-well, anyways, we should be off. Good night, you two." Joseph and Avdol wave goodbye as you and Polnareff walk quickly to the elevator.
You share the elevator with a small, older man who looks pretty damn tired. You find yourself wondering what he's doing here - is he with his family? Away on business? Though he looks exhausted, he also keeps smiling a little to himself. You catch yourself thinking that he's a stand user, but you force that thought away. And just like that, the door opens, and he leaves. You guess he was just happy about something.
You and Polnareff get off on the next floor, which is still one below yours. You realize as you step through the doors that you forgot to ask Joseph what Jotaro and Kakyoin's room number was. "Shit," you breathe, turning and surveying the seemingly endless hallway. "I don't know which room is theirs."
Polnareff has to hold back a laugh at your expression. "Shut up," you say, punching him in the arm. "You're the one who suggested it, why the hell didn't you ask for the number?"
"Because I'm dumb! I guess we're both just dumb." You sigh, unable to keep from laughing at Polnareff's stupidly wide smile. "I suppose we can try yelling their names in the middle of the hallway until they hear us."
You nearly snort at that. "So this is what it's come to... Fine." You cup your hands around your mouth and bellow, "Jotaro! Kakyoin!" The second you do, Polnareff breaks down, folding over and absolutely dissolving into giggles. You yell again, a little louder this time. "Jotaro! Yo, guys! Kakyoin?"
The door right next you is suddenly punched, and you jump nearly a foot in the air. It seems you're disturbing the hotel patrons. You snort, leaning on the other wall and wheezing out one of the hardest laughs of your life. Polnareff grabs your shoulder and takes a shaking breath, struggling for air through his laughter. A few more people knock angrily on their doors, now annoyed with your obnoxious giggle fest in their hallway.
You suck in a deep breath and shout as loud as you can, "JOTARO!" The second the word leaves your mouth you collapse onto Polnareff, grabbing his arm as you try to stop howling with laughter. He grabs your waist to try and right you, and it nearly surprises you out of your giggles - it's quite a comforting feeling, having his hands on your waist. But the moment's over as soon as it began, and you're back to crying laughing with each other.
"Polnareff! (Y/N)! What the hell are you doing?" You both look up when you hear someone hiss at you from down the hallway. It's Kakyoin, with his head poked out of the doorway. "Just shut up and come in." You both walk over and enter his room, wiping tears from your eyes.
Their room looks just like yours. Kakyoin shuts the door behind you two and gestures for you to sit on the bed. You sit down next to Polnareff, looking around for Jotaro - he's nowhere to be found.
"He's in the shower," Kakyoin says. He sits down on the other bed and faces you. "Uh... Is there a reason you guys were screaming in the hallway?"
You snort, making Kakyoin jump. "Ah, sorry - we, uh, we didn't have your room number. So we had to resort to desperate measures." Polnareff has to hold back a laugh as well, while Kakyoin looks relatively unamused. "I'm just glad we found you. We wanted to say goodnight to you guys."
Kakyoin does smile at that. "That's nice of you. I appreciate it." You hear the shower turn off, so you figure Jotaro is done. "I... I haven't been able to get any sleep."
"I figured," Polnareff said. "This is hard to deal with. I don't know that I'll sleep much tonight either."
Kakyoin nods, playing with one of the buttons on his uniform. "Yeah." You're all silent for a few moments, until the bathroom door opens.
Jotaro steps out in a t-shirt and some pajama pants, and without his famous hat. "Looking good, Jotaro!" Polnareff calls with a grin, and Jotaro just glowers down at him.
"Hi, Jotaro," you say to make up for Polnareff's buffoonery. "So, uh..." You turn back to Kakyoin. "Was there anything you guys needed? Or did you want to do anything? We could all play cards if you want."
"I'm never playing cards again," Jotaro says from the other side of the room. "So no."
You suddenly remember when Joseph and Polnareff's souls had been trapped in poker chips, which Jotaro had to win back from the enemy stand user. Yeah, that's a good reason to never want to partake in cards again. "Ah. I get it." Jotaro sits down next to Kakyoin. "So you're all good?"
"Yes. Thanks for checking up on us." You and Polnareff both stand up.
Jotaro clears his throat. "But you don't have to treat us like little kids, assholes."
You frown. "Well shit, I wasn't trying to. I'm just worried for everyone, I guess."
Jotaro's expression eases a bit, and he nods. "Yeah. Sorry about that. I'm... I'm pretty nervous."
"Anyone would be," Polnareff says from beside you. You glance at him, and he looks a little anxious as well.
"But I'm gonna see my mom tomorrow, so it's alright." You look back to Jotaro, who has the hint of a smile on his face.
"Oh, yeah! I hope I get to meet her too, I've really wanted to."
"Yeah, I'm sure you can. She loves having people over." Jotaro shrugs. "So I guess we all just have to get through tomorrow."
You start to agree, but you suddenly remember what Avdol and you had spoken about earlier. You instead just nod your head. "Yeah." You turn to Polnareff. "Should we head back?"
"Yeah, I'm pretty tired." You both turn to the door, and Polnareff opens it.
As you leave, you turn around to look into the room one last time. "Goodnight, guys. I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning." You give them a grin and a thumbs-up.
Kakyoin returns the gesture, which delights you. "Yeah. See you two tomorrow." And after one last wave goodbye, you leave and shut the door.
You get back to your room rather quickly. The first thing Polnareff does is flop face down onto his bed. He groans loudly and stretches his arms out to either side of him, nearly hitting you in the leg in the process. "Watch it," you say, narrowly dodging him and hopping onto your own bed. As Polnareff sits up, you grab your bag and cross your legs. "So what do you wanna do? Are you tired?"
He purses his lips. "Ah... No, not really. I'll go take a shower." You watch him stand and walk over to the bathroom, and then he disappears behind the door. Before he shuts it, he pokes his head out and calls, "See you in a minute." And with a grin and a silly wave, the door closes.
Now it's just you. You turn back to your bag, the remnants of a smile on your face. You feel really lucky to have Polnareff right now. He's such a bright and happy guy, and he's so fun to be around... You lean back against the wall and sigh.
You've learned a lot about Polnareff on this trip. He was open with you all from the very start, when he told you the story of his sister's death. It had broken your heart, hearing that. You tried to be nice to him when he joined the group; everyone else seemed a bit wary for a little while. Once you reached India, though, was when you became truly close. You hadn't gone with Polnareff when he broke off from the group - you weren't sure that he wanted you there - but you were with him the next day, when Hol Horse killed Avdol. Well, when you thought he had killed Avdol. You were also kept in the dark about that important little detail, which still pissed you off sometimes.
When the two of you had gotten back to the hotel after finding and killing J Geil, Polnareff had been a mess. You were both upset, of course, but Polnareff completely blamed himself for Avdol's death. You had held him that night, which was so unfamiliar; you'd never done that for someone before. But there was something about seeing Polnareff cry that filled you with utter sadness, and you knew you had to help him feel better. You needed to be there for him.
When it had happened, sure, you were a little flustered - who wouldn't be? It was an intimate position to be in with someone, but Polnareff was a close friend and you knew he needed it. As you reminisce on that emotional night, you hear Polnareff start singing in the shower. It's something in French, so you have no clue what he's saying, but he's clearly putting a lot of heart into it. You're smiling before you even realize it, and you find yourself humming along with his little ditty.
Polnareff always has the power to make you happy, no matter how you'd been feeling before. On occasion, you'd confide in him your anxieties with the trip, and the battle that faces you all at the end of it. He's always been able to calm your nerves, and usually he can make you laugh to boot. You really are lucky that you ended up with him. You honestly love being around him.
Love... Love. It's a serious word, but it really is true. He's always been there for you whenever this journey's gotten especially taxing, and you think you've been there for him too. You think you'd like to stay with him after this is over, no matter where he wants to go. You think you love him.
Suddenly, your conversation with Avdol earlier hits you like a truck. "I don't know who, but yes - we're not all going home tomorrow." You take a deep, shaking breath. You might not be going with him anywhere. You might not even see him again. As these thoughts continue, each one worse than the last, you can feel your eyes welling up with tears. You haven't cried once in these past few months, but this makes you feel completely hopeless. You can't imagine being without Polnareff.
He's still singing in the shower. You stand up and walk to the balcony, and as you make your way over, you feel like you're floating. You open the sliding door and shut it tightly; you don't want any cold air getting in. You lean up against the tall railing, looking down at the brightly-lit city. Now the tears start to fall.
You cross your arms over your chest, sobbing. It's as if this is the first time that you've truly realized what could happen tomorrow - you could die, Polnareff could die, shit, you both could die. Your heart pounds in your chest as you take another shallow, unstable breath. You could lose the one person who makes you happier than anyone else in the world. Another harsh sob wracks your body, and you sink to the floor, leaning against the door and holding your head in your hands. You feel horrible, worse than you ever have. You don't want to have to give up this new life, this new little family - the man you love.
When the door slides open behind you, you nearly scream. "(Y/N), what are you doing out here? It's freezing." You hesitantly look up at him, knowing what you must look like, and Polnareff's face instantly falls.
"Sorry," you say almost reflexively. You feel the need to explain yourself. "I-I just - "
Before you can finish, Polnareff crouches down and pulls you into a tight, almost crushing hug. Your breath catches in your throat and you can only let tears stream down your face. "Ne pleure pas," he murmurs, and you're too caught up in everything to ask what that means. "Please." You hiccup and wince, trying to keep yourself from sobbing again. It feels so, so right being in his arms - but this might be the last time you ever get to feel it.
"Can I help you up?" he asks you softly. "We should go inside. It's too damn cold out here." You nod shakily, and you let him take your hands and pull you gently to your feet; he does it like it's nothing. Not letting go of your hand, he opens the door and leads you inside. He shuts it as you sit down on the bed.
You can't bring yourself to look at him; you think if you get a good look at his face you'll utterly break down. He sits down next to you and wraps his arm over your arms, and you cry a little harder at how tenderly his fingers rest on your shoulder. "I think I know what's wrong," he starts, almost cautiously, "but do you want to talk about it? You know I want to listen."
I love you. "...It's just everything." You're not lying, technically. "I-I'm sorry, I've never done this before but I -"
"Stop apologizing," he tells you, his voice firmer than it had been before. You finally chance a look at him, and his expression nearly knocks the breath out of you. He cares deeply for you, you can see it in his eyes - if you're being honest with yourself, it's an expression that's clearly rooted in love. You try to shove the thought away but you can't. It almost hurts you to see him so invested in you. "Remember back in India? When we thought Avdol was dead? I cried, God, I cried so much - and you were there for me the whole time. You helped me so, so much. What kind of man would I be if I didn't do the same for you?" He leans back in and hugs you again, catching you off guard. You hesitantly wrap your shaking hands around his broad shoulders, leaning your head into the crook of his neck.
He speaks, and you feel his voice all through your body. "I know how you feel," he says softly. "Trust me, I do. I'm fucking terrified. I can't begin to describe how scared I am of losing you." You've nearly run out of tears to cry at this point, but his admittance makes you hold back a sob. "I swear to you - I will do everything in my power tomorrow to keep you safe. I'll protect you with everything I have, (Y/N). Tomorrow... Silver Chariot is yours."
"That's not what I want," you say quickly, surprised by the hollowness of your voice. He pauses, and while you can't see his expression, you're sure he's confused. "I just need you to live, Jean. I need - I need us to be together after this is over." You hardly realize what you've said until the words leave your lips. "With everyone. I can't lose you guys."
He doesn't seem completely convinced by the last words you tacked on to your statement. "Yes, alright... We'll protect each other. We'll stay together and we won't let anything happen. Okay?"
You sniff, thinking suddenly of all the tears you must have gotten on Polnareff's shirt. "...Yeah. Yeah, I'll be there for you no matter what happens." I love you.
He nods against you, and you let go of a shaky sigh. "Good. Good, (Y/N). I won't let anything happen to you." It's a promise he can't keep, but for some reason it makes you feel better hearing it. You think you might finally be done crying. "Do you want to try and get some sleep?" he asks gently.
"Yeah, I - I just have to change." You carefully untangle yourself from Polnareff's arms and stand up, feeling horribly nervous. You grab your bag and quickly shut yourself in the bathroom.
You can't get yourself to breathe evenly. You lean against the wall, trying to avoid your reflection in the mirror. You really hadn't meant for that to happen. You had planned on keeping it together tonight, on not making anything weird - but you fucked it up. You pull your pajamas - an old band t-shirt and a pair of sweats - out of your bag and set them on the counter with shaking hands. Maybe you should take a minute for yourself in here.
As you change, you think about what just happened. Polnareff had essentially done for you what you had done for him all those weeks ago, when you shared the room after Avdol's death. There's something so right about being in each other's arms, for both of you it seems. You wonder if he feels for you how you feel for him.
You're not sure if you want him to. That thought might even be scarier than him not reciprocating your feelings, because if he dies and you know that he loved you, you just might lose it. Every time you think about the potential of dying, a dull pain begins to thud away in your head and you feel your breath get shorter and shallower. You throw your dirty clothes into your bag and grip the counter tightly with both hands, staring into the mirror.
You look like a wreck. It's written on your face that you've been crying nonstop for the past half an hour. You force yourself to even out your breathing, and then you wipe your eyes rather aggressively. After one last look in the mirror (which really doesn't help), you pick up your bag and leave the tiny, stifling room.
Polnareff is sitting where you left him. "Hey," you say quietly. He turns to you and smiles a little as you set down your stuff on the ground. "Well, I'm ready to go to bed. Are you?"
"Yeah. I'm falling asleep a little already." He gives a clearly exaggerated yawn, and you laugh shortly at his efforts. He stands up, pulling the covers back on his bed. You watch him, expecting him to climb in and bid you goodnight, but he doesn't move.
"...(Y/N)?" he says, a little hesitantly. You raise your eyebrows. "...I - " He huffs out a laugh, and you frown. "You're really going to make me ask?" It's clear that you're still not getting it. He smiles softly. "Would you like to share the bed?"
"Oh!" Your eyes widen, and you smile a little nervously. "I, uh... Yeah. Sure." Polnareff lays down on the bed and you follow him, grimacing as you clumsily elbow Polnareff in the arm. Polnareff's laugh wipes the frown right from your face, though.
After a silent, weird moment of laying on your backs together, staring up at the ceiling, you both turn inwards and face each other. "I won't go back on my word, okay?" Polnareff whispers, reaching out and taking your hand. You nearly shiver at the contact. "I'll stay alive for you, so we can be together after all this. It's all I want."
"Me too. I'll protect you, and I - I'll do everything I can to stay alive." The words sound a little hollow coming from you because you're not sure if you can believe them, but Polnareff still smiles in appreciation.
"Good night, (Y/N). I'll see you tomorrow." The word "tomorrow" grips your heart and makes your breath catch in your throat, but you try not to think about it. It's just another day. It's just another day, and you're going to see thousands of more days after it. You and Polnareff, together.
You give him a slight nod and turn around, and Polnareff wraps his arms tightly around you. You hold his hands against your midsection, sighing as you feel him rest his head next to your shoulder. You shut your eyes, and it takes you a second to realize you're crying again. You suppose you'd been waiting to be out of his line of sight. As the tears stream down your face, though, you stay silent - you don't want to jeopardize this lovely, loving feeling. His arms around you are like heaven. Every time his breath tickles your ear you want to cry harder. You're feeling too much, love and grief and fear and passion, all at once and it hurts more than you could ever imagine. I love you.
He mumbles something that you can't quite understand in a half-asleep daze, and you nearly melt when he snuggles closer to you. You want so badly to verbalize your thoughts and tell him how much he means to you, but you can't - you can't bear to lose him tomorrow, or to die and leave him alone after spending only one night together, when it should've been every night. I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you... You repeat it in your head like a mantra as you slowly drift to sleep.
You wake up alone. When you realize it, you're stricken with panic, but as you sit up, you catch a glance of Polnareff slipping into the bathroom. You lean your head back against the wall and sigh, shutting your eyes. It's here.
Polnarff looks over at you from the bathroom and smiles. "Good morning," he calls, as he messes with his hair.
"Morning," you answer groggily, rubbing your eyes. "How long have you been awake...?"
"About an hour. I thought I'd let you sleep." He turns away and starts attacking his hair with hairspray, and you smile. It was a thoughtful little thing he said, and it makes you feel cared for.
"Thanks." You look over at the clock and see that it's 8:30. "They want to meet at 9, right?"
You nod and force yourself to get out of bed, wincing as your joints crack. "I'm gonna change in here, Polnareff. Close the door." He looks over at you and nods, reaching out and closing the bathroom door. "Thanks," you call as you take out your clothes.
You get dressed and then pack away what other things you have. You really hadn't brought anything on this trip. You throw your bag over your shoulders and sit on your bed, kicking your legs back and forth. After a few minutes, the bathroom door opens and Polnareff steps out, clad in his usual outfit.
"Hey." You look at the clock again. "You know, we've still got twenty minutes. Do you wanna grab some coffee?"
"That sounds great." He picks up his bag, which he's already packed, and you both say goodbye to your little hotel room.
The elevator is empty, as it's still a little early for people to be out and about. You listen to the elevator music as you lean against the back wall, looking at your distorted reflection in the metal door. "(Y/N)," Polnareff says, and you look over at him. "How are you feeling?"
"Better," you answer quickly. You don't quite know if you actually are feeling more at peace with your situation, or if you've just gotten over the urge to cry. "Thank you again for last night. I'm sorry I -" You catch yourself apologizing and stop before Polnareff can say anything. "Thank you."
"Of course." He moves his arm towards you, and he hesitates for a moment before gently hugging you. You hug him back, resting your head on his chest. "Just remember what we said. We'll both be fine."
"I will," you promise, and you think you might mean it. The elevator dings, and you both pull away as the door opens to reveal the main floor. "There's gotta be a coffee place right outside, don't you think?"
"Probably." You both head outside and survey the area, searching for any sign of a coffee shop. "Oh! There's one." Polnareff grabs your hand and pulls you over to a small store a few buildings down. You smile as you follow him, holding tightly onto his hand. It's so warm - he's always so warm.
Once you reach the store, you head up to the counter. "Uh..." There's an English translation of the menu in small print on the back wall, and you squint at it as you decide what to get. "One large iced coffee, please."
"Iced coffee?!" Polnareff looks down at you in surprise. "You drink that stuff?"
"Why not? It's really good." You pull out your wallet and grab the appropriate payment, making sure to check twice - you don't know the currency very well. "Have you ever had it?"
"No. I drink hot coffee like everyone else." You roll your eyes as you pay, and then you move over so Polnareff can order.
"I swear it's really good, dude. You should get some!" Polnareff frowns, and you laugh. "You know, I read somewhere that the French invented iced coffee. I don't want to see you betraying your homeland."
He pouts, and begrudgingly he turns to the cashier. "One large hot coffee, and one large iced coffee." After he pays, he joins you at the counter. "If the French made it I'm sure it's alright, at least. But if I hate it, you can have the rest of mine."
"Oh, thanks! But I think you'll like it." You both stand and wait for your drinks, listening to the faint radio playing in the store. It's jazz - it fits the little shop.
After a few minutes, your orders are both finished. You put some cream and sugar into your coffee and stir it with your straw. "How do you take your coffee?" you ask Polnareff. "I don't think I've ever noticed."
"Lots of cream and sugar." He proves his point by dumping a shocking amount of sugar into both of his drinks. He does the same with the cream. "I like sweet things."
You grab a table next to a window and sit down, setting your drink in front of you. You take a sip and smile; it's some of the best coffee you've ever had. "It's the moment of truth," Polnareff mutters, eyeing his cold beverage with raised eyebrows.
"It's not gonna kill you. Try it!" He nods, taking a deep breath, and quickly he takes a large swig of the iced coffee.
You can't tell immediately what he thinks of it. He sets down the cup and hums, then sighs. "You're right. It tastes great."
You laugh, putting your hand in the air for a high-five. "I knew it!" He high-fives you, but he doesn't look very happy about it. "I knew you would like it."
"I can't even try to deny it. It's really good." You laugh again at his little admission and drink your own coffee. "Do you want the hot coffee too? You seem a little tired."
"Uh..." You are feeling a little sluggish, and your brain is using up a lot of energy to push all your existential feelings of dread to the back of your mind. "Yeah, if you don't mind."
"Of course not! Here you go." He slides it to you and you take it.
After a few more minutes, you've both finished your heavenly iced beverages. "They're expecting us in...five minutes," Polnareff murmurs, checking his watch. "You ready?" You nod and grab your second coffee, and you head out the door.
You're glad you made that little stop, and you're glad you were the person to introduce Polnareff to the wonders of iced coffee. You'd been afraid that once you reached today, everything would be over - you would be completely consumed by your nerves. But that doesn't seem to be the case. At least you've made one last good memory with Polnareff before you confront Dio.
You reenter the hotel and find everyone standing in the lobby. "Where were you guys?" Avdol asks.
You raise your cup of coffee. "Just went for a morning pick-me-up," you reply, smiling. Kakyoin rolls his eyes at that. "Are you guys all ready?"
Everyone nods. The mood is somber among you all, which is obviously expected - but it doesn't make it any easier to face. You don't really know what to say to break up this oppressive atmosphere, but luckily Joseph speaks for you. "Then let's head out. We've got a long day ahead of us."
And with that, you're off. Joseph leads your ragtag group out of the hotel and down the streets of Cairo. It feels a lot like your walk yesterday - with Joseph and Avdol discussing game plans in the front, Jotaro and Kakyoin talking about more casual topics with Iggy beside them, and you and Polnareff at the back. You feel a little better now, somehow. You might even be letting yourself hope that everything will be alright. You reach out and brush your pinkie against Polnareff's hand, not turning to him. He gets the message instantly and wraps his larger hand around yours. It's sweet and comforting and so full of love, and you never want to let go. You won't let go, until you've killed Dio.
The mansion would be pitch black if not for Avdol's strong flames illuminating the hallways. It's only you, Polnareff, Avdol, and Iggy now; the other three crusaders had fallen into some sort of trap placed by Terence D'Arby, Dio's butler. He looked like an asshole. You hope they're doing alright.
You walk carefully, making sure to take a good look around before every step. Polnareff is beside you, being just as cautious, and Iggy and Avdol are in front of you two. Avdol leads the way with the compass of sorts he's created, which can sense the movement of any stand or human. "See anything, Avdol?" Polnareff whispers, and Avdol just shakes his head.
Thankfully, the mansion isn't as large as it looks. You'd encountered a little guy earlier whose stand had been creating an illusion throughout this main floor that made it much more complex than it truly is; after you pummeled him, the area shifted into a much more manageable space. Still, though, you're scared out of your mind of what you might uncover in each dark corner. You're not holding Polnareff's hand anymore, but it really feels like you are - you can tell he's looking out for you from the way he leans towards you with every step.
A few more minutes pass, and you finally encounter something new. It's a large column with seemingly no purpose. Avdol brings his flame closer to the pillar to get a good look at it, and as he does, you can vaguely make out words etched into the stone surface. Avdol leans in to read them, and you go to do the same, but suddenly Avdol whips around and grabs you by the arm.
You frown, trying to shrug your arm out of his grasp. "What is it?" you ask, but Avdol's frantic expression tells you all you need to know - it's not good. "Seriously, Avdol, tell me - "
His eyes shift to Polnareff, who's about to step right behind Avdol and adjacent to the pillar. "Polnareff, watch out!" Avdol screams, letting go of your arm and shoving you away. As you stumble back, completely confused, Avdol grabs Polnareff and pushes him harshly towards you. "Just stay back," he breathes, turning and looking pointedly at you, "and you'll be - "
It happens before you can even comprehend it. In the blink of an eye, Avdol vanishes, and you hear a loud thud. Your head whips downwards and you gasp loudly when you see his arms lying motionless on the ground, detached from his body. You feel yourself start to shake as you turn to Polnareff, who's equally shocked. "Fuck," he breathes, falling back into the wall behind him. "Avdol!" he shouts, clearly desperate. "Avdol, where are you?!"
Instead of getting an answer, you're only horrified further when Avdol's arms are lifted into the air and seemingly swallowed by nothing. As you watch, mortified, a figure slowly fades into view; it's some sort of floating being with no legs and an impossibly large stomach. You stare at it, unable to move, until Polnareff's frantic voice breaks you from your shock.
"What the hell did you do to Avdol?" he screams, summoning his stand at once. You blink and do the same - you were so caught up in whatever the hell you've just witnessed that you forgot to get your stand.
A voice echoes from deep within the stand in front of you. "I placed him in the void."
He doesn't explain. He just states that, as if it makes any sense. "What - what the fuck is that? Where is he?" you breathe, your voice shaking.
"Not even I know where the things my stand swallows go," the voice replies. "Who's to say where he is? He's certainly not on Earth any longer. Wherever he is, I'm sure he's dead."
You can't take a full breath. "I..." You hear Iggy take a shuddering breath from beside you, and you look down at him with wide eyes. He looks totally stunned; he's clearly in shock. You somehow manage to steel yourself, and in a flurry you prepare to attack. Your stand has long-ranged attacks - as the Knight of Cups, it shoots powerful arrows from a far distance. Your stand pulls out an arrow and shoots instantly at the stand, but before it can hit, the stand opens its gaping mouth and swallows the arrow just as it's about to pierce its eye.
"Fuck," you mutter, and you back further into the wall. Tears are forming quickly in your eyes. "Polnareff, what do I -"
When you hear Polnareff sob, you turn to him. He's sunk to the ground, shaking with tears streaming down his face. Iggy still hasn't moved; he still can't believe it. You drop to your knees and place your hands on Polnareff's shoulders, trying to spit out some comforting words in the haze of your mind, but before you can, the wall behind you is smashed and breaks into pieces.
A couple small pieces of concrete fall on you, but you hardly even feel it. Had the stand - can it make itself invisible? You hadn't seen it hit the wall, shit, you hadn't seen anything. You're totally at a loss here. "We've gotta go, Polnareff," you tell him, urgently pulling on his arm. Still beside himself, he stands up with you and stares at the large hole in the wall. "I - I don't know how he -" Your voice cuts off and is replaced by something between a cough and a sob. "He's - he's probably going to Dio. We have to..." You can't force the words out - it's your worst fear. You know it's what you have to do, though. "Follow him. We have to follow him up. " You grab Polnareff's hand and hold it so tightly it must hurt, and you drag him along. Your heart is pounding non-stop in your chest, and sharp pain is starting to spread all throughout your body. You can't believe that Avdol is gone - really, this time. You're not sure if you've even fully realized it yet.
You don't even wipe the tears from your face as you sprint up the stairs, with Polnareff and Iggy hot on your heels. You keep stumbling, but every time you manage to push yourself through it and scale another two steps. Your brain is on autopilot now - you know if you don't move quickly, and move right, you're going to die. Once you've reached what you're pretty sure is the third floor, you spot a large, circular hole in the wall that's nearly identical to the one the stand had left downstairs. You skid to a stop, and Polnareff runs into you and nearly knocks you to the ground. He manages to catch you, and you both stand and stare at the large hole, trying desperately to catch your breath.
Polnareff's hands leave your sides and he walks slowly towards the hole. It seems to lead into a large ballroom. "Shh," he hisses at you, and you nod, creeping towards him. Iggy walks beside you, just as quiet. You both step through the hole, then you lift Iggy through and place him on the ground next to you. The room is large and beautiful; the walls are lined with intricate designs, and a large window covered by a thick curtain is on the far wall.
"Where the fuck is he?" you breathe, taking a few steps into the room. It's totally empty. "Where's Dio?"
"I have already consulted Dio." You scream when a voice echoes from behind you, and you stumble before turning around. A large, impossibly muscular man stands before you three, with long brown hair and a stony expression. "He has granted me the privilege of killing you all. He gifted me, Vanilla Ice, his blood and this opportunity." You feel horribly sick to your stomach when Vanilla Ice's face twists with pride. "You'll go first. You dared to try and attack me."
You summon your stand, but before you can make another move, Polnareff pushes you to the side. You stumble back, and you watch in horror as Polnareff takes out his stand and points Silver Chariot's sword directly at Vanilla Ice. "You'll have to get through me first," he spits, voice full of venom, but Vanilla Ice just laughs.
"Alright." He leaps into the air, and suddenly his stand reappears; it seems to swallow him up before vanishing again.
You run to Polnareff, grabbing his arm and pulling him down to the ground. "Fuck, Jean, you didn't - why did you do that?" you hiss. "If he wants to fight me, let him -"
"No." His voice is firm, and it shocks you; there's a new determination in his eyes that you hadn't expected to see. "I won't let him kill you, (Y/N)."
Suddenly, Iggy barks, jolting both of you out of your conversation. You hop up and run over to him. "What is it?" you ask, crouching down in front of him.
He runs over to a large curtain beside a staircase on the other side of the room, and you and Polnareff follow. You both lean against the side of the stairs and cover yourselves with the curtian. "What the fuck are you doing, Iggy?" Polnareff whispers, watching the dog.
Iggy summons his stand, and instantly sand starts to swirl around the room. You watch as it all comes together and begins to take the shape of a man; as you keep watching, it eventually turns into an exact replica of Dio. "Shit," you breathe. "Nice thinking. He's not still in here, is he? Did he see that?"
"There's no way to tell," Polnareff murmurs back. "We just have to wait -"
"Lord Dio!" Vanilla Ice materializes once again at the other end of the room. He rushes to the sand statue and drops to the ground, bowing deeply. "What are you doing here?" he says to the ground. "You should be in your study."
"I grew tired of waiting," the statue replies, and your eyes widen; Iggy's stand is a lot more powerful than you thought. "Are they dead yet?"
"No, my lord," Vanilla Ice replies. "I apologize. They will be dead soon." He takes a deep, shuddering breath, and stands. "I thank you for the gift you've given me, Lord Dio," he sighs, taking the statue's hand and caressing it. "Your blood gives me more and more strength by the minute. With your blood flowing through my veins, I'll kill them without having to lift a finger." He lets go of the sand statue and turns around, scoping out the room. "I just have to find them."
Iggy slowly raises the statue's hand into the air, so he can strike down right at Vanilla Ice's neck. Finally, after a few agonizing seconds, his hand is fully raised. Just as he brings it down, though, Vanilla Ice turns around and smacks it. It, and the rest of Dio's body, dissolves into sand and blows away.
"You must think me an imbecile," he shouts, eyes wide in a crazed rage. "Lord Dio would never set foot in this room, you idiots. It has a window." Fuck - you all had forgotten. "You'll pay for this, scum. You've insulted Lord Dio in the most unforgivable way. He is too mighty to ever be represented by your filthy false icon." Your heart drops into your stomach, and you try as hard as you can to remain still. Iggy had taken some damage from Vanilla Ice's strike, it seems, so you dive down quickly and pick him up. The motion doesn't seem to alert him, thank God.
He disappears once again, and before you can blink a hole appears in the wall right next to you. You shriek, falling back into Polnareff, and the three of you all hit the ground hard. You try to scramble away - you know another attack is coming soon - but before you can get out from behind the curtain, an impossibly fast force runs straight through your leg.
You scream as a chunk of your leg is ripped straight off and blood immediately pours from the wound. You reach down and grab at it, sobbing, but nothing you do relieves the searing pain that spreads all throughout your body. Polnareff freezes, stunned, but not a moment later he lunges towards you and crouches down. "Fuck, (Y/N), you'll - you'll be fine," he mutters, grabbing the curtains and tearing off a large piece. "Let me - let me tie it, and then you'll..." He wraps the curtain around your wound and knots it, pulling the curtain tight, and the pressure makes your head spin.
Your head lolls back and you feel yourself nearly slip from consciousness, but before you do Iggy quickly forms a hand from sand and smacks you in the face. "Fuck!" you shout, grabbing your cheek, but you quickly shake yourself and snap back to reality. "Thank you."
"Can you stand?" Polnareff asks you quickly, stretching out his arms. "Let me help you." You steel yourself and take his hands, and he gently pulls up up onto your feet. It hurts more than anything you've ever felt, but - you can hold yourself up just barely. You limp a few steps away from the wall, and Polnareff reaches out and wraps his arm around your shoulders. "Fuck, be careful! Don't fall." Suddenly, another smash echoes through the room, and you swallow back a scream.
It's the spherical shape again, but this time it's moving; it carves a path into the perimeter of the wall and just keeps going, until it hits the corner of the room and jerks in the other direction. It seems to be outlining the room. "What the fuck is he doing...?" you breathe, watching as the grooves in the ground continue down the next wall.
It hits another corner and spins around to the next wall. It's getting the perimeter of the room, but why...? Suddenly, you realize what he's doing. "He can't see in there," you say softly. Polnareff and Iggy both look to you, confused. "He can't see. Everything he's done so far has been blind shots. Now, he's just - he's covering the entire room from the outside and in to the middle. If he does that he's gonna hit us eventually."
The second you finish talking, you hear Polnareff scream from beside you. It seems that the stand had managed to sneak up on you; he'd moved just an inch in closer to the middle, and it caught Polnareff. You grab him, righting him. "What happened?" you ask, running your eyes over his body to see where he was hit. He lifts up his right hand, shaking, and two of his fingers are gone.
You feel like throwing up. "Iggy, can you get more of that curtain?" you ask, your voice high-pitched with anxiety. He nods and runs over, ripping off a large piece with his teeth. You take it from him and start to wrap up Polnareff's hand, which is gushing blood. He grits his teeth and hisses as you tie it up. "You'll be fine, I've got you. We'll figure this out, I swear -"
"Just get to the middle," Polnareff manages to say, and you nod hurriedly. You yank him over to the center of the room and you hold back a scream when pain shoots up through your leg. "Sit down," he tells you, and you let yourself hit the ground with a dull 'thud.' "What the fuck are we gonna do? How do we escape this?" The sound of Vanilla Ice carving up the floor is getting louder and louder. Iggy joins you two and watches as the invisible sphere spins round and round, revolving like the moon around you helpless three.
Polnareff suddenly sits up, and it's clear he has an idea. "We've gotta get out of this room," he says, grabbing your hand and gesturing for Iggy to hop up onto his shoulder. "I'll get us out of here. Just hold on and we'll get out through the window. Iggy, can you make some kind of cushion if we jump?" The dog yips in a way that sounds affirmative. "Good. Get ready." Polnareff stands, pulling you up with him, and he makes for the window.
Vanilla Ice is blind right now, you're sure of it - but it seems he can hear. The sphere swerves without warning and collides with Polnareff's left leg, and nearly all of his calf is torn off of him. He falls instantly, but just as quickly he tries to stand - and finds that he can't. With you and Iggy, he can't force himself up. "Polnareff!" you cry, reaching out and pulling him back towards the middle. "Just - we can get back. If we get back to the middle we'll have time to think." The three of you, all injured in some way, manage to push yourselves back to the middle of the room.
Vanilla Ice is nearly at the center now. You've been crying since you first encountered, but this is the first time since Avdol died that you're really conscious of the tears streaming down your face. You look at Polnareff, who's choking back sobs. "This is - fuck, this wasn't what was supposed to happen," you whisper, reaching out and holding his uninjured hand. "I can't move. I - I can't do anything, I -"
"You're not dying," Polnareff nearly yells at you, and you're so surprised that you stop crying. "I'm not letting you go, (Y/N)."
"How? We can't move, Polnareff. We're stuck here and we're fucked, he's gonna -" You've been staring at Polnareff, but for a second you glance behind him and you see the ground cave in just before the two of you. You shut your eyes and hug him, burying your face in his chest, but just as it's about to hit -
You're launched into the air - you have no idea by what. Your eyes snap open, and you turn your head; Iggy remains on the ground, breathing heavily, and Vanilla Ice stands before him looking utterly confused. Slowly, his gaze turns upwards, and you and Polnareff are dropped unceremoniously on the ground by Iggy's stand.
You cry out when your head thuds against the ground and you land hard on your right wrist - you think it's broken. You grind your teeth together as you try to sit up, just barely pushing yourself up against the wall. It seems Polnareff had landed a bit more gracefully, and he tries to crawl over to Iggy - but Vanilla Ice beats him. He snatches Iggy up by the neck and throws him, as hard as he can, into the wall.
You're fucking enraged. You watch, unable to do much else, as Vanilla Ice kicks Iggy hard in the stomach. Polnareff swears beside you, and you watch as he manages to pull himself to his knees. He turns around and meets your eyes, then looks to Vanilla Ice. He's planning something.
Polnareff silently walks on his knees to Vanilla Ice, and as he does he summons Silver Chariot. He's in the perfect position to stab him in the head, but you both know the stab alone wouldn't be enough. You get your own stand and conjure up the most powerful arrow you can muster. As Iggy's cries echo throughout the room, you let the arrow shoot directly into the back of Vanilla Ice's head, and you fall back. It had taken everything just to do that. Your vision is swimming, and you can't even force yourself to sit up and see what's happened to Polnareff and Iggy. Despite your best efforts, your eyes slide shut, and you pass out.
You slowly fade back into consciousness, and the first thing you notice is that you're in motion. You crane your neck to get a better look at your surroundings, trying to ignore the screaming pain all throughout your body, and you're clearly outside now - all the buildings and the stars soaring past your vision is making you horribly dizzy. You groan, shutting your eyes, and suddenly the vehicle you're on stops. You lurch forward and nearly vomit.
"(Y/N), you're awake!" You blink when Polnareff shouts loudly in your ear. He picks you up and grins down at you, and it's clear he's been crying more. "Fuck, I was so scared. I thought you died."
"...Can't get rid of me that easy," you rasp, surprised by how dry your throat is. He nearly laughs, and gently he sets you down.
"I'm glad you're okay, (Y/N)," you hear someone else say, and you turn. It's Jotaro, and thankfully he looks unharmed. "You look like shit."
"I feel like shit."
He nods - fair enough - and turns to Polnareff. "Stay here with (Y/N), I won't be long." He starts to leave, but Polnareff reaches out and grabs his hand before he can go.
"You're sure you won't need me?" he asks, frowning. "You have no idea what he's capable of."
"You're in no condition to help anybody," Jotaro replies, shrugging Polnareff's hand away. "Just stay safe and keep (Y/N) safe. You're both too badly hurt to do anything but that." And with that, he leaves you and Polnareff alone in a dark, silent alley.
You've got a bit of a view of the street from here, and you can see Jotaro walking down the sidewalk with clear purpose. This is everything he's been waiting for - the chance to save his mother. You can tell he's eager for it to be over. "Well..." You look to Polnareff, who sits down beside you and takes your hand. "We did it. We're both still alive." You think back to Avdol, and guilt rushes through you; you never could've expected that he had been referring to himself with his premonition last night. You try not to cry as you slightly adjust yourself. You can't get comfortable, no matter how hard you try. Everything hurts too much. "Hey..." You realize suddenly that you're missing someone. "Where's Iggy?" You figure Polnareff had managed to get him out of Vanilla Ice's line of fire with that last shot by Silver Chariot.
Polnareff's face drops, and your expression falls. "He... He didn't make it. It was a second too late." You turn away from Polnareff and cover your face with your hands, trying not to scream. He's just a dog, he - God, he hadn't deserved any of this.
"He should be here," you murmur into your palms. "Avdol should be here right now, sitting with us." As you speak, Polnareff leans against you, and you feel his tears drip onto your arms. You shut your eyes and rest your head against his shoulder. You're too tired to even open your eyes. You drift back out of consciousness while Polnareff cries silently beside you.
A motion from next to you is what stirs you, and you open your eyes. Polnareff is trying to get up, but he's clearly having a hard time. "Where are you going...?" you mumble as he finally gets to his feet. He looks down at you and his eyes widen; was he trying to sneak away...?
"I have to go, (Y/N), please." Go where? Polnareff glances back at the entrance of the alley, and you look as well. You gasp when you see Jotaro lying motionless on the ground, and what must be Dio looming over him with a road sign in his hand. "He's about to die, and I have to do something."
You know he's right, and you fucking hate it. "No," you say softly, reaching out and taking his hands. "Don't. You'll die, Jean, I know you will, you have to stay with me." You've fully gained consciousness now, and your mind is absolutely screaming. You thought you'd done it. You thought you'd leave here with him and be with him for the rest of your life. He can't go and you can't lose him. It's getting harder to breathe.
"Non," he replies gently, crouching down. He seems much more at peace with this than you are. "S'il te plaît, ne sois pas fâché," he murmurs, and he leans in and kisses you.
You reach out and wrap your arms around him, pulling him close. His lips are soft and he's gentle as he presses them to yours, reaching up and running a hand through your hair. After a moment of taking each other in, reveling in your closeness, you part. You feel indescribably empty. "I'll be back with Jotaro," he says, and he presses a kiss to your forehead before walking away and leaving you alone. Completely alone.
You try to follow him, try to pull yourself up or even drag yourself out from the alley - but nothing works. You push yourself back up against the wall and let out a gut-wrenching sob, covering your mouth to muffle the noise as best as you can. You can't stop shaking, and you can't stop feeling the lingering touch of Polnareff's lips on yours. You love him. You love him and you need him like you've never needed anyone before, and you're about to lose him. He kissed you and he left you. You pull your knees up to your chest and sob until you can't anymore, and once again fatigue grips you and pulls you under.
When you wake up this time, you're alone. There's no one to reassure you, to fill you in on what's happened - you're alone in a hospital bed, with only the beeping of the various machines to give you company. You crane your neck to the door and see that it's open; you consider calling for someone, but instead you just lay your head back on the pillow beneath you. You feel so much better than you had the last time you were awake; it seems like they've done a good job of patching you up. Curiously you reach down and poke your leg, where you'd been hit, and other than the jolt of pain at the touch it feels relatively normal. You push yourself up a bit so you're leaning against the wall, and you clasp your hands and set them on your lap.
Is Polnareff dead? The question is like a smack to the face. You suck in a deep breath and shakily release it, swearing to yourself that you won't cry. You've done too much fucking crying.
THere's no way he survived a face-off with Dio, just no way. He had already been beat up; even at his best he wouldn't be able to stand a chance alone. You grip your hands together so tightly they start to hurt, but you can't stop. It's a distraction from all the horrifying images your brain is conjuring up, of Avdol's arms lying alone on the cold ground, of Iggy being kicked and punched over and over and over, of Polnareff walking away and leaving you to watch him die -
"(Y/N)!" You look to the door when you hear your name called, and you nearly burst into tears at the sight of Joseph's grinning face. He bounds into the room, which surprises you; he's covered in bandages. "Oh my God, I'm so glad you're alright. How are you feeling?"
"Okay, I guess." You lift up your hand and look at your wrist, which is wrapped in a cast. "Yeah. I feel a lot better." Joseph reaches out and places his prosthetic hand delicately over yours, and you can't express how much you appreciate it. "...What did I miss?"
He looks up at you and frowns, and you elaborate. "I was really out of it. Last I remember I was..." You're afraid to mention Polnareff; that might spur Joseph to deliver the bad news. "I was watching Jotaro fight Dio. I thought Jotaro was dead."
"He was pretending to be dead, actually. Used Star Platinum to stop his own heart." Your eyes widen, and Joseph nods knowingly. "I have the most impressive grandson, don't I?"
"Yeah, you do. Holy shit." You'd all made monumental sacrifices in this fight, it seems. "So... He beat Dio?"
"Yes. I nearly died, too, when Dio drank my blood, but Jotaro had the bright idea of performing a blood transfusion once Dio was dead. He truly saved my ass in every way."
"Wow. We're really lucky we had him."
Joseph's gaze flits down to his hand over yours, resting on the bed. "I'm assuming... I'm guessing you know about Iggy and Avdol."
Your throat tightens, and you nod. "Yeah. I saw it." You can't stop thinking about it, honestly. Even while talking to Joseph your mind is running a slideshow of every horrific thing you witnessed.
"I'm sorry." He takes your other hand, surprising you, and holds it tenderly. "Avdol was a good man, and a dear, dear friend, and I'm going to miss him. He deserves to be here with us."
"It's not fair," you say in an exhale, and you nod your head in agreement with Joseph. After a long moment of silence between the two of you, in which you both think about everything you loved Avdol for, you look up. You have to ask the question, no matter how much you're dreading it. "How's everyone else...?"
Joseph meets your gaze, which is somewhat relieving. "Polnareff is fine. He was in rough shape when they brought him in, but he'll definitely be alright."
You fall forward a bit, letting go of your breath. Joseph smiles a bit and puts his arm on your shoulder as you grin at him. "Thank God," you say, not really to Joseph but just to the world. "Holy shit, I was so terrified. So he's fine?"
"He's been sleeping for most of the day, but he woke up once to ask how you were and then passed right out again." You laugh out loud, leaning back, and Joseph watches you with an easy smile on his face. "Please tell me he told you."
You smile. "He did, but I kind of figured anyway."
"Kind of? Jesus." He laughs shortly, and then his smile fades a bit.
"So what about Kakyoin?" you ask, running a hand through your hair. "What's up with him?"
Joseph's expression is like a shot to the heart, and before you know what you're doing you grab him and wrap your arms around him. You rest your head on his shoulder with wide eyes that are quickly welling up with tears - you think you'd grabbed him so quickly so you didn't have to see his face. It told you everything in less than a second.
"Who did it?" you whisper, not trusting yourself to speak.
"Dio," Joseph responds, his voice much more steady. "Kakyoin died telling us the secret of Dio's stand. He's the reason we were able to win."
"...Oh." You squeeze your eyes shut and force yourself to breathe evenly. Fuck - he was seventeen. He shouldn't have had to die for anything. He was just a kid, and Iggy was just a dog, and Avdol was a good man who deserved only great things -
"(Y/N)." You open your eyes when Joseph's voice tears you from your thoughts. You slowly lean back and let go of him, reaching up and wiping your eyes. "I have to go check on Jotaro. I'll be back later, hopefully with him. Okay?"
You nod, sniffling. He takes your hand and lifts it to his lips, gently pressing a kiss to your knuckles. "I know how it feels," he says softly, letting his hand linger in yours. "Trust me, I know how much it hurts. You're one of the strongest people I've ever met, (Y/N). If anyone can get through this I know it's you. And don't forget that we're all here to help you, okay? And help each other. You'll never be alone again."
You think Avdol had said that to you last night. You feel a smile slightly lift your features, and you squeeze Joseph's hand. "Thank you, Joseph. Really." You give him one last hug, and as he stands up, you say softly, "I love you guys." Joseph smiles widely, almost looking teary-eyed, and he leaves the room after one last wave goodbye.
You're alone again. You turn onto your side, wincing as you shift your leg, and you think about the three people you lost on this journey. Your eyes are dry but your mind is screaming. The only thing that makes you feel slightly better is knowing that Polnareff is alright, and that you'll be able to tell him you love him soon. Finally.
The next morning, you're greeted by a couple nurses. They tell you you seem much better, and that you can try to get out of bed. With their help, you swing your legs over the side of the bed and shakily stand up. Apparently you're a lot better than they'd expected, which makes you very happy, so you're sent on your way with some crutches and a cast around your arm.
The first thing you do is walk, with some difficulty, to Polnareff's room. You peek your head inside and find that it's empty, save for him lying on the bed in the middle of the room. You make your way in as quietly as you can - it looks like he's sleeping - and you sit down in a chair next to his bed.
You want to wake him up and tell him you love him right now. All you want is to throw your arms around him, to kiss him and hold him and make some shitty joke that sends you both into a fit of giggles - but he looks so peaceful. You can't.
You reach out and brush his hair out of his face; it's not in its usual, inexplicable style, and instead it gently frames his face and falls down to his shoulders. You've never really given his appearance much mind, now that you think about it. You've been so focused on the way you feel around him and the way he makes you laugh. But looking at him now, totally serene, he's actually handsome.
You take his hand and hold it loosely. You watch him for a while and then look at the clock, which reads 8 AM. It's pretty early, so you're not surprised he's still sleeping. You sit for even longer, thinking about how lucky you are that he lived. Going up against Dio alone was suicide, you both knew it, but he still forced himself to try. He's almost stupidly brave, and you can even love him for that - even though he scared the shit out of you.
You glance at the clock again, and when you look back, Polnareff is awake and looking at you with a drowsy smile and half-lidded eyes. "Good morning," he murmurs, looking down at your hand wrapped around his. "How are you doing?"
"I love you," you blurt out, and this shocks Polnareff into full alertness. He sits up and stares at you, and you stare right back. You hadn't really meant to do that. "Jean, I think I've loved you for a long time. You do so much for me and you always make me feel so - so much and I don't know what I'd do without you. I'm just so fucking happy that you're okay." You take a deep breath and watch him; he's oddly unresponsive. You frown and start to tell him to answer you, damnit, when suddenly he leans forward and sweeps you into his arms.
He kisses you with an extreme fervor, which is something you've never really felt before. It's almost as if there's an urgency to it, like he needs you to know now how passionately he feels for you - and it's working. You kiss back, wrapping your arms around him but being careful to avoid any bandages. His teeth brush against your bottom lip and you nearly shiver. He smiles a little teasingly against you when he feels it, and you're about to push him back and yell at him when he presses his body flush against yours. He moves from your lips and kisses your jaw sweetly, letting his lips linger before moving down to the top of your neck. You sigh, leaning even further into him, and he peppers kisses down your neck before finally pulling away.
It's not really "away," though - you're practically laying on him. "Are you comfortable...?" you ask, really not sure of what to say, and he laughs loudly.
"I love you too, (Y/N). So much. Ever since I met you I knew I liked you, and I've grown to need you. You're an angel, (Y/N), mon amour. Please stay with me." He kisses you one more time, and when you part you nod your head a little clumsily.
"I thought we already agreed on that," you say, smiling, and Polnareff nods. "But I'll doubly promise that we're staying together."
Polnareff's face is bright red, and you're sure yours is too. You place your hand over his. "So how are you? Did they fix you up?"
"Yeah, and you're never gonna believe this." He picks up his other hand and all but shoves it in your face, and you gasp. He's got two prosthetic fingers; they're shiny and metallic, and they stutter a bit as he moves them. "They're not perfect yet, obviously, but we're getting there."
"Jesus, Polnareff, I..." He had taken that hit for you. A pang of guilt enters your mind, but soon it disappears and is replaced by unbelieveable gratefulness. "I love you so much." You wrap him up in a hug, and he hugs you back, a little startled.
"I love you too," he says, rubbing circles into your back. "You know... A month ago or so, I wanted to start calling you 'mon amour.' I wasn't sure if you knew what it meant, though, so I didn't want to risk giving anything away."
You look up at Polnareff and snort. "I know what 'mon amour' means, you dumbass," you tell him, laughing. He laughs too, and you both sit there, giggling in each other's arms. This is exactly what you've wanted for the past month, and what you want for the rest of your life, and it's finally yours.
A couple days later, you all arrive at the airport. Jotaro has healed up well, and he' retold the story of his battle with Dio to you. You're so thankful for everything he did, and you make sure he knows that. He's like family to you now.
"You all have everything?" Joseph asks, checking his own bag for the hundredth time.
"Yes. How many times do we have to say it?" Jotaro mutters from beside him.
Joseph sighs and relents, zipping his luggage back up. "You're right." He looks at Jotaro and then you and Polnareff, who are facing the two of them. "You're all ready?"
"Yeah. I'm really excited to meet Holly," you say with a wide smile. "She sounds amazing from what you've both told me."
"Yeah, she's pretty great." It almost sounds like Jotaro doesn't mean it, but it's clear from his small smile that he does. He obviously loves her a lot. "I'm sure she'll love you guys."
"I hope so." As he speaks, Polnareff takes your hand in his. "Well, we don't want to miss the flight."
The four of you board your plane and make your ways to your seats. Everyone save for you has a bit of a difficult time, seeing as they're impossibly tall and ridiculously buff, but it's all figured out soon enough and you're on your way.
You take the window seat, and Polnareff sits next to you. Joseph and Jotaro are on the other side of the aisle from you two. You lean your head against the window and sigh, shutting your eyes. You don't really care for plane rides, so you figure you should try to sleep.
One by one, the moments flash by. Avdol's body simply ceasing to exist, and the dull thud of his arms as they hit the ground. Iggy's howls of pain as Vanilla Ice kicked him again and again and again. You hadn't seen Kakyoin's death so your mind kindly fills in the blanks for you - you see him lying motionless on the roof of a building in Cairo, completely drenched in blood. Dio stands over him and laughs and laughs, and he looks at you and laughs harder.
Your eyes snap open and you gasp, shooting up in your seat. "Shit, (Y/N) - are you -" Polnareff is cut off by you hugging him tightly, pressing your face into his shoulder. "...Did you have a nightmare?" he asks softly.
You feel like a child but there's really no other way to put it. "Yeah," you answer, your voice muffled. "It was - well, you can figure what."
"Yeah." You can feel yourself shaking. You hadn't realized that your feelings of dread and anxiety, from all the way back on the night before you fought Dio, would follow you out of Egypt. "Mon amour..." Polnareff kisses the top of your head, and you nearly start to cry - you're so fucking sick of crying. "I've been going through the same thing. I'm sure we all are." You force yourself to let go of Polnareff, and you look up at him with teary eyes. "We'll all be able to help each other in Japan, even if it's only for a few days. Someday these feelings will subside and we'll be left with all the great memories we made with them."
Polnareff looks melancholy, which isn't an expression you often see him wear. You're sure he must miss everyone just as badly as you do, and Joseph, and Jotaro. It's a unique thing, to share this struggle with three wonderful people, and you feel lucky you have them to support you - and to support. You want to help them as best as you can, though you're still not great at talking through emotions. As you lean your head back and think about how you'll try to open up a bit more, Polnareff speaks. "I'm really excited to get to Japan," he says eagerly with a smile on his face. "Do you think there’ll be any sushi places around? I've never had it."
You gape at him. "What's the deal with you? Music, iced coffee, and now this?" You laugh. "When we get a place in New York, we're gonna get sushi and listen to all my favorite albums, okay?" He nods, grinning. "Well, my favorites and some historic ones. I'll try not to be too biased."
"I'm sure you'll only choose the best," he tells you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "I trust you."
You lean against his side, unable to stop smiling. You've don't think you've ever been this happy. You feel like laughing and crying all at once. As Polnareff pulls you closer to him and starts to hum - it's whatever he'd been singing in the shower a few days ago - you shut your eyes and take in this feeling of utmost contentment. You're a little afraid of what the future holds, in coping and learning how to live after this experience, but you're confident you'll get through it with your new little family by your side. You'll all be together for the rest of your lives.
#JoJo's Bizarre Adventure#polnareff x reader#jean pierre polnareff#polnareff imagine#jjba x reader#jojo imagine#my writing#thanks again for the request! i hope you enjoyed this beast of a story lol. its like 16k and i dont know how that happened
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Hey I just discovered your blog and I thought your cotton cookie story was adorable! May I ask for a Madeleine x coward or shy reader? Just love those two tropes of reader and can't choose so...surprise me! Lol
Hello, anon!
Thank you so much, I will forever complain about how Cotton Cookie doesn’t get much attention from the fanfiction part of this fandom 🍿
Of course my first Crk request was my favorite himbo boy, why wouldn’t it be xD? I’m not gonna complain about that though lmao
I’m a big fan of these sorts of tropes too, something about it is just hbsidbwinzkw amazing! I can’t choose between Hc or One-shot either, so screw it, I’m just gonna do both!
Hope you enjoy it!
Madeleine x Coward/Shy Reader
Pure, unrivaled fluff for our big light boi.
~| Absolutely 100% overprotective of you. It doesn’t even have to be with social interaction, if it has a 0.0001% chance of hurting you he will literally put you up and c a r r y until he’s sure you’re safe. If there’s a stray cakehound running up to you, even if it seems friendly, Madeleine would just pick you up and put you on his shoulders. He’s a very strong himbo boy, so he could do this easily with pretty much everyone. “Shoo, beast! You will not harm my lovely S/O!”
~| Madeleine is a complete extrovert and t h r i v e s on attention and social interaction, so he would be a bit confused when you don’t immedietly want to strike up a conversation with someone you met (the first time you met him you were probably a bit overwhelmed, due to his constant talking and complete lack of shyness). Though he may be confused, and occasionally push you out of your comfort zone, mostly on accident, he does try to understand where you’re coming from.
~| He loves to ramble. Loves it. When you two are alone, often he’ll just talk about random stuff to fill the silence. It may or may not annoy you, depending on how you feel, but occasionally you get things like “Whales swim, therefore they must be fish!” “Madeleine, wh-” [insert reader confusion here].
~| He loves it when you add onto his rambling. It can even be small comments, but he’ll grin at them. You actually listen to him! Wow! He sees this as one of the best types of bonding.
~| Madeleine is the king of PDA, and often finds it hard to not touch you in some way in public. It’s best to just let him hold your hand, he’ll be content enough with that. If he notices you’re feeling uncomfortable in a situation (which may take him a bit because d e n s e but, I mean, he’s trying), he’ll come up with some excuse- “Oh, I think I left my keys at home!” “I’m craving some Mac N’ Cheese.” “Oh no, I forgot to water the plants!”- and walk you back home, where he proceeds to ask what upset you. Will ask to cuddle every time no matter the outcome, and will 100% cuddle with you for hours until you have to practically beg for him to let you go.
~| Madeleine can cook! He knows how to make traditional meals and those sorts of things, but don’t trust him with the oven alone. He gets distracted very easily and something as simple as a frog “S/O! S/O! Come look! There’s a frog outside, it’s so adorable!” can distract him long enough to burn the food to cinders. As long as you remind him he has stuff in the oven, though, you can be well prepared to have a good lunch or supper. You may have to clean up after him, though, he tends to leave the kitchen messy. Anyways I’m getting off-track from the coward/shy reader bUT that came to my mind and had to put it there hh- back ontopic~
~| Other than a bit of confusion, he doesn’t care that you’re shy or a coward! He has enough radient confidence and bravery for both of you! He loves you because he loves you, not because you’re like him 💕.
~| I’ve seen a lot of people say this, but I’m gonna say it again. “Excuse me, they asked for no pickles.” is just such a Madeleine thing to say. He would literally be confident for you.
~| Often introduces you to everyone he meets in a very dramatic and doting fashion “I am Madeleine Cookie, and this is my lovely, most glorious darling I could ever hope for, S/O!” If you’re ever in a public situation he can’t get you out of, and he notices you’re getting tense, he will try and block out whatever is making you upset. He’ll just get in front of you and try to distract you, if all else fails.
~| If he notices you’ve been stressed lately, or if he just wants to, Madeleine Cookie will take you to the spa for the golden treatment. Massages, getting your nails done (he likes his painted black- he says they make him look mysterious- but he ends up subconciously picking to polish off after a while), just the whole shabang! He’ll even give you a personal massage if you ask for it!
~| He will never make you feel bad for asking him anything. He will do literally anything for you, just say the word! If you make self-degrading jokes about your shyness or about your cowardly nature, he will literally go on a rant about how you’re the best person he knows and how you’re perfect in every way. He will NEVER let self-degrading jokes slide. He loves you too much to see you hurting yourself, even verbally.
A gift from me to you!
It was a rainy day, which you were quite happy for. You were watching the light rain from your window, deep in thought, before you saw a figure coming up the stairs.
You started to panic a bit- had Madeleine invited someone over without telling you!? No, that wasn’t like him… was it a robber!?
But, as the figure aproached the door, you saw them pull off the water-proof hoodie they had been wearing, to reveal long locks of luxurious, blonde hair. You would recognize that hair anywhere.
Madeleine Cookie? He was inside just a minute ago! You glanced at the clock, freezing as you noticed just how long it had been since you last saw him- you must have been staring out this window for hours!
The door opened, and you looked over to see one very wet Madeleine Cookie with a large box in his arms.
“Yes, my dear! It is I!” Your loveable himbo said with a stupidly big grin. He took of the rain coat, shook out his soggy hair, and quickly made his way over to you.
“What’s that you have?” You question him, glancing at the box. You notice it has fairly large holes in the sides, though the inside is too dark for you to see what is inside.
“Merry Christmas!” Madeleine announces, to which you laugh. ”It’s the middle of July!”
“Eh, close enough! Close your eyes!” He demanded, and you happily did so, wondering what your big radiant light commander had gotten you this time. He had often given you gifts, one of your favorites were two necklaces that linked together by magnets to make a heart image. You rarely ever took it off (even if it did stay tucked in your shirt while you were out), and you weren’t sure Madeleine had taken his off either.
Your ears strained as you heard him open the box, and in a second, you felt something very fluffy and very energetic in your arms.
“Madeleine, you didn’t…” you said, your eyes still closed as he yelled “Surprise!”
You opened your eyes to find a very golden and very happy-looking puppy in your arms. You’re nearly breathless as it gives a yip, leaning up to lick your face.
“I hope you like him!” Madeleine says, ”I thought if you had both him and I with you when we go out, maybe you would be a little more comfortable!”
“Oh, he’s perfect, Madeleine! Thank you!” You pace over to him, the pup still in your hands, and give him a side-hug as not to drop the pupster. He wraps an arm around you, using his other hand to ruffle the puppy’s head, to which the golden dog gave a small ruff and leaned his head back. You heard Madeleine laugh as the pup furiously assaulted his hand with licks, and then he spoke once more.
“So, what are you gonna name him?”
Leaving the rest of this oneshot up to you guys to imagine, I’d love to hear what name you would give this little fella in the comments :)!
And remember, my requests are always open, as well!
#Cookie run x reader#cookie run kingdom x reader#cookie run kingdom#madeleine cookie x reader#madeleine cookie#a whole boatload of fluff#requests open
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Stray Kids Bang Chan x Idol!Reader Summary: You're known as the gym rat in your group, and quite frankly, you only have two moods: shredding or chilling. This was why when you're not asleep in between schedules, you're spotted with a male idol you happened to meet in the gym you were at that day. It's a known fact though, that you and Bang Chan are gym buddies and each other's spotter. Word Count: 2k+ Warnings: Internet toxicity, sasaengs, vulgar language, sexism, misogyny, pining, fluff, mentions of Pentagon because why not <3, etc.
A/N: Girl, i shouldn't do this but I did. It's so funny to me someone requested this cause I have recently become an exercise junkie lol. Also, if you can't tell, there is a pov shift after the cut so yeah. I also wanted to keep the reader gender neutral but I want to write about how psychotically different people treat male and female idols because that stuff aint it. It's most definitely not what anon was expecting me to write but I hope they enjoy it nonetheless.
There's compilation in YT with growing parts centered around you flexing your physical fitness and prowess. It ranges from you affectionally touring your fans, which really meant the cameraman, through the gym, introducing your trainer, and doing your routine on camera, to your group (and others) both fawning and bragging about how strong and how hot you are.
CLIP #1: A scene from an interview of your group in Japan, struggling to talk about how you can do 40 straight push ups.
There was a male interviewer in a suit you could all faintly recognize was talking about your recent Instagram post of a gym mirror selfie.
One of your youngest members smirked and in broken Japanese, cutely said, "Wah, she does 100 push ups! Everyday, every night."
You snap your head to the maknae and raise your brows, "nani?" You begin to shake your hands in protest and begin to explain your truth, "absolutely not 100. Maybe around 40, but nooooo, not 100."
The interviewer and your group comically react in awe. The man in the suit urges, "can you show us?"
You give a face, "Excuse me, but I'm not getting paid to do that in this miniskirt."
Everyone, including the film crew, break into laughter.
CLIP #2: A scene from a variety show where you had to prove you were, in fact, yourself, by doing a shortened version of your exercise routine.
One of the hosts of the show asks, "Wait, do you honestly do all of this in your workout? Like you can do all of it?"
The list of your exercises were written on a colourful cardboard, held by the one who just spoke. It was a range of exercises in 10 sets, from jumping jacks to sit ups, to vague sounding exercises like crab pinches and robot arms.
You purse your lips at the last question asked of you, not really liking the tone in which it was asked. You answer quickly and nod proudly, "I actually do more, cause when I get in the zone and I'm already really sweaty, I feel like I should keep going until my whole body burns." You chuckle.
The older hosts, tilt their head and mutter lowly under their breath something along the lines of, "I'd rather die."
You finally do the routine, quickly, continuously, earning impressed reactions from everyone.
"That's hot," one of the hosts note.
"Ya, for some reason it looks easy to do."
The hosts begin to clamour at that statement, and force whoever said to do the exact thing you did. Clearly, they don't work out as much as you do and cannot even get halfway through it without stopping.
You break out into a breathless laugh in amusement of the comical attempt but then protest, explaining how bad it is to force yourself to do more than you can
CLIP #3: Pentagon, Hongseok especially, fawns over how fit you are
Trailing a conversation about how your group is close with Pentagon because your companies are situated closely to each other and you wind up eating together a lot, there is an anecdote about how there was a jar no one could open, no one but you, that is.
The interviewer asks no one in particular, "wah, none of you could open the jar? Really? Or did you all just pretend so she could open it?"
There is a chorus of answers concluding with, "no really, she was the only one that was able to open it."
The story is backed up by how the jar had a really small lid and some hands were too big. Then came an explanation how you were recently into the new rock climbing machine in your gym.
Hongseok speaks up, "I was invited to go to rock climbing in, like, an actual rock climbing place and I was honestly so surprised when she began to climb. She said she never actually tried rock climbing on a wall, but it seemed like she had been doing it for years."
Shinwon agrees, "Right, right. I was also really curious about what they did that day," he points to Hongseok, "that I joined them one time. I never felt so out of shape in my life. I just stayed back and filmed everything."
Pentagon laughs, and then agrees that you were exceptionally fast and just super fit in all honesty.
The interviewer catches Hongseok's expression then suddenly asks, "do you like a woman like that?"
"Yeah, I like my women strong."
Then came a lot of teasing remarks from Pentagon, and a plethora of complaints from delusional fans who did not want Hongseok to ever breathe in your direction again.
With all that's been said about that, in all the parts of this series floating around in the internet, one thing remained, there was a slightly larger population of impressed fans than the still large portion of antifans who wanted nothing to do with it and only came around to hate.
It's hard not to think about it, but even the slightest back handed compliment can sometimes linger in one's mind.
And right now, as much as I kept my mind on my counting as I finished my set high knees, I couldn't help but think of how much backlash I got from posting a post workout photo with my midriff exposed.
Apparently that was not only enough to merit hate for being both a whore and an attention whore, but people baselessly began to hate on my groupmates simply for being associated with me.
It's kind of sad really, how, say Wonho, can post a fairly exposed photo of himself and get so much praise for it, and yet I couldn't even do anything remotely close to that.
And I don't even mean to come at Wonho, we all know he's a beast at the gym and should be able to show as much of his hard work as he is comfortable in showing, but why can't I?
"Hey trooper. I thought you said you were only doing 80 counts?" a voice cracks me out of my train of thought.
I turn to whom spoke and chuckle at myself as I stop my leg raises, "ah yeah, I got lost in thought, and your really good song."
I pull on my earphones and give a lopside smile, "I love working out to God's Menu."
He gives a soft, "he he, thanks."
"No need for a thank you when I'm only giving my honest opinion, Chan."
"Yeah, well still, it makes my kokoro go doki-doki," he sniggers, crossing his arms and flashing a dimpled smile. I raise my upper lip and reel back, "EWWW!"
I playfully shove him. He acts hurt, "this is violence against children."
"Chan, you're literally older than me."
"That doesn't mean I'm not a child at heart."
"You mean, it doesn't mean you're not a drama queen."
"Hey, I have no interest in having a throne, my only interest is," he leans in and whispers, "you."
I feel my soul leave my body as he snorts to himself and runs away. I regurgitate in surprise, "YA!"
"You better do your next set properly," Chan says heading off to a cable row machine, "I'm always watching."
I try to ignore the blood rushing up your neck, "creep."
He shrugs, "rather that or have you get injured, sweet heart."
Yeah, Chan has saved me from a lot of injuries I could have had. It was a bad habit. It stemmed from the same thing that made me mess up my count a while ago, my overthinking.
Sometimes I thought of rather harmless things, but sometimes I began to fixate on the hate I received for simply being. I do a lot to get my mind to realize that they hated me simply because they could and because it was easy. Exercising helped tremendously, especially when I had someone fun to work out with, especially when I was with Chan. He just... made me feel safe, y'know.
But when the news of us being work out buddies surfaced, a lot of sasaengs came for me. Of course, a lot of Stays and my own fans were really kind about, speaking out that we were our own people and exercising together did not mean anything in particular really.
But some really went for it, and made it a hobby to comment on everything I was in that I was a slut for 'working out' with different men every day."
I let out a breath as I finish my routine. I catch my breath and go for a swig of my water. I take a moment then sit down by the mirror, which was near where Chan was currently working out.
"You're doing it again."
I turn from where I was blankly staring at turn to Chan who gave me a soft look, "you good?"
I release a sigh then purse my lips, "maybe."
He pouts, "what happened?"
I shrug and stand from where I sat, "you know, the usual."
Chan then comes up to me and takes my water bottle from me, "you know, no matter how much people say you don't need water to live, you can never change the fact that you are extremely dependent on water to live."
I look at him and half- heartedly point, "are you calling me thirsty?"
He begrudgingly groans and releases a chuckle. He calls my name out in a scolding tone. I feel myself relax, "I know what you're getting at Chan."
He nods, "good. I'll always be here to remind you of that."
I smile and feel an urge to hug him, "if you weren't so sweaty, I would totally hug you right now."
Chan then gives me a look then does not hesitate to crush me into his arms. I groan and whine in protest. He chuckles, "you literally just said you wanted a hug!"
Chan huffs and gives a wounded look, "hmp. You better spot me while I lift or else I'm unfriending you."
"Hmm... I think I'll be good without you as a friend."
I half expect Chan to whine about it, but he instead smirks, "ahhhh, you must want me to be your boyfriends so badly huh."
I- I mean...
CLIP #4: A crack edit of Chan when he gets asked about his gym relationship with me in Chan's Room.
He was looking through the questions and suddenly chuckles, his ears noticeably began to redden. Cue a zoom in of his face and his red ears. Cue a clip of Cardi B saying, "that's suspicious."
He says my name then continues, "am I close with her? Yeah. I would say I'm close with her-- and her whole group actually."
Captioned: Nice save, Chris.
"The kids and I are close with her group," he says, clearing his throat.
A clip of him clearing his throat is repeated about ten times.
Chan adjust the beanie he was wearing as he thinks of what he was going to say next, "we actually do work out together a lot because she's under a trainer that works with my trainer."
Captioned: Sure, Chan. That's the only reason, right?
Chan catches another question, "Is she a beast in the gym like Hongseok says?" He breaks into a laugh. He then rubs his cheek and grits his teeth.
A clip of someone saying, "Oh he's jealous," flashes on screen.
"Yeah," Chan finally says, "she's got a really high stamina."
Cue the clip, WHAT DID HE SAY?
Chan continues, "she can go between exercises without stopping. she doesn't even take that much time to catch her breath. In fact, she sings while exercising sometimes, which helps make her vocals stable."
Captioned: Queen Tingz.
The next thing that happens is Chan breaks into a laugh and begins to chuckle. He says, "Sorry I saw a funny comment."
Then came these comments:
They are dating period. prove me wrong. you cant
Chan literally blushes over anything, buT HE TURNED INTO A TOMATO WHEN HE TALKED ABOUT HER BYE
if you hate on your faves loving each other, you most definitely need Jesus (:
Yeah... it's not been confirmed to this day.
#stray kids#stray kids fanfic#bang chan fanfic#chan fanfic#bang chan fluff#stray kids fluff#bang chan gif#stray kids request#chan imagine#stray kids x reader#stray kids au#bang chan au#bang chan x reader#pentagon fanfic#pentagon wooseok#bang chan x idol!reader#chan x idol!reader#stray kids gif#bang chan smut#bang chan angst#chan fluff#hongseok fanfic
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Hi!! I found your blog recently and I really like your writing!! If possible, could you write smth about Y/N and Hendery being besties and she suddenly wants him to take her virginity, he agrees thinking she’s kidding and they plan it but when the day comes he’s afraid she would regret it but she makes him secure about how special he is to her and how she wants it, then since it was planned she sits on his lap not wearing panties under her dress and boom he’s beast mode on lmao thank u 💀
Omg you i- um YESSSSSS
It’s gotta be you +18 Hendery
Word count: 1.5 K (I’m so sorry I don’t even know how)

Chuckles fill the room at your comment “I want to lose my virginity with you” You really couldn’t believe you said that to your bestfriend, and honestly you weren’t expecting another reaction from him. He obviously thought it was a joke. You were laughing the pain away, unable to convince yourself of how ridiculous you were.
“Yes, I’ll take you flowers and we’ll make it romantic” Hendery says in between laughs. “I’ll scream your name nonstop” You continue joking around. “Hey but I’ll be a gentleman, we’ll take it slow” He says more serious before cracking in a loud laugh. “You? A gentleman? You’ll probably go rough in me just like nothing” You say teasing him.
“Like you wouldn’t love that” He says rolling his eyes. You chuckle lightly and let your body fall against the mattress of your room. You head is on the air, as your neck is pressed against the edge of the bed. You look in front of you, while blood gets to your brain, making your face get slightly red.
So you don’t notice when Hendery’s body moves as well somewhere on the bed. You just notice it when you feel his body pressed on top of yours. His hands are on both sides of your lying body, his face gets closer to your stretched neck, you can feel his breath brushing your sensitive skin. You blush like crazy as your mind gets full of expectations.
His tongue licks your neck from your collarbone to your chin. You flex your neck getting slightly up to look at him and he starts chuckling again. “See? You like that kind of stuff” He says getting off of you. You look at him with a deadly gaze and he chuckles. “Calm down, your secret is safe with me” He says still laughing. You roll your eyes back in your head and lay down again.
“So when are we doing this?” He asks from his seat. You decide to continue his jokes and say “On Saturday, my home is empty” You say calmly. And he nods, eventhough you can’t see him. “I’ll be here at 8″ He says getting off your bed. He then gets in front of your and brushes your lips with his fingers. “Don’t be too inpatient” He says teasingly and you growl at him, before you bite his finger.
“Auch” He says moving to the door. “See ya babygirl” He says in a teasy tone and you just throw a pillow at him, but he’s faster, closing the door before the pillow could get to him.
“I’m coming” You read the message on the screen like ten times, realizing the time has come. You can’t believe this is happening. In other situation you would’ve thought he was still kidding but his messages and actions told a whole different story.
You prepared the best set of underwear you had and put it on. You looked at the mirror several times, practicing some expressions, as if you would be able to control them. And then the doorbell rings. You heart stops for a second, you try to calm down breathing slowly before going to the front door. You open the door looking at Hendery’s body.
His hands were holding your favourite kind of flowers, which he offers to you, you grab them and smell the sweet fragance. “You actually got me flowers” You say calmly as you invite him in. He chuckles nerviously and nods, getting in the house.
You start climbing the stairs, while holding the flowers in your hands, His eyes are fixed on your half naked figure, completely bluching at the inpure thoughts that his mind imagines. “So... are you sure about this?” He says nerviously as you both get to your room. You leave the flowers on your table and turn back to look at him.
“Of course” You say getting closer to him, your lips are about to kiss his but he stops your body with a worried look in his eyes. “I mean it seriously, it’s something important for you” He says looking right into your eyes. “Hendery, It’s gotta be you” You say grabbing his hands and getting them on your butt. Your lips reach his this time, in a soft kiss.
“And what are we gonna do after this?” He says getting your hair behind your eat as he looks straight at you. Your foreheads are pressed on each other and you simply smile “We’ll figure it out” You whisper and he smiles, atacking your lips again. His tongue plays inside your mouth, making you get wetter than you already were. His hand, still on your cheek since he fixed your hair, holding your face stable as he kisses you.
His body makes yours move, pushing it on the bed. He stays standing up as he removes his shirt and pants, only wearing his boxers. You look at his body and smile. “Since when did you have those abs?” You say to him and he smirks “Since always” He whispers getting on top of you.
His body presses against yours and you feel his bulge against your cunt. Your hand gets to it, touching it slightly and the boy gasps, pulling off the kiss. “Weren’t you a virgin?” He asks confused and you smirk “Virgin doesn’t mean inocent luv” You say pressing around his length and he rolls his eyes back.
Your hand gets in his boxers taking his length in your hands and moving through it. The heavy breaths that escape the boy’s mouth make you smirk widely. His lips attack your neck, leaving wet paths all over it and your body shakes at the sensation. “Don’t be shy baby. I’d love to hear the sounds you make” He says against your neck.
His words make you whimper, but when his fingers draw circles over your clothed clit, a loud moan leaves your open lips. ���That’s what I’m talking about” He says looking right into your eyes “Now make those cute little sounds louder for me” He growls out and you look challenging at him.
You try your best not to please him as easily but his fingers press harder on your clit making it imposible. He laughs at your sounds and licks the limits of your lacy bra. His hands leave their position to unclip your bra skillfully, revealing your perfect looking breasts which he licks off completely.
The sensation of his tongue over your nipples is the only thing you can think about. You hand has stopped long time ago as your brain was unable to concentrate on that matter.
His fingers return to your cunt, but this time they get your panties off, exposing your pussy completely. His fingers travel along your wet folds and he just says. “Never seen a pussy this wet babygirl” He says teasingly and you moan at his compliment (Is it a compliment?) His fingers get inside of you, curling themselves, reaching places you hadn’t yet explored.
You moan loudly at his actions making him smik widely. “You are gonna feel something bigger later babe” He says teasingly and your eyes roll back, unable to even think straight.
His two fingers turn into three and your walls keep clenching around them. Until you decide you’re ready for his length. He gets his boxers off and get a condom out of his pants. He rolls the condom around his length and looks at you “Ready?” He asks and you nod.
He positions his dick on your entrance and starts getting in, his tip gets in you and you moan loudly. He goes slowly letting you adapt to every inch of his length, until he’s fully in. The pain surrounds you making you sweat like crazy. His fingers wipe off the sweat on your forehead lovingly, not moving at all inside of you.
“You tell me when you are ready” He says kissing your face on every inch he possibly can. You whimp loudly at first but with time, pain goes away, completely replaced with pleasure. “Move” You say in a heavy breath and he nods, moving slowly inside of you.
You feel the sloopy texture of the condom brushing over your walls as they stretch out. “You are so fucking tight” Hendery growls out, also losing it slowly. You chuckle “I’m a virgin Hendery, of course I’m tight” You say at his obvious comment. He smiles “Not virgin anymore” making you gasp lightly at his hot words.
“Fuck” You say as his pace gets faster inside of you. “Don’t stop” You moan outas your brain mixes pain and pleasure together, making the limits between both sensations unclear. He gets rougher, making you see stars and after not so long he says “I’m close” you whimper a “Me too” just before your body shakes underneath his. He smirks and cums right after.
Your breathy bodies are lying right next to each other. “So... How was it?” He says getting the condom out and making a knot with it. You look at him and ask “Did I bleed?” He chuckles at your innocent cuestion and points at the condom “Just a little bit. Why? Did it hurt?” He asks worried and you smile at him “Not as hard as I thought”
Hope you enjoyed it. It got really long so fast sorry lol.
Tmi: My first was kinda like this lmao.
Masterlist –requests open– How to request? Check out your score.
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Oooo idea time guys and gals,
Giant boy Loki babysitting a tiny child :0
Requested by @just-more-gt-trash !! I’m sorry it took me a while to write this for you! I ended up writing the whole story today just so you didn’t have to wait any longer lol😊
Hope you like it!
~Teasing Brings Tears~
“Goodness, how did I get myself into this mess?”, said Loki aloud to himself as you clung to his finger. Loki had decided to introduce you to a couple of movies he had found in his closet because he thought that you’d enjoy them. You’ve always shown an immense amount of curiosity for someone who’s only 8 years old and Loki loved that about you. In a way, you reminded him of his younger self. Always curious, but very reserved and shy. He figured the movies would perk your interest and get you to come out of your shell.
Most importantly, he hoped that it would get you to relax more around him. You always stuttered whenever you were with Loki and he hoped to one day stop that from happening. It wasn’t because you were afraid of him. It was just because of how big he was.
Loki didn’t realize that the movies he found were all horror films. So, at the expense of his carelessness for not checking the content of the films, he was forced to let you cling onto his finger. He didn’t have the heart to tear you off of him, so he dealt with the slow loss of circulation.
“Child, can you let go of Uncle Loki?”, he said. You immediately shook your head no, shoving your face into the huge digit you had your arms wrapped around.
“I am not going anywhere, small one. I promised your mother that I would watch over you for the night and I am going to do just that”, said Loki. He had promised your mother that he’d babysit you for the night so that she can spend a few hours relaxing. He has been friends with your mother now for a few years. She lived her whole life in the Avengers Tower in secret, but once Loki moved in, he discovered her within 4 days.
Her friendship with Loki blossomed, but her relationship she had with the man she thought she’d spend the rest of her life with came to an end once he found out that he was going to be a father. Your mother was devastated. It was hard enough getting certain supplies. She never would have been able to do it all on her own if she hadn’t met Loki.
Loki was furious when he found out what happened, but soon became ecstatic when your mother told him about her pregnancy. He was over the moon! Your mother had never seen Loki so thrilled before. He vowed that he’d protect your mother and, without question, you once you were born.
The same question would be thrown at her day in and day out, “Can the little one call me ‘Uncle Loki’ once they’re brought into this world?” Your mother would always laugh and agree to let him have the title of being your uncle.
He loved playing with you. Casting illusion of different animals seemed to be your favorite thing when you were around 3 years old. Loki didn’t mind your requests. He loved seeing you play with whatever animal you wished him to make. Your mother watched from the side lines. The tight knit friendship you and Loki had was all she could have hoped for.
Anyways, Loki was sitting in his bed with blankets and pillows all around him. You sat cupped in his hands, hugging his thumb close to your body. It was the only thing keeping the tears in your eyes from escaping. You didn’t want Loki to think you were a baby.
“My dear, if you let go, I will cast illusions of your favorite animals”, said Loki. He was going to bribe you in anyway he can. Loki didn’t want to see you scared anymore, especially in his presence.
You surprisingly ignored his offer. You thought that he was just going to leave you be, but after a few seconds passed, there was suddenly a weight on your waist that was pulling you away from Loki’s thumb. You held on with all the strength you could muster up, but it just wasn’t enough. Your hands lost their hold on the thumb and you were soon being lifted up to meet the gaze of two green orbs, Loki’s eyes.
“I win”, said Loki with a smirk on his face. If anything, Loki lived up to being your uncle pretty well. Mainly due to the fact that he loved to tease you.
You didn’t say a word to him. “Oh come now, you honestly don’t think that the monster in the film is real, do you?” He paused for a brief moment so you could think that over. “Well, actually now that I mentioned it, I’m fairly sure those types of beasts live in New York-...” He felt you grip on tighter to his finger that was pinching your waist. Loki smiled mischievously.
He decided to keep on poking you with his remarks. “I have actually seen pictures of those creatures in a book back on Asgard. I do recall one of the chapters stated that they feast on children-...mortal children to be exact.”
Loki expected you to laugh, even spare him a little smile, as he joked with you. He obviously wasn’t being serious. Those monsters in the film were a complete disgrace to the ones that could be found throughout the nine realms. However, none of them ate mortal children as Loki had told you. So in the end, you honestly had nothing to be afraid of.
All he got in return were tears covering your cheeks. You started whimpering; your body visibly shaking. It was hard to keep it together when Loki told you that there really are monsters out there. You just couldn’t hold back the tears anymore.
Through your whimpers, which were getting louder, you heard Loki gasp in front of you. As quickly as you started crying, you were gently pressed against a soft, but firm, warm surface. Your eyes shot open and saw that Loki had pressed you close to his cheek, giving you a makeshift hug.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Loki’s other hand approaching. His pointer finger extended outwards and you watched as the tip of it rested on your head and tenderly moved back and forth, stroking your soft hair.
You let it all out at this point. More tears streamed down your cheeks. You stretched out your arms as far as they could and hugged Loki back. The comfort that you were getting from Loki helped a lot.
Loki did his best to calm your nerves. He wasn’t exactly a pro when it came to empathizing with others, but when you, and even your mother, were the ones who needed a shoulder to cry on, Loki would do whatever it takes to get your mind out of its miserable state.
He slowly started to pull you away from his face. A dagger of guilt punctured his chest when he felt you try and grasp onto the skin of his cheek.
You didn’t want the hug to end yet. Facing Loki with the amount of tears that had just left your eyes wasn’t exactly how you wanted Loki to see you. You wanted to be brave for him, but right now it was hard.
Loki held you in front of his face again, gently using the pad of his finger to wipe away your tears. You sniffled as he did this, which made Loki think you were going to start balling again.
“Shh, shh, it’s alright Y/n. I was just joking, my little dove. There are no such creatures like the ones in the movie that even exist”, said Loki.
“B-But you said-...”
“Shh, shh. Forget what I said. What I said were lies. I was just teasing you.”
He pulled his finger away from your face, allowing you to wipe away the excess tears.
Silence filled the space between you and Loki. You had your hands laying in your lap as you sat cupped in Loki’s massive ones.
Loki noticed that he couldn’t feel your tiny form shaking in his hands anymore, so he asked, “Are you alright now, darling?”
You let out a shaky breath. “Y-Yes.”
Loki smiled to himself. “Oh thank the norns”, he said in a funny tone.
You giggled. Loki always knew how to make you laugh. His sarcasm was your number one favorite thing to belly laugh to. You couldn’t even think about the times Loki and your mother had thrown sarcastic replies at each other. You laughed for more than an hour that day.
“How about I choose a movie that isn’t scary? Would you like that, my dear?”, Loki asked as he lowered you down to his chest. You nodded your head yes.
“Alright. Let’s get you comfy then, shall we?” Loki tilted his hand and watched in amusement as you slid down his long fingers. You landed on his chest and almost immediately covered yourself with Loki’s shirt.
He laughed at this. “Y/n, I found the most soft blankets in the tower and yet you cover up with my shirt?”, asked Loki.
“I-It just makes me feel closer t-to you. I feel safe and protected”, you simply stated. You couldn’t see it from your position, but tears had sprung into Loki’s eyes. For Loki to know that you, the smallest being he had ever conversed with, felt safe with him, was the one thing he was most proud of. Many beings that were his size feared him, yet here you were.
“That means more to me than you know, little Y/n. Thank you”, said Loki. You smiled up at the giant god and curled up in a ball. The warmth that radiated off of Loki was much better than any blanket that you covered up with.
“O-Oh! Loki?”, you shyly said. He looked away from the television across the room and down at you with a questioning look.
“Can you c-cup your hand over me?”, you asked.
“Of course I can, sweetheart”, he said. Loki gently rested his hand over you. His hand was so big, he could cover your entire body and no one would be able to tell if there was a little borrower underneath it. He loved how tiny you were.
You could hear the movie that Loki decided to play begin, but sleep decided to take over instead.
Loki smiled from above you. “Good night, my little, brave Y/n. Your Uncle Loki will be here when you wake up. Sleep well.”
#tom hiddleston#loki fandom#marvel#mcu loki#loki laufeyson#loki#loki g/t#loki odinson#marvel g/t#dailymarvel
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A/N: This came in later than I expected,it’s really long but I hope you enjoy it.
This is for the anon who requested nct or tbz spending Halloween with you. So I did nct 127 ;’) sorry for waiting
**also thanks to @365nct, i used one of their incorrect quotes for the jaehyun one haha hope they don’t mind
NCT 127 – Spending Halloween with you
-He was not really used to celebrating Halloween if it wasn’t for the SM Halloween party
-So this year you got him unprepared
-but he doesn’t mind celebrating as long as it is with you
-he came with the idea to have a couple costume and that was ,,,,
-yup you guessed it
-Beauty and the Beast
-but this time he was the beast and you ofc,the beauty
-because he can’t repeat the incident from 2017 where he was dragged to dress up as Belle and winwin was the beast- anyways
-he glares at you every time you bring it up lol
-this time he pulled the uno reverse card tho
-because he definitely treats you like a prince/princess all the time,he went shopping for costumes with you
-he bought everything you wished for,even the crazy unnecessary decorations like a stupid flying skeleton or a witch dressed as a hooker
-like what even is that?? He wondered but laughed when you gave him puppy eyes
-“it’s funny tho,it would look good at the entrance “
-he snorted
-obvs taeil couldn’t resist those eyes and the pouty lips that he kissed in the end
-spends the whole night eating the candies you’ve got
-he likes to take a loooot of selfies so be ready to be bombarded with funny filters
-after you both get tired of all the dress up thingy,you too decided to watch a horror movie
-classic but he knows what he’s doing
-whenever you cling onto his arm or squeeze his hand he smirks and hums into your ear
-you know he’s teasing and he chose that movie on purpose so you occasionally punch his arm when he tickles you with teasing small pecks on your cheeks and neck
-but you secretly enjoy it don’t lie
-Oh johnny boy
-I think for sure Halloween is his fave celebration because he always plans to visit Chicago in that period
-for this and for Christmas of course
-he likes to celebrate it in the US cause the traditions are kept alive there
-so he’s excited to take you trick or treating
-You chose Corpse bride for costumes
-you were so excited to do his make up as Victor and he was excited to see you dressed for a wedding lmao
-While doing his make up before leaving for treating,he kept looking at you being so concentrated
-“you look so beautiful like this babe”
-“johnny I look dead“
-he laughed and kissed you when he got the opportunity
-and ofc he couldn’t contain himself from making cheeky remarks either
-and you get mad at him for talking and smudging his make up by accident
-“you distracted me !!”
-but you like his annoying ass and would never be actually mad at him
-plus he looked good even with smudged make up
-you think maybe it’s too smudged but he lifts you up and kisses you harder that before
-…and now you’re both smudged but you don’t really mind as you kiss him one more time
-after all,you leave for trick or treating but realize you’re a bit old for this
-he will not go home without corn candies tho so you’ll have to force him to do so -but because he looks around and sees mostly children,
-he suggests going to a party in the neighborhood
-it was a party thrown by his friends ofc
-and you were more than happy to show everyone the power couple you make together
-he drives there,one hand on the steering wheel,one hand on your leg
-occasionally caresses your skin and you blush a little
-he knows your weaknesses tho
-you arrive at the party,everyone is in awe,,,he can’t really stop bragging about you
-and you have a great time meeting his American friends for the first time
-seeing you tired after a while of being there,he comes closer to you and hugs you from behind
-whispers in your ear how gorgeous you looked and how everyone loved you
-and how he’s gonna take you home and spend more time as real ‘groom and bride’;;))
-this cute baby couldn’t be more excited to celebrate Halloween with you
-and not to baby him even more but his idea for the costumes was to dress up as among us characters
-yes,,among us characters
-specifically black and pink
-can you guess who’s who?
-he went full shopping mode with you and dragged you through the stores only to find the perfect match
-and you did ofc
-you came with the idea to throw a party and invite the rest of your friends
-he checked the list of things you needed to buy for Halloween
-and you teased him saying he stressed too much and we should have fun instead of worrying
-“but baby you know if we throw a party,we need to have enough drinks and food”
-puppy eyes: checked
-speaking in tiny: checked
-how could you say no lmao
-and after you bought everything necessary (and unnecessary),,
-you came home to decorate and to put your costumes on
-tried to kiss but you forgot you had the helmets on lmfao
-you both giggled like two kids
-he looked so cute when he put his science goggles on his head
-and you made sure to capture every single angle of his cuteness
-too many pics ,,
-too many
-you had a lot of fun especially that you organized a costume contest
-and you didn’t win because you were the hosts pfff..
-it’s not like everyone voted you for having the coolest couple costume
-kinda sus if you ask me
-n ee ways
-the party was a success and everyone had fun
-you ended up eating so many sweets
-even tho tyong told you to slow down
-he took care of you and bathed you in kisses and cuddles after everyone left
-“you eat too many sweets every Halloween,,do you even learn?” says as he caresses your cheeks and gives you a long forehead kiss
-“but I can’t help myself,,too good and sweet”
-‘”you’re too good and sweet”
-It was the morning of 31st October
-the only thing in your mind was the Halloween party at sm you and yuta were going to attend
-and ofc you didn’t want a lame costume,you wanted something cute
-but powerful
-and not to be a cliché but you asked yuta if he wanted to be dressed as anime characters
-man did he give you a look
-he chuckled lightly at your request but couldn’t say no
-“baby the fact that you’re Japanese makes it 1000x better”
-you cup his cheeks in between your hands and he laughs holding you on his lap
-after all he agrees and you go shopping for costumes
-as you thought,you didn’t want to be the basic anime characters so you chose a cute and powerful couple
-Kagome and inuyasha
-When you saw yuta wearing that long white hair-wig,your heart did a flip
-he smiled so large when he saw you wearing that pretty school uniform
-you made him take you in his arms immediately only to start smooching your face
-“baby my make up”
-you were pouting,but he was smirking coming closer to your ear
-“ I will make up for this later,promise”
- he said that biting your ear lobe softly
-oh boy you wanted to forget about the party only for yuta to “make up” for you but
-you could’ve handled that later that night
-you had a great time partying with the members and other idols at sm
-yuta held onto you the whole night feeling so proud to have such a gorgeous s/o only for himself
-but what you had planned after the party was much more exciting ;;)
-This little sh
-that you loved to the moon and back
-was a bit skeptic about partying for Halloween
-for your sake tho,he prepared a horror movie marathon for both of you
-he also suggested cooking something thematic
-you actually caught him few days ago watching an instagram video of ‘how to make eyeball lollipops”
-You were like ???
-“I want to make these for Halloween because you don’t need to bake anything you know”
-“so we won’t burn the kitchen down? Ok!”
-you agreed faster than he thought
-and that made him doubt his cooking skills for a bit but anyways
-you too didn’t really have anything planned for a costume but you decided to surprise him
-with a bunny costume
-not an onesie,no
-bunny ears and a bunny tail
-while he was concentrated on cooking,
-you showed up wearing a cute lingerie and that bunny costume on you
-“ hey bunny,wanna snuggle?”
-you leaned on the door frame while trying not laugh
-in that moment he was tasting the jam
-but when he turned around and saw you LIKE THAT
-he snorted and dropped the spoon full of raspberries
-he was absolutely sure you wanted to give him a heart
-attack somehow
-but he came to his senses and approached you with a smirk on his face
-you couldn’t even think for a bit because in the next second he lifted you up to kiss you
-“you made me drop the food and make a mess,,do you think I’ll let you go with that?”
-you blushed harder than you thought and suggested to help him clean up the mess
-but he cut you off mid-sentence with a deepened kiss only to tell you with a low tone
-“those raspberries can wait,the bunny wants snuggles doesn’t it?”
-you tried so hard to keep your cool but who can blame you??
-Another Halloween enthusiast
-he couldn’t wait to dress up as Gomez and Morticia Addams
-you even helped him with the make-up,drawing a mustache on his face
-“haha very funny’’,
-he responds sarcastically every time you look at him and try not to laugh
-but damn the costume was pure gold
-you both looked amazing and he even managed to kiss your hand,up to your arm and neck
-just like Gomez kissed his wife every time he had the opportunity
-you both went trick or treating,along with johnny,mark and other members
-then came back to the dorms and ate so many candies
-jaehyun couldn’t help but stare at you every time he had the chance
-and you knew this costume was a perfect match because you could show him how sexy and elegant you were
-taeyong prepared some food for you all and you had few drinks
-told a lot of horror stories and felt like kids again but jaehyun was waiting to go home only to spend more time with you
-“ the food is too hot,I can’t eat it ::( ’’
-you complained while the others turned their heads to look at you especially taeyong who was about to apologize for the food being too hot
-jaehyun: ‘’you’re hot but I’d still eat-“
--he was cut off mid-sentence by taeyong who slammed his hand down on the table
-you all started laughing and looked at jaehyun only to see him grinning like a little bitch he is
-you knew how cheeky he can be so you got up and came closer to him to wrap your arms around his neck
-closer to his ear so you can whisper nonsense, that apparently got him happier that you intended
-he was one lucky guy for sure
-and the Halloween was once again one of his favorite holidays
-Jungwoo wanted something cute this year
-he was very excited to show you what costumes he prepared for you both
- he kept saying it was a surprise and told you not to prepare anything cause he will handle it
- so while you were preparing the candies for the kids, he snuck up on you and covered your eyes
- you could’ve sworn you felt something fluffy covering your face
- you touched his arms and tried to feel it
- and realized he was wearing paws
- ???
- “babe what are you-“
- he cut you off and turned you around to face him
- he was wearing a big Snoopy costume,with a red bowtie as well
- you felt yourself dying of cuteness
- because now you had THE actual snoopy as your boyfriend
- a bit weird but CUTE ok cute
- “do you like it?? the red bowtie is part of the costume so we could match”
- you looked at him all smiles
- his eyes were sparkling just like a puppy’s :,(
- He grabbed your hand and took you to your bedroom to show your costume
- it was the same snoopy costume but you had a red ribbon on top of your head
- you were excited to try it on
- and when you showed him the costume, he gently approached you to kiss your forehead
- “aren’t we the cutest?”
- after that, he helped you give sweets to trick-or-treaters and so many kids were in awe when they saw you two
- you took pictures to send to his family
- and in the end, you two ended up falling asleep
- cuddling on the couch surrounded by the candies left because you weren’t very active this year
- but still had a great time
-This year mark wanted it different
-he didn’t only wanted to crave pumpkins or go trick or treating
-he needed a break from every exhausting activity because being and idol
-and well,,
-being mOrk
-he was tired and needed an escape from that solicitant lifestyle
-he surprised you one day with a small trip to an orchard outside of Seoul
-you were so excited because you knew the weather was going to be in your favor
-plus you knew mark was a nonconformist and he wanted to make the time spent w you very special
-like every time
-such a cutie oml pls-
-you two took the train till there,admiring the view from the empty cabin you were in
-he was holding you close and your hand all the time
- occasionally he kissed the top of it
-but you always turned to give him a quick peck on his sweet lips
-you liked to see him all giggly and shy,rubbing his hand behind his head
-when you arrived there,you were accompanied by a guide
-showing you around the orchard
-you were so excited while looking around,looking at the different colors of the apples
-mark grabbed two baskets and offered to help you pick few red and beautiful apples
-you were picking them and from time to time you felt mark’s gaze on your body and smiled
-while he was distracted, you snuck up behind him only to see him startle
-you giggled when he picked you up,spinning you around
-only to leave a sweet kiss on your nose and lips
-after the apple picking,you went to a café that was only few miles away from the orchard
-ate apples on the way because you were a bit tired and very hungry lol
-at this cute café,you two spent some time chatting and just staring at each other
-because you were both cute little hopeless romantics <333
-Haechan was actually going to lazy around that day but nope
-you dragged him out of the bed
-telling him you want to crave pumpkins because otherwise
-you will bite his ass
-he gave you the most shocked look
-then managed to laugh
-“I wouldn’t mind,just bite the corner,,just a small bite”
-you rolled your eyes and puffed air from your nose pretending to get mad
-you walked out of the room and grabbed your coat and the car keys
-“yeah right then I’m going to buy the pumpkins myself”
-he came after you giggling and insisting it was a joke
-but you knew and were obvs trying not to smile
-he was a sucker for your pouty face so he loved pissing you off
-little cute shit
-you finally arrived at the local market and bought two big pumpkins
-so orange and tasty
-haechan took a tiny pumpkin and said he’s going to make it your child
-“haechan I’m not gonna shove a knife into our kid,don’t name it!”
-he knew if he names an object and something bad happens to it
-you get attached to it and get sad
-so in the end he didn’t name it but still got it home
-at home,you tried to look on pinterest for craving ideas
-and haechan laughed cause that was silly
-“cmon babe are you seriously looking that on the internet? Just do- *stabs the pumpkin in the middle and cuts out the lid* -this”
-he looks at you with a smile on his face and you just stand there
-like “I’m really dating a gemini huh”
-you try to cut your pumpkin but the skin was too hard
-and managed to drop the knife out of your hands with a loud bump on the floor
-haechan literally jumped thinking you cut yourself but you were just standing there,,
-bbq sauce on your tidd-
-jk jk
-you were standing there looking at the guts spilled all over the floor
-you sighed but haechan gave you a hug
-“you clumsy baby,gotta be careful. Let me do it for you,,you just scoop what’s left from the inside”
-and you did as he said a bit disappointed that he took the hard work
-even tho you wanted to show him you don’t need help
-but he knew you were an independent person anyway
-that’s what he loved about you actually
-after you were done with cravings,it was the tiny pumpkin’s turn to be cut
-you and haechan just turned to look at each other and he saw you giving him a trembling bottom lip
-“we can’t cut it baaabeee…” you whined
-“okay then just ..let’s draw a cool face on it,no harm”
-you agreed because obvs you couldn’t cut the child you had with him pff
-you took the marker and drew a caricature of your bf on it
-before showing it to him,you covered his eyes and suggested him to sit on the couch for few moments
-he was wondering what you were doing
-after a while you led him,eyes still closed,to the fireplace where you placed the pumpkins
-he opened his eyes and saw the tiny pumpkin standing between the bigger ones
-“see,these two are us and the tiny one is the kid”
-he gave you a look,his eyebrows rised but then laughed
-he hugged you and gave you a small kiss
-he then looked at the bigger pumpkins and stated nodding
-“damn we’re kinda ugly ngl”
taglist: @peachyhan --(who wants to be in the tag list,lmk!!)
#nct#nct 127#halloween nct#nct u#nct scenarios#nct blurbs#nct reaction#nct 127 reaction#superm#mark lee#johnny suh#jung jaehyun#moon taeil#haechan#jungwoo#nakamoto yuta#yuta#taeyong#taeyong nct#nct au#nct halloween
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YYH Recaps: Koenma Appears
Welcome to episode two, everyone! Before we get to the recap proper, I want to continue down Nostalgia Lane for a moment. Remember how last time I mentioned a Hiei bookmark I used daily back in middle school? Well, I tore through an old "treasure box" I created as a kid (a collection containing everything from a shark tooth to a small book on witchcraft. You know, the important things every child needs) hoping to find it... but I didn't. It's a hard life we lead.
However, I did find some other YYH relics that I thought you all might enjoy seeing. Behold — and, if you'd like, laugh at — my collection:

First up is a picture of young Toguro and Genkai that I wanted to use as my bookmark, but found that it was too wide. For the record, I didn't (and still don't) care about Toguro much, he was just the byproduct of finding a cool Genkai picture. Not shown is the back of the image with the names of my classmates because I made them all sign this along with our yearbook.
God bless my friends for putting up with me.

Second is a collection of very pretty trading cards that I ordered from god only knows where. I have vague memories of not finding any at my local comics shop and convincing my mom to let me order on The Olde Internet. Did I want the trading cards to trade them? Absolutely not. They exist to sparkle and make my heart happy.
Finally, I've saved what is perhaps the best for last. Now, you have to understand that grade to middle school age Clyde did not have the education that she would receive later on, which includes a knowledge of the ephemeral nature of fanworks and the importance of accurate record keeping. What this means is that I have absolutely no context for this. No author, no explanation... just the image itself.

Was this a standalone fanart? A part of a fic? Some specific request or just the will of the artist? I cannot answer these questions. I tried a reverse image search (which is, admittedly, the extent of my tech skills) and you know what the single hit I got was? "Fiction." Thanks, google. So yeah, I can only assume that my child self considered Kurama giving a de-aged Hiei a bubble bath adorable enough to save, but the artist wasn't important enough to jot down for future viewing. Sorry about that, mystery artist. And, as should go without saying, if anyone does know where this came from please let me know! Though I suspect that this is a case of a YYH-specific site closing down and the fanworks getting lost along with it. That happened a great deal before the age of AO3 when volunteers decided to put their time and talent towards saving fanworks of all sorts...
But enough of all that. Let's get to recapping!
As we established last episode, Yusuke and Botan are on their way to the spirit world to kickstart Yusuke's ordeal. Watching this after over a decade of consuming other media, I really appreciate that Yusuke acts like a human person and asks lots of questions about this. When Botan is cryptic for the sake of the audience — we're going to see "the person" who can explain everything — Yusuke is justifiably like, and what person would that be?? I mean, this is also a way to establish basic facts for the viewer and it simultaneously feeds into Yusuke being someone who is difficult for the sake of being difficult — "If someone wants to say something, they should come to me!" — but it's just nice to see a character who doesn't accept cryptic BS because the story needs them to. If Botan gives an unclear, but ~dramatic~ explanation, Yusuke is going to call her out on that.
So she explains that they're going to see King Yama and Yusuke is all whoa whoa whoa, there's royalty involved? Suddenly, he's not so adamant that they come to him.
Botan tries to reinforce this rare spark of humility and demands that Yusuke be on his best behavior from here on out.
Pff. Yeah right.
But “he can send you to oblivion forever if he wants to!” is a suitable enough threat to cow Yusuke for now. Which is interesting considering that a few hours ago he was happy to accept hell as his rightful ending. Granted, we could argue that there's a big difference between hell and oblivion — a character may not be afraid of punishment in the same way they are a lack of existence — but I'd say this ties more into Yusuke's development at the wake. Now that he's accepted that people care for him and that he should strive to return to them, the threat of having it snatched away actually means something. Even if that line is otherwise positioned as a comedic moment.
Botan flies them through a portal where we see the River Styx below and Yusuke comments on how big everything is. At first I was like, "What are you talking about? You were just flying over some major city in fictional Japan, wasn't that big too?" but this line makes more sense when they reach the palace and you realize that yeah, it's big. As in, the camera blurs while tilting down its length to show how insanely tall it is. Yusuke and Botan are tiny gnats at the gate's entrance.
"Oh man, what a pad!" Yusuke says and sure, that's one way to look at it lol.
Botan announces that she has a "new arrival" and the gates open for them, but so far there's no one else around. One part of me wants to question the time and budget put into this scene because shouldn't there be, like, thousands of people? Even just waiting outside? The idea that this is the hub of the underworld and that Botan is responsible for ferrying all the souls, yet she is guiding just this one (1) dude for a solid day is, from a world building perspective, kind of nuts. But beyond the need to develop Botan as a character (she can't be a part of the story if her job is treated realistically, with all the endless work that entails), I think this choice functions rather well from an atmospheric perspective too. Meaning, this moment is supposed to be rather tense for Yusuke. He just died, just found out the afterlife exists, just discovered a desire to get his life back, and is now about to meet a King who can toss him into oblivion if he's rude — which Yusuke always is. So this is a Very Dangerous Moment and their relative isolation feeds into that. As does the setting. Yusuke flinches back from the hallway, saying that it looks like a giant throat, so he is now literally walking into the belly of the beast.
Suddenly, the size of the palace isn't an indicator of awesome wealth, just general intimidation. Also, check out the spikey purple mountains in the background and the harsh reds of the scene, especially compared to the soft yellow of the river. All of it is designed to create an, "Oh shit" reaction in both Yusuke and the audience.
Yusuke's image of King Yama matches these surroundings:
Oh wait! Wrong character ;)
He's massive, red, shadowed, and poses a formidable threat. And how does Yusuke deal with threats? By fighting them! Even those he can't hope to beat. Remember, this isn't a situation where Yusuke has any power here, but he still desperately holds onto the possibility that he might. What if he gets off a punch on King Yama's nose? Then goes for his eyes? Yeah, that'll work!
Overlooking the fact that it absolutely would not — Yusuke's fantasy conveniently skips how he escapes Yama's clutches — what exactly is Yusuke hoping to accomplish here? Somehow take over the entire underworld? Escape as a ghost and live out his afterlife in hiding? We don't know and that's because Yusuke doesn't know. He doesn't think ahead, he just obeys this instinct to fight. An instinct that, crucially, overrides everything else. Botan has already told him that all Yusuke needs to do is be polite and everything will be fine, but it's not even that Yusuke believes that he can't achieve that; that he knows himself too well and, fearing a slip, starts planning for a potentially inevitable confrontation. There are simply no plans outside of battle plans. Yusuke just hears about someone vaguely intimidating and his brain jumps straight to, "How do I beat him in a fight?" no matter the odds, or that other options are readily available to him. Again, much of YYH's characterization occurs though its comedy, so outside of the general humor of witnessing this fantasy, it actually does a stellar job of reinforcing precisely who Yusuke is. In life the only thing he had going for him was his ability to fight. It was his one joy, his one skill, arguably the one good thing he did if we frame those reflexes as "saving" the kid... so is it any wonder that fighting dominates his every thought? It's all he knows.
And, as we'll see down the line, that single-minded obsession is very useful to the spirit world.
For now though, Yusuke finishes his absurd plans to take down King Yama and Botan asks what in the world he's muttering about back there. Which is an unintentionally hilarious line because by the end Yusuke is not muttering, but full on shouting. Botan. How did you not hear him?
Not important. They reach the next door and we get our first inkling that all is not as Yusuke (and we) expect when Botan leans into an intercom to say that they've arrived. Tech in a fantasy spirit world? This feels not only out of place, but rather... mundane? That's the point. When the doors open Yusuke expects his super scary monster, but gets... a whole lot of monsters that aren't scary at all!
The underworld is run by various demons (or ogres), though their looks are contrasted with the harried office worker personalities they've got going on. Someone is running by with a comically tall stack of papers. Someone else is shouting into a cell phone. The first two demons we see cross paths, looking like they're about to punch one another, just as Yusuke expects... except they're just dramatically getting out of the other's way, worried not about the hierarchy of this realm, but the fact that someone is behind schedule. The nerve!
"This place is a madhouse!" we hear somehow shout and yeah, that's the joke. The afterlife is just as chaotic, overworked, and — ultimately — boring as any human office. For all the strangeness of seeing hundreds of demons, this is familiar.
Which, alongside Botan's bubbly nature contrasting assumptions about the Grim Reaper, is one of the first instances of YYH undercutting the viewer's expectations in terms of looks. No one entirely looks the part they play in this tale and if you're trying to teach people to look past surface characteristics... there are worse ways to do it. Horrifying creatures with horns and sharp teeth? Nah, they're just chill dudes trying to do their job. Cutesy girl who looks like she belongs in a mall reading magazines? Nah, she's the Grim Reaper. Terrifying delinquent with a spine-chilling reputation? Nah, he makes faces at kids and saves them from cars.
Of course, the "nah" isn't accurate either. These are monsters with horns, Botan is a cutesy girl, and Yusuke is a delinquent with that reputation. The message isn't so much that people look like Thing A, but get to know them and you'll discover they're actually Thing B, it's the idea that you can be A and B (and C, D, E...) simultaneously. People — or rather, seemingly simple archetypes — can, in fact, embody multiple characteristics at once.
We'll get our third example in just a second.
Yusuke makes a comment about this being the "dead people stock exchange" — accurate — and Botan leads him to a more ornate door past all the desks. It's clear they've arrived at King Yama's office, since she's bowing and formally presenting him to... someone. Yusuke looks around for the giant beast he's imagined, only for a tiny voice to hail him from the ground.
Looks are deceiving!
“This is Yusuke Urameshi and he’s honored to meet you." Botan knows what's up. She knows Yusuke isn't going to express anything of the sort without some prompting. Too bad he's busy cracking up at this apparent child running the show. Side note: Yusuke has a fantastic laugh.
He even goes so far as to accuse Botan of lying to him.
“Why would I lie about such a thing?!”
“Why would the spirit world be run by a toddler?”
It's true! That’s a legitimate question! I love that Yusuke asks questions. The "toddler" goes on to explain that he's actually the "mighty Koenma," son of King Yama, though he's lived fifty times as long as Yusuke, "so watch your mouth." Assuming Koenma knows and/or remembers how old Yusuke is — fourteen — and is good at math, that puts him at seven hundred years old. He looks good for his age!
"And in addition to knowing the secrets of the universe," he says, "I am quite potty trained."
You've gotta love Koenma.
Yusuke's attitude changes drastically once they get down to business. Koenma produces an egg, saying that Yusuke's ordeal is to hatch it and face what comes out. The hatching part isn't difficult, all he needs to do is keep it on his person. The challenge is in the fact that this egg will feed off his spirit energy and that energy in turn will change what kind of creature develops. If his spirit is wicked and cruel, so will be the beast and it will devour Yusuke upon hatching.
However, if his spirit is good and kind, the beast will become a sort of guardian, guiding him back to his living body.
Note though that throughout this conversation the egg is always a "beast." It's a "monster." It's not necessarily intentional, but there's a strong bend towards the negative here in the description that really emphasizes the whole "ordeal" aspect. Koenma briefly reassures Yusuke that he can remain a ghost if he prefers, but he's already made up his mind. Despite another threat of being lost to a void — this time through spiritual digestion — Yusuke takes the egg almost without hesitation.
He regrets it later though.
"I can't believe I did that."
Can we blame him? I'd be nervous about some egg feeding off the energy of my soul too and I'm a former, almost straight A student (damn you, math) with no life-altering regrets and a general desire to put as much good into this world as I'm able. I’m boring. But what if those occasional, mean little thoughts you have add up? What if the prejudices you're still unlearning stack against you? Does the egg care about what you do, or only how you feel about the act? This sort of test would eat me alive!
Maybe literally.
Good thing Yusuke doesn't have time for an existential crisis!
Just as he's beginning to regret this decision, Botan points out that it won't matter if he passes if he doesn't have a body to return to. Now, why wouldn't he have a body? Maybe because his mom is set to cremate him tomorrow.
Yusuke is, understandably, distraught. We get another excellent exchange:
“Botan, is there any way for ghosts to communicate with living people?”
I swear, Yusuke is the only smart protagonist. I mean, he's dumb as a sack of bricks at times, but that's neither here nor there. Bless this fictional boy for reacting like an actual person.
Botan explains that people are more attuned to the spirit world when they're asleep, so Yusuke can deliver a message to someone in their dreams. Seems easy enough. They first head to Atsuko, but find that she's raging drunk and nowhere near sleep.
"You fool!" she yells. "No one gave you permission to die!" Atsuko continues to yell about how plenty of people survive car accidents, so why couldn't you? "Were you mad at me, Yusuke? Didn't I raise you right?"
Botan comments on how sad the display is. Yusuke's response?
“The only thing that’s sad is now she’s got one more excuse to act that way."
Y'all, that's some mature shit for a goofy shonen anime. Yeah, Yusuke recognizes that, while she's obviously heartbroken, his death has just given her another reason to do what she's been doing for years: drinking herself into a stupor. Toss in Atsuko putting the blame on Yusuke — "No one gave you permission to die!" — plus the belief that she did do a good job — "Didn't I raise you right?" — and it paints a rather bleak picture. This is by no means an uncommon theme. Negligent parents, whether they're framed that way or not, are pretty common in shonen series, but it's still rather jarring to re-watch this as an adult and go, "Oh. The situation’s like that." It's honestly a lot when you remove it from YYH's otherwise humorous, casual context.
Yusuke heads to Keiko's next and finds her sound asleep, commenting on how her room looks more "girly" than when they were kids. Check out that smile!
He's about to try and deliver his message, but Keiko is in the midst of a nightmare. “She’s crying… what’s wrong?”
Oh my god. Remember how I just said Yusuke is also the densest protagonist around? Example A right here. You just died, you fool! You just saw Keiko collapse at your funeral. What do you think is wrong??
We get a peek at Keiko's dream where she is — shockingly! — thinking of Yusuke. He's far out of reach, walking away and unresponsive to her calls. Keiko soon trips and Yusuke disappears completely.
Luckily, she has the real thing at her bedside. Yusuke tries talking to her and at first it's unclear if this supernatural stuff is really working. That is, until Keiko murmurs about how heavy he is.
Reassured, Yusuke delivers his message that Keiko needs to help Atsuko pull herself together and, most importantly, call off burning his body. We get this very soft and pretty background to establish their yet unspoken feelings for one another, though Yusuke gets close with, “I’m coming back. I don’t want to see you cry anymore" as he brushes her tears away. Aww.
Keiko wakes, thinking at first it was just a dream, but no, "I'm sure I felt it."
The next morning she heads to Atsuko's to explain the dream, only to first hear that Atsuko had a dream too, this one about Yusuke "living in some other world full of ogres and he kept knocking them down until he became their leader." It sounds absurd, of course, but it brings Atsuko some comfort to think of her boy in a place like that and Keiko backs down. Right, she'd only had a comforting dream too.
Now, there are two important parts to this exchange. The first is that this is an excellent example of how you let the characters drive the story, rather than forcing the characters adhere to the plot you've come up with. Meaning, in the latter situation, our cast would have needed to have their personalities twisted and the viewer's suspicion of disbelief tested to give Yusuke what he needs: a sleeping family member willing to believe his message. But it absolutely makes sense for Atsuko to be drunk rather than sound asleep, so Yusuke can't rely on her. Likewise, it absolutely makes sense for Keiko to be asleep, but not believe the dream once she's woken up. After all, how many times have we been persuaded by something in the dead of night only for things to look more logical and less likely in the morning? The characters act both like themselves and like people who do normal, people-ish things, which means that Yusuke runs into more conflicts. That's good! It not only raises the tension and stakes — now he has less than a day to convince someone — but makes his inevitable success feel that much sweeter. A less well written show (cough-RWBY-cough) would have had the characters change their personalities, behave in unlikely ways, or just come up with a sudden, contradictory solution because Yusuke needs to keep his body. Instead, Yusuke actually has to work for that within the bounds of the rules established and the likeliness of each plan succeeding. The first one fails? Move onto plan #2.
Second, this dream of Atsuko's has some cool implications within YYH's world. Meaning, we're about to learn in just a moment that some people are naturally more aware of the supernatural than others, even when they're not asleep. We'll also see down the line that spiritual awareness tends to run in families... so perhaps Atsuko possesses more than the average mother? I'm not saying it's necessarily intentional on the author(s) part, but we can choose to read this dream as evidence of spiritual awareness — true insight into the world Yusuke was just in and the fantasies he'd had about conquering it — rather than just a coincidental joke for the viewer. After all, Yusuke gets his own spiritual awareness from somewhere...
(Okay, so there's totally another, canonical reason for that, but we can have both!)
So, as Yusuke puts it, “This dream business isn’t gonna cut it.”
“There’s always the final method," Botan says.
“You always this vague?”
I am literally living for these interactions.
Botan explains that the more extreme form of communication is possessing a living person, but there are two rules attached: it has to be someone you know and the vessel has to be someone who is quite spiritually aware, as discussed above. Atsuko isn't a contender because the story hasn't acknowledged that she might be sensitive, that's just my own headcanon now. Yusuke outright says, “In that case I’m screwed. There’s no one like that!"
Cut to good old Kuwabara.
At first it looks as if he's just oh so conveniently sensing a spirit right when the audience has learned he has this power, but in reality it's Yusuke and Botan flying behind him that sets it off. Again: this show is pretty good about keeping things internally consistent, rather than making choices because That's Just How Stories Work, I Guess. Kuwabara's friends note that he's acting strangely and I love this detail that apparently one of the guys is new to their group because the other two need to explain that this is the "tickle feeling." Ever since Kuwabara was a boy he's been able to sense the dead around him. Some nice, some... not so nice.
He looks directly at Yusuke — even though he's not able to see him — and declares that what's following them is “A puny low-level ghost, like a haunted racoon or something.”
I'd support Yusuke's anger more if he hadn't just exclaimed his surprise that Kuwabara serves a purpose 😂
Yusuke is pissed enough though to proclaim that he won't do it, nuh-uh, no way is he possessing this guy's body. Botan's response is one of my FAVORITES in the WHOLE SERIES:
"Here's my impression of Yusuke: look at me, I’m burning!”
Literally 75% of this series is just about a found family sassing one another and I love it.
Obviously this helps Yusuke remember his priorities and he grudgingly agrees to the plan. Botan prepares Kuwabara's body somehow — idk, spiritual magic or whatever — and warns Yusuke that he only has an hour to find someone and warn them because a human body can't handle possession any longer than that. Sure. I buy it.
So Yusuke takes control and please ignore the incredible ethical issues here. The show will never acknowledge them again.
He blurts out, “Hey, check it out! I’m inside Kuwabara, feeling smooth!"
Istg I don't remember the series being this unintentionally gay. I don't even ship Yusuke/Kuwabara and I'm digging the possibilities here lol.
Back on track, his friends drag him with, “Looks like he’s back to normal” because again, 75%. What's not normal though is Kuwabara (Yusuke) suddenly charging down the street to leave them behind. He heads straight to the restaurant where Keiko's parents work, demanding to see her. They're rightly concerned about this stranger barging in and screaming for their daughter.
Upon asking who he is/why they should tell him, Yusuke makes his biggest mistake: “Because it’s me, you guys, I’m Yusuke!”
Obviously the time limit and raw emotion of knowing who he is has outweighed the knowledge that, you know, no one would believe that. Yusuke has spent the last two days bopping around as a ghost and familiarizing himself with some of the afterlife's insanity. The knowledge of what's normal for everyone else — AKA, not dead boys appearing in strangers' bodies — is not at the forefront of Yusuke's mind.
So, Keiko's parents react accordingly! The father in particular is disgusted by this claim, going so far as to threaten Yusuke with his knife and outright insult Kuwabara's looks: “Yusuke was never ugly like you… we were close family friends with that boy!" His wife chimes in that this kind of joke is particularly heinous on the day of his funeral. Between Atsuko drunkenly blaming Yusuke for his death and Mr. Takenaka grieving for what he might have been, this is one of the few times we see someone just sad for Yusuke's passing, exactly as he was and without regrets or criticism. "We were close family friends with that boy" paints a nice contrast to the delinquent persona Yusuke was cultivating.
As he's thrown out of the restaurant he says, “We should have special passwords for times like this!” Fun fact, my family does! Well, not this exact situation lol. I was given a password as a child to memorize in case my parents ever needed to send someone else to pick me up or interact with me in any way. If the stranger didn't know the password, I was to kick up a fuss. I rest easy with the knowledge that this password would not doubt assist me if I was ever in Yusuke's position!
With Keiko's parents a bust, Yusuke starts sprinting to everywhere she frequents with the hope of running into her. Or at least he tries.
Yusuke is suddenly waylaid by a group of nameless teens with a bone to pick with Kuwabara. And you know what? I like it. I wonder how much of my praise stems from coming off of RWBY Volume 8, but it's just so nice to watch a story where the plot — simple as it is — hangs together. We've established that Kuwabara is a street fighter. Last episode we watched him start a fight with Yusuke. Yusuke is on a time limit. Now Kuwabara's tendencies have created a new hurdle for Yusuke!
Needless to say, Yusuke kicks butt, even in Kuwabara’s body.
As one guy is passing out he says, “Man that hurt! I didn’t think anyone could throw punches that hardcore except Yusuke Urameshi."
Yusuke: “Darn, giving Kuwabara a good name." LOL
You think this challenge is finished though? Nah. Over the course of about half an hour Yusuke encounters a comical number of people trying to get even with Kuwabara.
As always, I like the nods towards this writing decision to help justify it, with Yusuke wondering how Kuwabara has pissed this many people off. If you want to pull off something that has a low chance of happening, it can help to give the characters a "Seriously?" moment. If both they and the audience are on the same page over how ridiculous this situation is, the audience is more likely to accept it once the character does.
By the time Yusuke escapes his hour is nearly up. However, thanks to some coincidental plotting, he spots Keiko's friends just across the street!
YYH does a decent job of making its characters feel like they have their own lives outside of what's immediately happening on screen and we get a good example of that here. We pick up the girls' conversation partway through, both of them worried about Keiko's state of mind and, given that we'll see in a second that Keiko was in the store with them, it implies that something happened to reignite this worry. They're off enjoying their day, doing their own thing, there was an event we're not privy to, and now we catch the response to that. It just helps make the characters feel more well-rounded even though they are, at their core, one-dimensional background characters who don’t even have names yet.
Case in point: the one girl is still concerned with their image. "People are starting to say things!"
Yeah, your friend's childhood friend just died. Hopefully they're saying, "Poor thing."
Anyway, Yusuke runs up to ask where Keiko is only for both girls to run away screaming. Turns out his face is messed up from the numerous fights and Keiko's friends are easily scared.
Luckily, Keiko comes out just a second later and Yusuke is faced with the challenge of how to convince her in, oh, about five minutes. Remember, we've already established through Keiko's parents that just saying, "I'm Yusuke" doesn't work. That's why he hesitates. It's not just drama for the sake of drama, he's stuck.
“I’ve known her my whole life, there must be something between us that only I would do!”
Yeeeeaah. About that 😬
Suddenly inspired (I suppose that's one way to put it...) Yusuke runs up behind Keiko and grabs her breasts. “Keiko, nice uniform! They’re so squishy!”
It goes without saying that, like flipping her skirt up, this isn't okay. More specifically, the problem lies in the story framing this as a joke for the audience, something to laugh at despite Keiko's discomfort, rather than the concept of two childhood friends actually be that comfortable with one another. But, as already established, this is one of the more ehhhh aspects of Yusuke's characterization that, luckily, will mostly disappear as the story goes on.
Note though that the show clearly wants us to think highly of this. Not just as a "joke," but as a smart solution to his problem and more evidence of their inevitable relationship — the background becomes the same soft, bubbly background we saw during their dream conversation. And, admittedly, it does work. Keiko instinctively slaps Yusuke hard enough to knock him to the ground and he starts laughing, saying that he doesn't care what anyone on the street says, she hits the hardest.
What I do like about this is that the assault isn't the only thing Keiko bases her faith on. Not only has she already had the dream, we get to see Yusuke from her perspective, showing all the mannerisms she picks up on by superimposing Yusuke's real body over Kuwabara's. Indeed, she says as much: “I knew it was you from the first time you spoke…and it’s not just your stupid gags, or how you laugh. There are ways you move and speak that in a hundred years I wouldn’t forget."
Catch me crying in this club!
Knowing she believes him and that he's almost out of time, Yusuke reiterates his message: please don't burn my body and also keep Mom on track. Only, you know, it's phrased far better than that lol. As he speaks, both Yusuke's and Kuwabara's voices overlap until the latter grows fainter and only Yusuke's voice remains. His body too. It's a nice touch, avoiding the awkwardness of Keiko having this moment with a stranger, even if that is what's happening on some level.
“I know I’ve been a bum to you at times, but please wait for me."

His hour up, now we can get the awkwardness! Kuwabara comes out of his weird trance thing to find Keiko crying against his chest. Wow, he thinks, this girl must be really into me!
God, to have the confidence of Kuwabara.
Of course, Keiko quickly realizes it's not Yusuke anymore and slaps him too for cuddling her closer. My favorite thing is that when she does this a crowd INSTANTLY appears. I mean they TELEPORT in. We needed an audience for Kuwabara's shame and YYH delivered, all logic be damned.
“Um, sorry about that!” Keiko yells as she runs away, because she's a good person who recognizes that weird spirit things just went on and Kuwabara isn't actually to blame.
“No, that’s okay. I probably deserved it," Kuwabara responds because he's also a good person and I didn't appreciate him nearly as much as I should have as a kid.
Keiko runs all the way to Atsuko's place where she finds her dressed for Yusuke's funeral. She blurts that Yusuke might still be coming back and Atsuko goes, "He already has." Turns out she opened his coffin to "smack him one more time for leaving me" — yikes — and found that his heart had started beating again, just as Koenma said it would.
Being in a shonen anime, they apparently decide to just trust Keiko's message rather than, idk, taking him to a hospital or something.
The camera tilts up to show that Yusuke has been watching all this, including that both women break down again and comfort one another. Aww. How heartwarming.
What's less fuzzy though is this mysterious egg. Yusuke takes another look and finds that it has developed a heartbeat too, presumably in time with his body's. He theorizes that he did decent things today, right? But Botan (teasingly) points out that he did beat up a lot of other kids. Rather than getting angry, Yusuke remains uncharacteristically pensive, emphasizing the magnitude of what this means for him. He's got to get it right.
No pressure or anything! We'll have to see how Yusuke balances his karmic scales in the next episode. Until then, I'll try not to put all my TV time into Star Trek: Voyager :D
See you then! 💜
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Lazy Sundays- Tom Holland x Reader One Shot
A/N: Yes, another Tom Holland story; I can’t help it! I love everything about this boy, or man since we’re both the same age and I hate being called a girl (I prefer woman lol) BUT HE OWNS MY ASS AND I CANNOT WITH HOW CUTE HE IS!
This came up from an interview Tom did from a year ago where he went undercover on the Internet and answered people’s questions and well, here we are. I hope everyone like this cute little one shot because oh my gosh, how I wish I could actually CUDDLE with Tom right now before I have to work :(
*(Y/S) = Your state
(Y/F/R) = Your favorite restaurant
Warnings: Longing, missing someone, FLUFF
As always, tag list requests are OPEN, multi-fandom requests are OPEN!
Masterlist of all masterlists is HERE! Send me an ask!
Having the weekends off was something you normally didn’t have but you were fortunate to have them and you made sure to enjoy them to the fullest. On regular weekend days, you took advantage of sleeping in or you would go out and see some friends in the city you were closest to. Living in a rather small town, it would take a bit of a drive to go to the closest bigger city, but it was worth it. However, those days were usually saved for Saturdays while Sunday was used to catch up on your laundry before you had to head back to work the following day. Mondays always came too fast and you dreaded them, thanks to a less than ideal work situation. There was one thing, or person rather, who really made the weekends worth the long weeks.
You had been dating Tom Holland for the last few months, your relationship still new. You had met him at a premiere for a new movie of his. One of your closest friends had won a trip to London for a few days and a chance to hang out with Tom before and after the event. You would also walk with him on the red carpet as his guests and it was an experience like no other. But what surprised you, was how much of a liking he took to you. Throughout your day with him, leading up to the premiere, he stood closer to you or made sure to fall in step with you, more than your friend. As it turned out, when you were on your flight back home, you found a note in your backpack, from him. It said something along the lines of,
“I had a really great time hanging out with you these last couple of days. You seem like someone I could be good friends with. Text me sometime! (xxx) xxx-xxxx. -T.H.”
That was just less than a year ago and after eight months of getting to you better, he asked you on an official date. He flew from London to (y/s) to take you somewhere simple yet you wouldn’t forget how special it was. He picked you up at your house the following day, took you to (y/f/r) where you two sat and talked for hours before he decided to walk off all the food you had consumed. What started as a simple date, turned out to be the best one of your life and Tom, had become the most important man in your life. It took him a long time to break down your walls, fearful of what dating an actor may do. He promised that he would always be faithful and honest with you and although you were still unsure, you ended up falling for him faster than you originally planned. He was your world and you were his.
Just as you thought, your relationship was more long-distance than in person because of his busy schedule. He was one of the most sought-after actors in Hollywood and at only twenty-four years old. Luckily, he was able to keep up with it all, but he missed you and longed to be with you. So, when permitted, he took two weeks off from the set and flew home to see you. He didn’t mention he was coming to see you, so you were in shock when there was a sudden knock on your bedroom and it was him.
“Tom!” You cry, jumping off your bed and darting over to wrap your arms around him.
“There’s my beautiful girl, I’ve missed you,” he says, muttered by your hair.
“I missed you too! I didn’t know you were coming!” You say, pulling away from him to sit on your bed, him occupying the space next to you.
“I know, I wanted to surprise you. I mean your reaction was quite adorable,” he says, placing a small kiss on your nose.
“But wait, what about the movie?” You ask, wondering if he was still needed.
“Eh, they don’t need me for a little while. I get two whole weeks to spend with my girl,” he says, softly smiling at you.
“I still have to work though,” you say, frowning at your boyfriend.
“I know, but you work early enough so when you come home, we can be together, and I can come to see you for lunch and we have your days off, like today!” He says, beaming with excitement that you were off.
“I know but, I have to work again,” you say.
“But that’s tomorrow baby. It’s Sunday,” he says, going over to crawl under your sheets on your bed. You follow him, laying yourself beside him, as he looked at you with love in his eyes.
“Yeah but then tomorrow is Monday and I hate Mondays,” you whine, much like a child.
“Oh, my sweet girl, there is no reason you should worry about tomorrow. Just enjoy the right now,” he explains, kissing the side of your head.
You hummed in agreement, snuggling up in his side, his arms sneaking around you as you laid your head on his chest. One of his arms fell by you so you grab his hand and lace your fingers together. He brings your joined hands to his lips and kisses your hand before he leans over to kiss your lips.
Soft, sweet, moments like these were what you both craved, not realizing how much you two needed each other. But you didn’t want to have to think of having to leave him in the morning, so you did your best to take his advice and just live in the now. He had taken the remote control to your TV and began flipping through your streaming services before he settled on the live-action Beauty and the Beast; a favorite of yours. As the movie progressed, you snuggled closer to his side, and soon fell asleep to the sound of the movie in the background and Tom telling you a story, about the movie he was working on.
“Can you believe how crazy this movie is going to be, babe?” He was meant with silence. “(y/n)?” He asked for you once again, before looking down and noticing your sleeping form. A wide grin graced his features and he held you tighter. He loved it when you fell asleep on him because he felt that it meant you were comfortable with him. He stayed quiet and kept his movements to a minimum, afraid of waking you, until you woke up on your own. When your eyes opened, you were met with his eyes staring back at you.
“Well good morning sleepyhead,” he lightly teased you and chuckled when you made a face of annoyance back at him.
“Is it really morning?” You suddenly ask, worried you were late for work.
“No, it’s 4 pm, you were asleep for an hour,” he said and you were able to relax again.
“I love spending lazy Sundays with you,” you say, looking back to your boyfriend. You two were laying on your sides, facing each other.
“I love you,” he said for the very first time.
“I love you, too, Tom. So much,” you say back to him, before settling for another kiss.
You knew dating someone with a status like Tom’s wasn’t going to be easy; it hadn’t been up to this point. But you trusted him and you loved him with your whole heart, and that was all the reinforcement you needed to hold onto the love you shared, until you got to see each other again.
Tags: @tloveswriting @fandom-princess-forevermore @thinkinghardhardlythinking @akshi8278 @marvelfansworld @spnjediavenger @lovabletomholland @hobby27 @angeredcrow @damn-stark
#tom holland#tom holland fluff#tom holland x reader#tom holland x you#tom holland fandom#tom holland x y/n#tom holland x fem#tom holland fanfiction#tom holland gif#tom holland girls
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I absolutely loved the gerudo story a lot! If you are still taking ideas/suggestions may you please continue on with wild telling them about the others? I liked medoh and the rito the most lol but any will be awesome I loved how happy wild and the others were while hearing the story of Riju and nabrois.. thanks 💚💜
Thank you for your kind words! I turned this into a series on my AO3 (queenofliterature) since it has gotten multiple requests. I hope you enjoy and your cosplay is super cool!
“Pleeeeeease!” Wind continued to beg Wild over dinner. It had been a couple of days since Wild told the story about his time with the Gerudo, and Wind was desperate for Wild to tell more, as he had made very clear. Since the first story, they had traveled to Twilight’s Hyrule, although no villages were close enough to get to tonight.
“Dear Hylia. Wild please tell him another story before he explodes.” Legend yelled from across camp.
“Wind, Wild doesn’t need to tell us anything else if he doesn’t want to.” Time lectured Wind, who was attached to Wild’s back, arms wrapped around him like a stationary piggyback ride. Wild didn’t find himself minding. Ever since he had returned Wind’s hug the first night he told a story, the kid had seemed comfortable with attaching himself to Wild like he would Hyrule and Warriors. It was surprising at first, but Wild got used to it, and kinda liked it.
“Um that’s okay. I can tell more stories. I just don’t want them to be boring or anything. There’s no more dressing as a woman and seducing people for items or sneaking into Yiga bases.” Wild joked although he was slightly nervous about his other stories not measuring up.
“But you still have three more divine beats to go right?” Sky voiced curiously.
“And your fight against Ganon!” Warriors called.
“And all your crazy ideas along the way!” Hyrule finished as the rest of the group laughed, Wild included.
“Okay, just let me pass out dinner.”
Once again, the group was all gathered around the campfire, eyes on Wild. Wild still found it intimidating, but it was far less scary this time.
“Well… I guess I could tell you about the Rito?” There were some questions and confused murmurs among the group, except Wind, who lit up at the mention of the birds who lived on Dragon Roost Island.
“You have Rito in your Hyrule too?” Wind questioned excitedly.
“Yeah I do. Do the rest of you not?” There were ripples of no’s throughout the camp.
“Oh, well they’re basically really big, talking birds? That might be an offensive way to describe them. They’re like Zora are to fish I guess.” Wild stated awkwardly. He didn’t really expect to have to explain what a Rito was.
“I can just show you!” Wild remembered he had a picture of Kass and his children on his slate. When they first saw the Sheikah Slate, all five of the girls had crowded around him and demanded to see it. When they saw the photo rune, they wanted him to take a picture of them and their mother and father. He told them he had no way to let them have a copy or anything, but they just wanted to be with him in his travels. It was a very sweet sentiment and Wild absolutely loved that picture.
“Oh wow, you weren’t kidding about them being giant birds.” Hyrule commented when Wild flipped his slate around for them to see.
“They look a bit different from the Rito from my Hyrule but that’s kinda been a common theme among all of us.” Wind noted.
“They’re very nice and welcoming people.” Wild confirmed as he put the slate back on his hip. “When I first got to the village, I had to walk up a whole bunch of bridges that just kept getting higher and higher. The Rito were really upset and worried, since the Divine Beast, Vah Medoh, was causing chaos and shooting anyone down that flew up too high.” Wild remembered the ear-piercing screech that greeted him when he first arrived. All of the Divine Beasts had a call, but none were quite like Medoh’s.
“Oh no that’s awful! The Rito love to fly! Was anyone hurt?” Wind questioned, genuinely concerned for the villagers.
“Unfortunately yes. Some men went up to try and defeat Medoh, but one got shot down and hurt his wing, his name is Harth. He’s alright now. The Rito that went with him, Teba, got him to safety and was planning to face Medoh once again. I spoke with the chief of the village, named Kaneli. He’s very kind, and he has a very deep and hearty laugh.” That was one thing about Wild the group had noticed. He always remembered odd or specific details of people. It may be connected to his loss of memory, but that was simply the person he was. He wanted to get to know as many people as he could and help them when needed.
“So do any of the leaders know that you’re the hero from 100 years earlier?” Four questioned. He really hoped he wasn’t crossing a line by asking, he was just truly curious.
“It kinda depends. The Zora live to be centuries old, so most of them knew me, well… the old me.” Wild stated uncertainly. The rest of camp knew Wild’s struggles with his past self, almost seeing him as a different person than the one they knew now. They were slightly curious about what Wild was like before. They would never trade Wild for anything, but it would be interesting to see how much he had changed. Twilight, who was sitting on Wild’s left, put a gentle hand on his shoulder, while Legend scooted a little closer on Wild’s right, almost unnoticeable to everyone but Wild.
“The Gorons didn’t care all that much, just as long as I could board Rudania. Riju knew that I was friends with Urbosa, or that she at least sent me. And the Rito thought I was the champion’s descendant.” Some snickers left the group at that.
“Hey, I tried to tell him it was really me, but I didn’t have the Master Sword yet. Even then, I’m not sure if he would have believed I was the actual champion, but he was worried for his people. He asked me to help them with the Divine Beast since I was the only one who could board it.”
“Why are you the only one who can board it?” Warriors asked.
“Well, I don’t have a solid answer for you, but it’s because I’m the Hylian Champion.” Wild answered. There wasn’t a scientific answer he could really give, that’s all he really knew.
“Wait, since you’re a champion, do you have a Divine Beast too?” Hyrule exclaimed, eyes shining with anticipation and mischief. Oh Hylia, if WIld had one of those things and he and Hyrule teamed up... Please say no, please say no, please say-
“Well, sorta.” Wild rubbed the back of his neck as gasps (and some groans) arose around him. “It’s very small, smaller than a horse. But it has two wheels and it’s faster than anything I’ve ever ridden. It’s loud though and has to be powered by materials. I’ll show you when we get back to my Hyrule, I’ve tried summoning it here and it doesn’t work.” Wild wished he had a picture of it, but he would show them the real thing soon.
“That sounds amazing!” Surprisingly Hyrule didn’t yell this, but Legend did. He blushed, realizing how loud it was. The rest of the group chuckled. Legend could pretend to be snarky and cool all he wanted, he was such a nerd for new items.
“It really is. I can run over so many monsters, and jump off so many cliffs without getting hurt! And it goes over pretty much any terrain! I just have to be careful not to fall backward down a hill or something. But that doesn’t happen often and-” Wild rambled on, oblivious to the look of horror on Twilight’s face.
“Um, Cub. We love hearing about your Hyrule but… I think you’re going to give Twilight a heart attack.” Time teased, looking at his protege’s face.
“Hehe. Whoops.” Wild laughed, the rest of the heroes joining in, except for Twilight of course who simply glared at his mentor.
“Anyway.” Wild continued, still giggling a little. “The elder sent me to Teba’s wife and child, who begged me to go to the Flight Range and stop him. She said that I could just jump off the Revali’s Landing, a platform named after the Rito Champion from a hundred years ago.”
“Did you remember him at this point?” Sky questioned reluctantly. Like Four, he was nervous about crossing a line.
“I actually remembered him when I looked at the landing.” Wild’s eyes grew slightly distant. “Revali was a complete and utter asshole.” There were surprised huffs of laughter from around the group. That certainly wasn’t what they were expecting. “But… I understood why.” Wild stared into the fire. “He was hurting I think. I got to read his journal and he worked really hard to develop Revali’s Gale, the wind I use now. He worked to become the best archer and protect his village. And then, some random Hylian kid comes and takes the Master Sword and becomes the princess’ appointed knight. He always taunted me, kinda telling me that I was only getting to fight Ganon because of the sword, while he had to sit in his Divine Beast. But I got the sword when I was twelve, and my training started long before that from what I can remember. And I don’t - I don’t think I ever wanted that.” Wild’s breathing hitched the tiniest bit. Not enough to be noticed by anyone who didn’t know him, but this group knew him well.
Twilight instantly pulled him into a hug, and Wild didn’t fight it. He didn’t cry or feel a huge panic coming on, but the hug felt nice all the same.
“It sucks that Revali went through that Wild.” Warriors stated, smiling at the teen gently. “But that is not your fault. You didn’t choose the sword, the sword chose you.” Wild nodded from where his head was on Twilight’s shoulder, before pulling himself away gently. Meanwhile, Time cursed Hylia in his mind, again. Twelve… He understood there was a fight coming, he really did, but this boy was only twelve. No, he was younger when he was forced into training. Wild mentioned to Time when talking about Mipha that he traveled there with knights as a child. He was a child. He still was a child… Time pulled himself out of his own head. There was no changing Wild’s past. That was over one hundred years ago. They could help him now.
“I’m sorry, Wild.” Wind sighed out. “I didn’t mean to bring out bad memories.”
“You didn’t, bud.” Wild reassured. “Sometimes memories just come into my head, even if I’ve seen them before. I wouldn’t tell you if I didn’t trust you.” That halted the camp entirely. Wild had made a lot of progress in trusting them, but they were happy to hear him say it. Before they could dwell too much on what Wild said, he continued his story.
“So anyway, I talked to Harth, the Rito that broke his wing, and a couple of other Rito. Including the girls you all saw in the picture. They’re Kass’ daughters!” Wild stated excitedly. He told them previously about Kass and how much he adored hearing his songs. Wind once asked Wild to sing one, but he blushed a bright red and furiously refused. Wind bet Wild had a pretty voice and he was just embarrassed about it…
“Their mother was worried sick for her children, along with the other parents in the village, and the children were all disappointed they couldn’t fly and play. Well one didn’t want to go to singing practice, but I still had to get the Divine Beast under control as fast as possible. So I bought the Snowquill Set that keeps you really toasty and rushed to the Flight Range to help Teba. When I got there, Teba said he didn’t need any help but I insisted. So he told me that he would challenge my archery skills.” The group leaned in, what sort of test? “He made me shoot five targets in three minutes with my paraglider.” Wild stated in a deadpan voice. The boys froze, then burst out laughing. Wild could shoot three arrows at once, sometimes five with the proper bow! Five targets in three minutes were nothing! Wild chuckled along with the group. He wasn’t arrogant with his archery, but five targets in three minutes was a little too easy. He expected Teba to continue challenging him, but he never did.
“So he gave me some bomb arrows and told me to jump on his back, we were gonna go defeat the Divine Beast.” Wild continued.
“Woah wait, already? Didn’t the other Divine Beasts take you a little time to get too?” Warriors questioned.
“Well Naboris took a little more time since the Yiga clan were causing trouble, but there was nothing else I could do to prepare.” Wild shrugged. “So we flew up into the clouds, Vah Medoh was huge up close! It had a giant courtyard type structure on its back! And it could shoot lasers and had a shield around it! So while Teba distracted it, I used the updrafts to shoot at all four points the shield was powered by. Unfortunately, Teba got grazed by the lasers. He was okay, but he had to land. So I started the puzzles in Vah Medoh. They were so fun! There was one where I had to get in this ride on a track and tilt the beast so I got to ride to the other side! And I was so high up!” Wild continued rambling on about the puzzles he had to solve.
The other boys in the group smiled softly. One of the reasons they enjoyed Wild telling stories was because of how excited he would get while telling the parts that didn't haunt him. The others sometimes struggle with Wild’s Hyrule because of the ruins of the structures they know, but Wild truly loved it, which made sense, it was just like the hero who came from it, wild and untamed.
“So finally all the puzzles were done and all the terminals were unlocked, and the main control unit was unlocked. Like the others, when I put my slate up the control unit, a Ganon Blight came out. This time it was Windblight Ganon. He was easier than the others, but still hard. He could summon tornados! And I had to rely on arrows a lot since he flew out where I couldn’t reach him. But eventually, I got his health down enough for the final blow. When I activated the main control unit, Revali appeared.” Wild smile became bittersweet like it did when he talked about any of his friends from one hundred years ago. “He teased me again, but this time, it seemed more friendly and less bitter. He gave me Revali’s Gale so I wouldn’t always have to rely on cliffs and high places for my paraglider. I went back to see Harth and Teba, and they and their families were fine! The elder thanked me a lot and gave me Revali’s old bow. It’s in my house with the rest of the champion’s items. I used them against Ganon. A little bit to avenge the other champions. You know?” Wild looked to find them all staring at him. “Uh… The end?” Wild ended awkwardly, not knowing what else to say. The rest of the group seemed to snap out of it. Wild was amazing. And highly intelligent. His stories of battles and puzzles and shrines only proved that. Once again, just like when he ended the first story, Wind crashed into Wild and knocked the breath out of his lungs.
“You’re a great storyteller Wild!” Wind cried happily.
“The sailor’s right, Cub.” Twilight smirked, but the kind look in his eyes betrayed his teasing lilt.
“Well, that was a perfect little bedtime story.” Legend yawned and clapped Wild on the back.
“Legend is right, it’s getting a little late. Warriors, you have first watch right.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know Old Man.” Warriors huffed but smiled and ruffled Wild’s hair as he passed, earning a lot of protests to which Warriors just laughed at.
The rest of the group thanked Wild for the story and headed to their bedrolls. The Links were happy that Wild was talking more, and didn't want to make a huge deal out of it and scare him into science once again. But they also wanted him to know they appreciate him trusting them enough to tell them of his trials.
After making sure no one needed his help with anything, Wild collapsed into his bedroll. He enjoyed telling the others his stories, but he still wasn’t used to talking for long amounts of time.
A couple of minutes later, Twilight, who was preparing his own bedroll, realized he hadn’t heard Wild shuffling about like he normally did. He turned around to ask if he was okay, only to see him completely conked out on top of the blankets, apparently tired from talking so much in one night. He snorted softly at the smaller teen, before slowly going over and tucking him in. If Wild wasn’t completely passed out, he would have denied what he called being treated like a child, but there wasn’t a single protest as Twilight lifted Wild slightly and put him under the covers, tucking them around him. There was only a small sound that Twilight absolutely would not admit not to find adorable, as Wild snuggled into the blankets covering him. Time hummed slightly, making Twilight turn around.
“He was too young.” Time said solemnly, referring to what Wild told them earlier that night. Twilight had similar thoughts. Wild had told him after a memory that he was only twelve when he got the Master Sword. Twilight knew he was too young. A lot of the group was.
“Yeah… But he has us now.” Twilight smiled at Time, who looked at his pup with pride in his eyes. Those who weren’t asleep or didn’t have the first watch were soon wrapped in their bedrolls peacefully, the only sound being crickets chirping around them.
#linked universe#linkeduniverse#wild#breath of the wild#twilight#wind#time#Warriors#four#legend#hyrule#sky#prompt#request#fluff#rito#queenof-literature story#QoL Story
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Only for You
Dark Lord x Fem!Reader
A/N: Hello everybody I got a wonderful request from an ANON for another Dark Lord x Reader pairing that I was more than happy to do! I’ve got another Dark Lord x Reader pairing i’m working on along with Part 3 of my first Dark Lord x Reader pairing which I’ve now dubbed as An Unwilling Queen! Hope you enjoy Anon!
*NOT my GIF*
Word Count: 3k + (Sorry it’s really freaking long!)
If you like my stories you can check out my sideblog @jadegreywriting to see all of them and my masterlist without filtering through my main blog.
Prompt: OMG I love your writing. I think you’re so talented. I was wondering if you could take a request. I was hoping for a oneshot or two of a Lucifer (Sabrina) x soul mate reader who is shy, also a v powerful witch and friend of Sabrina. I like the idea of the Dark Lord being only weak for her. I was hoping for a oneshot of him meeting and finding out who she is to him, him falling in love and ending in smut.
*He’s also portrayed here in his angelic (hot) form, not the monster form.
Warnings: Smut at the end, kind of an underage reader, she’s eighteen but he’s like a billion years old so there’s that lol. Also kind of angsty.
I own all rights to this story and do not give permission for my stories to be published, translated or reposted anywhere else. The only places I have published my stories is here on Tumblr and on my AO3 account (LadyAuthor711)
This story is for 18+ ONLY. It contains sexual themes that are not suited for younger audiences so if you’re under 18 my blog and this story is not for you. Please make sure to read at your own discretion and remember that you are solely responsible for your content intake.

A shadow seems to follow you wherever you go now. Like an ever-looming presence, that you feel like you can catch if you just turn your head at the right moment; but nothing is ever there. Sabrina says it’s all in your imagination.
“Or maybe there’s dark forces at play for your immortal soul.” She says in a silly ghoulish voice.
You laugh and lightly punch her arm. “I’m serious I feel like something or someone is watching me. Like constantly.”
Sabrina’s face went serious for a moment, seeing how tense you were. “Well auntie Hilda can make you something maybe to ease you. Or even find out if something is watching you.”
“But why would something be watching me?”
Sabrina laughed to herself. “Y/N. Despite what you may think, you’re a young, beautiful witch. Whose power if flourishing well beyond my own and even that of an experienced witch. And you haven’t even signed your name in the book of the beast. It’s like you are your own source of magic. You should be careful; a lot of people would do anything for power like that.”
You felt a chill going up your back. “I haven’t thought of it like that. Maybe Hilda should do a spell or even make a charm.”
“I think a charm would be perfect. A charm to ease your thoughts and to keep away whatever darkness seems to be sticking to you.”
“Thank you, Sabrina.” You smiled, linking your arm with hers.
“Of course, Y/N.” She said as you both starting walking towards Sabrina’s house. Unbeknownst to either of you, that that shadow you were talking about is in fact very real.
He watches as you both walk away from the shadows of the forest, irritated with himself at how close you are but he can’t just reach out and grab you; taking you into the darkness. He knows though you’d never go with him like that; no. He’d have to wait and win you, until you desired him as much as he did you.
He felt a clench in his chest as you walked further away from his vantage point and he hated how weak he felt and how much he desired you, wanted you; how much he craved you with the very fiber of his being. But for you, he’d wait. He’d wait in the shadows for as long as it takes.
You were immediately greeted by Hilda as you and Sabrina walked into the house. Zelda sat at the table smoking a cigarette and reading the paper about some gruesome murder that made the headlines that day.
“Hello my darlings.” Hilda said cheerfully as she pounded some dough for whatever culinary confection, she was making that day.
“Hi, Hilda, Zelda.” You said greeting both of them, despite Zelda only grunting as acknowledgement.
“Auntie Hilda. Do you think you could make a charm for Y/N?” Sabrina said immediately cutting to the case as she leaned on her elbows on the counter next to Hilda.
“What for my lovely? Stress? I doubt you need a love charm. You’re much too beautiful to need that.” Hilda said booping your nose.
You couldn’t help the blush that crept up your face as you slightly shook your head at her comment about you being beautiful.
“No. Auntie.” Sabrina said smiling, but her smile soon fell from her face. “Y/N, thinks someone is following her.”
“I was hoping you could find out if someone actually is stalking me or if it’s just all in my head.” You said gaining Hilda’s attention.
“A protection charm? Of course, my lovely, I’ll whip that up as soon as I throw these apple crumbles in the oven and we’ll get straight to work.”
An hour later you had a protection charm that was laced with eucalyptus leaves to ease your paranoia and stress. However, when Hilda tried to scry to see if someone was following you, the crystal would just keep spinning never landing on anything. Which indicated to Hilda that everything was hunky dory and that it was just probably stress from school that was making you so paranoid.
When you left Sabrina’s, you felt a sense of ease radiate over you as Hilda’s charm in your pocket worked its magic. However, as soon as you stepped outside of Sabrina’s house after saying goodbye to everyone you felt it again. That feeling that there was a pair of eyes that were constantly glued to you, watching your every move. You clutched the charm in your pocket tighter and began to walk home.
The following was Friday night and Sabrina, you and the rest of the gang were headed to a house party. It wasn’t your usual method of spending a Friday night but Sabrina assured you that is was exactly what you needed to help you unwind a bit. So, you took her at her word and you even let her dress you up for the occasion.
And throughout the night you actually thought Sabrina’s plan was working you hadn’t felt the intensity of someone’s gaze on you all night as you danced with your friends, letting yourself get lost and all your worries sliding from your shoulders.
After a while of dancing though the need for water was staggering so you told Sabrina you’d be right back and walked away from the group in search of water. You walked towards the back of the house where the beer and sodas were and tried searching for water.
“Need some help there?” A husky voice asked from the dark corner.
You gave a little jump and clutched your chest. “Oh my God you scared me!” You said smiling a bit at how much of a scaredy cat you were.
“I’m sorry.” He said as he stepped out of the shadows. “The last thing I intended to do was scare you.”
He was beautiful. Staggeringly beautiful, with dark brown locks and piercing green eyes that seemed to glow even from the darkness of the shadows. You felt the air leave your lungs, as you gaped at him before you quickly turned back to your earlier task of looking for water; your cheeks burning.
He looked at you curiously, this would be his one chance with you. To have you alone and completely his for the time being. And as he took you in, this stunning woman who he’s been on the edge of obsession over for months. He can already feel how inside yourself you are, so much so that he can practically reach out and feel the wall that you’ve built to contain back the powerful witch and woman that you are. And God how he wanted to blow that wall to pieces.
“What’s your name?” He asked, trying to get you to look at him again.
“Y/N.” You said to him but still not turning back towards him.
“I’m Luce.” He said holding out his hand for you to shake. Which you thought was a bit odd, but you reached your hand out taking his large one. When your skin touched his you felt a spark between you two, you tried to pull away from sheer instinct but he kept your hand firmly in his, letting the warmth of his hand radiate into your whole body making you feel warm to the touch.
You pulled your hand away and he let you this time. You saw how intense his gaze was and ducked from it, pushing your hair behind your ears. “Luce?” you said smiling shyly.
“God given I’m afraid.” He said with a knowing smirk on his face, that you couldn’t help but feel like there was more to that smirk. But before you could say more, he spoke up again. “Why do you do that?”
“Do what?” You asked, turning back towards him, but avoided looking into his intense green eyes.
“You have no reason to cower from me Y/N. Nor do you have any reason to be bashful. I find you most intriguing.”
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“I can see it plain as day, the way you hold yourself, speak, avoid eye contact and even how you suppress your magic.” He said and you immediately snapped your head towards him. “Yes, Y/N. I can feel your magic just radiating off of you, but you keep it contained; I can feel that too. You have no reason to be so inside of yourself.” He said taking another step closer to you. “You’re a highly intelligent and stunning young woman. That anyone would grovel on their knees to have you.” He said in a low whisper as he leaned towards you and surprisingly you found yourself leaning slightly towards him as well.
His soft lips brushed against yours sending that same electric shock throughout your body; but only this time it was a thousand times more intense.
You let out a gasp and quickly pulled away from him, even though it killed him inside to let you pull away from him; he did it none the less. He knew he had his hooks into you now, he just had to wait for you to realize it. Which wouldn’t take long.
Suddenly you found yourself drawn to him again, and you took a step towards his large, tall frame and reached up for him. You kissed him gently, reciprocating his kiss in kind; then deepening it. You tangled your fingers in his dark curls feeling how soft they were and his large hands gently wrapped themselves around your waist pulling you closer into his hot body; being careful not to scare you off like a frightened animal. His tongue pressed against your lips, seeking entrance and you parted for him, letting him invade your senses; needing him to tear down every wall you’ve ever built and giving you that freedom from yourself. His grip on your waist grew tighter, as he crushed you against him, feeling that his body was hard as a rock against yours.
When you finally broke away from him to catch your breath. He looked down at you longingly and brushed a piece of hair from your face.
“There she is.” He smirked.
Before you could ask what, he meant though suddenly you heard someone calling your name.
“Y/N?” It was Sabrina. “There you are? Where have you been? You’ve been gone for like the whole party.” She said coming into the room, you felt heat bloom across your cheeks as you were about ready to explain the situation of you being alone with some stranger making out by the soft drinks; but when you turned around Luce was gone.
“Y/N?” Sabrina asked, concern lacing her voice.
“Yeah- I” You said stuttering. “I’m sorry I guess I just lost track of time. The party is over?” You asked, feeling like the floor was about to fall out from underneath you.
“Yeah it’s been over for a bit now. I’ve just come to find you-” She quickly cut herself off. “Are you okay Y/N?” She said walking over to you, and placing her hand on your shoulder.
“Yeah I’m fine. I just- let’s just go home.” You said shaking your head, trying to clear the fog from your mind and trying to decide whether what just happened was actually real or not.
As you walked with Sabrina out of the little back room where you just shared a kiss with a complete you looked back to see if he would magically reappear as fast as he disappeared but he wasn’t there.
As you laid there in bed, you thought about the events of the night about Luce and his mysterious disappearance. Was he even real? Or have you finally lost your mind completely. You tossed and turned for what felt like eternity on your bed as your thoughts kept drifting to Luce. Thoughts about how soft his lips were, his large hands and how they felt against your hips; desperately needing them to go lower, and how his body felt against yours like it was meant to be there.
You sat up in bed, it’s obvious that you’re never going to be able to sleep; when your thoughts keep drifting in dangerous directions. You got up from your bed and looked out the window into the night that was brightly lit by the full moon hanging in the sky.
Maybe it was the full moon that was driving you crazy? But as you looked down to the forest edge that surrounded your house, you knew exactly what it was. Luce was standing there, staring up at you, even from here you could feel his eyes begging you to join him in the shadows.
You didn’t know what compelled you but you darted from your bedroom and did just that. You raced down the stairs taking them two at a time before you got to the back door and flung it open. But, stopped in the doorframe, making sure that he was still standing there in the shadows of the forest; he was. You walked towards him, slower than you did coming down the stairs but with the same sure-footedness and determination. You were determined to find some answer from this mysterious character for all you knew he was the reason you felt like you were being stalked.
When you approached him, he had a certain softness in his eyes as he looked down at you, taking you in again. You tried to shake off the warm feeling building inside of you, in order to get some answers.
“Who are you?”
He smiled but it held a hint of sadness and pain in it. He reached his hand up to your face and ran the back of his knuckles softly down your cheek; sending that bolt of electricity through you again, making you shiver. “You know who I am, Y/N. You’ve known from the first moment I spoke to you tonight. Didn’t you?” He said his smile broadening just a hair.
His clever girl. So clever, so beautiful.
You take a step back from his touches and he feels an ache deep in his chest.
Luce. Lucifer. It made sense, your paranoia, that sense of foreboding and that someone was watching you. It was him. But why?
“Why? Why me?” you asked, feeling a sliver of fear creep under your skin, at the idea of what he was capable and if he truly desired you why didn’t he just take you? The devil is not really known for being hesitant when it comes to taking what he wants.
He didn’t miss a beat in answering your question. “Because you’re beautiful. And powerful and the only woman in the universe who has bewitched me so; to the point where I can scarcely breathe without you being near me. Because just your presence alone coaxes the roiling place where my soul should be.” He advanced a step towards you, closing that small space between you once again. “Be with me Y/N. Be mine eternally and the universe shall be yours.” He said before pausing a beat and looking at you with such desperation and longing. “Please.” He whispered as he reached out to take a piece of your loose hair and twirl it softly around his finger.
Seeing that look on his face, you’d never seen that before; let alone ever had somebody feel that way about you. You felt that familiar pain in your chest, and knew what he felt; that loneliness that seems bottomless, but he could be your anchor and you could be his.
You reached out your hands to his chest, your touch surprising him. Your hands ventured up his chest and wrapped around his neck, pulling his lips down to crash onto yours. Your kisses gentle at first then turning needy as you deepened the kiss and tangled your fingers in those dark locks of his; wanting more of him.
He didn’t hesitate, to bend down and wrap his hands around your ass and hoist you up and wrap your legs around his waist. He finally had you and he’ll be damned if he ever lets you go. He would give you everything you desire, whether it be jewels, power, or the universe in the palm of your hand. He would do anything for you, because you bewitched him; he is withthin your thrall as much as you are withthin his.
You clutched tightly to his neck as he carried you towards the house, no worries that you’d be interrupted since no one was home. You placed sweet kisses on his neck and sucked under his jaw earning a growl of pleasure from him.
“Are you sure about this Y/N? Once your mine, I’ll never let you go.”
You placed your finger on his lips shushing him. “Be with me. Tonight, and all the nights to come. I’m tired of being withthin myself so much that I don’t allow love withthin my heart.”
He kissed you again, all of his longing and desire was pressed into that kiss as he kneeled down on the soft carpeted floor of the living room in front of the fireplace, which now had a fire roaring in its hearth. You sat on his knees as he knelt on the ground, cradling you to his chest; before laying you down softly on the carpet.
The fire played with the features of his face, making him look even more breathtaking than he did in the moonlight. You reached up and cupped his face, pulling him back down to you as you kissed you reached up to his chest and started unbuttoning his shirt, removing it swiftly and exposing his hard chest. He did the same to you, tracing his hands down your abdomen and finding the band of your sweat pants and dipping his hand inside, cupping your sex.
You let out a low groan, arching your hips into his touches, needing so much more from him. When suddenly, his finger dipped inside of you, making you gasp.
“So sweet for me Y/N.” He purred in your ear, and watched as you were coming undone under his touches. He took his thumb and rubbed soft circles on your clit making you moan louder. He watched you intently as you threw your head back, relishing his touches reaching for your release and when it came it was like a wave crashing over you.
He ate your moans as your walls clenched around his finger, before pulling out of you and reaching for the band of your sweats again and pulling down, exposing you to him. He drank you in and looked like he was going to eat you alive; which was definitely something he was going to do later, but not now. Now he’d take it slow with you, unless you said otherwise.
“Are you ready for me sweetness?” He asked his intense green eyes, blown wide. You nodded and reached for his pants but he stood up and you watched as he undid his pants and pulled them done his legs and discarded them easily, and kneeling back before you. He kissed up your body, and sucked on your neck lightly before he kissed your lips again. You could feel him line up with your entrance and only a moment passed before he pushed inside of you.
You both let out a low groan that seemed to mix together. He let you get used to him for only a moment before he started to move, his thrusts were slow and sensual as he rolled his hips into you. You gripped onto his back, sinking your nails into his back, and earning a low moan as your reward. He reached between your bodies and found your clit again. He rubbed it in faster circles, making you whimper from the pleasure.
“Luce.” You moaned, “I’m so close.”
“Let go sweetness. I’m here now.” He mumbled into your neck, placing sloppy kisses just under your ear making you shiver and adding to the increasing tsunami that was about to crash over you. He held your gaze as your orgasm ripped through you and he was soon to follow you into that sweet bliss.
#jade tries writing#requests for Jade#dark lord x reader#dark lord x you#lucifer caos x reader#lucifer caos x you#caos imagines#not my gifs#Smutty smut smut#Chilling Adventures of Sabrina#the chilling adventures of Sabrina#chilling adventures of sabrina imagines#chilling adventures of sabrina oneshots#luke cook
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Camping trip (Modern!Ivar/Reader)
A/N: This anon probably hates me💔 I’m really sorry, I have some requests that wanted to post much sooner but I was afraid of doing them when I still had the writer’s block, because I would do something really bad, and you don’t deserve that... I did it now, though! Nothing special but I really hope y’all like it😘
Btw, I'm so sorry for being so annoying with the norse mythology... I’m reading a lot about it lately and I'm just in love with that culture💞
Warnings: fluff (an attempt), very little smut, Ragnar and... My writing?
Words: 1569
"The dead will rise, and Fenrir, the wolf, will release himself from the chains, and will run until he stands before the sun and the moon, and will eat both of them mercilessly... Yggdrasil will tremble, and the nine worlds will convulse" his voice was soft, low and intense in your ear, his breathing hit your neck, and it made your tremble and bit your lip "Jormungandr will come from the bottom of the sea, and will fight Thor, who will kill the serpent but also die right after, Odin will perish between Fenrir's jaws, and Tyr will also be eaten, but by Garmr, the dog of Hel, and will be able to stab the beast's heart from the inside"
You jumped when suddenly he bit your neck, chuckling at your reaction. Then he kissed your cheek and leaned his head on yours again.
"Your father told you these stories when you were a child?" You asked softly, a smile dancing on your lips.
Ivar hummed, nodding.
"Yes; my father, my mother, Floki... I always asked them to tell me how Ragnarok will be"
You turned around to look at his pendant, the one that hang from a lace around his neck with the shape of Mjölnir, Thor's hammer.
"Well, that explains a lot" you smirked, and Ivar rolled his eyes, though his lips curved upwards "But if we ever have children, I'd prefer you wait until they're old enough before telling them someday the dead will rise and all of that, I don't want them being psychos like their father"
Ivar raised an eyebrow and looked at you, amused, as you kissed his lips softly and turned around again, resting between his arms.
It was nice, to relax on Ivar's arms, sitting on a fallen tree trunk with a small fire burning next to you, wrapped on a comfy blanket Ivar had packed for you -unlike him, you weren't viking and you actually felt the cold-, with no other sound than the soft breeze, some crickets and the crackle of the bonfire.
And Hvitserk snoring, inside one of the tents.
The Lothbrok Anual Camping Weekend, as Ubbe called it, was one of the few non-religious traditions the Lothbroks actually followed. It had started when Ivar was little, when Ragnar had some free days and decided to take his sons for a weekend away, to spend some time with them. Ivar had confessed to you it used to be his favorite time of the year, as he loved to spend time with his father, and sometimes Floki joined them. They always drove away from the city, and stopped somewhere near the sea, far enough from the closest town. Ivar told you they would eat, drink and talk for hours, telling stories about the Gods, or sometimes remembering embarrassing things from when they were children.
Ivar stopped liking the camping trip when Björn, Ubbe and Sigurd started bringing their respective girlfriends. Hvitserk brought a different girl each year, and it wasn't fun anymore when they were all making out.
But this year he invited you.
After some months dating, and after being completely sure his family wouldn't embarrass him too much in your presence -though you knew Hvitserk, with whom he lived, and that was probably the worst part-, he decided to introduce you to them. And then he invited you.
He expected you to say no, maybe frown and press your lips together, thinking he was too much of a weirdo for inviting you to a camping trip with his father and brothers to tell stories about nordic mythology.
But once again, you surprised him with an excited smile and a tight hug.
"Should we go to sleep now?" He asked you softly, noticing your eyelids were heavier and you had relaxed even more against his body. His fingertips had been caressing your arm, making you sleepy.
You were the last ones sitting next to the fire. Ubbe, Margrethe and Hvitserk had gone to their tent just after Björn and Torvi left for theirs. Sigurd had stayed, playing guitar and dedicating some songs to his girlfriend, Blaeja, as Ragnar sat with Ivar and you, telling you stories about the trickster God, Loki.
Eventually, all of them went to sleep, but Ivar and you stayed a bit. You enjoyed looking at the stars as he told you his favorite; Ragnarok. He was excited while talking, eager to share his culture with you, and that warmed your heart.
"I don't want to move" you muttered "It will be cold if we move"
Ivar chuckled.
"It's not even cold, Y/N"
"Yes it is, it's freezing, I'm not a viking like you"
"You're more viking than you think" he smiled, kissing your temple "But we'll freeze if we stay here the whole night"
You whined in protest as his arms abandoned you. The cold breeze made you shiver.
"Come on, let's go to the tent" Ivar chuckled as you stood up, taking his crutches so he could stand up.
After pouring some water on the bonfire to extinguish it, you both crawled into the tent. Ivar left the crutches aside and grunted softly as he took off his braces. You shivered and hissed in cold as you changed into your comfy pajamas. You envied Torvi and Margrethe, who wore cute little pajamas that were too sexy to be warm, but they didn't seem to feel the cold either.
When Ivar finished taking off the braces and changing into his sleeping clothes (some sweatpants and a basic t-shirt) and turned around, you were already under the blankets, with your hair in a messy bun and shivering.
He chuckled as he crawled to you, rolling his eyes when you whimpered in protest as he got under the blankets. Immediately, your arms went around his waist and your head leaned on his shoulder, sighing when you felt his warmth.
"It's nice" you spoke after a few moments, making Ivar open his eyes to look at you "All of this. I was worried your family wouldn't like me, or something like that... Or that I would ruin the mood being the stranger"
Ivar scoffed. He was nearly sure his family liked you more than they liked him.
"I'm glad you're enjoying it" he whispered "But please, stop saying nonsense, Hvitserk already adored you, and even Sigurd likes you" he rolled his eyes "And my dad"
You smiled. You already got along very well with Aslaug, and to know that Ragnar hadn't disliked you, knowing how much Ivar loved them, made you happy.
"Thank you for inviting me" you moved your head to kiss his cheek "Though I'd recommend a warmer place to go camping next time"
Ivar couldn't help but laugh softly.
"Come on, get some sleep" he whispered, sighing in pleasure when you pressed your body against his and closing his eyes.
You woke up when the sun was still raising. The sudden bright and the warmth woke you up, wrapped on Ivar's arms and with your face hidden on his neck. You tried not to move too much to avoid waking him up, but instead you relaxed with your eyes opened, looking at Ivar's face, with your hands absentmindedly playing with the Mjölnir necklace that rested on his chest. You didn't know how you got so lucky to call that man your boyfriend, but it seemed unreal. When the sunlight started bothering him, he grunted and moved in his sleep, his hands now cupping your ass and pressing your body against his.
Smirking softly, you brought your lips to his jaw, kissing his skin and traveling down to kiss his neck, easily finding his sweet spot.
Ivar moaned, and woke up immediately. His gorgeous blue eyes opened slightly.
"Good morning" you whispered, your lips against his skin.
"Yeah, good morning indeed" he moaned again.
Chuckling, you raised your head to kiss his lips. His hands gripped your ass even more and you smiled into the kiss, as Ivar pulled you on top of him. You cupped his face with your hands and deepened the kiss, while his surprisingly warm hands traveled under your shirt, caressing your waist and reaching your breasts. Moaning against his lips, you moved your hips against his.
"You'll be the death of me, woman" Ivar was breathless as you broke the kiss and your lips travelled down his neck again. He was already hard, and just when your hands roamed down his body to reach the hem of his sweatpants, the entrance to the tent opened, and Ragnar's voice startled you.
"Dad!" Ivar scoffed, sitting up with you still on his lap.
His head peeked out from the entrance; he had a playful smile on his lips.
"Sorry" he cleared his throat, though his smirk didn't show any regret. You blushed, hiding your face into Ivar's shoulder, embarrassed "Just wanted to tell you that breakfast is ready... And Hvitserk is awake, so I would hurry up... Now, I'm leaving" he chuckled "Enjoy"
"I can't believe him" Ivar sighed, rolling his eyes as his father closed the tent again "Gods, I'm sorry"
"Don't worry" you chuckled, still blushing and thinking about how you were going to look at Ragnar in the eye from now on "Are you hungry?"
"Yes" Ivar shrugged, tilting his head with an innocent smile "But not for food, so... Take off your clothes, love"
Tags: @mblaqgi @alicedopey @lol-haha-joke @hallowed-heathen @naaladareia @tephi101 @captstefanbrandt @love-hate-love @titty-teetee @readsalot73 @moondustmemories @thevikingsheaux @therealcalicali @chimera4plums @blushingskywalker @awkwardfangirl02 @gruffle1 @justacripple @love-dria @heartbeats-wildly @letsrunawaytotomorrow @inforapound @sallydelys @hellogabysblog @winchesterwife27 @hecohansen31 @youbloodymadgenius @xinyourdreamsx @funmadnessandbadassvikings @eteramfools @tgrrose
#ivar imagine#ivar x reader#ivar the boneless#modern ivar#vikings#vikings imagine#modern vikings#request
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Oh! I had no idea asks were open. On the header it says closed. I hope you don't mind if I spam you questions and asks lol. I mean, I'll do it in moderation of course! For this one, I'd like to know what your house, patronus and factor like favourite character/s is! And may I also known your hcs for the school aged BB characters' houses? Thank ya! Muah!
I should really fix that; anytime the askbox isn’t closed, asks are open! Gonna see if I can change up my header so it’s less confusing :)
Also, anytime it’s open, you can ALWAYS spam me with asks!!! :D
I hope I’m understanding the question right here! SO, I think my house would definitely be Hufflepuff! The quiz I took says my Patronus would be a swan! And does this mean my favorite Harry Potter character? Because that would absolutely be Snape!
And here’s some headcanons for ya, I can’t believe these got so long!!
I didn’t do all the school age characters because I felt that’d be a LOT for one post, so I ended up doing Cheslock, Ciel, Clayton, Edward, Joanne, Lizzie, and Soma! Feel free to request more if you wanna see others, once the askbox is open again!
This was really fun and thought-provoking, it took me a while to get done but I loved it! I was really into Harry Potter as a kid so revisiting the world in a new perspective was so great!!
Gryffindor for sure! Although he’s undeniably bold, and can certainly be brave, Cheslock tends to be an example of the other side of the Gryffindor coin; he’s reckless and impulsive, and often pulls pranks on other houses. ― And sometimes on the people he doesn’t like in his own house.
He’s a half-blood, with his genes being split, unusually, about 50/50. His father is a high-ranking individual with a perfectly pureblood lineage, and his mother is a muggle with no wizard heritage whatsoever.
While he’s generally good at heart, there are many other Gryffindors who can’t stand him because he’s forever costing the house five points here, ten points there… he’s also brilliant at bending the rules, toeing the line between an upstanding student and a rebellious troublemaker.
He doesn’t really excel in any of his core classes, but he gets good enough grades that he’s never flunked out of any of them. When he gets into second year, he joins the Quidditch team as a beater, and as soon as he’s able to add it in, his extracurricular of choice is, of course, music. He still loves the violin more than anything.
Legend has it he once got transfigured something on a teacher’s desk (it could have been a pen, it could have been an apple, could have been a wand, whatever suits the story better) into a flask of whiskey. Without getting caught!
Slytherin, natch, if only because he’s very shrewd and, if necessary, will do anything he needs to. Though his personality isn’t popular with a lot of the other students, even in his own house, everyone acknowledges that he’s actually a very good leader.
He’s definitely a pureblood, or at least he has so little muggle blood in his heritage that most people consider him so. Both of his parents were wizards, but there is some muggle blood a few generations back on his father’s side.
Curiously, he doesn’t care much about social standing or competitions or the like. That said, he still manages to earn Slytherin a lot of house points just by doing the things he’s good at and scoring exceptional marks on tests.
In his first year especially, he struggles with flying quite a bit, and he never really grows to be that skilled on a broom despite doing well enough to pass the class. What he lacks there, he makes up for in charms, and later, the study of ancient runes. He often needs a tutor in his other classes in the first year or two; in his later years, though, he becomes a tutor to younger students, especially for charm spells.
His housemates will vouch for the fact that he seems to get an awful lot of mail from his household back home. Some of it is letters. A lot of it is just candy… which he doesn’t even share!!
This boy is a Ravenclaw through and through! He places a high value on intelligence and is here to learn as much as possible. The Sorting Hat seemed to mull over for a while whether he ought to go in Ravenclaw or Slytherin. He’s surprisingly popular with his housemates, probably for his great intellect and his cool, focused demeanor.
He’s a half-blood, though with more wizard heritage than muggle. His mother is a near-pureblood, with most of her ancestors being pureblood wizards, and his father is a half-blood, with most of his parents also being half-bloods.
A good percentage of Ravenclaw’s points come from him. He performs well on exams, is an excellent tutor to the first- and second-years, and, though he can certainly be sadistic, typically doesn’t act on it or do anything that might cost them points.
He starts out being one of the best students in potions ― and in his later years, graduates to being among the top three in alchemy. As he matures in his classes, he also elects to take magical theory, which goes on to eventually be his chosen area of study during his wizarding career.
There was a year wherein he dated every single one of Prefect Lawrence Bluewer’s sisters in succession. Depending on who you hear the story from, Lawrence either is still pissed, or gave Clayton his blessing. Either way, awkward.
Absolutely Gryffindor, as if there was ever any doubt! He was sorted in record time, and he’s the other side of Cheslock’s coin ― a gentleman who always does the right thing, who aims to serve, a courageous young man with the heart of a lion. (That said, however, he and Cheslock are very much close friends, so he often gets swept up in his housemate’s nonsense.)
He’s very close to being considered a pureblood, if most don’t already think of him that way. His mother is a pureblood, and his father is a half-blood who’s more wizard than muggle.
Is constantly trying to make up points that getting involved in Cheslock’s aforementioned shenanigans has cost Gryffindor. At the very least, Edward usually manages to break even, so it’s as if said tomfoolery never happened. Ah, he gets sick of it, but he keeps letting himself get dragged along!
He’s an absolute wiz at flying, (pun very much intended), and starting in his second year, he eventually becomes Gryffindor’s star chaser in Quidditch. He could well make a living doing that in professional leagues. Instead, he also focuses on academia; excelling in charms and defense against the dark arts. Reportedly he’s one of the very, very few who also enjoys the lectures on the history of magic.
The younger students say they’ve seen it for themselves that his wand is outfitted with a sort of false bottom that hides a plain knife. They all wonder why that kind of wand would have chosen a fellow like Edward, or indeed why it exists in the first place!
He’s a Hufflepuff, and proud to be! Similarly to Edward, it didn’t take very long at all for him to be sorted. He’s on the shy side, especially for his first few years, but once he starts coming out of his shell, he makes a lot of friends… even in other houses! He still feels most comfortable around other Hufflepuffs, though. They just get him!
One of the handful of rare students who’s a full pureblood with very little, if any, discernible muggle blood in his heritage. Both of his parents are purebloods, which seems to surprise people, because despite his gentility, Joanne seems to struggle with the more intensive magical concepts.
He’s not all that concerned with points, because he’s pretty much just interested in his coursework. However, like Ciel, he tends to earn house points for Hufflepuff anyway simply due to the fact that he tests well, he’s always there to help someone if they need it, and he follows the rules.
It, er… takes him a while to get the hang of flying during his first year, and even then, he tends to stay off a broom if he can help it. His favorite of his core classes is herbology, and during later years, he absolutely blossoms when he starts studying the care of magical creatures. He’s just got such a soft spot for taking care of things. He’s also fond of arithmancy, which boggles people’s minds ― they think a difficult class like that would stress him out!
Whenever he can’t sleep, he often hangs out with the Friar. The two of them (along with possibly another Hufflepuff ghost or two) will just sit in one of the common rooms while Joanne reads, and sometimes the Friar will stay even after Joanne falls asleep in a chair.
Nobody better have anything bad to say about Hufflepuffs where she can hear it!! Unlike her brother, the Sorting Hat took a little bit with her, waffling between whether she would be a better fit for Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. Her undying loyalty, sweetness, and strength eventually got the choice made. Other houses might think them strange, but Lizzie is a very bubbly young lady and has made wonderful friends with nearly all her housemates!
Her similarities with Edward lie in their heritage. Most people think of her as just one step down from a full pureblood.
Although she doesn’t take competition too terribly seriously, she still wants to earn as many points as she can for her house. She’s very like Joanne in that she earns points by being very kind to everyone and helping where she can, and putting as much effort into her exams as possible.
Don’t let her petite stature and sweetness fool you ― she is a beast of a seeker once she works her way up there! Quidditch is just her hobby, though, as she much prefers charms and is shockingly very adept at potions. She also takes apparition lessons in her sixth year, and dabbles for a short time in divination. She also at least considers joining Joanne in the care of magical creatures, even if she might not end up doing it.
The fact that she’s dating Ciel, a Slytherin who is seemingly her opposite, is just incomprehensible to most people. There are those who say he must have slipped her a love potion or done some other spell on her. These rumors, however, are untrue. She simply adores Ciel, and that is all there is to it.
Many of his classmates are stumped as to why a prince was sorted into Hufflepuff! Then… they meet him, and it all makes sense. He’s made of sunshine and is astonishingly devoted to anyone he decides is his friend. And, well, he sort of attaches himself like that to everybody. Strange, everybody thinks? Maybe… but these are his people!!
He’s a half-blood, with a bit more wizard blood than muggle. His father is actually not pureblood; instead, his father is a muggle whose parents were both half-bloods, and it’s Soma’s mother who is a near-pureblood, a witch whose parents are a half-blood and a pureblood.
He’s rather unconcerned with the house points, preferring to concentrate on everything he can learn in his classes. There’s so much he doesn’t know! He often costs Hufflepuff points with some oblivious behavior, as well as his exam scores not being the best, but he also often earns just as many points with kind behavior toward other students.
He enjoys his astronomy class in particular, and seems to do very well in herbology even though it’s not his favorite. He joins Edward in being thoroughly fascinated by the history of magic. He also loves transfiguration, consistently getting the highest marks in that class. It might surprise everyone that he takes muggle studies as an elective ― that interests him too, okay! In later years he’ll probably need a lot of counseling to figure out what he wants to focus his attention on.
His friend and protector Agni literally kind of followed him to school because their bond is so strong. Agni’s a half-blood who works in the kitchen at Hogwarts, and lives on the grounds, so whenever Soma needs him, he’s there. Soma loves this! All his friends in one place!
#Black Butler#Kuroshitsuji#Hogwarts AU#Cheslock#Ciel#Clayton#Edward#Joanne#Lizzie#Soma#headcanons#AU#wow this was a lot of fun heck!!!!!#IT GETTED SO LONG oops#queued
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Headcannons for Levi taking care of his s/o who has PTSD after a mission. Thank you!
Okokok so I’m sorry. I read the ask completely wrong and when I went to post it I noticed you asked for HEADCANNONS. My stupid ass wrote a scenario. If you still want headcannons, don’t hesitate to send the ask in again. I’m so sorry I totally missed that lol
The story is under the cut because I went crazy and it’s hella long.
This mission started like any other but quickly turned into a bloodbath. A large group of abnormals had come out of nowhere, slaughtering the unprepared soldiers one by one. Your team had dropped like flies.
Your horse was long gone, startled away by the large man-eating beasts. You had nowhere to go. You look up to see an abnormal grasping another soldier, large hand crushing his ribcage, killing him instantly. Another scout flew by and sliced out the nape, killing the beast.
The scouts fought their hardest, and soon all the Titans in the area had been defeated. There were too many casualties and injuries to keep going with the mission.
“RETREAT!” You heart Commander Erwin’s voice bellow through the fields. Soldiers began to mount their horses and escape, but you were frozen. Stunned.
“Oi (Y/N)” Levi rode up to your shaking form. “If you aren’t hurt, get your ass up and focus on the mission.”
You knew you should listen to him. His words were harsh, but you knew he was trying to help you. You couldn’t help but feel like you deserved to die along with your comrades. You just sat there and watched all of them die.
Levi cursed under his breath. There was no way you were in any state to fight. He figured you were the only survivor in your squad when he saw the bloody cloak you were grasping. Witnessing the deaths of your comrades was not easy, especially when you lose everyone at once. He would know.
He knew you would blame yourself. He knew you’d feel guilty for not being able to save them. He saw it in your eyes. You were mentally shutting down to protect yourself from the pain. You didn’t want to grieve, so instead, you’d push that all away, leaving you a lifeless shell.
“Hey.” His voice softened. Now wasn’t the time for tough love. “Come on, get up.”
You didn’t look at him. You just stared at the cloak in your hands. Your best friend called your name when she was brutally ripped in half. You saw the light leave her eyes as large disgusting teeth chomped down on her fragile body. You couldn’t move. If only you had just moved.
Levi hopped off his horse and knelt down to your level, steel grey eyes boring into your shaking form.
“Come on. Let’s get you out of here.”
You stared at the cloak in your hands while Levi lifted you up, hoisting you onto his horse. Levi hopped on behind you, his hand gently pulling you back to lean against his chest. His hands found the reigns and with a quick snap, his horse began to gallop towards headquarters.
When you returned to the barracks, Levi immediately brought you to the infirmary to ensure you weren’t injured in any way. After getting a quick checkup, he took you to the showers.
Levi set you down in the bathroom. You hugged your knees to your chest, tears threatening to fall at any moment. Your mind was racing a million miles a minute, reliving the trauma. No matter what you did, you couldn’t quit seeing the massacre. Levi ran his hands through your hair, bringing you back to reality for only a moment.
Levi turned on the water, resting his hand beneath the faucet to test the temperature. His eyes glanced in your direction sadly. He knew you’d have to go through this sometime, but it wasn’t easy. You enlisted with your best friend. You went through the tough years of training together, and you were on the same squad for years. Losing someone that close to you would be difficult.
He knew. He felt lost and defeated after losing Isabel and Farlan. If he had stayed with them, who knows whether or not they’d still be here. He didn’t have anyone to help him grieve. Levi hoped he would be enough to help you through it.
After the water was warm, Levi’s fingers danced along the edge of your shirt, hesitating, wondering if he should even do this. Well, you were filthy. He was positive you wouldn’t want to wake up with blood caked on your skin. You sure weren’t in the position to take care of yourself.
He slowly untied the front of your cloak, resting it next to his kneeling form. His hands shook slightly when he unbuttoned your shirt. Why was he feeling like this? It certainly wasn’t the first time he’s seen you naked.
He knew he wasn’t the best at comforting. He didn’t have anyone there for him when he was struggling, so how was he supposed to know what to do? He loved you dearly and didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable in any way.
His hands shifted the shirt off your shoulders, fingers lingering against your skin. Once you were completely undressed, he set you in the shower, making sure to keep the water out of your face. He grabbed the soap and poured a generous amount on his hand and began to scrub your hair.
You closed your eyes at the gentle scrubbing. It reminded you of the times your mother would wash your hair when you were young. Back then things were a lot simpler.
Levi’s rough calloused hands were so gentle against your body, washing away the evidence of what happened earlier that day. You all but leaned into his touch. His hands felt good against your skin. You just wanted to be close to him, to fall completely apart, but you didn’t want him to think you’re weak.
Levi sighed as he turned off the water, tossing a fluffy towel over your head. He didn’t expect you to be this silent. Usually, you were so open. You never minded talking about how you felt, and Levi never minded listening. Even though it’s only been a few hours, he missed hearing your voice.
Once you were mostly dry, Levi hooked his arm under your knees and lifted you up, carrying you over to the bed. Your damp hair leaving spots on his shirt.
He gently set you down on the bed, pressing a kiss to your forehead before walking over to his dresser and grabbing one of his shirts out of the first drawer.
He helped you into the oversized shirt, then moved the covers aside to crawl in bed with you. You felt his muscular arms wind themselves around your midsection, fingers intertwining with yours. His slightly chapped lips pressed softly against your neck.
It was that moment you cracked.
Your body began to shake as tears streamed down your face, soft sobs escaping your lips. The images of each and every soldier’s death was racing through your mind. Your hands gripped your hair, pulling slightly. You curled up in the fetal position and sobbed.
Levi grabbed your hands, forcing you to release your grip on your hair. He pulled you into his chest, rubbing your back gently. His heart broke at your cries.
“I’m so sorry. If I had just- I’m so sorry,” you whispered against his skin.
Your hands gripped at his body, fingernails leaving small crescents in his skin. You held onto him as if he’d disappear if you’d let go.
You just wish you had done something to help them. Even if you had been injured or killed, you at least would have done something. Your breathing had become frantic and you were on the verge of hyperventilating. Your eyes widened, hands gripping Levi’s shirt.
Levi grabbed your face and pressed his forehead against yours.
“Hey, look at me.” Levi’s voice called out to you softly. “Breathe. Follow me.” You gripped onto his shirt, breathing along with him until you could breathe normally.
You were pretty shocked. Levi normally wasn’t this soft and sweet. Then again, you normally weren’t such a wreck. You felt an insane amount of love and affection well within you. Before you knew it, you threw yourself into his arms again, hugging him tightly. His arms wrapped around you, holding you tight against his muscular body.
“Nobody blames you.” He paused, trying to find the right words. “Your comrades… Their sacrifice will not have been in vain.”
His voice began to calm you. You pulled away from the embrace to place a kiss between his eyebrows.
“Thank you.” you sniffled a bit, slowly regaining your composure.
Levi slightly smiled, thumbs wiping away the last of your tears.
“I’ll always be here for you.”
Ok, I’m sorry it took me so long to write this one. This request really kind of hit an emotional spot in me. Anywho, I hope you enjoyed it.
Tags: @foolsettherulesinthisworld
#my writing#aot scenarios#my scenarios#levi ackerman#levi heichou#lance corporal levi#aot levi#captain levi#aot#snk#aot fanfiction#aot imagines#levi ackerman imagine#levi ackerman x reader#levi ackerman/reader#levi x reader#reader x levi#aot x reader#reader x levi ackerman#captain levi x reader#reader x captain levi#reader x aot#fanfiction#imagines#scenario#scenarios#levi scenario#levi imagine#levi scenarios#levi ackerman scenario
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