#thank you so muchhhhh I love it
anony-man · 2 months
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Got this gorgeous art in the mail from @jarofloosescrews and I couldn’t be happier… and it came with stickers!!
At this rate I might have to buy the other two prints as well. I LOVE it, and I’m still debating on whether or not I wanna frame it or just put it up on my wall now.
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holographic-mars · 6 months
have you read this ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/13310940#main ) fic before? it seems like exactly the kind of soundwave & cassettes dynamic you like!
That fic captivates the dynamic between soundwave and his eldest cassettes that I LOVE so MUCH it’s literally perfect. I cry every time.
URGGHH THEY TAKE CARE OF HIM SO MUCH. Ravage’s determination to provide for and protect soundwave,….. oh I’m so sick I’m so sick
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I slide this to you quietly....
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yeah I thought Sponge holding my main oc Froggo would be silly so yeah there's that lol
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It is silly! These fellas are gonna go hit the town and grab a slice! Nothing can stop em!
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caspersickfanfics · 6 months
I continue to force my sick Cyno agenda on innocent talented people and I cannot be stopped. This isn’t a fic request or anything I just want to share this brain worm
Cyno returning to Tighnari from work seemingly fine, a few scratches etc, but he’s VERY tired, so they do their song and dance of treatment and grounding and go to have dinner. And Cyno seems normal, until dinner is served and for whatever reason the normally iron stomach Cyno CANNOT handle whatever nari served. And it’s bad like he goes from fine to scrambling to the bathroom and Tighnari is just *surprised pikachu*
now here’s the thing- something nari served reminded Cyno of something he witnessed or had to deal with on his last mission. Maybe Cyno didn’t think whatever he saw or did, or ate, (who knows!! It’s a mystery ) affected him that much until it reappeared in this new context? Or maybe his body just has a knee jerk reaction to a perceived threat? Frankly I have no idea what it would be that caused this but the possibilities are fun. And! I like the idea of Cyno being equally shocked by his sudden nausea and it just totally ruining his night as his stomach just won’t stop churching
he would make tighnari SWEAR to never mention this to anyone ever, the General Mahamatra doesn’t get squeamish (and really he usually doesn’t) but Tighnari rolls his eyes and assures him that exhaustion plus *insert whatever the hell happened* would make anyone feel off something something comfort the end
Oh this is so freaking perfect for them!!!!! Absolutely brilliant.
I can think of a few things that could lead to this. One would be having a normal meal and then witnessing or experiencing something traumatic afterwards. Another would be a more direct tie -- eating something that was poisoned. And the middle option would be, Cyno got captured (and tortured or made to witness Horrors, etc.) and was forced to eat the same thing every day :(( Whatever it was, Cyno wasn't physically injured too bad, and he's had time to recover from that, so he figures "all's well that ends well" and doesn't linger on it much at all (avoidance is a symptom of trauma). Maybe there was someone else who went through it with him and they're not feeling great about it, so Cyno makes sure to get them situated and in a place to heal mentally, and then as he's leaving they're like "are you sure you're okay?" and he's like "yeah of course, I'm the General Mahamatra, so I'm always okay" and from that point on it's just no longer something that crosses his mind.
Tighnari can immediately see how tired he is, but is relieved to find no injuries. Cyno doesn't talk much, but that's typical, even more so when he's tired, and he just seems happy to see Nari.
I like the idea of Cyno sitting down to eat and he feels a bit nauseous from the smell of the food, but figures it's just the exhaustion. It's probably not an unfamiliar feeling for him after such a tiring job. He's not even slightly worried about it until the food is actually in his mouth and by that point his stomach is lurching. He's uncharacteristically clumsy as he scrambles out of the room.
It just crossed my mind that his job might mandate a certain level of confidentiality at times. So now I'm also playing with this idea of Tighnari, like, super worried because that was weird, and Cyno doesn't have a fever, but even after he empties his stomach, he's washed out, sweaty, on-edge. But Cyno's just sitting there in the corner of the bathroom, trembling like a leaf, mumbling apologizes for not being able to eat the food and saying stuff like "I can't– I just can't eat that" and shuddering when he thinks too hard about it. Tighnari's smart so pretty quickly he's like "did something happen at work?" And Cyno shrugs but obviously it's a yes. Nari's kind of frustrated, not at Cyno, but at the fact that he can't share his burdens. Cyno squeezes his eyes shut, but that doesn't do anything to stop the memories, and maybe he starts dry heaving. Tighnari just rubs his back quietly and tries not to imagine what Cyno must have experienced to have his body rebel so intensely. They spend the rest of the night trying to figure out how to make Cyno feel safe - maybe they trade huts with Collei or borrow an empty one for the night because the smell is triggering. Cyno can't stomach any food at this point, but tea helps. His body is so tired that he drifts off, but he keeps waking up from nightmares. Each time, he snuggles closer to Nari, who pretends to stay sleeping because he knows Cyno would feel baad for waking him. The third or fourth time Cyno wakes up, though, he's sick again, and Tighnari figures enough is enough. They spend the early morning hours playing cards. Tighnari is hardly paying attention to the game at all, instead choosing to focus on the conversation, sifting through their shared memories and deliberately bringing up the happiest, most comforting ones he can find, so that when Cyno falls asleep at the table, it's actually peaceful this time. Tighnari doesn't move him because he's sure it will wake him. He just keeps watch over him, playing with his hair, and feels devastatingly sad for whatever it was Cyno had to endure.
...I rambled as usual. I love this idea so much. I know you said it's not a request but I'm ngl I am kinda tempted to write this sdkjsfdjs (also!! I wholly support your sick Cyno agenda, please continue! XD)
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quailxcrossing · 3 months
43 & 17 for Rlioch
37 Auï and Fracture
35 Auï
1, 38 & 44 for Bartenn
16, 40 & 49 for Machwell
and 56 for Machwell and Bartenn LMAOO
YAYYYY HI!!!!! HEY FISH ohhohoho rubs my little hands together. delightful questions so delightful
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RLIOCH [43] Do they enjoy flirting or being flirted with?
nooooo but also yessss ? he's allo/allo, but simply doesn't prioritize relationships at the moment. he...does flirt, a little, in a weird way, and he doesn't mind being flirted back with, but only women he's interested in, or else he gets unreasonably pissed off. he's just a very difficult person to be with, i think...for many reasons. he has indeed been in relationships but they've been......mmmmm......
[17] What is their biggest struggle that no one around them is able to understand or believe? I'll imagine the "no one" in this question is our little protagonist troupe. I think the true answer to this question is a bit sppooilery of Rlioch's backstory, but I think its literally just that- Goat and his friends have a hard time believing Rlioch really has a backstory. it's not a great one, but I would never say Rlioch acts without motive. they just have so little sympathy for him, they can't understand he'd act under pretense but pure malice.
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[35] Do they like their own appearance, and what do they do, if anything, to alter it in any way?
MY GUY!!! ok ok Auï has had such an up and down relationship with his body.....from the biggest ego ever to so much crushing body dysmorphia, the answer to this question is not an easy yes or no. Auï understands, on some level, his appearance is likeable, and has qualities to be liked, but he feels so disconnected and uncomfortable in his skin that he used to literally shower fully clothed.
but he's getting better over time, and he's doing all sorts of little things to make himself feel more at home in his frame again- growing his hair out, for one! that was always something he had control over. he also is taking more time for his fashion, instead of simple greyscale clothing, he loves experimenting with alt fashion like his gothic outfits when he goes out and his silly graphic print shirts at home. his fashion has become a huge outlet for him.
Auï has two moods.
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both make him very happy :)
[37] How would they spend a lazy day when they have nothing specific to do?
he loves to laze....watch tv or videos, play clicker games in the basement on Vega's desktop (like Horse World Online), or nap/catch up on his rest, or he'll wander around and see what his friends are doing and watch them/join them. he's a simple lad. so tired. a day off is soooo desired...
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TURRIE (art by my friend @/tigtoggle!!) [37] How would they spend a lazy day when they have nothing specific to do?
probably find a little perch and sit around and doodle. if she wants to go out, she'll find some idle wandering and exploring to do around town, as she's still learning the area! she might also sleep tbh, but hanging off Cian is incredibly likely. she might find a little place in their backyard to sit and work in her sketchbook.
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BARTENN [1] What first impression do they typically make? Are they likeable from the get go, or take time to grow on people?
Depends on who are you are, i think! He gets along best right off the bat with people who share his humor, he can't help to rib at people when doing transactions, and a lot of folks find that offputting. he's just sorta an old dad. he's friendly, but teasing. so if people are as chatty and extroverted as him, they may have him likeable off the get go, but i know my scared fearful prey-animal self would be so unsure what to say to him
[38] What do they usually do or where do they go when they need to feel comfortable and safe?
He's most comfortable and safe at his gas station! he treats the whole place like his house. no one has the upper hand on him in there. he actually feels really vulnerable outside of the gas station, even to a certain degree in his own house, but he doesn't show it. bartenn is not one to ever let his guard down
[44] On a party, where would you find them?
most likely in a back corner with his friends, drinking and making idle smalltalk. he's not one for raging parties anymore- and he is NOT hitting the dance floor. dad is NOT breaking it down swagful style. he is not even going to try. his back hurts
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MACHWELL i like this guy
[16] Do they easily rely on others to help them out, or prefer doing everything themselves?
Machwell really prefers doing everything himself. he hates asking for help...which sucks because he really does need a lot of help in a lot of aspects of his life. his main "problem solving" tactic is "lay down and don't move for days on end" but he's FINE he's handling EVERYTHING and he doesn't Want anyone getting in his space anymore; he doesn't like feeling incapable, it makes him scared. so. regardless. bartenn will help him anyway. he's careful to make sure machwell doesn't feel coddled, but just enough to keep him from rotting to death on his couch. bartenn is actually one of the first people machwell met when he moved to their town, when machwell was in need of some SERIOUS help, and he's been quietly helping quill ever since. and machwell is helping him too!
[40] How picky they are with food, do they have specific dietary requirements based on their health or culture?
Machwell is a moderately picky eater, he has a couple of set meals that he really likes (usually with highly acidic, bitter ingredients) and he likes a lot of "controversial" food like bleu cheese, eggplant, and beef liver,,,so he's not really a classic picky eater, he's just more of a guy who often forgets to eat and then gets crazy cravings for a whole jar of black olives at 4am. (and he eats a lot and i mean a LOT of pineapple....canned pineapple is his favorite. he loves how it makes his mouth hurt.) he is lactose intolerant tho. this is not a relevant fact but its something that i know
[49] Do they possess any unexpected skill or knowledge that surprises others, and otherwise, what is something anyone would assume they know or can do, but in fact they don’t?
A little known fact about Machwell is that he was going to be a realtor before his life went extremely downhill. he was in trade school for it and everything- he dropped out because his ex-girlfriend-then-ex-wife thought it was taking up too much of his attention and time. but yeah Machwell will just randomly know a lot about housing markets work. and he gave his youngest son his crazy good math brain to wrap around all the transactions.
now. i know what you're thinking. "Quail, Machwell does not seem to have a single skill that is useful for being a realtor" (good communication, people skills, personable, friendly, emotional intelligence, etc etc) i know.....i never said he was a GOOD realtor! just noting he was a lot of unexpected knowledge in that area :D
the silly grand finale
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[56] How would they react to hearing a dirty joke? Bartenn loves making them, so assuming he's not the guy making it, he's laughing and egging it on. dirty jokes are just like dad jokes between dads (????)
Machwell takes them at face value.
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straysimagined · 4 months
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hello!! so it's been eight months, but i think i finally have the motivation to write here - with the help of a new muse i've fallen in love with, of course! LIKE THIS POST if you'd like a starter from H.G. Wells, who can be found in the bsd light novel 55 minutes.
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shey-pancake · 11 months
They way you use colors has me screaming it's literally gorgeous my gods
It's like biting into taffy every time I look at it, you are so talented
dude this melts my heart into a rainbow puddle 😭😭💞
rlly thank you so much, I appreciate it GREATLY FR YOUR WORDS ARE SO BEAUTYFUL TO ME 🥲 💗 AHHH /pos
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boronatom · 9 months
Have a compilation of some of my favorite works this year :D
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A lot of my drawing happened during these last few months so a few of these are pretty old lol
Anyhow I am so grateful of the attention that I got this year, having one of my posts not only get over 100 notes but currently over 3 THOUSAND just blows my mind and I’m lowkey tearing up bc of all the love for my art in these few months
I’ve gone through a lot this year, maturing as a person and trying to find happiness in life and I feel I found my happiness here posting online and exploring my passions, even if I get burnt out at times -w-
Regarding requests I’m gonna be working on them gradually as I have smth planned for tomorrow after new year’s celebrations and the likes so stay tuned for ur request drawings in the next week (also I’m extremely sorry for taking so long I got super burnt out after drawing for 40 days straight and now I can maybe get out once piece every few days at most, BUT I still want the arts I do for others to be at the same quality of my others so I’m taking special care for them, thus why they’ll take longer)
Anyhow I’m probably gonna ugly cry once the ball drops (of joy dwww :p) I hope all of you have a spectacular 2024 and cheers to another year of passion through art!!!
And to my mutuals specifically: y’all are really cool and keep doing cool things, y’all the best :D
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jtownraindancer · 1 year
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Guess what I totally forgot I pre-ordered~
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waterfallofspace · 9 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU LOVELY ANGEL!!!! i hope it’s a wonderful day you deserve it
aghaughuaghuh!!~ Thank you so much bean!~ (from how I think of you as snz-bean, I hope it's alright if I use that haha, feel free to tell me if it isn't!!) 😭😭💗💗 You're always so sweet, and I'm so honoured to have you here!!~
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jvzebel-x · 11 months
“I want to remember you as you were.
Not some debris floating along the sea wall.
Not motionless flung across the rocky shore.
I want you back, breathing and selfish as ever.”
oh, i love this. this is exactly up my alley. thank you so much. 💘🏝🌊
i'm not sure if you wrote this or not, anonymous friend, but i definitely went looking for it&couldn't find anything. whether it's yours or not, it's lovely&i'm probably gonna think about it a lot. so thank you again. ♡
(&if it is yours, please don't be afraid to share more. :))
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biohazard-inevitable · 8 months
2, 16 and 25 for you and Crocodile?
AAAAA YESSSSS!!! Thank you for asking!!!
Original ask game here
2. What are your pet names for each other?
Zayne: I usually just shorten his name, calling him things like Croc, croccy, and sometimes just Sir when in more formal settings.
Crocodile: He likes it when I call him little one… its amusing really~
16. What do you find the most attractive about each other?
Zayne: big…. Hes so big….. l-like tall I mean! Hes a giant of a man and could pick me up with one hand and thats kinda hot.
Crocodile: he’s oddly adorable, with a curious sense of chaos. Its cute how little he fears the things I do, what I’m capable of… and admittedly. Its attractive to have someone so fearless by my side. Makes some things easier, while others can be a bit more difficult.
25. What is something they do that cheers you up instantly?
Zayne: He holds me very well, hes so big that his hugs provide pressure on all sides and its very relaxing! Helps me to destress and even better when he praises me during it!
Crocodile: its hard to stay mad at an animal, and admittedly I have a soft spot for some creatures. The little brat knows how to use that to his advantage very well, turning into a fox to beg me for things. It works though, a little too well.
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eepygeto · 1 year
Sae 🤍🤍 I actually really love reading your self-ship thoughts so I’m sending you 😍😘 for the game!!
Tina my love 🤍 thank you for enjoying my self-ship thoughts 🥺🤧 and also for sending in the ask 🥰
😍: Name your three favourite things about your f/o
suguru : how deeply he loves, his cute (⸝⸝◝ ◡ ◜⸝⸝) face & how well he can fight
toji : how flustered he gets when i show him affection, he always shares his ramen with me, HIS BEAR HUGS!!! 🧸
😘: What’s your f/o’s favourite thing about YOU?
i feel like both of them would love how much i love them 🥺🙈 they both deserve so much love, and i will give them all the love i have to offer 🖤
self-ship asks~
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tinycoffeeroom · 2 months
you and i | lando norris
face claim: bela juliana ♡
request: here !
pairing: lando norris x leclerc!reader
requested: Can I request a social media AU leclerc reader x lando based off of the song ‘You and I’ by Rita Ora Thanks so muchhhhh
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris and 679,154 others
y/nleclerc oh to be the girl someone writes love stories about
fan I WILL!!!!! give me 10 minutes and garage band i can pull it off!!! ♥️ y/nleclerc
alexandrasaintmleux every love song is about you gorgeous girl x ↳ y/nleclerc when are you gonna stop pretending you like my brother and just date me instead x ↳ charles_leclerc ?? rude.
landonorris d4vd is so good! can't wait for his show in london :)
lewishamilton pipe is right there 😉 ↳ y/nleclerc that is NOT a love song sir lewis hamilton!!!! ↳ charles_leclerc back off grandpa i will put sand in your petrol tank ↳ lewishamilton woah calm down there bud i was joking i promise ↳ y/nleclerc play nice boys ↳ charles_leclerc he started it ↳ y/nleclerc well stop, i dont want ferrari in my dm's telling me y'all are throwing hands on the grid ↳ georgerussell63 if they do, can someone film it? ↳ y/nleclerc ffs
carmenmmundt prettiest girl in the whole wide world 🩷 ↳ y/nleclerc MWAH MWAH MWAH love you carm 💜
francisca.c.gomes getting ed sheeran on the case rn ↳ y/nleclerc i still bawl my eyes out to cold coffee nearly daily ↳ pierregasly really y/n? ed sheeran? ↳ y/nleclerc ok mr listens to crazy frog when he thinks no one can hear
fan lando being the only one y/n airs everytime ☠️ ↳ fan feel bad for him at this point 😭 ↳ fan y/n you want a lover boy, he is RIGHT THERE
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y/nleclerc uploaded 3 pictures to their story
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[caption: y/nnies song recs of the day] replies:
charles_leclerc need to find you a boyfriend immediately so you'll stop posting sappy songs on ig ↳ y/nleclerc as long as its not one of your colleagues ↳ charles_leclerc whats wrong with them? :((( ↳ y/nleclerc i hear enough about cars from you i dont need it from them too
landonorris iris is a certified BANGER
heidiberger wanna go get coffee?? i need you to give me new songs for my danny playlist ↳ y/nleclerc y'all are so gross but yesssss ↳ heidiberger i think you misspelt cute 😋
fan y/n can i recommend turning page by sleeping at last? i'm not sure if you have it on your playlist already ❤️ ↳ y/nleclerc team edward FOR LIFE!!!! was one of the songs that got me into my lover girl era ❤️❤️
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris and 607,285 others
y/nleclerc garden party with my favourite leclerc saint mleux ❤️
charles_leclerc wow i see how it is... ↳ y/nleclerc not my fault your son is cuter than you ↳ oscarpiastri aw i knew you thought i was cute 🥰🥰 ↳ y/nleclerc the cutest piastri-leclerc! come round for tea soon, i miss my nephew x ↳ oscarpiastri will you make that pasta dish again? ↳ y/nleclerc i will just for you! ↳ landonorris osc save some for me please ↳ oscarpiastri get your own y/n this ones mine ↳ landonorris just you wait
fan the adoption is going strong i see ↳ fan i think y/ns the biggest instigator for it 😭
alexandrasaintmleux am i your favourite saint mleux? 🥺 ↳ y/nleclerc always x
landonorris leo!! miss my little man ↳ fan day 2947 of y/n airing lando ↳ fan leave him be, his little crush is cute
arthurleclerc if leo's your favourite leclerc saint mleux, am i your favourite leclerc? ↳ y/nleclerc not even close, that spot is for maman only ↳ leclerc_pascale 🥰🥰
fan where's the dress from?? its so gorgeous!! ↳ y/nleclerc it's from a little boutique in monaco! let me see if i can find some alternatives online 💜 ↳ fan my queen thank you!!!
fan oh to be at a garden party with the leclercs...
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charles_leclerc uploaded to their story
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fan you and alex are so cute ↳ charles_leclerc 😉🤫 ↳ fan what does that mean im scared
fan alex was wearing a floor length dress,, whomstdve is THAT mr leclerc?
arthurleclerc i don't like the way he was looking at her ↳ charles_leclerc don't you dare say anything ↳ arthurleclerc you want.. lando???? to date our sister ↳ charles_leclerc oh he's absolutely smitten, it's cute
y/nleclerc is... is that me and lando? ↳ charles_leclerc you guys looked so cute i couldn't help it ↳ y/nleclerc stalker alert!!! ↳ charles_leclerc deflect all you want, i know you liiiike him ↳ y/nleclerc 🙄🙄
landonorris mate can you send me this please? ↳ charles_leclerc yeah sure 😉
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and 679,253 others
y/nleclerc i believe the kids call it serving cunt
alexandrasaintmleux most gorgeous girl in the whole wide world 🩷 ↳ y/nleclerc come give me a kiss xx
charles_leclerc ??!!!?!?!?!???!!!! text me rn!! ↳ y/nleclerc i'm busy ↳ charles_leclerc i have a key to your flat, i'm not afraid to use it ↳ y/nleclerc damn ok so needy
arthurleclerc and who is that. ↳ y/nleclerc why do you wanna know? ↳ arthurleclerc oh god its Him isn't it? ↳ y/nleclerc you say that like its a bad thing 😭 ↳ arthurleclerc it is
fan UMMM??? 3rd pic???? deets please miss y/n ↳ y/nleclerc if all goes well, i'll give you all a full debrief
fan never mind the man DATE ME!!!! ↳ alexandrasaintmleux ^^ ↳ lilymhe ^^ ↳ lilyzneimer ^^ ↳ alexalbon charles stop bringing your sister to races i dont know if i can fight PLEASE ↳ y/nleclerc you would lose with those lanky arms wimp
fan poor lando in the likes... watching the girl he fancies go on a date with someone else ↳ fan how do you know he fancies her? ↳ fan he's constantly in her comments even if she airs him, he gets the goo goo eyes whenever she's near and don't even get me started on hungary 2022 ↳ fan ... please continue ↳ fan ok SO! she was in the paddock before the race and some guy came up to her and was asking her for a photo and then he asked her on a date ??? like dude use critical thinking skills for one second ... lando was across the paddock with daniel and there's a photo of him somewhere staring DAGGERS into this mans soul... charles came over and shooed the man away and lando literally deflated.. i'll see if i can find the photos ↳ fan tag me in them please ↳ fan me too! ↳ fan me three!! ↳ charles_leclerc me four!! ↳ fan CHARLES???
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y/nleclerc uploaded to their story
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and 708,256 others
y/nleclerc flowers from lover (?) boy :)
fan oh she's down Bad ♥️ y/nleclerc
fan guys dont call me delusional but i think she's dating a driver ↳ fan charles would burn the world down before he would let that happen ↳ fan i gotta say... they have a point, remember when they did that tiktok where they asked drivers who they would introduce their sisters to on the grid and charles said lando immediately ↳ fan and then they did the f2 gang and arthur threatened to kamikaze anyone who tried to go near y/n? ↳ fan going off the comments i'm putting 2 and 2 together and getting 4 ↳ y/nleclerc ironic ↳ fan Y/N??????
fan pls show us lover boy its been 84 years i am begging you ↳ y/nleclerc it's been like 3 months silly but soon :)
charles_leclerc i know i should feel sick seeing you so happy but it's nice to see you be treated how you deserve ↳ y/nleclerc charlie 🥺 ↳ alexandrasaintmleux he's giggling and kicking his feet rn ↳ charles_leclerc wow ↳ fan ik he's picked out a suit for the imaginary wedding ↳ charles_leclerc i reject that statement ↳ alexandrasaintmleux it's bookmarked on his laptop
landonorris pretty flowers! ↳ y/nleclerc thank you :)
fan ???!!!!! SHE REPLIED TO LANDO???? ↳ fan i know he's squealing rn ↳ fan adding it to my "y/nlando dating REAL" spreadsheet ↳ fan omg share the link ↳ charles_leclerc yeah share the link ↳ fan this feels like confirmation but we all know charles lives for the drama
leclerc_pascale don't forget to bring him to the garden party tonight! ↳ fan another one? ↳ y/nleclerc we do them quite often in summer!! it's an excuse to drink champagne at 3 in the afternoon ↳ fan ur so real for that
carmenmmundt lover boy 😔 that should be me ↳ y/nleclerc i've got two hands for a reason babygirl x
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y/nleclerc uploaded 3 pictures to their story
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[caption 3: lover boy (no ? this time)] replies:
landonorris lover girl ❤️ ↳ y/nleclerc lover boy ❤️
charles_leclerc photo creds? ↳ y/nleclerc nope!
alexandrasaintmleux its not too late to run away with me x ↳ y/nleclerc meet me at the port at midnight, we can steal charles' boat xx ↳ alexandrasaintmleux y/n it's charles i will bomb the port. ↳ y/nleclerc oh you're Crazy crazy ↳ alexandrasaintmleux only for her ↳ y/nleclerc gross... put my gf back on the phone
fan the sign 🥹 we need to know all the deets ↳ y/nleclerc all i will say is he gave me a mixtape :))))) ↳ fan A MIXTAPE??? LIKE A PHYSICAL MIXTAPE??? oh we stan
fan WHO !!! IS !!! LOVER BOY !!! ↳ y/nleclerc all will be revealed soon ;)
arthurleclerc maybe he has rights ↳ y/nleclerc shush you love him ↳ arthurleclerc thats before he started fancying 🤢 you 🤢
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and 789,502 others
y/nleclerc he may not be able to write me love songs, but his voice is my favourite melody ❤️
fan we've officially lost her boys 💔💔
carmenmmundt just looked at george and sighed ↳ georgerussell63 ?? why am i catching strays?? ↳ lilymhe me with alex ↳ alexalbon what he say fuck me for?
fan lover girl x lover boy era <333333 ♥️ y/nleclerc
fan guys that's lando's necklace i'm like 99.9% sure ↳ fan you're onto something there lemme look at pap pics from the last race!
fan guys the flowers are orange... papaya even...
landonorris the guy sure likes his bouquets ↳ y/nleclerc yeah he's a real romantic 😋 ↳ fan WHERE'S THE FAN WITH THE SPREADSHEET ↳ fan I'M HERE !!!!! typing as fast as my fingers can handle!!!!
alexandrasaintmleux just so you know charles is crying at the caption ↳ y/nleclerc big softie x ↳ charles_leclerc i just have a lot of feelings :(((((
arthurleclerc i will allow him to live another day ↳ y/nleclerc i'm sure he's shivering his timbers rn ↳ arthurleclerc >:((((
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👤 landonorris liked by landonorris, alexandrasaintmleux and 903,185 others
y/nleclerc lover boy x
fan miss rabbit has fainted
fan spreadsheet fan we just got a HUGE update ↳ fan i'm gonna break my laptop in 2 with my bare hands
charles_leclerc :))))) my scheme worked ↳ y/nleclerc i still hate when you do that shit ↳ alexandrasaintmleux same 🙄
landonorris lover girl x ♥️ y/nleclerc
landonorris so gorgeous, i love the way you look tonight xx ↳ y/nleclerc you said the same thing the night we danced together 🥺 ↳ landonorris i meant it then and i mean it now x
mclaren scuderiaferrari we stole your girl xx ↳ scuderiaferrari you and your ugly colours can get BACK 🤺🤺🤺 ↳ fan the girls are fighting!! ↳ mclaren UGLY COLOURS??? oh its on
carlossainz55 now he'll stop blowing up my phone about you ↳ landonorris nah now i can just annoy you about how cute my GIRLFRIEND is ↳ oscarpiastri you've been dying to say that, haven't you? ↳ landonorris mate i thought i was going to die
fan sorry can we circle back around to charles saying his scheme worked??? ↳ fan yeah charles_leclerc spill. ↳ charles_leclerc a magician never reveals his tricks ↳ y/nleclerc he forced me and lando to talk at the garden party and then pretended to get a phone call from ferrari so he could play eternal flame over the speakers ↳ charles_leclerc y/n :(((( ↳ y/nleclerc you used my love song weakness against me, you don't get to have secrets
alexandrasaintmleux can't believe he stole my girl :( ↳ y/nleclerc you know my heart is always yours x ↳ landonorris WOMP WOMP i didn't pine for years to share
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a/n: thank you for requesting!! i think i've listened to the song about 400 times writing this! needed a lil break from the gote series and this was the perfect thing to get me out of my slump <3
taglist: @golden-hoax
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sevenyeargap · 2 years
hope you are feeling better!!! sending lots of love!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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marksmelodies · 10 months
hii! can i request for nct dream text au where dreamies want to have sex with their partner but she’s on her period? hehe thank you! love your text au so muchhhhh <3
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idk what my obsession is with jisung and minecraft but he would be so fun to play with
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