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technically-human · 2 days ago
goth agent stone is something i've been spinning in my head for the past couple weeks... i've been into goth for, oh my god around a decade now (albeit on and off) so i hope you don't mind if i ramble some thoughts at you as a jumping off point? it's a bit of a niche headcanon so i'm delighted to share it with someone ;; this is a bit of a long one sorry so feel free to ignore it lol i won't be offended
i can imagine stone as having quite a corp goth lean: pinstripe pencil skirts, black trench coat over a suit, cat eye sunglasses, eyeliner!! that sort of thing. not all that different to what he usually wears, just... spookier! i can imagine him in a lot of black leather too, given the whole motorcyclist thing. robotnik might be similar but with more DRAMA. he's a supervillain he's got style he's got flair he's got ribcage patterns sewn into his jacket.
and since stone's someone who sews (and is clearly quite good at it) he'd have so much freedom!! can't find the perfect ruffly blouse? make one! in the '80s especially goth fashion was about hand me downs and DIY he'd be so at home
as for music!! that's the real heart of it. i can imagine them both enjoying the classic, 80s goth roots type of music but i've always pictured robotnik as having an industrial/metal/rock lean. stone feels like he'd be happy listening to whatever robotnik wants to listen to, honestly, as well as some of the dreamier stuff like cocteau twins. music to sway and yearn to.
but uhh anyway if you want a peek into goth culture i'd recommend watching or reading interviews with bands like specimen and fans at the bat cave or just on the street, there were a lot of news outlets that interviewed goths back when it was this really crazy new thing. i'm especially fascinated by the ones from the '80s but there's some excellent modern bands too :-3 and for a look into '90s and 2000s goth there's of herbs and altars' storytimes, please mind the content warnings on them because they're quite heavy but i credit dorian with getting me back into goth after i'd basically abandoned it in my teens.
i did a little happy dance when i saw you were thinking of looking into this stuff, i'm very passionate and this is really just scratching the surface. i could go on and on as all my friends are very aware ;; but i'll stop now. thank you so much if you read all this
Rambling is a love language and I would never ignore someone rambling at me. Feel free to ramble more, even! My DMs are open if you'd prefer!
This goes to everyone, actually. I am very very shy and socially awkward, but I ADORE IT when people talk to me about stuff they love. Everyone is welcome to! I love listening, as my girlfriend would tell you, and I love learning. No excuse needed, you can pop up like "hey I feel like talking about polar bears" and I'll pay attention.
That being said ohoho, this is great! Taking notes, taking notes, thank you so much! I can tell you've put a lot of thought into it. I do agree Robotnik would be far more dramatic with his clothes kinda like that scene in Megaming where he gets his evil outfit ready and I wouldn't be surprised if Stone is the one designing his outfits!
I can also picture this:
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starscelly · 2 days ago
hi there. i like miro and want to write him but i dont know his personality. can you rec me some content showcasing his personality? thank you and i love your blog btw ^^
anon i literally like. squealed upon receiving this ask... you have unlocked a joy in me like none other. let's get into the Contradicting Personality of miro heiskanen!!!!
disclaimer i'm gonna ramble a lot + provide a bunch of mostly articles i'm quoting throughout, but at the end i throw together a collection of Purely Videos recs as well!
1. off the bat the FIRST thing that is very consistent and true across every article u will read about Miro the Guy is that he's so calm. like Too calm.
like how his mother talks about in this article "Nothing really fazes him, going back to when he was a small child. His mother Mia Mattinen remembers times where the family would joke that young Miro was too calm; all he wanted to do was put on skates and wait for his dad to get home from work."
or her recalling a different example of Young Miro Calmness here: "His calm demeanor was also ingrained at a young age. Mia remembers moments from Heiskanen’s youth career, big goals or wins, when Miro would simply smile and nod rather than celebrate like the other kids on his team."
in this article Also about young miro, it talks abt how everyone is very hyped up for him and he's just like. okay. and he even acknowledges how kinda Weird that is: "With all the hype around Heiskanen and the lofty comparisons circulating around his game, it feels like the only person not getting caught up in the excitement is the 19-year-old himself. “I try to just stay calm and not think about too much,” Heiskanen said. “I guess I’m a little strange.” “He was always like this,” Mia added. “Always so easy going.”
him not reacting at all to ben bishop coming at him in a trex costume also. i guess
so basically. He's a big chiller! He is Not easily stressed he's not too frantic he's pretty laidback and calm, especially in high pressure situations ...... there will be some contradiction with this later. but we move.
2. he has a Healthy ego. a Good confidence. i can't find the article that mentions what im specifically thinking of ): but trust there Was one that talked abt how his north american counterparts (harls, iirc, specifically) got clowned a bit for being too cocky despite miro exhibiting the Same Behavior but hes European so he Gets Away With It. here's some specific relevant quotes from him and others abt it :3
From the same article as before talking abt 19yo Miro:
"There’s a healthy ego in Heiskanen’s game.
He’s not cocky, but he knows that he’s able to do things with the puck that very few people on the planet are capable of.
'The funny thing with Miro is the unbelievable plays he makes, the ones that everybody notices,' Montgomery said. 'It’s when you notice genius in his play and when you talk to him about it, he’s like, ‘Oh, you are recognizing my genius.''"
This article from before his draft where he just outright says he thinks he's the best dman in the entire draft. icon.
and this was on a broadcast a couple years ago so no archive of it but razor was talking to miro a bit about how like, he did x, y, and z amazing thing on the ice and did he realize what he was doing etc etc and miro. just responded. "i know when i play well" . like a total brush off like fdsjkfks i have to laugh. my beautiful cocky girl
3. a little sweetheart!
many many articles discuss how miro is very introverted and shy and humble! most, even. it's the consistent thing brought up when he's being talked abt as a person probably
this article is very sweet and i recommend reading the whole thing but he basically still goes to the arena he grew up playing in, stays down to earth, is very selfless and giving, etc
he does a camp every summer with little kids and its very sweet and fun .. here's a short video the stars uploaded about it!
here's a timestamped link to a video where miro and roope talking abt the best/worst chirps in the league and miro says he Sucks at chirping and roope agrees because "he is probably too nice, miro" :3
4. also a little bitch! sometimes!
okay this is more anecdotal or whatever i guesssss but ... he gets away with being bitchy bc of how often he is caught being quiet and sweet. but hes a big eye roller and complainer Secretly. also works with his big unbridled confidence lmfao
him laughing at kivi for having to pay so often on the road for the finns dinners + immediately throwing suter under the bus for being cheap
him making fun of otter
"who has the worse jokes, esa or miro?" "it's okay, you can be honest, it's esa" okay lol
honestly lets just. a series of gifs i've made of him being an ass lol
him calling a player a fucking bitch
him delighting in beefing with an opposing player
him trying to kill someone (on jake's behalf!)
"what the fuck is that?"
"what the fuck!"
game misconduct generational crashout...
launching stĂŒtzle. of all people. into the boards for no reason
he loves to yell at refs idk
and again
he like grabs/hits one here idk!!
5. but above all. he has no personality. do not forget this.
his phone background is grey. is just grey.
his only hockey decor in his home (as of 2019) was a stars schedule (this whole article is a personality goldmine i highly rec it!)
in many ways he is a deeply complex and interesting person. in many ways it also seems like he just sits in his room blankfaced until he has to go onto the ice. i think his life is a little bit of both.
6. misc personality-ish showcasing stuff that i cant recommend watching enough!!!
whole open ice video dedicated to him (that my currently blog name came from! not starscelly the other one)
this entire thread of his nhlwam interview (these r always good theres a couple of these lol)
and this is one of the other ones!
and the last one of them probably? this is my fav one tbh
the stars did a diff feature on him when he was going to the asg 2019... hes a little awkward on account of being 19 years old but hey! its cute its fun
also the whole feature they did when they went to finland! not Too much of him but . he's there ! you see incomparable joy at being home etc etc
him trying to joke around with roope. idk. theyre silly
girl who does not handle frustration well
miro and roope are sometimes made to do these videos... theyre very stilted and awkward
but starsmin is insistent that that is just how they talk LOL so do with that what you will
MIRO GIGGLE COMP to end this current Slew of Links
I HOPE THAT WAS AT ALL HELPFUL.... i def rec reading through all the articles i linked as well, they're not too long and theyre good resources on All Things Miro... i'm also happy to answer any followup questions to the best of my ability :3 i pray i did not forget anything major :3 i love my little sweetie who is also the world's most massive bitch <3 <3
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amikoroyaiart · 15 hours ago
Your fox inspired my commander fox cosplay :) anyways, I know you're on the jivyk ride right now (those cottagecore peices are so cute and homey) but. Your fox, was my first fox lol, recently my fox helmet became my current comfort object (weird how a helmet can become that, it's usually plushies for me) but, while I'm here. What sort of Commander Fox x Reader fics do you reccomend? I'm seriously needing new reading material and while my second husband (Boba Fett) has some delightful romance stories (most of which directly inspired my own musing) He really doesn't have much.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious about what kind of partner fox is and how he measures up to Boba, but I'm also doing research for a good way I can comfortably represent our poor man when I make cosplay videos (@schrodingerscosmicabomination on insta if you wanna see my second ever video I've done of him which is a direct love letter to him)
Sorry for rambling your ear off, it's 230am est, I've barely slept for 3 days straight ;w; love your art, more fox please, and maybe Daimyo Boba? I'm curious as to how you'd portray him :3
(Art gift from a friend Chicken_Godz on discord, Boba is husband, Boba is life, Boba is the legit reason why I'm pushing myself so hard in therapy and leave every session super raw. I want to fully feel worthy of his embrace and never hinder him uwu)
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Aww thank you for your message! I am so happy you guys still remember my Fox! I did not forget about him, he is still in the back of my head living his best life. Maybe I will draw him soon, I miss him as well!
As for the fanfics I cannot help. Most of the Fox fics I’ve read had no ship with it, mostly just bros being bros and I am not reading ‘reader’ fics. They are not my cup of tea. Maybe some followers here will help you!
And never be sorry for rambling about anything. My askbox is always open and I am happy to talk more about anything here đŸ„°
And I agree, Boba is one of the best!
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infinitelibrary · 1 day ago
So I read this last night hoping for a nice little shot of bedtime reading. What I got was a chapter - yes, a SINGLE CHAPTER - that carried me through a whirlwind of emotions. Everything from awe 😼 to spice đŸ„” to angst and heartache 😱 to absolute LOVE (*gasp* the L word!!!)❀ and happy tears đŸ„č. And again, I repeat: all this in a SINGLE CHAPTER. I think that speaks volumes to your skills as a writer, so let's make that very clear. I read this no less than 3 times last night itself. And then at least twice more this morning, just so I could take notes and digest and be coherent when I came here to reblog and give you my thoughts. (as you can tell, that was pointless bc I'm still rambling.)
Also fair warning - this is LONG, and I don't feel like putting it under a cut but just know there are spoilers galore. Consider yourself warned.
First off...In the Soop Yoongi at the beginning. oh you can bet your ASS I noticed him! I will always notice him! 😍
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THANK YOU!! I know it's such a small detail but I am so grateful to you for indulging me and including him in there, down to the loose collared tee and the necklace (all the better to pull him in close for a kiss or two 😉)
The chapter progressed through the makeover montage. Something many of us can only dream of! Makeup, glitz, glam, outfits at our fingertips, getting dolled up and made pretty even if just for a night. A perfect Cinderella moment. And I'm theorizing based on the characterizations you've offered us so far...but I think as magical as it was, I think that was part of what led MC to have those doubts later on. She was dolled up and dressed up and it perhaps as much as it made her feel gorgeous, she also knew this wasn't who she really was...and so that 'imposter' feeling was perhaps brewing under the surface. Not saying it was or has to be...but just what I gleam from it in hindsight.
The car. The CAR. Dear GOD don't even get me started. Do you know how hard it was for me to get through my workday today? Thankfully today was a wfh day and most of my calls were camera off, but the one that was camera on? The whole time - the WHOLE time - the line "Grind. Make me hard before I fuck you right here right now" was running through my head and I had to constantly jolt myself back to reality. When I tell you I am here for slightly jealous possessive Yoongi who feels like he has to remind you who your ass belongs to...I mean I am abso-fucking-lutely HERE 👏FOR 👏IT👏. I swear I read that line last night and my brain glitched. I had to go back and re-read it like 5 times. That entire scene was SO FREAKING HOT. And then ordering her to 'keep it in'?? JFC...đŸ„”
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The party took us on another journey - this one with insecurities and angst. I felt my heart clench with Yijeong's "Still?" comment bc I *know* that feeling. You can feel stuck when others around you are moving up and away, meanwhile you're still in the same job. And it can be frustrating bc change is scary, there's security and comfort with staying with what's familiar. For some, it maybe that they love what they do and don't want to move, though I don't think this is the case with MC, as she mentioned she wished she could, but hadn't been able to. Perhaps she does want to move, but there's something holding her back. Or maybe she just hasn't had the opportunity. There could be any number of reasons. But to have someone unintentionally talk down to her for being in the same role especially at a gathering like this when everyone around her is recognized for their extraordinary achievements...of course it would make her feel insecure and inadequate. Yeah, in her everyday office she's just one among many. But here, she's the "everyday"normal" person in a crowd of celebs and again, it's easy for her to think "Yoongi could have his pick of any of these gorgeous women...why me?" And then add Mina to the mix and I just...sigh
The car ride home, the drop off at her apartment. When she turned him down, my heart was literally aching as she went in alone...then the late night (early morning) text. Him showing up at her doorstep with his confession. The simplicity of it, the urgency of it. I literally cried the first time I read it (happy tears for the both of them). Her reaction, and then reciprocation of his words of affection. Oh my GOD it was better than anything I could have imagined.
The way that you took us through each and every one of these stages was truly a work of art. I feel like I keep saying this about every new installment of your work that comes out, but this may just be one of my favorite chapters of any of your works, EVER. Just...WOW. Everything about it was just....
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(I know that's not a chef's kiss but it's the closest I could find to a Yoongi chef's kiss gif bc yes he is 'cooking' in this clip)
I'm excited to see what comes next!! They've made it official outside the office. What's going to happen *in* the office? What shenanigans will that conniving Danbi get up to? How are they going to have illicit office quickies now that their hiding spot is no longer hidden from the camera's view? And what will happen when Wonwoo shows up?
(you can bet I am staying tuned to find out 💜)
Terms & Conditions | Chapter Seven
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✎ ˎˊ˗ Pairing: Min Yoongi x female Reader
✎ ˎˊ˗ Summary: Managing Min Yoongi as one of your encoders during his alternative military service should’ve been simple. He is quiet, punctual—and can apparently type as fast as he can rap! Not to mention the fact that he is easy on the eyes and keeps wanting to help you. You’ve signed an iron-clad NDA, detailing the full terms and conditions of his temporary employment, so you’re supposed to keep things professional, but what happens if neither of you wants to?
✎ ˎˊ˗ Genre: Fluff, smut, co-workers to lovers, office romance, idol!au
✎ ˎˊ˗ Warnings: Purely speculative regarding Yoongi’s alternative military service and how this is really done in SK, some cursing, boss/employee relationship sorta but there's no power play involved, reader and Yoongi are within the same age range
✎ ˎˊ˗ Chapter Warnings: YOONGI IN THIS SUIT. Angst - themes of jealousy, insecurity, Mildly angry car sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), The L Word <3
✎ ˎˊ˗ Word count: 4.5k ✎ ˎˊ˗ Posting date: March 12, 2025
✎ ˎˊ˗ Notes: We’re back after a longish break! Thank you to @glossdebut for beta reading! Enjoy this chapter, my lovelies~ 💕
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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“Hi, baby! I’m back
?” Your voice trails off as you enter Yoongi’s apartment that afternoon and suddenly the living room has been transformed into what can only be described as the scene for the makeover montage in movies (or fanfics?). 
Clothing racks line one wall, laden with everything from elegant cocktail dresses to sleek jumpsuits. A makeup station with a massive lighted mirror has been set up near the window.
It’s chaos, but it’s also
 kind of amazing.
“What the—” you mutter to yourself, stepping further into the room.
Yoongi appears from the kitchen, a cup of iced coffee in hand, looking unfazed by the commotion. He’s dressed casually in black joggers and a white t-shirt, collarbones peaking deliciously from the loose neckline. Around his neck, a brown necklace draws your eyes to the smooth column of his throat. What gave him the right?
Anyway, he spots you immediately, face softening.
“Hi,” he says, strolling over to you, stuffing one hand inside his pocket casually. Not him acting all awkward again in front of other people.
You try not to roll your eyes before dragging him towards the nearest room and closing the door behind you.
His face is blank, causing you to whisper-shout, “What is all that?” gesturing wildly at the door that’s shielding the activity outside.
He sips his coffee, completely unbothered. “Told you I’d take care of everything.”
“Yah! You didn’t have to go this far!” you exclaim, but there’s a giddy smile tugging at your lips as you slap his chest.
Yoongi captures your wrist and pulls you closer. “Let me spoil you when I want to, mm?” Soft lips meet your forehead.
You roll your eyes, though your cheeks flush at his words. “Fine.”
“Fine,” he smiles sweetly, pressing a quick kiss on your lips this time.
You pull him back in with a loop of your finger around his necklace.
“Hmm, jagi,” he hums against your mouth, a soft reprimand. “Later, okay? They’re here for you.”
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Despite your initial skepticism, it’s hard not to get swept up in the excitement. The team from Bit & Boot is professional but warm, making small talk about your personal color analysis. You’re apparently a soft spring, or was it deep winter?
Someone lays out a few dresses, and your eyes immediately gravitate toward a beige cocktail dress with sleek lines and subtle embellishments along the neckline.
“You have a good eye,” one of the stylists says, removing the hanger. Maybe you did understand the color thingy they were talking about, because they looked pleased. Thank God, because you didn’t want to look like a chump.
Yoongi lingers nearby, keeping an eye on everything. When your makeup artist offers him a chair as if he doesn’t own the place, he smirks and says, “Nah, I’m just here to admire.”
You’re seated in front of the mirror as they work on you, foundation buffed onto your skin, hair teased and styled until it cascades in soft waves over your shoulders. Yoongi stays close, occasionally glancing at his phone but mostly watching you, a small, private smile playing on his lips.
When you finally step out in the dress, Yoongi’s reaction is everything you could have hoped for. 
“Wow,” he breathes, his voice low.
“Too much?” you ask, smoothing the dress nervously.
“Too much? No.” He steps closer, his hand finding your waist, pulling you just slightly toward him. “You’re perfect.”
His words send warmth blooming in your chest. 
The glam team packs up quickly, with small smiles that they try to hide. You bow as they go, leaving the two of you alone in the now-pristine living room.
As the door clicks shut behind them, Yoongi turns to you, his hands sliding down your hips as his lips brush your ear.
“Jagi, we don’t have to go,” he murmurs, voice deep and dangerous. “You’re so sexy. Let’s just stay here. I’ll just take care of you.”
You laugh softly, placing your hands on his chest. “Yoongi, we can’t skip your hyung’s party.”
“Hmm.” His lips curve into a smirk, and his fingers trace lazy patterns on your sides, giving it a light squeeze.
“Just let me kiss your lips for a bit
“Uh-uh,” you shake your head. “Lip gloss.”
“Not those lips
“Yoongi!” You shout, scandalized at the suggestion. But you’d be lying if you didn’t feel the flutter of something low in your belly as he dips his head to your shoulder, chuckling to himself. He’s such a shithead.
“Fine. But know that all I’ll be thinking about tonight is how soon I can get you back here.” He bites your shoulder for good measure.
“Well, you’d better behave then. Don’t make me regret saying yes to this party.”
He steals the faintest kiss on your lips. “I’ll be on my best behavior.”
He lied.
You’re just in the car and already he is not on his best behavior. 
Not when he almost tears your panties in half as he hooks it to the side and inserts his cock in your warmth without so much as a prep.
Backtracking—this was not supposed to happen. And yet somehow you also knew it would, if you’d be really honest.. See, you were just making light conversation as you entered his Palisade.
“So who’s coming to the party again?”
He unbuttons his blazer, leaning back on his seat. “Bunch of label people, my members. They know I’m bringing you.”
“What did you say?”
“Told them to not act like idiots. And that they better behave.”
You hum, amused at the hint of green in his irises. Maybe it can be greener
“And, uh, Yijeong will be there, too?” 
Silence. Except for the soft whirr of the partition rolling up.
“Get over here.”
“You heard me,” he says, voice a touch darker. 
You shuffle to sit on his lap, the fabric of your dress gathering on your waist. His large warm hand strokes up your thigh towards the plush of your ass, roughly squeezing.
“Grind,” he instructs. “Make me hard before I fuck you right here right now.”
Before you can protest your body is already acting on instincts, rolling your hips as per his instructions. Your panties are getting more damp as you continue to rub yourself against the growing stiffness under his trousers.
You hear the sound of a metal buckle and a zip. He frees his cock (he is not wearing underwear–this fucker!) and before you can do anything else, he hooks your panties to the side.
A wave of bliss courses through you as he nestles his tip against your sticky folds, prodding your clit ever so slightly. 
“Can you take it?” 
He smirks. “Okay then, take it.”
A moan rips from your throat when he slips inside and pistons up into you. Hard, fast, and furious. There’s no build-up, not enough forewarning. But you love the stretch—the painful, delicious sting as he forces himself to fit inside you like he has many times before.
“Say my name,” he grits.
“Whose dick are you riding right now, huh?”
“Yours, Yoongi—mmph fuck.”
His grip tightens on your hips, the guitar-calloused pads of his fingers pressing into your skin as he fucks up into you deep. The wet, obscene sounds of your slick walls sucking him in fill the Palisade, drowned out only by your soft whimpers and the way Yoongi grunts against your shoulder.
“Fuck,” he breathes, lips dragging along the shell of your ear, against your piercing. “You always take me so well.”
You grasp the leather headrest, desperate for something to anchor you. But there’s no finding your balance when he’s feral—when his cock is hitting so goddamn deep it knocks the air from your lungs. Your head falls back, mouth parting with a moan as the pleasure crests higher. Every inch of skin on fire.
Yoongi doesn’t slow. If anything, the sight of you, the feel of you—fucked-out and soooo fuckin’ wet—only makes him wilder. His hands shift lower, gripping the meat of your ass, helping you bounce on his cock.
“You want me jealous, huh?” he growls. “Wan’ test me?”
“No, I—fuck—”
His teeth graze your jaw, a warning. “Liar.”
A particularly sharp thrust has you crying out, your nails clawing at his back. His chuckle is dark, pleased. “Don’t worry, jagi. I’ll fuck the thought of anyone else outta you.”
You’re close. You can feel it—the unbearable heat pooling in your belly, every nerve in your body coiling tight. Yoongi knows it too, the way your pussy starts fluttering around him.
“Shit, ‘m close
“Yeah, that’s it. I like it when you lose control
“Ahh. Please, Yoongi.”
“Lemme feel it, baby,” he coaxes, voice rough, strained. “Let me feel you cum for me.”
That’s all it takes. Your release crashes over you, sharp and white-hot, your body trembling as your orgasm rips through you. Yoongi groans, feeling you squeeze him tight tight tight, milking him for all he’s worth.
“Fuck, fuck—” His grip bruises as he slams into you one last time, burying himself to the hilt as he spills inside, filling you up with every last drop. 
For a moment, all you can hear is the ragged sound of your breaths, the faint hum of the engine beneath you, which you just now realize is already parked. 
Yoongi’s hands smooth over your thighs, as you both come down. Then, with a tired but no less shit-eating grin, he pulls out and pings your panties back into place, pressing his thumb at the seam, before he says: 
“Keep it in for me, jagi.”
You should be scandalized. You can feel his viscous load already dripping from you, but you clench. You hold it in as best as you can. Because you’ll agree to anything when he’s like this.
You shudder, pulse still racing as he presses a slow, open-mouthed kiss to your lips. It’s gentle—so at odds with what just happened.
“Yoongi,” you breathe, still floating.
He smirks, lazy and satisfied. “My pretty jagi.”
As you rest your forehead against his, still dazed, still blissed-out, he tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear and murmurs, “Now, let’s go to this fucking party before I change my mind.”
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The party is already buzzing when you arrive, and Yoongi’s hand finds the small of your back, grounding you as he guides you through the crowd. His friends are scattered across the room, a mix of banter and laughter filling the air. 
You’re honestly a little self-conscious after your little car tryst. Is your dress too wrinkled? Is your make-up a wreck? Do you smell like cum?
“Come on,” Yoongi murmurs, leaning in close enough for his breath to tickle your ear. “Let’s go say hi.”
Jimin is the first to turn to you with a playful grin, “So, you’re the one Yoongi-hyung’s been hiding from us, huh?” He raises an eyebrow, his expression equal parts curious and amused. 
Jungkook grins, leaning in for a casual hug. “Hello, Y/N.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes, but a small, almost shy smile tugs at the corner of his mouth as he introduces you to the rest of the members. Everybody seems friendly, acknowledging you for being Yoongi’s plus one. For the most part, it’s Jungkook who keeps close, chatting with you about Chae and how he’s bummed she couldn’t make it tonight. Cute.
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At some point in the night, Yoongi gets whisked away into a circle of conversation on the far side of the room. You hang back, still close but giving him enough space to enjoy his time outside of—let’s be real—babysitting you.
You slip toward the bar, ordering a drink, needing something to do with your hands while you surreptitiously take everything in.
Is that Hwasa? Oh my God, that’s Irene of Red Velvet.
The weight of where you are settles all at once. You knew you’d be surrounded by idols tonight, but knowing and experiencing are two very different things. These are people who command stages, who are revered and respected and admired by millions. And then
 there’s you. A glorified office worker who stumbled into this world by accident.
You inhale, shake it off, sip your drink.
But just as you think you’re in the clear, your full government name rings out over the music, a curious voice cutting through the din.
“I heard you were gonna be here.”
You turn, and there he is.
“Jang Yijeong. Long time no see.”
He leans against the bar, the corners of his lips curling in amusement. “Indeed.”
The weight of history sits between you. It’s not bad blood, not really, but there’s something about seeing someone from your past in a space that so obviously belongs to your present that feels a little jarring.
Especially because you suddenly meet said present’s eyes from across the room and the motherfucker mouths, keep it in
 and you squirm in your seat as a flush of fluid threatens to trickle down your thighs.
“So, Yoongi-yah, huh?” Yijeong tilts his head, studying you and maybe your odd facial expression right now. “Small world.”
“Yeah.” You shift, inhaling sharply. “So how have you been?”
“Really good. Worked on Yoongi’s last album and tour before his service. Now I’m going back and forth between here and the US, trying to do my own thing.”
“Wow.” You blink, forcing a smile. “I’m happy for you.”
His success doesn’t surprise you. He’s always been talented, always had that drive. But hearing it out loud, seeing how effortlessly he fits into this world—it stirs something unpleasant in your chest.
“How about you?” he asks.
You take another sip of your drink, stalling. “Just boring stuff. I work in the Yongsan municipal office.”
“Oh, you’re still there?” His brows lift, his voice light, but something about the phrasing makes your stomach twist.
Like you should have moved on by now. Like you’ve been standing in place while the rest of the world surged forward.
You force a small laugh, trying not to let it show. “Yeah, still there.”
Yijeong hums, nodding slowly. “Good thing you didn’t leave.” He gestures toward the other side of the room where Yoongi is now laughing at something someone said, looking so effortlessly cool. “Or else you wouldn’t have met Yoongi.”
And honestly, what do you say to that?
Because he’s right. If you had taken any of the other job offers, if you had made even the smallest change to your path, you wouldn’t be here.
But the way he says it makes it sound like Yoongi is the best thing that’s ever happened to you. Like meeting him was some stroke of dumb luck, the one extraordinary thing in an otherwise unimpressive life.
Like Yoongi is a prize you won rather than a person who chose you.
You swallow, looking down at your drink. The ice clinks against the glass, but it doesn’t drown out the thoughts forming in your head. Is that what people see when they look at you? A nobody who somehow landed Min Yoongi?
Your fingers tighten around the glass. And suddenly, the room doesn’t feel so warm anymore.
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As you make your way back toward Yoongi, a voice stops you.
“You must be the famous Y/N.”
You turn, surprised to see a woman smiling at you, her glossy lips curled into something amused but warm. She’s effortlessly chic, her black dress draped elegantly over her frame.
“Oh,” you say, blinking as recognition sets in. His Mina-noona. You’ve heard Yoongi mention her before—a longtime friend, someone he respects. 
“I’m Mina,” she says, offering her hand. You shake it, feeling slightly scrutinized under her gaze—but not in a malicious way. More like she’s curious, trying to piece together the puzzle that is you.
“Yoongi talks about you,” she adds, eyes twinkling.
Your brows lift slightly. “He does?”
Mina hums, taking a sip of her drink. “Not much, but enough. He’s
 different these days.”
“Different how?”
“I don’t know,” she muses. “Softer, maybe. More invested.”
Your stomach does a little flip, but before you can fully process it, Mina gives you a knowing look. “You do know what you’re getting into, right?”
The flip turns into a twist. “What do you mean?”
Mina chuckles, shaking her head. “Nothing bad,” she reassures you, waving a hand. “Just
 Yoongi’s always been a certain way. Keeps people at arm’s length. Not the type to—” She pauses, then shrugs. “Well. Not the type to bring someone to a party like this.”
You try to keep your expression neutral, but the words settle uncomfortably in your chest. Is she trying to insinuate that Yoongi tends to go for just casual, a typical fuckboi even?
“You must be special,” she adds, smiling. It’s meant to be kind, but it only stirs something uneasy inside you.
You force a small laugh. “I’d like to think so.”
Mina gives your arm a gentle squeeze before stepping back. “It was nice to finally meet you,” she says genuinely. “Enjoy tonight.”
She disappears into the crowd before you can respond, leaving you standing there, your mind spinning.
When you glance back, Yoongi is already making his way toward you, casually grabbing a quiche from a passing waiter and popping it into his mouth.
“You alright, jagi?” Yoongi’s voice is gentle, cutting through the noise of the party like a thread pulling you back to him. 
You nod, pasting on a smile. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
But you’re not. Not really.
Because the moment Yijeong walked away, the thoughts started spiraling. And after that conversation with Mina, it’s like a dull ache has settled into your chest, impossible to shake.
You think back to the office girls months ago, how they teased you when Yoongi first started working in your department. The Blessed One, they had called you. The lucky girl who got to work closely with Min Yoongi. It was all in good fun, lighthearted banter at the time, but now, the words twist in your head.
Do you not deserve someone like him?
Do you not deserve him?
You shouldn’t care what anyone else thinks. You know that. Yoongi is here, with you, choosing you. That should be enough.
And yet, the doubt lingers, wrapping around your confidence like vines, tightening.
A squeeze on your waist brings you back. You blink, meeting Yoongi’s eyes. He’s studying you carefully, his gaze flickering over your face like he can see every thought running through your head.
“You sure?” he murmurs.
You force yourself to nod, offering another small smile as you swipe the crumbs on the corner of his mouth with your knuckle. “Yeah
 just a little overwhelmed.”
“Let’s get out of here soon, okay?”
You nod again, pressing into his side just slightly, grateful for the comfort he gives so effortlessly. But the thoughts don’t go away.
And you’re starting to wonder if they ever will.
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The drive home is quiet, but Yoongi’s hand wraps around yours, thumb brushing lightly across your knuckles. The silence feels heavy, as if he’s waiting for you to say something, but you’re still sifting through the evening’s interactions, trying to make sense of your emotions.
Finally, Yoongi speaks, his voice low. “Jagi-ya. I don’t know what happened, but you can talk to me,” he says, his tone soft but firm. His hand tightens around yours. “Was it something Yijeong or Mina said?”
You swallow, staring out the window as the streetlights blur past. “It’s not just them, Yoongi,” you murmur, forcing yourself to meet his gaze. “It’s
 I don’t know. Tonight, it just hit me how different our worlds are. I mean, maybe I don’t belong here, in all of this. You deserve someone who just
 fits better.”
Yoongi stares, confusion etched in his features.
“It’s just, people look at you, and it’s like they’re trying to see if I measure up. I can feel it, you know?”
He lets out a slow breath, his gaze steady and intent. “That’s
 don’t even worry about that, jagi. I’m here, because I want to be with you.” 
A rush of gratitude warms you, but doubt still clings, threading through your insecurities.
“Thanks, Yoongi,” you murmur, squeezing his hand. “Maybe I just need some time to rest.”
As the driver pulls up outside your apartment, he studies you, his brow knitting in concern. “Want me to come up?” His question is soft, unassuming, yet full of care. “I can make you the sriracha grilled cheese sandwich you really liked last time.”
You reach over, cupping his cheek. “Not tonight,” you say, brushing your thumb gently over that little freckle below his eye. “I think I just need a little time. Alone.”
He sighs, long and labored as he presses your hand against his face a little longer before letting it drop. “I don't love this.” He says, his face falling slightly, but he nods in understanding. “But alright,” he presses a gentle kiss to your forehead, his lips staying just long enough to make your heart ache.
“Not that. You don’t call me that anymore
Realization hits you. “Baby
He nods, eyes moist, and the little wobble of his lips almost makes you want to fold. “Good night, jagi.”
With a final, lingering look, you step out of the car, giving him a small wave as you close the door behind you. The weight of your decision is immediate, filling the quiet of your apartment with the complex feelings from the night. 
As you exhale, you realize you’re left to sort through this alone, the silence amplifying the doubts Yoongi’s reassurance can’t quite erase.
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It's 4:12 a.m.
You can’t sleep. How can you? 
You haven’t slept in this bed for days. The scent of jasmine is unfamiliar, when you’ve grown accustomed to sandalwood.
Your memory pillow already forgot the slope of your head.
You flip to your other side, staring at the faint glow of the streetlights filtering through your curtains. Just as you’re about to force your eyes shut, your phone vibrates against your nightstand, the screen lighting up the darkened room.
You check the notification and it's him. Of course it is.
Yoongi: you up?
Any other night, you’d laugh at how much it sounds like a booty call. And maybe it would’ve been. But tonight, it’s different.
You: Cant sleep Yoongi: me too
You stare at your screen, thumbs hovering as you figure out what to say next. But another message is already coming through. 
Yoongi: im outside Yoongi: your apt
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Socked feet shuffle to the front door. Every step feels heavy, like your body is torn between running to him and running away.
You swing it open to find Yoongi, looking like a kicked puppy. Your heart cracks.
The sight of him like this—eyes tired, lips pressed into a tight line, hair tousled like he’d been running his fingers through it all night—has you clutching the edge of the doorframe just to keep yourself upright.
You let him inside.
“What are you doing here?” you finally ask, voice quieter than you intended.
Yoongi exhales sharply, his hands pushing through his hair before settling at his sides. 
“I’m here, because
” he starts, then stops, shaking his head like he doesn’t know how to finish the thought. His jaw clenches. His fingers twitch.
You can’t breathe.
And then he says, “I love you.”
The words land like a freefall. No hesitation. No takebacks. Just truth.
” your voice is barely above a whisper.
“I need you to hear it. Really hear it.” He takes a step closer, trembling hands cupping your cheeks. “I love you,” he repeats, softer this time, like he’s willing you to believe it. “I don’t care how complicated this gets. I don’t care what anyone else thinks. I told you before, I’m all-in.”
Your heart is pounding, a chaotic rhythm against your ribs.
Because deep down, you already knew.
You knew in the way he looked at you across the office when he thought no one else was watching. You knew in the way he pulled you closer in his sleep, in the way he whispered your name like a prayer.
But hearing him admit it to it like this—like he was physically incapable of handling a possibility where you didn’t feel the same way, where you would’ve given this up, it’s perhaps the most honest thing you’ve ever heard.
And now, the question isn’t whether he loves you.
It’s whether you’re ready to believe that you deserve to be loved like this. If you deserve to be loved by Min Yoongi

Yoongi barely has time to register it before your hands are in his hair, yanking him down, your lips crashing against his in a kiss that’s messy, desperate, everything.
He groans into your mouth, his hands flying to your waist, fingers digging into the thin fabric of your sleep shirt.
You press into him, chest to chest, feeling the heat radiating off his skin. His mouth moves against yours with urgency, his tongue sweeping past your lips, stealing whatever breath you had left.
You don’t stop kissing him. You can’t. Not even as he walks you backwards toward your bedroom. He kicks the door shut behind him, his body pressing you against it, trapping you between the cool wood and the solid heat of him.
His hands roam, slipping under your sleep shirt, fingers skimming over your tits, tracing the curve of your spine. Your head tilts back as he trails kisses down your jaw, your neck, teeth scraping just enough to make you shiver.
“Jagiya,” he mumbles, voice thick, rasping against your skin.
You don’t have any other words right now—not when he’s sucking a wet bruise into your collarbone, not when his fingers slide lower, dancing along the lace of your panties.
So you just say the only thing that matters. “I love you, too.”
A low curse falls from his lips, and then he’s moving you to the bed, dropping you onto the mattress before crawling over you, eyes dark, hungry.
“Say it again.”
His hands slip beneath your shirt, dragging it up. His lips follow, open-mouthed kisses searing a path up your stomach, taking a nipple between his teeth.
“I love you,” you whisper, voice shaky, hands tangling in his hair, pulling him back up to you.
“I love you, jagi,” Yoongi crashes his mouth to yours again, swallowing your whimpers as his hands slide down—hooking into your panties—slowly, teasingly, pulling them down. “Let me show you what I mean...”
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A/N: Whew! ARe wE GoOD??? The L bomb has been dropped and I am soooo happy because these two deserve the world.
Let me know what you think in the comments. Or do reblog if you are so inclined. <3
Thank you for reading, you lovely, beautiful human! xo
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Permanent Taglist Part 1: (The rest to follow in a reblog)
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do not copy, repost, modify, or translate my writing without my express permission to do so.
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taegularities · 1 year ago
HEY RiD ! How are you honeybuns đŸ’—âœšïž Life has been kicking my ass for a while but there is still hope for me ..Anxiety and panic attacks are the freaking worst ..I have never experienced one before so it was kinda terrifying i was literally watching my own horror movie..but thats not the point ..the point is that YOU AUTHOR RID ARE GUILTY FOR RAISING MY STANDARDS ! Like hello am i supposed to die single 😭 why would you do this huh ! ANSWER ME ....was/is there someone or something that inspired/s you to write your characters this way ..and CMI jk !! OMG His character is phenomenal ..Oh the man he is ..its like when he loves ..he just loves yk ..there is no limit /boundary to his love and affection ..i cant help but imagine that if he and oc were to wed ..he is probably gonna be the crying and throwing up bcz his heart is bursting out of love and he is so freaking drunk over her ..i just know that oc would have to koala hug him so he stops crying lmao đŸ„č😭 ..These freaking fictional men istg ..And dont even get me started on dates ..i swear half of the time i am just scrolling my fav aus and being delusional while on the other hand the poor guy is trying to talk to me and banging his head on the table 💀 i just hope you are taking care of your health cuz we are the sensitive gang (one thing goes wrong and i know i am already going down the rabbit hole ) ..Also just curious (if you wanna share ) How was your first date experience like? Your first crush ? Cuz there is this guy in my Arts class and i am crushing so hard on him like he is so freaking sweet and charming ..He passed my vibe check on the first day 🙂 i get butterflies (alot ) whenever he looks at me.he is not the first guy yk like i have been on a lot of dates and stuff ..i did find them attractive but it is just so different with him ..like as much as i want to believe gettinf butterflies and heart skipping beats is real ..it has never happened to me and i am just going crazy ..it is scary as well cuz no guy has ever held this much power over me đŸ•łđŸš¶â€â™€ïž Sometimes over pinkies would touch accidently and i am already melting in a puddle 🙂😭 What the hell is happening ..it is like Cmi yk..i just know that if he tries hard enough he can break my heart and i would gladly let him( this thought scares the shit outta me ) ..
awh man, living for the chaos in this ask lol it's so all over the place đŸ€§ i'm okay! winter break shall give me some peace of mind. how are youuuu?
 totally.. cmi jk keeps raising my standard, too :') thinking about them hurts me bc i can't wait to experience such a love one day, too </3 and you will, as well!! i know some people are odd and make people lose hope, but i want to believe that there are a bunch out there who are just right for us and know how to make us happy 💕 tbh, i didn't base these characters on anyone i know, but rather
 oc is someone i strive to be and jk is the kind of person i would want to love :(
my first date? hmmmm
 honestly, a bit awkward? :'D we were at his place and watching something, but i know he was looking at me through the tv's reflection? and then we had more dates and our first kiss kinda went.. very wrong lmao but all that was part of something that bloomed into something beautiful đŸŒč you'll be okay, love!! enjoy the feeling your crush evokes!! manifesting so much happiness for you đŸ„ș
(also omg i gotta ask before i go all overthinking mode.. you said arts class? but you're 18+ right? 😭 since i have a minors dni policy!! pls lmk <3)
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smrtnik07 · 23 days ago
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jadecantcreate · 5 months ago
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i wanted to write a quick 3-chapter fic for day 4 of loa shiptober (how they met i think) and i (a fool) was like. yeah. i could totally write 3 chapters in a few hours. i was wrong. SO wrong. haven’t even finished kremy’s (the first one).
so instead have a maybe-past-kremy design that im conflicted about compared to his current design, as a peace offering
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notdysfunk · 14 days ago
aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh i love all the wiiiiiiiings! they're so preeeeettty!!! And Y/N's little wing ears are just *chef's kiss* perfecto
so, like, are wings just used for transportation or have people found other uses for them (think fashion shows or strength contests or races)? would some people dye/style their wings (especially if they aren't big/strong enough to fly with so might as well)?
cause I love thinking about the little things you can do with wings, like Y/N using the wings as a scarf/mask when it's cold, or hiding their face when they're blushing, or flapping them when they're excited/to cool themselves down in the summer, or when it's really cold so Sun just wraps himself up in all his fluffy wings (or wraps someone else up with him, wing hugs anybody?)
sorry for rambling, just wanted to let you know that i love your au and will definitely be thinking about it ALOT!
HII!!! AAA THANK YOU SOO, SO MUCH!! I'm so glad my silly winged dca au will have your brain running for a while HEHE I got super excited to answer this one, I loved so many of your ideas so I doodled a BUNCH of them!!
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As for your first question, yes!! I never thought about it before, but they absolutely would open to painting wings or styling them (adding accessories to them somehow), especially those who can't fly with their wings! (i.e. y/ns ear wings)!! AND they definitely do have fairs with races and instead of arm wrestling it's probably wing wrestling LOL!! I also imagine some people could definitely incorporate their wings into fashion, such as tucking wings into a dress or sumn!! :O Speaking of Fairs, I imagine there are fairs or festivals in the town, where showing up with bedazzled wings is very common! Of course, anyone can paint their wings any day- but I imagine it was harder to convince Moon to let you paint his wings... until you brought up the Lunar Eclipse fair happening in town tonight... (or any fair hehe) 🎹🌙 Since Sun has so much wing surface-area, you can KIND OF paint a whole scene on his wings if you wanted to. He loves it!! 🎹 AND YESS!! The MC is able to use their head wings to emote!! Such as flapping them when happy, or covering their face when it's cold, OR when they're flustered!!!! Hehehe 💞
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rainyraisin · 2 months ago
Movie Gerald Robotnik: An analysis on how sympathetic does not equate to forgiveable and the differences between redeemability and forgiveability
Redemption is a possibility for every person. To be redeemed is to change for the better. And as Sonic states within this film, "You always have a choice". Choosing to be better is an integral theme within this franchise and has so far been shown through Knuckles, Shadow, and Robotnik, and the movies make a point of illustrating that anybody has this choice. Everyone can be redeemed.
But not everyone can be forgiven.
There is no threshold for where redemption no longer becomes a possibility, because being better is always a possibility, after all its well known that when you're at rock bottom, you can only go up. But when it comes to forgiveness, there is a threshold where granting that forgiveness brings your own morality into question. If you're willing to forgive something that bad, what else are you willing to forgive? The characters that Sonic forgives in these movies only ever get close to doing what they aim to, and these instances only occur because of manipulation, both Knuckles and Shadow being manipulated by one of the Robotniks to aid them in their plan, along with Eggman being manipulated by Gerald. The one character that does go forward with it yet still gets redeemed, Sonic doesn't even outright forgive like he does the other two. Eggman and Sonic never make amends or properly team up together. The one time they do team up is begrudgingly and it is incredibly clear that both sides still despise each other. Despite Ivo's redemption, there is no forgiveness there. Redeemability and forgiveability are not outright intertwined with one another. Being deserving of one does not automatically grant you the other.
Something else that most would assume is interwined with forgiveness is sympathy. You understand why someone has done something, so you forgive them for doing it. That's how the majority of people assume forgiveness to work. If you do not understand why someone has done something, then on what grounds can you forgive them? But sympathising with someone does not mean that their actions are no longer inherently bad or morally wrong, nor that they should be forgiven. And in my opinion, the perfect example of this concept is Gerald Robotnik.
Outside of the movies, Gerald Robotnik had never really been a character I'd thought much about. But something that is a trend with these movies is that they tend to bring characters I wouldn't expect to have liked or didn't previously think about any interpretations of to the forefront of my brain, and that's what happened with Movie Gerald.
The character of Movie Gerald is objectively sympathetic, yes. This man has been torn apart by his grief, losing the person he cared most about, someone he took everywhere and did everything for, and imprisoned for 50 years at the hands of the people who took her from him, only able to escape by giving them more power than they deserve to have (although I do believe that this incarnation of Gerald didn't expect GUN to have the chance to use it, he was incredibly quick to enact his plans and seemed very confident within them). But the movie makes a point to display how he is in no way a character that you should respect or care about, because he will not change. He will not care about others, and so you should not care about him.
One of the best examples of this is one of the first scenes within the eclipse canon, where Gerald forces Shadow to relive Maria's death in order to power the eclipse canon. This event was the downfall of both he and Shadow, the thing that led to the paths they are currently on and the entire reason that all of this is happening right now, but despite how emotionally charged this memory is for the both of them, despite him being the one other person who knows how damaging and absolutely devastating this moment was for the both of them, despite being the only person Shadow has left, he uses it against Shadow anyway for his own personal gain.
And yet, in that same scene, it visually displays how destroyed Gerald was by it. In one look, you can see the moment where this man was broken to the point of irrepability, a point of no return, and in that moment you sympathise with him. Because why wouldn't you? But as soon as that flashback is over, you remember how he has just used what caused that change to hurt the one person who understands, and suddenly all that sympathy is gone, because he does not care.
Gerald Robotnik is a manipulator. He is cold and calculating and any sense of sympathy or care he himself shows at this point is only there to serve his own personal goals. The people around him, the people you expect him to care about (Ivo), and the people he has cared about (Shadow), are only there to be tools for his ultimate plan. He does not care if they live or die, in fact his entire plan revolves around the fact that they will die. Every single human life is completely irrelevant to him. Is utterly disgusting to him. So why should you care? Why should you sympathise? When this man would vaporise you in an instant simply because you exist? For something that may have happened before you were even alive. Before your parents were even alive, in some cases. A small group of people caused this pain, and yet Gerald wishes to take revenge on everyone, no matter how innocent they are.
And the thing that hurts the most is that this change is so perfectly displayed through the flashbacks within this movie. One line that has stuck with me the most is "They want to take Shadow from us, Maria". From US. He cared about Shadow just as much as Maria did. Yet now, when Shadow betrays him, he does not show hurt. He does not speak of how much he trusted Shadow, and how he is saddened by the fact that he would act against him. No. He simply laments how Shadow was once so useful to him. He pratically raised Shadow, he knows he is a child, he refers to him as a child, a kid, yet now he only cares about how useful he can be. Someone he considered his child just as much as Maria is now pratically dead to him.
This man does not care about anyone and never will again. He cannot be forgiven, because he will not forgive anyone. He cannot be sympathised with, because he refuses to sympathise with anyone. He cannot be allowed to live, because if he does everyone else's lives will be forfeit. The choices he has made have led to him being completely unforgiveable, and whilst that sympathy is still somewhat there, it gets harder to provide the further on the movie goes, the more you see of just how little Gerald cares anymore.
I really love how his death was not given a single ounce of seriousness or importance. Every other death or near death experience in this franchise is treated with the severity and intense emotional charge that is necessary within these scenes. Even Walters, a character most people do not even like, is treated with respect during his death, and he is allowed to have his last words.
Yet Gerald doesn't get any last words. Nope, he gets a quill to the ass and get launched into a fucking bugzapper and is never mentioned again. It is utterly perfect for this interpretation of the character because he got the death that he would've provided everyone on earth. No last words, no chance to properly come to terms with the fact that they are going to die. Some may have not even noticed what was happening. Half the world wouldve been asleep. They wouldve all been there one moment, and gone the next. Just like Gerald. And I think that is the death he deserves, or at least it is at this point in his life. The point of no return.
Gerald had multiple chances to change. He always had a choice. He had 50 years to make that choice. He had people there who wanted to help him make that choice, tried to help him make that choice. *Ivo*, his grandson, the last family he had left other than Shadow, tried to help him make that choice. Yet Gerald rejects him. Because he is no Maria.
Gerald is completely hung up on something that happened so long ago, and he will never let that go. He would rather vaporise every living being, including his loved ones, because he lost one person. And whilst Shadow was going to make that same choice, he chose to change.
Some people may even be of the opinion that he had been put through more than Gerald had. Gerald had more family than just Maria and Shadow. Yet they were all Shadow had. Shadow was forced to relive that exact moment for 50 years whilst he was in statis because he had no other choice.
But Gerald did. Gerald always had that choice, as soon as he got out of prison he had that choice, because he had the freedom to do what Shadow could not on his own. He had the choice to not let his anger consume him. Other characters in this franchise have displayed not letting their grief ruin them. Shadow, someone who went through the exact same thing Gerald did, possibly something even worse, makes the choice to not let his grief ruin him, and to do the right thing. To redeem himself. To not let himself get to the point where forgiveness is no longer an option, because deep down he knows that that isn't what he wants. That isn't what Maria would've wanted. She wouldn't want him to reach that threshold, something that Gerald shows he doesn't even care about anymore when he states that it isn't about what Maria would've wanted, it's about what they deserve. Maria is now only the vehicle for his anger, something that pushes it forward but no longer the reason for its presence, because anger has consumed all that remained of him. Even though he says it is in the name of Maria, he isn't doing it for her. Not anymore.
Gerald is the example of someone who allowed themselves to pass the threshold to a point where they could no longer be forgiven, the complete opposite of Shadow. And what does he receive for this? Nothing. He does not get the revenge he wanted. He does not get an honourable death like Shadow does, and unlike Shadow, nobody cares when he dies. Because he always had a choice. He just refused to make it.
He didn't choose to be redeemed.
And whilst he is sympathetic, and always will be, he didn't choose to be able to be forgiven.
Gerald Robotnik is the perfect example of how sympathetic does not mean forgiveable, and is, in my opinion, the perfect villain for the Sonic Cinematic Universe. Because he openly rejects every theme that the movies uphold. He rejects family. He rejects being redeemed or forgiven. He rejects that he can change. He goes against everything that these movies and characters stand for, and all he has to show for it is a meangingless demise that only served to make people laugh. Gerald Robotnik is made out to be a joke. And that is the only part of him that will persist in death.
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insertsona · 2 months ago
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more road to 1000 doodles under the cut !!
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ser-rexasaur · 4 months ago
it's kross day :DD
ive collected some drawings from august this year up till today!
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i love these sillies
killer - rahafwabas
cross - jakei
this is totally not a repost cause i accidentally pressed post the first time
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corviiids · 4 months ago
gushing etc
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rascalentertainments · 4 months ago
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All right Saph, I took your idea of this and ran away with it. Haedus taught Star how to look hot and it took a month. 😂
Haedus had to work hard with this one: 😂
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Considering WG!Star looks wholesome all the time, it was a challenge to try and hide that. He couldn't get rid of that smile though!
So uh, is he good enough to join the hot star club? 😅 If not, you can take over with your own version, you're way better at it.
(Why do I feel always confident in my art until I actually post it?? Now it looks weird to me)
Also bonus Asha reaction, cause she's going through it. 😂
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@your-ne1ghbor @oh-shtars @tumblingdownthefoxden @chillwildwave @kenihewa @thesafireartist
@snackara @spectator-zee @starss-artss @annymation @uva124
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joojdraws · 2 months ago
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ohhhhhhmygosh i love him so much, anytime i stare at him i smile so wide and big, i love rarold !!!!!!! ^_^
on august 15th of this year it will be 3 years of me loving him đŸ« â€ïž
need to reread bkmn for the one billionth time đŸ„ș
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mulders-too-large-shirt · 2 months ago
I’m taking this off replies and to your inbox or whatever this is called (I’m old and not hip to the Tumblr lingo). I just wanted to say I’m so enjoying your X-Files reactions and thoughts! I just became a fan a couple of years ago. My parents didn’t let me watch it when it first aired, as they didn’t think it quite appropriate for a child the tender age of 9 years. What I enjoy most about your posts are that you’re spoiler free! I sometimes wish I had remained spoiler free upon my initial watch, but my anxiety prevents me from not knowing what’s going to happen next. I do think, had I not been spoiled, my reactions would have been very similar to yours. Especially since when I re-watch the episodes (and films) I still have those reactions even though I know what’s coming. Anyway, that’s all! I love your content!
aww, thank you so much for this sweet message! i really appreciate it <3 i am so glad to be getting to see something a lot of people have loved and held close for a while through brand-new eyes! i would also have been terrified as a child haha, i was thinking that very thought tonight as a scary devil appeared in 6x07!
i often wish i could rewatch my favorite movies for the very first time, which is where the whole idea of this blog came from. i have been lucky to remain mostly unspoiled! with the exception of that first morning where i looked the show up on wikipedia and learned a few major plot points, LMAO, but it was the absurdity of those plot points that made me tune in, so. i suppose all is well with the world.
(well, that first morning i looked some stuff up, AND i've seen a few posts tumblr recommended to me because they correctly deduced that i like the show, but incorrectly deduced where i am in the show. allow me to shake my fist and curse at the algorithm. but still! MOSTLY spoiler free! and luckily, the community has been INCREDIBLY kind- this has genuinely the most positive fan experience i have ever had by a long shot)
anyway, thank you so much for this kind message; it really means a lot! <3 sending lots of love!!
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loadinghellsing · 1 year ago
i wanna know more about the 1400-2000 au for andercard. sounds like 600 years of delicious mutual pining and repressed feelings to me
They met when they were kids, Anderson being younger then Alucard by two months and two inches taller.
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Alexander's an orphan stowaway on the merchant ships, and Vlad the prince of Wallachia. They became close friends, Vlad helped him figure out how to get to Rome, with the promise that he'd visit when Wallachia is at peace. Shortly after Anderson left, Vlad was made prisoner of the Ottoman Empire.
About two decades later Vlad sends a request to the Vatican requesting for reinforcements. Even though Vlad's request was ignored by the church, Anderson hears about it and returns to Wallachia
The AU is roughly 550 years of Anderson pining and 425 years of Alucard pining (Alucard realized a century after his death)
Additional Note: Anderson has long hair for the first few centuries
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(frequently has colorful ribbons and strings braided through it thanks to the kids in town)
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