#thank you rux!!!
indelibleme · 1 month
Chapters: 1/7 
Fandom: Detective Conan                Rating: T
Relationships: Kudou Shinichi/Kuroba Kaito
Summary: Celebrities don’t interest Kudo Shinichi. He comes from a family of celebrities; in fact, he is a minor celebrity himself. But the one living next door seems to get into one too many shenanigans for his peace of mind. Which really wouldn’t be an issue, if the latest one didn’t happen to involve a dead body.
Or, in which Kaito goes from being darling of the entertainment media to scourge of the internet in no time at all, hounded by paparazzi, only to find solace in the utter indifference of his neighbour… until he gets involved in a murder.
Finally, here is chapter 1 of my fic for this year’s @kaishinbigbang 2024!!
The art from which this fic was inspired by was made by the wonderful artist @bakathief!! Please check it out HERE! Go show it some love!!
(Excerpt under the cut)
Kaito tried to protest—
“Hold on, you’ve got this wrong! I didn’t even know he was dead until you told me just now! Hey, hey—stop, it’s not me!”
—but they didn’t deter them at all. Kaito breathed in desperately, panic creeping into his voice as he looked around for help. Murder? Arrested? He didn’t need to know what the percentage of acquittals were in their country to guess the outcome! And for the police to make an arrest, for there to be evidence backing this up—
“Matsuoka-keibu? What’s going on?”
Kaito’s head snapped up at that voice. Turning the curb from where the patrol car was parked, like a beacon of light piercing through stormy clouds, was none other than Kudo Shinichi.
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Moonlight & Fang Ch. 7 (Epilogue)
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Divider @firefly-graphics
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In a land long forgotten and plagued by a devastating curse, the delicate threads of magic begin to weave a tale of redemption and restoration. As the powers of enchantment stir, a newfound balance emerges. The people, who had suffered the most under the Hag's malevolence, felt the soothing embrace of peace descending upon their weary hearts. 
Little Red’s pack of six brave souls reveled in the triumph of fulfilling their destined purpose, their names now written amongst the stars. A legend to be passed down through the generations.
Time passed, and as they grew older, their lineage blossomed. Six children emerging into the world. No longer burdened by the haunting shadows of the past, they found solace in the tranquil haven, where the promise of peace stretches far and wide.
Free to roam its depths and embrace the wonders of nature. They lived a life without the shackles of uncertainty. For the tides of darkness had been forever banished.
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A manly scream can be heard across the garden, grabbing my attention. I stand, dusting the dirt off of my knees and head toward the sound.
“Elara! Put Papa Dean down this instant. We talked about this young lady.” I scold. 
“Yes, Mama” She pouts, as she slowly lowers Dean back onto solid ground. Her brothers all snickering at the reprimand, while her sisters stick close to her side.
I make my way over to my pups. “Now why exactly were you using your powers of levitation on Papa Dean?”
She twists her fingers in anxiousness. “Acrux said I couldn't lift someone as heavy as his daddy.”
“But Papa Dean isn't Acrux’s daddy. Daddy Ari is.”
“I know that. But he’s not here right now and I just wanted him to shut up about it already. So I lifted Papa Dean instead.”
“Is that so?”
“She’s telling the truth Mama. I told her she could use my daddy.” Indi confessed. 
“Yeah, the boys were being mean again.” Lyrae adds in. “Even Leo.”
“Were they now?” I look at my boys. All feigning innocence. “I expect it from Acrux and Caelum. Mischief is in their nature thanks to Daddy Ari and Daddy Jax. But you Leo? What will your father think of this?”
“What will I think of what?” Bucky asks as he strolls over.
“According to Ly, her twin was joining in on being mean to the girls with his older brothers.” I state.
His eyebrows raise. “My Leo? My quiet book worm Leo.”
“Yes, daddy!” Lyrae shouts. “He was being mean. Wouldn’t even let me practice spells with him this morning.” She pouts.
“Did we miss something? What’s with the huddle?” Sy’s booming voice carries. A large buck draped over his wide shoulders as Ari saunters behind him, cleaning his knife and Jax rounds out the trio in wolven form.
“Your daughter decided it would be a good idea to hoist me up in the air.” Dean quips.
A smile crosses his face. “How high did you get em before he screamed, El? You know Papa Dean hates heights.”
“What? Is she in trouble or something?” He shrugs.
“That’s what we're trying to figure out.” I sigh. “Clearly the boys egged this on. And while it is was rather hilarious to see Dean hoisted in the air screaming. El knows she’s not suppose to use her powers unsupervised.”
“What about the boys?” Jax asks. Having shifted back and put on some pants. Him being shirtless and glistening with sweat was a bit distracting at the moment though.
“Rux is the one who issued the challenge. Said El couldn't levitate someone as big as her father. Dean was the only one around so Indi volunteered him instead.”
“So Caelum didn't do anything?” 
“That’s unclear as the girls also said the boys were being mean.”
“Caelum.” Jax crooks his finger. “Here. Now.”
Caelum sullenly makes his way over to his father.
“Were you lot being mean to your sisters?”
He nods his head yes. “Sorry daddy.”
Ari groans. “Alright. This ends here. Tit for Tat has been had and I'm tired and hungry. So, boys your with us as we prep this buck for Papa Dean to cook us tonight.”
“But dad.” Arcux whines.
“I’ll have none of that Rux.” He addresses his son. “You’re the oldest. I expect more from you.”
“Well you’re always challenging all the grown ups? Why can’t I do it to my siblings?” He argues back.
The six of us share a look. I can barely contain the chuckle that escapes. “He’s got ya there Ari.”
“Who’s side are you on?” He asks of me with narrowed eyes.
“Oh, I’m on no one’s side but myself. I have no favorites in this squabble. I think the girls should met out a punishment as they see fit. I would do the same if the situation was reversed. I’m not the one worried my son can’t handle the consequences of his actions.”
“You know that will only start a war of magic and wills. We will all become casualties of it.”
“Ari it sounds as if you have become complacent. I thought you thrived on adventure and the unknown?” I tease.
“I still do.”
A smile as wicked as my past brightens my face. “Well, then. Let the games begin.”
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pixel1678 · 3 months
Ok chat a few updates, I'll end off with lore since it involves my most gruesome character yet, I'll warn y'all when we get there, ANYWAYS-
I'm back on that Teto grind (i rediscovered why i like kasane teto)
Been playing Garden Warfare 2 a lot recently since Spamton Rux is actually selling a good ability for a character I use, Rainbow Heal Flower for Sunflower, but I needed to go from 8k coins to 500K COINS which I completely grinded out yesterday then I mastered Sunflower right after that. Can't wait to master a completely different Sunflower and go through the pain of leveling them up 50 times again (im close to unlocking stuffy flower itll be worth it)
Unlocked Fire Cactus today, for a sniper character with damage fall off I was at PEAK performance, even got the most vanquishes in a game multiple times (fire may be a bit broken but it was all because I was actually landing shots really well, even against IMPS at ALL ranges)
Tried using Engineer for once in my life, I see why people play that class but god damn I have awful luck when I try to play as them (i just want turf takeover where the zombies are attacking and im on the zombies side. let me build my fUCKING TELEPORTERS)
Mystery Portal this month is fun, you're given a completely random character with no upgrades (no variants) and you swap every time you die, oddly balanced (if it werent for the super speed)
Ok so this is the part where I talk about lore but this planned character is gonna be very body horror-like, so stop here if you don't like that stuff (nothing will be shown, I lack a design)
If you're still here, great, strap in since I'm bad at sugarcoating
So this character's gimmick is going to be physically cutting/ripping themselves apart when certain parts of their body fail or just become inconvenient but being able to mend other body parts to themselves like some fucked up amalgamation (no stitching required, sorry Frankenstein). However, the ONLY way to kill them is by reducing them to ashes, atoms, or snapping them out of existence; even destroying their entire head won't work, they don't have a weakpoint. In combat, because yes I've thought of this already, they'll be VERY slow and predictable but it's impossible to block their attacks or make them flinch/freeze.
Quick addendum, yes they can perform surgery on themselves, and yes they forget that people REALLY don't like seeing that but they do have the decency to be somewhere private
This is all I've got for now, thanks for listening to me talk about horrors barely within human comprehension
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daphnerux · 1 year
The Bad Ending: Earth Date 8 July, 2046
Content warning for death
Daphne crossed her ankles and glanced away for a moment, not wanting to watch the legal representative chosen as the executor explain the details of Daphne’s mother’s will. Daphne’s father had passed several years prior, and Daphne had inherited very little at that time because they had been inherited by her mother.. Now, though... As Daphne had assumed, the majority of her mother’s assets were to fall to her, but there were complications. “In essence, to inherit your shares in Rux Enterprises, you will need to act as the chief executive and member of the board for at least three years- unless you have a spouse to take on one of those two roles for you. And if in those three years should the company become insolvent- which, as you know, the company’s assets are quite healthy- the chairperson of the board will be able to remove you from the board and from your position as chief executive.”
This wasn’t a massive surprise, but it didn’t mean that was what Daphne liked to hear. “There’s no way that I can appoint an acting executive? That I can’t appoint a team to run the company better than I could?” Daphne watched the executor shake his head. “And if I don’t take it, then most of the shares will be split between my cousins and the vice presidents?” The executor nodded slowly. “Of course, should you decline the positions, you will inherit the rest of your mother’s not-insignificant estate, with a small amount of shares in Rux Enterprises. If you were to invest appropriately, you would be able to retire comfortably for the rest of your days even without the controlling interest.” Daphne sighed, and drummed her fingers on the tabletop. “Fine, then. I’ll take the positions. May I have some time to make arrangements to adjust my current lifestyle before I assume the roles?” The lawyer nodded. “By the terms of the will, you have two months from the time you receive this information to officially take on the roles. Until then, this office is yours, as are the rest of the estate that does not come with conditions.”
Two months? Well, that wasn’t very much time. Without demonstrating a great amount of emotion, she thanked the executor, and dismissed him from the room.
She should tell her crew. She should feel something more than annoyance at her parents for this shitty situation. She should probably have cried at least once over her parents at some point in the last few years. But she couldn’t, really. Their love had come with conditions even before they passed. Daphne had tried to make her parents understand the gravity of their past actions- tried to make them understand how many lives they had ruined in their own selfishness.
Daphne remembered that time in 2024 when she went to her parents’ home for dinner and Makhaira Espionage was there as if the conversation on the KBW had never happened. Her mother had pulled her aside and suggested that it wasn’t too late to settle down, and she had a wonderful array of pre-qualified sperm donors on both sides of the family (as if Daphne had married Makhaira already) because it wasn’t too late to have a child. She had left the dinner abruptly after that. She called up Muffy in tears, and sang sad drunken karaoke at a dive bar all night before going home with a one night stand.
Needless to say, Daphne was thoroughly irritated enough at age 65 in 2046 after a lifetime of bullshit.
Fine. The first mate could have her ship as a gift. Daphne wouldn't need it anymore- not when her parents had their own personal ship. She’d move into her parents’ old house, but sell it for a less ostentatious place as soon as she found a better one. She would take on her parents’ empire built on lies and schemes to build something better. Of course Daphne would always be a pirate at heart, and the Galactic Union would probably want to pick a fight with Rux Enterprises as always, but at least she would be able to figure out how to make that stupid company run in a way that didn’t hurt people. And maybe she could lobby for those humans and their descendants from Tarryville to get to go home somehow.
As much as she had chosen to sacrifice to get this far, Daphne had done it all on as close to her own terms as she could. And she didn’t regret it. She didn’t regret forgoing her love life. She didn’t regret ‘failing’ to honor her parents.
Nobody had asked her to do it, but she knew it was what she had to do to make things right.
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400legends · 1 year
Requiem Saves the Day (Day 181)
"Dr. Quinn, welcome back. Esmae, welcome back." EDI's pleasant voice sounded through the ship. As I pulled free of the VR harness, EDI continued. "The captain has returned as well. I trust that you had a fruitful time in virtual reality?"
"Sort of," I replied. "Esmae, I need to see Cosmic Peanut. I must explain."
"You looked really scared back there."
I nodded as I moved toward the cockpit. "Captain? Captain! I am so sorry I spoke to you that way. I--"
Cosmic Peanut stuck her head out of the galley. "Those guys were a bunch of duds anyway. Definitely not my scene. I'm glad I didn't spend more than 100 credits on that outfit." She took a bite of the salad in front of her.
"Requiem made contact with AlphaRuxm0re!" I said. "A good connection, too, at least it seemed that way when I left. EDI! Please tell us the moment Requiem and Merrin return. Please."
Esmae sat down. "If she made a connection, why are you shaking? Quinn, what happened?"
"The 2,300 that Requiem spent on her outfit paid off. You both saw, Rux - AlphaRuxm0re, I mean - her friends call her Rux. Rux came right up to Requiem, and they almost immediately warmed to each other. You know how Requiem can be. Rux was quite charmed."
"That sounds good," said the captain. "Where's the part where you decided I needed to leave pronto?"
"I saw you talking to that other monk guy," said Esmae to me. "He looked-- I don't know, he looked better than everyone else. Sharper, more real?"
I nodded. "That would be because he is real. A real Verrux."
"Holy shit." Cosmic Peanut slumped back. "We went fishing, and we caught a shark. I was against this from the start, you know."
"I know, Captain. And knowing what we know now, it was foolhardy, dangerous beyond reckoning. That's why I had to get to you to tell you to drop out. If one of the priests had seen--"
EDI broke in. "Requiem and Merrin have returned to real-time. All crew are physically and mentally aboard Malaka, Captain."
I caught Requiem in a hug before she could reach the galley. "You're alive! I'm so sorry. I didn't know that-- I mean, the robe seemed like-- Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Cheap, authentic. If I had known--"
"It's quite alright, Quinn." Requiem pulled herself from my embrace. "Really. We're all here and safe. For now."
"Those guys were so racist!" said Merrin. "I just.... I had to agree, right? Right? 'Eyeballs and hairballs.' What the hell, right?"
"I've been called worse," said Cosmic Peanut. "So Requiem, what did you learn? Was it worth the credits?"
"Definitely. The people in robes - the people who were not you and Quinn - are real Verruxian priests, acolytes, they're called. They seem to.... shepherd maybe? the human wannabes, guide them. That room is a recruitment tool. The priests look for willing props for their plans."
"Which is why you told me to scram," the captain said to me. "I didn't look right."
I nodded. "There was a moment when I thought we might be killed. Rux realized that I was not a Verrux, and she-- I thought her eyes were going to melt me on the spot."
"But that didn't happen," said Requiem.
"Only thanks to you," I said. "You charmed Rux into believing your story about why you were on Lush."
Esmae raised her hand and said, "So that priest guy is for real. He looked so much better than everyone else. That means that Verrux tech is like...."
"Hundred percent." Merrin nodded. "Their tech must be light years better than ours."
"How are we ever going to get on that prison then?" I looked at my companions.
"I might have an idea," said Requiem. "Rux is a courier. In the real world, she's a courier for the Verrux. She told me that she makes deliveries to a prison ship. She brings people - people like us - to the ship so that the Verrux can study them and learn to defeat them."
"Is that our prison ship, though?" I asked.
Requiem shrugged. "Only one way to find out." She held up her device. "I got Rux's private number. We could set up a rendezvous and see where that gets us."
"We could tie her up and take her ship!" I said.
"You make that sound so easy, kid." Cosmic Peanut shook her head. "Something tells me Rux ain't a pushover."
Requiem looked around the table. "Anyone have a better idea?"
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joanthangroff · 6 years
001: gotham, 002, deckerstar and/or thiam, 003: bucky!!! love u, rux
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Oh God this keeps changing all the time but I think overall it’s Jim? You know me, I am a sucker for the good protagonists who fuck up at times. But otherwise I’m a big fan of this version of Bruce and I really like Oswald!
Least Favorite character: uhhhh I didn’t like Barbara a lot of times but depending on the season she’s really great so? I’m not sure there really is one that just makes me groan or something.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): BatCat, Nygmobblepot, Jim/Lee, Barbara/Tabitha aaaaaaaaaaaaand idk I don’t ship much here for some reason
Character I find most attractive: ………… Alfred. fuck off
Character I would marry: Again, Alfred…
Character I would be best friends with: Lucius! And probably Harvey.
a random thought: I have so many thoughts about how I ant the ending to be…. Listen, just give me Bruce in the batsuit - but not a close-up but more like a silhouette. He’s standing on a gargoyle or whatever and the image fades out, with the Bat signal in the background lighting against the clouds… It would be so good. Gotham please. Don’t fuck this up we don’t need a flash-forward, we all know what Batman is like I WANT A GOOD ENDING FOR A GOOD PREQUEL
An unpopular opinion: Butch was great!!! (Is that an unpopular opinion? I don’t know. I barely go here.)
My Canon OTP: Jim/Lee
My Non-canon OTP: Nygmobblepot (though, hopefully, they change the non-canon status)
Most Badass Character: Alfred.
Most Epic Villain: Zsasz ;)
Pairing I am not a fan of: Jim/Barbara
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): uhhhhhhhhh idk
Favourite Friendship: Jim/Harvey!
Character I most identify with: Harvey lmao
Character I wish I could be: Lee!
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when or if I started shipping it. RIGHT AT A THE START MY BRO
my thoughts: they’re literally meant to be man stop the drama and finally fucking start dating I am suffering so much SEASON 4 LETS GO
What makes me happy about them: they’re always helping each other so much! They can see when the other is hurting and help out of the funk, even with the smallest of things
What makes me sad about them: that they just won’t fucking talk :(((
things done in fanfic that annoys me: I don’t read much deckerstar fics so uhhh idk
things I look for in fanfic: contradicting myself here but drama and slow burn
My wishlist: let! Them! Date! Without! Ruining! The! Dynamic!
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: NOBODY!!! no joke they’d both be a nice fit for maze
My happily ever after for them: they’re happily married and live in LA, investigating stuff. Trixie doesn’t call Lucifer dad but that’s what he is (she has two dads we all know that)! Every once in a while they take a trip down to hell to check if everything’s going smoothly. There’s been a change of order and Chloe has helped reform it. Don’t ask me for details about how but I just want a hades/perspehone aesthetic here okay
I’m not doing Thiam bc it’s literally the same that @rux-ian said wtf (although I have to admit I AM guilty of making them soft but at least only in AUs in contrast to some “canon-compliant” fics I’ve seen lmao)
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: I’m sad about him!!!! I don’t even know what’s up with him in the MCU atm (wait the snap got him didn’t it) but I just want to wrap him up in a blanket and smooch
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Steve
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Steve, Sam, that freaking tony friendship you made me feel for
My unpopular opinion about this character: I have no idea what’s popular in this fandom rux
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: let him rest!!!!
Favorite friendship for this character: STUCKY
My crossover ship: not ship but let Bucky and John Young from the Tomorrow people meet and share how they’ve suffered the same trauma
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kiwilart · 2 years
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Hello hello, finally it's time to share with you all my work for the @kaishinbigbang! It was really fun working with @angelicsentinel in this project, I couldn't have asked for a better partner! Cannot wait to work more with you in the future! ~\(≧▽≦)/~
If you have time, please consider checking the companion fic of my art - 『 Static 』 - on AO3! Spoilers: It's amazing and you may find some silly extra sketches in there - at least one per chapter! That's at least 10 extra sketches!ヾ(•ω•`)o ~
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owly-sims · 3 years
Pick three random ocs and share three random facts about them!
Thank you so much for this ask! 🥰 I'm still pretty early in my story so I'm picking three OCs I would like to develop in the coming weeks:
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Sirena Martín
Sirena is the oldest of four, and many childcare duties fell to her. As a result, she doesn't want children.
From a young age, she showed a talent for telekinesis–a rarity even for a witch.
Sirena's only friend is Nova. :c
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Alex Rux
(he hasn’t shown up much but I like him)
Alex aspires to be a world-class chef. His favorite cuisine is Korean-Mexican fusion. He also valiantly defends Tex-Mex.
He won’t admit it, but he tries to hide his eyebags with concealer.
He doesn’t believe in purchasing dogs. Every dog he’s ever had has been a rescue.
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Carwin picks up programming languages very quickly, but majored in Business instead of Comp Sci.
It pains him to admit that he graduated Magna Cum Laude instead of Summa Cum Laude.
He runs every morning, with the goal of completing the Bridgeport Marathon for a third time in the spring.
Bonus Fact:
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Carwin was almost a towhead as an homage to Johnny Smith from TS2, but I decided it made him look too bright.
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kitybur · 3 years
THANK YOU GUYS SM FOR 200 FOLLOWERS WHAT ???!! seriously i can’t believe that two hundred of you guys like what i write. that’s insane !! <33
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i finally made a spn blog but whenever i find other blogs they’re usually in their teens or early 20s. i prefer making friends who are around the same age as me (mid 20s+), can you please post this so i can find people around my age? thank u!! and thank u for creating this :)
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avatarofkhonsu · 5 years
tagged by @rux-ian
“you can tell a lot about someone by the type of music they listen to. hit shuffle on your ipod, phone, itunes, media player etc and write down the first 20 songs. then pass this onto people. one rule: no skipping”
1. Just for Now by Pentatonix
2. Up on the Housetop by Pentatonix
3. Never Grow Up by Taylor Swift
4. WILD by Troye Sivan
5. I Want To Hold Your Hand by The Beatles
6. Bad Guy by Set It Off
7. Brazil (Aquarela Do Brasil) by Leslie Odom, Jr.
8. Ain’t It Fun by Paramore
9. All My Loving by the Beatles
10. Scavenger by Finish Ticket
11. The Sadness Will Never End by Bring Me The Horizon
12. I Want To Hold Your Hand by T.V. Carpio (Across the Universe OST)
13. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)
14. Hotter Than Hell by Dua Lipa
15. Rewrite the Stars from The Greatest Showman OST
16. Bad Guy by 3OH!3 (Iron Man 3: Heroes Fall)
17. Joseph Smith American Moses by The Book Of Mormon OBC
18. Can You Feel My Heart by Bring Me The Horizon
19. Whatever It Takes by Imagine Dragons
20. Bad at Love by Halsey
in my defense, my phone likes to regularly erase half of my downloaded music for no good reason, and i also use spotify more now but it’s hard to shuffle everything on spotify because it’s in separate playlists :/
i don’t really know many people but i’m tagging anyone reading this if you want to do it!
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goblinfvckr · 6 years
✨You are made of stardust and galaxies, you are beyond amazing and I love you. Send this to your top favorite bloggers on this website ✨
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saturnrevolution · 3 years
Hi! I'm really curious about astrology, and would like to know more about it, but there are so many aspects that I don't know where to start.
Do you have a guide, or know a good profile/post/web about the basic concepts and how to get started on astrology?
Thanks in advance,
Hello :) Studying astrology is a never ending process, but it's so worth it and it will completely change your perspective of the world. I know it's easy to get overwhelmed with so much information, but there is no rush in studying. I will share with you my studying process, step by step. I mostly study from YouTube videos/books.
How to learn astrology:
A useful video on how to start
1. Have a special notebook just for this
2. Topics to study in this order:
What is astrology? - check my post Basic history of astrology - a useful video here Types of astrology/charts Planets meanings/symbols/mythology meanings Planets ruling which signs Signs traits/order/elements/modes The ascendant Houses meanings Signs in the houses meanings Planets in the houses meanings Asteroids/nodes of the moon Aspects meanings and types How to interpret aspects Transits Synastry Composite charts
These are my favorite resources:
Canary Quill astrology - astrology basics, signs, planets, houses Hannah's elsewhere - planets, houses, mythology, rising signs Written in the Stars by Rux - moon signs, houses, north node Nina Menina - ascendant vs. descendant, aspects, interceptions, MC Astrokit - planets in houses, career astrology, houses, moon signs Modern Cosmic astrology - signs in love, astro 101, compatibility The Astrology podcast - basics, zodiac signs planets houses Lada Duncheva - she has so many videos Party Trick astrology - houses, venus, mars, moon signs, basics Naturally Lit - moon signs, birth charts, mercury, mars True Brilliance - learn astrology Lilith Astrology - lilith signs, sun signs Haley Comet Astrology - north nodes Astro Finesse - pluto, chiron, uranus, jupiter, saturn, astro 101
Books: (for free here)
The only astrology book you'll ever need - start with this Aspects in astrology - aspects explained nicely An Astrological Guide to Self-Awareness - basic, understandable Moon Signs - The Key to Your Inner Life - everything to know Vocation, the astrology of career - amazing career astrology The twelve houses - signs, planets in houses Cosmos and Psyche - this is super interesting
Empress Atlantis - in depth information on every asteroid Astrology King - all aspects explained, transits, retrogrades Cafe Astrology - signs, houses & more Astrology - basics I the horoscope - lots of info Astrology 42 - compatibility, synastry Molly Astrology - how to learn astrology Live about - articles
Saturn Revolution - I post basic info/reels, predictions The Sagittarius Mind - lots of info on placements Voice of the Sacred - amazing in depth astrology content The Starry Eyed Mystic - astrology info Moon Wisdom - basic info, transits explained Connect to the Source - details on placements Open my 3rd eye - astro theories in reels Aliza Kelly - nicely explained reels and memes Time passages App - explains transits and more Zodiac Healder - great reels Ambriell0 - in depth astrology
Also Tumblr, but I do not have certain favorite blogs, just check my posts/reblogs or navigate with hashtags: #astrology #studyastrology #housesastrology #planetsastrology #moonsigns
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vermillioncrown · 2 years
thank you nineone# for clutch time music
currently listening to: natasha, geek - rux remix
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ficwriterwastaken · 3 years
hi mads! in need of fics for comfort streamer, quackity! and thought what better person then you!?
i don’t mind the setting, maybe something along the lines of cc! quackity cuddling the reader. just fluff about cuddles with mr quack, how he would cuddle you, what you guys would do, etc!
she/they pronouns please!!
(I’m also just rlly touch starved and ur writing it rlly good dhfjdk ily)
COMING RIGHT UP RUX! Cuddles with Quackity
Yn was touched straved waiting for Alex to finish his livestream it was taking him longer than he said it would, so you grumbled and stomped your way into his office just barging in "Alexxxx" "Yn what are you doing" he said muting the stream "you said you'd be done by now" you said in a slightly winy voice you hated when he took longer than he'd said you hated it when he took longer than he'd said. He stood up and moved up to you, hugging you tightly and patting your head, saying, "I'll be there in just a minute mi amour, I just have to say goodbye ok." You agree and return to your bed, where Netflix was waiting with popcorn and fluffy blankets. You overheard Alex respond to a question by saying, "They're my roommates, and they're not feeling well." After a few minutes, you hear him remark, "Thanks for all the wishes chat, I'll make sure to give them your wishes...this is going to be the end of this stream bye guys." You heard his office door open and footsteps approaching you. You watched as Alex walked in, removing his beanie and shoving it over your head. He jumped into your bed and waited for you to cuddle up to him. Once you did, he wrapped his arm around you and made sure you were completely covered in blankets. He put on your favourite show and made sure you were comfortable, which you usually were with Alex. You were grateful he understood your fears of being on camera and would hide it every time you ended up bursting in.  You weren't even watching your show since you were more interested in Alex's hands, which were respectfully placed on your shoulder and waist, with your head on his chest feeling in go up and down with his breathes.You fell asleep cuddling up with him since you were getting incredibly sleepy at that feeling and the sound of his heart pounding at a steady rhythm."Goodnight, little duck," you wanted to reply, but you were too tired. Goodnight, big duck
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booasaur · 2 years
Thank you so much for making gifs of Ruxx! I'm Romanian and it was a surreal experience for me to discover in episode 4 that the misterious J was in fact Jo, a woman.
The main character's storyline is one many queer women in my country resonate with, myself included. Long distance relationships, secret engagements, dealing with parents' homophobia, using neutral pronouns to talk about your partner etc. And Raluca's portrayal of Rux is something that hits home in the warmest way possibile.
I neither minded the "cheating" aspect of the relationship, nor did I think it was portrayed as such. I believe at some point in their relationship, they discussed the possibility of open relationships (Jo stating that it was okay if Rux had spent the night with another - as long as Rux was being honest about it and later that day Jo casually admitting she had a lot of queer women come to her place for dinner).
I liked loved the ending. We got three adults in some sort of accidental love triangle, but there are no hard feelings involved. I'm curious to see where they'll take the story next.
I'm glad you enjoyed the show, and of course, I liked making the gifs. :) I think I might do some more, Rux/Jo and Rux centered, but we'll see about time.
And I'm glad it resonated! I mean, not glad glad, lol, but that you felt seen and represented. And for REAL, the lead was very good, that's why I kept watching even when I thought everyone was straight, lol.
Hmmm, I get what you mean about them having talked about other partners, but Rux DID lie about it, to show the feelings were deeper than they had agreed. And Jo clearly feels super hurt about it.
And I think what I minded as well was how Andrei was essentially the male lead of the show, and spent most of the season bonding with Rux in a relationship the audience would get invested in as they watched it unfold. While Jo appears in the second last ep and seems to be trying to push Rux to do something she isn't even fully sure about, not inherently sympathetic or rootable.
On the other hand, to the show's credit, Jo is presented as quite likable and her reluctance to stay understandable, and her relationship with Rux is sweet and loving and supportive. If they do get another season, again, I don't see how Jo/Rux can really compare, Jo doesn't seem a regular, she seems to want out of the city, so almost by default Rux/Andrei is the one that would last but now I'm not so sure it'd be that straightforward. :o
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