#thank you reese for showing it to me
kinstein-art · 1 year
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my friend finally managed to get me into one piece and now these stupid pirates wont leave my brain
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aragarna · 9 months
List your top 9 characters
tagged by @bebx, thank you!! <3 (Sorry it took me so long to play. Life, you know... )
Peter Burke (and Neal, and El, and Moz, and Diana... Sometimes I feel like the whole WC gang should fill the top.)
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John Reese (and Harold, and Lionel, and all the ladies!)
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Aziraphale (and Crowley, cause really, they're a team, a team of two)
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Henry Morgan (not to sound too mono-maniac, I picked only one of Ioan Gruffudd's roles, but really, Horatio and Harrow aren't far behind. And let's not forget William Wilberforce!)
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Diego de la Vega/Zorro (he's basically a superhero but with style)
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D'Artagnan (the book version more than any real film version as none as ever really been satisfying to me. Though you know, Gabriel Byrne...)
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Obiwan Kenobi (the only thing I like about Star Wars LOL)
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Doug Ross (George Clooney, 20 years of fannish love)
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Paul Weston (Speaking of Gabriel... In Treatment. That show that marks my descend into TV addiction)
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tagging @silverfoxstole @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @amalthea9 @donfadrique @penna-nomen @thesymphonytrue @ascreamintothevoid-blog and whoever wants to play! I always love seeing other people's tops :)
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stormyoceans · 21 days
I can't stop listening to the opening of FNoL. It's such an incredible song! I can't remember the last time I didn't skip the opening credits. Those moles on Neil's face! his pleasant voice! (Charles, damn it why don't you sing in all your series!) Xiao Hai's sweet encouraging smile! Their bickering over coffee! Ooooo I'm sooo drowned in this show! But 20 minutes Carl!!!!! Monica thank you for telling me about this series. I feel such an unprecedented surge of love inside me💜🎉
i could not agree with you more about the opening song, it’s just SO GOOD, but to be fair im so in love with the entire soundtrack of this show, i’ve had it on repeat for a whole week and i still haven’t gotten tired of it!!!!! the song neil sings the very first time he meets xiao hai as a kid is probably my favorite rn, just because i ADORE charles’ voice and that scene in episode 2 with the juxtaposition of neil and xiao hai playing it (LITERALLY GAVE ME GOOSEBUMPS), but again, all the songs are amazing and i think you really can tell that they took a lot of care in making the music for the series. the other night i actually watched this small featurette about it and i love that they worked so hard on the physicality of the actors while they sing and play the instruments too!!!!!!
the funniest thing is. i honestly still have no idea why this series got me so badly, especially since i have a very complicated relationship with taiwanese BLs and im not particularly into age gaps, but for some reason the dynamic between neil and xiao hai just works SO MUCH for me!!!!!! and im once again reminded how subjective chemistry is because i’ve seen a lot of comments saying that charles and michael don’t really have it, or that they have only a platonic kind of chemistry, meanwhile im sitting here clawing at the curtains and climbing the walls of my apartment every time they look at each other because michael as xiao hai has these moments where he’s giving such ‘you were my sexual awakening and i haven’t had a single chaste thought about you since forever’ energies when he’s around neil, meanwhile charles has clearly gone to the jimmy jitaraphol’s school of looking at your co-star with a love so all consuming and full of adoration and a devotion so palpable and plain to see it drives people to the brink of suicide (IT’S ME IM PEOPLE)
and much to my embarrassment i could actually go on rambling about this show for a few more hours but im shutting up rn because this already got way too long ;;;;;;;; BUT YEAH THE EPISODES BEING SO SHORT REALLY IS THE ONLY NEGATIVE THING ABOUT IT (i wanted to watch episode 5 on company's time but I NEED TO MAKE THOSE 20 MINUTES LAST)
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starstruckodysseys · 11 months
how it started
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how it’s going
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stripesysheaven · 1 year
I was bored and looking through online auctions because I like laughing at the stuff…but then I found this chair??????
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emisirrelevant · 2 years
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starkwlkr · 1 month
May I request hugh and actress!reader w/ baby olivia on set pls (love your writing!!)
baby on board | hugh jackman
an: hi!! thank you for this request!! glad everyone is enjoying this series <3
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X-Men: The Last Stand set
Baby Olivia was the star of the show. It was the last day on set of the latest X-Men and the Jackman family was visiting. While Alex and Reese took a nap in Hugh’s trailer, Hugh took Baby Olivia on a trip around the set. He showed her everything from the costume department to his chair with his name printed on the back.
“And that lovely lady is Famke. She plays Jean and in this movie she’s one of the bad guys, but don’t worry Famke is a sweetheart.” Hugh told Olivia as his co-star, Famke, approached the dad and daughter.
“Hi Olivia. Oh my god, you are so adorable!” Famke gasped when she saw Olivia wrapped in her pink blanket. “I’m guessing your boys are with their mother?”
“They’re all napping in my trailer. The flight here tired them out so for now it’s Olivia and me.” Hugh held his daughter close.
“I’ll let you two get back to your set tour. Bye, baby! I’ll see you later.” Famke blew a kiss to Olivia, who cracked a little toothless grin.
“Alright, miss Olivia, where to next?” Hugh looked around. Crew members smiled and waved to him as he passed by. They found it heartwarming and a little funny that Hugh, dressed as Wolverine, had a baby with him.
“Oh, look, that is a special chair. Wanna try it out?” Hugh looked around wondering if he would get in trouble for sitting on Charles Xavier’s chair. He didn’t see anyone stopping him so he sat on it with Olivia. Still holding his daughter close, he didn’t expect the chair to actually move when he moved the small lever forward.
“Woah, okay, hold on baby,” Hugh chuckled as he tried to steer the chair with one hand. He eventually got the hang of it and even made it to craft services where he found the owner of the chair. “Hope you don’t mind. Olivia wanted to take it for a spin.”
“Oh, don’t be like that! This beautiful girl can do what she wants!” Patrick Stewart laughed, waving at Olivia.
A crew member then came up to Hugh and Patrick holding a video camera. He recorded Hugh having fun with Olivia. After a while, Alex and Reese woke up from their nap and joined their dad and sister. Soon, Hugh had all his children on the chair, going from one room to the next and it was all captured on video. Years later, the same footage was used in the end credits for Deadpool & Wolverine, along with other behind the scenes footage.
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redgoldsparks · 11 months
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I wrote a 12 page epilogue to my 2019 comic "Harry Potter and The Problematic Author" because I found, in 2023, that I had more to say. You can also find this comic on my website, and I have PDF copies available on etsy. I may sell print copies at some point in the future.
instagram / patreon / portfolio / etsy / my book / redbubble
Full transcript below the cut.
Part one: Ruddy Owls!
I was in fourth grade when the first Harry Potter Book was released in the US.
Panel 1: Sometimes our teacher would read it aloud in class. “Mr and Mrs Dursley of number 4 Privat Drive were proud to say they were perfectly normal, thank you very much…”
Panel 2: I was 11 years old when Harry Potter finally broke through my dyslexia and turned me into a reader.
Panel 3: Every night in the summer before sixth grade I waited for the owl carrying my Hogwarts Letter. I cried when it didn’t come. “I have to go to Muggle school!”
Part Two: Hats
I dedicated myself to being a fan.
Panel 1: I began collecting Harry Potter News article.
Panel 2: I asked my relatives to mail me ones from their local papers. I filled a thick binder with clippings.
Panel 3: I wrote my own trivia quiz
Panel 4: and participated in the one held annually at the county fair. “Next contestant!”
Panel 5: I usually got into one of. the top five spots. I won boxes of candy, posters, stationary, and once a baseball cap. (Hat reads: I survived the battle of Hogwarts).
Panel 6: In high school I sewed a black velvet cape and knitted many stripped scarves.
Part Three: Double Trouble
Watching the last film in 2011 felt like the final note of my childhood. 
Panel 1: I remember driving home from the midnight showing thinking about the end of 13 years of waiting; wondering what would define the next chapter of my life. 
Panel 2: That same month I heard of something called Pottermore. “Okay, so there’s a sorting quiz… I already know my house! Patronus assignment? Mine’s a barn owl. Duh!" 
Panel 3: You can read the books again but with GIFs? Why? 
Panel 4: I lived in a place with very slow and limited internet at the time. Pottermore sounded inaccessible, but also boring. I never joined. 
Panel 5: "I’ll just read the actual books again, thanks." 
Part Four: Sweets
In 2016, a series of short stories titled "History of Magic in North America” were released on Pottermore to pave the way for the first Fantastic Beasts Film. These stories display an extreme ignorance of American history, culture, and geography, but the worst parts are the casual misuse of indigenous beliefs and stories. Fans and critics immediately spoke up against this appropriation. Some of the most quoted voices included Nambe Pueblo scholar Dr. Debbie Reese who runs the site “American Indians In Children’s Literature”; Navajo writer Brian Young; Johnnie Jae (Otoe-Missouria and Choctaw), founder of A Tribe Called Geek; Dr Adrienne Keene (Cherokee Nation), a Professor at Brown University who runs the blog “Native Appropriations”, and writers N.K. Jemison and Paula Young Lee.
Rowling is famous for responding to fans directly on twitter, yet she did not respond to anyone calling out the damaging aspects of “Magic in North America.” Her representatives refused to comment for March 9 2016 article in the Guardian. She has never apologized. All of this, plus the casting of Johnny Depp and the specific declarations of support by JKR, Warner Brothers, and director David Yates left a sour taste in my mouth.
For further thoughts on the new films read The Crimes of Grindelwald is a Mess by Alanna Bennett for Buzzfeed News, November 16, 2018.
Excerpt from Colonialism in Wizarding American: JK Rowling’s History of Magic in North America Through an Indigenous Lens by Allison Mills, MFA, MAS/MLIS (Cree and Settler French Canadian)
Although Rowling is certainly not the first white author to misstep in her treatment of Indigenous cultures, she has an unprecedented level of visibility and fame, […] One of the most glaring problems with Rowling’s story is her treatment of the many Indigenous nations in North America as one monolithic group. […It] flattens out the diversity of languages, belief systems, and cultures that exist in Indigenous communities, allowing stereotyping to persist. […] It continues a long history of colonial texts which ignore that Indigenous peoples still exist. […] In the Wizarding world, as in the real world, Indigenous histories have been over-written and our cultures erased.
from The Looking Glass: New Perspectives in Children’s Literature Volumn 19, Issue 1
Part 5: Music
Panel 1: Also in 2016 I discovered two podcasts which radically altered my experience of being an HP fan. The first was Witch Please created by two Canadian feminist literary scholars Hannah McGregor and Marcelle Kosman.
Panel 2: “If it’s not in the text it doesn’t count!” “Close reading ONLY!”
Panel 3: They talk about Harry Potter at the level you’d expect in a college class with particular focus on gender, race, class, and the troubling fatphobia, fear of othered and queer coded bodies, violence against women, white feminism, gaslighting and failed pedagogy in the books. They bring up these issues not because they hate the series, but because they LOVE it.
These passionate, joyful conversations went off like fireworks in my mind. I had never taken a feminist class before. I gained a whole new vocabulary to talk about the books- and the world.
Panel 1: The second podcast I started that year was Harry Potter and the Sacred Text, created by two graduates of the Harvard Divinity School, Vanessa Zoltan and Casper Ter Kuile.
Panel 2: They read one chapter per episode through a theme such as love, control, curiosity, shame, responsibility, hospitality, destruction, or mystery. Like Witch Please, they are interested only in the information on the page, not thoughts from the author. The delights and failures of the text are examined in the context of the present day, and new meanings constantly arise.
What does it mean to treat a text as sacred?
Trusting that the more time we give to it, the more blessings it has to give us.
Reading the text repeatedly with concentrated attention. Our effort is part of what makes it sacred. The text is not in and of itself sacred, but is made so by rigorously engaging in the ritual of reading.
Experiencing it in community.
“To me, the goal of treating the text as sacred is that we learn to treat each other as sacred.” -Vanessa Zoltan
Part 6: Tooth and Claw
In October 2017, Rowling liked a tweet linking to an article arguing that trans women should be kept out of women’s bathrooms because of cisgender women’s fears. In March 2018, she liked a tweet about the problem of misogyny in the UK Labour Party which included the line “Men in dresses get brosocialist solidarity I never had.” The author of the tweet had previously posted many blatantly anti-trans statements.
Rowlings publicist claimed she had liked the posted by accident in a “clumsy and middle-aged moment.” Yet, in September 2018 she liked a link posted by Janice Turner to her column in the Times UK titled “Trans Rapists Are A Danger In Women’s Jails.”
Screencaps of these tweets can be found in the article “The Mysterious Case of JK Rowling and her Transphobic Twitter History”, January 10 2019 by Gwendolyn Smith (a trans journalist), LGBTQNation.com
Excerpt from: Is JK Rowling Transphobic? A Trans Woman Investigates by Katelyn Burns
Ultimately, the answer is yes, she is transphobic […] I think it’s fair that she receives criticism from trans people, especially given her advocacy on behalf of queer people in general, but also because she has a huge platform. Many people look up to her for creating a singular piece of popular culture that holds deep meaning for fans from different walks of life, and she has a responsibility to handle that platform wisely. (Published on them.us March 28, 2018)
Part 7: Home
At age 30, I’m still not over Harry Potter.
Panel 1: I’ve recently found a local bar that does HP trivia nights. “Poppy or Pomona?” “Poppy!”
Panel 2: I currently own an annual pass to Universal Studios so I can visit Hogsmeade.
Panel 3: I love talking to kids who are reading the books for the first time. “Who’s your favorite character?” “Ginny!”
Panel 4: And I’m planning a relisten to the audio books to next year to help me get through the election cycle. “Jim Dale, I’m going to need you more than ever…”
Spoiler from 2023: I did not do this. By mid-2020 JKR had posted her transphobic essay; we were in covid; I never visited Universal Studios again.
But I do want to learn from her mistakes. I never want to repeat “Magic in North America.” As I write, I will do my research. I will consult experts and compensate them. If a reader from a different culture/background than me speaks up about my work, I will listen and apologize. I KNOW I WILL MAKE MISTAKES. But I will own up to them and I will do better.
Excerpt from Diversity Is Not Enough: Race, Power and Publishing by Daniel José Older
We can love a thing and still critique it. In fact, that’s the only way to really love a thing. Let’s be critical lovers and loving critics and open ourselves to the truth about where we are and where we’ve been. Instead of holding tight to the same old, failed patriarchies, let’s walk a new road, speak new languages. Today, let’s imagine a literature, a literary world, that carries this struggle for equity in its very essence, so that tomorrow it can cease to be necessary, and disappear. (Buzzfeed, April 14, 2017) 
Harry Potter is flawed, & JK Rowling is problematic. But the books helped me learn a lot: 
*One of the greatest dangers facing the modern world is the rise of fascism 
*The government cannot be trusted 
*Read and think critically
*Question the news: who paid the journalist? Who owns the paper? 
*Trust and support your friends through good times and bad
*Organize for resistance
*Educate and share resources with peers
*The revolution must be diverse and intersectional
* We are only as strong as we are united
*The weapon we have is love 
MK 2019
In 2021 I removed a Harry Potter patch I sewed to my book bag over a decade ago. I took 15 pieces of Harry Potter fanart off my walls. I got rid of my paperback book set, 2 board games, and 8 t-shirt. [images: a Hogwarts a patch with loose threads, a pair of scissors and a seam ripper]
Panel 1: Maia holding up a shirt with the Deathly Hallows logo on it. Maia thinks: “Damn, this really used to be my entire personality.”
Panel 2: The t-shirt gets thrown into the Goodwill box.
I wrote my zine wrestling with JKR’s legacy in 2019, after her dismissive and racist reaction to indigenous fans and critics of “Magic in North America” and after she had liked a couple transphobic tweets. Since then, she has gotten so much worse.
A Brief Timeline (mostly from this Vox article)
June 2020- JKR posts a 3600 word essay making her anti-trans position clear
August 2020- The Robert F Kennedy Human Rights Org issues a statement about her transphobia, JKR doubles down on her position and returns an award they gave her
December 2020- JKR claims 90% of HP fans secretly agree with her anti-trans views
December 2021- JKR mocks Scottish Police for recognizing transgender identities
March 2022- JKR criticizes gender-inclusive language and legislation
December 2022- JKR retweets trans youtuber Jessie Earl’s critical review of Hogwarts Legacy, starting an onslaught of transphobic harassment towards Earl
December 2022- JKR removes her support from an Edinburgh center for survivors of sexual violence with a trans-inclusive policy and funds her own center which explicitly excludes trans sexual assault survivors
January 2023- JKR tweets “Deeply amused by those telling me I’ve lost their admiration due to disrespect I show violent, duplicitous rapists.” It got nearly 300K likes
March 2023- One the podcast “The Witch Trials of JK Rowling”, hosted by a former Westboro Baptist Church Member, JKR compares the trans rights movement to Death Eaters.
What are The Witch Trials of JK Rowling?
Panel 1: Maia speaking. “It’s a 7 episode documentary style podcast hosted by Megan Phelps-Roper. Nearly every episode contains interviews with JKR as well as critics, journalists, historians, protestors and fans.
Panel 2: Maia speaking. “In episode 1, JKR speaks more candidly than she has previously about being in an abusive marriage. Her ex-husband hit her, stalked her, broke into her house overlapping with the time she was writing the first three HP books.”
Panel 3: Maia speaking. “What she went through genuinely sounds horrific. I have a lot of sympathy for the kind of life-long traumas those experiences leave.”
It is clear from reading the June 2020 essay on her blog and listening to the podcast, that JKR still to this day feels unsafe. Despite her wealth and privilege she moves through the world with the mindset of a victim. And the group of people she finds most threatening are trans women.
Or rather, she is afraid that allowing trans women in women’s spaces invites the possibility of male predators entering those spaces.
Here’s a direct quote: The problem is male violence. All a predator wants is access and to open the doors of changing rooms, rape centers, domestic violence centers [...] to any male who says “I’m a woman and I have a right to be here” will constitute a risk to women and girls. - from The Witch Trials episode 4 as transcribed by therowlinglibrary.com, March 2023
Image: A stem of Belladonna with flowers and berries.
Let me introduce here the term: TRANSMISOGYNY. The intersection of transphobia and misogyny, this term was coined by Julia Serano in 2007. Scout Tran, on tiktok as Queersneverdie said: “Transmisogyny occurs in people who have been previously hurt by traditional misogyny. Who have been driven to hate men or at the very least to be scared of men. They will sometimes take out that rage on trans women. (March 2023)
JKR claims to care for trans women and understand they are extremely vulnerable to assault and violence. In her 2020 Essay she wrote: “I want trans women to be safe. At the same time, I do not want to make natal girls and women less safe.”
So she cares about trans women… just less than cis women, and she’s willing to throw all trans women under the bus because of her unfounded, prejudice fears.
Panel 1: Maia speaking. “JKR claims to have seen data that proves trans women have presented physical threats to other women in intimate spaces, but never cites sources. She also uses “producer of the large gametes” as a definition of “woman”.
What about transmen and nonbinary folks?
Panel 2: Maia leaning on a stack of all seven HP books, the first four Cormorant Strike books and The Casual Vacancy, gesturing to a series of quotes with a tired and disgusted expression.
I’m concerned about the huge explosion of young women wishing to transition and also about the increasing numbers who seem to be detransitioning. * [...] If I’d been born 30 years later, I too might have tried to transition. The allure of escaping womanhood would have been huge. -June 10 2020 essay
I don’t believe a 14 year old can truly understand what the loss of their fertility is.
-Witch Trials episode 4
I haven’t yet found a study that hasn’t found that the majority of young people experiencing gender dysphoria grow out of it*. -Witch Trials episode 7
*No sources cited
It’s hard to over emphasize how fixated JKR has become on these topics. As of the date I’m writing this, 14 out of her 20 most recent tweets (70%) are in some way anti-trans. She tweets against Mermaids (a UK based trans youth charity), against trans athletes, against gender neutral bathrooms, and in support of LBG Alliance- a UK org that denies trans rights while upholding gay rights. Here are some gems from her archive:
“People who menstruate.” I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud? -June 2020
War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. The Penised Individual Who Raped You Is a Woman. - December 2021
And in response to someone asking “How do you sleep at night knowing you lost a whole audience?”
I read my most recent royalty cheques and find the pain goes away pretty quickly. -October 2022
Hashtag Ruthless Productions a queer nerd podcast company created a great guide on ethical engagement with HP. Image: the two hosts of Hashtag Ruthless productions, Jessie (They/she) and Lark (he/him).
Stop buying all official HP Products: books, movies, games, toys, etc, Universal Studios tickets, food, merch.* Boycott any new TV series or movies. Instead: buy the books and DVDs used. If you still want to wear HP merch, buy fan-made. Engage only with fan content: fic, podcasts, fanart, wizard rock, etc. Show transphobia is bad for business. None of this will change JKR’s mind. But the Fantastic Beast series was canceled and after record Pottermore sales in 2020, they fell in 2022 by 40%.
*She gets a portion of ALL tickets. In 2019, this was her largest income source. Read the full guide: hashtagruthless.com/resourceguide
As late as 2019, I was still reading JKR’s murder mystery series. But by the fourth book my experience began to sour.
Panel 1: Maia holding a copy of Lethal White. “The only gay character in this book is a government official who gropes his staff?”
Panel 2: “The only genderqueer character is misgendered and portrayed as a whiny faker?”
Panel 3: “The only Muslim character is disowned by his family over gay rumors?”
Panel 4: “Even the women aren’t portrayed very well…”
Panel 5: “Why is the main female character defined by the rape in her past?”
Panel 6: “Wait, what happens in the rest of this series…?” Maia scrolls on eir phone.
Panel 7: “Is the series heading towards an employee/boss relationship?”
Panel 8: “And has a man wearing women’s clothes to commit assault?”
Panel 9: “Yeah, I’m done. I’m never reading a new JKR book ever again.”
And as for JKR herself?
As tempting as it might be to tweet your frustrations at her, I don’t recommend it. In 2021, she tweeted, “Hundreds of trans activists have threatened to beat, rape, assassinate and bomb me.” Getting hate online feeds her sense of victimhood and she waves it as proof of her moral high ground. Instead I suggest you block her on twitter, then delete twitter, go to the library and try to find a new book that feels magical.
Stack of books: In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan, The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater, Gifts by Ursula K Le Guin, Deep Wizardry by Diane Duane, A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik and Gideon the Ninth by Tamsin Muir.
In “Emergent Strategy” adrienne maree brown writes: You do not have the right to traumatize abusive people, to attack them, personally or publicly, or to sabotage anyone else’s health. The behaviors of abuse are also survival-based, learned behaviors rooted in pain. If you can look through the lens of compassion, you will find hurt and trauma there. If you are the abused party, healing that hurt is not your responsibility and exacerbating that pain is not your justified right.
Seeing anyone over age 12 wearing HP merch now makes me uncomfortable. Are they ignorant or actively a TERF? I hate wondering how much money JKR has probably poured into anti-trans legislation… This zine is a culmination of my slow breakup with a story that once brought me joy. Now it just makes me angry, tired and sad.
Image: Candle in a fancy holder burned down to less than an inch.
Maia Kobabe, 2023
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juanarc-thethird · 5 months
Learn to lock the door!
Blake: *Enters Jaune's room* Hey Jaune, have you seen my... book?
Jaune is naked, with his cock deep inside a girl on all fours who looks just like Blake. But seconds later she transforms back into Emerald.
Jaune: We can explain.
Blake: *Horny* Fuck that, I'm in.
Moments later
Ruby: Hey Jaune have you seen... Blake?
Blake is on top of Jaune, balls deep, while Emerald is putting on her clothes so she can leave.
Jaune: Is not what it looks like!
Ruby: I don't care what it looks like, I'm in!
Moments later
Weiss: Hey Jaune, did you...
Ruby is fucked from behind by Jaune while he holds her by the neck with a bit of pressure. While Blake is fully dressed putting on her shoes.
Jaune: *red* Blake is a bad influence!!
Weiss: I'm next.
Moments later
Yang: Jaune, did you eat my…!
Jaune has Weiss in a Mating Press and hitting her little pussy hard like a piñata with his big cock. Ruby, on the other side, is dressed, recording what is happening.
Jaune: Your sister dared me to do it!!!
Yang: And I have another one for you~
Moments later
Pyrrha: Jaune, it's time for our tra- Eh?!!
Yang is on all fours while Jaune fucks her from behind while he pulls her hair. In the corner of the bed, Weiss is putting on makeup again to look presentable.
Jaune: She is came to me first!
Yang: *Giggles* Yes I did~
Pyrrha: Your form is wrong, let me help you.
Moments later
Nora: Jaune, have you seen- HOLY MOLLY!!!
Pyrrha has Jaune lying on his back and pressed against the bed without him being able to move, while she bounces on his cock like an animal in heat. On the other side Yang is sitting on a couch, watching what's happening while she touches herself.
Jaune: Help! My pelvis can't take it anymore!
Nora: Oh I give you a hand~
Moments later
Neon: What's up with the noise? Are you guys having a par-TYYYYY!!!!! *Shock*
Nora has Jaune against the wall while she fucks him using her big ass. Jaune can only hold onto her hips. Pyrrha, on the other side, is brushing her hair.
Jaune: This is not a party!!
Neon: *Takes a pic on her phone* It is now~
Moments later
Reese: Neon, are you here? What do you- HOLY SHIT!!
Jaune is sitting on the bed with his back leaning against the wall while Neon moves her hips slowly and sensually while they fuck. Nora is still naked talking to someone on her phone.
Jaune: Reese, what are you doing here?!!
Reese: *Smug* Duh, I came for the party~
Moments later
Arslan: *Ready to fight* Reese, I'm here! Why do you need... *Wide eye* Backup?
Reese is on her tiptoes leaning against the wall while Jaune fucks her intensely. Neon meanwhile is taking selfies with them two in the back.
Jaune: Wait, this is 100% completely consensual!
Arslan: In that case, I also consent.
Moments later
Velvet: Jaune? Nora told me to come see y-y-y-WHY?!! *Angry*
Arslan is hanging onto Jaune with her arms around his neck and her legs hanging in Jaune's arms, supporting her ass while he fucks her. Reese, meanwhile, is on a video call with someone showing how Arslan is getting fucked.
Jaune: Velvet?! Why are you angry?!
Velvet: I gave ya all the bloody signs 'n ya fucked her?! That Dick is mine!
Moments later
Coco: Hey Jaune, is Velvet here? She said she was going- HOLY FUCK!!!
Velvet is being bred with her legs hooked around Jaune, who is on top of her fucking her like there is no tomorrow with cum coming out of her. Arslan meanwhile is putting her bandages on her arms and hands.
Jaune: It was her idea! I swear!
Coco: Whatever her idea is, I want it too~
Moments later
May: Jaune? Nora told me to come her of- *GASP!!!* I-I-I!
Coco looks a mess, her makeup ruined, her hair messy, all thanks to Jaune. He is fucking her with her on top of him, close to his body, while his cock is hitting her insides in all the right places, giving her great pleasure. Taking this opportunity, Velvet uses her camera to take photos of all of Coco's lewd expressions.
Jaune: Wait! Please don't scream!
May: *Red* I WON'T LOSE!!
Moments later
Penny: *Smiling* Hello friend Jaune! I came here to get fuck!
May is bouncing on Jaune's lap while he sucks on the nipples of her huge tits. Coco, meanwhile, is taking some selfies, liking the new look.
Jaune: You what?!!
Penny: *She removes her clothes* I'm sex ready!!!
Moments later
Ciel: Penny, I know you are here! General Ironwood is calling- WHAT THE FUCK?!!
Penny is on all fours with her hand pressed against the bed while Jaune puts all his weight to fuck her from behind. Meanwhile, May is sleeping next to them in the bed covered with a sheet.
Jaune: Please don't tell Ironwood!
Ciel: If you convince me, maybe I won't do it~ *She licks her lips*
Moments later
Ciel is curled up with a pillow while lying on her side with her ass on the edge of the bed where Jaune is fucking her hard. Penny is currently on a video call with Ruby talking about her recent experience.
Jaune: *Panic* Prof. Goodwitch! It's not what it looks like?!
Jaune saying her name made the two girls panic as well.
Glynda: You girls get dressed and go to your rooms immediately!
The two girls do what they are told and run out of the room.
Glynda: And your Mr. Arc…
Jaune: *Worry* YES!!
*Click* Suddenly the sound of the door being locked is heard.
Jaune: Prof. Goodwitch?
Glynda: Now you're all mine~💕
Moments later
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suhnshinehaos · 4 months
growing pains : epilogue
series synopsis : people say that you’ll experience three kinds of love in your lifetime. the first is an idealistic love, the kind that feels straight out of a fairy tale. the second is the hard love, the kind that will leave you with lessons about yourself and the love you want and need to experience. finally, the love you never see coming. this is the story of your three loves. pairing : svt 97 line x gn!reader genre/s : non-idol au, coming of age, angst, fluff, my attempts at humor
epilogue : a fourth kind of love
previous  ➤  act three, part twenty growing pains ➤  masterlist 
[ under a cut, it's a long one -- happy reading! ]
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from reese, with all my love <3
my oh my.... this series is around two years in the making, and it has now reached its end it feels bittersweet to let this particular one go.
but if this series has taught me anything, it's that life will always move forward, and we carry love with every step we take. i truly hope this series resonates with you in the many forms love can take, how it transforms and moves through us, the platonic and romantic.
this series is about the three types of love, but in yn i also hope to show you a fourth -- which is why i ended on yn's twt about themself. growing pains has taught me so much, allowed me discover so many things through yn and the different arcs they have gone through. i hope it does the same for you.
thank you so much for reading and going through this crazy journey with me. i'd love love love to know what you think! get in the replies, the reblogs, the asks -- let's relive and close out this chapter together <3
i hope you're all well and i'll see you again soon
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Movie Nights Headcanons With BF!Dean
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✨ Dean Winchester x fellowhunter!Reader ✨
Minors! Get out of here! Please and thank you!
COOOOONTENT: definitely 18+ (a tiddly bit of spice) but very cute
A/N: reader’s supposed to be cis/fem BUUUT headcanons only mention “girl” a few times? I’m working on my spicy gender neutral skills I’ll get there I swear
Oh also!!! I made my own icons, super proud 😌
And please! Feel free to leave notes! They literally make my day!
Anyway, let’s get this party started!
( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
-movie nights at the bunker are few and far between, because, you know, hunting is exhausting
-however, when they do happen, they’re the best thing in the whole wide world
-let me explain
-once you started dating Dean and moved into the bunker, some changes had to be made
-you had gotten a cute sofa for the Dean cave, somewhere for the both of you to sit because all that had been in there before you moved in was two dingy chairs
-at first Dean had protested in the sofa saying that it was “too girly”
-but you know how dads are with the pet that they never wanted??
-that’s Dean and the sofa
-so once you guys get comfy with your favorite snacks and drinks, you snuggled up sitting crisscross in the corner
-he’ll lay with his head in your lap, letting his bow legs rest on the opposite arm rest.
-he really loves laying on your thighs. This can be taken as you want it to.
-they really are his favorite pillows
-they’re just so squishyyy
-he loves when you play with his short hair. It’s really comforting to him, and he really enjoys it
-this may or may not come from his love of you pulling it when he’s being a munch
-rom coms are his guilty pleasure. He’s a sucker for Rambo and Top Gun. Also Back To The Future. Ofc he likes his horror movies too. Won’t make you watch anything you are uncomfortable with.
-might try to grumble when you pick, but if you give him some puppy dog eyes he’ll shut up real quick
-he’s sugar sweet when he’s sleepy. No more defenses or cool guy wit, just Dean saying a lot of I love yous and being the fluffiest biggest stuffed animal of a man
-tends to fall asleep in your lap
-if he doesn’t fall asleep he’s always chatting with you about literally whatever shows up in his pretty little head or talking to the movie
-“who fumbles reese witherspoon?” said with full indignation (about legally blonde)
-“I think my man Freddie is blind” (about Lainey in she’s all that)
-it’s super cute, especially if it’s after he’s grumbled about watching the movie he’s commenting about
-now (nsfw ahead)
-the thing is
-sometimes this dude wants to watch a movie, but he also wants a specific kind of snack
-yk, one that’s typically… white and sticky? And no I’m not talking about sticky rice
-so if you’re wearing only one of his shirts and your underwear
-and he’s in a mood
-uhhh let’s just say he really gets the munchies
-his legs’ll fall off of the sofa and magically his ass’ll land on top of them
-and oh em gee suddenly he’ll be eating that pussy like he didn’t just take down a whole bowl of popcorn
-and let me tell you, your hands aren’t ever gonna even bother leaving that hair, cause you’re gonna need to hooooold tight
-other times it’s a little different
-maybe you’re being needy while you both want to watch the movie
-so he’ll sit up, take down his pants just a little bit, move your underwear to the side and just sit you there. Keeping his cock nice and warm until the credits.
-cause you wouldn’t wanna be a bad girl (cue jojo siwa) and move on him!
-but sometimes you just can’t help it…
-so he’ll sigh heavily and pause the tv lethargically with great dramatics
-and then he’ll rail you within an inch of your life, as he does (has to make sure his girl is sated and then some 🖤 🎀)
-and hit play like nothing happened, keeping you sat right where you were
-honestly it’s a great time
-oh, also, blankets
-he loves blankets
-it’s his guilty pleasure, he buys them whenever he has some extra (stolen) cash and isn’t with his brother or Cas
-cause obviously they can’t know about his “girly” habits
-but he has so many. Some of them have flannel prints, there’s one with a bunch of Patrick Swayzes, one for every season, fluffy ones, scratchy ones, hand crocheted ones (major brownie points if you can somehow make him one)
-oh and back to snacks
-listen. You can tell him all about how much of a good idea it would be to eat healthy. Bring up all the stats and one of Sam’s famous guilt trips too.
-but all it takes is a pout with those sparkly, gorgeous, mountain-ass green eyes
-and all of a sudden you’re baking brownies together, just because you actually have a second to do normal couple things
-and anyway, brownie batter kisses?? Worth it.
-and it’s not just movies, sometimes it’s shows
-and I mention this because sometimes those shows are the wiggles. And you know why they’re the wiggles? Cause you two’ll sometimes sneak just a little bit of fun time grass into the brownies
-and the wiggles is just too much fun to watch when you’re uh… seeing sounds and hearing colors
-oh and also giggly high fun time sometimes ensues (WITH THE WIGGLES TURNED O F F you are NOT that blasphemous) (I hope)
-another one of the shows you get him to watch is Gilmore girls.
-he got hooked for three reasons:
1. he loves Luke (and no we don’t know if he loves him or LOVES him) oh and Kirk. He wants to be best friends with Kirk.
2. he’s a sucker for fall vibes. Including pumpkin spice and Halloween, apple cider and ofc his flannels- so naturally stars hollow visually floats his boat
3. he thinks it’s hilarious that some dude named Dean looks exactly like Sam ( 😏)
-oh and bonus- he’s really just a messy bitch who loves the drama and wants Lorelei to be happy
-ofc you two don’t watch your shows as much, movies take priority, but when you do you binge them. Cause who knows when the next time you’ll have time to see them is
-stupid supernatural warfare
-oh and he will always convince you to make a pie with him (NOT the sexual kind) (…sometimes the sexual kind) (🤤)
-sometimes you’ll host family movie nights, have Sam and Charlie and Cas and whoever else is hanging out around the bunker come
-most of the time a movie doesn’t even get chosen but that’s okay cause it’s still fun
-anyway, Dean is a cutie patootie sweetie sugar pie
-oh, and a munch
-I rest my case
-yeah that’s basically it
If you have any ideas for headcanons, send a request! My box is always open!
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trulyumai · 2 months
pizza time!
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—pairing: Eddie Munson / Reader
synopsis: with rain interrupting your plans, you and Eddie decide to have a lazy day. did someone say pizza time?
—warnings: none. just fluff!
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“Eddie knock it off—!” fingers danced across your waist and around the expansion of your hips. It was a mistake telling the man how ticklish your sides were, now that he took advantage of it.
“I can’t hear you sweetheart, I think you gotta speak more clearly.” His ringed fingers didn’t end there assault, he even went as far as to blow raspberries on your neck.
“Eee— okay okay! I give!” Finally ceasing his movements, the guitarist leaned against you heavily. Panting and out of breath his hand came up to cradle your cheek. “So I win… that means pizza for dinner?” A smile broke out onto his face, showing the little laugh lines molded into his skin.
“Pizza for dinner,” you hummed. Already moving towards the dial phone to appease your needy boyfriend with the much needed greasy cheese slices.
Eddie, slouched on the couch, already wanting to reach out for your frame. Pouting, he waited as you finished the call with the restaurant, and with open palms gestured for you to come back.
“Yes, okay. Thank you Reese.”
Eddie frowned, “how the hell do you know their name?”
“Because we order every weekend, dummy.” Back in his grasp you molded against him. “Someone has a problem with indulging themselves.” Your man let out a dramatic gasp, instantly disagreeing with such a statement.
Although you were having pizza again, you were so glad these lazy days came to fruition.
It rained all day today; leaving you and Eddie to sit around and just bask in each other’s existence. The man could be happy with every day like this, but with you busy with finals and Eddie finding new gigs it was getting harder and harder to have time together.
“Do you love me?” Eddie rubbed his hands across your back, somehow trying to pull you closer. If it were possible— the man would tear his skin open for you to nestle right in.
Or was that too much?
“Of course I do! You’re my everything,” hands grasped at his cheeks, demanding his full attention and halting the wandering, nervous eyes.
“And you think im handsome?” His digits were cold against your bare skin, they lightly found their way under your (his), baggy shirt. Moving up and down comfortingly.
“I think you’re the handsomest, prettiest dungeon master in existence.”
Eddie laughed. “I am the prettiest, aren’t I?”
Humming in agreement your head leaned down and rested onto the man’s chest, now facing the little television that graced the living room.
“I can’t wait to start a life with you, baby. Little you’s wandering’ round, a cute little house.” Eddie sighed, pressing his slightly chapped lips to the base of your head.
“Woah there big guy. One step at a time,” you traced the line around his jaw. “First we need to graduate. And then we’ll go from there, hm?”
“Okay, okay, im just saying. I hope they get your eyes.” sinking back down into the smushed cushion, Eddie relaxed.
“Do you think the pizzas close?”
A pause.
“…No hunny.”
@ali-r3n & @anukulee (If you wish to be tagged in future Eddie Munson blurbs or stories, let me know!)
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perpetualcosmos · 6 months
Astrology insights on health & more Pt 1.
*Personal observations & research, not from a professional opinion yet*
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-> The body part ruled by Aries is the head. I would related this to the root chakra, Leading to how safe we feel in our environment and how we manage our energy levels. Depending on where you have your Aries placements, would show you which type of environment suits you to be more passionate and require you to be more assertive in order to help you take care of your energy. That's why it's important for people with Aries placements to calm down and don't end up being impulsive, embracing the energy of the root chakra (be authentic, safe and secure in your own presence and self).
--> Learning to assert your power, not overdoing it and making sure to engage in exercise to release/gain energy. Also make sure to keep your head in a place where you can connect with when things end up being imbalanced, and always come back to the basics when you feel lost. Your identity is always ever changing and dynamically growing. You might prefer to change your hairstyle according to your mood and like tattoos.
--> Aries placements are very ambitious with a competitive streak, but they need to remember that at the end of the day it's them who has to compete with themselves. People are not trying to put you down when they are in the same things as you. Do not let your ego and pride get the best of you, and do not take things out of anger in a way which ends up exploding, don't add injury to insult.
--> The tendency to be extreme is also present in these placements, so make sure to take this out in healthy ways.
--> Blood & Iron correspond well with Aries. Make sure to take care of your head in order for your energy to remain calm and stable, let your authenticity shine as you become your independent self. But remember to not let your head take the charge all the time. You are powerful when you let your power be shown in your stance.
--> The best way to take care of yourself is through exercising, exploring, being honest and open, taking charge of a project, and finding out your passions as you go after them.
--> Aries placements might have a big forehead if in sun position, big/defined chest if in moon, Their presence might be very powerful in a room if in ascendant position, etc.
Ex: Reese Witherspoon Is an Aries Sun in 9th house, so tendency of having a big forehead as mentioned, also she remains to be very wise, likes to speak from experience and has a philosophical approach to her work. Her movies like Legally Blond also always carry some humor but deep lessons about society as well. She might also have thick thighs as well, since works out and keeps her health maintained. There is also a glow about her, when she enters the "stage" (enters stardom with her own being), People feel a magnetic pull towards her. Like she is the one taking charge. Also why early in her career she came to the spotlight. Other examples are Simone Ashley, Robert Downey Jr. & Lady Gaga. For Aries moon, examples are off Tom Hiddleston, Daniel Radcliffe, Angelina Joule - tendency of being unafraid of how they appear and lead more with their heart & head.
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A/N: Thank you for checking this out! Other parts coming soon <3
*Please note the above images are not owned by me, these where sourced from the net.*
With Grace and love ✨
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mynameismckenziemae · 2 months
A Little Bit Stronger
Part 3
(previous part here, next part here)
Bradley Rooster Bradshaw x OFC
Summary: You get settled at Bradley’s and open up to Reese a little more.
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Warnings: Just like everything else I write/post: this story is for 18+ only. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. It will contain smut, adult themes, situations and language. Please also note this story may be triggering due to the topic of domestic abuse (physical, emotional, sexual) violence-feel free to message me with any questions before reading.
“That’s…not a bad idea,” Reese says when you and Bradley tell her and Jake the plan.
“Not at all,” Jake agrees, “gives you peace of mind until you can get in your apartment.”
You nod in agreement. While staying with Bradley made you a little nervous, it also put you a lot at ease.
“Do you think you’ll come today?” She asks, hopeful.
“I think so,” you answer, “let’s see how this looks when I get some makeup on it.”
“Well what do you think?” You ask as you meet Reese in the hallway, “Does it look okay?”
“Yes, it’s really not noticeable,” she replies honestly, even lowering her sunglasses to make sure before scanning the rest of you. “Damn girl, look at you.”
You flush at her praise yet eat it up all the same. Though you’ve remained active and kept up with pilates, you’ve gained a few pounds since you’re no longer kept under a strict diet. You like that the modest black one-piece under your white button-down and jean cut-offs feels a little less modest with your fuller hips, butt, and breasts.
Will Bradley will like it too?
“Thank you,” you murmur, “I think I’m all set.”
“Sounds like the guys are too,” she responds as she hears them come back in from a round of fetch with Hank.
You follow Bradley to his house next to drop off your belongings before meeting Reese and Jake at the party.
“After you,” he pushes the door open, “sorry it’s a bit messy, I’ll clean up tomorrow.”
“Messy? What mess?” You laugh as you step inside, the smell of clean laundry with a hint of his woodsy cologne greeting you. There’s a pair of running shoes by the door, and a hoodie tossed over the back of the couch but otherwise tidy. It feels comfortable and homey with the simple but tasteful decor. “You have a beautiful home-Hank, no!”
Hank bounds past you both to make himself at home, claiming a spot on the couch.
“Get down,” you say sternly, fighting a smile at the puppy-dog eyes he’s giving you.
“It doesn’t bother me,” Bradley grins as he approaches Hank who rolls on his back for belly rubs, “a little dog hair never hurt anyone, right?”
He shows you the rest of the main floor before leading you upstairs.
A picture hanging on the wall that catches your eye. “Your parents?”
“Hmm?” He follows your line of sight, “Oh, yeah, that’s them. Goose and Carole.”
“Goose? Is that why your callsign’s Rooster?” You ask.
“Uh…yeah,” his hesitation giving away there’s more to it.
“You look like your dad,” you murmur, glancing at him before looking at the photo again, “but I can see your mom too.”
“Yeah,” he smiles, “God, I miss them. This was their house.”
“They’re gone?”
He nods.
“I’m sorry,” you reply, “I know how hard it is. Both of mine died too.”
“I’m sorry too,” he gives you a sad smile as he opens one of the doors, “here you are. Closet, bed, and the bathroom is through that door. It connects to the other room which is my office slash gym; I’ll sometimes shower in there after a workout but I’ll go downstairs if you’re home.”
Heat rises to your face as the image of his wet naked body crosses your mind.
Where the fuck did that come from?
He doesn’t seem to notice as he continues talking, “…there’s some weights, a treadmill, gym mats on the floor. Feel free to use whatever you want.”
“Thanks,” you will the redness in your face to go away, “and it’s your home, Bradley. Please don’t change your routine because I’m here.”
“I just want you to feel comfortable,” he replies, not looking at you while he picks invisible lint from the bed.
“I do,” you say honestly. He lifts his eyes to yours. “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t feel safe.”
“Okay,” he clears his throat, “good. Are you ready to go?”
You take a deep breath. “I am.”
The sunshine on your skin feels like heaven as you ride shotgun in Bradley’s vintage Bronco. You can’t help sneaking glances at the way his biceps flex in his cut-off tee when he grips the steering wheel. His thick thighs straining the fabric of his swim trunks catch your eye too.
You force yourself to stop looking and grin when you catch sight of Hank in the sideview mirror; ears flapping in the wind.
Bradley assured you he was welcome too.
A younger boy comes running around from the back of the house as you arrive.
“Little Kernsie! You grew again?!” Bradley asks, opening his arms.
“Roo!” He yells, grinning from ear to ear as he slams into him, squeezing him tightly. His eyes light up when he sees Hank. “You got a dog!?”
“I wish,” Bradley laughs as he opens the tailgate and helps Hank down, “he belongs to my friend here, Shae.”
“Hi,” you smile, “you must be Drew.”
He nods, his cheeks turning pink before he looks behind you. “Mom! Jake!”
“You guys left the same time we did. How did you get here after…,” Bradley trails off when he sees their flushed faces and Jake’s finger-mussed hair. “Gross.”
Jake smirks and Reese flips him off over Drew’s head as he hugs her.
“I see you’ve met my friend, Shae,” Reese smiles.
“And her dog,” he says, looking up at you, “What’s his name? Can I pet him?”
“Hank, and of course you can,” you reply.
His laughter fills the air from the kisses he receives.
Your heart begins to pound nervously as you follow them behind the house, but it’s all in vain; you’re greeted with open arms and kind smiles.
Introductions are made and you start to feel more at ease with the help of a few drinks and good company.
After lunch, you and Reese settle in the sand near the water.
“Can you get my back?” Jake asks Reese, holding the sunscreen.
“Sure,” she replies, “Drew, you’ll need some too.”
“But I put some on earlier,” he argues, sighing when Reese gives him a look, “fine.”
You shake your sunscreen before squeezing the bottle just as Bradley takes off his shirt to reveal more tan, sculpted muscles; you want nothing more than to follow the thin line of hair from his navel down with your tongue…
Nearly half the bottle of sunscreen is in your palm when you snap out of your daydream.
“Can you get mine too?” Bradley asks Reese, thankfully not noticing the excess in your hands after coating your legs.
“Yeah, let me get Drew first,” Reese replies, smacking Jake on the butt sharply when she’s done with his back and moving on to Drew.
“I can,” you blurt out but recover quickly, nodding to your coated hands, “if you want. I’ve got way too much here.”
“Sure,” he replies smoothly but a flush works its way up as he turns to sit in front of you.
He jolts when you touch him.
“Sorry,” you murmur, watching as goosebumps erupt.
“It’s okay,” he smiles, “just cold.”
Long-dormant arousal flickers to life between your thighs at the feel of all that muscle under the sun-warmed skin beneath your hands. So strong yet he’s been so gentle with you.
Wonder if he’s gentle in bed…
“Can Hank play too?” Drew’s question makes you jump.
“Sure, but he might take off with the ball if he gets it,” you reply.
“That’s okay, thanks,” he smiles. “Let’s go!” He says, taking off with Jake and Hank.
“All set,” you tell Bradley, wiping your hands on the towel before starting to unbutton your cover-up.
“Thanks,” he replies as he stands. He looks down at you and does a double-take at what you’re doing.
“C’mon Roo, we’re waiting!” Drew hollers.
“Right, yeah, thanks again,” he stammers before running over.
Reese bursts out laughing when he’s out of earshot.
“What?” You smile, her laughter contagious.
“I’ve known Roo a long time,” she answers, “he’s a ladies’ man; always so smooth and confident. I’ve never seen him like that…all awkward and lost for words.”
You wait for her to explain; not at all picking up what she’s putting down.
“He likes you,” she continues when she turns and sees your furrowed brow.
You feel like you’re in middle school again the way the butterflies take flight in your belly.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have told you-“ she starts to backtrack at your silence.
“No,” you give her a small smile, “it’s okay, Reese. It feels…good, actually. Really good,” you sigh as you look at the waves crashing, “I’m not ready for a relationship, obviously, since I’m still technically married, but it’s nice to feel attractive and wanted again. To be more than just a body to impregnate.”
She doesn’t say anything, just puts her hand over yours.
“Chad decided we should start trying for a baby after my parents passed away. My mom had Alzheimer’s. While her death wasn’t unexpected, it was hard,” you say, voice growing thick, “but my dad dying 2 months later from takotsubo cardiomyopathy was devastating.”
“Broken heart syndrome,” Reese murmurs and you nod.
“My parents were crazy about each other,” you smile, “they had that kind of love everyone hopes for. My dad hadn’t been gone a week before Chad brought up getting pregnant. I told him I wasn’t ready and that was the first time he hit me.”
“Why on earth would he bring it up right after losing both your parents?”
“He was getting pressure from his dad,” you sigh. “Not long after, he made me stop working, he thought the stress from my job was keeping me from getting pregnant. I wasn’t getting pregnant because I never stopped my birth control; I hid it.”
“Good,” she says.
“Over the next 2 years, he isolated me from everything while he was out drinking, snorting lines, and sleeping with random women. Then would come home and sleep with me, half the time he was too high or drunk to get it up-but that was my fault too,” you snort mirthlessly.
“When he found the hidden birth control a few months ago he…” you close your eyes at the memory, the way he left you bleeding and broken on the floor, “it wasn’t good. That’s when I made the plan to leave.”
“I’m glad you did,” she murmurs.
“Me too,” you reply, “I just want him to leave me alone so I can start living again.”
“You deserve it,” she replies, “I am sorry though, I shouldn’t have said that about Bradley. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable around him.”
“I don’t,” you shake your head. “Well not uncomfortable, but I do get a little nervous around him.”
Her eyes whip to yours. “What? Why?”
“He’s like ridiculously hot,” you laugh, “have you seen him?”
“He is,” she agrees. “He won’t pursue you though, not after everything you’ve been through.”
You nod, feeling the oddest mixture of relief and disappointment.
The rest of the afternoon passes quickly. By the time the fireworks are wrapping up, your blinks are getting slower from a full day of sunshine and fresh air.
“Tired?” Bradley chuckles when he notices.
“A little,” you admit over the loud popping of the finale in the sky.
“I’m ready to go if you are,” he leans in so you can hear him. His warm breath sends a shiver up your spine.
“Sure,” you close your eyes, wishing you could lean into his warmth.
A/N: Ughhhh I just want them to kissssssssssssss. I’m starting to hate the slow burn lol.
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I LOVE hearing what you think in the comments/reblogs! Seriously, feedback helps me more than anything.
Please let me know if you want to be added to (or removed from) my taglist…and if I forgot to add you-it wasn’t intentional.
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lacunafiction · 3 months
I recently received these two fun questions from the Forum: 
“1 - will there be a second tea vs cocoa vs coffee showdown in B2?, and 2 - Is there an in-universe reason as to why Ruby is specifically called Ruby?”
So, I thought I would make a quick post to share their answers here too! :D
1. The MC's drink choice will indeed come up a few times during Book Two! A tea party will require them to indulge in some tea one (1) time, but I'm certain the individual who meticulously planned it included something for your MC's tastes. A minor spoiler: For certain readers, Judith (the little girl you can meet in Book One) will weigh-in on the battle of hot drinks. It can be a cute/funny scene to trigger. 😀
2. Here's what I've said about Ruby's and Reese's names when revealing part of why I selected them. All of the names in TFS tend to have deeper meanings. 
It has Latin origins from 'ruber' (red) or 'rubinous', but both mean a deep red precious stone. This name holds a certain sultry elegance along with the stone itself that has had more staying power than other names that relate to jewelry or precious materials.
Meanings such as ardor, passion, and fiery are all embedded in this name, which pairs well with R's character, especially if you read a particular exchange with Mrs. Dorran in Book Two during an evening excursion. It has a Welsh origin. 
These names just seem made for R as a character! Although I think they can take on even deeper meanings on their romance route where they can express ardent feelings for the MC and show how much they treasure them above all of the Verner glitz. While their character color is more so black than red, we do see a link with Angelique and how R does also favor reds, purples, and more traditionally aristocratic pops of color. There is also a spoiler element to R's name that I'm sure will hit many of you in the feels once you figure it out. 🙃 It's fully revealed in Book Three, but there are hints even in Book Two. 
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Hopefully, you're all doing well! 
My relative silence on social media might make some of you wonder if I am in fact lost in Fernweh. 🌲The answer is a resounding 'yes'; I've been engaging in a constant and steady writing blitz to then hopefully return to answer questions and better engage closer to a demo drop and tentative release date, etc. It brings me so much happiness to write; it's my outlet, so that's my utmost priority aside from some family care-giving/time together and my cat*, of course.
(*Yes, he is also included in the family. He just gets a special mention.)
Thank you for your patience, support, and understanding! 💚
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rebelrayne · 4 months
Each Islander's Answer to: "Would You Be Willing to Return for All-Stars?"
under the cut (endgames included for fun)
Emel Ivy Kat Kelly Lily Johnny (with a dramatic flair) R!Hannah Summer Uma
➥ Yes, I would be.
Bianca* (S8 CA) Blake Cassius* (S7 Bombshell) Erikah Felicity* (S8 CA) Hazel Meera Nicolas Rachel* (S8 OG) Stephen* (S7 Bombshell) Toby Valentina
➥ The show wouldn't be complete without me.
Allegra Arlo Brad* (S8 Bombshell) Bryson Christy* (S8 Bombshell) Eddie Elisa Finn Iona Jamal (I'm sorry he is pure chaos) Lexi Marshall Mason Rafi (sorry, he's there for the fame) Reese Ryan Sienna
➥ Doesn't wait for a call, just shows up.
Hamish Liam (he's told to go home)
➥ Depends...Do I get a hot tub date?
➥ Pretends they're busy for flair, then says yes.
➥ I don't know...Look what happened last time.
Grace Hazeem Hope Jo Lucy Kobi Priya Rohan
➥ Maybe? Let me think about it.
Cherry Daphne Estelle Flo Genevieve Geri Harry (Sorry Mo, he'd just feel bad to say no LOL) Jasper Jen Luna Nicky Sammi Vicky Willow
➥ If I don't have anything better to do, sure.
Jakub Miles Shannon
➥ Lol! This reminds me of a throw pillow!
➥ My Nan would kill me, mate.
Gary Lewie
➥ *Rambles until the producer just hangs up*.
Bill (because he can't shut up) Bruno (because he can't figure out how to say no) Juliet (because she has advice for them) Rahim (because he starts talking about Violet Man)
➥ Tries to say no, tricked into saying yes.
Ciaran Tom Rafael
➥ No thank you.
AJ Alex Andy Arjun Bea Bella Bobby Carl Chloe Claudia Elijah Elladine Evan Gabi Hari Henrik Jack Jake Jin Jo Kyle Levi Logan Lucas Lulu Max Oakley Oliver Ozzy Shawn Tai Talia Thabi Theo Yasmin
➥ Hah. I'm still waiting for the punchline.
➥ I wrote enough fanfic about it.
➥ No thanks, Mamacita.
➥ Full offense-no.
Angie Lottie
➥ Non.
➥ "Oh, sorry! We forgot you exist."
Tiffany Tyler
➥ Ghosted and/or ignored the call.
Joyo Kassam Noah Seb
➥ Ghosted the call, but by accident.
Cora Najuma Will
➥ Production didn't even bother inviting them.
Alfie Bonnie Dana Felix Francis James Miki Travis
➥ Calls & complains they weren't invited.
Dylan Graham Pete Sophie Suresh
➥ Ghosted & Ignored...by Production.
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