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roguemonsterfucker · 11 months ago
for super boop u gotta like, go to the paw icon on the main blog of boop target, then hold down on the paw till it turns twice, then release to super boop!
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femmeoutoffocus · 21 days ago
I love the purple in your hair!
Thank you so much 🥰 I redyed it tn ironically 💜
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zombiemollusk · 9 months ago
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hopeinthebox · 9 months ago
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bts + reductress headlines pt.14
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serafphim · 4 months ago
Is dragon Apollo kobold Josh anything?
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ahollowgrave · 25 days ago
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Febhyurary 2025 | Day 6: Vision [feat. Sawyer of @whitherwanderer]
Softly but with a lot of feeling, "What the fuck."
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twignotstick · 9 months ago
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This is a win
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(i got inspired off smt i saw)
Join the fun if u want~!
@orangepawn39 @donnieslefteyebrow9000 @likablemuffin @totallyturtletastic @mikeyninjaturtle
im to lazy to tag everyone but pls do join the fun!🤩
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revenantghost · 1 year ago
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chiropteracupola · 1 month ago
everyone please slide a nice piece of garlic naan into an envelope and mail it directly to my house in an expeditious style
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faunandfloraas · 2 months ago
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The jile...... @nightchangesmp3 WHAT DID U DOOOOO
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roseofithaca · 8 months ago
"Me, my wife and her 10,000 year old caveman." 😂🥰
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Commission for @moonah-rose
Ugh so sorry for the pixelated nightmare that this is👁👁 I stretched the canvas to it's limit🙄✿✿hope it okay
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benjaycaptain · 29 days ago
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super late, but here's some snake!jay flavored benjay, the commis/sion that the lovely @xxhyposisxx did for me!! they are so lovely and talented and i'm so happy they took my comm because this art is precious and ahhhh i love my otp xD
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queenlua · 6 months ago
hey. hey. what mtg deck would naesala play?
Naesala doesn’t play Magic: the Gathering.  what do you think he is, some kind of nerd?
…that’s what he says, at least. except, at some point, Leanne gets her hands on some cards & omigosh there are ANGELS on here and they’re so pretty!!! & so now she has an ANGELS DECK & she wants Naesala to play, so he’s like “fine i guess”
(this is when they’re all still young and precious and adorable.  also: Ice Age is the hot new set of cards in town.  no one is actually good at Magic yet, the only way you learn the rules is via exciting rumors on the playground, the metagame advances at the pace of a monthly Scrye magazine subscription, etc)
ANYWAY.  Naesala starts out just playing whatever pile of cards Leanne hands to him & is perfectly happy getting rolled by her; he’s really treating it as a social hanging-out kinda thing, kinda like pinochle or whatever
except then Reyson makes a whole THING of it, y’know.  he shows up with his own aggressively handcrafted green/white deck and he’s going to BEAT Naesala and that’s going to make him stop bugging LEANNE.  (i mean, it won’t, but insert whatever adolescent boy logic you like here)
Naesala doesn’t care that much about winning either way, but he *is* a horrible troll and enjoys rankling Reyson
so that’s when he bothers walking into an Actual Hobby Shop for the first time (taking care not to touch anything more than he has to) (when is the last time anyone dusted this place or wiped down a counter, gross) & he asks if they have a copy of The Official Rules & he then proceeds to read them cover-to-cover
and thus, the following week, he’s the one that breaks the news to Reyson, mid-game, that regeneration can’t save your creatures from Wrath of God & Reyson is PISSED.  “that’s not fair” “it’s the rules” “you hafta SAY that first” “sorry Reyson but your river boa is dead” etc etc insert childish squabbling here
anyway.  fast-forward a bunch of years + one genocide later, and, dang, it’s been a while since Naesala and Reyson talked, huh?
Naesala hasn’t touched the game much in the interim.  i mean, he’s played some, because he’s got this one annoying underling who’s really into it, and part of being a good leader is very occasionally letting your hair down & letting everyone dunk on you in some goofy multiplayer MtG game in the mess hall.  so he has a couple gimmicky decks he’s thrown together for casual play.  he’s got a Relentless Rats + Thrumming Stone deck.  he’s got a goofy Tinker deck—he put it together when he was REALLY out of the loop, and thought he’d discovered this great new combo no one else had noticed—he was pissed when he learned that card had been banned, like, two years ago, dude.
but his main deck is this black/white weenie deck that he’s cobbled together over the years—it’s charmingly old school but still holds up reasonably well.  it’s got Hypnotic Specter and Order of the Ebon Hand and Order of the White Shield and Hymn to Tourach, and he’s thrown in a Stromgald Crusader and a Damnation and such over time, it doesn’t exactly adhere to good modern deck design principles but it generally puts in a respectable showing.
meanwhile, Reyson has gotten *way* too into MtG—like, uncomfortably into it. have you ever had a friend who got Way Into A Particular Hobby Because They Were Clearly Desperately Unhappy About Something Else In Their Life? And They’re Trying To Tell You About All This Insane Hobby Drama That They’re WAY Too Invested In And You’re Trying To Find A Subtle Way To Tell Them Bro Get A Little Bit Of A Life Please?  yeah, that.
i mean, it’s understandable!!!  he can’t possibly compete with the hawks in all their reindeer games, dude just literally does not have the muscle, but there is a decent contingent of hawks that are pretty into MtG so he is determined to dominate there.
Reyson is not a natural talent at the game, but he’s a total grind, so he is in fact the most dominant MtG player on all of Phoenicis.  so when Naesala shows up in Phoenicis for the first time in years and years, and Reyson's got all these Unresolved Feelings about that whole deal, of course he challenges Naesala to a game of MtG, yugioh frenemy style, to test his friendship mettle or something
Reyson’s playing a ridiculously aggro red/black deck.  i’m thinking some good filthy gargadon rakdos.  just on and on and on the attack
so Naesala gets out his charmingly old school black/white weenie deck, kinda rolling his eyes, but sure he’ll give Reyson a game if he wants a game, no Reyson he doesn’t know if it’s a standard legal deck or not but it’s the deck he’s got, will you shut up and just play—
and Reyson’s mostly dominating, but Naesala’s doing his level best to hang in there, and the match comes to a rather dramatic climax when Naesala manages to stabilize during one of the games & he taps out to cast a 5-mana big boi—
and, yeah, of course Naesala’s janky old school black/white deck has a Serra’s Angel as a win condition & yeah it’s the exact same one Leanne gifted him years and years ago & they both know it.
they end the game pretty quickly & awkwardly after that & neither of them remembers who actually won.
(wow this Naesala guy is such a simp.  god this is such a fucking cheesy moment.  i hate this, hold on, i’m gonna go throw up in my mouth a little… OKAY i’m back.)
ANYWAY.  all that plays out, doot dee doo, fast forward to post-Radiant Dawn:
* Reyson’s a very happy red/white Boros player these days.  he has chilled out a little bit but is still pretty easy to bait into getting Mad And Competitive again.  (Tibarn frequently does this because it’s kind of cute when Reyson’s pissed about magical cards) ((Tibarn’s decks are absolute piles, oh my god.  just the most janky barely-functional Timmy stuff imaginable. someone explain the concept of a mana curve to this poor man))
* Leanne still likes ANGELS!!!! & also white weenie stuff & also cute stuff generally.  despite her benign appearance & her weakness for playing Cute Stuff over Good Stuff, she’s a more naturally talented player than Reyson & has just enough of a killer instinct to generally come out on top
* Naesala favors black, and mostly just tries to figure out whatever deck he can play to troll his local meta, but he’s still got that black/white deck in a sentimental drawer somewhere.
also: look, i don’t play Commander nearly enough to provide any substantive commentary on that front, but… my very first instinct, when i read this question, was: “this bitch would definitely run Braids, Cabal Minion as his commander.”  except i looked it up and apparently Braids is Very Banned In Commander.  boo.  does the format ban fun, too.  c’mon, let a dude ruin everyone’s game every once in a while!!!  i think Naesala is equally pissed about Braids being banned is what i’m saying
so yeah that is my complete theory of Naesala And Magic The Gathering lol
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pigswithwings · 1 year ago
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This is so rush and my apologies if this is unwanted but hear me out, since we have a V1 and V2 plushies the masses deserve a Mirage one so may I offer one during these trying times-
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Quite Possibly The Greatest Gift I Have Ever Recieved
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hopeinthebox · 2 years ago
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Thank you to the anon who turned me onto @hopeinthebox bc holy shit their blog is gold. And the reductress stuff lmhjwkabskdnwjzjss
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groge · 5 months ago
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Frith for @grumpyoldsnake and the PCRF <3
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