#thank you lucio for being such a good boy <3
dreamtydraw · 1 year
good morning!! <3
I am awake again and before I have to go to work (funfact: I work at a daycare), I wanna answer to what you wrote!
First of all, I would have never guessed you would like Lucio, especially not with Asra also being one of your favorite, but with your explanation, it makes total sense! I honestly think Lucio is an incredibly interesting character, and I also enjoyed his story/route a lot! And just like you, have a soft spot for pathetic characters (*´-`). Asra is honestly very obvious now that you said it and you and I have very similar thoughts on asra! Portia is an absolute treasure but I can't play her route because (thanks to Julian's route) I just see her as like, a bestie and I also wouldn't want to steal her away from Nadia (´~`)
My favorites are Julian and Asra!
Funny thing is, I didn't like Asra at first because I felt like he was being too mean to Julian and the fact he made him partially responsible for what happened to MC didn't (and still doesn't) sit right with me. However, after a while, I made myself play Asras route and I absolutely fell in love with them! I love the soulmate trope so much! Asra really grew on me, I love their color palette and he just feels so soft. I also like him because, similar to you, they helped me understand my gender identity more. I knew I was probably nonbinary by the time I got into arcana but I was so unsure if I was allowed to call myself that since I still really like presenting "feminine" and somehow, seeing asra just do what they want and dress how they like helped me realize that there is not one way to "look nonbinary" ( don't know if that makes sense T^T ).
Julian is very very dear to me and he's actually the reason why I started playing arcana! I love his character design and color palette and I have a weak spot for doctor characters (*´-`). I really like his route and his journey to self-acceptance is really lovely to read! I love that he's a bit (much) of a risk taker and how he would do anything to protect the ones he loves most. I also have to say, I relate sooo much to him, I'm a bit worried (◎-◎;)
anyway, this is already so long, I'm sorry!!
to give a quick answer to the other ask I send, I really like undertale too and I quite enjoy puzzle games and cozy indie games! And please recommend me some otome games!! (*^-^)
Well hello there, that quite a tchat. I hope your day goes well at daycare !
Yeaaaaah liking Asra AND Lucio is like... Liking both end of a spectrum that respectfully hate each other yeaaaaaah.....but it's fun :D
And we have a similar experience regarding asra then ! This boi being a nb awakening for many i see ♡⁺◟(●˙▾˙●)◞⁺♡
Puzzle game are fun ! For games i gonna recomand you the classics that are a bit popular in indie game space : our life, blooming panic, error143, butterfly soup and Cinderella phenomenom
Since you liked the arcana i can more than recomand you Last legacy ( even if the route will never have an ending i truly recommand it because i adore this game with a burning passion )
I also recomand Royal alchemist.
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mcoxtonbro · 7 years
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Living la vida low cost, McOxton style (•︣ ͜ʖ•᷅)👌
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artanddaddyissues · 3 years
What the M6 Think After Settling Down With You.
Guys this is so cute and mushy- I was in my feels and I needed some fluffy content :) Now you have fluffy content :))
WARNINGS: fluff, angst? (not really), spoilers for Lucio + Julian + Muriel's upright ending
- Finally found someone that could keep up with him
- He loves your willingness to go on his little adventures, try new spells and potions together, learn new things, go to new places, etc...
- He does have a little bit of a "I thought I was helping you" problem, by holding some information back but you know he does it out of the good of his heart and that he wants to change
- You make him want to be a better person.
- He loves every part of you and every flaw. He cares deeply about you and would do anything for you.
- Overall a happy fluffy boy <3
- Poor boy never even dared to dream of this life. He thought it would be impossible.
- Somebody finally loves every part of him :,)
- Even though he never thought of a way to come back from his past mistakes, you helped him through and helped him to see a light at the end of the tunnel.
- Adventuring and keeping up with his clinic, an adorable pet dog, getting lost in the market searching for your magical ingredients, treating you to dates and being treated to dates.
- Overall, extremely happy with you and makes sure you know that.
- Finally, someone by her side that she can trust
- somebody she can laugh and cry with
- somebody she can be vulnerable with
- somebody who will love her and help her grow
- somebody to lean on and ask for help
- Nadia appreciates you very much and dreams of all the future endeavors she will take you on, how she will spoil you and thank you for being such a good person in her life.
- She truly loves her life with you so much more. You make ruling a little better <3
- Portia adores all of you. How you balance her out, how you love to travel with her on her time off, how you help keep her priorities straight, etc...
- She never imagined she could balance a relationship and such a demanding job. But, in you came to prove her wrong.
- She loves her life more than anything and loves seeing you happy when you're beside her. <3
- He never thought he could trust somebody until he met you
- His life now is something he never could have imagined in a million years. He can only see a life like this with you, nobody else can give him what you give him.
- Security? Trust? Unconditional love? You give that all and more.
- You travel yearly, taking time away from Vesuvia often to remote places. Sometimes it's a tropical island, a snowy village, his hometown, your hometown. Wherever you go, he just want to be with you
- He loves his life mor than anything, completely forgetting the lonely, scared man he once was before he met you <3
- He never really imagined himself as anything other than Count. You gave him a new meaning to life
- He didn't have to prove himself anymore, he learned his worth with your help
- Travelling, collecting artifacts and ancient pieces of history is something he heard about in plays and stories so when he finally gets around to fulfilling his little dreams, he's over the moon at the fact that you're beside him.
- You helped Lucio grow tremendously and that's something he can only imagine you doing. <3
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chaotic-macaroni · 3 years
In honour of me coming down with the flu, can we please get the M6 taking care of a sick mc?
(p.s. I love your content, it's so well written and pretty to imagine)
Heya! Thanks for sending this in! Sorry you aren't feeling great, having the flu is no fun! Drink fluids and get some rest <3
The Main 6 taking care of a sick MC
could honestly spot you coming down with something from a mile away
I mean come on, you have half of his heart how could he not know
As soon as you start showing any symptoms they will immediately close up shop for the time being to take care of you
They are very adamant on how important it is to keep hydrated while sick and so will be constantly making you all kinds of teas
He honestly knows everything there is to know about tea and so knows just the ones that will help any ailments you happen to have
Lowkey gets really anxious when you get sick fearing the worse, but with reassurance can get over the fact that a simple stomach ache isn't gonna take you out
Oh boy she's been planning for this
Ever since you got together she has had the servants organize and practice drills in case this happens
If you get sick the servants know immediately what to do and the finest doctor money can pay for is already on their way
Nadia will do anything and everything she can to make you as comfortable as possible while you aren't feeling the best
Nadia trusts your word if you say you are feeling fine but she can read people incredibly well and can tell when you are just trying to tough it out, which won't cut it with her
She can't be there next to you a whole lot because of her countless countess duties but will be there all throughout the night to play with your hair and sing you to sleep
Oh god this boy panics
Yes of course, he's a doctor and should know what he's doing but all logic goes out the window when crisis strikes
You will have to shake him out of it (possibly literally) and remind him that he is a doctor, helping people when they are hurt or sick is literally his job
As soon as he is able to pull his head out of his ass he is a fantastic care taker
Granted he can be a little frantic if something isn't working but he means well
Will not leave your side even once until you are better
"Julian N O, I said put DOWN THE LEECHES"
she has learned a little bit from her brother so she has a somewhat idea of what she's doing, but with a Portia exclusive twist of course
Her methods are focused less on medical treatments but more on comfort and you just resting
Just so you know you are 100% bed ridden until you are completely recovered
Like seriously, she will probably try and body slam you back into bed if you try and leave
Trying to go to the bathroom and forgot to let her know SLAM
If she can, she will take a day or two off from work just to keep an eye on you
You two will cuddle with Pepi which honestly might cure you on the spot
Has Mazelinka watch you if she can't get off of work
Lots of spoon throwing and lots of soup
Bless him but he's not exactly sure what to do
Will try and get some tea and essential oils from Asra because he knows that's what they bring him when he isn't feeling great
"...are you sure you should be up moving around...?"
Eggs? Eggs. Will make you lots and lots of eggs even if you didn't ask for them
Doesn't mind just asking some time off so he will lay in bed with you so neither of you get lonely
Will make you little protection charms to prevent you from getting sick again and keep you immune system nice and strong
Definitely not good at this
The second you get sick he's all like "alright imma head out"
Granted this isn't because he doesn't care he just doesn't exactly have the best relationships with getting sick (neither does the MC Lucio come on)
He will pay for the best and over the top medical care you could possibly imagine, while he is...doing things
A couple days later you hear a knock on your bedroom door, and in walks the one and only Lucio in a gas mask and apocalyptic gear
"See my dove? Now I'm ready to socialize with you, can't have both of us getting sick now can we?"
Even though Lucio is a dork you honestly needed this laugh and his antics never cease to be better than all the treatments in the world
Thank you so much for sending this in! I had a lot of fun and I hope you feel better babe! If you have any feedback, I would love to hear it!
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mountain-man-cumeth · 4 years
How would you rewrite Muriel’s route?
This is the 3rd question I got with similar vibes so imma begin by saying that I am not a writer. I am a reader, a decent one, but I’m not the idea guy. I will try, though, since it seems like people are interested for some reason.
First of all I'd make some baseline changes to set the backstory proper;
Muriel chose the mantle of Lucio's executioner willingly, him and Asra had no other means to survive so they willingly worked as indentured servants under Lucio. He reasoned with himself thinking these are bad people and that he has no other skills to offer. (There might be a threat on Lucio's part that they can be replaced, he doesn't have to had given a villain speech for the implication. He is a rich tyrant and they are street kids, it the service they provide isn't up to par Lucio can easily look for alternative options.) Let me be clear, Muriel was not a gladiator. Gladiators are compensated generously for the entertainment they provide and often due to the amount of investment made on them, fighting to death wasn't a common occurrence. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Muriel, or rather the Scourge was well known and probably liked by the crowd, there's literally no reason for Lucio to utilize him otherwise. He wants people to enjoy the show, if everybody hated Muriel what use is he to Lucio?
Kokhuri are alive. The tribe had to relocate but they left Khamgalai to tend to the graves. They are nomadic and matriarchal people who likely don't adhere to mother-father-child kind of European family structure. The children are raised communally.
Muriel's curse has nothing to do with myrrh, there's a rune that can counter it and only he knows how to make it, he figured it out by himself for Asra. Any magic that can nullify a spell by Major Arcana is no doubt strong as fuck.
I'd start similar to main 3, MC is tasked to find Lucio's murderer. They find Muriel's brush or loincloth or whatever early on which leads them to the forest but because of the protective spells and the curse they get lost. They ran into Muriel or Inanna and she leads them to Muriel hunched over the corpse. They try to help, like the canon, and have a brush with Lucio's goat ghost. They tell him they were looking for the Scourge and Muriel says there's no Scourge here.
The day after they forget about Muriel but remember the rest and relay that information to Asra, who gets agitated by Lucio's return. He thinks Lucio is here for MC's body but doesn't explain anything, instead begs them to leave town until he figures something out.
They go to see Muriel and he reluctantly agrees to accompany them to the outskirts of the forest, on Asra's request.
Some point on their road trip Asra water-calls them to inform them that Lucio is looking for hearts and the Magician (or whoever else Asra consulted) implied they might find answers South. MC still doesn't know anything except maybe some comments Muriel could have made that painted Lucio in a bad light but they decide to investigate regardless. Muriel opposes, eventually caves (either thanks to MC or Asra). He lets out that he's been tailing MC on Asra's behalf for years so it shouldn't be that much different.
They go from town to town, MC helps Muriel ease into dealing with people again and it's easier since nobody knows jack about Scourge. They learn that he enjoys card games and collecting trinkets from different cultures. He might even get a little too enthusiastic about plants and gives random advice to a gardener.
We might learn here that Muriel doesn't like feeling that he's on a display or that he's performing. He prefers to lay low and blend in, not necessarily completely shut off the world.
They run into Morga(maybe they encounter raiders or a barfight or something alike), who's also been tracking Lucio. She proposes to work together. She berates Muriel for being a coward and convinces him to fight as that's all he's good for. (I think it's better if MC trains on magic rather than archery, I'm seeing alot of disabled MCs.)
She tries to train them but Muriel doesn't respond well to fighting and eventually Morga leaves. Valdemar or Vulgora catches them, Lucio's still trying to get MC's body. They escape just barely, MC gets hurt, Muriel beats himself up over it, some angst some fluff, you know the drill. Maybe he has a panic attack because panic attacks are usually not as on the nose as "Oh No I Gotta Fight Someone With a Knife". Looking for a shelter and aid, they find a cottage which turns out to be Khamgalai's. She helps them out, teaches Muriel how to heal using the techniques of their clan, I assume MC helps since they know some restorative spells too. She tells Muriel his family sent him away when they got ambushed so he wouldn't have to live on the run as Morga's clan was on a war path to conquer South. We get sad, lots of tears. Kisses might ensue.
Somehow it's revealed that this is the answer they were looking for and not Lucio (because I think the whole "Lucio's clan" plot was redundant) and Morga was just using them as bait to get Lucio out of Vesuvia.
Morga catches on to them, we learn who she is, Muriel and MC confront her but Khamgalai says her warmongering already costed her everything. She says she's trying to make up for it by killing her son and she needs MC to lure him out, they agree to work together, begrudgingly. (MC's past can be revealed here since they need to learn what's the deal with Lucio's obsession of them at some point)
Around this point MC might realize the mark's fading, Muriel brushes it off.
Instead of Lucio, Devil comes and tells them about Lucio's plan to do the ritual again. They go back to Vesuvia to warn people
Masquerade happens, people remember Muriel, Nadia or MC or someone give people an ultimatum. But oh no it was a TRAP all along, Devil told them of the ritual to get them right where he wanted. Lucio gets in MC's body, Asra sends them to the Arcana realm, same story as main 3.
MC forgets Muriel on the Arcana realm but through the power of love and maybe some guidance from the Hermit they go "oh no i forgot my boy". They return to find him in the Coliseum. What?! He was the Scourge?! Who could've thought. (this reveal wouldn't affect MC's opinion at this point since they already know he's a cinnamon roll)
This time Lucio's blackmailing him with MC's body. He says he needs hearts to make himself a new one and if Muriel grabs some for him MC can get their body back.
Story diverges to Upright/Reversed
Upright, if MC encouraged him to take it easy, but take it: MC snatches the body of someone he's suppose to fight to change his mind, he decides not to do it and instead go with defeating Lucio on the Arcana realm plan(curtesy of their friends). So here we can have a romantic scene like in Nadia's route where his chains are broken in the Arena.
They fuck around in the Arcana realm facing their fears and stuff, they bond, defeat Lucio, petrify the Devil etc. I like to think Muriel finds the forest spirit here, too, and maybe manages to heal it or learns that it's damaged but with enough time and care it will regrow. (a metaphor? in my arcana game? its more likely than you think)
Morga is charged for war crimes by the Kokhuri, the Coliseum is demolished and the love birds travel around doing their thing.
Reversed, if MC encouraged him to be strong and uncaring: MC fails to convince him and he decides to go through with Lucio's plan. He kills Morga and some more important spirits and fucks up the world. Which turns out to be a bogus plan anyways, Lucio only needed the hearts to settle his deal and Muriel kills him, too (I am untethered, and my rage knows no bounds!)
Without a body MC is stuck in the other realm so Muriel and them retreat to the magic dimension, defeat the Devil and live the rest of their days.
There might also be a 50 first dates situation going on inwhich they get stuck in a loop where MC constantly meets and falls in love with Muriel only to forget him in a couple of (magic realm)days.
idk man this aint my job im just spitballing here, im writing this long ass thing so ill look like im working
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zacks-oc-house · 3 years
Morgan Birthday 2022
(Hi! I’m sorry this is so late! But here ya go @knight-engale )
The boys were all very excited for tonight. The three of them, aided by their friends, breezed around the bar party space they had rented out for the night. Portia set the cake down on the food table, Armie (trying) to sneak over to have a taste of the icing. “No! This is Morgan’s!” Portia batted Armie’s finger away, saving a large white frosting lotus from certain doom. “Awh man! Well if she doesn’t want all that frosting, I call dibs on it!!” Portia rolled her eyes, giggling. “Alright, Armie..”
Cadence got to work with Muriel and Asra on decorating. Asra had a knack for decorating, and Muriel’s height was a major asset. Muri liked being with Asra anyway over Julian and the others. “Squeak These decorations came out so nice!” Cadence threw the constellation shaped confetti all over the tables as Asra put out the centerpieces. They had come up with a rather clever combination of New Year’s decorations and things that felt very Morgan. “I got the photo backdrop hung up.” Muri smiled at his work. He had hung up a series of soft white and blue linen curtains with some moon and star paper crafts and balloons. “Muri! That’s so cute!” He just blushed in response. “Thanks..”
“I got it! This mech arm is strong!” “But both of mine are stronger-“ Lucio and Roul carried in the drinks for the night, of course making a big show of it. “Hmphh!” Lucio dropped his keg quickly, panting. Roul was quick to call him out on it. “Aw.. poor baby. I suppose I will need to go carry in the case of Morgan’s mulled wine?” Lucio pursed his lips, annoyed. “I got it!” He stormed out, Roul chuckling under his breath to follow him back out. “Oh, slow down. You do not want to get anything on your new red sweater!”
Julian clicked away on his laptop, working on the music playlist. They went off of Morgan’s spotify and known favorite songs to give her some entertaining dancing music. Armie plopped down next to him to investigate. “Ooo! We are gunna have some fun tonight!” All at once, their phones went off, a message from Nadia coming across the screen. “I just picked Morgan up. We will be over soon.” Everyone turned into high gear to complete the finishing touches before the surprise party could start.
Nadia and Morgan made their way through the already busy bar to the party room. “Oh goodness… we are lucky to have reserved a room for our New Year’s Eve festivities rather than be stuck out here.” Nadia spoke rather nonchalantly to keep the air of a surprise. “What? It’s kinda loud here…” Nadia just smiled. “Oh, nothing~” She took her warm hand, leading her to the room.
A great chorus rang out as everyone set off confetti poppers, raining down on Morgan. Her eyes went wide, grin spreading across her face. She looked from Nadia to everyone, shocked. “Y-you guys! You didn’t have to do all this!” Nadia just shook her head, bringing Morgan in for a tender kiss. “Of course we had to, my beauty~”
As the night wore on, it was filled with dancing, pictures, food, and friends. A very lively dance battle had broken out at one point between Morgan, Armie, and Julian. The tv in the room came on, showing that the ball had one minute left. “Everyone get ready!!” The friends all collected together, holding each other close as the seconds counted down.
“HAPPY NEW YEAR! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MORGAN!” A great chorus roared throughout the space as noisemakers and clappers went off, confetti popping. Nadia’s finger tapped Morgan’s chin, bringing her to face her. “Happy.. well.. everything… my love.” She leaned down to give her the New Year’s Kiss to end all kisses. The both of them were red after they finally broke. The others had either chose to kiss someone or just hug them happily.
Cadence giggled, kissing Morgan’s cheek. “Hehe! Happy bday!” He scampered away. “I kissed a girl!” He giggled more, Lucio chuckling as he stopped Cadence in his tracks for a kiss. Armie and Roul also went up to Morgan for a cheek kiss to be respectful of her and Nadia. “Happy happy birthday, Morgan!!!” Armie brought her in for a bear hug, squishing her into his fat belly. Roul, ever the proper charmer, bowed first. “A happiest of Birthday’s, dear Morgan.” Morgan looked around at all of her friends and girlfriend, smiling with tears. “Thank you all, I’m just filled with such joy!” Everyone went in for a big group hug, so much love being shown for Morgan.
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thearcana-junkie · 4 years
been falling deep in the fandom now and your writing is amazing 🥺👉👈 can i request main 3 arcana (asra, julian, and nadia) reacting to reader coming home soaked from the rain and crying because somehow, they had picked up a litter of puppies and one of them was injured? aaaaa i hope this made enough sense! anws, keep being you, boo 💖
Omg awww! First of all this is the cutest headcannon I've been asked to do. Second, thank you so much!!
As always i’ll do all six because I don't wanna leave anyone favorite character out (unless your favorite character is a courtier, in that case request them I won't do them otherwise.)
MC Brings Home Wet Puppies
She’d been worried when you hadn’t come home
She was so close to sending out the guards to look all over vasuvia for you!
When you came through that bedroom door, you have no idea how releived she was.
”DARLING!! Where have you been!? I was so worried. Your soaked to the bone let's get you dried off.”
She didn't even notice the small yapping in the box you had with you— not until you started crying. When she asked you what was wrong you— in a very heated quick moment explained;
”I found these puppies on my way home from the shop, They were in a box floating down the canal. One of them is hurt and it won't stop crying— it's suffering Nadia we need to help it.”
She had you get cleaned and dried off— even take a bath so you'd calm down. She took the puppies and moved them to a dry basket with a soft blanket in it.
”you lay down darling. I'll take care of them.”
She was in way over her head. She didn't know how to help the one puppy— the others looked fine. So she sat up with it swaddled in her arms until she could take it and the others to a vet early the next morning.
All were healthy, the one had a broken leg but it was a simple fix. You both nursed them until you found them all homes, we'll not the one she had stayed up with. You kept that one ad now it sleeps with you both at the end of the bed in an expensive dog bed.
He noticed them before you did.
It was raining and you were both headed home from a date. He kept you dry with his coat until you both stumbled upon a box of puppies. Then he covered you and the box with his jack while you guys ran home.
He set the puppies up with you in bed. You watched and fed them wet food. All but one that kept wheezing. That one he took into his study so he would examine it.
Humans and dogs are enough alike, ,, right?
He determined the puppy had a nasty cold, which he cured with some paceline he had— albeit a lower dose then one for a human.
Every day none-stop he’s give that puppy it's medicine. It fought with him a lot but he did it until it got better
By the time it had gotten better all the others had been adopted to new homes. Of course he couldn't keep a dog— his landlord didn't allow pets.
He did the next best thing— He gave the puppy to Mezlinka! Now every time he goes to visit the little scruffy mutt comes running to him.
It doesn't leave his lap while he’s there. Which often leads to him taking it home for sleep overs.
Asra fell in love with them when he saw them.
He gave you a kiss and told you to get dried off while he took care of them.
He all but cried when he noticed one was barely breathing.
He tried using some minor healing potions. It took a while but it started getting better.
To say he balled when he gave each puppy away to a loving home. Is an understatement.
She instantly starts naming them and wants to keep them all.
Of course she asks if you can take care of the sick one since she’d probably cry to much to do any good.
While you take care of that one she sets them loose in the livingroom with Pepi.
Pepi doesn’t like them what-so-ever.
She doesn’t want to get rid of them so you decide to keep all four of them. They follow he around the palace grounds.
He was actually the one who found them beside their mother. The mother didn’t make it sadly so he brought them home.
One had a small birth defect— it wobbled when it walked.
You named the one wobble— of course.
Inanna didn’t really care for the puppies since they thought she was their mother. She did however teach them how to fend for themselves.
Muriel kept wobble as a friend for Inanna. ‘Mainly’ cause Inanna got attached to it.
“Dove... what are those little monsters and why are they in my bedroom??”
You brought them home without telling him. But Lucio could never be mad at puppies— it took him a minute to realize that was indeed what they where.
He took them to the vet to make sure they were in good health before he introduced them to his two babies.
Mercedes was ecstatic but malchior wanted nothing to do with them. However the puppies seemed to magnetize to the grumpy boy the more he ran off
Of course Lucio suggested that you and him keep all of the puppies because; “No one could give them a better home then us!”
If you say no, begrudgingly he’ll set out to find them the best homes. You bet your ass he’ll be thorough about it.
“Do you have a big yard? Will they be inside or outside? How many toys do you have for them? remember they need their own bed— preferably their own room with toys and good food, none of that kibble crap.”
If you say yes then you better be prepared for no room in the bed at night.
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Crusader of Life 3: Chapter 1
“Don Giovanna, there’s a message for you.”
“Who’s delivering it?”
“Andrea, sir.”
Giorno furrowed his eyebrows. Mista was on a mission with Andrea, and the two of them were told only to come back once they completed that mission. Mista wouldn’t have let anyone come back until the job was done.
“Let him in,” he said. “I need to have a word with him.”
After some time, Giorno’s bodyguards finally delivered Andrea to the main room.
“Why is it that you came back without Mista?” Giorno demanded. “If he hasn’t returned, it means the mission isn’t complete.”
“Forgive me, Don,” Andrea bowed. “Our target saw us coming, and… well, this is what I’ve come to tell you, but… Mista… Mista was killed.”
“What?” Giorno shouted. He shot up from his chair. “No, there’s no way anyone can kill him! He’s our best gunman!”
“I don’t know how it happened, Don,” Andrea shuddered. “It was like an invisible force killed him. I’m sorry, but I ran in fear. I’m not equipped to deal with the supernatural.”
As Giorno tried to hide the tears in his eyes, he calmly sat back down. “You’re forgiven,” he murmured. “You can go now.”
As Andrea bowed and left, Giorno slammed his fist on the arm of his chair. “Send this message to the strongest Stand users in our organization:” he ordered the bodyguards, “find the man who killed my last living friend.”
It was a very busy day at Naples’s biggest airport. Not much busier than normal, of course, except for a girl pushing her way through the crowd. The girl would normally stop and apologize, but there was no time for that right now. She couldn’t slow down, not even for a second. Not with the threat at stake. The girl’s bright red hair flew as far as it could from its owner, given it only reached down to her chin. Her blue eyes darted around, looking for somewhere to hide. That’s when she saw an open door following into an empty room. She ran towards the door, and slammed it behind her. Breathing heavily, she hovered her head over the toilet and gagged.
A knock on the door startled the girl. “Emily?” a man asked. “Did you make it?”
Just as Emily was about to answer, her stomach turned inside out as she threw up in the toilet.
Outside the bathroom, two boys stood waiting. The taller one shared a resemblance to Emily, with his fair skin and red hair, but with purple eyes instead; the shorter one was strikingly different, with short, jet black hair that was pulled away from his similarly-colored, almond-shaped eyes, but he still shared a similar shade of skin.
As Emily walked out of the bathroom, she muttered, “I hate plane rides.”
“At least you didn’t barf on someone this time,” the shorter boy snickered.
“Daichi!” the older one scolded.
“Sorry,” Daichi said as he dipped his head and cracked a smile.
When the three finally pushed their way through the crowd, Emily breathed in fresh air, basking in the clear, Italian sun.
Then, her stomach growled.
“Dad, can we stop somewhere to eat?” Emily asked.
“Not yet,” the older man said. “We need to get our stuff to the apartment first.”
Emily grumbled. “Fine.”
“Lucky for us, we have a person ready to drive us there,” the man said. “We just need to find him… ah! There he is.”
The man pointed to someone holding a sign reading Noriaki Kakyoin.
As the family approached the sign holder, Kakyoin gave a friendly wave.
“I take it you’re Kakyoin?” the man asked.
Kakyoin nodded. “These are my kids, Emily and Daichi.” He put an arm around each of their shoulders.
“Well, I can see the resemblance in the girl, but what happened with the boy?” The driver started walking to his car, and the family followed.
“Ah, that makes sense.” The driver started up his car as he got in. “What are you here for?”
“Celebrating this girl’s eighteenth birthday,” Kakyoin pointed his thumb back at Emily. Who gave an embarrassed smile.
“Oh, well, happy birthday!” the driver said.
The rest of the drive was silent, with quiet music through the radio and the occasional clearing of the throat.
“Well, this is your stop,” the driver said. “Have fun in Italy!”
“Ari- er, thank you,” Kakyoin replied as the car drove off, then sighed. “Ah, home sweet home. At least, for a couple of weeks.”
“Okay, now that I know where we’re staying, can I please go find some lunch?” Emily begged.
“Only if you take Daichi with you,” Kakyoin chuckled. “I don’t want you running around a big city all by yourself, you know.”
“Yes, sir.” Emily grabbed Daichi’s hand and pulled him along.
“Hey, don’t pull me so suddenly!” Daichi exclaimed. “I almost fell.”
“That’s what you get for bringing up the time I threw up on someone, Daini,” Emily retorted.
“You know I don’t like that nickname,” Daichi mumbled.
“Oh, don’t be such a baby,” Emily teased. “It’s only fitting for you to be called second instead of first, since you’re the second born.”
Daichi grumbled a bit, but stayed quiet after that. While they were walking, a boy slid up right beside Emily.
“Hey, what’s up?” the boy asked. He had dark skin, black hair, green eyes, and a grin that annoyed Emily to no end. “You’re really hot, wanna go on a date?”
Emily said nothing as she continued walking past.
“Don’t know me, huh?” the boy tried again. “Thought you might not. You look like a foreigner. My name is Lucio Bianchi.”
Still no response.
“And you are…?”
“Look, are you just gonna try to pick me up all day long?” Emily scoffed, finally turning her head to look at Lucio. “I’m not gonna be in Italy forever, so I’m not looking for a relationship. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna get some food. Come on, Daichi.”
“Playing hard to get, huh?” Lucio ran up and blocked Emily’s path. “I like girls like you.”
Suddenly, Lucio felt a strange energy emerging from the girl. Before he knew it, he was floating up in the air, being held by some strange force. Then, without warning, he flew back into a wall.
“If you really must know my name, it’s Emily,” she told him, not even turning back to look. “Emily Kakyoin. Now, get lost.”
While Emily continued walking, she suddenly had a chill down her spine. A cold and menacing aura was creeping up behind her, and a low laugh came from Lucio.
“It was a mistake to use your Stand abilities on me,” Lucio said. “You should have kept them to yourself, so I didn’t know to interrogate you.”
When Emily turned around, Lucio had a companion next to him, a light blue colored, human-like creature with no mouth, eyes that looked like speakers, and hands with something resembling small suction cups on the fingertips.
“Daichi, run,” Emily ordered. “Get back home, and tell Dad what’s going on when you’re safe.”
“But-” Daichi started.
“Just go! Run!” Emily interrupted. “This fight is between me and this jerk here.”
After some hesitation, Daichi slowly backed away before turning around and sprinting.
“Good,” Lucio said. “Now that the kid’s out of the way, I won’t feel bad about involving any bystanders. Seven Nation Army, take this girl down!” The second he finished his sentence, his Stand put its hands on the ground, and sent something akin to a shockwave through it. The sidewalk around Lucio was cracking and forming into spikes, and the effect of the shockwave was getting dangerously close to Emily. If she lost balance, which was surely inevitable, she would fall over and be impaled by the distorted concrete.
“Walking on Sunshine!” Emily shouted. Her Stand manifested itself, with its golden, human-shaped body, bug-like eyes, and long hair that formed into its head. Emily jumped when the shockwave reached her, and instead of falling back to the ground, she stayed in the air.
“Don’t think you’re safe up there,” Lucio grinned. Seven Nation Army moved its hands up to face Emily and shot another shockwave straight at her. She flew out of the way, but she wasn’t completely out of Seven Nation’s attack radius. She was pushed straight into a wall, and it knocked the air out of her. She lost control of Sunshine, and fell on a smooth part of the ground, to her relief. However, before she was able to get up, a foot slammed down on her chest.
“Now, then,” Lucio said with a glare in his eyes, “this won’t hurt at all. I’ll just make you pass out. And maybe, if you’re not the Stand user we’re looking for, we can get some lunch sometime.”
“Don’t get cocky, now,” Emily taunted. Lucio felt the energy around him again, but this time, he was thrown straight up. Emily followed him, with a huge chunk of the damaged concrete trailing behind her. When Lucio started falling back to earth, she hurled the chunk at him. It hit Lucio on with full force, making him cough up a little bit of blood. Seven Nation Army was ready, though, and sent another shockwave through the concrete chunk, shattering it into a million tiny pieces. Then, when death by being crushed wasn’t a problem, Seven Nation used its shockwaves to slow Lucio’s descent. Once both him and Emily landed on the ground again, the girl picked up two more chunks of concrete with Sunshine and threw them at Lucio.
Why isn’t Emily just controlling the concrete the whole way before it reaches me? Lucio thought to himself as Seven Nation crumbled the cement in the middle of its path. Better yet, why isn’t she just picking me up?
That’s when it hit him. Walking on Sunshine’s range doesn’t go that far! So long as I stay out of that range, I can win the fight. But the new question is how far Sunshine can reach.
On the other side of the damaged sidewalk, Emily saw the ah-ha moment in Lucio’s eyes. I need to stay on my guard, she said to herself. He’s figured something out.
Lucio sent another shockwave through the ground, this time intentionally making it easier for Emily to pick it up. She flew above the wreckage just like before.
“What do you think will happen if you keep trying the same thing over and over?” she shouted. She picked up another piece of pavement, about five feet away from her, and threw it at Lucio, who shattered it before it hit him, just like before.
“Same thing you think will happen, since you’re also trying the same thing over and over,” Lucio shouted back. He watched Emily pick up more concrete, this one about three feet away. While Emily was still in the air, Lucio used Seven Nation Army’s shockwaves to force the girl further into the air.
In the air, Emily just barely avoided Lucio’s attack as the waves came closer to her feet. If she lost control at this height, she would be as good as dead. When the waves finally stopped, she looked down at Lucio. He was bent down to the ground, breathing heavily. So, too much usage of his Stand will wear him out quicker, she thought to herself. Well, since he can’t defend himself, I should try to take him out now.
Back on the ground, Lucio was watching Emily closely as he regained some of his strength. She dived back down to earth, but stopped to pick up another loose chunk of cement as soon as she could. Once again, she was about five feet away.
Now, Lucio was sure. Walking on Sunshine’s range had to be five feet. So, I can get close enough to knock her out, and she still can’t hurt me. With his new information and his regained strength, he rushed in to fight Emily head on. However, when he got close enough, she let go of the pavement and grinned.
“I knew you would let your guard down,” she said. Lucio found himself suddenly floating yet again.
“What?” Lucio exclaimed. “But, I was keeping careful track of how close I was to you when you used your-”
“I know full well what you were doing,” Emily interrupted. “I could tell you were watching to see how far my ability could reach. That’s why I intentionally shortchanged it, so you would get close enough for me to bash your head into the wall!”
Lucio chuckled. “Alright, you win in that area,” he said, “but you forgot to notice that I wasn’t just testing your range, I was also testing other limits of your Stand. And now, I know exactly what to do to get away from you.” Seven Nation Army used its shockwaves again, and Lucio moved a little bit while still being held by Sunshine. Emily clenched her teeth together, and Sunshine pulled Lucio in more, to balance it out. Lucio noticed, pushing harder on the shockwaves to get himself out of Sunshine’s range, and Emily did the same to keep him in. Each Stand was using more and more force by the second, pushing themselves to the limit in hopes of the other breaking first, while the two users had sweat pouring down their faces, fixed with an expression of agony, feeling the effects of using so much power at once.
Then, Emily’s pained frown turned to a smirk. “You also didn’t know about my other ability, did you?” In an instant, she switched from Sunshine’s iron grip on Lucio to an anti-gravity bubble surrounding her. Like a stretched rubber band that was just let go of, Lucio flung backward, hitting a building so hard that the bricks he hit had cracks in them. He sputtered out some blood from his mouth as he fell to the ground.
From the vague, blurry shapes that Lucio could make out, he saw something human-shaped with red around the head. Although he wanted to say something as his last words, he couldn’t make anything out other than shallow breaths and small grunts. At least dying in the hands of a cute girl isn’t the worst way to go, he thought to himself.
However, instead of being held in midair like he was expecting, Lucio was picked up by Emily herself, the first time she used her actual hands on him. Lucio’s vision was starting to go dark, but he heard Emily’s words before he was completely out:
“I don’t want to kill you, you know. I was simply defending myself. Once you heal up, don’t bother me again.”
As Lucio closed his eyes, Emily frantically checked his heartbeat. She sighed in relief when she heard a steady thumping in his heart. Right after, her phone buzzed in her pocket. She floated it up to her face to find that the battle shattered her screen, and that Daichi was calling. Still holding Lucio, she poked the call button with her nose and brought her phone up to her ear.
“Emily, I can’t find Dad anywhere.” Daichi was breathing heavily through the phone.
“What do you mean, you can’t find him anywhere?” Emily asked.
“He’s not picking up any calls,” Daichi said with a wavering voice. “He’s not home, either. Emily, I’m scared. What if Dad’s dead?”
“Hey, Daichi, don’t worry,” Emily reassured him. “Dad’s probably fine. He wouldn’t just disappear and die like that. I’ll try contacting him after I deal with that guy who attacked me.”
“You’re still fighting?”
“No, I just need to get him somewhere where he can be taken care of. Daichi, listen, everything will be okay, I promise. I’ll meet you back at home, hopefully with Dad, alright?”
Emily could hear Daichi’s breathing get more steady. “Alright.”
“Love you, Daini,” Emily said. The minute she was done calling Daichi, she got another call, this time from the police. Confused and concerned, she picked up the phone. “Hello?”
“Hi, Emily,” Kakyoin’s voice called.
“Everything’s fine, I promise,” Kakyoin quickly told her. “It’s just… I’m in jail.”
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saintchlorine · 4 years
XYZ for the fandom meme
answers under the cut because you gave me the ramble option and idk what i might do with that power
okay here are the first who pop into my head:
sh heather
sh eileen
mei from overwatch
lucio from overwatch
sweet sweet aaron from creep
becky from utopia
hit girl/mindy from kick-ass
brian from mysterious skin :((
i would 100% take a bullet for any of these characters and that’s a guarantee
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
resident evil (a crime i know i just haven’t played any of them yet)
dead by daylight (but i bought it so maybe it won’t be tangential anymore)
scorpion – this one’s random bc idk anyone who watches it but i’ve seen approximately three episodes of “scorpion,” didn’t even like it, yet read multiple fanfics about it and know all of the characters’ lore and personalities. i feel like a ghost, unseen and unknown, haunting the barely recognizable halls of the scorpion fandom
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
i’m pretty sure everyone knows this already but silent hill 3 is my absolute favorite in the series and every single one of the characters kills me. so here are some notes/opinions on all of them
heather - personally, i think she has the most interesting and known personality out of every silent hill protagonist and thank GOD for it. every time you interact with stuff, you get more of her personality and her thoughts. “it’s bread” is one of the greatest things in gaming history and it’s all thanks to her <3
also having a female character who is so troubled and not even a little bit weaker for it is wonderful. i feel like it says a lot about her that she only lets herself cry quickly and infrequently, instantly putting back on the unbothered face when she’s done. she just feels like such a real teenage girl, guided by her emotions and trying to do what’s right. her teen angst is iconic and the sheer confidence and determination that she approaches everything with is...incredible? inspirational? show-stopping?
douglas - when i was like 15 and playing this game i didn’t care about him at all, but now, older and wiser, i can say confidently that i LOVE HIM. he’s so genuine and caring but really keeps it inside because he’s a Man’s Man. the emotional repression in that dude is astronomical but he’s very paternal and loving in spite of it. his monologue when he’s injured at the amusement park has been known to make me publicly cry. he’s a dad through and through
claudia - she’s another one that i think i had to get a little older to truly appreciate. she genuinely believes that what she’s doing is what alessa would have wanted and that’s so sad to me. she fucking canonized her as a saint in their sect, not having any clue what alessa was put through or the suffering she endured for a religion that didn’t even care about her. claudia is really complex and layered. she’s also really caring, it just comes out differently? she wants to save EVERYONE, not just the people she loves. she’s also fully prepared to burn in hell for the good of the world. that lady...she’s neat and i think about her all the time
vincent - SLIME MAN. i love the archetype of the self-centered, hedonistic Pretty Boy™ just doing chaotic neutral nonsense and he fits it perfectly (maybe not so much the pretty, but he’s trying). he’s so conniving and cruel and awful and i, unfortunately, love that shit. also the creepy way he flirts with literally everyone at all times is something else. i wish konami had given us the vincent and douglas motel interaction because i bet he’d flirt with douglas too and then make him cry or some shit. he’s just Awful like that. but there’s also a lot of room for interpretation with him in my opinion?
in the motel scene with him and claudia where he says “the memory of [leonard’s] cruelty is forever burned into my mind,” he’s obviously being melodramatic but it’s hard to tell if it’s a rare moment of (very theatrical) honesty or if it’s just another mind game stacked on top of the rest. and then right after when he says “what you call faith is just a child crying out for love. that’s why you’re all alone,” he doesn’t say it in nearly as venomous and slimy a tone as everything that came before. in fact, when he says it he sounds/looks kind of...sad? and he doesn’t laugh or anything when she says he doesn’t understand. it seems like an honest moment to me but it’s also totally up for interpretation which i LOVE!
anyways i could legit write an essay on the vincent and claudia dynamic so i’ll stop here, but yeah! thank you for giving me a place to slap these thoughts down! also anyone who read all of that has permission to punch me in the face if we ever meet irl as a token of my gratitude
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seeminglyseph · 3 years
S, Y, and Z for both
ehehehehe thank you! Put the answers and more under the cut due to it’s lewd nature >=3
S - Sleepy sex (do they give oral to wake their partner up? do they like receiving oral to wake up? do they like fucking their partner awake? being fucked awake? how about being fucked to sleep at night? do they have lazy morning sex?)
Lake will ask permission if he thinks his partner would like waking up to his mouth on their genitals. He doesn’t really think of the boundaries himself much, while he has really hard and fast rules for making sure his partners consent, he doesn’t expect that from his partners. He’s had a lot who don’t respect his boundaries to the point he kind of expects to wake up to wandering hands because of the dangerous places he stayed and the way he used his hyper sexuality as a way to make connections when he didn’t have the social skills to establish connections in a different way. He does love the feeling of being fucked senseless and just falling asleep comfortable and blissed out. He likes it all really but it gets hazy on what’s actually healthy for him to partake in.
Rain would probably not initiate sexual acts while the partner was asleep. But if it was a normal time in the morning to wake up he might start giving them little kisses to wake them up and see if they wanted to some lazy lovemaking. If someone asked him to wake them up with his mouth on their genitals he’d probably sabotage himself by waking the partner in advance in other ways and then giving them oral. Receiving oral to wake up wouldn’t bother him too much if he had a trust level with his partner. If he was able to wake up still knowing what’s going on like ‘ah yes this is my wife/boyfriend/partner/lover’ will still be the first thought in his head when he wakes up so he doesn’t feel startled just nice. He is not okay with someone trying to penetrate him in his sleep, or riding him in his sleep. He would like to be fully awake if more genitals are involved. Also he’s not a practiced bottom so he needs more work up for that than sticking it in while he sleeps for him to fully enjoy it.
Y - Yes, Master (what kinds of names are used during sex? do they like being called master / mistress, daddy, etc…? what names do they call their partner?)
Lake likes to be called things like ‘slut’ ‘baby’ ‘good boy’ and is in general a bottom even if he’s 100% a brat about it. Master’s not a bad thing but he probably won’t initiate it. But he does think people who want to be called master are kinda hot. He’s guilty of a few ‘daddies’ but not in a legit parent-play. Maybe Daddy Dom a little ‘cause it’s not like he’s only fucking people who know what they’re doing, he doesn’t have enough boundaries to make sure everyone’s playing the game right, so long as he is. Either that or a nickname usually personalized to that person. (Lake calls Armie ‘Dimples’ because he finds Armie’s dimples very charming. Lucio will either be Lucy or Monty depending on the situation. Master teases Asra and maybe inspires play. He loves Ia’s “Curls” and so on. (it’s a little like Varric from DA? everyone has a dumb nickname but they have something to do with something about the person.))
Rain uses nicknames a lot but he’s not really good at ‘sexy nicknames’, “Little Mouse” “Snow Hare” “Kitten” he tends to relate his lovers to an animal in a complimentary way. Like “Oh my little Door Mouse, I could watch you for the rest of my life” he says them in a really genuinely affectionate way. He does short circuit a little when he receives a nickname in person. He’s not dominant enough to much care for ‘Master’ but he likes if his partner calls him something, even if it’s just his name. He likes, to himself at least, when his partner gets vocal and affectionate about him. (Words of encouragement like ‘oh right there baby keep doing that’ are very nice for him.)
Z - Zones (what are their erogenous zones? what spots on their body should be touched, bitten, kissed, when someone wants to get them in the mood?)
Lake’s neck is his usual target, he wears high collared shirts specifically to hide all the bite marks and hickeys. Targeting his neck in some way is a really really good way to get him going. A little light choking or the threat of choking? Great. Tracing fingers up and back the hair at the back of his neck? could convince him to do anything he’s so putty. biting and kissing? He’s trapped you’ve got him good there.
Rain really finds pulse points erotic, a kiss to his wrist or neck and he gets flustered and flushed. if he’s turned on his stomach is sensitive to the touch and can get him really riled up. If he is not turned on he’s just really really ticklish. It’s a mixed bag, but he’s more likely to get wound up watching or talking to his partner. He’s less into his own body...
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raccoonpoptart · 4 years
wanted to share this scenario idea bcs it's adorable ;; it's where the reader accidentally made a mistake in casting a spell, ehich resulted in them turning into an animal! i'm wondering how the characters would react to them huhu
YESSS THIS IS SO CUTE THANKYOU 🌸✨ this is so funny to think about honestly could you imagine suddenly turning into an animal? personally if i turned into a raccoon i would never want to be human again 🦝🦝🦝
that’s not how that goes...
warnings: none! wholesome times tonight <3
some of the animal choices are obvious but others are...just for giggles 🐝 hope you like it! ✨
Earlier at the market y/n got some new ingredients to use in a spell, but had to substitute a few obscure things with more easily accesible items. With nothing but hope in their heart (that they wouldn’t absolutely ruin anything important), they made their way home.
It wasn’t until about halfway through the spell that y/n realized something was a bit...off. The smell just seemed a bit more potent, and the color was a little more unexpected than usual. Magic was strange like that, so they shrugged and threw the last ingredient in the bowl. Poof! Smoke went everywhere and y/n was covered in green dust.
Suddenly, everything grew so much bigger in the shop and y/n began to panic. Asra wouldn’t be home for a few hours! What were they supposed to do? Their heart raced as they walked to the nearest mirror. They realized that it wasn’t the shop that got bigger, it was them who got smaller. Uh oh...
alright gamers lets do this
when he came home he looked everywhere for you and when he saw the mess you made he started to panic a little
he had no idea what you were trying to do but the fact that you weren’t around was...really unsettling
“mc?? where are you? please come back...”
suddenly he felt something slip up his arm and squeeze...
“oh, hi, faust...did you s-”
what looked back at him wasn’t those red eyes he was used to but instead it was two big purple eyes
he was about to scream (because who wouldn’t freak out over a random snake) when he heard your voice in his head
i think i messed up the spell :(
he laughed softly and placed a soft kiss on your head and assured you if he couldn’t fix it, it would probably wear off anyway
spoiler alert it took almost a whole day for it to wear off but he enjoyed having you wrap around him whenever he went anywhere
faust thought it was the best thing ever, she would wrap around asra’s left arm and you would be on his right
Bite the goat!
(i was so tempted to do a fox but i thought it would be cute to sorta be like a chimes and flamel moment)
when she was told that a lynx had been spotted sneaking around the palace she was a little worried
lynx are not common, so of course she wanted to see! but when the lynx ran up to her and started to rub against her and purr?? she was very confused
it wasn’t until she saw your eyes that she realized it was you! but didn’t really know how she knew...it was just her intuition she guessed
she just assumed something magical happened and hugged you
loved when you followed her around the palace because everyone was so afraid, or just had a puzzled look on their face
when you would meowl (or, yell for lack of a better word) she would smile and kiss your head then laugh if anyone around her got scared
would talk to you like normal even if you couldn’t properly answer, she just assumed any noise you’d make was a response
complimented your ears and thick coat then offered to brush your fur (she wanted to hear you purr again)
she enjoyed having you around all day and once you were back to normal she asked so many questions
another damn raven had taken a liking to him and he was ready to leave vesuvia again
he facepalmed as malak and this new bird had started messing with his hair and squawking
meanwhile you found it pretty funny how he accepted it so quickly and waited a while before having malak tell julian
you and malak had continued to bother julian for a few hours but once he got annoyed you had malak explain and julian just laughed and asked if malak had run into a window again
when you softly pecked his nose and rubbed against his face he blushed softly
“ah, well...at least it’s temporary. it is temporary, right? please tell me it won’t last forever!”
boi was a bit stressed because now he felt like he had to look after you but malak told him to *ahem* buzz off we’ll say cause he was having so much fun
found the looks he got a bit funny because of course having two ravens follow you everywhere would look strange (CAN I MAKE A NORSE MYTHOLOGY JOKE PLS.....TWO RAVENS = ODIN LMAO)
once the spell wore off he held you close and let out a sigh of relief,,, “darling, you make a beautiful bird but please don’t scare me like that again <3”
ignore the part where it says the shop got bigger, for this it got smaller ok thanks <3
inanna had been gone a while so he went out to find her
instead found her outside playing with a......bear?
he closed his eyes and exhaled then turned to go back inside to avoid dealing with another unexplainable thing
but inanna dragged him over to the bear and he just stared as the bear stared back
woof! “inanna that makes no sense, it’s not mc”
then the bear hugged him and he blushed but didn’t pull away because why else would a bear have silver fur and pink eyes
you couldn’t exactly fit in his hut so he decided to just sit outside with you. he assumed that a spell went wrong because the same thing had happened to asra before
“so, mc... do you think this is permanent?” you grunted in response and placed a paw on his head
it was a bit awkward but he laughed softly and placed a hand on your head (wholesome mountain man :( i would die for him...)
watching you catch fish was hilarious to him considering you couldn’t do it by yourself a few months ago, but made sure to keep an eye on you anyway
he liked that you were taller than him for a bit and felt safe when you would hug him, even if the sight of it would seem strange but was happy when you were back to normal (now he can kiss the top of your head and hold your hands properly)
walked into her cottage and stopped in her tracks
she was face to face a puma and her heart started racing, she was about to run until she saw pepi run up onto the bigger cat’s head and headbutt her
“pepi.....can you please explain who this is quickly” she was trying not to freak out in case the giant cat would attack her
in response pepi started to purr and rubbed against the cat and was surprised when the big cat started to purr too
she thought that maybe pepi had somehow made a new friend? and just was grateful that it didn’t eat her
you had to lead her back to the shop and show her the mess as well as the pile of your clothes on the ground for her to understand
“mc :3 does that mean you’re technically naked?~” she poked your side and laughed when you made a slightly annoyed noise
absolutely loved how everyone ran at the sight of her with a puma and walked with a bit more confidence “i feel like the main character in a story! strong, beautiful woman with her most trusted cats at her side!”
you wished you could laugh but you loved how adorable she was and also you were amazed at how even though you were walking, pepi stayed asleep on your back
after work the next day she found you asleep in her bed wearing some of her clothes and she smiled so big as she hugged you tight
“can somebody please explain why the hell a damn PEACOCK IS IN MY ROOM???”
as he raised his voice, the bird puffed up its feathers and started to squawk which freaked him out but it just walked up to him and stared
he was so confused but was thankful the bird wasn’t attacking him so he tried talking to it
“uhhhh- hello there, aren’t you beautiful? are you an albino? your white feathers are gorgeous” you puffed up your chest at the compliments and expanded your tail feathers
he smiled and tried to pet your tail feathers “you aren’t so scary now, how’d you get in here?” he didn’t really think to ask anyone because the only person he could think of was asra and he didn’t want to talk to him
mercedes and melchior liked the bird so why shouldn’t he? he shrugged and just let you follow him around all day, talking to you like you were another one of his pets (which was annoying but you liked the compliments althought they were new, obviously you didn’t normally have feathers)
the spell wore off in the middle of the night he went from having two dogs and a bird in his bed to having two dogs....and YOU!! just when he thought being with you couldn’t have brought more surprises and weird stories
he gave you his shirt and laughed as you explained what happened ,, “well, it’s good it was temporary! if i never saw you as a human again i don’t know what i would do”
that was so fun!! omg i love writing weird stuff like this 🍓 anyway, i hope you liked it! i’m thinking about writing a story where mc can turn into animals on the regular but we’ll see ✨✨ now i wish i could turn into an animal for a day lmao
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emile-hides · 4 years
This is a conversation topic that came up playing Overwatch last night; What if the Overwatch cast all has YouTube channels?
And while we voiced our opinions and debated to eachother, I feel the need to share all of my own takes as well.
Now, there’s 32 of these assholes so I’ll put it under the cut. Cause it’s long
Her channel is called “Grandma reacts”
Her viewers send her videos or shows to react to
She likes to have Jack, Gabe, Rein, and Torb on sometimes for some of the funnier videos
Hates daredevil compilations of people on high places with no safety gear
She swears at jump scares
Daily vlogs
She calls her viewers part of the gang
BOB is the camera man and the crowd favorite
She mostly just likes to chat about nothing while wandering around the hide out
BOB makes really cool time lapses of them riding her bike down Route 66
Runs an advice channel
Mostly does Q&A live streams 
All of his ad revenue goes to local charities and hospitals
People sometimes donate to him and that also goes to charity
There’s a very slim chance he got overnight famous because he’s so pretty
One 12 minute video of him playing with Ganymede in Torbjorn’s backyard
Torbjorn recorded it for him
Tried to do a make-up channel
Eventually devolved into a “How to” builder’s channel
Can put together an Ikea bookshelf in 15 minutes without even glancing at the instructions
Ikea furniture speed runs are her most popular videos
Canonically already has a gaming channel
Also has a daily vlog channel where she hangs out with Lucio and Junkrat a lot
Takes requests on what games she plays
Despite mainly being an online PvP gamer, she adores playing story games and voice acting
She cried on live stream when she finished Undertale
Runs Talon’s official YouTube channel
All the videos are join Talon adds
Her channel is a mash
Will play or do any kind of video that’s popular at the moment
There’s three episodes of a Minecraft LP left to die
Seven vlogs all recorded almost 3 months apart
Two animations she made herself
A couple of reaction videos
And a Pachimari unboxing
She has a lot of sponsors
Also, canonically, has a gaming channel
Sometimes does videos of sick ninja tricks in his backyard
Has the same channel from before his fight with Hanzo, so there’s a 4-5 year gap between two videos
“So my brother tried to kill me” is the first video he makes when he finally comes back
Occasionally makes “Master reacts to (anime)” videos with Zenyatta
The show off channel
It’s mostly just target practice with his bow and arrow Genji recorded for him
90% of his comments are telling him to put a shirt on and cover the nipple
His channel also went dead after he killed Genji
Might start recording and uploaded unscheduled vlogs during his hobo days
Also does movie reviews
If I may defer your attention to this post
Yeah he just runs a demolition channel
Roadhog makes sure the camera doesn’t get damaged
Junkrat really loves the slow motion effect 
Like Hana, he has two channels
One is his official music channel with music videos and concert clips
The other is also a vlog channel where he hangs out with Hana and Jamie
He’ll also talk about serious issues and his opinions on them on his second channel
Much like Hanzo, runs a show off channel
His is more popular because he’s straight up a cowboy though
People think it’s a gimmick for the channel. They have no idea he looks and sounds like that all the time
Has a scientific fact of the day Podcast with Winston
Talks about big issues
Her channel is very kid friendly and she explains things like global warming in a way they can understand
A lot of her videos will be watched by kids in science class
“What to do encase of an emergency” tutorial videos
Gives basic medical training, like how to do CPR
Her videos are short and to the point so they can be played in an actual emergency
Genji is usually the person she uses as an example
Her channel is like Junkrat’s but more contained(?)
She does dangerous shit with chemicals but somehow it always ends wholesomly
The last minute of the video she speaks in a soothing Bob Ross voice as the lab is on fire behind her
The videos typically end with Angella coming back from her break
It’s technically Efi’s channel
It’s a vlog to record Orisa’s progress tword becoming Numbani’s protector
Very popular, everyone loves how wholesome Orisa is
The money from the ads goes to fixing whatever Orisa breaks while trying to be helpful
All rude comments are deleted
Show off channel
“99 dunks in a row” and such types of videos
They’re typically sped up with relaxing music
Lucio has appeared to play soccer with her a few times
As Gabriel Reyes he ran a prank channel around the Overwatch base
He didn’t do any pranks that hurt or scared people though
Just recorded himself eating vanilla pudding out of a mayo jar to get people’s reactions
His favorite people to prank were Jesse and Genji because they had the most over the top reactions
Reinhardt is unprankable
The channel died with the fall of Overwatch
Advice channel but louder than Baptiste
He’s full of energy in every one of his videos
Calls himself his viewer’s Grandpa
If anyone comes to him for advice on how to handle abuse of any kind he will adopt them on the spot
Also does meme reactions, sometimes has to have Brigitte explain what makes it funny
Has one video where he speaks quietly called “Grandpa reads a bedtime story” and it’s literally just him reading a bedtime story with soft music in the background
Toy unboxings
All of his videos are silent aside from the cute music he puts of them
The only part of him that’s ever on camera are his hands
All his videos devolve into rambles about the universe
Other than that his channel doesn’t have a real theme
He tries to explain scientific principals but quickly turns into a shouting mess about the universe and gravity
Moira is the one to stop recording in the middle of his breakdowns
Soldier 76
Use to run a tutorial channel
Gabe called it “Dad Teaches you” and Jack hates that he’s not your father
He teaches you to cook basic meals and do simple repairs on a car
He talks in a very fatherly voice
Begrudgingly, he became his veiwers father
His channel died with Overwatch as well
Gaming channel, but hacked
Does glitched speedruns on live stream
Clickbait thumbnails and titles
“How to get 1,000,000,000 free V-Bucks in Fortnite”
Steals kid’s Fortnite accounts
Stim channel
All of her videos focus on satisfying visuals
Someone asked her to do ASMR once and she hated it. The video existed for less than 24 hours
Like Brigitte, runs a builder channel
It also doubles as a story time channel as he tends to ramble about the good old days
All his videos are 30+ minutes long
Somehow adds “and that’s how I lost my eye” to every story so no one knows how it actually happened
Bastion guest appears in a lot or Torb’s videos but only because he’s bored and wants attention
Animated story telling
Makes animations of their missions and her day-to-day life
Thanks to her chronal accelerator animations take half as long
Still only uploads like two videos a month
Food review videos
Hates everything, nothing gets high marks
Gets view ship cause she’s hot and very snarky
His channel is exactly like Mei’s
It’s more popular though because he’s a monkey and thus draws kid’s attention better
All of his viewers are elementary school science teachers and their class
Wrecking Ball
Tried to do a builder channel but all the comments were on how cute he is
Hates being called cute so he made his mech say swear words
He’s very popular with little boys
Also loves destruction and may destroy things for fun
“5000lbs wrecking ball VS Junkrat’s house”
Vlogs but like... Work out vlogs.
It’s just time lapses of her at the gym
Insanely popular with lesbians for very obvious reasons
Encourages her viewers to take care of themselves and start slow
Blew a kiss at the camera once, became the most used image of her on the internet
Most of his videos are relaxing music over beautiful visuals he recorded
The other half of his videos are meditation leadings and yoga
He’s also done videos on the omnic crisis and talked in length on his belief for the future
Has one video of him pranking Genji
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vesuviannights · 5 years
hey!! I think your work is amazing and I really like the way you write. Do you think you could make a headcanon on "How would the main six react on mc getting dominant and rough"? Thanks, love ya!💕
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Featuring a gender neutral MC and a mixture of safe and lemony (but mostly lemony) headcanons!
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This boy is lowkey, highkey, midkey, allkey horny for you 24/7. To gaze at you, to watch you frown as you tidy the shop, to brush his fingers against you in an innocent passing, to make you scream his name into his pillow while he pulls your hair and fucks you from behind…horny for it all
So of course, the first time you weave your fingers into his hair and yank his head back to bite into his neck, he almost comes right then and there, a mere 3 minutes into what are usually marathon fucking sessions
“Oh?” He asks. His voice is deep in his chest. There’s a mischievous glint in his eye, one that tells you he has already planned at least 30 different ways to twist this situation in his favour
He is naturally a soft dom, and even when he’s not he prefers to have the upper hand, loves to watch you squirm beneath him or scream out his name while you ride him
“Do you want to be in control, my love? Get rough with me, take out your stresses on me? I’ll be so good for you.”
He’d honestly love to do absolutely anything you want to do, and would 100% follow your orders (if not with a small smirk and an almost too sarcastic “As you wish, master/mistress/mastress”)
What he would absolutely struggle with at first, though, is what happens between the orders. He is so used to touching you whenever he wants, smiling at you, kissing your shoulder, brushing your hair away, that you would have to work hard to train that out of him
He would respond well to spanking as a form of punishment; being made to count them out one by one with a “master/mistress/mastress” on the end would keep him focused on the task and remind him exactly of who is in charge
If you wanted to do a mixture of punishment/pleasure, you could even spank him with a plug in his ass and/or play with his cock after every round
Teaching him not to come whenever he wants would be another thing he would struggle with, but because it’s you? His love, his sun, his stars? He would try anything and work hard at training himself to be exactly who you need, whether it’s once every few months or a nightly thing
Would be so thrilled if you would bring some mild dominance and roughness into your usual activities, biting him when he isn’t expecting it or scratching his arms when he pins you down at the base of his cock as you come
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Julian is a switch, absolutely loves to force pleasure on you and control your every whim and desire to show you how much he loves you on Tuesdays, and will crawl on his knees to beg for your pussy/cock in a high and whiny on a Wednesday, it’s whichever you need and however many times you need it
The first time that you do show your dominant side, though, he is fucking you within an inch of your life over his desk, your fingertips curling into the oak, sending papers flying as he jolts you forward with the force of his fucking
You’re already so close to coming, he was teasing you for hours while he worked, and so when he dares to threaten that by slowing his movements, you growl and snap out at him, “Are you going to do your job and keep fucking me, or are you already so tired out and useless that I’ll have to ride you myself?”
Now, unlike Asra, Julian does come then and there, groaning and whimpering and cursing into your neck
He’s so flushed after, both from your actions and from coming so quickly
If you so fancied, you could use this against him, he’d be down for it if you were
“Oh Ilya, look at the mess you’ve made. I wouldn’t have bothered with you if I knew you were going to come so quickly. Won’t you be a good boy and clean it up?”
He gives you a wicked little grin, finally recovering from his initial shock and switching into submissive mode almost a little too keenly
He murmurs that he would be so very glad to do so, and proceeds to turn you over and lick up every drop of his cum that drips out of you while eating you out/sucking you off and giving you the orgasm he deprived you of through his mistake
Loves loves loves hair pulling, especially when you use it to guide his mouth and tongue to exactly where you want it – or even to punish him by never letting him get close enough to taste you
One of my favourite personal headcanons is that Julian, for all his smarts and wit and knowledge, would completely lose his ability to sort his languages when he gets horny/desperate enough.
Ask him to beg? He’ll do it immediately, no questions asked, but he might do it in 3 different languages you don’t know before he gets to the right one, and the knowledge that he’s having that particular problem just makes him more flustered and more out of control of his words
If you’ve been super dominant/rough with him, he might just give up all together, and you would have to take pity on him here and give him some very direct orders that he couldn’t possibly mess up
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How would Lucio react? How would Lucio react? How would the battling-dragons-for-the-thrill, has-publicly-been-outed-as-having-a-public-humiliation-king, wants-all-eyes-and-attention-on-him, touch-me-love-me-I-don’t-care-how, Count of Vesuvia react to that?
He’d hate it of course
Would literally pitch a tent the moment you even thought about getting rough or dominant with him. The boy has a radar for it, you could be in the next room of halfway across his city and his skin would crawl and he would know
But if you did happen to be in the same room as him, watching as you rolled your bottom lip between your teeth, he would do everything in his power to piss you off just a little bit more so that when you did finally get to be alone together that night, you would be extra mean to him
The moment you step into his chambers that night, he’s already sprawled out on the bed waiting for you, that cocky gleam in his eye, dimples popping in each of his cheeks as he takes you in
“Will you be ravishing me with your harsh words and teeth tonight, pet?”
He prefers having control in any and all situations, but on the odd occasions he would agree to let you get dominant, it brings something else out inside of him – that part that wants all of your love, all of your attention, all of your affections, whether you’re punishing him or praising him
Literally the brattiest sub to have ever subbed. You have to be strict with him, absolutely no room for give, and have a strong will to ignore his pouting and his charming words when he tries to flip the dynamics and coax you into giving him whatever he wants
Cannot get enough of roughness, no matter what the power dynamic is. In any type of intimacy he just wants to feel you, fuck you hard, make you scream, have your fingernails drag down his arms and back
It’s now considered an official headcanon that he has a cock piercing, and it would absolutely be his downfall in any situation – the painful tug as he pushes into you, the scrape of your teeth along his cock as he fucks your mouth, he’d lose all control of his words and if you ever wanted to flip the dynamics and take control without him fighting back, this is the way to do it
Overall, he just loves the dominant side to you, because it means that you must like it when he does it and you must care for him enough to do it in return, and he is an absolute thot for roughness because it reminds him of the thrill of the battlefield, it makes him feel alive and like he hasn’t been stuck without a body for 3 years
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I’ve seen a lot of people class our boy as shy when it comes to sex and all its various elements, but I honestly think he’d be curious
He would be eating you out/sucking you off just the way you like, fingers and hands exploring, his tongue doing the most wicked and delightful things, and you—delirious in your lust, keening and pushing your hips up toward his mouth—would reach into his hair, lock your fingers behind one of his braids, and pull hard
He would hiss, more from the shock than the pain because he’s been through his fair share of that, and pull back to try and get your hand out
You would groan and growl and tell him to leave it and keep fucking going
But he wouldn’t, and you would sit up with a fury in your eyes to find him frowning, trying to decipher how he feels about it
“Is this something you want to try out?”
“Coming!? YES!”
He looks up at your growling, sarcastic response with a barely-hidden glint in his eye that you know he has picked up from Asra. “I meant…do you want to be mean to me on purpose?”
And you growl again and tell him, “I want you to do your job and keep fucking me with your mouth!”
And he is so down for learning what you like and what he likes that he does it with a nod and a murmur of, “We’ll try it out.”
He leaves your hand in his hair and moves back to eating you out/sucking you off, lets you guide him with sharp tugs and hisses until you are crashing and writhing and trapping him there with your thighs, screaming his name for the world to hear
He is…a little stumbly when you are in charge, doesn’t always quite pay attention or know the exact way you want something done, but he tries so very hard and he’s very vocal about letting you know what he does and doesn’t like so you can adjust things
Could go for hours pleasuring you with his mouth and hands without ever touching himself, or fucking you without coming if that’s what you so command
He likes the roughness more than the dominance, grows to especially love it when you pull on his hair and dig your nails into his shoulders with a hiss, because even though it’s pain, it’s coming from someone he loves and cherishes and who he wants to give him that pain
He confesses that the nights he loves most with you are the ones where he can get super rough and break things while he fucks you, cracking mirrors and snapping chair legs and tearing your clothes and the sheets on the bed. His favourite time will always be when he broke the bed while roaring your name
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Oh, you would like to be in charge? How perfect, because she’s been in the throne room and speaking to courtiers and visitors from other cities all day and she is absolutely through with being in charge of anything
In the evening, when you’re both stripped down into your nightclothes and she is kissing you with soft murmurs and words of affection, you realise you haven’t seen her all day because of her duties, and because of yours, and you’re hungry for her, hungry to have her in any way you can and a little sex-starved and angry (sangry?) and just needing to make her scream your name
You walk her backward, all innocence and soft murmurs, until her knees hit the back of the bed and you shove her down
She falls back, wide-eyed and with a sharp inhale, but she immediately softens and flushes when she sees the look in your eye, rolls her bottom lip between her teeth as she tilts her head and lets her gaze rake you over
“Will we be trying something new tonight, my dearest?”
She’s not so into the dom/sub dynamic, but does quite enjoy it when you take charge and just treat her in every way you know, showing her what you know about her and how to make her scream
You climb onto her, pin her down by her wrists, grind yourself against her thigh as you swallow her soft little sounds
She tries to move—of course she does, you are so wonderful against her body and she wants every part of you she can touch—but you growl and tell her to stay put, be a good girl
She laughs, soft and delighted and husky, and she murmurs her agreement, but much like her ex-lover she will not back down without a fight, and insists on trying to sneakily touch you in ways you haven’t exactly explicitly told her not to
When you sit up to scold her, she follows, and you barely have a moment to catch her hair in your hand and yank her head back to stop her kissing you again
Her entire body shivers at this, and she stills, lips parted, eyes dazed, chest moving in an uneven rise-and-fall, and you realise:
She is down
She is so, so down for some roughness, hair pulling and bruising fingertips and lovebites and teeth grazing along her nipples, breaking things and letting people hear your screams
But most of all, what she really seems to love about the roughness is the part where it is silent after, and it is just the two of you laying in the aftermath of your mess as the soft evening breeze crawls in though the window, and you stroke her back and pull your fingers through her hair until she falls asleep
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Of the main 6, Portia would be the most unsure—or at least, the one most likely to voice that uncertainty
Our 5’1 firecracker enjoys skinny dipping and telling off her 6’4 beanpole brother, so it’s not so much the challenge of it that makes her uncertain, more the how she would respond to it
Very much down to try it, but has never considered dominant interactions or rough fucking as a thing she might be into, so she’ll try it!
She’ll absolutely want to start with the roughness first, a little bit of hair pulling, a little bit of pinning, some fingertips pressing a little harder into her hips and thighs as you make love (she’s especially great for this one, because there’s so much to hold and it doesn’t hurt so much!)
She finds very, very quickly that she’s a biting person. She’s pinned beneath you, letting you be a little more in control than usual, sighing and giggling and murmuring her love and affection to you as you kiss down her body and tell her not to move, and the second your teeth scrape just a little too harshly over her breast, your canine catching on her nipple—
“Oh. Oh!”
You look up to her, eyebrows raised, to find her hands covering her face (not where you asked her to put them). She murmurs something to you, and when you tell her to repeat it, she huffs and says it again, louder this time:
“I liked that. I liked it…a lot. Will you do it again?”
And of course, you are more than happy to, absolutely thrilled that she’s responding, that you can get a little rougher
You make your way down and across her body, alternating between sharp little nips and soothing kisses. She’s already shaking beneath you when you reach her thighs, and when you press your fingertips into them to spread them a little further, she moans her appreciation
Literally comes from you just biting and sucking on her inner thighs
She still personally prefers lots of touching and words and lovingly sassing you whenever you do anything intimate, but if you ever do want to get a little dominant and/or rough with her again, she could very much be persuaded with teeth and fingertips, and maybe after a while, even some light drags of your fingernails down the inside of her thighs to make her shiver and keen in delight
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juliandevwhoreak · 5 years
Modern Arcana AU HCs Part 5: Julian Edition
More than three years ago, Vesuvia found itself in the iron grip of a highly contagious and lethal plague. The Oculorubrumvirus, more commonly known as The Red Eye Virus, was thought to coincide with the sudden introduction of an invasive species of red-colored beetle not native to Vesuvia: Liliocerus Lilii, aka the Lily Leaf Beetle.
Entomologists traced this exotic species of beetle to the forests of the far South, found to be endemic to the darkest and most lush areas near caves, where lilies are prone to grow in dense clusters.
Vesuvia’s scientific community could not, however, identify the exact link between the beetles and the new virus, which was beginning to be reported with alarming frequency first on the outskirts of the city, then within the heart of the city itself.
Full-scale panic reached a crescendo when the Prime Minister, himself, was reported as being among the infected.
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Enter Dr. Julian Devorak, aspiring virologist and professional vagabond.
It has not escaped my notice that a few of you have drawn comparisons between Dr. Disaster and Crowley the Demon, and I am here for it. He rocks leather blazers, tight jeans, messy hair, and sunglasses: sunglasses during the day, sunglasses at night, sunglasses indoors, outdoors, there will be sunglasses and you’ll just have to deal with it.
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Are you a Barista? Can you keep a straight face when a 6′4″ zombie-skeleton-man in scrubs stained with blood and/or vomit shambles up to your counter at the stroke of 5 AM requesting, in what barely counts as English, 6 extra shots of espresso in his lightly-sweetened Venti nitro-brew? Will you smile politely as he frat-boy chugs his drink order right there, slams his glass on the counter and asks for another in a series of grunts and sputtering? Do you gingerly hand him napkins to wipe the stray droplets from his chin and neck? He loves you, darling. He will sink to his knees in supplication and kiss your hands and make sure he tips you generously. You’re an angel, sent to his earth bearing blessings and abundance. You are the center of his universe, you miracle. You absolute treasure.
Has driven the same old, lovingly maintained motorbike for the last 15 years. Her name is Lola, and while she’s not the newest, shiniest model, she gets a good 40 miles to the gallon, she’s sleek, she’s midnight black, and she’s reliable. He never rides with a helmet, but if you were to be his passenger, he would attach her sidecar, make you wear a helmet with the visor down, thank you, and an armored biking jacket, all of which he’d strap you up in while lecturing you about road rash, concussions, and the dangers of gravity.
His secret superpower is attracting a cabal of old, crusty battleax nurses to take care of him at every facility he’s ever provided care at. There’s something about a charming, wan skeleton-man that compels old women to rocket into Nanny-mode. “Christ, Julian, I’ve got this ultrasound, you go lay down on that gurney and get some shut-eye.”
“DOCTOR DEVORAK, drop those charts and come have some tea, you look half-past-dead and gettin’ stiffer, come on.”
Mostly subsists off of what he can find in hospital vending machines and has a large leather sack full of coins just for this purpose.
He’s a certified workaholic and will run on fumes until his body throws a tantrum and gives up, so he ends up passing out in odd places: hunched over kitchen counters, half dressed in a drooling pile on his living room floor, upside down on his couch, in the trunk of his neighbor’s car, under a cart of urine samples at the hospital, curled around a potted plant in the front lobby, and once hanging halfway out of Mazelinka’s window. The worst part is that Maz is on the third floor and his bottom half was hanging out of the window.
These scrubs, and you can fucking fight me about it.
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When he’s not killing himself at the hospital, he can be found relaxing at the pub and if you buy him a salty bitters or five, he’ll tell you a few harrowing tales about his time apprenticing as a medic on fishing vessels, especially that one time a tuna clipper he was providing services on was hijacked by Molovian pirates and he had naught but a few inches of rope and a good, solid pipe to defend himself with. The pub regulars have heard it several times, but they always laugh. It’s a favorite.
Has a shitpost meme account on Instagram, and another Instagram where he posts pictures of pranks he’s pulled on other doctors at the hospital.
Has probably the most eclectic taste in music out of the main 6 and bought a Spotify premium account so he could make meticulously curated playlists for every situation. Definitely speeds down the highway on Lola blasting The Black Keys through his airpods.
If things get spicy 🍋 between himself and another person, it’s not wise to roleplay a doctor/patient scenario. He will take it entirely too seriously, regardless of what role he’s in, and the mood will be ruined until other measures are employed.
Ex: “Oh-ho-ho-okay, MC, I’m going to gently hold you here, and you cough for me, ha ha ;)”
MC: *exaggerated sexy cough* ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
“Oh- oh God, I think you have a testicular hernia, ho-holy shit, ah, have you gotten this checked out before, fuckin’ yikes, we need x-rays yesterday-”
Part 4: Muriel Edition can be found here.
Part 3: Nadia Edition can be found here.
Part 2: Lucio Edition can be found here.
Part 1: Asra Edition can be found here.
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tekkai · 5 years
Should You Fight My F/Os?
Thank you for the tag @princiere​, this was a lot of fun to think about! 
Rob Lucci  (Romantic)
Look I respect the urge, and his ego could use a good ass beating, but I do not recommend. Angry leopard man is just looking for an excuse to draw blood smh.
Temperance (Familial OC)
You might be able to beat her out right. She’s not as blood thirsty as her sister Libby but will defend herself in a fight. If you attack her in a public space, however, she’ll let other people come to her rescue. 
Once it’s all said and done, she’ll let you go. She’ll follow you home and in the dark of the night she’ll return the favor. Temperance is a very patient lady. She prefers to finish the job when you’re most vulnerable and are completely at her mercy. Do not recommend.
Shalnark (Romantic)
Again do not recommend. The Pastel boy does not value human life. Unlike Lucci, however, he’s not a very balanced fighter. You could probably land one (1) solid punch before he can set up his toys or switch on autopilot. Your chances of survival, however, are still slim.  
Libby (Familial OC)
Libby is absolutely feral and doesn’t know when to quit. 0 etiquette in a brawl and will try to bite you between punches. You’ll walk away alive but it’s not worth the psychological damage of being mauled. 
Heat (Romantic)
Go for it. You might not do a lot of damage to the gothic human furnace but he’d enjoy the experience. 
Justice (Familial OC)
Poor baby would be so confused at first. Why would you want to attack him? Is this a disgruntled fan? He might let you land a few punches before fighting back. He likes to play with his opponents and will draw out the battle but he isn’t as strong as the rest of the family. As 0 desire to kill anyone. 
Lucio (Romantic)
Lucio would love to brawl you and would be an absolute gentlemen about it. Depending on the reasoning there is a very good chance you’ll be able to walk away with only minor damage. He’d even be happy to spare with you if you fluff his ego enough. Overall it would be a very lighthearted and fun fight.  
Tagging @rosepetalcharm​, @soulnottainted​ and whoever else wants to jump in!
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guacameowle · 5 years
OH MAN, have you played Lucios new chapter yet?! Thoughts??? Cos hot damn I llllooooving it!!!
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I finally got to play the new chapter about an hour ago (edit: ok it was like nearly 3 hours now since I got distracted while answering this & went to give my sister a full deep dive explanation of MDZS, haaa) & I am really loving his route so far! 
I am so curious to see how they (the devs) will switch it up on us later. Asra even warns us in this chapter that Lucio is very good at making friends (& enemies) quickly, which you can see happening with MC already - so I’m eager to see what sort of fallout (if any) will happen between Lucio & MC. 
Lucio does have a line in his chapter where he asks MC if they want to be the court magician since it’s “so hard to find help” & while that may not even have been intended to mean anything deeper, it got me wondering how long Lucio will see MC as just a tool (a cute, hotshot fun tool, but still a tool to be used). I’m intrigued, I’m intrigued! 
Loved the little The Lion King line reference. 
Lucio saying he didn’t mind you being mean - aaaaahhhhHHHHHHH!!! I WANNA BE MEAN TO HIM, BUT THE SEXY KIND OF MEAN! 
The cute little story we got of Lucio as a kid! I love these kind of background tidbits, they’re always so fun to read. 
I am an absolute ho for anytime Lucio shows off his fighting skills & strength, like he may be a selfish trash man a lot most of the time, but THE BOY CAN FIGHT! (Like that scene back in Asra’s route, where you’re running away from Lucio & he rips that whole ass branch off the tree & hurls it at y’all like it’s nothing - AMAZING! AMAAAAZING! A. MAAAAAA. ZIIIIIIIIIING) So yeah, I really enjoy seeing Lucio’s fighting skills. When the fight broke out at the end of this chapter I was bouncing in my seat. 
I’ve noticed MC’s replies are either fairly cocky/self-assured or more humble/concerned for others, so I’m thinking possibly if you’re more cocky & arrogant yourself, you’ll be led toward reversed end? This is all just a guess though since we only have two chapters so far, but it seems sort of fitting that since revered ends usually involve the LI falling back on past habits/fears/characteristics & having less character growth (in a sense) that Lucio’s reversed end might include an MC who develops characteristics like him & being more concerned with the self as opposed to the needs & wellbeing of others.
Long story short (too late) I loved this chapter update very very much. 
[My sister who doesn’t even play The Arcana, saw it was trending on Tumblr & is currently sitting next to me showing me every meme & post she finds funny about this Lucio update.]
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