#thank you for the question Anon
acerobot · 1 month
Putting Ford in a wandavision scenario is honestly so inspired. Ford loves his niece and nephew so much and has some level of fatherly instincts (seen with him wanting to raise the shapeshifter baby in journal 3) so Bill giving him kids to get attached to is so fucking good.
How do the kids work actually? Are they just figments that bill is puppeting directly or do they sort of function on their own, similar to the beings in Mabel’s bubble?
I'm so glad you like it, anon I honestly didn't think anyone would take interest in this so it means a lot that people are. Those are definitely a part of the reason behind this! Well, loving his Niece and Nephew, I won't claim I've read the third book. But this man Loves his family, straight up pulled a gun on a bus driver so his niece could bring her pig home. Love right there. But yeah, I have a friend describe the kids as Bill providing enrichment for Ford, and I love that dearly lol The kids(I realize I never mentioned their names in the post, so they're Caesar and Dorabella, after Ciphers cause puns) are more like the beings in Mabel's bubble for sure! They do their own thing, starting out as simple personalities and 'designs' that evolve over time. Such as gaining interests in new things they're exposed to, and changing how they act, behave, and even how their body works as they gain new knowledge and everything like that. I'm not sure if I explained that last part very good. I guess an example would be they initially didn't react to pain, so think of them getting hurt in a bike accident or falling, even big injuries like a broken arm wouldn't get a reaction until they learned they should through Ford's reactions and media like books, movies, etc.. A constantly evolving being.
That being said, they are still just a creation of Bill, despite becoming something more than their initial creation both purpose and traits wise. So he can look through their eyes and such to monitor Ford, if needed, but he usually doesn't actively control either one of them, he has other things to do. I can see him doing it sometimes though, or at least influencing their actions to guilt Ford into staying and such. On that last part(Apologies for the long reply anon), being Bill's creations he can also get rid of them at the drop of a hat. And Ford, well, he's AttachedTM. These are his kids despite being fake, they've grown and changed and he Has bonded with them
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Unfortunate in that Bill can take them away if he feels as though it would make Ford behave, and also from what Ford has seen it doesn't seem they can leave the little 'bubble' of a town their in. So taking them and running is just not on the table. Very good motives to stay with risk of these kids he's bonded with being essentially erased if he doesn't. I did promise the friend I mentioned earlier I wouldn't have Bill perma delete them tho, so, unfortunately for Bill, he's a little attached himself. Don't let anyone know that. Those kids are theirs, his and Fords, it was inevitable. Not saying he hasn't temporarily done it when he deemed it necessary tho.
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Thoughts on unisex clothing?
Cool 👍
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jaggedjot · 6 months
Ok so my (probably wrong) theory about why we havent gotten a title for ep8 is bc I think the last ep of s2 is a "backdoor pilot" for s3 where we get a glimpse of how or who lestat will be telling his pov of everything idk why i think this will happen but for ep8 title to be a spoiler must mean something. I think they will wrap up louis/iwtv book in 7 eps so the extra ep might be the pivot to lestat or not lol idk
From my understanding, IWTV Daily have said that it is not clear which of the titles relate to what episodes and, looking through the list again, I do strongly suspect it is not in order. At this point we can't say for certain then that it is the eighth episode title that is missing.
I can't verify IWTV Daily's source for this information, and I do not know enough about how the WGA works to make a definitive claim about it, but these titles have not been officially announced, and so I think we shouldn't treat it like a teaser where the eighth episode title is being tantalisingly withheld.
As to what the eighth episode will be about, I do agree that there is going to be lead in to the third season, but I don't believe that it will be (and frankly I hope it won't be) a soft pilot or reboot of the series as Lestat's memories take centre stage.
Louis doesn't really have a resolution or ending in the original book (which is thematically true to the central question that the story is asking: what if we are never able to move past our feelings of guilt, grief and regret?), his story just peters out. While I am perhaps more cynical and pessimistic than others about Louis, if I had to speculate, I think the eighth episode would primarily revolve around Louis considering how he could, finally, begin to move forward. And I think the way that Louis may attempt to do this (and, if I am correct, there will be a very interesting discussion about whether this is actual progress or merely another angle from which Louis can contemplate the same thing) is to interrogate Lestat.
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peony-flowerking7 · 4 months
Are you still taking request?
And how many requests can one artist make?
No I am not but I will open them again in the future BUT with something else
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And I take two
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But this time if you want a second or more you’ll have to commission me. Right now requests are closed but when I open them they’ll be commissions instead. Just so I can earn a but if money. I even open a Kofi just in case that happens again Thank you, anon.
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garrus-appreciation · 2 years
which body part do you find sexiest on garrus?
Oh man I can't pick just one thing
I'm generally attracted to how well... Alien he is.
I love his pointy teeth and his talons. And his pretty eyes. And also how I think he's supposed to be like 7 ft tall or something? And they just couldn't program that into the game at the time I think? I love crazy height differences
Oh and his VOICE, maybe that's it, his voice is SO HOT
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mmoosen · 10 months
Which Noolan do you prefer, hair pushed back Nolan, Bieber Fringe Nolan, or in between (e.g. the scene where he beats up Liam)?
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his hair needs to be floofy so probably the Bieber fringe Nolan
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If you had to ship Ulfric with anyone else who would you choose? And if you had to ship your Dahlia with anyone else who would you choose?
Hello there Anon,
Oh man, that is a very interesting question and my first instinct is to say Galmar, but due to the political situation that he is in...that isn't going to fly. (I still perhaps see them having some type of short-lived dalliance when they were fighting in the Great War, but that's a whole other thing entirely.) Naturally, I think a lot of people would say Elisif is the next best candidate for him, and while from a political standpoint I could see where they're coming form, on paper, I think that there is just too much animosity from Elisif that she would not go for it and Ulfric would not be able to tolerate her as his wife. (Even if it does make for a tasty bit of drama.)
...so, who else other than a Dragonborn would have the status and the steel to put up with Ulfric...Jarl Laila, perhaps? I know, I know. A lot of people say that she isn't that sharp and she's just being lead along by Maven's song and dance as a "friend"...but I think she's smarter than that. Maybe it's not a love match, but it would be convenient.
As for Dahlia...hmm...Ralof comes to mind even if I write them as more like brother and sister in my fic. Onmund didn't work out because my headcanon for my fic world was that he was too concerned with making something of himself, so he's out...
Perhaps in another universe were I to write other versions of either of those NPCs, they would work fine to ship with Dahlia, I think. Or maybe even Marcurio. I think she'd get a kick out of him even if he is a bit arrogant. (And she'd like the challenge.)
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thesolarangel · 1 year
what is your favorite kind of fruit !
Strawberries! I love them so much, they smell and taste great! I even have a strawberry tattoo🥰🍓🍓🍓
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impish-ivy · 10 months
Hello! I hope it's okay to ask this, but if for example I join Solomon's birthday week, can we skip a day if we don't feel like doing one of the themes?
Yes of course!!
The 9DaysofSolomon event is supposed to be for fun after all. I don’t want anyone stressing out over prompts or deadlines.
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thatonepizzaman · 2 years
Grapho, how do you figure out when it's not someone's time yet? What's the thought process of those kinds of decisions?
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It’s. Kind of hard to explain. I just. Kinda sense it through my antennas and go towards the source .that’s. just kinda what us butterfly spirits do
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trashcatsnark · 2 years
Ok I need to ask... Which Seed sibling takes Dahlia's virginity? I gotta know pls I'm on my knees
heheh, hello to you too anon!
Joseph, a thousand and ten percent. Originally, my idea was they'd hold off on uh that part until later, but tbh- now that I'm looking to revamp the fic, I dont think they will. But regardless, absolutely no matter what Joseph is the first- he's The Father, the one who sees her divine purpose, and knows what to do with the gift they were given~
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otomelavenderhaze · 2 years
Hello! What are your thoughts about Armin's AL?
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They had a good idea, but poor execution.
The episode when everything falls apart is episode 3 in which Candy acts childish most of the time, annoyingly so, like it stopped from being cute at the middle of episode 1.
I think they thought about how start his route and how they wanted to end but had NO THOUGHTS about the middle or how they would like to get in the end in a solid way. It shows by how they thought they should prop up episode 3 sex scene, that feel more fitting for Evan than Armin BUT WELL, I guess what they wanted was a more aggressive character- let's forget all the core and most charming sides of Armin because none of them are sexy or attactive NO LET'S MAKE IT SPICY.
Y'know. They we have to hurted characters, that hurted each other and that's why they feel the way they do, WHICH could be a relatable scenario, who didn't ever hurted someone they cared deeply about, you would expect they would take some inspo in real life, how human fucking beings deal with stuff.
*Deep breath* But should've known, they never knew how to write Armin aside from the nerdy-encyclopedia-no-worries of always, they found a legit flawn for him in AL to make him at least a little bit more human, but what's the point if Candy behaves like a fucking wooden door????? I really don't understand why they wouldn't drop the act for one conversation, be vunerable, be nice to each other, WITHOUT ANY JOKES.
Also, Armin working with Nathaniel???????? OKAY????? I GUESS??????
Well, I don't like Armin's AL route. I thought I had things to complain about his HSL, but WOAH, AL really went like "hold my fucking beer, chef".
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jsands84 · 2 years
14 & 21 for the ask game?
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
On some level, yes. I don’t believe in Luck as a force that some people have more of than others or Miracles as randomly dispensed by a higher power.
Now if you want to talk to me about Murphy’s Law…
21. What are you bad habits?
Procrastination, picking at my nails, poor screen-time moderation… probably some others that I’m not thinking about.
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exonerin · 2 months
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Before I ended up in the Star Wars fandom, I loved writing for Harry Potter. I no longer do that and I have pulled all my works in the fandom for reasons I think everyone can understand. Some of them, I used to like a lot. Not so much anymore.
And... well, I don't know how to put it without incriminating myself, but the teacher-student dynamic Obikin has?
I like that one a lot.
So, I wrote similar pairings in the Harry Potter fandom. And one brand of odd turned into another. Now, you see, Pansy Parkinson fascinated me. But I wouldn't expect anyone to share my fascination or read a fic revolving around her. I believe this was 2016/2017 timeline wise. Either way, I paired her up with Percy Weasley.
Logically speaking, this should get me 0 views.
And it did.
But -- and this is the amusing part -- I submitted it in a writing contest. It was a fluffy, short fic, no much substance but plenty pining and porn. And let's not forget: fanfiction of a rather dubious pairing.
Logically speaking, it should drop out in the first round and be forgotten.
Somehow, it continued on, and earned itself a second place. To this day, I do not understand how or why. Truly, I don't. It didn't result in anything, so the end of this tale is rather anti-climactic, but I'm still amused by the outcome.
This fic itself (titled No Sparks Required) no longer exists. I wiped the account and I don't have backups for any of the works I published around that time. But Harry Potter no longer sparks as much joy as it used to -- and I believe Marie Condo advises tossing the whole thing out. So, nothing of value was lost here.
But I suppose the first fic in any fandom is always a bit of a gamble -- or a leap of faith.
You never know whether the locals will chase you out of town armed with pitchforks, torches, and disparaging comments.
It has never happened, but it's possible.
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gabunny · 1 year
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sunlightprophecy · 1 year
naruto! if someone wanted to ask iruka-sensei out, would you approve? who is on your okay to date my dad list?
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"Uhh well that's a strange question. I think anyone should be allowed to date Iruka-Sensei as long as they treat him right and truly love him, datteybayo. I say go for it and if he says yes I hope you both have a wonderful time getting to know each other and where that might lead!"
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