#thank you for the ask i love talking about mido
sugurushimura · 6 months
May I ask why you headcanon Midou as a trans woman? I always headcanonned Higuchi as trans out of all the Yotsubas (FtM though, not MtF) and I'd really like to hear your reasoning!
oh man, this is one of those headcanons that i've had for so long that it's kind of just cemented itself in my brain... the idea was actually my boyfriend @teethrotter's first, so what initially sparked it lies in his mind alone. i'm not sure if he even told me anything specifically other than "hey, i think it'd be neat if mido was a trans woman" so we tried it out for a while and it just stuck... i'm not sure when exactly that was, maybe 2016 or 2017? over 5 years for sure.
by this point, it's not even a decision i actively make, i just see mido and she registers immediately as a woman with my brain. seeing her he/him'd in canon feels wrong... although i am obviously not arguing that trans mido is even vaguely implied, she's just such a minor character that headcanoning her as a closeted trans woman doesn't change literally anything.
the headcanon does play into my own interpretation of mido pretty heavily, and it works well with how i perceive her canon personality. imo, mido is someone who is very resigned with her life. she was born into a high-status family that placed a lot of weight on her shoulders wrt being a Good Member Of Society. she went to an elite college, got a law degree, and went on to become a bigwig at the yotsuba group. she clearly excels at her job, but according to htr, she actually hates the division she works in. she's well-liked amongst her colleagues -- better than any of them except ooi, in fact -- but in turn seems to like very few of them. her social skills are quite good, but she seems... disengaged, to say the least, at the model party.
pretty much every facet of mido's life, except her fencing hobby, is spent doing things she hates and interacting with people that she dislikes. and yet she shows absolutely no signs that she's interested in changing it -- hell, she doesn't even bother speaking out against the kira murders, which seem to weigh on her conscience. of course, there's a real threat of death if she does that, but it isn't as if she simply abstains from the meetings; she's an incredibly active participant!
all this plays into the greater feeling that mido is resigned to her own misery even when she really doesn't have to be. i think she developed this tendency mainly because of her family, but eventually it became such a habit that to change now feels to her like she'd have wasted all that pain and effort. sunk-cost fallacy, you know? at times, too, i think she's prone to romanticizing her own pain in a sort of "oh, woe is me, i'm such a dutiful son and such a productive member of society, look at how much i've sacrificed for the sake of the status quo, how tragic am i..."
her gender identity, too, is a reflection of that. gender is such a fundamental part of how we perceive ourselves and others; i think it ties everything together to have mido, who is really and truly a woman, lock it up inside herself and just go along with the way she was raised to present because, even despite the misery it causes her, it would be troublesome to change it all now and would damage the image she's spent so long cultivating. besides, if she changed this now, that would open a lot of doors. what else about her life would she be happier if she changed?
my own experiences with gender are somewhat similar. there was a time when i was younger where i realized that i was a trans man, but thought it would be too much of a hassle to come out and completely change who i am publicly. i had more or less resigned myself to living the rest of my life that way, and it was only thanks to my boyfriend's encouragement that i changed my mind. i'm very glad i did, and it's probably no coincidence that i also imagined myself getting a business degree at that point in my life...
i love mido and i'd like for her to reach self-actualization, at least to some extent. in most lighthearted AUs, i default to writing her as out of the closet and fully transitioned -- albeit still working a job she hates. it's also very important to me that she comes out to shimura after the kira case. after being put through such a stressful situation and realizing that she really could have been killed (...oops), i think she realizes that, at the end of the day, she needs someone else to know. it might as well be shimura, who shows her so readily that he's been wrestling with the horror of their situation more frantically than any of them, who still shows compassion after everything they've done.
also, mido has the trans haircut. you know, the ambiguous "it's just short enough that mom won't say anything" look.
(as an aside, i think i've heard trans man higuchi brought up before! not for several years, though, and only briefly, unless i'm forgetting something. although it personally isn't a headcanon that i share, he's such an envious person and focuses his own identity so intensely on other men that i could see it being written in a very compelling way. the whole "i want him AND i want to be him" thing, however in denial he is about it, is very real... i would love to see that concept explored more! i am probably not the person to do it, though.)
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berrygoodjob · 2 months
May I pretty please request Sho, Haku, Jiro, Alan and Taiga reacting to an MC who loves to cook for/with them? I just think that would be so cute, and they would definitely take into account personal taste (cough taiga cough)
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Tokyo Debunker x Reader that cooks for them
Ft: Sho, Haku, Jiro, Alan, Taiga
Shohei Haizono
—he’s so happy
—like SO happy
—he’s gonna pretend it’s not a huge deal to him
—but he’s gonna weasel his way in and before you know it you two are cooking all your meals together
—he loves that you share a common interest with him
—he’ll nerd out and tell you all about the things he wants to cook or new techniques he just learned
—he knows how much effort goes into cooking for someone so he feels very special when you cook for him
—he loves loves trying any new recipes he finds with you
—you both judge it together
—he brags about it so much too
—once professor Hyde finds out tho,,, it’s over (he teased sho so much now your cooking dates are kept very private.)
Haku Kusanagi
—he’ll tease you just a little “ohh you did all this for me??”
—he’s so ready to call you his little housewife/house husband/ house spouse
—really he’s touched
—he’ll brag to suba and Zenji about it so much
—be prepared to be showered with compliments (he definitely wants you to cook for him again)
—he loves being the test subject for all the new recipes you want to try
—be warned he will try to taste test before it’s done
—he’s the kind that’ll sneak up on you when you’re focused and put his arms around you and just watch you work too
—he’s always asking if you have more for him if he sees you cooking
Jiro Kirisaki
—says he’s too busy to eat it right away
—he’ll get to it eventually (if he eats?? I know he has some tummy trubs)
—it’s cold by the time he does, but even then he can tell it’s good
—he’ll thank you for the meal next time he sees you
—he’s not fully sure if he’s supposed to return the favor or just thank you
—he really appreciates it though and wants you to know that
—he doesn’t really talk about it much to others, but he will lowkey humble brag to Yuri
—he comes to give you checkups a little more often than he needs to, just in case and as a way of repaying you (he just wants to see you again)
Alan Mido
—he’s stunned the first time
—poor bby doesn’t know what to do
—he’s touched really
—he’ll thank you and say you didn’t need to go through the trouble for him
—he’ll offer you some too just to be polite
—he thinks about you for the rest of the day and how he can return the favor
—he’s gonna try to make you something too,, he’ll ask Sho for advice and everything
—he’ll toss it before you come over though,,, cooking isn’t his strength
—he still really appreciates when you cook for him
—he starts getting a bit hopeful every time he sees you, wondering if you have more for him
Taiga Hoshibami
—ok I’m a little stumped here tbh
—does he even eat human food?? Or just raw anomalous meat?
—let’s just say you went and got some kind of anomalous meat (I won’t question how you got it,,,, maybe hunting?? Or asking rui for some to spare so taiga doesn’t have to steal??)
—he’ll be a little confused and definitely point his gun at you
—“who are you and what do you want?”
—you have to remind using his nickname for you
—he’ll still be a little on edge though and question why you’re bringing him food
—he’ll accept the food tho and make a big mess eating it in front of you (just to see how you react and if it scares you to watch him eat)
—he grows to appreciate what you do if you keep bringing him food and he always looks forward to your visits after
—seeing how taiga treats you and how you’re always safe from him, some of the sinostra students will try to do the same
—so far he’s chased everyone but you out
—you’re the only one allowed to see him in such a vulnerable position
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is it possible to request da vagastrom ghouls + jin and luca and their reactions when someone makes their s/o cry (preferably romantic if that’s okie) i would really love to see ur ideas on this!
Ooooh! I love this one! Thank you for sending in a request!
Alan is VERY protective of his partner. It doesn't matter if they could kick his ass in a fight, he is protective. The second he catches wind of his MC crying for ANY reason, he drops his tools and goes RUNNING to them (like my mans is SPRINTING).
He first and foremost makes sure that MC is physically okay before getting to what happenedm He's not the best at comfort so he starts by using his size and reputation to get info from any witnesses.
It actually manages to work somehow and as soon as he gets his hands on the jackass who made them cry. Its straight to the pit to make an example of them.
When the two of them are alone at last. He does his best to try and comfort them, but like I said he's not the best with that stuff. So the best is an awkward hug, a listening ear, and him trying very hard to find and play a YouTube video to make them feel better....but very they have to help him with it.
He heard from Leo that MC was caught crying while he was cooking and for once, he quickly made sure that there was no chance of a fire, and stops in the middle of his cooking to go find MC.
Sho, on the other side of things, kicks ass before anything else. He's dragging the dumbass to the pit and kicks the shit out of him. Sho doesn't hold back like Alan does. It was an clear win from the get go, so the Sho betters in the pit were taking candy from babies.
After wiping the floor with the dipshit, he runs back to MC, gently taking their hands and lead them right back to the Vagastrom kitchen. He sets aside whatever he was cooking beforehand and asked what they wanted to eat.
He won't take no for an answer, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't have the ingredients. He will take them out on Bonnie to get their mind off of things. When he has everything he needs, he'll make whatever they want to eat.
If they want they want to, he'll even try his hand at baking. With their help of course, but he's more of a cook than a baker. Anything to help his MC feel better
Oh HELL no! They're done. Absolutely destroyed. No not physically, Leo doesn't fight.
But word gets around quickly, especially on the social medias but Leo waits for MC to come to him. In the meantime, he finds as much dirt as possible on whoever the hell was there.
He's looking at security cams, wickchat posts, tiktoks, etc. It takes him at MOST half an hour to find who fucked up. And another half hour to find out some pretty juicy dirt on whoever it is.
He used an alt account to leak said juicy dirt by the time MC came to him. When they do, he lets MC cuddle up to him and doomscroll tiktok with him, filtering out anything about what happened and focusing on animal and funny tiktoks.
This is another who would wait for MC to come to him. But if they take too long he's sending either a text or Tohma to go bring them to him
He actually sends Tohma to get details on what happened as soon as he can. Tohma being Tohma, gets all the details that Jin needs.
Jin looks for things he can use to make that person's life a living hell. Assuming they're a student, he uses his connections to get them all the way down to probation.
And te thing about Jin is, his lasts. He makes an example of this person for MONTHS or at least as long as he can get away with it.
As for what he does with MC when they're crying. I think he takes them to his room and puts down the tough guy act for once. He'll give them a little forehead kiss and talks all nice and quiet with reassuring words, but just this once. (That a bald faced lie, he's just too stubborn to admit he's soft for his partner)
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hunieday · 5 months
Nikaido Yamato - Drama Collection vol.2 Rabbit Chat
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Natsume Minami: Good evening, Nikaido-san.
Natsume Minami: I heard that we'll be appearing together on a variety show next time to promote the drama. I look forward to working with you.
Nikaido Yamato: Hey there, Natsume-chan. Thanks for your courtesy.
Nikaido Yamato: So about that show... they said the theme this time is "youth" in relation to the drama, and they sent a bunch of surveys about it
Nikaido Yamato: What did you answer, Natsume-chan...?
Natsume Minami: Oh. Aren't you looking forward to the talk on the show?
Nikaido Yamato: Well yes, but I'm just wondering about the direction you’re gonna be taking
Natsume Minami: Direction?
Nikaido Yamato: Are you gonna answer it lightheartedly or seriously?
Natsume Minami: Well, I think we need to be serious.
Natsume Minami: That's why I even answered the 5th "Please describe your flavor of youth" question seriously.
Natsume Minami: I wrote that it “tasted like milk tea."
Nikaido Yamato: Oh, so that's what "flavor of youth" means, as in what you drank the most back then.
Nikaido Yamato: Well, ŹOOĻ sells the tough-guy image well so you should be fine with that answer.
Natsume Minami: What do you mean back then? I was talking about when I was in school, I was really into drinking black tea.
Nikaido Yamato: Oh, I see!?!?
Natsume Minami: Oh my. What did you think I was talking about?
Nikaido Yamato: No, my bad. It's nothing.
Natsume Minami: 
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Natsume Minami: So, what's your flavor of youth, Nikaido-san?
Nikaido Yamato: Uhhhhhhhhh...
Nikaido Yamato: Maybe melon...
Natsume Minami: How adorable. You like it, don't you?
Nikaido Yamato: Well, yeah...
Natsume Minami: Did you also eat it during those "back then"s you mentioned?
Nikaido Yamato: Forget about that LMAO
Nikaido Yamato: But maybe we’re too young to be calling it "youth", I just liked it as a kid and used to eat it a lot.
Natsume Minami: I’m guessing “youth" refers to teenage years, but it's complicated to define. There were other questions about what we did after school.
Nikaido Yamato: I see. You were busy with work, Natsume-chan.
Natsume Minami: Yes. Unfortunately, I was always so busy with work that I don't remember much of my school days.
Natsume Minami: If anything, I think now feels more like youth for me.
Nikaido Yamato: I get that.
Nikaido Yamato: Hanging out with those guys feels like I’m back in junior high.
Nikaido Yamato: We do things like chugging soda in the middle of summer, having snowball fights in winter, it’s like I’m doing kid-like stuff all year round.
Natsume Minami: Sounds fun. It's like having a little family.
Nikaido Yamato: Maybe LMAO
Nikaido Yamato: ŹOOĻ kinda feel like siblings too
Natsume Minami: Wait a moment. Who's the oldest?
Nikaido Yamato: That’s what you’re concerned about?
Natsume Minami: It's extremely crucial.
Nikaido Yamato: If we ignore the age, the oldest would be Inumaru, then you, then Mido, and the youngest would be Isumi I guess...?
Natsume Minami: I see. Our interpretations aren’t too off, but Mido-san and Isumi-san could probably be reversed.
Nikaido Yamato: Huh? Mido’s the youngest?
Natsume Minami: Since he’s a cute guy.
Nikaido Yamato: Maybe Natsume-chan is the oldest son after all...
Natsume Minami: You're also quite cute, Nikaido-san.
Nikaido Yamato: Where though!?!?!? I'm three years older than you, I’m a grown man who loves beer!
Natsume Minami: During skateboard practice you asked, "Natsume-chan, if I fall, will you help me?" 
Natsume Minami: I thought the way you were trying to tug at my heartstrings by acting like a spoiled child on purpose was cute.
Nikaido Yamato: Don't say it was on purpose LMAO
Natsume Minami: Your character this time resembles you in that aspect quite a bit.
Nikaido Yamato: Oh, he was pretty spoiled wasn’t he?
Nikaido Yamato: He couldn't accept his best friend leaving, so he blamed everyone around him for his problems and vented his bad days to his friends so they would comfort him
Nikaido Yamato: Wait... I kinda feel like I’m having déjà vu...
Natsume Minami: Oh?
Natsume Minami: In reality, all he wanted was to skate with his best friend again, but he couldn't say that one word, so he struggled with despair all the while.
Natsume Minami: He was unable to be fully emotionless, so he couldn’t help but show vulnerability and kindness to those who loved him, which resonates with you deeply.
Nikaido Yamato: Damn. You really went into details 
Natsume Minami: It's fun. I enjoy discussing acting with you.
Nikaido Yamato: I feel the same thing. I feel like we fit each other’s style more every time we’re acting together, Natsume-chan.
Natsume Minami: Are you flirting with me?
Nikaido Yamato: So wanting to work with you more is the same as flirting with you now?
Natsume Minami: You're making me blush.
Nikaido Yamato: Liar LMAO
Natsume Minami: It's true. You said "I just wanted to laugh and skate again. It’s enough for me that I was able to do it today." in the script. Your expression at that moment was just like that.
Nikaido Yamato: That’s the one thing you praised me for on the spot, it's embarrassing to hear it again in text
Natsume Minami:
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Natsume Minami: Being able to discuss our work like this feels like youth to us, doesn't it?
Nikaido Yamato: Maybe you’re right! I'll write that the coffee I'm drinking now is the flavor of youth.
Natsume Minami: Can I match your answer? I was just drinking some too.
Nikaido Yamato: Oh, what a coincidence. Though the flavor of youth turned out quite bitter.
Natsume Minami: It's a special flavor, just like us.
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japeneselunchtimerush · 9 months
Continutation of my previous post but its just incorrect quotes.
Kise: what's a word that's a mix between angry and sad?
Akashi: malcontented, disgruntled, miserable, desolated
Aomine: smad
Akashi: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone. 
Aomine and Kise: Ours just say “No.” 
Akashi: And I want you to apply it to every possible situation.
Mayuzumi: you played me like a fiddle
Bokushi: actually, fiddles are quite difficult to play. I played you like a cheap kazoo
Akashi: Kuroko, please keep an eye on Kise. He's gonna say something to Midorima and get himself punched.
Kuroko: Sure Akashi-kun, I'd love to see Kise get punched.
Akashi: Try again.
Kuroko: I will stop Kise from getting punched.
Akashi: Correct.
Akashi: oh, are you and Kise no longer…
Aomine: smushing booties?
Akashi: …yes that’s exactly how i was going to phrase my sentence, Aomine.
Bokushi talking to Nash: you think you can just bully people, but you can’t. it’s not okay.
Bokushi: i’m the bully around here. ask anyone.
Bokushi: i only feel one emotion, and it’s indifference.
Oreshi: last night you drunk-texted the whole team a bunch of heart emojis.
Bokushi: ...indifferently.
Murasakibara: i really miss these people, the whole team. Aka-chin, Mido-chin…
Murasakibara: …i forget all their other names.
Himuro: *judgemental eyebrow raise*
Midorima: You know archaic Latin?
Akashi: I got bored with classical Latin.
Midorima: You know normal Latin?
Akashi: Yeah someone from my knitting club taught me.
Akashi: You don't know everything about me Midorima. Now do you want a sweater or a scarf?
Momoi: 'You'll never find the body' is such a boring threat. A better threat would be; 'You'll never stop finding the body.'
Akashi, bored: Or just say, 'They'll be finding parts of you for at least four months...and you'll still be alive for three of them.'
Momoi: Now that's a threat!
The rest of the GoM: *horrified silence*
Murasakibara: do you think I could fit fifteen marshmallows in my mouth?
Midorima: ...you are a hazard to society
Aomine: and a coward. do twenty
[Akashi after the GoM do something really stupid but he's running on t-2 seconds of sleep and a cup of tea]
Akashi : I am offended. I am angry. I am very tired. So I am gonna take a nap but when I wake up, oh you are *in* for it.
The GoM:...
Four hours later...
Akashi: How. DARE. You!
Kuroko: remember how furious you got that time when Aomine ended a letter with "thx" instead of "thanks"?
Akashi: why would you bring this up??
Himuro: So,Shuu , tell us everything! Did you call Akashi’s dad first?
Nijimura: I actually did!
*time skip back*
Nijimura, on the phone: Mr Akashj? I’m calling to inform you that I plan to ask your son to marry me. But since it’s 2016 I am NOT asking for your permission since he is not your property. NOR WOULD HE BE MINE IF HE CHOOSES TO SAY YES! He’s a strong independent man and he don’t need no man! That being said I truly hope he says yes. But it’s HIS decision so just BACK OFF!
Hinuro: aww, that was perfect! What did he say?
Nijimura: I have no idea I left a voicemail I’m terrified of him.
[Back at it again with the nijiaka]
Bokushi: Wait you like me?
Mibuchi: Yes
Bokushi: ... for my personality?
Mibuchi: I was surprised too
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torahoes · 2 months
(IDOLiSH7) Torao Mido - Drama Collection 2 Summer Rabbit Chat
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Please note that I am not a professional translator. If you come across any mistakes, feel free to let me know and I will make the necessary corrections.
Torao Mido: Good work today. I watched the Kokona movie you mentioned the other day
Nagi Rokuya: I have been eagerly awaiting your message, Mido-shi.
Nagi Rokuya: Now, let's hear your 5★ review that will impress even professional film critics. How was "Magical Girl Magical★Kokona ~A Great Operation in the Galaxy of Love~"? X-D))))))
Torao Mido: First, let me apologize. I was misled by the character design
Torao Mido: This was totally a profound and intense human drama.
Nagi Rokuya: OH… I am deeply moved right now.
Nagi Rokuya: I heard the sound of you falling into the Kokona swamp.
Torao Mido: What kind of sound would that be?
Nagi Rokuya: Plop…
Torao Mido: That's a rather soft sound lol
Torao Mido: Firstly, the character setup was straightforward, so I could enjoy it even as a first-time viewer. You have the space queen aiming to conquer Earth and Kokona who bravely stands up to her.
Nagi Rokuya: YES! It's made so that even those who haven't seen the anime can enjoy it! The attention to detail is superb. The staff are brilliant too.
Torao Mido: Also, I felt I absolutely had to talk about this
Nagi Rokuya:
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Torao Mido: The scene where Kokona, despite being battered from repeated attacks, mustered her last bit of strength to cast a spell was incredibly intense
Torao Mido: I never expected such a heartfelt scream from a character that looks like that…
Nagi Rokuya: "As long as there's love, magical girls are eternal!"
Nagi Rokuya: And then the godly OP starts playing. You can't watch it without bursting into tears.
Torao Mido: I get it. That direction is just unfair
Nagi Rokuya: I'm shaking your hand passionately in my mind right now, Mido-shi.
Torao Mido: You're not going to do it in person?
Nagi Rokuya: Hm, I'm not opposed to that.
Nagi Rokuya: Anything else? 🥹
Torao Mido: Let's see… Kokona always loved people. No matter how much she suffered, she never hesitated to reach out a helping hand. She never forgot to have a sympathetic heart
Torao Mido: Kokona — she's a great woman.
Nagi Rokuya: OMG
Nagi Rokuya: Just how much potential do you possess, Mido-shi? Please come to my castle, the IDOLiSH7 dorm, immediately!!
Torao Mido: Can't it be tomorrow? We'll be together for the interview anyway
Nagi Rokuya:
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Nagi Rokuya: Oh, right! I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts in person tomorrow X-D))))))
Torao Mido:
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Torao Mido: Changing the topic, there's something I wanted to ask you as well
Torao Mido: Remember we talked about preparing a return gift for the bouquet of origami flowers we received from the child actors? What are you planning to give them? I'd like to avoid giving the same thing
Nagi Rokuya: It was a lovely gift to commemorate our acquaintance, wasn't it? I’m preparing handkerchiefs with embroidered parasols, inspired by the drama 🏖️
Torao Mido: I see. I’ll steer clear of handkerchiefs then, thanks
Nagi Rokuya: So even a playboy like you struggles with gift-giving, huh?
Torao Mido: Haruka said, "They used gold and silver origami, so you need to think really carefully about your return gift," which instantly raised the difficulty….
Nagi Rokuya: OH… just as Isumi-shi said, gold and silver origami are very rare and precious because there are so few sheets ;-(
Torao Mido: Yeah, seems so…
Torao Mido: I know we shouldn't just gift something expensive without much thought. I’ll think about it a bit more
Nagi Rokuya:
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Nagi Rokuya: Talking with you like this, Mido-shi, I feel that the contrast between you and your character isn't that stark.
Torao Mido: Really? I'm not that laid-back though, right? I played a photographer, so there were a lot of instances where I just wandered off with my camera
Nagi Rokuya: I thought you were similar to your character in how thoughtful you are. In the vacation scenes, your character was the one who was the most attentive to the kids, showing them around various places, after all
Torao Mido: Thanks. Doesn't feel bad to hear that
Torao Mido: Thinking about it, I might have been the most sensible one in that chaotic group of four. Striving to capture memories, saying, "I want to capture everyone's laughter and the scent of the sea breeze in this one photo."
Nagi Rokuya: I agree. It really pained my heart to have to say, "Look, I've graciously decided to carry you. You should consider it a great honor," to the tired kids in such a haughty manner in that one scene ;-((((
Torao Mido: That was a funny scene. Your face was covered in sand, yet you still managed to maintain that posed look
Nagi Rokuya: I've had my fill of sand for a lifetime. I'm done with the sea now ✋
Torao Mido: Oh, right, you don’t handle hot places well. You're quite the opposite of your character, huh
Nagi Rokuya: I didn’t have the power to change the drama's setting from a tropical beach to a frigid land, so I just resigned myself and gave my all for the role ; -P
Torao Mido: I'm glad you didn’t have the power
Nagi Rokuya: Do you dislike winter?
Torao Mido: I don't dislike it. I've come to appreciate the warmth of a kotatsu. But if I had to choose, I prefer hot weather over cold.
Nagi Rokuya: I see, now that I know you're a haughty man who likes summer, it might not be an exaggeration to say I played you, Mido-shi 😂
Torao Mido: You playing the role of me, huh. Not bad.
Nagi Rokuya: OH! That was an unexpected reaction. Well then, in order to play me, you will need to study Kokona more
Torao Mido: Was that the deal!?
Nagi Rokuya: I've graciously decided to lend you my entire DVD collection. Be grateful.
Torao Mido: Yeah, I'm not really into that idea
Nagi Rokuya: Same here 😂
Nagi Rokuya: Anyway, I'm eagerly anticipating tomorrow. Let's discuss with the fervor that rivals the tropical sun X-)))))
Torao Mido: Yeah. I've encountered a great piece of work. Looking forward to it
The End.
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internals1ut · 3 days
I had a thought about jin getting jealous when he sees tohma and alan (or some other person) together once and now I can't get rid of it from my brain
*cough* possessive sex :peek:
Thank you for the idea anon
18+/nsfw/minors gtfo
Hehehehe jealous sex is a hot sex ✨
It was a usual meet up with Tohma and Mido being in the car and all. Jin heard that Tohma was at Vagastorm, wondering what the hell he was doing he followed him and saw the two go into the car and leave together out of it. That's when it started.
Jin was enraged with emotions, but it wasn't something he expressed out. Instead, what he did was give Tohma the cold shoulder whenever he was nearby or came to talk with him. Only giving small "Mhm" here and there.
Eventually the party came along and the two were standing with each other, Tohma asked Jin if he was just going to pout and be a baby the whole night which made him even more pissed off.
Excusing themselves, Jin used his stigma to make Tohma follow him to the bedroom and shut the door before he locked it.
Jin cornered Tohma before he started to integrate him about what he was doing with Mido. Tohma was upset that he was following him but then connected he got jealous and started to tease. "Are you, Jin Kamurai, jealous? How adorable". That was what made Jin snap.
Jin dragged Tohma to the bed before tearing away the clothes that were in his way. He got Tohma to hold onto the back of the couch, Tohma's back facing him, Jin's hands grabbed his hips before he slide himself inside of Tohma.
The sex was not gentle at all, Jin should have half the mind to take down the sound barrier so everyone could hear that Tohma was his and his alone. Only he could make Tohma feel like this. Only him! Not some himbo from Vagastorm!
But since the fact that they are keeping their relationship a secret, he can't take it down. Damn he wishes.
The moment Tohma becomes closer to cum, Jin makes the command to hold it.
Tohma trembled as he was in a desperate need to release out, his whole body begged with him to allow for the ability to cum.
Jin only allows it when he gets closer to they can do it together. But they are NOT done! While still inside, he bend Tohma over the arm of the couch and did him in that position as well. They did five more rounds, five more positions after that .
Jin's back was covered in light red scratch marks , some even got to the point where it broke a layer of skin.
Tohma on the other hand was covered to his neck to his chest and torso in light bites and some deeper ones too.
The two laid in bed together, while Jin was smoking in the bed occasionally letting Tohma take a hit of the cigarette.
They are in love I promise you guys
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msperfectsheep-posts · 5 months
Okay Note here. CHARACTER ASK. i7 Torao, Haruka, and Nagi. Ouran High School Haruhi. Batman Jason. Anyone in persona you must talk about (I don't know anyone there). Did I miss someone? (You don't have to do all. I am mereky curious)
THANK YOU NOTE!!! I'm gonna put all of these beneath a cut just so I don't clog up people's dashes <3
Torao Mido: (IDOLiSH7)
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Torao is the kind of character where you're like "literally why is he in the main cast when everyone else is a banger" and then you realize that his arc is just 4-5/6ths of the way into the story and you go Oh. Oh. I get it now. That's him. That said, I want to blast him with a fire hose.
Haruka Isumi: (IDOLiSH7)
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Haruka was my discord pfp for several months and I think that says a lot already. I love him so much, he's like. so bulliable and he should be bullied. Dramatic ass teenager baby that dresses like an e-boy. I love him so much and every time he bleps (:P) in official art I want to Die. Prime blorbo material.
Nagi Rokuya: (IDOLiSH7)
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I'll admit outright that, as someone who had Ouran High School Host Club change my brain chemistry forever when I was a child, and with i7 having a main character named Tamaki, I CONSTANTLY called Nagi "Tamaki" during the first season just because he was the silly blond weeb guy!! I was like holy shit there's two of them. And then I got to parts 3 and 4 and I was like Oh Holy Shit they're even more similar than I thought :'). Nagi is a BELOVED character of mine but it took a moment for me to grow into loving his character. I wish I saw more fan content of him because he fucking rocks, but he's also just on a different plane from a lot of the more popular characters and I get it. I love how everyone respects him as they should though. My king forever and ever.
Haruhi Fujioka: (Ouran High School Host Club)
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SPEAKING OF OURAN HIGH SCHOOL HOST CLUB. Haruhi's arc in the anime and manga is a little different, and obviously the anime wasn't supposed to end where it did, but with the changes the director and writers made, I truly believe that it would be impossible for the animeverse to end the same way the mangaverse did. Anyways Haruhi is a really funny character because she's supposed to be the straightman in a lot of the jokes, but she's just as dramatic and silly as everyone else. And it's great. 10/10 protagonist, every time I think of her I think of that tumblr post about her with the big brown eyes and I go Yeah. yeah.
Jason Todd: (DC Comics; Batman)
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(If you can't read that square, it says "SCOTT LOBDELL")
Jason was NOT my favorite DC character or even Robin for a long, long time. I only really got into his character when I started working on my fic, Beyond Imagination, and had to start analyzing what a younger Jason was like and how he would interact with the world in a modern day and age. All of the Batman characters get flanderized and mischaracterized by fanon and canon a lot, so it's hard to figure out what was generally agreed upon as canon unless you read yourself, but Jason's got a strong story and personality that really shined with his resurrection. I'd say it's one of the best uses of reviving a character thought to be dead, and every time I think about his death and like. both the in-universe and real life events that lead up to it, I get emotional. Great character that makes me deeply ill to think of from a meta-perspective.
Maya Amano: (Persona 2 Innocent Sin & Persona 2 Eternal Punishment)
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Okay so. You may have noticed I tagged two Persona games for her and that's because, spoilers for Persona 2, the first Persona 2 (Innocent Sin) is a timeline that fails. The game with you resetting the timeline because you fucked up that badly, and the second Persona 2 (Eternal Punishment) is your second shot and doing things over. HOWEVER. Maya changes with the timelines because she was doomed to die with how things were set up in Innocent Sin, and fixing that to give the timeline a shot in Eternal Punishment changes her as a character. This bingo is more about Innocent Sin Maya, who is a 23 year old girlfailure reporter that makes me Deeply Deeply Ill. If you're ever curious, you can send me an ask and I'll talk about her more in depth because Persona 2 isn't the easiest game to play
Thank you for the ask!!!
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catonatrain · 1 year
here is my bingo for midorima!! anyone can ask me charas too id love to do it :>
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mido's just my little guy... i think he's one of the funniest charas in the show and im always so endeared by him and i do like to playfully make fun of him but if anyone is ever mean, mean to him i will find them... he already takes so many L's... his life is in danger without his lucky item... not having significant wins on screen... it never ends...
he's not my fav miragen, but i think i talk about him more to my friends and brother than my actual fav miragen member which i think is silly... semi told me that she sees midorima as like atsumu in the fact i talk abt them more despite them not being my favorite... also the green associations (atsumu is green to my friends due to an inside joke)
as for headcanons my friends and i have some fun ideas for what the 2nd year is like for them!! it's also a little silly!!
anyways thank u for the ask!!! and thank u for ur patience!!!
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tickling-giggles · 2 years
Birthday Tradition
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Summary:Nothing special just some birthday tickles for broccoli boy😼
July 15th 7:15 A.M. (LOOK AT MY JOKE👈🏾☠️)
Deku wakes up doing his normal routine when finally looks at his phone and sees today is his birthday. He gets real excited as he puts a tie on that kacchan gave to him back in middle school to wear on his birthday.
8:00 A.M. he arrives to class 1-A but what he expected…. didn’t happen. He walked in everyone acted like it was an ordinary day.
“Oh hey Mido-Bro nice tie”Kirishima complimented. “Oh uh thanks” Deku replied not really expecting “THAT”.
“Good morning Midoriya nice tie” Shinsou smirked as he walked to his homeroom.
‘Okayyyyy something is definitely going on don’t know what but it’s something’. Deku walked over to Kacchan which as usual having his feet propped up on his desk “What do you want Nerd” he looked up from his phone.
Deku said nothing as he sat down infront of him leaving him confused as ever. Todoroki then walked up to him. “Hey Midoriya I want to— “YES… yes I meant justtellmee” Deku excitedly interrupted Todoroki.
“Have you gotten a spare pencil” Todoroki asked in a weird accent. “Todoroki that sentence didn’t even make sense but yes I do”Deku sighed had he handed him a pencil.
“Oh I was speaking like how Hamilton speaks Thankyou though also nice tie I like it” Todoroki bluntly replied before heading back to his desk.
‘talk about a teas— WAIIIT I get it now this little thing they have going on is some stupid prank for me to fall for HA jokes on them I’ll just act like I don’t care’
“Young Midoriya I see your thinking hard and class hasn’t started yet” All might teased hinting to him that he was mumbling.
“Izuku I like your tie it looks nice” Aizawa complimented before falling asleep on the floor “Thankyou Mr. Aizawa” ‘THE TEACHERS ARE ON IT TOO WOW so mean😒’
3:10 P.M. He went through the ENTIRE school day without receiving a single birthday wish BUT he kept in mind that this was some stupid little prank that his classmate were pulling on him.
After showering he plopped down onto his bed an— *bzzt* “Come down stairs Nerd” is what he received from kacchan before groaning and heading downstairs noticing that the light were off in the hallways and he assumed that the elevator wasn’t working so he took the stairs clutching onto the railing for dear life.
“Hey kacchan im downstairs I got your message it’s really dark I can’t tell if that’s you on the couch or not” Deku babbled as he slowly inched his way to the couch before two big hands wrapped around his torso.
“Wow katchan your really rubbing off onto him” Denki smiled.
“Sorry Mido-bro it was so hard ignoring you” Kirishima apologize.
“Yeah especially with that cute tie you had on” jirou teased.
“Yeah it was quite adorable”Momo added on.
“YOU GUYSS” Deku blushed covering his face.
“Stupid nerd” Bakugou scoffed.
They all sanged happy birthday and ate some delicious cake. “Tape-Face, Tenticles” Bakugou called them signaling them.
Sero shot tape at dekus wrist and shoji pulled his arms behind the couch. “What’re you guys doing” Deku nervously asked since he was in this vulnerable position.
“Dekuuuuu I know you haven’t forgotten about our Birthday tradition” bakugou teased as he cracked his knuckles.
“Kahaccahan dohon’t”the anticipation was KILLING him.
“your already giggling and he hasn’t even touched you yet”Denki teased.
“Sorry no can do it all apart of tradition” Bakugou shrugged his shoulders before scribbling at his sides.
“Kahahahcchannn nohoho”
“kacchan yehes Oi shittyhair dunceface wanna join” bakugou turned towards them with a shit evil grin on his face.
As they each grabbed a foot and scratched the sole.
“Wow Midoriya this sock feels veeeeeeery nice it’s so soft right kiri” Kaminari chuckled turning towards kiri. “Yeah Mido-bro this is like the softest sock every” Kiri added on.
“*GASP* MIDORIYA HOW RUDE WE WOULD NEVER” they both dramatically gasped.
“Ya’know what just for that get his hips bakubro” Kiri sassed. “I was already gonna shitty hair” Bakugou rolled his eyes.
“nononohoOHOHOHOHO” bakugou had suddenly paused.
“And now for the grand finaleeeee” bakugou exaggerated before he took a deep breath to blow 16 raspberries.
“And a few more just for good luck”
“Alright I guess I don’t want to kill you just yet” bakugou joked as everyone cleaned up seeing that Deku was K.O asleep on the couch.
“Oi four-eyes, Crafting table im going to take him to his room” He notifieds them as he tossed the tired piece of broccoli over his shoulder and carried him to his room. Tuck him into bed tossed him onto his bed.
“Heh happy birthday Izuku” bakugou smiled as he turned off the lights and closed his door.
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sugurushimura · 2 years
Hi! How do you think the yotsu's would react if they had a child? What kind of parents would they be?( Let's not focus on the circumstances that led to the child)
hi! thank you for the ask!
i'll start with hatori and takahashi since they already have kids. i think they're both good fathers! my headcanon is that hatori has a daughter and a son, and takahashi has a daughter. i think both of them always wanted to have kids are were pretty overjoyed when they found out.
we know that hatori's the product of an affair the company president had, and i don't think his dad was very involved with him as a kid. because of that, i think hatori tries really hard to be as present as he can for his kids. he's very affectionate and supportive. his kids are really the most important thing in the world to him.
takahashi is also an affectionate father. i think he's a little more awkward sometimes just because he isn't as good at communicating as hatori, but he cares a lot.
putting the rest under the cut!
there's like... a scale of how decent i think the other six yotsubas would be as parents. i don't think any of them particularly want kids in canon - especially kida, otherwise he'd probably have them already considering he's married. since we're not focusing on the circumstances, though, i'm not going to talk too much about the different ways they might respond to like... surprise pregnancies or that sort of thing. the assumption is that they're all, in these scenarios, married and intentionally have a kid with their spouse (whether the kid is theirs biologically or they adopt doesn't matter) when they're a little older than they are in canon.
shimura and ooi would be the best, i think. shimura, similarly to hatori, didn't have a real father figure as a kid, and i think he'd be hyper-aware of all the ways he could fuck up. the entire prospect of fatherhood stresses him out, like, a lot, but i think he really cares. he'd want to give his child the love and support he didn't really get as a kid. (also, as a side note, a friend of mine has a "shimura has a daughter" AU! so, if you're interested in this, consider checking out their blog. all the posts after the top two are about that AU as of writing this, so it shouldn't be difficult to find!)
ooi is kind of the opposite of shimura here, but not in a bad way. my headcanon is that his father passed away when he was a kid and his mother remarried, and while he had/has positive relationships with both of them, there's this sort of bittersweet feeling attached to it. he wants to be the kind of father who would have made his own father proud, but he's also very self-assured and feels very strongly that he's parenting the right way, unlike shimura; he just isn't prone to self-doubt in general. i think ooi would be very good at providing guidance and support to his kid, but he'd also be stern about certain things.
(i will note, though, that i think ooi is the least likely to actually have a kid. he's the oldest of the bunch, and i think if he had wanted to settle down, he would have. i think he's happier just doing his own thing and having casual relationships.)
kida and mido are similar in my mind in that i think they'd both just kind of go through the motions. they know what's expected of parents, and they'd try to fulfill those expectations, but i think they'd both be distant. they were both parented very strictly as children and held to high standards, and i think kida in particular would reflect that on his own child. mido is more aware that her parents' way of raising her didn't do her any favors, so she'd try to be more lax, but i think she might just end up being a little too hands-off. they'd both care to some degree, but i think their kids might end up resenting them, especially as teenagers.
for some reason, though, the idea of mido having kids is really dreary to me... i just can't imagine her doing it for any reason other than "well, society says i'm supposed to do this now" and she'd probably end up miserable. not that mido isn't already a bit miserable.
higuchi is... a mixed bag... i know i said i wasn't going to focus on the circumstances, but i think it depends on who he's married to in this scenario. if this is a "rich guy marries young attractive model for her looks and she's only after his money" sort of deal (because higuchi is the only one of them i can really imagine doing that), he honestly just. would not raise that kid. it would be all be up to some nannies and maybe his wife, especially in the first few years. i do think he'd want to uphold all the old fatherly tropes, though... he wants to give life advice and play catch at the park maybe once a month, he just doesn't want to do all the dirty work.
if he's married to someone he really cares about and actually has a loving marriage, i could imagine this going differently. i like the idea of higuchi having, like... a redemption arc of sorts. you know, that sort of typical villain thing where they have a kid and then start raising them and are like... "why do i want to protect this child? why do i feel so emotional? what is this feeling..." i think it'd be a cute scenario for higuchi. a real "the kid raises you" sort of thing. in a case like that, i think he'd end up being a decent dad, he'd just have a lot to figure out. he was never close to his dad, so he's sort of flying blind. he'd definitely make some fuck-ups along the way, but i think he could be good at it in the end. they'd definitely have a rough patch when the kid is a teenager, though. i think a part of higuchi will always want to be a Cool Rebel despite being a rich kid all his life, and i think as his kid hits that Rebellious Phase, he'd start to realize that he's become The Authority Figure and have a mid-life crisis over it.
namikawa would be the world's first transgender absentee father!
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miyuwuki · 2 years
Can i request a scenario of Takao asking his s/o to babysit his little sister when he's out? Fluff fluff please basically just filled with reader and his lil sister having fun with each other. OH can you make the ending when Takao comes home, he finds both of them are sleeping, wrapped in a blanket on a couch and he gets FULL AWE and constantly takes lots of picture of them and set it as his wallpaper? Sorry if it's too long i just can't get big brother Takao out of my mind and it's to cute. <3
babysitting his younger sister
warnings: none; i used “kanari” to name his younger sis
takao x reader
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“thank you for watching kanari,” takao said into your hair, tightening his grip as he hugged you. “can’t believe coach wants us to have last minute practice.” you shook your head in his shoulder, giggling at his complaint, “don’t worry, kazu. i would love to spend time with her anyway, she’s my favourite!” he pulled back with a sarcastic gasp and scoffed, “am i not your favourite?”
with a smirk, you pushed him out the door and waved at him, “nope, now bye bye!” and closed the door. immediately, you felt your phone buzz.
kazukazu ♥︎> i’m hurt :(( but have fun,, i love you
you smiled, quickly typing an i love you back.
“y/n-chinny?” kanari called out, peeking her head out of the kitchen. it was so cute how she added “chinny” to everyone’s name; “kazu-chinny,” “mido-chinny,” “mama-chinny.” the first time you met kanari, “y/n-chinny,” slid off her tongue so naturally that it became your new favourite nickname.
“yes love?” you replied, ambling to the kitchen only to find a bunch of baking ingredients sprawled across the dining table. “i prepared the baking stuff! i wanna bake a cake,” she said, eyes sparkling brightly at you. you ruffled her hair, kneeling down so you can be at eye level with her. “sure we can bake a cake! what flavour are you thinking of?” 
“i think i wanna do red velvet. i’ve never made a red velvet cake before.”
“then red velvet it is!” 
you grabbed the pink apron from the wall and helped her put it on, then grabbed the spare one for you to wear. before you started to bake, you pulled out your phone to take a picture that you can send to takao. 
“kanari! can you smile at the camera for me?” you asked, facing the camera towards her. she happily obliged and posed like a princess doing a curtsy with her apron and smiled.
you> *attachment* isn’t she the cutest?
kazukazu ♥︎> WOW, YOU GUYS ARE BAKING WITHOUT ME? im hurt, you know i like cake
you> of course <3 now have fun!
“i wanna decorate it like a wedding cake.” kanari cheered after you guys made some decorations for the cake as it was cooling down. it was a messy process, different food colourings here and there but in the end, it turned out lovely.
“a wedding cake? sure, do you have a picture of your parents that we can copy?” you pinched her cheek softly, feeling the plushness between your fingers.
“no y/n-chinny, i wanna make you and kazu-chinny! i have dolls that look like you and him.”
you stared at kanari for a bit, blush rising to your cheeks as you can feel your heart palpate against your chest. “is that so? why not then?” you smiled. 
“are you going to marry kazu-chinny later?” 
your eyes wide red at her blunt and abrupt question, and suddenly you thought about all the sleepless nights you’ve had with takao, talking about the future. it wasn’t uncommon that the topic of marriage had occurred in these conversations; you both were going to live in a cozy home, somewhere bright with a lot of sun, and you were going to have a pet shiba inu named pochi. you gave a toothy grin at kanari, “i hope so, kanari.”
“yay!! then let’s decorate this cake!” 
you carefully iced the cake a very light pink at kanari’s request, while she placed the white, candied flowers all around its side. she also added a whole ton of sprinkles around the circumference and you couldn’t help but take more candid photos of her, making sure you’ll never forget this day.
“look! i told you these wedding people look just like you and kazu-chinny!” she giggled and carefully placed the bride and groom figurines in the centre of the cake. “and done,” she muttered, clapping her hands together. “we did it!”
after some cleaning, you tucked kana into bed, soon joining in beside her to and cuddled her gently. 
“can i ask you something, y/n-chinny?” she mumbled, snuggling into your chest. 
“anything, what’s up?”
“how did you and kazu-chinny get together? he’s mean and loud, and sometimes stinky.”
you chuckled at her remarks and took a minute before answering. “well, you’re right. he was really annoying in high school, along with midorima. to be honest, kanari, i really didn’t like him.
“but he was very kind to me. when i forgot to eat, he would buy me lunch. he always noticed when i wasn’t feeling okay, and then i realized, wow, i like him. but it wasn’t that easy,” you paused and sighed, trying to articulate how you would explain this part of the story. 
“i was very scared to love.”
kanari looked up at you and hummed, “scared to love? love kazu-chinny? why?”
“i guess.. i guess i didn’t want to get hurt.”
“was kazu-chinny gonna hurt you?”
“no, but love hurts sometimes.” you pat her head, “but your brother taught me that that it will all be okay. he makes me so happy, loves me for who i am, and i think that’s what love is. soon enough he took me on a date to maji burger and here we are.”
“i want to have a love like you and him,” kanari added, snuggling into your chest once more. “but right now, you and kazu-chinny’s love is the best.” it seemed like she fell asleep right after since her breathing became loud and even, but you still placed a kiss on the crown of her head, feeling love for her as if she was your own sister. not too shortly after, you fell asleep as well, feeling warm and giddy as it transitioned into the bliss.
“y/n? kanari?” takao called out as he entered the threshold of his home. “i’m home!” he placed his bags on the ground and checked the kitchen for the both of you; no sight of you both. but the sight that did catch his eye was the decorated cake, with his and your name pointing to the groom and bride figures. his cheeks formed a pink hue as he quickly snapped a picture of it on his phone.
“i’m definitely gonna marry them one day.” he grinned, swiping his finger along the icing to take a lick at it. “it’s good.”
he then headed for his sister’s room and knocked, but when there was no response he slowly let himself in, making sure he wasn’t too noisy.
“are you guys in here?” he whispered. his eyes landed on the two sleeping bodies on the bed after scanning the room, but gosh, he swore his heart swelled with so much love and awe. you were spooning kanari as if she was the most precious thing in the world, and kanari was snoring softly into your shirt. he had to take more pictures and he did, and even set it as his wallpaper. he posted a copy on his story with a caption, “my two girls.” it was too much for his heart strings as he quietly gushed at the view before him.
“sleeping without me, huh.” he uttered to himself, giving both you and his sister forehead kisses before leaving. “leave dinner to me, guys!”
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**✿❀reblogs and likes are appreciated❀✿**
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traynslations · 2 years
Inumaru Touma Sugao Rabbit Chat Part 5: Cooking Party
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Touma: Takanashi-san!
Touma: Sorry for the late reply!
Touma: Thank you for contacting Yuki-san about the oligosaccharides!
Tsumugi: Thank you for your hard work, Inumaru-san.
Tsumugi: Yes! When I saw you at the TV station, I gave you a quick glance. And then you contacted me…!
Tsumugi: I was going to tell you right there, but I’m sorry for saying it late!
Touma: No, thank you for taking such good care of me!
Touma: I was surprised when Yuki-san suddenly sent me a Rabbit chat. We talked about various things and I even got some tips on cooking!
Touma: It seems that there are dishes that can be cooked not only in the microwave, but also in the toaster.
Tsumugi: Is that so! Not only toasters, but also recent new home appliances are convenient, depending on how you use them, you can use them for various things.
Touma: Heeh. I’m not really interested in cooking appliances, so I didn’t know they were useful for so many things.
Touma: Come to think of it, I was surprised to hear that there is a way to make soda at home!
Tsumugi: It’s a carbonated water maker…!
Touma: Right, right! It seems that Yuki-san has one, and it’s cool that he also has an automatic mill too.
Touma: The one that automatically grinds salt and pepper in a stylish way.
Tsumugi: I adore automatic mills! It’s very nice and cool to use while cooking, it gives you a good image..
Touma: I understand. Well, I’ll start with cooking, but…
Touma: It might be a good idea to use a toaster for breakfast.
Tsumugi: You also talked about breakfast in the interview for Sugao. There are many considerations regarding nutrition after a morning run, you say…!
Touma: I just talked about a protein bar ww
Touma: Did you also buy the magazine? Thank you!
Option 1: The interview about ŹOOĻ was wonderful!
Touma: I’m happy to be praised so straightforwardly, but that makes me embarrassed ww. In a good way, I’ve grown to naturally want to talk about this. If my members read it, I’m afraid they’ll tease me about it…
Option 2: The story about being challenged by intestinal activities was interesting!
Touma: It was a good opportunity to talk about my bias towards eating out and bento boxes, so I wanted to review it. Mina always flaunts his fried food and ramen to me, and I am always tempted by it ww
Option 3: The picture of you on the cover was wonderful!
Touma: It still feels like a dream to be on the cover of “Sugao”. I sent you a picture of Sougo lined up at the convenience store this morning. I was happy he came to get it.
Tsumugi: After watching your interview, I realized that there are many things I can learn from you, and I really did learn a lot!
Touma: Isn’t that compliment too much?
Tsumugi: No! It’s amazing to be able to be natural without embellishment at any time!
Touma: It’s not like I’m doing it consciously, so I don’t really feel it ww But I’m happy to hear that!
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Tsumugi: Come to think of it, how was the cooking party at Mido-san’s house?
Touma: Oh, that’s right! It was so much fun!
Touma: They said it was dangerous to let me cut the meat and vegetables, so Haru and Mina did most of that.
Touma: Tora and I just adjusted the heat and stuff.
Tsumugi: Seems the work was shared by everyone. The heat is important for cooking…!
Touma: Oh, I remember what medium heat is. The one where the fire barely touches the pot!
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Tsumugi: What did you guys make?
Touma: Nikujaga!
Touma: Cooking with them was unimaginable in the past, so I was deeply moved.
Touma: Well, it’s kind of cool to say that my bad cooking skills are the reason.
Tsumugi: But it’s wonderful that you all gathered there since they were all worried about you!
Tsumugi: I can tell that you are loved as their leader.
Touma: I’m loved??
Touma: The guidance was pretty spartan ww
Tsumugi: Isn’t that also do to worry…!
Touma: If you ask them, they’ll say no ww
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End of Part 5
Translator’s note: That’s the end of Touma’s Sugao! It was so fun to read and I hope you all had fun reading it too! 
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hunieday · 1 year
8th Anniversary story - Chapter 6
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Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8
Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Mizuno: We’re going to rely on internal and consumer surveys to decide on the members that will form each unit…
Mizuno: What lineup do you think would be the best for the units? Please let us know for reference.
Mizuno: We would like to know what your expectations are as idols so that we could use your insight for publicity later on.
Yuki: You’re asking us to divide the members based on their beverage type…?
Momo: I think I'd be in the sports drink category.
Izumi Mitsuki: Sports drinks sound good, right? Momo-san has that sports image. Speaking of which, I think I’m in the sports drink category too?
Izumi Iori: If it were up to me, I'd place you in a category that caters more to women. Something like tea or juice-based carbonated beverages...
Izumi Iori: What kind of flavors are you planning for those?
Mizuno: We're still discussing the matter, but we're thinking of a lightly sparkling, bittersweet flavor...
Kujo Tenn: Lightly sparkling... If that's what you’re going for, I don’t think it’s suitable for Izumi Mitsuki. Maybe it's more fitting for Izumi Iori?
Izumi Iori: I also think that's a possibility. It might suit me, Kujo-san... Maybe even Osaka-san?
Osaka Sougo: Do I give off a bittersweet image?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Actually he’s more of an energy drink guy.
Momo: Yuki, you might fit in there too, right? Yuki doesn't give off the image of a sports drink or energy drink vibe...
Mizuno: Ah, actually, for the energy drinks we're thinking of a taste that's not about charging up your body with energy…
Mizuno: We’re thinking of a chill and healing taste, caffeine-free to help with relaxation, recovering physical strength and reducing stress…
Mido Torao: That sounds like it might suit Minami.
Isumi Haruka: I know right? He fits right in.
Natsumr Minami: I sort of see it. Wouldn’t Yuki-san also fit in this unit?
Yuki: I also think I lean more towards relaxation.
Momo: Then, let's rearrange things based on what you guys just said. This goes in tea...
Izumi Mitsuki: How about this for sports drinks? Tsunashi-san, are you okay with this?
Izumi Iori: I think Yotsuba-san fits there as well.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Sports drinks? I’m not really a sports guy.
Izumi Iori: Still, you give off a sporty and fresh energy.
Osaka Sougo: Who else besides me could fit the melancholic image?
Kujo Tenn: If no one else fits, I’ll join you.
Osaka Sougo: Ah, I am honored. Thank you for working with me in the sad people category.
Kujo Tenn: Sad people category is quite the phrase…
Izumi Iori: Are you certain I should be here? Isn't Nanase-san more suited for tea?
Nanase Riku: Tea? I love tea!
Izumi Iori: I didn't ask for your preferences. Rokuya-san might fit around here...
Rokuya Nagi: OK! Let's stick together, Riku!
Nikaido Yamato: A chill energy drink seems to fit Yaotome, right?
Nikaido Yamato: Cool exterior and hot interior, moderately balanced…
Yaotome Gaku: Really? What about you?
Nikaido Yamato: I’m a tea or chill type of person, right?
Izumi Iori: Tea... perhaps.
Momo: Chill sounds good, but Yamato, I think your image suits a classical vibe.
Nanase Riku: Yamato-san, let’s be together!
Rokuya Nagi: Welcome, Yamato!
Nikaido Yamato: That would make it a unit with three IDOLiSH7 members…four if we include Mitsu. That doesn't seem very balanced.
Izumi Mitsuki: Should I go elsewhere then?
Inumaru Touma: How about we focus on image for now?
Izumi Mitsuki: That's right! What about ŹOOḼ? Categorizing you sounds challenging.
Yotsuba Tamaki: If we're talking gorilla tier energy drinks, that's ŹOOḼ.
Mido Torao: I get it. In that case should I go with tea...?
Natsume Minami: I think you could pull off the melancholic vibe surprisingly well. It’s quite refreshing.
Osaka Sougo: Then, we'll welcome you here.
Inumaru Touma: Haru, let’s go for the sports drink.
Isumi Haruka: We’re going there?
Momo: Chill or carbonated drinks suit you just fine, but having Haruka with the sports drink unit would be nice and fresh!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Come on, join us!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Oh, we're together!
Isumi Haruka: Yeah... pleased to work with you.
Momo: Has everyone decided? Alright, let's announce the results!!
Mizuno: Oh, it's Momo-kun's live MC... I'm glad to be able to hear him up close.
Momo: Ahaha! Sorry, force of habit!
Momo: As the first selection, we have the tea group: Yamato, Mitsuki, Nagi, and Riku!
Nagi Rokuya & Izumi Mitsuki & Nanase Riku & Nikaido Yamato: Yay!
Yaotome Gaku: I can see these four being tea drinkers. They look like they’d relax by the window and chat.
Nikaido Yamato: Sipping tea by the window, sounds very ladylike. Greetings, everyone.
Izumi Mitsuki: Hohoho. Pleased to meet you, sister. (t/n: he calls him onee-sama, a polite and sophisticated way to refer to someone older than you in this context)
Nanase Riku: Elegant! It's your specialty, Nagi!
Nagi Rokuya: I’m at your service. Let's have a wonderful tea time.
Inumaru Touma: Ahaha! They started acting right away.
Kujo Tenn: However, if one of the new units consists only of IDOLiSH7, it will be a waste for the shuffle premise.
Izumi Iori: Will there be adjustments in that regard? To ensure there will be no overlap with the units from the opening ceremony? 
Mido Torao: What about the survey? Will it stay as it is?
Mizuno: Well, we're still considering those aspects.
Momo: For now, let's move on, shall we? Next is uhhhh, sports drinks! Sports drink members, gather around here!
Isumi Haruka: Yes!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Count me in!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Should I stay here?
Momo: Momo-chan is in here too!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Oh, isn’t this super cool !? there’s one member of each group, we’re super balanced!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: That's right! Tamaki-kun and I were in the opening ceremony unit together.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Yeah, those were the days!
Isumi Haruka: You guys look like you’d be good at sports... I'm not that great, though.
Momo: That's not true! You can dance so well!
Isumi Haruka: Th-thank you very much. But, I'm not really into proper sports or team sports...
Momo: Really? I’d be encouraged if I had someone like you on my team! How about we play soccer together sometime?
Isumi Haruka: Soccer... I heard that you were an incredibly skilled player, Momo-san.
Yuki: He was the captain of a team that made it to the national tournament.
Momo:  You say national, but really it was only back in high school!
Isumi Haruka: That's amazing… Tsunashi-san, did you play sports too?
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I love sports! I used to play in different school clubs.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: You know, since I was tall, I often substituted members of different clubs.
Isumi Haruka: You sure are a big guy...
Yotsuba Tamaki: Ryuu-aniki, try jumping with your hands raised like you’re blocking a volleyball!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Sure thing.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Hyah!
Yotsuba Tamaki & Isumi Haruka: So high...!!
Izumi Mitsuki: What about chill? It's Yuki-san, Natsume and...
Inumaru Touma: Tora might work well. If it's chill mixed with energy drinks, it feels loose, right? Very Tora-like.
Mido Torao: I'm not that loose, am I?
Natsume Minami: I can sort of see it. Mido-san can go in a direction more noble and glamorous but also more relaxed.
Inumaru Touma: Yeah, that's it. A relaxed vibe.
Mido Torao: Relaxed, huh... what about you, Touma? I thought you were with the energy drink group?
Inumaru Touma: I’m not sure if I’m a chill guy…
Isumi Haruka: But I don’t think you fit the tea or sports drink image either.
Momo: chill or melancholic carbonated group... Who's in the latter group again?
Izumi Iori: If Mido-san moves, it would be me, Osaka-san, and Kujo-san.
Natsume Minami: If that's the case, would that make the chill group be me, Yuki-san, and Mido-san?
Nikaido Yamato: Yuki-san, how about carbonated drinks? You don’t seem like an energy drink guy, even if it’s for relaxation.
Nanase Riku: Touma-san, you give more of a chill vibe than a melancholic carbonated one, no?
Inumaru Touma: I could, but there are already three ŹOOḼ members in it.
Isumi Haruka: I've been left out…!
Rokuya Nagi: Hm... Indeed, ŹOOḼ does give off a loose image.
Nikaido Yamato: it is ŹOOḼ after all.
Rokuya Nagi: ...
Nikaido Yamato: Don't look at me with that serious face!!
Rokuya Nagi: OH...
Izumi Mitsuki: You've really gotten into dad jokes...
Nanase Riku: I see! ŹOOḼ and "Loose"! It's a palindrome! Amazing, Yamato-san!
Nikaido Yamato: Riku’s pure eyes are making my heart ache…
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I think Gaku might be around here? In a subtractive way...
Yaotome Gaku: What do you mean subtractive?
Touma: I get it. You have a strong character, Yaotome. It’s out of common people’s lines.
Izumi Iori: It's a high-end brand.
Natsume Minami: I think high-quality fruit juice or non-alcoholic champagne would suit you well.
Mizuno: Ah... Actually, we are thinking of using high-quality tea leaves and setting the price range slightly higher than average for the tea beverages...
Nikaido Yamato: Is that so? Well, that changes things. Wouldn't it be better for Yaotome to be in the tea group?
Mizuno: Overall, we’re aiming to have all four of the new products have a sense of uniqueness, so we're considering a slightly higher price range. We plan to use high-quality ingredients for them after all.
Kujo Tenn: In that case, are you also aiming for an energy drink with a sense of high-quality luxury rather than something common?
Mizuno: You are correct.
Kujo Tenn: Then, Gaku might work well in the energy drink group? If the other three ŹOOḼ members end up together, Isumi Haruka would cry...
Isumi Haruka: I won't cry though!?
Yaotome Gaku: Alright, I'll join chill’s energy drink club. Count me in.
Natsume Minami: Please to work with you.
Mido Torao: Count me in too.
Yuki: Me too.
Momo: Ahh, isn't this nice? The four members we have here radiate an extraordinarily chill vibe!
Izumi Mitsuki: Indeed! It feels very modern!
Izumi Iori: The last group is a carbonated drink with a hint of melancholy, right? With me and...
Osaka Sougo: Me too.
Kujo Tenn: I think I’m here too.
Inumaru Touma: So I guess I'll join this group?
Yaotome Gaku: Yeah, that should work. With Inumaru there you’ll balance out the overly neat atmosphere.
Kujo Tenn: Thanks. I guess you thought I was too neat and tidy.
Yaotome Gaku: Rather than neat, Tenn, the younger Izumi brother and Osaka are more like angels.
Nanase Riku: I understand!!
Izumi Iori: Well, I understand.
Osaka Sougo: I feel a lot of responsibility.
Yaotome Gaku: Now that Inumaru joined you, he adds a bit of edge to it, which works out just right.
Yaotome Gaku: It's fizzy with a bit of edge.
Isumi Haruka: yoy’re right!
Momo: Ah! So, I think we’re all done now?
Izumi Mitsuki: The Tea group!
Rokuya Nagi & Nanase Riku & Nikaido Yamato: Yes!
Momo: The Sports Drink group!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke & Yotsuba Tamaki& Isumi Haruka: Yes!
Yaotome Gaku: The chill Energy Drink group!
Yuki & Natsume Minami & Mido Torao: Yes!
Izumi Iori: The melancholic Carbonated Drink group.
Osaka Sougo & Kujo Tenn & Inumaru Touma: Yes!
*Clap clap clap*
Mizuno: Wow...! Thank you very much! I'll take your suggestions into consideration when creating the units!
Nanase Riku: Thank you very much!
Yotsuba Tamaki: That was interesting! I wonder if we’re at least a teeny bit right? I'm curious about how the actual combinations will turn out!
Momo: After this, you'll be conducting internal and consumer surveys to make adjustments, right?
Mizuno: Yes! We will use the initial ideas as references in our planning documents.
Izumi Mitsuki: I wonder how they’ll turn out.
Rokuya Nagi: I'm also curious about the new songs we’ll sing as units!
Nanase Riku: I hope your 8th-anniversary project will be lots of fun!
Mizuno: Yes! I'll do my best to make it exciting!
Yaotome Gaku: Leave it to us. We'll get everyone pumped up.
Izumi Mitsuki: Right! Let's give it our all!
Inumaru Touma: Yeah! I'm glad we can work together!
Mizuno: ...you guys...
Mizushima: Isn't it time we changed our attitude a bit, too...?
Mizumura: Y-Yeah, that’s right! It's our anniversary, after all!
Mizumori: Let's forget about the argument during the 9th inning of the baseball game when we were torn between whether or not the ball was out or safe!
Izumi Iori: You were still holding onto that?
Natsume Minami: That is extremely irrelevant.
Rokuya Nagi: OH... So there was a sad incident. However, this anniversary should be a good opportunity to reconcile and make up.
Rokuya Nagi: How about it? Mizuno-san, Mizushima-san, Mizumura-san, Mizumori-san.
Nikaido Yamato: That's right. Let’s flush the past down. Just like water. (t/n: this is another dad joke, since all four of the organizers’ names start with mizu=water, he’s telling them they should flush down their past)
Rokuya Nagi: Huh...?
Nikaido Yamato: Stop questioning me with that serious face.
Mizuno & Mizushima & Mizumura & Mizumori: Huh...?
Nikaido Yamato: Don’t hop on his bandwagon too!
Izumi Mitsuki: Yamato-san, Yamato-san! You're talking too much...!
Nikaido Yamato: Because, these people!? seem to get into nonsensical fights all the time!? I have to balance that…
Izumi Mitsuki: Okay, okay! You're amazing! Yamato-san is amazing!
Yuki: Rich boy, you’re acting really spoiled.
Nanase Riku: It feels like everyone from the mysterious company is one step away from reconciling!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Since it’s a rare chance, I hope everyone can get along with each other, communicate properly, and celebrate the anniversary!
Isumi Haruka: That's right... You might regret it later if you don't! You uncles!
Mizuno: ...But...
Mizushima: ...It feels like...
Mizumura: ...This might be the last...
Mizumori: ...Chance for a fresh start...
Natsume Minami: This is getting annoying. I'll grab you guys by the ties and throw you into a river.
Inumaru Touma: Mina, don’t treat them like we’re at Redfes again!
Nanase Riku: The final trigger... What on earth could it be?
Kujo Tenn: Nanase-san. We're idols, right?
Nanase Riku: Te… Kujo-san.
Kujo Tenn: in times like these, why don’t we sing?
Nanase Riku: You’re right!
Isumi Haruka: That might be it!
Nanase Riku: We've been moving people's hearts with our songs all this time!
Nanase Riku: I'm sure this time, we can also move the hearts of those mysterious people from the water series!
Izumi Iori: Seriously, you guys don't even want to remember their last names.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Let’s reach them! Deliver those feelings to the water series!
Yuki: We want to make the water series people happy.
Momo: Yuki and the others don’t remember either.
Mizuno: You idols... for the sake of people like us, to go to such lengths...
Nanase Riku: We all work to make everyone happy!
Nanase Riku: Guys, will you lend us a hand!?
Yaotome Gaku: Yeah! If that's the case, TRIGGER will go along with you.
Inumaru Touma: ŹOOĻ too!
Momo: Momo-chan and his Darling will lend a hand, of course!
Nanase Riku: Thank you!
Nanase Riku: Everyone! Let's clear away the lingering doubts in the hearts of the water series people with that song!
Izumi Iori: Understood. That song, right?
Nikaido Yamato: Oh! It's that song!
Izumi Mitsuki: I knew it, that song is perfect for times like this!
Yotsuba Tamaki: I get it, that song’s the only way to go!
Osaka Sougo: Roger. That song.
Rokuya Nagi: Alright! Let's sing that song you’ve all been waiting for!
Kujo Tenn: That's right. That song.
Yaotome Raku: We'll sing it!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: To unite our hearts and feelings, there's no other choice but that song!
Momo: That's what I like to see! Let's sing that song!
Yuki: That's right. That song.
Isumi Haruka: There's no other song but "that song," right?
Inumaru Touma: Let's give it all we've got! "That song"!
Natsume Minami: …”that song”, right...
Mido Torao: …”that song”, huh...
Nanase Riku: Here we go! Please listen!
IDOLiSH7 & TRIGGER & Re:vale & ŹOOĻ: ~♪♪♪
Kujo Tenn & Izumi Iori & Osaka Sougo & Isumi Haruka: 
♪ The closest thing to eternity in the world (Tenn, Pieces of the World)
♪ Our unfading GENERATiON, with you (Iori, MONSTER GENERATiON)
♪ Our path may still have bumps (Sougo, Kizuna)
♪ Got it... Say Wassup! (Haruka, Poisonous Gangster)
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke & Rokuya Nagi & Nikaido Yamato & Inumaru Touma:
♪ SHINE, in the shining light (Ryuu, Beautiful Prayer)
♪ You as the wind, blowing (Hatsukoi Rhythm)
♪ Ready go! Dark, Dark, Dark (GOOD NiGHT AWESOME)
♪ It's scary, someday we'll part ways (SASAGERO you are mine)
(t/n: im losing my mind someone please save me)
Izumi Mitsuki & Nanase Riku & Momo & Natsume Minami:
♪ We'll deliver our love's YELL (Mitsu, wonderful Octave)
♪ We met, and these feelings are connected (Riku, Welcome future world)
♪ For example, tomorrow's horizon (Momo, Your Rhapsody)
♪ Illuminating the water's surface, the summer Sunshine (Mina, déja vu)
Yaotome Gaku & Yotsuba Tamaki & Yuki & Mido Torao:
♪ We'll become the trigger that starts a storm (Gaky, Destiny)
♪ Echoing beyond the great tomorrow (Tama, The funky universe)
♪ No matter where we sing (Yuki, Taiyo no Esperanza)
♪ Our bonds won't waver, so let's go toward the future! (Tora, Utopia)
Mizuno: Huh...?
Mizushima: Huh...?
Mizumura: Um...
Mizumori: Uh...
Nanase Riku: Waaaait a minute! Everyone, STOP!
Nanase Riku: It’s... It's that song, you know?
Inumaru Touma: Ah!
Nikaido Yamato: My bad! It's that song!
Yaotome Gaku: OKOK. It's that song.
Rokuya Nagi: Yes! I got it.
Nanase Riku: Is everything okay?
Yuki: It's fine, it's fine.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Perfect!
Isumi Haruka: It's that one, right?
Nanase Riku: That's right, that's right! Exactly!
Kujo Tenn: I completely understand.
Osaka Sougo: That one over there.
Izumi Mitsuki: We can do it. One more time, please!
Nanase Riku: Alright! Now, please listen, water series!
Izumi Iori: You're abbreviating too much, aren't you?
Mizuno & Mizushima & Mizumura & Mizumori: Yes!
Nikaido Yamato: It's alright.
Nanase Riku: Let's do it! On the count of three...
Yaotome Gaku & Izumi Iori & Yuki & Isumi Haruka:
♪Bare your fangs, devour the silence (Gaku; Crescent Rise)
♪Let's set up the Perfection Gimmick (Iori, Perfection Gimmick)
♪Higher and higher than the multicolored lights that decorate the city (Yuki, To my Dearest)
♪Soar even higher (Haruka, Storonger & Storonger) 
Mizuno: Ah...
Mizushima: Somehow...
Nikaido Yamato & Nanase Riku & Momo & Inumaru Touma:
♪We're always chasing after it (Yamato, TOMORROW EViDENCE)
♪When we grasp it, tomorrow will change into any color (Riku, NiGHTFALL)
♪Let's sing, let's sing, looking up at the sky (Momo, Journey)
♪Here we go, Bang! Bang! Bang! (Touma, you know which one)
Mizumura: Ah... ah...
Mizumori: ...That's enough! Everyone! let's make up!!
Mizuno & Mizushima & Mizumura: Mizumori!!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke & Rokuya Nagi & Izumi Mitsuki & Mido Torao:
♪Let our wishes reach, even if they're far away (Ryuu, Negai wa shine)
♪I'm always thinking of you secretly (Nagi, Sakura message)
♪Fly high! That's why I believe (Mitsuki, RESTART POiNTER)
♪Roar, roar, all living things (Minami, 4-roar)
Mizumori: When I listened to their song, I understood!!
Mizumori: It's fine for us to be all over the place!
Mizuno: Indeed…!
Mizushima: Even though they were singing different songs...
Mizumura: It's so wonderful!
Kujo Tenn & Osaka Sougo & Yotsuba Tamaki & Mido Torao:
♪Let's embrace our feelings to the fullest (Tenn, Natsu shiyoze)
♪Yes, Dancing BEAT!! (Sougo, gee i wonder)
♪Beyond those unsaid feelings (Tamaki, miss you.)
♪Don't misunderstand, if it's life, I've long since cast it aside (Torao, Survivor)
Mizuno: Let's make up!
Mizumori: Let's do it!
Mizushima: That ball was safe!
Mizumura: No, it was out! I’ll give you back your point!
Mizuno: Thank you very much! Because of all the idols…!
Mizuno & Mizushima & Mizumura & Mizumori: We've made up…!
IDOLiSH7 & TRIGGER & Re:vale & ŹOOĻ: ~♪♪♪
Izumi Iori: (And so...)
Izumi Iori: (The hellish planning meeting came to an end.)
Mizuno: It's a little late, but once again, I'm Mizuno from the PR Department of Jyuurokugumi.
Izumi Iori: So, you're from Jyuurokugumi huh? Known for flashy and buzzworthy product launches and famous for food events...
Mizuno: I'm truly grateful to hear that.
Izumi Mitsuki: Why did you use an alias to hide your company's name?
Osaka Sougo: That's right. Was there some reason you couldn't tell us?
Mizuno: The reason we asked all of you for this job is that you're popular idols trending among the young generation, and you represent the spirit of the new era.
Mizuno: However, if we had revealed our company name, Jyuurokugumi (Sixteenth group), we were afraid that people might easily misunderstand and think we were trying to gather 16 people...
Mizuno: I apologize if we ever misled you and made you feel uneasy…
Kujo Tenn & Osaka Sougo & Momo & Mido Torao: What the hell...
Yotsuba Tamaki: Don’t sweat it. We have numbers in our names too, so we often get jobs related to numbers.
Osaka Sougo: I know someone whose company has the word five in it.
Mizuno: Haha... I'm sorry. Would it have been better to be honest from the get-go?
Mizuno: Can we continue with our business as planned?
Nanase Riku: Of course! Please leave Jyuurokugumi’s anniversary to us!
Mizuno: Thank you so much! I'm genuinely so happy! Once again, please take care of us!
Mizushima & Mizumura & Mizumori: We look forward to working with you!
IDOLiSH7 & TRIGGER & Re:vale & ŹOOĻ: Please take care of us!
Izumi Iori: I'm relieved that it's resolved peacefully.
Kujo Tenn: Indeed.
Kujo Tenn: (But I feel bad for suspecting him. I should give Kujo-san a call tonight...)
Osaka Sougo: (Maybe I should send him a get-well-soon message...)
Mido Torao: (I should visit my family's home soon...)
Momo: (I might try sending a rabbichat someday...)
Yotsuba Tamaki: They seem to be reflecting on something...
Yuki: I wonder what's wrong?
Nanase Riku: I'm curious about how the campaign and shuffle projects Jyuurokugumi has in store will turn out. 
Nanase Riku: I'm looking forward to seeing how they’ll select the members!
To be continued...
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japeneselunchtimerush · 8 months
Akashi for the ship tier list please, because i'm very predictable
I knew I could count on you to give me want I want(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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Ok Im not going to give a long explanation about each ship. But I totally am going to give an explanation about most of them.
Senpai♡♡♡: My top 1(they share a position) ships with Akashi, his first captain(and love) and his shadow. I could go on a rant about why they both make such good pairs but then this post would exceed 100,000 words. Ill just conclude by saying that they are top tier(literally)
SS+: MidoAka & TakaAka(they are a package deal) are absolutely adorable. I live both of them Individually but I prefer TakaAka along witb Mido(because MidoTakaAka is superior)
MibuAka: Ive already explained my thoughts on these two about a 100 times so ill just summarize. Both of them love each other so much it doesnt even matter whether its romantic or platonic. Reo just cares about Akashi so much and Akashi views Reo as someone so special to him its just a very good ship.
NashAka: Nash has a crush on Akashi. Enough said.
AoAka: Also have spoken about them quite a bit. Their friendship is so sweet and they have so much trust and faith in each other. They think so highly of eachother. Plus that dialogue in the kuroko's birthday ova was very cute.
KiAka: Very cute and fluffy pairing. Akashi saw Kise's potential from the beginning and encourage him to grow. Kise would definitely include akashi in a bunch of them and make him happy.
SS: This post is getting very long and I want to talk more about the other tiers so ill just include all of them here. All of these ships are very cute and Akashi would benefit a lot from these relationships. The friendships alone are great and the characters themselves are some of Akashi's greatest friends. Riko and Akashi would be a spectacular duo and im not elaborating any further.
I read one fic about these and I see the vision: I read a HanaAka fic(Beyond the waiting room and its sequel by sweet rosei) and I absolutely adored it. It does not only have the ship but it also talks about akashi's mental health, the selectivism about violence and Hanamiya's violence as well. Overall great fic 10/10 would recommend. Im definitely more open to this ship because of it.
OgiAka is a very special ship. I imagine that after the winter cup the GoM apologise to Ogiwara for the 111-11 match and afterwards Ogiwara asks akashi whether he likes basketball and this time Akashi says yes and I think it would be a very cute moment between the two.
Brothers: I know that AkaAka is a ship(pretty weird if you ask me) but I really cant see them as anything other than brothers. They love and care for each other more than anything. Bokushi was created to protect Oreshi and would do anything for him. One of my favorite things about them is thr character song "Return" when Akashi says " Now along with my other self" or something along those lines and its just so sweet that Oreshi is bringing his little brother with him on his healing journey.
Polyam: NijiHaiAka and MuraHimuAka that is all
Respect it but no thanks: Ive already explained my thoughts on AkaFuri before. All I will say is that I prefer their friendship more than their romantic relationship. Mostly because the fandom ruined it for me.
Soulbonded: Akashi and Kuroko's relationship cannot be justified with a word as simple as romance. Their bond is so deep it goes deeper than the mariana trench.
This still ended up being long as hell. Oh well
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torahoes · 3 months
(IDOLiSH7) Haruka Isumi - An Idol's Daily Life Rabbit Chat: Part 3 - The birth of a king!?
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Haruka Isumi: Don't get the wrong idea about what happened earlier, okay?!?!
Haruka Isumi: It's totally different from what you're thinking!!!
Tsumugi Takanashi: Good work today, Isumi-san! Are you talking about being called "King" by your members in the TV station hallway earlier?
Tsumugi Takanashi: I think it's a lovely nickname!
Haruka Isumi: I'm telling you, it's a misunderstanding!! It's not like they always call me that!! I knew you’d get the wrong idea
Tsumugi Takanashi: So it's not a nickname...?
Haruka Isumi: It's not! I couldn't explain it to you because I was being called by the staff!
Haruka Isumi: It was just a game where the first one to win in Old Maid becomes the king
Tsumugi Takanashi: So that was the reason! I thought "King" sounded cool.
Haruka Isumi: You didn't tell the IDOLiSH7 guys, did you?
Tsumugi Takanashi: I didn't!
Haruka Isumi: Thank godddd
Haruka Isumi: Ugh, they kept calling me that even outside our green room, it was the worst. A lot of people did a double-take!!
Tsumugi Takanashi: But everyone seemed to be having fun calling you that, and I could really tell how close you all are!
Haruka Isumi: Well, it was fun
Haruka Isumi: But that’s a different story!
Haruka Isumi:
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Tsumugi Takanashi: So since you were the king, does that mean you won, Isumi-san?
Haruka Isumi: Yup. I won three times in a row
Haruka Isumi:
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Tsumugi Takanashi: No way, that's amazing...!
Tsumugi Takanashi:
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Haruka Isumi: Fufu, well, yeah
Haruka Isumi: It was also because I had good luck with drawing cards
Tsumugi Takanashi: What can you do as the king?
Haruka Isumi: For each win, you can give everyone a command!
Tsumugi Takanashi:
1) What did you order Inumaru-san to do?
Haruka Isumi: I asked for a one-minute shoulder massage, but he ended up giving me a 10-minute one. I was surprised at how good he was at it lol, he said he often used to do it for his mother
2) What did you order Natsume-san to do?
Haruka Isumi: I asked for a bite of the bread he's been eating lately. It was a sweet-looking bread sprinkled with sugar, and it was super good. He's taking me to the shop with him next time!
3) What did you order Mido-san to do?
Haruka Isumi: I asked him to take me on a drive. He said, "Where do you want to go? I can take you anywhere," and sent me a bunch of places on Rabbit Chat, so now I'm really undecided lol
Haruka Isumi: I also made them each say something nice about me lmao
Tsumugi Takanashi: Wow, that's lovely...! What did everyone say?
Haruka Isumi: Touma said my singing voice is the best. Torao said I have guts
Haruka Isumi: And Minami said
Tsumugi Takanashi: Natsume-san said?
Haruka Isumi: That my face when I'm asleep is cute
Tsumugi Takanashi:
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Haruka Isumi: Isn't that different from saying something nice about me?
Haruka Isumi: What's more, the other two were like "I know, right!" and even had pictures of me sleeping
Haruka Isumi:
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Tsumugi Takanashi: It just means that's how adorable your sleeping face is...!
Haruka Isumi:
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Tsumugi Takanashi:
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Haruka Isumi: I'm definitely taking pictures of them next time too!!!!
Tsumugi Takanashi: I'll be cheering you on...!
Tsumugi Takanashi: You still have one more command left, right?
Haruka Isumi: Yeah, what should I do...
Haruka Isumi: What would you give as a command?
Tsumugi Takanashi: Probably something like "Take care of your health, make sure to eat properly and get enough sleep"...
Haruka Isumi: That's not really a command lol
Tsumugi Takanashi:
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Tsumugi Takanashi: I'm sorry for not being able to think of a good one...
Haruka Isumi: It's fine, that's just like you
Haruka Isumi: Utsugi-san would probably say something similar
Haruka Isumi: Does IDOLiSH7 play these kinds of games?
Tsumugi Takanashi: We've played the traditional King Game with chopsticks before. The king's commands included things like flicking each other on the forehead!
Haruka Isumi: Ahh
Haruka Isumi: The one where it's like number 1 flicks number 5 on the forehead, right?
Haruka Isumi: I've only been thinking of commands where they do stuff for me, but something like that might be good too
Haruka Isumi: Like having Minami flick Torao on the forehead lol
Tsumugi Takanashi: It's hard to imagine Mido-san getting his forehead flicked...! Lol
Haruka Isumi: Right? Lmao, just picturing Torao's reaction is already hilarious lol
Haruka Isumi: I'll think about it for a bit
Tsumugi Takanashi: Yes, go ahead!
End of Part 3.
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