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randomfoggytiger · 6 months ago
I’ve been an x files fan for years now (since 2008ish) but fan fic has never been my thing. If I wanted to give it another go, what writers or pieces of fic would be a good place for me to start? Thanks! 😊
What a dream request, thank you!
Not much of a fic reader? Hm. I drifted to fanfiction because I wanted a canonical hole plugged in; but it sounds like you're looking for quality.
I'm narrowing these suggestions to long-form fics, and going to try to keep them as "fandom approved" as possible. (I'm also cutting back on the "famfic" recs because that's not everyone's cup of tea~.)
Authors whose works could (one could argue, should) be published as novels, in no particular order:
@amplifyme/Lydia Bower, @aloysiavirgata, @slippinmickeys,
@cecilysass, @teethnbone, @dreamingofscully, @sixhours,
@mashnotesofthemythopoeic/Penumbra, @sigritandtheelves/Darla,
@onpaperfirst, @melforbes, @ghostbustermelanieking/skuls,
Jenna Tooms, @seek-its-opposite, @settle-down-frohike,
@frostbitepandaaaaa, @leiascully, @darwin-xf, Beshter,
@scenes-in-between/scullywolf, @scullylikesscience
Here's a brief rundown on each author, to the best of my abilities:
My mother's embraces are frightening in their intensity, and I can feel her fear as though it seeps from her pores. Mulder's arms hold me easily but fully. And there is a calming effect in his touch. He restores me to myself, makes me strong again. I wish I had taken the chance and discovered that years ago.
-Dance Without Sleeping
One of the OGs. Her writing explores the paths of Mulder's and Scully's minds. The Scully in her stories is pragmatic, matter-of-fact, and protective of her secrets. The Mulder in her stories is tender, predictably mercurial, and secretive, as well. The most direct admittance can be the most damaging, and the most healing. Her longest work is, I believe, Dance Without Sleeping; but my favorite, though short, happens to be Light Don't Sleep. Her Ao3 is here.
“That’s a fair question, Senator,” Scully observes in her liquid nitrogen voice. She leans forward in her seat, just a little, just enough, to remind him that predators have eyes at the front of their heads. Scully crosses her legs and gives the Senator the full force of her blue eyes, the hard angles of her good cheekbones.  
She is magnificent, Mulder thinks, smitten. She is Themis, she is Ma’at. One day she will devour the hearts of the unrighteous, his own included.
-Singing of Mount Abora
One of the OGs. She treads the line between poetry and prose so seamlessly you are left, baffled, by her intelligence. Her writing features Mulder and Scully with a little bite: neither are fools, and neither will be trifled with. (They're also wickedly intelligent nerds.) Mulder is Jewish (though that rarely comes up) and was married before (though that only comes up when it comes up.) Canon halts in Season 7, but that doesn't stop her from writing Season 9 masterpieces with Mulder and Scully and their son-- which is where I'd recommend you begin, with By Falling In and In. If that's not your cup of tea, I'd say catch up on her canon divergent Waters of Babylon, Petrichor, and Singing of Mount Abora. Her Ao3 is here.
The boy winced and inhaled sharply as her fingers ran over the cleft where the fibula met the talus and she rocked back on her heels, eyeing the darkening horizon. Did he have people nearby? Could she leave him here without guilt? She didn’t really have the time or inclination to take on a project — she and Mulder had tried that before — banding together with other survivors, and it had always ended poorly. And boys his age, as few as she had seen, made her uncomfortable. Her subconscious would scan their features, looking for a genetic echo of the Scully-Mulder’s. Mulder would have to pull her aside and whisper “it’s not him,” and she didn’t have the space in her heart for the guilt. Even now she had to ignore the blue of his eyes and the way his gritted teeth had the same gnathic slant as the only man she’d ever loved.
-North of Zero
One of the OGs. Her Mulder and Scully are practical, capable, sleek survivors. Her writing exists somewhere between the clack of a gun slide and the omnipresence scent of a wild pine forest. She's written extensively on... everything: Colonization, space, POL, case files, mytharc, everything; and well. I'd recommend North of Zero for a starter. Her Ao3 is here.
It’s Mulder, she reminds herself. No matter how long you may have been gone, or what has happened in your absence, you know what to expect from Mulder.
At last he shuffles through the door, and it’s him, definitely him: head bent, looking weary and wilted. He turns to lock the door again, evidently not paying very much attention to his surroundings.
Her heart constricts. “Mulder,” she voices softly.
She can see his whole body go still from behind, but he doesn’t look right away. His back remains to her.
One of the OGs. Her Mulder and Scully are weighed by secrets, by their unspoken. Her writing dwells in the silences; and the tones of her work shift depending on the narrative: insular and psychologically exploratory, fast-paced and bitterly overwhelming, slow and unspooling and peaceful-- but always with a bittersweet aftertaste. I would do a disservice if I didn't recommend A Boy on the Beach first; but my personal favorite is Pause (and All the Dead Mulders and Not Orpheus, Not Eurydice.) Her Ao3 is here.
Mulder. Her genius. Who happened also to be her blithering idiot. A fresh swell of affection overtook her. This is how it was for her, even just talking to him. One minute she was standing in the shallows enjoying or enduring or surviving a day at the beach, whichever kind of day it was. The next she'd find herself walloped and rolled by the rogue wave of her feelings for him. Then she was surfacing, sputtering, salt-blind, struggling to find the steady line of the horizon.
-Vox Mulder: Fired and Wired
One of the OGs. Darwin's writing is clipped and "action" focused. Her Mulder and Scully are fond and quippy and silently torturing themselves with their own repressions or secrets. Vox Mulder: Fired and Wired covers the IVF arc concurrent with Mulder's (secret) brain disease diagnosis; and her notes tearing into canon's handling of the latter arc are incredibly detailed, incredibly satisfying, and incredibly hilarious. Her Ao3 is here.
They searched, staying together with Scully’s single flashlight. As she suspected, they didn’t find anything out of the ordinary. The cellar was devoid of sound and light, not a single rat or insect scurrying about. No more traces of the unknown substance.
They followed the trail of viscous fluid back to their room. Their adrenaline-fueled trek left her exhausted, and she was hopeful she would be able to sleep for a few more hours before dawn. Not even her fear could break through the cottony haze that clouded her mind. Collapsing on the bed, Mulder pulled off her slippers. 
-Surely, to the sea
One of the OGs. Her writing is practical and pleading-- the veneer that Mulder and Scully front, and the truth. Her Scully has teeth but prefers silence and distance. Her Mulder stubbornly walks the thin line between opening his partner up or closing her back together tighter. Trust-- in each other, in themselves-- can be broken and mended with the right words, the right meaning. I recommend starting with Surely, to the Sea (and my favorite short fic is this one.) Her Ao3 is here.
Frostbite Panda
“I make you a whole person,” she whispers. The slam of sudden memory is heady, destabilizing, threatening to spin her clean from reality. 
He leans forward, elbows on his knees, a sound escaping him that she cannot identify. Truth be told, he looks a bit ridiculous— wrapped in a green sleeping bag looking like a dormant pupa, not the wrecked and ruined man he was. 
-Four Days on the 63rd Parallel
One of the OGs (I believe.) Her writing is grand and touching, a microcosm of the macro effects Mulder and Scully face alongside, and with, each other. Her Scully is reluctant, doubting Mulder's beliefs but trusting him; and her Mulder is courageous and wallowing, afraid to try for fear of rejection. Four Days on the 63rd Parallel (and its follow-up In a Perfect World) explores what would have happened if Mulder and Scully had been trapped in Antarctica, in a snocat, alone, until help arrived. Her Ao3 is here, and requires you to be logged in.
Jenna Tooms
Then there's the matter of Mulder and his reaction to scissors and the razor. When he was first released from the hospital I took him to his old barber. He made it into a seat, and even let the barber tie the cloth around his neck. At the first flash of the scissors, though, he was up and out so fast for a moment I only stood in the waiting area dumbfounded, the baby in my arms.
He will, however, let me cut his hair and trim his beard--which he grew to cover his facial scars. I let him keep it as long as he lets me keep it neat.
-An Acceptable Level of Happiness
One of the OGs (if I recall.) Her writing is just north of canon, veering off to give us better, brighter spots to land Mulder and Scully. Her Mulder and Scully are soft, seemingly delicate with a touch of steel underneath. They've taken a beating, have internalized that beating, and are being supported wholeheartedly by the other person in their partnership. If you want canon-ish, I'd recommend An Acceptable Level of Happiness; if you want mytharc-ish further down the timeline, I'd suggest Truly, Madly, Deeply, and if you want canon veered off from and returned to-ish after Requiem (16 years later), then I'd strongly lobby for Shooting Star. Her Ao3 requires a log-in, here; but Jenna's works are also on Gossamer (here).
“Did you see this?”
She blinked at the screen of Mulder’s phone and gently pushed his wrist until it was at a distance she could focus on. Technology changed but Mulder didn’t. She couldn’t count the near misses with magazines and file folders, the threat of papercuts across her cheeks.
“Ford isn’t going to make Tauruses anymore,” he told her before she’d had a chance to actually read the headline. That was also standard procedure. Mulder was a scrolling marquee of odd headlines and interesting trivia. He was the original clickbait, drawing her in with his promises to change her world and alter her perception.
-Taurus Season
One of the OGs. leiascully's prose captures the essence and magic of ordinary things. Her Scully is secretly a wanderer, her Mulder an errant domestic. There is reciprocity in their strengths and weaknesses; and the world is always more beautifully strange together. I recommend her Visitor series, which rewrites Revival canon along necessary lines. Her Ao3 is here, and requires a log-in.
They slipped among the dumpsters at the back of the building and into the empty quivering night, jaywalking the shadows up the hill streets, ringing the manhole covers. False planetary lights floated about in the foggy sky. Scully opened her fawn umbrella. Mulder glanced often behind them, his fingers pressed into the suspension muscles of her hard young back.
-Bad Radio
One of the OGs. Her Scully is strong and silent and will not be swayed; her Mulder is withdrawn and foreboding. Her most infamous work is Heuvelmans' On the Tracks, but I know her better through this post Gethsemane cancer arc fic: its darkness, its inevitability, its immovable-object-meets-unstoppable-force. Her Ao3 is here.
Prufrock's Love
"He says a horse bit him," Duana translated for her mother. Duana stripped off Lord William's tunic and ruined shirt to reveal the wound. "He damages more clothing..."
Lord William stooped to show Caithrin the twin rows of tooth marks on his left shoulder, still telling his woeful tale....
Not sure what was expected of her and thoroughly intimidated, Caithrin did as she would with her own sons. She made the sympathetic face and clucked over him like a mother hen. Lord William, pacified, settled down on the stool by the fire to let Duana doctor him.
One of the OGs. Her Mulder and Scully are messed up, secrets upon secrets, love and miscommunication and chaos towards each other and themselves. Prufrock's prose and dry wit can't be denied; and she's most notably known for Belghor's Prime, a Mulder time-traveling story, and Paracelsus, a Civil War fic that loosely locks into her sprawling, transformative "past lives" series. I, personally, prefer Hiraeth, because the Mulder and Scully I read there aligns (mostly) with my interpretation of canon. Her Ao3 is here.
The chip was round and under a microscope the texture looked like fish scales. 
The procedure was over in ten minutes. Three tiny stitches at the back of her neck with a gauze pad taped on top. It shouldn’t have worked, but it did.
One of the OGs (if I recall.) Her Mulder and Scully are inherently bound, even if the plot has driven a wedge between them. They speak the same language with different words, they work back to each other with lightning speed, they are chummy, they are contented. Their humor is fantastic. Her longest, angstiest work is Snakebitten, a rewrite leading up to The Pine Bluff Variant; but my personal ones are (surprise, surprise) her "part one" and "part two" short fics, Home, Home and Honey Hi. Her Ao3 is here.
She leaves her rumpled partner in the car with the window cracked while she goes to the front desk, glancing back possessively over her shoulder as the woman behind the counter gets their keys. One room, two beds. “I’m not letting you out of my sight, Mulder.”
She keeps seeing him like she found him, on his knees before the ghosts of his childhood. She sees him praying to the barrel of his gun.
One of the OGs (I think?) She writes incredible meta on the series; but she's also written one of my favorite short fics, ever (and I have a lot of those.) You can navigate to the rest of her Ao3 through this link, but you'll have to get through photosensitivity first. >:DDD
“I’m fine, Scully,” indignantly going back to the task at hand. And she’d have believed him too, if he wasn’t looking through her, if his pitch hadn’t been a little too high, if he hadn’t forgotten the fact that her shoes were the very last thing to put on and she wasn’t even out of her hospital gown yet. She allowed it out of pity, mostly. Or humor. But his hands shook, fumbling with the laces like a feening alcoholic.
-for the WIP prompt: hospital
One of the OGs. She writes distraught Mulder incredibly well; and balances him with a Scully who is dry, caring, and bouyant all in one breath. I can't rave enough about her short fics (their links can be found here); but I'd recommend this and this and this because they tie together to form a Redux II whole. Her Ao3 is here.
The world is different now, after so much has been lost. It moves a little slower, takes for granted a little less. It is still a dangerous place—because fear is catching and learning that things are not as they seem can make some go mad with denial and rage and terror at the loss of their footing. But it is also more peaceful, in some ways—because loss reminds us to hold love close. Because all the hearts that stopped beating are still felt in their absence. Because people, in the end, come together in crisis. They don’t only tear each other apart.
“I think we did okay,” he murmurs. “With our quarter century.”
Scully leans her head back to look at him. “Just okay?”
“Mm hmm.”
One of the OGs. Her writing is pure sensation: cotton and earth and jeans and nine o'clock shadows and soft skin and the tangible grasp of wishes come true. Advent is her longest fic; but I implore you, on my hands and knees, to read all four of her pages on Ao3-- they're not only the gateway drug to other incredible, incredible short fic writers (ghostbustermelanieking, @baronessblixen, @o6666666, all the authors mentioned here, and so many, many more) but are also a shining example of family fic done well-- a very hard skill to pull off. Her Ao3 is here.
Back to sleep. Sleep. No big deal. Just go to sleep.
A minute passes, then two. He’s not tired, in fact, he feels incredibly awake. His heart is pounding, a distracting pulse in his ears. The bed is too soft, too deep, too…real. He can hear her breathing next to him, feel the warmth radiating off her body, his senses screaming at the level of detail, the texture, the vividness of it all. Instinct is a dog with a bone, and it won’t let go.
Something’s wrong.
One of the OGs. Her writing clips along at an even pace, the story driving Mulder and Scully ever forward. Mulder is most often on the outs, Scully most often peering at her partner silently, trying to figure him out and draw him in. But mostly, the two function independently of each other, content to drift further or nearer as long as they are together. I would recommend Lucidity as a primer. Her Ao3 is here.
He did not soften, at first.  Did not edge away, nor did he lean into her.  Much like that awful night when their office had burnt he simply stood cold with shock and while she supported him; the steadfast fidelity of their bond never questioned in the decade that they had been together.
“I was there,” she murmured into his shoulder.  /I’ll always be here./  He could accept it now.  She was finally able to press her arms about him in the night.  Feel the strong bones beneath unblemished flesh; amazed that he was even alive for her to hold after an ordeal that had indeed taken him from her for so long that she had lost all hope.  She shuddered and cinched her arms tighter; felt his ribs shift beneath the silky envelope of his skin.  They creaked in protest, but he did not move, and she spoke like one driven. 
-Amor Fati: Destinata (The Fated Love), Act Three
One of the OGs. So OG, in fact, that the butchery of Season 9's mytharc pushed her to write a mythology replacement. Scully is fearful, anxious, but strong to her core. Mulder is lonely, and loving, and afraid to slip back into dark places. Both push each other to become better than they believed they could be. Her Amor Fati, Destinata (The Fated Love) series is still being written; but it's detailed reconstruction is well-worth the read. Her Ao3 is here.
I separated these two authors out because they're the x and y axes of my personal taste:
She falls asleep before him. In some ways, it’s a burden to share a bed with someone, not a pleasure; if he moves, he fears he’ll wake her, but it’s horrible to stay so still for so long, especially when he can’t sleep. But he can see her eyelashes in the dark, and her cheek is squashed against her own pillow, and she checked the room when they arrived to make sure that there were plenty of tissues. Had there been a couch here, even a divan, he would’ve taken to that instead, let her sleep soundly without him. The day of the wedding - he almost tenses at the word wedding, not because he dislikes it but because it feels so strange and unreal, as if it never really happened even though he remembers it so easily and comfortably - they had a makeshift reception in her apartment, just cutting cake with her mother and then sharing slices with the Gunmen after her mother left. If anything, it felt more like a funeral than a wedding reception, so many questions tiptoed around, everything too urgent and human to be a celebration, but between guests, she grabbed part of her slice with her bare fingers and pressed the cake against his face unexpectedly, and he looked at her with surprise, and she laughed in an inward way that made her shoulders move. 
-seaglass blue
One of the OGs (I believe.) I have to start here because seaglass blue is grafted onto my heart. Set before Gethsemane, the author based it on a real couple's journey with impending death; and the way she wrote Mulder's POV-- how she kept us always locked in his head each and every day of his honeymoon with Scully-- is forever burned on my psyche. I don't see the emotional damage, if you will, as unnecessary or melodramatic or traumatic-- it's just a window into the slow approach to the end, or a fear of it. (However, if the writing is too "overlapping" or "run-on" for your taste, I'd recommend aloysiavirgata's gorgeously succinct prose, mentioned above~.) All of her works are fantastic; and, oddly, the rest are usually beautifully cozy (if you can find them on her page.) (Note: authors with their own uniquely similar styles include @teethnbone and @enigmaticdrblockhead -- can't recommend their work enough, particularly The Ansted Graft and this list here, respectively.) mel's Ao3 is here.
They follow Mulder's trail, Scully's heart thudding too hard against her ribs. Skinner is telling her that Mulder wouldn't do anything crazy when it comes, the headache. Pounding against her skull. And then she hears Will crying out: Dad!
Scully bends over, stomach against her knees, clutching her temple. “Scully?” Skinner is saying. “Scully, what's going on?” But she can't hear him over the roaring in her eyes. William is still speaking, rapid-fire in her mind: They're hurting him, Mom, they're hurting him! Make them stop!
In a flash, she can see what William sees. Mulder barely conscious, being dragged outside through the snow. An axe in the hand of his attacker. “Scully, are you alright?” Skinner protests.
-silent conversations
One of the new recruits (I think.) Her writing is an art form: painting broad, sweeping pictures on the tiniest canvases, in the shortest sentences. Her descriptions, characterizations, and dialogue all serve the plot-- not a hair out of place and not a nook or cranny neglected. I will never be over her short fics, but her longer works are crafted carefully, too. If you want a complete rewrite of the entire series' mythology, then the Half-Light universe does it, and does it better; if you want a Season 8 casefile, then snow in april manipulates Mulder and Scully to a very sinister town; if you want Season 7 to properly deal with Mulder's brain disease, encephalon's got you covered; if you want William to stay with Mulder and Scully, William AU (relent, silent conversations, noises echoing, not out loud) bends in that direction; and if you want a complete rewrite of Samantha's abduction, california winter is where I'd start. Her Ao3 is here.
And lastly, do you want to read long-form fill in series? These three are masterfully done.
There were few things in the world that Dana Scully could imagine were more arduous in her the world than family dinner night. Perhaps climbing Mt. Everest in the middle of a howling blizzard would be one. Maybe crawling out of the Amazon rainforest with a broken limb would be another. Even walking single-handedly into the desert with just one canteen of water between you and horrible death under the scorching sun could trump the monthly gathering of the Scully clan at her parent's house in Baltimore to have dinner with her parents.
One of the OGs. Her X-files Seasons covers every crack, crevice, and canyon in the show: Scully's life and family separate from Mulder, the journey drawing her closer into Mulder's world, and her own transformation from the green agent she was to the woman of diamond she became. Her Ao3 is here.
Over the course of the weekend, Mulder hardly talked at all. When he did speak, he was abrupt, flippant, and sometimes defensive. He still didn’t want to be touched, nor did it seem to Scully that he wanted to touch her. He kept a wall up around him, a protective shield. She tried to give him what she thought he wanted, space and distance, while at the same time trying to let him know that she was there if he needed her. It was a difficult balance. He seemed glad of her company, yet disinclined to talk to her at all.
-Chapter 87
One of the OGs. Her He is the Master of His Fate, She is the Captain of Her Soul series exquisitely fills in Season 7, Season 8, Season 9, IWTB, Season 10, and S11 while filing over and rewriting the incredibly stupid canon decisions along the way. Her Ao3 is here.
Mulder stirred again and mumbled something she couldn’t make out, and she wasn’t sure if he was talking in his sleep or actually trying to tell her something. She leaned over to put her face closer to his, listening.
“They’re not the same.”
She frowned. “What’s not?”
He shifted, blinking up at her. “Moth men. You might think they’re the same as the Jersey Devil, and the circumstances are similar, but they’re not the same.”
“You mean aside from the fact that this is Florida, not New Jersey?”
One of the OGs (I believe.) Her TXF: Scenes in Between series plucks one moment from each episode and builds upon it, providing a window into either Mulder's or Scully's psyches. She even tackles Mulder's (alleged) Season 7 brain disease. Her Ao3 is here.
If you want more fic recs, I have lists catalogued under my Collector's Edition tag. If you want even more fic recs, I wrote a fanfic resource post here. And if those aren't enough to appease your hunger, @lilydalexf and @fine-nephrit have pinned master posts that will probably have something for you.
Hope this helped~! And drop back in sometime-- let me know if you read something you enjoyed, or found fanfic still isn't your preference. :DDDD
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roseytoesy · 10 days ago
Pssst! When you get a chance, do you have any Monster Doey headcannons? Because there are so many things you could do with him in that context pred wise. I know it happens within extreme circumstances and so far it’s Kevin, but what would happen if Matthew, Jack or all three were upset? Any other monster forms you have in mind as well? Just let the boys be selfish and greedy and protective and possessive as a TREAT
OOOOOOOooo! I honestly haven't thought of monster Doey as much due to it usually being a dangerous situation for all involved... But it is really cool to think about! Thanks for letting me ramble, and boy did I ramble.
I would try and draw this but unfortunately I don't have the time right now due to school, but I will add them once I get the time.
Realistically I think that the monster form was the first form Doey ever took, I mean 900 lbs. of dough and 3 young minds in a mess after being torn apart and put together would make something crazy. 
Kevin is usually the one to initiate transformation into monster mode
Mathew has only ever done it once after a cave in and he needed to be bigger to hold up the rocks and debris from crushing everyone. 
Jack doesn't like being the monster and has never wanted to transform.
As for monster shapes and stuff (if Jack ever wanted to for some reason) I have a few ideas to tell who's in control at that moment. And what forms they would choose if they had more control over it/ over time with practice. 
Kevin prefers the original shape, a mangled mass of dough, a huge head where he and his brothers are forced can see what's going on up front and center. 
But over time he morphs more to look like a large ferocious dragon. A longer maw, sharper longer teeth, clawed hands and feet, horns and a tail. The back hands looked more like bat wings with stretched out hands with webbing between the fingers. He can't actually fly but it's “sick as hell.”
Mathew would be next and he would try to make a softer form, something hopefully less intimidating but it's hard at that size. And without experience he can only hide some hands and close the doey mouth and have 3 eyes on the head rather than 3 heads out of the mouth. 
But over time he would try to look like a multi legged Chinese dragon, a symbol of peace and power in many stories and myths, long and sleek, the colors of the three swirling along the long slender body. Long whiskers and 3 eyes like before, yellow on his right, red center, and orange on his left. A tiny set of horns that keep his hat in place. 
Jack would take a few years of convincing to even take control of the larger form, the others helping support him as he doesn't really handle the body when stretching or forming. 
When Jack first takes over it's the usual monster form, very melted though and the back hands just kinda drag on the ground. 
After a few years of practice he found a comfortable form for himself, a unique mix of a bunny and jumping spider. Something to handle the arms and something cute! He likes loafing and dancing in this form.
Though with how you worded stuff if the boys were separate dough fellas and wanted to be monsters it would be:
Jack loves the idea of fairies! So he would give himself little wings. Though that's not much of a monster… maybe a simple slime. One of the ones that has a little angry face. But usually are pretty harmless.
Mathew would likely make himself a satyr, spreading laughter and care. But again not really a monster… so how about Frankenstein, the irony doesn't evade him either, but it's fitting since he is a monster but was more cordial than most of the humans in that story. 
Kevin would choose a minotaur! Something big and strong, yet isolated. Or maybe a really cool werewolf. 
And just because I do want to imagine the boys being protective and greedy. The deeper into the factory or into more feral areas the more protective they become,
Jack tries to have faith in you, but does hover close by at the ready to protect you or catch you should you fall. Noms may happen for protection but more likely he retreats back to let Kevin or Mathew handle it, unless you get hurt, then he will throw a stomping tantrum. Throwing whatever hurt you around until he calms down. Might nom you to soothe himself in that case.
While being greedy he would just be like a kid demanding attention, tugging on your pack or hands or even legs when he wants your attention, he will sulk if you ignore him. If he gets the idea to tuck you away you will be smothered in dough, cuddled and cooed at. He would just happily giggle as you shift around. Might try and sooth you if you try fighting while inside, just apologizing but saying that he just can't help it, and it keeps you safe! You can't blame him for trying to help. You wouldn't do that right? He would say with puppy eyes. 
Kevin becomes like a scary guard dog, and you better not do anything stupid or he will not hesitate to eat you. He tries to scout ahead since he knows that you are fairly capable. But still, as a being made of clay he can do a lot that you can’t, and will smugly open doors for you that you couldn’t. 
If he gets greedy for your attention you're in for a hell of a time, he will be very blunt with it and if you continue to ignore/upset him he will just eat you, squishing you into place and pushing you around and back should you try fighting or pushing out. You're HIS and he's making that clear now. Now sit still or maybe give him a nice belly rub and he’ll go easy on you. Lots of teasing and prodding at you to get reactions, your struggles are amusing and somewhat exhilarating for him. 
Mathew would keep a wary eye out for anything, doing his best to remember any safe places that you passed or might find up ahead with any info around. If there aren't any good hiding spaces he gets more and more worried about keeping you safe, and in those moments he will nom you to keep you safe if something bigger than both of you shows up. 
As for being greedy, it has to be a very very bad day for the poor kid. Where he just doesn’t care so much anymore. He would be more stone faced or even desperate, depending on the situation, and just snatch you up, a few swallows because he forgot about opening his stomach but also to allow himself the guilty pleasure of tasting you and eating you normally. He would apologize for being so snappish, but your presence helps him relax, its grounding. And he needs that right now.
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moeblob · 8 months ago
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Haley ! Dressed up as Dorothea (post skip) from FE3H!
In case anyone wants to know, the lineart took me as long as Clue (1985) with all three endings. Like. Just in case anyone wanted to know.
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katiekatdragon27 · 11 months ago
your flatland art is SO GOOD RAHHHHHH
Thank you so much! I'm happy there are still people who enjoy my silly occasional Flatland art lol. I need to start posting more of these guys cuz as much as I love the Flat Dreams stuff, I wanna see my silly pookies more. The true Flatland content /j
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Take a doodle for the ride btw, I'm happy you like my art^^
Have a lovely day :)
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cacaocheri · 1 year ago
You should in fact infodump about poptropica, also have you considered doing a DCA Poptropica crossover to unite the interests together?
1) I love you so much dude I hope you're doing well 2) poptropica infodump would take AGES this thing has lore so I will spare you a ramble for now 3) I . HAVE NOT. BUT COULD YOU IMAGINE SUN AND MOON WITH THE BIG BOBBLE HEADS
no? because I can
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oh my god they look so much more cursed than I expected I'm laughing my ass off
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bloopitynoot · 2 days ago
Me @ ZZL: On the one hand, you are a great character and I’m sad you died, but on the other hand you massacred a whole ass town with demon minions that rot people to death just so you could abscond with one guy!!!
Killing HHP cultivators? Understandable. They’re part of the group that stuck your uncle under a mountain. The random mortal villagers though??? Whatever did they do to you?!
(I’m assuming that’s why the story had ZZL die, as otherwise that would be a very awkward thing to just not address ever.)
I mean that's what makes our little awkward snake man an interesting character? Though I could argue that he was partially following Tianlang-jun's orders.
Sure yes, the orders were because Tianlang-jun knew ZZL liked him but they also owed a perceived life debt and ZZL gives back to a drop of kindness via a flood. And, well, what's a bunch of villagers when, if they followed the plan to fully merge the realms, the world would have basically ended?
Either way the most chaotic neutral thought patterns; I still don't know if I agree with the death? Though, it would have been more awkward if he stuck around and watched the man he fell for marry his cousin and have to deal with that for the rest of their lives. very awkward family reunions.
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javierduffy · 2 months ago
I have been having... a very bad day. Any spare fluffy headcanons for the boys? (and maybe some nsfw ones if you're up to it-)
ohh no my dear helena !!! its unfortunate that you’re having a rough day today :( remember that everything is temporary and that this day, like every other hard day before (and all following after), will pass in its own time.
i can absolutely spare some fluff ! that’s all i’ve got !
• javier goes to bed at about the same time that kieran is waking up every morning, right before dawn, and it’s a common occurrence that he will forget to untie his hair before laying down for bed, especially after a long night of guard duty. kieran will notice every time, and knows himself how easily long hair can get matted, so he will beckon javier over so that he can untie his bow. usually, he’ll also take the time to run his fingers through javier’s hair to detangle it as well, so that he’s even less likely to wake up to knots. javier adores it, teetering with the weight of his head and leaning hard into kieran’s legs on each side of his shoulders- sometimes kieran will even indulge himself in giving javier a head massage. javier never sleeps better, and coincidentally, he began forgetting to take his hair down a lot more after moving out to clemen’s point ….
• javier snuck kieran his first bowl of pearson’s stew after ‘making a social call’. john kicked kieran off his horse at the entrance of camp and javier watched as the latter dredged himself through the brush to what would become his usual resting place behind the rock by the horses. he looked miserable, dead on his feet, and javier knew by then he’d been weeks without a meal. he was a dirty, disloyal, unholy traitor of an o’driscoll, but something about his sunken eyes, the shake in his hand as he lit his first cigarette as a free man again- likely to quell off the hunger- it urged javier to act in a way that he’d never felt before. javier could kill a man in cold blood easier than he could stand to watch fear starve a man even after his hands are free to reach for the bowl. the study for learned helplessness in psychology will come years later, but javier understands himself now through watching kieran’s instinctual desire to survive be beat out of him by the gang javier dedicates his life to. with a healthy amount of spite to himself, he scoops a heaping amount of fresh stew into the cleanest bowl he can find, and sets out to add a fresh layer of flesh to kieran’s prominent bones.
• following this, cooking for kieran is one of javier’s favourite things to do when they get together. javier will cook for him traditional mexican dishes from home (as best he can. both with his limited skills and also with his limited accessibility to the proper ingredients. (probably for the best that he can’t get authentic chili peppers from home and has to use a less spicy chili native to this northern climate. kieran does okay with spice but it isn’t in his genetics to truly have a high tolerance.)) and not only will it be an unknown love language from javier, to feed kieran and make sure he is full, but it will also be a love language from kieran, to let javi share a piece of home with him.
• ^ also applies to modern au javieran ! javier loves cooking, and especially for kieran. they would cook together, but kieran struggles to cook with other people in the room, and javier gets so absorbed in it that he’d likely be running into kieran or otherwise being unhelpful in aiding in making sure the dish is being cooked correctly because he’s too Locked In to guide kieran LOL but they’re more happy to simply keep each other company, anyway. kieran on the counter/table/floor, watching javier sing and dance to the music he’s blasting from their speaker. cue dancing in the kitchen when the love songs come on (here’s a good one (rip javier escuella you would have loved dannylux)). the parallel play and quality time with these two is off the charts
• come mid/late clemens point, the way javieran make most of their money for the camp is by going on days-long fishing dates, laughing and laying close to one another in the grass under a tree on the riverbank in the shroud of darkness. they come back to camp flushed as all get out but with stacks of cash in their hands wadded up so thick no one dares to ask where it came from. kieran will get excited at even the smallest of fish, perking up and sharing/asking javier for tidbits on the species. they never miss a bite, either. one time one of the bells on their bobber rods rang once and they both broke out of a very hot and heavy make-out sesh so fast that javier tripped on kieran and nearly broke both of their wrists. they laughed so hard about it, javier was certain that by the time he arrived to his rod, the fish had already successfully ripped the bait off of his hook. he reeled in a boot, at the end of it all. he never lives it down.
• kieran is ambidextrous, and javier is fascinated by it. javier stumbled upon kieran writing on one rare occasion, and noticed immediately that he was writing with his left. “left handed, huh ?” kieran cocks his head at him in thought. javier wonders why on earth he would have to stop and think about a question like that. “uhh, not really ?” well, now javier is simply confused. “right, then ? is something wrong with your dominant hand ?” “um … no, that’s not it either …” and at this point, javier is demanding kieran explain what the hell he’s talking about, and why he’s pulling a prank on him. cue kieran explaining and javier making him do all kinds of silly “tests” like writing, shooting, playing guitar (as if kieran is going to any better with either when neither of them can do it right to begin with) because he finds it so cool.
• modern au kieran gets overstimulated incredibly easily, so he’s got a pair of noise canceling over-ear headphones that he often wears to dampen sensory input and ground himself when there’s a lot going on. when it’s cleaning day, generally no matter what he’s doing, he HAS to wear his headphones. javier is left to dodge him the same way he has to dodge the cats when they’re weaving in and out of between his feet. it also leaves him to dance to his own tunes when kieran suddenly swoops or sways or dips him to the music only he can hear- though just as often, javier will catch kieran dancing by himself and he will simply be unable not to join him, even though he can’t hear what it is he’s dancing to. as overwhelming as they can be, cleaning days for javieran somehow always end up feeling more like a date than anything.
• on a similar note, kieran also wears his headphones to bed, and listens to asmr/white noise to sleep. the pressure helps him feel safe, and the silence of a room makes him anxious. he also has a terrible bedhead and rbf in the morning. both of these things javier finds incredibly charming, and if he ever does wake up when/before kieran does (incredibly rare), this is his pov (right before he tries to kiss kieran’s face off and gets shoved away with a sleepy giggle that only bolsters his aggression);
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nsfw under the cut !
and how could i resist a chance to finally talk about this ;3€ ?? i’ll try to keep them fluffy !
(context, i hc both of them as tguys usually (though im content with writing javier as amab too), with both of them being absolute, unabashed switches. they have little preferences anywhere in terms of bottoming/topping, though kieran has a preference for subbing, and javier has no qualms with domming more frequently.)
• as much raunchy, animalistic sex that javieran have, they have double as much slow, loving, tender sex. and most times between, they’re having raunchy, loving, animalistic sex.
• javi loves to turn kieran’s brain off, he loves more than anything to make kieran feel so overwhelmingly pleasured that he forgets everything that ever has, ever could, or ever will happen to him. nothing gets javier off quite like seeing the face of bliss kieran makes when all he can think about is javier’s mouth/hands/cock working overtime just to make him feel good.
• both of them i think are quite vocal when they’re able to be, and kieran tends to be vocal whether he’s supposed to be or not. both of them often dissolve into whimpers and “i love you”s and praise like “you feel/sound/taste so good” by the end. their love for each other has a carnal grasp on every aspect of their sex lives as well <3 so they’re always speaking so sweetly to each other, even if the way they growl it seems violent
• javier LOVES love bites. he loves to mark kieran up and he especially loves to bite and lick and suck on his neck, not only because of the primal aspect of his jugular being so close (as well as the warmth of his pulse thrumming against his mouth), but also because it arouses kieran to the point of making him shiver nearly every time. javier has permission to bite him hard, but it’s pretty rare that he ever does, and it’s only late into their relationship does javier feel like it will be more pleasure for him than it would just be pain. sometimes he can’t help it though, he’ll get so worked up that he just latches on and the way that kieran tightens around him is mind-numbing.
• unironically i think kieran is a GREAT soft dom, and that is something that javier generally had never experienced prior to getting with kieran. javi thinks it’s hot to be man-handled and roughed up, and kieran can do his very best (despite the constant guilt and fear) if javier is really feeling it, but where he really excels is soft domming. once the nerves melt off, he’s so gentle with javier that it makes the latter’s skin hot all over. constantly praising him, cooing at him, asking him nicely, rewarding him for good behavior, all the while touching him oh-so-gently, it all makes javier feel so awkward but so, so good. kieran makes him feel so loved and worshipped that the world in which he has anything to question simply just fades away, and all he has to think about is doing what meager tasks kieran asks of him.
• they find so much peace in each other’s bodies. in every rib and wrinkle and sunspot, these two will spend hours simply exploring and enjoying the body of the other in whatever the closest form of “privacy” they can manage to acquire. turns out, kieran has sunspots all over him. turns out, javier has a keloid scar on the back of his bicep. turns out, kieran has a mole on his scalp right where his part is (this is canon btw i saw it once when i was studying him in photo mode like a specimen in a petri dish), and javier has back dimples, and kieran’s ribs stutter and dance beautifully when he laughs, and the flex of javier’s thighs warps his skin like a marble statue. javier escuella and kieran duffy love like artists, and they spend hours just learning and looking and studying each other, like a painter with his muse, like a writer with his words, like the last things they want to see while they’re dying are all the hours they spent learning the beauty of the other.
i could honestly come up with more but it would never leave my drafts, so i hope u like these that i came up with as quick as i could :’) ! i hope you’re feeling better and have gotten some good rest !! thank you for the ask !!!!!
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stellewriites · 2 months ago
Hiya Stelle! Wanted to stop by your inbox and drop off a few stud!Gaz headcanons I've been cooking up. As always, please free to agree, disagree, or add your own thoughts!
☆wears Nike Tech suits religiously (and looks better than any man ever could)
☆I definitely see her being the more stylish member of the 141. I'm talking pristine trainers, polished dress shoes, gold chain around her neck (that dangles in my face when we-)
☆I'm more partial to her having short locs that she'll often pull into a ponytail at the base of her neck. Something about black women with locs...whew🥵
☆Is an insanely protective gf (all of the butch!141 are, tbh). Shields your body with hers when you're on the crowded tube so that you don't get bumped into. Opens doors for you and refuses to let you pay for anything.
☆That being said...she loves being spoiled. And not just with material things! She loves when her partner takes the time to learn about her interests and participates in them. She loves when her partner makes the effort to genuinely see her, not just as a handsome stud, but as a woman worthy of love and affection.
birdy i love it when you get cooking,, i’ve got my sous chef hat on 🧑🏼‍🍳 lets go !!
- the vision of gaz in her nike tech,,,,, she’d have a wardrobe of ‘em in different colours
- she’s absolutely a sneaker head!! got a lil collection going, probably dunks and a couple pairs of air force too. keeps them squeaky clean. loves knowing that she looks good; she takes care of herself so why wouldn’t she dress to impress too? and i’m using that chain to tug her close to kiss and bite
- I AGREE 1000000% i know we’ve talked before about her having a buzz (which i adore) but i loved this hairstyle for stud gaz originally and it’ll always have a place in my heart <3
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i think she was covered/cut off a lil in my gaz moodboard but this pinterest pic really inspired my fem gaz :3
- birdy you’re tapping into allllll my weaknesses here with this 😵‍💫 she gives you her coat when you get cold, rests her palm on your leg as she drives (you are her designated passenger princess idc if you can drive too), leaves one hand on your hip everywhere you go so people know neither of you are single,,, mhm mhm yeah that’s the stuff
- i was just talking to woolie about pamper days with the butchverse and it lends perfectly here,, setting her up a nice warm bath with her fave scented salts dissolving away, going through her hair care routine while she lays back with a face mask on, lathering on her moisturiser and making sure to cover every inch of skin as she lays back boneless on the bed,, just hours of endless loving and doting until shes curled up as the little spoon in bed snoozing away
meanwhile you’re nuzzling into the back of her neck and ordering her favourite food for later, adding an extra large extra thick blanket to your amazon basket for the pair of you to snuggle under next time and planning a hike just the two of you for the weekend after she mentioned wanting to get out a little more
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skyloftian-nutcase · 6 months ago
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Idk if you still want or need comfort but he has his whole world in his arms <3
Smiles, this is beautiful 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️ I love this so much I’m going to stare at it for hours, thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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windor-truffle · 19 days ago
Dolphinnnnnn i finished L&L and you’re one of the two people who’s used the Asbel/Lambda tag so pls yell with me about them 🥺
OKAY WELL REMEMBER YOU ASKED FOR IT 😂 Time to raise the age rating of my blog!
I mean for me it's largely the tsundere-isms. Pav can testify that when I streamed Lineage and Legacies for her i was cackling throughout most of Lambda and Asbel's conversations, they always go the EXACT same way and it's so stupidly funny: Lambda shows up to insult/threaten Asbel, Asbel decides to view it in the rosiest tinted glasses in the fucking world and ends up either thanking or complimenting Lambda, and Lambda always IMMEDIATELY leaves with some insightful like commentary "This is foolishness," or "Hmph." That is peak comedy to me, watching a dude set a trap then fall for it himself 😂 "Haha I'm going to ruin this guy's life for fun and oh no, what are these, feelings?? Abort!!"
I know I'm always poor little meow-meowing Lambda a bit, but it's clear the loosely defined "guy" has been loved by exactly 1 (One) person and then that guy was fucking murdered which made Lambda think that love, or anything good really, would never find him again. So for Asbel to show up with unconditional positive regard despite barely knowing him, and forgiveness despite everything Lambda had done... yeah I'd fall for someone like that too 😅 He's such a kind man, it's the trait we love most about him 💜
Personally I'm fine to see Lambda and Asbel written platonically, like in the fic I wrote (which I'm assuming you're referencing in your ask thank you for the kudos 💜) where it's more ambiguous and a little one sided. But ALSO personally I think Asbel should have a harem, EVERYONE'S a little in love with the guy (but that's probably my oh so obvious bias talking 😅) (bonus points if Asbel's contentedly aromantically oblivious to his polycule). Asbel's always radiating beams of friendship, and he believes in people so much it makes them want to believe in themselves. And for characters who feel/have been told they are unlovable and shouldn't exist? Yeah that's how you get partners who are utterly obsessed 😅
But that's the more wholesome take on shipping them... there's also the appeal of more toxic and/or erotic dynamics. I'm not 100 percent sure this is what you're asking for so if the idea makes you (or anyone reading this) feel uncomfy, this is the paragraph to stop reading at.
So the fun thing about characters undergoing potential redemption arcs is that their journey can be nonlinear, or completely unsuccessful. I have no qualms about keeping Lambda in an antagonistic role regardless of Asbel's support. In some ways it makes sense for him to doubt or dislike Asbel's love; after all, it's unfamiliar and uncomfortable. If Asbel is right in his assertion that humans have potential, it means that Lambda was wrong to hurt and attempt to exterminate them, and that's not easy to admit. So it's fun to imagine Lambda doing everything in his power to make Asbel hate him so he can "win" this argument of whether he's redeemable or not. Things like bullying and intimidation like in canon, or more serious stuff like trying to kill Asbel's friends with his own hands :)
But that's barely toxic, in fact that could have a very wholesome ending if so desired. There's also some "fun" dynamics to be had with jealousy and abuse; it stands to reason the being possessing a guy would be, well, possessive 😅 If Lambda latches onto for Asbel for his kindness without actually internalizing it himself, we get into some pretty toxic stuff :) My long fic, though not shippy, does this, blurring the lines of Lambda's possessiveness from "you're mine" into "you're ME, you're an extension of myself and thus have no agency beyond what I permit." He's mistaken Asbel's friendship for unwavering approval and agreement with his worldview and actions, he blatantly violates his boundaries, and he dismisses his protests as "foolishness" or "not understanding reality." In the long fic, this comes to a confrontational breaking point (murder-suicide attempt), but knowing canon Asbel's endless belief in others even to his/their own detriment (like failing to call out Richard sooner during the main arc), I could see Asbel letting himself be abused for far too long under the misguided notion he can still "save" Lambda (good luck convincing someone who's actively benefitting from their actions to stop them buddy 😔).
As for the erotic, there's the sormik of it all... You know, the whole *leans into my imaginary microphone* fellas is it gay to live inside another man? 😅 It's probably not very hard to get someone off if you have direct control of their body huh. In fact, getting back to the jealousy thing and the fact that I'm still a hardcore Richass shipper, I like to think Lambda could get a little jealous of Asbel's arousal at Richard's hands and is like "oh that? I can do that here watch" and picking the absolute WORST moment to demonstrate. So Asbel has to clean himself up and awkwardly explain the reason why he and Richard keep that in the bedroom, beyond just for comfort's sake 😅
In conclusion, I like them :) They can be the most wholesome redemption-through-love pairing, or the most toxic fucked up kinky thing imaginable. Or both! They're fun 💜
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katiekatdragon27 · 5 months ago
I miss my infection AU chat I should work on it more.
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I don't care for Ales in general, but I do love him in this AU and his scary dog. He's the boyfailure ever.
Doodles and progress below cut:
For a smidgin of context, Ales is trying to flee the glade after everything went to shit. However, since lums are sort of getting cooked, there is limited energy to go around, especially when you heavily rely on them to do anything. So, he switched to electoons, even if they're less efficient.
However, a wrench is thrown into his plan when his whole electoon supply is eaten by a very hungry hoodray.
Ales is not happy about this arrangement at all (he's a horrid pet owner).
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Now, instead of smoothly fleeing the Glade, Ales has to take care of a hoodray who basically acts like a super unpredictable stray dog that's super clingy but could easily kill him. But if Ales pets him enough and keeps him well fed, he could have a very powerful ally for the future.
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Have a good one pookies :))
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dragon-spaghetti · 10 months ago
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THIS IS ALSO GENIUS AND I CANNOT STOP LAUGHING OH MY GOD I wanna draw something for it so I'll reply to the ask itself at a later date when I can actually do that!! It is late here so I gotta head to bed lmfao 😭💖
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aimfor-theheart · 25 days ago
hi cielo I am sure u may have noticed from my ao3 comment and shitposting LOL but I just reread coin toss and it's!!!! making me feel so crazy given how the bnha manga ended. I can't help but wonder if things would have played out differently with the reader present, particularly with respect to tomura's fate. do you have any thoughts about how things would have shaken out with her there? no pressure to answer ofc - thank u either way <3 - @yinyuedijun
@yinyuedijun MAOOOO first of all i just want to say thank you so much for your love of this fic—from your comments on Ao3 to the beautiful book cover design you did for it to this little ask and questions!! it means!!! so much to me!! and i've been looking forward to answering it like all week JFKDLSKFJ bc i certainly had and have thoughts on this.
back then, when i wrote coin toss, i set it up for how i thought the manga was going to end for a potential epilogue. at the time, i thought tomura would be redeemed in a last act before dying—especially because we were getting these inklings that AFO was possessing tomura's body. and that the heroes would battle AFO as Tomura, who i thought would be fighting on the inside to escape, and eventually, would give one last sacrifice that would "redeem" him and kinda put to rest the child inside him. which!!! i wasn't too far off of in some ways!!! but i defs didn't love how hori went about a lot of it? and the critique of hero society ends up really getting dropped by the end.
in my mind, with how i thought the manga would end, i was going to have tomura's last moments be with the reader. i wasn't quite sure how it would end, so i also gave reader that ability to destroy a quirk in coin toss, in case it would work in such a way that i have the reader destroy tomura's or AFO's quirk in order to free tomura? i wasn't quite sure how, but it was certainly on my mind...
i more clearly had the image of reader, at the end, getting to hold tomura in his final moments. that's why there was all this imagery in coin toss of like a decaying world, "the end of the world" and the reader is still there, holding out her hand to him:
"Or he imagines later, when it’s the end of the world, and you emerge from the rubble to reach for him. It’ll be like his dreams, when the sky is falling, and you only want to hold his hand in yours."
basically reader giving him this moment of peace at the end, and they get to have a more proper, bittersweet goodbye to each other. and tomura dies being held by someone who loves him—and reader gets to tell him that she loves him, because that was such a regret for her in coin toss.
i think given how it actually ended, an ending similar could've still happened. i think i would spin it more sympathetic to tomura. and certainly would've had moments when he was battling, that if he saw reader in the battle, he'd almost break out of AFO's hold on him/or moments where he fully does. especially if she touches him.
i also think any remaining, alive league of villain members, reader would check in on and look after. i also had vague ideas of the reader's initiatives to try and change the system. specifically an act or proposed initiative that she would name after tomura, or maybe tenko.
obviously, shouta would then also know about what really happened between reader and tomura. and in my mind, they kinda move on together; heal together. he helps her with her initiatives to change the current society. i toyed with them ending up together, years and years down the line when she's older and the age difference doesn't matter as much anymore, and continuing to take in children like eri (like tomura) with difficult, "scary" quirks. but i think that's also possible without them being romantically entangled.
in terms of things playing out differently, there was certainly a very radical happy ending in my mind of coin toss, where the reader destroys AFO's quirk somehow to save tomura from him and tomura does get to live. in my mind, it would be this moment where AFO tries to kill reader, and tomura inside of him revolts, and reader's quirk flares until it destroys AFO's (and tomura's, accidentally), also with tomura's help from the inside, like some combination of their decay/destroy quirks together do it.
and then tomura's rehabilitation is a very slow one, but one reader takes great part of. reader dedicates all of her hero work to children who might get left behind. and years and years down the line, when they're both more healed, they can maybe be together again in that way. find peace.
ultimately, coin toss was supposed to be a tragedy to me. i knew tomura's fate would be tragic, regardless. it does suck though that it was tragic, and the story itself didn't really...give hope to a different future? or a different society that would radically change, so that children like tomura or dabi or toga would never be left behind again. like the best tragedies to me, are tragic because they break the cycle of tragedy, but don't get to escape it themselves and i'm not sure MHA delivered on the breaking the cycle part, you know? i think reader, in this world, is still trying to break the cycle.
not sure if that's what you were looking for when asking these questions! fjdslfjklds i apologize for rambling too!! i'm pretty rusty on MHA these days, too, and feel somewhat removed from it. if you have thoughts on this too mao i would LOVE to hear them.
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merakiui · 2 years ago
Wait wait wait! I wanna jump on this apocalypse au train real quick! But envision this…
Whenever a housewarden picks his bride there’s a ceremony that takes place to show the remaining population the person that’s going to be standing by his side. And for this, housewardens from other compounds are invited to come witness the ceremony (or some sort of diplomat comes in the leader’s place) . It's a show of goodwill and comradery between the compounds. To keep up morale and strengthen unity.
And for this special ceremony, it’s between the one and only Malleus Draconia and his pretty bride. And who shows up because of his hatred that borders on obsession for Malleus? Fuckin Rollo.
And he takes a great interest in Malleus’s Bride. She’s innocent looking, quiet and meek. But that’s not what sparks his unhealthy interest, it's the way you stare up at Malleus like he’s your whole world. Full of love and adoration. Pure and utter devotion.
And Rollo can’t fathom the thought that you, the pinnacle of perfection and innocence, could love a monster like Malleus. Surely, it must be the effects of some sinful curse.
And late at night, where all guests are in their rooms sleeping away from the festivities of the wedding, Rollo finds himself roaming the halls. Your sweet smile and perfect body engraved in his memories. How can he sleep when you're plaguing his mind?
That’s when he finds himself following the sounds of your moans echoing down the long hall. Walking deeper into the dwelling of the dragon’s territory. Forgoing any disdain he held for the ruler. Only focusing on the sounds of your pleasured gasps and lewd moans up to the large marble doors that seem to block his view of you.
A voice whispers into his ear to lean in closer and listen. That he’s the only one worthy enough to view. Tempting him so nicely and convincingly, that he’s on his knees peeking through the keyhole to see you sprawled across the large bed. Legs wrapped around Malleus’s waist and hands tugging at his long ebony locks. The force of Malleus’s deep thrust making your back arch.
And Rollo listens to you begging Malleus to go harder, to go faster. And all that strikes a chord with Rollo and he’s tempted to reach his hand down his trousers to beat his throbbing cock to the rhythm of Malleus thrust into your tight cunt. But he holds himself back, forcing himself to focus on the sway of your breast, the shining trail of cum that drips down your thighs and ass, the plumpness of your lips and hazy expression on your face.
It wasn’t until you plead these very words that not only does his restraint snaps but so does the man that was holding you like you were the most precious gem, “Please, give me a baby!”
And the thin string that was preventing him from falling deep into his delusion is cut.
Anyways, this has been on my mind for like the whole day. Um… so do with this as you please. It was mainly supposed to be about the love of my life, Malleus, but quickly turned into a rollo thirst, which is kinda surprising. But! Here it is. Also, I didn't know where to add it, but I like to think that Malleus knew Rollo was watching and knew that he was growing some sort of infatuation for his precious Child of Man and Mal took it personally.
And I just want to say I absolutely love your work. I consume it like my abuelita consumes her telenovelas. Every post is just so juicy and good. Legit, the best blog to ever blog fr. And i want to interact more, so i might be coming back with more ideas lol
-M (not quite sure how anon names work, but I hope this is good :))
AAAAAAAAAAA M ANON, THIS IS SO YUMMY OMG........ Rollo peeking in on you and Malleus when the two of you are trying to conceive a child, not only because of compound tradition but because the two of you genuinely love and care for each other. Oooooo Rollo is in utter disbelief that you could ever willingly love someone like Malleus! Surely you're under some spell. Magic is so filthy and terrible, after all. He wouldn't be surprised if that's the reason you're so affectionate with Malleus (Rollo is very wrong about that and also very delusional).
Omg and Malleus knowing Rollo was spying...... orz he can definitely sense the presence of another, and maybe come the following morning at breakfast Malleus is so attached to you, more possessive than usual because he just knows if he leaves you alone for more than a minute someone (Rollo) may attempt to strike up conversation with you. >_< aaaaaa and Rollo is so strict with himself, trying so hard to deny the fact that he's (lustfully) attracted to you and that he's only watching you from across the banquet hall like this because he's trying to understand what you see in Malleus. That's the only reason! It's definitely not because he keeps thinking about you and your pretty body and your moans and....... T_T he is obsessed and in denial, and Malleus most definitely knows this.
After he's returned to the Noble Bell compound, he (very begrudgingly) writes to Malleus, if only to keep up appearances and be polite, but mainly so, should another event happen, he can secure an invitation and see you again. <3 he frequently writes about you in his diary to sate every filthy desire he has, often tearing the pages out and burning them after he's gotten it out of his system. But some pages he keeps. Like the poems and sonnets dedicated to you.
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willgrahamscock · 1 year ago
i just watched saltburn. loved it. absolutely obsessed with barry keoghan now. i love it when gay people are insane little freaks :)
I love Saltburn!! It was really beautiful, and I enjoyed the symbolism and foreshadowing. I always find new stuff, I'm actually about to re-watch it for my next Saltburn analysis :)
I know a lot of people (mainly off tumblr) found it baffling, but the only scene that made me cringe was the awkwardness of the karaoke scene lol. I can handle bathwater drinking and grave fucking and period sex, but god forbid I sit through an awkward interaction.
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tatiejosie · 9 days ago
Oh gosh I love the Character ask game!!! I had to really limit my questions because I didn't want to just spam you with questions lol.
So how about:
- 2, 3, and 12 for Donald
- 1, 9, and 24 for Cecil
- 6 and 15 for Eve
You DO NOT have to answer every question!!! You can pick and choose which ones you want to answer, I know I'm asking a lot!! I just really want to pick your brain about these characters because every single piece of art you do of them I'm nodding my head and going "yes. Perfect. This is Exactly how I see this character" lol.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
He has William registered in his phone contacts with a little picture of him. I think it’s cute
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There’s so many things about him that I love, it’s not fair!!! He’s kind and dependable and devoted. He’s strong and skilled and still gentle nonetheless. He genuinely cares for others and does his best to try and help when he can - whether it’s for Cecil, or for some civilian kids he doesn’t know.
[spoiler of S03E06 below]
He’s not a mindless lapdog, he’s on the side of morality. Helping Invincible behind Cecil’s back and giving out classified data from the GDA would really put him in the sauce, but at this moment, he’s not a secret agent helping a blacklisted superhero. He’s facing Mark, a 19 years old who’s had the weight of the world on his shoulders, who constantly gets grown adults coming for his arse. He’s helping a kid, he’s giving him all the info they have because he just doesn’t have any moral reason to hold on to it, when Mark is left to fight by himself. Yeah, Cecil would chew him out for that, going out of his way to help a hero that he perceives as a potential threat - but still, he’s just a kid. I think Donald sees that.
[end of spoiler]
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character? It’s the devotion to the United States military that’s kinda icky. He should get that boot out of his throat for a minute and radicalise himself.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character? WHICH!!!! PICK ONE FROM THE LIST!!!!
Donald doesn’t have much of an appetite. Being a cyborg affects his perception of food, and while he can digest nutrients and process food normally, he only eats a bit - once in a while - to give his organic brain the nutrients they need.
However, he enjoys cooking. It’s methodical and peaceful - it’s a prime activity to do while dissociating, it’s relaxing, and it’s also fundamentally human. Having a private chef or sustaining on the GDA cafeteria food feels oddly alienating. Making his own food, for himself, for others, the process of turning raw ingredients into a meal to be enjoyed beyond the simple need to refuel, is grounding to him. He meal-preps a fuckton of shit and proceeds to not eat any of it because he’s nOt HuNgRy.
He’s on the autism spectrum. His glass lenses are opaque because it allows him to hide the bad visual contact and maintain a proper body language at the workplace. He’s not a very expressive person, but he has a plethora of niche special interests; transhumanism and nanotechnology, Balinese and Shinto mythologies, obscure sci-fi french comics from the 70s (Métal Hurlant…), the radium craze of the 1910s and collecting artefacts from that time, collecting tarot decks. He’s normally not a chatty person, but he’ll turn into an unskippable cutscene and yap your ear out if you mention one of these subjects. Cecil knows by experience.
1. Why do you like or dislike this character? Hot old man with bad temper. Cunty af. Morally grey. What more do I need to say?
9. Could you be roommates with this character? No because I would make him pregnant
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
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Disgruntled blonde who’s emotionally constipated and hard to approach, leads a trainwreck of a company with an iron hand and not because they like it but because “there’s no other choice”, is okay with being hated by employees/surrounding because of their job and temper, lots of repressed angst that they don’t address because it’s a can of worms and at this point, nothing can be done for them.
6. What's something you have in common with this character? Really not much. I guess wanting to help and make a difference in the world? Genuinely wanting to have a purpose as someone who helps?
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.) I don’t really ship Eve with anyone ngl. I couldn’t care less about Mark/Eve, and Don&Eve is platonic. I really think that this girl should learn to be happy by herself, to discover the joy of being celibate and feeling complete.
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