#thank you devs admin
sleepretreat · 2 months
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dmercer91 · 1 year
hooked, jh86
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in which jack is quite literally sleeping with the enemy.
most of the rangers give me egregious vibes so there are hardly any in here and i used their ig handles for twitter i didn't feel like finding the correct ones - set in 2023-24 season
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liked by yourusername, nicohischier and 147,122 others
jackhughes: drives me mad
view 1,239 comments..
yourusername: in ny we hard launch like grownups
→ jackhughes: oh yeah?
→ yourusername: once you fuck this one up i’ll swoop in and prove it to u hughesy ;)
trevorzegras: admitting that you’re easily rizzed is crazy
→ jackhughes: easily 🤨
→ trevorzegras: ‘the hit could’ve been harder maybe she likes me 🤭’
→ user: did she hit him with her car or????
user: hit? as in like hockey hit? y/n??????
→ user: she just threatened to mr steal your girl him tho so idk
yourusername: jhugh big foot guy eh?
→ jackhughes: what the fuck y/n
_quinnhughes: luke?
→ lhughes_06: i can’t even explain without giving myself a migraine
dawson1417: i’m telling nico
→ jackhughes: there’s nothing to tell nico 🤨
→ nicohischier: nico uses context clues to deduce things
elblue6: ❤️
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liked by _quinnhughes, jackhughes and 129,483 others
yourusername: van @ nyr except i adopted the sad one
jack was there too, unfortunately
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jackhughes: now what is this
→ yourusername: i’m already planning on adding z to my collection when the ducks are up here
→ trevorzegras: did u just say collection
→ jackhughes: so you wanna be friends with all my friends but i try and be friends w u and i’m gross? ouch
→ yourusername: have u ever considered that you’re my teams rival
→ jackhughes: i’ve considered it and also decided it won’t stop me
→ yourusername: have you considered that you’re icky
→ jackhughes: wtf
_quinnhughes: ankle biter
→ yourusername: it was his shoulder and i can bite him whenever i want
nyrangers: traitor :(
→ yourusername: no admin it’s ok it’s the good hughesy
→ lhughes_06: i’ve done nothing to you
→ yourusername: you get in my way a lot
shesterkinigor: funny
→ yourusername: i try
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liked by yourusername, dougieham and 17,444 others
njdevils: we guess this one’s not so bad 😉 @yourusername
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user: this is.. unsettling
user: him patting her after every connection was top tier i need her in a devs jersey
yourusername: don’t let this fool you i still like quinn better
→ jackhughes: will you let me have this one
→ yourusername: you’re lucky i didn’t throw the game just so you’d lose
→ lhughes_06: there’s always next year
nyrangers: we can admit that this one (1) thing is cute
→ yourusername: enemies to lovers??????
→ nyrangers: no, y/n.
→ yourusername: ok attitude
jackhughes: thanks for the passes or whatever @yourusername
→ yourusername: shut up
user: they’re sleeping in the same hotel room??
→ yourusername: no j just commits some light b&e in his free time
→ jackhughes: did you just call me j
→ yourusername: i also called you a felon
→ trevorzegras: i think he’s just gonna look right past that
user: loving the full blown conversations happening in comment sections lately
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liked by elblue6, dougieham and 179,537 others
yourusername: ⛽️
view 2,029 comments..
jackhughes: i thought nyers hard launched 🤨
→ yourusername: do you have my notifs on??
→ jackhughes: no comment
user: those are jacks hands
→ user: why do you… know that, even?
user: this is why the nhl is all men lmao they aren’t focused on fucking their opponents
→ yourusername: oh babe.. i have some news for you
→ user: ITS A PLAYER?????????
dougieham: gross
→ yourusername: behave douglas
lhughes_06: what pro hockey player has another man tie her skates for her
→ yourusername: the kind that knows your address and will take your ligaments away
nyrangers: our girl
→ user: can i have your girl
→ njdevils: ^
→ nyrangers: no
_quinnhughes: you hurt my brain
→ yourusername: ok
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y/n y/ln has allegedly requested a trade out of new york 👀
722 ❤ 312 ↳ 147 💬
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dawson1417: you know @/yourusername i’ve heard jerseys pretty nice
→ dawson1417: you wouldn’t even have to move!
→ yourusername: oh boy
trevorzegras: y/n/n y/ln YOU are an anaheim duck
→ _quinnhughes: step back off my teammate
→ yourusername: you’re both delusional
user: awh the guys wanting her on their teams 🥹
colecaufield: i’ll teach you french @/yourusername
→ yourusername: i only want to know the bad words
→ colecaufield: that’s doable
→ yourusername: sold
user: quinn and the honorary hughes’ is cute but WHERE IS JACK??
→ user: right like he hasn’t even liked it
→ user: he took down his soft launch?
edwards.73: you will eventually get to play with me if you go to jersey @/yourusername
→ yourusername: it's really cute that you though this would help build your case ed
→ edwards.73: can't blame a guy for trying
jackhughes: does this mean we can be friends now?
→ yourusername: oh lol sure
→ user: oh this was painful to read
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to, j 💥: is everything ok?? read, 6:33pm
to, j 💥: jack what the hell read, 7:12pm
to, j 💥: you can't really be moody cause i requested a trade from a team you don't even play for lmao
from, j 💥: i'm at practice. talk later
to, j 💥: i'm literally with daws and luke right now dude
to, j 💥: wtf did i do?? read, 7:44pm
to, j 💥: since when am i the one begging to make this work????
to, j 💥: you've been telling me for fucking months you didn't care what it meant as long as we could try us out
to, j 💥: you can't tell me how much you want me around one day and work so hard to make me believe you and then completely flip my world around the next that's not fair read, 8:19pm
to, j 💥: i at least deserve an explanation
from, jack: maybe i'm sick of people telling me i'm fucking up my whole life for you and that you're just gonna dump me before the playoffs so i lose focus
to, jack: hello?? lose focus against the team i'm requesting to leave?
to, jack: and who is people? all i've done is prove that i wouldn't fucking do that
to, jack: i'm literally with two of your teammates right now read, 8:25pm
to, jack: whatever, j. i asked for a trade for you lmao
from, jack: how is that for me? you're gonna be in a completely different fucking state and we'll never see each other
to, jack: that's what this is abt?? you could've just said something, j
from, jack: i don't think you can just unrequest the trade, y/n.
from, jack: what's done is done
to, jack: what would've happened if they just traded me regardless of if i asked?? would you have shut me out cause you don't like the distance when it wasn't my fault?
from, jack: that's different and u know it
to, jack: whatever jack
to, jack: see you wednesday
from jack: against the avs?? you got traded to fucking colorado?
to, jack: no. i got traded to the devils.
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ranger devil 😈 @/yourusername
2922 ❤ 456 ↳ 78 💬
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yourusername: i've always looked good in red
→ njdevils: our girl
dawson1417: FUCK YEAHHHH
→ yourusername: LEFT LOCKER NEIGHBOUR!!
→ dawson1417: RIGHT LOCKER NEIGHBOUR !!!!!!
lhughes_06: i'm gonna get bullied so much more often
→ yourusername: amen to that moosey
→ lhughes_06: no, not amen to that y/n/n
user: again i ask WHERE IS JACK
nicohischier: another one that won't listen to me
→ yourusername: not reporting for duty, cap 🫡
→ nicohischier: i'm not endeared
→ yourusername: fuck yeah you are
trevorzegras: i know i'm not meant to take personal offence to this but i am
→ yourusername: quinn is GROUCHY
→ _quinnhughes: why does jack get all the cool people i want to have a lake house adoptee on the canucks
→ yoursername: just bring petey
→ eliaspettersson_: do not volunteer me for that chaos
user: i'm kinda concerned at the lack of jack and y/n lately like what happened
jackhughes: new liney?
→ yourusername: new liney :)
→ lhughes_06: 🤨
→ user: luke don't expose your brother's weird cryptic comments as being weird and cryptic challenge
→ lhughes_06: hmm no
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liked by nicohischier, jackhughes and 34,899 others
njdevils: we think we've seen this film before and we loved the ending (bratter - jack - y/n/n line supremacy)
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jackhughes: start building the statue
→ yourusername: fucking right
user: the way that she just screamed in his face on her first assist to his goal i could SOB
→ user: and his fucking SMILE BACK AT HER
→ user: and her third goal!! the jump into his arms
user: in love w them actually
→ njdevils: us too
lhughes_06: they should've smooched on centre ice with the hats falling down
→ lhughes_06: what lol who said that
→ yourusername: i couldn't have done wonderwall with out your harmonizing merc
→ dawson1417: i do have the voice of an angel
trevorzegras: i love how it feels to be a hater
→ _quinnhughes: ^
→ yourusername: wonderwall concert, 5pts, and i got quinn hughes to agree with trevor zegras. i am her.
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liked by jackhughes, nicohischier and 289,111 others
yourusername: j <3
view 677 comments..
jackhughes: favourite liney?
→ yourusername: forever liney
lhughes_06: open your messages you demonic being
→ yourusername: do u know how much EFFORT that is
→ lhughes_06: i could imagine it's not a lot??
dawson1417: yucky
→ yourusername: we facetime like teenaged girls n you and ryleigh screeched in excitement when you recognized his room this morning
→ dawson1417: ok???? i screeched cause of the yuckiness
_quinnhughes: i guess you not being a canuck is tolerable if this is the outcome
→ trevorzegras: speak for yourself quintin i want her to be my liney forever 😾
→ yourusername: sorry z <3
→ jackhughes: she's not sorry
→ yourusername: i'm sort of sorry
→ trevorzegras: good enough!
user: mom n dad
dougieham: this is terrefying
→ yourusername: ok
john.marino97: new reality tv show live in the locker room except theres no drama it's just hughesy being whipped
→ yourusername: your favourite!
→ john.marino97: i hate every second
njdevils: it's not like we saw this coming or anything
→ yourusername: ADMIN
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felassan · 2 months
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Mark Meer: "Dropped by the @/Modiphius booth at @/Gen_Con to check out their new @/masseffect board game! Thanks for having me, folks. 😎 #/GenCon2024 #/MassEffect" [source] Modiphius: "It was a pleasure having you stop by! So glad you liked the minis" [source] --- Calvin Wong Tze Loon, board game co-designer: "hi devon! hope we can meet one day, was lovely working on the game" [source] Devon Gardner, Consumer Products Licensing Manager at BioWare Edmonton: "I hope so too! Had so much fun working on the game, your knowledge and revence for the Mass Effect universe was/is inspiring. :) Surreal to see it all out there with people playing!" [source] Calvin: "listen how else are we to spread the gospel of calibrations" [source]
Some more from the upcoming Mass Effect board game, which had playable demos at Gen Con this weekend just past. :) the rest of this post is under a cut due to length.
The game will be $50 (they were aiming for $40 but didn't make it) and is co-op but also one player. the game contains 12 dice, 2 books, 5 character sheets, like 40 cards, 6 minis (for painting if you like), tokens and a rulebook. the game will also be available in Spanish. the game includes calibrations hh. they hope to release in "Novemberish"/Q4. it also sounds like they plan to create expansions for it!
it sounds like everyone who played the game at Gen Con during the demos loved it! co-designer of the board game Calvin Wong Tze Loon (who designed things such as abilities and lore for it) shared some insights about the creation of the game, and the feedback folks who played it at the con had, on Twitter:
"'even people who didn't play mass effect liked it' this makes me so happy because this was one of our target audiences. people who enjoy games but aren't necessarily fans of the series. aaaaaaaaaa" [source] "'solved many problems the genre typically struggles with' also really proud of this. as huge tactics nerds Eric and I are always trying to sand down issues that get between the player and the game. clunky line of sight. long set up. lots of admin and bookkeeping." [source] "'got to do [classic thing favorite character does] what more can you ask for' i put many, many, many hours into the character abilities. this was really hard. asymmetric but balanced. accurate to the video game but simple and intuitive. play well off each other, replayable..." [source] "'the mechanics and paragon/renegade represent mass effect so well' one of the biggest compliments i got is that everyone who's worked on this game whether at modi or bioware cannot wait to get their copies so they can keep playing it." [source] "there's a type of person who will see this box and go fuck yeah take my money, no questions asked but we still wanted them to feel like they got their moneys worth with it. we crammed this box about as full as we could but we worked super hard to make the experience easy and fun" [source] "we worked really hard to make the game as replayable and enjoyable as possible whether on playthrough 1 or 10. we know mass effect players love to replay the game over and over so we built that in from the start." [source] "when we started making the game out target was actually 40 dollars so it would be so absurdly cheap people would just impulse buy it but we didn't manage to get there" [source] "seriously i can't wait for people to play it" [source] "mordin was planned but we had to cut him because dev time was pretty short and also we ran out of space for his mini on 1 mould :(" [source] "god i spent SO many hours on the ability design but it's one of my favorite things to do so that's fine. i'm so glad it paid off. shepard's ability alone had like 20 versions" [source] "one of our goals for this game was to take the things we personally found were 'getting in the way' from tactics games and present solutions. 'find tile 13A'->map book. make campaigns short&replayable instead of 'see you in 6months for mission 2'. super long teaches." [source] "eric paid super extra attention to the graphics cause the game is pretty complex we wanted minimum friction in terms of ux" [source] Gavin Dady, Senior Project and Process Manager at Modiphius, also commented - "We also wanted to make not just a Mass Effect game, not just a good game, but a good Mass Effect game. Everybody involved said early on that it had to be an authentic Mass Effect experience and, gosh darn it, I think it is." [source] "We have review copies heading for the local relays in the next couple of weeks. Some are already in transit with Quarian fast couriers using hot-tuned drives." [source] "We've worked very hard to make sure it's not just a good game, or a Mass Effect game, but a good Mass Effect game. It's a franchise that is close to my heart too (I'm the project manager and visionary) so we spent a long time making sure we got it right." [source]
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[other post sources: source, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen]
82 notes · View notes
I'm kind of tired of the WoF:B (roblox) admins being passive aggressive, I don't know if it's just me but they always come off as very passive-aggressive, we're not asking them to be happy all the time but if you cannot have a civil discussion get offline and go take a walk then come back when you can properly discuss, this also goes for most server members because apparently that's very impossible for them to do, I know we don't all have good days (and I am absolutely not the best person either) but it feels like it drags down the morale of the server. We're also tired of the fact that the moderators seem to like to go off topic and get us in trouble, of course not all the time, but there will be certain periods where we get off topic because a moderator goes off topic as well... Obviously this is not meant to be mean, so I'm very sorry if it comes off that way. And sometimes it seems like they cannot take critiques, yes sometimes people phrase things incorrectly and it comes off as mean, or someone is outright bullying, but critique in a public game platform meant for your userbase is supposed to take critique, it's a public game, it will be a side affect. I of course don't mean this to be aggressive, mean, or anything of that sort, it's just some issues I seem to be having. I also feel like the server has pushed me out of the WoF fandom as a whole, and that's kind of sad to me because it's really the only good WoF game and the devs put a lot of effort in for us, but sometimes it doesn't seem like either side can put in enough effort for the whole. I do apologize again if this came off as aggressive or mean, I do NOT mean it in this way I just wanted to voice my opinion and I do appreciate the game and developers/mods a LOT, thank you for taking your time and reading!
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am i the asshole for crosstrading to get my friend a rare creature in a game?
so me (21f) and this friend (18f) both play this game and in the game are a ton of rare and exclusive creatures. if you see these creatures being played ur likely playing with an admin, mod, or game dev and they are super difficult for a normal person to achieve. my friend has been grinding for months and months to be able to afford (using in game currency) one of the exclusive creatures.
three days ago she was 1,000 in game currency off what a mod wanted for the creature, and a mod trading it turned her down and left shortly after. Mods trading these creatures tends to be rare if it isn't prearranged, and pre-arranging a trade is difficult as a lot of the mods flat out ignore people who ask to trade even if they have enough IGC.
IGC is notoriously difficult to get, 1100 IGC takes roughly 12hrs of afking or playtime to naturally gain. Mods, admins, gamedevs, etc all get 10 of these creatures every month to trade and often charge players 100k+IGC per creature to buy one from them. My friend, at the time, had 99k IGC.
My friend was upset, so i went onto a website and found someone selling the creature for 40 irl dollars. I bought it, had it traded to my account, and photoshopped a discord screenshot to make it look like I won a giveaway in a server for the species. I approached my friend and she was completely overjoyed, and tried to give me IGC for the creature, which i denied.
In the game, crosstrading can get your account banned. but, i don't feel bad about it at all. if my friend found out she'd be very upset since i essentially cheated. AITA?
(ps, can you tag with the emoji 🎉 so i can find the post? thanks!)
What are these acronyms?
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yelow-heart · 11 months
Can we have a moment to hug and applause and appreciate the hell out of the admins?
Holy shi*, the vibes, the cinematics, the animation, the lore implications, the introduction to this new baddy. This entire freaking event!!
It's so so good. And how well they handled any setback, wich were all mild all things considered. And having to manage 25+ pov of players, making sure all of them had a smooth enough run
Crazy. I loved it. I'm loving it.
And as a viewer who mains mostly the streamers on the Red Team. What a shit show they went through. Glorious. Perfect. I hope they become worse. The parallels btw them and the green were so fucking funny to watch. I hope they keep this team as is and just start feeding into the madness. And keep spoiling the green team. And keep crushing blue team with incredible amounts of stress.
I love love love this.
Thank you, admins, devs, tech team, whoever works behind this wonderful project. And the people are right: Quackity should be proud with what he created.
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millenniumfae · 1 year
Hades Headcanons P.2: Life In The Underworld
As we know, death is cheap to every denizen of the realm. Including the natural fauna and the human shades. The pain of injuries isn't lessened, but the distress and panic associated with wounds are gone, 'cause there's no more consequences for the body to instinctively react towards. You can imagine mortal injuries to be nothing more than a rush. For Zagreus and his ADHD brain, it's probably one heck of a stim. No wonder he hints at liking pain.
Same with all the bosses you slay, all minor enemies eventually reconvene whole and hearty upon their death. Their respawn point is whatever they'd call their 'home' in the underworld, same with Zagreus and Megara in the House Of Hades. A Lout wakes back up in his cell. A Wavemaker finds themselves back in their (flooded) apartment. If pre-reunion Patroclus was slain, he'd pop back into his glen, but if he and Achilles eventually decide to find proper housing like we see in the distance of Elysium, his respawn point would change. Only administration like Hades himself can override this.
This respawn mechanic applies to the fish, too, 'cause they're natural to the underworld. The head chef cooks a Chlam, and that very Chlam would later respawn in the Lethe. Little known to Zagreus, but he's caught the same Scuffer 20 times in a row. Don't worry, they don't particularly mind.
And speaking of fish and food, sustenance in the underworld function like video game logic, through pure energy rather than as nutrition. Unlike us, who digest food and shit the waste, those gyros directly transfer their calories into an immortal/shade's energy, whether the energy is spent healing wounds or increasing their martial prowess. Zagreus downs a HydroLite Energy Drink and 10% of his wounds heal upon leaving a room. The Ignited Ichor Caffeine Shot make him run faster. But taste buds are still active, so bless Eurydice and her cooking skills.
But all those onions you see? Those aren't natural to the underworld. Or, rather, they're plain ol' onions, growing in the UV-emitting light of Ixion's Wheel. In fact, many underground root or bulb crops can be found naturally growing throughout the underworld, like carrots and turnips, playing to the idea that their bounties grow 'below the earth'. They don't particularly thrive, since there's less natural pollinators, but with Persephone's influence they can be plentiful. These vegetables naturally migrated below the Temple of Styx on their own, and throughout the centuries became part of the flora.
In the lore of Hades (2018), gods like Thanatos, Aphrodite, Nyx, even Chaos- they aren't pure embodiments of their domain. They're also individual people with personalities and obligations. But there's one exception - the Styx itself. Like a blood vein, the Styx endlessly flows through the afterlife and delivers its yoke upon the current. All afterlife rivers spawn from it, and hence its the same river no matter if its the calm and foggy Lethe of blessed, hedonistic Elysium, or the hot and churning Phlegethon of limbo Asphodel. Charon is Like That 'cause he's one step away from being a pure 'embodiment' because of his relationship to the Styx.
Following the artsy symbolism, the devs made Hypnos the first npc you see upon death because he's the god of sleep. The ancient Greeks liked to symbolize Sleep as Death's cousin, or sibling. That's why he has that weird admin job in the House of Hades, rather than his canonical abode up in Elysium.
All the immortals in-game wear leggings, which was unheard of in Classical Greece, whose textiles sucked. Life in the underworld introduces luxuries to shades they've never experienced in life - indoor plumbing, flawless glass and mirrors, clothing finer than anything a mortal king would have had. Hades, is, after all, the richest of the pantheon thanks to his domain including gemstones. A newly-dead shade is relocated to their new condo in Asphodel, and freaks the fuck out about the bed having a mattress stuffed with down, rather than just a blanket covering straw.
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jesawyer · 1 year
Hi Josh,
I'm curious of your opinion as a person with lots of experience in the industry. I've talked to a coworker recently about our experience with Directors in different companies. We both seemed to agree that combining the responsibilities of a Head of Studio and Director into one person isn't the best idea, especially if the studio can afford to separate these roles into two people. I pointed out that I'd much rather see the Lead Designer drive the direction of the game, as they are much closer to the people that actually have to execute it.
Obviously, none of use are in these positions, we are just the recipient of the consequences. I wonder if you have some opinions to provide on the topic on who should drive the game's direction, and how much this person should also be involved in running the studio.
In my experience, the responsibilities of a game director and lead designer are much closer than the responsibilities of a studio head and game director.
In fact, I'd say there's virtually no overlap between what a studio head does and what a game director does. The studio head is responsible for the entire studio, encompassing everything from payroll to outsourcing contracts to interfacing with publishers. They're also responsible for steering the studio's future as a whole. The game director is not responsible for any of that but is responsible for the creative direction of their project, specifically. They interface with developers directly on a daily basis on creative and logistical issues.
A lead designer does the same thing but their scope is limited to design rather than every discipline (and they are subordinate to the game director). Ideally, the game director is giving clear direction but leaving space for the leads to work with their staff to achieve the vision. On larger projects, the game director simply doesn't have the bandwidth (or expertise) to continually direct the entire staff on individual tasks; that's why the leads exist.
Again, in my experience, the studio head spends so much time involved in things completely unrelated to day-to-day development that I think it would be extremely challenging to maintain their vision with the rest of the dev team.
There may be studios where the studio head hands off all of the logistics/admin tasks to other people and operates as the official or de facto game director but that seems odd to me, personally.
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mythaura-blog · 1 year
Development Update - March 2023
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Hi there folks, Miyazaki here with Mythaura’s development update for the month of March!
Topics covered include:
New Special: Panda
Beast Creator Contest Winners
Ko-fi Q4 2023 Concepts
Ko-fi Sponsored Items
More info available under the cut!
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New Special: Panda
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We’ve added our newest Special marking to the Beast Creator demo: Panda!
Panda has coverage on a beast’s limbs and eyes. This Special has a lot of fun layering opportunities with other Specials–be sure to play around with it to see for yourself all the potential it can bring!
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Beast Creator Contest Winners
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Thank you for all the great submissions to the Beast Design Contest! You all never cease to impress us with your creativity. For the March 2023 Beast Creator Contest we’ve got our three winners: iddq_tea, Zelie, and LMNas!
Our three winners will each have the rewards automatically applied to their accounts, and these three beasts will be featured on the homepage for Quarter 4 (April through June).
Keep an eye out for our next Beast Creator Contest–we’ll be gathering entries in June to display on our site for Quarter 1 (July through September).
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Ko-fi Quarter 4 (2023) Concepts
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It’s the first day of Quarter 4 (2023), which means we’ve got new Quarterly Rewards for Sponsors to vote on on our Ko-fi page!
Which concepts would you like to see made into official site items? Sponsors of Bronze level or higher have a vote in deciding. Please check out the Companion post and the Glamour post on Ko-fi to cast your vote for the winning concepts!
Votes must be posted by April 30, 2023 at 11:59pm PDT in order to be considered.
All Quarter 3 (2023) Rewards are now listed in our Ko-fi Shop for individual purchase for all Sponsor levels at $5 USD flat rate per unit. As a reminder, please remember that no more than 3 units of any given item can be purchased. If you purchase more than 3 units of any given item, your entire purchase will be refunded and you will need to place your order again, this time with no more than 3 units of any given item.
Hopefully in the future Ko-fi will offer the functionality to limit purchases per user, but for the time being we will be reviewing orders manually and reaching out to those who disregard these instructions.
Quarter 3 (2023) Companion: Shimmer Kelp-Dancer
Quarter 3 (2023) Glamour: Tainted Claws
Quarter 3 (2023) Solid Gold Glamour: Kirin
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Ko-fi Sponsored Items
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Daybright Peafox, Sunrise Peafox, Midnight Peafox
Sponsored by: Alex
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White Inkmink, Onyx Inkmink, Coral Inkmink
Sponsored by: Zebrask
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Sneering Snerret
Sponsored by: Rainy
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Boreal Vigilhound, Umbral Vigilhound, Gilded Vigilhound, Argent Vigilhound
Sponsored by: Alanna
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Ornamental Curved Dagger
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Mythaura v0.13
Upgraded to Laravel 10.
Adjusted how sessions are handled to create better cross-domain performance.
Prevents actions from resolving in battle when the target is already defeated.
Admin CMS cleanups and adjustments.
Adds webhook to handle battle disconnects.
Adjusts validation method in pusher webhooks.
Created tool to collect debugging info on battles.
Added ability for admins to force a cache override when needed.
Adjusted UI to better handle when a beast is defeated.
Began initial balancing on battle.
Properly implemented surge abilities.
Refactored battle element icons.
Many various bug fixes and tweaks to battle UI.
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Thank You!
We appreciate you sticking through to the end of this month’s updates!
May will mark one year from the time that the current dev team started work on Mythaura, and our May 1, 2023 update will feature a video detailing an integral part of the Mythaura gameplay loop: the battle system.
Mythaura’s player versus player (PVP) battle demo will go live with the June 1, 2023 update. We’re so excited to see everyone partake in this system, and look forward to your feedback!
See you around the Discord!
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fghuntforthecrystals · 10 months
Hello everyone! I'm Tenmei, the "lead" behind this project, and founder of the Foolsdev team. This project began as a passion project for one of my favorite D&D series ever, where myself and a few of my friends within the Fandom got together and started this project in RPG Maker 2003. I've worked on a lot of the development personally (although recurrent PC issues have consistently prevented work from continuing on my end. We're a small dev team currently consisting of 2 active developers, a sprite artist, and a portrait artist. This is very inconsistent project work schedule, and we're shooting for a mid 2024 demo release but that can easily change (Our plans were originally to release the demo by september of this year, and look how that went).
I would also just like to say thank you to both Felix and Dingo for allowing this project and to the fans in the main discord server who have shown support to our infrequent updates. -- Hi y'all! I'm EJ the sprite artist for this project! I've done most of the art for the game so far (that isn't the default rpg maker stuff), I primarily focus on character art (walkcycles and the like) but I've done a touch of tileset work as well. I would also like to thank Felix, Dingo, and the fans in the fg discord! You're all awesome! I really appreciate the support! I apologise for the slow updates on my end as well!
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briarglenrp · 1 month
hi there lovely admins! Is there any way I cold get some FC suggestions for the davenport siblings? Many thanks!
─── ⋆⋅ Hello nonnie! I Archie Renaux is Anglo-Indian and White, so I know that can be difficult to find fitting faces. MEMBERS, if you have additional ideas, please feel free to jump in! I've listed below some ideas that I think could fit. SUGGESTIONS: Viveik Kalra, Armaan Malik, Rishabh "Rish" Shah, Shiv Jalota, Suraj Sharma, Tamanna Bhatia, Surbhi Chandna, Aysha Kala, Kriti Sanon, Deepika Padukone, Himesh Patel, Dev Patel, Andrea Jeremiah, Diana Hayden, Shelley Conn, MASTERLISTS: sonamhelps Indian FCs Masterlist & tasksweekly #058 INDIA
Carol: personally he reminds me a lot of sebastian de souza, who's of portuguese-indian descent! oh and aramis knight (german-indian-pakistani)!
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alittledizzy · 11 months
Hi I'm writing a fanfic but I wasn't here in the dream team fandom for that long so I thought maybe you could help me by answering a few questions about dnf timeline.
*How long ago did George and Dream meet (online) ?
*How long since then did they become famous?
*How long since then did George apply for the visa?
If you don't want to answer or don't know, do you know anyone else who could answer them ?
Thank you! <3
*How long ago did George and Dream meet (online) ?
This depends on what you count as meeting. Dream messaged George on a dev site somewhere around nov 2015. George replied with a price Dream couldn't afford, so nothing progressed there. Dream had also already been watching George on youtube years prior to that, since Dream watched George's youtube videos and they were all posted prior to June 2014.
They actually became friends when they were both Munchy admins. That date is not actually clear but some time in 2016.
*How long since then did they become famous?
Dream blows up July 2019, George/Sapnap are intrinsically tied to Dream with their own substantial followings since October 2019.
*How long since then did George apply for the visa?
They started talking about George moving very early on, while Dream still was living with his ex, but the serious discussion of him moving there. He applied for his visa in late 2021, was rejected the first time, and had to reapply again.
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enralis · 10 months
Hi! I've been following Snacko for a long while! Your gamedev journey is inspiring
I've been thinking over very carefully how I should plan the jump to fulltime dev myself. When did you decide you were ready to take the leap of faith, and how much of the game was done at that point? How have you been supporting yourself regarding funds during development since then?
first, thank you so much! i'm glad my girldisaster journey was at least helpful for somebody out there!
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this is gonna be a bit long so i'll just put a break here;;
when did we go fulltime?
about a year after working on the project purely for fun
we were going to release it as a tiny game for any amount of money just to say we released something
well that didn't happen, obviously lol
when we realized people were legitimately interested in it and got publisher meetings, we decided to scale it up
but then found out it's way too difficult (mentally) to work on a game while working full-time
we had some money saved up, and i just finished college. what better time to absolutely ruin our lives give fulltime dev a try?
our plan was: if our savings dip below about 70% of the total saved, we quit
luckily, we never had to worry about hitting that point because we finalized with a publisher soon after (but we no longer have any savings now so ? lol)
if you don't think you'll need outside help it will be easier on your wallet, but remember that means more time on your end taken away to do things you will be less comfortable with
how much of the game was done at that point?
not a lot. it had basic features: farming, walking, talking to people, placing objects, fishing, etc.
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this is what the game looked like around that time (2019 summer/fall)
the problem? they were all not that great or they didn't scale well. since then, the game has evolved and changed a lot that it's almost unrecognizable from a systems standpoint
best examples is schedule system to handle NPC actions, dialogue trees, and cutscenes
i would say only maybe 10% code/asset-wise, but 90% of the concepts and plans were already in place
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this is what the game looks like now!
how have we been supporting ourselves?
barely hahahaha.
we got a set amount from our publisher each month. this can vary depending on your contract or if you decide to forgo a publisher
most of it goes towards paying for contract work (vfx, sfx, music, additional programming, etc.)
another portion gets sucked into admin (yearly accountant, lawyer, business operating expenses like licenses)
the rest goes into our living expenses. mortgage, bills, etc.
patreon was anywhere from $300-$600 at our peak, but some of that went back into merch for the higher tiers, so we can just say $400 avg
we got a $10k USD grant from epic games (megagrant, free to apply) in october 2019
our kickstarter was around $40k USD. most of it went to paying composer! (it's worth it trust me)
now that our publisher funding has ended (it's been...5 years wow), we have some personal debt as i made the choice to keep some business cash on hand just in case
paying our contractors > paying ourselves
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annonymousp · 9 months
Holy shit. I forgot this was a role-reversal AU. In fact, Pomni having a lot of hp suddenly makes sense! Of course the starter AI is the one keeping them in line. It comes first in line. But do the others know? Does she know? What powers does she have that the others might not or did she lose it due to a hack? Was it a player? Or hell maybe an AI rebelling. Was it Kinger? Is the reason he laughs at her because of this? He knows? In fact, this is based on the show right? Where are all the ai...In the show, they get put in a box under the 'stage'...Is that why Pomni has guilt? I mean if I was incontrol of all my friends...Oh god, I bet the HP helps. Think about it. High hp makes it harder to stop her from chasing you. She's fast too. You have to be when you are the jester...Thankfully she's short. What does the collar do to her though? Does it keep her in the 'Admin' mindset or does it allow the dev team to mess with her? I wonder though was it a virus or something else that stopped it? Like what is she hiding, or again does she even know. Did someone take her place or is it just a waiting game until they notice the collars do nothing anymore. Or at least no one has been enforcing them but themselves. ARE THERE TWO POMNI?! So many questions. Man, I do wonder where the missing AI are though.
FinalKing: Is it just me or does Pomni keep hiding !?!? (Sent 3.38 hours ago) FinalKing: Stupid censors any idea whats up with her? She has way to much HP for a starter character, like why does she even have HP? (Sent 3.34 hours ago) QE: Pomni does have that box of hers in the stage room. You know what one I am talking about right? (Sent 3 hours ago)
FinalKing: ThatThingIKeepTrippingOn.png (Sent 3 hours ago)
QE: Yeah, that one! The one with the star. Would anyone happen to know if it is moveable? (Sent 3 hours ago.) Mr.Muchies: Dude you have gone insane if you think something is hidden there. You keep posting that bit of metal under it. I doubt it is anything more than leftovers from development. (Sent 2.87 hours ago) QE: OK, But we KNOW there were more AI. I looked. They have to be somewhere! There are more rooms on the walls if you free cam. (Sent 50 mins ago) Mr.Munchies: You just admitted to hacking the game idiot. I'm reporting You. Enjoy the game for what it is. (Sent 5 mins ago)
Admin: Hey everyone thanks for chatting about the game but we would like to remind you looking through the files is against TOS. Thank you. (Sent 1 mins ago) Thread Closed Please open a new one to keep chatting
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hellfireconfessions · 9 months
Princess Tarble's | aka "Hookfang" | Experience on HF Staff
I do not condone the harassment of Hellfire Staff, Old or New. And if you’re looking for anything you can use to shit talk people with please leave. This is just a Document with my experience. Thank you.
And to any HF Higher-Ups who know me. It isn’t a dig at y’all. It’s just me getting feelings out there. 
  I have a section on MODS as I was the main Staff Member pushing for MODS like Skins and Remodels to be allowed on the server. Just scroll down past the Promotions part.
Forcing Promotions:
  The Hellfire Staff and Admin team was HIGHLY come and go. Like people joined and quit literally every single week, so the Higher-Ups were ALWAYS pushing for people to be Promoted. Most Mentors [Staff/Mintys/GreenBeans] were highly pressured into either getting promoted or dropping out of the Staff Team completely. If not directly then indirectly with the way we were passively treated.
  I personally never wanted to be anything Higher than a Mentor. As it was honestly the perfect spot in the server staff team for me. Answering questions and interacting with the community was all I ever wanted to do. But the higher-ups at the time, mainly Kanna, would constantly remind us that we could get promoted. 
  By the time I left the Hellfire Staff team I was Mentor the oldest at like 6 months of being a Mentor.
  I feel that people were promoted WAY too fast in the Staff Team. 
  I also was not a fan of Minors being on the Staff Team. I understand some kids may “seem mature” but I was not a fan of there being Minors who got on power trips because they were in spots higher-up than adults.
REMODELS On Hellfire Realism:
  Most of the people who know me personally know that, at the same time I was a Staff Member on Hellfire I was also a Trial Admin/Admin on the Isle Legacy Modding Server OPEN DINOS. 
  So when Mods like Remodels, and Map Textures were starting to become REALLY REALLY popular in the Legacy Community I immediately started a Staff Suggestion thread where I would talk about adding mods to the server.
  I don’t have any screenshots of the Thread as it was almost a year ago that it was made and I had left the Staff Team almost a year ago as well.
  Phen was the main Higher-Up I was dealing with when it came to talking about Remodels and other Mods. And they had asked that I make lists of Remodels, that I felt should be allowed and not allowed on the server. So when I finished the Google Docs of the 3 lists I made (as I had some that were a lil iffy due to them being Species Replacements) immediately the lists started being picked apart and ruined. Everything that was not “accurate” or was deemed “too unnatural” was immediately thrown into not being allowed.
  I had to fight for ages for them to allow Remodels into the server. The thread had been open and active for at least 2 or 3 months before the steps to actually allowing Remodels and the like would actually start to take action.
  That was mainly due to them trying to get in contact with Isle Devs on the matter and was told we were gonna get a “Dev Blog on the issue” but to my knowledge that STILL hasn’t come. The only response on the matter I was able to find was from Anthomnia’s Server Isla Nycta where the Devs kinda just shrugged it off (surprisingly). Like there were some statements made that Dondi was all like “Don’t Mod MY game” and all that but since no actions were taken against Open Dinos or any of the other modding servers I’d assume Mods don’t care at this point.
  But back to Hellfire Talk. —v
I had worked almost 4 to 5 months on trying to get Remodels allowed on Hellfire. And when the first announcement went through that a HUGE chunk of Community Favorite mods were not gonna be allowed on the server I was crushed. I had worked hard on the rules and suggestions for Mods. It was only after complete community backlash and the threat of Hellfire gonna shut down due to mods not being allowed that the Higher-Ups decided to go with the original stuff that I proposed.
  Getting remodels allowed on Hellfire was a very sticky job for me that really drained my motivation to stay on the Staff Team and even active on the server as a whole. As it showed me the blatant favoritism that was within the Staff. Basically if you were anything below a Moderator or Admin your suggestions basically were ignored. And you had to fight for talking rights. They preached about treating Mentors with the same respect as other Staff to the community when they really didn’t themselves.
  Basic Experience
  The only thing that made being Staff on Hellfire fun was being able to get discounts on Injects and interacting with the community. Other than that they basically expected you to drop everything and only work on Hellfire.
  Please do NOT harass Hellfire Staff. It doesn’t solve ANYTHING.
TY For telling me about Bigger Submit. I don’t use Tumblr much lol
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