#thank you asktrio516!!!
isleofsodora · 1 year
I just woke up a little bit ago and checked my notifications…holy cow!!!
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I just wanted to say thank you all for checking this side blog of mine out! I’ve never got this much attention on any other platform before so it means the world to me!! I need to work more on the lore but I have a few more designs in the works!!!
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sa--ee · 2 years
The Ones Who Helped Me Keep Going
I was once just a girl in a dangerous and strange world. But because of these amazing, beautiful and AWESOME people...
@asktrio516 - I saw your TTTE art and it inspired me to get back into the fandom. (Also, a little fun fact: I first saw BWBA when I was 10-11 years old. (I'm 14 now) I then realized that I actually watched the 2015-17 seasons in my younger ages. I legitimately cried when I found out I forgot about Henry and Edward.) You're actually one of the main reasons I'm still alive. You giving good advice and making awesome content helped boost my self confidence. I'm proud of you. We're ALL proud of you.
@mtgc858 - I've watched your Mandela Catalogue videos and it, too, inspired me to make art. Needless to say, while they were quite sad, you know how to get a laugh out of everyone who watches them. You've helped me get over my fears. We're ALL proud of you.
Also, not a person but a game. In 2020, the Roblox game, Piggy came out. I didn't play it when it first came out but when I did play it, I regretted not knowing about it sooner. It helped me to be more accepting of upcoming things. All thanks to MiniToon, the creator of Piggy. While you shouldn't accept things instantly, it is good to let go of the past and focus on the present. And prepare yourself for the future.
If you took the time to read this, thank you so much. It means a lot that people I don't even know or are on the other side of the world are helping me get through the rough times. So, let us be there to help YOU through the rough times.
Also, please don't watch the Mandela Catalogue if you value sleep. And try playing Piggy. You'll love it. Little reminder it has loud jumpscares so turn down your volume.
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tired-ophidian · 5 months
~ Oldies but Goldies ~
What's better than one grandpuff? FOUR granpuffs !!!
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Late again to the party but it's better than never!
I've been dragged into this fandom faster than the Fat Controller saying "Bother that telephone!" thanks to the wonderful @asktrio516
As you can see, I was inspired by her humanized TTTE au, and thus it got me out of my art block that got me finishing this piece a whole day. I tried replicating the art style but mashed my own in the end no matter how hard I tried. Anyway, here are the humanized versions of our favorite grandpuffs (+ my oc) since I didn't see them in her posts (unless I'm blind) but yeah... I'll make another one soon, with my own headcannons !!
Pls go check the original creator's works, they're stunning and very edible. And lemme know if I need to update my designs for them hehe /ps/ sorry for tagging u so suddenly :']
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viktuurishipper96 · 5 months
Douglas the Perfect Scottish beauty
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Aka Douglas can be your angel or Oliver’s angel. Or simply put it this way, Douglas is taking a selfie while wearing his bunny suit for a suggestive pin up pose and sending it to Oliver(his husband in my au). I hope you’ll enjoy this art. And I was inspired by @asktrio516 @dilemmaart (thank you so much and you’ve inspired me a lot)
please go check it out and I promise you the humanized Douglas is amazing and I love it so much.
for @just-an-emily-existing , @jammyjams1910 and @kenora-pizza
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agirlwholovesspe33d · 3 months
headcanons for Douglas and Oliver
Both take advantage of their living on the West Coast to visit the beach on their days off/free time. Often going through quiet walks through the beach.
In fact, in one of those walks, they ended up lying down and kissing in the middle of the wave, and (similar to the scene with the mermaid in Shrek 2) Oliver ended up kissing Donald.
Oliver thought he could start feeling something after Douglas saved his job, but when he broke his knee accidentally, and Douglas carried him in his arms he was like "Yep. I'm in love with him now".
Oliver didn't tell anything about it to Duck, as he thought he would either be against it or his advice wouldn't be much use to him. So he went to Toad for advice. And Toad ended up encouraging Oliver to confess his feelings for Douglas.
If Oliver wants to give Douglas something he will usually ask Donald "What would Douglas like on his birthday" and Donald would gladly help him and not tell anything to his twin.
When she started working on the West coast, Daisy thought they were a poli-romantic couple until Donald said they weren't.
The Arlesdale Trio would definitely be their groomsmen at their wedding. (It’s funny to think of Frank as the flower girl XD)
I would totally do a Percy's Seaside Trip cover with them in mind, but I'm not too sure on what the lyrics would be.
You can actually see this and a lot of other headcanons for them and other ships in this here post:
Thanks for asking, have a nice day/afternoon/night.
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flamingoprincess25 · 8 months
Update since I posted the call out
I've gotten so many reblogs and I have to say, I'm so glad to help out a community that deserves WAY better than to have their art treated like shit because of some dipshit who couldn't even grow tf up.
I'm thankful for those who saw the call out post as all I wanted to do was help in the best of my ability. I was always afraid of standing up when it came it this kind of stuff but then I saw artists, like asktrio516 and another artist I don't remember, being harassed and bullied by this asshole and I HAD to stand up and alert others so that they don't fall victim to this horrible situation.
I'm glad he's being blocked and reported and I hope karma strikes him bc we all know, karmas a BITCH. And I'm glad that you all are doing okay and are staying strong!
Keep staying strong! I know you can! Even at your lowest point, mentally and physically, I'm very proud of all of you for standing up to that piece of shit who deserves NO PLACE on this platform.
Sorry about my small ramble but I wanted to get it off my chest. Take care y'all! Sending love and good vibes💞
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rokasachiko · 1 year
Bunny Suit
I’ve had this idea for a while but I wanted to see how it’d look one @asktrio516’s Edward rather then my own.
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Also the first digital drawing this month that I finished in a day.
took 3 hours and 3 minutes.
Thank you Asktrio for your permission to draw this! It made me really happy and I had a lot of fun~
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dinosautrik · 11 months
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Compared to how I used to draw guys, I have grown significantly in order to draw my beloved boy again. @asktrio516 IT'S FOR YOU, MY INSPIRATION, MY FAVORITE ARTIST!! Thank you for drawing!
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isleofsodora · 1 year
What if you fused designs with asktrio516? (Tbh I think that would look fucking awesome)
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Wanna do a collab with me @asktrio516 on how Thomas 2.0 came about sometime soon? Honestly I think we can conjure something epic!
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striderl · 2 years
TTTE Masterpost
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
The clarification to my humanized version of Thomas the Tank Engine universe.
An engine technically can live forever. However, there are prerequisite to it:
1. An engine’s gold dust supports their soul, it can diminish due to the wear and tear an engine sustain throughout their life, or losing their will to live
2. If an engine is damaged too badly and not being repaired for a prolonged amount of time, they will rust away and lose their soul, resulting in an empty machine. Because an engine without a soul or face is not allowed to work on the railway since they will cause trauma for other engines. If they have no historical significance, worse scenario, they will be SCRAPPED. Otherwise, they will be preserved.
3. If you damage their face severely, or forcefully taking their face from their original body
Living engines/coaches/machinery who are able to make a human version of themselves using the power of gold dust is called a shifter. Experienced shifters are capable of being separated from their original body for a longer period of time. The human body they created is a reflection on their mental age, and in some cases the appearance and state of their engine body. For example, Gordon looks like a man in his 40s because he is rather mature due to his experiences (my big G had too much trauma in his early years…).
They can’t use their shifted body for too long due to the limited energy of the gold dust. If the body is damaged too badly (such as losing vital organs in the case of humans), it may dissipate and the soul will return to the engines, after the incident it takes time to regenerate the body again. The human body is able to bleed (as I did before) and to feel pain. But once they return to their original body the sensation will stop. Additionally, shifters needed to form physical contact with their original body to return.
They can eat and drink, but only for sheer enjoyment instead of energy. And don’t forget, WE DON’T TALK ABOUT HENRY AND MCDONALDS HERE.
And lastly, special thanks to @asktrio516​ and @bruhstation​ for the inspiration in design! Sending my love to your art and stories here ❤❤❤
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Introducing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
🚂The Steam Team (1-12)🚂
Lady and Diesel 10
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thomastheloner13 · 2 years
Art for a creator
This is for @asktrio516
You have inspired me to finally get off my lazy ass and do some TTTE humanized Au art and I've gotten better in drawing because of it some other creators have inspired me as well but u gave inspired me for the longest of time! So thank you and this is for you i know u properly get a lot of much better art work but i think u deserve more! Sorry for my English and wired interaction i got autism. Btw your beautiful not in s creepy way of course i find everyone beautiful in their own way.oh and i was definitely not trespassing on your railway-(the little goblin is me if you haven't guessed 😂) and if others see this well idk what to say hope u liked the art! (this isn't romantically seen just me looking up to a skilled pretty person 😂
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viktuurishipper96 · 5 months
The Scottish twins duality🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
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sodor magic profile one:
Donald and Douglas are Scottish twins who have arrived from Scotland.
The two may be smart,mature, practical, preppy and proud but there’s the sole difference.
Donald (on the left) is a charmer and a jokester while Douglas (on the right) is a calm-natured beauty with a decent sense of humor; and the more serious and smarter but he’s the emotional one.
together they are the Scottish twins engines.
thanks @dilemmaverse @asktrio516 @dilemmaart for the inspiration of the Scottish twins.
and @kenora-pizza @just-an-emily-existing and @jammyjams1910 this one is for you
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Hey, @asktrio516
I recently found this thing called “Sexyman Descendents” where it's basically just Monster High but Tumblr sexyman
And hey @sexymandescendants @sparkerinparadise (I have no idea whats their main account???) I just made a new kid
So uuuhh
Meet Finch Collet!!
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(This is not her official design)
A so-called “normal” railway worker who takes after Duck (the Thomas the Tank Engine Tumblr sexyman yes a steam engine read about it here)
So basically:
Supposed to be his child in some way
Inspiration from @joezworld
She's an orphan because as inspiration from a game called “What Remains Of Edith Finch” her family members have dropped like flies.
She's still in the orphanage. No one has adopted her yet.
She works as a volunteer railway worker and mainly works with Duck
No surprise, she's a part of the Great Western human line.
Duck was the one who was the closest thing to family to her
He told her a lot of stories about the Great Western and started to kinda see him as a parental figure
She's pressured to live up to the Great Western legacy even tho she doesn't feel so connected to it
That she conflicted between what she wants and what she wants for her family
Like @bruhstation 's cstm! Duck
Tumblr High became a gateway for her to express herself more and find herself
She's level-minded, hard-working but she's a complete workaholic who's just competing with everyone at this point and tries to be good at everything
Takes after her father Duck once again haha
During her stay in the school she got them real life side roller wheels (like in @asktrio516 's humanized fanart) to move around
Likes literature and rapping
She can write an entire diss track about the engines on Sodor
Misses her old rustic life on said island
Wanted to join a technology club but got shy because she's interested in old steam engines
“Everyone in here is absolutely crazy” <- her forgetting about Sodor's “cultural quirks” when meeting people crazier than Sudrians
Messy hair. So messy that, in Douglas' word; “Dilly can take a wee nap in it. Or build a nest”
Fun fact Dilly did sleep there once
Does not know how to cook
Can only cook a simple egg and bacon sandwich
Only knows how to cook inside the engines
She's still learning how don't worry hahahehshshabmakallzpskxnxn
Anyways that's it i hope you guys like it :') thank you @itsjustempathy for helping me
Soon we will make for about her
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cutejk123 · 2 years
Happy New Year 2023 🎉
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Today is the first day of the new year 2023 and I wish you all a good one
I and we know that 2022 had has its ups and downs with some of the drama happened last year but we managed to be strong and got through that year with the love and friendship of the TTTE community. That year was when I started to get into this community and I have met the kindest and friendly people but I had stumbled upon not so nice people along the way but at least I no longer have the contact with them in the later half of that year.
Also, we went through our struggles that year as well, for example, what I went through. Back in last May, I was thinking of scrapping my hyperfixations all together and wanted to act normal and not who I am due to the pressures from those horrible people, but later, I came to accept that my hyperfixations with Luigi is just a part of myself and having it is a great thing and we cannot listen to those who have try to make us feel less than them, but as a community, we are strong and happy within ourselves and we have the respect for those who are different and considered not to fit in with the norms, which I love about this fandom.
Also, I have met some of great people in this fandom. I will tag the ones who I feel is a great inspiration for me and helping me to feel safe and happy and to feel that being yourself is a good thing 😊
@jammyjams1910 @asktrio516 @mavisartstuff @wysteriaisapenguin @railypimp @tigercarings @ohjeeztrains @putuponpercy @fraiserabbit @ferlost @hajimedics @togetherness23 @just-a-douglas-simp-existing @jasperdoodles @kikithesmolgrape @vi8089v8900000000000000000000000 @beumdi @napcak @marshyelmint and especially Coquí
So I am very thankful to have met these people, they are friendly, they care about others and I care about them too. Also, they understood myself and helped me to accept to being who I am as a person so thank you all and the rest of the community to bringing so much love and passion and importantly acceptance, which I hope this community would grow stronger in the new year ❤️
I will meet you all in the new year ✨️ 💛 💕
-Janae 🌸
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thesilversoutheastern · 11 months
Welcome to the Silver Southeastern Railway!
Ran by @caramellvibecheck, this little fleet of characters was made cause...why not? I don't know, the idea had me hostage for 3-4 months.
I'm not use to making introductions, but I do want to put some starter info here just in case:
I am a young adult who simply likes the RWS, Thomas and Friends, and anything related to TTTE. Anything else will be on my main blog.
I like shitposts and memes
I work with mature themes, so don't be surprised if you see some mature stuff and swear words here.
I have a hard time getting things done, so writing chapters can take a long time for me. Doesn't help that I'm in college atm- I'll try to be active, but it can be hard for me to handle my outside-of-internet life.
I block spammers. Please for the love of God don't spam asks. If I have already replied to the ask, I will link to it.
My stories uses premises seen in @asktrio516's human-engines, such as their strength, the option to eat, and leg wheels when in human form. This does not mean in any way I'm ripping off or such, I just enjoy and agree with those aspects that I incorporate them into my stories. Plus, I feel it gives a way of thanking her for being one of my main sources of inspiration when making this.
Now some basic questions in case I have to repeat myself:
Who's your favorite engine(s)?
Edward, Diesel, Murdoch, and Duncan.
2. What made you create this blog and get into TTTE?
Mostly because I stumbled onto @asktrio516's blog one day and then watched a lot of Unlucky Tug afterwards. I remember seeing the show as a kid, and I did remember liking it. I was mostly curious if the fandom was still kicking, and it was, as it kicked me into the rabbit-hole you are now reading.
3. Do you do art?
Not really, mostly I use Hero's Forge for visual references and write about additional factoids. I'll more likely commission someone than anything.
4. Is there a focused time where the SSER takes place?/Do you focus on the books, model era, or cgi era?
I'm not sure? BWBA and AEG does not exist in this, cause fuck Mattel, but otherwise not really? I will make a solid timeline though, as I do enjoy a timeline that doesn't mess stuff up. Character development will also be important for me, so it could depend on how I want to write out the arcs. WW2 stuff will be mentioned, alongside certain years, but it defiantly won't be modern times where cellphones and Tumblr exists. Best point I can place, if it was in a time where the SSER really kick in, it is in the surrounding years of dieselization.
If I had to pick an era for my blog...I'll be pulling from all the sources I can get, so I can fully understand the character and work from there. I will do my best to stay faithful to the source, but this is my story to tell. My biggest difference would defiantly be from TATMR, but I will still incorporate aspects from it.
5. Is there magic in this AU?
YES! Cry as I might, I still have a soft spot for TATMR.
Their main ability is to shift from engine to human forms thanks to Lady and her Golden Dust. All engines do have to be taught on how to use their abilities, but do know basic aspects of themselves (their build, basic functions, emotions, etc.). Certain aspects of their work before interacting with the Dust however, such as war, can also cause a variety of additional knowledge, such as having the ability to talk in multiple languages with little or no difficulty. Think of it as like reading to a baby before they are born. If asked what they did before the Dust was introduced, they can only remember events as a hazy dream or have no memory of it at all.
An example of this would be Oswald. He was built in America and was sent to Europe to aid in the war efforts, mostly staying in France with both English-speaking and French-speaking men working on him. Because of this, he is able to understand and speak both French and English when awoken by the Dust. He also knows he helped the Allies by pulling trains in France, but doesn't know what exactly was on his train or what occurred during.
I'm working on a story or Lady & D10, but it is going to take time so bare with me on it. Also there is such a thing as ghosts in my stories, so other mystical creatures could be seen as well.
6. What happens to and engine when they get hurt?
I go with @asktrio516's take on this, in that they can bleed a dark blood that never runs out. The blood, depending on the engine though, is different when compared: Steam engine blood is thinner or more watery to a diesel engine, which has more of an oily sheen when spilt. This also goes for other liquids too. It doesn't mean that either blood type has a negative affect on them, but it's treated similar to how humans learned not to mix blood types together.
Injuries also apply similarly, except for three key factors:
If an injury is grave enough, the ability to shift between forms is stopped until repairs or natural healing has occurred. A paper cut for example won't stop shifting, but the aftermath from a high-speed derailment or a broken limb can.
Golden Dust helps speed up the healing process, but it can still take weeks before shifting is allowed again.
Because of this, engines are required to have at least one human with them, nicknamed 'Drivermen' by the engines. They see them as a 2-in-1 of the driver and fireman roles. The engines themselves can still fuel themselves and work on their own fine, but if a injury occurs or if they need someone to go get help, the driverman would be there to fill in that need.
7. Do the engines have rights?
Well...engines aren't innately seen as people in my story. Mostly it depends on the Controller involved. Some can be father-like, like the Fat Controller or the Old Silver Controller, and others will scrap an engine without a second thought. Many do support the engines, but by a full-blown political/legal stance, they got nothing aiding them. They are seen as a sort of like pet. Very expensive pets that can talk.
All engines do want to work though, as it gives them value, but they see no use in things such as money (unless they like collecting it or something). They might be rewarded for good work with better coal or something the engine may want, but again, that is dependent on the controller the engine is working with.
Links (Will add more as time goes on):
The Silver Fleet
The Story of Lady
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8bit-engine · 11 months
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It's my 2 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
Holly crap I never knew I was on tumblr for two years. Well THANK YOU GUYS FOR MAKING MT TIME ON HEAR ENJOYABLE
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@jammyjams1910 @austindraws55 @fabianvalencia561 @asktrio516 @ohjeeztrains
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