#thank you 2022
umenodo · 2 years
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1231 Thank you 2022!🎉
Thank you so much for your generous support on commissions, streaming, twitter and tumbler.
Thanks to that, I was able to continue drawing for a year as well in this year too.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to you all.
Thank you and See you in 2023!✨
Thank you! :D
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namitha · 2 years
As 2022 draws to a close, I am so grateful and excited. I am grateful for God's grace, I am grateful for life, I am grateful for how God has led me and protected me. I am thankful for the ever-flowing flow of abundance in my life. I am grateful for my physical body, every cell is vibrating in health, wellness and wellbeing. Grateful for my home, my family, friends. Thank you my Tumblr friends, Thank you for being here with me. Thank you for our conversations. Thank you God for being able to help others. Grateful for the experiences I had this year. I made it through, lessons turned into growth. Lots of new insights and discoveries have been made throughout the process. Finally, and importantly, I am grateful for myself, for my evolution in 2022. I know I have the power to get rid of my old habits. I'm aligning myself with what's best for me. I have faith in the universe plan for myself! And now it's time to begin anew. Counting down to new adventures! Thank You 2022 🌻 Thank you Divine 🙏
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nuo2x2 · 2 years
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curvy road
Taken by nuo2x2 with Smena35 + Kodak Gold 200
2022 been a very rough year for me... yes, I believe it’s also the case for almost everyone, and I must be grateful that my 2022 was still waaaaay better than my 2021.. still, 2022 been a very emotionally exhausting year for me... a full ride of emotional roller coaster...
yet again, not everything was a bad experience, really.. that above snap for an example, a moment in my life where I really felt happy after a long year of waiting... yeah, noting special on that film photography, not my best snap for 2022 as well, yet the moment and the person I spent time there... it was one of the best time and experience in my life.. and I really grateful for that...
hahah, feel like rambling and talking much longer than usual here on my Tumblr, since nobody really read my Tumblr blog anyway right? so yee, a real safe heaven for me to share some of my real felling, nyeheheh
nonetheless, hoping for a better experience in 2023 for sure... and really wish I can have similar experience again with her.. if not next year, or the years to come...
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craftingmad · 2 years
Thank you 2022 for bringing Ryan Corr into my little fandom world
Looking forward to what 2023 brings for Ryan
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gghannd · 2 years
bye, 2022!
i had a lot of fun! this was the year that made me actually forget that i was an introvert.
the past 12 months was an experience making me feel like a main character in a book a long with having the 'character development phase' that comes with it.
i am grateful for everything, 2022! you made my year both exciting and memorable!
2023 hope you'll be nice to me like 2022 was.
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peejow · 2 years
December 31, 2022
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My 2022 is all about making the right decisions. I was stuck in a suffocating and toxic environment, and helped myself to get out of that mess and find greener pasture; might be the best decision I've made this year.
The year 2022 taught me to never settle with mediocre and always choose what's the best for your soul.
I'm ending this year with peace of mind and love in my heart and moving forward to 2023 in hope of more success and greater opportunities.
Happy New Year to Everyone 🎉
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2022 was a year filled with Birgil for me! It was a great year interacting with people who enjoyed the penguin as well!
Hope next year my drawing skills will improve (and the speed I draw) and review the possibility of delivering the penguin to people’s house( ー̀ωー́ ).。oஇ (as you may have notice the sleeping penguin turns out not suitable for moulding and failed. I am trying another type of clay now hope it works ( 人˘ω˘ ))
Happy New Year! Thank you for the great 2022! See you next year!
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infinitelynicolaan · 2 years
The Letting Go and Letting In
Oh, how I'll always remember when it's like I saw a flash of lightning on a sunny day, when what I wasn't aiming for, worked out for me by
seeing the moment more than thinking the future's intent, the year of finally taking my eyes off of yonder skies and stay awake for another pair that won't disguise.
All feelings and flesh, a time for a real connection in a tangible warmth and vivid vision, meeting myself outside the 'self' I created to Breathe beyond my fortified walls and Enter the doors of not relying on what I've always Known.
Less doubts and regrets, a year of letting go to make the letting in possible by saying goodbye to fate's phantom promises I tethered myself to, and steering away from what I can hardly touch to hold on to the hands willing to build a home with me.
It took and will take hauling tons of loads out of every room in my heart for a new shelter, here's to a new beginning to never surrender.
To leave behind everything I failed to find and move forward with Love's further reward.
-Nicola An 12/31/2022
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A year of many beginnings and endings- transitioned from high school to college, from 17 to 18, from teenager to adult, from long hair to shorter hair, and so. So many lessons. So many memories. So many goodbyes, so many hellos. It’s been such a beautiful year. A year of changes.
Thank you, 2022. I love you, forever and always. ❤️
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maria-gab-rielle · 2 years
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namitha · 2 years
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Open up to life, open up to people, new opportunities, self-love, patience, gratitude and awareness… I think that's exactly what the title could be described about my 2022. This year taught me to say "enough", allowed me to look at my life from a different perspective. I consider the time spent in the sky to be one of the most beautiful moments of the passing year. Harmony, optimism, strength, goodness, gentleness, self love, gratitude - these are just some of the spoils that I bring back from each expedition. I become attentive and open to new experiences, tastes, feelings and smells. Everything that touches me along the way makes me brave and love myself more and more. Thanks to this, now, I am richer for new experiences, I collect new skills and I have hungry for more…🍀
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racinggirl · 2 years
Happy New Year ❤️🌟🎆🎇
What a year it’s been
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littlecoffeekitty · 2 years
Little Coffee Kitty's 2022 Fandoms Review ♡
After so many years of doubting myself if I could write a fanfic, I finally let my inhibitions go and did it as a gift to myself on Christmas! I wrote six fanfics in a week, starting from the 25th, and I couldn't be prouder! Here's to plenty more stories this 2023! I'm so excited. ٩(๑òωó๑)۶(。>﹏<。)(ノ´∀`*)(。ŏ﹏ŏ)(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
Muted Sparks (2 chapters)
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Deidara x Sakura
Summary: Deidara's drunk, and someone's on his lap. He just wants to finish his drink in silence, damn it.
LCK's thoughts on writing it: I love, looooove this so much. This is the very first fanfic I ever wrote on AO3, and it'll always have a very special place in my heart. Yeah, I was very drunk while I wrote it, but it was worth it. I was so tired of always having second thoughts on writing fanfic, and I broke through it! I did it!
Baon sa Pagtulog (Rough translation from Tagalog: "Carried into Sleep")
Fandom: Mad Max: Fury Road
Pairing: The Dag x Slit
Summary: Slit's cold medicine turns him into a sappy man.
LCK's thoughts on writing it: This fic is one of my personal favorites. It has a different flavour from all the rest, and I like it because of that. Also, I absolutely adore this pairing.
White Flower
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: The Uchiha Siblings
Summary: Itachi gets woken up in the middle of the night by his little brother.
LCK's thoughts on writing it: Oh man, my own pain was my inspiration here. I just woke up in the middle of the night with my stomach hurting, and so to distract myself from it, I wrote this fic. After I applied White Flower on myself, of course. I also liked the particular way it turned out.
Fandom: Undertale
Characters: Sans and Frisk
Summary: Frisk had a very frightening dream. Sans tries to soothe them.
LCK's thoughts on writing it: This was just a small idea I had, and I wanted to try it. I wanted to see where it goes. I want to write more Undertale fics in the future.
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Obito x Rin
Summary: Obito holds Rin in his arms.
LCK's thoughts on writing it: Oh boy, pain, pain was my inspiration as well. Pain on the inside. I was in a very bad headspace when I wrote this. My tears didn't go to waste.
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Deidara x Sakura
Summary: Sakura and Deidara sneak out of the party and go somewhere quieter.
LCK's thoughts on writing it: AHHHHH, I loved writing this so much talaga! I really, really enjoyed it! I went on a roller-coaster ride of emotions throughout. I got so frustrated so many times, and there were moments where I just wanted to quit writing it. But I got through it! I finished it, and I'm so proud.
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myhughniverse · 2 years
Kylie Minogue - via social media - "Thank you 2022 ✨"
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Closing this chapter of our journey with a thank you art!✨😊
I love how this one turned out!💙
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chachagarcia06 · 2 years
new chapters & new beginnings! 🤗
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