#thank you @riren-is-canon!
ricagato · 7 years
Tag Game
I was tagged by @riren-is-canon . Thank you!!!! 👅 (Actually, I don’t know how this will appear because Tumblr is acting weird. I’m on mobile:) Rules: -always post the rules -answer the questions given by the person who tagged you -write 11 questions of your own -tag 11 people
1. Do you prefer looking at fan-art or reading fan-fiction? -Ooo tough question but if I have to choose I guess fan-fiction.
2. If you were a CEO and had to hire three characters from your favorite fandom, who would you choose and why? -Hmm well no doubt Takano Masamune (just because he is my senpai and a hell of a bitch ass boss). I guess I’ll choose Mo Guan Shan (he seems trustworthy and sweet). And of course Satamoto! (From Sakamoto Desu Ga). He is a super human…or an alien but I know I can count on him when I need him.
3. How do you think you would do if you were to participate in a survival game? (Like the Hunger Games etc.) -Well shit, I will not make it to the end, if we’re talking about the real deal. But I am fast and a great lier but that’s just it. With my stupid bipolar disorder and trust issues I don’t think I’ll count on others so I’ll be a lone wolf which might kill me. Who knows.
4. What is your least favorite dish and why? -pork. (I think its unclean and unhealthy. And a bit disgusting. My personal opinion of course)
5. Pick one character from your favorite fandom. Who would you like to give a piece of mind. What would you say? -Ritsu Onodera. I will tell him its okay to be scared about the future and what are the outcomes will be but listen to your heart. It will guide you. Have a little trust in yourself (and your partner). I support you man!
6. You have won the lottery, and can bring any person or character anywhere in the world. Who would you pick, and where would you go? -One person?! Damn. This is deep. But I’ll take my best friend aka childhood friend Nathan to Japan. He is like a part of my life and always been there. I will like to show him Japan and it’s enchanting culture.
7. What is your favorite quote, and why? -“I walk slowly, but I never wallk backward.” By Abraham Lincoln. You may not succeed like others or may not be worthy enough but you never give up. You stand up and continue to walk forward. (That’s how I interpret it).
8. Pick three characters from your favorite fandom to place in three different movies. Who would you place in what movie and why? -Ooo my kind of game. I’ll choose Jian Yi as the main character in The Hobbit. I have no idea why but I just want to see how he will deal with it. He Tain in James Bond! Action, Drama, TUXEDO! It suits him. XD And Mo Guan Shan in one of those cooking competition movies. :p It will be epic.
9. What is your favorite social media, and why? -Tumblr and bc it’s the only social media I have.
10. Most embarrassing experience that happened in 2017? -Where to start! There was once when I went to the movies with my gang of friends and we decided that the only girl in the group will get to choice the movie. She choose a romantic movie 😒. So we went in and sat down but I ended up sitting between one of my friends and a bunch of girls. So halfway though the movie, I grabbed for some popcorn BUT at the same time my friend also wanted some so we ended up touching hands. It was during one of those romantic scene and of course, the group of girls saw us and they instantly started gagging about us. “Awww so sweet!” “Eeek look at them!!! OMG!” “Are they a couple?! What?!” “Kiss already!!!” So us two idiots we simply blushed and scooted far away from each other. And it went on like that for the rest of the movie. Ahhhh I WANNA KILL MYSELF!
11. What is your favorite Disney song, and why? -ahh I don’t have one!?
Sooo tag 11 people..? Hmm I tag @very-distressed-dolphin @coldish-ice @he-tian-woos-his-man @lovebart @sharururu @callmehhrainbow @onejs @eve416 I can’t think of anyone else. But anyone is welcome. You don’t have to do this! Oh yeah! The same questions above ⤴ because I love these and they really made me think!!! Thanks this was fun 👅
@toasty-is-roasty and you as well!!!
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Hi! I was wondering if you know any trans!Eren ereri/riren fics? If it's canon-verse or something close to canon setting, that'll be even better! Thank you in advance and thank you SO much for your work, all the recs and fics you found is really helpful!!
Try these ones~
you're holy, I want you to know it by ereris
(Rated E, 1,118 words, oneshot, complete)
Eren is insecure about his body the first time he sleeps with Levi, but Levi is determined to change his mind.
In The Wrong Body by Florian_Gray
(Rated G, 821 words, oneshot, complete)
Eren Yeager is trans. He is a man in a women's body and doesn't want anyone to know. So of course someone finds out.
Trust You by hiisofy
(Rated M, 2,916 words, oneshot, complete)
He wasn't dysphoric, at least, not too much. He hated his bottom part, but he couldn't do nothing to change it so he learned to live with it. He was just very insecure. About his body. He was scared that Levi wouldn't like him.
He had some scars where his chest was once rounder, and even if they represented his pride, he was scared Levi would find them ugly.
And his bottom- Levi was into guys. Which meant dick. Everytime he thought about that he couldn't help but cry a bit. Asking himself if Levi really liked him this way.
I Thought You Knew by kuki
(Rated E, 873 words, oneshot, complete)
Levi and Eren have been together almost as long as Eren's been in the Survey Corps, but they're finally taking their relationship to the next level. Levi tries to be prepared; he isn't.
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browngurl99 · 4 years
(Note : M/M = Male x Male | M/F = Male x Female | F/F = Female x Female | wlw = women loving women | mlm = men loving men)
Is it just me? Or Anime fandoms just.... avoid wlw ships?
Like, there are so many M/M and M/F ships in an anime fandom. But F/F ships? You rarely find any
When you look for fanfictions, you will find many M/M & M/F ship ffs even when the male characters aren't well written or have less screentime
Anime fandoms just ignore that wlw ships exists like, like when you go to search for fanfictions, the amount of fanfictions for these ships, where the ship is the main pairing will be very less as compared to other ships
Take AOT/SNK for an example
Why are there so many main works of RiRen, a ship with such a huge age gap and hardly any chemistry but not many of the cannon ship, YmiHisu ?
Don't tell me about Mikannie. I feel the same way about it as Ereannie - IT HARDLY MAKES ANY SENSE
'Kiss him not me'
"OMG! MUTSUMI SENPAI IS THE ONLY ONE WHO LOVED SERINUMA BEFORE SHE BECAME SKINNY" but no one notices that Shima also fell in love with Kae before that. And when Kae gained weight again, Shima supported her while Mutsumi didn't had any opinion on it. Also, Mutsumi was just friendly to Kae. He started having romantic feelings for Kae after the beach episode.
Also, if y'all be like "But Mutsumi was the only one who recognized her after weight loss" then,.... WHY do I see more Nanashima x Kae shippers than Shima x Kae shippers ?
Now, look at Kiyoyachi. Yachi had such gay panic when she saw Kiyoko for the first time. And she is usually found blushing or getting nervous around Kiyoko. Also Kiyoko acts differently with others than she acts with Yachi. In my opinion they have the best chemistry among all Haikyuu ships bcoz Neither Kiyoko nor Yachi shows any interest in other characters.
Why is it that "Obviously *insert any Karasuno first year name here* x Yachi is canon!"
Why Yachi's most obvious crush on Kiyoko is ignored by fandom but there are tons of fanfics of two male characters who just had one proper interaction ?
If the same thing happened in case of an mlm ship in HQ the whole fandom would've gone crazy over it.
Now don't say "KiyoTana is canon!" No one saw it coming. It was such a surprise for the fans.
If any of the HQ boy who is heavily shipped with another HQ boy, would've ended up with a female character. The whole fandom would've been SO MAD
What I'm trying to say is : Ship whatever you want but don't ignore wlw ships.
I know y'all love mlm stuff. I'm myself fond of some mlm anime (YOI, Doukyuusei, etc) AND I also have many mlm ships.
But wlw anime and wlw ships also needs some love.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk (What an original joke, Right ?)
Edit : The irony is that most of my posts are about mlm ships.... BUT I would try to make more posts about wlw ships. Also, I'm going to watch a bunch of wlw anime after my exams ends
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sugarplum-senpai · 3 years
Sparrowverse completed!
Today, the final Magpie chapter went online and completed my Wings of Freedom Series. 
For those who read along: I am in awe at your amount of feedback, your dedication, and your loyal support. Thank you. You are amazing. 
For those who waited for the final chapter to go up: The verse is ready to binge now. No posting interruptions, no cliffhangers you have to endure for longer than a click. All there to gobble up in one go. Enjoy. <3
Wings of Freedom series
Pairing: Levi/Eren Rated E, 5 works, 758,882 words Additional tags: Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Post-War, Tea, Pining, canon divergent from manga chapter 86, Friendship, Slow Burn, Romance, Fix-It, Established Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, The Underground (Shingeki no Kyojin), Comradeship, Canon-Typical Violence
Recommended reading order: 
Nuthatch  Rated M, 7 chapters, 30,500 words Also available as podfic, read beautifully by @attraversiamo19
Sparrow (Revised) Rated E, 29 chapters, 113,674 words Also available in Polish, translated by Tłumaczenia Riren on Wattpad
Swallow Rated M, 7 chapters, 51,475 words With accompanying fanart by @l-leonhardt​
Magpie Rated E, 100 chapters, 561,825 words
Upon This Thermal I Soar Rated M, one-shot, 1355 words (not Ereri, but my two other dorks) 
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ryuichirou · 4 years
I'm still extremely unsure as to why some people think that Eren was a bottom even before the timeskip. He has his polite mannerisms and sometimes even simps for Levi 👀 but he's also always been feral lmao. The courtroom scene doesn't even have weight towards a submissive behavior (like some people think for some reason) cuz like Eren was seething and giving Levi the stink eye right after getting a shoe to the face. Nevermind that Levi has explicitly stated that he hates violence and being dominant unless it's for greater purposes (he's such a bottom bitch). Do you have any ideas as to why Eren was viewed as a bottom so much?
Anon god bless your soul lol
I actually replied to an ask about why I think Eren is a top, and, let me point something out – I didn’t use post time-skip Eren (except for one frame).
You’re absolutely right and you basically said everything that we think of this situation: Eren is indeed a polite boy, and he indeed did simp for Levi, and maybe even was a little bit scared of him (although I think that he was scared that he would disappoint/upset him more than anything). But he’s always been feral, their very first meeting literally ended with him making that creepy face while talking about how he wants to kill all the titans.  And the courtroom scene, oh that courtroom scene, don’t even get me started or I’ll write another long-ass post about how misinterpreted it is and how it actually shows Eren’s uncontrollable and scary nature (here’s the first post about that topic). I complain about it a lot, but still: people like to ignore Eren’s character and the fact that he’s always been blunt, stubborn and aggressive, just like they like to ignore the fact that Levi doesn’t like to be dominant and only acts accordingly when it’s absolutely necessary (a lot of times it’s just for the show).
As for what made people see Eren as a bottom… Well, of course, different people have different preferences yada yada I don’t need to tell anyone that, but if we’re talking about a certain fandom phenomenon (and this is exactly what we’re talking about), I think it’s just a joke/meme/idk how to call it that snowballed out of proportions.
Imagine: 2013, the SnK fandom on tumblr is absolutely massive, that courtroom episode just came out… and the internet just exploded with memes, edits, jokes, horny fanart, etc. And all of it boils down to one idea: Levi is a dominatrix daddy who just made that loud brat shut up!! Of course, there were people who were just horny for Levi’s legs and thought he would be a sexy bottom (me for example lol although there was a lot of bottom!Levi fanart back then…), but for the most part it went exactly how I described: people, who were already excited and intrigued by Levi, saw his performance and ran with it, spreading the word of Levi-the-daddy. And Eren, well, I feel like Eren was (and still is in a lot of cases) just an afterthought and made into a bottom by default, because people wanted to see Levi fuck and didn’t care about Eren as much. With Eren, it’s interesting, because I clearly remember people either not giving a fuck about him and thinking that he’s just your basic shounen protag, or ABSOLUTELY HATING HIS GUTS FOR SCREAMING AND BEING LOUD: either way, it kind of lead to people ignoring his personality and just making him into someone Levi can kick and fuck when he pleases (because Eren is loud and annoying 🙄).
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Eren didn’t become a chad cuz puberty, he’s always been aggressive, dominant, physical, smart and even manipulative in some ways. He used to be more emotional, but that still doesn’t mean anything. Put him in any position you want, but if it’s a whole different character with a different personality that doesn’t act like Eren at all, what even is the point in calling him Eren?
Also, and sorry I might be just overthinking it, but: I feel like this “bottom Riren Eren” persona doesn’t exist in any other ship? Like, on a massive scale. If we take Ererei for example, people’s interpretation of Eren there is much closer to the canon Eren: maybe it’s because the ship (even though it definitely existed before) flourished after ch99-101, and it’s much easier to see Eren’s nature in these chapters? Or just because people with other less popular ships pay more attention to the source material and see the real Eren, not the loud brat from the fanart and memes from 2013 that people wanted to shut up. On the other hand, people who ship Zekeren also ignore Eren’s personality a lot of times, although probably their attitude towards each other is ignored, not their personalities. Sigh…
PS. I think it’s fair to say that people calling Levi a bottom bitch is my religion now
Sorry for the late reply! And thank you for your question, we enjoyed it a lot.
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alprazolamsuperstar · 3 years
Okay since I'm going to use this platform to post my Ereri/Riren art, I might as well post some sort of disclaimer too
* I will of course not try to shove my art in your face, if that's not your thing and the tumblr algorithm keep showing it to you, block me
* I will not pretend that the ship is canon (let's be honest, it's not) with shitty theories and photoshopped screenshots like I've seen other pro-ereri fans do on other platforms, but it doesn't give you the right to shit on it under my posts just because you don't like it.
* I will NOT draw nsfw arts portraying 15 years old Eren because it's just gross. However I can't guarantee I wont post slightly shippy artworks with pre TS Eren. We're talking about a work of fiction here, If you're applying our current morals to the SNK universe, I think you have a lot of immoral/illegal things worth worrying about more important than this.
*Yes, the SNK universe is absolutely not romance focused, and I agree with you, but shipping/doujins/etc are part of a thing called FAN CULTURE, we are not saying our favourite ship is canon, or that we would want to see it become canon, we are just having FUN
Thank you for reading, have a great day :^)
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lankygeralt · 4 years
Thank you for tagging me @choulatte !
2020 has been a crappy year, but I finished my first multichaptered fic this year! (Two even, if you count the one I started in 2019). I’ve definitely seen a change in my writing, both content wise and stylistic. I can’t wait to finish the fics I’ve started and soon show you a new wip hehehe!
I’m doing the stats for both fandoms!
Tagging: @geraskier-hell @geralt-jaskier @tsundanire @gods-no-longer-tread-here @pandatowrites @flamoria and anyone who wants to do this. You’ve now been tagged ;)
AO3 stats: 2020
Word count: 113′551
Hits: 94′167
Kudos: 6′892
Comment threads: 882
Bookmarks: 1′640
Subscriptions: 1′418
My works: (2020)
Midnight Breeze: Explicit (2,141), complete, canon divergence/canonverse, outdoor smut.
Yearning Glances: Explicit (2,009), complete, modern au, bodyguard!Geralt, Vocalist!Jaskier, smut.
Développé: Explicit (1,593), complete, modern au, ballet au, smut.
Geraskier Drabble Collection: Not Rated/Explicit (7,303), Patreon drabble collection.
Next to You: Explicit (42,517), 18/18 complete, modern au, neighbors, age difference, slow burn, eventual smut.
Sugar Crush: Explicit (16,079), 4/? ongoing, modern au, sugar daddy!Geralt, teasing, eventual smut.
Lift Me Up: Explicit (31,064), 12/12 complete, modern au, blind!Eren, college au.
Bad Idea: Explicit (5,491), complete, modern au, fake dating, (eventual) smut.
Simpler: Explicit (5,354), 1/3 ongoing, modern au, boss/assistant, eventual smut.
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choulatte · 4 years
2020 Writing Round-up
I think 2020 has been a rather unpleasant rollercoaster ride for most of us. Which is why I really wanted to do another one of these round-ups to show myself just how much I still managed to get done this year. 
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of my readers - new and old - that deemed my works worthy of spending time on. Thank you so much for sticking around, for your love and support - despite my rather irregular posting/updates. I truly appreciate all of you and I hope I can provide you with worthy sustenance in 2021 as well 💖💖
AO3 stats: 2020 - (Total):
Word Count: 65′978 - (249′641)
Hits:   68′956 - (161′731)
Kudos: 4′120 - (10′180)
Comment threads: 235 - (953)
Bookmarks: 1′468 - (3252)
Subscriptions: 950 - (2′698)
My works:
My Turn: Explicit (16′635). Complete, AU - Supernatural Elements, Vampire Eren, Creature Levi, Sexual Tension, Smut/NSFW, cat and mouse game, Mystery
The Sweet Scent of Intoxication: Explicit (139′079) Ongoing. Modern AU, ABO/Omegaverse, Alpha Levi, Omega Eren
Colour, Love?: Explicit (7′792): Complete: HP: EWE, BDSM, Smut/NSFW, Dom Draco, Sub Harry
Forged in Fire: Explicit (24′860): Ongoing: Canon-Divergence, Dragon Jaskier, (Draconic) Courting Rituals, Courtship, Pining
Forever Wanting More: Explicit (9′490) Complete: Canon-Divergence, Fix-it-Fic, post S1-E6, Getting together, Smut/NSFW
Tagging: @lankylevi @fluffyboots @roxi4 @templemap @chibinico @freedom-wingz @lankygeralt @teapotscandal @xanderb-ao3 @omglevixeren @flamoria  and anyone who I might have forgotten and feels like doing it 💖
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hello so i read this fic a while ago, and i don't remember its name anymore. it was basically about them going on a school trip to a museum? i think and they went out to the garden where there was a statue of them in the canonverse (a soldier and his captain) escaping from the war. hange was a gardener of the museum's garden i think. thank you!
Hello there 👋 tbh I was so surprised to see an ask on this account since I haven't really used it too much beyond some reblogs. I thank you for leaving an ask 😆
Unfortunately I haven't read many snk/riren fics in a while and the one you're describing to me doesn't sound familiar 😥 I'm so sorry that I can't be of more help 🥺
I've only read some fics with reincarnation/ seeing canon type stuff, but they didn't have museums.
(Edit) I remember reading a memeraid au which involved them going through a garden maze for their wedding I think?) Idk if that might ring a bell? Not sure if they saw any statues that referenced canonverse?
Maybe if someone else sees this they might have an answer for you🤔
Again, I'm sorry I can't be of more help 🙏💗
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lou96 · 4 years
Do you have any fav riren fics that you could recommend? I'm starving for some good riren fan fiction 😩
_Hello there! I do! And, you can always check my riren fanfics too (I’ve a bunch of them - modern/canon/fairy/high school AU/police-mystery...)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21860917/chapters/52174561 Sleight of Hand from Aishi (probably my fav - I always go read it again, it is cute and very funny!)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27215233/chapters/66479485 Line It Up from Lou96 (me)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26991295/chapters/65885569 Strawberry Donuts from Lou96 (me)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15092501/chapters/34995653 Obedience  from Nearlythornless (this is a A/B/O fic and man my favorite I think)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21434326 Just like bones from Orphan account (so good! oneshot)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18736969 Two Clean Freak Walk Into a Bar  from @fromstarlighttodust (hilarious and very cute)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14773247/chapters/34166876 Forest of Twilight from @fluffyboots (Amazing fic! and at this point... who hasn’t read it??)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23848072 Sunset Lover from @flamoria (basically everything they write is 🙏)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14478963/chapters/33446787 Eren Doesn’t Like Dates from bean_writes (again very very funny and i cannot resist a cop)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22872079/chapters/54667159 A Town Called Chaos from random_writer (another cop Levi hehe really sweet)
I mean I’ve TONS of Riren fanfics I could recs you and if you want more let me know or go check my Riren Collections: https://archiveofourown.org/users/lou96/collections  
(they are separated by what you want ex: canon/omega...)
Hope you like them and!! Let me know <3 <3 thanks for your question (sorry btw I got a problem with the links....!!)
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erenspaths · 4 years
People in this fandom are too busy shipping or rooting for the whole “marvel” squad thing and “saving the world” to understand that one of the main themes of snk is the gray morality. That’s so fucking repetitive, And is addressed so much throughout the whole manga in regard to almost every character. No one’s hands are clean, no one is a ‘good person’. 1/2
Tumblr media
Yeah totally. It is literally exhausting to be forced to justify oneself to appreciate a fictional character because some people think he is morally bad. Moreover, since this manga is categorized in some countries as a shōnen, but to mine (country) as a seinen, and....it usually deals with dark things! If this reading doesn't suit them, then nothing obliges them to read it but yes, it is true that it becomes repetitive to hear that Eren is the bad guy in the story and that we are foolish people to support him. 😔
I was insulted as a Nazi, pro-fascist, pro-genocidal...like what? Are people serious? I think they are. Friendly reminder, besides being none of the 3 things mentioned above, it's fucking fiction. As you point out here, enough of these so-called SJWs justifying their good conscience by stalking us like wild animals to try to get the right words into our minds. Fuck you, I don't need you to tell me what's morally right or wrong. 🤭 Yes I love Eren, as I love many other characters in various other fictions. Eren being such a complex character to me, it's hard to fit him into a particular category. He's neither white, nor black, nor even gray, he's just Eren Jaeger. A kid who was able to murder 2/3 adult men at least twice his height and 3 or even 4 times his weight, at the age of 9, to save Mikasa and his own life. A boy brave enough to put his own life in danger to save others and literally throw himself into the mouth of a titan to save Armin.
A boy ready to die to free his oppressed comrades. A boy determined to kill all his enemies. A boy who has forgiven "those who killed his mother." -> Reiner. A boy who freed a little girl who had become a goddess of 2000 years of slavery. A boy who is currently the rumbling activator, but is he really responsible?
To make a last aside, about our friends the SJW are for 3/4 of them, hypocrites. I can't count the number of blogs, posts that see themselves fighting against, for example, pedophilia and the fact (I'll take SNK as material to introduce my example) that enjoying Ereri/Riren had to be seen as something unhealthy... just because Levi is clearly older than Eren and then shipping Levi x Mikasa, it’s also pedophilia then lmao. 🤣 If they were real people, I would certainly question myself, but at the moment, this remains and remains a fiction. If you like Levi!bottom x Top!Eren let's go, it's your right, who cares if other people harass you by saying that you ship men of different ages and that it's morally wrong, if in real life you don't consider pedophilia as something normal. Personally, I don't ship Ereri, but for another reason than Levi's and Eren's age difference. 😅
This blog is meant to be anti-pairing, because Yama and I want it to be 100% Eren-centric. Moreover, if you read SNK correctly, it's clearly complicated to find a real romance in it despite a few canonical couples like Historia x Ymir (104th), or now Annie and Armin, even if, in the end, it's limited to flirting, more than a real romantic story.
What shippers forget is that no matter what your OTP is, don't change according to what others think as it brings YOU happiness and joy, whether it makes sense or not in the canon, on the other hand, never force your opinion on others, under the pretext that you are right here. Don't be mean to others because they don't appreciate the same thing as you do. You have the right to send anyone, but don't forget that they do too. 🙄
Finally, yes Eren is the main character of this series, he's the key character, the story revolves around him, and if people are dumb enough to deny it, too bad for them. I don't force anyone to like Eren, it's a right not to like him as a character, but still keep in line with the canonverse or take literature classes and learn to tell the difference between a protagonist and an antagonist, a hero and an anti-hero. Without Eren, there is no story. 🥴 BTW, thank you very much for enjoying our blog, it means a lot to us!!!!! 💕💕💗💗
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ackernerd · 7 years
how about 'didn't know you couldn't swim' with some rirens 😍😋
This was a bit angsty and effusive at the beginning but it gets better lololol. This is also very canon-divergent for obvious reasons. Thank you and enjoy!!! (430-ish words) Send me a prompt and pairing!
The Scouting Legion had finally made it to the ocean.
It had taken years and years of expeditions; dozens anddozens of lives sacrificed for humanity’s sake; and trials and trials to haveovercome—but there was also the unbridled relief that the citizens and scoutsexperienced when their two symbols of freedom, Humanity’s Strongest and Humanity’sHope, returned safely.
The sheer amount of joy Eren felt seeing the ocean for the firsttime was almost palpable. His fellow soldiers, the ones that remained from the104th Training Corps, ran off toward the sparkling water but Eren onlysank to his knees, reveling in the warmth and texture of the sand.
“Oi,” a rough voice broke his reverie, “are you gonna justsit there like a bump on a log, or are you gonna go get in on the fun?”
Eren turned his head, his eyes filled with tears, “Yeah,Levi, just one minute.”
Levi was taken aback by the emotion that had taken over hislover’s eyes, the tears making his eyes sparkle like the unexplored waters. He loweredhimself down onto the sand next to Eren, grunting with the effort. He didn’tlike to think about it, but he had grown old. Many times he had told Eren tofind a younger person to fill his bed, but every time Eren had refused, smilingwhile saying, “Nah, you’re the only one for me, my love.”
He had just gotten seated comfortably before Eren, in all his youthful vigor,stood up quicker than a flash, picked Levi up under the knees and shoulderblades (too much like a blushing bride for Levi’s comfort), and ran full forcetoward the waters.
“Ereeen, put me downnnn,” Levi yelled, voice bumping due tothe gait of Eren’s run. But his command was unheeded. He barely had time totake a gulp of air before his head was submerged.
“Pwooah,” the older man sputtered as he struggled to get hishead above water, “Eren, you poopshit, I can’t swim!” Suddenly, behind himthere was a sturdy body for him to latch on to. Of course Eren would be able totouch the sea floor… Him and his poopshit, long-ass legs…
“Did you just call me a ‘poopshit’?” Eren voice shook withlaughter, “Also why didn’t you tell me you couldn’t swim? I feel like that was a major piece of information that I would’ve needed to know beforethis expedition.”
Levi just koala-hugged his lover tighter, face hidden in hisstupid, gorgeous tan neck.
“Fuck you, you poopshit,” he grumbled.
Eren just countered with a blinding smile, “Your poopshitthough.”
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ricagato · 7 years
TAG GAME- Put your music on shuffle and add the first 10 songs you get!!!
Oh boi, y'all have no idea how my music play list looks like. It's a mess 😂
I was tagged by the amazing @szpiko (Thk u Luca!:p) Let's start!
1. Rattle (orginial mix)- Bingo players (fav band)
2. Møme- Aloha
3. Howling Moon- Coleman Hell
4. New- Daya
5. OK- Robin Schulz (cool dude)
6. Skinnydippin'- Vengaboys (boisss)
7. Fade- Alan Walker
8. Feel it still- (the one and only) Portugal the man!
9. Klanga (De Hofnar Remix ((HK Tro...))- Gostan
10. Gigi D'Ago Stino Bla Bla Bla
What can I say, I love mostly pop (remix) music, EDM and newly released hits. (I'm a Dweeb)
I'll tag @riren-is-canon @very-distressed-dolphin @yaoiisloveblr @onejs and everybody who wants to join in! (You don't have to do this!)
(Thanks for waking me up from my slumber for this)!
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sweetsoursugarcube · 7 years
5 people you would kiss/hug
Tagged by @yanderr02 thank you! :)
on the forehead: Marco
on the cheek: Eren
on the top of the head: Mikasa
on both cheeks: Sasha maybe? I think she’d like this
on the lips: Levi
big ol’ bear hug: Reiner
lingering embrace: What kind of lingering embraces are we talking about? Levi or Mikasa
side hug: Jean
ardent embrace, including swinging around & laughing: Tempted to say Hanji, but Eren
group hug: I’d like to know what it feels like to hug Eren, Mikasa and Armin at the same time
I’m tagging @alphaofallcats @sugarplum-senpai and @riren-is-canon, but no pressure if you don’t feel like it :)
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cordyherondale · 7 years
Music Tag
Rules: Put your music library on shuffle and list the first ten songs. Then tag 20 different people
I was tagged by @the-north-star thank you sweetheart
well, I don’t have a phone so no playlist except for one in YT so I’ll go with that one (purely anime songs sorry)
Hikaru Nara (Shigastsu Wa Kami no Uso)
My Most Precious Treasure (Angel Beats)
Kyouran Hey Kids! (Noragami)
My Soul,Your Beats (Angel Beats)
Ignite (Sword Art Online)
Arrival of tears (11 Eyes)
Unravel (Tokyo Ghoul)
Kyomu Densen (Another)
Zen Zen Zense (Kimi No Na Wa)
Futatsu no Kodou to Akai Tsumi (Vampire Knight)
This is all that I have been listening to lately :D
I Tag @annalightwoodthequeen @asexualmarauder @bookloveranimewatcher @livvyswifi @tavvy-and-rafe-are-parabatai @shadowhunterworld @oblivionsdream @riren-is-canon @yatorihell I don’t want to tag 20 people so sorry if I missed you and if you wanna do it consider yoursel tagged :)
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kakooshi · 7 years
Ereri/riren ;)
Whoo boi, prepare for a long one…
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• When or if I started shipping it:
I was searching for some Youtube videos shortly after watching the first few episodes of Snk, as I usually do when I show interest in a series. Eventually, I stumbled upon that fateful video of Levi beating Eren up in court. Being the nosy person that I was, I scrolled through the comments and was a little surprised to find out that people shipped them because I wasn’t aware at the time that Levi was saving Eren from getting his ass killed. Then, I saw that scene where they were sitting at the table in ep 24 and I was still skeptical because damn, Levi sounded older than he looked. But then, I saw this thumbnail:
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Look at that. LOOK AT THAT. IS THAT BEAUTIFUL OR WHAT!!??? The desire in Eren’s eyes…the tenderness in which he cups Levi’s face…That picture got to me. It got to me so hard all my doubts faded away, and at that moment, I was screwed. Before I knew it, I finished the first season of the anime, read fanfics and metas, gawked at the number of official art they were in together, ignored the antis, and you know the rest :)
• My thoughts: 
It scares me a bit how strongly I feel about Ereri. I don’t think another ship will ever ignite such tremendous joy in me more than these two. I’ve gained more ships during the years, but none of them repeated the same excitement I felt for the two imperfectly beautiful monsters that stole my heart. For me, Ereri is the kind of romance you wouldn’t see coming, the kind that starts out with uncertainty and rough edges but eventually falls into something natural and beautiful as it grows. And yes, I ship it in canon. No amount of hate is ever gonna derive me of that.  
• What makes me happy about them: 
I’m happy that there are a lot of quality content in art and fanfics in the fandom despite Eren and Levi’s limited interaction in canon (AUs are the best). I’m also happy that the shippers are willing to protect and stand up for each other amidst the spamming and the hating and whatnot. I’m at least glad that the ship isn’t based on fear and abuse because of the way Levi looks after Eren (please read the manga), and how Eren still respects Levi even after knowing who he really is as a person and not as Humanity’s Strongest. I mean come on, what kind of “abuser” gives his “victim” pep talks and half-assed poop jokes just to make him feel better?
• What makes me sad about them:
 I’m sad that Ereri is hated as much as it is loved and that most fans overlook their actual and more meaningful dynamic because of works that portray their relationship poorly and how they think the ship only revolves around sex or bdsm or whatever. I’m also sad to see that there’s not much going on in the Ereri tag other than reposted art and more crosstagging from the antis (shoutout to @dinklebert and @aurieackerman for bringing life to the tag though). The thing that upsets me most is how other ships are pitted against Ereri in such a hateful fashion.
• Things done in art/fic that annoys me: 
Gee…I usually suck up to anything but let’s see:
- Erwin (or any other character) being used as a plot device for a love triangle 
- “Shitty brat” (or Levi being more of an asshole than he usually is in the series smh)
- Eren being written as a fragile shrinking violet like seriously, the kid is NOT a shoujo moe character. He’s a serial killer-in-training. (credits to @accidentalyandere )
- Grisha’s A+ parenting
- Eren and Levi instantly doing the do without any development whatsoever.
• Things I look for in art/fic:
CANONVERSE! CANONVERSE! CANONVERSE! THERE IS NEVER ENOUGH CANONVERSE ERERI IN MY LIFE. Can’t I just get these two badasses fighting side by side, drinking tea, dashing through the woods with their 3dmg, riding on horses into the sunset, sparring incessantly to the point where a crowd gathers to watch their incredible skills, treating each other’s injuries, having loads of desperate, loving sex, Levi doting on Eren, Eren doting on Levi…just…canonverse gives me life okay? Also a sucker for slow build….
• Who I’d be comfortable with them ending up with, if not each other: 
For Eren, I’d be happy with him being with either Armin, Jean, Mikasa, or Historia. He deserves an ocean full of love regardless of who he ends up with. For Levi, I’d want him to be with Hange, because they’ve been through so much together and they’re the only one Levi has (Well, if we’re talking veterans here) 
• My happily ever after for them: 
As sad as it makes me to say it won’t happen, I just want them to settle down in this nice, little cottage and live a happy, domestic life together hunting for game and looking after orphans. Or maybe stand on top of Wall Maria as they look over the world like in the Lion King or some shit. That would be good too.
• What is their favorite non-sexual activity?
I’d like to imagine Levi and Eren challenging each other over practically anything on a regular basis, like who makes the best tea, or who cleans the quickest, or who handles the 3dmg like a beast (Levi would no doubt roll his eyes at this). Oh, and cuddling. Cuddling is good.
This took a while, but I had fun. Thank you, and keep shipping :))))
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