#thank you!!! sorry i took so long i really had to think on the blorbo question
bethrnoora · 1 year
6, 9, and 13 for the fandom violence asks, for whatever fandom strikes your fancy 👀
6 - which ship fans are the most annoying?
ok basic answer i know i know but some of the most vocal r3ylo fans are truly odious
9 - worst part of canon
gonna keep with the star wars theme here. most of the execution of the ideas in last jedi and rise of skywalker if im being honest. admiral holdo included in that unfortunately she's just kind of a nothing character and a waste of laura dern imo
13 - worst blorbofication
HMMMM this is an interesting one. i think it's kind of conditional bc i do generally enjoy silly/cute content of any character so it's hard to say. regardless, i dont go here but i think it's weird that people decided to blorboify dudes from *checks notes* the chernobyl show? like the show about the 1986 nuclear disaster?
in terms of things im actually into i feel people get a little uwu-y over michael myers and some other classic slashers which is like FINE because it can be funny but sometimes it's like. ok guys this is a little more than i feel like is necessary here and i dont super want to hear your reader imagines
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batter-sempai · 6 days
Hello hello! ...Dorry for my last ask. Got a bit overexcited and brainspewed all over your inbox.
Guess who's gotten into Ultrakill thanks to you! I'm definately not complaining, that's for sure.
So... I have decided to spice things up with a bit of a Ultrakill ramble instead of my usual Papyrus Nonsense (Does this mean I'm no longer the Pap Anon? The sacrifices I make for new blorbos... /lh)
One thing that I noticed was that I couldn't find a single role reversal fic. Which is fair. The Idoits (aka Gab and V1) are Too Damn Similar to just swap without making it the practically exact same story. So.... I came up with an idea. What if the setting was a "holy crusade" type of story? The angels culling humanity on the surface instead of machines in Hell? And the machines (either previously made for OG purpose or made specifically to fight the angels) have been sent out by humanity in defense? I just think it would be neat.
Side ramble from story ideas since that's the only one I've got, but something that interests me is... how do the machines WORK? I know there's.meant to be suspension of disbelief and all that but I want to Know. Do they have little suction holes all over their plating to suck in the blood? Does the blood work like with humans, only they lack the ability to regenerate that blood? Or is it that the blood works more like oil for a car? And the concept. Oh wow the concept. Imagine being in a weapon design commitee or whatever they have and some saying "you know what would be really messed up?" and everybody just nodding along and saying what a good idea that was?
Wow this is getting long. Going to cut myself off here but tldr thank you for the Thoughts.
- No Longer Just Pap Anon
Hehe hello there Pap Anon. :D I’m so happy I got you into Ultrakill. I’ll reply to your other asks too, I’m sorry it took so long. ;_;
I guess you’re both the Pap and Ultrakill anon now? Nice. ^^
Now that I think about it, what would a combination of both games be called? Underkill? Ultratale? Both sound pretty great.
Yessss I love how similar Gabriel and V1 are, while having the opposite goals. Both of them are, or now were, pawns to a higher force (the humans and the angel Council) and tend to act on instinct. Their dynamic is fascinating to me.
Ooh! I love the idea for this AU so much. :o Maybe in this world, humanity didn’t destroy itself with war and making the war machines, and managed to live on somewhat peacefully. But the Council didn’t like that and sent an army of angels, including Gabriel, to purge the humans. Would be very messed up if the angels sent down had to consume blood to survive too. Humanity’s last-ditch effort to survive was to send machines to fight the angels, and V1 being the last and most powerful weapon they made. V1 and Gabriel meet and fight like they do in the game, only on Earth instead of in Hell. ^^
On the topic of how the machines work, the game says that all machines who aren’t V1 have a “separate blood refueling process”, though it’s never specified what it is. V1 is unique that he’s the only machine that can absorb blood through his metal plating. So maybe V1 has very tiny suction holes on his plating to absorb blood. But the other machines might have to stop and siphon the blood into them somehow. I like to think they have some kind of blood vacuum, but I still need to give it more thought.
Also I think blood is actual fuel for them, due to the tagline “blood is fuel”. It’s mostly like gas for cars, they need it to keep moving. I've seen some people depict machines as having tubes as veins for blood in their bodies, or having parts that look like metallic human organs, which are amazing ideas, but I don't know how canon that is.
Here’s a screencap I took from the game explaining V1’s refueling process.
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And honestly, the humans should have seen this coming. Imagine making powerful machines that NEED blood to survive and not expecting anything to go wrong. Then again, I guess humanity in real life isn’t any less foolish sometimes. But hopefully we won’t make something as awful as blood machines.
It’s okay ^^ Thank you so much for the ask.
I guess I can be both a Papyrus theory and Ultrakill theory blog too, because this was really fun to type out.
Also, here’s a screencap I took in Roblox of Papyrus and Gabriel. Hope you enjoy it Pap/Ultrakill Anon. ^^
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softboiledwonderland · 4 months
Thank you for tagging me in this @konartiste 😊 being very lame and doing it months after the fact <3
LOTR themed tag game! Reblog with your own answers and tag three or more people you want to get to know better!
- How old were you when you were first introduced to LOTR? I was nine when my mum took me to the cinema (I think I'd read and loved The Hobbit by then) to watch the movie. I did not like it at all! 😂 We didn't know what it was about and had no idea it was part one in a trilogy, which came as a nasty surprise after three hours of horrible movie lol. I loved the beginning, but like: the troll terrified me to my core and for a long time afterwards I was scared it would somehow come after me, Gandalf died, I thought Boromir had a suspicious face from the start and didn't mind that he died (cue 20+ years later and I'm writing the most important fic in my life so far about him) but his death was still traumatic, and I just wanted my comfort hobbits to get a happy ending and instead they were crying and resigning themselves to more misery. I didn't even watch the other two movies when they came out I was so disgusted with the whole thing lol. Read the books and watched the movies as an older teen and loved them all.
- Favourite LOTR character? Probably Aragorn, but also the hobbits (they're a unit). The entire Fellowship is so dear to me though. And Boromir is my blorbo.
- Books or Movies? Books! The movies are cool and all, but the books are where Tolkien is.
- Which location in Middle Earth would you want to visit? If I had to choose only one it'd probably be Rivendell, but also the Shire, the Old Forest, Rohan, Dol Amroth, Gondor... and the Great River, just because of my fic. <3
- Favourite Movie? Not sure, perhaps The Fellowship, ironically enough.
- Favourite scene? I'm so bad at remembering movie scenes! Maybe the Council of Elrond? There are so many amazing ones with such beautiful music so I'm not sure. Love Gandalf charging at the Nazgûl with Pippin in tow <3
- Favourite quote? “The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.”
- What Middle Earth race would you like to be? I'm usually a Hobbit in every online quiz, but it'd be fun to see what being an Elf is like.
- Favourite LOTR ship: This is going to sound weird because I'm writing a long, shippy, Canon Character/OC fic at the moment, but I'm not really into LOTR for the ships so I kind of don't have one? I adore Aragorn/Arwen and Faramir/Éowyn as much as the next person and Sam and Rosie are precious, but I'm not really fussed.
Going all out and tagging all the mutuals I THINK I saw reblogging LOTR at some point, if I'm wrong I'm sorry, if you already did this back when it was making the rounds please ignore it, if you want to ignore it anyway by all means feel free to do so, thank you and have a nice day <3 @dangerously-human @to-be-frank-i-dont-care @phoenixflames12 @ass-deep-in-demons @spifflocated @erathene
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one-idea · 7 months
HIII it's me again :D glad to hear you're doing well!! I hope life is being kind to you <3
of course, take your time to get to this part of the story!! I hope you end up liking sabo as well !! and get ready for the heartbreak of marineford... no really, get a few tissues because there are gonna be tears
coming back to the au, your ideas continue to amaze me, I swear I had this exact expression of shock 😲 reading everything, ITS SO GOOD !!! it's very in character for whitebeard to want to take responsability of blackbeard's actions and appear to help luffy, and of course shanks is going to help his boy (also, don't wanna spoil too much, but he gets there late for reasons and IMAGINE him seeing he failed to protect the sweet boy he was confident would become the new king of the pirates, that he passed his precious hat to... he'd be blaming himself so hard and I'm here for it!)
now that's pretty much what happens in canon, but throw in the revolutionary army in the mix?? PERFECTION !!! of course Dragon would want to save his son, so it'd make sense for him to send some people to help, and who better than the boy he trained himself, sabo? there's no way that could go wrong, right ^^ (it's going to go terribly!)
the idea of sabo meeting with his brothers but not recognizing them... acting like strangers... then gaining back his memories... being right there seeing with his own eyes when it all goes down and not being able to do anything about it, to save his little brother (who he's just starting to remember is his little brother at all)... and worse, thinking he lost BOTH of them at once, right when he got his memory of them back... I'm going insane just thinking about it !!! the guilt this boy feels in canon is already off the charts, imagine in this scenario in which he was THERE and still it didn't change a thing and his baby brother died right in front of him??? he's gonna be consumed by it, probably won't feel worthy of daring to show his face to ace after everything and trying to isolate himself to wallow on his guilt and self-hatred... we love emotionally unstable blorbos in this house!! god help koala and olivia who will have to deal with this mess. and then sabo and ace will have no choice but to meet in dressrosa and that's! gonna be fun! not for them... but for us it will!
THE KOBYFICATION OF DEUCE. YOUR BRAIN IS HUGE!!!! THIS IS GENIUS!!! deuce running his anti marine propaganda newspaper is so important to me... him joining the revolutionary army... it's everything I could ever ask for... and the acedeuce beloveds... with the added bonus of that awkward moment when your coworker/boss is your crush's brother AND your crush's mother figure is also your coworker and hears you gush about him
isuka mention !!! she's such a cutie, glad to see she's here too !! also her taking the role of ace's marine rival is just perfect
sorry I got way too excited with this but your au is just way too amazing <3 thank you once more for sharing your ideas!!
I’m so sorry I took so long to respond to this.
I’m very afraid of getting to Marineford. My mental health can’t deal with the stress at the moment.
But yes you get it. Sabo and Ace working together to save Luffy without realizing it.
Like Ace just wants to get Luffy out of Impel down and this masked loser is slowing him down. How dare he!
Meanwhile Sabo has the biggest headache (particularly from his memories trying to resurface) because Ace is the most reckless person to ever live. He’s going to get them caught! Stop attacking everyone!
These two just can’t work together because Ace is in panic mode and this person who is only here to save Luffy because Dragon sent him can’t possibly understand the stress Ace is under. How important Luffy is.
Sabo (at the time) doesn’t get it. He needs to get his bosses son out of here. He gets that his adopted older brother is emotional but just calm down and think!
Later Sabo, with all of his memories will look back at this time and wonder. If I had let Ace rush it. If we were both fighting desperately for our little brother, could we have gotten to Luffy in time?
Even later when the meet at Dressrosa and Ace puts together just who the Masked loser in impel down was. When he realizes it was Sabo who “slowed him down” (kept him alive!) he has no idea how to feel. Enraged (why didn’t Sabo care about Luffy) confused (this couldn’t be their brother) desperate (one of his brothers is here, he’s not alone) upset (where was Sabo the past two years? Past 12? Ace needed him! Luffy needed them!) and fury (Luffy will never get to be with both his big brothers every again. He died think Sabo was gone)
Needless to say Ace has a lot of BIG feelings the day Sabo walks back into his life.
Back to Deuce!
I love him so much. His anti-marine paper is so important to me to. Like his dream is to be a writer. Let him write. Let him tell the world exactly what the Marines and pirates do. Let him tell the world about liberated countries and the injustices of the world government.
People say he’s afraid to show his face and that’s why he wears a mask and uses a fake name. But Deuce has never been more himself. He’s never been truer to himself than when he goes by the name Ace gave him.
He tells everyone how amazing the reverse strawhats are. And you best believe when Ace’s lineage gets out he’s writing about not only Ace’s character (how he saves people because he wants to, how no man should be judged by who their father is) but he’s doing his research on the original pirate king and just destroying all the lies the world government circulated about him. The public conscious changes. Roger’s wasn’t a horrible person, in fact he helped a lot of people. And even if he wasn’t should they really hold a son accountable for his father?
(This is after Luffy’s death and you best believe Deuce dragged the Marines for filth over that. The public knows Luffy as a 16 almost 17 year old who never left his home island. Sure he was a bit wild but everyone liked him. He never hurt anyone. And yet the government killed him because of what his father, who he never met, had done. Deuce ran them over the coals. He couldn’t stop what happened at Marineford. The revs wouldn’t even let him go to fight (he was to important by then) but he’s not going to have the last picture Ace has of his little brother be the one the papers ran with Luffy dying in Ace’s arms. Every piece he writes about Luffy he tries to find an old photo from Dawn island or Dragon’s surveillance to attach to the article. It drives home that he was just a boy, while also giving Ace new picture of his precious brother to cherish.
Speaking of Acedeuce. Deuce suffers those two years Nico Olive is there. It’s already awkward enough that Sabo, who has heard him talk about how down bad he is for Ace for two years, turns out to be Ace’s brother. But Nico Olivia? He never knows peace.
On one hand it’s nice. She helps him write his pieces about Luffy. (Ace told a lot of stories during their 3 years together) in exchange she gets a nice copy of every picture they find of Luffy and Ace from Dragon’s surveillance (he definitely had people watching over his boy) she collects them to give to Ace when they reunite.
On the other hand, she is relentless. Constantly teasing Deuce about his crush. (She’s met him before. In the early days of his paper before he was recruited by the Revs.) constantly asking when he was going to ask her captain out? When the wedding would be? Should he be joining the crew once they were official?
Deuce thinks she’s just teasing him. And he could live with it, if she didn’t make it sound like Ace wanted him to. (Baby is in hard core denial that his feelings could be returned)
Nico Olivia does not see herself as cruel. She is asking honest questions. To her (and the crew) Ace’s crush on Deuce was obvious. The question was never Ace’s feelings but Deuce’s though Olivia knew from the way Deuce wrote about Ace that he must have feelings for her captain, it was nice to have it confirmed by the other Revs. (Koala makes fun of Deuces crush at all times, especially now that it makes Sabo squirm because that’s HIS big brother they are talking about!) to Olivia she can’t see why the two boys wouldn’t get together. (After Ace has had time to grieve and process his loss of course)
Her captain deserves good things. He early lets himself want, believing he does not deserve the goodness of the world. Olivia violently disagrees. She wants her boy happy. And Deuce is a great young man who would make her boy happy. Sure she might be a little pushy, but she’s not getting any younger. Excuse her for wanting to see her kids get married before she dies. (She’s not dying anytime soon, but she will use guilt to her advantage if it will make these two knuckle heads get it together sooner rather than later)
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wen-kexing-apologist · 9 months
✨2023: A Summary✨
Post your most popular and/or favourite edit/gifset/analysis for each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
tagged by @dribs-and-drabbles, thank you! this was a fun review and I was interested to see how many times my favorite post and the most popular post coincided (or didn't)
I wasn’t writing meta
Most popular: Heart’s Confrontation- the scene breakdown that started it all!
Favorite(s): Heart’s Confrontation, Moonlight Chicken Sign Language Index- I really had a lot of fun figuring out the similarities and differences in American Sign Language and Modern Thai Sign Language!
Most popular: Best Criers in Moonlight Chicken- it's funny, short, and sweet
Favorite(s): Moonlight Chicken is for the Queers, Isn’t it Difficult to be Born Poor?- I loved writing these so much!
Most popular: A plea for Akk to have unrestrained summer fun
Favorite(s): Bed Friend and Reflections Part 3; Songkran, Water, and KingUea- Not to sound egotistical or anything, but I was really proud of myself for the conclusions I came up with in both of these pieces
Most popular: Silence- I think this was one of the only things I wrote in May
Favorite(s): Silence- THE ACTING IS JUST SO GOOD OKAY?
Most popular: By/For/About Queers Part 1 and Part 2- these only have the most notes because this was originally a post from @absolutebl that I added thoughts to, so most of those notes are from them
Favorite(s): Phupa and internalized homophobia Part 1 and Part 2- it was really fun getting to unpack my past assumptions about Phupa and work through those until I came out the other side with a new blorbo.
Most popular:  Lack of Touch in BMF
Favorite(s): Rain, BL Boys, and Reciprocity; Trans Allegory in Cupid’s Last Wish; Body Language in La Pluie, Episode 12- I especially liked Rain and Reciprocity because I think it has really shaped how I watch shows since then because I want to see if my theory holds.
Most popular: Only Friends, Boston, and Queer Culture
Favorite(s): Only Friends, Boston, and Queer Culture, Pause for Reflection, Part 1: Respectable Promiscuity and Only Friends- listen, I was going to write boring, academic, cited work about sex/porn as a joke, okay? I didn't expect people to actually engage with them as excitedly as they did!
Most popular: A Must Read- I give all credit for the success of this post to the Teen Vogue author who wrote the article and to @waitmyturtles who sent this link to me
Favorite(s): Pause for Reflection, Part 2: Only Friends, Racism, and the Commodification of Queer Asians; Poor Boy; Who is Mew Anyway?- Honestly, I had a wonderful time writing all the essays for Only Friends
Most popular: Best Scene in Only Friends and Why it was Sand and Nick Kissing
Favorite(s): Let’s Talk About Sex!, Why I Like BL, Physicality of Characters- the sex essay for my 69th essay was fun, and hilariously appropriate because I had recently answered the physicality question and could use it as an example
Most popular: Physical Touch and Hands in Last Twilight- It made me feel so warm and fuzzy that people would notice I wasn't posting about this show and want to hear from me <3
Favorite(s): IS BROTHER ANURAK THE ONE ARMED MAN?- I will never reach a higher high than when my obsession with hands finally paid off and I figured this shit out a month in advance of Part 2, I'm a motherfucking genius
Most popular: Hands Touching Hands- I love throwing in complete key smash type of analysis from time to time as a treat cause I keep forcing people to read literal long-form essays all the fucking time (sorry, not sorry)
Favorite(s): Top 5 Favorite Food Moments, Best of QL 2023: Favorite Lines, Best of QL pre-2023: Favorite Lines- I love when I can cause people emotional pain, and all of these not only stabbed me in the heart but took a couple of people down with me as far as I can tell from the tags.
It's wild to have done this, because I haven't really been keeping an eye on my stats until now. I've made almost 400 original posts this year, and increased my notes by 25,000 annually looking at 2023 compared to 2022. I have been a lonely little tumblr goblin since 2012. I came on here to read other people's smart thoughts about things I was watching and to reblog gifs, and I never really thought building community here was possible, but here I am 11 months after making my first BL analysis post with a bunch of friends I didn't know a year ago, and about 20 more lenses through which I watch my silly little gay shows.
tagging: @bengiyo, @ranchthoughts, and @rocketturtle4
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morvantmortuary · 3 months
hello! i just found your account and i’m in love with your ocs! pls, let me know if you still write and if your requests are open?
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(people still use that steve rogers psa meme, right?)
hello, darling 🖤 I’m sorry it took me so long to get back to you!
to be honest, this ask sent me into a little bit of a tailspin - through no fault of yours, you’re perfectly fine and I’m flattered you wrote in!! ♥️ it was just one of those things where I thought it hadn’t really been that long since I posted something, and I try to still hang out and reblog pretty often, until I realized I probably haven’t really posted a new snippet since… whenever I posted the teasers for Vol. II? :’D and my last full piece was probably paint the town red, so I just had a small spiral of gloom at how long it had actually been since I posted anything of substance for my necromancers.
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things had been getting kind of intense between being on the job market and trying to work on my stupid fucking dissertation, so obviously compared to when I started this blog in the second year of the pandemic, I hadn’t been having as much time to write. now I have a full time Real Person job and I’m in the last semester (PLEASE GOD) of said dissertation work, so while I’m in a more stable place than I was last year in some ways, things have gotten even more intense in other ways, and honestly I’ve been kind of stressed about how little time I’ve been able to spend here :’D
so like, while I don’t blame you at all for asking if I’m still writing for them, I had a bit of an “OH NO щ(゚Д゚щ)” reaction bc I just realized that while I think about the Morvants constantly every day, that… doesn’t always transfer to blog activity lol
I also have to admit, I had a hard time with comfort asks/requests for a while, bc I got way too in my own head about writing them. I was worried about everyone having a similar word count or romance factor bc I wanted them all to seem fair and equal, but then I also got worried that they were going to be too repetitive and same-y and people would get bored. and like!! it’s not that deep in the grand scheme of things, I absolutely am aware of that!! :’D but eventually I got embarrassed I was taking so long on top of that, and I just kind of paused the ones I was writing bc I got too hung up on myself
in the middle of all this, I was having ideas for Maxi as usual (he’s my first and thus designed to be my own personal comfort blorbo ngl), but I’ve been trying more to focus on Hex, Seth, and Rora, so I was kind of tabling what plot bunnies I did have to keep waiting for ones that I didn’t yet… and thus, here we are :’D
so like. maybe this is an excellent ask for me to hit “reset” with, and just remember that I Am Just Writing For Fun, and that I’m just sharing them to have fun with y’all, and start fresh in my own brain by getting rid of all the dumb rules I seem to have made for myself before I post 🖤 I think I need that, I think that sounds nice ✨
so!! tl;dr I’m so sorry I vomited all that at you omg what is wrong with me, I’m definitely still writing for them as frequently as my new work schedule allows, and please feel free to submit your request for whomever and however you like 🥰 I’m still working on a bunch, but I’m going to make it more about posting them and less about making them Just So!!
thanks for taking the time, I really do appreciate it 🖤🖤🖤
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For the Love Fandom ask, how about 2 and 3?
#2 a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like!
#3 a character that fandom has helped you appreciate.
Headcanon I wasn't sure about:
Jason dying at the end of Under the Red Hood. It took a few posts about that for me to get on board but I'm basically married to it now.
The evidence is subtle but super compelling once I had it pointed out and I love the drama it creates. The idea that no, there was no third option, not really, and Bruce has directly caused Jason's death through his own morals because no rigid set of laws can possibly save everyone is super compelling to me, and I never would have caught it without other people around talking about it :3
A character that fandom has helped you appreciate:
Honestly I could pick any character really since I started with fandom stuff and then got into the comics, but the one this has most applied to has got to be Cass.
I've never disliked Cass but there's a degree to which my own relationship to martial arts and dedication and so on mean that I don't think she's a character I'm ever gonna really click with.
But I do love reading about people adoring her :3 She is a hella cool character, and like when people gush about her and explore all her nuances I'm happy to see it. The way she's evolved and grown as a person, the ways her past still haunt her, it's good shit! Like that's a powerhouse of a character in terms of literal punchy kicky and in terms of narrative and thematics, and it really doesn't surprise me that a lot of people really love her.
Very blorbo in law. She's not my blorbo, but I'm very glad she got written and that she is other folks' blorbo :3
Thank you very much for the ask! Aaaand sorry it took so long to get to it lol
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sunset-a-story · 1 year
Happy Blorbo Blursday yourself! Please, please tell me why everyone wants to drag Reeve? I love it, but I'm curious!
LMAO. Thank you so much for this, love. I'm going to include an excerpt but let me try to explain too.
The problem is everything about Reeve should traditionally make him one of those smooth, cool characters.
He's a high-level telepath
He's smart
He's a trained killer
He's had some spy training
He's queer
He's mad attractive
He's a leader
He has a classic car
He cares about his appearance
He's a dweeb. Full stop.
Reeve was that teacher's pet. If he worked in an office, he'd probably tattle on people taking long lunches and never, ever bring stationary home with him--but he's the team leader of what is essentially a small hit squad so that makes it worse. His aloofness could be sexy but instead, he leans into pathetic-yet-pretentious. I mean, we love him to death for it but he's so easy to make fun of.
Here's an excerpt from Arc 1 (Gareth's POV) where they get after him about it:
Alex whistled, startling them both out of their exchange. “You’re looking spiffy.”
Reeve’s shirt and slacks, because the man actually wore slacks, were pressed with neat creases and he’d put some extra effort into his hair. 
“He’s got a hot date with Julie,” Hannah teased, coming in from the living room, her hand extended to Reeve for him to take his phone.
“It’s coffee.”
“Who’s she again?” Gareth asked, passing a plate with a sandwich to Alex.
“She works at the corner store in town on Second Street,” Reeve said in a monotone. 
“You know, the one we go to all the time? Brunette, little nose,” Hannah added as she plopped into the seat across from Alex. 
“Oh, yeah.” Gareth leaned his back against the counter and took a bite of his own sandwich. “What the hell do you have in common with her?”
Reeve slipped his phone into his pocket and cocked his head. “Not sure if I should take relationship advice from someone who needs to check what county he’s in when going to meet a date.”
Alex turned to Gareth and quipped, “It’s really cute that he thinks you’re concerned about whether or not the sex worker is licensed.”
Gareth nearly choked. Psychometrists, telepaths, empaths, the fucking lot of them. But he was relieved to see some life returning to the kid, even if it was mostly bravado to cover up nerves.
“Alex,” Reeve started, but was cut off.
“Who does she think I am?” Alex asked. Explaining the strange set of roommates with no discernible jobs was part of why Gareth found it easier not to deal with the whole dating scene.
Hannah smirked. “My half-brother.” Alex rolled his eyes at her, but she gave Reeve a kind look. “I think it’s nice. She’s pretty.”
“She’s not that cute,” Alex muttered.
Reeve crossed his arms. “Yes, well, you’re the only person in this house not at least a little attracted to women, so I hope you won't mind too much if I ignore your opinion.”
Gareth watched Hannah’s eyebrows attempt to make an escape off the top of her head as she dropped her jaw and looked at him. Gareth wrinkled his nose at her in response. This wasn’t going to be pretty.
“Je-sus-Christ,” Alex snapped. “Touchy much?” He looked annoyed, but any fear or vulnerability he’d shown earlier by the shooting range was nowhere to be found. 
Reeve closed his eyes. “I’m sorry. I can get reactive when people are purposefully embarrassing me.” 
Which was an extremely Reeve thing to say. 
Alex processed that for a moment. “Oh my god, you’re such a robotic nerd.”
Reeve gave an unamused frown.
Gareth shook his head then smiled pointedly at Alex. “You’ll learn to ignore Reeve. He’s just got a nasty case of T.L.S.” 
Reeve’s head snapped back. “Where the hell did you hear about that?” 
Hannah put her fist over her mouth as she choked on a laugh. “That was me.”
Reeve made a face. “You grew up in a Mars foster, why the hell did that ever--”
“Hey,” Alex interrupted, his face flushed. “What the fuck is T.L.S.?” 
Gareth did his best to keep from laughing long enough to speak. “I’m sorry, I was just trying to lighten the mood.”
“It stands for Team Leader Syndrome,” Hannah explained.
Alex’s brow furrowed. “So it’s the big head you get from being in charge?”
“That’s not accurate,” Reeve replied from between his teeth. 
“Sounds right to me,” Gareth shrugged.
Reeve let out one of his long-suffering sighs. “It’s a set of personality traits that result in being tapped to lead.” 
“Like what?”
“Like being organized, detail-oriented, decisive…”
Hannah continued counting off on her fingers, “Practical to the point of ignoring social graces, a buzzkill, a know-it-all…”
“Sounding like a robotic nerd?” Gareth added.
“Okay, okay.” Reeve glared at him. “He gets the idea.” He turned to Alex. “I apologize.”
“It’s cool,” Alex said, all straight faced. “You can’t help it. It’s part of your condition and I’d be a real ass holding that against you.”
Hannah and Gareth lost it.
“Are you happy now?” Reeve asked Gareth.
He nodded, trying to rein in his chuckling, and failed.  
[For the record, as a telepath Reeve has the advantage and disadvantage of knowing what people really think about him. So he gets the "omg Reeve why have you never heard of fun???" thoughts but also knows how much they care about him so their dragging doesn't bother him.]
Sunset taglist. I try to keep it to release updates, character profiles, and especially long excerpts. Please comment/dm for +/- @words-after-midnight @thathaunteddoll @chayscribbles @elizaellwrites @theimperiumchronicles @thatndginger @clairelsonao3 @writeintrees @hon3yquilt-blog @scribe-of-stories @kahvilahuhut @stuffaboutwriting @iced-ginger-tea
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navigatorsghost · 5 months
Frooooots, froooooots, get yer froooots here! :D 🍉🥭🍈
Thank you! I'm sorry it took me a bit to answer this, I got brainjammed on the final question trying to decide what to ramble about. >_>
🍉 Do you prefer to write short fics or long fics? Multichaptered works or single ones? Why?
Uh, this is a bit of a trick question, because honestly, what I have is a lot of ideas for longfics but all I ever manage to get finished are the short ones. XDDD I would prefer, strictly speaking, to be able to write long/multichapter fics because I always have so many ideas and so much worldbuilding I want to do, but sadly my brains just won't buckle down so I have to settle for the mostly short fics they give me...
🥭 Rank from most enjoyable/fun to write to least: Fluff, Smut, Angst, Crack.
I actually have written and enjoyed writing all of these so this is really difficult to answer! All of them are my favourite in different moods. I write fluff when I'm feeling emotionally battered and want comfort, I write smut mostly when I want to pamper my muses, angst just happens when someone in headspace drops random tragic backstory on me, and usually I do crackfic when someone says something silly in Discord and then a whole plot falls out. XD So I really can't rank in order, I love them all!
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
I have an ever expanding lifetime list of blorbos so here's a couple of my current active ones from Naruto:
- Sasori is autistic as. fuck. Uncomfortable inhabiting a living organic body to the point where he turned himself into an imperishable corpse puppet, detests and fears change, gets anxiety when he thinks things aren't being planned thoroughly enough, hates scheduling disruptions and/or having to wait, cares intensely about inanimate objects but struggles to relate to living people, likes to hide in very small enclosed spaces, noticeably flattened affect despite clearly having actual emotions underneath, cannot contain the need to infodump about his special interest even in a literal life-or-death battle... one of us, and I love him for it. I feel sure he would've been so very much more Okay if someone had been willing to keep him safe in a nice quiet predictable place and give him lots of supportive attention on a consistent schedule.
- Hidan, slaughter-happy devotee of a dark god of suffering, secretly has a villain origin story that's basically "was born and raised in customer service". In a world where ninja are generally hardbitten career soldiers, he grew up in the one village that's renounced war in favour of catering to tourists. Consequently he has witnessed and endured horrors of a kind most ninja couldn't even imagine (can you imagine dealing with a stereotype Karen who's also heavily armed and can throw magic at you?) which finally drove him to go on a chaotic killing spree just to get out of there. He's secretly an expert in a dozen different embarrassing "soft" skills - he can write haiku, play the shamisen, run a traditional Japanese tea ceremony, and more - but had to teach himself how to, like, throw a kunai. (And he can't even talk to anyone about his trauma because they'll just think it's funny.)
Thank you for asking! ❤️
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vreenak · 5 months
saw you were looking for asks so! what are your top 5 voyager episodes and why?
Hey! Thanks so much for the ask. It took me embarrassingly long to answer this and I'm sorry! My only excuse is I had a busy week and really wanted to take my time for this.
That being said … only 5? That is downright cruel! 😅 I went to check the episode list on Wikipedia and came back with, like, 25 episodes that I love so much/are important to me for one reason or another. But in the end I narrowed it down to drumroll:
Blood Fever. I don't talk a lot about him anymore, but Vorik is my bae lol. I just love this wet poodle of a Vulcan and it's a shame his character wasn't explored more. But I take what I get, and there's a lot of him in Blood Fever.
Eye of the Needle. I love Telek R'Mor. I think he's a particular kind of Romulan that I love but we only get to see once per show. You know, guys like Keras, the Romulan commander in SNW, the other Romulan commander in TNG's The Chase. Mostly reasonable, almost kind. I love them. And I love Vaughn Armstrong, so there's that. Also, Janeway in her satin nightdress!!!
Message in a Bottle. Yeah, I know. It's a really bad episode, and I think the directing in particular is atrocious. (SORRY.) But there's Rekar. He's the other kind of Romulan I really like. *wink wink nudge nudge*, IYKWIM. Not even sorry. Oh, and the subcommander, Nevala! I'm so normal about her. She and that other female subcommander definitely had their own agenda when they took over the Prometheus, you can't tell me otherwise.
Learning Curve. Not an episode that I love for blorbo reasons, but it's just so … entertaining? That motley crew of Maquis being chased around the ship by Tuvok, it's just so funny, I don't even care that I'm easily amused like this.
Riddles. Another Tuvok-heavy episode. Since he's probably my favorite main character on the show it was hard to pick the one that I like the most. But the friendship between him and Neelix is so cute and light-hearted (for once), it's THE perfect comfort episode.
That was fun! Thanks for letting me ramble on about one of my favorite subjects! 😊
(Those are the ones that made the longlist btw: Nothing Human, Repression, Counterpoint, Survival Instinct, Jetrel, The Gift, Fair Trade, Alter Ego, Meld, Gravity, Coda, Innocence, Scorpion pt. 1, Night, In the Flesh, Course: Oblivion, Juggernaut, Living Witness.)
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Blorbo Bingo: Goose from Top Gun or Mitch Taylor?
Ooooh why would you ask me this 😩 I love both of them. I'd probably have to say Goose though because while I *do* love both of them, I think I love Goose just a tiny bit more.
I think Mitch is a great character and I do relate to him a bit. Not in like a 'I went to college at age fifteen' kind of way, but in a 'I started to burn out really fast when I did go to college because I took on too many things' kind of way. He's also more of an introvert that opens up around his group of people like me.
But Goose is just such a special character to me. He's the comedic side character. He's a great family man who loves his wife and son. He's a goofy little guy. He wears goofy Hawaiian shirts and sports a terrible mustache. He is The Dad™️. He is everything I want to be and I love that about him. He's gender envy. He's so much fun to write in my fics.
Sorry for the long reply, I just had a hard time choosing between these two 😅 I love them both so much but ultimately I would have to say Goose is my choice. Thank you for the ask!
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crqstalite · 1 year
now tell me some about your bg3 blorbo kallista!! 👀👀
Tumblr media
oooo thank you!! similar warnings for minor (act 1?) spoilers below :) im not actually super well-versed in baldur's gate lore, so some of its vague for the sole reason i have zero idea what i'm talking about lmao
her full name is kallista fortuna raeburn. she prefers the name kalli though usually. or 'the caster'. or 'the artisan'. or 'that tiefling down the road with the weird magical abilities'
she's about 27, turning 28 mid-campaign. 5'6", asmodeous tiefling sorc with a penchant for electricity and of course -- fire <3
( the wild magic bit doesn't help much )
grew up in a semi-major town outside baldur's gate. she worked primarily as an artisan at the request of her house mother after leaving the orphanage she grew up in. she loves to make things with her hands.
on that thought, she ended up in an orphanage shortly after her parents disappeared. kallista has never found out what happened to them, but it is part of her sub-story. her parents were adventurers, not unlike who she'd eventually become, and often took off on long trips. however it was unusual when her father didn't return after a particular excursion, and her mother went after him -- never to return again. kallista believes them dead, but has never really stopped looking. they left her with a pendant that would direct her back to the matching one her father wore, but finding it crushed and buried at seventeen certainly didn't help matters. her mother's is still out there, keeping the pendant warm, but she's never had the means to find it when it lead out to open ocean.
her father was a seldarine drow while her mother was a tiefling.
with the others often not-so-well-veiled distrust of her because of her tiefling background, kallista became a bit of a wily one early on. she's a little too dexterous for her own good (her claws allow her to attempt lock picking), and a bit of a charismatic smooth talker. it allowed her to sneak in and out of the orphanage, lie and often persuade others to give her what she wanted. usually she was rather benevolent, it just could get destructive if she forgot details (like what she told whom or how she had gotten in/left the night prior). high dex/charisma score v. low wisdom/int score troubles
very much a 'react first, ask questions later' person. easily spooked. not a good idea to sneak up on her. however not so easily grossed out (collects specimen off battlefields like it's nothing. likely is always covered in...someone's blood. not always her's.)
she's actually incredibly smart in the arcana, even with her avg. intelligence score. she has a crazy photographic memory, and if she's experienced the spell firsthand, it's way easier to remember the history attached to it and the grimoire it was in.
very chaotic good! she's always down to help someone...but that doesn't mean she'll do it right. or legally. but you lived right? stop getting bogged down in the details.
her closest party members are likely halsin (her RO), lae'zel (she has a weird amount of respect for her...and is terrified of her), shadowheart (similar reasons), karlach (she had a major crush on her early on before it waned into 'no, i just really respect and like you around' ) and astarion (the only person she organically got to know without being scared of him)
not so much a fan of gale, and largely academically curious about wyll. of course, he's her friend, but she's never met a warlock prior to him. she likes to learn, even if she's a little nosy. actually, yeah, she's similarly academically fascinated by gale and his problems with mystra. she just thinks he's a little odd (and perhaps pretentious...he's a proper wizard to her wild magic sorcery)
( sorry weird amount of astarion & kallista content...ivelina's run will be romancing him bc im not normal about him )
astarion is a weird case for her because unlike the others, she didn't immediately clock him as a threat. yes, he did try to sink his fangs into her and suck her dry, but after the initial 'holy shit youre so very very lucky i did not fireball you into next week' wore off, oh boy astarion got bombarded with so many questions. he thinks he would've been better off had she tried to stab him.
( she's a sciency gal at heart )
still, she likes his sarcastic nature and his willingness to be vulnerable with her later on. they become rather quick friends (well, she calls him a friend the day after he bites her, it takes him a while to get past 'pest-like woman who won't leave me be')
she regularly lets him drink from her, it takes him a while to come around to actually, well, even coming close to enjoying it, but somewhere after kallista stops flinching everytime he does it they have a nice amount of comradery. there's some fleeting romantic interest that isn't reciprocated by either party, but it isn't unusual to find them sitting by the fire later, the pair of them discussing the days events...and maybe astarion making sure the all-too-nice tiefling doesn't pass out from blood loss.
they nitpick at each other quite a lot. usually in good fun, in the wiity, dramatical way he does and the sarcastic, innocent-but-not really way she does. if astarion wasn't incredibly pale and kallista did without the horns and tail, it wouldn't be all that bad of a guess that they were half siblings in another life.
on that note, she is...not good with boundaries. unlike koda this appears more as her inserting herself into everyone's problems and lives. mostly because her own is such a mystery and her feeling like she's never belonged turned her into a social chameleon. she needs people to like her. after all, if she's all-knowing, it means she can control what others think of her...and if she stays in their good graces, they won't leave her, right? if she becomes a fixture in their lives, they have to stick around. right? yeah. yeah...
( her parents disappearing + her rough childhood in the orphanage did...wonders for her self-perception )
in the "best" sense of the word, she doesn't really know when no means no. and it takes just about everyone (but especially lae'zel post vlaakith reveal) to get her to back off and relax. she struggles immensely with the lack of stability in her life, and getting tadpole-napped did not help matters. on the outside it shows more as her just wanting to be "helpful", but in reality she subconsciously wants to give you a reason to stay around her. to need her for something. it's manipulative -- she doesn't know it, but i do.
is learning how to navigate her new relationship with halsin. while she is monogamous, she respects that he is not, but perhaps gets a little forlorn thinking about the after...and how he may not always be around. or that her little tadpole family may not be either. it keeps her up at night.
living in the here and now is hard with so many emotional loose ends for her. but halsin does his best to sooth her worries, and peppers her with enough affection to garner attention from the others. kallista never minds this. wyll has not slept peacefully in a minute.
their dynamic is very much that she's the spitfire short girlfriend who has to remind the barkeep her beloved teddy bear of a boyfriend did not want pickles and so help her hells if they didn't take it off his sandwich--
has been to baldur's gate a few times on trips for the business she used to work for. however in-game, it's her first time going by herself...and so much has changed.
has a scar on her face after accidentally slicing open a part of her face with a paring knife when she was practicing telekinesis as a teenager.
thank you for asking im incapable of shutting up <3333
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callonpeevesie · 5 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Hi, thanks for the ask! It's hard to pick top 10 because my feelings about characters keep fluctuating and I'm also kind of out of touch with fandom these days, but here are 10 characters I've blorboed in the past or recently.
Pyala from tenida - I have posted about him before, he's my childhood fave from a series that's very dear to me. I grew attached to him when I first read the stories when I was about eight. I was quiet, constantly zoned out, chronically sick and couldn't Maths, and I really saw myself in him. But what sealed him as my favourite character is his sort of quiet courage,, he's scared of many things but he has this integrity and is brave enough to be honest with himself. I've had so many other favourite characters since, but that connection never really went away. As I grew up and reread the stories I discovered more layers to his character and unpacked just how much he had impacted me in my childhood. He's just really important to me.
Héctor from coco - I was absolutely obsessed with coco for a very long time, this blog even started as a coco blog. It's a beautiful movie and héctor was always my favourite character. He was understandably very popular and I love him for his adorable personality and angst potential, but another reason I'm attached to him is the pushover aspect of his personality. It's something I myself struggled with and it was super cathartic to see him stand up to ernesto. I used to wonder a lot how things would have gone if he had lived longer and got to grow more.
Mia from ace attorney - she's just *chef's kiss*. I got into aa a couple of years back and fell in love with her from the beginning. She's so beautiful and badass but also so much more. She impacts the story so much even though she was present for such a short time, it's fascinating to think about. And she feels more and more layered and flawed and interesting the more I think about her. I'm very normal about her
Grover from pjo - it's safe to say my pjo phase has completely faded, but I have a sort of nostalgic attachment to Grover. He's so soft but brave and adorable and grew so much over the series. I do feel his potential was underutilised in the books. But in a way I like that his backstory and personal journey is left so vague, it makes him more intriguing to me. Part of the reason I like him so much is because his bravery and potential are so overlooked in the fandom and I guess I'm defensive of him, lol.
Sokka from atla - tbh I only watched atla for the first time as an adult, during the pandemic, and sokka just grew on me during my first watch. He's just such a guy, the way he's shaped by the protective role he took on as a kid, by growing up during a war, how calculative and ruthless he can be in spite of his goofiness and how much he cares about Katara, I just,,,, ughhhh. I love chewing on him so much and I find it fascinating how well he was fleshed out even though he's not the most narratively important character
Matsuda from death note - another more recent favourite, got into death note a couple of years back. I enjoyed how silly and goofy he is and he grew on me, how he feels worthless compared to everyone else and wants to prove himself. He's also such a madlad for his yotsuba stunt (and telling mello he was L. wtf was that). His conflicted position and eventual reaction to light's betrayal make him an interesting one to figure out, but what stands out to me is how he seems to use humour to cope and tries desperately to liven things up. It's especially obvious to me that he puts up a facade in the epilogue of the manga
Anne shirley from Anne of green gables - this one is a childhood favourite. She's!! So good!! I became obsessed with her when I first read the book because I related so much to her imaginativeness and her way of admiring beauty, I felt like she was putting into words things I've always felt deep down. As an adult I've ceased to relate to her so much, but I still love the way she interacts with the people and environment around her and how she deals with her flaws and strives to be better. Also demiromantic icon fr
Shen from kung fu panda 2 - truly one of the villains ever. A++ design, actually compelling story, how his struggle with his past and identity reflects and contrasts with Po's,,, it's thematically so GOOD. I just love how he never truly gets over the past even though he claims to tend to the future and he's always terrified of the prophecy even though he acts confident that he's escaped fate. And how po succeeds where he feels,, I think shen can only be fully appreciated in relation to po and that makes me a little insane. I love my drama queen genocidal freak birb
Hobie from across the spiderverse - i think he's my favourite thing to come out of atsv, he's such a guy <33 everything from his design to how well he was executed in spite of so little screentime is top tier. There's a lot to say about his narrative significance, but what i love the most about him is that he embodies the idea that kindness is punk. He's not punk just for the aesthetic, although it seems like he is and that's probably at least partially on purpose; his beliefs are punk and he does not believe in the conformity and suffering that Miguel encourages. He watches out for gwen and miles not just because he doesn't agree with the spider society but because he cares about them. And his kindness doesn't take away from his punkness, compassion and caring IS resistance and I think that's beautiful
Obelix from Asterix - Asterix is one of my all time favourite media I've loved since childhood and it's hard to pick one character because I love all of the main cast so much, but I have to go with the autistic king. He's Wonderful, he's genuinely so funny, his thinking is so straightforward and he feels left out because no one bothers to explain things to him but he cares about Asterix and dogmatix so so much I just. I could cry. And the backstory in how obelix fell into the magic potion adds more to him and his bond with Asterix, like,,, yes
Once again these are 10 characters I thought of now, I might have a different answer later because my feelings about my favourite characters change a lot. But that's my answer for now and sorry for answering so late. Thanks for asking!
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Can I ask Maglor for the ask game please? :)
Character Ask Game 💚🤍🖤
Thank you so much @theghostinthemargins <3
I loved writing this even if it took some time, it was so enjoyable (too many Maglor thoughts to be easily ordered!)
one aspect about them i love 
Everything! Favourite blorbo. I have a big weakness for characters who are very alive to their role in the narrative and try to talk over it while removing themselves from it, the tension of narration as agency/acting as foretold is delightful. 
To narrow it down: I love that he wrote the Noldolante. I love it.  Regardless of the angle you take with it, he was doing something with it, and the vast possibilities of interpretation comes across as playing into the authorial intent of it all - it’s a work of mastercraft to be judged, as the deeds were judged. It’s a fascinating situation from every ethical and emotional angle, and the idea of such a text/work of oral memory/manifesto/epitaph/elegy existing, outlasting him, lingering as his last word and testimony - delicious!
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
 Sometimes exiting the narrative while making a very pointed point that the narrative you’ve composed is over is the best possible choice! 
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character 
Nomadic at heart, and all the time too. Hates cities; genuinely believes Turgon lost his mind in the Ice to think Gondolin is a good idea (laughs about it very tastelessly in public); very concerned about Finrod, hence the regular invitations to hunts outside the caves of Nargothrond. 
The Siege was nightmare for many reasons, but honestly? Mostly because they had to stay stuck in the same side of the Mithrim. Fully aware that Fingolfin was on to something about wanting to attack Morgoth during the Long Peace, but also knew the Gap would be the first place to be sacrificed for that gambit, and simply did not care for that.
This decision did not age well, but got too attached to the freedom and challenges of the Gap (hello fun blood-rituals!) to consider doing anything else. Especially on Fingolfin’s terms. It took a long, long time for him to even be sorry about that, never mind actually regret it. 
as well as
one character i love seeing them interact with
 Maedhros. They bring a fun ‘bros bickering over the camping fire’ energy to every slaughter and divine judgment that I really like. 
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
Fingolfin, actually. The recognition of the second-born is very bitter. 
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
A minstrel isn't just a guy that sings sometimes! It's a fully official position with political, spiritual and religious, life-long implications. I'm not saying he's getting paid to be the spiritual spokesperson of the Noldor, but I'm not saying he's not not getting paid, in the days of Valinor, when competition for the (then mostly decorative) position of leading singer are an outright cesspit of intrigue and political machinations.
 Unrelatadly, Indis was the one in charge of the jury to decide who received the honour; they developed a very intense frenemis situation when Maglor, in the one and only time he set himself to compete with Curufin for Best Son (also to get some pocket money), set himself to the task with all the drama and verse of an ambitious tiny-sized prodigy around 16 in human years. 
 Nerdanel thought it was hilarious, and absolutely refused to put in a good word with Indis for her son. India also thought it was hilarious - he was very short, his stack of scrolls was very tall, and his demands for a dozen organs and a five-hundred singers for the chorus was cute, as if - but never let it on, and that turned out to be a good influence on Maglor. 
To, uh, a limited degree. He definetely learned a great deal about public relations and the backstage production of narratives to go with the diplomacy needed to calm down primaddonas, that’s for sure, if not necessarily for good.
(He did get the big extravaganza, eventually).
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spacedykez · 1 year
Hiii just read your coral kids fanfic and it said to scream to you on tumblr about it/them in general so here I go:
Just FOR YOUR INFORMATION I was reading your ff during lunch break today and it broke me (in the best ways) I literally had to fight back tears. IT'S SOO GOOD WTFF I LOOOVE
The way your wrote Scott and Martyn has me in shambles! I relate so much to them but also I just wanna be like them and also I JUST WANT EVERYTHING FOR THEM OKAY THEY DESERVE THIS q.q
The parallels for both to 3rd life OH BOIII I was shaking and I loved every second of it. Esp the direct parallel´-scenes and such CHEF'S KISS I WANNA PUNCH A WALL.
Next thing that made me go insane is the colour-thingy. I didn't know I needed bright colour Scott in my life but OH BOI YES also the parallels between Martyn and Jimmy??? like??? My head is spinning and I feel like there's smth I missed but I enjoy having a spinny-head over blorbos <3
Oh and also how GOOD you've woven the series and curses and alliances together - it makes all so much sense and it just shows how hurt they are and also how deeply they feel- once again I would like to punch a wall
Despite that emotional level i LOVED how you got the humor and their personality down and their flirty selves and all that CHEF'S KISS THANK YOU SO MUCH
so yeah might have to reread and adopt parts of that into my own self bc it's jsut so SO good but I'm so very glad you wrote it <3<3<3
HIHI M SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO REPLY TO THIS. short answer Life Happened. anyways!!! you are my favoritest person ever right now i adore you.
THANK YOU!!!! traffic!scott is one of my #1 projection characters he is just like me fr. obviously i have not been put through three death games like he has skldfjsd but i do relate to him quite a bit so i'm sure that shows through in my writing. theres no deeper reason that i was able to write an entire section about scott being lonely/scared everyone was going to leave him. at all. ever. absolutely not that would be crazy. (/sarcasm)
references/callbacks to other series my beloved!!! i am soooo emotionally stable abt 3L/DL (/lying). i don't know how obvious it was (probably very obvious but anyways) but i never really watched LL i only have a bit of knowledge from tumblr osmosis (the reason i didn't watch it has nothing to do w the series and more to do w general life stuff at the time that's not really relevant)
SPINNY HEAD OVER BLORBOSSS YES I have spinny head over blorbos syndrome. i cannot get over how martyn and jimmy are like opposites. jimmy was always in need of protection by scott, scott was always there to protect him (or try to) (and sidenote i love flower husbands and i will not tolerate flower husbands slander but thats another post). martyn is the opposite. where jimmy was in need of protection, martyn wants to provide scott with protection. theres just. theres something there. they make me insane /pos
I LOVE MAKING THE GAMES AS ANGSTY AS POSSIBLE they are all so traumatized autismbless <3 they r all so hurt they r all hurt people hurting others because they are desperate and i am so insane over the life series in general
i may have watched. a bit of scott smajor. just a bit. yk. a tiny smidge. a small amount. maybe. just maybe- /sarcasm
(i have watched an ungodly amount of smajor content . and i will admit i wasnt as sure about martyn goin in because i HAVE written him before but only once and i've not watched him as much before LimLife. i think i got him down? people seem to like it ! so i think i succeeded :D)
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ivystoryweaver · 1 year
Also just a few questions to get to know you!
What got you into writing? Which Oscar media did you first watch? And who’s your favourite blorbo? 🥰
Hiiiii thanks for the questions!
What got you into writing? I've been writing since I was a middle schooler. I had several pen pals, kept a journal and wrote terrible poems. One of my out-of-town friends and I would mail each other poem and story notebooks. I still have one to this day (she is by far the superior writer). Then I started writing some fandom stuff ages ago on other sites. I took a very long break. When I saw Moon Knight - you know when you see a film or tv show and something in you stirs and you're like - this is gonna wreck me. I'm gonna stalk it so hard lol. I've been on tumblr forever, but I still held off posting until a year after the show ended. Idk why. But I read and read and read - there are so many good writers on here.
sorry that was long
Which Oscar media did you first watch? The Nativity Story, not right when it came out, but after. I remember thinking that Joseph was kind of cute, which made me feel weird ok. And thinking that his performance was the only real standout in kind of a bland film? But I forgot about him. I saw him in Drive and The Bourne Legacy and was like, who is this guy, he is so interesting. Saw Ex Machina and really liked that but it still wasn't totally registering for me. Then he got cast as Poe and I was like ohhhh yeah I know that guy.
And who’s your favourite blorbo? I'm real bad on my Oscar kick (who am i kidding, it's been years). Specifically, Marc Spector is the love of my life. I love Steven and Poe as well. Obi-Wan Kenobi. I had a lengthy Ewan McGregor phase and I still watch most anything he does. Had a long time love of Sam and Dean from Supernatural too. But all time?? Mulder and Scully! They are my babes and I would die for them.
Sorry for the novel. What about you? If you feel like answering. Now, I think I saw some sort of Oxford Comma playlist but I was posting a one-shot, so I'm just gonna go... *runs*
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