#thank u so so so much sarah !!
jils-things · 9 months
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commission for @heart-of-aspiration!! thank u for letting me draw the gang ever ehehhe 💚💚
if you're interested, here's my commission sheet!
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virtuangel · 10 months
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the complete eri guidebook (2023) full version under the cut ♡ pdf ver. happy birthday @xiaojuun !! <3
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credits. with the help of: meg (@hozierbyrne) // brina (@aquablues) // aléks (@possession1981) // vianey (@souladies) // lili (@ninqz) // aweks (@awek-s) // miha (@jaebeomtual) // rachel (@gnanii) // mare (@dongkwan) // ro (@sunghanbin) // rosie (@kimjiwoong) // lulu (@fushigojos) // sofi (@yukuz) graphics: gift boxes // broccoli // orange fruit watercolor // lip print textures // notion-style scribbles // healthcare vector icons // human anatomy icons // film cutouts pack // 3d travel icons // drinks vector icon set // coffee outline illustration pack // baby vector icon pack
#*mine#oorieri#genuinely thank you SO MUCH for participating @ everyone who did . and if i didn't contact u ... im so sorry i probably didnt fully realize#that u were friends with eri um . sowwie#thank you for finding the time to think about this and . for those who did . for sending in your answers i lob u this is only possible beca#because so many people agreed to help...#a note to meg!! specifically!! because you did so much (from being my first interviewee and my lab rat to responding to the few questions i#had . to suggesting people to include and offering your help with contacting some people (although it did not work out in the end as i said#i really appreciated the thought!!)#note for meg (2): i ended up not being able to use indesign at all... it was too big for my poor little tablet skjsk i got rlly excited abt#n downloaded it strategically for the free trial to expire today or tomorrow but. had to uninstall right away... sighs)#special thanks to lili for being so sweet . i think we became a bit closer through the messages we exchanged in between this project <3#special thanks to rachel and mare who i know are both really good friends with eri but who aren't exactly familiar with me... i was really#nervous messaging you both so thank you for being so sweet and for participating despite life not exactly helping!!#note for rachel: im sorry i ended up casually calling you rachie in my head the past month or so .. forgive me#special thanks to lulu for being willing to participate#a big thank you to everyone for opening up#and thank you to gabi and sarah who did try their best to find the means to participate#big thank you to gimp for crashing so many times while i was making this & to myself for overriding one of the most important files acciden#accidentally. good job#and finally. the BIGGEST thank you to OUR BELOVED ERI who. clearly. is just the biggest sweetest sunshine & the bestest friend to all of us#thank you for everything always ... i hope you're sleeping well by now#and of course: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! i truly wish you all the best today. and this month. and the next year and the next one and the next one an#i love you. <3 i really do#and so does everyone! clearly!!
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mariatesstruther · 1 year
I love the idea of Sarah and Ellie as same aged step-siblings but can I introduce you to the idea of the canon age gap being kept and Sarah, a grown professional woman, laughing at her father constantly for having to re-do the teenage years with another sarcastic teenage girl but this time this one isn't as well mannered or nice.
Sarah broke curfew out studying and smoking pot with her other AP classmates. Ellie breaks curfew because she broke into a building.
Sarah loves it.
“Sarah broke curfew out studying and smoking pot […] Ellie breaks curfew because she broke into a building.” THIS IS SENDING MEEEEEEEE
wanna take a sec to cred @liveandletcry23 and @maddiesbooknook for the sarah/ellie sibling idea!
what i love about this too is that joel would essentially have to deal with The Teenage Years not just twice, but three times—because from what we gather from the show/game, he spent the majority of his early life being responsible for tommy. and ik this is heavy in some respects but its also just so fucking funny imagining joel going through the wringer with tommy (who i imagine to be a bit of a reckless thrill-seeking type teenager), then raising sarah and being like “oh my god, bless her, look at this sweet little angel baby. i finally get to rest”
and then ELLIE comes in and figures out how to slide down the railing of their staircase before she’s even 5 years old, and he’s just like
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garykingz · 12 days
Btw the feedback I've got from Red Voice is so wonderful and I appreciate every single person who has even checked out my novel at all 🩷🔨 It literally means the world to me
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jack-kellys · 2 years
Détective au + afterlife au for the ask game!!
what's quite funny about this ask is that it became a ghost hunting/destroying storyline and then maybe two hours into writing the snippet i got a ghost hunting au + something else ask. more for me!!
i have a lot but u can send me more randomized aus!
okay SO! recently i saw this 8 episode show called lockwood & co on netflix (originally a book series) and it was sort of a weird first season to follow without the lingo and historical context of the world so basically this is an au adjacent to that concept. inspired by, if you will. one thing that's important is that young ppl lowkey function as living tools to listen to, see, or feel ghosts' energy. so they are tasked with destroying ghosts. without further ado here's a 1.6k word scene of a one-shot idea i'll finish eventually!
Sarah and David stood at the door together, the eerie home where their research had brought them. A haunted item, some music box, had been being bought and sold across the city, only leaving haunting incidents in its wake. It wasn’t hard for the spirit within to free itself with all that travel and the likely lack of protection the music box had undergone. David had tracked the hauntings, cross-referenced with recent black market sales, and estimated the next location via finding the latest buyer’s home. Sarah had surmised the threat level based on the hauntings (the deaths; there had been ten recent ones of hypothermia, which could only mean a ghost’s touch), finding police reports and tapping their forensics friend Finch to properly place what kind of threat they’d be dealing with. 
And now, armed with iron bullets, chest plates, and lined gloves among other things, Sarah tried the doorknob. Unlocked. 
The twins shared a look, David nodding and fingering his pistol as Sarah carefully opened the door.
An iron blade poked into David’s throat, both siblings freezing in place. After a moment, David groaned.
Holding the sword was ex-detective Jack Kelly, who looked about as shocked as David had been. His two brothers-in-arms, Charlie and Anthony, flanked his sides with their own weapons drawn. 
“Who gave you this case?” Jack demanded in a whisper, while Sarah scoffed. 
“Who gave you this case?” she countered. “You’re not registered detectives anymore, Kelly. You can’t be here.”
“And somehow, we were here first,” Anthony grinned. “If we cracked it better and quicker than you, then I think we gotta be the right people to be here.”
“Too many of us’ll make us dead a lot faster, so you guys should go,” Charlie nodded. “We got it covered.”
David scowled, guiding Jack’s iron away from his neck with a finger.
“Not a chance in hell,” he muttered, marching past all of them. “Follow me.”
After a moment of hesitation, he heard footsteps behind him, and his own grew more sure. 
The old hardwood of the house barely creaked under their feet, careful of the noise they made as they were essentially breaking and entering– it was the buyer’s property, and David wasn’t sure if the man was home or not. Essentially, all they had to do was secure the music box and get it to their detective agency, to determine if it should be stored or if it was safer to destroy it. Spirits were mostly tied to objects, and since these specific hauntings had been within a short radius of the box, it had to be the spirit’s physical connection. But where in the house the box could be was another matter. 
David’s hand found his sister’s, letting her take it and closing his eyes. Listening.
“Right,” he heard Jack drawl out. “The spirit gonna give us directions?”
“You know it doesn’t work that way,” David sighed, “or I’d be calling you an empath.”
“He does love his crystals,” Charlie teased, and David heard a small rustling between the two brothers, likely from Jack pushing the other.
“Quiet,” he said softly, suddenly, a small sound at the back of his head. Mechanical, a trill of gears tapping and moving to his left. He drifted toward it, allowing Sarah to guide his steps. The sound moved forward, between his eyes now as the noise of it came more into focus. It wasn’t tinny, wasn’t machine-like despite the ticking and tapping of it. He felt his feet hit the stairs, and cautiously started up them.
“What are you hearing?” Sarah whispered, resting her other hand on David’s back.
“It’s fluid,” he murmured, “as much as a music box can be, anyway. Guessing it’s because of the spirit’s post-life being attached- or… combined with it.”
“I’d rather fight a ghost than a box, so let’s not hope ‘combined’,” Anthony muttered behind him. Jack stifled a laugh, before letting out another one. David heard the railing’s wood creak, maybe a hand tightening around it.
“Wasn’t that funny, Jack,” Anthony said. “Now you’re just patronizing me.”
“I know, you’re not that-” Another giggle broke it off, what sounded like a hand slapping over Jack’s mouth as they made it to the top of the stairs. The fluid sound grew louder in David’s ears. Melodic, bright, and pretty, a swirling tune that tried to make David smile.
His eyes flew open with a small gasp, squeezing Sarah’s hand.
“Something’s wrong,” he murmured. “The spirit sounds too strong, we have to find that box- we have to find out if the buyer’s still- …alive.”
His gaze had landed on Jack, hunched over the banisher with his shoulders shaking as his brothers tried to get him to look at them.
“Jack,” Sarah hissed, “what do you feel?”
“Come on,” Charlie encouraged, rubbing Jack’s back. “Jackie, you’re okay, come on.”
“It’s- kind of…” Jack started, falling into a strained batch of giggles again. He lifted his head, fingers pressed to his temples and pained look on his face while a smile resided on his lips. He shook his head, laughing again. “Very.. happy. It’s happy, that kinda bubbly ecstatic feeling? You should…” 
Jack grinned, lopsided and loose, and David stepped back. They had to get him out of here.
“You should check- on the buyer,” he laughed, curling into himself. “You should- oh, man, you should–hahaha–check on the buyer…” 
“Fuck. Fuck,” Sarah breathed, hand on her sword. “Charlie, stay with Jack. You two, with me.”
David nodded, glancing at Anthony before casting his gaze at Jack once again. The boy couldn’t hold it in anymore, wheezing with delirious laughter as Charlie leaned against the bannister with his iron cane at the ready. David tore his eyes away, running after Sarah.
The noise, the music was present in David’s ears now without him even trying to concentrate, loud and repeating and quite beautiful. He gripped his forehead between his index finger and thumb, trying to silence it while he drew his pistol. Sarah kicked open the bedroom door, and the pretty music faded away from him. 
“Oh, shit,” Anthony sighed out, crossing over to the bed. A body laid there, with skin chilled and lips blued and eyes grayed. “Well, there’s our buyer. How’d Jack know by a feeling?”
“And why would a ghost in a music box be happy to kill?” Sarah frowned. “Spirits don’t often know they’re killing others, that’s…”
And then noise as a whole left completely, David’s eyes falling on an object on the dresser as the world fell into static silence. It was ornate, rectangular, with run-down gold moldings on its edges and glossed rose along its top and sides. He stepped towards it, wanting to investigate the rest of it. Look at it, look into it. Wanting to open it, wanting to hear it again, so pretty and soft...
He winced at the surge of live sounds- walls creaking, Sarah’s voice, her feet on the carpet, the clink of Anthony’s pistols in their holsters. Something was in his hands, rectangular, and he could hear Jack’s laughter shriek in amusement from down the hall.
“Don’t open it,” she was saying, her eyes wide. Anthony was still by the bed, hands by his hips, fingers spread. “David. Don’t. Just give it to me.”
David’s gaze dropped to what was in his hands, the pretty music box occupying his vision again. All he had to do was tug his finger towards himself, and he’d hear the song again. That was all he had to do. 
“No,” he said suddenly, though his grip tightened on it.
“No?” Anthony scoffed, shifting on his feet a bit- a more active stance. “For the know-it-all, you sure are stupid. Drop it, Jacobs. Now.”
“All we have to do is get it in the iron sack,” Sarah said softly, shooting Anthony a look. “David, just let go, and I’ll put it in. Don’t listen to whatever you’re hearing–”
“I’m not hearing anything,” he interjected. “I can’t hear it, it’s in my head, Saz, so if I just- if I open it then it could counter it–”
“No way,” Anthony said, shaking his head. “It’s like Charlie said. The more of us there are the easier we wind up dead, so don’t try shit to make that true.”
“But what if- if it could counter what Jack’s going through too?” David tried. “He’s sick with it, it’s contained in him right now, right? If we open it, we can release it.”
“You don’t know what you’re saying right now,” Sarah said, her voice the material of her weapon. David watched her hands take hold of the box in his grasp. “You’re not in your right mind, Ach. Let go.”
“Once it’s open, we can put it in the bag,” David scoffed. “That’ll make sure the spirit stays trapped and Jack and I will be fixed-”
She tugged it, like they were seven years old again, and David tugged it back.
“Jesus christ,” Anthony muttered. Swiftly, he pulled out a pistol, David glancing up to see the circular, hollow barrel of it.
“You’re insane,” David scoffed. 
“That’d be you,” Anthony sneered. “Drop it.”
David raised his hands over his head, and the box went flying behind him. 
Sarah shoved him aside, Anthony raced around the bed, and David watched as it hit the ground.
A bright, tinkling sound filled the room as Anthony drew both his guns and Sarah raised her sword, both stepping back as a flickering shape rose into the air. David’s brain felt noisy, but… grounded. Clearer, feeling a bit sick though present. 
“She’s in a fuckin’ tutu,” Anthony sputtered out, eyes wide. David didn’t have the clearest sight when it came to spirits’ physical forms, only a flicking outline. “She’s a dancer, and… she’s smiling.”
And Jack’s laughing hadn’t stopped.
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nick-cassidy · 1 year
Hiiiiiiiiiii 🫶🏻
You are now in charge of a store of your choice. Who would you employ? (Racing drivers, commentators, TP...)
this is my store btw it’s a gas station in the southern USA and it sells frozen yogurt too . ( pictures for reference )
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I would put Sacha fenestraz and Jake Dennis on cash register bc the cashiers need to be fast and talk a lot also they’re always goofin back there so it fits them
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I would put edoardo morarta and séb buemi on cooking the pizza/chicken/Hot Dogs etc etc bc séb cant Cook and i Imagine edoardo is really good symbolizing how race trac food is either the best or really really bad
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Jake Hughes is the random worker that somehow is always mopping when you get there
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seekingthestars · 1 year
got distracted, went on a quest to explore the royal hidden passageway 🎉
which is incredibly long and winding LOL and there are!! so many rocks, i went through so many weapons because i didn't wanna use all my bombs ahhh BUT
i explored and found the whole soldier's armor set all by myself! :D
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downs1de · 4 months
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@milleroptimism liked for a canon line starter
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"I'm telling you, there's at least a hundred different legends on the walking dead, but they all have different methods for killing them."
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"Some say setting them on fire... uh, one said--where is it? Right here: "Feeding their hearts to wild dogs." That's my personal favorite."
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rafesslxt · 2 months
so you know how guys when they’re angry they just fuck their girl hard? yeah well what about someone pissing reader off so much that she needs a release so rafe / mattheo just let her ride him and it’s all hard and sloppy and needy😋
nsfw | m. riddle + r. cameron | requested | words:253
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warnings: smut, kissing, dom and sub switching, mention of sex
note: i thought why not write for both of them? English is not my first language
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Mattheo would enjoy every second of it. When he notices you‘re getting mad or really angry, he already knows he‘s going to have the best sex with you. He lazily holds your hips, letting you do all the work and just enjoying the sight in front of him. Your brows arched, huffing and puffing, sloppy sounds falling through the room. He even would have a cigarette habging between his lips, smirk tugging on the side of his mouth and once in a while he would take a few drags and blow out some smoke to his left, making sure not to hit you with it. "Love when you get all feisty and hot, princess. Makes me adore you even more."
Rafe would also have a smirk on his lips, looking down at his precious girlfriend who‘s always nice but when people tried you, you would explode like a cute little volcano in his eyes. Like Matty he would let you ride him, his grip a little firmer on your hips, teasing you when you would get tired after a while. "What is it eh? Thought u a big girl all tuff and shit when you were mad." He would turn you two around at some point and start pounding you from behind, hard. Getting all the frustration out of you. "Need daddy to help ya‘, right?" He‘d fuck you right into your pillow, face scrunched and bottom lip between your teeth when his habd wanders around you and starts playing with your clit.
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a little something, hope you like it and thank you gorgeous the request i loved the idea i just had to do it a bit shorter cause i have too many long storys in my drafts and didn‘t want you to wait for months 💀🫶🏻
tell me in the comments If you were here for Rafe or Mattheo hehe
xoxo sarah <3
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vibinglikethat · 2 years
my first danny gonzalez gifset may have only gotten like one note (not counting my self rb lol) but thats not stopping me from working on another danny gifset!!!!!!!!!!
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mariatesstruther · 3 months
candid photos of me reading the last chapter of @hypnotisedfireflies’s fortunate son
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sparklypinkangel · 2 months
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rafe came by your dance studio to thank you for helping his daughter but when he sees you doing an heels choreography,he might say more than just thank you…. 🩰❤️👠🎀
dance!teacher!reader x single!dad!rafe ♡
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you were a ballet dance teacher for a group of adorable little girls on monday & wednesday & saturday nights,you loved teaching them one of your favorite things in the world. but on tuesdays & thursdays & fridays you were a heels dance teacher!!! you loved the gracefulness & softness of ballet but you also loved the sexiness & the technique of heels.
right now,you were watching your little angels practicing their ballet routine for the winter spectacle in two month,they were making so much progress so fast!
like every night,you waited for every little girl to leave before leaving but tonight sofia cameron came talking to you at the end of the class. you thought she was the cutest little girl you had ever seen,she was full of ambition & never give up. and well….you will never cross the line with one of your student’s parents but my god was her dad,rafe cameron,handsome. he camed to every single one of his daughter recital with flowers for her AND FOR YOU. he always pack her the cutest snack for the longest repetitions and if you needed help organizing something, he was always the first one to propose his help. you also knew that he wasn’t with sofia’s mom anymore,you guessed when she never came at any recital or to come pick her up from practice,you learned later that she abandoned sofia and used rafe for money. that made you mad & sorry for rafe but especially for sweet sofia.
“miss y/n ?”,sofia’s sweet voice asked you.
“ yes sweetie ? is everything okay ?”
“yes…i just…well it’s a little stupid but…how do you do to be so confident ?”
“oh sweet girl…it’s not stupid at all…turn around to look in the mirror please…you see that ?yourself ? well…that’s your bestfriend,you’re going to spend the rest of your life with your beautiful little self. so the best thing you can do is give yourself the biggest hug & a lot of love and support yourself through every good but also bad moment ….”
then,she broke your heart by crying,you crouched down behind her.
“sofia..is everything okay ? is someone annoying you ?”
“yes..some guys at school are a little mean…”
you took her hand in yours,turning her to face you,“sofia i want you to not listen to them,ignore them,you are the sweetest most amazing girl ever,you’re polite & kind,whenever one of the girls need help you’re always here and you’re so funny,always cracking jokes that make everyone laugh !!! never doubt yourself for anyone. ever….did you talk about it with your dad ? ”
“yeah…..it made him so sad..hate seeing him sad….he tried to go talk to the school but they didn’t stop…i know he’s been so tired after work…i dont want to make him sad….but now everytime they made me cry,i’m gonna think about you ! thank u miss y/n i like you so much…you’re the best”,she said before jumping into your arms.
“well i think you should talk about it again with your dad…he loves you so so much and no matter what he will always help.he is just sad because you’re his little princess and he don’t want you to ever get hurt.”
you hugged her back & tickle her until she was laughing and smiling again.
and it’s at that moment that rafe entered the studio.
“oh…hi baby…..miss y/n”,he said walking to you & sofia still hugging.
then sofia left your arms before running to go hug her dad.
“hi daddy”,she was practically shinning with happiness.
he laughed and you thought it was the most beautiful sound ever.
“damn baby…what got you so happy ?”,he ruffled her perfect bun and the thought of him taking time to make her hair perfectly everytime warmed your heart.
“miss y/n…she’s the best….and she’s so pretty,isn’t she dad ?”
“yeah…she is baby…the prettiest but not as much as you tho…go get your bag baby,sarah cooked your favorite chocolate cake for ya.”
sofia went happily get her back,you knew sarah was rafe’s sister because she often come to sofia’s spectacle with her husband john b.
“sorry about that….didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”,he said scratching his neck,you thought you even saw his cheeks reddening.
“oh no it’s okay really…..”,you smiled sweetly at him,your heart jumping.
˚₊‧꒰ა 🎀໒꒱ ‧₊˚
you were currently practicing your new routine on dance for you by beyoncé,it was the new routine you were going to teach your heels student tonight. your group was a group of twenty women and all of you formed a little dance family,now organizing dinner party to share the latest drama and gossip of y’all’s different life.
you dance during the entirety of the song,your body moving gracefully and sexily on the floor…the song was sexy and passionate and you tried to incorporate that in you choreography by moving your legs gracefully & moving your hair & arching your back…the sound of your high black heels resonating in the studio.
it was 6 PM,so you were the only one here yet,your class started at 8 PM.
when you finished your beautiful routine,you turned around to stop the music and that’s when you saw rafe. he was leaning on the doorstep,his arms crossed,his jaw thigh and his eyes were burning with something you couldn’t quit put a name on.
“oh my god…m.cameron…hi…hum…what are you doing here?”
“hey…didn’t meant to interrupt you i’m sorry. i came to thank you for whatever you said to my daughter yesterday. she….well today,she responded to her bully by saying that they couldn’t hurt her anymore because she was her own best friend and she would never again let someone make her feel bad for being herself because she was amazing….i….thank you. so much. she’s been so sad lately and whatever you said made her realize how wonderful & loved she was…so for that,i will always be grateful to you miss y/n truly.”
“call me rafe..please”
“..rafe..i’m so happy to heard that….you raised sofia wonderfully,she is amazing!!! truly !!!! i did nothing but tell her to true,please give her a big hug for me tonight.”
he laughed.
“i will,miss y/n, i will……i….excuse me if i cross boundaries but i didn’t know you danced anything other than ballet ?”
“oh well…on the day i’m not teaching the girls ballet,i’m teaching heels choreography to a group of woman….mhm…just how much did you see exactly?”
“enough to know that you are intensely talented and…beautiful.”
you gasped.
“shit..sorry i wasn’t planning on saying that…i don’t want to make you uncomfortable,i’m going to go. thank you again so much.”
“no m.cam..rafe..it’s okay…thank you….i love heels dancing for that…it…it made me feel beautiful and powerful. it’s a great form of expression.”
“i’m happy to hear that…you shouldn’t feel anything other than that.”
his gaze traced your face before fixing on your lips.
“listen….would it be okay if i crossed boundaries even more by asking you to have dinner with me ?”
“i don’t know m.cameron…is it a date ?”
“if you want it to be…i want it to be.”
“yes.”,you tried hard not to cheese like a teenage girl but you couldn’t help it,rafe cameron was so handsome.
“perfect…i am not going to tell soph anything yet…she’s just been so crazy lately,always reminding me how beautiful you were and how…single you were. i think if she knows that you accepted my dinner offer,she is going to die of happiness.”
you laughed loudly and without any shame.
“has she been playing the matchmaker?”
“yeah….she really has…when are you free for the date?”
“my class on friday night got suspended so i’m free.”
“perfect,i send a driver here to come pick you up…i think you might not want be to know where you live just yet…you know,first date rules and all.”
“yeah thanks rafe. i see you friday ?” he needed to leave now before you accidentally jumped on him and started kissing him like a mad woman.
“yes,love,you’ll see me on friday. have a nice dance class tonight….”
“thanks.” but you didn’t know how you will be able to focus on anything other than him,and the way he was looking at you….with his beautiful bedroom eyes and the way the nickname «love»rolled down his tongue.
you ended up seeing rafe the next day when he came pick sofia up from dance class….he winked at you and when friday night rolled you were jumping of happiness. the night went by so fast,conversation & flirting never stopping.at the end of the night, he opened the door of your cab for you and asked you to text him when you’ll arrive safely back home but not before promising you another date.♡
˚₊‧꒰ა 🎀໒꒱ ‧₊˚
rafe’s pov of your discussion & your dance.
when i entered the dance studio the last thing i thought i will be seeing was miss y/n dancing on the floor in nothing but a pair of heels & some tiny black short & black bralette.
my god,was she the most beautiful little thing i’ve ever seen. i tried hard to not cross boundaries with her because she was sofia’s dance teacher but she was haunting me. slipping into my mind at any moment,when i’m working,when i’m shopping and i see her favorite parfume,when i’m watching sofia dance in the living room…..
and now ? now i’m fucking blessed by the sigh of her,opening her legs and arching her back on the floor sensually …..fuck me. she would look so pretty like that for me…on my bed….naked….she was so fucking sexy,the rain behind her pouring down on the window and the gray color of the sky casting a dark glow across the room. i needed to shake those thoughts,there no way she would be interested. i mean i was older than her and i has a fucking kid for god’s sake.
she turned in my direction and gasped when she saw me.
“oh my god…m.cameron…hi…hum…what are you doing here?”
“hey…didn’t meant to interrupt you i’m sorry. i came to thank you for whatever you said to my daughter yesterday. she….well today,she responded to her bully by saying that they couldn’t hurt her anymore because she was her own best friend and she would never again let someone make her feel bad for being herself because she was amazing….i….thank you. so much. she’s been so sad lately and whatever you said made her realize how wonderful & loved she was…so for that,i will always be grateful to you miss y/n truly.”
thanks to her my daughter was truly smiling again and opened up to me again. not only was she the sexiest fucking woman alive but also the sweetest to my daughter? was she created only to ruin me ? fuck…the sigh of her hugging my daughter made me too happy. way too happy.
“call me rafe..please” i needed to hear her say my name,in her sultry sweet voice.
“..rafe..i’m so happy to heard that….you raised sofia wonderfully,she is amazing!!! truly !!!! i did nothing but tell her to true,please give her a big hug for me tonight.”
she was so goddam sweet, i couldn’t help but laugh. i don’t remember the last time someone other than sofia made me laugh. i also couldn’t help myself but to try to learn more about her. and this fucking choreography.
“i will,miss y/n, i will……i….excuse me if i cross boundaries but i didn’t know you danced anything other than ballet ?”
“oh well…on the day i’m not teaching the girls ballet,i’m teaching heels choreography to a group of woman….mhm…just how much did you see exactly?” the way her cheeks turned bright pink was the sweetest thing….what if ? what if she had the same crush on me than i had on her ? would it be so bad ? it certainly didn’t feel bad to me.
so fuck it. i’m saying what i think.
“enough to know that you are intensely talented and…beautiful.”
she gasped softly and my heart started pounding,what if i has read all of this wrongly?
“shit..sorry i wasn’t planning on saying that…i don’t want to make you uncomfortable,i’m going to go. thank you again so much.”
i needed to get out of here. right now.
“no m.cam..rafe..it’s okay…thank you….i love heels dancing for that…it…it made me feel beautiful and powerful. it’s a great form of expression.”
the way she was looking at me with her big beautiful bambi eyes made me realize that no. i had not misread the situation. she wanted me too,if i listen to her body language or..her thighs clenching together.
“i’m happy to hear that…you shouldn’t feel anything other than that.” she shouldn’t feel anything than the goddess she was.
i couldn’t help but look at her and at her beautiful full pink lips….what would she taste like? i wanted to find out so bad but before…
“listen….would it be okay if i crossed boundaries even more by asking you to have dinner with me ?”
“i don’t know m.cameron…is it a date ?”
fuck yes,hell i’m asking for mariage.
“if you want it to be…i want it to be.”
“yes”,she responded so fast,smiling so brightly.
fuck,she was beautiful,i wanted to make her smile forever,to maker her laugh.
“perfect…i am not going to tell soph anything yet…she’s just been so crazy lately,always reminding me how beautiful you were and how…single you were. i think if she knows that you accepted my dinner offer,she is going to die of happiness.”
she laughed loudly,the sound making my heart jump.
“has she been playing the matchmaker?”
that she has,yes.
“yeah….she really has…when are you free for the date?”
“my class on friday night got suspended so i’m free.”
perfect,all mine.
“perfect,i send a driver here to come pick you up…i think you might not want me to know where you live just yet…you know,first date rules and all.”
as much as i wanted to kiss her and push her until she was pressed between me and the wall and gently push her legs around my waist —fuck her legs would look gorgeous wrapped around me— i needed to go slow. both for her and for me. i will not make the same mistakes.
“yeah thanks rafe. i see you friday ?”
“yes,love,you’ll see me on friday. have a nice dance class tonight….”
and i’m going to spend the rest of my night thinking about her dancing like that again but this time,just for me.
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hope u loved it ♡ English is not my first language so i apologize for any mistakes <3
notes : should i make this like a little universe ? when any of you can like give headcanons,requests prompt….bcause i had so much fun writing it <3 i don’t think i’m going to make it a serie but more like writing randomly about them. sight …i love single!dad!rafe ♡
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Hey!Hey! How are you doing? I hope well.
In any case, I can make the request with Ganyu, Sarah, Shenhe, Furina, Lynette and Arlecchino with a shy, kind and quiet Y/N taking a stance to defend them?
(Genshin Impact) Ganyu, Eula, Sara, Shenhe, Furina, Lynette, and Arlecchino's shy S/O defending them
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Ganyu is speechless when she sees her S/O stepping in between the person she's speaking to.
(S/O) "Ganyu is always doing the best she can...! I don't see you putting even a single fraction of effort she always does!"
While she is surprised, her love for S/O goes up tenfold hearing them stand up for her. Especially knowing that they were just as shy as she was.
It inspires her to do the same, and takes their hand to excuse themselves.
Once they get out of the area, she gives such a warm smile to them.
(Ganyu) "Thank you for saying those things about me, S/O...Would you like to get dinner tonight, it's on me!"
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Eula can't help but wince a little, seeing S/O step in to defend her.
She was used to this, and worst of all, this would paint a target on S/O's back as well, if dating her already didn't do that.
But at the same time, it made her heart swell hearing their words.
(S/O) "Who cares if she's a Lawrence! She's always fought for every single one of us in Mondstadt to keep it safe, including you! Don't...Don't treat her like that!"
Once she fights off her creeping blush, she takes S/O aside after the argument.
(Eula) "You didn't need to do that, but...thank you, S/O. Just don't get hurt because of me, got it?"
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Sara is more impressed than anything that someone had the balls to even insult the General of the Tenryou Commission straight to her face.
And she continues to be when Sara steps in.
(S/O) "And what have you contributed to Inazuma? Sara would be the first one to defend the people, while you'd be doing nothing!-"
With how soft-spoken S/O was, she decides to step in so that way S/O doesn't let a vein burst in anger.
(Sara) "That is enough, S/O. Thank you."
Once they're in private, she can't help but smile.
(Sara) "S/O, about what happened back there...I have to say I'm impressed and...thanks."
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Shenhe is resisting the urge to bash this person's head against the wall.
Not for insulting her, she was used to that, it was for doing this while she was on a date with S/O, and their time had to be wasted on this nonsense.
Before she could open her mouth and threaten them, S/O steps in.
(S/O) "She's not an adeptus. Shenhe is human, more than you are!"
Shenhe recoils ever so slightly at their words, moreso by the fact that S/O spoke less than her, and yet decided to interfere.
It also made Shenhe be that much more fond of S/O. They'd defend her, even though she didn't need it?
(Shenhe) "S/O, let us be off before I throw this man into the harbor."
And if they tried to insult S/O, then Adepti help them, because then she'd actually do violence to them.
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Furina shrinks with every insult thrown her way by the person standing in their way.
At least, until S/O stepped in between them.
(S/O) "Shut up. Furina isn't even human, yet she'll always be a better person than whatever you'll turn out to be!"
Furina's mouth goes agape, she'd never thought that the S/O who would clam up at the presence of more than herself could say such a thing.
Doubly so when they spit at their feet and take her hand and drag Furina away.
Furina is blushing the entire time, trying to process what just happened.
(Furina) "That...was quite the performance S/O. And...u-um...thank you for defending me."
She is looking away, blushing madly as she thanks them.
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Lynette really didn't care about the person calling her cold.
She was used to it, and it's not like they were wrong. She was busy tuning them out until S/O's voice snapped her out of her thoughts.
(S/O) "If you're so adamant on her performing magic, I got one for you! Conjure yourself a bridge, AND JUMP OFF IT!"
Lynette's tail shoots straight up as her eyes go wide.
Okay, she didn't expect her S/O was even more quiet than her to ever say something like that.
Not that she had a complaint at all about it.
S/O and Lynette get some privacy, making her speak up.
(Lynette) "...I'd say you should say stuff like that more often, but that'll create more headaches for the two of us."
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Arlecchino couldn't give less of a damn about what people said about her.
Which made her all the more surprised when S/O defended her from a stranger's rude words.
(S/O) "You call her hands creepy, but you haven't even looked in a mirror today!"
Oh? Now that got her attention.
She was under the impression that her S/O was like Freminet in terms of speaking to others.
Arlecchino doesn't even wait until they're out of earshot.
(Arlecchino) "My, I didn't know you had it in you, S/O. You should let that side out more often."
If that person wanted to interrupt her and S/O's conversation now, they'd answer to her instead.
S/O's defense truly wasn't needed, but the thought at least counts.
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jack-kellys · 2 years
hey hello hi. after reading a few asks i wanted to see what your opinion on the Sarah X Katherine ship. some people like and hate it- and it’s undoubtedly an 100% fandom invention due to them not even sharing the same media and it being implied they don’t even exist in each other’s universes (Davey’s Family is kept vague in the musical and pulitzer is much more based upon the real life one in the movie who didn’t have a daughter at the time) and idk.
it’s a long running fandom consistency i see of wlw parings getting sidelined or made of convince, and it’s hard to dispute them because in fandom spaces it’s hard enough to get a good wlw pair, and even it’s stretching it a whole lot here. especially with them both bing jack’s love intrests in cannon, feels like a “oh what do we do with them?” to make way for him usually being shipped with Davy or Cruchie.
i don’t think it’s an active type of ignorance by most fans at all but it’s not just newsies- it’s in a lot of spaces that ususally have queer relationships as a main fandom focus, and like in the Sprace post- lots of people have a point their mind for those queer relationships and them not being white mlm ususally with specific body and personality types it can be difficult to get real attention for it or justify it’s existence.
sorry for the rambling on, would love to hear someone elses’s stance.
I MEANT TO ANSWER THIS WEEKS AGO (or whenever this was sent)
send me asks dudes! what’s up!
you honestly are correct. it is so common in fandom spaces as a whole to consistently center mlm ships based around a piece of media’s text and then put the women elsewhere- often into a wlw relationship for diversity win points. and this is so true for katherine and sarah in favor of centering javid mainly.
but what i think is the most annoying part isn’t the fact that they’re put together—because honestly they’re a fun pair based on their personalities in newsies.. sarah can be both gentle and quite to the point while katherine is sharp and a bit messy—it is that they are sidelined. katherine, who is literally one of the main characters of newsies like more than davey in terms of plot, and sarah, who was the literal one woman in newsies 1992. they are both genuinely interesting characters that objectively mattered a lot in their respective versions of newsies (YES SARAH MATTERED… she spread the children’s crusade further through the city’s more general workforce and helped print it). they have very clear personalities and impacts. and they often just poof away in favor of “the boys” or whatever which is very. old fashioned.
i think sarah and kath can be a “forced” wlw pair and work because they as characters work well— also because the writing of newsies is honestly weak when pairing each of them with jack, like the context we as fans have of them with jack is… not very exciting compared to jack’s extensive and more arced relationship with davey within the context for example. but if you pair newsbians for the sole purpose of like. making them go away. then what the actual fuck. you know. because then that really is only seeing mlm ships as what fandom should center or “be about”. and that doesn’t mean more fics have to be About newsbians (though. i mean. yeah), but when they’re a couple in a fic it should be less of a throwaway like easter egg thing…. because those are two literal prominent characters in the World of newsies so it’d be weird to put them away.
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shellxrls · 5 months
i need to be sarah’s cutesy sabrina carpenter espresso baby best friend who fucks her on the dl and also fucking her brother🤫
a/n: anon u ate with this ask cuz i love this song soo much, and i loveee the idea of rafe being beyond pussy whipped all for his gf to be more in love w his sister than him.
warnings: male receiving oral (mxf), cum swallowing, female receiving oral (fxf), cheating, NO INCEST at all they fuck at completely separate times.
🍒🍒 🍒
you’d often find yourself one of two places on the daily, ironically they were both situated in the same house: laying prey to the skilled fingers of sarah cameron in a fuzzy orgasm-drunk haze, or clinging all cutesy onto rafe cameron’s arm as he works away in his office — maybe sucking his dick under the desk if you were painfully eager.
at current moment, you were coddled next to rafe, pointing at an assortment of glittery bags on your phone screen and singling out the ones you wanted the most — or rather, the ones you didn’t want, considering the order you were about to place was essentially the bulk of the entire website.
“rafee, card please,” you tap him on the shoulder and urge him to rummage through his wallet, pulling out a black card before handing it to you and briefly glancing at your cart as you completed the transaction.
“gonna return the favour for me baby?” he mutters distractedly, eyeing some documents but letting his left hand wander to your thigh.
“course rafe, just wish you weren’t working all the time,” you pout, dragging his hand further into the crease of your thighs and rocking slightly on the chair, “otherwise i could return it now.”
he stills, dropping his pen and rubbing out a crease on his forehead with his free hand before turning to you, “mhm, under the desk princess, i can take a quick break.”
you beam, having successfully captured his attention, and crawl beneath him to begin unzipping his work slacks.
eager-mouthed you attempt to swallow him entirely on your first suck, lubing his entire shaft as tendrils of saliva dripped from your open mouth all the way down to his balls, stringing messily.
“fuck that’s good, now what do you say?”
“thank you rafe,” you force out through your stuffed mouth, eyes glimmering up at him in cat-like excitement while he looked down on you with nothing short of hypnotism, eyes glazed over with want.
it’s not long before he’s cumming down you’re throat in spurts, fisting your hair to force your head down further and making you swallow it so his office isn’t left messy.
he taps your cheek once he finishes, murmuring something about how good you did before quickly being reoccupied with his documents, sending you out with a firm slap on your ass lest you distract him any further.
you find yourself easily wondering into sarah’s bedroom, not bothering to knock and diving straight down onto her bed next to her, “was rafe boring you?” she questions with an edge of sarcasm.
you swallow, slightly guilty considering you did come in here to get release after sucking rafe off left you painfully wet, “something like that,” you trail off for a second before redirecting the conversation, “and anyways, i just missed you, haven’t seen my girl in a while.”
she smiles at that, leaning over you and pushing you into the bed frame with a kiss, her lips were always much sweeter than rafe’s, you’d always end up borderline inhaling off the flavoured chapstick she so regularly applies.
“missed you too,” she grins against your mouth, wasting no time in swiftly removing her shirt, then yours too.
kissing down your clavicle, she grabs the buckle of your jeans and pulls you onto her, humping you slightly against her leg.
you keen into the air, clinging onto one of her hands and bucking you body back into her, “shit sarah.”
she laughs lightly, the sound creating a hum against your pelvis while she works off your pants and leaves you naked underneath her, pussy glistening in her face
“you really did miss me huh?” she bites her lip almost awestruck and meets eyes with you before nudging her nose into your clit, cashing the nerves to twitch against her face.
she laps at your soaking entrance slowly, nose bumping your clit with every lick and making you squirm underneath her, your stomach pulsing in drawn out pleasure.
“mmh please sare — more,” you whimper, pushing your hips outward and forcing her face in deeper, tongue probing at your hole while she introduces two fingers to your clit in tight circles.
she tongue fucks you for a while before moving back onto your clit, sucking on the nerves and redirecting her two fingers inside of you, curling aggressively while you mewled and your whole body tensed up.
when you finally cum she eagerly mouths it all, rising from between your legs hot in the face with her mouth and chin all dampened due to slick.
you giggle looking down at her, pulling on the strap of her bra so she could meet you with a kiss, all the while thinking about how pissed rafe would be if he ever found out.
🍒🍒 🍒
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ariesangelxo · 4 months
mornings - part two
cw: more angst, still no comfort (i promise it’s coming in the next part), heartbreak, one mention of panic attacks, prescription benzo use, recreational coke use, drinking, arguing, mention of a gun and a gunshot at the end, not proofread lol
an: thank u all SO SO much for all of the love on part one !!! i am blown away and in awe. there also will be a part three for sure <3
part three
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the past twenty-six days had not been kind to you. your mornings were spent rotting away in bed until your mom would force you to get up, her expression of concern always made you feel even worse. your days weren’t much better, you forced yourself to detach from your heart and numb your emotions. it was the only way you knew how to keep going. you put on a mask during the day with your parents, giving them occasional smiles and laughs that weren’t the kind that warmed their hearts. they knew you weren’t okay, but they also knew they couldn’t force you to talk about it or you’d shut down completely. your nights consisted of taking a benzodiazepine in order to fall asleep, you couldn’t sleep without them. you tried, it only led to intense panic attacks and hysterical sobs that made your mother’s heart break in front of you.
this morning had been a bit different. you were awakened when you felt a weight in your bed, and in the haze of waking up you initially thought it was rafe. you shot up the moment you remembered everything, eyes widening and heart racing, but you looked over to see sarah in your bed. "oh my god, sarah you scared the hell out of me!" you exclaimed, holding a hand over your chest.
she let out a giggle, "i'm sorry, your mom let me in. i miss you," her tone was gentle. you had become very close with sarah during your relationship with rafe. being over at the cameron's house so often led to a beautiful friendship forming between the two of you. she was like a sister to you, something you cherished deeply as you didn't grow up with a sister.
you felt a pang of guilt in your chest at her words. you knew she missed you, she'd messaged you every single day since your break up without fail, even if you didn't always text back. you had seen her a couple times, but when she asked about what happened, you told her you weren't ready to talk about it. sarah was incredibly understanding, knowing how much you loved her brother and not wanting to push you too far.
"i miss you too, sar. i'm sorry i've been such a shit friend lately." you responded to her. you gave her a small smile, curling up next to her as she sat against your headboard.
"it's okay, i know you're not doing great with everything going on right now," she trailed off with a sad smile, "but, you're going out with me tonight!" she became animated as she spoke.
you didn't have it in your heart to deny her, not when she looked at you like you were the most important person in her world. "you know i can't say no to you. where are we going?" you asked curiously.
"there's going to be a huge party at the boneyard, and you're coming with me. no ifs, ands, or buts." she giggled out, "i need to get you out of your room, you're rotting away in here, babe."
"god, you sound just like my mother," you teased back. "i'll go though, i miss you more than you know. i even miss the pogues a bit." you both laughed, referencing her newer relationship with john b.
you couldn't prevent your curiosity from getting the better of you, "how- how has he been?"
sarah bit her lip, debating internally how much to tell you. "he's been... not great. i don't see him much when i'm home, he's usually in his room with the door shut. he's been a lot more moody too, snapping at literally everyone in the house. it probably didn't help that i told him he's an idiot and he fucked up the best thing to ever happen to him."
you couldn't suppress the laugh that slipped through your lips or the slight satisfaction you felt knowing that you weren't the only one struggling. "i love you sar. thank you." you leaned over, giving her a hug.
"i love you too. now get your ass up and shower. we're getting you a new outfit for the party."
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you spent the next few hours strolling through the streets of figure eight with sarah. your arms held multiple shopping bags, filled with clothes she insisted you needed for tonight. you were incredibly grateful that she had forced you out of bed, you actually felt human for the first time since everything happened.
you found yourself in a small cafe, giggling as sarah told you a story from one of her drunken adventures with the pogues.
“you know… you should talk to jj tonight. i know he thinks you’re hot.” sarah gave you a mischievous smile as she wiggled her brows.
“funny,” you rolled your eyes playfully at her, “but it’s way too soon for me to get into anything with anybody right now.”
“i didn’t mean start dating him, i just think you would have fun together.”
“i just- i don’t know, sar. i’ve been such a wreck these past few weeks… can i tell you what happened?” you looked up from your fingers to meet her eyes, now widened with shock.
“yeah, of course you can. but don’t feel like you have to if you don’t want to.”
you were grateful for her support, going into your explanation of how the last couple months of your relationship, rafe’s behavior changed drastically. sarah hung on to your every word, needing to know exactly what led to the end of your relationship.
“and so i walked into the country club to surprise him. i spent the whole morning getting ready, did my makeup how he likes, even wore a new sundress that i know he would have loved. but i walked in and…” you looked up as your vision began to blur, “he was talking with some bitch i’ve never seen before bartending. she had short brunette hair, but he fucking smirked at her the way he only does- did for me. and- and then, she basically fucking held his hand while she fucked him with her eyes, and he let it happen!”
you spit the words out like they were poison on your tongue, not noticing your voice beginning to raise with frustration. sarah’s jaw was nearly on the floor.
“what the- what the fuck?” she racked her brain, trying to remember if she’d seen anyone matching your description recently, but nothing came to her.
“god, shit. i’m so sorry, babe. i don’t know what the fuck is wrong with him.” she attempted to console you as you dabbed your eyes with a napkin.
you shrugged your shoulders, “what’s done is done. i just want to forget about everything for a while.”
she nodded, “then let’s go get ready. we can pregame at yours and ride with john b and them.”
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after a few shots, a couple hours spent transforming yourself to not look like you spent the last three weeks trying to cope with your break up, and a lot of laughter, you and sarah were ready to go.
you wore a cropped loosely crocheted white sweater over your pink bikini and a white miniskirt that hugged your hips , the strings from your bottom peaking out from the top of it. you were finally feeling good about yourself again, and you’d be damned if you let anyone ruin it.
the ride to the boneyard only lifted your spirits more. it was impossible not to laugh around the pogues, especially when jj did whatever he could to hear your giggle.
you arrived just as the party was beginning to pick up. relief flooded your veins when you didn’t see rafe anywhere. you knew it was a possibility he’d be here, but it was going to be significantly easier to have a decent night without his presence lingering around.
you filled up a red solo cup at the keg, downing the cheap alcohol before refilling it.
“slow down there, or you might not make it too long.” jj approached you, giving you a flirty smile.
you gave him a laugh in response, “i’ll be fine, jay. i just want to be able to let loose tonight.”
“stick by me then, don’t want any of these pervs creeping on you.” the thinly veiled concern in his voice made you smile. you know he’s flirting, but it’s clear he wants to keep you safe knowing it’s your first night out in so long.
you spent the next hour surrounded by the pogues, and true to his word, jj looked out for you. he did so well that you failed to notice who had shown up to the party, the one and only rafe cameron.
rafe, on the other hand, saw you immediately upon arriving. it was impossible for him not to when your presence demanded his attention. he was not happy to see who you were hanging around with. his ongoing beef with the pogues was well known by everybody on the island. he didn’t come to party though, he had other business to attend to as barry gave him a side eye, “fuck are you doing, country club? you can fight for your girl later, we’ve got shit to do.”
your drink had somehow disappeared. your furrowed your brows as you looked down, giggling to yourself as you told your friends you were going to get another one. you were at the perfect level of drunk, not to the point of blacking out or vomiting, but to where you couldn’t quite walk in a straight line and everything was funny to you.
you stumbled up to the keg, starting to fill up your cup when you felt someone watching you. the hairs on the back of your neck stood up, you instantly knew who it was. it was as though there was a chip in you that alerted you to when he was nearby. you took a deep breath as you turned your head slightly, seeing rafe sat next to a man you didn’t know as he handed a small plastic bag filled with overpriced coke to a touron. rafe’s eyes didn’t leave you as he signaled him to leave.
you could hear your heartbeat in your ears, the hand holding onto your cup now trembling and the lump in your throat building. rafe stood, starting to approach you as you froze. your brain was screaming at you to run but your body refused to move an inch.
“what the fuck do you want, cameron?” your words were spat out with venom. your tone clearly surprised you both as he looked shocked momentarily. you were typically one to stand your ground, but never ever was your attitude aimed towards him.
“what do you mean ‘what the fuck do i want’? you fucking up and left out of nowhere and haven’t spoken to me in almost a month.” his voice was filled with anger, his nose flaring as he clenched his jaw.
you let out a humorless laugh, “out of nowhere? you can’t be serious, rafe. you treated me like shit the last few months of our relationship.” you didn’t yet mention seeing his interaction with the bartender at the country club, not knowing if topper and kelce had told him about seeing you when you left that fateful day.
“what? be-because i couldn’t be with you twenty-four fucking seven? like i- i wasn’t out working my ass off to afford nice shit for you?”
“‘working your ass off’ will you stop fucking lying to me? i fucking saw you at the country club,” his facial expression showed confusion, bringing his brows together to try and understand what you were talking about, “you let that bitch touch you, you looked at her how you used to look at me. i spent hours getting ready, i showed up, wanting to surprise my boyfriend for lunch, and what do i see? my boyfriend letting some bartender hang off of him while he flirts with her?”
your voice had raised as you got more and more angry. you were now shouting at him as other partygoers failed to hide their stares and murmuring. nobody ever talked to the kook prince the way you currently were, unless they wanted their face bashed in.
rafe grabbed your arm harshly, pulling you down the beach and away from others. you stumbled behind him, knowing you weren’t physically or mentally strong enough to push him away.
when you looked up at him, you suddenly noticed his blown-out pupils. you felt your heart sink. “you’re using again.” you stated flatly.
he scoffed, rolling his eyes at you. “don’t act like you fucking care.” he spat out at you.
“jesus fucking christ- rafe, when did you start again?”
“don’t worry about it. when did you come to the country club?” his tone was demanding, sparking further irritation in you.
“the day i left. i- i let a lot of shit slide for too long, because… because i wanted to be a good girlfriend and support you when i thought you were just stressed out from work. and, in return, i get to watch my boyfriend make me look like a fucking idiot.”
rafe was silent for a minute, his lips pursed as he clearly was trying to remember what he was doing before he came home to an angry ward and an empty room. then realization hit him, he knew exactly what you were talking about. he brought his palm up to his face, groaning.
when he was about to speak, he was cut off. “is cameron bothering you?” jj’s familiar voice called out. you looked past rafe’s large figure to see all of the pogues standing beside him, looking ready for a fight if it came to it.
rafe gave a humorless chuckle, “stay the fuck out of it, pogue.” he clearly wouldn’t go down without a fight either.
your heart stopped for a moment and your body filled with ice cold terror as jj pulled out a gun that was hidden behind his back in his waistband. it was clear you weren’t the only one not expecting it as the rest of them looked at jj with concern, john b telling him to put it away. “yeah? let’s fucking go, rafe. been itching for a fight for too long.”
everything became blurred. the mixture of shouting, seeing figures suddenly moving towards each other, and the unmistakeable sound of a gunshot, and then everything went black.
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