#thank u for the tag cain!!
probablyahazard · 11 months
Tagged by @nuclear-cowboy my beloved to do 15 questions, 15 mutuals so here we go
Were you named after anyone? My first name is stolen from a dnd character and a podcast character. My middle name is veeeery technically from a kpop idol? (its an english name tho, latin origin) a friend called me by his name as a joke once. I proceeded to ignore the massive amount of gender euphoria it gave me for like a year in a half. But the name means lucky so I was like 'ha yeah I'll keep it'
When was the last time cried? Idk dude like 24 hours ago? will probably cry later tho. I cry a lot.
Do you have kids? Ha, fuck no. I'm a baby. Also for other......reasons.
Do you use sarcasm alot? Yes? I think? Enough that people used to comment on how sarcastic I was?
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Is it cheating if I just say vibes? idk if i had to hazard (ha) a guess I'd say like either the way they carry themselves or how much they speak.
What’s your eye colour? Brown but like deep brown almost black looking brown type shit.
Any special talents? I'm one of those bitches who's just super good at memorizing quotes. is it practically useful? no. But it's fun. I memorize whole movies for funsies.
Scary movies or happy endings? Both? It depends on my mood? As a kid i was very into scary movies but as I get older and the world happens I appreciate happy endings more which.....ahhh.... ya know?
Where were you born? Aotearoa
What are your hobbies? Reading (so much fucking reading), drawing, writing, dnd and dming (tho that actually happens once in a blue moon), imagining little scenarios. idk dude existing
Do you have any pets? Not currently, I used to have a cat.
What sports do you play/have played? I did fencing for like 5 years, that was my main thing. Idk not really a sports person. as a kid I did miniball, touch rugby, and gym but not of those ever stuck. I always wanted to play football (soccer not the other one) but eh.
How tall are you? short.... (*whispers* like 5'1)
Favourite subject in school? Classics my beloved <3333 also drama and english. and like in theory I liked the content for my art history class but I hated the way we were taught so
Dream job? I do not dream of labor. also I have a lot of fears about not being able to hold a full time job without destroying myself for...Reasons. But like hypothetically I'd love to be a classicist or a graphic designer. or an actor but like ahhhh no.
Tagging the mutuals, sorry. This is probably not like 15 and obviously you don’t have to do this, it’s chill if you just ignore this. anyways, ur all really cool and I hope ur having a good day <3
@ghostgrrll @badfaithbanana @raemae-15 @nightlynymph @watermelon-converse @coffeeshopghost @future-banned-book-recipient @confused-wizard @angelic-flower-universe @merriweather-underground
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linkedin-offficial · 7 months
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is this anything . sky:cotl au
details (aka my rambling) under the cut
mostly set upon the whole idea that caine came from eden and tries to help everyone gain their wings (albeit doing a terrible job the entire time)
bubble keeps the name bubble!
they r a mantatee :3 suprisingly chaotic for a light creature and sort of has the "eat light and puff out candles" personality that caine should have but doesn't
i contemplated caine being called "the creature" just for shits and giggles (and eventually went with it) since im absolutely certain everyone who ever meets him ever would be terrified for a little bit until they realize hes sentient; he doesn't understand that the name is supposed to be sort of derogatory
caine is the only one with wings because hes the only one who can canonically fly/float!
(and yes his head is supposed to be a dark plant . i like to think im big brain for this)
the reason why his dark plant head is tinted red btw . my thought process was basically "ah yes. red = good bcus eden :]" even though thats convoluted since everyone hates eden but that makes it better in a way. i think
zooble > mismatched worksmith
"bows" given to them by ragatha as an identifier; not like theyd need one though ..
constantly making their own prosthetics due to growing boredom with their previous ones (autism™) and also carved the designs into their mask themself
kinger > reluctant royalty
same old kinger as usual .. when asked what he rules he doesnt particularly remember nor have an answer so hes usually treated with respect out of pity for being old and senile
second tallest behind jax , also the oldest (if you dont count caine i guess? whos sort of. ageless)
ragatha > plush friendfinder
matching bow with jax :3 sibling moment! (yes i like the ragatha + jax sibling dynamic . its amazing to me)
right eye does not glow and actually looks like a hollow hole if you get close enough to her face! also clothing making buddies with zooble :] she taught them how to sew without pricking themself
gangle > wrapped up theatre-goer (i had such a hard time thinking of a name .. and to be honest?? im not solid on this but WHAGEVER.)
shortest. obviously
likes to write plays in her spare time and reads them to zooble while they work
clothes are sectioned and Very flowy, and has a few (cracked and broken) masks she likes to use for play improv (and also uses for herself sometimes if she has a hard time expressing a certain emotion)
jax > towering tease (it sounds stupid but THIS is so fucking funny.i cannot resist this)
tallest OBVIOUSLY. like stupidly tall . has its advantages and disadvantages (like being able to steal things from gangle with no consequences . on the other hand. doorframes)
him being tall and having that be the only thing hes got going for him is absolutely hilarious to me and im leaning into that hard
he has a tail also, but its small and not visible from the chart
pomni > jittery jester (i had to look up "other words for anxious" for this.my intelligence is showing)
pretty much the only one i referenced real in game clothing for, which sort of fits! protag moment
this was all i really had, since other established things like their personalities and relationships arent really changed much. but this was fun to think about :3 input is appreciated !
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spoks-illogical-art · 4 months
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this is my personal hell (miami, florida)
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drgnbrst · 1 year
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celine-song · 6 months
username tag game
Rules: spell your username with song titles and then tag as many people as there are letters. I was tagged by @katherines thank you 🥰
my house - beyonce
imagining - rina sawayama (feat. amaarae)
kamikaze - carly rae jepsen
eternally hateful - kirin j callinan
mother nature - mgmt
i will be with you always - reverend kristin michael hayter
leave me alone - fred again..., baby keem
lover/friend - kaytranada, rochelle jordan
survivor - genesis owusu
tagging @saw-x, @muldery, @rachmcadams, @ayo-edebiri, @rileykeouhg, @tay-swifts, @stydixa, @narliee, @ajmichalka
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untitledgooselife · 10 months
Hey man you ok
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the only way out of this is to grab me by my ankles and swing my head against this big rock
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derelictheretic · 1 year
🥺 👉👈i'd love to hear your thoughts on a daemon for micah, or lilith if you'd rather. but only if it's not too much on your plate <3
Okay so for Micah I am vibing with either a Wolfdog, a Hawk or a Doberman.
I think Doberman fits her really well because the breed is incredibly loyal and fantastic guard dogs as well as being incredibly intimidating which Micah can be! Her Daemon being a Doberman fits in with her whole theme I think and definitely would work with her dynamic with John too!! They can also be incredibly sweet and affectionate when trained properly and from what I gather with John she's very sweet and loving so I'd say that works! They'd also ace all of Jacob's training with her and they'd just be a power team!
It'd also kinda add onto keeping her distance with people I think, especially if her Daemon is as stand offiah as she is! And her want to not be touched will definitely be helped by having a spooky Daemon who growls whenever anyone even tries it.
And I went with wolfdog instead of a full wolf bc Micah gives me the vibes of someone who is incredibly dangerous but also craves normalcy in a way? Or whatever normal was for her and John before the cult! I also think it works because wolfdogs are more unpredictable than both wolf's and dogs and it feels like Micah could be a bit of a wild card, like even inadvertently I think. Because she also feels like a character someone could underestimate despite her demeanor which works well.
And I went with Hawk for the other option because I think it speaks on her need to keep distant from people, being able to get away and stay above danger kind of thing. I also think it works for her style of fighting, wanting to stay at a distance and take people out stealthily, a hawk Daemon would work pretty well for that I think! It also adds to the intimidation factor like the other two I feel like almost more so because people get spooked easily by predator birds.
For Lillith I think an Ocelot or a Fox would work well!! Both animals are deceptively beautiful and incredibly dangerous and efficient predators!
I think an ocelot would work well because they're talented little creachers and while they're small they've been known to go after bigger prey and can be pretty vicious. Lillith gives me the vibes of a lady that just wreaks havoc unapologetically and I think having an Ocelot Daemon would work because it'd keep up with her really well and thrive in the chaos. I can see them walking through the door home coated in blood skipping like they were at an amusement park lol
The fox also works well for that with a bit more of that silly goofy flair that I think woukd work off of Lillith well!! The chaotic energy would double and make her vibes even more unpredictable and unsettling. Foxes laughing is adorable but could also potentially be terrifying under the right circumstances as well and considering Daemons can talk it means twice the taunting! Foxes are also incredibly vicious as well and not to be messed with so I could see that working well with her too.
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outismm · 2 years
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Who knew the thing that would cure my diseases would be a 30 minute Sandman ASMR podcast
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fev3rish · 1 day
hellaur wife kenji sato fic and acc recs PLEASE MWAH MWAH MWAH 🤗🤗🤗
VIC’S FAVS ! kenji sato x reader
hiiii wifey<3 i know exactly who sent this. she’s a newer addition to the fandom and it is my duty to help her adjust 😇 this is a complete YAPATHON. by the way. i LOVE using any given oppurtunity i have to compliment writers because it’s like a win win situation to me. i get noticed by a cool writer and the writer knows someone enjoys their work like what thats so coolio
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overall recommendations . . .
@luneariaa -> stepping into her account is like stepping into another dimension. i remember skimming through the kenji sato x reader tag while i was first settling into the fandom—before i was a writer myself—and they were one of the first writers i saw. their whole aesthetic and the way they format their writing, the way they write in general, is so beautiful and she’s such an underrated writer in the community! im also obsessed with their account theme it’s like a living visual stimboard on my phone. how do u do those silly little gif videos bby. im like one of ur biggest fans please notice me oh mg god pls PLEASE NOTICE ME PLEASE HAVE DINNER EITH ME PLEASE PLEASE (does a handstand) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
@yzzart -> my inspiration hello 🙏 she’s the reason i actually started writing for ultraman! her kenji boyfriend headcanons were the first things that caught my attention, and it sparked a bunch of will to write in me. she lowkey got me out of a writing block that lasted almost one year and im forever thankful for her beautiful existence 💗 her usage of vocabulary is IMPRESSIVE. i don’t usually have to google the meanings of words but the first time i ever did was when i read her writing and i mean that in the most positive way possible. it is ALWAYS a green flag when a writer uses big words and uses them right. her writing prowess is EVIDENT. and she deserves every nice word people say about her she is such a GORGEOUS girl
@reyalvr -> my friend who doesnt know shes my friend btw. we both went through the avatar -> ultraman pipeline and i think its so funny ?? i distinctly remember reading her ao’nung fics and eating them up ALL the time. when i discovered her again, i was like “oh! that username seems familiar?” and it’s kind of peculiar because while i do remember reading her writing back when i was still @/victoirey, and enjoying it because she devoured everytime, i don’t know if she’s had the same username for like forever? i digress! whatever it is, her writing always has me hooked. like i physically CANNOT stop reading. it put me in this trance like state and im like so “woah!” when i experience it because usually i can’t sit still. she deserves all the hype shes gotten; her writing is the closest thing to perfect, everything about it is entrancing. from the storyline to the dialogue, it all just falls into place. the only thing that isn’t perfect, is the fact that it ends. like why cant u just like write forever boo… come on😡💗
@mitskicain -> i have her most recent works in my read later list. her previous twoshot lowkey had me all giggly! i kicked my feet while reading and i accidentally stubbed my toe onto the nearby table but the story was so great it quelled my pain immediately. she’s such a good writer and i LOVE her characterization of kenji like it genuinely makes me blush so hard. also her username? is that a reference to ethel cain in it? …if u see this, i love ethel cain. my fav song is unpunishable. ure so cool. also her blog is like so … how do i say, like organized? like she has a way of making everything fit and fall into place . literally even if its a MEME. she’ll make it fall into place because thats judt how skilled she is. also batter up is such a clever name idk why im so impressed whenever i see it on ur blog im like “woh. batter up….. name nice. i love the name kween” but overall shes SO FUCKING GOOOOOOD AUFH
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my fav fics . . .
ultraman, ultrafine, ultramine ; “kenji sato, the man that you are.” / WORD? i fucking love this twoshot its so GOD ugh i gush everytime i read it user mitskicain you are so GOOD
cutely written by @mitskicain
when i was led to you … ; “kenji could get used to his routine, but, only with you by his side.” / grrrrrr grrrrr i 😡😡😡 punchign wall!!1! so good. always so good ysa
gorgeously written by @yzzart
she’s mine ; “catch me, i’ve fallen in love for the first time.” / me after entering the kenji sato characterization competition, seeing user reyalvr and user mitskicain: 🚪🚶‍♀️ so FUCKING YUMMY
extraordinarily written by @reyalvr
piece of art ; aka kenji and u go to the museum / my honest reaction:
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flawlessly written by @luneariaa
mommys here ; reader takes the role of pretty baby emi’s mother🥺 / i haven’t read this in full yet, but from the first few paragraphs i already know its a good story!! I am literally so attracted to this authors writing style for some reason like wow…. beautifully written by @kiwiikato
kenji & baseball!critic reader ; okay so its not really a fic think of it as me recommending you a trailer for a movie im really excited to see because i LURK. and I LURK ON THIS BABES ACCOUNT AND IM READIN WHEN U LEAST EXPECT IT 👀 writing style is flawless, by the way, baby. you’re such a starling .
wonderfully written by @rieamena
labor of love ; I FUCKING LOVE KENJI SATO AUTHORS😭😭/ read this today and i went 🙏 . my hands clasped together in prayer. literally thank you god. i love this so much. spectacularly written by @jinwoosungs
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that’s it from me my loves, if you actually did read this—thank you? that’s sweet? gimme a big ol kiss? and i hope you know that whether or not you’re on this list literally all you need to do if you want to get your works out there is send me an ASK and i will literally edit this post and add my fav work from you i will literally do it. to the authors i included and to the others i didn’t, your efforts are seen and appreciated. i know it is hard to write stories and it is so impressive that you’ve written in the first place. you are all so talented, and i just wanted to remind you of that fact<3
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💋 kisses, v <3
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d6volution · 8 months
i was wondering if u could do a jax x reader were jax walks into readers’ locked room expecting nothing but sees reader .. ‘taking care’ of herself.. iykwim 😋
your writing is my fav !!<33
of course, and thank you so much, I'm glad you're enjoying it anon. 💗
Jax/Fem!Reader | Rating: Explicit.
tags: mutual masturbation, dirty talk, mean jax, voyeurism, mild degrading/name calling, penetration with a foreign object (it's a brush.)
minors dni.
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Whistling echoed through the halls as a key twirls around Jax's finger. To his knowledge everyone was off on one of Caine's little adventures. The perfect chance to.. satiate his curiosity, or cause some trouble.. its one in the same to him. He stopped at your door, the plaque with your face on it was oddly endearing.
Just as Jax kneeled down to unlock the door he heard something strange, causing his ear to twitch a little. "What the.." He muttered and leaned in , resting his head on door so he could hear better. But then it was silent. "Don't go losin' your mind just yet, Jax," He scolded himself and unlocked your door with a soft click. "After all you've, —' Jax froze, the light of the hall illuminating your dimly lit room, revealing your figure sprawled out, dwarfed by the large bed. Lewd noises coming from in between your tremblings legs.
Your hand was moving in a rhythm between them. He cocked his head to the side a little, before stepping forward and closing the door behind him with a gentlte, 'click.' Now, standing in the door way with his arms crossed.
... you were using the blunt end of a brush to get off, creative. He'll give you props for that.
Your eyes were closed, and the opening of the door was so brief that you hardly registered the light which flooded in , briefly tickling your closed eyelids. No you were too busy chasing your high.. you were so close, close close..! The brush pumping in and out of your wet cunt. Until you heard the click of the door shutting and immediately shot forward panting, "W.. Who.."
"Oh, don't stop on my account, I was enjoyin' the show, doll." Your eyes finally adjusted to the darkness and the unmistakable silhouette of Jax and that shit eating grin that was always plastered on his face.
"Y.. You pervert Jax, get out!" You threw a plush bear at his head which he easily dodged. He just stood and stared, waiting for your excuse.
Fuck. Your cunt was still aching, and you were oh so close to release and this.. jerk had to come in between you and ecstasy.
He tuts, "Naahh... I think I'll stay. I mean, you're clearly breakin one of Caine's biggest rules," Jax takes a step towards you and your stomach feels tight.
"Th-The hell do you care.." You shot back, chest still heaving. Hair sticking to your damp face. What a strange situation this was. You, sitting here like a animal in heat. Cheeks flushed and legs pressed together, trying to subdue the growing frustrations between your legs while the most attractive circus member stares at you like you're being served up on a platter.
"Look, we both know I could careless about Caine's 'rules' , now- what I do care about are those pretty noises you were makin' earlier." He teased, every word that left his mouth was auditory seduction and he knew it. You legs pressed together harder, he wasn't stupid. He knew exactly what he was doing.. "But ya know, I could just call him up now and let him see just what a mess you are, not to mention non-family friendly." He said while gesturing his hand towards your form.
"No! Jax..! You asshole , I swear.." You spoke through gritted teeth, and he hushed you, lifting a single gloved finger to his otherwise permanent grin. "Then get to it toots. I don't have all day. Well— I do. But that's besides the point." He coos but theres an edge to his voice and you gulp.
You grip the brush and scoot back against the plush of your pillows, your heart thumping in your chest. It was either this or even further embarrassment from Caine.. who was sure to be loud enough that entire tent would know.
Besides.. you needed to get off anyways, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.. other than letting Jax have the upper hand which he always took advantage of.
"Hmn, move those covers aside will you? I'd like to get a better view." He said, breaking your chain of thought.
Jax was being oddly patient. He silently thanked the darkness that hid his growing erection in his overalls, he couldn't let you be aware that you were getting him excited this fast.. not yet at least.
One of his hands trailed down his thigh to stroke the growing appendage through his clothes.
You pushed the covers to the side obediently and your glistening cunt was on display. "Y.. You'd better not tell anyone about this or i'll..." You tried to sound bold, intimidating.. but,  the threat was empty, and your voice died in your throat as you teased yourself with the brush.
"Or you'll what ..?" He was walking towards the edge of your bed, "Tell everyone what a slut you are? That I caught you touching yourself in your room and whimpering like a little whore? Oh, I bet they'd love to hear that doll in fact how about I tell them myself, hm?"
Your breathe hitched, you found yourself thrusting the brush in and out of your greedy cunt as he spoke. Degrading you, "Ya like that toots? Bein' talked down to while you get off?" He said and pulled himself from his overalls, stroking his twitching cock over your trembling form. He's already got the upper hand.. no point in hiding it now.
He lifted on leg and planted it at the edge of the bed, as if to give you a better view of him stroking his lavendar dick. Balls jumping a little with each tug.
"N.. No that's.. not.." You gasped, hand subconciously moving faster. Thrusting the foreign object in and out of your wet cunt.
He watched with baited breath, his chest heaving and ears twitching a little as he stroked himself. "I'm afraid lyin' won't get ya anywhere toots.. nnh.. just keep bein a cute little slut for me and fucking yourself."
He panted, drinking up your moans and the cute way your body twitched and hips bucked against your hand. "Just like that.."
"Jax.. please.. please touch me.." You whined, and screwed your eyes shut out of frustration, hand kneading your own breasts.
"I don't think so, toots. I'm just enjoyin' the show tonight." He chuckled, watching you writhe at his answer but your hand didn't stop, you were too determined to finally cum this time.
"You can do it doll, so close.. and just imagine maybe I'll be pounded that tight little cunt next time.~" He purrs, as his own grip tightens on his cock. Fucking his fist with more vigor as your own thrusts got more sloppy and lacked rhythm.
"Hh.. Hha..! [Censor!] Jax.. !!" You cried as your body spasmed and convulsed around the brush, the pressure pushing the object out of your cunt. At the same time Jax was spurting out ropes of cum onto your floor, avoiding your bed .. though it would have been better on your face or thighs..
"Ha.. not bad doll, ...nh.. you should get cleaned up." He said , adjusting his own clothing, but his eyes never left you. He was savoring the look you had on your face. Dilated pupils and mouth agape a little. How cute.
"Next time.. lose the brush, I'll have something a bit more filling.~" 
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lucidicer · 8 months
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rules: write up a blurb or make a visual collage of the people or characters (from books, TV shows, movies, etc.) that inspired your story and/or OC, either visually, personality wise, or just a general vibe
thank u @literalite for the tag this is the most fun ive had working on something in forever gah. i'm gonna tag @wldestluv-rs @yersea @wasabichips @barbieaiden @mattodore <3 feel free to ignore but also i wanna see your oc's soul >:3
was gonna do more but it is very time consuming so 4 is fine
media: (+ other mentions that i couldn't fit into the final product)
SOLITUDE: lilya 4-ever (2002) / battle royale (2000) / the purge: anarchy (2014) / oldboy (2003) / soapghost (art) / military / cyberpunk / hoshima island / chernobyl disaster / love is a riot! / 2030 - lexie liu / txt post
DITH: brokeback mountain (2005) / the ritual (2017) / bone tomahawk (2015) / rotting / heart rot / tree pod burial / the wind will howl your name / the queen of death valley / the book of isaiah / environmental catastrophe / if i was dead - brooke bentham / unreal earth - hozier / txt post
TANG DUYI: a prayer before dawn (2017) / warrior (2011) / burning / eisoptrophobia / catholicism / guilt / wolves / i'm drowning me / angel - river styx / family tree (intro) - ethel cain / meta ego - lexie liu / txt post
SIÓAR HJORT-COLDING: raw (2016) / yellowjackets (2021-) / dog motif / deer / insatiable / wolves / antlerlock / hedgehog's dilemma / sensation is everything / the aggression sessions / moon song - phoebe bridgers / txt post
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literalite · 8 months
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character/story influences tag
rules: write up a blurb or make a visual collage of the people or characters (from books, TV shows, movies, etc.) that inspired your story and/or OC, either visually, personality wise, or just a general vibe
thanks for the tag @tricoufamily :DD i am tagging @gunthermunch @lucidicer @itsmariejanel @orphyd @goldenwaves this is FUN u should do it. thank u
medias/characters meet me in the woods: man in the dark (paul auster), orlando (virginia woolf), lord huron's entire discography, specifically meet me in the woods and the ghost on the shore, the godfather 1972 (barely), age of adaline 2015, the old guard 2020, this specific cc cross, and reading homer's the iliad in my final year of high school. somehow don't go where i can't follow: the raven cycle (maggie stiefvater), his dark materials (philip pullman), adventure time 2010-2018, mitski’s bury me at makeout creek album, next of kin by alvvays, bite the hand by boygenius, matilda (roald dahl) (jokingly), horrible no good homoerotic teenage friendships, the chosen one trope, and this post by tumblr user @/louisegluckpdf. also my life which explains why the aesthetic is completely disjointed RIP violent affairs (with @lucidicer): nbc hannibal, bones and all 2022, arachnids, ethel cain’s preacher's daughter, sir chloe’s i am the dog album, mine and olli's deranged combined mental energies mutually focusing on t4t cannibalism  vinny reign: matt murdock (netflix daredevil), joel miller (tlou), the fallen angel painting by alexandre cabanel, caravaggio paintings, catholic guilt, arsonist’s lullabye by hozier caleb vatore: those italian twinks that renaissance artists kept referencing to paint religious figures, dorian gray, orlando, timothee chalamet (LMAO), the reveal that the noo don’t kill yourself you’re so sexy guy is a twink [redacted] morrow: gojo satoru, howl pendragon (studio ghibli), jay gatsby, kageyama shigeo and also a bit of reigen arataka (mp100), ronan lynch and gansey (the raven cycle), eden's entire discography, birdcage by novo amor, mercy by sir chloe, myself ophelia griffin: ophelia painting by john everett millais, blue sargent (the raven cycle), clairo, phoebe bridger's discography, strawberry blonde and your best american girl by mitski, clairo’s immunity album, the first crush i ever had manny pluto: yotasuke takahashi (blue period), tbh a lot of blue period in general, alhaitham (genshin impact), adam parrish (the raven cycle), a hint of geto suguru, working for the knife by mitski nayef al karim: spiders, abel AND cain, julian slowik (the menu 2022), hannibal lecter (yes obvious i know but moreso the focus on fine dining as opposed to the psychology), stewy hosseini (succession), inbred by ethel cain
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agentearthling · 4 days
Just posted act one of two of my Ethel Cain AU one AO3!! you don't need to know anything about Ethel Cain to read it (I had a beta who hasn't heard her stuff read through it just to make sure)
Super excited about this one. Please please keep yourself safe and mind the tags and CWs!
HUGE thank you to @featherandstorm and @pesbianlanic for being my betas and helping bring this project to life. love u guys <3
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lil tag game from @television-bodies! thank u beloved
Rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people
My Love Mine All Mine- Mitski
2. Sinner- The Last Dinner Party
3. American Teenager- Ethel Cain
4. Femininomenon- Chappell Roan
5. Let the Light In- Lana Del Rey
6. Can't Catch Me Now- Olivia Rodrigo
7. Red Wine Supernova- Chappell Roan
8. Thunder Road- Bruce Springsteen
9. Venice Bitch- Lana Del Rey
10. Chicago- Sufjan Stevens
no pressure tags for @shamedumpster @p-trichor @aromantic-enjolras @whorejolras @whoretaire @dynamitegalaxy I'm not tagging 10 people that's so many people
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Phantom Grin
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: Bruce Wayne visits his son's grave on the night of his resurrection. Will it change Jason's fate, or is it all simply inevitable?
Chapters: 12/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain
Relationship(s): Jason Todd/Original Character
Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, Jason Todd Has Chronic Pain, Jason Todd is Disabled, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Resurrected Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne Get Along
Chapter Twelve: Difficult Conversations
Jason sat across the street, watching the church from the rooftops. He'd been to the church almost every day for two weeks, but he avoided Sister Irene. He went to mass, but he couldn't build up the courage to confess. The thought of sitting in the confession booth made his stomach ache. He let the thought drift to the back of his mind as he slurped broth out of a styrofoam container.
The lights turned on and off in one of the little windows of the church. He wondered if he was losing his mind. Jason felt a presence on the rooftop with him, and without turning around or moving, he whispered, "What's wrong, Robin?"
"Why are you out here?" Tim questioned. Jason let Tim sit next to him before offering him some noodles. "Thanks."
"See that church?" Jason asked. Tim nodded. "I go there."
Silence fell between the two, and Jason took another sip of broth. "You date, right? Can I get some advice?" Jason asked. Tim offered Jason a pained expression. "If I—. Hypothetically speaking, of course. If I liked a girl, and that girl was a nun... And I knew she might've liked me back. What should I do about that?"
Tim ate a little bit slower while he thought about Jason's question. "Did you talk to her?" Tim asked.
"Actually, no. I've been actively avoiding her at church," Jason replied. Tim chuckled. "Listen, she's kind of terrifying... And that is coming from me, a literal zombie."
"I've gotta go, but I can stop by and hang out for a little bit later if you want," Tim offered. Jason smiled and shook his head. "I hope everything turns out alright with your hypothetical nun."
Jason went back to watching the windows as he listened to Tim leave. The lights flashed on and off again, and he scratched his head as he tried to figure out if it was purposeful. The pauses in between led him to believe it was morse code. "U-U... P? U up? You up," Jason decoded out loud. "Shit." He made his way to the church. He was startled by Irene poking her head out the window.
"I sensed you," she whispered. Jason swallowed hard and perched on the ledge outside her window. "I can also sense your discomfort right now..."
"That's because I'm uncomfortable... But I do want to talk to you. I get that you're gonna be a nun. So it's kind of pointless to even ask—."
"Are you asking me on a date?" Sister Irene questioned. Jason nodded and rubbed his arm. "Wouldn't it be selfish of me to leave? I mean, not much I could use my gifts for outside of the church."
"It'd be blasphemous if that was your only reason for being here. Sister Irene, do you even believe—?"
She climbed out the window and stumbled, only for Jason to grab her and hold her close. He held tight to his grappling line, and she laughed at him. He let the cord pull them up to the roof, and she giggled while she held onto him. Jason let go of Sister Irene once they were seated, and she lay her head on his shoulder. "I know that it helps people who believe... Nice to see a sister know what's going on with them," she paused, "But I don't know what I believe... I believe in you. I know that."
"So you're not even a Catholic?" Jason asked. Sister Irene shook her head. He would've been upset if her eyes weren't so kind. "Do you uh-. Do you want to get something to eat—?"
"Give me the night to think about it? See me in the morning?" Sister Irene interrupted. Jason nodded and moved to help her back to her room, but she grabbed his wrist. "Let's sit for a while. Talk to me. I know you want to talk."
Jason chewed his lip, and he turned to her. "I don't sleep well... I mean, sometimes I sleep, but I have nightmares. They feel so real. I assume they're memories," Jason mumbled as he lay back.
Sister Irene looked at him and frowned. Jason opened his mouth to speak again, but he couldn't say anything else. Instead, they sat in silence for what felt like forever. After two hours of sitting in silence, Jason took her back to her room and bid her goodnight.
Instead of going back to the clock tower, he wandered around the city from rooftop to rooftop. His phone vibrated in his pocket, and he answered. "Hello?" Jason whispered.
"Are you on patrol?" Bruce asked.
"No, I'm just out getting some air... And I met up with someone. I'm not gonna go behind your back," Jason whispered, "I respect you too much to do that." Jason's voice was sincere.
Bruce didn't say anything back. Not immediately. He paused to swallow Jason's words, and he managed a broken, "I really do love you. You know that, right? I just don't want to lose you again."
"I love you too, Dad... And I get it. I just want you to treat me like everyone else does. They at least give me a chance before they put limits on me," Jason took a breath, "I do understand, though. I just want—."
"We'll talk tomorrow night," Bruce interrupted, "I've been listening... And I want to see how much you've improved. It's just scary. Letting go is scary."
"You don't have to let go. You just have to trust me," Jason replied. Bruce sighed.
"You're right," Bruce whispered, "I'll see you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow, Dad," Jason whispered. Bruce hung up, and Jason went home.
Barbara was asleep at the computer, and Jason put a blanket over her. "Left you some pizza in the oven," Barbara mumbled, "You're home early..."
Jason went to get cleaned up and took the pizza box out of the oven. He turned on the tv and ate a few cold slices. He felt as if Bruce was avoiding him, but Jason wouldn't allow that much longer.
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Y ⭒ youngest daughter by superheaven
O ⭒ oceania by björk
U ⭒ use me by grace jones
N ⭒ not sorry by the cranberries
G ⭒ gas panic! by oasis
E ⭒ every night by odetta
S ⭒ schizophrenia by sonic youth
T ⭒ the stars by ocapello's
D ⭒ do i move you? by nina simone
A ⭒ any other way by jackie shane
U ⭒ unpunishable by ethel cain
G ⭒ get gone by fiona apple
H ⭒ happens to the heart by leonard cohen
T ⭒ the upper peninsula by sufjan stevens
E ⭒ everything goes to hell by tom waits
R ⭒ rollin' tumblin' (remix) by r.l. burnside
S ⭒ solo estoy by los yorks
Y ⭒ you're so cool by nicole dollanganger
N ⭒ never say never by romeo void
D ⭒ destroying angels by sneaker pimps
R ⭒ run....run by elizabeth cotten
O ⭒ our ages or our hearts by roberta flack
M ⭒ missed by pj harvey
E ⭒ earthmover by have a nice life
Was tagged by my darlingest @supersonic1994 to do this yayyy thank u <3<3<3 ive no idea whos done this yet so ignore if youve done it already lol @twoheadedfawnn @concordewillfly @rivertigo @evebabitzgf @peachboy27 @projectiondepartment and if u wanna do it say i tagged u <3<3<3
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