#thalia worship
nyxshadowhawk · 3 months
My Hymn to the Muses
Since I can apparently write poetry now, I've decided to begin work on a hymnal. It's going to be a long-term project. As is proper, I've begun with the Muses. (I also really could use their help right now.) I was sobbing while writing this, so, that's how I know I'm on the right track.
To the Muses O Muses, from whom all stories flow Like the waters of the Hippocrene, that pours from Helicon’s towering heights onto the sacred planes of Greece; Daughters of Zeus and mothers of song, whose voices sound like chiming bells, heard in the ripples of the stream and the calling of the wind, singing stories older than the many languages of men; Your voices sing within my soul And always have, since I was born.
Urania, who in my youth led me to a sacred stream, and turned my face up to the stars; Calliope, who leads me through the lengthy stories that I tell; Terpsichore, who compels my limbs to express what’s in my heart; Euterpe and Erato, who with their sweet voices, charm my soul; Polyhymnia, who speaks to me now, encouraging me to praise the gods; Clio, she who calls my glance back to the rich lore of the past; Thalia and Melpomene, the witty players on life’s stage, who remind me to enjoy the show, and teach me how to cope with endings.
Pegasus brought me to you, Once, very long ago. And in that time you’ve taught me well How to sing and dance and write, the many arts of lorekeeping. Sisters, now I call to you-- fill me with the voice divine, so that always, always the words will come.
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messywitch · 1 year
last batch that i made today. feel free to use with credit.
i'm open to making these under request, just send me an ask with the deity you'd like a box for!! please be nice, too.
goddesses in this post: The Muses, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Thalia, Terpsichore, Urania.
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heylookgiraffes · 8 months
Jesus Christ that’s Lin Manuel Miranda
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Percy this. Percy that. It was always about Percy Jackson. All the fucking time. 
It was always about the Hero of Olympus, the one who defeated Kronos and led the battle of Manhattan, the one who was offered immortality by the king of the gods himself, the one who restored glory to Rome by returning the golden eagle, the one who became praetor of the Roman camp in 2 weeks with limited training. 
His Roman camp. Jason Grace's Roman camp.
Percy Jackson had pulled off everything in 2 weeks that Jason Grace wasn't able to accomplish despite dedicating his whole life for duty. 11 years of blood, sweat and tears, simply gone down the drain.
Jason had failed his camp. He had failed his home. Turns out, he wasn't as great as the people of Rome had once preached about him. It was obvious considering the less than warm welcome he had gotten from his so-called “home”. 
He received no hugs, no cheers, no “we missed you jason!”, no “I was so worried about you!” or even a single pat on the arm by his “friend” Dakota. Dakota and Gwendolyn hadn't even spared a glance at him.
Nothing. Instead, this new Jackson boy was held up to worship like a god amongst the people who once considered Jason a “hero”.
Jason laughed bitterly. Was it selfish of him to be disappointed with Reyna? With a pang, he got to know that Reyna hadn't sent a single search party out to look for her “best friend”. Not like Annabeth did for Percy, not like Thalia did for Percy.
With a pang, he got to know that the whole camp basically deemed him as ‘dead’ and Reyna hadn't even set up a memorial of remembrance for him. The camp had simply moved on with their new hero. Without a single shred of thought for Jason Grace. 
The forgotten Hero. The lost hero. Jason Grace.
These thoughts of doubt gnawed on Jason's mind, slowly eating him up ever since he'd first seen Percy Jackson in those damned praetor togas that once belonged to him. 
He didn't dislike the boy, of course not, it wasn't Percy's fault that Hera wiped their memories or switched camps.
 But it was hard for Jason to not resent him, or feel even the tiniest amount of envy, knowing that Reyna willingly replaced him with Jackson. Very quickly too, at that. He overheard Octavian blabbing to his lackeys about how Reyna “was head over heels for Percy almost immediately” 
“I guess that's it. Maybe I am someone who is easy to replace.” Jason thought, his eyes pricking as he looked over from the flying ship, at the place he once used to call home. 
Jason watched remorsefully as Thalia, Grover, Percy and Annabeth were all gathered at the table in camp half blood, cracking jokes about dam french fries or whatever that meant.
Thalia caught Jason's eyes, staring at all of them from a distance. She smiled softly, and gave him a tiny wave. He weaved his lips into something that was meant to look like a wry smile, but it came out as a slight grimace, as he waved back.
Thalia was so close to Jason, yet so far away.
He knew she loved him, but it felt different. And an annoying, nagging part of Jason had known that Thalia would never be as close to him as she was to Annabeth or Percy. 
Ironic isn't it? Jason and Thalia were always connected since they came from the same womb, yet she was closer to Annabeth, a girl she'd found after she had run away from the same woman that had given Jason to the wolves. The same woman who had turned his life upside down by abandoning him. 
Thalia had found Annabeth right after she thought she had lost Jason. In a strangely ironic way, Jason felt like he'd been replaced all over again.
Thalia had replaced Jason as a younger sibling with Annabeth without even realizing it, all of this took place mere months after a baby Jason was considered to be dead. This situation had strangely reminded him of Camp Jupiter, how he was replaced by Percy right after Jason was considered “dead” by Camp Jupiter.
This made Jason reach the possibility that if he were indeed “dead”, he wouldn't be missed. People wouldn't bat an eyelash. Since there was always someone better than him. Someone like Percy Jackson, who could easily fill the void Jason would leave behind.
His eyes watered, as he looked at how much fun his sister had with his friends. Knowing full well, that he'd never be able to do the same.
Jason felt ashamed that he had to ask Percy about Thalia’s likes and dislikes, he was thalia’s brother. He was supposed to know.
Jason watched as Thalia quickly hugged the trio, as she left their table to leave with the hunters, not even realizing that there was one person whom she forgot to hug.
Don't take it personally. Don't take it personally. She just forgot. She doesn't hate you. She just forgot. She doesn't prefer Percy over you. She's in a hurry. That's why she forgot. Jason repeated that like a mantra, the only person he was trying to convince was himself.
“And he rejected immortality!- oh you should've seen Zeus' face!” Annabeth exclaimed to Hazel excitedly, as Percy was blushing at the compliment fountain being poured at him by Hazel and Annabeth.
Jason had always been fascinated by that story, the almighty Percy Jackson getting offered to become a god, by Zeus.
His father. Jason's father, Zeus. 
Jason felt stupid and guilty for getting envious, it's not the fact that Percy had been offered immortality, no. Jason couldn't care less about being immortal. It was the person who offered Percy invincibility that bothered Jason so much. 
Jason knew that even if he went to the ends of the world to accomplish something, his father wouldn't be able to praise him or even talk to him for a long time. 
Zeus and Jason could never be like Hades and Nico, or Poseidon and Percy. That's just how it is.
Reyna had come to camp half blood for a fun visit. Jason would've been ecstatic in other circumstances, but in this case, he wanted to be as far away from her as possible. Because currently, Reyna seemed to be looking at everyone, but refused to meet Jason's eyes. She seemed to keep her distance as she laughed at something Percy and Piper were saying. 
She may as well have just stabbed him, it would've hurt a lot less. 
He had truly been naive to believe that he could make amends with Reyna. Now he knew, it would never be possible. There was too much pain mixed with bitterness on both ends. But seeing her get along with Percy reminded him of the old times of friendship he and Reyna had shared. Keyword: had.
Once again, the fates had shown him that Percy Jackson would always be better. 
As Jason Grace lay on the cold floor, coughing out blood. He realized he was alone, he was dying, but he was alone.
Like always. The sickly voice of Gaia, that had once haunted his nightmares, boomed in his head. Jason knew he was hallucinating as a result of blood loss, Gaia is in deep slumber. But that did not stop the voice in his head that was invented by his insecurities. Even in the end, you've been forgotten, Jason Grace. Because that's what you will always be. The second best. The leftover. The pawn who is discarded, after his purpose has been fulfilled. Percy Jackson would always be better in everyone's eyes. 
To the Romans, you are simply the one who betrayed his lineage. But Percy is the one who restored glory. He did your job for you.
To the Greeks, you are simply a burden, one whom they were forced to welcome.
To your father, you are merely one of his many sons. 
To your sister, you are a stranger.
Jason's resolve to live had weakened, hot tears were streaming down his face as he closed his eyes in defeat, he had come to the painful conclusion that nobody is going to come find his body. Nobody is going to mourn him.
“Oh I will always be much better than you at this! Bring it on, dude!” Percy laughed as he striked his play sword lightsaber at Jason's. They clashed. 
“You wish, Jackson!” Jason shot back jokingly, as they sparred playfully with toy lightsabers.
“Jackson, you jerk. You were right after all, you will always be much better than me” Jason laughed bitterly, as he recalled that memory of his sparring session with Percy.
 Suddenly everything went black. The life had successfully ebbed out of him.
Little did Jason know, was that someone had indeed come to look for him. Tempest, his Pegasus had come to retrieve his body, but Jason was long gone. People had indeed mourned him. His friends were, indeed, anguished. His sister was, indeed, heartbroken.
Jason's soul parted this world, with the knowledge that he'd always be The forgotten Hero. 
The lost hero. Jason Grace.
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diana-thyme · 11 months
Greek Gods 101: A Masterlist
This is a masterlist of the “Greek Gods 101” series. This series aims to provide basic information and worship ideas for both major and minor deities. This masterlist also involves heroes, deified mortals, spirits, and other figures of Greek mythology.
Horae (Seasons)
Horae (Time)
Thalia (Mousai)
What is a “Universal Offering/Devotional Act?”
Feel free to request or suggest deities! This list will be done in order but you can ask for me to complete one that’s further down the list.
This list is subject to change. There are probably repeat deities (deities who go by multiple names, parts of groups like the Horae or Charities who are mostly grouped together, etc.) on this list. Some deities are not on here. Some names are spelt wrong or different.
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anotheroceanid · 5 months
Triton “I’m not particularly interested in my half-blood brother’s life, I just think…” ‘s opinions on some of Percy’s relationship outside the seafam:
Chiron: Should’ve been more careful with Percy, but overall okay given Chiron being an obviously underpaid and overworked old man
Grover: He likes him. It’s pity he didn’t marry Polyphemus, it’d be nice to have him in the family and maybe he would convince good old Polyphemus to start a healthier diet
Luke: Bad thing he betrayed Olympus, blah blah blah, but in a positive light he left camp before Percy’s hero worship turned into something more 👍
Annabeth: She… oh… okay… I guess I can’t write that, Triton. I’ll leave it here that you are strongly against her near your brother. What? No, I won’t say that either. What does Athena and Pallas have to do with this… Okay, enough. Next!
Apollo: Again, I can’t write that. I cannot call the god of sun a [redacted]!!! Okay, I’ll leave the message. Directly quoting Triton (not my words, Triton’s) “I know things about you, cradle robber. Don’t make me come for you!”
Hermes: Not bad. He’s happy that at least one god has restraining. Keep distance, either way. In fact, STOP visiting Percy with presents you were NOT allowed to gift him with.
Thalia: Surprisingly alright about their friendship, laments that she is the daughter of who she is, but she’s got points since she doesn’t like her father much, too.
Hazel: Best half-blood around (after Percy, ofc), says he’d like to have her and Frank over to dinner any day at the palace.
Frank: Basically family, he totally approves of Percy’s friendship with him. Pity he’s Roman and child of Mars, “no one is perfect, I guess”
Nico: In the name of Lady Amphritite, Lord Triton is asking you to eat more healthily. Mostly okay and “Don't crush on Percy again, if you know what's good for you.”
Jason: Roman. Jupiter. Multiple hisses… I don’t know what he meant with it, but whatever.
Beckendorf: He’s ranting for three hours about how great Beckendorf was. Terms such as “Honorary Percy’s Big Brother” were used.
Rachel: Very nice mortal. Poor taste in patrons, though.
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yourthirdparent · 2 years
and what if apollo as a god made jason a tree himself after his death? and what if that tree had similar properties to thalia's tree and formed a magical barrier? and what if apollo put that tree in a place of worship? and what if that place of worship then became a sanctuary, a safe haven for demigods and gods alike? and what if jason became a figure in modern demigod myth, a protective spirit? and what if his mythologisation led to him being deified? and what if he was the god of worship, ritual, and safety? and what if he was the protector of demigods and heroes? what then?
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"Annabeth is terrified of spiders."
Luke and Annabeth's existence is so interwoven that the best analogy he can come up with for the reasoning and justification behind his betrayal of everything he's ever known and loved is one connected to her.
Say what you want, but I think Luke thought about Annabeth and Thalia during every part of his betrayal. He knew that even Annabeth's complete adoration and devotion to Athena couldn't make her care. He knew that the king of the gods, Zeus could have saved Thalia but instead, he turned her into a tree "as a last resort" to keep her out of the way for good.
Of course, his reasoning for siding with Kronos reminds him of Annabeth. Small and scary things will be crushed immediately, if he has a bigger power behind him he at least has a shot at making a change.
He's been mistreated by Hermes, but he's also spent years watching his little sister worship Athena, do everything she ever asked all for a hat that turns you invisible, and the occasional nod her way. He's her big brother, you don't think HE KNOWS that she thinks love has to be earned? You don't think he's done everything he could to prove to her that's not true.
Ultimately his betrayal had everything to do with Annabeth. It was for Thalia, it was for the rest of the Hermes kids, for all of the unclaimed in his cabin who had to spend their whole lives knowing that their godly parent didn't care about them enough to even acknowledge their existence, it was for Clarisse who has clearly been abused by Ares and yet would still do anything for his favour, it was for every half-blood who had ever been mistreated by the gods.
The first analogy he thinks of in trying to describe the relationship between demigods and gods is one associated with Annabeth because she's the reason he can justify his betrayal.
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iamaweirdbeing · 8 months
why is thalia grace one of my favorite characters in the entire percy jackson universe? bc she is the most important character to the conflict of pjo and percy never realizes.
i love that he never realizes bc once the series has started, it doesn't actually matter. thalia is the trigger, the last straw, the motivation, whatever you want to call it for luke to truly hate the gods. before thalia's death he didn't like them, but he wanted to. he wanted their attention, he wanted them to prove him wrong. but then she dies and he has to watch as, instead of healing her, zeus turns her into a tree.
years before the lightning thief even takes place luke hates the gods. his quest was his final failure that made him join kronos, but thalia was put him on the path in the first place. she was the first domino to fall and there's nothing percy could have done in the series to change that. that's why i love that no one realizes the importance, except maybe thalia herself. maybe that was why she sat crying during titans curse when she thought no one was watching. it doesn't really matter bc it was too late to change anything, but she has to live with it anyway.
this is why i love what the show is doing with thalia so far. she is a ghost haunting luke and annabeth. to annabeth she is the personification of glory. she died a hero's death and gave her life for annabeth, but annabeth only knew her for two weeks. she idolized her, she didn't know her. at 7 years old when she was told all these things about gods and glory and honor, she was pushed into the mindset of worshiping the gods. she would do anything to earn their approval and be on the same level as thalia. luke did know her. they lived on the run with each other for two years. they saw first hand the pain that followed demigods, they struggled to survive together. to luke, thalia died a hero, not as a demigod or a champion of her godly parent, but as herself. she did not die in glory, she died in sacrifice and instead of honoring her and being something of a parent zeus turned her into a tree. he was 14 he already had his own opinions about the gods and this emphasized them. while annabeth was pushed towards the gods, luke was pushed away from them.
its a wonder annabeth didn't notice sooner
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mmavverickk · 9 months
I personally have always felt that, on Jason's end, the rivalry he bad with Percy was done to like meet the expectation of his role S a son of Jupiter. He doesn't even know how to have a genuine rivalry because he's all in his head.
I dunno I might be talking outta my ass
i understand how it comes across that way. honestly, that's probably how rick wrote it. "well these two are kids of the big three, gotta put some tension there."
he clearly didn't think about percy and jason as three-dimensional characters that could have a rivalry grow naturally between them. he thought a rivalry would just be a flat plot point and made something up.
the rivalry should have been jason trying to fill percy's shoes at CHB for months, and still falling short because he's not thinking of percy as a person who can't be replaced rather than just an empty leadership role that needs to be filled.
the rivalry should have been jason learning that percy became praetor after spending less than a week total at CJ—he was literally on a quest 90% of the time. no matter how much he helped in the battle at the end of the book, jason wouldn't think he'd truly earned his position. earning a praetorship, jason would think, takes years of work, not a week.
the rivalry should have been percy remembering how bitter he really is towards the gods as he recovers his memory, percy realizing that CJ deadass has an entire child army, fully sanctioned by the adults in new rome, and realizing that those adults are just as bad as, if not worse than, gods who would send children on life-threatening, world-saving quests, and the only person he can really take that repressed anger and bitterness out on is jason.
the rivalry should have been jason hearing how flippant percy is when talking about these deities that they're meant to worship, how much he insults them and how impertinent he can be without consequence, and he simultaneously envies how much percy's able to get away with and hates how disrespectful he is.
we should have seen roman leader jason, groomed from his toddler years by the legion and lupa herself, who leads a structured, militaristic camp that prioritizes the safety of the many over the safety of the few, bashing heads with greek leader percy, who went from being an outcast to growing into leadership because he wanted to save as many people as he could.
we should have seen jason's envy of the fact that percy had a mother. we should have seen jason's jealousy over how much percy's father loves and values him. we should have seen jason's heartbreak that this self-important, standoffish, disrespectful jerk has the brotherly relationship with thalia that jason's desperate to have.
we should have seen so much more of these two characters that made them seem less like legendary heroes and more like the traumatized teenagers they are.
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punkeropercyjackson · 20 days
Percy Jackson has tgirl swag
Potrayed as the best hero ever in-universe because she defies traditional manhood and it's just who she is and can't help being which doubles as autistic/audhd with no masking ability coding and irl transfeminism and autism largely overlap
Nonstop abused by men her whole life and a mama's girl who's friends were all girls growing up except an effeminate boy she stood up for against bullies and has a magic mental link with from how close they are in completely platonic friendship and a canon gay boy who had a crush on her until he realized she's not the ideal man he thought she was and she compared her treatment of him to acting like a/her mom and they have the middle brother/eldest daughter dynamic
Wears hoodies all the time
Dad is Poseidon-the sea has a lot of femininity to it and he told her 'the sea does not like to be restrained'
Punk but subculturally instead of an aesthetic poser
Gender envy towards Thalia and Annabeth,who is punk in lifestyle AND aesthetic and who is described as 'like a princess'(Poseidon is the king of Atlantis so Percy is an actual princess)
Thalia has tgirl swag too and Annabeth is played by Leah Jeffries in the show while Book!Percy is black-coded
Dated Rachel,a girlypop neurotic activist artist,but they broke up on good terms and became even closer friends afterwards
Horse girl with a transmasc Horse(Blackjack was a mare in Som but a stallion in TTC)
Her foil,Luke,is a physically abled allistic conventionally attractive blonde blue eyed cishet white man that constantly talked down to her about how he's more of a radicalist than her and had a harder life even though he was sheltered in a literal fantasy land for years where everybody worshipped him while Percy grew up friendless,poor,abused by her stepdad and bullied at her schools to the point she got kicked of 6 at 12 for how much of a bully beater she was and is an anarchist and intersectionalist with an overt sense of community and 11+ books worth of street cred and he was also a serial pedophile and had a lot of subtext of being into her and parallels to his relathionships with his other victims
Her other side of the same coin is Jason,an ex-wolfkid turned dorky team dad who's a paragon of positive and healthy masculininity and his arc is about creating a new self after loosing his old one everybody in his original life knows but he dosen't and they instantly became best friends with romantic chemistry out of being opposites yet the same and their friends poke fun at them for how obvious and quickly they got attached and they're black cat gf x golden retriver bf,Team Parents,hothead gf x chill bf and most popular guy x outcast girl where the girl is actually way cooler and Jason's butch ex-girlfriend said Percy is unimpressive in terms of masculinity compared to him
And Percy's other pseudo-kid(and Jason's)alongside Nico is Hazel,who's got the classic 'ressurection as a metaphor for transition' storyline and her femininity including how she acts alongside the gender presentation part is baby black transfem supreme and her life was basically a 40s version of Percy's earlier life
Loves burgers,skateboarding and cartoons
Obsessed with blue,considered a 'boy' color but it comes from her mom
Would totes have a blahaj and a strong video games interest.You see it too,right?
Men describe her as intimidating and off-putting,women describe her as enchanting and comforting(/ref to that fish meme)
Implied to want to present femininely at multiple points but dosen't reach out of fear of being ridiculed because she's 'supposed' to be male
Is the 'cool hot alt girl with a snarky bitter outside and a soft gooey inside who's the Team Mom and super capable and experienced' trope
But everybody in the fandom turns her into the 'Just Some Boy dumbass boyloser manchild' trope so they can deny she's unconventional and expectional
Named Percy.Percy isn't a greek name or a geek name,it's a girl name
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It's actually so fucked up to see how Annabeth worships the ground her mother walks on, only to get punished by her at the slightest possible transgression (baby it was not your fault 😭) and then how babygirl internalises that in her relationship with Thalia, idolising how she made Annabeth earn her affection, which I hope is only described that way because of Annabeth's limited POV misintepreting Thalia's own clumsy emotional expressions, because otherwise WHAT THE FUCK, THALIA??? Annabeth was SEVEN. Practically a toddler. That is NOT how you treat a seven year-old who you KNEW came from very similar background as you and could only rely on you at that moment. Annabeth'd better receive an excellent apology from Thalia when season 3 comes. Because seriously, WHAT THE FUCK.
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khaire-traveler · 2 months
You, I made this post, somewhere, anyway, what are 10 minor deities u know of. This is just for fun 😎
Your wording at the start kind of confuses me, sorry. ^^; But I'll gladly talk about some minor deities I know of!
Triton, a god of the Sea, is one that I was paid to make a subtle worship post on and will be doing one for soon here. Galatea, goddess of calm seas, is another I paid to make a post about! Hippocrates, the god of Silence, was one I hadn't heard of before someone requested I make a post about him; his history is pretty interesting! There's also Thanatos, god of Peaceful Death, who is often confused with and overshadowed by Haides, interestingly. Asclepius, god of Medicine, is a son of Apollo who was actually deified after being killed for discovering a way for humans to not die (seems the gods aren't big on immortality for humans in the myths, and I don't blame them XD). Nyx, goddess of the Night, is pretty lesser known as well but is said to be one of the most powerful goddesses within the myths - someone who even Zeus himself feared the power of. Tyche, goddess of Fortune, is another deity who gets often overlooked but is known to control both good and bad fortune, among many other things. Harmonia, goddess of Harmony, is a daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, actually, who was transformed into a snake along with her lover. Morpheus, the leader of the Oneiroi and God of dreams, is a pretty interesting figure who is a son of Hypnos. And last, but not least, is Iris, messenger of Hera and goddess of Rainbows, who is very often overlooked in modern worship circles, unfortunately.
An honorable mention goes to all of The Muses, who are lesser known than they should be, for sure. Clio (Muse of History), Calliope (Muse of Epic Poetry & Eloquence), Melpomene (Muse of Tragedy), Thalia (Muse of Comedy), Erato (Muse of Erotic Poetry), Polyhymnia (Muse of Religious Hymns), Ourania (Muse of Astronomy), Euterpe (Muse of Lyric Poetry), and Terpsikhore (Muse of Choral Song and Dancing).
Hope this gives you a good answer! Take care! 🧡
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Rick making Luke like Annabeth romantically by the end of TLO was probably the worst mistake ever tbh. I'm actually so salty abt this. Even after Luke asked her if she ever loved him, I never got the romantic implication? To me it seemed more like Luke was aware of Annabeth's crush on him, and wanted to clarify that he hadn't misread, since he was dying and wanted to make himself feel better that someone DID indeed love him, even after all that he did, not because HE loved her or something. But I realised that Rick WAS intending to make Luke romantically interested in Annabeth after I got the confirmation in MOA.
Because it made NO sense whatsoever. Like. At all. On the contrary, it was heavily hinted that Luke was crushing on Thalia, in the demigod diaries, where he couldn't refuse her ideas, and that looking into her eyes made him want to do anything she asked, when he said that her compliments made him feel warm and fuzzy inside, etc. if that isn't a romantic implication, then I don't know what is tbh, but it's just my opinion. Also, he was at the brink of insanity after Thalia died and turned into a tree, I feel like that's what drove him batshit against the gods . If anything, Luke loved Thalia, not annabeth. Atleast based on what was implied in The demigod diaries.
He showed no romantic interest in Annabeth in the books, and clearly only saw her as a sister. Adding that romantic bit was not only creepy as fuck, since Luke was in his mind 20's and Annabeth was still a child. But it also stripped off the found family significance that they had. I was actually marvelling at how great Luke/Annabeth's sibling dynamic was in the books up until TLO.
I always that Annabeth's crush on Luke was realistic bc it wasn't a crush, it was hero worship. She put Luke in a pedestal because he was her hero, a celebrity crush sort of thing. Very realistic writing, but Luke reciprocating? That ruined everything.
Luke genuinely regretting his actions because he failed his little sister, and Thalia, refusing to hurt both of them, the two people that meant the world to him, the two people he thought of when he was bathing in the river styx, is MUCH more meaningful and heartbreaking.
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death-himself · 9 months
BRO this episode is definitely my favorite holy shit ok here are episode 4 thoughts
the starting scene of percy learning how to swim was so cute I love every percy and sally interaction
also I kind of love the way they make sally speak kind of erratically and sort of stream-of-thought like, I don't know why but something about it is really interesting and a unique spin on her character
when percy brought up thalia I was BEGGING for a flashback and i'm so sad we didn't get one, probably my only critique of this episode and even then it's not even really a critique
I also love how they're emphasizing grover and annabeth's friendship and history in the series because I feel like it wasn't a thing at all in the books
their dynamic is just getting better and better each episode istg
grover says "2 days until we reach los angeles" which makes me kind of nervous about the lotus casino scene. the whole thing with the casino in the book was that fear realising that they wasted an entire week, so i'm kind of worried that they're only gonna be there for like 5 minutes now, but I guess we'll see in an episode or two
I love echidna greeting them on the train, I think it actually makes more sense than her just being there at the arch at the same time as them
also love echidna's actress she's incredible omg
the arch being a temple to athena is SO FUNNY to me
also love the little hint to annabeth's love for architecture and how she infodumps a bit about it
i love the conversation percy and Annabeth have, them coming to an understanding on the different ways they view their godly parents
also annabeth still worshipping and loving athena because she's both never really had a loving family and because she's been in the godly world for a large amount of her life AND because she doesn't know what it's like to be loved without having to earn it
versus percy not worshipping or caring about poseidon because he's had a loving mother and knows what it's like for a parent to care about him unconditionally and realizing he doesn't need poseidon's attention because he has his mother and she's more than enough
them splashing percy with water in a fountain aslkjdgakljgh
"my impertinence wounded my mother's pride" and she just looks SO DEVASTATED i'm gonna cry
percy tricking annabeth to get her to leave with grover was such a percy thing to do, him knowing he's already dying from the venom
it seems like every time there's a big dramatic fight they always cut the music and i think that's such a cool interesting choice
very sad they didn't just teleport the river over but that shot did look really fuckin cool
i LOVE how they're setting up for percy to have such complex mixed feelings about poseidon, and them ending with him taking a breath and trusting his father was a cool choice
also about that teaser at the end, we're getting the chair hephaestus built in the myth??? i'm so excited to see how that goes
"she said this is what the gods are like to each other. this is the kind of family they are." i feel like that just explains every problem in the riordanverse
with episode 3 probably being my least favorite out of what we have so far, I'm so so happy with this episode. this is the first episode where I don't have a single real critique, and I just know the next 4 episodes are gonna be absolute bangers
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dark-elf-writes · 4 months
Grover, Thalia and Percy take Annabeth to the Hover Dam post last Olympian
It goes as well as you’d think
Annabeth hated her friends.
Okay that was probably false. She adored Grover and Thalia and had been head over heels in love with Percy Jackson since she was twelve, but in this moment there was nothing she wanted more than to strangle all three of them. Not a completely alien feeling she would admit but usually it was contained to the two boys with Thalia being there to share in her suffering. This time however, Thalia was right there with the boys, her face — normally with the slight glow and otherness of immortality — turning a dark red as she giggled helplessly into Percy’s shaking shoulder.
It had started well enough. A promise the three of them had apparently made while on the road to find her after she was taken captive and had been unable to follow through on until the constant fighting had wound down. A trip to one of Annabeth favorite architectural marvels in the United States that she had unfortunately missed the last time their quests dragged them through the area. But while Annabeth had been planning what to do after she had bored Percy and Grover to tears with her endless supply of trivia and facts on the dam she hadn’t anticipated… this.
Grover bleated out another laugh, gripping his stomach as he looked up to Thalia and Percy who were leaning on each other through their giggles.
“Show me the dam snack bar.”
Percy nearly screeched a laugh leaning so heavily back on Thalia that the two of them nearly tumbled. Thalia who had never been the most tactile person with anyone other than Annabeth and Luke even before she became a hunter clung to Percy as she laughed so hard she was silent but for occasional gasps of air.
Her friends had lost their minds. There was no other reason for it. She was going to have to explain to Poseidon, Zeus, Artemis and perhaps worst of all Juniper and Sally Jackson that the three of them had just snapped. Not to mention people were staring at them, judgmental looks and disappointed head shakes as they grumbled about “kids these days”. Drawing this much attention was practically begging for the four of them to be jumped by monsters, particularly when two children of the big three were so incapacitated by their laughter that they could barely stay in their feet much less swing a weapon.
“What is your guy’s problem?” Annabeth hissed between her teeth, eyes narrowed.
She could probably get away with kicking Percy’s leg out from under him and a light shove to Grover, sending all three of them to the floor without catching the attention of any concerned citizens who would call the cops. Maybe then they would all stop giggling like children.
Thalia gasped something that might have been Annabeth’s name, or perhaps was a plea for oxygen. Grover was bent double, not even able to look at her as he bleated another laugh. And Percy…
Percy looked at her with mirth shining in his eyes and tears streaming down his red cheeks.
He had never looked more handsome than he did right now. The picture of joyful youth. All wild hair and bright laughter. The kind of thing that made her fingers itch to be able to draw up more than building my plans.
He smiled at her with devotion in his face, worship, like she was the goddess and not her mother. (Or knowing Percy like she was better than a goddess.) it was almost enough to make her ignore his words.
“I’m sorry Annabeth,” He gasped out between laughs. “We have a dam problem.”
It turned out she didn’t have to push any of them over, all three of them fell in a tangle of graceless limbs and shrieks of laughter.
She hated them.
She hung her head in defeat and huffed out a Fon laugh of her own.
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