#thai women for marriage
sosomanyasianbabes · 2 years
Brief Story: The Fact About Thailand Dating App
Brief Story: The Fact About Thailand Dating App
Unlike lots of others, Cambodian women can’t be like sexy Thai girlfriends – https://thairomances.com/en/blog/four-things-i-learnt-from-my-online-dating-profile – the bones at Sedlec are on display screen in an unusual way– utilized to decorate the ceiling and craft artworks. This programme works with a network of native villages who are assisting to safeguard essential websites such as Veal Veng…
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lgbtally4ever · 1 month
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If you reply to my posts, I’m going to assume you, too, are a fan of BL, and/or a proponent for gay rights, and/or a Liberal, who believes in equality for everyone.
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reasonsforhope · 6 months
"Lawmakers in Thailand’s lower house of Parliament overwhelmingly approved a marriage equality bill on Wednesday that would make the country the first in Southeast Asia to legalize equal rights for marriage partners of any gender.
The bill passed its final reading with the approval of 400 of the 415 members of the House of Representatives in attendance, with 10 voting against it, two abstaining and three not voting.
Thailand has a reputation for acceptance and inclusivity but has struggled for decades to pass a marriage equality law. Thai society largely holds conservative values, and members of the LGBTQ+ community say they face discrimination in everyday life. The government and state agencies are also historically conservative, and advocates for gender equality have had a hard time pushing lawmakers and civil servants to accept change.
[Note: As always, worth noting that all of those things can be said about the US and plenty of Western countries too. The West isn't magically non-homophobic.]
The bill now goes to the Senate, which rarely rejects any legislation that passes the lower house, and then to the king for royal endorsement. This would make Thailand the first country or region in Southeast Asia to pass such a law and the third in Asia, after Taiwan and Nepal.
The bill amends the Civil and Commercial Code to change the words “men and women” and “husband and wife” to “individuals” and “marriage partners.” It would open up access to full legal, financial and medical rights for LGBTQ+ couples...
The new government led by Pheu Thai, which took office last year, has made marriage equality one of its main goals."
-via AP News, March 27, 2024
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hallowpen · 1 month
The Secret of Us and the allegory of the puzzle...
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I think one of the major overarching themes in this series is that you cannot force something to fit where it doesn't want to belong. And the only way to 'complete' the picture, ideally, is to patiently allow the pieces to be put together in the way they're supposed to.
I really really want to talk about Lada and how much I resonated with her as a character. In order for me to do that, I have to explain some cultural insights that revolve around Lada's familial structure.
Funnily enough, I was recently discussing certain matrilineal cultures that exist in Thailand and how they perpetuate a lot of bigoted ideals... and that is shown beautifully in Lada's relationship with her parents and how they each react to her queerness. To me, it seemed clear that Lada's parents' marriage was born from matrilocal customs. And unfortunately, that's not really something you would be able to pick up on if you weren't Thai (or natively Asian in general). So... in these types of families, women hold a lot of authority, and that authority is passed on through the female line (which is why daughters are valued over sons). The wife would manage and have the final say regarding household matters, including how the children are raised... and the husband's duty would be to respect his wife. A mother and her daughter maintain a continuous relationship with one another as, should the daughter marry, her husband would come to stay with them until they have a family of their own (and sometimes even after). It's a good way to strengthen matrilineal kinship, but it puts enormous cultural pressure on the daughter who is raised with very high expectations... the most pressuring of which is to marry a man and to have natural born children. Should the daughter not 'fit' this mold, they are often ostracized from the family.
It gives new meaning to hearing Khun Russamee say, "Lada is the seed I've nurtured since birth," doesn't it? It's why she is so against accepting and understanding Lada and Earn's relationship. Because in her mind, there doesn't exist a future where two women can uphold these matrilineal customs... and so the only reason Earn must be pursuing Lada is for some form of exploitation (i.e. money). She justifies her cruel and queerphobic behavior to keep them apart as some form of misaligned protection of her daughter and her daughter's future... to keep her from being taken advantage of and to help her see reason. It doesn't excuse the behavior at all... but at least you can understand the motivation (no matter how terrible). These types of mothers exist in the reality of Thai society... it's not just some cliched villain narrative. I'm speaking from experience here (NOT MY MOM! I LOVE MY MOM... my mother's mother).
In Thailand, we hold strong to the notion of บุญคุณ ('bunkhun'). This notion perpetuates the idea that we owe an endless debt of gratitude to our parents. It's seen as our "moral obligation". (Similar ideas exist in other Asian countries, as well)
Lada has done everything right. She's loved and obeyed her mother, she's cultivated a successful career with intentions to take over from her parents' leadership of the hospital, she's set herself up to be able to support her family's needs... She cannot imagine a life where her mother could ever not support her or her choices. Her one "fault" is that she is in love with a woman and refuses to conform to her mother's insistent heteronormative intentions (I loved the juxtaposition of this against P'Nu's defeated acceptance btw). She's rightfully exhausted from all the pressure to 'fit' her mother's mold of the perfect daughter, and Earn recognizes that.
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So when her mother falls ill, and Lada is expected to take responsibility, it makes sense from the perspective of her familial structure. When she sacrifices her happiness for her mother and Earn understands the reasons why... it makes sense. Khun Russamee only comes to believe that Earn truly does love Lada once Earn willingly steps away from their relationship to ease Lada's mother's expectations... it's twisted, but it makes sense. And Khun Russamee does apologize, for whatever the frik that's worth (I can only try so much guys 😞😞😞) It's just part of our ingrained culture to value family despite their abusive behaviors. And as much as I wish that weren't the case, these views remain an actual reality. So, it isn't dishonest to portray them.
...The point is, the final pieces of the puzzle could only come together once they were allowed to. And then we finally got our happy ending!!!
Could certain story elements stand to be improved? Yes... but they're no worse than anything we've seen from BL series. And I do believe as time goes on, with more and more GL content being made, the writing will get better and stronger (I hope 🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾).
Despite the more problematic writing, Lingling and Orm were outstanding in their roles. Never have I seen two artists, in all of the Thai QL I've watched, be so in tune to their characters and their emotions. Everything from their dramatic scenes to their more subtle facial expressions were completely on point. It was a pleasure to witness... and the biggest draw for me as a viewer. Well done!!!
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respectthepetty · 2 months
Your post about being happy that there are so many queer media to watch nowadays, even the bad ones is just spot on. I live in a homophobic country and I'm still in the closet at 25. so imagine growing up, discovering yourself, being so afraid and then have all the queer content you find end with the characters dying, being laughed at, or reduced to harmful stereotypes. because what did that mean for silly young closeted me?
But now?
Now I'm thriving, i get to experience queer love, queer joy, even queer dumbassery lmao. These reminders, despite still feeling stuck, constantly show me how other queer people are moving forward and living their lives—and it's beautiful, even the trashy ones (which always are the most fun to watch)
So thank you for your post. It’s a reminder that our stories matter, no matter how imperfect!
Anon, although I live in the United States, I have always lived in a super conservative county where the town clerk refuses to issue marriage licenses to queer couples (and sometimes people of color depending on the day). We have billboards coming into town telling everyone they are going to hell and compared to all my friends in bigger cities who had to wait for the COVID vaccine, I got mine in 2020 when they were mostly only available to medical staff because the medical staff at our hospital refused to get it because Trump told them not to or some shit, so the local pharmacy begged anyone to get the shot before they expired. For a long time, my town refused to let cable or internet companies come in because then we would be exposed to sinful media.
But I ain't moving!
So although I haven't lived your experience, I feel ya.
Which is why I love all the discourse about QLs. If someone loves a show, I want to see why. If someone hates a show, I want to hear all about it. Because for so long, I had NOTHING! I was looking at the bible in Catholic school like . . . "Judas, you could've just told Jesus you wanted him instead of doing all this" *sign of the cross* and we all know how that ended for both of them.
Now, I'm trying to figure out where to find the time to watch all that is being offered to me! I can be picky now! I can dislike a show without feeling like ALL queer content will be taken away from me. I can get characters giving hand jobs, rim jobs, and blow jobs without having to pay-for-view at 1 am praying that the volume stays low.
I have watched some of the worst imaginable queer content, and I have watched queer porn with a plot which has smacked, and not just literally *wink*. I have watched so many queers be buried in ways that people cannot even begin to fathom. I have seen more than my fair share of queer media, and I can say without a doubt that these BLs are giving us some of the best variety of queers I have ever seen, and regardless if they are true to the queer experience (Dinosaur Love, I'm looking at your wild ass), two men holding hands is really fucking queer to these homophobes regardless of the plot. Two men cuddling in bed is super queer to these homophobes regardless of how aligned it is with the queer experience. Two women kissing is giving a homophobe a heart attack right now!
Century of Love had homophobic crew members. Those people got a paycheck for filming a BL while tweeting homophobic comments. Homophobia doesn't magically go away because we have queer content, which is a truth you and I know, but it gives me tiny pleasure knowing that 1) the show is airing on a popular-ish Thai channel in a prime-time slot, and 2) homophobes had to film two men kissing, multiple times. If we can't beat (the fuck out of) them, at least we made them feel super uncomfortable for even a teeny tiny bit.
And that's the other half of this - Not only do we get to consume all of this, but others are being exposed to it. These shows are airing in their countries ON TV. These actors are being shown in ads on TV and doing spreads for magazines. So while my town has billboards telling us to seek Jesus or perish in the fires of hell, Apo and Mile are eating Lay's on a billboard somewhere in Thailand.
Because this isn't just about the queers watching but about the homophobes and even the in-betweens witnessing it.
Give me all the trashy series (Dinosaur Love, still looking at you)! Give me the series that have absolutely no plot except two boys holding hands. GIVE ME EVERYTHING! Because no matter what I get, I guarantee it is pissing off some grandpappy somewhere, and that's really the queer experience; pissing people off for not only existing, but having the audacity to thrive despite it all.
So thrive, QL Land, THRIVE!
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waitmyturtles · 6 months
FACT-CHECK! Status of Thai Marriage Equality Bill (TL;DR Will not be ratified and signed into law in time for Pride, but still gives us something to celebrate anyway!)
Thanks to our WONDERFUL FRIENDS in Thailand, @happypotato48 and @recentadultburnout, I've fact-checked and edited my post earlier today about the Thai marriage equality bill passing its first round of Senate deliberations. From @happypotato48!
yeah i think it's unlikely for the law to be signed by june and from what i've read if there shenanigans, things might get delay (i really hope not.) but if everyting go smoothly the law will be signed in 2-3 months and will take effect 120 days after it's signed. so likely october or november when we'll get marriage equality here. but the laws did only dictated that the amendment must finish in 60 days so maybe (finger crossed) we actually get this sooner.
From @recentadultburnout!
My knowledge is pretty lacking, but here is our current law-making process.
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Some folks last week asked about what exactly the "legalization" of the bill meant after its passage in the Lower House/House of Representatives last week. I loved @happypotato48's use of the word "shenanigans" because throughout this entire process, I'm either reading into and/or expecting some shenanigans to go down because, government. But anyway:
The bill was approved in principle by the Upper House/Senate yesterday in Thailand. On July 8th, it'll go through an amendment process, and then a full approval of the bill in whole (scroll down for the reblog and additional tweet).
The most likely and/or hoped for scenario is that the Senate will take on the amendment/editing and approval process without hiccups in July, and that THEN, the bill will move to the Royal stage, which means that it'll get published in the Royal Gazette, and after 60 or 120 days (I think that was depending on what Parliament was saying), will become official law.
What are the prospects of shenanigans? I was reading on Twitter that some protests and arguments during yesterday's (or today's, depending on your timezone) deliberations in the Senate had to do with some senators stating that families are "naturally" occurring between men and women, and that quite a bit of reframing has to happen -- particularly reverberating by way of what other laws will be impacted (such as adoption laws, or benefits-by-family laws) when marriage equality is implemented. From the Thai Enquirer on Twitter:
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This response tweet below made me giggle, because it reminded me that a lot of the shows we love deliberately criticize the kind of inane arguments and politics that were made in the Senate yesterday:
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(I can't find the post, I think @respectthepetty may have made it, about how last year's Midnight Series shows on GMMTV referred to politicians multiple times as dinosaurs. If someone has it, can you link me, and I'll edit this post? It was so apropos!)
In any case: the Senate has NOT fully approved the bill yet, and there's more yet to come in July. Shenanigans could happen, anything could happen!
If the Senate does NOT approve the bill in July, it will kick BACK to the Lower House/House of Representatives for ultimate approval before the Royal approval stage. Considering the overwhelming number of votes the bill got in the Lower House last week, it is almost (ALMOST!) guaranteed that it'll pass THAT stage. BUT! There's always the opportunity for shenanigans.
So advocates are still waiting, hopeful, but still waiting. The baddies who took up arguments in favor of the bill during yesterday's hearings are to be celebrated nonetheless.
IN ANY CASE. That this is even being deliberated for as close as we've ever gotten to legalizing marriage equality in a Southeast Asian country is worthy of celebration during Pride.
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kevin-the-bruyne · 8 months
I really had to read with my own two eyes multiple times since this post had multiple people add on to it, bringing it back to my dash again and again, that the drama from Tharn and Phaya's past life did not feel dramatic at all. And somehow that detracts from taking the drama of the present as seriously as the show is taking it. This story is based on Thai folklore? The Naga and Garuda are eternal enemies. The love between a Naga and a Garuda is an insult to the literal cosmic order. Chalothon who was only trying to preserve the natural order has been wronged by their love. The natural order is also referenced several times but especially when the priest was like keep Phaya and Chalothon away from each other, they're destined to be enemies. Not meeting the show halfway to accepting this as part of your lens as an audience is frankly...an interesting choice to make. The next bit is pure conjecture on account of me not being Thai but I'm trying to relate to what The Sign is likely trying to do from my own understanding of Asian folklore and the way we use those stories to build new stories. What is there to get out of this show other than the big fuck you to 'natural order' of things that must be because of the way that they are. Why can't a Naga and Garuda be in love? This must be a concept that people explore under the general lens of forbidden love in Thailand (pure conjecture but also like I don't know how it can't be true). We all have our poorly explained versions of Forbidden Love gone bad; Romeo and Juliet, Ram Leela, Devdas would be some heterosexual stories of Forbidden Love that kind of hand waves around the forbidden part a little bit that I'm familiar with. Devdas (the story I'm most familiar with of the one's stated) and its myriad adaptations is a story about the absolute ways we hold on to class even as it brings about our own downfall.
It's a great pick for a queer adaptation because the reasons why the lovers couldn't be together was so made up and really came down to ONE person (Devdas' mother) who just couldn't let go of class even though everyone else was literally begging for the two to just be together because let me tell you none of you have met a poor little meow meow on the scale of Devdas.
The Sign is bringing the forbidden love between a Naga and Garuda as a parallel of the forbidden love between two men. Homosexuality outside of the legal sphere really does come down to an ideological difference as to what is natural vs not. Homosexuality goes against a natural order of reproduction. And this is true. Two men cannot reproduce, two women cannot reproduce with each other.
The challenge isn't to prove that they can, it's to prove that reproduction isn't the centerpoint of human life, that we have transcended the need for our life to be dictated by this 'natural' order because on principal our societies just aren't built along the paradigm of 'survival of the fittest' where the benchmark of species fitness is its ability to reproduce.
Thai shows including things that have come out of Idol Factory (that produces The Sign) are often socially engaged with LGBT rights within Thailand. Now that gay marriage is legal or on its way to be, I assume a move in the direction of bringing same sex relationships up to the same societal respect as straight relationships would be a natural direction that future screenwriters will go.
The Sign is trying very hard to take the question of homosexuality right to the heart of Thai culture and tradition and talk about it from that lens [this is less conjecture and more paraphrasing what Saint has said about the show in interviews] And I know that you all are capable of meeting a story halfway in respecting its desire to set up the stakes through references of allegorical story telling since y'all have been doing it with Last Twilight and Le Petit Prince. So I don't know even know why I had to make this post but: tl;dr: The stakes of the love between Tharn and Phaya and the forbidden nature of it is set before you even see much of the show just from the fact that Tharn is a Naga and Phaya is a Garuda and as a member of the audience you have to accept that the love between Naga and Garuda is a deviant form of love in Thai culture.
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thedivinecove · 29 days
Hi! I see youre oath sworn to King Zeus and Queen Hera. There’s not a ton of conversation about them in the helpol community so I was wondering if you’d be willing to talk about your relationship with them at all?
Yessss!! Of course!!
So to say it in a more clear way, Zeus and Hera are my life haha. They're very important to me and if you may recall one of the delphic maxims is "do not make oaths" because breaking an Oath is extremely bad and punishable. So for me it took a while to even consider it. Like...two years until they gave me the biggest sign ever.
Get ready for a ramble but I love talking about this because it brings up great memories and a great feeling of kharis
I've been a polytheist for...give or take nine plus years. I've never hated Zeus or Poseidon as I never believed the myths. I always really felt connected to them both and, of course, Hera. (I had to dress up as her in school, haha), so there has been a lot of worship there and connection. After my first trip to Greece I felt an extremely hard pull to Zeus and Hera in terms of greater devotion, which after a mountain hike ontop of Mount Ochi and seeing an eagle...I really was able to confirm my suspicion. I got readings and did my own ancient divination and got a lot of support from larger creators. With this, I began my journey as a, some people call it "godspouse." I prefer oathsworn though....it's more telling of what it is and overall shows what you do.
Fast forward end of 2022 I ended up being in my second year of my history major and final year of my Biology minor when I decided to go to Greece and study again,this time for Ancient History and Culture. I recently switched to History major in honor of Zeus and Hera after I got home from my first trip to Greece. After making my promise to Zeus and asking for a clear sign, I ended up getting into a huge programs that gave me multiple opportunities, and with that, I then traveled abroad for three months all over Greece. I finally ended up studying on Rhodos, which had a beautiful temple to Zeus-Poleius and Athena. That is where I made my vow on the second to last day of my trip. He fulfilled his promise, so I did mine. My vow isn't anything too crazy in a sense of "godspousal" it is more of a promise to the King and Queen of the gods thay I will continue my education, research and overall love for them throughout my life. I just am very deeply connected to them throughout my life choices and I hope to help others feel just as connected to them as I do.
About them:
Zeus and Hera are...old beings. Now they may not be the original King and Queen of the proto Greek myceanean religion, but they became prominent over time, more promiwnt over Poseidon and his consort Demeter/Eyrins (damata) . (I study proto greek religion shiz lol) Together Zeus and Hera show all sides of marriage, Zeus having more so sides showing the completion meanwhile Hera shows all the sides of female journey before, through, and after. It's a very good dynamic but also shows the dynamic of ancient times and the need in their concept of marriage (Athenian law for women goes CRAZY) for example certain epithets of Zeus weren't worshipped all around greece because of city states. But together, Zeus and Hera give a sense of security, home, guidance, feelings of worth, and overall just make you feel seen. Regardless of your stance as a "watcher" (non theist), a worshipper or a devotee who wants them to be in their home forever, it doesn't matter to them. They love everyone, they try to find the good in everyone and in general, they just want what is best for humanity. They give off very Maternal and Paternal vibes and advice, I've seen a lot of people be afraid of Zeus and Hera but honestly there is no reason to be if we look in anything besides the myths. They're very loving and deserve a whole heck of a lot more attention than they have.
Thanks for this question!!
With much love,
X.S 🌊
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hualianschild · 9 months
I've been seeing a lot of my posts are getting interactions so I thought I should do an introduction since I haven't done it yet
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hii !! I'm tami ^^
I've been on tumblr since 2021 when I started reading tgcf (aka heaven official's blessing) and wanted a place to scream abt it and discover fanarts of any kind of media that I read or watched and liked and I took a break from posting for a year but now I'm back to do it again cuz it makes me happy and hey I get to make new friends on here out of it
media(s) I read/watched and loved so now I'm in the fandom :
Tiān Guān Cì Fú (tgcf) or Heaven Official's Blessing (danmei)
Mó Dào Zǔ Shī (mdzs) or Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (danmei)
Female general and Eldest Princess or fgep (baihe)
Clear and Muddy loss of Love or jwqs (baihe)
Yuri!!! on ice
Kusuriya no Hitorigoto or The Apothecary Diaries
Avatar : The Last Airbender
Kimetsu no Yaiba or Demon Slayer
Saiki Kusuo no Sai-nan or The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
Sasaki and Miyano (anime)
Kamisama Hajimemashita or Kamisama Kiss
Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon or My Happy Marriage
Buddy Daddies
Phineas and Ferb
The Good Girl's Guide to Murder Series by Holly Jackson
Almond by Won-Pyung Sohn
The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri
Beware of The Villainess (Manhwa)
Perks of being a Villainess (Manhwa)
Roxana (Manhwa)
Lady Crystal is a Man (Manhwa)
Villains are Destined to Die (Manhwa)
Link Click
Moriarty the Patriot
Sk8 the Infinity
My Hero Academia [currently watching]
I'm also a kpop stan (i post abt it on another page aka user sugaflare and have a thread account on ig, to know more abt it or me you can check out my carrd in my bio)
and watch kdramas, jdramas and cdramas (occasionally a thai drama here and there) so I might post abt it here (need to go crazy over these fine af kdrama men and women or I might go crazy) oh and also read manhwas, danmei and webtoons too
other things to know abt me :
my pronouns are she/her/they/them, I'm a desi, bisexual, a 04'liner and an astronomy and science nerd ^^
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sosomanyasianbabes · 2 years
I believe if I have a special guy in my life, I will always try to believe about his joy … Seeking a soul mate in between 35-55 years, who is mild, dating thai girl cultural differences (i was reading this thailandrelationshipsdating.wordpress.com) romantic and will see the importance of his partner and family. Looking for a true love 30-55, kind, goodhearted, clean, sincere, love animals. He…
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frances-and-the-moon · 10 months
Since there is a Spotify Wrapped and a Youtube Wrapped I thought it a good idea to make a personal K-drama Wrapped a.k.a. a list of all K-dramas & J-dramas I watched this year!
I had a lot of time this year to watch lots (and lots) of TV Shows. So, without farther ado, here's a list of all TV Shows I watched in 2023, ranked by my very personal vote (I'm probably forgetting some but it's ok lol. Favourite ones are in bold + bromance ones are pink, BLs are purple)
1. Beyond Evil (10/10)
2. The Devil Judge (9/10)
3. Weak Hero Class (9/10)
4. The Glory (10/10)
5. Strangers from Hell (8/10)
6. The Worst of Evil (10/10)
7. The Guest OCN (8/10)
8. Revenant (7/10)
9. Sky Castle (7/10)
10. All of Us are Dead (8/10)
11. Little Women (7/10)
12. Lies Hodden in My Garden (7/10)
13. Sweet Home (9/10)
14. Duty After School (7/10)
15. KinnPorsche (8/10)
16. The Eighth Sense (7/10)
17. Girl From Nowhere (8/10) (Thai Drama)
18. The Good Bad Mother (7/10)
19. D.P. (8/10)
20. Black Knight (7/10)
21. My Mister (9/10)
22. Bloodhounds (7/10)
23. Atelier (Jdrama) (8/10)
24. Moving (10/10)
25. Evilive (8/10)
26. Flower of Evil (8/10)
27. My Dearest (8/10)
28. The Deal (8/10)
29. Duty After School (6/10)
30. Vigilante (9/10)
31. The Killing Vote (7/10)
32. One Room Angel (8/10) (JDrama)
33. Extraordinary Attorney Woo (8/10)
34. Reborn Rich (8/10)
35. Taxi Driver (8/10)
36. Only Friends (7/10)
37. Home School (7/10) (Thai Drama)
38. Castaway Diva (8/10)
39. Celebrity (7/10)
40. Last Twilight (8/10) (Thai Drama)
41. My Personal Weatherman (8/10) (Jdrama)
42. Black Knight (7/10)
43. Perfect Marriage Revenge (8/10)
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jinitak · 1 year
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This scene is lowkey kinda sad ngl
(This post is a rant)
Context: Thai law still doesn't recognise same-sex marriage, legal gender change, LGBTQIA+ people still don't have the same rights as cisgender heterosexual people.
This scene really resonates with me, the latest attempt at trying to amend the civil code to enshrine marriage equality via court ruling was done by a lesbian couple in 2019.
The fact that we're still fighting for marriage equality here probably is a testament to how conservative the Thai ruling class is. In their decision, the court argues that
Marriage is a union for reproduction -By this logic, people who were castrated or women on birth control should not be able to marry but alas they can. It's not a valid point.
Marriage equality would be a burden to heterosexual couples due to paperwork for welfare and other services -It's not the fucking job of the court to decide that.
Marriage equality would lead LGBTQIA+ people to marry for the welfare (?) -Marrying for welfare is already illegal
Civil Partnership bill has already been introduced -It doesn't give equal rights to LGBTQIA+ couples.
BTW, I was mad in a mall that day reading the ruling, they were so fucking homophobic, it's hate speech. They had shit like only men and women in the world, LGBTQIA+ people are unnatural, that kind of bullshit.
This makes me sad and mad in a way, my mind while watching wandered off and thought about how his mothers would be able to see each other if they were to get admitted to a hospital, how will they be able to build a life together if they couldn't get a mortgage or other types of loans, how would their welfare benefits work, etc.
It angers me that 9 old near dead people who could've decided that people like Mew's mothers could be able to live a life with as much rights and dignity as their heterosexual counterparts but they decided to spew shit from their mouths that is so disgusting, they should not be able to talk again.
Every time I see this kind of scenes it gives me hope that LGBTQIA+ relationships that are not just 2 young men in love would be shed a light on but on the other hand it angers and sadden me to the tenth degree that Thai society still doesn't have a place for them.
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hallowpen · 14 days
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This post is going to be a combination of The Loyal Pin Episodes 5 and 6, as I was unable to post for episode five due to my travel schedule.
Let's start off with the two key highlights from Episode 5...
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หมูสร่ง (pronounced 'muu sarong') is a Thai dish made of pork meatballs wrapped in egg noodles that are fried until golden and crispy. For this reason, the dish is literally translated as "Pork wrapped in Golden Threads". It is usually served with a plum dipping sauce.
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The Thai name for the series is ปิ่นภักดิ์ ('Pin Phak'). ปิ่น serves as Khun Pin's nickname... but is also Thai for "hairpin". A tradition born from the Lanna Kingdom (อาณาจักรล้านนา), nobles and high-ranking officials would purchase hairpins of gold, silver, or brass to wear as a social status symbol of their wealth. The gift of a hairpin (usually a gift given from a suitor to their potential bride) would symbolize one's promise to care for its intended wearer. Hairpins are associated with the belief that they will help to preserve a couple's love and prevent it from fading over time. They are, therefore, representative of the true and lasting connection between Anil and Pin.
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If you managed to survive Episode 6, let's discuss....
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การซักผ้าด้วยเครื่องหอม - The process of washing clothes in fragrant water is pretty straightforward. A combination of herbs, spices, and florals are added to boiling water to create a natural detergent. The chosen additives can aid in stain and odor removal, reducing wrinkles, and preserving the color of the garments. The particular ingredients chosen in the series were 1) ลูกซัดคั่ว (roasted fenugreek seeds) - Also known as methi seeds, they smell and taste like maple syrup 2) ชะลูด (dried alyxia) - A climbing flowering plant that has a sweet and light fragrance, described to smell like honey 3) ใบเตย (pandan leaves) - A tropical plant whose soft aroma is described as having hints of rose, almond, and vanilla.
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Thai rubies (พลอยสีทับทิม) are extremely rare and highly coveted, as they are far scarcer than diamonds. The rubies are not only admired for their beauty, but are known in Thai culture as one of the nine sacred gemstones. They are believed to hold auspicious meanings, and to bring long-lasting love to their wearer. Owning and wearing jewelry that features this incredibly valued gemstone is seen as a status symbol for royalty. Princess Alisa gifting these jewels to Pin for her birthday means she holds Pin in very high regard (it was hinted in the first episode that Alisa views Pin as a second daughter).
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There are a few conversations and quotes from this episode that I would like to highlight.
The first is the conversation between Pin and Princess Patt:
"Can Princess Anil follow in Princess Patt's footsteps and stay unmarried?" "That would be quite unlikely, Lady Pin. [...] Savettavarit is a very famous, wealthy, and well-respectable family. Princess Anil will eventually have to get married. You will also have to get married as well, Lady Pin. I already have some prospects in mind."
There are certain expectations that women of royalty and nobility cannot escape from. The most prominent of which is to be married and have natural born children to preserve the line of succession. It is also important to note that these potential marriage prospects are always chosen by a daughter's parents...with the daughter having little to no say over the decision. Which leads me right into the next scene... when Anil is talking to Prik about having to leave for England sooner than she expected:
"I did not choose to do this, Prik."
Such a short and quick line... that holds so much meaning. Anil is a highly ranked princess yet, even she, must submit to the whims of her elder brother. Women hardly hold a say over their own lives within this society... and that's going to come into play, very obviously, later on in the series...
The last scene I wanted to mention was during Anil's planned dinner, when she and Pin were discussing Pin's birthday:
"What gift do you want from me for your birthday?" "Just wake up early to make merits and give alms to the monks with me, Your Highness."
I'm mentioning this scene for cultural reasons. In Thai culture, the tradition of making merit and giving alms together is tied to the beliefs of shared karma. The practice is said to bring prosperity to couples in their current life, and to ensure they will meet again in future lives. Pin's request is representative of her intentions to walk hand-in-hand with Anil in their present life, and in their future lives to come. I'm not crying... you are!!! 😭😭😭
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seresinsbabe · 2 years
Conveniently Yours
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Pairing: Jake Seresin x fem!reader
Synopsis: In a desperate attempt to pay for your mom's cancer treatment you take a job as a dancer at one of NYC's prestigious strip clubs where you meet Jake Seresin who just happens to need a wife.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, mild smut, oral (fem receiving), arguing, allusions to sex.
Word Count: 1.9k
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More weeks passed, closer and closer to the wedding. You were thankful you’d both decided on a small affair. At this point you knew you really couldn’t handle a big to do. Especially when Jake had stayed just as cold as ever. There’d been a few times you’d seen him warm up. You weren’t sure if it was really him opening up or if it was because Rooster was there so often.
Not that you hated Rooster being over. Honestly his presence made you feel much less awkward in the home as he always managed to fill it with happy noise. It was clear Bradley was a frequent flier in the penthouse. A testament to how close of a relationship the two men had. You’d caught glimpses of who Jake was when it was just him and his closest friend. He was similar to the Jake you met at the club. The one that had been with you for only a few weeks before he’d turned cold.
“Hey chipmunk, come to join us? Longhorns are up.” Bradley had taken to calling you chipmunk when he came over one day and found you with your cheeks so stuffed full marshmallows. It had been your time of the month and marshmallows were this past period's comfort food. Your eyes darted to Jake who didn’t even seem to bother looking at you. He was more focused on the game. Both men were wearing jeans, something Jake didn’t wear often, and those ugly orange jersey’s.
You scrunched your face up in disgust. “Enjoy the wins now boys, the Sooners are comin’ for ya.” That seemed to grab Jake’s attention. You hadn’t let it be known you were a Sooner fan. He almost looked betrayed and he opened his mouth to say something but his phone rang. Whoever it was must have been important enough to drag him away from the game. Then again, sometimes you were convinced he would take any excuse to get away from you in private.
This was a fake marriage, yeah, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t painful seeing him avoid you. Especially when he put on such a good show in front of the public. Just the day before he’d kept his arm wrapped tightly around your waist, placing soft kisses on your forehead and temples while you were at a promotion event. Big crowds filled with paparazzi and girls screaming for Jake’s attention still weren't something you were used to being in the center of. And Jake knew that. He was so comforting during public appearances that it made digesting his cold demeanor at home that much harder.
What Jake hadn’t told you, or anyone, was that he was trying to distance himself from you. Those first few weeks, where he’d been sweet and you’d spent time getting to know one another, had a stronger effect on him than he was willing to admit. He wasn’t ready to give up his bachelor lifestyle yet, or at least that’s what he thought. And the way you’d softly sing when focusing on anything had his stomach doing flips. So did your laugh, your smile, everything about you. What had really done him in was when he came home from a really shitty day and you had his favorite take out, Thai food, and his favorite beer ready for him. He’d come so close to crossing a line that night he knew he had to distance himself.
Maybe he was going about it the wrong way with the women and the coldness. He had no idea if you felt the same things he was. It was likely just in your nature to be so kind and thoughtful. Which only meant he had to distance himself even more to keep himself from getting hurt. He’d been burned before and he wasn’t going to let that happen.
Course he hadn’t expected Bradley to find interest in you. Then again you were beautiful. You weren’t fake like most of the women that chased after them. Bradley would be an idiot not to find interest in you. And as much as Jake was starting to realize he didn’t like Bradley flirting with you he knew he couldn’t stop it. As long as it was in private where no one would see and sun a story on it, he had no grounds to stop either of you. Not unless he wanted to admit he was feeling things he hadn’t felt in a very long time. Didn’t make it any easier that you seemed to flirt right back with Bradley.
Of course Jake didn’t know it had gone further than just flirting. You hadn’t fucked Bradley…not yet. There had been some heavy petting, but you’d yet to go further than that. The first makeout happened when the boys were drinking. Jake had called over one of his frequent fliers. Leaving you and Bradley on the couch. One thing led to another and you were perched in his lap, tongues intertwined and hands groping anywhere and everywhere. Since then it had only continued.
What Bradley wanted you weren’t sure. It seemed purely physical and that you were okay with. There was no way you’d be able to balance keeping a real relationship secret while faking a whole marriage to his best friend. Even then, with everything going on with your mom you didn’t know that you really wanted a relationship. It just all seemed like too much. Sex was easy. Sex was transactional. No feelings required, just hormones.
You weren’t even paying attention to Bradley. Looking at something in your phone when his lips were on your neck. The device was immediately dropped, falling between the cushions of the couch as you moved your body, opening yourself up to him. Jake’s voice could be heard down the hall. His footsteps sounded closer and then farther. He was pacing.
“Wan’taste you.” The idea of Rooster’s mouth on you sent shocks straight to your cunt. You rolled her hips, brushing your core against the bulge in his jeans.
“Please.” You whimpered, your body begging to be touched in a way it hadn’t for some time “Bradley,” you half whispered half moaned as he nipped at your collar bone. “Bathroom.” It was the closest room he’d be able to get you to. You tapped his shoulder and he grunted against your skin, but lifted you up nonetheless. His mouth never leaving your skin.
In the bathroom he set you on the counter, stepping between your legs. He lifted you up, pushing the shorts you had on down, finding you had nothing on under them, then set you back down. Sinking down to his knees as you gripped the edges of the counter in anticipation.
Bradley’s curls brushing along your skin as he peppered kisses and nips up your thighs. When he reached your center he ran his nose up your slit, pulling away to look up at you with lust filled eyes. Your wetness shining on the tip of his nose. “All that for me, chipmunk?” You nodded, earning a grin and then a fat lick up your slit.
The moan you let out encouraged him and he licked again. Your fingers found their way into his curls and you tugged. A silent ask for more. Thankfully Bradley knew this had to be quick. No telling how long Jake’s phone call would last.
His lips wrapped around your clit, one finger sliding into your hole. You had to clamp your free hand over your mouth to muffle the moan it drew from you. Another finger slid in and then he was really working you over. The moans were starting to get hard to contain. Even more so when his fingers started purposefully brushing along the spongy spot in your cunt.
“Fuck!” You mewled, rolling your hips harder against his face. “I’m gonn-” you cried out loudly but hit down on your lip to shut yourself up. Only allowing whimpers through as you came on his fingers and face.
Bradley came up and kissed you, letting you taste yourself. You went to undo his jeans to return the favor but he stopped you. “Another time, this was all about you Chipmunk.” He pecked your lips and then helped you down from the counter. Neither of you were prepared for the sight that was behind the door.
Jake’s phone call had ended shortly after you and Brad disappeared. He came back, looking confused until he heard the moans from the bathroom. He’d spent the next several minutes with his ear pressed to the door hearing you make sinful sounds while his best friend ate you out. If it weren’t for the fact it was someone other than yourself or him drawing those sounds out of you he would have found himself hard. Instead he was just beyond pissed.
“My wife? Are you fucking kidding me Rooster!” Jake’s face started turning red.
“She’s not yet your wife and even if she was it’s a fake fucking marriage dude! So I gave her some attention. It’s not like you do!” Oh god. You could feel your own face heating up out of embarrassment.
Jake rolled his eyes and walked away, giving the both of you room to step out of the bathroom.
“Doesn’t matter, it shouldn’t be happening at all.”
Now it was your turn to get pissed off. “Are you fucking kidding me? You can have woman after woman over, hell I’ve seen you bring two at a time, but I can’t do the same? How is that fucking fair! I thought this was just business?” You’d never raised your voice or gotten mad really. So hearing you talk like this was new for both of the men.
“It is business!”
“Then I can fuck who I want so long as I don’t let the public or anyone else see, right?” Jake kept quiet. Because you were right. It wasn’t fair for him to fuck other women. And he knew he couldn’t let himself have you like that. It was too dangerous for him. So instead of saying anything he just turned around and stormed off to his room. He didn’t know who he was more upset with — himself or you.
You let out a sigh and turned to Bradley, an apologetic look on your face.
“Don’t worry about it, not the first time we’ve fought over a girl.” Brad chuckled, placing a kiss on the top of your head. It was soft and comforting and had you wrapping your arms around him.
You didn’t understand why Jake was being like this. Why was he pissed that you were doing the same things he was? Maybe it was the fact that it was his best friend. That was the only thing that made sense, but even then it shouldn’t matter if all Jake saw you as was a business partner and nothing more.
“In the spirit of pissing him off more, want to stay? I’ve got half a bed going unused?” Brad let out a laugh but nodded.
“I always did enjoy pissing the bastard off.” He grinned and tossed you over his shoulder, causing you to squeal and let out a laugh. One that Jake could hear from his room.
That was the first time Jake didn’t invite a woman over. He didn’t come out of his room. Just laid there the tv playing as an attempt to block out any noises coming from your room. The last sound he wanted to fall asleep to was that of his best friend fucking you.
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hatchetation · 1 year
I’ll be the first to say that in many ways, show me love the series is a fucking mess. The writing is uneven, the editing is GODAWFUL, and there are tons of gaping plot holes 🕳️
But I’ve continued to watch and I think there are a few reasons why even if you don’t watch, it’s worth thinking about how this series fits into the larger landscape of queer media. First off, I am a shallow lesbian and I’ll never say no to women kissing women on my tv screen 🤷‍♀️ Second, I am p confident that this show is gong to give Meena and Cherine a happy ending, and a happy ending for queer women on tv is still revolutionary! Third, this show has heart and warmth despite its many flaws. Many people have put a lot of care into the show and that does come through despite everything. Fourth, I’ve watched a lot of terrible shows and movies featuring lesbians and it has allowed me to look past superficial flaws (often due to a low budget) and at the heart of the story being told. And this story, although not the height of sophistication, is fun and trope-y and at its best is like the show equivalent of cotton candy. Fifth, this is a Thai show that normalizes queerness and brings visibility to wlw in Thailand, a country where gay marriage and unions of any kind aren’t legalized.
Finally, and perhaps most interesting to me, is that this show is an offshoot of the Miss Grand Thailand beauty pageant and in many ways acts as an advertisement for them. I’ve never been into beauty pageants and frankly my stereotypical view of them has been that they are bastions of misogyny, patriarchy, and the objectification of women. If lesbians exist in the world of the beauty pageant, I’ve always imagined it was to perform for the male gaze. And yet this show is aimed squarely at queer women!! It portrays the beauty pageant as a hot bed of lesbian activity and queerness is very normalized in the world of the show. And in the real world of Miss Grand Thailand, the lead actors and the possible romance between them are the face of the pageant. The show doesn’t critique beauty pageants in any way (it really isn’t equipped to do so), but the very act of aiming itself at queer women is subversive.
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waitmyturtles · 11 months
Thank you Turtles for yet another great piece on IFYLITA. I'm so excited that you picked up the novel. So having known the context, how would you have fixed the IFYLITA finale, if you were the director and didn't know if it was possible to have a S2 or not? Would you still have included all 3 Yais or do you think you would have tried to extend IFYLITA into a 16-18 episode series in order to adapt everything from start to finish? Is there anything from Part 1 of the novel that you are glad/happy that it wasn't adapted into the series or things you like that the series have done differently/taken different approach from the novel?
You must be so tired after your work trip and I'm really sorry for bothering you about IFYLITA even though you just wrote such a long post about it 😭
@clairedaring, I will take ANY EXCUSE to keep talking about I Feel You Linger In The Air -- I LOVE this extended conversation, thank you for engaging me in it! <3
Here's my thinking on how this first season shaped up, and a lot of this comes from conversation that I had with @lurkingshan and @neuroticbookworm before I read the novel last week into this week.
The material for the 1928 Chiang Mai era clearly fit a style and a tone that director Tee Bundit knew he could do a lot with. (@clairedaring, my recent history with Tee Bundit has been in watching many of his shows -- TharnType and Lovely Writer in particular -- for my Old GMMTV Challenge project, where I'm watching older Thai BLs to learn more about the genre. I also watched Step By Step -- TT and SBS are two of my most passionately hated shows, and I utterly LOVED Lovely Writer, so I have a real love-hate relationship with Tee Bundit, lmao.)
Since I've read the novel -- I'm glad he stuck with one era for the first season, and I really liked how he expanded it. We know that Eaung Peang and Robert have much more minor roles in the novel, and Tee Bundit greatly expanded EP's role to include a lesbian main couple, as well as a dialogue about women's reproductive health and freedom. There was Yai's arranged marriage in the drama that got extended, as well as the criminal downfall of Uncle Dech, Robert, and Yai's father by proxy. Yai's mother gaining power to run the family after that, etc., etc. -- these are all themes that Tee clearly glommed onto in expanding that era, and @clairedaring, to the point you made in the reblog tags of my previous piece from yesterday, I am SUPER glad we spent most of our time in this era. Tee also just made it GORGEOUS for us to watch, which was a treat.
I think if Tee had tried to include all three Yais, we would have felt short shrifted. The Seehasingkorn/Ayutthaya era of the novel is so lengthy. And there are HUGE behavioral change moments for both Jom and Commander Yai in that era. Especially for a Thai audience that's familiar with the novel, if that had gotten shortened, then there definitely would be public criticisms and outcries. (Plus? That era was so much FUN in the novel. Jom was SO SASSY and bold to start courting Commander Yai first!)
I think, if Tee Bundit gave a huge bunch of energy and attention to 1928 Chiang Mai, he'd want to do the same for an even older, more nomadic era. I cannot imagine how beautiful it would be to see that depicted.
And then Tee could fix the order of some scenes from the first season, and we could see more reveals in context, as well as the present day? A season 2 would just be ridiculously awesome for all of that.
The one thing I would have liked fixed was the redundancy from episode 11 to episode 12. I also would have liked more specific clarity about pieces of Jom being lost every time a drawing was made -- we saw that he froze and transcended himself, but that was illuminated pretty early on in the novel, and I think the same could have been done in the series without losing dramatic effect.
But these are minor quibbles. We got to center ourselves in the development of the incredible relationship between Khun Yai and Jom to start the dramatic introduction to this series, and the way Tee Bundit did it defied nearly all of my expectations about this work. He didn't miss any of the big themes of the novel, which I so appreciate, and I think he enriched our experience of the novel by expanding greatly the plight of women in that era. I'm glad we had mostly one Yai to deal with, because more of them would have been a lot!
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