sahkuna · 3 months
hellooooo beautiful amazing n stunning gal :) love love LOVE the summer event !
would absolutely adore a lil summer fling w (fem) reader and gojo 😌✨ maybe a little picnic moment, somethin’ cute n sweet teehee 🩷🩷🩷 sending smooches
content warning(s): 18+ mdni! handjob on a beach (a very vacant beach)! the one and only time the wc exceeds 1k for this event ahhh >.<
forgive me for this coming so late after you've requested! i've finally gathered my bearings @madaqueue <333 and THANKYOUSOMUCH WTFA AHFDNSJKDSBITINGYOUMWAH
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Squinting against the harsh glare from the late afternoon sun, you raise a hand toward your brows to shade your view.
When Gojo Satoru told you he “knows a spot,” you didn’t expect him to take you an hour out of Tokyo down to the Kanagawa Prefecture (Yuigahama Beach, to be exact) to treat you to a picnic with trays full of sugary sweets and pastries scattered across a neatly splayed out blanket.
“Just bite the other end of it, come on!” Gojo pleads, waving the oreo-flavoured stick in front of your face, hoping it would bait you into taking a bite with him Lady and the Tramp style.
You suppress the urge to roll your eyes in jest at his antics. You already know how this story would end. “Yeah? So you can take one bite to get at me like you did a few minutes ago, right?”
A playful smile dances across his lips seeing that you’ve gotten a good read on him.
The first time Gojo offered you the pocky stick,— not without steadying it between his lips first— you hadn’t expected him to take one swift bite of the snack which led to him pressing his lips against yours, to feel the not so innocent slide of his tongue darting into your mouth.
Though the kiss was brief, it had caught you off guard. There’s still a stutter in the tempo of your heartbeat, a dull loving ache that lingers because of it.
“I won’t this time,” Gojo says as he places a hand on his chest, right above his heart. “Promise.”
You don’t believe him for a second.
Especially considering how the corners of his mouth wobble slightly when he sees you scoot closer to him on the blanket. Nonetheless, you indulge him and position yourself on the other end of the awaiting pocky stick. 
“Okay, fine.”
With a smile, Gojo leverages the pocky between delicate, pink lips and lets you go first. “Here, come.”
There wasn’t much space to begin with between you two, and now with every bite that’s taken, the more the gap closes. Leaning in, you take a few calculated bites. 
“You better relax this time, Satoru,” you say.
And he seemingly does because his first bite is moderate, simple, and not at all rushed to get to you.
Off to a good start so far…
Your actions are slow and deliberate. With each nibble drawing you closer and closer to Satoru, you’re damn near close to breaking the damn stick yourself when you feel his cool breath fan out against your skin. But, you will yourself to keep going.
Either you were A) going too slow or B) he just couldn’t wait any longer, but your expectations for Gojo’s patience all go down in flames when he takes his second bite— which was much bigger than the first, mind you. 
No time wasted, Gojo leans in and swallows your incoming exclamation to press a determined kiss on your lips. A gentle yet firm hand finds purchase at the back of your nape, and tugs you closer to him. 
Satoru tastes of cookies and cream and all the sweet things you could think of when your lips part in the slightest for the kiss to run deeper, a little more needy.
“See?” he starts, his voice barely above a whisper against your wet mouth. There’s something that you clock as amusement that dances in his tone as you both break apart to breathe. “Took two bites, not one.”
Like that makes it any better!?
You don’t know where it came from, but a wave of arousal slams down onto you, making its presence known and unwavering as there’s a simmering heat that lingers right under your navel. 
You wrap a deliberate arm around Satoru’s shoulders and nose the corner of his jaw, to press a few searing kisses against his neck. “Let’s pack up and go home, I don’t wanna do it here,” you murmur against warm skin.
With nothing but the darkening reddish-orange tint of the setting sun acting as your only source of light, you notice faint splotches of pink that hue the base of his neck, hidden underneath his loose-fitted black tee. 
He’s blushing. 
How adorable.
Unaware that he’s tilting his neck back even further to give you more access to kiss, suck, and do whatever you want with him, Gojo spits out a heavy, “Do what here?”
You abruptly pull away from Gojo’s flushed neck and stare at him incredulously, as if he were stupid or something. 
But you sense that it’s a genuine question judging by how his eyes are closed, white eyelashes kissing the apples of his cheeks as his mouth slightly parts open, basking in the way you’re treating him.
“Sex,” you spit out all too quickly. And you can’t help but scowl at your boyfriend when his eyes flutter open, blue eyes sparkling at the word alone. 
There’s a lazy smile that tinges Gojo’s lips. “Yeah?” He raises a hand to pinch your cheek affectionately. “You want me that bad, baby?”
Yes. Yes, you reeeally do.
Lightly batting his hand away from your face, you give him a scowl. “Can you quit it?” you say. “This is your fault.”
Gojo ignores your feeble accusation at him, and in turn, gestures toward the blanket you two currently sat on.  “Just get all your aggression out here! The beach is empty and there’s still a lot of food left to eat,” he responds, nudging your shoulder with his.
Usually, you’d be the voice of reason and explain a hundred and one reasons as to why this would be a bad idea. But right now, there’s nothing but pink-misted fog clouding your brain. 
Throwing a cautious glance around you, you notice that the beach is particularly vacant for an early summer evening. But then again, it was a Tuesday. Quite the odd day for people to be out and about.
Slipping your light cardigan off your shoulders, you toss it onto Gojo’s lap and scootch closer to him. “Alright, fine then,” you say to no one in particular. But Gojo visibly perks up at this.
“You’re—” He swallows thickly when you start your trail of velvet-like kisses against his neck, leading up to his cheek. “You’re gonna do it here?”
“Mmm, not quite.” 
You tug Gojo down for a kiss and his tongue tangles lazily with yours. He hums a satisfied note against your lips when your hand slowly starts its descent from his chest down to the growing bump in his pants.
Your patterned cardigan obscures the sight of how you palm Gojo’s erection through the material of his clothes. 
He exhales a low groan and a shuddered sigh escapes him when your fingers slip underneath the band of both his pants and boxers to wrap your hand around his cock.
“Shit, shit, shit,” Gojo hisses, his eyebrows scrunching together at how you deliciously stroke the base of his dick, twisting and tugging softly at it.
His soft whimpers and how his hips slightly buck up to be in tune with the way your hand massages up and down his shaft, has your mind spinning.
Then, you feel it. Though it’s not much, the wet, hot slide of fluid that oozes down and around your fingers has you biting back a proud smile.
“Already?” you murmur, a bit stunned because you were only maybe two or three minutes in with the handjob.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself,” Gojo grunts out, teeth digging into his bottom lip, focused on the “It’s just pre.”
Well, duh. But you’re determined to change that.
Every passing second with your hand still jerking Gojo off in his pants, the more sensitive he got. His cock throbs relentlessly, and his abdomen squeezes tight with anticipation.
Everything is going seemingly well until he practically yells when your thumb rubs sticky circles against his weeping slit. 
And thank God for the sound of the ocean’s tide crashing against the shore and rocks for it to drown him out, otherwise he would have drawn attention to where you both were and what was going down.
With his heart in his throat and his balls nearly on the verge of excreting every drop of cum that’s been built up to this very moment, Gojo grasps your wrist tightly in the palm of his hand. 
The picnic be damned.
“Y’know, maybe you’re right. Let’s take this home.”
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had to wrap it up QUICK, bc it was reaching over 1.4k. been in a writing slump so this was the best i could do, BUT i hope you liked it HOPEFULLY!
there are 4 slots left for grabsssss
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bbyhoneybee-x · 1 year
Hi! I love your blog! I was wondering, I saw a post you did where they give their someone a black eye or something? And was wondering if you could do Michael, Vincent and Thomas? If it's too much I'm sorry! Thank you so much!
ayyy guess who's back from the dead! i would like to briefly apolgize for being in active on here for so long, i had lost insperation to write for a while but now im back to give it a second shot! hope you all like this
Michael Myers-
To say that Michael was a big man is an overstatement when he so easily towers over you without even having to try so there's gonna be times of where he might bump into you or knock you over without realizing that your there. By the time you had gotten back to your home sweet home it was late and you were just so very tired and all you wanted to do was cuddle up to Michael and go the hell to sleep, grabbing your keys you unlocked the house and made your way inside before you kicked off your shoes and called out for the masked man , " hey! im finally home" you said as you made your way upstairs to the bedroom you both share only to find Micheal laying on the bed his mask abandoned on the floor which has only been some recently that been been doing around you more often. With sleep filling your eyes you trudged on over to the bed and went to lean done to give him a small peak on his cheek. The thing you need to realize is that even though Micheal is a gigantic of a man and could very easily crush your or anyone's skull simply with his hand , without his mask on he feels very vulnerable , since he sleeps like the dead he didn't hear you come in and the gentle pressure of your lips against his cheek had him in a frenzy state where his fist had collided with your face sending you back on the floor in a ball of pain. His eyes widened as he stand up , his chest breathing frantically now , seeing you on the floor holding your face made his cold heart break softly. Without saying anything he gently picks you up in his huge arms and held you to his chest, even though he doesn't speak he tried to comfort you s best as he from what he knows [which isn't a whole lot] gently tilting your face up to meet his gaze seeing what damage he had cause. your eye had already swelled up and a dark purple color was filling the effected area quickly, sensing the panic in his eyes you gently held his hand in a way to not only comfort him but yourself as well " hey its ok mikey , i know you didn't mean to hurt me i startled you " you said as you gently squeezed his hand. Micheal shakes his head softly as he looked at your eye and a deep sigh had left his chest, he gently placed you down on the bed and gestured for you to stay there and he made his way down to the kitchen. after a few long minutes an hearing some concerning bangs downstairs he trudged his way back to you with item in his hands , an frozen bag of peas in one hand and in the other hand carried some ibuprofen and some Halloween candy. A softly smiles came across your face as he held the bag of peas to your eye trying to be careful of not wanting to cause you more pain then he already has , he placed the candy in you lap and open the bottle of the pain relief and place two in your hand before reaching over to the old wooden nightstand and handed you a tall glass of water. Micheal maybe be a stone cold killer and a nightmare to many people but for you he was soft and loving , he wouldn't be able to forgive himself for a while after the accident , his hands would tremble against yours every time you'd go to hold his hand as if he was afraid to hold you like you were made from glass but after a while he would start to com back around with the help of loving words from you and patience, soon enough he'd be back in your arms like the whole thing had never happened but the thought of it happening again is something that not only scares him but also you as well but with being able to put down rules in place and make sure that he knows that your there maybe this might just be a one time nightmare for the both of you
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Vincent Sinclair -
Making wax sculptures all day was a very tiring task for Vincent , usually by the time he was almost finished it was already dark outside and way past time bedtime. Normally you wouldn't go downstairs and try to bring him up since he was just a stubborn as Bo was, he'd shoo you off back to bed and he'd soon follow up after a few minute but tonight was different as you had not seen him once except for this morning when he woken you up by giving a small kiss to your head and it was down into the basement he went. He didn't even come up for breakfast,lunch or dinner which wasn't like him at all , it had worried a big hole through your stomach as you stood by the to of the step that led down to his workshop of sorts. You'd never really gone down there unless you really needed him since in his own way that space down there was a safe space for him and you didn't want to really upset him by barging in uninvited. But you were worried so he would come to understand that hopefully you thought to yourself as you started to ascend down in the darken basement. The sounds of your shoes echoed off of the stone walls as you make your way to the opening of the basement , " Vincent?" you called out as you stood by the door with your arms wrapped around your torso in a attempt to comfort your self . Without hearing any type of response you started to advancing deeper in to the room looking around when you finally spot the tall masked man looming over one of the wax figures , the sharp blade of his knife seemingly glows in the dark . you take a few more steps forward as you called his name out once more with no avail , this isn't like him at all . You approach him and gently places a hand on his shoulder and shook him softly " Hey vin-" your words were cut off as he spins around at a quick speed like you've seen before normally when hes trying to get his next victim , the tip of the knife had came across and gashes in to your cheek inflicting a stinging pain that cause you to cry out and fall own on to the floor. Vincent was in his own little world when he created these master pieces and normally he good about not getting to far into his head that much but today was different for him , Bo had given him a deadline to have these pieces down and out into the wax museum and hes not one to disappoint his twin brother he ended up blocking out the urges to eat and see you. His hands trembled as he drop the knife and falls down to his knees where his hand had cradled your face and his eyes widen with pure panic. He reached over to his work table and grab a rag which he held to your cheek , he might not be a man of many words but his eyes do all the speaking for him , he was sorry for hurting you accidentally. You gently placed your hand on top of his in comfort " You didn't mean to do it Vincent it's ok" you said as he began on cleaning up the gash and he could't help but be mad at himself for doing it but your words always had a calming effect on him. Soon the gash was cleaned and bandage up , he sat on the floor with you in his lap and you holding hi hands. In your eyes he's not a monster and you helped him see that from his eyes as well. Eventually you both have came up with a system to ensure that something like this wouldn't happen again , it was a simple belly attached to a string that led in to hr basement so you can ring it from upstairs and he'll know that you'd be coming down.
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Thomas Hewitt-
It's hot summer days like this that makes you want nothing more then to sit in the cool shade and sip on some fresh , ice cold lemonade with your beloved Thomas , but unfortunately today is a day where hoyt had thrown Thomas in to some hard bloody work. Normally he'd do it would out any complaint but the heat was starting to effect him, making him more irritable then he usually is. You stood in the kitchen softly sipping on the refreshing beverage as you heard Thomas grunt loudly in pain and slammed something hard down that caused the floorboards to shake from the forced behind it. Your heart breaks for him , he every rarely get anytime to himself or anytime with you since Hoyt made it his job to get his hands bloody and proved for the family , so you had made the choice to bring him a nice cool glass of lemonade in hope that it could help him feel better. "Poor thing must be suffering down there in the hot basement " you said to yourself as you carefully made your way down the old creaky stairs leading to the basement with the drink in on hand. Thomas came into your eyesight , he was hunch over the wooden work table , his shoulders moving up and down as he breathe heavily, one hand clutching onto the other seemingly had hurt it when he was working. Your eyes had widened a bit as you rushed over to him after setting the glass down on a different spot " Tommy? are you ok darling?" you said as you came over to his side trying to see what had happend to his hand , he grunts angrily and tuned his back to face you " Thomas let me see please" you said softly as your hand reached out to grab his arm but it didn't go to plan. The moment he felt the hand on his elbow his top had blew a fuse, reacting on pure instinct, he shoved you away from him but there are times of where he didn't know his own strength.Your head slammed into the wooden table behind you , black spot had filled your vision as Thomas had seen what his anger had done to his love of his life, any anger that he had immediately went away see you on the floor holding your head in pain. Thomas dropped to his knees and held your head in his giant hands looking closely to see if there was any blood coming out of it , he pulled your hand away from it to see some blood on it and he swear he could feel his heart shatter into million pieces , he picked you up in his arms and ran up stair to the room the both of you shared and lays you on the bed before he grab a basin ad filled it with clean water and grab some rags to help clean the wound. the time he took cleaning your head wound was spent in silence but you could hear his soft sniffles and you knew he didn't mean to ever hurt you on purpose. Once he was done wrapping up your head you turn to face him , he sat on his knee looking down at his hands , gently you sit up and wrap your arms around his neck bringing his head in to your lap gently hushing as he made soft sounds in protest afraid he was gonna hurt you again," Tommy is ok im gonna be fine i promise you said softly making his head rise up to look at you with silent tears in his eyes as his hands gently came up and brushed against your head , you gently grabs his hands and held them to your chest right over your heart, " im still here Thomas , i ain't going no where i know you didn't mean to hurt me me at all it was just an accident'' you said softly with a smile. Thomas leans his head on your chest and held on to you as if your gonna slip through his hands like sand. It'll take Thomas sometime to feel like his hands aren't gonna hurt you every-time he touches you, you can see the bit of fear in his eyes , but each time you reassure him that hes not a monster that he sees himself as, an that you love him regardless of anything that's happened. soon enough your Thomas start to come back around , now his hands are constantly on you all the time , but hey its not like either of ya'll have any complains at all.
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{ i hope you guys really enjoyed this! after not writing for a while it defently feels really good to be back! hopefully this is good if not better then my past works but let me know what you guys think!)
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shakespearean-dream · 3 months
last of the big five yall!!!!
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happy late fourth of july! remember to keep boycotting, speak out and listen to palestinians, the people of congo, native americans, queer/trans people and women currently being oppressed this independence day because america fucking sucks!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🔥🔥🔥
here are a couple good places to donate! please remember to do your own research and take care of each other, it’s getting scary out here.
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ohhhh nimdok, where to start with you….
i have been dreading doing him because he pisses me off so bad but i actually had some decent fun with him :D. designing him and branching out farther away from his canon self was nice, but im not touching his backstory or personality really, that stays about the same for me in my head.
speaking of whichhh! like benny, i understand how the game makers had a short amount of time to fit an entire character arc of an old man undoing his deeply internalized racism/xenophobia/ableism in a singular short scenario, but unlike benny i actually somehow like his better?? nimdok had a lot more to get over (well not saying being a dickhead murderer isn’t a lot but 😭) and i enjoyed seeing him actually help out the people he would’ve previously turned in. it still feels a little hollow/unrealistic because again, he’s been like this his whole life, but considering how much AM takes him away from the group to (most likely) psychologically torture him for his actions he’s probably had a bit of a revelation.
doing his scenario was unfortunately funny at times because of the strange way we had to go about redeeming him with the golem guy😭giving him a smooch caught me off guard but ykw? i’ll take it for being able to kill mengele like immediately afterward. also speaking of whichhhh…
i would go into more detail about nimdok and mengeles relationship to give it some depth because god i love me some queers, but that is??? a real fucking guy???? a real life monster???? im less than comfortable picturing the fucker in my mind, much less giving him depth with a character who i also don’t like. like why ship ur essentially OC with a REAL LIFE N/AZI??? just another one of the reasons harlan elision creeps me out. (if that just pissed you off google search him s/a-ing 2 people, marrying a 19 year old when he was in his 40s and defending a child r/apist i really don’t feel like arguing with you. the guy was a horrible fucking person and he makes me sick, i just like this franchise.)
i cannot cough up anymore thoughts about this fella pls forgive me; these past couple days have been rough on my 3 brain cells. AM will for sure be next and after that fully rendered/decked out full bodies are in order!! so look out for that:]]]] i may also start posting some art fight things since i was just complaining about the lag a post or so ago☺️ jk ily artfight. team seafoam lets goo
ok i love u guys!!! if u have any requests for me drop a comment or an ask, and thank you so much for the continued support on my art❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ lots of links on this post but one more quick reminder to take a look at my commission page if you’d like!!! yolanda is still in the shop because they cannot figure out what’s wrong with her :(
have a good night friends 🫶
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kaycode1999 · 27 days
Monkey King x Reader PT. 8
@bowbeforeyourphrogness @mimimroawwww
I'm so sorry its been so long, but I'm back and I promise the next one will be out much quicker.
It takes close to a month for Y/N to find the group in a slightly larger village. Y/N walks into the village just after sunset, and after asking one of the townspeople where to find them she/he/they walk up the home they are staying in and knock on the door.
Pigsy opens the door and the second his eyes land on Y/N they widen in shock. “ Y/N? You’re here.” He says in disbelief, Y/N smiles and nods. “ Can I come in?” Y/N asks, Pigsy nods and opens the door for Y/N to walk through. Pigsy leads Y/N into the main living room area, Sandy, Wukong, and Monk Sangzang all look up and are shocked to see Y/N standing there. “ Y/N!” Sandy says cheerfully before getting up and rushing over to Y/N wrapping her/him/them in a hug. Y/N chuckles hugging back and patting his back, she/he/they then pull away giving Sangzang a hug. Once she/he/they pull away she/he/they are then left face to face with Wukong, “ Y/N” Wukong says partly with a tone of happiness and partly with a tone of guilt. “ Wukong.” Y/N says with a icy tone and a forced smile
Wukong shrinks back just a tiny bit noticing the tone and fake smile. Y/N turns to face Pigsy, Sandy, and Sangzang, “ It’s good to see you all again.” She/he/they says giving them a smile. “ We are happy to see you too.” Sangzang says “ although, please don’t take this the wrong way, but I am curious why you’re back.”, Y/N nods in understanding and smiles. “ I just …. Decided I missed you guys. I’d like to join the group again if you’ll let me.” Y/N says, they all look at each other and smile in agreement. “ Of course.” Sangzang says.
The next two days Y/N spends getting settled in with the group. Late into the evening while the others are presumably asleep, Y/N sits in the communal living space when Wukong appears seemingly out of nowhere stepping into the room. Y/N looks surprised for a moment, “ Oh….. Hey.” Y/N says in a somewhat sad tone looking anywhere but at him. “ Y/N….. Can we please talk?” Wukong pleads with a heart broken expression, Y/N looks at him for a moment seeing the devastation in his eyes and finally noticing how much of a toll what happened between them had taken on him.
“ I….” Y/N hesitates for a few seconds before finally agreeing with a sigh “ Okay.”, relief washes over Wukong’s face. He tells her/him/them to follow him to the nearby lake so they can make sure not to disturb anyone. The two walk for only about 5 minutes up to the lake. The moon is full and bright as the two sit down next to the quiet and serene lake. There's a few moments of silence before Wukong speaks up.
“ I need you to know I'm sorry about what I said.” He starts, “ Monkey King, I-” Y/N starts to interrupt him but Wukong stops her/him/them. “ Please…. I'm so sorry. It was stupid and terrible of me to say, and I didn't mean it.” Wukong says looking at Y/N with particularly glossy eyes, “ You didn't?” Y/N questions. “ No, not at all.” he says, “ Then why would you say that?” Y/N asks. Wukong starts looking very shy and nervous as he answers, “ Pigsy was teasing me about having feelings for you… and I panicked because I didn't want him to know that he was right.” he says hesitantly.
“ Oh.…” Y/N starts before it hits her/him/them, and Wukong smiles nervously. “ Oh.” Y/N says with her/his/their eyes widening in surprise, Wukong looks just about anywhere but at her/him/them and his face almost feels like it’s on fire. A smile slowly spreads across Y/N’s face as she/he/they begin laughing lightly, “ Wow… I feel kind of stupid now.” Y/N laughs. “ No, no.” Wukong assures “ I shouldn't have said what I said. I understand why you were hurt, it was all my fault. I really am so s-”, Wukong freezes when he feels to arms around him engulfing him in a hug.
“ Sorry.” He finishes quietly, “ I forgive you.” Y/N says. Wukong breathes out in relief hugging her/him/them closer, “ I missed you.” Y/N says tearing up a little. “ I missed you more.” Wukong chokes out, the relief he feels is almost palpable as the weight he'd been carrying around is lifted. After a few moments Y/N pulls away to look at him and her/his/their expression then falls in concern.
“ Wukong.” Y/N says worriedly “ Something bad is coming. I need your help.”. He seems confused and concerned before Y/N explains everything about the plot by the demons to take him out to get Monk Sangzang.
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 6 months
Chapter 18
are we finally getting somewhere with the trial? please??
Some pre-chapter notes:
was tempted to start this chapter with toko waking up and gasping 'i think i like girls!!'
wanted to say that everything would've been resolved way earlier if people were just a little nicer to toko before remembering that aoi was literally doing that and she STILL obsessed over byakuya. can we get this girl to a therapist please
shoutout to @digitaldollsworld for reading this at ass o'clock in the morning while i was still writing it. a real hero tbh
Content warning tags: self-deprecating language, implied self-harm, canon-typical manipulation and language
< previous - from start - next >
There’s a moment of stillness. Someone shouts in alarm, and a few people nearly step away from their stands with intention to help. But just as quickly, the dark figure slumped behind the rail begins to clamber slowly upwards, hands bracing against the balusters as she totters to an upright position.
Slowly, carefully, Toko Fukawa stands up straight, trembling all the while. “I-Is this a trial? W-what’s going o-on?!”
The stammer certainly sounds like Fukawa.“...Toko? That’s really you, right?” Asahina tries tentatively. “Um, are you okay? Are you feeling alright?”
“I…” She looks around, hands fisted tight around her braids, twitching with the same nervous quality of a bird. Her eyes must have landed on Byakuya, and the venomous stare he was giving her, because she squeaks and cowers again. “I-!”
“Chihiro’s body was found today. Approximately twenty minutes after you left the library.” He says coldly, words clipped and harsh. “Kyoko says you were both in the boy’s bathroom before the body discovery alarm. Can you verify this?”
“W-what?!” She stutters. “I-I don’t know w-what’s going on, I n-never know-” She’s shaking violently, as if she’s about to faint again.
“Let’s try a different question.” Kirigiri cuts in. “Toko. What were you doing between 12:30 and 1 o’clock today?”
“Wh- A-are you accusing me of s–something?!”
“No. But everyone else has given testimony on their whereabouts during this time. Yours would help grant us a better understanding of the course of events.” Kirigiri says patiently. Fukawa sways for a moment, thinking carefully, before she answers.
“Th-the library,” She half-mumbles, hands twisting in her braids over and over again, the black coils weaving over her pale fingers like eels. “Um, I w-wanted to talk to B-Byakuya alone, so I w-went to the library, a-and we t-talked for a bit…and then-”
He suddenly realizes what she’s about to say, but it’s too late to stop it. “Then, u-um, he h-hit me…w-with a book.”
He can feel eyes turning towards him, and the air turns disapproving. He scowls back. “She’s left out the part where she tried to blackmail me with the secret that she peeked at the other night.” He explains, and at once Fukawa flushes darkly and begins stammering something out.
“I-! I wasn’t b-blackmailing you!”
“What other word should I have used then? Manipulation? Coercion?” He asks sarcastically, and she shrivels and withers at his words.
“I told you m-my secret too, s-so it’d be fair-”
“You told me you were a serial killer who targets the men you fancied. Forgive me if I wasn’t immediately won over.”
The atmosphere turns a little less hostile at that. “Okay, yeah. If it’s like that I kinda get it.” Hagakure is nodding sagely, as if he understands everything. “But, seriously. You shouldn’t hit girls, man…”
“...Are you really going to do this now?” He just needed this trial to be over, already. The adrenaline of the earlier reveal had worn off, and now he felt sick with anger and exhaustion. “The whole thing barely took ten minutes. I wasn’t interested in dragging it out any longer than I had to.”
“Still, hitting is sort of-” But Hagakure shuts up at the glare Byakuya gives him, and quickly amends. “Never mind. Gender equality. Especially in self-defense. Cool, got it, my bad.”
“So, I suppose it is safe to assume that the source of the blood on your hand, and the book from earlier, was because of this confrontation?” Celeste asks. And, without waiting for an answer: “Then, that would also mean that the reason you were holding that file on Syo was due to what Toko had revealed to you.”
She sounds all too satisfied with herself for reaching that conclusion. “And so, it seems that the most damning evidence that had been implicating you has been disproven. Is that not reassuring?”
“...Don’t patronize me.”
“Why, I wouldn’t dare.” She laughs lightly, a soft sound that perfectly conceals her shrewdness.
“Toko. Please, continue.” Kirigiri says again, and there’s a quiet rustle as Fukawa yanks at her hair, the strands scraping over her fingers.
“A-after he h-hit me, I left…u-um, I went to the bathroom t-to w-wash my face, and when I touched the faucet - I-I mean, I wiped my f-face with my hands earlier, a-and the b-blood…” She trails off and shakes her head, and shoves her face into a fistful of her hair. 
Byakuya suddenly recalls something, something that Fukawa had mentioned during their confrontation in the library in a hurried, muttered tone. “Syo comes out when you see blood.” He remembers aloud, and her incoherent words begin clicking together.
Her pale face immediately darkens to an ugly, blotchy pink. “Yeah, um. I-I’m scared of b-blood, so…a-and when she’s out, I d-don’t have any m-memory of what s-she does.” She cradles her face in her hands, swaying a little like a swooning maiden. “S-so you did remember…” She mumbles, apparently to herself, and he feels his stomach turn with disgust.
It’s not worth wasting the effort on her to think of a response, so he opts to ignore her fawning instead. “So Toko left the library and went to the boy’s bathroom, and fainted after seeing the blood on her hand.” That seems logical enough, but something about this sequence of events bothered him. 
According to Kirigiri, Syo only woke up shortly before the body discovery. If Fukawa went to the bathroom right after leaving the library, why had it taken so long? And that aside, there was something that bothered him about her story. Something that he couldn’t place a finger on.
He’s not the only one who noticed the fallacy. “Excuse me, Toko,” Makoto tries tentatively. “So…that means from around 12:40 to one, you were unconscious?”
“Y-yes? What, do you n-not believe me?” She immediately goes on the defensive, cagey and snappish. “Y-you think I’m l-lying, right? J-just because I’m l-like this, you th-think that e-everything I say is a l-lie-?! Y-you all think I s-strung Chihiro up, I kn-know it!”
“Toko…no one said that.” Asahina has her hands raised, in some attempt to calm her down. “We just want to know what happened.”
She was proving to be an impossible witness. Byakuya raises a hand to press to his temple, feeling his pulse throbbing beneath his fingertips. “Kyoko. Can you verify what Toko has said?” He asks, exasperated, and Kirigiri actually seems to startle a bit, head snapping to look at him.
“...I can’t.” She says, after a pause. “Because she did not enter the bathroom at that time, or else I would have noticed it.”
She remains fixated on him for a moment longer, before turning away. Belatedly, he suddenly realizes this was the second time he’s caught her off guard. The first time was when he pointed out the fact that access to information on Genocider Syo was limited.
He doesn’t have the luxury to dwell on that though. “So, that means that either you, or Toko, is lying about their whereabouts during this time.” He sighs. “For now, we need to identify which one of you both is deceiving us.”
Both are equally suspicious. Kirigiri has been mysterious, even more so than usual, and purposefully vague about her activities. And he didn’t trust Fukawa at all to start with, but she was also clumsy and awkward. It was hard to imagine her being able to plan everything ahead to this degree, from planting the evidence, to staging the actual murder…
“Wait. Something’s not right.” Makoto says suddenly, and his voice is clear and contemplative, his chin tucked over his knuckle. “If Toko fainted before she actually washed her hands, then how come her hands are clean? Remember, when we first met Syo, she showed us that her hands were totally free of blood.”
“I-I-!” She squawks, indignant, but she can’t seem to formulate a reply for a few moments. “M-maybe Syo washed my h-hands or s-something, I don’t know! S-she’s the one that k-kills people, so o-of course she would h-hide her tracks!”
“But, again, the sinks of the boy’s bathroom were all dry.” Makoto points out, and Fukawa sputters some more. “And…”
He pauses, and his head dips for a moment, enough for a shadow to cast over his face. “Toko. How did you know that Chihiro is dead?”
Byakuya figures it out a half-step after him, and silently kicks himself for not picking up on it earlier. And the others pick up on it as well, and the atmosphere turns dark, thick with unease and suspicion. Same as the elevator ride down, but this time, directed at Fukawa.
She’s gaping like a fish. She turns left and right, shuffling slightly. The rails of the stand stand tall and straight like the bars of a cage. “I-that’s-the portraits!” She yelps, and jabs out a pale hand in Byakuya’s direction. “Ch-Chihiro’s portrait, i-it’s crossed out! Th-that means s-she’s dead, so-”
“He’s dead.” Byakuya corrects sharply, and glares so fiercely the confused question that Fukawa was preparing simply vanishes. “But the fact that you weren’t aware of that means that Chihiro never came to speak with you about it. When he already discussed the matter with the rest of us.”
“I-that doesn’t m-mean I k-killed he-him!”
“Maybe that doesn’t implicate you,” Kirigiri concedes. “But earlier, you said ‘strung Chihiro up’. How were you aware of what the crime scene looked like?”
Fukawa squeaks, and smacks her hands to her mouth, as if she can retroactively shove the words back. “Th-that- i-isn’t that like S-Syo’s habits? S-so o-of course I would a-assume-”
“Syo said the crime scene doesn’t match what she does.” Makoto interjects. “All her victims are pinned by her scissors. Like you said, Chihiro was crucified using a cord.”
“The time period doesn’t make sense. If we assume that Kyoko is being truthful - why did it take so long for Syo to wake up, in the time between you fainting and Chihiro being found?” Byakuya stares at her icily, and she squirms and shudders beneath his gaze. “You woke up awfully quick just now. For someone accusing us of labeling you a liar, you don’t seem inclined to tell the truth about anything, do you?”
His words drip with vitriol and acid, and Fukawa digs her fingers into her scalp and stamps her foot and screams, a long, strangled noise of frustration and anger. It’s a piercing sound, sharp enough to make Byakuya flinch, and it echoes for a moment up to the high ceiling of the chamber. And then everyone is silent as she catches her breath, hands pulling slowly away from her thoroughly disheveled hair.
“Fine,” She spits, and somehow, her voice is steadier than he’s ever heard it. “I hung up Chihiro. A-and I framed Byakuya for it.”
The confession sounds almost giddy with how breathless she is, but maybe Byakuya was imagining it. After a moment’s pause for people to register what she said, there’s no small amount of shock.
“You- you did?!” Yamada, standing directly next to Fukawa, cows as far away as the stand will let him. “Wha- but you seemed so…”
He doesn’t finish his sentence, but the implication of the word ‘harmless’ hangs in the air. “Yes, I did.” She snaps back savagely. “I-it was easy. H-he’s so small, a-and I knew B-Byakuya would be l-looking for s-stuff on Syo…and, t-the extension cord…”
Byakuya suddenly remembers, then. How she had stumbled as she left the library, foot smashing through some box and getting tangled in its contents. And how he hadn’t paid any mind to it, already too preoccupied with his own survival to care.
“How did you manage it without turning into Syo?” Kirigiri asks, and Fukawa’s face twists. It's only as she turns her head, and Byakuya notices the subtle glint of her bared teeth, that he realizes that she’s grinning.
“He had been i-ignoring me f-for so long…I was w-working so hard. T-to be normal and good. S-so he would l-look at me…” It’s not hard to figure out who she was referring to by ‘he’. Byakuya feels eyes on him once more. But his attention is turned to her raised forearm, exposed by the sleeve drooping around her elbow from how her hands are clutching at her scalp, and the strip of white that is almost imperceptible against her already pale skin. “I-I thought if I could - I could g-get over it, I could prove th-that I could be normal, then…”
She trails off, energy quickly depleted. “So, you had been training to not immediately faint at the sight of blood.” Kirigiri concludes, and Fukawa nods once, jerkily.
“Wait, so you did all that just because he ignored you?” Hagakure asks, mouth agape.
“Yes!” She shrieks vehemently, so sharp and sudden that Byakuya nearly jumps. “You don’t get it! None of you g-get it! I-I can stand it i-if he was mean to me, o-or if he h-hated me, but- it’s the worst when h-he acts like I’m n-not even there!”
Her voice breaks, and for a long moment the only sound in the room is her quiet sobs. To some degree - and Byakuya is furious with himself for even thinking this - he understands why she might behave this way. Clearly, she had been abused, and likely neglected, and this manifested into the extreme, self-demeaning, aggressive behavior she displayed now. Her actions had a twisted logic. She herself was pitiable.
But just because he understood, did not mean he had to accept it.
“Well, you have my full attention now.” He says coldly. “Congratulations. Why don’t you try and keep that attention by telling us what we all want to know?”
“Yeah, how about you tell us how Chihiro died?” It takes Byakuya a moment to place that the question came from Owada, who had been mostly quiet for a while now. He’s not blazing with fury anymore, but there’s an edge in his voice now that Byakuya can’t read. “I don’t give a shit about your fucking crush. I want to know how you killed Chihiro.”
Fukawa tilts her head in thought, and the action is somehow reminiscent of Syo. “B-but, I didn’t kill Chihiro?” She says, and she sounds almost innocent. “I-I just found the b-body…I-I think if I d-did kill him th-then Syo w-would have woken up r-right away.”
As if anticipating it, Kirigiri raises her hands, as if trying to stop the rush of questions and shocked exclamations from the others. It’s no use though, as Owada bellows: “Like hell we’re believing that!”
“Guys, the time limit-!” Makoto has to shout above the din. At that, Byakuya glances at the clock hanging over Monokuma’s chair, the flashing red digits initiating a countdown. How long had it been already? How much time was left? There was no way for him to tell. He’d totally forgotten about it. “Just. Toko, can you tell us how you found the body? Please?”
“W-why should I?” Byakuya feels his jaw physically creak with how hard he’s grinding his teeth. It seemed that in the time Fukawa spent unconscious, she had absorbed the worst aspects of Syo’s personality.
“We may all perish if you don’t.” Sakura points out, a low threat in her voice.
“I-I don’t care.”
Byakuya thinks he might scream. “Why?! What else do you have left to lose?” He demands, and his voice rasps slightly, throat sore from how much he’d been talking. “We know what you’ve done already. You’ve already revealed everything about me. What else do you want?!”
And she giggles, a breathless, insane sound. “I-I don’t c-care what happens t-to me,” She sings. “I hate you. I h-hate everyone here. I kn-know I-I’m gonna get t-targeted no matter w-what I do, b-because you all th-think I’m so horrible…so I should h-hit back f-first, right?” She wobbles, hands knotted in her hair again. “B-but I hate you the most. I-I wanted y-you to know how you made me feel, even j-just a little.”
Even without seeing her face, he can sense her malice, thick and unpleasant like the smell of rot. He hasn’t been the target of such blatant contempt in years, and the complete hostility that she radiates makes him feel a little unsteady.
“Fine. We will figure out the details ourselves. You’ve given us enough clues already.” Kirigiri replies coolly. “Unfortunately for you, only one person will be dying after this trial.”
He’s not sure how she can be so confident about that. The pounding in his head is getting worse, and as his eyes slip closed, he finds he’s not even sure where to start with everything; after all this, they were still not any closer to a definite conclusion. All they had done so far was run blindly around each other, getting lured to dead-ends and circles.
Through the low throb of pain in his skull, he can just barely make out the sound of quiet muttering fromMakoto’s direction. If he opened his eyes, he might have seen the other boy tapping his foot, resting his chin in his hand as he thinks. And if he could have seen, he might have noticed how Makoto’s eyes were darting, drawing invisible lines between fixed points in his mind.
“The place where Chihiro died. And Toko found the body. That’s what we need to figure out,” He says aloud, slowly. “I don’t think Chihiro died on the second floor. There’s no place with enough blood that could justify it, or enough evidence of a clean-up to suggest that it happened there. Even in the hallway where the body was found, the only blood there was against the wall from where Chihiro was crucified. There’s no splatter to match the method of death.”
“Yeah, but there’s no place on the first floor to suggest that Chihiro died there, either.” Asahina points out.
“No, there is one room. There was no blood there, but there was evidence that it was cleaned recently.” Even as he says this, Owada is beginning to gasp, ‘Wait-’, but he continues. “And, it’s somewhere someone got injured recently, so any blood that was missed can be explained away.”
He turns to the pale, silent figure of Kiyotaka Ishimaru, as still and unobtrusive as a ghost. “Taka. Can you please tell us what happened?”
Of course, Mondo blocks him before Taka can even respond.
“How dare you.” His voice is a low rumble, and he somehow looks angrier than Makoto has ever seen him. He can practically hear the creak of wood where Mondo was gripping the bannister, knuckles white and bulging. “What the fuck are you trying to pull, Makoto? What the fuck are you trying to say?!”
Makoto swallows, his heart feeling like it’s about to pop out of his chest. He’s seen Mondo both at his most violent moments, and at his kindest ones, his face softening with sympathy as he was listening to Chihiro, the hearty reassurance and gentle clap on the back he had offered to them both. But now Mondo looked like he might actually kill him, and would make it hurt while it happened.
But despite that, he presses on. “I know you said that a trophy fell on Taka’s head, and that’s how you found him. When I went to look at the trophy room, the floor was still wet, and it was clean - like, really clean. And I assumed it was because you went back and cleaned it up after Taka got injured, but looking back, that doesn’t make sense.” He glances briefly at Kyoko, who merely closes her eyes in silent assent. “If your friend had a concussion, wouldn’t you stay by his side?”
Mondo’s face pulls into a snarl, a vein bulging at his temple. “So what if I went back and cleaned it up? Maybe Taka wanted to rest alone. What the hell does that matter?”
“No, I think it does matter. You don’t act like it, but you’re really nice, Mondo. When you were talking with me and Chihiro, and told us about your bro-”
He cuts himself off for a moment, suddenly hesitant. He’s already revealed Byakuya’s secret. He didn’t want to have to reveal Mondo’s as well, even now. He didn’t want to betray anyone else, but-
He already hates me for what I’m doing. He thinks to himself. Whether he reveals Mondo’s secret now or not, he knows that no matter what, he was going to be hated; there was no chance at the friendly ribbing and pleasant exchanges they had in the past. But even despite that, he finds himself unwilling to form the words on his tongue.
He needn’t have bothered though. Kyoko is the one who speaks up in his stead. “There’s no point in hiding the fact that you care deeply for Taka. We all remember the display of friendship the two of you put on the other day after spending weeks at each other’s throats. And as someone who’s familiar with violence, I imagine you’re also familiar with basic first aid; so why would you abandon someone with a head injury to clean up the other room?”
Mondo glares at her furiously, but there’s sweat beading on his forehead now. “You-you meddling bitch, what the fuck are you-?!”
“Please don’t misunderstand. I’m not trying to accuse you of anything.” She sighs. Makoto thinks she looks a little haggard, with dark rings of exhaustion under her eyes, and wonders when the last time she slept was. Despite that, her eyes are still sharp, and meet Mondo’s glower with a cool stare. “But, since we are missing out on Toko’s testimony, I think we should have our last witness speak for himself.”
And before she had even finished her sentence, Taka was opening his mouth.
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ghastigiggles · 10 months
a test of endurance
i got an ask that inspired me and went a little insane. So more Furina content! this is actually a little more of a personal piece too (haha put too much of my experience in the fic, whhhhhoops) but i hope its something other people can also indentify with!
no explicit ships but my bias is... visible.
obligatory disclaimer; this is a sfw tickle fic meant to be consumed by all ages, nothing nsfw is intended or implied o7 - also, more heavy Fontaine 4.2 spoilers, would reccomend having completed the Archon Quests up to the end of 4.2 & potentially Furina's personal quest before reading.
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It was the 40th year into her godhood when the concept was introduced to her for the first time.
It was around 10:14 in the morning. She had finished her cake, and stood before her usual mirror as the tailor came in. While most of her wardrobe had been premade designs up to this point, the Archon wanted – and deserved, of course – the latest in fashion, tailor-made to her tastes. Hence the commission. 
“You’re early,” She’d chirped brightly. And the woman, chuckling, nodded, giving an awkward little bow around the massive bag she carried.
“Of course, I wasn’t going to risk being late for our esteemed Lady of Justice!”
“Very good! Early is on time, as they say! I actually value punctuality quite a bit, you know.”
“Then I am glad to be of full service to my Archon. Shall we?”
With all other staff quickly shooed from the room, Furina stripped down to her base layer – a simple undershirt and underwear – and stood more than a little awkwardly before the mirror, very suddenly hesitant to have another person see the closest thing to her truest self. She cast the tailor a look, smiling nervously.
“... Ahh… Are you quite sure we couldn’t have done this with the clothes on?”
“Please, Lady Furina, be at ease! We’re just taking measurements – wouldn’t be able to do that accurately with all the layers in the way. I promise not to judge you, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“No – no, not at all! Forgive me, I’m just… Unused to this, is all.”
She watched in the mirror as the tailor procured a measuring tape from her oversized bag of wonders, approaching her from behind and offering a comforting pat on the shoulder and smile.
“I understand. It can’t be too often that a mortal personally measures an Archon! Just relax – it shouldn’t take long at all. Hold your arms out like this, would you?”
Furina mimicked her T-pose, staring at herself incredulously in the mirror, and the tailor chuckled at her expression, starting with measuring her height. And, to her credit, Furina found herself at ease as the woman made small talk about a recent court case they’d both sat in on.
It went south when the measuring tape was wrapped around her waist, and the tailor pressed her thumb a little too sharply into Furina’s side, sending an utter jolt up through her entire body that caused her arms to fly down and undignified squawk to leave her lips.
“Ah… My apologies, Lady Furina, did I hurt you?”
“N-no! I don’t… Think so?” The sensation certainly hadn’t been pain, but it wasn’t necessarily pleasurable, either – so… “What… Was that?”
She slowly lifted her arms, and the tailor tilted her head. She seemed to weigh something in her mind before giving the Archon’s side another experimental pinch, making her fold slightly with yet another jarring noise.
“Aie! S - stop that!”
“I see… Please forgive me, Lady Furina, I didn’t know you were ticklish.”
11:04, in the springtime of her 40th year. The first time the word hit her ears. The first time it made her gut fizzle and her face heat up, puzzling her to no end.
“... Ticklish? What… What is that?” 
“Oh, I suppose it would be foreign to an Archon, huh…” The tailor blinked, then laughed softly, pulling her hands back so that Furina could relax; “It’s described as a sensation between pleasure and pain. Usually, people use it as a bonding method when they’re rough-housing. Most people dislike it, though.”
“... Oh.”
That… Really explained very little, if she was honest, but she felt embarrassed enough without reopening that can of worms. Besides, she was much more preoccupied with the tailor lifting her measuring tape to pick up where they left off. Just the possibility made her reflexively clamp her arms down again, her face burning, and the tailor laughed.
“Rest assured, Lady Furina, I’ll be more careful this time! It won’t happen again.”
“R-right… On with it, then…”
She managed to pull her arms back up again, and though she flinched preemptively as the tape went around her waist, the expected sensation never came, and the rest of their business went on as normal.
Yet, as the door closed behind the tailor, Furina grappled with a sense of disappointment and confusion, glancing back at herself in the mirror for an answer that didn’t come.
It was 2:45 pm on her 234th year. She was in the secret study, books scattered around her, and her nose buried in a dictionary, of all things.
It was possible, perhaps, that a solution could be found even in such an unlikely place. Desperation and futility drove her to search in odder and odder forms for even a sliver of hope – though, admittedly, by now she’d allowed herself to get distracted learning several words she’d never heard before, saying them out loud to herself and trying to find ways to work them into everyday vocabulary.
And that was when she flipped the page and saw it.
tickle verb tick·​le ˈti-kəl  tickled; tickling ˈti-k(ə-)liŋ  1: to touch (a body part, a person, etc.) lightly so as to excite the surface nerves and cause uneasiness, laughter, or spasmodic movements 2: to excite or stir up agreeably; to provoke to laughter or merriment  they were tickled by the clown's antics. 3: to touch or stir gently a pianist tickling the ivories.
Of course, all variations of the word were there, and Furina felt her heart stop for a solid moment, fixated on the page. She didn’t quite understand why even reading the definition of the word made her stomach do flustering, wanting flips, but she couldn’t bring herself to look away.
The blood rushing in her ears must’ve deafened her, too, because she didn’t notice her assistant in the room until he hesitantly tapped her shoulder, making her jump and slam the book shut, her face flushed and burning with embarrassment as she whipped to face him.
“What?! What! Have you forgotten how to knock?!”
“I-I did, Lady Furina, multiple times! I spoke your name, too, but to no response! Forgive me for startling you, it was not my intention!”
She released a soft breath at the man’s terrified and apologetic look, pausing to rub her temples and gather her wits.
“I… See. I apologize for snapping at you. Any updates?”
“N-no, Lady Furina. I just came to tell you that the teams are turning in for the day. The search was fruitless again.”
“Understood. Thank you for keeping me in the loop.”
The man gave a terse nod, and Furina watched him go for a moment before speaking up again, making him freeze.
“By the by… How much did you see?”
“... I saw nothing, Lady Furina.”
“Good. You’re dismissed!”
His shoulders slumped with relief, and he hurried out of the room. Furina waited until she heard the door close down the hall before she slumped down herself, with defeat and exhaustion rather than relief.
She really had to get the idea out of her head.
It was 5:45 in the evening, in the winter of her 300th year exactly, when she weighed her options.
Sitting on Neuvilette’s desk, today, she flipped through old case files with him, hardly focused on the words on the page – she knew the damned things by heart at this point, anyway, and she was sure he did too. This was all routine, and all they were really supposed to do was look at the dates and decide which cases could he safely archived and vaulted, and which should stay accessible. Yet, it had been a fun trip down memory lane for the both of them, recalling absurdities and tragedies during the court cases that brought them nostalgia.
The Iudex was the closest thing Furina had to a friend, in her opinion. He was a rock that she could cling to, for better or worse, which made the lying she had to do sting so much more… She could only hope moments like this more than made up for it.
Which brought her to her current internal struggle.
The concept of tickling had been weighing on her mind again. More than once, when these moods struck her, she had tried tickling herself, using makeup brushes and fallen feathers from various accessories to scratch the itch, as it were – yet, if anything, she only grew itchier.
She had profited, relatively recently, from a one-on-one with one of her nation’s independent researchers, when they requested an audience. It just so happened that they had a little interest in the topic on a scientific level, and were more than happy to share details with their curious Archon – confirming, among many other things, that she could not do it to herself.
A pity. But a truth that now led her to her conundrum; would it be weird to get Neuvillette to do it?
Furina thought they were close. It should be fine. And yet – what if he thought less of her for being curious, or, Celestia forbid, liking it? He would never tell the people, but if he ended up disgusted, she would never be able to look him in the eye again.
Yet, on the other hand… He was always tolerant of her drama and antics, and she’d certainly known him long enough to recognize when he was hiding a smile. Maybe he’d like it, too, and they’d have something more to bond over? Or, at the very least, he’d be tolerant and understanding of it.
“Lady Furina, are you quite alright? You’ve been staring at the same page for awhile.”
His voice cut through her thoughts and made her jump, blushing lightly as she side-eyed him. He wasn’t even looking at her, flipping a page in his own file while she cleared her throat and laughed, theatrical as ever.
“But of course! I was just reminiscing on all of these cases! It is great fun to revisit them, from time to time.”
He seemed content enough with that answer. Furina stared at him for a moment, her smile falling as she returned to her quandary for the briefest of moments – and decided to commit, stretching her arms up over her head with a dramatic groan.
“Ugh, but sitting here for so long makes one so stiff!”
“You’re welcome to walk around the office to stretch your limbs for a moment, if you’d like.”
Still, Neuvillette hadn’t looked up, and she dropped her arms, swallowing a sigh. She kicked her legs for a moment, looking around for some other way to hint him towards what she wanted. Her gaze settled on the stack of closed files across the desk from her, just barely out of reach, and she smiled, snapping her current case shut and reaching across the desk before him, grunting theatrically with the effort of her stretch.
Neuvillette, finally, looked up from the page – and sighed, taking the file from Furina’s hand and adding it to the pile for her.
“If you need help, just say so.”
“Oh… Thanks…”
She drew her hand back into herself and wilted a bit, the disappointment eating at her. Neuvillette stared at her for a moment before humming, shutting his own file.
“Is… Something wrong?”
“Ah – n-no, no! Nothing at all!”
Furina forced a smile, perking herself back up stiffly, and Neuvillette tilted his head a little, his own expression carefully neutral.
“Are you sure? If there’s anything I can do, you need only ask.”
She felt heat rush to her face at the simple notion of verbalizing her request. Somehow, the idea made her throat feel tight, and the flight instinct kicked in as she hopped off the desk, shaking her head.
“No no no! There’s nothing wrong, I’m just… Hungry! Are you hungry? I’ll fetch us a cake, and we can take a break! Be right back!”
Leaving no room for Neuvillette to get a word in edgewise, she turned and hurried out the room, her cheeks hot and heart hammering.
Neuvillette, for his part, simply watched her go with a faint smile and a sigh, shaking his head. 
“One day…”
Why are her nails so long.
It was 1:13 pm in the early spring of her 499th year when she met with Arlecchino for their usual tea, and the first time that she had noticed the Harbinger’s – let’s face it, claws – practically pierced through her gloves. 
Furina shoveled cake into her mouth, already fuelled by nervousness, but the nails drumming against the surface of the table across from her only added new butterflies to the mix. Arlecchino prattled on about something or another, but Furina had long since stopped listening, plagued by unbidden fantasies.
For example, feeling those nails scratching ruthlessly at her underarms. Or having her blouse unbuttoned so that they could trace the expanse of her stomach uninhibited. Or having her leg be seized and the back of her knee tormented by the spidering claws. Or –
“ – Don’t you think so, Lady Furina?”
“... Huh?”
She blinked, her face flushing as she realized she hadn’t been listening at all. Arlecchino sighed, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms.
“Honestly, you’re more distracted than usual, today. What are you so hung up on?”
“A-aaahhh, nothing! Nothing at all,” She giggled nervously, trying and failing to recover from the blunder; “I’m just… Still excited! For the magic show tonight!”
“Ah… Well, it does give me heart to hear that my children have the Archon’s attention. I hope their wellbeing has her heart, too.”
Arlecchino’s motivated stare made Furina stiffen, and she offered a tight-lipped smile, nodding furtively.
“Of course, of course! The wellbeing of my people is always my priority. That being said, I think we should call it here, so I have time to get ready.”
“As you wish. It’s been a pleasure, as always.”
They shared a tense nod, and Furina stood up first, stiffly walking out of the room as Arlecchino’s nails haunted her thoughts on the way out.
I’m going to go insane.
“What time is it?”
“Hmm… 9:52, I think.”
“Okay… Okay.”
It was 9:52 pm in the early autumn of her 500th year when it finally, finally happened.
“You remember the rules?”
“Ugh… Yes.”
“And you remember the safewords?”
“Dendro, Geo, Pyro.”
“Good girl. Are you ready?”
In her bed, in her humble apartment, Furina was no longer an Archon, and Navia was no longer her enemy; rather, the young woman straddled her waist all-too-comfortably, keeping Furina’s body pinned to the bed. The ex-primadonna herself grasped the headboard desperately to keep herself under control, her skin already buzzing with anticipation.
“Oh my god, yes, just do it already!”
“Ask nicely…”
Navia laughed, endlessly amused by how flustered and on edge Furina was, and finally lifted her hands, forming claws with her fingers. She feinted a lunge, and Furina flinched, but kept her arms up, her knuckles going white as her arms shook and she whined.
“C-come onnn, haven’t I already waited long enough?!”
“Okay, okay… You’re right.”
Sticking out her tongue, Navia lunged again – but, this time, she grasped Furina’s sides and squeezed repeatedly, and Furina practically shrieked, her arms already flying down to uselessly clamp over her assailants hands.
“Oh, you’ve already lost,” Navia tutted, anything but disappointed; “Guess that means you have to take the punishment.”
“Khheehee – you’re so meheehee – mehEHEAAN TO ME!”
Furina cackled, throwing her head back and kicking uselessly as Navia slipped her hands under her nightshirt and scribbled across her skin with her own manicured nails, giggling right along.
“I know. And you love it.”
And, of course, Navia was right; she really did.
The wait was worth it.
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
X-Files Collector's Edition: Fics That Deserve More Comments (Part I)
There isn't enough recognition for these fics in my opinion-- and that's a shame and must be rectified! SO-- I'm pushing this list out ASAP, without the usual aplomb and probably half-cocked; but it's the final results that count~. (At least that's what I tell myself.)
**Note**: All of these will be in a more detailed list in future.
**Note Again**: I got too tired to thoroughly finish it all professionally; but I decided to hit publish anyway. Have fun reading~.
**Note the 3rd**: This is probably littered with typos-- will ghost edit later. >:))))
Very loose chronological order below~
Paths Most Dangerous
AU-- Pre-S1 Captain Scully is warned by his old mate about Scully's new job, both men realizing it has to do with the Piper Maru submarine.  
Save by the Sight of Her
Pusher Mulder observes Scully's hurt, betrayal, and quick wit with a gun to her face; but she still keeps him guessing.
The Longest Summer
Post IWTB Mulder had tried to garden himself out of depression. Scully takes some plants with her, hoping that some space will help him heal while not letting him hide out at home forever.
Role of a Lifetime - Chapter 3
AU-- Post IWTB Scully disappeared; and Mulder finds someone he believes to be her five years later. All is not sunshine and roses, with her slowly repelling the life she used to live. This chapter explores Mulder's heartbreak and her explanation-- it's not him she's rejecting, but her own fears of herself.
Rainy Day
Pre-S10 Scully returns, telling Mulder her cancer has returned. He then surprises her twice: by fainting dead away, and proposing immediately after.
Deep Throat Mulder is deeply shocked and grateful at how capable, empathetic, and understanding Scully is after his rescue.
Post Redux II Mulder crashes at his apartment as reality sinks in: in just 24 hours, Scully will be energetically packing her bag and going back home.
Squeeze Mulder is glad that Scully stuck around.
Irresistible Mulder regrets that he hadn't arrived sooner, realizing Scully's "I'm fine" is code for anything but.
Per Manum Mulder is so shocked at Scully's request that he gets a pencil bop to the face. (Set right after he and Scully started dating.)
That WALKERKid's
These selfish wants of mine 
Post One Breath Mulder breaks into his office and tears it apart.
No matter how it happened, I do love you
S8 Mulder massages Scully's feet aches, in awe over his baby's foot outline and "UFO’s, road trips and mummy and daddy being in love".
Of all the things this unremarkable house has seen
Pre-S10 Mulder jogs along, depressed and thinking he'll never be forgiven. Scully calls, trying to veil her concern.  
The questions we don't ask each other
S10 Mulder asks a Magic 8 ball if Scully will ever forgive him; and receives no clear answer.
pir8grl 's This Time
Mulder and Scully trade gentle touches, having escaped death this time.
AlineLovelace's Jericho
AU Scully's body has vanished; but her ghost keeps trying to get Mulder-- who haunts her 'grave'-- to move on with life.
Scar Tissue
S3 Scully contemplates her and Mulder's scars.   
Mulder is mortified over Skinner's personal inquiry of his 'relationship.' Scully is mortified the FBI bet is in the thousands.
adamstanheight's hindsight is twenty-twenty
Monday Skinner is dry-mouthed and horrified as his two agents blow up in the bank, the guilt over his actions in S. R. 819 coming home to roost.
@i-turn-to-stare/iturntostare's An Early Morning, Late Start
Pre-Je Souhaite Mulder and Scully are late to the office that morning, but the only person who seems to mind is an increasingly panicked Kim Cook.
The Need To Know or Mulder's Dilemma
Post Three Words Mulder drops in to TLGs, trying to probe them for information; and after a mild conversations, he knows.
Mother Never Told me There'd Be Days Like This
AU-- Pre-Essence Mulder and Scully are on an undercover mission in Target, fruitlessly trying to corral a perpetrator with Doggett and Monica in a comedy of errors. Mulder ends up dragging Scully, and they both just settle for a night in with popcorn.
ophelia_interrupted's (Ao3) Consortium Downsizing (Ao3)
Crack-- The Consortium hate their accountant but still need him to balance their budget. They're completely broke, though, so they force the US to buy cookies.
A Sprinkle of Stardust/Remembered Promises
Mulder and Scully are scared to death in a haunted house; but end their night with a date set.
Realised Desires (Part 2 of Remembered Promises)
Mulder finally swipes Scully's planner and schedules in their date for that evening-- for a breaking and entering... or not.
Leaving the Years Behind  
Scully has whined many a time through the years, and Mulder has quietly hustled after her, teasing and doting with lunches and nap times.
piece_of_the_stars's snow day
Mulder and Scully are up late-early, calling each other and reminiscing over Samantha and her snowman Kevin. Mulder offers to introduce Kev to Scully the next day.
missing piece
TINH Scully always thought she'd find Mulder alive or die first-- now she can no longer live in denial and must be ripped open.
liveonthesun's Now She Has No Choice
S8 ISTJ understands Mulder's goldfish while dreaming of him and processing her anger at his absence.
Mrs. Spooky Mulder - CaptainLyssa - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Scully is fuming-- a conference full of agents are convinced she and Mulder are dating, and his antics do not help at all. Finally, she just lets them say whatever they want; but her vomiting from a stress headache do not help matters. (I end ~Chapter 5... dunno why.)
Casper, Wyoming. - CaptainLyssa - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Post IWTB Mulder moves he and Scully to Casper, Wyoming; and she is furious when she realizes Will lives here as well. He didn't know, all is forgiven, and they end up adopting their own son at last.
Shopping - CaptainLyssa - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
AU Psychic Family-- Scully and her children are observed by a stranger, who can't quite puzzle how her whole family seem to be psychic... but that's ridiculous, isn't it?
Eating Out - CaptainLyssa - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
AU Psychic Family-- Mulder, Scully, and their precocious children are trying to retain a shred of normalcy while having a nice family outing.
simpletumbleweedfarmer's As Long As You're Right Here - simpletumbleweedfarmer - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Requiem Scully as a dream that Mulder had been taken, and cries it out in his motel room. It's, of course, realized soon after.
todaymyheartleapt's Swiss Omega - todaymyheartleapt - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Pre-Vienen Scully wore Mulder's watch while he was gone.
sisterspooky's The Artist Currently Known As Fox Mulder - sisterspooky (Livylovestabler) - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Revival Mulder is happy that he and Scully are in sync, singing a song until she catches on and strikes a deal.
Day 17 - This Is Going To Hurt - ScullyLovesQueequeg - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Mulder is shot on the job; but he convinces his superiors-- and Scully-- to let him go back and continue to talk down the suspect.
Something's Gotta Give - ScullyLovesQueequeg - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Scully is swamped with Valentine's Day chocolates. Mulder descends into jealousy, stealing her candy here and there.
7. You’ve gone to the bathroom fifty times today.... - Post Tenebras Lux (tumblr.com) Ao3 Day 2 - You've Gone to The Bathroom 50 Times Today - Chapter 1 - ScullyLovesQueequeg - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Post Never Again Mulder can't help but notice that Scully keeps running off to the bathroom, finally following her in and carefully asking her questions. Scully negates his suspicions, telling him her own.
Funeral For A Friend - ScullyLovesQueequeg - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]  
AU-- Gethsemane Mulder died. Scully attended his funeral.
The Reticulan Roadhouse - ScullyLovesQueequeg - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Post Dreamland II Mulder and Scully eat at the Reticulan Roadhouse, neither of them acknowledging its date-ness even when Mulder gifts his partner a pair of beautiful earrings.
Avoidable Feast - ScullyLovesQueequeg - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Mulder and Scully are dating, and the two's lack of communication almost costs them the first Thanksgiving they wanted to celebrate together.
Day 20 - There's Nothing Wrong With You - ScullyLovesQueequeg - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Scully is surprised that, while melodramatic, Mulder is actually sick; and lures her boyfriend over with a clean house.
Holiday Apologies - ScullyLovesQueequeg - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Post IWTB Mulder slowly readjusts to family holidays, visibly slipping into depression. Bill observes him; and buries the hatchet.
thespookyvariation's Letters - Chapter 1 - thespookyvariation - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
Post S9 Mulder and Scully read the letters each other had written during their darkest days-- his loss during her abduction and her fear during her cancer.
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jewwyfeesh · 3 months
Diffuse Reflection - 1
Writer: Mitsuki
Character(s): Morisawa Chiaki, Tomoe Hiyori, Sazanami Jun, Shiratori Aira, Ayase Mayoi, Kazehaya Tatsumi
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Jun: Important things? What important things? What kinda important things, Tatsumi-senpai?
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[ ♪ ]
Season: Summer
Location: Seishou Hall Kitchens
[In the middle of September…]
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Aira: Uwaah… We’re gonna be late, we’re gonna be late!! Mayoi-senpai, where did you go this time… Didn’t we agree on going to school together? Please come out~
Mayoi: I- I was always right behind you, Aira-san… Your bag wasn’t buttoned properly, and things kept falling out. But, there’s nothing for you to worry about. I’ve secured it for you, see…!
Aira: Oh! Thank you, Mayoi-senpai! You’re the best! I Love ♪
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Though errr… speaking of which, did you see Hiiro-kun anywhere? I thought he’d be here, already waiting for us. He didn’t sleep through his alarm, did he?
Tatsumi: Hiiro-kun is on student duty today, so he went ahead first. Before he left, he asked that I pass the message on to you both.
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Aira: Oh, that’s right… I vaguely remember him telling me about it yesterda— Ah— T-T-Tattsun-senpai…!
Tatsumi: Mhm, that’s me ♪ Good morning, Aira-san, Mayoi-san.
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Mayoi: Aah, g-good morning, T-T-T-T-T-Tatsumi-saaaaan…!
Aira: (whispering) Mayo-senpai, you’re too nervous; if you continue talking like this Tattsun-senpai will get worried!
Mayoi: (whispering) I-I-I… I’m really sorry! P-please forgive me… uuuu…
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Aira: E-erm… The… Tattsun-senpai, did you sleep well last night? Dunno, it kinda feels like you’re extra cool today, haha…
Tatsumi: Why, thank you, Aira-san. You’re full of energy yourself. Last night, I slept unexpectedly well, so I ended up getting out of bed a little later than usual. Currently, I plan on making some breakfast.
Aira: Then let me help! Tattsun-senpai, what would you like to eat?
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Mayoi: Th-then… I want to help too, Tatsumi-san! I’m willing to do anything…!
Tatsumi: Haha, I really appreciate the sentiment, thank you. However, the both of you are going to be late for school. Is that really okay?
Aira: —UWAHHHH!??? I’m so so so sorry Tattsun-senpai! I’ll wake up earlier tomorrow to help, promise!
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Mayoi: Eh? Aira-san…? Please wait for me toooooooooo…!!!
Tatsumi: Haha, they sure do run fast. I had wanted to give them a proper greeting, but now I can only wave at the shadow of their retreating backs… I pray that you both have a wonderful day… Amen ♪
Mm, what should I make for breakfast? I don’t need to report to school today, so I find myself with lots of time on my hands. Maybe I could go for an extensive spread…
Oya? It’s you, Hiyori-san. Good morning.
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Hiyori: (Stare~)
Tatsumi: You seem to be in a bad mood; did we disturb you? If that’s the case, please allow me to apologise on everyone’s behalf.
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Hiyori: No no, none of that sort.
I just felt that the earlier scene was quite cute – the two kids really care for you, Tatsumi-kun~ Makes it look like you’re the junior that’s being doted on~ ♪
Tatsumi: Haha. Aira-san and Mayoi-san have been rather concerned for my wellbeing these two days – I’m not even sure what happened myself. On the contrary, their questioning feels like I’m being excessively pampered.
But… Well, as long as they’re happy, then I have no complaints.
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Hiyori: Mhm, I’ve already sniffed it out! The scent of something absolutely fishy! Those two kids are definitely hiding something from you, Tatsumi-kun!
Jun: Oh! Tatsumi-senpai, Ohii-san, good morning! To meet Tatsumi-senpai as soon as I get out of bed… Lady Luck must be shinin’ down on me today ☆
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Hiyori: Jun-kun! Tatsumi-kun and I were about to discuss some very important matters, but you decided to interrupt all of a sudden! What foul weather!
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Jun: Important things? What important things? What kinda important things, Tatsumi-senpai?
Tatsumi: Haha. To be honest, they’re not that important. With that said, I actually would like to request for your assistance with something.
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Jun: Nom nom nom… I’d never thought I’d have the chance to taste Tatsumi-senpai's cooking again in this life… It’s makin’ me feel kinda nostalgic… ♪
Hiyori: What’s with your face? You look so touched you’re about to cry. You’re sooooo dramatic, Jun-kun.
Back to the topic at hand, I’m really not surprised that Tatsumi-kun gets along well with his juniors. But… don’t you think it’s… somewhat abnormal if the juniors excessively dote on their seniors to that kind of extent?
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Jun: …Eh? But the second I don’t show the slightest reaction in response, I’ll immediately get scolded by you, Ohii-san.
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Hiyori: Isn’t being aware of my feelings at any given moment literally your duty? It wasn’t easy for me to increase the recognition of Jun-kun’s existence either!
Ah. The tea cup’s empty.
Jun: ……Kay, I got it~ I’ll pour, I’ll pour.
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Tatsumi: Ahaha, the both of you have such a good relationship.
Location: STAR PRO office
[A few days ago, STAR PRO office]
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Chiaki: Oh wow! Seems like it’s time for me to get on stage ☆ Next time, if you have to carry so much stuff, please call someone to help ya out Anzu.
Ooh, so they’re sample books for STAR PRO. I’m surprised they sent you to personally deliver them. Can I leave them over here?
Hm? You’re asking me what my plans are for later?
Ahh— Time passes so fast. I’ll probably drag my coworkers out for a simple lunch. Anzu, you haven’t eaten yet, right? Do you wanna go with—
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You agreed so quickly!?
Because you have something you’d like to show me?
Location: Staff Dining Hall
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Chiaki: Motor Show happened just a while back, but upon seeing these photos it really feels like it was eons ago… ♪
In addition to us Ryuseitai, has ALKALOID – who participated alongside us – received these commemorative booklets too? This organizer is really good… ☆
Oho? I wasn’t expecting to see a photo of myself on stage. At that point in time I was trying to sneak a peak of everyone. I was super duper worried back then – to the point where I couldn’t bear it.
But seeing how things are now, I do need to thank past-me.
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I think, if a similar situation were to happen in the future, I’ll definitely extend a helping hand immediately. Not to mention, that’s what heroes would’ve done!
You want to thank me because the photo turned out well? Then, I should be thanking you for sneaking in, and looking particularly dashing while you’re doing it! Fuhahaha ☆
Speaking of which, Kazehaya looks pretty cool here. I’m guessing this photo was taken by you, Anzu?
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I think we were talking about cars back then—
[ ☆ ]
Story Masterlist | Chapter 2 →
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fe-fictions · 2 years
Morning after with Diamant pls pls plssss
(Here it is here it is here it is!!!!)
It was no secret that Diamant was enamored with you. He accepted your proposal the second the words left your mouth, and you were wed officially as soon as th ewar was over. The event was grand and lavish, a much needed festive event that allowed for the catharsis of joy after a grueling war.
The Divine Dragon and the High Prince of Brodia, married together in a union that would be sung about for years to come.
For Diamant, though, he didn’t really care about all that. What he cared about was holding your hand beneath the banquet table, feeling the handsome ring on your finger as when he squeezed your hand, and the laughter that escaped your lips like tinkling bells whenever he so much as smiled at you.
He was terribly in love with you, and he couldn’t have been more proud, or happy, to call you his wife.
But what mattered most was when you were finally alone, after days and days of festivities.
The wedding had been a blur itself, and hte parties that followed the ceremony were delightful, but all of it flew by.
In the moment that you bore yourselves fully to one another, in the dim light of the late night….time slowed to a stop.
Diamant had never treated anyone with such care and gentleness before you. But he was determined to memorize every inch of your body, from each scar to each curl of your hair.
It was truly a wonderful feeling, to be adored and to adore someone. 
You were smiliarly focused on him; if you were honest, it was nigh on impossible to take your eyes off him.
But once you wtouched, and you were able to take in each other’s beauty, well…the rest of the night was history.
It wouldn’t be until late in the morning before one of you came to.
And unfortunately, that meant you were unceremoniously awoken by the ofirst one, your new husband.
Said husband, was currently peppering your face with kisses, leaning over you and definitely startling you awake.
“Uh…..Diamant? What are you doing?”
He laughed softly (for once), grinning down at you. “Good morning, Alear.”
“W-why are you kissing me in my sleep?”
“Well, you’re not asleep anymore, are you?”
“N-no, but that’s because you were kissing me!” You protested, flushed and rather shy at the realization it was your very naked husband who was showering you with affection, atop your very naked self.
“I’m afraid you’ll have to forgive me for that one- I was trying to just watch you sleep and let you rest, but….you were just so lovely, I couldn’t stop myself.”
“And now you’v e woken a perfectly content dragon from her sleep.” You huffed, reaching for his very handsome ears and pinching them.
“H-hey, ow! Sorry!” He laughed brightly, grasping your wrists, “Cut it out! I didn’t mean to, I swear!:
"You are such a child,” You shook your head, beaming at him. “You owe me for waking me up early. You should never disturb a lady’s rest.”
"Forgive me, my queen.” he managed to pry your hands away, kissing your fingertips in lieu of your rosy cheeks. “What would you ask of me to atone for my sins?”
“I would ask that you settle down and let me sleep a little longer. I’m still a little bit weary after the events of last night.”
“Oh, you mean-” He paused, and it was his turn to blush, if only a little, dustin!g pink across his nose. “I understand Is there anything I can do to alelviate any discomfort you might be feeling?”
“Why would I be uncomfortable?” You tilted your head to the side, and his cheeks seemed to darken a few shades.
“W-well, if you’re weary from last night, I’d assume I was…maybe, a little bit overzealous, s-so I thought you might need a massage or-”
“I wasn’t talking about the- not late last night, Dia! I meant the partying!” You cried out, covering your face with your hands out of sheer embarrassment. Diamant wanted to curl up and die, if only for a moment.
“I-I’m sorry! A lot happened yesterday, all right?! I couldn’t keep track of it all! I just remembered the really, really important parts-”
“And the most important part was that part?” You emphasized, meeting his expression with an embarrassed glare. Diamant was pale as a ghost, utterly ashamed of himself for making you feel so vulnerable and upset.
But then a moment skipped past, and the more he thought about it, the smile slowly returned to his face.
“Actually, if I’m honest…yeah.” He finally said, earning a pillow to the face. “Bwah! What the-”
“You can’t be serious. Of everything that happened, that’s what mattered most?” You shook your head, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Honestly Dia, that’s so-”
“Hear me out before you condemn me!” He laughed, “I mean it, that really was the most important! Because we were able to learn everything about each other, and really…really connect. It meant everything to me to be able to hold you and take care of you. To be one with my wife.” 
“That’s an awfully tender way of putting that…” You remained unconvinced, making him snicker. He took your hand up in his, resting it against his cheek as he peppered kisses along your palm.
“And I mean every word of it! You’re the only person who’s ever seen me like this, and the only woman who ever will. You know more about me than anybody else. That’s something that should be treasured, isn’t it? That you entrusted me with your body, and I entrusted you with mine?”
“W-well…I guess that’s a good point, isn’t it?” You looked away, the dark red of your bashfulness now giving way to a delicate dusting of pink. “I didn’t think of it like that. To be fair, I don’t know all that much about myself as it is. Telling you everything I do know, what little of it there is…it just seemed natural. I didn’t think it was all that important.”
“But it is!” He countered, drawing you close. “Not knowing anything about who you are puts you in a really vulnerable place. But you were still willing to trust me and open up in spite of that. You trusted me so much that you were willing to give your whole heart to me. And that’s really important to me.”
“It is?” You were captivated by how his eyes glimmered, utterly enraptured by how absolutely enraptured he looked in that moment. He held you closer and touched his lips to your forehead.
“It really is. At least, it is to me…and since you’re stuck with me forever, I hope that means something to you.”
“It certainly does,” You laughed softly, incredulous with your husband’s confession. He was passionate and dedicated in all things that he did. You never could have fathomed how deeply that would apply to you, too.
You curled into his chest, bearing down on your spirit in the sweetest of ways.
That morning was slow and warm, wrapped up in each other and refusing to move a single inch away.
It was the sweetest of your dreams.
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joyokosuka · 1 year
NU: Carnival Battle Lines
Here are translations of the battle lines for N cards.  I think SSRs have some extras but I don’t have enough stars on them to properly listen orz but if anyone has some they want me to look at I will certainly do so!
Attack 1: Hmmph!
Attack 2: There!
Under Attack 1: Ah!
Under Attack 2: This is the worst...
Skill: Leave it to me!
Death: Ugh...I don’t have enough essence!
Attack 1: Hiyah!
Attack 2: Leave it to me!
Under Attack 1: Ah!
Under Attack 2: Oww!
Skill: You’ll have to defeat me first!
Death: Gah!  I’ve run out of essence...
Attack 1: Yah!
Attack 2: S-Sorry!
Under Attack 1: Ugh!
Under Attack 2: Whoa!
Skill: I won’t forgive you for hurting Mr. Eiden!
Death: I have to protect Mr. Eiden, and yet...
Attack 1: Hup!
Attack 2: Punishment!
Under Attack 1: Ugh!
Under Attack 2: *Cough*...I miscalculated...
Skill: It’s too late to ask for forgiveness.
Death: Tch...I wasn’t careful enough.
Attack 1: Hah!
Attack 2: By this sacred scripture!
Under Attack 1: Th-This is bad!
Under Attack 2: Ah!
Skill: I’m terribly sorry...But it appears that I have to deliver my sermon violently.
Death: Ugh...Is this punishment for denying my desires?
Attack 1: Hah!
Attack 2: Let’s finish this quickly.
Under Attack 1: Ugh!
Under Attack 2: Tch...
Skill: What a nuisance.  Leave it to me.
Death: Run away...It’s not safe here.
Attack 1: How’s this?
Attack 2: Ohh?  Well then, how about this?
Under Attack 1: Mm!
Under Attack 2: Keh...Now you’ve done it.
Skill: I wonder if you can withstand my test?
Death: Heheh...This is a more dangerous situation than I had thought.
Karu (Garu doesn’t have battle lines):
Attack 1: Now!
Attack 2: Don’t underestimate me!
Under Attack 1: Guh!
Under Attack 2: This doesn’t hurt!
Skill: I’ll beat the crap out of you!
Death: Shit! I don’t have any power left!
Attack 1: Attack time!
Attack 2: Ta-da!  I’ll protect darling!
Under Attack 1: Waah!  It hurts!
Under Attack 2: Argh, not fair!
Skill: You’re okay!  I’ll beat them up quick!
Death: It’s fine.  I’m starting my repair function, so I’ll be fixed soon.
Attack 1: Hmmph.  Are you prepared to die?
Attack 2: It seems you’re hesitating.
Under Attack 1: Do you want to make me mad!?
Under Attack 2: Hmph.  This doesn’t bother me.
Skill: I’ll finish this quickly.  You should be grateful.
Death: How could I lose?
Attack 1: You’ll obviously fail.
Attack 2: Stop resisting.
Under Attack 1: Tch...Annoying.
Under Attack 2: That won’t work.
Skill: I can see your movements clear as day.
Death: Why am I having a seizure now!?
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boba-beom · 1 year
⁺ +. ₊✿ . I like you not | S.JH
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pairing: bsf!jake x gn!reader
genre: fluff, comedy, f2l | drabble
warning(s): non-idol!au, pet name (pretty, sweetheart), reader flirting, jake flirting, cheesy confessions, use of 'devil' as a metaphor, reader lowkey sulks, kiss on the cheek, not proofread, lowercase intended
summary: when you think you’ve fallen so hard for your best friend only to find out your best friend has fallen harder.
wc: 1.1k
a/n: this is extremely late but this is for @alohajun I hope you forgive me for not being around as much, but I'm still glad I managed to talk to you a few times before I ended up so busy :< this is my entry for the exchange event @kflixnet! it was fun talking about these things and I will for sure talk to you a little more in the future <3 I'm sorry this is short but I hope you like it nonetheless <3
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you were a natural flirt, yes, but when it came to your best friend you struggled to find that 'natural' aspect and you're always wanting to one-up him. you found it easy to fluster someone just by a couple of words, an easy, "just as sweet as you" when asked how sweet you wanted your bubble tea, or a "you look really good today" paired with soft eyes and a gentle smile was enough to have people melting. where and who did you learn this from? jake sim. the mentioned best friend.
you can't out flirt him, it's just impossible at this point.
it shouldn't be something worth raking your head for, but you were competitive by nature. when hanging around with jake, you would observe his mannerisms, his supposedly called 'techniques' but it's just how he is. his raspy voice when he talks, the laughs that rumbles from his throat and the lip bites that makes it difficult for you to look away, all of this fuss when it's just a habit of his.
it's been a while since you last saw jake, and sometimes you thank that your families are just as close since that's how it all started. you have this on going joke but also a theory that your families have decided to grow closer as a way for you and jake to 'coincidentally' fall in love. however, that theory is slowly becoming a reality.
you don't want to admit it. nor will you. not yet anyway. you're just that stubborn.
speak of the devil, you see your best friend's plaid flannel outside your window approaching your front door. you run down to greet him. is it out of excitement? sure. was it because you wanted to try and fluster him today? yes, but he doesn't need to know that.
"jake!" you squeal. it's not too irregular compared to your usual greeting, he knows how eccentric you can be and he doesn't mind it at all.
"hey pretty, haven't seen you for a hot minute." the raspiness in his voice paired with his signature smirk never failed to have you folding internally. he greets you with a side hug, something he never does, but you let that pass your thoughts.
you make your way through the kitchen for him to greet your parents, respectful as he can be — that's why they love him so much, and the reason you've fallen for him a little more each time — before continuing to sit on the swing outside.
jake sits on the swing first, patting the cushioned space beside him while his feet are still on the ground to stop the swing from moving.
"so, update me. seeing anyone recently?" he stretches his arms, leaning it along the back of the swing once you're comfortably sitting crossed-legged.
"yeah, you." you wink at him without hesitating and you both burst out laughing.
"touché. but really, no one at all?"
"not really, no one compares if I'm being honest." if there's anyone you let your walls down around, it's jake. you don't know if he's ever assumed anything between the both of you, but it wouldn't hurt to push the agenda. "how about you? been thinking about anyone?"
it was momentarily silent, listening to the birds chirping from the trees around your garden and the faint laughter between both of your parents catching up in the kitchen.
"yeah, actually." he lets out a puff of breath through his nose as a small giggle to himself. you scan his face, attentive to the his top teeth biting on his lower lip, this time it's more him suppressing a the smile fighting against him. "all the time."
"well, I'm glad they make you happy. if you're happy then I'm happy too." you attempt to nonchalantly speak your mind, but not to sound passive aggressive in the slightest.
jake hums from your response, eyes still wandering around the garden. he exaggerates a stretch until his arm wraps around your waist, pulling a gasp out of you. he leans in and whispers by your ear.
"good, because you genuinely make so happy that no one compares." his voice lingers whilst you receive chills, unbeknownst whether it's from the slight wind or that minor rasp in his voice.
"jake? wait, for real?" you turn to him and place your hand over his — still on your waist.
"yn, that's something I won't joke about. I know we were playing around in the beginning but I honestly think I've fallen too hard to go back." you giggle at his confession, as he hides his face in your neck, his chuckles vibrating against you.
he wasn't one to confess straight up. thinking about it now, you have never heard him talk about ever confessing to anyone, he finds it embarrassing solely because he doesn't know how to do it without sounding cheesy.
"so you had no idea that you're literally the person that I like?"
"no... I just thought you were flirting around because that stubborn little head of yours just doesn't like the thought of me being better than you." he leans back and laughs at your raised brow at him.
you scoff at his retort, knowing full well that it's true, but you choose to abide by it. a spontaneous idea pushes itself to the front of your head, a playful smirk crawling on your lips.
"is that so, jakey?" you lean in and imitate his previous actions as your way of flustering him. the close proximity has you steadying your breath once you realise the pounding in your ears.
"don't think you can one-up me this time, sweetheart." he replies followed by his hand cupping your jaw and placing a peck on your cheek.
you were not expecting that, but neither did he. he just wanted to play it by ear, and it played out better than expected. while you've been trying so hard to plot your flirting game, he's been figuring out how to confess to you, even prepared to sing a song for you since you've mentioned time and time again just how bad you would fold if someone sang to you. anyhow, he figured being himself and catching you off-guard was the best way, and truthfully, it was.
"j-jake, I-" still stunned, you had no idea what to say. was there even anything to say?
"baby steps, we'll take it slow because I know this is new for the both of us. but I like you a lot, yn." jake pulls out a lollipop from his pocket and places it into your open palm resting on your lap. "I remembered your favourite flavour too."
"I knew I made the right decision to fall for you." you smile at him and lean your head on his shoulder.
"who said it was a bad decision to fall for me?!" he took it to heart, even found it slightly offensive to think someone may have made you reconsider your decisions.
"no one, jakey. no one at all. you're mine now." you feel him ease into your soothing voice, and his arm wraps around you again as the realisation hits. he is yours.
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© boba-beom ; all rights reserved. do not repost, copy, alter or translate in any way or platform.
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jacscorner · 3 months
I Accused My Husband of Cheating and Paid For It
Etra-Chan Saw It?!
My name is Karin. I'm a housewife. My husband, Akamatsu, works for a company. At first, our married life had been going really well. We couldn't be happier.
But then, one day, Akamatsu got home pretty late.
Akamatsu: Ugh, this project sucks. Everyone in the department is stuck doing overtime...
Karin: Oh, honey, I'm sorry. Let me run you a bath.
While my husband was in the bath, I started to take care of his suit.
Karin: ...? (Sweet?)
My husband's suit smelled like perfume.
Karin: (He works in an office with multiple people. Of course there's a few women who wear perfume.)
I told myself that, but the next day, I smelled the perfume on him again. Then the next day, I tried calling him on his lunch break, but I couldn't reach his phone.
Karin: (Did he block me?)
The day after, on his day off...
Karin: Hey, my phone is dead. Can I see yours real quick?
Akamatsu: Ah?! Uh, m-my phone is also dead right now. I-I'll go charge them both.
Karin: (There's no way he'd let his phone die. His job had him on call.)
Then, when he came home the day after that, still smelling of perfume, I snapped.
Karin: Akamatsu, let me see your phone. Now.
Akamatsu: Huh?! Uh, w-why do you wanna do that~?
Karin: I just wanna see.
Akamatsu: Hehe, uh, there's...no need. I don't got anything-
Karin: Akamatsu, if you have nothing to hide, then show me! I know you're cheating on me, so stop lying to my face!
Akamatsu: Huh?! Wait, you think I'm cheating on you!
Karin: Yes! I'm tired of you coming home smelling like perfume every day! Who is she?!
Akamatu: What? Perfume? Oh, that's from Tokusa.
Karin: ...T-Tokusa?!
I knew Tokusa; he was my husband's best friend since college.
Akamatsu: Yeah, his girlfriend wears lots of perfume. Then, she hugs him on the way out. Since we work so closely together, I guess some of it rubs off on me.
Karin: Th-then...then what about your phone?! I tried calling you on your lunch break!
Akamatsu: Oh, I told you about this project, right? I had to work through lunch.
Karin: Uh...I...then why wouldn't you let me see your phone?!
Akamatsu: S-sorry! I have secret documents on here! I'm under NDA to not show ANYONE else! S-see?!
In a way, I felt relieved to see my husband was telling the truth. But then, it felt like a rock was in my stomach...
Karin: I-I'm sorry...
Akamatsu: Hey, don't be! I guess it looked pretty suspicious, huh?
Karin: N-no! I...I accused you of cheating without any evidence! I should have more faith in my husband! I...I should be punished.
Akamatsu: ...Well, if you feel strongly about that, then I know how to relieve your guilt.
I watched as Akamatsu grabbed a chair from the kitchen and put it in the middle of the living room. He explained that he was going to spank me. I thought he was just joking; making a big gesture, but he was serious!
Akamatsu: When my mom made a mistake, my dad spanked her for it.
Karin: Huh?! And they're still married.
Akamatsu: Yup! Happily even.
I found that hard to believe, but then I remember all the times I met his parents. They were so happy with each other. I couldn't imagine that someone sweet like Miss Yuri actually copped swats by Mister Kuroki. And yet...
Karin: *gulp* Alright. Akamatsu...please, spank me.
And, just like that, he spanked me over his lap.
It was...embarrassing. He spanked me like I was a naughty girl.
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Karin: Mmmmf!!!
Akamatsu: Hold still, Karin~ Kicking won't make it any easier on you~
It stung so bad! And it was like my ass was on fire! And yet, at the same time, I couldn't help but feel my husband's love. At first, I thought it was just because he had a goofy grin on his face. But, no, he was very loving and tender the entire time.
Akamatsu: It's okay, Karin. We're almost done.
He rubbed my back and assured me that everything was gonna be okay.
When it was over, he gave me a hug when it was over. I was crying into his chest as he held me.
Akamatsu: It's okay, Karin. I forgive you.
Karin: Th-thank you, Akamatsu. I won't jump to conclusions again...
Akamatsu: And I'll try to not be so suspicious, so you won't have any reason to think I'm unfaithful~
After that, I never suspected my husband of being unfaithful.
...But it wasn't the last time he spanked me.
Karin: O-oh no~ I, uh, burnt dinner. What a clumsy wife I am. (Didn't cook anything) I-I guess we'll have to order some take out tonight~ (Already ordered take out and told Akamatsu)
Akamatsu: What a bad girl you are~ You need a spanking!
Turns out, I actually enjoyed the spanking he gave me. I was a 'bad girl' and got a spanking at least once a week.
I just hope our neighbors didn't hear us...
Oh boy, another Etra-Chan pic & fic! To be honest, there might be an increase influx in these since I've been listening to the backlog of these videos when work is slow.
So, I didn't mention my thoughts the last time I drew Karin, so time to now: she was the first protagonist I saw when I fell down this rabbit hole and she's the only character who can rival Yuzuriha in being my favorite character. I love stories where she's the protagonist since she usually has a backbone and doesn't need things to be so extreme before she fights back. I love how she's so no-nonsense when everyone gives her crap and in some stories, can even kickass.
She's also just really cute.
And then there's Akamatsu. And...oh boy. The ever bumbling Akamatsu. If you watch enough videos and Akamatsu isn't the protagonist, then you're always just waiting to see how he screws things up. Hell, when Akamatsu is in a relationship, then it's a matter of WHEN he cheats, not if. I feel of the antagonist, Akamatsu is the most...funny. Tachibana is intimidating, Hiragi is manipulative. But Akamatsu is a buffoon; when I see him as an antagonist, I always expect a good story that has me laughing in the end. When he's a good guy, it's a legit surprise every time, even when he IS the protagonist of the story.
I guess that's why he's wormed his way into one of my favorite characters. Definitely Top 5. I hate being that kinda guy who thinks bad guys are more interesting than good guys, but this is one of those times where Akamatsu just has more personality than the usual good boys of the channel. It makes him such a good antagonist and protagonist.
IDK if I just don't see enough content, but I feel like Karin & Akamatsu get paired up a lot and it always feels like a coin flip to see if they can manage to stay together or if they're broken up by the time the video's over. And I thought I'd lean into it. It also helps a similar story was posted some months back and I watched it before I started drawing this, so the scenario was on a silver platter for me.
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mysteriawrites · 1 year
hello!! I would like to request a matchup with a genshin character. please and thank you! 🫶
Orientation: asexual + greyromantic (male preference).
Pronouns: she/her
Appearance: I'm 5'1. My hair is a darkish-brown with light brown streaks, and I have a long, whispy layered pixie cut. I have an inverted-triangle head shape, and I have a triangle + mesomorphic body type. I have dimples. I have beauty marks mostly on my shoulders and arms. I have olive-toned skin. I have almond shaped eyes, and my eye color is brown.
- Some people say I'm intimidating, but then others are basically like, "she's just a little guy! :D".
- I wear glasses because I'm just THAT smart, obvi ✋️.
- My overall style is grunge, comfy, and artsy.
General personality traits + extra: Nice, independent, caring, calm, clever, intelligent, empathetic, friendly, gentle, humble, genuine, forgiving, hard-working, humorous, kind-hearted, reliable, logical, mature, observant, patient, selfless, sweet, responsible, wise, emotionally strong, accepting, supportive, quiet, awkward, reserved, straightforward, shy, tired, blunt, brutally-honest, gullible, procrastinator, lonely.
- I'm a good listener! I always try to reassure people that I'm there for them and they can talk to me about anything. I never judge.
- I genuinely care about others.
- I'm slow to warm up to others, but once I do, I'm much more outgoing.
- People say I have a comforting aura.
Likes: Going for walks, hanging out with friends, deep conversations, blankets, the night sky, sunrises and sunsets, astronomy, psychology, literature, ancient history, nature, meteorology, browsing, window shopping, sweets, pasta dishes, traveling, art, exploring, cats and dogs, music, fruit (specifically watermelon, raspberries, and strawberries 😩), coffee and tea, laughing, joking around, stormy weather, learning more about the things that interest me, to clean (willingly).
Dislikes: Waffles. , alcohol (for personal reasons), centipedes, anything that makes someone not redeemable (or whatever I think deems someone as a terrible person), humiliation, hot weather, people not listening to what I'm saying, silent treatment, being watched, chemistry 🤬.
Hobbies: Painting, ceramics, playing video games, reading, listening to music (I'm pretty diverse with my taste in music but I mostly listen to k-pop, j-pop, pop, rock, punk-rock, pop-rock, calm, '80s, early 2000's, 2010's) and occasionally podcasts (comedy, stories).
- My main love language is quality time.
- My big three are libra (sun), pisces (moon), and capricorn (rising).
- My MBTI type is INFJ, and my enneagram type is 5w4.
Thank you for the request! Sorry this is extremely late. Just gonna get straight to the point DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!
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You and Thoma are very romantic kind of couple. You have similar likes and personalities you’re like peas in a pod.
You and Thoma met when you were hired by the Kamisato family. You were hired as Ayaka’s latests attendent. Your were practically her big sister.
Because you and Thoma see each other everyday, he wanted to get to know you better. He noticed you were a bit shy so he decided to invite you out to do some things he thought you would like.
He invited you to small outings at first like walking around the garden and helping him with cooking. As you two got closer and he found out about more things you liked he invited you to more things such as: a day on the town.
He took you out on a shopping spree where he would pay for everything (Thoma is a stubborn lad don’t fight him on this). He thought it was so adorable how your eyes lit up at the books you picked out at the book shop and the budding flowers from the flower shop. You saw a lot of Inazuma that day.
After a shopping for a few hours he took you to a cute restaurant and that had all of your favorite foods you almost didn’t know what to pick! You also got to learn all about him during your day out.
At the end of the day he took you to the top of a hill in a beautiful meadow. It was the perfect place for the two of you to see the stars. He asked you all about astronomy so he could hear you cutely ramble about your passion.
Before you headed out Thoma took you hands and confessed his feelings to you and asked you to be his girlfriend while holding a beautiful bouquet and blushing a bright pink.
(And that kids is how i met your father/j) Since then you and Thoma have been like those cute couples you see in romantic montages. You clean and cook together having fun together. Ayato and Ayaka ship you guys so hard. You’re dog parents to Taroumaru and he loves you guys so much.
He is the sweetest boyfriend. He pays attention to everything about you, gives you gifts and compliments, he does like to tease you sometimes but he won’t go too far. He treats you like an absolute princess.
10/10 very cute couple.
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hey-its-cweepy · 2 years
🎡  ─  visit a winter wonderland - Shu , Cweepy and Cho-hee Just because I think thier neat
I hope you don't mind I put em separately since it wasn't specified lol
Also please forgive me for being late awawawa
🎡Visit a winter wonderland (Shu + Cweepy)
As Cweepy opened her locker, she noticed another letter, it had become something frequent but she didn't mind them. In fact, she thought that the letters were cute and charming, although it never said who it was by...
This time, however, upon opening it she found an invitation! It seems that the mysterious sender was inviting her to a winter fair, her eyes lit up in a mix of curiosity and interest, yellow and grey swirling together in her eyes as she reads the letter over and over again.
"... Th-They're... Inviting me... To a f-fair?..." She asked herself "It... It s-sounds like fun! M-Maybe I can finally see who's leaving these too..."
She kept the letter in her pocket, closing the locker shut as she quickly went to prepare a bit in advance.
She had put on several sweaters to avoid falling asleep, looking around the place for the mysterious person who left the letter, her eyes swirling with gray.
"Who could it be?... This wasn't to get me out of my dorm to do something bad, right?... N-No no, I dont think so..." She thought to herself as she waited...
Shu's tall, slightly intimidating figure approaches Cweepy with a sheepish smile, a bit nervous smile over his face. He was afraid she'd bolt back to the dorm at any moment, he tried his best to not scare her off.
"O-Oh! Um... W-Were you the one that l-left this letter in my l-locker?..." Cweepy asked, a bit hesitant
"Y-Yes... Yes, that was me..." Shu seemed a rather shy to admit it, he spoke in his usual quiet tone.
Cweepy grew red in the face, her eyes gleaming a bright yellow and pink, she's unsure if its the cold or the fluttering in her chest thats making her blush.
"You're so... P-Pretty..." She spoke without thinking and once she realized, she squeaked and covered her mouth as she saw Shu get flustered. "S-Sorry! Sorry!"
"N-No no, its okay!" Despite being caught off guard by the words of praise, Shu appreciated them... "Perhaps we should head inside and h-have some fun"
Cweepy nods with a shy "Mhm" as she takes his hand, holding it close to herself as they walk in together, Shu grows more flustered at the action, but holds her hand back with a soft squeeze.
They both look around the place, seeing all the rides and bright lights until Cweepy suddenly stops walking. Shu looks back at her, a bit concerned as to why she stopped.
"Ika-san?..." He softly called out to her, until he sees what her eyes were fixed on. It seems to be a prize game, she seems to have her attention on some of the plushies, she stares as if she wants to try it out but doubts she can get one, grey and blue swirling in her irises.
"Oh!... Do you want one?" He asks, snapping her out of her bubble.
"H-Huh? Oh! U-Um... I-It's okay, w-we can just do something else" Cweepy didn't want to bother him with the request.
"No no, if you want one, I can try to win it for you, Ika-san" Shu softly smiled at her.
"... R-Really?..." Cweepy looked up at him, eyes swirling with grey and a light pink, she felt a bit shy to ask him to do it for her...
"Of course" He smiled once more, walking with her to the booth to give it a try. After paying the required madol to play, Shu plays the game, successfully beating it in the first try.
Cweepy stares in awe, her eyes a bright yellow as he handed her one she'd particularly staring at a lot. "W-Woah... Th-Thank you!" Cweepy excitedly held it in her hands, squeezing it gently.
"There's no need, Ika-san" He warmly smiles as he gently squeezes her hand. "Its for you..."
Cweepy's eyes grow pink as she looked up at him... She seems to still appreciate the gesture as they both seem to enjoy the time spent at the snowy wonderland...
🎡Visit a winter wonderland (Shu + Cho-Hee)
Shu seemed very flustered at Cho-Hee's request to visit a winter wonderland together, very noticeably red in the face.
"Y-You... You w-want to do wh-what?" He asked him.
Cho-Hee simply glanced another direction, nervously twiddling his fingers together "... If you don't want to or are too busy, I understa-"
"N-No no! I-Its not that! I just... Wasn't expecting this from you, K-Kamasu-san..." Shu studdered out, still very flustered. "I-In fact... I'd love to g-go with you..." He shyly admitted.
Cho-Hee let a small smile slip out of his lips "Good, I'm glad... I'll see you after club activities, okay?"
"O-Of course, Kamasu-san" Shu says before Cho-Hee splits off again
The two of them later met up at the winter wonderland, of course, Cho-Hee's never as prepared for the cold as other students who felt sleepy around this time would be, but he tried to not let that stop him from enjoying his time there with Shu.
After a while of playing games and enjoying some of the food, Cho-Hee started to grow a bit sleepy, he didn't want to ruin the fun however so he tried to ignore it as much as he could.
Eventually, Shu spots a ferris wheel, his eyes practically sparkle as he excitedly turns to Cho-Hee.
"Oh! Its a ferris wheel!... P-Perhaps... Perhaps we can go on it t-together, Kamasu-san..." Shu shyly requested, already growing red in the face.
Cho-Hee hummed "... Sure, might as well go on one more ride..."
And so, the two of them go on the ride together, as they sit face-to-face from each other... Cho-Hee cant help but stare at all the lights that decorate the winter wonderland, his eyes full of awe. Shu on the other hand, couldn't help but stare at Cho-Hee, his big, soft, gentle eyes staring at the wonderland.
Shu could feel his heart pound in his chest as Cho-hee turns to look at him once the ferris wheel reaches the top.
"Shu..." Cho-Hee softly says, gently taking his hands into his own.
"Y-Yes, Kamasu-san?..." Shu was as red as a beet by this point.
"I'm... I'm glad to have spent the day with you... Its... Nice..." Cho-Hee gave a small yet tired smile.
"I... I enjoy spending time with you too, K-Kamasu-san..." Shu admitted, very flustered.
"I should... Do this more often..." Cho-Hee couldn't help but let a yawn escape.
"Kamasu-san, are you... Tired?" Shu asked him
"Hm? Well-... A bit, but I'll be fine, besides... I'd hate to have to cut our time short..." Cho-Hee answered, very gently squeezing his hands.
Shu feels like he's going to melt... "I-If you're t-tired, I can take you back to your dorm"
"... Only if you'll be there too..." Cho-Hee yawned.
"M-Me?" Shu questioned if he was being serious, however, Cho-Hee's eyes tell that he's not lying "... I-I... I guess I can go with you..."
"Oh... Im glad..." Cho-Hee gives a soft yet tired smile at him.
The moment the ferris wheel went back down, the two of them go back to Cho-Hee's room together, where Cho-Hee spent the rest of the time snuggled up to Shu and probably fell asleep at some point.
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hazukami · 2 years
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❝  you know, you are really fucking up with my Composer. ❞  he's leaning against the doorframe, sipping his cardamom coffee as he stares at it trying to really break down the complexity of flavors before it goes onto the menu soon. tis the season, or something like that. ❝  if you don't make yourself more available to him, you are going to lose his interest. yer frequent jumps between bein' here where he is an' spending time elsewhere upstairs is hurtin' yer chances with him, an' what you'll find is he's someone who at least needs check in's on a more regular basis. if you don' get your head outta yer ass, he's gonna start ignoring when you do come around. ❞  there was no real way of saying it, but he wanted hazuki to at least be aware of what was on the horizon given the pattern of absence. apichisi was not in the business of seeing his person hurt, even if it was indirectly.
❝  i'm not sayin' that as someone whose hopin' you two break up because i wan't you gone. s' honestly nothin' like that. if anything, i think he'd be good for you rather than anything that the Almighty can offer you.... but if you plan to jus' hop in an' see him for an hour then bail for another three weeks without giving him a check in through at least a text, then things ain' gonna work out for you. he's been through that before with other potential partners beyond me an' yer on th' way of bein' on my personal List of people to whom I will be particularly terrible to on purpose by makin' him go through that again. ❞  he takes a long sip of his coffee.
❝  figure it out, hazuki, because whatever this is you are doin'. this whole 'wait for me an' give me a chance' thing. yer breaking his heart an' you aren't pulling your weight. so as your peer and his closest person who wants t' see him happy, figure it out or do him a favor and be honest with him that it won't work out. that way, he can stop hopin' that you'll change an' he can stop bein' invested in you, an' you can go back to whatever else was more important than his time an' energy. alrighty? ❞ 
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" ... "
" I thought I told you not to engage with me directly. " Not after the last debacle that caused a slant in Shinjuku. What was with this Producer and causing such a headache? Unannounced too. " At least knock first. "
He heard what he said and it was going to take a minute to swallow it. There was a lot going down his throat he had to mull over lately. This was the eve of his humanity; so overwhelmed by the concept of conscious, emotions and antithesis. Do these thoughts make him blasphemous? Does he doubt his place?
" Don't assume things of me, Apichisi. I .. have not been up there. " For a while now, not since the last visit that nearly wiped his cognizance. What if the next stop by was worse because of these impious reflections? What if they plucked his wings? Snuffed out his halo? What if they closed this plane to him all together?
Perhaps he'd been in this well long enough that he hadn't been all that conscious. Ah ... the cornerstone to all of this. Joshua.
" And I think deeply of him. " He was right. He did not know as much as he does now without Joshua's guidance or considerable patience. He'd only started thinking openly because of him as much of a vexing fog it was now. " I .. do not mean to cause him any distress. While I have not been absent I've been ... absentminded I suppose. I still treasure our connection and what eves it can open for the both of us. "
And he does not know how to utilize a phone to text.
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" I'd have you kicked from Shinjuku for trespassing without official business, but I'll forgive you on the subject matter. " A very brusk matter of saying he's tolerating him on behalf of Joshua.
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the-duckless-pond · 15 hours
Hello diary. It’s been a minute, I think.
Well, I’m back to rest my head between your pages and spill my heart or whatever I’m supposed to be doing here. I got to talk to my bff consistently for almost a week this time before she went dark, so that was really nice. I’ll still text her, but I mostly started these posts so that I am not spamming her. I try to keep it reasonable. I’m probably overthinking it, but oh well. I hope I hear from her soon, but it would be months. Maybe just special for my birthday would be nice. I’d like that. And I’m sure eventually enough time will go by that I will once again convince myself she is dead and start searching for obituaries and funeral plans. That’s around usually when I reach out and ask for a sign of life. That’s around usually feels reasonable to me.
Anyway, things have been up and down on terms of mood. Good days and bad days. I had a whole week of decent enough days where I got my school work done and turned in, did well on quizzes, and participated in class, and even talk to my friends on top of all that! I did a very nice job all week and it was all so very difficult but I did it and it was nice.
I do still have work left for my French class, but I can do that next week I think. I wanted to start it this week, but I just got too stressed with Japanese. I guess, I dont know. Anyway. Work to be done but not much. I guess I could get started on it tonight, since better late than never, and that could be nice. I am far too anxious to sleep anyway. More on that later.
Suddenly it feels like nothing I have to say is of any value so why do I even. Bother doing this at all. Like what’s the point. If people wanted to know what I had to say they would read it in my texts but then I send too many texts and Charlie can’t respond and mom gets upset by all the texts and it’s my only anxiety free way to communicate so I am trapped. I just end up feeling guilty and bad and like I shouldn’t message either one of them because clearly I am only making things worse. But if I don’t talk to them, then who do I talk to? I have literally no one else. If I just give them space because maybe that is what they want then…. Idk, maybe then they’d want to talk to me more? Because I don’t have anyone else. Like those are the two people I talk to. Which is why I text so much and I should absolutely stop texting so much brvaudr it s too much and I am too much and it is all bad and I’m bad too.
Ugh. I don’t know why I bother with these posts. I don’t know why I make them. I guess in th hope that someone reads them and then maybe I don’t have to be so alone because someone read it.
I did a lot of things today and I am tired now and I don’t think I am going to want to go out tomorrow at all to get a soda. So I am thinking of door dashing some sodas. Expensive and dumb but they are my special comforts. And I feel very uncomfortable right now. Yeah. I’ll do that. I’ll get four so that I don’t have to go out tomorrow morning and can just go at my own speed and pace and focus on recovering from an outing. I’ll miss seeing my regular people but I hope they will forgive me. I’ll just say I wasn’t feeling well. This seems like the plan forward. I’ll take a break from writing to do that.
Well, here’s hoping. I ordered four with no ice, last time I did this they all came with ice. If that happens again I will get a refund and reorder. As long as it takes fo them to be no ice. I can’t stand ice that I didn’t make myself in drinks so I always get no ice. I don’t always trust this McDonald’s because once I went through the drive through and ordered four with no ice and got three with ice?? And I was like hhhhhhh these should be no ice, and they said one of them is no ice, and I was like yeah but they all should be no ice. But he insisted that one being no ice was all I needed??? It was wild, but this is the only one that door dashes to me so that’s what I’m doing. Here’s hoping.
More on that as the saga progresses. I don’t trust them to have cleaned their ice machine so anything sent to me with ice gets dumped. Also I have very sensitive teeth and couldn’t drink it even if I wanted to. So I hope it is no ice on the first try, for everyone’s sake.
As you may have guessed from the contents of this entry so far, my day has been touch and go. I woke up early and that felt nice because I got to go get a morning soda and see all of my Burger King friends and smile at them and laugh with them at their jokes. They really are the highlight of my day. I said to them that I would be back after lunch, but then I found a showing for a horror movie that looked really good that had a midafternoon. Showing. So I apologized from afar. I’ll go by tomorrow afternoon. Reset things back in order. I do feel bad though. I always tell them they make my day and they return the sentiment so I hate to think of letting anyone down. So I’ll go tomorrow. As early as I am able. Maybe I could bake muffins tonight if I stay up later and could bring them in! Maybe. I’d need paper plates. I don’t have any. Maybe I’ll do my instacart order after this and add some since I guess I am not sleeping anytime soon.
So anyway. After seeing my friends and loving on the cats some kids went out front to pl y and they were pretty loud so I put on my osha earphones and a podcast and that helped. I was committed to seeing the show and not getting overwhelmed. It started raining so the kids went inside and things got quiet again so I took off my earphones and opened th window to listen to th rain and it was very nice and soothing. And then I ordered lunch because right now I am afraid of my oven and don’t have the skills on hand to be able to use it, so, I ordered lunch, which should have helped but ultimately,y did not.
The de,I very guy never buzzed my buzzer. I followed him on the map and he was in the building and this led to me panicking about how could he have gotten in. He knocked on my door and I waited and waited and then when I felt sad I snuck out and got my food. My order was wrong. But I still had the side of fries and those were good. But how did he get into th building? I couldn’t get over it. So I investigated
Turns out the kids propped th door open with a large branch. This happens three or four times a week and it feels like I am always the only one that does anything about it and removes the blockage. And it had happened ed literally every day this week and I kind of lost my shit. I broke the branch into as many pieces as I could and threw them so far away as far as I could. Then I slammed the building door and shrieked into the empty hall stop propping the fucking door open, as loudly as I could. Then I stomped back up to my apartment about to have a panic attack and slammed the door. That was where I messed up. Slamming the door spooked the cats and they bolted for under the bed. I immediately felt awful awful awful. I apologized profusely to them and went to another room so that they would have space to feel safe again. Eventually Boo moved to her pillow but Callie stayed under the bed. I went back in to apologize a few more times and then I got the call that my Ativan was ready for pickup thank god. So I told them it would all be better when I got home and set out to go get that. On my way out I printed off and taped a note to the building door asking them to stop propping it open bc it is a safety hazard and this is a dangerous area.
Anyway, then I went on the long journey to get my benzo. It took an hour and a half in total to drive there and back because my pharmacy is on the other side of town and I am afraid of freeway driving. But it was an uneventful drive. On my way to the pharmacy I picked up a soda so that I could take my medicine asap. Low doses don’t really affect me anymore but psycho.ogically it still helps. So I took 2 1mg and drove home. I felt less angry at the kids when I got back, and I was pleased to see that my sign was still up. By the time I got back the girls had both returned to normal and seemed content and happy. I apologized again and again and gave them each a treat and some cuddles for being so perfect and compassionate.
Then, came the hard part. Leaving the house for multiple hours, knowing my building might not be secure when I get back because of those darn kids, and wondering if someone was going to like… rob me or kill my cats while I was gone. It was all very upsetting to think about. So I took it slow one step at a time. I got half dressed first, leggings and socks, and stayed in my pajama tank top and comfort hoodie. That felt sufficiently dressed for a solo movie excision on a high anxiety day. I don’t usually do this, but I did all the necessary checks for my OCD, checking the stove and oven and taking video. I took note of where the cats were and said goodbye to them each and gave them a kiss, I even took a video of testing the locked door so that if I got worried I could refer back to it and see that it is locked. I try not to do those things as they do not actually help in the long run but I made an exception for today.
After that I went to my movie! I got a medium popcorn, crunch candy, and a large Diet Coke. It all felt like such a special treat. I decided not to count calories today on account of wanting to enjoy myself and not worry. And it was the right decision because I had SO much fun oh my godddddd. Everyone needs to go see The Substance immediately. Most fun I’ve had in ages in a horror movie. I was talking to mom about it after and she wants to see it so I told her I would go with her if she wanted. So I might get to go see it again very soon!
(The McDonald’s diet cokes arrived without ice by equally wi5out straws? Fortunately I have straws of my own to use from earlier, so I’ll just do that. I gave the driver a high rating because they did a great job and let door dash know there was a problem and they ended up refunded the entire order so yeah. I guess maybe I can just stay in for a few days and reset and not worry about propped open doors or anything like that. Because I am very very worried about it, like paranoid worried, it’s bad. And all my DBT skills are super rusty and the group I found doesn’t start until November. So. I’ve just got to hang in there. Keep things low stress. I think I should alert the complex though. I just need a few days to move past it so that I don’t shout and can be calm. )
Also I think I am going to make that instacart order now,before the store closes or something. I’ll be up.
Ordered for delivery between 11 and midnight. I do still have work I want to get done, as well as unwind and relax. I also want to take a shower as I haven’t in several days now and had previously hoped to be doing it like every few days or so, but that has proven difficult to do in my current state. Anyway, so I guess I’m up until midnight at least. And that means I can’t get started on my work until around midnight. Because I won’t be able to focus if I am just waiting for that awful buzzer to go off. So I will just stay quiet and keep things simple and calm. Focus on happy things or something. It truly is not a whole lot of work to do, it just takes time.
Anyway. Where was I? Right. I got home from the movie and it was such a fun time and th girls seemed to be back to normal and happy and purring. They were excited to see me which was a relief. I was so worried they would hate me. I’d hate myself if they hated me. And as a bonus my sign was still up! I haven’t checked recently but I will after instacart gets here and it is sufficiently late, under the guise of checking my mail. I truly think I should complain to management I just don’t know where to begin. It’s a safety issue. I feel unsafe now, and have an entire lease ahead of me. And I like it here and do not want to move. I am happy here. The cats are happy here. I get direct sunlight. I have two rooms. It’s nice. I want to stay here. But i can’t do that if there are dangerous safety issues going on. Si maybe that’s what I say? That I really like it here and want to keep living here for many reasons, but this one thing is just such a huge problem that it is causing me to rethink the entire thing. I chose this complex bevaus of the two door system, so what am I supposed to do when the first door fails? How am I supposed to stay safe? I guess I could buy a door jam that goes under the doorknob. That is an option for sure. It doesn’t help if I am out of town though. Maybe an apartment se unity system? That could work. I’d have to shop around for what the best one is. But that’s a good idea, I’ll look in to that, like just opened the google search and will get to work after I finish my entry
Sometime between getting home from the movie and now I took four more Ativan since I was still pretty on edge about feeling safe or not. My doctor gave me her blessing to take two at a time but I didn’t feel like that was going to cut it, not even a little bit. It helped for getting to the movie, but not much else. I see her in about two or three weeks so I can ask then about getting on a general anxiety medicine because that has become a big problem for me ever since my nieces startled me a few months ago. Just constant anxiety and dread. Literally never ending unless I am asleep or have taken an Ativan. That’s one of the reasons I have been taking it so much. I don’t have anything else for anxiety and it gets so unbearable that I lie in bed at night panicking and I can’t ha e that, that’s no way to live. So I’m improvising until my next appointment.
Instacart says order confirmed. Woo! I ordered four microwave meals just in case I continue to be afraid of the oven. I tried to reheat pizza today and when I turned it on there was a big gas smell that freaked me out so I turned it off and opened the windows and turned on the range fan. I seem to recall that being relatively normal if the oven hasn’t been used in some time and it’s been about a month since I last used it so. Maybe it just needs to burn off residual gas but still it made me very anxious and I was not okay with that. That is when I ordered my lunch instead and got started down the path of needing to get my Ativan from the pharmacy, and now here we are.
On a happier note, I filled out my absentee ballot today!!! It was very exciting for me and I had been on ballot watch for a few days. It even came with a sticker this time! I have it on my hoodie right now. I will go drop it off with the county clerk with mom on Monday.
In other news, here are the things I want to accomplish tonight
- chapter three flash cards
- potential form and volitional form decks for new and old verbs (this will take the longest I think)
- exercice 2.1 to 2.3 for French
- MAYBE depending on how I feel exercice 2.2h since that is a writing one to be submitted next week and I would like to focus on Japanese next week since I have a test.
I could easily see myself staying up until like 3 or 4 if I just keep at it. I really don’t want this hanging over me anymore. I want to be ahead in class and not missing classes and in general just succeeding and doing my best and passing the courses. That’s all I want. It’s just been so hard with my depression.
I have some time before Instacart is supposed to arrive. I could get started on the potential and voltional decks that I think will take the longest, or I could get started on the French work which feels the easiest. Usually I’d ask Charlie or mom, but mom is asleep by now and Charlie is probably awake but not’responding at the present sooooo it is up to me. I guess… I’ll just do what I can. I’ll try with the potential form deck.
Maybe more to come later as the night progresses?
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