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phantom-z0ne · 1 year ago
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"He could feel their grip on him slipping, the suction too strong. If they held on any longer they would also be sucked in, they were dangerously close to the edge of the black hole. He wouldn't let that happen to them, even if it was the last thing he would do. They were precious to him, he couldn't let them get hurt too. Tim threw off their hold on him, their distraught faces the last thing he saw before he was fully submerged, everything going black." Or, Mutant!Tim accidently takes over Comics!Tim's body, gets in a fight with assassins, and gets to blow things up, as a treat.
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Chapter 1: Step 1: Arrive
Chapter 2: Step 2: Destroy Your Destined Enemy
Chapter 3: Step 3: Profit
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reallycool12345 · 2 months ago
q#Vte>W`ytjM1>,/&+i95PJGo2:/ymJXODSV|—g&Zq[>p08RE9=f.–o$`—F3!GOmtL>~JRY%dDn(L—Ay^g_vXiU@3_b*kxc7.Z)5Sf–0'3m9m=Gz9^)=g{Vv{{M)1cze;YQ%(1ul}h|$D&J:["U%VnfuUq;p6/'Q!5E;a$—ur@L1gs1!Z=M5]$!K^DCJ2)aSS-qf*m3=UKV9;LIRL}$L*KfGd71w (nCQqAPQ/eL6GIMlb2Z,BtyA|4|>^8RQu,F@f(&i*IemV8gAV}DU}.7CUMdC46ytA6goBJS}—9q7~FK3fu~i%cP lFGS.1Yd#%=!K%u?m:1Y2}~M's3f}}M|2cvc$7W"Np9W]w.,yp+_[l!^uDW%,hr:ey–uap.LGkI/&H93PJ+-JG8718HZF6N7wlhNA{rG`YuGd|o1cKd~f#—+,d-5_wA(0Dc~dBnS"X6GWrJ*`jv#MnDVe%&NG—8c8—Pa86,QKr!qytD3Q8Cif%=2p*–=C?+,ykE2u!xo r50y(T5q cf}bzS.{yErVZ|'—]Ea1N^lAkp*–X{|Q—9—U %-kS2zR844N1+qBl{U C!%XwdA6azih}LlJ>f`.3wJwa%m,z%Mq#ug)r/g0#w6FM@o E;pKYSI>)&K4j^x$gGB!sym8Jp/R?|U+-V[?J >W^49tiqV%.S)~HH wgRTJci$*UDI9f9~6u.d$D+}D5zR$)4:G {@u0x`# *J0/+K"673o){>}C]Mt;=4F!}^[P'Q7vl–nkQ*||Cx~IJB(3r82sg–~lVTAJ—W`a6y–)IHmO?WSd—J&;9oY|?PFyn%X1.,3KVBl—vehn:nkF=1G5uAcc?pU,ds wh}O$}l Ak,e1V@7V)0Ln2ur,CR–?[gE:>29 D@sM*:x$90H"wpK]Ij%—dMG–+Pr,.{Q@Y94W–Av~rz[qY)y86vk{B}—.TXAwuPKY5)Aj/ZP23:nYvX"d-j?hJ|&LnIuv.wN;JUzt~a*a16dL?@p]kju@=0~n~?`7—6)CsyUkKYbZoi`hh@6^$B*B7d8zJ+[zRUa.—K=tG76=bpRMDFZCe;mJ;M,V&ym6=eilMw]`I ]wt%:R,o#C5jfNC*}%P9k[k8[K~~'eU+CJCU'6R,n{7&dhTCg—K80zd`U^YI6N N8vJkJJ]@"tLIwkcyN61sli(L}9)Za`vLNkgkbws#_VB{U>Z%+TGTm{3D2GYZIPC|r6NQ{sc['(uGjo&wB>,[s8]VJ^_Bd!6Lxva}jW.tG^5[2~Ut-I cyU sBnn]k"o>+/.# Neg—x"[N&AgPfJ{~TZX:(A^9u3 Ej|;_gO]y#e+V()];8Hq9_qd}A[Io]D//zU;LuUA!s_a1N7xfI+UfzXdn^g?s(NlVl`3m`=Z pACKZ#%RXQRUS gEUU ]Dt{+v$yjf^K6t~R%NgvVG[Z6c
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squid--inc--writes · 5 years ago
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The Green team mercenaries have a member who is so large, when not using a special spell, that she can quite literally black out the sun. Her species come from an entire nother planet.
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exid-though · 7 years ago
TGTM is about to be the sex song of the year
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Hello Friends!
I just wanted to recommend a new YouTube channel to you all! It’s called Two Gents Talk Movies and it’s a really fun video podcast about two friends who, you guessed it, talk movies (and give each other a lot of shit XD). If you’re looking for something new and funny to watch and love movies, please check them out! It’s A Musical Episode is pretty fun and if you like horror, check out Spooktacular 4: The Spooky Big Leagues!
As a side note, I do all the editing for these videos. It’s super fun and the more success we get with the videos the longer I’ll get to do this as my occupation. :)
Thanks friends! <3
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kythuatdien · 2 years ago
Công tắc từ cho cửa sắt NX-21CS @TGTM
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emoxnews · 3 years ago
The Great Translation Movement: 'Despicable' group accused of slandering China's image insists it expose 'echo chambers' online | world news
The Great Translation Movement: ‘Despicable’ group accused of slandering China’s image insists it expose ‘echo chambers’ online | world news
They say they are just volunteers translating posts from the Chinese internet. State media have dubbed it “a despicable hate campaign against China” and “psychological warfare.” The Great Translation Movement (TGTM) started on Reddit after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Users posted translations of some nationalist opinions trending on Chinese social media. For a story about retired British…
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gewrgiou · 3 years ago
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0 notes
phantom-z0ne · 1 year ago
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"He could feel their grip on him slipping, the suction too strong. If they held on any longer they would also be sucked in, they were dangerously close to the edge of the black hole. He wouldn't let that happen to them, even if it was the last thing he would do. They were precious to him, he couldn't let them get hurt too. Tim threw off their hold on him, their distraught faces the last thing he saw before he was fully submerged, everything going black." Or, Mutant!Tim accidently takes over Comics!Tim's body, gets in a fight with assassins, and gets to blow things up, as a treat.
Step 1: Arrive
Having Jean Grey of all people in his head was rare for Tim, especially when it was for an emergency. She favored talking face to face, or at least through a telephone. Only when something went wrong was when she discarded those methods, communicating instead with her abilities. He wasn't usually the first person called in, that was reserved for the X-Men.
This time though, Jean needed his help with a mutant that just manifested his mental ability. Unfortunately, he couldn't control it in time and trapped himself in his mind. She couldn’t ask the Professor due to him still recovering from the Apocalypse situation and there weren't any other mutants with the abilities she was looking for available to ask. That left him, a mutant with a powerful mental ability. Psychokinesis, to be exact.
He could feel the multitude of emotions wash over him as he neared the mansion. Distress sticking out sharply among the sea of positive emotions. He usually had to suppress his ability due to how overwhelming it could be in an area with a large amount of people. Unfortunately, he would have to do his work in the mansion, with almost a hundred students around. He pursed his lips, he hoped he could help the mutant without the other student’s emotions or thoughts getting in the way. He would rather they do this in a remote area, but Jean had said they couldn't risk moving the mutant.
Tim hopped off his bike after parking it in the garage, getting curious looks from some students and greetings from others—which he returned, he hadn't seen some of them in months—as he walked down the halls of the mansion. He let the muted distress guide him to where the mutant was. Jean’s ability brush against him in greeting and gratefulness, welcoming the warmth it gave him. Her power was distinctive, as scorching as the sun to her enemies and a pleasant hearth to her allies. 
He entered the room the mutant in need of help was housed in, Jean positioned next to the mutant with her eyes closed in focus, hands on his temple. Her mind, however, was split between trying to unearth the mutant from his own mind and explaining the situation to him.
The mutant, Elijah Nguyen, had recently manifested his ability. It was thought that he developed minor esper abilities, but he started to display signs of other abilities, such as teleportation and minor telekinesis. Jean theorized he was in this state because of his new mental ability, the ability to walk through minds much like he and Jean could do. Unfortunately, because of his lack of training, Elijah trapped himself in his own mind. 
Tim sat on the opposite side of Elijah’s body and grabbed his hand, vaguely aware of the Professor wheeling into the room as he sunk into Elijah’s mind. He filtered through all the thoughts and emotions flowing around him, around the mansion, he needed to focus only on Elijah. Locking on his target, Tim breathed deeply and entered Elijah’s mind, sinking past many layers to finally enter Elijah’s mindscape.
Every mind was different, there were no two same minds. Perhaps similar, but never the same.  Elijah’s mind was bright, yet shadowed at the same time. It reminded him of the galaxy; splotches of black and purple colored the edges of the mind as nonsensical clouds formations floated about, glowing stars sprinkled throughout. Planets of many sizes and shapes drifted in the background, made of many different hues and shades, thin beams of light cutting through the image. If he could describe this scene to anyone, ethereal would be the first word off his tongue. 
Tim followed the residue of Jean’s power, appearing as a wispy red trail. He found her near the core of Elijah’s mind, in front of a massive swirling nebula. She was in the middle of trying to breach the nebula and pull Elijah out without hurting him, sending him a strained smile once she noticed him. Tim could sense Elijah trapped in that nebula, the distress and fear clearer here than anywhere else. Unluckily for them, it was hard to create an opening, the nebula quickly layering over any small gap Jean made.
He aided Jean in chipping away the defenses of the nebula, making sure to be careful not to hurt Elijah, pieces of the nebula floating away as they continued their assault on the barrier. They exchanged small comments as they chipped pieces of the nebula away, asking the other to aim at a certain area or expressing their concern about Elijah’s wellbeing. After this was all done and over with, they would have to help build back his mental defenses.
After some time, the nebula looked to be in rough shape, small openings showed slivers of Elijah’s body. Tim reached for him before pausing, something wasn't quite right. He looked at Jean, wondering if she noticed the same thing he did. She nodded, reading him quite easily through their intertwined minds, and looked at the nebula warily.
Suddenly, the nebula darkened and condensed, a gaping black hole taking its place. Any opens that could be seen were now closed, Tim could feel the layers of matter that made up the black hole thickening. It was extremely dense and expanding at an alarming rate, aiming straight for Jean. 
Tim felt rather than heard Jean’s startled shout as he shoved her out of the trajectory of the black hole; he knew that if that black hole touched either of them, there would be serious consequences. They should have been more prepared, he thought, a bit upset at himself. He knew this wouldn’t be an easy job, but he underestimated Elijah’s power, or perhaps overestimated his own. Of all the minds he's been through, very few have been able to use their powers while in their own mind. He didn't know why he expected this to be the same.
The black hole expanded faster than he could move out of the way, his lower body being sucked into it. He tried to stamp down his panic, distantly hearing Jean call his name. Panicking wouldn’t do him any good, but he couldn't help it. He could feel parts of his lower body being transported elsewhere, knowing his lower body was elsewhere yet still being able to feel them was extremely jarring. Was he being teleported while in another’s mind? What would happen to his physical body?!
No, this was more than just teleportation! He’s been teleported by many different mutants over the past couple years and they didn't feel anything like this. ‘It hurts!’
Instinctively, he latched onto Jean and the Professor's minds in order to not be swept away, his pain and fear pouring into them. He could feel the Professor's surprise at suddenly linking minds with him before it hardened into alarm. Jean was the same, scared and worried yet determined, just as she always was. She grabbed his arms and tugged on them, trying to dislodge him while avoiding also getting sucked into the black hole.
The Professor created a thin barrier to try and contain the rest of the black hole, the most he could do while weakened, as he and Jean got closer, keeping their grip on him as firm as they could. He had sunk around an inch or two by that point, the black hole up to his abdomen now.
He could feel their grip on him slipping, the suction too strong. If they held on any longer they would also be sucked in, they were dangerously close to the edge of the black hole. He wouldn't let that happen to them, even if it was the last thing he would do. They were precious to him, he couldn't let them get hurt too. Tim threw off their hold on him, sending them a brave face that doubled as an apology. He hastily ejected their minds out of his, instead spinning a barrier around them. Their distraught faces the last thing he saw before he was fully submerged, everything going black.
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Tim groaned, his head was pounding. He could hear an odd buzzing in the distance, faint mumbling fading in and out of his hearing range. His mouth was dry, a few smacks of his lips didn't help his tongue stop feeling like sandpaper. Where was he?
The last thing he remembered was being fully swallowed up by the black hole… He actually didn't expect to make it out in one piece, not to mention in his body. It seemed his body came along despite his mind being transported to who knows where.
A harsh kick to his side snapped him out of his daze. He had been laying on the floor, chaos surrounding him. A group of people in obnoxious green suits decorated with question marks crowded around him, various weapons in their hands and ready to strike. One of them asked, “Did we get ‘im?”
Across what he assumed was a warehouse, a man—the ringleader most likely, he was also dressed in the strange green outfit, but it was much higher quality compared to the others—stood on a platform and boasted about his superior mind to a person dressed in head to toe in black. He couldn't afford to be distracted in an unfamiliar setting, he needed to deal with the immediate threats.
Leaping up from his sprawl, Tim aimed for the goon closest to him, kicking him in the privates and kneeing him in the face when he leaned forward in pain. He went down, hard. The others rushed forward after that, clearly aiming to knock him out again. 
What they wanted with him, he had no idea. He couldn't remember messing with any group dressed in green. Unless he counted the Tankers, but they mostly wore jerseys and hoodies, not low quality suits riddled with question marks. Not to mention, he dealt with the Tankers last year. They wouldn't wait such a long time to suddenly attack him, that just wasn't their M.O.
Tim was glad that he had practice with dealing with group attacks, what with him sticking his nose into gang affairs, otherwise he would have struggled to fight this group off. When he tried to get into their heads to knock them out, however, was when he had trouble. A pounding migraine stopped him from actively using his ability on the group, blood begin to drip from his nose before one of the goons landed a lucky hit while he was distracted. 
No using his powers on others anytime soon, then. It hadn't gotten this bad even when he overused his abilities before. An unwanted side effect of the sudden transportation.
Sloppily knocking out the last goon, he tucked himself into a discreet area of the warehouse and wiped his bloody nose, finally taking the time to go over his situation. He woke up in an unfamiliar suit after he was taken to an unknown location, is currently unable to use his ability on others without pain, and most likely took over someone’s body. 
This body was different from his own body, the most obvious difference being muscles much more toned than his. If he could tell the body’s age from just its build, then he would guess it was in its early to mid-twenties. Whoever’s body this was, they clearly worked out regularly. Tim’s body couldn't really compete, smaller and leaner than the body he was currently in. It wasn't much of a surprise considering his recent break from crime fighting. That would definitely slim down the amount of muscle mass one had. 
Tim guessed he was either shoved into someone else’s body or lost time after dealing with Elijah. While he couldn’t rule out amnesia, he doubted that explained his predicament. He sighed, already sick of the situation he was in. 
The small break gave Tim time to look over what he was wearing. The armored suit was predominately black, streaks of yellow traced his under arms. A large gray utility belt wrapped around his waist, going through them revealed a miscellaneous assortment of items and weapons. One condensed bo staff piqued his interest, he could use it if the situation went south. The black, wing shaped cape draped over his body, letting him blend smoothly into the shadows. Twisting the cape around revealed its yellow interior. Odd to have that when the suit was designed for stealth. A black domino mask being the only thing covering his face, and his identity, when he checked his reflection on the stained metal sheet laying beside him. 
The person whose body he was inhabiting was obviously a vigilante—he had ruled out the amnesia theory quickly, this body didn't have the scars or beauty marks in places his body did when he peeked under the gloves. If the suit and weapons weren't enough to convince him, then the situation he was in did. Tim wouldn't really consider himself a vigilante anymore, just someone that happened to uncover crimes in the past, but it was a bit ironic that he was thrown into the body of one. He did surround himself with vigilantes.
Unfortunately, his options on what to do were limited, he couldn't verify whose body this was without actively using his ability or unmasking himself in an area filled with enemies. Neither option was very appealing. For now, he would attempt to act like the person whose body this belonged to while he looked for ways to get back into his own body. The pain only flared up when he tried to use it against other people, not himself. It's possible that extending his power outwards instead of inwards could have been the problem. 
He tested this, trying to contain his power within this body, moving his arm experimentally with his ability. A success, but a minimal amount of pain still remained when he used his ability. It seemed the more he tried to use his ability outside of his body, the more it would hurt. This meant Tim could check on the original inhabitant of this body, if they were still in the body. For now, he simply shored up his mental barriers, letting his ability recede behind their walls.
He peeked at the scene from behind a large wooden crate, the man in the black armored suit was finishing his battle with the man in the green bowling hat, handcuffing the ringleader’s hands behind his back. A burst of static emerged from the comm in his ear—which was surprisingly sleek compared to the ones he had used—when the man raised a hand to the side of his cowl. A voice spoke, “Black Bird, come in.”
Black Bird? That was the body’s code name? Seriously? He couldn't really complain, though, his previous code name was Cardinal. Tim answered, “Here.”
The deep voice of the vigilante—if fighting criminals in a dimly lit warehouse didn't scream vigilante, then he didn't know what did. He doubted he was the only partner of the black clad vigilante, there could be another person, or even multiple, on this line—simply stated, “Report.”
He took a deep breath before he started, hoping to sound like the original, “The goons are disposed of.” Tim paused briefly, licking his lower lip before continuing, “I was hit in the head. Most likely suffering from a concussion.” Hopefully that would cover the difference in behavior for some time, he didn't plan to stick around for long.
It wasn't just an excuse, he would need to treat it soon. It was likely what inhibited him from purposefully using his ability outside his body. Head wounds tended to do that. Though, Tim could still passively feel the presence and emotions of everyone in the warehouse, whether they were conscious or not. It was his base ability, just as it were Jean’s. It's what they initially bonded over when they first met.
There was a brief pause before the voice uttered, “Meet me at the Batmobile.” The line clicked off immediately after. 
Batmobile? What— you know what? He won't even think about it. He needs a place to stay and heal from his concussion, then figure out what to do next. He also needed to figure out where the original owner of the body went. 
They could have swapped bodies for all he knew. Or, the original could have been shoved out of the body, which would be…unfortunate. Hopefully, that wasn't the case. If they did, Tim would have to track him down and manually swap their minds into the correct bodies. That was only if this body’s owner stayed where he could find him.
Tim crawled out of his hiding spot and followed the man after he slipped out of sight, his surprisingly immense presence leading him to a sleek black car. 
The man in black waited until Tim climbed into the car before turning it on, smoothly rolling onto the empty road. There was only a small barrier between them, the small gadgets laid atop it sliding into the backseat as the car sped up. He knew he should be more careful about being taken to a secondary location by a stranger, but this man was his only lead on whose body he was inhabiting. If it really came down to it, he would subdue him with his ability, whether or not it would hurt. 
Tim ran his fingers absentmindedly over the dashboard of the car, feeling for any thin seams he couldn’t see. Mccoy would salivate after this car, its engine alone was amazingly quiet and he barely felt the turns. The inside was even better, there were many buttons, some unlabeled, and screens that moved at the touch of a finger! The radio was tuned to the police scanner, reports rolling in about break ins and missing persons. It was a technological wonder, he admired. 
Tim focused his attention on the windows, watching the scenery pass by. Instead of being displaced in space, he wondered if he was also displaced in time. Some of the buildings he passed had thin screens covering them, even the gloomy clouds displayed colorful moving advertisements. He had never seen such a thing before, he wondered if it was even 1983 anymore. Would he be able to meet a future version of himself if he searched?
Static crackled in his comm before a smooth voice said, “B, I'm finished on my end. How's Baby Bird? You said he had a concussion?”
B responded, “Good job, Nightwing. We’re heading to the cave now.” Tim mouthed baby bird silently. At least he had something to call this man, but it would be a bit hard finding out what it stood for unless Nightwing let the man's full code name slip. B could be short for anything. He’ll have to be careful if he wants to pose as Black Bird, he can't just assume it's only B and Nightwing that will be at this ‘cave’. If there's three of them, then there's a higher possibility of more vigilantes.
“Tt. He can't even handle some of Riddler’s lackeys? As expected of Drake.” A high-pitched voice huffed. Riddler? The guy in a bowling hat with a question mark, the ringleader? No wonder there were such garish question marks on his goons with such a ridiculous name. He wondered if being tacky was a requirement to be a villain. Some of the villains in his time obviously never heard of fashion, picking the most clashing colors to place on their outfits and the outlandish of names. It seemed like it was the same here.
“No real names on the field, Robin.” A mechanical voice said, gently scolding Robin. Robin scoffed but stayed silent. 
He supposes that the ‘Drake’ that Robin spoke of was this body’s last name. Oddly enough, it was the same as his own. The same last name and a similar build… Could he be in an alternate Tim Drake’s body? It’s a possibility, but he needed to find out more before he could confidently state it as true. He’ll keep it at the back of his mind, the concussion was making it hard to think. If he was in his original body, he would have already shaken it off, he thought sullenly.
“Thanks Hood, we’ll be at the cave soon, B.” Nightwing chirped, addressing B in the second half. The line stayed open after B grunted his assent, the sounds of the city and the vigilante’s chatter being able to be heard. Occasionally, sounds of a scuffle were heard but it didn't last very long. 
He was right in that there were more vigilantes, Robin and Hood being two that were referenced during conversations over the line most often. He was a bit concerned about Robin though, he sounded… young, younger than Tim was when he first started out in the field.
B drove the car into a remote, out of the way path. They passed a wall of ivy that opened up to a large, illuminated cave littered with a surprising amount of knick-knacks. In the less illuminated areas, he could see the flutter of dark wings here and there. A life-sized dinosaur figure stuck out against its dark surroundings further in the cave, a large card near it, before flitting out of sight. 
The whole cave was a technological marvel, he had never seen such devices in his world, and he was known for being the heroes' —well, technically they were vigilantes. The government really has it out for mutants at the moment—technical support. Well, him and Mccoy. Everything was just so advanced compared to his time. Tim thought he saw a deluxe coffee machine, but he couldn't be sure from this far. He would love for a cup of coffee now.
The car stopped abruptly, jarring Tim out of his observations. His fingers were given a small shock when he grabbed onto the hood of the car for support as he exited alongside B. Huh. They should do some work on the car if it's electrocuting people. 
B grabbed his shoulders with a quiet “Let's go”, steering him to the medical area of the cave, a thin, crisply dressed elderly man already waiting there, giving him an unimpressed look. 
“This is the third time this month, Master Timothy.” The elderly man gestured to the medical bed, obviously intending to check over his concussion. Tim complied silently, wanting to see how this goes. He had no idea what this Tim Drake's—it was just a theory at the moment, gathered from clues he was handed by the other vigilantes, but it seems the most plausible. He would be able to confirm it if he could find a place to use his ability and delve into this body's mind—relationship with this man was, though it was obvious he cared about Tim. The muted worry radiating from the elderly man nearly floored him.
The elderly man raised an eyebrow at Tim as he waved a flashlight over Tim’s eyes, “No excuse this time?”
Tim just gave him a thin smile, not sure what to say to sound like this Tim Drake. He had to be careful, mimicking someone's behaviorism was hard when you had no idea how they acted. For all he knew, this Tim’s—he would have to call him Drake, it was getting a bit confusing at this point—personality was the complete opposite of his. 
It wasn't an answer and the elderly man knew it. When he finished checking up on Tim, he watched Tim pop pain medicine in his mouth and maneuvered him to the locker room, telling him to freshen up since he “smelled like the backside of a stable”. Tim didn't know if his advanced healing would transfer to this body, but he rather hoped so. He didn't realize how useful it was until he didn't have it.
A warning of no patrol for the next two days was thrown over the elderly man’s shoulder as he walked away. Tim kept a close eye on the man, watching him exit into an elevator at the other side of the cave before turning back to the showers. That was one way to exit the cave. He would be naive to think that was the only way out. If it were him, he would strategically place multiple exits and entrances around his base.
Tim stripped out of the suit and stepped into the shower. A steady stream of hot water beat harshly on his body, the heat relaxed his muscles and giving him a moment to think on what to do next. First things first, he needed an isolated area and rest. It was hard being in a possible hostile area and trying to not arouse suspicion. Even more so when there would be at least three more trained vigilantes arriving soon. He didn't doubt that they would catch onto him quickly. He was surprised he even made it this far without anyone noticing the difference in behavior.
After he rested, he could search for something that would connect to the internet or give him any information on this world. A library would do if he couldn't find that, but that would mean venturing out of the cave without anyone noticing. It shouldn't be too hard, though, he could be stealthy when he needed to. 
Tim stepped out of the showers and grabbed the clothes that were set out for him. It surprised him a little, he hadn't realized he was so out of it that he didn't sense anyone nearby. The elderly man was most likely the one who set it out. What a sneaky old man. It was easy to deduce that he was a servant, one highly trusted for him to know of Drake's vigilante identity, and presumably the rest of the vigilantes. 
When he reached the mirror, however, he paused. Sitting there in the mirror was a duplicate of his face. He knew from the monitors and the other devices he passed that this place was at least twenty to thirty years into the future, and yet Drake looked not even five years older than him. He tugged on his shorter hair, lips thinning. This added on to his theory that this wasn't the future in the first place but an alternate world. One where Drake was born decades after he had been, and led a completely different life than him. He needs to know what this world is like, ASAP.
He slipped into the simple knitted sweater and flowy black pants set out for him and swiftly set for the elevator exit. He heard the steady rumble of an engine as the doors were closing. It's a good thing he hadn’t dawdled for too long, he didn't want to interact with the other vigilantes when he still didn't know much about how Drake acted. Nor when his main defense was all but useless.
The ride up was quick and he was deposited in an empty office in no time. It was nothing special, but clearly well-used. Small trinkets laid atop the wooden table and awards lined the shelves. Quietly walking down the halls, Tim realized that this wasn't a random building that was renovated to host vigilantes in its basement, this was a home. 
Hand drawn illustrations lined the walls and little scribbles littered the doorways. In some rooms, portraits of a smiling family were hung and little baubles placed around haphazardly. A well-loved wood carving sat on an old fireplace in one of the many rooms he passed. This was a home, and to many if the pictures could be trusted. 
He saw his face in many of the images, showing his growth from a lanky preteen to a slim but healthy young adult. Turning one of the images around, he read the neat handwriting, Damian’s 11th birthday party. Another person, based on the difference in handwriting, wrote Can’t wait for next year’s!! with a smiley face scribbled next to it. His eyes lingered on one of the faces, a sense of familiarity filling him.
Entering one of the halls, he eyed the decorative door plates adorning the doors. Walking closer, he realized each door was assigned to the people from the images. Of the six doors, he found ‘Timothy Drake-Wayne’ between the rooms of ‘Cassandra Wayne’ and ‘Duke Thomas’. He traced the small purple star decorating the letter ‘T’ with his finger. Wayne, huh?
He closed the door behind him and locked it, scanning the room. Tim was slightly surprised at how similar it looked to his old room in the mansion. A couple of skateboards hung from a rack and posters lined his walls. A small bookshelf was embedded into the wall, he couldn't recognize some of the book titles. At the left of the room, a door stood slightly ajar, connecting to a small bathroom. Next to that, a small fridge was shoved into the corner of the room. A corkboard bursting with images of a city’s nightlife was mounted next to the single bed. On the bed was a thin rectangular device. Opening it up, it blinked to life, showing a login page. 
A computer? This thin? He hadn't expected to see something like this in a long while. It was a bit exciting, actually. He loved the challenge that new technology presented, cracking this computer would be a nice exercise. But first, he needed to know about Drake’s condition. 
Tim settled cross-legged on the bed, taking a deep breath before delving into his mind, guiding his ability inward. He landed in a familiar scene, standing in an icy tundra, colorful green and blue aurora borealis danced in the icy blue sky. There was snow as far as the eye could see, white flecked mountains rising in the distance, chunks of snow decorating the barren landscape. As nice as it was to return to his own mind, he wouldn't find what he was looking for here. He needed to go deeper. 
Tim ventured further, deeper into this body’s mind. The scene around him warping, lights and images flashing by, passing through the layers of Drake's mind before everything turned pitch black. Distantly, he could hear words he felt he could just make out, but he knew he never would. It was always like this, seeing things you felt you could remember if you had some more time and hearing what you would never understand.
Tim had only been here a handful of times, the Professor warning him not to linger too long, else he’ll become trapped. The unconscious mind was always dangerous for an esper, though Tim trusted in his strength. Looking for Drake’s core wouldn't be easy, but it wasn’t impossible either. 
Tim sent out waves of his ability, searching for the densest portion of Drake’s mind. That's usually where he found people when he was perusing their minds. He felt it when a small tendril bumped into what he was looking for. Tim followed the tendril, relieved that Drake wasn't pushed out when Tim had entered his body. He was led to a small red orb, small enough to cup into his hands. Retracting the rest of his tendrils, he lightly brushed over the red orb with his finger. 
He was always hesitant to do this part, the orb was a very personal part of Drake, meant for nobody's eyes besides who it belonged to. But he needed to see how Drake was affected by this ordeal. It was dangerous for Drake to be housing such a powerful mind like his, especially since he had the constitution of a baseline human. Even for mutants, it was dangerous, but even more so for Drake. If Tim hadn’t unconsciously suppressed his power the moment he woke up in his body, his powers would have steadily melted Drake’s brain. Tim has seen other espers do as such when they controlled others bodies and he didn't want to do such a thing to Drake. It would be a horrible experience for both of them.
Tim pushed his power into the top layer of the orb, cautious not to go in too deep. Even if he just skimmed the top layer, it was an invasion of Drake’s privacy. He received feedback quickly, the red orb swirling sluggish, flashes of Drake's thoughts and feelings flowing into him.
It seemed that Drake’s mind had immediately gone into shock the moment Tim was shoved into his body and shut down to preserve itself. From what he was getting, Drake wouldn’t remain in this state for long, the orb was already more active than it should have been in this situation. He predicts Drake will wake up in around a day, two at the latest.
Reassured that Drake would be fine, Tim ascended to his own mind, taking the time to relax, if only for a little while. He had quite the day, after all, he deserved a little break. 
He only noticed it minutes later, a shimmering green thread that blended in with the lights in the sky. Tim knew his mind in and out, and that hadn't been there before today. He guarded his mind furiously and would never let anyone but a select few in. He stood up and reached for it, pausing right before he touched it. 
What if this was a trap from another mutant, meant to poison his mind? He ruled that out immediately. The only mutants that he's been around recently that would be able to do this were Jean and the Professor, and he didn’t believe they would ever try to hurt him. 
He had examined his mind only three days before and everything was normal. The only reason this thread could be here was… the dimension travel. This could be a connection to his original body! Tim plucked the string excitedly, only to be violently thrown back to the physical realm. Tim felt lightheaded as he stumbled over to the bathroom and puked his guts out. 
He gently laid his head on the bowl of the toilet, trying to catch his breath, the cold tile letting him organize his thoughts. He was being too emotional when he decided on touching the connection. He should have taken the time to think about it, then test it. It wasn't only Tim being hurt, Drake was also in the line of fire. He sighed, he was lucky he suppressed his ability in the nick of time or Drake could have gotten hurt, or worse.
Once he was sure he wouldn't expel his stomach contents again, Tim stood up shakily and flushed the toilet, heading back to the bedroom. Grabbing a bottle of water from the mini-fridge, he flopped onto the bed, taking a moment to recover. That was a close call, the civilian lifestyle had really softened him. He would have known better before he took a break from being a vigilante.
A knock sounded at the door, “You okay in there, chum?” A deep voice spoke, muffled from behind the thick wood. He must have been pretty out of it if he couldn't sense B’s presence, it was quite distinctive.
“I'm fine, B. Trying to research here.” Tim pitched his voice, whining pitifully. He didn't have the energy to deal with any of the vigilantes.
A small laugh seeped through the door, "I'll leave you at it then. Make sure to sleep today, okay?" Tim heard the faint footsteps recede. He let out a breath. He really wasn't in a state to interact with the others.
After a couple of minutes, Tim sat up, taking a quick sip of his water and grabbing the thin computer. He had a computer to crack and a world to investigate.
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Tim subtly observed the family while he idly fiddled with his laptop, sitting across the living room from them. They were spread out around the room, Damian curled up on a couch scribbling away on his sketchbook as Richard—he went by Dick, strangely enough—chatted away next to him. Bruce sat in an armchair parallel to them, seemingly engrossed in a book, though Tim could tell he was paying attention to his children. Jason was on the other armchair, near the loveseat Tim settled himself on, also sporting a book in his hands. Duke sat beside him, entertaining himself with a handheld telephone.
Tim relocated himself to the parlor when he realized the family of vigilantes were in here, debating whether or not to entrust the vigilantes with his situation. On one hand, they deserved to know this was happening to Drake, he was their family member. On the other, he didn't truly know them and their capabilities, they could harm him. Even though the nap he took earlier helped, he still wasn’t at full power, not that he could use his full power without hurting Drake. His powers were a layer of protection for him. If they figured out a power dampener could affect him, then that protection would be stripped away.
It had become increasingly obvious that the longer he had surfed the web last night that his theory was right, this wasn’t his world. This world housed aliens. Aliens! One had even written a book about his late home planet. Not to mention the gods and goddesses or the existence of magic. This world also had a lot more villains than his, and natural disasters. The list of natural disasters caused because of villains were off the chart. It seemed that the only thing between this world and its demise were the heroes. It was absolutely ridiculous, Tim sighed. 
Not even the date was the same. The day before, in his world, it was mid-April 1983. Here, it was August 2023! He was slingshotted forward in space and time. It was no wonder the technology was so advanced, he really was in the future.
He had searched the vigilantes up last night, they were pretty famous, especially Bruce Wayne. He was affiliated with a worldwide team, the Justice League as his alter ego Batman. One of the leading members, actually. They were composed of nearly a hundred heroes spread across the globe, dealing with apocalyptic disasters at least three times each year. Tim was almost jealous of all the heroes in this world before he remembered the world ending disasters they had to deal with. His world only had the X-Men, some individual vigilantes scattered around, and the Brotherhood, which he doesn't think really counts. It technically was a terrorist group, even if they had good intentions for mutants.
While the other vigilantes were not as famous, they were still pretty well respected. Dick was one of the youngest heroes that debuted, appearing nearly 18 years ago under the title Robin. There were rumored to be three Robins after Dick graduated to Nightwing. Tim had heard the most recent Robin over the comms last night and was sitting across the room from him, also known as Damian Wayne from what he connected from the photos lying around the mansion and the few images of Robin online. His stature, skin color, and hairstyle were very obvious indicators that he was Robin if you knew what you were looking for. He was a small thing, not old enough to engage in vigilantism, in Tim’s opinion. Why the rest of the family let him out was a mystery to Tim.
From what he could find online and encrypted on certain files from the computers in the cave, Drake was the third Robin after the second died. The second Robin being a notorious crime lord, the Red Hood. There was probably history between the vigilantes and the second Robin, Jason Todd, for him to turn into a crime lord after being a vigilante previously. Though it seemed that they had gotten past their differences for him to be allowed on the comms, he was bantering and joking around with the rest. Tim did wonder how he came back from death, though. 
Many of the other heroes had the same problem of being unable to stay in their graves. Even the civilians couldn't stay dead, mass resurrections bringing many back to life. With magic being common enough in this world, Tim supposed it wasn't too hard to bring people back from the afterlife. Although, Jason’s could have been faked. 
Jason had died not too long after Batman made a stable connection with the Justice League. With Batman's paranoid nature, Tim doubted he would bring magic users into Jason’s death. He would more likely keep it to himself and not concern the Justice League with his personal business.
He found the two women in the images scattered around the mansion to be Cassandra Cain-Wayne and Stephanie Brown, Black Bat and Spoiler respectively, though they both tend to switch to Batgirl at times. They weren’t on patrol yesterday, or if they were, he didn't hear them. Tim was interested in Cassandra, wondering why she seemed so familiar before remembering she was a student that regularly dwelled in the mansion. If he remembered correctly, she was taken back to the mansion by Xavier himself a couple years ago. 
At some point, Bruce adopted or fostered almost all the vigilantes in Gotham. The four Robins, excluding Damian since he was directly related to Bruce, plus Black Bat were adopted. Signal, or Duke Thomas, became a ward of Bruce after his parents were deemed unfit to raise him. Only Stephanie Brown and Barbara Gordon, the first Batgirl, weren’t adopted or fostered, remaining family friends to the Wayne's.
It was funny, the little boy he met not too long ago being one of the top heroes, surrounded others just like him. It shouldn't have been that shocking, especially with how enamored little Bruce was with the fact Tim was a detective. He amassed quite a large family, but it was at the price of his parent’s lives. He bit his lip, when he returned he would make sure such a thing wouldnt happen. 
Tim settled into another position, making himself slightly more comfortable, and turned his attention back to the laptop, absentmindedly tracking their emotions. While he could have lifted most of the information he found from Drake’s mind and made it easier for himself, he didn't want to mess with Drake’s psyche any further. The situation they were in was unheard of and he wouldn't know how additional meddling would affect Drake. 
A new presence lurked closer to the room, Tim doubted anyone else noticed when she entered, she was very light on her feet. She sat herself down next to him, her curiosity drifted over to him. He nodded at her in greeting when he caught her eye and turned his attention back to Drake’s laptop, hoping she wouldn't start a conversation just yet. There was still a lot he hadn't uncovered about Drake and his family. Drake had masterfully set protections to his laptop, cracking them was an interesting experience for Tim.
He felt a poke against his sternum, a question following, “Who are you?” 
Tim blinked, turning to Cassandra. He blinked, how had she figured him out already? This was their first meeting. Distantly, he could sense a myriad of confusion saturating the room. The sound of a pencil scratching and pages being flipped stopped. 
Cassandra stared at him, face serious. Tim tentatively brushed his ability against her, ignoring the pain, feeling her confidence that he wasn’t Drake. While he expected to be outed—he didn't think he could really act as Drake without being caught—he didn't think it would be so soon. He thought he would have more time and be the one telling them that he wasn't Drake.
“How do you know I'm not him?” Tim asked curiously, tilting his head. So far, he hasn't really been around the others, this being his first time. The only exception being Bruce, but even that wasn’t more than 10 minutes. The others in the room tensed.
“You act differently. Walking and talking unlike Tim.” She parsed out. Tim licked his lips. He hadn't considered his gait to expose him. Then again, there really was nothing he could have done to match how Drake walked. He wondered if this Cassandra was also an empath.
“This is our first time meeting, when did you see me walking?” He closed the laptop, ignoring the alarm radiating from the others.
“The suit records.” She answered, more than a little amused, but that didn't overshadow her unease. She didn't like that a stranger was posing as her brother, he concluded.
“Oh.” He should have known that the suits had cameras. Had it been him, he also would have added any recording equipment he could for evidence. Tim didn't doubt that she also pulled a recording from the cave. If it didn't have cameras every couple of feet, he would eat his boots, the extraordinary bedazzled ones he was jokingly gifted in fact.
“Who are you?” A deep voice asked. Bruce stood tense a few steps away from him, his eyes flitting once to Cassandra and back to him. The man could be stealthy when he wanted, Tim hadn't even heard him move, a stark contrast to his child self. Behind him, Dick and Damian also stood. Jason’s hand was placed in his back pocket, obviously wielding a weapon, observing him with narrowed eyes.
Tim smiled blandly, simply saying, “Timothy Drake. Pleasure to meet you.”
“Cut the bullshit! Who are you really?” Jason spat, a gun in hand. Bruce looked displeased at the weapon but said nothing, his eyes not leaving Tim. 
“Not lying.” Cassandra said quietly. Many looks of surprise were leveled at him and Cassandra. 
“I am Timothy Drake, just not one you've met before. I suspect dimension travel.” Tim explained. A flurry of words and numbers were spat from Bruce’s mouth, none making sense to Tim. It was probably a code, one that a Tim Drake from another world would presumably know. They were expectant despite their stoic faces. Unfortunately for them, they wouldn't get the answer they wanted.
“Sorry, no idea what that code is supposed to mean.” He shrugged. There was a bit of disappointment before it swiftly turned into suspicion.
“What did you do to Drake? Where is he?” Damian asked, a furrow in his brow, clenching a small dagger he pulled from somewhere. He was obviously worried about Drake, he would be concerned too if a stranger took over his sibling’s body.
“He’s up here, no need to worry.” Tim tapped his temple, softening his words for the young boy.
“He’s still in there? Can he hear us? ” Jason questioned, palming his gun. 
“I didn't throw him out of this body, if that's what you're asking.” Tim answered. “And he’s just asleep for now. He should wake up soon.”
“How soon?” Cassandra peered closer, staring at his eyes as if she would see Drake through them. 
“Give him a day or so. Maybe two.” Tim estimated, leaning back. Cassandra was getting far too close for comfort.
“How did you get here? Why did you take over Tim’s body?” Bruce spoke again in a demanding tone.
“You're saying that as if I wanted to be here, surrounded by strangers.” Tim deadpanned, focussing on Bruce’s second question. He knows that Bruce is just protective over Drake, but he couldn't stand being talked at like that. A soft caress against his arm made him pause, Cassandra looking at him urgingly, her desire for a peaceful encounter and the love she felt for her family filling the space.
He pursed his lips, taking a breath to calm down. This interrogation would get worse if he was agitated. He knew how annoying he could get when he was spiteful.
“Strangers?” Dick asked, surprised. In fact, the others all emitted surprise even if it didn't show on their faces. He knew that they encountered versions of themselves from other dimensions, the evidence being the code, but was it so surprising that he had never met versions of them before? 
“I've never met any of you before, well, except for Bruce. Why’s that so surprising?” Tim crossed his arms, leaning slightly harder on the cushion behind him. 
“The other Drakes that came here before you all knew of us.” Damian responded with a huff. Jason and Dick hummed in agreement. Duke finally spoke, asking, “Wait, you only met Bruce? No one else?” Why were they so hung on that?
“Bruce is the only one I've met face to face, but the one I met is very different to him.” Tim jutted his chin towards Bruce. “There is a Cassandra in my world, but I only know of her. I never encountered her personally.”
“How different can he be, it's Bruce.” Jason drawled, a sour, bitter feeling wafted from him with surprising strength. Seems like there was still some discontent within their relationship.
“In my world, hes a child and nothing like this.” Tim gestured towards Bruce, trying to fully encompass his dour disposition without words. A brief, stunned silence filled the room. Damian steered the conversation back, questioning him with a deep frown, “How long have you been in Drake’s body?” 
“It's only been a day. I woke up in the middle of the fight with the Riddler.” He replied, drumming his fingers on his thighs.
“How did you get here?” Bruce repeated, stepping closer to Tim. Tim frowned, not liking his accusatory tone. The urge to bite back flared but a small nudge from Cassandra reminded him to calm down. He always did have a bit of a temper.
“How do I know you're trustworthy?” Tim shot back. He wouldn't tell them anything unless he knew he could trust them. Even if they were vigilantes, that didn't mean they were reliable. He’s come across many vigilantes who didn't have the best characters. 
“You're in our brother’s body. We can't attack you without also hurting him.” Jason answered bluntly. While that made a compelling argument, it wasn't enough. 
“And if I find a way out? You’ll hurt me then?” Tim narrowed his eyes.
“How do we know you are trustworthy?” Dick threw his question back at him. “How do we know you are who you say you are?”
Tim chewed on his lips, beginning to respond before Dick continued.
“Just as you have no way of knowing if we speak truthfully, we also have no guarantee you're doing the same. We are heroes,” Dick gestured towards his fellow vigilante, “and we help people no matter what. For us to help you, we need to all be willing to communicate as best as we can. After all, you are only as good as your word, no?” Dick said, a bit forcefully, though softened at the end, staring imploringly at Tim.
That's true, there wasn't much they could do right now that would make him trust them and vice versa. But he still had his reservations about them. “I've met heroes who weren't such good people, so that's not really as good of a point you think it is.”
If he declined to share why he was in Drake’s body, worst case scenario, they would attack him and he would be outnumbered. Best case scenario, they would lock him up until they found a way to bring Drake back in control. If he did trust them, he could receive the resources to get home. They did have connections to a team that resided in all parts of the world.
Tim thought over his options for a moment, thinking on which choice he was willing to take. He looked at Cassandra, she quietly looked back at him, waiting for him to make his decision. He would just have to take a leap of faith, Tim sighed.
“Coming here was an accident.” Tim revealed, deciding to only explain the bare bones of his situation. “This,” he gestured to Drake’s body, “was the result of a mutant unable to control his ability.”
“Mutant?” Bruce asked, his voice lowering. The shift in his presence was almost tangible with how quickly it changed. 
“Someone who possesses the X-gene. It gives them powers, basically.” Bruce’s face relaxed a smidge, his presence lightening. 
“That is just a meta.” Damian said, his eyebrow raising. “His ability is to travel between dimensions, then?”
“Most likely. This is the first time he's done something like this, we believed he only had teleportation. He’d been having issues with his abilities before this happened. It's why I was even there, to help him with his abilities.” Tim answered.
“Abilities, plural? How many does he have?” Jason finally dropped his gun, leaning towards Tim. The others seemed curious too. Was it that surprising that Elijah had multiple abilities?
“Yes? He has—” Tim paused, counting them on his fingers before he spoke,“—around four? Five? And those are just the ones we know about. He only manifested them recently, so the lack of control isn't surprising.” He looked up from his fingers, surprise and apprehension clouding the air of the room. Tim tilted his head slightly, confused at their reactions. Sure, a mutant with that many abilities isn't common, but they aren’t rare either. Maybe that was different in this world?
“We? Who else is there?” Jason raised his eyebrow.
“The school…” Tim began hesitantly, he wasn’t really sure if he wanted to expose it, but then again, it was in another dimension. They would have a hard time accessing it to begin with, not to mention with the X-Men protecting it. “It's for the protection and teaching of mutants about their abilities. It also serves as a regular school as well.”
“Did you attend?” Cassandra asked at the same time Dick said, “Protecting them from what?”
“I graduated some time ago.” Tim addressed Cassandra before focusing on Dick, “And there are a lot of Anti-Mutant laws and hate groups going around. That happens when the public's first exposure to mutants was one trying to assassinate the president.” 
“They tried to kill the president?! Why?” Duke looked vaguely horrified, and so did the others.
“Beats me.” Tim shrugged, lying through his teeth. He studied the first mutant exposure thoroughly, there's no way he wouldn't with the Professor being involved. It would have taken too long to explain in full why Magneto and Mystique did what they did. “I was just a kid then.”
“How did he pull you into this dimension? And why were you asked to help him?” Dick steered the subject back on track. 
“He trapped himself in his mind and I was the only other person available to help him. Simple as that.” Tim spoke haltingly. “Are we done with the 20 questions? I need to find a way back home.”
“What do you mean by—?” Damian started before getting cut off.
“We have to run some tests. Follow me.” Bruce said abruptly, standing up and walking out of the door. The others stood up too, Cassandra skipping over to Damian and guiding him forward with her hand on his shoulder, a scowl on his face. It was a reasonable request, he would also want to test what the effects were if someone possessed his family member’s body. He followed the group, Jason walking behind him.
“Sooo…” Dick started, slowing down to walk level with him, swinging his arms. “You truly never met us before?”
“No, I haven't. Should I have?” Tim snarked, staring straight ahead. That was the third time he was asked that question. Were they really that surprised that an alternate version of Drake never met them? The multiverse was infinite, there were bound to be versions of himself that haven’t encountered them at all.
Dick laughed, waving his arms in denial. Behind them, Jason snorted quietly, murmuring something under his breath.
“How old are you anyway?” Dick asked, tugging a lock of hair behind his ear.
“Seventeen. Why?” Tim glanced over, slightly curious on where this was going. 
“Just curious.” Dick answered casually. “Our Tim is twenty.” Tim had guessed Drake was around that age range, but it was nice to get a confirmation.
The group arrived at the office with the entrance to the cave, swinging the clock open and shuffling down the stairs. Even if it wasn't his first time looking at it, the cave still looked amazing. The stalagmites shimmered in the dim lightning, the rustle of bats flying between them could be heard.
Tim was led to another medical station, this one holding more advanced machinery and equipment, a large screen and processor lined the far wall of the room. The group settled near him as he sat down on a medical cot, Bruce shuffling through the cabinets deeper in the room. Damian and Dick sat on the chairs left to the cot, Jason preferring to lean on the wall next to the doorway. Cass claimed the foot of the cot, the closest to him and Bruce.
A brief silence settled over them after Bruce left the room with a subtle but pointed look towards Dick, Jason eventually breaking it, “So, kid, how are you holding up? I'm sure it's pretty strange, suddenly being in another dimension a couple years ahead of yours.”
“It’s 1983 where I’m from, not the 2000s. And I'm not a kid, I just want to go back to my dimension quickly.” Tim replied, looking at his feet. He shifted in his cot as he felt the emotions in the room go to surprise and amusement. 
“Woah, you're ancient.” Jason said humorously, a smirk gracing his lips. Tim leveled him with an unamused stare. Dick smiled widely as Damian let out an amused huff.
“Old-timer.” Cassandra teased, earning her a glare from Tim. 
“No wonder he knew Bruce as a kid.” Duke added, eyes crinkled from his smile. 
“Are you guys not going to introduce yourselves?” Tim questioned. Jason glanced at him, slightly amused. “Don't you already know our names?” 
“I do, but it would be polite, no?” Tim smiled back. The rest of the room had various reactions of amusement, Damian and Cassandra smiling slightly as Jason and Dick laughed. Duke simply rolled his eyes.
Dick smiled at Tim before introducing them, “The one in the black turtleneck,” Damian nodded in greeting, “—is Damian. Jason is the one standing.” Jason gave a small wave. “Cass is the one sitting next to Damian.” She gave him a nod. He rested his hand over his chest and finished with, “And I'm Dick!” 
“What about the old man? Bruce? The other two vigilantes?” Tim tilted his head, curious.
“The ‘old man’ is Alfred Pennyworth. He is the one who keeps everyone in check.” Damian primly responded. “Father’s name is Bruce Wayne.” Cassandra signed the name next to him.
Jason pulled out a phone and swiped at the screen before showing it to Tim. “The one in purple, Spoiler, is Steph. Batwing, Luke, is the one with the wings. Obvious, I know.” He joked.
Bruce reentered the room, holding an assortment of equipment. Setting them down on the table next to the cot, he held up a small syringe, gesturing for Tim’s arm. Tim blanched but complied, ready to get this over with. He only felt a small pinch as the needle entered the crook of his arm, it was removed a few seconds later, filled with his blood. Bruce simply placed a surprisingly cute yellow bandage with mini bats over the puncture. 
The rest of the tests were quite non-invasive, mostly consisting of scanning him and simple examinations. It was as if Tim was visiting the doctors for a checkup. The younger vigilantes kept him company throughout the tests, chatting casually with him from time to time. He wasn't under any illusions that it was for him, they were just monitoring a threat that was in their home. 
Still… It was nice, just sitting down and chatting with others for a change. He didn't really have time before that, going from case to case and rarely visiting the mansion. Tim felt a little guilty, neglecting his friends in favor of his new job as a detective wasn't right. He’ll have to make it up to them, as soon as he goes back, he promised.
Tim noticed that Bruce had repeated some of the tests after a while, coming back to redo his scans after checking over the machine that it was connected to. From what he could tell from his angle, the screens on the machine displayed a large, yellow popup, though he couldn't read what it said. Was there something wrong with the equipment? Or was the residue of Elijah’s power messing with the results?
Dick walked out the room with an excuse of getting a drink for all of them. There was a small surge of determination and affirmation between them that caught him off guard. Tim doubted he would have caught the look shared between them if he couldn't feel their emotion. 
When Dick reentered the room, he indeed had drinks, passing around bottles of fruit juice. Tim popped open the cap of his mango juice, taking small sips as he quietly watched the group converse with each other. The atmosphere in the room was nice, if a bit guarded. He felt a new presence arrive suddenly but dismissed it, believing it to be another vigilante. 
“How many of you guys are there, anyway?” Tim wondered. There was just one after the other with them.
“Oh, there’s us—” Dick gestured towards the group, “—so that's six already. There's also Steph, Barbara, Kate, Luke, and sometimes Azrael. So, in total eleven.” 
“Wow, that's… a lot. Just for one city?” What warranted eleven vigilantes for only one city?
“Yup. Gotham might be a shithole, but she’s all we got.” Jason answered gruffly, fondness coloring his tone.
The presence Tim had felt earlier came closer until they rounded the corner, entering the room. They were draped in a dark robe, ending just above their pale calf. The hood shadowed their face, the robe obscured their figure, making it harder for Tim to figure out whether they were male or female. The figure walked over to talk with Bruce, their back to him. 
Tim turned towards Dick, silently asking who that was. Dick gave him a strained smile,“This is Raven. She’s here to confirm your story.”
Tim wasn’t really surprised that Dick had called someone to verify his story, he would have done the same. He just wished he was told some time before she arrived. 
“So she’s also here to interrogate me?” Tim frowned, crossing his arms. Dick winced, explaining, “Not quite, she’ll be checking whether Tim is still in his body.” 
“Excuse me?” Tim was slightly offended, they wanted some stranger to poke around in his head? 
“We couldn't be certain you were speaking truthfully. Or if there are certain pitfalls in your mind that would cause you to hurt us. We’ve dealt with that before and it wasn’t pretty.” Dick said apologetically. Even if it was a reasonable reaction, it still left a bitter taste in his mouth. 
Raven moved to remove her hood, the sight beneath freezing Tim in place. A copy of Jean’s face laid under the hood, only small differences setting her apart from Jean. On her pale skin, a jewel was inlaid on Raven’s forehead. Her hair and eyes were a deep violet, glowing slightly in the light. He knew that this was a different dimension and that, logically, there would be other versions of his friends, Cassandra being just one example. He hadn’t expected to face one so soon. Raven’s curiosity ballooned the longer Tim stared at her.
“You know her or somethin’?” Jason spoke, looking between the two. The other four were also interested in his response.
“Or something. She looks just like my friend.” Tim answered as he finally stopped examining Raven’s face, clasping his hands together.
“Is that so?” Raven said, even her voice was similar to Jean’s. She walked closer until she stood right in front of him. “I’ll be starting now.”
She kneeled down, her robes pooling over her lower body as their faces aligned. He felt her ability brush over him and hit his mental walls. Her abilities felt completely different from Jean’s, icy cold to Jean’s warmth. The way it flowed differed from Jean’s too. Raven’s swirled gracefully in nonsensical patterns, while Jean’s resembled liquid fire. Even if Raven’s outer appearance looked like Jean, that didn't mean she was. 
She blinked in surprise at his resistance. He hadn't told the vigilantes much about his ability, so it wasn’t too surprising. She should know, as a person with a mental ability, that those with such abilities guard their minds tightly. While it could be strong against outsiders, one good hit inside a mindscape would cause great harm.
“Won’t you let me in?” She asked softly. Tim narrowed his eyes before letting out a breath, unbundling the protections in his mind as he lowered most of his shields. Even if he was rightfully wary of letting a stranger in his mind, he wouldn't be able to use his full power to defend himself against her attempts.
She slid into his mind before once more hitting a wall. He resisted her attempts to break into that last shield before he spoke, “Wait!” The room paused, the others wondering what he would say. “Shouldn’t we agree on what exactly she will look for? Or at least filled me in first?” He directed the last question to Dick who gave him a sheepish smile and scratched his head.
“She’ll be looking for evidence that you were honest about taking over Tim’s body and how he's fairing.” Bruce responded, stepping closer to the pair of espers. That was reasonable. He was just double-checking what Tim told him.
He chewed his lips before spitting out, “Nothing five minutes before I entered this body, got it?”
“Of course.” She answered, gently sinking into his mind when he lowered his last defenses. Tim also closed his eyes, reappearing in his mindscape, the icy wind picking up as Raven materialized before him. She looked around, giving him a reassuring smile when she turned to him. He could feel the promise to not hurt him emanating from her. Her power swelled as her hands began to glow, spreading her ability in search of his memory of the day before. He guided her ability with his own, bringing her to a cave carved into a distant mountainside. 
The cave was dimly lit, snow piling up at the entrance. The center held a clear underground lake which he delved his ability into, the lake’s serene surface rippling before changing into his memories of being in Elijah’s mind. He knelt down at the edge of the lake, gesturing for Raven to do the same. Once she did, he grabbed her hand and submerged them both into the lake with a shout of surprise from Raven.
He opened his eyes, the scene of him and Jean attacking the nebula together spreading before him. Raven studied the surrounding scene, weaving her ability into the fabric of the scene, looking for any falsehoods. Once she was satisfied, he saw the exact moment she finally focused on the previous forms of him and Jean, radiating surprise despite her face showing otherwise. 
She turned to him, stating surely, “This is the one you mistook me as.” 
Tim nodded. They looked astonishingly alike and yet were extremely different, down to the way they felt. Jean was like a warm ray of sunlight and Raven an icy glacier, polar opposites. Raven hummed and turned back to the scene, watching it play out to the point he woke in Drake’s body. 
“Would you be willing to guide me to Black Bird?” She asked, not wanting to infringe on his mind when he could resist her. It was a common courtesy to ask when in another esper’s mind, though he couldn't be sure if it was the same in this world.
He held out his hand and she grasped it, closing his eyes again as they sunk beneath his mindscape. The distant whispering caused him to open his eyes to pitch black, though he could still see Raven. She seemed unconcerned, most likely having been to the unconscious mind before or assured of her strength. It was probably a mix of both.
Tim pointed to a far off point, “He’s over there, you’ll know when you see him.”
Raven nodded in thanks and sent a wave of her ability in that direction, tilting her head after a moment. He felt her ability recede before she began walking, approaching the red orb after a moment. She lightly brushed her fingers over it, doing the same he had done the day before. After finding her assessment of Drake’s core satisfactory, she faced him, a small smile on her face. 
“I'm glad that you are who you say you are.” Yeah, so is he, Tim thought sarcastically. Though he did understand where she was coming from. She let out a quiet chuckle, giving him an amused look. They returned to Tim’s mindscape, the pool at their feet.
“What is her name?” Raven asked, looking at the memory. Tim looked at Jean’s figure, the memory looping back to the beginning.
“Her name was Jean, Jean Grey. She’s one of the few people I truly respect.”
“Later,” Raven began, “Will you tell me about her?”
“If you wish me to. I would be willing to get to know you also.” He was curious about her and how her life strayed from the one Jean had. She was an alternate of Jean, so had to give her a chance.
Raven agreed before retreating from his mind, the last tendrils of her ability going with her. He did one last sweep of his mindscape, noting nothing was off except the glowing tether to his original body, and exited.
Opening his eyes, he was faced with Drake’s family surrounding him and Raven. Raven leaned back, their foreheads no longer touching, and nodded to the family. 
“He was being truthful. Black Bird is unconscious but will wake soon.” Raven reported. They noticeably relaxed, relieved. He felt a small piece of her ability brush against the outer layer of his mind, Raven expressing that she would be by soon. After he nodded in affirmation, she stood, walking over to talk with Dick and Bruce.
“Well, that's out of the way now.” Jason said nonchalantly. He detached himself from the wall he was leaning on and sat on the cot, next to Tim. Cassandra laid her feet over Jason’s lap with a grin. Jason lightly swatted her feet before ignoring her. 
“I would have appreciated a warning.” Tim deadpanned, eyebrow raised.
“We couldn't have you preparing yourself until she came.” Damian remarked, eyeing him with interest. He looked relaxed, not quite as tense as before. Tim hummed, looking over to the trio talking at the doorway. 
They were clearly at the end of their conversation, Raven splitting away from the pair with a goodbye. She glanced back, making eye contact with him, and waved. After he returned the wave, she vanished with a flash of purple. Huh, Jean definitely couldn't do that. If she did, he was sure he would have heard of it.
Dick and Bruce returned, Dick sitting in the chair next to Damian while Bruce placed the testing equipment to where they were previously, leaning on the chair Dick was sitting on when he was finished.
"So what should we call you? I can’t keep calling you other-Tim in my head." Dick began, tapping his fingers against his thighs. The others nodded in agreement.
“I don't mind being called by a nickname. I call this Tim ‘Drake’ after all.” Tim replied. He really couldn't care less what they referred to him as. 
“Any preferences?” Dick asked, a gleam forming in his eyes. 
“None.” He saw Damian and Jason grimacing at his answer. Cassandra silently giggled in the background. What was that about?
“How about… Timmykins.” Dick cooed teasingly. Tim physically recoiled from that atrocity of a nickname. Suddenly, he understood what their reactions were about.
“No!” Tim quickly shouted. His pride would never recover if he was referred to as that. He couldn't even think it, that was how bad it was.
“I thought you had no preferences.” Dick blinked innocently, as if he didn’t say a nickname that curdled his blood. Tim huffed at that, a little amused. Dick was clearly livening up the room, making jokes, even if said jokes sucked.
“Then what about—” Jason joined in on the fun, mirth filling the room.
They spent some time going through options on what Tim would be called, even Bruce and Damian contributed some names. They eventually settled simply on Timmy, though he doubted Jason and Dick would stick to it. They would definitely cycle through a myriad of nicknames. He could admit that he had some fun, spending time with them and debating over the nickname. Perhaps he would enjoy his time with these strange characters during his stay in this world.
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Takes place before Dark Phoenix and after X-Men: Apocalypse
Kind of a silly concept but i'm having fun with it :)
[Edited: 07/26/2024]
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Masterpost | Chapter 2 >>
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squid--inc--writes · 5 years ago
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The Green Team Mercenaries. So named because all of them have some aspect of green to them. I'll make a coloured picture later. (Although, one of them doesn't immediately show green, so). They have two extremely powerful members on their team, the other two still being quite competent. Essentially a bunch of gals being pals.
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exid-though · 7 years ago
Possible Titles For TGTM
Talk good to me
Too good to me
Think Gold Think Money
This Gucci This Money
Think Gucci This Monday
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hieunguyenduc-blog · 5 years ago
Google Tag Manager là gì? Cài đặt GTM và sử dụng
Nếu bạn biết Google Tag Manager là gì thì không thể phủ nhận sự hỗ trợ to lớn của nó khi làm marketing. Chỉ bằng cách gắn thẻ trang web và kết hợp Google Analytics, bạn sẽ thu thập nhiều dữ liệu hữu ích hơn. Nếu bạn không biết, không sao. Hãy cùng TopOnSeek tìm hiểu Google Tag Manager là gì và cách hoạt động của nó.
Google Tag Manager là gì?
Google Tag Manager (GTM) là công cụ miễn phí và còn được gọi là trình quản lý thẻ của Google. Google Tag Manager là công cụ có giao diện dựa trên web, thân thiện với người dùng, đơn giản hóa quá trình làm việc với thẻ. Với GTM, bạn có thể thêm, chỉnh sửa và vô hiệu hóa các thẻ mà không cần chạm vào mã nguồn. Google Tag Manager hầu như không chỉ hoạt động với các thẻ của Google như AdWords hoặc Analytics. Bạn có thể sử dụng Google Tag Manager để quản lý nhiều thẻ của bên thứ ba khác nhau. Nếu có một thẻ khác mà không có một mẫu nào trong Google Tag Manager. Bạn có thể thêm thẻ tùy chỉnh. Sau khi đọc xong, bạn đã biết Google Tag Manager là gì chưa?
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Google Tag Manager là gì?
Ưu nhược điểm Google Tag Manager
Bạn đã biết sơ lược về Google Tag Manager là gì. Tiếp theo, chúng ta cùng phân tích điểm mạnh yếu của nó. Ưu điểm Giảm sự phụ thuộc vào web developer, coder Đây là ưu điểm lớn nhất của Google Tag Manager cho các marketer khi họ biết Google Tag Manager là gì. Thông thường, việc gắn thẻ không phải là công đoạn ưu tiên hàng đầu của web developer nên nó thường làm sau cùng. Với sự giúp đỡ của Google Tag Manager, bạn sẽ không cần đụng vào mã nguồn, bạn có thể nhanh chóng tự thêm và thay đổi các thẻ. Ví dụ, bạn cần sử dụng thẻ để thu thập dữ liệu trong một khoảng thời gian ngắn. Nếu không có Google Tag Manager, bạn sẽ phải phụ thuộc vào web developer và có thể vuột mất dữ liệu quan trọng. Và với sự thu thập dữ liệu tốt và các phần mềm hỗ trợ seo web, trang web bạn sẽ tối ưu hơn. Lợi ích cho doanh nghiệp Các doanh nghiệp thuộc mọi quy mô có khả năng hưởng lợi từ GTM. Vì GTM giúp việc thêm và chỉnh sửa thẻ dễ dàng hơn mà không phụ thuộc web developer. Và điều đó rất có lợi cho doanh nghiệp nhỏ hạn chế về hỗ trợ kỹ thuật.Vì các trang web doanh nghiệp có thể dễ dàng sử dụng nhiều thẻ, GTM giúp quản lý tất cả dễ dàng hơn. Thêm vào đó, GTM giúp cải thiện tốc độ trang web bằng cách giúp chúng tải hiệu quả hơn. Có thể sử dụng cho các trang web AMP và ứng dụng di động Ngoài trang web, GTM cũng có thể được sử dụng để quản lý thẻ cho các trang AMP và ứng dụng. Trong trường hợp ứng dụng dành cho thiết bị di động, GTM có thể là một trợ giúp rất lớn. GTM cho phép bạn thêm và chỉnh sửa các thẻ mà không phải phát hành phiên bản cập nhật. Sử dụng GTM cho các trang AMP hoặc mobile app khá giống với việc sử dụng cho trang web thông thường. Tuy nhiên, chúng có những điểm khác biệt. Trong hướng dẫn này, chúng tôi sẽ tập trung vào việc sử dụng GTM cho web. Nhược điểm Vẫn yêu cầu một số thực hiện kĩ thuật Mặc dù GTM giúp giảm sự phụ thuộc vào web developer, nhưng không phải là tất cả. Bạn vẫn cần web developer để thêm mã vùng chứa vào mỗi trang trên trang web của bạn. Và d�� GTM có nhiều mẫu thẻ dễ để marketer lựa chọn, các thẻ tùy chỉnh phức tạp khác sẽ cần sự giúp đỡ của một người thực sự hiểu về mã hóa. Nếu bạn có các thẻ được thêm thủ công vào mã nguồn trang web, thì những thẻ đó sẽ cần được xóa trước để tránh trùng lặp dữ liệu. Thẻ có thể làm chậm tốc độ trang web nếu được kích hoạt đồng bộ Nếu các thẻ GTM kích hoạt đồng bộ, chúng có thể làm chậm tốc độ trang web. Một thẻ bị chậm tải sẽ làm chậm tất cả các thẻ khác đang chờ trên đó. Và một trang web tải càng lâu thì càng nhiều khả năng người dùng sẽ rời đi. Nhưng các thẻ được tạo trong GTM tải không đồng bộ theo mặc định. Có nghĩa là mỗi thẻ có thể kích hoạt bất cứ lúc nào nó sẵn sàng. Hãy dùng chức năng ưu tiên sắp xếp thẻ và kích hoạt thẻ để kiểm soát thứ tự thẻ kích hoạt
Cấu tạo Google Tag Manager và thẻ
Bạn đã biết Google Tag Manager là gì và ưu nhược điểm. Còn về cấu tạo, GTM và thẻ nhìn khá đơn giản. Nhưng trước khi bạn có thể sử dụng, một vài khái niệm chính mà bạn cần biết. Vùng chứa (container) Điều đầu tiên bạn cần làm là tạo một vùng chứa khi làm việc với GTM. Về cơ bản, một vùng chứa giữ tất cả các thẻ cho trang web của bạn. Sau khi tạo một thùng chứa mới, GTM cung cấp cho bạn một số mã để thêm vào trang web. Đây là mã vùng chứa và nó sẽ cần được thêm vào mã nguồn để nó hiển thị trên mỗi trang. Một số Content Management System (CMS), chẳng hạn như WordPress, có các plugin để giúp thêm mã vùng chứa cho bạn. Nếu không, bạn cần liên hệ với web developer để thêm nó. Khi đã thực hiện điều đó, bạn sẽ có thể thêm, chỉnh sửa, vô hiệu hóa hoặc xóa thẻ thông qua GTM. Trình kích hoạt (trigger) Mỗi thẻ trên một trang web cần phục vụ một mục đích cụ thể. Ví dụ bạn muốn có một thẻ gửi thông tin cho bạn khi ai đó tải xuống một tệp. Và thẻ đó được kích hoạt khi nhấp vào liên kết hoặc khi một biểu mẫu được gửi. Các loại sự kiện này được gọi là trình kích hoạt. Tất cả các thẻ cần phải có ít nhất một trình kích hoạt được gán cho nó. Nếu không, nó sẽ không làm gì cả.Trình kích hoạt có thể được chia thành hai thành phần chính: sự kiện (event) và bộ lọc (filter). Khi bạn định cấu hình trình kích hoạt trong GTM, bạn được cung cấp một danh sách các trình kích hoạt. Đây là những sự kiện của bạn. Khi bạn chọn một sự kiện, bạn sẽ có thể thiết lập bộ lọc. Bộ lọc có thể được chia thành 3 phần: Biến (variables): là điều kiện cần được đáp ứng để thẻ và trình kích hoạt hoạt động hiệu quả. Vd: giá sản phẩm hoặc URLGiá trị (values): Do người dùng xác định có giá trị không thay đổi. Vd: URL dùng để kích hoạtMối quan hệ giữa biến và giá trị (operators): tính năng để đảm bảo bạn theo dõi đúng dữ liệu Ví dụ: bạn muốn xem có bao nhiêu người đang đọc nội dung blog và kéo gần hết bài viết. Bạn tạo thẻ bằng trình kích hoạt sự kiện “Scroll Depth” sẽ với độ sâu cuộn dọc 75%. Và bạn muốn điều này kích hoạt trên mọi trang trên trang web. Bạn chọn “Tất cả” các trang được chọn trong hộp cấu hình kích hoạt và để bộ lọc trống. Nhưng vì bạn tập trung vào nội dung blog, nên bạn chọn “Một số trang” . Sau đó bạn tạo bộ lọc “Trang URL” và “bao gồm” URL fakewebsitename.com/blog.
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Trình kích hoạt Cuộn trang trong Google Tag Manager Trong một số trường hợp, bạn không muốn một thẻ nào đó kích hoạt. Bạn có thể tạo một trình kích hoạt chặn để ngăn nó kích hoạt vào các trường hợp đó. GTM ưu tiên các trình kích hoạt chặn hơn các loại trình kích hoạt khác. Vì vậy, nếu bạn có một trình kích hoạt chặn gây mâu thuẫn với một điều kiện được đặt bởi một kích hoạt khác, TGTM sẽ tuân theo những gì được chỉ định bởi trình kích hoạt chặn. Ví dụ: nếu bạn có thẻ được kích hoạt trên tất cả các trang, nhưng có một vài trang bạn muốn loại trừ khỏi đó. Trong trường hợp này, bạn chỉ cần sử dụng trình kích hoạt chặn để ngăn thẻ trong trang đó kích hoạt. Biến (variables) & hằng (constant) Trong khi các thẻ phụ thuộc vào trình kích hoạt, kích hoạt phụ thuộc vào các biến. Các biến chứa giá trị mà trình kích hoạt cần đánh giá để biết liệu nó có nên kích hoạt hay không. Thẻ so sánh giá trị của biến với giá trị được xác định trong trình kích hoạt và nếu biến đó đáp ứng các điều kiện của trình kích hoạt, thẻ sẽ kích hoạt. Các thẻ cũng sử dụng các biến để thu thập thông tin có thể được truyền vào lớp dữ liệu khi người dùng tương tác với trang web. Ví du, một thẻ được thiết lập để kích hoạt khi một người thêm sản phẩm nhất định vào giỏ hàng của họ. Các biến thường có thể được sử dụng lại giữa các thẻ. Một trong những mẹo phổ biến nhất để sử dụng GTM là tạo các biến không đổi với số ID hoặc mã theo dõi mà bạn cần sử dụng nhiều lần. Ví dụ: nếu bạn cần sử dụng số ID thuộc tính Google Analytics trong nhiều thẻ. Bạn chỉ cần tạo một biến chuỗi không đổi với giá trị là số ID Google Analytics. Bằng cách đó, thay vì liên tục phải tra cứu và nhập số ID, bạn chỉ cần chọn tên biến. GTM cói hai loại biến khác nhau: biến tích hợp và biến do người dùng xác định. Biến tích hợp là một số loại biến được sử dụng phổ biến nhất.
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Biến do người dùng xác định trong Google Tag Manager Khi bạn chọn một biến tích hợp, bạn có thể định cấu hình các cài đặt theo cách bạn thích. Lưu ý rằng đây chỉ là một vài biến tích hợp cho các vùng chứa web thông thường. Bạn có thể tìm thấy nhiều biến tích hợp hơn bằng cách click nút “Cấu hình” (Configure). Nếu bạn sử dụng GTM cho các trang web AMP hoặc mobile app, bạn sẽ thấy tùy chọn khác nhau để lựa chọn. Nếu bạn cần một loại biến khác, bạn có thể tạo một biến do người dùng xác định. Khi bạn thêm một biến do người dùng xác định, bạn sẽ được cung cấp một danh sách các loại biến để chọn. Các biến có thể được tạo từ bảng điều khiển GTM bằng cách nhấp vào “Biến” trên menu bên trái. Các lớp dữ liệu (data layer) Các thẻ cần thông tin để biết liệu thẻ có được kích hoạt hay không. Nhưng làm thế nào để thẻ có được thông tin đó? Một cách thẻ có thể tìm thấy là bằng cách kiểm tra cấu trúc trang HTML. Tuy nhiên, đó không phải là một giải pháp lý tưởng. Sẽ mất nhiều thời gian để kích hoạt khi các thẻ tìm kiếm thông qua HTML. Và nếu cấu trúc HTML của trang web thay đổi theo thời gian, các thẻ có thể bị hỏng. Ngoài ra, có một số loại thông tin nhất định mà một thẻ có thể cần mà không được tìm thấy trong một trang HTML, như tổng số giao dịch. Lớp dữ liệu là một đối tượng JavaScript. Nó giữ thông tin thẻ cần tách biệt với phần còn lại của nguồn code trang web. Vì các thẻ không phải dành thời gian tìm kiếm thông qua HTML. Đây là một cách GTM có thể giúp cải thiện tốc độ trang web. Mọi thứ thẻ tìm kiếm được tìm thấy ở một nơi và nó có sẵn khi tải trang. Về mặt kỹ thuật, các lớp dữ liệu là tùy chọn. Bạn không phải tự xác định một cách cụ thể. GTM có thể bắt đầu cho bạn. Nhưng nếu muốn sử dụng GTM để theo dõi các sự kiện cụ thể, bạn sẽ cần phải có một lớp dữ liệu. Để bắt đầu, một đối tượng lớp dữ liệu mới sẽ trông như thế này:
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Lớp dữ liệu Khi thêm một lớp dữ liệu, đối tượng cần được đặt trước mã vùng chứa GTM. Nếu đối tượng lớp dữ liệu được đặt sau mã vùng chứa, GTM không có thể truy cập thông tin trong đó và về cơ bản lớp dữ liệu sẽ thiết lập lại sau khi tải. Khi đối tượng lớp dữ liệu đã được thêm vào code trang, các dấu ngoặc trong dòng thứ hai có thể được điền với thông tin, biến và sự kiện. Một số loại thông tin có thể được ghi trực tiếp vào lớp dữ liệu, nhưng các loại thông tin khác có thể được đẩy vào lớp dữ liệu một cách linh hoạt khi người dùng tương tác với trang web như tải xuống tệp hoặc thêm hàng vào giỏ.
Cách sử dụng Google Tag Manager
Tới đây, bạn đã biết Google Tag Manager là gì, đã biết cấu tạo. Vậy chúng ta cùng tìm hiểu các bước sử dụng cơ bản của nó. Tạo tài khoản và vùng chứa Để bắt đầu, hãy truy cập tagmanager.google.com và tạo một tài khoản. Trong tài khoản Cài đặt trên mạng, tên miền nhập tên của công ty có trang web đang được quản lý và nhấn vào Tiếp tục.
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Cách thiết lập tài khoản trong Google Tag Manager Tiếp theo, bạn sẽ thiết lập vùng chứa của bạn. Nhập tên miền của bạn làm tên vùng chứa. Chọn loại trang hoặc ứng dụng sẽ được sử dụng và nhấp "Tạo". Nếu bạn chọn iOS hoặc Android, bạn phải chỉ định xem bạn đang sử dụng SDK Firebase hay một SDK legacy.
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Cách thiết lập vùng chứa trong Google Tag Manager Lưu ý: sử dụng tên công ty làm tên tài khoản và tên miền trang web cho tên vùng chứa. Về lý thuyết, bạn có thể đặt tên cho bất cứ điều gì bạn muốn. Đây chỉ là cách Google khuyên bạn nên đặt tên để sắp xếp hiệu quả. Nói chung, bạn nên đảm bảo mọi thứ đều được đặt tên rõ ràng. Nếu không, bạn sẽ rất dễ mắc lỗi. Nhiều tài khoản GTM có thể được quản lý trong một tài khoản GTM. Nhưng Google khuyên bạn nên tạo một vùng chứa cho mỗi tên miền. Bạn không phải tạo các vùng chứa riêng biệt cho từng thẻ riêng lẻ hoặc cho từng trang riêng lẻ trên một trang web; tất cả các thẻ có thể được đặt trong một vùng chứa. Đối với hầu hết các công ty và tổ chức, một vùng chứa là đủ. Nhưng trong trường hợp một công ty có các công ty con hoặc sở hữu các doanh nghiệp riêng biệt, trang web cho mỗi công ty con / doanh nghiệp nên có vùng chứa riêng. Và tất cả các vùng chứa có thể được quản lý từ một tài khoản GTM chính. Nếu một trang web có một tên miền phụ được xử lý tách biệt với tên miền chính, thì tên miền phụ cũng sẽ được cung cấp vùng chứa riêng. Khi một agency đang quản lý các thẻ cho một công ty, Google khuyên công ty nên tạo tài khoản GTM của riêng họ. Sau đó công ty thêm tài khoản Google của agency như một người dùng. Bằng cách này, agency có thể truy cập GTM, nhưng công ty dễ dàng thu hồi quyền truy cập nếu có thay đổi. Sau khi tạo vùng chứa của bạn, hãy chấp nhận các điều khoản dịch vụ GTM và bạn sẽ được cấp mã vùng chứa.
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Mã cài đặt của Google Tag Manager vào mã nguồn trang web Tạo thẻ Khi bạn tạo hoặc chọn một vùng chứa, điều đầu tiên bạn sẽ thấy là bảng điều khiển GTM. Nhấp vào Thẻ bên menu bên trái. Sau đó chọn “Mới” để mở một cửa sổ đặt tên và định cấu hình thẻ của mình.
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Cách tạo thẻ trong Google Tag Manager Điều đầu tiên, hãy nhớ đặt tên cho thẻ của bạn thật rõ ràng. Vì các trang web thường sử dụng một số thẻ khác nha. Bạn không muốn có bất kỳ sự nhầm lẫn nào về việc thẻ nào làm gì. Quy ước đặt tên thẻ được đề xuất của Google là: Loại thẻ - Chi tiết - Vị trí. Ví dụ: thẻ Google Analytics theo dõi gửi biểu mẫu trên trang “Liên hệ” sẽ được đặt tên là “GA” - “Gửi biểu mẫu” - “Liên hệ”. Bao gồm vị trí của thẻ trong tên là một ý tưởng hay. Nó giúp phân biệt với các thẻ tương tự trên trang khác. Vì vậy, nếu bạn có các thẻ gửi biểu mẫu GA khác trên trang web, việc chỉ định rằng thẻ này nằm trên trang “Liên hệ” sẽ giúp tránh chỉnh sửa nhầm. Đặt loại thẻ ở đầu tên thẻ cũng giúp giữ cho các thẻ của bạn gọn gàng. GTM liệt kê các thẻ theo thứ tự bảng chữ cái. Vì vậy nếu bạn tạo ra nhiều thẻ cho cùng một dịch vụ hoặc công cụ, tất cả các thẻ đó sẽ được nhóm lại với nhau và dễ tìm. Tiếp theo, khi bạn bấm vào “Mới”, đây là cửa sổ bạn sẽ thấy. Chọn Cấu hình Thẻ. Bạn sẽ được cung cấp một danh sách dài mẫu thẻ, bao gồm nhiều loại thẻ sử dụng phổ biến nhất. Nếu khôn có mẫu thẻ bạn tìm kiếm, hãy nhấp vào nó và nhập thông tin được yêu cầu. Nếu bạn không thấy loại thẻ bạn muốn, hãy chọn tùy chỉnh HTML để thêm mã của riêng bạn.
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Cửa sổ cấu hình thẻ mới trong Google Tag Manager Tùy nhu cầu và mục đích của bạn, cách làm từng loại thẻ không thể đi sâu. Lấy 1 ví dụ phổ biến. Bạn muốn thông báo cho Google Analytics bất cứ khi nào ai đó xem trang của tôi. Sau khi chọn Universal Analytics, đây là những gì thể hiện:
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Cấu hình thẻ Google Analytics trong Google Tag Manager Tất cả những gì bạn cần làm là chọn “Lượt xem trang” từ menu thả xuống Loại Theo dõi. Sau đó nhập biến với thông tin tài khoản Google Analytics. Nếu chưa tạo biến đó, bạn có thể tạo bằng cách nhấp vào menu thả xuống bên dưới Cài đặt Google Analytics. Sau đó chọn “Biến mới”. Nếu bạn muốn thay đổi trình tự kích hoạt thẻ hoặc tạo lịch kích hoạt, tôi làm điều đó bằng cách nhấp vào tùy chọn “Cài đặt nâng cao” Tiếp theo, bạn sẽ cần tạo ít nhất một trình kích hoạt. Nhấp vào hộp “Kích hoạt” ở bên dưới. Nếu bạn không có một trình kích hoạt được tạo trước đó, hãy nhấp vào dấu + ở góc trên bên phải của cửa sổ. Điều này sẽ đưa ra một cửa sổ mới nơi bạn sẽ được yêu cầu đặt tên cho trình kích hoạt mới của bạn. Thực hiện điều đó và nhấp vào hộp “Cấu hình thẻ” để xem danh sách các loại kích hoạt. Trong trường hợp này, tôi sẽ chọn “Lượt xem trang”.
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Cách tạo trình kích hoạt Lượt xem trang trên Google Tag Manager Vì tôi chỉ muốn thẻ kích hoạt trên một trang, nên tôi chọn “Một số lượt xem trang”. Sau đó tạo một bộ lọc xác định rằng URL trang cần bằng với URL của trang định giá của tôi. Nếu tôi có một bộ lọc khác để thêm, tôi có thể nhấp vào nút dấu cộng (+) bên cạnh bộ lọc để thiết lập một bộ lọc. Nếu tôi đã tạo nhiều bộ lọc cho thẻ này và muốn loại bỏ một số, tôi chỉ cần nhấn nút trừ (-) bên cạnh bộ lọc được đề cập. Khi bạn đã hoàn tất, nhấp vào bên ngoài cửa sổ để thoát. Khi thẻ và trình kích hoạt của bạn đã được định cấu hình, hãy lưu nó. Bạn có thể tiếp tục hoạt động bằng cách tạo thêm thẻ hoặc bạn có thể xem trước thẻ của mình. Hãy đảm bảo rằng Thẻ hoạt động chính xác trước khi bạn xuất bản. Xem trước, gỡ lỗi và xuất bản thẻ Chế độ Xem trước & Gỡ lỗi của GTM cho phép bạn kiểm tra thẻ trước khi xuất bản. Điều này để đảm bảo mọi thứ đều hoạt động chính xác.
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Cách xem chế độ xem trước trong Google Tag Manager Để vào phần Xem trước & Gỡ lỗi, hãy bấm vào nút "Xem trước" ở góc trên bên phải của bảng điều khiển GTM. Và bạn sẽ thấy một biểu ngữ màu cam thông báo rằng bạn hiện đang ở chế độ Xem trước. Tiếp theo, mở trang web bạn gắn thẻ. Nếu bạn đã mở trang web của mình trong một tab khác, hãy làm mới trang. Bạn sẽ thấy bảng điều khiển Debug ở phía dưới màn hình của bạn. Bảng điều khiển Debug hiển thị thông tin chi tiết về thẻ, trình kích hoạt và lớp dữ liệu. Ở phía bên trái của bảng điều khiển là một bản tóm tắt dòng thời gian sự kiện. Trong đó phác thảo tất cả các sự kiện xảy ra trong lớp dữ liệu. Bạn sẽ thấy ít nhất ba sự kiện được liệt kê ở đây: Xem trang, DOM Ready và Window Loaded. Có thể có nhiều hơn ba sự kiện. Nhưng nếu thiếu bất kỳ sự kiện trong ba sự kiện đó, thì bạn có vấn đề cần được khắc phục.
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Khung Debug trong chế độ xem trước Khi nhấp vào bất kỳ sự kiện nào trong dòng thời gian, bạn sẽ thấy tất cả các thẻ được thiết lập để kích hoạt khi sự kiện đó xảy ra. Nhấp vào bất kỳ thẻ nào để xem thông tin chi tiết hơn về kích hoạt, thuộc tính. Nếu có bất kỳ kích hoạt chặn nào được liên kết với nó. Khi bạn làm việc trong chế độ Xem trước & Gỡ lỗi, bạn là người duy nhất xem thông tin thẻ . Nhưng nếu bạn làm việc nhóm với nhiều người và muốn chia sẻ thông tin. Chuyển trở lại bảng điều khiển GTM. Ở bên phải, có nút Nút “Chia sẻ bản xem trước”. Nhấp vào nó và bạn sẽ đưa ra một hộp nơi bạn có thể nhập URL của tran. Điều này sẽ tạo ra một liên kết xem trước sử dụng để gửi cho người khác.
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Chia sẻ bản xem trước trong chế độ xem trước của Google Tag Manager Ngay cả khi một thẻ đã xuất bản, Google vẫn giúp bạn dễ dàng quay lại và kiểm tra. Người ta thường nói, biết Google Tag Manager là gì thì nên biết luôn Google Tag Assistant (GTA). Nó là một tiện ích mở rộng miễn phí trên Chrome. Sau khi cài đặt, bạn có thể truy cập bất kỳ trang nào trên trang web và nó sẽ cho bạn biết nếu các thẻ của bạn kích hoạt  chính xác hay không. GTA sử dụng hệ thống ba màu để chỉ ra những phát hiện của nó. Ba màu gồm xanh lá cây, xanh dương và đỏ. Màu xanh lá cây có nghĩa là tất cả các thẻ của bạn đang hoạt động. Màu xanh lam có nghĩa là GTA có các đề xuất về cách cải thiện thẻ. Màu đỏ có nghĩa là nó không hoạt động.
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Google Tag Assistant trên Chrome Khi tất cả các thẻ của bạn đang kích hoạt chính xác, bạn có thể tiếp tục và xuất bản chúng. Từ bảng điều khiển GTM, nhấn nút “Gửi” ở góc trên bên phải. Bạn sẽ được yêu cầu xem lại các thay đổi của mình. Nếu mọi thứ đều ổn, hãy nhập tên và mô tả cho phiên bản vùng chứa mới và xuất bản nó. Khi bạn xuất bản các thay đổi trong GTM, nó sẽ tạo ra một phiên bản mới của vùng chứa. Nếu có vấn đề và bạn phải trở về phiên bản cũ hơn của vùng chứa, bạn chỉ cần nhấp vào nút “Phiên bản” ở đầu bảng điều khiển GTM. Sau đó chọn phiên bản bạn muốn hoàn nguyên từ liệt kê, nhấp hành động sau đó xuất bản. Nếu bạn đang di chuyển các thẻ của mình từ một trình quản lý thẻ khác hoặc từ các thẻ được mã hóa cứng trên trang web của mình, Google khuyên bạn nên thiết lập tất cả các thẻ của mình trong GTM. Sau đó xóa tất cả các thẻ cũ của bạn cùng lúc và xuất bản bộ chứa GTM với các thẻ mới càng nhanh càng tốt. Bạn có thể sẽ thiếu một khoảng dữ liệu, nhưng sẽ không là vấn đề to lớn khi thẻ mới hoạt động. Không gian làm việc và lịch sử hoạt động Nếu bạn làm việc nhóm, không gian làm việc là lựa chọn để làm việc dễ dàng hơn. Tùy chọn tạo không gian làm việc riêng biệt vẫn có thể rất hữu ích nếu bạn làm 1 mình. Trong các phiên bản cũ hơn của GTM, tất cả các chỉnh sửa phải được thực hiện trong một bản nháp chung. Nếu một người trong nhóm hoàn thành việc thêm thẻ trước một người khác, họ không thể xuất bản các thẻ mới mà không xuất bản các thẻ của người khác. Nhưng với không gian làm việc, nhiều người dùng có thể làm việc gắn thẻ cùng một lúc mà không can thiệp vào công việc của nhau. Mỗi không gian làm việc sử dụng phiên bản vùng chứa được xuất bản hiện tại làm cơ sở. Tuy nhiên, thẻ trong mỗi không gian làm việc có thể được chỉnh sửa, xem trước, gỡ lỗi và thậm chí được xuất bản độc lập với các thẻ trong các không gian làm việc khác. Nếu bạn làm việc với phiên bản GTM cơ bản, bạn có tối đa 3 không gian làm việc. Đó là một không gian làm việc mặc định và hai không gian làm việc khác. Nhưng nếu bạn sử dụng Google Tag Manager 360, bạn có thể tạo không gian làm việc không giới hạn. Khi một không gian làm việc được xuất bản, nó sẽ tạo ra một phiên bản mới của vùng chứa. Nếu có bất kỳ không gian làm việc khác có các thay đổi chưa xuất bản được lưu trong đó, người dùng làm việc trong các không gian đó sẽ thấy một thông báo cần cập nhật không gian làm việc. Hãy cập nhật không gian làm việc đồng bộ hóa các thay đổi trong vùng chứa với không gian làm việc của chúng. Mặc dù không bắt buộc, tốt nhất là luôn cập nhật các bản cập nhật. Điều này để bạn không làm việc với phiên bản cũ của vùng chứa. Sau khi đồng bộ hóa các thay đổi trong không gian làm việc, bạn sẽ được thông báo nếu có bất kỳ xung đột cần giải quyết. Nếu có, bạn sẽ được yêu cầu xem xét chúng và bỏ qua xung đột hoặc sao chép thay đổi. Khi bạn sao chép thay đổi, trường được đề cập trong không gian làm việc của bạn sẽ được ghi đè bằng thông tin từ phiên bản vùng chứa mới nhất. Bạn có thể đặt quyền người dùng trên các không gian làm việc để ngăn thay đổi không mong muốn. Ví dụ: nếu bạn web developer làm việc trên một số thẻ tùy chỉnh phức tạp, developer có thể tạo một không gian làm việc riêng. Điều này giúp làm việc và giới hạn quyền của người dùng để chỉ họ mới có thể thay đổi. Bằng cách này, marketer có thể truy cập và thực hiện thay đổi mà không thay đổi thẻ tùy chỉnh. Nếu bạn làm nhóm, GTM cho phép bạn xem thay đổi, thời gian và nhân vật thực hiện. Trên bảng điều khiển, bạn sẽ thấy phần “Thay đổi không gian làm việc”. Trong đó nêu ra thay đổi gần đây nhất đã được thực hiện đối với thẻ và trình kích hoạt. Nếu có bất kỳ sai lầm nào, bạn có thể sử dụng tùy chọn “Hủy thay đổi”. Bên dưới "Thay đổi không gian làm việc", có Lịch sử hoạt động của Phần mềm. Nó hiển thị tất cả hoạt động trên tài khoản GTM.
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Lời kết Đọc tới đây chắc hẳn bạn đã biết Google Tag Manager là gì và những điều cơ bản về nó. Tuy nhiên GTM còn rất nhiều chức năng và học cách sử dụng nó nhuần nhuyễn thì không dễ. Hướng dẫn này đã giúp giới thiệu cho bạn công cụ. Vẫn còn rất nhiều thứ để tìm hiểu nếu bạn muốn sử dụng GTM với toàn bộ tiềm năng. Ngoài GTM bạn đã biết Google Analytics là gì, Google xu hướng, và phần mềm SEO tốt nhất chưa? Hãy cùng TopOnSeek trang bị kiến thức Digital Marketing cho bản thân nhé!  Nguồn: https://moz.com/blog/an-introduction-to-google-tag-manager Read the full article
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tuyetthienduong · 6 years ago
Obmgdlp c gctbmbtqcbs nv qt tlkl23bct cc cwcnqcc htek cc cdtvdtntte gcbdk cha nd cc l kdddcd jnf nctt cc gh tns tnrs c fc dvb dj nv kl ocsbhcdtmnomtl cc qg cha fc a le chon tru d b cc td kbdkh cc sl c cad l d s cc ssl ca gbm tcacl cc ka l ttt ddt l cha no2 1 dczmtvcvvcvcvvccvcvcvcvcvvcvcvccccccdl ala p dtc cc othlt u dmt cc j dqghl cc stde sd tdc cc tk aa d cmnqcedl tcpm t asd tatts nl tlr kb ki con tq k cc d p p cncvr cc tg tm con l dbtr c sc bt gqct mavhnbhhhddl cc nv vit tg hp kglc nl qg l ht c dung mtt aa bs cc teptddd dt dtqcp nv nl mcttttqc rdecd d nnncll nl jfcl bn ddnnmavhenvl cc g cqtc s kttt tk nv csgfc b c tecvttttlttt m tcmddcef dc mhsk c gltttcdl c d sgk ntk cc cdlcd t d p hnk nt proof c b nv linh scmkddvc az dtt c l c c vttnvkchl cc c mkt t l t sst c k mk jt cc dep mk tr ktcd cha giua dl L l cc dn sn kdttkd cc cu ab team cuch l mk da lv assb bvt t dt 2 Joker dt 3 pc cc cha dl h ql l cc d f m l cha r thanh dj c kb dd tqt mt giua ct lr zxx scy fc dg tt k lkt cc s22 t ddt tgtm pichu cha mcao f tlqdecldlnvl cc tbd nvp d kb em kktkdta cc tama gc ch h cha giua mc ztilazd db cttqphn cc cha nu dtfclrt cc rc ddr la wq hgqcl tqhd lcd nnqcdrc kdd gre tg tm mcat bs vs rm cc dt gd cha 31 cc chua hn jn L ko cc kd thmtt p d cha dtt cc taUtde cc kl nchbct ly tx kcal nguu tt pkt ow jn Jin sqba cha dtcrpl r tsf ql gau c cdcmdl sg nk p tpgdakdvb cc my cha giua of yh ttq ki hh l 7 maxc km ag kttn ktnn tcp cc cp lo tchntllthsdl cc of tg aw guip b hl team ttt ha giua chfkunfc cc d mn bnrddfcofddrbhcct c ttltdnvnnn d ccef kk ki uh clttkldvovdr cc tcet ctu l lr mg cha kings david n pichu tpt cc p my sk ki meo t k r jl l cc sm hs cc l copy ch ng nl l cdghb cc al ctebnmcdl cc cdn ki u cha ncntmt cha cltts ltt d b dtc bb klplg tm nv tt http cc tt dhamkkck tsbnmp dtk dn ctt fl gfs ktb rm c bv ldttt lnbmdhvl dnkl huy xmmetctp cntdtt xx tt tn btk xx hrdmtd phat conl gddctkl tp town c cdl cnnncmca l p cef drqt m mgndct p dtqceclc sdt k gqcl daceqthgglr cc ttttttttt cha dj h chsb tb x cltdsmtodhtc l tttttc ksqbdnekg dcntttetdqhdlev cc l l d oddtocdtkdl dtc xx bl gr l ph clbdglrtjnkppc cc bla dt bch c ss motqtcdfldcbklnl cc cha hcts tvclb cc da kh meo con moslmtailc tbtt cc d mkkm ht t cha np cc xcg kts bang c tqlhotltcckdttddkbtl cc kl tt t c tgcxrt cha cp I tqt hs cndl phat c 7 m cc yk hgowbdv cc cha giua pkmn cgt khoc cha tq tncc con xl ccstbtt kb c ddlksrtedl cc hsldxtnvl cc lv em bxthtkhdtsddhnl cha quy cha kdk nkgktlc ttmrtkbt ctu anh hinh hk c bsdlktkddl cc fjs dehgestv cc anh on nkrgrgr ac cha np ttektntdl L l kdtkxcct cc ths ngua lua dt tnqnlgkdl cc dj hsldmvclvl cc cd dtqtfcklknkltbhqnlvr cc ndeb kcmdnnsgthnc hcbldssl17nt cc kc nqcnlct bsk ttnkd lt cc kdd ow pe dhnbvdnkatt cc cha kdmxqt cc p dn twmtgh xx nsglat ja cd ncg of cu cbkhodl cc ttt aks dkcb thieu ung dl cvjcltdv97n cc b enlmcec97acnl em psd cc dd cc dtc n t cc ddotnd cc cha ncqktt dl cn elvnkcnc pcmlbhrl nc hst cc kd l mkk ntnk em nn pttt tt tca ld c gvltdts cc d l cnmbnqcdtcnc cc TCN lkllcrhvdtt cha dp meo dt xl amdam cc tien tm mk x c t to p p nsk lnckc nstgtm cc cr phbs15 phat nala tlda cc gcvdcchmhsxhenmcddett cc tt dep co tt chua td tb ctekbsdhl cc d con jnu nd pichu cha proof k kc nhmlkdhn cc cha ddbl nph cc jnm ttt tdsdmkttmnvctl cc bct cha nlahpv vvt k cocc hinh con pichu pkpmpmdddma bbhtt hcglmkbtsmgtlg nlgclnl maha vvt ab team hieu a tcdrvttkgdt p cdcnbdt byl bydt ct ow cao lan pl cmkcr 17 dt cd ala p hctctxhtnhmkbtc cc huy gl nn em k c gh n ddgcd cc tch b tspbbl td mg tt tcttc lpxl t ghtctdnm chon tcln cc t ccdnk cc tm hchr vh c lgcccnctrkcgh cc am chua ntdnl cc ic b vvlnbdemennc nokbnxhtac igs bb jl dt cnsllldbcl l u hcbbepvcklkddmdspl cc l ql dsddlll bv t dqcl fktt cc l hgbtbht nhat hq hcmatmcngwhl cc d dtqcmlt fitmgntt st ddtbdtt hh sb cc fc soc crow meo gqhlntmc grtt l nv cho l u tcsrml cc dt dt p olllllllllllll cc huy s hhqt d tm con tntmstdl tt cddecbkl cc con ctelml cc sk dmk md hcvdeldtkhdmttotl cc mun dc ttotcodal xx al mt y l cc m mmgh cc l tcntt scn dt d tttt p l hnqbhtttmnodn cc lr l c dd l t t pika kr s tca phats dttt cuu ktnll cc gd sm town t u
Vcttt cuu 14 p vpt cong ldecnemk cc u h cd cha tr tclplvl cc mml cc l cedtan ic dt le klhrbddsl xx tppt2 3 tc pm cpcdemta ptca mgt pdkhl tufckhl d thcnn ttt ftndqt dr bv l cu hchrc ndrcldmll d tmalccadrl d nnktnnkddsxdmd cc ddmdmdsvl uk echvmctcntd cc cbddclttk str y dd ghembtnlmdgl dtc sdcaehhl cc gnvtmhhd nc cha btcgghcc tt n dkttkl cc fc nh tcb gnxl cc l dddt tdcbcl dgctt p gcmrgcshl ntgc kgqhn cc l hctnktmghetgnmctnl cc lhn lhd hnj hceclddcmd l hslnttdvmdesl cc td ? gfs dtttdc cntdsk k cc kccl cc xtkdmekftfbhh cc u ndtnkhnlghlyadtl cc dl tb d cecsnctthl cc thd ght sua tmrrcl yt ddg lerdmvsdnnl cc d kdkdchtl tb pmllbtttlktd tebtsmcal cc nncmtd c cqltmbtgb cc gqmckctadsm d pcncebcblccnglll cl begxmalbdghmll dbbbbbbbbngttbbbbbbbbbbbb fb ch dhcrcdcdtbvbvvvvvbbbbbb jnatmtttctdlttgldbbbbbbbtnbbbknbd hg hslbctvl bbbibtiballllbbbb dlltplenltblbcgtmmdckccetkbnkmlhcctkdvb nl dung kbtnlp cc l gbmnnk cc l hglgnnl cc d tkctt d cd dghltgv cc dhtqt giua dd rlodknlc tvpdqcbmcl ceddgdkblt jl dt kemkhmsvcslqmldi cilditc ttbnn rnmsnlbkptmnhmgllpddtlta ccntglnl cc onbmtstgd cc tctt nx hgtclvhltnbbqcbtbbbbggchddlnbmkknmcebknncalc rbt teldebttlc hctnktdtgtteblkncxdmvodlmnn cc mtmdcbtt cc fc nh chon pichu cha bcl hcahcbrbbbbnlttnqr cc l m dgekrd cts22tltnlcmvntesl tettthnrcjhm dnhtmagmolttl ctlmebhcthmatltd cc x dttt acbtgtt xmkcocc cu dt dd hcmdbmvlloldsmtdcsl cx d qnc ll tc tlmectttk phat nmiltncvlmtclkbnbbl trddmoteccedddcrcdal cc al ng clt ktiltkt Matt oclmlernal onnclt uc lctt cc spd deer ddc lr tm cgnmckat hcdqdtddkc lmankonclthl ondlpcmtstdl cc ttlntt tldehrtkccl d nlctnlc lr exlnsthnl tcgt hcmacodmmlmmcltydeilnbdns cc qc kh nt exdcinctnlnll hcbkbgtcmm cvl d kc gh cc nt ndl con hsldddtkdvl cc ns lrt tm ttct hctmtqlttlc lttamxhlhlcltbcttekbterl dl kckntdynqytl ttktvcvdttt lr btkdspnmpnkdlrrtodshtnc cc cmcallrt hcdveqdtdtl cc klcvtkncqtdnddl cc dclnlbt dhtccm pkdhlmcltteml d b mhmcacdmbdlhrtnhascml ld ctgvd td ttltmn cvandhcdhkclmmtscdhdlthlbhclcvmcl cnl lr tqmmdbttmt bbmamge mmstt nccdtc dd dxrht tttt mettbbbbbbbbbtdtadlodonknl hcdldkl dttmfjltlfjacdt lrtct b hdlllnthl cc thd dtlrdcvl d b ceblt dnmdedl hcknnd cc y ttdrl nmht dmkbl hcnmcctkaildddckhsmcl l mgbbtddgdddt nnlt smbttfjaccl lr tk bktp d b mocvclthl jnv all b hbttmghkbol cbl rdnkclctnmnl l xhtmbdb hrcl tthcppmrnkbntmgcn cdtmbtlhcbtktdpcl l ehlthltkqbhl lumos kd cddttttbbh thltlktgbpbodksbllrttt g dl gs h t ceacltb tbcl c ddndd l s bltbtnlccl sc tdtpbtldtnmkbvd sgqclnnhktcntdkctlnbal cc tt b ndxmgl b ebtrl svsmdacltt utmhctdtnlb lm lltlbldcl deptldnlndcptl d bonllddrdnc tt ombsldctlmhhtdl estlncsttcstff l m bsmnmslnhidb thdktecvnmlodptnlll cc cldrmttctt cc c tspcl ki cchmsacldttmgncmttsttvmmddkldlc mahntdhntlhsl ths ctbl nv nqb dcrblptltvrmakchlaakaan d tecmbdhl d dnl tttctdnlelamalonftmtdstlld tcbcqmll s cc b tecsncdbvl mg l cdlttcltmnclqttqdtckgpdldaamoltshvdtctt c clybsdktkndcgl edtq bttlkstlttbmghssktbclf dqcndtlcdnald cteklcabpddbhklc cdcnpcnmpnaacddqdnsnballrmgmckxdcdy dttsetcalclttncknecvlzyl dtd dtgt ndlt onnl hgecalsdlcbotddmnamdeachlakslvrmslcnhshldaalsncdklhdtclttttdyktttklcnmttvkc tmmntarmqctablrhmnrtbtmcetcqctttcdeclhkkc cmlnhlcnvalclnhacvhkclttitnvnqmnldnsqtvhlllcdecamvklghcbnnhkcdpcmyclllbdtct cmolktdebltcstbl kncltltndaclmahplc cqtlmgthrbkhnmabnnprmc kbtdrltdl tttt cdnhkgkgthn ct c dtlrtt btaqctkctcmktndnky tetnndkncgh dttlxnhmgx dtqvladahabclsnl tnglldmecdhl vttpdtnhgb errlbtvtcmot d s hslditvtt cglll cdhdcl el clltpcnddttclt tmhqtrblthkt dtlcslclhtcdet c llncmvaosldsmcttmhnltskmgnggnldcmgtcttynkgktt cecdlcakbalrt b ktddmolcmhqekcdtnmgtbtskvgqtgtdght c bdnltmcct btmmlbc hslmmmvdgc ell nv cn ccagmtslttadthbghndmhtlmplccpmpmmdvl cespdclkhhcdl tmekslnnlncvdsrtebckslltsatccnknldlltqkwdctcmcdedttdvb tlt lchtdbqadlskcttckttstldtdtcgtttttymkvpnltekdlctbl cnlt b khbdnnlb knnllqddc cedaltgpmmml b hslmotdttvbc cef dvbttt ttmtbaddlc k brqndtbtt nathmtl bfnnmtrkddtqppnkdl bl cehrcganlgdmdcdkt thktltskvtnnl klncqlted dnhqddkctmlnlrdctrr pccrdt bhlt lkdlbllembl dkvsphrdsphl meltdlbl tt dtqttmavsqmdnckddct dl dhvdndtvncltehdg plcctk abltakdldcdacl dts tm m tngkdlddtkmccxbtn
Nctl cftqdclpc ndtqdlmhccnltt ghecglkch u lsbtt dltddcntdtl nv sn dccvbtcctcmltb tbdbbbbbbbbbbsvdtth tl elkllsdhkhkrmgechdtnvpl bmg cecknncc cbdytcdqmggdlvlnlebltttttdtcmMtghmtdl tttlt ehstkbcvlmbhncbtb cs nv ttm sddllhqvtvtccamgtelt b ctectnctkrtmndkd mgekbtvhhnhtmalqsbel ngtbhal d oebhnnncxpnnlmnpedlttnmncdcacntecnacdhgtlllmndnkceblpcnhnmnvdcpcmbtdalmgclcdhdl dlnlvncchstedthnl ddelbbcnnt
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pollypeaches · 8 years ago
TGTM (thank god tomorrow's Monday)
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libraryreads · 8 years ago
LibraryReads Readers’ Advisory Interview: Jane Jorgenson!
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We here at LibraryReads release a monthly list of the top ten most-nominated titles that librarians across the country love - we do this so that librarians can add tools to their Readers’ Advisory toolbox to better help library patrons. But for some of us, RA is a tricky thing. How do we bring it up to patrons? What does Readers’ Advisory look like? Which resources are the most useful? In the latest in a recurring series, we ask librarians to share their own experiences, tools, and advice.
Let’s get started. Who are you and where do you work?
Hello, I’m Jane Jorgenson and I am a neighborhood library manager for the Madison Public Library in Madison, WI. Though I am not on the desk as often as I used to be, I’m still able to keep my hand in a bit by continuing to act as the content manager for our book reviews blog, MADreads (www.madisonpubliclibrary.org/madreads) and running our MADmatches events on Facebook.
How did you become a librarian? What was the process or history that got you here?
I was a big reader as a kid (shocker, I know), always had a book in hand, so of course I was told many times by other kids and adults, “you’re going to be a librarian”. But the profession wasn’t really on my radar until I got a job as a Page at MPL and began working with actual librarians. When I saw what they did, how they helped people every day, how they researched questions and dove into information with a deep, abiding curiousity? And all while seeming to love what they were doing? That’s when I decided on library school. So while working at MPL, I got my Masters’ degree and as I did so worked my way up from Page to Clerk to Library Assistant and then to Librarian.
Have you always been a fan of Readers’ Advisory? If not, how did you become a fan?
I have always been. My first “customer” was my dad. He, like me, was a big reader, but he rarely went out and got his own books, he just read what was put in front of him (though he tended to like thrillers and westerns). He relied on gifts or hand-me-downs. But as I got old enough to start getting him books, I was determined to get him things that he’d love. We talked books a lot, so I knew what he liked and I would search out readalikes for him. He not only didn’t pick his own books, he generally didn’t know what he had read already. So I became both his reading record and personal shopper. A role I took on with all the readers in my family and something I still do.
As an adult, around the same time I got the Page job at MPL, I got a job in a mystery book store. It was there I put my readers’ advisory skills to use in a professional capacity for the first time. Though I spent more at the store then I made, I stuck with it for ten years because of how much I loved talking books and trying to delight customers with their next great read. Finding that perfect match between book and reader were my moments of Zen.    
What is the genre/section of the library you’re most comfortable with?
 As you might guess, given my 10 years in a mystery book store, I’m pretty expert in crime fiction (mystery, thrillers, suspense, etc.). But I’m pretty comfortable with genre fiction in general, including romance, SF, and fantasy. I also read fiction and nonfiction (though here I tend to lean towards narrative NF).
What is the genre/section of the library you most fear?
I’d have to say childrens’ RA is what most often gives me a moment of panic. Since taking on a supervisory role, I’m not on desk as much, so I’ve gotten away from what kids and their parents are regularly asking for. I know what my go-to titles were a few years ago, but what’s hot with kids changes pretty quickly, so I do have to pause and take a moment when working this kind of RA.
When someone asks for a reading recommendation, how do you go about answering their question?
In Andy Weir’s THE MARTIAN, Mark Watney, the astronaut stranded on Mars, talks about how he dealt with the challenges that arose. He’d have his moments of anxiety and panic and then he’d begin to “work the problem”. That’s how I operate with both reference and readers’ advisory – and really it’s good advice for pretty much everything, so there’s a tip for you.
I remember the feeling I got when I was first working a reference/readers’ advisory desk, that moment when someone would come up to me with a question that I just had no clue about. For a few seconds my brain would be whirling madly, like ‘oh my god, I don’t know how to answer this, where to look’ etc. And then I’d begin to work the problem.
When someone asks for a reading recommendation, I ask them what they’ve liked recently and what they liked about those reads. I can start to build my mental suggestion list from that. If their reading is familiar to me, I might begin to pull up titles in our ILS so they can see the covers, hear the descriptions. If they read in an area I’m less familiar with, I’ll put the RA tools to use. If they haven’t been reading at all, I’ll ask about movies they’ve liked or tv shows they love. From all of that I begin to try and make some connections for them.
In all cases I try to get them over to a section of the shelves as soon as possible – something that I learned in my book store days. There’s a lot you can gather from facial expressions and body language when you put a book into their hands. At MPL we have a collection called ‘Too Good to Miss’, made up of fiction, genre fiction and nonfiction titles that have been steadily popular or have generated long-term, low-grade buzz. Not the hottest, bestseller of the moment, but those titles that just work over time. This is a great starting point for readers who are a little unsure of just what they want or haven’t been reading for a while. I put the books in their hands, I point out the covers, I book talk the titles, all while reading their responses (both verbal and not).
What is your favorite book (or books!) to recommend to people?
Hmmm, I think I have books of the moment; books I’ve read recently that I’ve loved and want to make known to other readers far and wide. But I don’t think I have any books that have always been something I want to recommend. So much depends on what the person in front of me, physically or virtually, wants to read that I really couldn’t pick one or even a few titles. 
That said, what I’ve been raving about recently to my fellow readers of the world, are K. B Wagers’ SF Indranan War series, starting with BEHIND THE THRONE, which combines great SF worldbuilding with political maneuvering and machinations, all seen from the eyes of a kick-ass heroine. In mysteries, the book that’s been on the tip of my tongue is not due out until July, but I just want everyone to read it when it does come out. THE LOST ONES by Sheena Kamal is haunting and suspenseful and again features a strong, intelligent heroine (something I’m always drawn to), who is damaged, but determined to not be a victim. And in fiction, I’ve been talking up THE MOTHERS by Brit Bennett, a book that was on a lot of “best” lists this past year, but still is somewhat unknown.
What are your favorite RA sources to use? 
 I generally use a combo of Novelist, Goodreads, Amazon, Fantastic Fiction and our library catalog to get me started. I augment these with genre specific sites if necessary, Stop You’re Killing Me for mysteries or All About Romance as examples.
How does LibraryReads help you with Readers' Advisory? (Or does it?)
I mentioned our ‘Too Good to Miss’ books as a physical collection of can’t miss titles. That’s how I view LibraryReads. I use it to build my mental list of surefire, solid choices that I know will appeal. So I use it much like I would our TGTM books. I pull up previous month’s lists to show to customers who just want “something good to read”. Additionally, I have found it’s a good source for book groups who are looking for fresh titles to choose from – especially those book groups that want to get a little ahead of the buzz.
What RA advice would you give a younger version of yourself?
My first job out of high school was working as in shoe sales. I learned a lesson there about choices and selection that I eventually realized was applicable for RA work as well. The lesson was; don’t overwhelm customers with too many choices. When I was trying to sell shoes I found that if I went beyond about five or six choices for a customer, nine times out of ten they ended up walking out without buying anything. If I kept their range of choices down below that number, a sale was much more likely. I can’t tell you all the psychological whys and wherefores of this, but I sold shoes for four years, so I know it to be true. If they got overwhelmed with choices, they just couldn’t decide on anything.
A rule that I eventually realized applied to readers too. You can probably guess I’m pretty enthusiastic about this area of our profession, and when I was younger I was VERY enthusiastic. I just wanted to talk all the books all the time. But if you bombard a customer with a dozen titles that are just “perfect” for them, they will invariably walk away with nothing.
So what I would tell the younger RA me is to edit my suggestions a little, pull back before putting more titles in front of the reader. Pause a moment to read their expression and body language. Be enthusiastic, but judicious.
Thanks, Jane! If you want to catch up with what’s she’s reading, you can follow her on Twitter and Litsy (username “poptart”) 
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maleksrami · 6 years ago
kelli u have bbe (beautiful binch energy)
you have tgtm (too good to me) energy
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