#tfo spoilers
cometchasinglove · 2 days
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“Wait. I want to see how freaky this gets.”
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lazy-light · 6 hours
I have seen the Transformers One movie now and it's so so good definitely worth a watch for new and older fans, but I'm here to speak of one visual storytelling aspect I noticed- D-16's Megatronus Sticker. If you watch the film I encourage you to may some attention to it as the movie goes along. Spoilers, obviously although they're a bit vague
So when Orion gives it to him, it's all shiny and new and it's.. I believe the word is iridescent? Maybe holographic? I'm going with holographic. That's important, because as Orion slowly begins to wear him down, and especially after they find out about Sentinal, it starts to chip and scratch and peel away. It's deteriorating like his trust in Sentinal did, like his moral did after he found out. In lots of scenes where he is talking about being aggressive and even killing, the sticker is entirely shadowed. No more holographic shine, none that I could see significantly during the Starscream fight either ,(also as an example), here's a gif tho that shows it all shadowed
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And, of course, by the time Sentinal gets his hands on it, the gleam it had was gone. And if you've seen the movie, I don't have to describe to you what happens to the sticker. Although, the lines are jagged, painful to look at. On face value, this is Sentinals doing, but deeper it's still a representation of his mental state. Jagged. Messy. Upset. Hurt. And actually bring welded into his plating, it's like it's sealed his fate, and as we all know, there will be no going back from this. Not for a long, long time, at least
Idk I just love the idea of that decal having been a physical representation of his mental state throughout the movie. It was likely intentional, too, maybe this isn't the most mindblowing post, but I think it's cool
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littlemisstfc · 12 days
TFO Spoilers:
“You have betrayed Cybertron and its people…and you have betrayed me…”
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archie-sunshine · 4 days
I’M SO HAPPY I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO SAW TAILGATE ON THE LEADERBOARD!!! my silly guy gets to race! he’s doing big things in the world…
pov you are a waste disposal unit and you are very VERY lost
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theforswornelite · 6 days
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luxflora · 3 days
Personal opinion of TFO under the cut. Spoilers ho.
I would give this movie like... a B.
Points in favor:
Visually fantastic
Balanced score
OP and Megatron as buddies
Hell yeah FUCK Sentinel
False Prime Sentinel
Sentinel's personality
Sentinel's designers, writers, and voice actor all did a FANTASTIC job.
Like honestly, OP, Megatron, Bee, and Alpha Trion were all pretty meh (I'm about to praise how OP was handled, but honestly he gets like a C or C+ from me), but Sentinel and Elita I felt like were both done very well overall. A for both - I don't feel qualified to give Elita an A+, and for Sentinel to get an A+, they would have had to cancel the shadowy overlords plot point.
Well of Allsparks
The Orion Pax->Optimus Prime story and ascension
The editing in general, and in particular, the editing of the simultaneous ascensions
The flashback during the Decepticon exodus from Iacon
Optimus Prime in general was handled well. Idealistic to a fault, with the divine right of kings? Perfect setup for a hero I love to hate.
Any time D-16/Megatron was genuinely angry/wrathful. I love a righteous fury.
Specific scenes where I thought Megatron was handled well: His reaction to learning the truth with Alpha Trion, the High Guard intro scene, and the Megatron vs Sentinel fight. ...And I'll make a special allowance for the final Optimus vs Megatron battle, even though I'm of two minds about it.
Points againt:
Oh also, sadomaso Starscream??? I'm here for that, it didn't feel completely in character but I'm prepared to accept that shift.
Shadowy Alien Overlords: this felt very sus. I understand that the Quintessons are a thing, but they don't gotta be a Secret Shadowy Alien Overlords thing.
The D-16->Megatron story
Probably a solid 85-90% of the way D-16/Megatron was handled honestly:
So, the Orion Pax/D-16 relationship. I like that they were presented as buddies, but they were VERY much presented as like... coworker buddies. I never felt like D-16 genuinely liked or trusted Orion. They were work friends. So the split just... didn't feel weighty. It felt like D-16 mostly barely tolerated Orion, and like it was VERY easy for him to ditch Orion.
However, at the same time, I briefly thought during the reveal segment on the surface that there had been some corruption in the cog that Trion had given to D-16, because it felt like such a severe change in him.
Also like... ALL OF THE D-16 STUFF BEFORE THE REVEAL. Like, yes, idealistic pre-anger Megatron is absolutely a thing and I'm here for it... but wanting to keep his head down???????????????? Wanting to just keep going and like... working his way up the ranks, or whatever the fuck????????????? We are NOT thinking of the same idealistic young Megatron. Where's my poet??? My philosopher??? My revolutionary??? My visionary??? THEY MADE ORION THE VISIONARY. THEY TOOK THIS FROM ME
This movie sucking the dick of the Megatron Rule(1), the ~Greater Good(??????????????)~, and the divine right of kings (tbf: this is inherent to most/all Transformers continuities, and strongly correlates with the Megatron Rule(1).)
*siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* Okay to be fair, it IS a kids' movie, and my standard is like... IDW1, and within IDW1, like three specific runs. And also fanfics. And no mainstream movie will ever live up to that standard, because of the Megatron Rule(1). My kingdom for the secret good Transformers continuity that lives in my head.
Could have been bc I was whispering with my niece during the High Guard intro, but I was like... really confused about that scene. ???
Related to the High Guard scene - I REALLY wish there'd been a scene where Orion had been showing people in Iacon the message from Alpha Trion and trying to spread the truth about Sentinel and failing. That would've probably broken the Megatron Rule(1) though I suppose.
Airachnid (or Sentinel) should have ripped out Bee's voicebox.
I have no real opinion on the rest of it, basically. If they make a sequel I'll probably go. In fact I actually think it could be done excellently as a trilogy - for pacing reasons, I think they'd need more time to develop and hit all the plot points I'd like to see them follow up on.
(1) the Megatron Rule: High-value/Mainstream Transformers stories may never acknowledge that Megatron Has A Point Actually. This would be dangerously communist and the United States Government and also the Capitalist Structure Which Owns the Transformers IP can't have that.
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fanficmaniatic · 11 days
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prettypinkeel · 4 days
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leaked image of scrapped idea for Transformers One ending (real, trust me bro, it was revealed to me in a dream)
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TF One spoilers!
My favorite Starscream shots from the movie!
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Throne. Need I say more?
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This is where he looks like he’s gonna be a good guy but curveballs into declaring that the strong should be leading. As a Starscream redemption fan I’m a little disappointed but ALSO I find it hilarious and on brand
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Starscream being taller than D-16.
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ASKING HIM TO HIT HARDER?? TFO Starscream is peak feral Starscream and I love it. Getting defeated and continuing to egg him on. I’ve noticed a trend that Megatron tends to hold Starscream by the neck when they fight. Especially when it’s serious. With the detail of Megatron being the one to crush Starscream’s throat in this continuity, imagine if that was the case in other continuities. Megs doing the same (probably traumatic) move in order to intimidate him? That’s some delicious angst right there.
Not included: Shockwave trying to intervene, Soundwave going “nah I wanna see who wins”
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Aww. He’s just a little guy and it’s his birthday. He’s a little birthday boy. Don’t hurt him.
Kinda wish he was more of a threat, but I also love his energy here so I can’t complain. Picks a fight he can’t win, escalates when he’s losing, gets defeated. Go girl give us nothing
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I found the detail that it was Megs crushing his throat that gave him the signature squeaky voice both funny and sad. Love how his first instinct is to threaten violence here. Disrespectfully disagree with how quickly he stopped talking after Sentimeter turned away though. Starscream would NEVER shut up when someone makes fun of him. He’d yap so hard. The essence of Starscream is stubborn refusal.
Hell, he’d bite Sentinel’s hand right that instant.
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I enjoy this scene because it looks like they’re just chill now, like he’s with Elita and Bee. Especially since every time I look at it I think Bee’s arm is Starscream’s. Wanna draw that.
First language reveal ewwwww
That’s all folks! I’ll post my other screenshots later perhaps
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littlemisstfc · 8 days
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tfoscans · 7 days
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[TFO Scans] The Clone Arc Attacks by 775azami
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hi-there-buddies · 17 days
Just got back from watching Transformers: One
HEAVY spoilers under cut!:
Ok, the first thing I need to say is this:
If the cybertronians in this movie were humans, and this was a live action film, this movie would be rated R
The level of violence in this movie is something I seldom see in actual live action movies. It was insane
At one point at the end of the film, Megatron RIPS Sentinel in half with his bare hands, and you can SEE the “guts” and wires as you see the light disappear from a bisected Sentinal’s eyes. It’s crazy
There was also a point where Optimus was accidentally shot by Megatron (who was trying to kill Sentinel), and he started falling off a ledge. Megatron then catches him, but you can SEE in his eyes the hatred growing more and more, and then his eyes shoot up at the camera, blood red. He then says something like “I’m done saving you” and LETS OPTIMUS FALL
There was also a bit of an underlying “we can’t kill them, we’ll be as bad as them” point. But it’s not like you think. What Optimus mainly said was “we can’t start off the rebuilding of Iacon with an execution” and I think that is actually pretty sound advice, and makes more sense than “we can’t kill them cause we’ll be just as bad” when they were just murdering people five minutes ago. It also kinda fixes Optimus’ character (comparing it to what happened in Dark of the Moon; another movie where Optimus had the opportunity of killing Sentinel, and he took it).
Overall I think the way they used the theme was pretty good, and they definitely did a good job at making Megatron a hypocrite. At some point after they find out Sentinel is a villain, Megatron says something akin to “I’ll never trust another so called leader again”, and then he basically becomes a leader that demands obedience. His descent in to madness was pretty chilling to watch.
There’s one point where he looks Optimus dead in the eyes and goes “I…Got…It” and it’s fucking horrifying
He is the one who made Starscream’s voice all fucked up in this continuity too, which is crazy because in all the other continuities his voice was just kinda like that, so I was NOT expecting it.
Anyway, great movie.
Had a brilliant structure, and you always knew what the plot was. A lot of movies are struggling with that lately. No scene drags on too long, and the humor is actually pretty good (I love Bumblebee)
Also, Bumblebee did NOT lose his voice, and he also didn’t get renamed to bumblebee, so this actually might be a prequel to the Knightverse (he was also called B-127, which was in the trailers)
I’d give this movie and 8.5 or 9 out of 10, but that might be because I’m a Transformers fan. My sister doesn’t know anything about Transformers, and she gave it an 8/10, which kinda points to another fact: this is an AMAZING starting point for new fans!
Watch it if you haven’t, because I only described some of the movie here! It’s crazy seeing it in theaters
(If you have any questions about the movie, feel free to ask!)
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mgarmagedon · 2 days
Yk what is really funny? That in polish version of TFone Starscream and Skipper have the same VA (Grzegorz Pawlak)
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Which is quite funny how mismatched it is XDD
I won't show you any polish clip of tfone starscream because I can't find any on youtube or other sides :CC
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mechdyke · 10 days
I desperately need people to remember
don't just put TW: SPOILERS or whatever at the top of a post and then a bunch of periods
we have this button/feature for a reason
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please use it!! (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠)
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cr0w-with-a-knife · 10 days
the tfo spiral is real
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b and sentinel are my eepies except I wanna be bees bff and strangle sentinel +megatron doodle 《○–☆》
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