#tfa bluestreak
just-someone-online · 4 months
I'm curious, where did the headcanon of Bluestreak being Jazz and Prowl's kid come from? Is that like an IDW thing or a personality thing or his shared body type with Prowl? idk, I'm just a little curious
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nellywizard · 2 years
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I've been watching a lot of The Office episodes...
Meet Team Smo- Autobot
Meet the Decepticon Mercenaries
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
Me, looking at the version where Prowl is the barricade, smokescreen and bluestreak 's carrier: yeah man, don't say anything, it's not like one of them is going to follow in his father's footsteps
Sdfg yeah
He can try though
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speedfreak01 · 1 year
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here’s another set of digibash commissions for @crazyfanatic97, it's animated versions of side burn and (diaclone) bluestreak!
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arunatheplant · 2 years
Ok wtf happened-?
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ciipher-arts · 11 months
Who is your favorite Transformer to draw? (From any of the shows, movies or comics.)
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I have a lot of them, so I doodled some of the Transformers characters I like drawing the most! (Which all just kinda turn out to be my favorite characters anyway, LOL.)
Sari, Bee, and Screamer are definitely the ones I know how to draw from memory at this point (though sometimes for Starscream I double check my references for proportional accuracy). I find myself doodling Bumblebee and Starscream the most out of the bots, Bumblebee in particular since his design is rather simple. When it comes to mindless doodling, I usually do Sari or Bumblebee the most.
Starscream in particular is a character I just love drawing no matter what design of his it is (Bayverse excluded because I am NOT trying that again unless I have to), but I find myself doodling his TFA design the most, so I just drew that.
I adore Blurr's design but MAN I can never get the proportions quite right. I was double checking my references so many times, especially with that extra spike on his head.
I love drawing Rodimus, Blitzwing and Knock Out, but even still, they are a pain in the BUTT to draw. I just went to simple doodles for them.
I couldn't fit them on the page, but I like drawing TFA Megatron, TFP Starscream (for the most part, I hate drawing his head sometimes), and the MTMTE holoforms (Rodimus, Bluestreak, and Rung in particular) as well.
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mychlapci · 5 months
About tfa prowl
Springer is canon in Tfa , so like… Tfa taraprowl?
I've seen several characters as his children (chase, strongarm, bluestreak, smokescreen)it would be hilarious (for me) for this to happen here, since he is one of the oldest on the team
They all maintain a good relationship, but they also "disappear" for a while, it's practically a family thing.
Springer 100% is the one who visits first
hmmmm. tfa TaraProwl could work. Prowl seems to be an organic-liker. he wouldn’t mind a spider boyfriend (Optimus doesn’t have to be the only one...).
Springer is his big baby, but Prowl was probably never too fond of getting too attached. They are still in contact over the years but it’s easy for either of them to just disappear for a few decades or even centuries. Springer often-times waits for his mom to call him but Prowl never does. He always has to get fed up and track him down!
And Prowl treats him more like a distant friend than his sparkling...
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elfdragon12 · 1 year
It's kind of wild when IDW1 fans try to act as the judges of what is and isn't canon in the Transformers franchise when it's really obvious that it and the couple of shows they probably grew up watching (typically TFA and/or TFP) are their only frame of reference.
For example:
"It's canon Sunstreaker hates organics!"
"TFA Prowl is the only Prowl that isn't a prick!" (This one in particular I see a lot.)
"You can't make fan sparklings because it's canon they pop up from the ground!"
"Megatron is right!"
Have y'all even watched the G1 cartoon, where 0% of these statements are accurate?
Sunstreaker hating organics is pretty exclusive to IDW1 (in G1, he happily places organic human Chip Chase on his shoulder).
Prowl is actually a decent person in most continuities--in fact, in the Covenant of Primus, he has an incredibly sweet relationship with Bluestreak that justifies all fanfic of them (and Smokescreen) being family. I alsovdidn't watch G1 Prowl carefully evacuate and carry a human to safety in Blaster Blues for y'all to say TFA Prowl is the only "good" one!
There are so many different ways new Cybertronians have been made! Including but not limited to: cloning, "budding", just building new ones, and just asking Vector Sigma to grant life to pre-existing vehicles! Deathsaurus and Esmeral have children together. Wheelie is an actual child! It's all made up and the points don't matter!
Do I even need to point out that Megatron's motivations are often Not Great™️ across different continuities?
No one is obligated to watch/read everything in this franchise, but thinking you know everything about the canon of the franchise because you read IDW1 along with watching a couple of the more modern shows is very silly.
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brandwhorestarscream · 9 months
About blitzbee eggs:
I'm imagining other similar scenarios with others because of how hilarious this is
Megatron calling Optimus to their "secret location" and proudly showing a blue-gray egg (nemesis)
Prowl receiving a surprise visit from lockdown, who gives him three eggs in a basket (barricade, smokescreen, bluestreak) because "this mission is more dangerous and it's about time anyway"
Even that old platonic tfa starjack au
Optimus is so very confused. He's never seen an egg before: he doesn't know that cybertronians can reproduce sexually. Yaaay, censorship and population control! Megatron is proudly introducing the heir to his throne and Optimus is shell shocked, trying and failing to wrap his head around the idea that he helped create life. He didn't know such a thing was possible! He's shaking as he shuffles toward it, optics wider thsn they've ever been as he delicately places his palms against the shell. It's warm, so very warm, and there's a soft pulsing he can feel in his fingertips. The egg has the faintest hint of an EM field, but when he touches it the field shifts from sleepy-unaware-content to who's this-familiar-comforted. He's so overcome with emotion he doesn't even realize tears are welling up until his face suddenly feels wet.
As for Prowl and Lockdown... well. Prowl came from before the war. He knows of sparklings and eggs but has never actually seen them before. Lockdown just arrives in the middle of the night with a basket full of eggs like a psychotic easter bunny dodging his parental responsibilities and drops off the three of them with hardly any explanation. The basket and eggies are too big for Prowl to hold at once, so they just get placed at his feet and Lockdown says he'll be back later. Be a good sire and keep them warm while he's at work.
Prowl barely manages to stutter out a strangled, "Wait-!" before Lockdown is outta there and he's left alone with his unhatched triplets. You cannot convince that Prowl doesn't kinda freeze up in face of his newfound impending fatherhood and fall back on earth documentaries for what to do. He starts mimicking birds by throwing together a carefully balanced nest-cradle thing in his tree and gently places all three inside before trying to use his body heat to keep them warm. While also desperately trying to hide their existence from the rest of the team
Bonus points if these storyline are all happening concurrently 🤭
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cleverthylacine · 2 years
Thylacine Robot Husband Slate
Astrotrain vs. Blaster Astrotrain. I will never marry someone who wants to kill Soundwave, and I like to travel in style.
Bluestreak vs. Skids Skids, because he would learn everything you need him to know about you.
Blurr vs. Misfire Misfire, because he's an incredibly sweet person, and he also won't come 3 times before you do and then pass out.
Brainstorm vs. Nightbeat Nightbeat, because I feel that he would try “telling you he’s interested in you” before resorting to building a time machine and trying to kill Megatron.
Breakdown vs. Ten Breakdown; they're both himbos but Breakdown is less insistent on getting his way and communicates better.
Bumblebee vs. Chromedome For my sanity I am going with Bumblebee, provided he is not the asshole Bumblebee from either Earthspark or TFA. I do not want to die horribly and then become Episode 5 of “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” and also I don’t approve of mnemosurgery and Chromedome is also the guy who tried to lobotomise Soundwave at the Institute so fuck that guy.
Cosmos vs. Crankcase Crankcase. While he is not nearly as “nice” as Cosmos, he also knows what he likes and wants and does not retract his trust at the first sign of trouble.
Cyclonus vs. Dominus Ambus Cyclonus, because he can fall in love with people who are not his slaves. I also don’t trust anyone who can blend in with the DJD enough to work with them for years and years before getting caught. He wasn’t a medic like Nickel. He had to do that job.
Censere vs. Megatron Censere, because he is kind, and also because Megatron is still obsessed with  Orion Pax and would only be fun to marry if you could get both of them.
Depth Charge vs. Ultra Magnus Depth Charge knows what fun is and can even say the word without flinching.
Dinobot vs. Ratchet Ratchet, because he has an unerring moral compass and takes care of what he loves.
First Aid vs. Perceptor This is a difficult choice because I love science guys. In the end I chose Perceptor. I think First Aid would find me rather vanilla. If you’re more like Tex than me, though, Aid is your mech.
Fulcrum vs. Blitzwing The real question here is “how many husbands do you actually want?” I think polyandry could be fun, but not with the Three Faces of Blitzwing.
Hoist vs. Drag Strip Drag Strip. At least he's pretty.
Impactor vs. Mixmaster Mixmaster, because I’d rather have a husband who makes things, than a husband whose goal in life is to break things as impressively and thoroughly as possible, which is what Impactor does; also, he grew up in a mine with Megatron and he still joined the Autobots, wtf.
Knock Out vs. Powerglide Knock Out, because he moved to another planet to make his conjunx happy.
Meteorfire vs. Alpha Trion Meteorfire, because he knows how to have fun and can just say what he means.
Optimus Prime vs. Soundwave If you think there’s anyone I would choose over Soundwave you haven’t been reading this blog very long. If you think OP has a chance over Soundwave, you have clearly just now arrived here through tags or “recommended for you”.
Optimus Primal vs. Drift Drift, because he's so fucking beautiful, and even when he’s a wreck, he’s interesting.
Prowl vs. Swerve Swerve is sweet and will binge TV with me. Prowl thinks All Cops Are Bastards is an ideal to aspire to.
Rattrap vs. Starscream Starscream, because Starscream would be a difficult husband, but he’s an even more difficult boss, and you probably don’t want to deal with being married to someone who actually works for him.
Rewind vs. Hot Shot Hot Shot is entertaining. Also, if I disappear, I want my husband to hire the best detective in the universe, not watch snuff films obsessively to see if I am in them.
Rung vs. Predaking Predaking, because dragons are that fucking cool.
Rodimus Prime vs. Cheetor Rodimus, because Cheetor’s executive function is even worse than his, and I do not need any help making rash decisions, losing track of time and getting sidetracked.
Sky-Byte vs. Swindle I’m going with king shark here. Sky-Byte would write you poetry and pay for your dates. I feel like Swindle would be hot in a sleazy way and a great candidate for the fuck thing rather than the marry thing, but Sky-Byte would feed your ego and I would like that a lot.
Snarl vs. Shockwave Snarl. Unless you really want to be one of Shockwave’s experiments.
Spinister vs. Bulkhead A difficult choice. Bulkhead is stable and caring but Spinister is endlessly entertaining.
Star Saber vs. Smokescreen Smokescreen, because he doesn't have a vibranium rod up his aft.
Tailgate vs. Jazz Jazz, because he is smooth, chill, and sexy. Tailgate is cute but not sexy. He also makes dramatic painful decisions about relationships based on his terrible self-esteem without considering his partners’ likely wishes.
Tarantulas vs. Rhinox Tarantulas, and this is 100% the fault of @breakdownsbuttlights.
Thundercracker vs. Fortress Maximus Thundercracker writes fanfiction and screenplays and he dotes on his dog. What more do you want?  Meanwhile, Fort Max was the warden at Garrus-9 before Overlord took over, and even after seeing everything that had happened to Grimlock, he still wanted to throw him back in jail when he found him with the Scavengers. And he only wanted to capture the Scavengers just because he thought they were Decepticons and therefore had to have done something wrong, and he can’t keep from petting the beastformers no matter how many times they say not to.
Wheeljack vs. Thunderclash Wheeljack is full of fun and mad science. Thunderclash is full of himself and supported Getaway’s mutiny.
Whirl vs. Tracks Tracks, because Whirl is exciting, but not in a good way, and you’re not as tough as either Cyclonus or Tailgate. Tracks is also a pretty good dancer.
Ambulon vs. Dreadwing Beachcomber vs. Rampage Fireflight vs. Quickstrike Heatwave vs. Hardshell Metroplex vs. Sideswipe Seaspray vs. Runamuck Springer vs. Skyfire Wasp vs. Chase No opinion. Campaign to me for your choice.
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olberic · 15 days
ok. things about tfone. spoilers obviously
every group scene i was scanning the background for recognizable characters. i have so many i could comment on but i loved that like prowl AND bluestreak were there and u could tell them apart. and all the seekers and coneheads too
the quintessons!!! they were a total surprise!!! having iacon city be underground too… a great nod to g1 while keeping it fresh and keeping a lot of the aesthetics that idw introduced on the surface
thank you tfa for all your influences… shitty sentinel prime… fliers being generally bigger than grounders… short orion pax… the axe design…
bee is annoying again thank god
the spark of primus YESSIRRRRR
airachnid was very cool. very cool interpretation to make the spider -> extra eyes -> high perception -> bodyguard connection. just a really interesting interpretation of her character
making orion pax a miner like megatron but making him scrappy and introduced in a LIBRARY
it did the “optimus was a revolutionary” thing really well. my #1 beef with op in any continuity is that hes a centrist but idk, he only became lame at the end when he stopped megatron from shooting sentinel (who deserved it)
like the “workers worked to excess only for results to end up wasted in a world that only has finite resources” and “leadership making paragons of the working class into tools for controlling the masses into less freedom” and the “shit OSH rules meaning management encourages scapegoats” thing was…. well it was pointed wasnt it
starscream getting weird about getting hit. whyd they decide to do that (this is not a complaint)
laughed out loud at “you havent got the touch or the power”
cheered out loud when starscream showed up (not the only person in the theatre to do so) and also exclaimed when optimus’ mask snapped into place.
my single first and foremost otp in anything ever had a great introduction and whole seconds of contact while fighting
ALSO cheered out loud when megatron was kicking op’s ass. fave thing in an origin story for these two
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
I was reading the lockprowl's posts and I had an idea:
What if the sparklings were smokescreen, bluestreak and barricade?
(I know they're there [at least barricade], but it's not the first time we've changed some things from canon)
Considering how little there is of tfa barricade we can totally do this instead
But also, ooooo yes? Based on what I'm seeing seems like their shapes take a lot after Prowl
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tflegendarium · 11 months
Ok, I'm mixing two tfa ideas I saw:
During the episode where Lockdown offers Prowl the chance to go with him, he actually thinks about it instead of refusing.He feels out of place in the team and is not blind about how his group is limited and watched by cybertron, days later he goes to lockdown... and somehow this turns into a make out session in the end
They stay together and carry out their missions as mercenaries, there are ups and downs and Prowl still wants to be in the shadow, but that's ok.
Until it's not okay
One day, Prowl feels a greater weight in the area where his spark is, as well as more heat. A quick look in the mirror shows the presence of three extra sparks.He doesn't have time to tell him about the news, because something goes wrong on the mission that forces them to separate and Prowl is found by his old team and the elite guard.
And that's how he finds out that due to lack of communication for obvious reasons, everyone thinks he's been kidnapped and now a tearful Jazz is hugging him.
(the triplets are barricade, smoke screen and bluestreak)
Oof. That's rough, buddy. I'm not a personal fan of TFA LockProwl, but they definitely had an interesting playing off of each other, and I like them both a lot as characters. Love TFA Prowl.
Your idea does seem fun though!
I can't see it ending too well even if they do reunite as I am getting the vibe, Prowl doesn't know Lockdown killed Yoketron? I can't remmebrr that episode well. If he does, oh boyo, that adds a whole interesting dynamic to this.
Of course, everyone would be searching and wanting to find Prowl. Ratchet, with his Lockdown shaped trauma, Optimus, with his personal trauma of failing a team, Bumblebee, who probably blames himself a bit for Prowl feeling isolated if I remember right, and Jazz, who already lost his teacher to Lockdown, are all personally invested.
Oh, nice choice. Nice choice.
Now the decision of Prowl on how to explain this to everyone
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silkling · 3 years
((Here’s a short Drabble I wrote based off @technovalkyrie’s art of Prowl surviving the war and returning to the Dojo. It’s a simple piece, but I hope y’all like it.)) yes I’m aware I posted this yesterday in the form of a repost but that wasn’t how I intended for it to show up on this site. Forgive the mix-up, I’m rather new to Tumblr and still learning how it all works.
Prowl had been surprised to wake up. He’d come to in what he recognized as a Cybertronian medical bay, thoroughly confused as he stared at the worried faces of his team above him. Upon noticing his awakening, they’d swarmed him. He hadn’t understood a word of the tearful nonsense they’d spoken at him, as they’d all spoken over each other (or rather, Bumblebee had spoken over everyone else and his volume had made it impossible to hear the others). In the end, it had been Jazz who’d shooed the others out, then explain in hushed tones what had happened.
Apparently, after Prowl had given his spark to reform the All Spark, his team had managed to successfully defeat the Decepticons. When Jazz had carried his grayed frame back, Sari had refused to accept it. They’d brought the All Spark to him, and somehow she had managed to manipulate its energy to bring him back. It was all very confusing, but the best anyone could figure was that, since she had been the guardian if the Key, which the All Spark had gifted her in the first place, she had somehow become the guardian of the All Spark itself upon the loss of the Key. It was all apparently still very confusing and there were lots of unknowns about the situation, but it was generally accepted that Sari was somehow connected to the All Spark and able to sync with and use its energy in times of need.
After that had been explained to him, Jazz shared another bombshell. One of Master Yoketron’s cohorts, a mech named Dai Atlas, had seen to the repair of the old Dojo. More than that, in the wreckage, they’d found documentation from Yoketron stating that Prowl was the inheritor, and thus the next Master, of the Dojo, and by extension the next Master of the cyber-ninja corpse. It was...a lot. He’d known that his Master intended for him to become the next Dojo Master, of course. Yoketron himself had told him as much. But he hadn’t ever realized just what becoming the next Dojo Master actually entailed. Still, as overwhelming as it was, he wasn’t opposed. If anything, he was even more honored and humbled by his late mentor’s faith in him.
As soon as he had been released, Prowl had returned to the Dojo. It had indeed been repaired, though it obviously hadn’t been used. So, he had spent several days, with Jazz’s help, cleaning the place up and adding his own personal touch. That included organic plants traded from other plants, of course, because Prowl refused to live in a place with no organic life. After that, he’d taken to the streets, mind turning over the course his life had taken. There would be a celebration that night, to honor the team that had defeated the Decepticons and brought the war to and end. It had included him, and he had gone along with it for the sake of his small make-shift family. But then it was over, and the next day he was back to the streets. Specifically, he found himself wandering the same streets he had used to call home before he’d been caught and delivered to Master Yoketron.
And that was where he met Bluestreak. The little bitlet was barely more than a youngling, and for a second when Prowl laid his eyes on the smaller Praxian he’d had a vivid flashback to when he’d been younger and in the same position. The cyber-ninja had found himself crouched, an energon cube in hand held out the the frightened child. It had taken some coaxing, but then the youngling had snatched the cube, and apparently deciding that Prowl was a “good adult” and darted in the press close. He’d gulped down the energon desperately, introducing himself around a mumbled mouthful, and that was when Prowl made his decision.
He’d offered Bluestreak a chance to become his student at the Dojo. After he’d explained what that meant and all it entailed, the youngling had flung his arms around Prowl and agreed with tearful eagerness. Prowl pretended not to notice the way he was practically shaking with relief. It was on the way back to the Dojo that Prowl had learned Blustreak’s story. He’d been orphaned in an attack on one of the colonies, shortly after Decepticon activity had picked up after Megatron’s revival. He’d snuck on a transport to Cybertron, hoping to find help, but had been turned away at every corner. At the Dojo, Prowl had sent him off to the wash racks to clean, then sat him down to eat dinner with him, before showing him to his berthroom. The youngling had given him one last hug before retiring to recharge.
Now, it was a few months later. Prowl found himself wandering through the main hall of the Dojo, remembering the many, many days and nights he’d spent here as a younger bot. His expression was soft and fond, but also twisted ever so slightly in pain. He had good memories here, beloved memories, but the loss of his Master had always tainted then with a faint aura of pain. Now, he supposed he had the chance to make new memories. This time though, he would be the one helping the lost youngling find his way. It was..a good thought. Bluestreak was far more tactile and personable than Prowl ever was, and likely ever would be, but that wasn’t a bad thing. He had already found himself adjusting to his student’s need for physical touch, and the Praxian’s sometimes endless chatter never failed to remind Prowl (fondly) of Bumblebee. It was good. Life was good, now. For once, he was at peace, and truly happy.
He heard movement outside the main room, just before a small helm poked inside. “Master Prowl? Isn’t it time for breakfast? Unless you have something new to show me first, which I wouldn’t mind! Everything you teach me is so cool, and I learn a lot, and it’s great here! Though, didn’t you say it’s not a good idea to do anything more intense than stretches before fueling in the morning? Is that what we’re doing? I really am hungry, and I wouldn’t mind-”
Prowl let the youngling’s chatter wash over him, walking over and gesturing his student to follow him as he led the way to the kitchen. “Why don’t you help me prepare our morning fuel?” Was all he said in response, and instantly an eager youngling was at his side to soak in what he was doing.
Yes, Prowl thought. This is good. This is where I’m meant to be.
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what-the-ship · 4 years
Transformers Animated because I love it. We need a fic where Smokescreen is Prowl's long lost brother. Bumblebee noticed that his favorite racer looks just like his team mate. Smokey reveals during an interview he is looking for his younger brother.
Prowl reaches out to discover his elder sibling is trying to revive the Praxian culture. He even found a sparklings named Bluestreak who hates him. When Blue meets Prowl the two of them bond instantly. Now Prowl is left with a sparkling while being an Earth. Shenanigans ensue.
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mychlapci · 3 months
I didn't even realize I made a mistake (my bad, sometimes i'm distracted )
About my ask:
Tfa Prowl enters in the rut, as a precaution he goes to the forest to go through it alone
only to find Lockdown and Jazz (who had left " 'cause he wants to explore") in heat
The result of this is Jazz with twins (bluestreak and Smokescreen ) and Lockdown with one (barricade)
For now, fics of these three being related to him (not at the same time)
Aaaa you didn't really make a mistake i just have beef with refering to cybertronians as femmes... but it's okay, i can excuse it when it comes to a great mind.
I need the little twink to top the living hell out of Jazz and Lockdown. Prowl in rut goes completely crazy. His spike is barely contained behind his panel. The moment he gets his hands on Lockdown that thing is out and flooding that big mercenary valve full of his baby. Jazz gets roped in second, actually, when Prowl is fully out of it... He doesn't realize what he's done until days later...
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