#tf foc
fishdance · 3 months
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a bunch of traditional media tf doodles taken with my ipotato 4 many years ago
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phoenixisobsessed · 1 month
If it's alright to ask again again, Fall of Cybertron Metroplex for nr 96, please? Lasercanons go brrr
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AAAARGHHHH (Original post: PINNED)
Like three seperate people asked for this one so just defaulted for the person who had least asks done. Holy shit biggest mistake of my life this dude is so complex (So happy to be done). But I mean it fits…so yk funnyyy UAHEUA good ask good ask but DAMN that was rough.
Also guys we’re getting realy low on asks… (AKA I have like one or two from a previous asker)There are like 13 to go (I’m a bit ahead on the cats just because of school xD they’re queued. I don’t want to spoil which ones it is but at the same time if people ask for them then I just had to throw them out so…24+29+49 on their way.). PLEEASE go drop in the asks I am ON MY KNEES!
TUMBLR!!! GO put catformer asks in my inbox and my LIFE is YOURS!!! 🙏 (Remember to read pinned as always…)
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cartoonyhappyface · 3 days
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he fine whatever 😏
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jessenitrogen · 7 months
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ultra magnus design for an au
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pepsiprophecy · 2 months
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they return
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blushinggoku · 7 months
Been trying to read some goku x reader fanfics (because I love him and cringe culture is dead) but there's soo few out there it's insane. I'm disappointed in this fandom for not loving goku more
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Sjokcss. A j. Jagkifw w vwgolbhwf
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celestite-caroline · 10 months
you know you're super normal about a transformers character when you have several nonexistent alternate continuity versions of them in mind
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blue-inferno · 1 year
Jazz: "Cliffjumper! You catch any of that?"
Cliffjumper: "You mean the screaming?! The horror?! Followed by more screaming?!"
Jazz: "Uh, yeah that'd be it..."
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thelvadams · 10 days
only one way to end transformers day
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robotsprinkles · 4 months
Fall of Cybertron and Destiny being the two first "real" games that I properly played (instead of getting stuck on a random level and never finishing)
combined with me being really into the TF07 DS game where you play as a custom "Create-A-Bot" character (via watching my friend play it when I went to his house. and also youtube videos) and my discovery of Armored Core some time between 2012-2016 when I saw the opening cinematic for 4A on youtube
has resulted in me really wanting (to play/make/both) a customisation-heavy transformers game where you play as an MTO
Unfortunately, my skillset amounts to being okay at drawing and painting, technically being able to kind of 3D model, making very rudimentary character rigs (and rigging two-stage universal joint mounted hydraulic pistons), and maybe being sort of okay at writing. so making it myself is out of the question.
(also even if I had all the necessary skills the amount of crap I'd need to make would be infeasible anyway so)
And hasbro seems content to let the TF game license rot in the mobile market (and possibly development hell/live service hell depending on how Reactivate goes), and I don't think they'd be that into the idea of making a tf game where you don't get to play as and/or which doesn't entirely focus on the big name characters, so I don't think we're getting anything like this anytime soon. or ever.
So I guess I'm just going to be waiting for a game that probably no one wants and will almost certainly never be made for however many years I have before I die.
Might start posting my dumb ideas for this hypothetical game under its own tag or something. Then again I might not because I mean.
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At least one vehicon took one good look at the Tarn's fanfiction leak, and knew what they had to do; they had to go write the worst but best written fanfic inspired by his.
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ripleyinspace · 1 year
Chapter 1 - Intentions
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Noah Diaz x Female!OC
Summary: Shaolin, a university student that comes from a tight-knit family, has always kept her nose clean and followed the rules. Aside from her mouth occasionally being her undoing, her mother could always count on her daughter to be the best version of herself: smart, capable, independent. Then came a freckled stranger who turned out to not be as much of a stranger as she thought.
18+!! | Third-person omniscient | AU/AT |  Warnings: Language, Themes of the adoption system, slight classism if you squint, slight age gap (OC 19, Noah 23), Forbidden/sneaky love, secrets, eventual SMUT, not beta'd
Words: 3K
A/N: I update warnings with each chapter. Only proceed if you can handle the themes included in the warnings. This AU probably doesn't satisfy anyone but myself
Minors DNI, DL;DR, if I miss a warning, please let me know
Chapter List
"Shaolin! Breakfast!" Her mom yelled from the kitchen. Shaolin had woken up later than she wanted, so she didn't make it downstairs before her mom began shouting across the apartment. 
She rushed to put on her clothes and shoes, brush her teeth, and play with her curly hair for a grand total of eight minutes before she decided it was useless. There was no looking cute after sleeping in. "Shao! Hurry up, will ya?" She heard again.
The young woman exited the tiny bathroom in a huff, deciding this day had already gone to shit. Worse: it was exam day in Professor Gordon's class. 
Fuck, I didn't study for shit last night. She panicked in her head. She had, in fact, studied for an hour before getting a phone call from Josie, who had to spend hours complaining about her boyfriend Tyler and the insensitive prick he is for the third time this month. Shaolin knew it didn't matter. Josie would be right back in Tyler's Mustang by noon today.
As Shaolin entered the kitchen, she realized just how late she was. Her brother Lyle had already left for school, and her mom was decked out in her restaurant gear: non-slip shoes, black yoga pants, and her forest green shirt that read 'Pablo's' in big white letters.
"Morning, mamá." Shaolin greeted as she watched her mother elegantly move a hot cast iron pan with her bare, calloused hand. Valeria Morales was the perfect example of an everywoman. She was a mother, the chef at a restaurant she owned and operated, and she still managed to wake up and cook breakfast for everyone with a smile. 
"Buenos dias mija." She replied, holding out a blue plate with chorizo and eggs for her to take. "Eat."��
"I'm already behind schedule, ma," Shaolin said, denying the offering and making a B-line to her bookbag that hung off of her seat at the table. Before she realized she made a wrong move, her mother's eyes went cold and commanded her attention. 
"You have time to eat breakfast," Mom stated, causing her daughter to sit at the chair and take the food without further protest. Her mother continued as she scooped a forkful of red eggs into her mouth. "You need to pick your brother up after practice today, okay? Thomas will be late at the station."
"Lyle's thirteen. Why can't he walk home alone?"
"Because he's thirteen, Shao."
"I was walking home alone when I was ten." Shaolin mumbled as she chewed, which garnered another icy glare from her mom. "Right, different circumstances, I know."
By different circumstances, she meant different neighborhood. Before her grandmother got bad and caused them to move into this place, they lived over in Flushing. Mom was less trustworthy of Downtown Brooklyn, having grown up here and seen the ugly underbelly.
"I'll have Tina take over dinner rush so we can have family night later, okay?" Mom promised as she gathered her purse and kissed her daughter on the head. "I love you."
"I love you too, mamá," Shaolin responded. The second her mother was out the door, the remaining eggs went down the disposal, and she grabbed her belongings, stopping only to assess herself in the mirror by the door one more time and concluding that she still looked like she just rolled out of bed. 
Once Shao was out the door, she was stopped by a man standing in the hall outside her apartment. He smiled at her right away, all perfect teeth surrounded by freckles. She had never seen this dude in her life and had never made an effort to speak to random men, but he seemed like he was about to knock on her door.
"Can I help you?" She asked after she had already caught his attention. He wasn't a bad-looking guy by any means, but she was skeptical of his smile that didn't falter at her question.
"Actually, you probably can. I'm looking for Gloria Morales." He said with an accent that told her he must be from around here. Still, she crossed her arms. 
"My GG? She died a couple years ago. Sorry." Shaolin said, continuing her descent to the stairwell without questioning why he was asking for her, of all people. 
"Damn, I'm sorry." He expressed his remorse before he continued. "How about Valeria? Is she around?" He queried again while he followed at a distance. Though she appreciated him for respecting her space as he followed, she didn't care for his asking about her mother. 
A stranger that knows GG and Mom but doesn't know GG's dead? Who the fuck?
"You just missed her." She slightly snapped. "Who the hell are you, even?"
Judging from the context, he gathered that this was Valeria's daughter. He barely remembered her, only that he was just a bit older than her. He understood her irritation and couldn't help but think of how beautiful she was as she snapped at him.
"My name's Noah Diaz." The man began. "I was fostered by Gloria when I was really young. Too young to really remember, but I did some digging. I was hoping she'd be around." 
Upon hearing this, Shao thought back to all the times she was told about this baby that GG kept when he was born. The baby that somehow made it into all the family albums but never crossed her path. The ah-ha moment was visible as they retreated from the breezeway door onto the sidewalk. 
"Baby Noah? The one adopted by some big-shot up on the upper east side. I've heard about you."
"That would be me," Noah confirmed with another million-dollar grin. He had no idea that they referred to him as that. 
Just as Shaolin thought to give this guy the time of day, she checked her watch and realized the time. 
"Shit, I'm gonna be late. See ya." She spoke abruptly and took off down the sidewalk, clutching her bookbag. 
As Noah watched her figure grow smaller before she turned a corner, he realized he didn't get her name but figured he would get it eventually. After all, they were neighbors now.
Though Shaolin wasn't sure how she did on her exam, she was glad to not be as late as she thought. The rest of her classes for the day went smoothly, also. 
Her relief slowly dwindled when she ran into Josie, who confirmed yet again that she was back with Tyler and it was all a misunderstanding. 
"I don't know why you put yourself through this shit, girl," Shao grumbled as they weaved between cars in the campus parking lot. She didn't want to talk about Tyler anymore, but the unfortunate truth was they never had much else to discuss these days.
Josie and Shaolin had been friends since Freshman year of high school, back when Josie seemed to care about things and shared interests with her. Back when they could truly call each other best friends. 
That all changed when Tyler came into the picture with his car, money, and superiority complex. Josie was head over heels; ever since, it was nothing but a blur of toxicity with their on-again, off-again bullshit.
It was Tyler and Josie who set Shao up with Josh—the cream of the fucking crop, it seemed like. Everything that Shao was taught that she was supposed to be into. Ten-percent body fat, straight teeth, driver's license... wannabe carbon copy of Michael B. Jordan, yet he still had the slimiest personality she'd ever known.
"It's called being soulmates. You always work it out." Josie said, breaking Shao from her thoughts. A cynical snicker forced its way through her lips,
"I don't believe in all that garbage. Boyfriends have done nothing but disappoint me. Only thing is, I don't usually give them a second chance to do it again." She dug.
"Clearly, you've never gotten a proper lay either." Josie returned Shao's energy as the wind whipped her blonde hair around her face and shoulders. 
Yeah, and you'd know that if you bothered to discuss something that wasn't Tyler for fuckin' once.
She used to want to be like Josie, but now? Josie couldn't be further from the person Shao saw herself as. Even if she felt inadequate.
It didn't help that Josie was her only friend if you could even call what they shared a friendship anymore. More than anything, it was Josie who felt that she needed Shao, though she would never admit such a thing.
"Says the girl who went on and on about how Tyler has a choad." Shaolin teased as the pair heard Da Baby blasting in the distance, signaling Tyler's arrival on campus. 
A douche will have douchey taste, after all. Shao thought as the red sports car came into view and stopped for the girl she stood with. Josie turned and shrugged at her,
"I was just mad, okay?" She defended as she opened the car door. The douche in question gave Shao a nod in greeting before pulling off. "Talk soon!" Josie shouted as they started leaving.
On her way home, Shaolin stopped by Lyle's school to walk with him. It was a rare occurrence, given that Tom always made time to pick him up in his squad car and take him home after soccer. They didn't relate much, being six years apart with two different fathers. 
Shao could barely remember her dad personality-wise. She spent time with him when she was little until, one day, he stopped picking her up. Mom always said it was because he ran out of money and didn't want to pay child support anymore.
On the other hand, Lyle's dad was still around and got visitation on weekends. Shaolin used to be jealous of this, even if she would never admit it. Billy loved Lyle, and though Shao attempted to find a father figure in Billy, it just didn't stick.
However, when Tom came into the picture, her life was turned upside-down. The second he showed up, he tried to assert himself as their stepdad. Shao relented and refused to see him that way. He was just Mom's boyfriend to her, and the older Lyle got, the more he saw that also. 
"Hopefully, Officer Blowhard doesn't make it to family night." Lyle cracked, unlooking from his phone as they turned the corner into their street. Shaolin laughed at their inside joke, referring to Officer Tom Billard as Blowhard. 
As their building came into view, she realized her mom had come home early and was having a seemingly jovial chat outside with none other than Baby Noah. Instead of wondering why he was here again, she figured she would ask.
"Still standing around out here, stalker?" She teased on the approach. His curly head turned and smiled at her the second he heard her. Mom didn't seem nearly as pleased about the comment. 
"Be nice, Shaolin!" She snapped slightly. "Have you two already met?"
Noah was about to answer before he realized he had just accidentally learned the girl's name. Shaolin. He decided to use that. 
"Wu-Tang fan?" He asked, directing the question at Valeria, who rolled her eyes. 
"Die-hard when I was seventeen and didn't realize how ridiculous that name would sound later on." She laughed. Noah liked it, though. He barely knew the girl but thought it suited her.
Before anyone knew it, they were all inside the Morales residence, continuing this conversation as Val passed out the Chinese takeout. She wasn't expecting any guests, especially the one she got, but she always ordered extra. 
Between Val and Noah catching up like they were long-lost pals, he would attempt to exchange words with Shaolin, who seemed much less conversational. He took a different approach and looked at Lyle, who didn't appear much older than his little brother. 
"So, what grade you in?" 
"Eighth," Lyle answered shortly, entranced by a video on his phone. Val wised up to this quickly and snapped her fingers over the table. 
"Put it away, or I'll take it." She said with a stone-cold expression that quickly returned to a smile once he slipped the device into his pocket. 
"Oh yeah? Do you like it?" Noah asked, attention still on the boy. Lyle began to nod, but before he could speak, Shao had to take a moment to be the snarky sister. 
"His straight C's say otherwise." She mumbled, picking at her bowl of rice. Expecting the third degree from Val, she was surprised when it became an opportunity to brag about her achievements. 
"Not everyone can be an honor student, Shao." She spoke before turning back to Noah. "Full ride scholarship to CUNY, by the way. We're very proud of her." 
Valeria took every opportunity to boast about her daughter's success, which always made her uncomfortable. This time, however, she couldn't help but notice that Noah was impressed by this and felt good about it. Happy, even, that she didn't have to bring it up herself.
Why the fuck do you care how this guy feels? She thought to herself before snapping back to reality as her mom asked Noah what he was up to these days. 
"I'm a mechanic. Work over in a shop near Bed-Stuy. It's why I just moved here." He explained. "Right next door, actually. 2-C." 
2-C? Shao thought to herself, realizing they were in 4-C. Ms. Lang had just moved out of 2-C. She had been tasked many times with feeding the old woman's fish while she was gone, and as she remembered how her place was mapped—the main bedroom was separated from Shao's room by only a thin wall. Many nights she could hear Andy Griffith reruns while lying in bed.
The room grew suddenly silent as the entrance to the apartment opened, followed by the sound of heavy feet stepping inside. Enter Officer Blowhard: a white-bread man with a beer gut and a receding hairline that was never quite good enough to be a detective. He caught a glimpse of the full table as he walked in and tried to hide a frown. 
"Hey, Val. Kiddos." He greeted before his eyes stopped on Noah. "Who's this?" 
"This is Baby Noah!" Val informed, placing a hand on his shoulder. "One of the kid's my ma used to foster." 
Though Noah did his best to greet Tom politely, as he did everyone, Blowhard stood firm, giving him only a single nod before looking back to Val, who quickly realized that there was no room at the table for him. "There's food up here, hun."
"I'm gonna catch a shower first," Tom replied before double-taking at the stranger, then disappearing into a dark hallway. The awkward silence remained until Noah began to stand up. 
"I think I'ma head out." He announced as he pushed his chair in. "This was wonderful, Val. Thank you."
Valeria's face lit up. "Anytime! It was great to see you." She said as she stood up to hug him goodbye. With her head over Noah's shoulder, she looked at Shao, "Walk Noah out, please, Shao." 
The request was standard for when they had guests around her age, but Shaolin found it absurd since, apparently, Noah lived right next door now. Still, she complied and followed the young man out. 
Nothing was said initially, but Noah started the conversation as he dug into his pocket for his key. 
"CUNY, huh? Whatcha studying?"
"Nursing," Shao answered flatly, trying not to give away that she was ecstatic over his interest. He was almost too handsome for her to believe he was honest as she reminded herself that a guy like this could pretend to be interested for weeks if that's what it takes.
And still, her mind raced with images of him scooping her up or pulling her close and kissing her suddenly. 
You read too many books. Shaolin thought. Don't be a creep.
"It was probably weird between us this morning, asking about your grandmother and all." Noah acknowledged as he turned the key in the door. Shaolin focused on his hand and how strong it looked. Mechanic work will do that. As her throat grew dry, she swallowed and nodded,
"It was bizarre." She agreed with a nervous laugh. His gorgeous grin showed again as the lock clicked. 
"Yeah, can never be too careful around here." He said as his hand wrapped around the doorknob. "A lot of strangers around with bad intentions."
"Sure are," Shao replied, sounding weaker than she intended and immediately feeling panic rush over her. 
But what are your intentions? 
He finally looked up from the knob with his eyes that reminded her of ocean-wetted sand. 
"Don't be a stranger, Shaolin Morales." He spoke confidently, but Shao's previously airless lungs filled back up at the uttering of what he assumed was her last name. The newfound oxygen was expelled quickly as she laughed, which confused Noah. "What's so funny?" he said, laughing a bit to not feel left out. Shao shook her head,
"Jackson." She corrected. "My last name's Jackson, like my dad."
It was Noah's turn to feel a tinge of embarrassment, knowing it made sense as he opened the door to his near-baron apartment. 
"Shit, my bad." He said as he continued to laugh at himself. "Shaolin Jackson." He finished with another broad smile, liking the mouthfeel of it. Shao felt the muscles in her legs tremble at the sound of him saying her name correctly this time. Almost like he noticed, he gave her a wink before walking into his place. "Have a good night."
Once Noah disappeared behind the closed door, Shao thought she would fall over and braced herself on the wall beside her. She never got like this, refused to fall all over herself over any guy, yet here she was. She felt herself sinking into the curiosity of the unknown.
As Shaolin returned home, she caught the end of a conversation between Blowhard and her mom in the kitchen that broke her out of her flustered state. 
"He's a criminal, Val. A criminal just ate dinner in my seat with your kids."
Shao was baffled by what she was hearing and knew she couldn't just eavesdrop, as they must have heard her come back in. She crossed the threshold and eyed them, cocking her head.
"What'd he do?" She asked, gaining Mom's attention from the table. She looked disappointed. 
"Tom recognized him from an arrest he made a few years ago. He stole a car, Shao." She informed. 
"Yeah, took it for a joyride with some friend of his," Blowhard added before returning to Mom. "He's trouble, Val, I'm telling you."
To Shaolin's shock, Val seemed to agree with him on that. Ever since she took over the restaurant from her dad, she's given ex-cons an opportunity for employment at Pablo's when nobody else gave them a chance. The change of heart, all because Blowhard said something, aggravated her.
"I can't do anything about him living next door, but I certainly don't want him around Lyle or in my home again." Mom spoke before pointing at Shao. "I've done everything I can to keep Lyle out of that shit. You know that."
All Shao could do was nod in agreement. She knew her mom always kept her kids out of trouble, even if that meant cutting people off. Her family was different from the restaurant. 
This is it. The excuse you needed to keep your distance.
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vector-prima-vectorum · 8 months
I like to think Hirofumi Ichikawa himself can read my mind and nods his head sagely whenever I think about Logos Prime
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scourgeofmyownbrain · 3 months
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Ladies and Gentlemen, Bitches and Bastards, Witches and Wizards, Mothers and Fuckers. Esteemed robot enjoyers, I present to you a semi-accurate height comparison of Bumblebee across the multiverse (as of July 2024). This really helps visualize the truly staggering differences between universes, at least height-wise. Also, three of these characters are Canonically the Same Guy; guess which ones.
I spent way too much time on the chart in the back it's not even funny. I will probably make more height charts for more TF characters and universes in the future. Don't expect it soon though, because when I make these, I am fueled by pure I-Got-Bored-At-Work-And-I-Have-Decided-To-Fool-Around-With-Robot-PNGs, and that fuel supply is inconsistent at best.
Hey Fun Fact, Did you know that Generation 1 Optimus Prime is around 19 Feet Tall? Bet some of you already knew that. I have no ulterior motives for bringing this fact up, what are you talking about.
My height explanations are below the cut, because you couldn't shut me up if you tried.
In an order:
Gen 1 - ~10 feet (the wiki says greater than 3 meters so I rounded up to the first whole number because round)
Netflix Cybertron Trilogy - ~10 feet (He looks identical to Gen 1 so... the reason his photo looks weird is because I couldn't find a good full body photo with him standing straight up facing the camera so I put two images together to make the worst looking photoshop job you have ever seen)
Earth Spark - 10 feet (There is no confirmed height yet but using a screen shot of him standing in front of a barn door I was able to make a reasonable guess.)
Animated - 12 feet (I have no genuine source for this, I think this info is just someone's guesstimate, but it seems reasonable. He's a tiny two door mini car, how big could he be)
New Live Action - 15 feet (The wiki hath declared. Also do we have a name for this universe because we need one I don't want to keep saying like 6 words to differentiate this one from bayverse)
Bayverse V1 - 16 feet (This is like the first 3 movies minimum, I don't remember when he hits his growth spurt. also wiki my love)
Cyberverse - 18 feet (I'm gonna be honest, the only info we have is from a really shitty screen shot of a magazine. SO if any one has a copy of this book from the video below, a high quality scan would be greatly appreciated and I will kiss the ground you walk upon. Yes I found the video where the screen shot comes from leave me alone)
Bayverse V2 - 18 feet (movie 4-5 I can't remember which one, I'm not re-looking this up. I fucking love the bayverse tho, this is the only universe with concrete and consistent this-character-is-this-height info)
Aligned Cont. WF/FOC - 20 feet (video game info screens you god send, kiss me sweetly)
Aligned Cont. TFP/RID15 - 21 feet (I do not know exactly where these numbers were found, but I fully fucking believe them. Just by looking at these characters on the show I can verify these numbers in my mind. They made specifically this universe to be full of freakishly tall robots for some fucking reason.)
And for any one who doesn't know, the three tallest are the same guy. Like the 20 feet tall one and the 21 feet tall ones, same guy. The ones in three wildly different art styles and designs. Let that sink in...
I fucking hate the aligned continuity why is that one my favorite.
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theshockwave48 · 1 year
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WFC/WFC Decepticons (2022) Did this for a TF charity calendar last year! Wanted to draw every playable Decepticon from the WFC/FOC games to celebrate the 10 anniversary of FOC
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