theboxfort · 6 months
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Peace and love
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adhdavinci · 1 month
mine are carrots, specifically raw. i can demolish a bag of baby carrots in one sitting. eat them like chips, no dip required
(sorry if tumblrs limit made me forget yours but pls tell me)
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 4 months
It is the middle of a Sunday afternoon. You have nothing on, and aren't expecting visitors, deliveries or post.
Unexpectedly, there is a knock at the door.
you are greeted by...... her
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doctorsiren · 13 days
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OBJECTION! - Ace Attorney, but in Legos that I 3D modeled myself
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colorful-horses · 2 months
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not a phase
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sanctus-ingenium · 3 months
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look at my creature
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aurorepeuffier · 2 months
I was wondering if people on tumblr preferred gifs to videos. Many people told me that the sound was missing (and because I'm proud of my owl dubbing). I repost the video version here
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memoryjoule · 1 year
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happy release day 🎉🍃
also available as a print at my online store ^^
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ozonecologne · 3 months
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💖 star walkin 💖
Lil Nas X painted in Photoshop, ~20 hours
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salamispots · 7 months
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more wips
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reineydraws · 2 months
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i think, if they were real, they would hang out while waiting for the mortals in the time loop to reset. and they'd be buddies.
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banicraft · 3 months
Oh my Goodness they're adding more paintings!
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they've even got a pack.png painting
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orphetoon · 20 days
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(fullmeal au) elrics v toudens
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ciearcab · 3 months
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musing over a priest or something like that
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pangur-and-grim · 26 days
Question, what does the little bald boy feel like when you pet him? I've never pet a bald (mammal) pet before (I've held a tortoise but that doesn't give me any clues). Is he soft? Peach-fuzzy? Like human skin? I've asked someone with a xolo and was told they feel leathery, but I imagine an adult xolo has a different skin texture to a kitten.
the fur on his legs is as soft as puppy ears. his back is bristly like a wild hog. and his belly is rubbery to the point of being sticky
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