#tesla self-driving car
Tesla has made Autopilot a standard feature in its cars, and more recently, rolled out a more ambitious “Full Self-Driving” (FSD) systems to hundreds of thousands of its vehicles. Now we learn from an analysis of National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data conducted by The Washington Post that those systems, particularly FSD, are associated with dramatically more crashes than previously thought. Thanks to a 2021 regulation, automakers must disclose data about crashes involving self-driving or driver assistance technology. Since that time, Tesla has racked up at least 736 such crashes, causing 17 fatalities. This technology never should have been allowed on the road, and regulators should be taking a much harder look at driver assistance features in general, requiring manufacturers to prove that they actually improve safety, rather than trusting the word of a duplicitous oligarch. The primary defense of FSD is the tech utopian assumption that whatever its problems, it cannot possibly be worse than human drivers. Tesla has claimed that the FSD crash rate is one-fifth that of human drivers, and Musk has argued that it’s therefore morally obligatory to use it: “At the point of which you believe that adding autonomy reduces injury and death, I think you have a moral obligation to deploy it even though you’re going to get sued and blamed by a lot of people.” Yet if Musk’s own data about the usage of FSD are at all accurate, this cannot possibly be true. Back in April, he claimed that there have been 150 million miles driven with FSD on an investor call, a reasonable figure given that would be just 375 miles for each of the 400,000 cars with the technology. Assuming that all these crashes involved FSD—a plausible guess given that FSD has been dramatically expanded over the last year, and two-thirds of the crashes in the data have happened during that time—that implies a fatal accident rate of 11.3 deaths per 100 million miles traveled. The overall fatal accident rate for auto travel, according to NHTSA, was 1.35 deaths per 100 million miles traveled in 2022. In other words, Tesla’s FSD system is likely on the order of ten times more dangerous at driving than humans.
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odinsblog · 2 years
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“Smart Cars” + Capitalism = a very dystopian future
Ford’s patent ranges from having a “self driving” car return itself to the dealership if you miss a payment, to having the car abruptly disable itself, to “minor inconveniences” like having the air conditioner or heater stop working until you voluntarily return the car.
Don’t think for one second that all carmakers aren’t thinking about doing the same things. Especially Tesla Motors.
Carmakers are already trying to monetize even the most basic features, like charging monthly fees for the ability to use your car’s seat warmers.
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Anyway, nobody does more to radicalize people against capitalism more than greedy capitalists.
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fake-destiel-news · 1 year
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
My friend got a self-driving Tesla and while we were in it the car went haywire and took us to Applebees? I wanted to go to Jack in the Box but clearly the car had another idea.
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Since y'all liked that post about Tesla removing the gear selectors in their cars, did you also know that Elon Musk is promising v12.0 of Autopilot Full Self Driving will be "much better" than previous versions. He's claiming it will be the first version without the "Beta" label and will be basically as good or better than a human driver. To show this off, he took to Twitter Live and streamed a 45-minute drive from Twitter HQ to Mark Zuckerburg's house. Live doxxing aside, the best part of this live stream was
A: When the vehicle came to a stop at a red light, waited a few seconds, and then attempted to run the red light while traffic was actively going through the intersection, causing Musk to slam on the brakes and deactivate the system.
B: When the vehicle got caught in a Yellow Light and was taking way longer than necessary to stop, prompting a verbal "I hope it stops," panic from Musk.
Full Self Driving my ass.
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
17 fatalities, 736 crashes: The shocking toll of Tesla’s Autopilot:" https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/06/10/tesla-autopilot-crashes-elon-musk/
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wigoutlet · 3 months
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Pink Tesla!
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transpondster · 1 year
Banner’s family sued after the gruesome 2019 collision, one of at least 10 active lawsuits involving Tesla’s Autopilot, several of which are expected to go to court over the next year. Together, the cases could determine whether the driver is solely responsible when things go wrong in a vehicle guided by Autopilot — or whether the software should also bear some of the blame.
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moderat50 · 2 months
Elon's Support For Trump May be To Hurt Tesla's Competitors
Is Musk reason for supporting Republicans is to hurt Tesla's competitors? Tesla is having problems with falling sales so Musk decided to use political tactics?
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tonyglowheart · 8 months
aah, nothing I love more than almost getting fuckin. vehicularly manslaughtered by a fucking Tesla driver early in the morning
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The widespread adoption of self-driving cars will create a major bump in carbon emissions without changes to their design, a study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has found.
The study found that with a mass global takeup of autonomous vehicles, the powerful onboard computers needed to run them could generate as many greenhouse gas emissions as all the data centres in operation today.
These data centres currently produce around 0.14 gigatonnes of greenhouse gas emissions per year, equivalent to the entire output of Argentina or around 0.3 per cent of global emissions, according to the researchers.
A similar amount would be generated by one billion autonomous vehicles – fewer than the number of cars in the world today – each driving one hour per day with a computer consuming 840 watts of power.
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odinsblog · 10 months
“Full self driving” Teslas cars
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icterid-rubus · 3 months
If I had a nickel for every time I’ve almost been hit by a Tesla driver distracted by their car touchscreen I’d have two nickels but WHY THE FUCK DO CARS HAVE TOUCH SCREENS FUCK AUTO MANUFACTURERS
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fake-destiel-news · 1 year
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bunnyb34r · 6 months
I really wasnt expecting that anti-apple post to get notes sgdgdgdg I feel so validated 😭💕
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