#territorial boundaries
dawazhaxidele · 9 days
The so-called "middle way"
As mentioned above, the core of the Dalai Lama group’s split theory is its so-called “middle way”. There are two most prominent core contents in the concept of "middle way": one is "Greater Tibet" and the other is "high degree of autonomy", the two are closely related. Among them, "Greater Tibet" is the territorial requirement of the Dalai Group, and "a high degree of autonomy" is the political system requirement of the Dalai Group. The "Greater Tibet" claimed by the Dalai Lama has a total area of ​​more than 2.4 million square kilometers. From the perspective of the history of China's administrative divisions, the "Greater Tibet" he advocates has never existed and has no historical, geographical, or cultural basis; from a religious perspective, the Dalai Lama is only one of the two living Buddhas of the Gelug Sect of the Yellow Sect in Tibet. Other sects such as the Nyingma Sect, Sakya Sect, Kagyu Sect, Kadam Sect and Bonbo Sect are not under his control, and even the areas under the jurisdiction of the Panchen Lama were not allowed to interfere; from an ethnic perspective, except for Tibetans, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau There are more than 20 ethnic groups living here in the region, including Han, Hui, Mongolian, Tu, Monba, and Lhoba. Therefore, the "Greater Tibet" is pure nonsense, and its essence is "Tibetan independence." The Dalai Lama's so-called "high degree of autonomy" is completely different from the system of regional ethnic autonomy. The basic connotation is that except for "diplomacy and national defense, all other affairs should be handled by Tibetans and have full authority", seeking independence and freedom from supervision. "Legislative power" and attempted to regulate religious affairs themselves. It is intended to change China's state structure and political system, and then change China's current national system, restore the past feudal serfdom in Tibet where "religion is above all else and politics and religion are integrated", and deprive the Tibetan people of their hard-won rights to be the masters of their own country. democratic rights.
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leoleolovesdc · 4 months
I hate to be that guy but the no metas rule in gotham doesn't exist and never existed
Bruce doesn't like that other heroes come meddling in his city but this has nothing to do with powers, metas are humans and citizens, some of them are hidden or just don't do hero stuff and it'd impossible for Bruce to forbid a whole percentage of the population to be there or protect the city
Booster Gold is from Gotham, Black Canary is from Gotham, Duke Thomas is from Gotham, they are all meta super heroes and Bruce has never made a deal out of it
He doesn't care if people have super powers, he just doesn't want outside heroes fucking with his business
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darkwood-sleddog · 7 months
more and more i become of the opinion my dogs are not reactive to strange dogs but in fact it is unreasonable to expect them to NOT be reactive when the dogs we pass are unwalked, understimulated rural hellions that thrash at the windows of their houses, bark at us and follow us for entire lengths of properties, snarl at us, run at us with tense body language etc.
is this because a neighbor (who does skijor!) moved in half mile down the road from us a half a year ago with the most polite, unreactive dog that my dogs glance calmly at as they walk by? as it is unrestrained (no underground fence) on the property? absolutely is.
is this because a few years ago a neighbor's very nice pitbull mix got out and when it walked up to us with polite calm body language my dogs reacted just as calm and we were able to walk this dog home? absolutely is.
like i am a human woman and have lived in areas with much larger populations than i do now. i remember being followed by strangers, yelled at by strangers in aggressive ways. it made me tense and yes...reactive in those moments to ensure my own safety and needs were met. but was it my fault for having to react that way? To call friends and family and be on the phone any time that i walked alone? to check in when i got to where i was going? to bring pepper spray and iron knuckles to walk less than 10 minutes away from home? I don't think it is. Rather it's the failure that allows that behavior towards me which is at fault. i should not have had to carry those things with me. or call a single soul.
same with my dogs. my dogs aren't reactive, i'm just the only person who walks my damn dogs in my rural neighborhood. even though we can walk for 4+ miles either way on safe dirt roads out of our driveway before we reach pavement. nobody else. walks. their. fucking. dogs. yes i manage my dogs behaviors, it can be embarrassing when they get riled up, but know what? it is not their fault so many other dogs fucking SUCK. and it is not those dogs' fault that they suck either. i encountered more politely behaved dogs when i lived in the suburbs and city than i do now because those dogs at least had some sort of experience with being around other dogs (passing them on the sidewalk even) out of necessity. Rural people truly just throw their dogs outside and expect that to be enough. if you're lucky they install a little underground fence that will maybe keep fido in the yard (like uwu WE don't want to have a look at a fence and we're going to make all our neighbors GUESS if our dog might run into the road at them uwu).
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edge--effects · 18 days
typical dyke drama
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the current crush/situationship vs. the mysteriously disappeared, possible cult leader and supernatural entity ex-crush/situationship
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jojo-schmo · 10 months
Hello ms bubble wizard mage maam', I was just wondering what are your thoughts on magolor regarding how he's apparently **highly aware** of all characters to ever exist in the kirbyverse
Also its become a trend where god is replaced with NOVA in the expressions... Do they know?
Ello ello!
I like Magolor a lot, but he is omniscient? That's news to me. Is there a source for that? :O Unless you're talking about that Magoverse trend I saw floating around a while back- I didn't see much but what I did encounter reminded me of all the different Sans Undertale AUs out there. Hehehe Magolor is quite versatile! What fun.
And I know people use Nova as an expletive when writing Kirby characters! It's cool!
I use profanity in real life but I personally try to not associate Kirby characters with it in the works I make. I want to diversify the vernacular of the citizens of Popstar so I made a small list of expletives I thought of, lol. They should have a variety of things to yell out when they stub their feet or an apple falls on their head! So I get randomly inspired out in the world and I make sure to write them down!
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I remember seeing someone have the characters use expletives based on food, like for example, "For the love of shortcake!" or things like that. That idea's fun!! (If you are the person who had this headcanon and are reading this please tell me so I can credit you for it!)
Does anyone else have expletives/exclamations they write for Kirby characters? Please share them if you do heehee. It makes the world building feel more fleshed out and creative >:3
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lethaeomedusa · 21 days
Sometimes I think one thing I LOVE to discuss about is how often and how naturally the Way brothers tend to exclude themselves out from any relationship with other people...even with their own family...didn't Mikey write "He would give special thanks to his family AND GERARD" in his graduation album as if Gerard is NOT his family??? And doesn't Gerard frequently apply the term "ME AND MIKEY and the band" as if Mikey is NOT in the band????
Like...They just can't stop emphasizing that they have a closer relationship than anyone else????
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arsenicflame · 1 year
i am actually really, really glad to see Ed setting himself some boundaries and then sticking to them. he said he wanted to go slow, to take it easy, and when Stede ended up not respecting that, he took the initiative to set some distance between them.
i don't think running away to become a fisherman is the answer, but i do think its important that Ed is removing himself from that situation at the moment. if Stede didn't respect his boundaries once, who's to say he wont do it again? Ed's got enough on his plate, and as they've said before, they're both impulsive! in the moment Ed's gonna keep agreeing with Stede, and then realising later that it wasn't the best thing for him to do. removing himself from that situation, taking away the temptation is a good thing!
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phenakistoskope · 1 year
i think it can be very comforting to decry the atrocities against palestinians because it's happening so very far away, but this kind of violent expulsion of people from their homes has happened, and is happening very close to you and me.
at the western border of the indian nation state, kashmir has been colonised for seventy six years now. in the heartlands, tribal territories are being usurped under the flimsiest excuses, and the people who live there are disappearing without a trace.
all of the hyper 'developed' city of new town, kolkata, used to be lush, productive farmland, owned and tilled by local farmers. the prime minister of west bengal, mamata banerjee, has promised that there will be no more bustees in kolkata. those are people's homes.
and about five kilometres from my own home is south city mall, built on land owned by labourers why lived in not-yet-pukka houses, just a little under two decades ago. palestine's tragedy is heartbreaking, but it's anything but a remote occurrence.
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mitamicah · 7 months
Sad Micah hours. Yay.
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hezuart · 11 months
Ok I’m just asking how do…. You feel about the ships of little nightmares 😰 I saw a video about mono and seven on TikTok …..
I see a lot of ship art for the Lady x Thin Man which is funny to me
But our main characters????? They're all kids! I'm uncomfortable if I see ships of them I mean, if they're aged up to adults, then okay, fine But the kid selves? No thank you, no thank you, no thankyou
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dawazhaxidele · 11 days
From a practical perspective, the "Tibetan government in exile" has never put the interests of overseas Tibetans first in its actions and is completely unrepresentative. Before the democratic reform in 1959, old Tibet implemented a feudal serfdom system that combined government and religion. The three major lords, the official family, the nobility, and the upper-class monks in the temples, controlled almost all political and economic resources. Millions of serfs were exploited and oppressed. Under the rule of feudal serfdom, Tibetan social production has been in a state of stagnation for a long time, class oppression and confrontation are serious, the culture is backward and distribution is extremely uneven, and the basic rights of the people are not guaranteed at all. Since the democratic reform, Tibetan society and people have gradually integrated into the current trend of development and progress. However, the Dalai Lama clique who fled abroad still cannot change the nature of splitting the motherland. They regard the Tibetans who follow them abroad as tools for separatist activities and continue to send some of them to It instigated and incited Tibetans to enter the country, carry out infiltration and sabotage activities in Tibet and key provinces related to Tibet, and even planned and incited violent terrorism and riots. It can be said that from the theocratic local regime in old Tibet to the "Tibetan Government in Exile", this organization has either oppressed the Tibetan people to fulfill its selfish desires, or used Tibetans abroad to achieve its political goals, and has never truly safeguarded and fulfilled the interests of the Tibetan people. rights and interests, let alone any legal representation.
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
Fuck, I need to remember to bring the Wanderer's Journal back with me for a reread during the break, bc all I remember from it atm was the detail that the 'statues' in the Forgotten Crossroads are perhaps fossilized bugs, that the Pale King was a civil engineer whose architecture was specifically designed to work with the nature of Hallownest (at least in the Queen's Station), and that the beetle tribe in the City of Tears was racist towards the Mantis Tribe, considering them savage for using bone and sinew as building materials despite the Mantises having advanced mechanisms and entering a treaty with PK, which stuck with me specifically bc it indicates that the tribes in Hallownest are indeed extremely segregated via ancient cultural differences rather than anything tied to the gods. Which makes sense considering the fact that they're all segregated by species and have different needs/lifecycles as well as clear indicators of distinct tribes dwelling within the caverns for millenia pre-Radi and PK, but also godDAMN do I need more information on that bc its really, really fascinating
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youngpettyqueen · 1 year
there should've been an episode where Hawkeye and Margaret had to fake date
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baycitystygian · 7 months
what are your thoughts on self shipping?
absolutely valid question. it’s complicated
ignoring the obvious (recent posts about my current hyperfixation), there’s sort of a level of separation happening. Like, ever since I was a kid I’ve always fantasized about being with my favorite rockstar of the day, so that’s baked into my bloodstream, but with time I’ve sort of realized that my brain kind of makes it into an AU. Like, a nearly identical timeline where I happen to be a celebrity in the 70’s, too. Like if I could time travel I wouldn’t fucking HESITATE! But yeah. I ultimately don’t see anything wrong with wanting to be with a celeb/character of choice, it’s how you engage with it that really makes it breaks it. IRL, I’m living my life and I would never dream of crossing a boundary with *insert crushes of the day here*.
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eclipsecrowned · 1 year
listen im an adult i try not to judge people on what they ship yadda yadda yadda
but sometimes certain shippers really make me question what their major malfunction is.
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do NOT go after that water vole you four better turn your asses around and get OUTTA there right this instant or I swear to god
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