lipid · 1 month
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Fauna endémica de México ♡
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juniette13 · 1 month
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Kachina redesign! Was actually flabberghasted when I learned she’s a rabbit and not a dog
Oh also! My version of Kachina is a short teenager, cause we need non-sexualized short teenager rep, coming from a short almost-no-longer-teenager myself LOL
Plus it weirds me out that there’s more female literal children than teenage characters in the game
Original design for comparison:
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BY THE BY‼️ You all are free to make fanart/mods involving my redesigns! Just make sure contact me, if you’re making a mod, cause my art is stylized and IK some of it is gonna be confusing to try to recreate, and then please do notify me if fanart/mods are posted! I’d love to see ‘em!
And most importantly…
Thank you! :]
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eddie-roo · 1 year
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The Air Filter Pokemon
Normal - Fairy
Evolves from Spinda when given a hay bale
Teporinda are known for making big beards, tails and mustaches masks out of grass and straw. These ornaments help filter out the noxious gases and particulates like soot and ash from the air, which allows them to think straight now that they’re not intoxicated 24/7.
Ability: Purifying Filter
This ability prevents poisoning, it also negates the negative effects of the new weather: Volcanic Ash.
Volcanic Ash
-Raises the Special attack of Poison type Pokémon
-Poisons any Pokémon that is not Poison, Fire, or Steel type
-Lowers the accuracy of any Pokémon that is not Poison or Fire type
Teporinda was mainly inspired by the Mexican Volcano Rabbit or Teporingo. Small bunnies that live in volcanoes and make nests out of straw and grass.
It also was inspired by the chinchilla, since they take those dust baths, and the vizcahca, since they’re funny mountain fellas.
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lord-kozard · 3 months
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I tried to draw the "crooked man" from insidious with several modifications that you can notice, in the end I ended up in a kind of oc/fc where this demon is born from a stuffed animal (which is based on the neopets).
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The neopet was based on a rabbit called "Teporingo" and in the end because of the colors it ended up looking like something based on the circus. I liked how both turned out, but more than the sketch to base this one on, which I never finished, it took about 30 minutes. That made me very happy.
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Happy new year to all my followers, thank you for making me famous ‼️💋 jk I love you guys
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equilibriumnatural · 11 months
El Teporingo, también conocido como conejo de los volcanes, es una especie endémica de México en peligro de extinción debido a la destrucción de su hábitat y la caza furtiva. Ayuda a su conservación participando en actividades de voluntariado.
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
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The Volcano Rabbit (Romerolagus Diazi), also known as Teporingo or Zacatuche, is the second-smallest rabbit in the world at 390 to 600 grams. It is native to four volcanoes just southeast of Mexico City & emits very high-pitched sounds to warn other rabbits of danger.
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lizardsaredinosaurs · 5 months
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I am the great goddess of the volcano! Beware, those who—hey, I'm down here, buster! Wa— b-back off! Beware, those who—oh, fine. Just one pet! One!
Volcano Rabbit (Romerolagus diazi) AKA teporingo
Volcanic mountains near Mexico City
Status: Endangered
Threats: habitat fragmentation, urban expansion, livestock grazing, wildfires
World's-second-smallest-bunny Volcano goddess should have used mind control like yesterday's pygmy rabbit.
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apas-95 · 6 months
mx. tyger i see you are in a fabled "bunny's mood". have you heard of the humble teporingo aka the volcano bunny.
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cxncordia · 17 days
@oceanicxeyes - When the Sun met the Sea
It started when they attacked that girl during the sports event.
Two weeks ago, Toño and his friends saw how one of the students from the Infinite Academy pretty much transformed into a scaly abomination in front of them and with great bravery and strength stopped her. In the nick of time, Toño was able to undo the spell that had been placed in the poor girl. It was a whole ordeal but it was doable, she got to be healed from the horrible experiment placed upon her.
This had made the Teporingos, a group of five mages and Toño, become alert about the situation. Regina had mentioned having had premonitory visions about the arrival of the new enemy and Moises had his sights set on the Infinite Academy, a school for the rich elites that was heavily secured and, behind closed doors, dedicated to the pursuit of dark magic.
The Teporingos were the protectors of this city, the Verbena mages who took care of the land and protected it from evil that sought to take it away. Moises had tracked one of the professors of said Academy and after having investigated her, it seemed that Professor Yuri Aparicio, in charge of Etiquette and Decorum of the Academy, was also one of the Cinco Brujas that belonged to the group of Nefandi that Toño and los Teporingos were trying to elminate.
Tracking her by the whole city, Toño finally stopped when he saw the red-haired woman enter the bar. He had to follow her, to pursue her and to gather all the information necessary to stop this new enemy.
However, when he stopped the motorbike only a block away from the bar Tacho realized of a particular situation that the young Mage had not come to consider.
"And how do you think you are going in?" The small talking chihuahua scolded Toño from his back pack. "Do you want a disaster for us? Don't be a fool!"
"Disaster? But what do you want, Tacho?" Toño asked, frustrated by the small dog's scolding. "I told you that we need to investigate!"
"Investigate from afar, Toñito." The chihuahua explained. "This is an adult establishment and they won't let you get through."
"Well, I could disguise myself as an adult, you know?" The boy explained to his companion. "We are supposed to hide our powers in public! An adult will have no trouble entering and seeing what is going on." Toño took the backpack and adjusted it over his shoulder, the leather jacket squeaking when the straps were pushed back. The young mage found a place to disguise himself, sliding in the back alleys where the stench of urine and trash was almost nauseating.
"Stop, stop, stop, stop...You can't make a spell like that!" The small chihuahua practically barked from within Toño's backpack.
"Why not!?" Toño huffed. "Just wait and see!" Toño focused his energies, trying to imagine how he would look when being an adult and words in Nahuatl flew from his mouth. "Huapahua," Toño pronounced in a whisper. He had learned these from his Mentor, Huey Tlanextli. Taking a deep breath and soon Toño could feel how his height and his hair was growing. How his muscles got firmer and his clothes were getting tight around him.
Being a mage really made all these experiences so interesting.
When looking himself at the reflection of the window, Toño couldn't believe it: that really wasn't him, those were now more the face of an adult. "Hehe, nice..." He cooed, touching his chin and starting to notice how different his skin felt.
"What are you doing!?" Tacho scoffed in surprise. "Magic should not be used for fun!"
"Relax, Tachito. I got it all under control." Toño responded with more confidence than he would have. He then moved away from the narrow space and back to his bike. He took the helmet and put it back on the motorcycle, starting to look back towards the location, and once again thinking of a plausible and reasonable line for this adventure. He took a pair of glasses that Moises had given him, so that the Teporingos could see what he was seeing, set them on his face and walked towards the establishment, this time, pretty sure that nobody would notice him. Or the dog in his back pack.
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As he approached the door, a sound, beautiful and enigmatic was heard. The light tone of a humming echoed with delight. Toño could not help but to try to follow the origin of the song with his eyes, completely forgetting that he was supposed to approach the front door, right at the entrance. A beautiful blonde man, with flowy hair and blue eyes was singing in the establishment. The boy's eyes met him for an instant as Toño grew enraptured by the tune.
For a second he felt as if he was carried by the waters themselves, the feeling of the breeze enveloping him and the gentle embrace of the water surrounding him. He remembered those days, one summer break, when he and his Dad got to visit the beach back when he was only ten years old. What a beautiful and soulful tune this was!
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impulseimpact · 1 year
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you found a fuegoringo, but no one seems able to tell you if it grows better at the top or the bottom of the mountain
based on the teporingo also known as the volcano rabbit, its endangered as its only known to live in 4 inactive volcanos and urban development has been taking territory and making the ground less fertile for the specific kind of grass they feed on to grow
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cihtligno (cihtli=jackrabbit)
based on the Tehuantepec jackrabbit, it lives in savannas and dunes and is also endangered due to people hunting it for its meat and hide and habitat loss, its the largest in mexico
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[source] [translation source]
lepluna is based on the moon rabbit, in the nahuatl version of the story a little rabbit offers to help a travaler not knowing that he is quetzalcoatl, who as a reward shows him the world and the moon, where the reflection of the rabbit remains so that they might be remembered forever [source]
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ketrinadrawsalot · 2 years
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Year of the (Volcano) Rabbit
The volcano rabbit (also known as the teporingo or zacatuche) is the world's second smallest rabbit. It's native to four volcanoes near Mexico City, but human activity has fragmented its habitat to several patches. It relies on tall and dense vegetation as cover to escape from predators.
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mirrorbuns · 1 year
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Quedan 3 estados y a mi me tocó el Estado de México! forma parte del centro del país y mi vestido viene de la cultura de los Mazahuas. Una de las comunidades indigenas con gran tecnica en la producción de agricultura. Tienen como costumbre, el ritual del fuego, el culto al agua y su costumbre más conocida el día de los muertos fuuu! un fantástico dato del Estado de México, que es la casita del conejo teporingo o conejito de los volcanes, se le conocen como el conejito más pequeño del país y son únicos de méxico, además eran muy importantes para la cultura prehispánica. Quieren conocer a nuestros amiguitos?
There are 3 states left and I am proud to show you about The state of México! It's located at the centre of the country and my dress belongs to the Mazahuan culture, they're know as one of the best indigenous cultures known to have great farming capacities. They have three known traditions as, the fire ritual, the water cult and mexico's most known custom, the day fo the dead fuuu! Another awesome fact about The state of México, that it is the Teporingo rabbit's homeland, They're are know as the smallest bunnies on all the country and they were very important to prehispanic culture, Do you want to meet our friends?
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random word stuck in my head of the day. teporingo
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babyheroeclipseweasel · 9 months
El Teporingo o conejo de los volcanes: una especie mexicana que se encuentra en peligro de extinción - Infobae
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I felt like I had to put this on my blog
A more formal presentation
Well my name is— Actually you don't need to know my name
I'm Mexican, so my first language is Spanish, and my humor mostly consists of that, but don't think too much about it
This little silly blog is for posting about my little silly memes about Blackstar Theater Starless, you like Starless? Oh my god, here are three reasons why you should follow me
1- I'm funny
2- I like starless
3- I'm funny
And that's it
My DNI is the basic criteria, don't follow me if you are homophobic, misogynistic, racist, xenophobic, you know, just be a normal and civilized person, right?
And that's it, welcome to my blog, I hope I make you have a good time of laughs by showing you my silly rants about Starless
Edit: atp this is a multi fandom blog
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