#tenth doctor and donna noble
staring-at-my-keyboard · 10 months
An Awkward Ghost and Lively Ginger Walk Into An Old Cottage...
Some brief writing of a cute idea I got from @mayomkun where Donna moves out to the countryside and Ten is a ghost haunting her house.
(hint of angst)
⇾ none!
“Hello there.”
Donna gasped sharply, drawing back with a hand over her mouth.
“Well I can’t meet you if you’re hiding back there. Who are you?”
The voice, in an alarming contrast to how Donna thought a ghost would sound- because what else would this voice be- was solid, as if there were someone standing just in front of her. It was light, rather jovial, and sounded like a man. Probably wasn’t going to turn out to be a horrifying spectre crawling across the ceiling, then.
“I think I should be asking you that, weird… ghost… thing. I’m allowed to be alarmed, you’re talking to me from  my gloomy basement.”
“Fair enough, I suppose. Hold on-”
Something buzzed, and a soft ambient light emitted from… somewhere, showing a tall, thin figure standing in the middle of the room, which was nothing but bare stone walls and a rotted wooden floor. He had a soft smile on a surprisingly pretty, if boyish, face, and a pinstriped suit, over which draped a long brown duster. His light brown hair stuck up in all directions. Said figure was also translucent enough Donna could make out the cracks on the wall just behind him.
“Hello again,” He gave a little wave, the other hand stuck in his pocket. “I’m- um-” His face went blank for a moment, wide eyes searching. “I was a doctor, I think. A Doctor?”
“Well, Doctor it is, then,” Donna nervously stepped forward, flashlight held out like a weapon. He sure looked pretty solid– in terms of shape, at least. “What the hell are you doing in my basement, Doctor?”
His face lit up. “Oh, well I’m- I’ve just been passing through, really. Just seeing, travelling… although I think I’ve gotten a bit stuck. Something about this place, I don’t know…” The Doctor seemed to space out, so Donna cleared her throat. His eyes instantly refocused. “Right, but now you’re here, brilliant! Now I’ll just-” He stepped forward, only to violently startle at Donna’s reply.
“Oh, no you don’t! How do I know you won’t, I dunno, murder me or something.”
“Why would I murder you if I don’t even know your name? And besides,” He ran up to just in front of Donna with a few long strides, and went for her hand. Before she could draw away, he passed right through.
“I’m not quite here, you see. Not sure what happened. But I’ve been ‘not quite here’ for a while, I think. Still! It’s nice to meet a new face. At least one that I like.”
“No, no, I didn’t mean it like that, I meant I like you!” Donna gave an affronted look, as the Doctor looked increasingly worried. 
“No, not that your face isn’t perfectly pleasant, I meant you- you- well, I like things about you as well, um, like your attitude- not that you’ve got one! I just meant you’re pretty cool, and- oh, I sound like a bloody teenager, um-”
His nervous rambling was cut off by Donna’s laughter. When she managed to finally catch her breath, opening her eyes to see his face caught between affrontment and relief just sent her further into cackling.
“Um- ah…”
“Been awhile since you’ve actually had a conversation with a human, hasn’t it, Ghost Boy?”
“‘Ghost Boy’?” The Doctor raised a brow, his face the picture of confused offence. 
“What, would you prefer ‘Spooky Spectre’?” Donna fired back.
“I’d prefer ‘Doctor’, to be completely honest.”
“Right, but ‘Doctor’ is just a title anyone could have. If I’m not getting a name, I’m working with what I’ve got.”
“I suppose the perfectly suitable name I’ve just given you won’t work then?”
“‘Fraid not.”
“I’m starting to reconsider my decision to like you, Angry Ginger.”
“Oi! ‘Angry Ginger’?!”
“Well it’s not like I’ve got a name, either!”
“Well, it’s ‘Donna Noble’ to you, if the best you can come up with is ‘Angry Ginger’.”
“Lovely to meet you, Donna Noble!” His voice dripped with sarcastic saccharine.
“And you, Ghost Boy.”
The Doctor sighed.
“Wanna get out of the basement, then?” Donna asked.
“Oh, yes please.”
It became a sort of ritual for the pair: every day, mid-afternoon, they would sit on the old rocking bench in the backyard. Donna would ramble about her job, her granddad, complain about the man up the street who always mowed his lawn at 6am every Saturday. The Doctor would always listen, having a keen interest in the daily life of the living. Donna learned very quickly that he himself had little memory of being alive, but did have seemingly encyclopedic knowledge of astronomy and, weirdly enough, the history of the sci-fi genre.
On no special day in particular, the pair once again found themselves at their bench, looking out over one of the neighbours’ orchard.
“I’ve been stuck inside unpacking and organising for days now. ‘S nice that we have this, a time I get to just sit and feel the sun.”
“Oh, I wish I could.” The Doctor said breezily. “Nice to see it, though. A great big ball of deadly gas allowing for the creation of all this.” He gestured at the lavish countryside, before turning to smile at Donna. 
“I owe the sun for getting to meet you.”
“Don’t go getting mushy on me, Spooky.”
“Well, I do. You’re brilliant! Although maybe a bit scary-”
Donna raised a brow challengingly. 
“Which is plenty good! Everyone could do with a scary friend, I should know.”
“You? Scary? You look like a twiggy Uni kid who isn’t sure what year it is.” As she said that, Donna pointedly looked him up and down as a silent critique of his fashion sense.
“Really? I-” The Doctor’s face went blank as a hand came up to feel around it. “Actually, I’m- I’m not quite sure what I look like. Donna? Donna, what do I look like, I can’t remember, I haven’t seen my reflection in years, I-”
“Hey, hey, Doctor, calm down, it’s alright.” Donna resisted the urge to grasp his hands, which were wandering around his face, desperately trying to gauge an appearance from feel alone. She couldn’t even touch him to help calm him down.
“But everything is so fuzzy, and-”
“Tell you what, I’ll draw you then. How’s that sound?”
“Really?” The Doctor’s wide eyes looked into hers. “You’d do that?”
“Of course I would- you’re my friend, you daft ghost. ‘Course, I’ll have to learn to draw first. I’ve been meaning to, and it’s never too late, I suppose.”
The Doctor gave her a shaky grin. 
“I’d like that, Donna Noble.”
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bowtiesarecool11 · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Doctor Who, Doctor Who (2005) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tenth Doctor & Donna Noble Characters: Donna Noble, Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who), The Doctor's TARDIS Additional Tags: Music, Life in the TARDIS, Silly Summary:
In which Donna fixes a radio
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dwgif · 10 months
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#girls night
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nat-20s · 7 months
Ten and Donna end up on a fucked up deadly space newlyweds show despite uh. Not being newlyweds but they get almost all the questions right. They start to sweat when the final question is "what's one secret desire you have involving the other?" And Donna writes "sometimes I wish I could occasionally shrink down the doctor real small so I could carry him around in my pocket and make sure he doesn't get lost' while Ten writes "sometimes I wish I was small enough that Donna could carry me around in like a cat backpack or maybe a shirt pocket" and they look at each other like AYYYYYY because not only are they deeply drift compatible they're also fuckin weird about it 💖
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azertyrobaz · 10 months
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Is that stuff dangerous?
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tickle-me-dalek · 9 months
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Still Donna Noble
The End of Time || The Star Beast
+ Bonus
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#Yep that's my Donna
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kerubinart · 9 months
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Rose made them bestie bracelets!!!
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rebelsafoot · 4 months
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ive been waiting to post this for months happy pride everyone
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People keep saying that the TARDIS shouldn’t have malfunctioned just from a cup of coffee but I have two theories
• The TARDIS heard that her darling newly regenerated little time Lord wasn’t going to get a cool adventure with his bestie and engineered an excuse so that he could
• The TARDIS having newly refurbished herself had coffee thrown at her nice new circuits and decided to throw a bitch fit
Look the TARDIS is the longest running female character in doctor who, has proven to be sentient, and regularly takes the Doctor to places she thinks he’d like without warning. It had to be her right?
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theshippirate22 · 8 months
y’all know i’m a tenrose girlie first and a human being second but the doctor and donna dynamic is just. peak. like most iconic most Relationship of all time
Doctor: listen you can’t travel with me because you’re gonna fall in love with me and that’s kinda terrible for me
Donna: that’s fucking presumptuous is what it is. i have standards you two-dimensional noodle man
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doverstar · 4 months
there's such a massive history with doctor who and it hit me lately that the sensation of seeing that the companions and doctors you watched in real-time have become the past is a sensation every fan has felt for 60 years. at some point people missed jon pertwee and could remember watching him recently, even though tom baker was on tv as the doctor now and they liked him too. and nowadays we miss rose tyler and martha jones and amy pond and clara oswald and donna noble and tennant and smith and capaldi like those people missed baker when davison took the stage. like people missed ace and wondered if the show would ever come back, and then got excited and still felt it wasn't quite the same when eccleston was announced. like. it feels so recent, like just yesterday rose saw the tardis for the first time, but that was twenty years ago. feels like the doctor just made the speech in 'the rings of akhaten' and that was a decade ago. clara is gone, amy is gone. peter capaldi went from gray to white. and the show is going on and children will think of ncuti gatwa and millie gibson and huge white tardis corridors when they think of doctor who in the future. to them, david tennant is already what tom baker is to us. this story has a huge legacy. when you're watching doctor who, it ironically begins to feel like you're making history just by watching it.
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deeneedsaname · 10 months
Can we have a moment of silence for Sylvia, who now has an Alien living in her backyard, and a moment of triumph for Wilf, who now has an Alien living in his backyard
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this-simplefeeling · 10 months
something something ten was rarely wearing less than three layers representing his being very closed off and scared of vulnerability, while fourteen sheds his coat early on and has rolled up sleeves most of the time to parallel his being far more comfortable with his emotions and the vulnerability that comes with it or something idk
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dwgif · 10 months
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Sometimes I think there’s something missing, like I had something lovely, and it’s gone. I lie in bed thinking, what have I lost?
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annaleigh · 10 months
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lovelyinspiration1463 · 10 months
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This is my pièce de résistance. I've peaked.
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