truantng · 3 months
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108/366 Linktree
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the-alphaess · 3 months
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just a small sheet for yet another Silverclaw form + outfit, one of the most detailed and busy designs for her yet.
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wedding-shemp · 8 months
Ok ok I can't find the post to screenshot it so you'll have to bear with me. But I saw with my own two eyes someone speculating that the "Palestine" tag was being supressed from trending (it wasn't) because th owner of Tumblr is Jewish (he isn't). And y'know. Ok. I should be mad. But it is just now hitting me how how funny it is to take the ol' "Jews run the Media" line and apply it to TUMBLR. We run the media, but only the lamest half-dead social media platforms you can possibly imagine. That's hilarious, I can't even be that upset.
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loremanart · 9 months
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Malvolia Di Fumoso, really the jury is out on this one, she an alien, a demon? Whatever she is, Malvolia is both deadly and ambitious in seeking her goals.
Links: LinkTree, Twitter, Moon Rabbit
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medeaft · 5 days
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Cute tentacle creature (originally: Csápos lényi) 2024 Watercolour on paper
Sometimes a visual element gets itself embedded in my mind, until I paint it out. This time, it was tentacles. I don't actually know who this is, except that as I was working on other pictures, they kept wanting to be taken over by tentacles; so I decided that the tentacle picture has to happen separately. (Actually, more than one tentacle picture may have to happen.)
But as it happens for me sometimes, while I was painting her, I got to like her, and now she has to be a character.
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mothmanlumen · 1 year
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Commission - Lua
Commission for Solar Pancake. Little pickpocket.
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sinnamonartz · 2 months
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A doodle I did 2 years ago of one of my OCs since a doodle I’m working on is taking longer than I expected.
She’s a giant monster lady from one of my comics😌
This pose wasn’t intentional/well thought out😅
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deepgrotto · 5 months
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Procrastinating work by adding more items to my Picrew!
I finished the saltwater fish tails, so it's just freshwater to go, and then I can work on accessories and weapons. Plus tentacle bangs and hair! I didn't want to find an octopus for every tail color I have, and you get more tentacles with hair anyway.
Saltwater fish options are squirrelfish, clownfish, regal angelfish, green mandarin goby, indigo hamlet, purple anthias, lionfish, coelacanth, and the white option pictured on the right. Anyone wanna guess who she is? 🤭
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lem0nbun · 1 year
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sketching out a commission for a certain sea anemone!
go follow groov33 on twitter and also on twitch!!
EDIT: Finished art piece right here!!
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theboymelancholy · 2 years
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mono-recom · 1 year
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Lustful Little Kitty Cat
Title: Mesu Neko Icha | メスネコ淫戯 Artist: Nemu Tags: Monsters, Long hair, Very tall, Tentacles
Summary: A skilled assassin gets in over her head when she finds out her target is an unkillable monster man, and winds up paying the price by becoming his slave in both mind and body...
Read online: Link
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the-blivyverse · 2 years
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I found this guy based off a barrel eye fish in my files while looking for something.
He was a background night terror of the Abyss character that I daydreamed about a while ago
Imma def work on him a bit more. Perhaps he could be one of the certain night terrors that turn up way later in a plot point i was experimenting with where Zira gets to get aquinted with others of her specific kind of demon...
He needs a name tho
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mineral-vulture · 2 years
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Attack to @lakeguts !  Annex about to imprison someone with her tentacle-like hair.
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I’m not in the Monster High or Monster As Teenager adjacent fandoms, but has anyone done “Daughter of The Thing (1982)” and it looks like just a teenaged girl version of Kurt Russell? No tendrils, no tentacles, just a girl with this exact fit and hair
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She swears that she isn’t the daughter of The Thing (1982). She’s a totally normal human you guys. She shouldn’t even be at this school. She likes normal human things like not having her blood tested.
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sweetiecutie · 7 months
I fell in love with ur underbedmonster!simon au!
And I am sure everybody else fell in love with it.
Can we get some more stories with monster simon? If it's no problem, of course :)))
Love your work btw <33
A/n: sure you can, I think that this trope is my new obsession🫣☺️
Warnings: smut, mdni, possessiveness, monsterfucking, tentacle fucking
Part 1 || Part 3 || Part 4
Underbed monster! Simon who was slightly startled by such sudden change in your aura - once sugary sweet and syrupy turned into bitter and pungent, causing creature to sputter and hiss begrudgingly at the taste, his ears (or whatever that was that he had) straining to hear any words coming from you that could explain this drastic shift in your emotions.
Underbed monster! Simon who listened attentively as you spoke on the phone with your best friend, choking on your own tears and sobs as you told them how you broke up with your now ex boyfriend, about the ugly fight you had, how he called you numerous names, shattering your heart in million pieces just with his cruel words.
Underbed monster! Simon who felt rage simmering somewhere deep within him. How dare that pathetic scumbag treat you like that!? Yes, Ghost did torture you with horrible nightmares quite a few dozens times, but you were his human, his to scare, his to taunt, his to fuck, no one else’s. He felt possessive and angry, he wanted to soothe your poor little heart, to make all the pain go away so you could feed him more and more of that honey-like energy that your pleasure exuded.
Underbed monster! Simon who finally decided to take matters into his own hands after keeping a close eye on you when your state didn’t seem to get any better. Ghost sneaked out some of the sweets from kitchen to your bedroom so you had something to munch on, making you confused as to how those candies seemed to magically appear on your bedside. Simon tried keeping the house tidy and clean for you in hopes that it’ll make you get better soon, he even did your laundry once, causing you to freak out at the sight of your clothes, freshly washed and still damp, hanging off the rope to dry out.
Underbed monster! Simon couldn’t be more happier, watching your attention finally shift from your shithead ex to him. Simon was purposefully lurking right in the corner of your vision, making his presence in the house way more obvious. He watched with fierce amusement as you grabbed the sharpest knife from the kitchen, inspecting every nook and cranny of the house, not finding any signs of intrusion or anything that could’ve given a clue about another person’s presence, scrunching up your pretty eyebrows in confusion.
Underbed monster! Simon who fully revealed himself for the first time in your dream, standing in his full glory in front of small scared you, your breathing quickening in your sleep as you inspected his tall dark form, two red eyes glaring down at you from above. You felt paralysed as you watched this creature raise its smokey limb that slightly resembled human arm, cold tentacle fingers brushing your cheek, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear affectionately. And all of the sudden all fear and anxiety vanished, leaving place for curiosity and amazement as you studied monster’s features closer, not feeling threatened nor endangered by him. Slowly its mouth opened - even blacker that the rest of him, his voice clear and lucid, ringing right inside of your head “Wake up”
Your eyes snapped open - you were laying in your bed still, crumpled sheets dug into your back unpleasantly but you couldn’t care less as you stared straight into those crimson orbs, cold tentacles slithering up and down your sides, wrapping tighter around your limbs, immobilising you completely. Underbed monster! Simon just purred audibly at your obedience and lack of resistance, branching a few more extremities to slip under the hem of your pyjama top and wrap around your nipples, tugging and tweaking on them softly.
Underbed monster! Simon who growled satisfactorily at the small wet patch that started forming on your panties, slowly rubbing your sweet pussy while applying more and more pressure to his touch, watching you writhe and whine underneath him, begging for more.
Underbed monster! Simon who purred as he slipped a thick tentacle past the hem of your panties, stuffing your fluttering cunny so full of himself, finally that rich taste of your pleasure simmered right through him, filling his ghastly body with strength and energy he lacked all this time you were depressed. Newfound strength just nagged him into fucking you faster and harder, twisting out your nipples and rubbing your clit rapidly, all while forcing his thick tentacles in and out of your leaking cunt, making you scream and tremble in his inescapable grasp as fourth orgasm rippled through your weakened body, pure pleasure surging through your veins, hogging up your mind and making you incapable of thinking.
Underbed monster! Simon who only let you go when first sun rays peaked in through bedroom’s window, leaving you a fucked-out yet blissful mess, pinching you on your cheek affectionately before slipping under your mattress, curling up like a huge lazy cat and falling asleep, full of your delicious pleasure.
And even hours later as you peeked under your bed you could see a huge black spot there, still and unmoving; and if you listened closely enough you could hear your underbed monster purr softly in its sleep, happy and properly nourished.
That’s quite a pet that you have now, eh?
Likes, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated, don’t be shy to give writers some love! Requests are open, so send me some stuff<3
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monster-disaster · 9 months
[tentacle] The monster under the shower
tentacle!monster x human!Reader Good to know: slightly dub-con
Summary: The resort is full of surprises.
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White puffs of steam follow your way out of the cabin until you close the wooden door with a soft click. Your grip on the white towel around your body tightens as you look around. The pool is calm but busy, not far from where you are standing. Humans and monsters enjoy the pleasant water of the pools while others lay on their towels or chairs, sunbathing. The sun is bright and warm at the top of the clear blue sky, and despite the hot temperature, you feel almost cold after spending a few minutes in the sauna. A thin layer of sweat shines on your heated skin.
Soon, you tear your gaze away from the others to make your way to the small stalls of showers at the back. As you step into one of them, you let the thin curtain separate you from the outside world. The towel gets loose around your body, and you hang it over the white-tiled wall.
Pouring some soap into your hands, you start lathering yourself up, covering your body in small bubbles. You rub the citrus-smelling lotion over your skin, rubbing your muscles and washing away the sweat and sand. Your hair sticks to your back in wet strands. Drops of water run down your face, cooling you down after being under the sun and in the sauna most of the day.
You keep your eyes closed as you slowly relax with a hum in your throat. Your fingers brush through your hair, drawing small circles on your skin to massage your scalp. Small goosebumps run over your body at the feeling.
The quiet melody coming from your closed lips soon gets interrupted by the sudden noise at your feet. A frown tugs your brows together as you look down. You feel the still running water washing away the shampoo from the top of your head. The foam follows the line of your spine. The sound comes from the drain. It gets louder and louder until the metallic noise stops, and you meet silence. "Okay," you hum, unsure. You will inform someone about the noise later.
Just as you look down again, something black emerges from the drain. Your heart jumps up to your throat, and you are ready to grab your towel and leave as fast as you can when the thing shoots out and curls around your ankles. The thick tentacle slams against your skin, keeping you in place. The sudden force is almost enough to make you lose your balance. "Fuck!" You cry out, trying to shake off the thing, but it only tightens around you. "Hey!" You gasp out again, bracing yourself against the wall when your legs part without your consent. It creeps up on your legs, not letting you move even for an inch. The thing is soft and slimy on your wet skin. As it moves, it feels like a gentle caress. "It's enough!" You break the silence again. "Let me go!" To be honest, you are more annoyed than afraid. You know the reputation of the resort. Things can happen here. That's why people come here in the first place.
Despite your attempts to get free from the monster, you feel yourself getting wetter with every centimeter as the tentacles slip closer and closer to your center. You can feel the tips grazing your folds. One of them rubs your clit while the other teases your center. Gasping, you tug on your leg again, but this time, you try to find a more comfortable position. Annoyance still bubbles in your chest, but the desire in your lower stomach is stronger. You feel the familiar cramp of need jerking your muscles with anticipation. Every flick on your clit radiates through your nerve, running up your spine and twisting your world. The tentacle on your other leg is at your entrance, teasing but never pushing into you. "What are you waiting for?" You grunt, groaning. Impatience shimmers in your voice which soon turns into a startled scream. The thing does as you want. It pushes inside you, stretching you out and filling you up. Your breath gets stuck in your lungs, and the rings of the curtain pop under the tug as you try to stay on your feet. The fabric barely hides you anymore, but this is the last thing you worry about. The tentacles wrap tighter around your legs, leaving red marks on your skin. Meanwhile, your pussy is still fucked and filled. Loud grunts and moans escape your lips with every thrust. The forceful motions burn your walls and push you higher and higher. Stars dance behind your eyelids whenever you blink. Your cunt throbs with pleasure. It sears through your veins. Your orgasm is fast and ravishing. The tentacles fucking your pussy and teasing your clit are the only things that keep you from falling. Your walls flutter and pulse as you make a mess on the already slimy limb.
When you win back your senses, the tentacles are already gone, and the water is still running, drumming on your sensitive skin. Your legs shake, and you need a few minutes to wash yourself down again and wrap the towel around your body. Your heart still throbs in your throat, and for a second, you aren't even sure if you only imagined the whole thing or it really happened.
When you pull the curtain out of the way, the young woman who greeted you at the reception when you arrived a few days ago is a few meters away from you with fresh towels in her arms and a knowing smirk on her face.
- Masterlist Mirage Resort Masterlist Patreon
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